. ! I i . -h;.' a ! 1 I , - l -t I m i fill i ! frf1 -;i Hi j ?i i s; - -1 ' t t i i i i f- j it fim 9rWii.4iblipd hetwewi ihe4 c JJri v.t Kuhifwra iii nmrprful Stale i public gooo nK LinliiUifar tithrinnne iixcu.tve ami M . JI; lilufi-itVftjtst'and fib cumhina- L; 'CTi'llrprtidf banking insiiiutimts and rairhr,ri!,oul l,,e Uni''" io USL Z'1' : Mufi fa 'i'hV.icfwe of taxation and Milln 'orliurplas' revenue; and, ?t,aif and eolation. and are the if f jvastdiwj abroad, and a suspen atb, with the proprK U .q.kji?lif theG. verntnent bung wiihr 'li,utJ pnVate'' use of either banks or Shik " mny kepr by duly !f 4ra8e'ol?i';JIM,-bfe,-,e,n2 as 1 dtv HiflMi I he-jiiiif fiieo t which discussion, fi CXs'fr te.nJ iiawe uiuuiiueu uu iiit? j2ff fTdft ihe sibject; with you. Ii is ff f JL llMFt-nimftb the interests of the flii-liL-niEL0heir;iblei tr public dues. ess of the Goveiament, ade i ;'J:'-. Uii U lUigul'f"! lf,at dissuade' us from m-M bSili io1 the fcoslod? and disburse- rce The LnoLlsIcrednor fr itsdeposites, and in ! 'ifih'fio'e; it holds. They aflbrd the puDiic monejB, attendaht opon tend its discoonts nwea in the bands of a pob- Wf :' Hi' i'h - 'Iv.a pnalA in ila nmn anlto fin lCVlshim, !vo!d i?e to the Government iFllsccyt ? case of failure, the S1WT. I ... , i , with a currency ! that defeats the -objects r they had io fiew;' The remedy for this ini)(sihjefiy' rest with the Stales from whose legisIatiori i:as" sprung., : Ioffobd that might accrue ii.;Hic; ujar case trom the exercise of powers,! not; l or our own. enffaemeafa. and io .id in enrih to the comnonity tharabendani supply f the pretMous metals: which adds 8o much to their prosperity, and gives such increased stability tc all their dealingi , - . t... j a i C i liia country s. commercial as oars, banks 16, seme frm will probablv alwava exist: hut this seryee only to render it the more incumbent bo ously rconfefred on the "General Gat -erfieni; u....utaiiu,!j) me aiscouragementsr the Would authorize its in terference.orjasufy a course patrto strive in our respective stations io miti- that night in the slightest deoree irtcreal at g jte the evils they prodoce : to take from them the expense of the States, the power of ihe tfeoV as rapidly as the obligations of publie faitb and efal authWitiesnor do I doubt that the Staves a careful eonsiderf (ion of the immediate intereits ilill apply! the remedy : Vi thin theil4t!5few of i he community will permMr the onjusi char;- yearsj events have appealed to them tm'strboglj acter of monopolies :,to check so far as maye id be! disrWarded. -They" have seenilhaljthe practicable by prudent legislation, those fempta- Gbnstitniidn, though theorelically adhered to. is lions or interest and i hose opportunity fr their aebvered in pracfice: baf while on Ihe sfatu(e the Qld arid silverfor which Ihcy had pro iouj iuc .-iitiiut;ii ui circulation, ana ; uu jneoj j uu att rerorm ; ana its peculiarly in me nature or oangerous indulgence, which beset ihem on ere books here; is no legal fender bof gold and silver, ry side, and to confine them strictly lo tbe perform no law impairing f he obligations of conifaefsVyef mince of their paramount daty; that of aiding fbaf, in point of fact. th orivileaes conferre J on the operaiions of te(mmerce, rather than cjaoSutti banking corporations have .made lheirtiojtkbe irig their own exclusive advantage; These! and cfiriehcy of ; the :counfry ; that the obligkthius other salutary refojais may, it is believed j be aef imposed bjr these Botes are violated under llhe camplished without the violation of any ofj the im poises of interest or convenience : and f that the numbe - and power of the persons cori)e?ited with these corporations or placed under t$irio flueoce, give them a fearful weight when t Heir interest is n opposition to the spirit of thelCpri' Riifufion arid laws; To the people if is iminlte- rial w hether these results are prod peed by open such abuses a3 we are now eRcounteunsllo seek to frpetuate their power by;l means of the Inflii ence ibeyhave been permittd tdi acgnfre ft s theiresun ifnbt tlu?ir;iiU fewiacj: ascendency over thej many, by seennrig jo iheij i a niohorK)yrof the Currency the medi um tbrouab which most of lithe ; warns, of maad kind, are suppliedto produce throughout socie ty a chain of dependence which leads all classes to look io priviledged associtbns for 'the means of speculation and extrayagajpee-jto fiourtsb, in -l '' -'j ''' J-'-'-. 'i ). ;, . .-. l - - i ' j ' .- --.-. , "h .; ;"r-v-r t. x ''.-H is. FRIDAY FJX;X lAR VallMOIJ; . 3h - REPUBLICS fmiG CJJWWJTES. 