At if Ml IV i V 1. : If a v; of it'. it. I'lLr'iUn eT9I to Move., the ' Ji.i ifsiinirmf upon winch Hie :f;fir.f!ik Mitition. .-, e again ca-wi. $ I tl mlioiy ' he-nticaie I he Cur f is j.rc M"7" : v ' J ; H M-ite Wmsetf, else he must stand MF' Abi tand-he 'nrbl ( how I he p y :y3i,he h3S given currency. 11 i invcitrmjIvV if ihey be not n'MJJl-io iflLkij' ib.e fust opportunity of 1 ' j; f t .r;-i.ihrriior false, the Gar IT Hv V 1 . , 1 1 Btit Aim ...icts'n . .1 $ ashained it bating i called lo si f.e;sin"diriy wretches.; iif. ,",-.ili'i7rt :tiiiiAHiARjiisoN. i . f'llj theliixeeutive Committee to .in- ..utril Uarrisont-now that .he is mm !.ir fl not a 1.1 ''t0!l 4k-:ii-fc in the reiection of (lehrv is a slaveholder, end a de- ilaVffr uen Harrison, we nuuw holder. Meaner is wr. van lf..i nfr one thinks if necessary fto !er-- fc-- '11 titnnin l Wbj? Because ar known to be in faforlef But .to ine 9,000 ani5t, Tiieclicesqf ih Army &Kayy, Land effierr?, Postnaaaierv; 6&c., each will want his full salary. . flow mach of, ihe 85 millions will come te the honest ' farmers ? ' Wil?he be able to get as moch as will pay his tares P J Flour then will seldom brinlS per bauel. Will the farmer be able,' even if he gt poriion of the 85 able' 'lb pay his tax es, or purchase Lis gall t to say notbicof other necssaries when that comes about the farmers will have to do wiihoat sugar and coTee. Far mers look lo your interest do yon not see the plan of the President, is to take from yon the farms on which yen hate sopported your families, and make you tenants of some office holder who gets a Iarg8 salary and is fornished by the Goy erament with specie to purchase your farms. : !".--::' '! C -A We copy the aboTe Trom therLincolntfio Whig," in which it appears as a corres pondence. Ve hate on hand Major Jack Downing1 speech in reply to Mr. Bellows pipe of Missouri against the Credit System; which we propose to lay before our readers or pi- oioD as to the eflfects of an exclusively hard money currency. But hear the Major : Ibis style is always interesting, and be " neVer sayi any thing unless he means something t" ;; " But Mr Moderator f fsef it's almost time to go to dinner, and I'm willing to stop here and leave this matter of J credit currency to the good sense of the Convention, I will only add a few notions. If we are to he a hard moncu oeoDle. ri fSUsed ;andidaie Tor the Presidency, at someTmore leisure" penooV' The Mai 3& MvW$?V$ eit cl,n"v lhe ihor' nd A Mechanic,3 are correct in our or irnMral llarrison any less so? : L'' t,. nii arifi that nnrta I am content but everv bodv mast nnderstaridl it torn L: :.u?r..v, -r y H AX uw. 2j--: "J-i- .Jr V nr Ihoiri onK 1 iiwwm i uu uw muw uu UU W3T 1U IIIO WUflO. lOf uuice uoiaers 10 no paia meir present wages. if we come to hard money prices every thing most CSfecfov 8nd now every thing must come down to hard money prices. - roin 102 most represent value but eold and silver all other propeity and things, i not goio tna silver, most oe measarea by gold and silver. NowIf I vlas an office holder, and had my wages fixed by a standard of what I called a credit currency, which is a cuneney that rep resents all kind9 of property, I would be .as willing as any other! office-holder to say. down with all credit currency, tad pay in fyard money only j" but if folks 'say, " well so be it, then il.41hT4norrHnating a slaveholder, a feM Gen.-Harrison,. and now IkM mnS ekolder, from fedinrma,-for speaker. .JiM!ilrftM;iralready! well! known lMyrilhe w-s President of a li.-iWnriftfl'neoD e of that Territory. C i k ...