i i i-i - . - . if v . . . I- 3 i - . i- - - i . I . , . ' ; ! i . i - s- ;.. - n . !J,' ; 1 --y -4 - : P. "t .fi; -- " .: MS'-" " I I f ' j " . .' V 1 r-:. s? . ft XI ;F 5f SI-1 4. i r ti ' i' if- 1 . it i i lb I : T:'..'. i ; ! l 1-S M m m mm a t JJatS. L MM.m m ' . - MOVED JUS SHOP TO Jim u dag formerly V'h-'-JCNQWNAS THE i m' M POST OFFICE, ' '. Continues to keep oo hand a good assortment o Jl atchet and Chains ' , Breast Pins ;andlltnzs,t l v Silver ' Spoons atd Pencils, ' ! Musical Boies and Sileer ThtmbUs, Rodgers Pocket and Pen Knives, And all other articles in bis Hoe. ' . Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve roonibs.U Old Gold and Silver; taUn in exchange for articles purchased, or in pa V pent for debts doe.- - "- ; "- ! 1 1 - ' ' DAVID L. POOL. 1 Salisbury, June 7, 1839 tf45 V ,f " HE Officers' of Davie are- respectful j in JL farmed, i bai'Cel. U. R, Austin ofAlocks viMe, has become our Agent , for the pile of Blanks in that County, of whom they pjay be had. hereafter, upon the name terms as of ins. b PKNDLETON &, BRUNER. October 18, 1839.:: ., ;:') KE W J EELLEIt Y, fcfc. V -9 ! JOI3 MT C. PALMER TTITAS another new supnlfof Gold andiSllTer . Bl WA'l'nHKS. Plain Rnoliih and IFrfench ilo; Gold Pub Cbain3 and Keve, Fioej breast Pins and Finger Rings, Silver Uutter Knives, Patent and 'plain Pencils, Tooth PicUJ Fob i Chains, Spectacle and Thimbles, Steel sand gilt 1 Fob Ulntin and Keys. A VERY FINE AD LARGE ASSORT- Is--. DiHiiT i ur ndiU .Aiiu xuuttcii r - AND PEN JvN IVES, 1 by dirTerent makers, another article kept by Jewellers All oi which will ; low for Cask, or only six months credj which time, interest wilt be chargedj dune faithfully and punctually. Salisbury,! MayS, 1839-tf40 imtjfac- tbat will nnHE Stockholders in the Salisbury M r E taring Company are hereby j notifieid, ' an instalment of Twenty Dollars per 6hare ; ho'payable to the undersigned on the SQthlday of Oecemberf next. By order of the Directors of the Company. ! ij-l- Mm IL HORAH.Tr. S. Mr.G. . Salisbnry,l28th Not , 1839 3wl8 n$ally i ! i! . . be; sold after fork . nonus ;Thenbscribef lafofml the pabljc, that be has fiir sle. at his: Nurseries m Darjdfon County. 150 trees of the M4ros .Molricaulw, these are superior to cuttings wilhout roots to propa trata (run fi His prices shall be lb4 market price of the article in the Norfh and elsewhere. He also has a large stock of J? roil lres, consisting of Apples- Pears, Peaches, Pluo, Cherries; fyc- being selections of tc best Americao and Eoropean froits, all of which ire grafted or in oculated, and in healthy, growingj condition. - ' I will have trees delivered in good condition, at any reasonable distance from Ijexington, say 75 or 100 miles, fit araooot offcorders will justi fy, it,) for which I will charge thejusual price of hauling . It will be well lor those who wish to obtain trees, to gel the Catalogue pf ihe Nurse ries, which contains prices, and will he sent grat is to all applicants, the postage beiog paid. Communications will be ; promptly! attended to. Direct to Lexington, Ni C v l " ! CHARLES MOCK. Lexington, N, CSept.6, 1839. '." - FOE ,THE . it FALL AND WINTER OP nnHE Subscriber inmis the public, that she EDlCINESfftYE SUFES,PAIN1 -Oils Snoflfsl JTibaeco Spanish Cigarsr Candle?, RiceStarchi Sfts'p, Pprnimes, Brush es; Instrnments,; Paste Boards; Fine Letter and Wrapping Pt nlllsInlj Prawirgf Paper and Paint.;MaoMra Sherry, ChampaM 1uscat and Claret Wtnes, Freoeh Peae'b; n:4! Apple