4 ?' FOR mKS1PjOTt'.iW- preference to the manly virtues that give dignity WTF T.T A Tlfs tJ 1J VlJTDTCftV to human nature, a criving lideeirl&luxu'ioos Y A V J1' URIIISON, enjoyment and sadden" ;jwealth; which renders "i;J. v4 ??IOs; '-iKlV. ' M ucui veuiuucui vu iiiuao- w uu 8- I great principles of the social compact, the obser tance of which i indispensable to its existence; r interfering in any way with the useful i and profitable employment of real capital. - I k , - Institutions sol framed have existed and still exist else where,1 giving to commercial intercourse all necessary facilities, without inflating oi de- I violaionB if Hp lfpr .r h fLo Bu.iinfri f preeiating the currency .'or stiniolaUng specula- system of which the result is the same, i -An In- they have proiection i . r B - t.' 's i m"iwjc ecuiiun eten ui cue existing statures j was necessarily me gained ihe surest guaranipe foi their I of most of the r States would red resamanyferils a people so en light no eocouragemeni in me gooa ni oi now endured ; would effectually show fhe hanks United States. In supjply themtoj sabstitata: br Republican siov plicity and economical 'habijta a sickly appetite for 'effeminate indolgence, iind ahr imitation !of that reckless extravagance jfvLich; empovenshed and Enslaved the mdastrio6s people of foreiarn lands ; and at last; to fix bpon Jos, instead of j euai r poiiucai riguis, ine arquiauion 01 which was alike the object and supposed reward of oorj Revolutionary struggle, a system of exclu sive riri vi JegesT con ferred bjl partial j legislatidn. To re-move the influences which had thus sradv ually grown op aoioDg os4-to deprive thenj bf their Jeceptire advantagea-ito test ; them by the light lof wisdom and truth-lto oppose U he force which they concentrate in their support all this work of timeJeyen amonz ned andj pure as that of the FOE TICt FEESIDERT, JOHN : TYLER, ?;WsrO GOVERNOR ; CHIN M. MO REHEAT), ;- OF GUILFORD CiJ3riT.----v.w; thecomrt.unily.: ; Among a people 60 just as ours 1 the danger of mismanagement which iinirihify it lar course. The idirect supervision of the banks corporations the useful lessen that tbev are 'tbo often! belongs lain nte mniions .iliidiildlfee ALi tit IjMipii the dar ger of inconvenience ii.kP'i:eblM .Vn'relia ifoable; pressure opon v:UWkJ:WIoeej urgeo as otyecuons io rer me uei es unifies we i may nt of specie in ihe couelry at ol dollars, and the portion of employed at any one lime stVg rfeM'slfod otsbufsements of the lovem- .o r wetrortosed cbanee- were road" at wlAdiwil il is bow, after fuller iovestiga- it; fLa J rJi ill: If in" fw-ffeEVefl.' :reru iuiti u1111c1un11u119.11 jiliiHif6lsuM seTera' 'years would Ansfl before 'that jsujn would be required, with 4(aar oitfliijfsib the nnean time to alter fhe ItiVhlu dfxfienpfe prove it to be oppressive linwrlfnlnfTI'iif portions of the commu M ottMilelbwness trie change would imme liefep j15 euecisiwouiu oe in inejjieasi - .J' " . ?-. ' '. 1 , - J i.f it n tbe payrse r fljheasisrj to them! 'qtanpi a could only be accomplished , through that se- .' - a ' ' l! - .. . 1- ! - : 1 revoiuuonarymovemenur, wnicn are too ffinnd nMocc'f In dffaft an! arm I f.il . .11 I - I ( m . - - - . " " : M ..bWW-.AWI W W J. WW ... ..... .from Ibej nature of oar iGoverntnentitb (tabjects ofifhe law and the servants of h ripn-1 radipil VufXrrw km i tiik rnk;ii merit ?hf (hflMllM tnhri llhnriTi I hcrr. ' ll ia (n ikbir .. i IVk&t-u .1:11 .: .cr. fl.i l. f !. ' . .. ' 1 ' -. " . . -." ' 1 v' iibi, is Miii wbikiiiij lu tfiiprs ; tiiese ou- luur inaiiiniinna. .hat in v orost mil nnnricn in Legislaiares. that the; people must mainly look Jects bosflbe sought in additional legislation t or, the viast majority of bur oeoble. Vaisrlosition and 13 W are aotbprtse4 to announce Cot j R. VVv LONG, as ItiCindfdata for the Office of bberitf, Jor the Uoonty ol Kowan, at the next . !v;-v. trip' We are authorized to announce JOHN roost otbrcoantrie perhaps, fARDIE, asVcandidate for Sheriff, at the i?. - election. jslrt like nisnncr he says ef "the '. Per r. .; traaia Bank !.?; . ,;.- '." Inthe recent events which haV t .r l r -. y illastrated ; ihe certain effects' of h-s? t i Me have seen the bank of the Urost rr.ii:i the tyiiion; establiiihed' Onde'r a National c t; and lately strengibened, aVwewere auii tively iofurmed. bt exchanein? that lor a : j charier, with oew and unusual privileges . conaition uw. at it was said, of enttie or. ' nil great prosperity not merely unat!e f ? sisf these effects, but the firsffu yield fo fhe.n. Nowthis is mostldeteatably jc?uit!r ! : Tlii i Ban k Was note s tablishetl tional charter. It Was notVraade siren; than ihVold bank bv hs SuTe citarter. p' ' anybody autlioritaiivel) infbrracd Mr. Buren so, thev told him an untruth v. . i lie knnws to he such, and lie ought to ! scorned lo make use of it in the eijsu log election. for action on . that subject. But as the conduet If that he tional grari inadequate, in such further j cbnltifo- a power peaceably to remedy abuses which have Its or restrictions as mav brint' nfi back I eteewhere canaed th TnJ..n nf river nf hlnnd: lar . ...... f ti- I k Jl. f-''. . .it ' I ill:lJt I J-.'l .f . - 4 . . ..1" T".