. , ?- .- .:f I: .1 i . ; . . '.--.i '-'',.-. f.r- It Hi l - 4 IV iJ-lJ - " tJ i' A4 - - 14 Jll:cfre! from lis Journal at M bonnd aiUatqre 'fitf In faiiQf MlPblliiFW PfcM.'! '' ;Atoj,thfrftC.re. fi'willak choose lo eiefc JHtlpiyowUho would be the a 1' b!'npe, hav Ue sancliorMof noncoloptUf twHi-iafbrctheir1 'rM " -; . ' iii5iFrttFf:. 1" i ,H;M' . j " - i'- --: "f iwrai power io go so iji . and hew i .i.:'ti.V wa3 Tdlfifl! Y'k 'a greal FT . ; ! ?.!4 ihrp wilh iinxnimitT. i.- ire'rfM eo; mere wiui .-unsmuiiij, Yard feiiialreadT-rauneo nomia- pass ;wlJtof Boston haire carried the? iheir May- tion msjoriiy. same f I f f . - ''if iUi.VnriAf-?fif ftlA. iiv t : Mm- Tie tmsw'H rv :y J :T.-.w.MTf'T-.ri- I'ERS.- piiesMilMi?' jiof pride and satis thlnreae appearance of buai tnlSiiVVaffdns in considerable nam- of - - a. gess in oaf j,, -their inn their iWjntef supply pf groods; and oar -JiilM-finff with us the -bounties ;of jtia'bJtM SthTc-indeoted; tp ibbm I- Liit ricB Pr -bdariJs. - Arid lelit notbe, Sifcalri tttlr tiiriealof 'f hig feasting on il ; boaei - tf Ot v rr..:, edition lie -Wbi' Cjjrptlii nd Baroiigh, are out. kJiete Srei;j( ?ain( tbein, atid they are liqualll fili thl .office,4 .,' -; V nn!diiere ike occasion to warn bur. eit fewra88puly eJtCitf ment Jn these local J 'MiBwmmj nd entirely wrong, uihinf 'olliW&ouJpd " sister; Cabarrus, bfclliPfied: 4 her Whig strength, ii- .e -Ji ts. . L In ni '-. be vitbMt :,LMatiii( fi;in so sunn bu bujit a a ion i . i as sne oiu uu SA. :J!J last Saturday. , ' 1 rifPff!rl7 ,w u,u B" n" rv",r i M this, qo(c)ndac on, this occasion .will be to 'ftaSrfiil&e'cpjlecupii;;.;- : ! ".- J n il ii.r r kL. j .A i,.' . ... . 1 dra jJse(bal jlp a-45 cts. ; Flour $4 00 gfDpfl putter jl2J a 15 ; Eggs per DCI Jkif" ft I !v"r W- F. ... fist'- THE WATCH MA N.J , t; nave obstrted $e:ve tiiTeftbserfe elrer il Father ill-tempered es ree. last numbers on the If the subject be a mat-:: ivlfKtrieal jpi the licens taw seems r t io rvi in ui ii caret ui cun tofeihepqjuii cfidirTBrence between the con- 71 IfetiyNitbout'1 consideration. -1 WCu.wnthis&nhifiidiii . " - I , i ', ...v. 1 "I'V'i.iuia.uiisuiuiiiiiiai iirmr-mio na iinaniu i nun i Kj.,i,i,i. j! ; i .i i- I no r "t vai nipsprri eviaie; iq idimd ttii ii .niic i ifiia-CiMha' i"K3.i-te.'i;j . -t ..iir .-.i i. fpTra!If Hve jeae to ; retail JJe small ierfl? a'ny one refusing, I if V'T v. ua .'uit-411. ill III u .Til til 1 III 1 rovaniio spirits he con-1 Legistlature fV ICf 1W K' i TOia an DoperatiyeJ SwliH lMyifle ndM a pen- 'f tf'iRfWoujid' be the sanction and HWI ft?fP)n4ate-a9 a lin afir.! . T" rpre, it iw as incurred. But sup cooiu pe made on SSF'ltaW li be reconciled with jus 't-'.PI-1HB"tnn wno sens poison T I1U fl'iil III IT ( FA .. . J j - . SWK'tll' knowingly buys and A:'M-Nwn.-harm and damage;' -or ls fiffl tb.n;he man wiio origirf h 1 ft rt info Ti;. .rnnn.j! WMhJiw vf.jSt4S l'''. t no jjnijiuoou WmmmMtii r " ?r Prevenlive I'yii ctMiJ" My.. 1V"e eueciive system oi 1 WiTiS iA experience both teach, m .s ' a n... - gr- . . i -T'i . . . sDri I1l"7TFe:a. toe fountain head. If t&eit lWm "r"'""Wmove ' lhe cause ijiMaf?- And this proposition aUbi&i ;i'b:he plan of sup- th,S! Ill W epcted let thm; descend MlfflSl usethat are act nail v onih;.1 rOlmnV he diuntards "be: 'Jrkit BHMfflin; those uho are constructive. tv ii.-i 1C UUiiSirUCWVe 1 ih ilerst A.rain. if the dmnV i?M Im tossed? theiailers would eon h 'wnffl Matier4f interest, the most n..3i An i 2Jr.h is-' wvJN -'itui cunsioerawon can itionor consideration can 1 only I license Liw If 1 "L'Jtt I. :329mttjIl Jihi, lAikWi that uiMSeed,1 'gjound fine is nut abad K ."".'f i"g oiviueaion tl"ajsatfsages." , " " 7 T u I " r.uFr,. lT : ? T-r.-: 5 1 -i V . HlOn of Mr. Wise On. the lah p. lhpr annf. tl.ffeciSsrticWi Shriold'this law be the first name. -; jj v . i I Ml Naylor to votf, and carried in the af. jl'fpJI lifomrunity : ha veVar right not be changed. II j i ? Nlyiof was permitted to vote. H.Hf Merl : Mr. W. C. JoJinson, itnidst cries of Or-j fee question w?as next put on Perrnttin i&VWi'u w jh great emphasis, that it Mr. Aye igg, of; New Jersey, to; vote. RIpMitbUecK If the l,pff tHfoo pferori whatever shall re tlytoM', or quantity wbateveli POSW MMeift 'tialied Druliihillnn wiihont'.'W a fliiicinlT nf i4rWi'0n- in the m dd eof its I - . " . . t:i 'I hig.nl mZW&mmi undermined r forniblv the Van B .Wig ffiiaVotti- a common ,trnt in.;! their 1?4l ilRlf- Be.rn-manKina; retail- his stand, in the aisle, and joared wth all 1 Mr. iiekens, amtd repeated cries to? or Mdlf 111 "rl'T an-. consfla,"Jri his power of luns his indecent deniincia der,said he had an amendment, to propose It H irlll ht J W n 1? 