-t ! L J pii'nrni'lla4 In fAfl I Mma flniSn With Vnttr -aifaa tfiA Kns sn.Ant1 under a credit cur rency one price, and coder a bard money cur reney, not one twentieth part on't, would it be mmmum . Fai j fair and just for office-holders not to be cot down .wV.Y.'ilU iefarts to make, Indiana a slave too. The President! erits .25.000 a vear. or sev- ":J-riflfSted for years while he I enty dollars a idayjj for his services, ineluding rt ?kL'M-r Pict, aDI Pd understand it Now how would Si?iicSeW;ihel rdinincSof ? V. . get;, i2ITO!1" :J.k. ncw one price, and under a jf ' tfpiCS prOiH.Weu' Bi-;iMpivt IFOR THE WiTCBM Great XPcst crtjf Stage "&lne'i 1 'J -1 c5 . oi5io FROM SALISBURYjo ASHVILLE, N. C. ARRANGEMENT 'PB 1840. J foil operation and fol- M IlojaLPjcoclamation. i;v! To all our liege tuhje'cls throughout the regions ty Jorth Carolina, and especially icithm lhe regions of Rowan County: ' - :,-' BE IT KNOWN to all our liege subjects, That, on Friday the 3d of January present, vre proceeded to hold oar Royal Caicas in oar beloved city of Salisbury , for the especial purpose of sppointioga Governor for the State of North Carolina. We have long ago satisfied our Kpyal Mind by deep cogitations, that the Pxople are not' fit to think for themselves, and that they should have nothiog else to! do with-elections than to go to the polls and. execute our decrees. We have, therefore, appoieted our well beloved cousio, Romulus M. Saunders, to be Governor aforesaid j and we do hereby bommand our liege; sobjeftts, every where in the ! State aforesaid, to go to the polls and give due obedience to this our ttoyal choice. - j. ' ! ; "'. j f II Jtndl irlwrfvt. On f Rnral RnAvanaPT t V.Al tor of the"dntv eheet.' nrinted at Ashhornooh. 1 has shown himself too clean for our woik we do hereby dismiss him from our Royal service, and in his stead do appoint the senior Editor off the Western Caroliniao, to print and publish byfau thority, whatever our Royal Secretary may write in the premises; and we do command our loval Subjects every where, to believe whatever' our Royal Secretary shall write, and to swear tj the same if necessary. V-4'. f ;- I i ' jviat whereas, our itoyai secretary, aam uiue Light, has shown that he does not understand the principles on which our Roval Government is administered having advised us to hold our situated! in the most desirable part of Town, bef Royal Meetings in the day time, and in a public l ieg near, the C our t-House. Those who mat manneo that the common people may come and 1 wish the most interesting location in one of the go ai pleasure we oo nereoy aismiss mm irom i uiusnnieresung-Tiuagesoi norm Uaroiina.woald oor Royal serviee, and in his stead do appoint do well o secure this. J.;SL CLEMMONS. our be lo red cou sid, 13 en Barri-tgton, our Royal IMoctcrilIe, Uatie co., Jan. 1S40. 256t. secretary ; and command you to respect! blm FirtHE above line is now in JU arrives at, and departs from i Salisbury ias f lows: . . " " i ' . .1 . I -! ; Leaves Salisbury, on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock! A. M.; arrives at Ash ville next days at 8 o'clock, P. Al.j. t- RetQrning.IeavesAshvilleOQ Mondays, Thurs days, and Saturday s.-al 5 o'clock Ai Ml; arrives at Salisbary next days at 8 o'clock P. Mt' . I a; BENCINI, Af;:V"., -- .-':f-RlJ0NG.-t : i. N. B. Passengers leaving RaleighV N CI for Nashville Tennessee. , iwillv find no I delav wuaiereroa mis route.. A Salisbury N. C. Jan. 17th B. & R. WlL. I 1 840.pi 25. r IMociisviLiii: Piiopeiity TOR Kill Li SALE f AM still offering for sale, .at a very low priced , my hogse and lot in Mocsyille4 The buildi ipgs are new and commodious, and well soited for a Merchant or Tavern keeper The? are accordingly. .Given under oor Royal Signet at oqr Paae, I ' in our Royal city ofj Salisbury, on? the ,Sd day of January, 1840. i j KING CAUCUS! ! Vitness, - . '. t; ; ' , ,. i Bus Barristgton, Pritale Sec'y. n i for the watchman. ior pf that territory Sondays and house rent and postage free, land some other, little matters besides, and all office credit curreo- t I Messrs. Editors I perceive