lMafldy.GravA1ooo gahala and old ihlfJceyVJjraaica and Nf Ronv Loaf Scga;arnisbesiSand4 Papers Glass Wa 'Iesr IcnBan Syinp;-LimeJ oiceVt-'l'arna ijinds, ? J ug ?, ks, Pocket Borks andj Maps, Pipes, Irari and Cbmp. Mortars and; Pestled, Candle Wick Blacking. Lee's, Deahs, Df otl's .Adrson's, Hooper's, Scott's, Conks. Srip. Beckvjtbs1 PerersMof fiis, Evans',- Brandwiths, jand Phelps Pilli Hoock's and Swai8 PapacjeaiTlMoore and; Ad derson's Coogh i Drops, Soiiff Boxes, Snicesr Pepper Saoc; RbwandVTIctMixfureBack gamon Boards, Nf atche..rBs Im i 6f Columbia for bald heads, Elixir (of Opiunp Swairo's Vermi fuge, and a thousand other articles, just received and for sale cheapjit ihApihecary sign, by 1 - ' J ; t ii : & ; C! K. WIIEELER. Salisbory, Aug.J23, 1839 U4 I 5 . i i - MORUS IBIUI-TICA1JUS JL has just ! received ithrough Cities the latest and most approve' LONDON & PARISIAN FA8IIIONS, And is prepared to exeepte orders in the cuost stylish and satisfactory manner. Work sent from a distance shall be carefully pat op and forwarded. 1 j . Si f)PNDLETON. CJ A few. Bonnets Caps,. Tnrban9, and other articles. Will be kept on hand for sale. k . Mrs. S.j P. is also prparfd to execute Crimping and Fluting on reasonable terms. Salisbury, October 18 j 1839. f i GREAT IVESTERItf them now measure branched, many of to three hundred THE f obsciibe!rhas for W (deliverable af ler the faljlbf the 1e0 from EJGHT THOS-WD ito ,TEA- THOUSAND genu. inA Mnrua Mnlticaoi us Trees, fram roots and i oniiina. nnw 0 row in? in and near the Town of the Norlheril ! l.l Viy'n!in Those Trpa ro large and sonenor ipany ot j I rem six io nine wt which- will connt from one buds each. J wiif sell any number that may be required at aiafket prices, by the tree, by the foot, or by the bud hut would prefer selling by the bud. .. :N1: ' ' , Also for sale, ode, million of the best stock of Silk-worm Eggs for feeding. ; i f i 1 JJMBS J. HORJVE. Pilithorough, Sept. 6, 1839 tft TJMiMjKMyG BUSINESS. i i. i i' .- "O F. FRALEY keeps constantly on hand JLW a full Supply of ready MAVS: Coals, Pantalobnsjind Vestsalso Cloths, Casi- STAGE MIB. CLOTHING, all of whicb he wtll 6ell s also orehared to cot and r meres and Vesting low for cash.; He make clothing in I very superior style, and war ranted to fit well.l HGarmdnls cot on&barltto- tice. He will: teach the ART ;OP CUTTIITG- to the Public that ithe GRfJlT WES- on the most approved and Fashionible Style to JV T1U WEEKLY STAGE LLXE Tailor's wishing Jtjlt ruction. B. F. F. Sent. 6, I839fl2n.6 , ' iff nt (d Operations. LR. R. W WHITINGTON. havans ted i n SuHsiurylJS". C, offers bis Profejssbnal srtlties tome citizens oi nuwan auq lue ing Counties, lie may be, foond at Col. Long's I where he isrepared to perform any and Dental Operation. i Zap' Eliminations made without charge. v tjr-ja, Materials and rork warranted cases? (November 8, 1 839. tf rfflHE Subscribers takf pleasurelinanno'uncing JL TERJV from Salisbury via the Catawba Springs, Lincolo ton, Rutherforton, tOjAshville, Nj. C. Will-commence running! on the jpfli instant j Departs from Salisbury, ori JSupdays, Wed nesdays, and Fridays at 5 ocloek, A. M., ar rives at A8hvile on next day, at Sjo'clock, P. M x ' ' i ' i I ' - j '. J ' I Leaves Ashville fbrjSalisbqry, at 5 o'clock, A.; M. on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, ar rives at Salisbury next: day. 8 o'clock, P.M. IaLIO daily aVriTals of Books andSta-lw-:ttbfiyfat be .jGre'k flail f;Science. Among ih'e Ttriety are