1 Z 1 Cl??ii Uons 8ga,nsl tbefEonduct of the Chairman; J ad iherefire Would Vote against the .' ';toMHHeap? I.o'sf.panicoiar subject, w6uld u P . , . . . i I. ' !it.i I tnufacture: and the importat ?e.8f'd lhat th3 T?le Jsl f80 had dec V0 "$T''U 1 ' frtn uiel? Mrely, as apreTentWe bf ded l.he rq--Wn which the opposition j The cal for the previous question .was : ' L? fisfi!amtftn.!f- Rm-'tt. u: -aL and the Chairmno !,i.Vm in rioo, . anil hi KernnHed. Avea 113. NaVS 113 al tie. L I . .t - 1 Vf . Hit. bu 1mr,,l;M..r.iti l "' - : "Ti s w Wl i 1 liU. 4:?Ww hv tlieonrt ..B.J: u . "ge, tne utmpst uproar prevat led m the Wise" wntcn prpposeu hibvmii? HV'f 0 mm MVxm .ball- Order I Jjorder !" - o on ! Co should proWd wjth. the call,of,thei rm' l rfef fetflrHi l Pio, , orL ahead rStot birn.". Now fort row V hers in the. Regular, way.-calling tfee T Hozzab.l' and. half.a hundred other ex membersUrom New Jersey who jbad re , H-'fel claraations wcresbouted on every side! The certificates of, lhe constituted authorities ol :Wm h"e :eateoTow greatesxci'itmiot preytiled. Mt'ny of th that'BtateJr ? ' - - r. , mJ embs rose from their seats;' eyes flashed 1 By general content,' tbe question waWe- ' PpSer fire, and cheek jteddened with emotion, decided by . Ay es and Nays. j- There; 4 WrnWl Dunten swaggerted from side to side bf the Reared forMr. Wise's tetojuUon.j,j r; p liTi "if ,sr?f'w,,f -.egr ee, ot excess abovel 'wn, rand ot tne area, snaking jOis.ouicuer I 2! IjViiSyftf,:U!in9 b emperaDcelMefist!n lm, al7hoth 1 "cannot, say. j 1 !i j If r-T?, " i?1? r H- rerhapt he could. -not say himselu vjurney a; ?:.so me resolution-w f nntroi It mis attemninri Hiiin(iinn knto.n mJ. wonff it is not Intended to ia trod ace idea, nor tninfrinWa at Lit "nM- ai.A r 80C,et I bot. 00 cbntra!ryflit is deaignd jb enforce the rolea b, the social compact exist in? in e?fcry ci?ilizddommohiiy To illasuije jbis proposiijon, let us recn'r jio a few exampNs past history, liif! Kipg of 'Eg-ypl 'consider ed that the rapid in :reas of the Israelites,' his slate, was a grea 4eUr therefore ordered all male children to be.destrojed the consequence a more rapid increase ! The Kincr! bf England; , wbo at fihat period, bad the faW (nakinrf power in hs controlj consfdered the use of tobacco a great il and j enacted a prohibi tion of its use. ..The.i resoUwaa an .increased piuuuviiuu a.iu cunauHJPuon.i ftjao a tastes anc propensities cobld 6ot be goyerned by either the rules of .philosophy or prnhiibitory laws. Th legislature of Norlhj Carolina bat recently en acted that small Dnk Ui!8 less than fire dol lars emenating-rrodj lanoiher State should not in this State, t(nd even jpat the legal sanc oi a penalty td entorce the enactment. The jaw is to any disregarded and no one at tempts to enforce. ihe;penaliy, not row attempt lo repeat me uawj it consequently stands as dead leller wiihout eiiher enera? or pftpc.t !i Law simply mala prbhib'ital9 always difficinlt execution, and &osi liable to evasion, and of such laws evasions ate always made with tLe greatest impunity, i i . t w cyphon: Correspondence oM&e Petelrslurg Intelligencer. VV a s hixgIton, Dec. 11th. 13391 In consequencte the vjerjr great confusion "cn auenoeo ne: proceedings, nayj be proper ! ojtate the condi yesteiday, itton of the eluding the vote jof Mr. Naylnr of Pennsyl : I t rip. -a' vania, i ne cnarm?n iijien added his own vote to the negative1 making 115 : and con sequently the indtibn to lay on Ibe table 'was lost. I he Chairjnlan'having announced the result, air. i urnetirom l eimecsee, j ap Pea,ed frorn the dcisiop of the Chair,!! by c "Mr - Jf-M counted. T&e . r ,i i wur rgnf was on tnts appeal. fa!Ifd thn nrpinli n noct inn nn th. annual ' The call wassecdhded : land the main qnes, tion