that Mri; Chs: Fisher, from North Carolina, is on the ' Com mittee; on. Public Lands. I should be very glad to be informed if the Choctaw business in which it is admitted, Mr. F. has so deep an interest; is to come before that Committee f M4 : We respond to the above enquiry, that here- tpiore the ihoctaw business has been always te T. in f, (awl -Wi r w. c - T i J I v J 3 tui ia ss w vo wasu ju nut b iv- Oif fiJavety in i tssouri; ana a- I nw. Now I sav a eood honest democrat, ad the many milljons I feired to the Committee on Indian Affairs, hot own (the Land) Committee. In gratitude to Mr. Calhoun for his late " come over," the par ly would do almost any thing in the way of a job fbir himself or his tail. We expect to see it. ( MMaa-lN toe further emancipation f President mvs heis. and all bis nartt sav so M q?ally foT humbugging, we shall not be I at 251 slaves born within ,tbat State.- too, and so it must be true should sav " Fellow i all surprised if the matter is to be sent to bis liJEiJ-W;!ni,iiho fijiurrt infrnftnoiinrt I nat ftasresrumed when we had a Credit Uur- Uwf iflfofAtkansas,; and against the WW-?. !44 f "Currency? w wrong it ?" . . . 1 it has inflated nnces. ana led falks lo horrnw- mmW! ? : I v ' ' g and buildingrairpad.and other ruinous plans; 1f ItiVIV H-, - . , : i ana 1 ana. my party are determined to put a stop mfe mm bow l9 l-lavery, rthat to it. Prices of all; things I know must come WO KJW waiscqpcKeu. uo was inaignani i oown,ana wages must come down ; and to set a yWejetefl at.tUe; hex congressional elec good example! 6ut down ray wages to the; true iqo il 1S2V?M'he National Intelligencer standard. Mr Woodbjury will rnake a calculation DfbeJr n hand jtin to iXfongress. showing that my . 'KHV wHs'X-i i- : I wages ana auotner qmce noiders wages snail be o usimat flrriUA2ery is elected to opposi-1 n .-BLit ! V v . :Vj. ' .lccoruiHa ihd uru muncw umm. ,i iiiituis l,i .t. .k., l "n.;.:. -f - ?.H nmlf ""son., f "Jtorms Message will say this, and if it dont it is because CCnC rfJ ILT 77?" ' ' nJUrnfi H'kib.rMrr to learh. that ha aa u i.. - a . P00' man's cider, becaose he canU afford to use rw S w - -it- J "--".- ----- w MO uu iuiuiisu n riui u us-i iwu ucai wi ..-.: r . 1 .l i " i uiu- cMd paHicul.rly on.accoant of his iad think of-ust as Mr. Bellowspipe has forgotten T -7-- . iVP.11" nQmoiei:PUice .itJil .vtii :i::i -r.t.4- r::...;. i- t.: lu. .i.t . ,u !- U1 couri : uaotsoniaj.. i.e;rtice 10 iii eil, principal ui iua vuusiiiuiioa ilich" secures' tolthe people of the Sooth pre-exisung j riguis. it seems men jit et llarrisan claimed for the Souti NEW FASHIONS! ' FOR THE ' F ij I1' ' ! ,j. ' OP 1839 c'40. ! HORACE H. bEARDI X ESPECTFULLY infikms his friends and JLw the public, that he still carries on the TAI LOR1NG BUSINESS at liis old stand on main street, next door to the Apothecary Store. He is ever ready to execute the orders of bis custom ers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the Western patt of the State. He s in the regular receipt of the latest London, and New York FASHIONS, and prepared i to ac commodate the tastes of the fashionable! at all times. ' I ; !.' j - f SO Cutting garments of all kind! attended to promptly ; and the latest) Fashions furnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions. eriven in cutunsr. 4 nnHE Sukcriber offers at private . sale, in a -u. health tp -i - t 2CIO-40O or 600 ACRES ;."7 THE SUBSCRIBERS TtTAVE just received and offer fnr sale, "UJ- . Wholesale or Retail, the follol7ii:- of good farming Lands:1 The Salisbury and U 737 orownand bleached DoDsilic.j Statesville road running directly through it, a honi 20 miles from the former led 6 miles from the latter place, with never failing viug wnnigaiar, lanaa i in vraioui direciions.