corae 10 order ; but finding hit eSbrCs 10 vtjn, he teured to his seat, exclaimiog with empnt; " V Now, we nr a mub!M v j - I j K ; This day.his also passed over without any rncM in llm riM f and. indeed, the mefabers I seem to be as fat from a decision as everi At ! the opening or the silting, Mr. Wise offered the J following: v ''. 1 R l! ! " iZeiofceil-Tliat the Representatives of the 1 Congress of the United States; now assembled. land difficulties which at present obstruct the f piniziiioo of the House, will tbiat. ;i ing Clerk, to call; the names of those gentlejmpe whose rights to seats are not dispated or contest ed, and after the names of such roecnSers ate ill called, and before they proceed to elect a Spf afc er, or other officer, er'jt'o organize to any manner, tbey shall, provided there bes quorum of snjb present, hear and decide upan all credentials, ccrtincates, aoo commissions ei persons ciainiis seats ia the Honseof Represetotaiirea, under the Cunstiluiion the United States, ana the laws of the respective Slates." 4 I Upon this proposition a wide debate of much interest and animation arose, running beyond jibe points presented by Air. ( Wise, into the general merits of t be cases pf contested, elections. Which t .11 i 1 :m k - .'..La lSyHiij going uu, suu win piuuuij u wutiuuvu to a late hoar ; and even till to-morrow;; , j Tho points of the discussion, and the grounds a?saraed by the Speakers of both political parties, were very nearly the same as those I bate 00 tie.ed in my letters of Monday and Tuesdays, i , THe Senate did nothing1 to day but receive re tire f a few -private bills for the benefit of in dtviduals. ' . " i " Mr. ill From the tiorth Carolinian, J the , The following ate the remarks of 1 II I1C VI - iYCIUUC J) ,JU III OUWjCV v nfusal of the Clerk to recognise the Co 31 mitftions of the five New Jersey members to seats in the House of Representatives: i Mr. WHITE, of Kentucky, next obtain ed the floor, and made a speech, of which time allows the Reporter to furnish onlyj a l britf and faint abstract. He began byjipjo testing against the authority, undertaken to be exercised by the Clerk of the HouseJof determining what members possessing da h doubted legal evidences of election, -are! or i are not entitled to their seats. Tbfs JrL ; TV. said) was a most extraordinary prdpbsi- liofj. and. in their necohar circumstances of the case, involved a responsibility whichthe Clerk! of. the Uouse bad; no color of right to assume. You (said Mr. V. addressing (he Clerk j undertake to cetermine wnai cerun cates of election you will receive, and which Ul lICUI JUU Will ItJCWt- AIB MM. candidate for re-election to the 6tation wpch 1 you occupy as an officer of this House ? And, being so; do youj riot, in the course you have pursued, undertake to determine w hat members snail compose the tiouse irom 1 which you seek a re-election ? Under such circumstances, ! (Mr. j W. said,) the Clerk r ought pot, and cannot assume to determine i who are anJ who are not the members of , the House. With what kind of propriety : (said he) or icspect for myself, or ioNhe rights of my constituents, can I myself for one moment consent that you shall deter mine whether I am or am not a memr of this House ? 1 Sir, ! protest against your ex ! ercise of any such authority. ! Mr. W. protesting: against all the glosses ' and subtleties by which the true question V before the House had been attempted to be ! disguised, said that the ! naked question for RAIL ROAD MEETING 'Pursuant to notice published in oar r pa peri for some weeks past n numerous as semblage of , citizens met "at ; the Court House in this town; last Wednesday ; Dr. Thomas N. Cameron, was called to the Cbair-H is Excellency Edward B. Dudley, Col Cadwalleder Jones, and C. P. Mallett, Esq. constituting the Board of Internal Improvement for the State, were present, and from this Board, a' report was made by Governor Dudley, accompanied with a abort address, announcing the opening of the; books of subscription, for stock in the Fayetteville and Western Rail Road Com pany, and the appointment of the Rev. Simeon Oolton as agent on the part of the Board to procure subscriptions. Jl committee of ten, was, on motion, ap pointed by the Chairman of the meeting, with, whom were also associated the Board of Internal Improvement, Hon. David L: Swain, and General James Owen. This committee reported