being put, Sliall tU Decision ot the Chair stand as the indgment of the House," i ; . ' there appeared Ayjes ll?; Nays 1 1 g 8 The : members whose voted in the afhr seats were contested hadj - - ...w. mative ; and four members whose seats are disputed had voted in the negative. Mr. Wm, Cost Johnson now rose, and demand- ded that the Chair should proceed to the execution of the rue,the meeting had adopted requiring, alter a tote. nan been announced, the names of contested members who vote, declared by the Tellers, that the sense of he meeting shou J.t'j l 7r id oe ia Ken on Hie ngni Ol j them to vote, deciding u pon each contested; was no naer trough the result ahoulri not w iuuuevwi no iiiohh nuivu vwii uninnen. I hlo mua a: matlop nlniK ortn. I U i,i I cerneo ine ih ana ine innsii:niinn : nnn i he insisted upon jibe execution of tbe iule.1 - r , '. i. ' .!.... .i.4..i. I 1 he Chair said that by the report of the I ellers, it appeared more members from I New Jersey and; Pennsylvania had yoted than are allowed by the Constitution, i The question then as o who should be allowed I lo vote, must be decided. : Mr. Smith, of! Slaine, again called out 1 that as the result of the Ivote could not be changed, it Was idle to challenge those who I had voted. Mr. Wise rose end addressed the meet- ins with remarkable energy and spirit. No maUer what may bej the result, tbe resolution, adopted yeslerdajjr makes i our duty tol purge the polls! We have no discretion inj.' .LJ lr. LUj .l. . lL ' L ! I uaurr ieu, eiiu iuo ruio must ue cir i forced. Mr. W,se ended by calling the previous question course "i precludes debate; bun urenites having boldly proclaimed contemot ofliall law and precedent iri , . . . . . . ine aecision oi ine new jersey auu reuii sylvania controversy, can scarcely be ex 4 i j - r . -l ivt t i i netted to nav anv iteoard to the mere rules I V I - 7 i . . I the House. Ijalf a dozen therefore at-1 I momkar in aiineolin. nnd kimnninnintilh Pile n II Dsl II Ifl"" W i I fl fin t3KPn An flPfmitllOO tempted to speak after the previous question The Chan man then reminded the meet had been demanded. Hopkins Turney, of ing that thjey had reversed the decision hf Tennessee, notorious for the part he acted the Chair j and yet had voted to receiye at a tormer session in a most disgraceful i scene ot disorder, persisted in sneaRinsr d . . a ! I . i .i:a though obviousljf I put of order, and though j called to order frm all sides of the House ( n w r - m t as well as by the Chair. Never I during the i j;, ! " 1 j whole period of rny attendance in Congress lave 1 witnessed such a scene of com mo-1 ion and diarrif as en-npd Turnev took 1 tiori -- -r 7. .. j iuu tun viiBirmaiT entered on the most furious tirade of .abuse 1 against Mr. Adarns, I ever heard among men nretendin? in the sliohtpct Hr,ra in viin!i o dec . Dnrino the iwhnln nf th, ;n B""' uuiuvm 'm ltpouring ed tn oufiage yerjr thing liVeifcccft 3ln ft'tney i Adarns ; ani Jbert-begao tB talk abdut ihe-rhemWeia beino in ft mm Art! b'tn g4!'culalingin yerysaV ;age.ro8jrtherthul his closing words were lost in m.cvuuius ui oraerr order' that roM rjirrt qi)ruin A !r v H" P?r otjtne tlousei Mr. StanlffH tiiff hbulti or 4orth WolihaJ insbed from the fei iB i unon the b seit inlhe midst of it. aDoareniliriilei btp4?f.!PfLf!;a.t the viriefj able halrroiin n'nA IrlrirtT ..r- f..ll- .U jbo fae5xclairned, Mf the tnemberij pe sista in nt present course let him come to tne.-jljwill be his man !M To ibis dire fall Tuiney made no reply. .The hubbub' increased and seeded never to be coming t n'en. ''-.Mr.; Curtis endeavored to put 1 stop to t by t motion to adjourn which iv9 lost.; j ; - v - .. : ,' Thip Chairman.wbo did not deign to Tepl to Turney's torrent of vile garbage, simply and emphatically said that he would proceed to execute the role of the House. j j I Gel'l. Thompson asked Mr. Wise j to . is ' withdraw his call f r the previous question?, for amoment hU Wise replied thatjhfc could pot consent to do so for his-best friend n the present disorderly state of the House. Several membeis here attempted t6 get the ear of the Chairman ; all, by the bye, speaking together, and tiing Who cotildg to the loudest note. In this thai