-i- ue wnoie is an entire forest. -uk ,rnt ,r nrst.rate umber, and suitable for thrpJ h.nrf- some, not amau iarms.r ', V -J-.ty vK-ALSO A Ton HORSE, six vears old next Snrinr gwu siuca, c oor v j t a o, i on - ana two years old'iof good blood, one JACK, nine tears old, femaraaoiy genne ana vigorous. Also i weiye young MULES, from 2 to 4 years old. ' f au tbe above stock is handsome, lively and aetif e, snd wUhall remarkable gentle .and easy manaea. ;, v ! j s f Ail the abovs property will be sold low for 1G do. Apron Checks, 20 do. Bed Ticking, 120 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs, t34 pieces Kentucky Janes, 23 do red and green Flannels, ' 167 Twilled and Boffie Blankets, 25 pieces plain and checked Linseys, ' 44 do. Mack and cold Merinoes, 416 do. Fancy Prints, 18 do. grey and bine mixed Saltlneltr, 350 Men's and Boys Seal Caps, 6 pieces Het Anchor Bolting Cloths. Bonnets, Hats, Shoes. Drtrgs, Saddlery, Plated Ware, Hardware, pullery, Queens ware, Glass Ware, &c, together with a cash or on a credit of 6, 9, or 12 months, where general assortment of all kinds of Goods, the payment is made secure. Apply soon to the which will be sold lower than they ever subscriber, living 19 miles from Salisbury, oo hare been the Statesville road. v JOS. CHAMBERS. t armville, Iredell co. N. C 1 January 17, 1840. f 6w25 A LISOP OP letters! EMAINING in thv Post Office in Slates- ville, C. on the 1st of January 11840. j Agnew, Thos. J; Bell, J. C. Brysoo, John . Caodela, Miss Elizabeth Chipley. G. W.I Christopher Thomas Chambers, Thomas S. Douglass, James T. Uavidson, G. F. DoUglass & Smith, Forsy'ihe Henderson, i Esq. .- Gill, W. L, Giddensj. Miss Eliza &raham,Jobn B. gill, Jacob arper, Mary lltistrce, Noah, Loudermilk, S. ' Lazenby, Thomas R. S. McLELLAND Jan. 10, 1840 3 w24 Long, Alexander . JLeppard, Solomon I Lawrance. Alexander Morgan, Elijah ! Moose, John Mills, Wo. j ! Maise. Wioston McJimsey, Robert MeLIellahan, James T Oliphant, Joseph rarKes, u. a, r tlaymer, Moses; Robinson, Geome Stevenson. James Smith, Rev. James 1 fTempleton. James H. w arts, Mrs. Margaret Warren, R II. Walker, Frederick ! White, Miss Eleanor t. 21. i J. & W. MUBPHY. . Salisbury, Jan. 3, 1840 2,23 . m v v - jL-t a-r auvu tov vt October, from the subscriber, at that time residing in Stokes County, N, Carolina, my Negro man about 27 or 28 years of age, and oCa very bright complexion. . He is a Shoemaker ly trade, has a very bushy head of hair, a' thin visage,, is spare built and weighs from 135 to 140 pound?. He has a very large scar on one of his ks near the ankle, believed tobe on the right Ie, also a scar on each arm just below the elbow oc casioned by a burn. His heels have been frosted, which injury has left scars epon themi C-le-man has a wife ( a free woman ):i.ear Blakely, N. Carolina, anuit is probable that he my be in that direction, though many persons believe that he was decoyed off by a w hite man, named Joshua Young, who left the "neighborhood about tne same time ior maiana. ,i win give a re ward of Fifty Dollars to any one who will de liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell County Wcr who -will cotinte him in tail, so mat i get mm in mv possession RICHARD. OVERSTREKT. Brook Neal, Campbell cty, Va tn December21. 1833 f . 840. A LIST OF LETTERS ( EMAINING in lhe Pijst "Office at Con- cord,N.! Con the 1st day of January, wl i?,,, m A.v,IV. s thej complexion of that Committee looks a (it- f Salisbury, January 17. 1040 ly25 B Northern : The lands of the defaulter! Harris, valued at $36,000 have been sold for $300; Is this the pay,; that the people are to be repaid by their robotng servants f I .The principal objections yet urged by the Lo co Jbocos to General Harrison iare, that be belong to offer a resolution iboul taking off the duty on lead as well as salt.V ! Here most of the members ftom Illinois and vtu p. ri r i ISarnhart George W Bradley, Horse. li?hn.sfen-. 