the) "following new and vioawokv ;JS;i5:iI:. ' Sketches kf tfo Grlekin RonPoets' from s CHoWer. to Tryphjdorns ; i listoryjvf?tHe; Harvard University -tlpeeches iof fhe Hfc Daniel Webster! Lfittoonn rargen-rf p'iC'tt'F -Percival'a Wonders eftbel World n isi : History lof ihelAmerican Var by Charles Botta (IrmnatiresforYotlth - Sketches of London by the author of Beach and Vovaereiround the World fcr Revnolds Beaoties of Irelandp.Ulil-v --t Whigs ana uemocrats orjove ot no runrs J All new publications legolarly received as son -as published, '-:-i'-"cf -' ( a targe couecuon or ogqooi uuu-s iwj w hinder nfelHi" If '-ci'i,' At the North! Carolina Book Store, and lor Sale 4i redtfeed prices, by J f i TURNEIL 4 HUGHES. RaleigWAugusii I839i i tatciofM ; WILKES COUNTY.. Cgurt of Pleas and j Quarter Sessions. r JVbrein!er S-moria, 1339. . Gleen & Martin, Wm? ackett, Ottginal Attachment lev ied on delendanlV Linds JT appearing to the saUsiaMinn or the Lourt, that thedfendnt Vkn. Hi Hackett, is not an inhabitanf oUhjs Sjate: (t i3 ordered by the Conrt that noblicatronbe jmade lor six weeks !n the Car obna Watchmp, for the! said Wm. H. Hackett, to appear at onr itext Court, to be held for the Coumy of Wilkesf atl the Court House, in Wilke-dorough, on theJrst nuwd ay -after the fourth monday of Jaoaarjrext, and - answer ; or or jodgment will entered against him, and the Lands condemned to satisfy plaintiff debt. Wies3p Wrai. at bffice, the 1st monday after, the 4tbvmonday of Ootober 1839. Mastin, Clerk oor said Court WM MASTIN, cwcV-: Nov.i9l l8394Printer's fee $5 o STOKES COUNTY." ; Court oj Equity Fall Term, 1839. ' Polly Early, Executrix of isa Early, dec'd.V rilHE Trustees pf the Salisbury Female Aca- pleasant Kirby. Tbomas Kjrby and others.) JL demy,jnform ihe public, that this Institution TfN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of win oe openea oq oionoay uw xhxu i vrcoucf jl the Court; thatThomas Kirby.oneofth4 Ve next. It is their intentiorDo place this Seminary -,n vrhhin thfl op a permanent and respectable basts ; and no Umlt3 of tnl3 State j it is therefore ordered, that care win oe wanungon inir.pan, t renuri hi poblication he made for six weeks in the Uarolt ejvery rekoect, worthy of the confidence of the j na: Watchman, printed it j Salisbury that tin TLiE SU iv. M. I that Harness 31:. ffiends of ledocatioli, morilUy and reHgtonwbo seek for their daughters f place where intellec tual and Imoral culture tnmbtood, will prepare hera to occupy with nsefolness and dignity, the sphere to Which they may be called. . if pi. ! i ?.. i J: '11 r.-Lil ...!. lney are now mailing an suuaoie eu iris 10 less the said Thomas Kry appear at the next Court of Equity, to be holden for the county of Stokes, at the Coiirt-House in Germanton, on the second monday after the fourth monday in! March next, and plead, answer, or demurr, tne Bill will be taken pro confesso, and the case set they are prepared to r they may be favore J i ever extent, in the riv al shortest notice. ? They will keeper r ply of Saddles, Brir Carriage and SuU; 1 7 rvtnksy tog e ih e r w i I. cumuionij uiunu in all of which shall L ( of workmanship. T the advantages cf v ! to those who tray 1 in Saddles, Harne They will contir.u. ISandsouici of various hinds, i ) 'Ca1f Kid, Ihi Which will be di?p terms. All orders : at Statesville, N. C. tention; w. ii j Statesville. N. C. I stecore lot 'leachers, a gentleman . and lady ot d wn for nearing exparte as to him. high qualifications, f w. Witness, F. Fries, Clerk and Master of our I Meanwhile they haves engaged Miss Emma said Gourt. 