- 1 s - m punrciiui. luuugii ivw i inni no piii iiuti wuicn we nave so wiueiy ? miu ine sacnace ol tnousanss ot tne numan race. i . . ; I n life result thus far is most honorable to theseir meantime, it is the doty of the Gener- 1 denial, the Intellisehce, andlthe pairiotism of out of Ihe Federal Government in the management tif its revenue has also "; : powerfut thoush km immediate infloebce tfpon them, it becomes bur j SraiideredJ duty tp see that 4 proper direction is given to it, In ! the mea iirL:i ' 'i "-.- . . - '- t !f h: t . - r e . t i a . . " - v - rs m . . a . ' i . i - : vvnye me Keeping ot tne public, revenue in a al Uovernment to co-operate with the Jbiates, citizens it justifies the confident hope that they Cabarras coontT. are tet to be examineJ. l t tt . ! ...:. :. - ;" ?:i .l t :ii ! -. i --i : !.- il t I ii ... ? " i- r , . i - - wj a wwB-eierciBB oi us constiiuiionsi Dowpig. i win carrv.inroum ine retorm wnten nas oeen so I - - . .i; ,s - ' ' l ... ..' . T, ,t r - . . Ceyeiufenfi Not! Goilty w No. 3, his been received, bnt cannot be attended to this ?.." ..i. l .1 i !.. wees, in consequence oi ine great lengu: oi ine Pfesldent Message.! The reply, to Cyphoo w excluded on aiie same account. A commumca tipa from a citizen of Salisbury, and another from separate and independent Treasunr. and of col reeling it in gold and silver, will have a salutary influence on the! jsynem of paper 'credit with which all banks are connected, and thus aid those that are soundand well managed, it will at the same time sensibly check such as are otherwise, afforded by the public fundstand restraining them by at once withholding the means of extravagance and tbe enforcement of its existing laws. I The well becrnn.' and that thevl will bo still farther xtent to (which it may do so by further enaet- than! they have yet gone t'4 tllastrating the tin pents, I have already adverted to, and the wis- portant truthi that a people! as free and en light om of Congress may yet, enlarge them. 1 Butr eoed; as ours, will, whenever it becomes necessa- above all,! itiis incumbent upon-a to hold erect J ry, show themselves to be indeed capable of self- he princijples of morality and 4aw, constantly ex oyernment byvolontarilyadbptibg appropriate I sige of President Van Buren. Except the aternents concerning our foreign relations, tnerNavv and the Indian War. which .are ns of extravagance 1 ecutino our own contracts in accordance with (he 1 remedies fur everv abuse, and scbmiitinr to tem. I from excessive issueis of note which they would provisions of the Constitution, and thus serviner oorarvsaerifieea. however fo-featJto insure their i i. ki w.r.sinnll' m1I'a1 t- . J J, - i I I . II Jt' - . . t . i ' t f 5 -. V I ' ' . . ' 1 i i I i it uowuauii; wiiru u(iuu u iciceiu. j. j f i as . b rallying noini ov wmcn our wnoie country i permanent weiiare. !.. 1 I1 . ' ' 'i m f t '. I m M .PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. , I f -. '-.'! - j y- 'i' jWc give to-day ithe long expected Mes- - t -3 I . 1 I ' I it , I am aware ft has been orged that this control may ,be brought back to that safe and lionoied -V My own exertions or the furtherance of these ' passing brief, the Message is hoihing but a may be best . attained apd exerted by means standard. ; : j. i desirable objects have beenii bestowed throughout trlaise uaon the snbiect of Finaricft land of a National Bank. c The constitotional objecf Our people will not long be insensible M the my official career with a Jeal thai is nourished - i I T 1 ! . tions, which 1 am well known" to entertain, xtent of jthe burdens entailed upon them by the by ardent wishes for the Welfare of my country, f11111 , A "e , burthen of -this paper is would prevent roe in any event frooa proposing jalse system that has been operating ori thjeir and jby an unlimited reliante on tne wisdom that slill to urge upon Congress the ofl i eject or assenting to that remedy ; but in addition .to ijsanguinel energetic, and industrious character ; marks its ultimate decision! on all jgreai and con- yjjBttBJTaEioRTr-;Veheme ;"-thii''' wrtnlf! this I cannot,; after past experience, bring my- ihor to ihe meanS necessary to extricate theb- troverted questions. Impressed with the solemn HM -r v ; t " wr self to think that it can anv lonorer be extensive- 4f1vei frrim tbpa mlMirjiNmnis Tb aVinht nKt:.it. ;mnneai nnnn k iiiJ flrvneiiimirin esem to a man of common sense like utter .W I I ,- . , - . .1 .... 1 digr.:;. .. place winch , he orcopies. ; Such an a 1 v ; much in tho strain of a y . s newspaper o be used c?en in a decent T ern club. It is the bumbtig that the in v. onjlerjof politicians have used to g.ll t' extremely ignorant. We have in no ci! "L.