a preamble and resolu tions, which were unanimously adopted by the meeting, strongly expressive of the spir it and zeal with which all present entered opon the great work j r J Oo the motion to adopt one of these resolutions, the meeting was addressed by the Hon. D. L. Swain, in a very practical and effective speech, well calculated to in spire perfect confidence in the practicability and easy accomplishment of the enter piize. I I 1 i; 1 1 ; I Louis D. Henry, Esq. also addressed the meeting, in a short appeal to the patri otism and public spirit of his hearers, the eloquence of which was testified to, as was also that of Governor Swain's during its delivery, by repeated bursts of applause. - iThe meeting adjourned at about three o'clock, when a numerous company pro ceeded to the La Fayette Hotel, where a dinner in i Col. Yarbroogh's best style a waited them, given by the citizens of the town to the Governor and Board of Inter na! Improvement, and also to the strangers Who attended the meeting. j The relish of the entertainment, which was characterized throughout with perfect harmony and good humor was heightened, by the circulation of the wine cup in cheer ful bumpers, quaffed 'with oft repeated cheering, at the good humor, patriotic feel ing and wit of several of the company, glowed arid dashed in successive toasts. We are sorry: we did. not obtain for publi cation, the sentiments given at the dinner, aj well as the) resolutions adopted at the meeting - Our readers who have any State pride, will take our word that resolutions and toasts, fully sustained ihecharacter for patriotism and talent, to which the citizens of the Old North State lay claim. , We are informed by, an agent of the company that the amount of stock sub scribed has already reached the sum of $200,000, r J ;, gf- Contractors from abroad, are request ed to correspond with the Rev. Simeon .-;' The Ohio Canal js elosed tv ttUJce, probffTonson, late fipni; Weatherseld I in the State of ably for the iseason v 5 ('Connecticot, taints that two articles in oorjast paper une concerning njmself and the other con cern ins . deroocratic 'meeting, (which did'nt ibly ; The; Maryland t;EpiscopaL Convention adjourned last week! without , being able to elect a Bishop. rlLrK TU'lrj?! The Channel of the Delaware River, op posite Philadelphia, has increased eight feet in seventeen araJ It. is y cow from. 57 to 60 feet deep.'; , - - Forty thousand mulbeny trees in parcels of 10,000, were sold at Treritonfon Wed nesday, of last week, at one and one-eighth of a cent a tree. Nr J mme are abortive attetnptaat wit. - We know better, MK Repobhcan ! If there had cot been something preljy keen in these paragraphs they would not have provoked yo out of your decen- cy. uor articles nave qa wp, om ioe ftcjuon can, by way orshowing ; what toit is calls us "a poppy !" ' Well f is not thatjsevere ! If not that the true attic 1 1 , What Northern mah uiih Sou thern principles can beat it ? And this is the Gentleman who talks about 1 scurrility .n b ie f Our Agnculluial readers will have to ex- cuse any, deticiency that may nereaiier ap pear in thai department. Congressional matters will claim our" particular attention, while that body is in session. Correspondence of the Petersburg Intelligencer The Washington, Dec. 6th, 1839. closing bourf of the sifting of the was, who, accdrding usages are Representatives of the people yesterday were FRIDAY, : DECEMBER 13, 1839. f oore fuH of Merest and excitement than -. j-i ... , j) ii,., , :ii . i . , -.-.,.- : - any lever spent in either House of Con gress, during the whole period of my at tendance at the Capitol. ' One great step has at last been taken towards organization. After having been led by the conduct of a Clerk, acting under the advisement of a crew of unscrupulous partizans, into a use- REPUBLJC&JS friHG CANDIDATE V j; fOB GpVERNOB JOHN MJ MOREHEAD, OF OUltFORD COUNTY. C!P We are authorised to announce Col. R. W. LONG; as a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff, for the. County of Rowan; at the next tess and idle discussiop, because it approach- election. . I 1 ea no pom;, ana couia lean 10 no practical decision, the iriemberi have at last been ex CONGRESS. . tricated from .the difficult and embarrassing It will be seen from extracts in to-days paper position. ,14p; ejpoijjitmefit of John Quin- from tbe latest news, that the first week