4 Uatid DiaeK welter, . uarv V. Ttrnorn AVEUY superior bob tailed Norihen Horse, I Charles & Elias Bust, perfectly sound, kind jand gentle in single j! n and double harness, aod a Fast traveller, for sale Jjinp Caldwell. Esa; By C B WHEELEtt. j Qeorse Collins, January 17, 1840 tf ;j i ; 1 A. Caultcloogh, Exec'r . Z TZTTZwZ 1 . Alexander Do! ton, Blacksmith Wanted. . : e v ? A First rate country Blacksmith,! of steady David Eag-er, 2 . habits, and unimpeachable character, who F ... .. . -. !: j. ... f 0. CiMI 1 can come witn sausiaciorv recommendations, can i ms.ib. v iccto . quhj find constant and profitable-- employment for the 1 1 opias r orr, ensuing year, to take cnarge oi a onop witn ope or two negro omtins unuerr nis care.i a amun with a small family is desired. A good dwell in 2 House and Shop, with It wo fire places, and one sett of Tools is in readiness, and in an ex- It rh0of46eri jjlayery upon, any soil which ter tM0ii ave or purchase. I pft4hIdDU. Iiltla opportunity to; act al4jiritme.but an - address from j piiuKai!iuciu3 in f iiHiuia, iii x ouUi 3,fcfi is ttwuuu iu uip guru uu iuj suoicci Missouri rose together and said it was quite i fn tt-:a tn-.n .n ThHjiv nn& lt tU 1 cellent neiarhborhood as to! health, society and dinner time, and the Major said he was quite I nvl Stnhn Pmntia. MrJ JOf-flV lj I the trade. Apply toJhe Subecriberj living 19 willing to stop here! : j And the tonvention ad- ver to Miss MARY ELIZABETH! dangh I miles from Salisbury on tne otatesvuieroad. loomed. j ! ' i.rff!nl Samnl Lemlr. I 111 ! 1 I JOS. CHAMBERS. - '-. il I ! !' I : 1 - . !' - : I ... .1. . :! . . rt n n V. . . ... -, r. if '! 1- armville, iredeii co. jsd. i, io?u owsto UI) me yiji insi., ny aoi ivowan, cusu , - wi,. G John Gibson, " Tobias Goodman, or Solomon Marcus, H Hillyard Howell, - Jacob Hileman, James Henly, H. March, Robert Motley, Rudolph Mnrpb. , Monatt & Peoples, ! James W. MjAnultf . N ! James B. Nofly, .-. T. B. &.W. A! Peacock R ! ! wr Roffin, Harness iia ker, Miss Mary C. James Russell -s Martin Stough, Archibald Stowe, . w1-' ; Solomon Weaver, Y Mrs. Catharine Yoman mi?s Sarah J.! Young. GEORGE KLUTTS, r. m. By Joua A. Craven. Keese, JVholcsale or: Ilctail, 5 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes, 800 Bars Iron ll to 2 inches wide. 2000 lbs. Spring Steel, 500T lbs. Am'n. Blister do. 1500lhs Bar Lead, j 15 Kegs. Powder, 24 Hhds. Sugar,' : 60 Bags Coffee, : 100 Kegs White Lead, ' 15 Coils Rope, 20 Pieces Bagging, 40 Boxes Glass 8 by 10, 20 do. do. 10 by 12, - 40 Nova Scotia Grindstones, 40 Bottles Scotch Snuff, By J & W MURPHY. Salisbury. Jan. 3, 1840. ' tate of llcrtn envoUnn, stokes coujrrr. Superior Court of Law Fall Term, A. D. ISZO. Jan. 10, 18t0 324 ! ' We dntertatn serious apprebensioni that our friend the Standard1, has lost its cue. It recent-j ly lifted up its voice and spake on the follow mg wise: i '; . -r ' We do not know! whether uen. tlarnson is JOHN ERWIN, to Miss SARAH CuRRI- At London, on the SOth ujt , at St. George's Chorch, Hanover Square. Gen'l. J. P. HEN DERSON. Minister from Texas, to FRAN- iUdef ; Ihestj: Circumstances. WO SUbmit 1 n Knlitirtn;i nr nAl .hnt w Hn Irnnw.that h I mi's Annbtr .if .Inhn CotL F.en nf Phifi On the 24th ult. by RevL Mr Lapslev, Mr JOHN VV. MARTIN of lhe house of; Mar tin, Stephenson, & Co., to Mms MARGARET, ft wtecienTioys: abolitionists are bound to j has political sins enough to sink a navy witboot v4iu4uu iwu uaiucs auu tuinr canuiuates tois neresy." ! . ting p'ectsey on the same ground-) VVby, friend Standard, we are most prodigk you are ander the most UAaa l fll nM t-Tn WlAnM ! Defsoiial demonstrations are less i ,114 i V. t Jir wotenead, ana every ooay eise, except arar-s JWWr Duncan, are IV u P fongr:Mr.Van Buren helped to abolitionists t U it not clearly your paramoaotl SSfJ DZBBLEEy PRilY & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 i GOOSdS,! !' j 125 Pearl $ 78 Reaver Streets, NEW JEWELLERY! Joseph Wolf, vs . -Jane Wolf. Petiium for.Ditcrce. diukater of Col. Childress, Tenn. JSashville JVhh rr of Williamson Co. On this mornini. the 26th inst., hr the Rev. 4)r. Lindsier. NEILL S. BROWN, Eq At- U W A. H . m . i M W 4 T t . -at law of P ulaski, to 31iss IM.K . NEW YORK. January-17, 1840,4i25. r v it ii r naninunnL a - . . . . fel R-liiy tft thft If SnalA on. iKVsr.nlf Jrlnf Van Rnrn HpmAcrWl TRIMBLE, Of this CIty.