-l - ".t i'- : : t t instance seen sum an f xiracruinary vc; ture from the dignity of his alaiion in T Van Buren. tizens, madness, but Mr. Ivan Buren says 1 f JL ' I ' tt -i 1 ' --- t ht -j- . I ave oeen u.. t inin r..n. HOO EUl IIIIV l.'UI that it with the people, and nt,Of dutiei, whicb cqpstitute by ly regarded as. effective for such a purpose. This which presses upon a large portion of the people (desirous also of laying before my a!Iow-ci rirtrllnn nflthA rornnno. nr I hitirv nf tho 1 Into' fValinnnl rtt"r.t- ihrhnnh nil I nA tUa SSi.ia. Ioax ... .w... JU :n 4 I :. i is j .. Jl I " " " w. I .j ...w j .n.mh. ufu ....v.uK.. I )uu IIB Wia'CO) 19 au cuuiiiiuus ucu, luicigil ouu I Will) WmvSU CUIIIlUDUCe al'M uplJ"l . WJCU I (T-tt : i . ; i : . . . . . z i . -. . i .... i rn t .... n . I ..... . . . r ; : . . ... wtw t w ... w w . ' . . . i. v kvv uili ui.u suerieuirqui iorign com mis- i us ujuianoua snows mat u was noi so. un uie i qomesticj ine lojreign deot ot our Klates, cor- I go highly honored, such measures as appear, to i Li r r .! . ' , jreiitsbf foreign manufacturers, contrary, it may after a careful consideration of Iborationsi and men of business, can scarcelvibe me condueive to their Dr&speritf-Und aniibos V?.refo,ei: jigaita -presses it. By wAaf alttKfi3 consigned to them generally, Ihe subjest, be, I think, safely stated, that at ev- Jess than two hundred mil liens of dollars, requir- to submit to their fullest colsideratiiniliegrouiids Ukfys he baVbeeh enabled to arrive at this Mfrtfollgjujrlpa !D ll1' lhAHaf I N mH lhan len lions of. .ollarslaearjio upon which my opinions kre-fbrined, I have ;on Jonclusion, we are! it a loss to oerceivel Is .l&4lJn,nlbWre9Ubroad lo specie or its eauiv- that in 1817. and in 1818. in 182S. in 1831.and lav the ntereat. This nm has to te nsid but th;0i , nr.n.Hin rtr4.9omnW. fr.el, nfiferaH ;sumui - fw ' - J " T i.tT ' I j a - I p- '. - I'l r T - f.-r- . 7- ua-a io w v viwiv-j I 0 I ' M . ii. 'rui. c it. i!mrril r J..t. ao .tnr.l.j :nl;n iCt4 ii. .) .vi..nr.;nn (.H..j k. i;.i.rv I .r it.. ,. i r A . i . I . . .. .(. j i.i:J I il frnm tn nnnstahtlv rliminiBhinrt miinriltr niif i aiiiiiv .iiwuiit vi uui3 ouuuiu, in i im i ., aoi vu4H3iuu,iuiiuitu ui uisncw i ji mo oaiaji ;o ui me cuuuii v. Buu luusv oi iicccss- i m v views on muse noinis oi aotuesito puiicy iuat i ? vw . -f u , so retained in specie, can hardly ing Contractions; lied to those of the Statelinstf Ity cut off imports to that extent, or plunke the Ueem. at the nresent time, most I nroln!nen,tl?!tli -iVil the House of Representatives !of, xrhtnh be madela matter ol cornplamt. Our own im-I tutions. It swelled and maddened the tides of country more deeyty in debt from year to year. rtaoire the action of the Government. I know, . . ; Jl irlt-'JU.li. t- I. J . .t-C j T . I l.i-L.-l :..ii.-.ii :.: i :i ..iJ li. J . . . I . r .- i - I . : . ... - . - II - ! i s 'L . . !. . i i HsuiDtr iDercnanis. dv wnum ina resiaue or ine i ine oanKin? svstem. nui se aom auavea.or sais- i 1 1 is easv iu see inai ine increase or m.8 iuftin i thi then win ratvn tnhm i;nr.rrrp$:a that inin rV'-.B .-.-.T .. 1'-: . " Trf . I O 1. ' .i :- . . : I iT . Ji .. T . .1-- 1 I M, .livi " " - S- -i . "tl .1 '- . , . .- 1 ! . . . . .- Metis bitrJiareJiipt OnH peculiarly interested 1y direcred Ihemi - At a few periods only was a debt most augment the annual demand on.the ex- and able consideration which the importance of iforn tne late uemonstraiions in tne empire cqrjency, which the mea- I salutary control exercised, but an eager desire, Spurts to pay Mr. Bynum spokethe other day ? ! Or :re in i qlie?iitiiiil especially promote, bat are, I on the contrary,; exhibit for profit in ; the first I diminish m$wm uwqw cqjineir oeaunga. pest apie to if iiim iri I -be beeded, and to procure wiie:t diiStcltlor .sacrifice. Resid gJ;iiniHrsaII jn.places where, the hl'L'Gnkko in..'. V5. WLl'i ' f. f A' -nk.vA'lli-i jl.fla nn.J 1 tsmimc t iv.-v.ti vu av nucip iio uians usou .il.VlaontxIjSri, if disbursements must place; and if, afterwards, its measures were se- enlargement vere to wards other institutions, il was because its l lqoent increase of interest, must be the dpctepe own safety compelled it to adopt them, j It did ( the import trade! In lieuof the comforis which . . : -, I 'a 1 . " . ' r ja J I . ! a" ' . ..... r . ' .'.r- ! ( . not diner Irom tnem in principle or in rorm : its now pnngs us, we mint nave our otganuc measures emanated from the same spirit of gain; j banking institutions, and splendid, but, inmany it felt the same temptations tooveris9oes ; it sut- instanced, profitless, railroads and canals a bsor - 9 mm '. .-I ' i. -I S-l pnoiitrste,tkey have evjery opportunity to ob fered from, and was totally enabled to a?en,tnqse ping to a:grea. extent, in interest opon trw capi- g- p5dsfex)ti ip placeof specie, should it be inevitable laws of trade, by which it was itself al borrowed 10 construct tl?em, the saiploXfrpits .Rm si WW flrir winattrlebh equally affected with them: and at least on one of nationkl industry fu years to come, an! aedur 7 perate will tend to promote the j December 2. 1839.1 elfare of tbeUnion. i r AN BUREN. Mm baoijs ataoy one Yfaf half j-;Bnd Wihlf 4 Wr lie collector o com- qlh increase i;lfrni4fromt1ie fact that, of nearly ItWen-1 supervise. In 1837 it tailed, equally with bihers, jbt this debt that relief is to be sor.ghi, Ixit m its ii.i:Ti:. !'! f .!- i : .! i - . ' I. - . . . . .. . t .. . i ji .1 it ii.:. :. .1 . 1 i uiuii3 i4KVHii ifaiu lucuiieuiurs ani lHftf4r inlpresentvea-r. the average 2. .L.v. i '.r ' .' . ' - i . i II - . . I'.' . j '. .. :il i i. .1 1 lime nas not exceeded I pired, a large aoouni or wnicti remains to me I return oi connaence aoroaa, wmcn winyroauif of the fifteen millions I present time quistandina. It is true, that hay- I the states to borrow more money, as in aenange ; New York alone dur- I ing so vast a capital, and strengthened by the use j ff publicjfeeling at home, winch prouipts our jeo- earl the average amount held I of all the revenue) of. the Government, it pos-1 pie to pausa in. their career, and think f.f Mie draft iluring each week, has I sessed more power; but while it was itself, by limeans by which rfebts are to be paid befrieStheY 'half: a mi 11 inn. I that eirmimstanrJeL freed from the control Which I are contracted. If we would esirane emhariaiss- ips (saety of! the operations of the all banks require, its paramount object and irj- tttent, puplic and private, we mast ceaseyip tun fp1Wgrie' bablie -rooney'are pro- ducement werejiet the same to make the most In debt, except for objects of necessity, lor, nchj as 1 rll illppltcation f its Owri drafts Jo the for its stockholdbrsj not to regulate thecurrencv IvillivieJd a certain return. Let -the faiilh of he . t..i;i'E? it,. vt'iim.' - w ..' - - t " i . . ' - -r r i . i ..... . :.?.. ; . ;Wml,he objection arising from havina I of the canntrv. Nor has it. as far as we are ad I htaies. corporations, and individuals, already ofiistnding might be obviated, and vised, been found! trbe greatly otherwise! else- pledged. e kept with ihe most punctilious jegatd no afford tp merchants and banks where. Thej National character given jlo the It' is doe to our national character, as fjla t. heifef ah' IpmiltfJllpnf fnr ensnia tnrl n Rani, nf T?nirtr.rl haa nnl nrovonfoH 'ATPfiivA IllStlcP. 1 hat thi& should On the Darl ff enCh be A !rJ lIVIessen tfie amount actually re-1 fluctuations in their currency, and it proved una- fixed principle of conduct. But it behoJvfspi- I Stilt iSci ! n.'i.r.Tln;n.. r.:i1 .11 I .!.." I Lt. 1 . , CC ah litiinn.M.IAia K.rnnnla I -alt "ti mi,tl.,lll.ta In t .! Oft fT 1 1 i I 1 hoTt-ft f tt4 t ill! My, H 'ft, f I - tt- rn rrn I J i i ; . 1 'I SUBStliURS "BTS AVE just receiyetjtand offer for sale JUL But small ;as is the administration rity in the House, even that cannot be rallied on this favorite measure of " deliv- trance " ; The New York loco-focos dare t0-t go for the harq money feature, and Mr. 6alhoun's division! will not fight for i the measure without if. Our own man from tliis district, though non-committal in ev ery jibing else, i unequivocally pledged tso his constituents ;gainst the Sub-Treasu- ifv with or-wilhouti the hard money clause. !We do not intend either a review of this Ibhg and prosing argument or a reply to it, yt to one or two statements we woulu di et the attention of our readers. One of e most remarkable is, that twenty-two Wholesale or if tail, M J lowing tf thte twenty-seven. foreign govern Maeltftirnl&nitA ih "MI;Mt:... . .tt:.i J- I i-..j 'tA fNijNinLi-ii:-! :i. i'.' r. . f .. I . . . . I'HUIiaSf'S- Trnt When marl Ann -nnnnl. I InH nrha nhnnM ; . , "I . - - 7 y " r 1 av aa Uiuuo I. II QIIVtQia" I II II VI V. U T OIIIJIJIU; we exnect it to be otherwise? .--t- . . a- - r ; -i - . . t ! !lWSeoeral."bdt ein?ie transactions. A national institution, though deriving its char- I exislinsr bbti?ations. buvinff less and sellipg more TJ "k.- i" 1 ' i - I t ' I I . v- i . ff i. O C w . , ; :( , ... rip ypf?!lW the ieape person ; andrit is a ter from a different source than the State banks, I and managing: all affairs, public and priajewith. - . . . - . - . . - a. a .. llliu u. u.Hi MUlllJfcf. I t& , l . bUU.bllulbV yvvil ..aw 9WUIW piliivllIV9 . a a. a .i.v a.-fl'uui f w.a. m 7 1 W, fJK -sQn4 hanks have been re- 1 conducted by men equally exposed lo temptation; country foon recover from a temporary! depirefs- r ''!U.nore iaft ai mnietv nf thpcA Mimnta I and 10 iiihia tri thi MitiA Hussaipra with thp an- I ihnJ unsinor nut trum natural and nermanent can ' rnad in specie, bein? a lar- rditional disadvantage that its magnitude occa-J esj but from those 1 have enumerated, and ad- J ;'.i r l -- I.- J r .t , . : . I j - .itri.' oijimari 'fflubarltftr.! lit tt n '. i-iiilif k kA ..N..1..J '. I n...". -tws4 f ..a .... ..- .nit iti.tiksii n.V.iy.k I la... n?iU vrn.aiif. wirvnr in lior a r r rvT. n r ri! ' .'" f ' iiP S " t V "vui itavo JCUUIICU!IU I SlUUB au CAlCllk Ut i CUllluaiUM IM UIB.IC-i) niJIVll f native niiu icutnsu in nvi v.ivvi.yi9'iw- flVett li!MlUl;rf U.Jl-.: A J .t.. I-ii-. ..Li. - i i f..:. 1 : ; , rliijf I - "yi iuo yiauuauuu proposes. -, i .1 ine mismauagiinijo oi Kioaiier iiianiuiiuus cuuiu r peuij.. . i m!fer i principle.Jhan whibh none is not produce, ft ban scarcely be doubted that the j I Ifortuiiately for us, at this moment, When Ihe nearly a quarter of a cenluty. By ceasing to run in debt, atf applying the sur f j plus of our crops and incomes to tne discharge oi experience, that the supplyof I recent suspension qf the United States Bank of ) balance bf trade is greatly against os aed the GOO Si 737 Psbrown and ibleachedl Jlomestics 16 do.: Apron Chejrks, 26 do. Bed Tirkiig, 40 do. black and colM Cambrics, 10 dozen Cotton flandkerchiefs, 3A pieces Kentucky Janes,; : S do. red and green Flqnnel, 167 Twilled and Di fflr Blankets, j 25 pieces plain anl rh-ckpi Linfeys, i 44 do. black an colM Merinoes, 1 416 do. Fancy Prints, !! !' v ! 18 do. grey and blue mixed SattinettsJ i 50 leu's and Boy Seal tjipsi: I is V? eiits, with whom he has cot responded, have adopted the Sub-Treasttry scheme. Who those twenty-two foreign governments ire, whose examples are recommended to 08 ao imposingly, we cannot tell exactly, ut if he has confined himself to the mre Saddlery t.?.r i"?wa,r w'" always oe iouna aoeqnate I Jrennsyivania-troi wnicn ine euecis aie ieu ooi i uiuicuny oi meeting u euuxncea oy tueuwium Ifle l. ! .l .L . . . i rfi. I . ... .o... -t ? ' . t ... i li- .l J n!.i I .;... le . up. : . .l-I . .. n I "if" "i ' ne7 are req uireo. i ney in mat oiaie aione, oui over nan me ivnion.- -o s.iaie 91 our roouey auairs., me oouniiespjrrov- mrier Whepe no other currency is had its oiigin ipk course of business commenced (dence have come to relieve us from t!he consp- He'ksl. I tititiWr taflep wei? sma'! notes while it was almitional institution ; arid there is uences U past errors A faithful application of lii'W t'ii?. 'ref eupply their place, no good reason; for supposing that the same con- the immense results of the labors of lbe last sea- . ir60 their hidintr nlaeea hv Snntr cn. cpntiencea would, not have followed, had' it still son will afford narlial relief for the nresbof. end Ii li,el'0 comnonity Tsbon derived its powers from the GeneralGoierhmeht. perseverance in the same course will, in dpe Ict.'-I.sH 'faft?ciefat quantity for ofdinary ll is in vain, wjhen the influences and: impulses ion, accomplish the rest. We have Kadj U riTiknlV0 -ana. other public dura have are the same. ;.? winuicu s lit rain --.it..... 14 sea full to look tor a difference in conduct I experience, 10 times past, of tne extraordinary re- vr -Ji f"" 7,tuouj serious inconve- or results. , uyaucn creations, we ou mereiore suns wnico can, in inisjrepeci, oe orougni auuui v has'l ht rfTire depreciated paper bat increase the mass of paper credit and paper in a short period, by the united and well cirect 'iTi' years, and this, with currency,' without checking their attendant evils ed efforts of a community like ours. iOur sor- e lime, and fluctuations.! I'he extent of power and the plus profits, the energy and industry of qnr popr twspen- I efficiency 01 orgranizauon wnicn we give, so tar 1 otatton, ana ite wonaettui advantages r wuicn from being benencial, are in practice : positively Trovidence has besiowec upon our country, in injurious, lite? strengthen tne cnainjoi de-mis climate, i's various prortucuons, tnaespensa pendence tnrougnout tne u nion, suoject an parts more certainly lb common disastexand bind ev ery bank more effectually, in the -first instance, to ihose of pur cjomercial cities, and, in the end, to a foreign power. In a word, I canbol bul be lieve that, withtbe full understanding of; tbe op erations of our banking system which experience 350 6 pieces Het Anchor Bolting .Cloths, j ' -ALSO' : i -I ' Bonnets. Hats. Shoes! D -:. ... i n. n : -is. riated Ware, Uardware,Udtlery, Queens ware, Glass "Ware, &4 together - with; a general assortmeni oi 11 wtjua 01 .uuuus .. ... . ii . i . i which will be sold lower than I they eye have been. . ' ' ; J - - i !i I Ti . If J. Si W. MURPHY4 Salisbury Jan. 3, 1840 2m23 Respectable the Autocrat of Russia and the eathen Turk are probably -on the list of is correspondents: at any - rate, we; are warranted in saying, that not one of them Ids yet adopted hat great palladium ol lib- trial by Jury , not more than four not. H. C. JONES Has removed his Law, r five of them have constitutions, and none I fthem pretend to-claim a Republican form of Government. As to the smaller govern ments of Europe, whose Dukes or Princes I an barry their revenue in their breeches docket, we cannot suppose they have been Consulted. At any rate, we protest against Ihe whole reference. Enlightened , States men' in pplh hemispheres have been, con- L sta nil v boirftiinrtorour system as a mode Office to tbebujlding htely oecupiefj H a mogl w()ndeifn, retrograde for an A- li'ItUwFl't V V 77 rootnent, the re rpts tftd (ftsbaremenU of ih n, fi!tl fei--7 ftbUre Portion: of f "iTlfrs-tfflw 'e suggests aeoartntA ttllw It -.Ji .'