Mr Varjderpoeldistanred all his competitors, and was going into: one of his vehement de clamations,-whon MrGranger interposed ; be cajled his orderly colleague to order arid rad Ihej rule prohibiting all debate whilst the pfevious question was pending This restored, comparative qnet; and the CH)i proceeded to put the question on prmittng RIn ffaylor'svotetobecounted Mr.Cfatb ralle fcjr his credejntialsJ Here again sejif eral neb)bjers rose to address the Hbii$e, jl mon th'em C. J. Ingersoll, who had several timfi .attempted in vain to make Itimselt hcarp. partiZ'tn He bad rioW beep favored, by bis frie.nHs, with a place nearer thf Ciiaf'r thjari is his own seat; and had attrac ted the itilention of the meeting. Mr Wujj. Cosfi Johnson and Mr. Wise both called him to order ; Mr. Ingersoll turned with an im ook to tHe House. Duncan an,d plortng By niim bawled out j44 Go on !" . Hear hina ! in which-they were joined by a number of other partizan voices. Older !" ? Order !;' was: shouted on the other side. Mingled exclamations rendered it impossible for any one, to hear a word Mr Ingersoll said, and lie finally took his seat. The Clerk then read the credentials .of lor, signed by (3ov. Rimer, and the; Proclamation given hv Gov. Porter to c Mrl IngeSrsnll. AlTier the reading of die latter was finished Mr. Nnylor ruse, and declared khat he in his possessionili proclamation of Governor Porter issuel only nine; days previous to that which pro claimed the election of Mr. Ingersoll. U nov held it Hefrirej tle House; and declar edfthate (Mr. Nsylor was duly elected I II This enunciation produced another bnrsVfiT laifghter mingled With loud applause j tf jjjf paper was reau; anu aiier some coniuseo proceedings, caused h) Mr Smith of Maine. iersistine in his attempts to chtachise A i'y"r "jjuc wa rcsiurvu, aou me lavyj df Nw Jerley relative to elections was read. Leave was refused Ayes 117 Nays 122. 'HI' r s.i .. i r ;vi I i rfK ill iiitf iiifiinii-rn iriiiii nrw .irincv, v . . . .... ... .... .... ... - - - 1 miinea .uui. m .in .io vnioM jr. Adams, in announcing the decision. l . . .! . . . 8aid The chair considering this vote un constitutional " . Cries of Order " here arose, in the midst of Which Mr. Drornconle said4Tlle remark of the chair is a reflection on jjlve is insufferable P Some other House it member cried out! M Usurper P ;Mr. Adams, still standintr, said IT il had been permitted to finish a sentence !l had begun I would have added, that fal though the Chair regards the vote as un? constitutional, vet he fe- a bound bv the dision oil the meeting to say RJr. Aycnggs v'oie caniidt he counted."' - till ICriesofl'That's right I That will dol ilr : J:j C..A ' Xfl reiinission iu ruw waa iciuocu w Maxwell, Af New Jersey Ayes 116 Ns 12. I'he sense of the House was taken respecting Messrs. Halstead, Stratton. arid York together. Permission for them'; to vdie was refused Ayes 110, Nays 1 17. , ; - - , . 7 r 3.1 . n . . .. o .y ,A 11 . Lpare was men sunxosif iciu i.,. ltfgersolf astd the New Jersey Van j Buren memher. hv a cnanimous vote. Not la sT .1 : vole was given for them. i -U . tne vote oe iir. . iayior 1 m. : F a mm Iff I a Ar . 1 . I .1:1:. '. 47 lAlr v ise oreuv stated ine conmuun iu m 1 .en; te question ; and said that, by rfic-ivjng the vote oj Mr. Nay lor, the meeting had decided against the motion of Mr. Khett a ' t 1 j , . , u . rfi' ' td lay his Resolution on the table, - 1 M8 was admired; and Mr. Wise called the nrevinusauestion instantlv on his resolution. : . 01 The Uhairi voted in the amrroaitve,!mat-1Pg I the Aye's 14. i ( -i Ths main nuestion was then taken- on I kaftnntinn . nf the resolution of !Mr. I v ww'-'' . - I - v, TS . Airairisl it.. 118 mai. 3. i r ' -.1 'vi.-- . Mr. Ilhotf nf S. IT., tfion nffVrPrf rnlri. I $ioti,tf! the effect, that tKe Clerk biubt br0- f ceed to rail 'the Hat throuh?f oroiUinl tte namesrof a II era hers whose seats retts nn ted orcteftedrice6trfff rryior ::and i then, if there ahould t oe-! a seer ta i ned to be present ,t h m ee t- proceed 40 examtnesrtd Hdecjde j!" election f etums a hd credentials; bf members whose seals are contestea on tnts flrtor;! Mr Rhett-demanded .the ' previoua question on tie adontion of hia refolulion. t:.uq.UQaerwood'aaked:heiher it, wonia preclude' another investigation T of Urt elec tion cfaes, after the House should be ;or- ganized? -"H-- .. .j' MrlRhetf replied1, jH Not at all." The question was then put, and there 1 -.1 ''-" - i ' . 