after ct Adams as temporary Chairman, is cred the meeting of this nbody has been spent in itable to the judgment of the members as it squabbling. Contrary! to all precedent in this budy in the Legistataes of the States or in the British Parliamentthe Clerk of the prece ding Congress who acted on tbe occasion, refus ed to call the names ef certain New Jersey mem bers, wbo tendered thiir commission beating the signatnre of the Governor and the Great Seal of tbe State If that did not entitle them Co take their seats as members prima facie, we wonder what a commission is intended for ? We can think of no 'other possible use it coold be applied to. Tbis Clerk, be It remembered, acts merely as a volunteer. He has no authority except by the mere courtesy of the members present. We thinkthis a right bold 'stroke for a mere volun teer. But tbe game. Is Well understood at Wash ington. It is thought that if this trick of fraud and violence can succeed, theLoco Focos can . . .A' j t:;i. : : r I pus purity of life better fitted to act is a feign and merited compliment to bis clear arid commanding intellect his hones- ty and impartiality and and conduct. No man is 1 Hi i . Sf . W as Moderator during the stormy discussions that may ensue. Others osay be greater in tbe halls of Eolus; but he is pre-eminently capacitated to assume tbe) indent, and rule the wares of debate with authority and wis dom, i 1 1 . i ' - H His appointment is also k great victory of the Opposition over those who, through a jtool of the Executive, self-appointed to con trol the deliberations of the members, have for four days obstructed the organization of the House, and endeavored to strike down elect their Speaker! Was there ever a greater from tbe hands cf a Sovereign State her just outrage upon tbe rights of the people! right to a full and fair representation.,! Mr Adams diarecarded the Clerk. set aside FAYETTEV1ULE AND WESTERN h dJ'nlinA .lillln .h unmtn RAILROAD. J. .U :A,.1I 1, aci tor inemseivcs, ana 10 p&je me innereni be seltled foj several tlays though the dis cussion on tbe point of the appeal will doubt- ess be brought to an end to morrow. The Senate to day had a very short silting. U r, Benton gave notice that as soon as the Senate could act as a legislative body, he would bring forward a Bill for the armed occupation of Florida. . Several notices of Bills were given; and the Senate adjourned.; Wehave or decisive news from Harris burg yet. All was unsettled at the latest .Aonnnll .-.V. ", --1 FROM HARRISBURG. Haerisbcro, Dec. 4j JS39, 1 , , 7 Pa8l,2 o'clock J Dear Sy roe. Agreeably! to promise I hasten to give yuo the earliest tidings from the Nation afVVhig Con veo lion which assembled to day in this City., . - - At 12 o'clock the Convention was called to or der, & on motion ofohe of tbe Pennsylvania Del egates, Mr. Bates, of Massachusetts, was called to tbe Chair, pro fern, and Air. Penrose, of Pennsylvania, wa9 requested to act as Secreta ry pro tern, ! i . 1 1 -- 1 "i -. On motion of Mr. Leigb, of Virginia, the names cf the Delegates appointed by the differ ent States was called, commencing with Maine, to ascertain the number present. A9 well as 1 could hear and count in my seat, two hundred members answered to their names, as toitovrs: Maine, New Hampshire, Masaschusetta, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, . New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, . My couat may not be exactly correct, but it is nearly so. You will perceive that four otates are unrepresented, but it ia thought that Dele gates will arrive from two of them this evening, and that other Delegates will : also arrive from Louisiana If not, tee shall not look for a Dr. Racket to fill the vacancies. The season of tbe year considered, it is not surprising that come of the distant Southern and Western Statea ate unrepresented ; bat on tbe contrary, the large attendance at tbe Convention shows that the Whigs throughout the Union are ' still animated with zeal, hope and determination. After com- pletinsr the roll it was moved by Mr. Sprague. of Mass., that a committee, consisting of one from each delegation, be appointed to nominate officers for the convention, who, being . named, retired for that 1 purpose, but before they return ed, the convention adjourned Mr 10 o'clock to morrow morning. It seems, by the common consent of all, that James Barbour, of Virginia, will be the President of the convention. v 7 S. Carolina ! ? 