-..v.;. .. i ..:.u -.,-. Ipief n f again reijeemed flle'tlk llr-ili tt-il .1.1. ..:- t.tJ.s-1 ili iL I " " T- 'v"" ' a mjiioii uorcuon kit I MP' 1 i . '"llll. ltVH" HUM lmJ A lb t"Mitver jin all public transactions, m uu auurenensinn inai a suroius U .. : f Ii ' T . . 7 by Mr. M. Brown as a famil residences next door to his Store near the CurtjHoUsei Mr. JonesVoffice is in the end of the build. ing, next lo the former Pogt0ffijc6. j rinf k1 -. sir-. mki'i"L" r ryOH'y njtghywithdraw a large portion D I W f i$ olation, kind lock it up un profitably ll 'kiyiv f "'8 Ml. wouia not, in mj opin fllUr110 Pf ? en t such a n i neon ven ience HM tbe. authentic statements li ' 1 jk om,lteH 10 J00 ,n regaro R"!?W'0t m; the nob e Treasure at 1 run wufh i- ts . - -.!! t - j - w vma i T.4 ' . - V fT t3L rn K... . . 4SdiS' 1M,f r"11 w 'any ctrcura- irl'Vpt-1? -Wxt? ninry from this l .M'Ji.Ithe eubiecf a kll h. ttntt iWmSW Wf"WP be We ausv kS"p Pfn; jadoptkm of all ble to otiher nations, will, in due lime, afford a iundantlmeans to perfect the most useful 111 those objects; for which Ihe States havebeeo pfpnging themselves of late in embarrassment and debt , without imposing on ourselves or our cbiJdien oeh' feajrfdrburdeos. ' f Rlit lKt ll -ka lM.iJ.af lt1 AffiAWArl All All Vla jlju it. w iuucihij ciigiavcu via uut uiuiu Salisbury, Jan. 3, SAO - " r" ' v'.-j,,TT fwwpno oi au ine few oanKS men existing were iq swe :' l4l-'i(' St 'ft ':-' . ' .- . ..- '. '. 1 t. . .'."-". Ic-'"'--x--v : ' ' ' f i ' , has produced, pobhe sentiment is not less opposed I that relief is not to be found in expedients.' In to the creation of a National Baok for purposes debtedness cannot be lessened by borrowing more connected with currency and commerce, than for tabney, br by changing the form of he;debti th( eoooecteiWiih the fiscal operations of the fThe balance, of trade is not to be turned in our ("T.ern?nent ,.i)y. ;sSX -. favor by! creating new demands upon' iiisabroad. r the comtaerce and currency of the coon- Our currency canaqt be improved by the creation try are suffering-evils from the operations of the of new. banks, or more issues from , these which ptate banks wb.ich-caunot and ought cot to be I pow exist. Although these devices sometimes overlooked. ' J&j their means, we have been flood-1 appear to give temporary relief they almost to ed with a deprforated paper, which it was eVt- srariablyi aggravate the evil in the end. It it on- dently the design, of the framers of Uie Const i- y I by retrenchment and reform, by Curtailing tution to prevent, wj;en they required Congress public and private expenditures, by paying our to " coin money and regulate the value of for. debts, and bv reforming bur bankintr svsteim. that etgncdns,'! an when they j forbadej the Slabs $v are io expect effectual ' feliefrsecuriiy for the $ to coiormoneyemit bills of Ctedit, make eioy futbrei ind an endorig prosperity, liishaping tUrig but goland silver Vtender in pay ment of the inslStutions and policy of the Geneaf Got-.- debts," or V pass any law impairing the obli&a- fernment so as to promoted as far as it! can with tien of contract" ? If they did not guard morel its limited powertheeeimportantj.ends.you vApjiciiij. agaiqsi ine preru cic yt tuiugs, u i may ret was Decause they could not navejniicipaiea that tlie few banks tbenf existing were to swell tban 1 A y on my most cordial co-operatiiMis .Tha there should have been, in ihe pngress of recent events, doubts in cnany qaafters, and degree n sboie a heated opposition to efvry change, can Just ISeceivctlMnd for 8alc JVIwlesalc n IZeinilj 75 Kegs Nails, assorted-sizes: , A 800 Bars Iron lifto 2 inches wjde. 2000 lbs. Spring Sjleel O .500 lbs. Am'n. Blister do. 1500 lbs Bar Lead t .15 Kpgs Po w der," -24iHhds. Sugaril ? 1 60-Bacs Cofleei 1" 100 Kegs W hue Lead, j 1 5 ' Coils Rope, ; K? r: 20 Pieces Bagging. T r ; 40 Boxes Glass B by 10. ulo. -dev 1 0 by 12, 40 5 Nov a Scotia Urindstpnes, i 240: Bottles Scotch Sri ? iff; Salisbury, Jant 3;I340 "Is-v is i i. or the government of man, and it would il aOXiD, SX&V23ZX! 1 i-K AI7B COPPEB; bieritaji Congress to adopi the forms of the fcprrnpl and tottering principalities of En rope and Asia. ', It is wonderful that an lArneirican President should appeal to thern. Hie Sub-Treasury may do where the un faithful Financier can be punished wilhthe boc ttring or th0 Anof at the command of a: tyrant upon the mere suspicion of a de falcation : but . when there are so many jlcbances for your Swat woui's and Prices to