1 ' ' 1 i ; ; i appraren; j - . - . ; For the Uesolation , 138 Against it ! ! 92 Majority , . ;. 46 So the Resolution was adopted. A motion was made to ecODsider Mr. Pickens said if the vote Was reconsidered, he would offer another setof resolutions, (Here this report ended) I FROM WASHINGTON CITY. Ballot tings for Speaker n-lst Ballottingl J.Wj Jones 113; Juhn Bdlll02; Dawson It; Pickens 5; Hopkins 1; Lewis 5. 2d. Baltot ling. Jones 1 13 ; Bell 99 ; jDawson 1 1 ; Lew 19 5 j Pickens 5; Hopkins l; Hunter 5 235. Sixth balloting Jones, 39 : BelT, 21 ; DaWson, 1 ; Pickens, 4 ; -LewisJZ.9 ; Hunter, 63; Lin-p coin, II ; Scattering, 10. Inihe vicinity of Murgaaton, on the 12th in-i by the "Rv. Thomas V Davis, Ma j. AL- KXANDER F. OAS 1 ONI lo Miss L.UKJ&T TA MURPHY. j died! : In Wilmington, on the 3tl inst., of a Pul monary disease. ELIZABETH OBEDIENCE W?ATSON. ajrd 29 vearsl only child of Dr. 'osiab O. Watson, oi the cunty of Johnston. !..- : 1 - : w. a. ivrconiioir, ril. d., Surgeon rientist, j RESPECTFULLY informs tbe Citizens o Salisbury, and jts vicinity, that he has ta ken an office at the Mansiati Hotel for the pur pose of practising Dkntai. Surgery, in all its various branches, on the nQost improved , and scientific principles, viz : Seating, Plugging, Ex-i iracting. Inserting leeth on Jrivot, tuld priog in. . o.i. ! riaie, etc. ;j . i i I He is a reerularTgraduateiof Medicine and; hopes by attention and assiduity in ihe line of his profession, to receiye a spare oi puotio pa-j tronage. - .' T! I j N. B. He is in possession of a material, not only rnnocent artd easily applied, but far snpenot to any thing that ever yet h9 been' discovered for Plugging, particularly in hjrge cayities where ihe oerve is exposed and tooth otherwise rancn diseased, and would particularly recommend il to all before having their teeib e xtrVicli ntherwise mirht be saved 1 bv dj$iem rtlnrrrrprl , ' O Si 1 Aa mvUaA nr.'i J nr'ivftte sidences. j Salisbury, Dec. 20, 15 m Superior Cf A.D. 1S39, Joseph Wolf, vs Jane I Wolf. PelitiorrDiyorce g W this case it appearing tajine sausiaciiou - . .. . . ; . i r .' 7 JL the Court, that ane v oil, tne aeieoaanir,:s. does not reside -win . I i .i . i:.: I ilu Si.i.a .. ii is ttieiciuio u'Yf for thre months Salisbury, and ty' le9S the defendtVj , thatrpublication be made e Watchman, published at nsioro' Patriot, -that on;- at the next l-uneriur Court of LawJry Id for the county oi Mokes, at the Vi a in Oermanton, on the 2d monday after tbe 4tlrraondy in March hexfi and plead, answer or demur, or the petuipn will be taken pro confesso, and the; cause set down for hearing exparte. . j Witness, Isaac Golding, Clerk of said Court al office, 2d monday after the 4th mouday in September, A. D 1839. if j IAAU UULLIlU, C S C. ; Dec. 20, 1839 SwjSliinter's fee $10 I WILL hire, at the Court House, in the town of Salisbury, on te 1st' of January next, for the term of one year from v L 15 TO 20NIipROES f belongfng to the Estate of C. Love, deceas ed. Terms made know n on the day cf hire. i R. W. L(NG, Guardian. J Salisbury, Dec. l3?!3S9-w21 . 'i U ;A T Cocoons . Wanted THE Subscriber has about two thwusnnd er fine MORUS M U I I I CA U LIS TREES yet for sale, from 5 to 8 feet high, one half bf whichhe iswillfhg to sell payable i in Cocooai, to be-delirered next summer ; mo omcr nan cash ?- r ; ' V-nh . Persons wishing to make ciniracta will please make iheh anolications sion,1 as the! Season tjoi planting according to his expi riencetj begins ear If in February. Silk Wrtw t,rg8 jfrmaa very healthy stock of W'orms, cari also b bad j ; ij WIST MORE.'; FayetlctiUet Dee. 20, iesp.