4 i; Georgia, 13 Kentucky, " 9 8 Tennessee,' 5 Ohio, '16 7 : Indiana 5 40, Mississippi, S 8 Louisiana, ' 1 9 Missouri, - ' 2 25, Illinois, . 3 9 Alabama, S ' 15 Michigan, 2 12 Arkansas, The late sninted action on this subiect:.! and i rJ?i5f r cit,ie" 4 F-Je'te""'. t.e csid-: them, of complefng the .p, 1 members to consider r to riohtl reason, and entitled to vote for 'Officers of tbis , U(ju8e, on the assemblage of a (new Congress tlcltil the House js oiganized? ibe answerj jto . w hith oueition was. that a certificate of N election, in due conformity " to law,-hai jfever and invauably-faceii held to entitle meroDers in seats.' Mr. W. proceeded to qtote at Urge several authorities to sustain this) post tion, which ho considered impregnable. ?- The 'firut authority he Quoted was frcMi Mr. PiYNUMs spwech in ihe case of Gholsoh and v Claiborne, in which! that gentleman fa am- tpi'ifedtbat the ceiMficate of the Governbr of a State w,as prima facte evidence, nqf to be disputed; of a uicmber'd 1 title to a seat. then quoted the speech to the same efJect, in tint same case of) a member from wary land, (Mr. Thomas) of the same pbftical patty as the genileman from North QapU ua. j He then quoted to tbe same jfect a speech of the tatev Speaker i of this House, (Mr, Polk.) ; Commenting upon th ? and tither fxtraci s referred to by him, ijjej said that n sunbeam could be clearer tlian the demonstration that, faccording to alfusage and untvercal opinion heretofoie, the. legal return was irrefutable evidence of title to seat And (s tid Mr. White, still address ing the Clerk,) yon jhave by yoor w4 act shown your own conviction that such is the law. When you came to New Jeryjyou called the nme of Josaru F. lUNt) LPH. And why did von dhp it hut from y con sciousness that he had, in the GojHpor'sj xvrtifiralD of election, a legal and 8ificient lule to a sent? Yet the names of the five other: Representatives from New Utrseyj having precisely similar certificates jpjfjelec4 . tion, you reject, thus setting at ide filrife the; I4W hose injunctions you have youlilf re cogi'istd in the case of Mr. Randoih. After some further observations, pit. W. took bis 6cal; nd, ' . Mi BYNUM, or North Carohla) rose apparently for the purpose of replying Jo the allusion made by Mr. White to his speech in the case of Claiborne and Gholsoo. The shades of evening had, however, by this time began to fall, and there ws a gen eral call for adjournment. '; I Tbe CLERK stated it as his opirin that in the present state of the House me roll having been only partially called) qo ques tion could be taken either by yeas and nays, or by tellers, or by count, and tht iio decj. sion could be arrived at but hy genital con tent of the House. By general consent, the House ihpn ad lourned. to meet again at 12 o'clock to mor row. . ing stocK in tnjs worK. jcvery be made to get the stocks taken, and we as sure the public that tbe prospects at present, render it almost certain that the work Will !ie commenced at no distant day. Three cheers for old jGrosS Creek ! Cit zens of the West, rouse up from your in- erably revived the drooping hopes of the j did so; and the proceeding was hailed with friends of this enterprise. Only Two .Hun- acclamation by the public. 1 dred Thousand Dollars remain to be raised When the House assembled this morning, to ensure the completion of ,the-work. Fay- the pending question was on the following etteville and its? vicinity have subscribed resolutjon, oeped by Mrf Wise, yesterday : Resolved, That the acting Clerk of this ttifTerence nnd send on1 vnur mitesFav I most liberallv. and if the VYcstem Counties etteville will Ido her nart ! . -a h;J ii L Hwise, lahalKproceed w.Uh the call of the-meuH hn h. .4;e4.t r Wk T?oll iro J ' ou0" ' bers from the different s Stales! of tbis Union, in On the subject of the Jlaoad we are Wfl learn lhat bertam contractors on "thel the usual wayalliog the habes of such mem- anthnrivfn liirlhpr in bv, IhA tVkmmittPe I ill. . f- . 0 ; . i. .. -" "TIT: ""J. r:: W.lminoion Ril Rosd. will take Stock in bsirom Jew jersey, as now me regular and nave uepaic ueu a specia ageni, appuinieu M 1 legal commissions from the Executive of that by the Governor, to Salisbury, Lexington, payment for their labor, to the amount A def and domb person being as was his idea l forgiveness, took the pencil and wrote : "ft is the odor which Duwers yie when trampled -upo,M e whit Greensborough and other towns in the counties West of this place, to solicit im mediate aid in the construction of this rail road this tsdont in order to secure the lib eral conditional subscription of those con tractors who were present at the meeting on Tuesday last. Ontv 200,000 noio re main to be sub$cribej&, before this great work will be put under contract. If that I t .! '! .t . . I sum can oe securea previous to tne 10m of January -we are authorised to say, that a meeting of the stockholders will imme diately be convened, and the work be com menced about the first of February. Apple Butter, Tbe Germans of Penn sylvania make a superior kind of apple sauce, which is called apple butter. The manner in which it is made is thus described by a traveller who visited them : To make this article according to Geiman law, the host should in the autumn invite his neighbors, particularly the young men and maidens, to make up an apple butter party. Being as sembled, let three bushels of fair sweet ap of One Hundred Thousand Dollars: this! with the liberal: subscription of tbe $tate and the sum subscribed by tbe Cumberland people, will only leave about $200,000 ta be taken by the j Western people. It would be a burning reproach to our citizens to bold back their hands, when so much has been done for them by others. Mr. McRae, a special agent, appointed by the Governor to obtain subscriptions, is now at this place on the business. If Old Rowan will only do as well as she once did, it is all that is ask ed of herjj 'Northern men with Southern Principles It is not a Utile singular that the three i f ; I' S ) ; -" if great lights of the Van Buren press in N Carolina Lonng of the Standard : Thomp son of the! Lincoln Republican, and Austin of the Western Carolinian, should be 'Nor- State. in t- -.. ; ;s -hi t : j Mr. Rhett moved to lay the resolution on the table ; intimating that be intended to of fer another, proposing thai the roll should be called, omitting the members whose seats are disputed) and if there should be a quo rum present, they should; proceed to hear and decide on tbe evidence of election pre sented by the claimants. I Tellers were call ed for, and Mr. Dromgoole having been ap pointed one of tbe Tellers asked the Chair how he was to decide between the different 'ii . ; ,i j; : -J- sets of claimants, in counting the members ; and whot were to vote. ( ; Mr. Adams, as Chairmao, decided that the tellers must courit those who had, under the Constiution of the (Joited States, and the laws of the respective S certificate of election. Mr. Vanderpoel rose in denounced tbe opinion as a gross usurpation of the; power of the House. ates, the regular great heat, and " Order ! Or Mr. Vander- thern men with 1 Southern Principles.'. pies be parecl quartered, anoV the cores re- These men would fain teach us, that wef der , was cneA on all sides mrivorl Mnnivhilp 11 tun harrAls nf nAm I . . 1 ? . . . . til j j : K" ;;" n & rr mi: W rcared a ! poel contended that! the! Chairman had not this is done commit the prepared apples to wnere syery nas exiaiea since me counrjbeen appointed tor any sucii purpose, and the cider, and thenceforth let the boiling go ry existea, aonot sumcienuy appreciate that these members, it permitted to be on brikly and systematically. But to ac complish the main design, the party must lake turns at stirring the contents without cessation, that they do not become attached to the sides of the kettle and be burned. Let this stirring go on till the liquid the a- maigamated cider and apples, become as thick as hasty pudding then throw in seasoning of pulverised alspice, when it may be considered as finished, and committed! to pots for future use. This is apple butler and it will keep sweet for many years. And the dangers to which we are exposed ; nay, counted, would vote on their own case,' that some of 09 are so unnatural as to wish 1 which was prohibited by , the roles of the to take sides with! the ' negroes and aboli 1 House. l - J-- . T. " ? si.-. :i tionists and wish to have. our own throats cot. and that if it were not for the kind in- terference jof good Northern Loco Focos like them, it would be certainly done. This extravagant i and extraordinary pretension, The Chair decided that the members re ferred to were not personally interested in the question ; but only their constituents were. & Fwm this decision of the Chair Mr. Van- reminds us of the boast of Steer Hamblin, derpoe! appealed, and the debate arose on the honter,E who declared that he beat the the aoseal, in which, Messrs. Stanlev. Wise. depend upon it, it is a capital article for the old turkey gobKler a yelpin sofartbatwheri Grander, Ogden Hoffman j and Biddle sup- .-, ... me oia leuow law oia wiDogn we coiai, pod ibe decision of the Cbtir: and com under .be head of apple uce. V hi, H h mortified and ..Jon; Cr.ig.oma, oflMd., and Van- Old has gained since he suppose his narrow escape from the jaws f the insatiate monster, into which the Press attempted to thrust him, has inspired him with new life and vigour. A severe shock of an Eaithqoake was felt at Tuscnmbia, Alabama, on the morn ing of the 14th ultimo. r At Zanesville, Ohio, one thousand bar rels oi Flour were recently offered for sale j at &2 75 per barrel, and no purchaser found. liniv ern man With Ndrthern nrincinles. But he 1 . i , & . ii i . - -. f .'-- . - I niipnre. acrifnxf IIia imnttiifAn nf hainn Knew well that hermil.Cl thritfl bv .Jealmtr I "I"' t- r "6 in such notions as the 'Yinkeea trade unonl commuted a usurpation, to expressing an so he most nt$ds have a little office lacker opinio the certified members mustv pie to his official patronage, and then a top Tb!e "fbfte Wls till going oo, with grea horse is loose among the hitched horses.'! animation and interest, when, in order to be ; i - ; .! , . I 10 t,n?c'?r fhe ,0lt was obliged to bring n Begor here Jlonsicvr Tcnson come coin," this bart of mv renort in rlo. Ii i.hmh. . . ; -r;-,- -t IB- The Lincoln Republican, edited by Monsieur ly probable! thit the main question will not There will b& a shower light, the air almjst (hr dred thousand copies ( ! the rising of the sun. 'j Press ! Our cana! naviaii Winter is upon us. A hard. Professor Lspy f ging at the Southwest 1 is still raging, iMar.i i STILL LATER FROM HARRISBURG. We learn by a lettter from Washington that letters have been received in that city, from Harrisborg, which state that the National Con vention is tbas dfvidedj in reference to the can didate for the Presidency : Henry Clay, 103 Gen. Harrison, 101 Gen. Scott, 50 Extract of a letter to the Editor of the Intel ligencer, dated ; j . ' j KlCHMOND, Uec. t. " The Northern cars did not arrive until 1 1 o'clock tbis morning, and I am informed by the passengers who left there on Thursday evening, That the House was organized by the appoint ment of John Q. Adams of Mass. as Speaker pro tern., and that the House was still discuss ing the New Jersey election. The Administration: members nt the Legisla ture held a caucus last evening, for the purpose of selecting: their candidate for the U. States Senate. John Y. Mason and James McDowell were both nominated, and the vote stood for i Jobn Y. Mason,'', 43 - : James McDowell, SO A resolution was then offered i fecommfliiding Mr. Mason as the Administration candidate, which was carried, j with but one dissenting voice, and that was " Fayette. McMullen," who declared be would vote for, any Administration candidate but John. Y. Mason, i - It is thought by some, although it is a mere conjecture, that the election will come on about m .. .' l JLuesuay nexi.v ; Correspondence of the JSational Intelligencer. New York, Dec. 3, 1839. " The British Qaeen, according to tbe costom house returns, took out $362,000, but this is no sign. Custom house accounts of the import and export of specie are no worth much. T'hey are good to begin to guess upon. The Courier thinks she has a mitlioo on board. There is no alarm now, however, about this export of specie. As much cones in a9 goes out. Oar banks have enough. Their circulation is yet limited. The calls on them for new discounts are but few. There being but little business, nobody' is run ing into debt, who can run in. The grand effort is to settle up old affairs, i Another Canton ship, tbe Nantasket, arrived here last night with a cargo of teas. Brother Jonathan is cow reaping his profit out of Jtihn Hull's difficulties. The smuggling of opium, however, is not prevented in the Celestial Em pire, and the Chinese who cannot get opiun? have found a substitute for it in the decoction of the hemp flower which has been extensively used in parts of Russia, Tartary, and the East to prod nee intoxication. The English merchants, July 20, remained at Macao, all trade with tbe Chinese being prohibited by the British superin tendent. This business, by the way, is goinw to give tbe Untish Government a great deal of trouble, lbs loss of three millions sterling in destroyed opium is so serious m loss that "the Government seem determined to make the Chi nese pay for it. It is Dot probable that any ne gotiation will compel 'he payment; and it is prob able that actual force must, be reeorted to, in which case the trade,; if we are not involved iu the difficulty, to a great extent will be ours. L Siocks have guoe down to day. U. S. Bank one to two per cent. There are fears of bad npws by the Liverpool. The sale3 cf stock gen erally were large. . -i The Liverpool, London, and Harvey packets are detained by contrary winds. If the Message comes along to-night, they will lake it off to Eu rope in the morning. v The power of the Printing Press, by the way, if tbe Message cuthes as we expert, will be shown off in tbis city to-high I as oaly ooe other city in the world can show it off. Hundreds of Primers stand with uplifted fingers steam and manoel j power is gr&spiog the wheels uf double cylinders. fob tug i .. .."'.! it r r.T.'j . t tiuessrs. juuhui s : t your correspondent v tu of hostility to the T A A . II , ai ursi Bunpustu. ji i. I think there is a lair t long, not only write " cense Law, bat become us repeal oi uwuiuwh. "Not Guilty, ".calls that the Licensa L . taxe?, 4c I am which 1 hope will be f not been so very irap: furnished with " fact referring to the free he will discover t!. -.t ty, represented in t!,? t to collect tbe "fads," t Law greatly increa? 3 t I am prepared to t; (Cabarrus,) bat I ha v ' facts,' can and will 1 jority of tbe Counties i ty of Cabarrus, paid ; Tax to the amount cf lhe expenses ot ts e i year, from int crape r assertion is not cs.' TCTAL ISFOUyATION t the Courts Coinij the poor. Now if i ; License to Retail 1 t three Licenses grant Court : three times J this " Revenue " Ir leaves $1,1 SS !! f :; support ot in temper s meotary upon the v i Legislature com pc; most enlightened ? License Law, is, ho the REVENUE 1" I revenue in this way, : verted from bad to t It is perfectly p!: ment lhat tbe Litt r es. Are not . Pacim weansvsr yea Kir ed by our Counties ofwoe and ruin. 1 increased, by intn:;' Law the Taxes uf t: to support thera. B paapera increased ; t sault and battery." for two thirds cf th: casioned by interap of cases, the" etMs1' People must be tax continue lhe subject r cessary. Let any : ' Revenue " bror; by granting Licen; , can be easily done) t the County Solicit; cases of assault ' paid to support Pat:; and he will see, tl saT3 nothing but tna t, License Law greash Taxes,1, 'C In c " Not Guilty " to-:. the peisons appoin'c i have collected the in: rou ti: , ' NOT ' JlJessrs. Editors :l correspondent with ij iou9ly looking for zn tions from some met: I would inform hini, t" not been lor the tbejiroductions of I.' sufficient amount f reasons, if such vh assumptions too. T. be.;-: forthcoming. II have been edified ly t the writer of this li ke has not heard either as an auihur t: however, I am sati-f. emies of the Temreri tt tlia tioTnliToi-l t r w i' no abler advocate thai ter reasons than Nut ward with so much t posite party need huv triumph. Such rea refuted, even should 1 lacy by the rules tf 1 rely upon reasoning, c linn T vnoLA T ni ii f - figures." f am not i: and thus granted tr out with the prvif U8TB biiapeu a cuur - to our purpose. An J I tne convention tenuf r feigned thanks fur t! cussion. We ate n ' meet him or any t:.f r has espoused. We i: cussioo j for we arp pfer by a t horoua h : lo bringTorward tSu- a candid and cnl:' whether or not the . accusation' against i.' thai ihey create a ; increase the amount ly was a looker in t have heard many s : : ses delivered bfcfcre t clearly to show tint license law drawn and that the pro' u posifire. It c.uU 1. at the time. b..L tl. - ( necessary fr the r.L: law did irpaily ir,Tt to he. stated, so ih 'U lhe matter might e; , maiiun in thotr rtv'.i S'on has been bt-v.t on through the j i.i !: of their asseriior.3, I feel lhat longer that, as a lover cf . patriot and gucd . peiance cuse, zv.-. ; as it is I vviil Lr'r ,: in my possess':? n ; irubeh&lf of the taw lhe onus proband : the plaintiffs in t! .? r thai i should b3 v tf!

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