ia&e tftipping just before they are found out, and to be"winked at by your Woodbu r.ys after they are discovered, that ihere is wide difference In : the cases. Besi-1- ... - ; - this the most of jthese governments l4te no bank notes, so that it is no bu"nen t( say tneir 'dvea must be paid sPec,e ll 1Uioi.ir ttx United States Bank, tfeeira dree of sophistrjr ; and decep tjorriltmustf strike the attention of the fist obsmanttbus, because the old bank tSiid rireero notes, after the suspen- ) jThe Fayetteville Obsetver requests t Western Carolinian to gite the autlicrh upon which it asserts that Gen. Ilarri is an Abolitionists. . The Observe j !; himself if the Carolinian will do so, to babdon Gen. Harrison at once. We v do likewise, and so will the whole S t Sol let the Western ; Carolinian conrtp t and give ns his authority. It was the Cf "paper to raise the, charge after Gen. 1! nson wag nominated, and, we have a r to ask cf himjo bring forward his pr 'Win do nt t perceive that either the Gl or the Enquirer or the Standard have" copded this charge,: so our Townsman. ' have ihe whole glory of the victory tf ! succeeds. ' j . - '" - - I THE WHIG CANblDATE.; The,nbminaliob of Gen1!. Harrison has dueed a much greater sensation lhan we ha ! : tiei paled. We are now satisfied thai he will far more available than Mr. Clay wouIJ 1 been. It needed only a little brushing up cf ; old hero's history to. restore hi to to the grat remembrance of his countrymen. If Gen. 1! risen bad nothing but military qoalificatior commend bira,we would be the last to go f r S .'. bat his 'excellent understanding, manly vin and exeeedintrlv amiable character, rcint hi:'. " ; a . ....... ' us as the man whom tbe times require. ! The following remarks of Mr. Profit, a r member in Congress, we think remarkably able to the occasion, and we beg leave to c , ihem. - . The speech of Uu gentleman from & C olinat' f.Vr. Pickens) (these inneu docs a' vifl.t-'i'.u.if.asf.w ...w Mfi.M. . . a j v. j Hon of the community Against tfte other,) j bill the fag end of a Democratic; slump rl .iJuVfc t0 fJilr.- PrnfTil) harl Jieard fire. Int'n', ftoie in the West delivered to a dozen men i barn. But the .gentleman! did not thvror:: ' understand the traded he teas but a poor .; . - A man. He had, left out the wity essence of a j,'1. specch-r-thc '? rvffie $hirt$--'tKc sdk ftcrhin-, moneyed aristocracies -Jick DildU, aw! bqnks." He (MrWrofiti) covld make a fibiea fceffer slnnp speech hfonsdf The srt ' man knew nothing abovtit.: . - Welt miglit gentlemen feet alarmed on t : mulls of && flarrtiburgCqnveiitiia ; . notie said, as he hud on a former toccant . J fAe vroceedinzs of that Convention word-1 fek through every :par cf lliis-courttryr ftaq oeen jeu aireaay. , j nc nuimnuiwri made would become the choice of fte Pecplc ; wotM carry every thing before it ; os well you attempt to slop the tornado as to an t : I progress of that nomination, ' The States t West one after the other .would comevp I mark; and would make tlieir voices tingh iri the ears tftfiose who sneer at Willi am 1 h tv ; Harrison and the log cabin cctvl I ' Time was when that candidate exposed I, t ; where some oj those who now sneervu n would not have dartd to show their heads - m I Thamesat the river Uaiin-at Tipprctm Roars of laugMerover and over axaut the best blood of ', Kentucky could endor statement. . .jT ... . We Had been told of a combination ofhn. fluenceinthe Hdrrisburg Convention, a-;( tdng worse had been left behind for Jmr t might be rtfuted. Combination indee l ! 7 tt?a one jcombinalion of which he was vi rj we got rid, and that was, "UieCaViovn ci-t.J. tinuth 'JSrnUifuri. Tliere were siu: ; oj success since they had been thrown tjj repeated, there were some hopes yet ; there was not a man in their ranks that v v true to his trust ; knowing that they were Ihrre were none amongst them who ,wonv their posts because Vic victory migftf not i. to Ihem and their friends." Snow. For nearly two weeks p ' ground has been covered with ' most of the ticielhVweather e-'remc J' ( 1 j r t 1 1 1 1 - ' -tions which we il exec , , r . . u..inDii n v liPn. 1 i. Mittiesseft ,nai U"1V ' ' , 'the nnorsble GeDl,eman v,!' Hid the Constjtwtfoh: to save time, U tuosi dreadful: We defy the con2re history to show its parallel. If thc t. had been said ot any other than a r:u: from our own Slate, we would h.v. them as a specimen o( verbal annvur . Btitit Jts deserved:' and Mr. ft. biit Ihtle pity ftom either party. met ka BROJsrZR PRIXTtJ Cbi be neatly executed at -this ce In thl Cbnniy or tte th- CCit Oil. ' "r . inni " It. UA jn 9 m rl tn PXISI mn in IDJ.H"K' " iwrnu Air all Other purposes, ii,iB .guTu ..... t iar . su .Vr T moNROK. , . ... . . . t iii.: t rijiiinii.i.i' I !-.. .a.a. ni.f a. 4la'rtlf. 1 '-? n v i - --t fc-fi: r?;t . ..... -. "k z ."'- '. i Z i

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