-JaSftPtUe Atff. ssiiieri iniMifHSouri. and ho has never I in North Carolina L to know all this: and not on ttt i '...i'". i Iv tn trnnte it conrlf. hut L maka all rnnr 'o-nlla1 iy.sflMU. . Dla.CI T ICUIuua -J --" - j ryj -lb -: I , ... . ' , .L nr i ery suuoeniy, rnrs. iua the 60th year of her age. . . .:' 'a ? i l- : I r U 1 -.-! 1 Ka a n rr ri v Aff ves ro m 1 . im nana -irtitn r in 0ini. MkaB iimbi mTft-i Rf! a i a i mi au . r u ji r a ua : j a u 'rT ! - i 1 ri t 1 tllal UO UUIIM4I Ilia tllUUll a utv V I ' j : mill HrH rn nra vnAbn r m n - m w A-VA w n n . l ' - - . . . c oiq ueneral a Chinee: to reDent Ot UlS I natinft and the 'nKraers' if Von mean la kaen F'Plat.fvliu-r'onl. thnf ,t kplAnfftf tnTfliA I ika Mt innora hp'nd nmler nratrf I v - I veller returns." She was a kind and benevolent repcMS to exhibit bis own renen I ' oucn temporizing expressions as tne aoove win I ucijjuwui,auu uc ... ","',j'v.v.T i. 1 never ao. ve woaia respeciiaiiv . aavise inai yj rVw-,.vf 9i last. ttiefflpted llapiiend ; slavery to regions If o know it yourself, but u make all your fgulls J fe dlnionsirattons! of the Harrison . J!S ?S ilTS i of tbeoth- without tbrs heresy .! It takes afotittonto' hold member of the Episcopal Church in Ibis place, should give a miri down properly. Cornel pile on the fa and has, we trust, received the reward s of the pent of his natics and the 'niggers' if you mean to keep faithful in that bourne from whence; no tra- nce. s-.tyeftaLri! ' thpr ar nn rirrnm.tai .fc;-:tT -l -in -'i-f . . " ,i ..i . .. '. I rrnn An nnt nndArtalrn In nrnn thu nll Km an hk ? OT the jriPF.wiwweo; warrant tne siigntesi -r. . 1TT "In". " C 7 1 telueSiiUii K L.i -. ohtionistv (If you recollect, you were about a mimmM rrZ l' Mr Clay such, and . tne moment uen. ttarn-1 , lli.i'r-Ti ri iwa i : ' w-uuaB) Buun me it op as a bad jot 413t;W? eonteeame the whig - nominee 1) Do you just iTi-vf'tavtta 1830. 7 And in ue- friends of human rights at cejIOTv the conviction, that the N teyjljeespou3ed is by DivinePro 1 nce, eiitrbsied to their Own' onarriian. aldthMoV lis success or 'failure their PRICES 07JHXISI7T AT fcnoie tbe fact it will sate a world of trouble. j Greensborough Patriot, Salisbury, Jaw. 17. Cents. 1 fe! I1- slid FfcJiUe. )sterity wat hold them res- FOE THE WATCHMASr. M&fe--The Standajd of the 8th xfo ffifei iiMrlUsibn noblished in the RatheT. ' jWrlneBi Hamoton. and says it was' f y tylihest- Whig.; Now this' is a I was written by a dishonest '1 itytiMiiW&hrnnd Coalition. Ms. Cat- Mln few daya after, miking ' his peace with m "&dmMtoW&!d! Bill into tbe Senate e new States. ' !Zj'yliBll llrnjiticms of Sniii - th amrinnt I iMSJ' VUuTeo! as being in the U. Sfefflfl wg-.fifteen Uiillionsj of tn il W fmmJa nomber in the country indrvfdiittl ks1 trfa : - .5 i - r lhI;fl finA hiaIv o TitK.i ti t -. ft . 4-xmasier It Wi IPi and the hund red vof officers TO THE TOOTH ACHE. I ' ' - t Grim Despot, thy tyrannic reign, " ; , Of apathy to keenest pain ' Is drawing to a close ; . i Long in thyjmaxilary cave, . , j Like 3-olos,ihoa shalt not rave, For thvl determine foes . i ; Are hastening to that dark retreat To hurl theo from thy regal seat. The BentiitMl nr.w nnan lhv traeV-i 8hn wize ind stretch thee on the Rack Thou cruelly didst use, For tortarinar bv oiaht and dar ! They'll fling thy mangl'd corpse asay, . tail inr.J .V- . J i -j'foau me jojiqi news Among, the yictimsof thy reign : ;Of sharp intolerable :pain.r , brortincjrr,Ventrifrice, and chari': ;.ii.All.iail'0:ipy.niatice;TOaiaarni, , ! TiH belter weapons we -J Have foondj thy Kingship to compel -To abd'icateitby ftxrtotti cell, - r-"--:AndM thy captives free.