-7w2 V.my f Vk FFERS fur "Ren t; the Store house formertv J occupied by himself, siiailed in the very centre of business; immediately above -Mr. Geio. W. Brown's Store. foVlime, two or three years. Much migbV belaid in" favor! of ibis stand, but the subscriber deem M ne4essary ;to say mojre than it Possesses idVantagts both as r h) location and arrangemenu cot inferior ti y nthVt m'lht place. - : J - . "K. KLLIO Tr.! i fCTr l nose wrtoire inoeoseo o ine soocri- ber eithsr by note or account, ttnfrespecttullr and 6 . I- i OTwently requested Jo call and make pavnenf,at; X: ..tHJLtnwthi; iav -: A . ;j : k. e.h i n.. on taio '?a9t - ' 1 ; f hi tax i V i ! NOTICE I ;m0sMn roujvrrJ ;Erst w vim twlv stiu.lt. fSapeitfititttioftAVSptenb ! Nisid's till-- geAtfiiil iptf eta-r 1 ftrtre' ni fJaorgeUobertsn . PiDt-f rtiT VP ftTfTMnf P. t-f f f8 i C; Petition for Divorce. lliM.aoem; .tlotertvj v - - p ; -" yrHlHEIDefeBdani rA A fiw Jndo-mpnt ji JL I pf0coofesso;; Oidered by the Court, that Ipobljcatilirbe made (or ihrre n.oaihsin the CarX ;olmWcJhmai and the Raleigh Standard for ine uerenaan: to appear at the neit term of our said Court to be held for Said conotv..at the ouri-npuse in r&ocKturu. on the 5th monday af- vr ot itf iwiuj in r -oruary oexi. I hen and there to answer to the allegations in said Bill, or tne prayier oi ne peuuon win ce granted. :. . i Witness Winston Somers, Llerk of said Court lalinffice, he 5th monday after the 3rd "toondayln August, . A D. 1839. . .. WiNyiUW C. S. c. Dec. 20. 1839-30.2 t-Prjnters fee SIO Stat of North Carolina fi 1 DWIDSON COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Fall Term 1839. Julianfi Bringle, , O . ' ! t s. Petition for Divorce. f Casplt Bringle. 3 IT apsearing to the satisfaction of the Couit, that he Defendant, Casper Bringl, is nut an inhabitant of this State : Ii is therefore order ed by j ttje Court, that pulticaiioo b made for three months in the Cahilioa-AVaichman, print ed in Safiebury, anbV-OreenshiiriMigb Patriot, printed ip ureensboroogh, that ihe paid Casper Brihtfle appear at the nxt jSopenor L-ourl o Law, I0.ae neio for ine coumy oi iavinsonai the 'Coutt House in LHxinfftorv on the 1st moo- day aftejr the4th monday itiMarch next, and answer said petition, or it will be read expar- te, and jpilgmeni awardea accordingly. Witns. Andrew Hunt, Cterk of nor said Court at Office, theJstnjoriday after 4th mun- day in September, A D. 1839. 1 AINDKENV IlL'Nr, c. S. C. Dec. 6, 1339 S.nig Prinief's he 10 RiEEWARD. . AJSSUUMUK1J abobt the last of October, from the subsctiber. at that time residing in Stokes County, Ni Carolina, my Negro man about or 28 years of are, and of a very bright complexion. -He is a Shoemaker by, trade, has a very fbushy bead of hairJ a thin visage, is spare bmlt and weighs from 135 to 140 pounds. He basis very large scar on one of his legs near the, ankle, believed to be on the right leg. also a sear on each arm just below the elbow oc casionecjby a burn. His heels have been frosted, which Injury has Jeft scars upon them. Cole mab has a wife ( a tjee woman) bear Blakely, N. Carolina, and it is probable that he may foe in that direction, although many persons, believe .1 .a Z - a yr , ' a f tnai ne;was decoyeo on by a white man, named Joshua Young, who left the neighborhood abou tne same time lor Indiana, i win give a re ward off Fifty Dollars to any one who will d6- iver Oeieraan to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell Copn i y Va. or who will conrlne him in jail, so that il set him in my possession. I I RICHARD OVERSTREET. Brook Neal, Campbell cty, Va December 21, 183 8 tf23 MO h VS MUJLTICJi WIS. X Hi YE for Sale a lar2 qriantitf of MUL- i TICAULIS TREES of large size, and wellmftureJ, haviog been iri my possession for three years, and aa such, are! preferable to JVor thern rjrees, as they are acclimated, and war ranted Jgenuine. I will sell:, either by the tree or bud Jas will suit purchasers, should a numbe be watfted in a neighborhood, so as to warrao the trouble, 1 will deliver them if the distance is not tpo great. Persona wishing to raise trees or enter in'o the Silk Business will find it lo their inheres! to give a call, or written orders wil receive! prompt attention M. ROUNSAVILLE. L ex ngfon. N. C. Dec. 6, 1839 3 w 19 - Dr. RESPECTFULLY offers hjs professional services to the cilizens of Salisbury and snrroudding country rns uuice ism mr, West'4 new brick building, j nearly opposite J. and WL Murphy's store. August SO. 1839 tf5 VALUABLE Lj&ITBS FOR SALE. B virtue of an order of the Conn tf Equity, tely held for ihe Coiinty of VVilkes. 1 il shiii fTer lor sale, on the list day nf January neit, on the premises, severs! valuable r TRACTS OFi LAND, in Wilkes County, N. p. Tiie several Tracts lay al adjoining and joining the Fort Defiance Tract the residence ol ihe I;tte Gen. Win. Le iiir, Dec Cntaining by esumatiun, upwards i i JB. pl Jf -TIL Mf JX. O Jl A m lyinfon boTb 'sides ofthe Yadkin Jtiver, a large portion of which is first rale, bottom arid will make one r two . i' ' , va TbeJs lands are situated in one ot the most Vtaithy, fertile, and respectable . neighborhoods intthl) Western i part of the btate ; and well worthy the notice of any person desirous of mi kif g i permanent settlement in; this State. .The laousfare extensively productive in al) thV grains, and if is believed, would be first rate for Tobac co, add lhe grasses.'' . , Twelve months credit will begfiven, the pur chaser giving bond w'ub approved security I'er sdCis desirous, to purchase, would d well lo ex arain Ihejands before the day of sale. Imme diie?posfesskm will b given. I'4 : " Reference may be had to Col. Thomas Le ooir,or Gen.' Edmund Jones.whose lauds lay adjo'uliog the above named lands.-. - "T I '1" -l'lii'puniitmVIV f Nov2S, 1839 Primer's fee $6 50 or 50 Dcen nantea. A lGENTLEMANr!ding,in the vicinity JLU.I f balisbory,' wishes to purchase frooi 0 to 50fDee', for wbieb a fair price will ,be paid . - j. A ' t " . I I ' - - ; J, upon ioeliery. i Appiy loinesaDscrioer ai tne Omcf ol iha c-arouna ajrnroaiu. . I - -tayner w.:forkner ! BEVY4RE OCT. SV ILL1AM rEVANS , 1 00 C h 1 1 -ham street avails himself cf ihe ire$ent oc casion to tender his most unfeigned acktrowlete- rnents to the humeroVa rnfembeirs tf sfciety ho (suffering under ?a II the paiiis and iachteS ;lhat flesfTis heir to,) have enrusted themsehrs to h is carel-4 -He b as t ha sa tislaet ioh bl k iw irg from' many hying evrdences,vthat his-rehittiits have, dune theirduty as far as. lies w lib in the compass of human, means.-.! HoWdwtreswhg.u the afflicted is Dyspepsia or Jndigesiioii,'oioj ing all the sources of tbeirenjtiyment ami i a' ing in many instances to -the miseries t run firmed Hypochondriasis I " -Long as it has hn tbe subject of inquiry by medical aethers, it f- mams mmncn oDscorityAp.piexy, oifesss i the Liver kidneys, Spleen Siotnach. and h testings. Bladder and its appendages; Dianb a Lfyseniary.'Liom Mnlios Alus.V perform pris in the drama of ;Morhid Affections. Dr : a n3 hta been Siugnlarly Kticcesaful' io the treatCitnt of the above diseases, ey remedies drawn Iruri njs nwn and the researches of.the most f nunent oiedical men in ihe world." Hehasalsobadvat ejcperieiiee and success thWghorjt .the whu!?. family of delicate diseases, the impure tendr-.- cies of which are aggravated by aiid r'.d in he constitution through the baseconsnirativfi t Mercurial murderers, onprincipled.'onedtcsi d and un practiced, in any art save that of aiien-p- ting o lead the credulous viriim on the -"road, io pin.. Dr E vans! office, IQO Chatham sirei, is suppljed with the choicest remedies frrro hi ti.e and foreign markets, avd componnded by a rsias- tpr s hand on scientific principles - A j hysic;un if always in atiendence; and a private cll'.re. All tbos ..who come there in the hour ot atu, will dd OTP RtidtCiJrd, - - iCPX-iraft COMPLALXT. OF TIW VEJ1RS SMADUVG.-Mts. HANNAH BROWNE, wife of Joseph Browne, N-nh ' Si;xh si j near' Second -stWilliam&burgh, -fil'- .'j c . ii. ' i . 2 . - i t :. i. h r : i. I .. i.. . . (fu tor iu iasi ieu years wim Liver oinpiaii-i, restored to l eallh ihrough the treatment ut Dr. VVm P.yAI?i Sympforns:-rll3bitoal consnpa- tpon ot tb bowels total loss of anpetilej xru- cjiating pain of the epigastric rgiong;eat ilr preision oi spirits, langour and yuT S5 rcptorns oi extreme debility, disturbed sieeiu inordinate. rliw . i . I. 1 ."' ' . a - f S - - a a oi ine menses, paio in me nnt iue, ctoio hut lie on uer leu siaej wiiiiout.an -. aggraraiiorr I (he pain, urine high' coloured,' -with other ri-p-(oros indicating great derangement4 in the iunc iions of the liver. I-. ;vry : 5 Mrs. Browne was attended by ilf ee "of tho first 'physicians," but ' received boll little r i from their mediclhe, tUf wr Browne procort d 6me of .Df Wm Evans invaloable preparaiH i , which effclually relieved her of. the abeve dis iresino sy mptoras,.wilh others, which it is not essential to intimate. i: 1 V; JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New Yctk, ss ? -I Joseph Browhe, Williamsburgh, Long Island , peing'duly sworn, did depose and .say that ik jfacts as set forth, in the , within i statement, t which he hasjsubscribed his name, ate" Just ai.d true. "- -'-:. JOSEPH BROWNE. - i Ilnshand of the said Ham-ah Brow np. Sworn before me, ibis 4 h day of Jarmaiy, 157 JJil Kit rlJUKJEY, Com, of Deeds. tCT'Another recent test of ihe vnritaUed rir ub oft)r IVm Evans" Medicines Dl tiPLP' SM. TJSjV YEAR S S TJUYMA U.-hi J jMcKenZiei 176 Stanton street was afflicted i:h Ihe aboye complaint for ten years, which ircu f)acitated him at intervals, for the period of sin years, in attending to his business, restored lo perfeet health under the salutary treatment cf Pf Wm Evans.-. .; '".'V.; ' fi X- The Symptoms were. A" sense "of distend n pnd oppression afier eaijog; distressing f :iin in jihe pit ol the stomach; nausea, impaired apptiie, giddiness, palpitation of the hf art, great d bili'T jand emaciation, depression , of spirits d'simb d rest, sometimes a bilious vomiiingand pain in the right side, an extreme degree of lar gut r tnd fatntnets ; '-any endeavour io pursue his hs ness causing immediate exhaustion and wt uri lessi i V V . "" vw-""-' i: Mr McKemxe isdaily attending to his Ihm lest, and none of lhe above sympioins hate re ;orred since ho used the ruedieine. He is nv.w ' a t a '-' ft . . a strong ana neanny man. : ue has resoriei io myriads of remedies, but they .were all inf!r ual. lie is willing lo give any information to he afllicted respecting ' the hreatirnahle rwrn-fu tendered to him by the use of Di Wm Etaiii' medicine, . ' ,: ". '-v; : .' i. ' 1 Keal Blessing ity liroUicrs. Dr. Ttrm. Evans, Celebrated soothing ISyrup, for Childrtn Cutting their J it ih AllHa infallible remedy has preserved bun drifds of Childreni wbeHtnongVit past re covery i from convulsions. As soon as the Sy rap is niDoea on me gnms, the child will, reef er. 1 his preparation is so Innocent, so ifiirn- ! . 1 i. ' 1 ''- - . . a a a ""-' j- c'ou! ana so pieasan:, tnai,no child. win iffii-j jo let iiisgtnns be rubbed with it., When ire at the age of foul moiiihs, ihongh there h j appearance of teeth, one 6otile' tf lhe Syr! r enouiu i oe nseo on me gums, ro open ihe p rr fa rents should never he without the Syrcp k. the nursery' where there are yonhe children j i r if a child wakes in the night with pain in tf gum,fthe Syrup "immediately gives eae I y Opening lhe poles and healing lb gnms; fiheit py preventing Convulsion!, Fever, &c ' Proof positive oj the EJfuanj cj Ik. p . jvans soothing Hyrttp, t- To t h e gen t bf Dr E va ns' Soot h i tig S y r e ; ; P.r Sir The great benffitafTunled to my r -ering infant by your soothing Syrup, in a n f protracted and painful dentition, must err.--rince every feeling parent how eemial sn r y application of 'such an iovlnable'riifdif irr ; :o relieve infant ruisery and torture My faot.ywhile teeibing, ,experienre d toch sc bufferings, thai fl was attacked with convn!s jindrriy wifo1 and family ..supposed.'. that tie would soot, release ihe babe Irora angiii.-, t !e procured a bottle of your syrup; which ti f as aj.pl led to tbt gums, a wonderful charf v prod ncd, and after a few applications, the c' . displayed obvious relief, and by contirsnin i ; i ose, am glad to inform you, the child hi" ( pletely recovered and no recurrence of I f i ful complaint has since occurred ; the iff i? emanating easily and iLe child enjoys' r ' health.-' I give you my, cheerful perc: rbake this-acknowledgment public, t' I gladly give any ioformatiun on this circur - -U'Viv - r;-.Wm johno;;. t " . i . " Sold hy Ihe foVcieinz JJgenh. GEORGE W.BROWi Salifetnry, N. (' JOHN A. ING LIS, fBookstore) Che J.H. ANDERSON. Camden, S C. E. JOHN HUGGINS.CcIucbia. S C. W. AL MASON Co., Raleigh, N. C. the TAYLOR. HARRIS fc Cd., CharLite, ;;. n TRANSCRIPT OFFICE. ? T , . - .1 1 4 - i V. V." j. n U' ? i - 1 , -. i s

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