2d monday after 4th monday in Sepr J. oaker, a young jiaaj ip wnose ineray 4y.11- lemoer, 1839. flcaiions anu capaquy iur sucu a suoaiiou, incjr Have perfect confidence and who has b'Uherto taught kousic in this and other seminaries, with entire satisfaction.! As soon as the other teach ers are obtained. Miss Raker will again devote herself exclusively to thj musical department. 1 j pTERM$ OF TUITION. For beginners, peri session of 5 months; For the Rudiments, with! Grammar, Ge- cgr'aphy and flistory ,. -The above with, the higher branches in "; Literary Deplirtmen; flnsic bni the Piano and Guitar, Painting! i r !i I I Ornamental Needle-Work, and the making of Wax Flowers, Will also be taught, if desired, jtt $5 ejaph l! ' - "I .!. "' ;By order of the Trustees.- f ITHOIAS t COWAN, Cb'. Salisbury; Sept J 27, 1839 tf9 $3 00 10 00 12 50 25 00 10 00 FRANCIS KIES, C M. E. Nov. 29 -6 w 18 Printers fee $5 SAztz of llortft avollnit; V l WILKES COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Fall Termt 1839 ' Gideon Debord; ") .. 1 vs. Polly Debord. Petition for Divorce. IT' ANA WAY1 from the Subscriber living in PAVING located himself in Salisbury, re- , - . Jt ' 1 i . 1 I specuuiiy leoaera 111s proiesionaj semces to us cnizena. anu inose m ine surrounaing eoun iry . His office is the one recently occupied by .DrBuuehelle, wheie he "can be found at all Jimes, except when absent on professional du ties. TSahsbury, June 7,- !S39 tf45 M . . - i 1 . - - 1 1 1 5 1 ! Jl i XB51IiY;a:- TIIOSIPSO. fhc wr ov liemir cc aon. be? leave respec to inform the public of this and Ihe surrodading LountieSj that jthey have just k opened a, large MSobt iznilj ShoeShopi jthey ' . hold thcmselYes in readiness to execute any de loaod, hovvfvi! large in the above line, i 3en .tlemrn and Ladies can be accommodated with out fail, and in reasonable time. Negiots shoes r&ade with despatch. ; Repairing done on good terms. " . j ' . 1 .! tCP Eight or .ten Boot and Shoe-Makf re can get employment by making early application to the Subscribers1 at Salhbury. .L. & JT. November 9. 1839 -4w 13, ICpThe public most be aware that casH will at all iims command the best bargains. M TEAMS, and i COACHES cannot be surpass ed by any line In the State. 1 It connects with the DAILY LINE a Salisbury for the North, and at Ashville with the line to K'hoxville, Ten nessee. ' h;. ' " - j "'.v.' )- ' ' Passengers' leaving" Raleigh, N. C. for the West will find this; the nearest Route by 20 miles, and decidedly the'cheapesl roads, romantic scenery1, particu over .the Blue! Ridge other in N. Carolina, And for fine arly the Gap TTV Jtj Hamburff. SJ tl. on the 27th of Auszust ThieLine foi SPE&Q, OOODDRtrEltlS, !8!;:.fP ,he "l"16 '' he is about twentf-Sve or thirty years of age, ne is a origin, muiaiio. aoom nve ieei eignt or ten inches htgX fie stoops a little when walk ing, steps quick, has a downcast look, he is a ut ile olink-eyed. ktiotiineed, and is a very plajrsr ble fellow. I boughjt said negro from Mr. An drew Drew,orSiIfbury, North Carolina, some time in November last, from which place, he broughb,mieon'l U is probable he will try to goack to Salisbury,' as he says his mother lives there. When he left, he had on a green broad cloth frocK coat,. a checked shirt, satinet panta loons and vest, a new straw hat, and a pair of yankee made boots. "Whenever he stops, he pro . bably will attempt jto get employment in some public house as a waiter, or m some stable as ost ler, as he has heerj accustomed to such work eince he belonged tome. I will pay for his an prehension and delivery to me in Hamburg, fv C. the above lire ward, or TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS If lodged in any Jail in this State (South Carolina) dr North Carolina. THOMAS G PARKINSON. Hamburg S. pi Sept. 20th. 1839 3m8 Spartanburg, it is not excelled by any ' ! . A. BENCINI R. VV. LONG. Salisbury, Nov. 89.tfl5 N. B. This Line Intersects the Line at Lin colnton for Greenville, S, C. vi. and the Limestone Springs. ICP The North 1 Carolina Standard, and Knoxville (Tenn.) Atgus, will insert the above ad Tertisement weekly for four wfeks, and for ward tbeir accouuts to tjiis Office. 11 B. &l R. W. L. . ; j. ' --r: .- 1 ABSCONDED abut the last of October, from the subscriber, at that time residing:! in Stokes County; N. Carolina, mypNegro man IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant Polly Debord, is not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered by the Court, that, publication be made three months in the Carolina Watchman, that the said Polly Debord appear at the next Superior Court, to be held for Wilkes County, at the Court House in AVilkes- bord,' on the 7th Monday after the 3d monday of February next, and answer to said petition, 01 it will be heard exparte, and judgment awarded accordingly. j ! - Witness, James Gwyn.Jr., Clerk of our said nnHE Snhscriher hal an irnnroved Patent Superior Coon at Wilkesboro,' the 7th monday s-fi. SPINDLE for Milh, by which, - mill will of the 3d monday of Aughst, A: D. 1839. do much better than withfthe usual form of Spin J J GWYNN, Jr. c. s. c. dies. ItSssoconslructediastokeepfrom neafirtgr ov. 291839 3m 184-Printer's fee $10 '!' tit-.: i i . mi . . . 1 I I ? !' " i i TO OWNERS OF MILS. 1 t - or Killing me meal in any manner. 1 ne runner 1 ; n r- ," -- Is so confined by the Spndle as always to pre- iissW.-f i ne vol. oi me American ai no rob I A.manac iot ipoo ftnu iooi, ortmiqing iu in serve its balance, and ofcourse there is no bing of the stones. T I I think!, by this! improed Spindle, the same jwater wijirdo at least . ope third more business, and the meal of superior quality. -j Any person wishing to! use one of these Spin: Idles, may obtain one or more, by making applica jtion, fwijthln a shirt time) to the Snbscriber at M.icksville, Davi Co. N. C. I think the pro- loo4, belonging to the Subscriber. Probably it hS fallen into the hands of some one who purchased Boiks at Gn. Polk's sale, as it was last loaned to that genilcnan. H. C. JONES. Dec. 6, 1839 tfl5 State of North Carolina. DAVIDSON COUN-TY. "13 Y virtue of an c: JJf lately held for t stull offer for salr, ( next, on the premi? TRACT; in Wilkes County, I lay all adjoining ar. ; Tract, the residenc ' noir, Dec Cuntair.: of mm . aving on both side v large portion ot wr.; will make one or two i.;:;gpjLEni:: These lands are ?!: healthy, fertile, an j n the Wesern j Worthy the notice cf king a permanent lands are extensively ;and it is believed, v. co, and the grasses. Twelve months r: chaser giving bond v sons desirous to pnr amine the lands bti- diateipos&ession wilt Reference may I noir, or ven. rdnrjr adjoining the above jami:c- Nov. 29, 1839-T Jf RUNAWAY from the Subsn inst., an Apprentice' boy, n bsrriber on the 14th amed Christen about zi or 23 years of age, and of a very bright bury Franzv,1 aged! about 14 veas. Said bov CCUPVING the House formerly ocH pied complexion, tie is a Shoemaker fcy trade, has had on an old pair of yejlow breeches a pert, leave respec full v a Tery DusnJ neaq joi nair, a nun visage, is smart little telidw- spare bunt ana weigns irom id jo I4U pouncs. gone to the West, ior will go in company with He has a very large sar on one of his legs some movers from Rowan and Montgomervrand near the ankle, believed to be on the right leg. will cross the Catawba river t Beaties ford also a scar on each atm just below the elbow oc- I will give the fabo ire reward for the deliverrof iT2lRlijlS or bable c:st will not lexceed $30 for the Patent and Superior Court of Law Fall Term 1839. Spindle ready for use. 1 ' , . - f The1 following jpersoni have my; patent Mill Juliana Bnngle, " T - ' ; ? ' Spindle jirt snceessfnl operation sGol.-W. F hbs. Foster, Jteph Hall and Samuel vs. Casper Bringh Petition for Divorce. oontv't Uilbretn Dicfepnn arrd Fosteri David of Rowa William! pleased with its performance. i I f L. M. GILBER1V 'November 8. 1039 i3Tl5 TT appearing to tlie sat.isfaction of the Couit, casioned by a burn. His' heels hive been frosted, said boy at the! High House. Cabarrus co.. and VJATCEIVlpT. ikd for 1 he Watchman w.uy hert after be h tvyo I)oUas aa.d- FiJiv Cent r year. s A Clfss of Fftua new subcri'ers who will 'PyJn adbauce th&,: whole 'sum at one payment, shall have tiiH. nairer for ot.e vear at Two i)ol ; K ( LArs each, and as loiig as the same class shall i , continue thus io paym ad vanire Ih sui of Kght Dollars ; the same terms shall tootinoe, Ur v pfch;rwts ihe'y wilUbe charged as other sdiiscri 6ers; - ; . . J " ' .- ; ; . . i Subscribers who lo nnt pay during the year V will charged three. Dollais in alt caes. r" - &o subscription will be rtceivedjor est than - ne year bn by payment in advaTice4 'j . No paper will b di$cont.nufd but at the cp B .K v tton of the Editors, unless all arrearageii are paid op, . . " : -j ; : Cf All letters to the Editors most bej post ' jxnd; otherwise they will certainly not be at- y: - TERMSQF' ADVERTISING. One Dollar per; square for the first insertion and Twenty-five Cents per square for eadh in sertion ifierwards. I I : f Court I Notices will be charged 2a per ent , vT bisher than ihe'Abofe1 rates. A dfdt ..n f ' S3! per ci. from the regular prices will befmade u to tb e that advertise by ihe war. i i No aderiiemeot will be inserted fc-l l t than one Dollar, '.. ' r y r ' . - 4 ! 4 1 AavefleTnt will teeofltinsi until rf-F -iretKit a tr iWot, wttf fiw diicrtlwi which injury has left scars upon them. Col man has a wife ( a free Woman) dear Blakely, N. Carolina, and it is probable that he may be in that direction, although many! persons believe that he was decoyed off ; by a while man, named Joshua Young, who Jefl the neighborhood about tne same nme ior inaiana. i wm give a re ward of Fifty Dollars to any one who will de liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell County Va. or Whoiiwill confine him in jail. so mat l get aim in my 'possession. RICHARD OVEtlSTREET. Brook Neal, Campbell cty, Va December 21, 1838 I will give a liberal reward for any information .. ' ... !';:. ' . . . " : ;nat may ena&ie.me to get him. MKNRV TROUTMAN. High-HonserNov. i25, 1839. 3t tf23 Tvrkm""iriii rg'IIERE will be fxposed4o public sale on ii. the 4ih ot Deceiiiber IS39I dence of Henry Sloal, valusbie properly, in ;; Bagging-JRbpin 5? Groceries, Just received & for sale wholesale & retail ?fTft pieces potton Biggiog, 42 to 44 inches MJ? 30 coiy Bale Rone. - , ' 30 Kegs Nails, . ;40 iBags Coffee, ' : IS Hhds. Sugars 1000 lbs Loaf do. 500lbsISpring Steel, 9dpairi-iiptic springs, 20 large covering; Hides,, S39i, at the late ies- deed 500 lbs; Blister Steel, lmotl the following A LARGE KtAD WAGON, Ind six I'ultt able HOBSES, 12 of as fine MIL lot ties Tton ic Mixture. 500 lbs sole Leather, 100:Keg White Lead, Salisbury. Sept.' 20, 1 & W. MURPHY. 839 tfS f Davie C Ramsoui' of Lincoln ;l Charles Griffith I JL that the Defendant, Cssper BringU-is not n ; Acicison Alpore or uaviflson, ann i an innaoiiani oi mis ciaie;: n is meretore orrter- w- - .jf " t n ,.,i I i i .1 . t . '!.it;.i ' uoss oi iourryi; an oi . wiiom are waniy i u oy me voun, mat puoucaion oe made tor ' .I'.t . .1 "ii n . inree roonins in tne Carolina watchman, print ed in Salisbury, and the Greensboroogh Patriot, printed in Greensboroogh,) that the said Capper Br ingle appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Davidson, at the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st oion day after the 4th monday in March next, and answer to said petition, or ;,it . will be read expar te, and judgrinent awarded accordingly.; i Witness. Andrew Hunt," Clerk of oor said Court at Office, the 1st monday after 4th mon day in September, A D. 1839. ,r ANDREW HUNT, c. sc. Dec. 6, 1839 3 tn 19 Printer's fee $10 Jflorus tJtJuUicaulis. Vi : S " A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES may be had at Fayetteville N. C. a boot the last of next summer or the first of the ii all i l The proprietor can very readily dis pose ot them at the INorth, but from patriotic considerations j hp prefets tbat they should be taken by his native State. The price will be the same! as in Baltimore or New York, and will be forwarded to purchasers on the money's being remitted! ; It is hoped tbatsuch as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day, rnquTte of E.! L. Winslow, Favetteville. Feb 10, 1839 tf29 A! DIGEST . Of all the reported Decisions of the Courts in Worth Carolina', commencing with the earliest Reporter'and including the Derisions of the Supreme Courl at their June Term, 1837 ; prepared bv I ' I ' " rJAs. Iredell. fsq. Ator. &. Coans'r at Law. TURNER M HUGHES, the nronrietors: UWO?I7 !; JIWVTT.WWf-mTTW. i.?; respectiu.iyasK tpe patronage of the public for u vv - . mm :. ,,t?. TICAULIS TREES if large size, end NEW ; ESTABLISHMENT tua, as ever was milked, and some CALVES, and Provender of all kinds. 1 - A large quantity of Corn arid some Wheal, and a quantity of Seed Cotton, - A fine threshing Machine or twot arid Farming Utensils of all kinds and House- ii a 4 w - . I 1 liolu aiHl Kitciien FU1 i IVgethtr wih f reft many jther ibinjiim leuioaifo tcft.tiutj, intact roide Injun ca lie aay cl ai i I i ROUT . sti: WART,A4art 2! jlptkstiUe, V. C. - ' , v TUOJtl&S on ville FOSTER that be' has removed! from bis former stand, to his new buildings . W. Ll. ii: : 1 ! L .' i I ri t mm i From the Ktns Mountain Iron Company, rinHE Subscribers have made arrangements JL with the above Company, for a regular supply of superior Iron, which is well adapted to Wagon and Carriage work, Horse Shoeing, , wmcn win be sold on reasonable terms. J. 8r W. MURPHY. Salisbury, Dee.' 6, 1839 6m 19 77AM RDto hire, some able, stout Nt- v v. g-ro men for the ensuing vear, for which liberal wages will be'given. Apply to J &. W. MURPHY. Dec. 6, 1836 4w 19 this work, which; is notsr in press, and i will be poblishejl and ready for delivery aboat ibe first ot IN-ivember, 189. I - I . In the original Iproposals, issued more ' than a year agoi, it was ftated that the work would pro bably no exceed seven hundred pages. It is now ascertained it will contain near athoosand pages, and most therefofe necessarily be divided Into tiro royal octavo vojomes of about 500 pa ges each printed on good type and . fine paper, and wel bound, j Price kike dollars a copy. It is recommended nbt only to . professional men, all of wboni will doubtless possess - them selves of it, to direct and abridge tbeir labors, but is also or-ed odoo the nnti nf all Jniir )nl f tv injtiofal .A!.... -CT Jt TTNFORMS Ihe public! J!'"" m '"v Uwtret loknow'ih. detlrm.Ba.kna f th. S" 1HS Mouse roomy and rommndioe; attach! pre me Court, whirh i,ftti;tni t (wM m m - ' p well matured, having been in mr Dossession for three years, and as such, are preferable to Nor thern trees, as they are acclimated, and war ranted genuine. I will sell either by the tree or bod, as will suit purchasers, should a number be! wanted in aj neighborhood, so as to warrant the trouble, I will -deliver them if the distance is not loo great, f Persons wishing to raise trees. or, enter ino the Silk Business will find it to tU . ... . i ... - . nrn iHieim m giTB a can, or written orders wil receive prompt attention, i t J A1' KOUNSA VILLE. Lexington, N. C. Dec. 6, 1839319 , Sheriffs, and Olhpr inrfirfal fHAr i. affi.yiw 1 ! - I '- " 11 them an jexposiiidn, in a few words, of the points v JLI.AIV.DER' KILLI ASl wmca im ropreme conrt of or th Carolina the pebhe square. inl the'Town of Mocks-i b.Vc,1 lo. rtlalU4,o their dutles.1 Fof i le, where he will contiooe to keepa - t - tjmi.ir reason, it is reconmenden to private gen tlnitKo f r...ti...i.t i l -fniay hive be Inclination or foela L, n uini ui 1'ir uir. an mnif n:, mr tn Aiun,hi t ; - j : i . . i . .. i Ind JVo. C. V ESTOW ii. OAT To be published, r fi. I34U, twice a vt once a week at T: The . Register U North Carolina, sr. J the same namp, in ' year 1799, during t has been either nr; : Ediior or his Father its columns, at an sent Editor has r snme all the res; r to fulfil, to the b t lions which devdlv ed, and constantly i eroos comroufiily, ,! has not altogether f his labor has not t 'Located at tie State, the Resist obtaining arid riii r informaUon. Ur,( either with the and nptdepenifenf, i any patronage, mhf-r HOUfCIipiIOOS lS ' dependent. Ita l.:: the cause of the I'i supported b? the V, The 'political t' known," It is gr. policy, the rneasun sent Adroinisirat i present day, and i! parties, are not a! and solicitude. Ti ed anxiously to tin f nonor, wenare aru important piurccn : These princijiles. i servajion of the lh.: tenance cf the rK' .implicit j and ar tton of the Gov f n i of; all power, and t A 9 M n c . (TT O f . I f . the 'selection f r part in the admirr.--In furnish I ''J t: f eise fd sreufa" State. L"jil-',u,f ' and th ,Soi i f i' tfd tif ihe ma- : ally fiinj! ir i Ijril it, form if - Ute ! I-ti-f ! ,' I With iht- ITJ ESTFXTFUf ,!Y Zt hit pfebnil MM, MfVlPr t ttt tUtbi sirrtftdisj it rptrv. i IM h?Hiy in t u. H . t " M i f I ABLhi B i . ST Allf,F r pr,Md -i4 iiJJajcrf tctt. r4 riMt-irV lh iei trtH.r U .U r,!,y win i IM $ m UT lU'lffi tliti : ft-!' I . ' ''..'-!:" i i ' i: "2 ' ; " ' . !, rl I ! . v ! . . .. i , l:i i j : ; ' - ! ; ii. 1 ,: P . . J , ; v ' I. . J .: t. -- , 'j ' "!" 'M !. ' 1 :- : - " - "! '-i. -l :. - - I '