- -j l let from tle force of Nature's Laws, put thiC9 to asorza our jaws, ; ; i . Bacon, 10 a 12. Brandy, ap. a 40 I peach, , a 50 Butter, 10 a 12. Cotton in seed $2 clean, 8j Coffee, " .15 a 18 Corn, -.40 Feathers, 35 a 37 'jCenfs. .C -H 50 a 60 f8 alio 25 a 30 Flour, Flaxseed, $3 4 75 Iron, per lb. 5 J a 6 J Lidseed Oil, pr. gal. $1 12 Molasses, Nails, : . Oats, Pok, Sugar, br. Salt, ftl 37i a I 50 Tallow, 10 a J2 Tobacco, 18a!20 lr. G. Douglas, TTAS removed his office to, No. 1, JUL of the office row of the Mansion'! Hotel, lately occupied by Dr. B. Austin. January l7, t;840. tf-i25 ( groceries! JUST Received and far sale by the Subscri ber, a Quantity of best hi- i! " i Santa Cruiz Sugar, ! . ; ; Molasses best quality, '.' 1 ( i Best Java Coffee, i f' i : Rio do. Il - . i j : t Spanish Cigara-est quality, i i i i Whiskey 8 years eld best quality, i j i Superior French Brandy, and , s . i Mosr excellent WINES- ' ' j f Also a quantity of Smoking arid i Chewing' ! Tobacco. " -I ' ' ' I 1 i ANDRE MATrHIEUi f Salisbury, Dec. 27, 1839 -6t22 J . it - - 10 a 12 1 18 a 20 PUBLIC VEETDUBf w - j u .1 , T Hi 1 US.4C FTTIHERE will beisti at theT late residence of Tow-Linen 16 a 20 JL VVm. Cowan's deceased, on the 11th day Wheat; bush 62 70 of February next. all. the property of the said . 1 . , - P- . ! . 't1! - . :. . T . :-. T- . iT p :t ! Whiskey, . 45 a;50 deceased, not wiued, conssisung w . i ; 4 Wool, f cleah ;40 U TIiree or 0 jFotir Lard, . 10 a 12 SILK-- O R:M rr rd" JOHN C PALMER HAS another new supply of Gold and Silver WATCHES, Plain English aad French do ; Gold Fob Chains and Keys, Fjine breast Pinsand Finger Rings, Silver Butter Knives, Patent and nlaln Pencib. Tooth Picks. Fob Chains, Spectacles and Thimbles, Steel and gilt Fob Chains and Keys, j . -ALSO A VERY FINE AND LARGE ASSORT MENT OF RAZORS AND PQCKET AND PEN KNIVES, j by different' makers, and other articles usually kept by Jewellers. All of which will be sold low for Cash, or only six months credit, after which time, interest will be charged. Work done faithfully and punctually. i ; Salisbury, May S, 1SS9 tf40 I . JUorus JllulticauUs. I , ! - i . i i - i 14 CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these 3L TREES may be had at Fayeiteviile, N. C. about tbe last of next summer or the first of the Fall. The proprietor can very readily dis pose of them at the North, but from patriotic considerations, be prefers that they should be taken bv bis native Slate. The price will be l i the same as in Baltimore or New York, and will P. I I t : J.J MM.AV.nnM U. n . . Ui.i. DC lorwaiucu iu puiwuaaco uii ma iuuiicj ucni remitted. It is hoped thatsach as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day. j : Enquire of E. L. Wisslow, Flayetteville N. c - ; Feb 16. 1839 tf29 KB OK, 4,-4 nnHE Subscriber offers for sale, at 50 cents 1 II . ,. 1 .'!. -.-;. xrti -1 - JJL per lOUUMOUi s ici J(r uauittjf v. h First RateX2 v, -.- --- t - a, i ! rr '-: ;i 1 ! v i. 1 v rr "! a V One Jf agon (mdjlarness ; Stock of cat from me Atn?8JUoumam iron company. Ue end - Hog ; IFheat and Uatt, antf 4 1 fflHE Sobscribers have made arrangements quantity! of Rooahness of all kinds toffemer JL. wnh the above Company, for a regular i . - ?- :!. . .1- i . . r :. : .J.nioJ with various other articles nui .iu?uwuueq. ii.soppiy oi superior irou, wmcn is -up. There will also be sold! at the eame time a aU I lo Wagon and Carriage work, Horse Shoeing, ah ft &c 1 S SitU-worm MZggs; carefully raised by herself, arid, in a good state of I MARTHA, D. FRONTIS. preservation. iSalisbory, Jan. 17. 1840.-itf nable vouner JVcsro tcoman child Terms matle known fan! the jdayl of sale by ? ? " --""" i JL;jJ !-- I - . A 13 EL COWAN, Ex. 'N. B, All persons indebted to said Folate' are requested to come forward 'and settle the , same immediately, and all persons havio? claims a- which will ba sold on reasonable tertris. J. fr W. MURPHY. Salisbury, Dee. 6, 1839 final 9 j IN this case it appealing ta the satisfaction cf the Court, that Jne ,Wolf,jhe deftntfant, does not reside within the Iimitao this Siaie : il is therefore ordered, that publication be made for thrfe months in the Watchman, published at Salisbury, and the GreensSoroV Patriot, l hat un less the defendent appear at the next Super: Coart of Law, to be held for the county c! Stokes, at the Court House in German ion, cn t!. : 2d monday after the,4th monday in March nest, and plead, answer or demur, or the petition w ill be taken pro confesso, and the cause set down f.r hearing exparte. Witness. Isaac Goldinir.i Clerk of said Court at tiffice; 2d monday after the 4ih mouday in September, A. D 1839. - . I5AAC GOLDING, c s c. Dec. 20, 1S39-Soi21 Printer's fee $10 JflitchcWs Gengrapht) and A TLAS ; a new Geography and Alias, f f JL the use of Schoolr and private learners in fact fur ai) who may wish to read hi? lory, sr. J to have it in the family. A compltte Sysie rn tf modern Geography, comprising a desnpiion if the present state of the world and its five grat divisions, Europe. Asia, Africa, Amenca, ar. I Uceamca, with their severarKm pi res, Ktngdtrr?, Slates, T4ritorie8, Stc. The whole embeliishf d by numerous Engravings of various tnieresHr object of Nature and Art j together with repre sentations.of remarkable and noted evenis, tiia plified and adapted to the capacity if any, illua trated by an Alias of 16, raapsdrawn Si. eniavrj to acw)mpany the work, nvst lasttfillv ?rJ carefully coloured and elegantly put up 'l he whole woik is neatly done The publishers have received numerous testimonials in fatcr of the Geography from Trarhers and oth-r in various parts of ihe Union. Theie are so many, they would make a pamphlet, we would cake a pamphlet, we would select some of them ; but they are too Jorg for a newspaper adveriisenu nt. We do most earnestly solicit a critical of ihe work by all may feel ac interest in rac ing before youth a car rect Geography. : There isfalso an outline Atlas which can accompany ihe Geography, the maps if -which are net ciU cured, but calculated to aid lhe learner. Just call at No. 1, Cheap side, Fayetis ville St., where yooi may find the above wor!;, logether with every new publication cf tbe d.y, and many rare works of lder times TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, Jan. 1, 1840. STST ANTED TO HIRE, a negro'woman gainst said estate are requested to present them Y,V - capable of doing the icookrag and wash in for a small family. Jt3 finnir. W tbia Office. - ' , - - -n" legally authenticated for settlement, ior this. noi tice will be pieaa in oar oi tneir recoyeryr . A, COWAN, En C. JONES Has removed! his Law Office lo tbe building hiely occupied by Mr. M. Brown as a family residence, next door to his Store near the Court-House. Jtfnrary 17, 1840-r4w25 I ?l 1 Mr. Jodre Lcffice is in the end of ieg, next to tbe former Post Office he build- MRS. S. D. PENDLETON, wooM re spectfully make known to ber friends ar.J the poblic that, baviag removed, she may here after be found at lhe house-recently occupied by Mr. Michael Brown, as a residence, one door be low Mr. B s Store. She will continue tu carry oo the Milliners Business, and invites pobhc z, tention to her work. Salisbury, D5 1 153?'; v " S6&N!TT0T3TltU ft -." - t ! - 5 5- tf-" 'I - J f J'l I; L k 1 a.- lp!: