t i' i f '4- i 111-: . 3 v i .. i , . f lit !i f. ' 1" . ' - " J , " ' 11 - ' I ?- : i r V 1 ' 1 1 i i - 3 sir, I a. r i s- s v i i j I m : ' " " I i' 'i -4 s ' i - C t I, ; , t 5 fit f-i t J" w:- 3 J-I , !-' I- A HIGHLY IMPORTANT UTIxiN X TO Tim PUBLIC BVVU.njM'WJ I EVANS, 100 CHATHAM STREE'M i?wau general and special Cave :ie ! BfcWARE LEST YE STUMBLE. TThOCT. WILLIAM EVANS, 100 Cfcai j JLr,m sireei avails himselfhof the present j iieasiorj to lender bis pest onfeig?f acknowIee i menu to the numerous members of society who lH9iiffting ander all the pains and aches that i flesh? heir to,") ht?e entrusted themselves Jto f! It is caie. If e has he satisfaction of knawifg from fnany living evidences, that bis remedies ! havel6ne their duty as far tas lies within jtfce Compass of human means, now distressing j the; afflicted is Dyspepsia or indigestion, VfT Ii.g til the sources pf their enjoyment, and lead ingln many instances to the miseries of eor) firmed Hypochondriasis i Long as it has been .the subject of ioqniry by medical eothors, it re mains til moch obscurity-Apoplexy diseasesof the jLirerKidneysl Spleen,, btomach. and In testines, Bladder, and its appendages, Diarrhoea, Dysen tary, Cnm Multns Allis,' perform parts in the drama of Morbid Affections. Dr i Evans has been singularly Successful in the treatment of the abort diseases, by remedies, drawn. Ifrpra bis own'and the researches of the most eminent medical men in the world. He has also bad vast experience and success throughout Vibe; whole family of delicate diseases, Jbe impure tenden cies of which are aggravated by and- rooted iiin Ihejconsliiotion through the base conspiracies of Mercurial murderer, : unprincipled, uneducated andf onpracticed, injany art save that of attemp ting to lead the credulous victim on ihe froadj.to ruit. Dr Evans office 1 100 Chatham street is ill "i -it. ' il.t...- . 3 - 1 J' JJ- -I. 2" J'i-L'w ami loreigu ujaitei?', ana compouuaea oj a uijiic terjs hand on scientific principles A physician h a way s i in . attehrfence, and a - private office. I-A All; those w ho come jtbere in ; the hour ;of if ICT'LlVKli COMPLAINT, J)F TEN WEARS $TAJYDIJm.Mta iHAll$AH fBIjOWNEp wifolof Joseph BrowneJ; Wlh Sixth st.npar Second st.rWilUamsburgh, sffluc ted for the last ten years with Liver Complaint, restored lo health .through the treatment of pr. jWk EVANS. -Sympioms:Habrual constipa- tion of the bowels, .total loss of appetite, excra- ciaiinsf pain of the episrastric reffidn. creat:' de pression of spirits, langour arid other symptom! of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate npw in the riht side, could r hot w it hoi) t an aggravation of colon red , with other symn- tca;s indicating great derangement, in the fane V'-;iios ' pfheliverL jf ' -i i L1-' K ii,v11. j iirs;" 0r6wne;was attended7. by thrcepf the f ifirit pliysicians,-bat deceived i but little relief . ' from iheir medicine, till wr Browne procured IV Borne f ,Di Vm Evans invaluable preparations, i ;jwhii;h effectually relieved her of the abeveilis utWing symptoms, with otbers,jwhich it is- rjrol' l essential lo ihtimatje-' i . --; - ' 'Vri ; ' J JOSEPH BROVVNEJ " i. City and Coonty of! New Yctk, gs. V; '-' J: " "Iv-i Joseph Browne, Williamsburgh, Long Island j i ; bping duly sworn, did depose and 6ay 1 hat the 1 - facts as set forth ia the within statement: to which he has subscribed iiis name, are jest! arid r JOSEPH BROWNE. Husband qf the said Hannah Browne rn before me; 'his 4th day of January, jJl3S7 FJS I EH PIIN UKRKY, Comi of Deeds 4f the menses, pain litfUm herjefl 6ide, patn, urine high fv' ' " 1: HIS ' iinf S INFORMS the public that he ; has removed ffom his former stand, to b9 new buildings on the public square InUhe jlWnof Mocks rilfe, where be will continue to keep a : House of Entertainment, -: His House is roomv and commodious; attach ed lo'which areSIXC051FORTABLE, OF FICES for gentlemen of heBar, all conven ient to the Court Hoose. jThe subscJicei pledg es himself to the, moat diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to soch as . may call on him. His TABLE, BAR & STABLER are 'provided in the best manner that the, country will afford, and his servants are faithful and prompt. Jan 26,18391126 I I , SAUSBtJBirt .FEffll ALE THE Trusteesof the Saliury Female Aca demy, inform the public, that this Institution will be opened on Monday thai 1 4th of October next. It is their intention to place this Seminary on a peimanent and respectable basis; and no care will be wanting on their part, to render it in every re&oert, worthy of the confidence of the irienas oi euucaiion raoramy buu ichiuu, ju seek for their daughters aplacle where intellec tual and moral culture cmbiied, will prepare them to qccnpy with usefulness aind dignity, the sphere to whica they may be tailed, j heyi are now making; all Suitable jeff irts to secure for Teachers, a "gentleman and lady of high quaiificationsJ ''S 1 V" ' Meanwhile" they Jhave engaged Miss Emma J. Bakef, a you'og bdy inrs whose Jiterary. quali fications! and capacitj for suchi a situation, ihey tiaye perfect confidence ; and who has hitherto taught music in this aiid oiherj seminaries, with en.tire satisfaction, As soon &s the other teach ers are obtained. Miss i Baker wilT again devote herself exclnsifelyj to ihe musical department. TERMS OF TUITWJV. For beginners, per eession of 5 For the Rudiments'; with Grammar, Go months, $8 00 10 00 tu l 1 ledv another recent mi or. me nnnvauea vir tut Sf Dr tVtnEvahM Mtditints DYSPEP- :-Si.:;TRX YEARS' ; 8TAJVD1JYG-Jfii J Mclenzie, 176 Sfabtnn 6treet was afflicted wjth jibe above :cmpIal'o fur ten years, which inca pacitated him at intervals, for the period of sjix jeari, in attending to his. business,9 restored to perfect health undr f he salutary - treatment! of 11. T ' r . '. . i " . .-- -1 i I. xji vai cvans. . . - i . I The Symptoms. were. A sense ef distension and oppression af lejj eaiing, distressing; pain jin the t of the stomach, nausea, impaired appetite, giddiness, palpitatioii of the hrart; great debility and emaciation, depression , of spirits, dlstorbted 'ret,omeimes a bi idua -.vomiting, and pattj jin -itbe right ide an extreme, degree of languor and iaiotoess ; any endeavour to pursue , ais bps ipttss causing immediate exhaustion and weari JiJfMcKenxie daily M ' nca,and none of the above symptoms havejre- ! cur red since he used the medicine. He is now strong and healthy mao.,;,He has resorted! to myriads ot remedies, but thev were all ineffec- tual. Heisjpilling to, give apy information! to the afflicted respectins the itiestimablei benefit rendered tobini by ihe use of Dr.Wm Evans1 medicine.! J AlRcal Blessing toMotlicrs. Dr. JVmvdjiACelebralcdcooihmg i SmupJorXhUdren - Cutting lAeir, tilth liTfn HIS Infallible Remedy has preserved Ihun- 1 -H. jdreda of Children when; thought past jje f: covery, from convulsions.; As soon as - the! Sy ; rupis.rubbed on the gums, the child will recov er. This nrenaratiin) is 60 innocent: sn f5c I emus, and Bb pleasant, that no child will refosa tolet itsgutds be robbed with it. 'When infants are a t the age of four months, though there is! no appearance ot teeth, one bottle of the Svron - w umu ua iae gums, io open tne - pores. Psa ots should never be without trTSyriutf in . 5 wnera there are young children j'fbr it cuua waves in me night wah painin !the gums, the Sy run immediate! v frivea hv opening the pores ind healinj; the gums there- uj jM'UMu von ruisions, pavers, fyc. t Proof positive of the Efficacy of Dr Evans soothing Syrup. j H n..t 'yS Syrup: "7' c grcatDeneni anorded to my suf fflfin infant W enn t? riii . "'.; awuiuui ojrup, 10 1 a case ot protracted and patrifldentition, must! con- ir.nce cTrry reeling parent how essential ah' ear ly application of such an invaluable, medicine is to relieve infant miserj ani torture My in Uny. wh,,eL te!l!lfn?l experienced such acute w..0w, -nucKSd wiin. convulsions. .uu, 1 lamuy suppused that death would sopnreUase the babe from languish; till we Po"? abottleofyoursyrup which as soon -rrr- wuuucnui cnange was proaucea, ana auer a jiew applications, the cHild Tt"; v""v,wf',T"u Mjr wuiiouing 10 us cse, i am giao lomiorm you. the child haicom pletely recovered and no recurrence of that Haw ' fill Knmntainl KaoT cinra aaah rmA .L 1 . . llT mi wuiioiui uh 4!v wvuiicu ,f u8 leeiQi; are emanating easily and; the child enfovs rmtit health, , I giva ycja my cheerful permission to make this acnotvledgment nublic. anr ,;n ' gladly give any information on this circumstance :' - ' A ' sylx Wm JOHNSON. . ( v v 'Sold by thejoUoving Agents. ; I GEORGE W.BROWN, Salisbury. Nl C I JOHN A. INGLIS, ( Booltstore) Cberaw.SL C J. II ANDKUSUJN, Camden, SC. ii E. JOHN HuuGINS, Colombia, S. C f! i W.' M.. MASON .'4" Co,, Raleisrb, N. Ci I TAYLOR. HARRIS & Co Charlotte, N. C TRANSCRIFr OFFICE, r innAn t cttximvv 1? j i y LiincolntoD . ocrraohv and uistorva f The above with the higher branches in Literary Department, Music on the Piano and Guitar, Y;ifrw !,' v." : v:l .1 ' Ornamental Needle Work;. of Wax Fiowersi will alsf be i isc -.iC" j f si- 1 --'.-I at M CCUV . j , . K : I.' ' ; 'By order of ithe Trustees. " r THOMAS II COWAN, Cb'm . Salisbury, Sept. j27. 18$&i-tf9 ' 12 50 25 00 10 00 jand the making. aiight, if desired, Morns Mutt I caul is. i - V. Si - A CONSIDERABLE: NUMBER of these J3L TREES may be had at Fayetteville, N. C. about the last of nextfummer or the first of the Fall. The proprietor cab very readily dis pose of-them at the NortH, but from patriotic considerations, he prefers Ithat they should be taken by his native otate. l he price will be the same as in Baltimore of New York, and will be forwarded to purchasers on, the money's being remitted.- It is hoped that such as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day.' Enquire of E. L. Wisslow, rayelteville n. c. i , Feb 16, 18S9if29 L THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RE MOVED HIS SHOP TO THE V BUILDhVG FbftJtfERLy KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on hand a good assortment o watches and Chains, s - - Breast Pins and flings, I . -I Silver Spoons and Pencils f : Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, Rodger s Pocket and Pen Knives. And all other articles in his line. Repaired in the best manoerLand warranted for twelve months. Old Golo and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased, or in payment fnf (tphlQ Aho f."i I I 'h: 1 "'-j--' lIavid l. pool.' Salisburv, June 7, 1859 lf45 ' MORUS IWUllTICAljLIS IJOXITIS XOTIiTXOATOISf ?; Fruit IVees; be. : " The Sobscnieriiaryrma the public that he has fr salei at IiiiNorseries Df DaTi'dwo Coonty, 15,000 trees !of tfie Morus Iulticau4is, ihes are soperior to? buttings! without roots to propa wale from.' Hi? prce$ shall be the market price of the article ,in- the North and elsewhere. He also baa a largestock of Fruit Trees, ronsisting of Apples, h Pf ars,tPeacb'es,"Plums, Cherries, fyc. being selecrious of the best American and European frojlsvall of which are grafted or in oculated, and; o healthy, growing condition. " - I will have! trees delirered in good " conditions at any reasonable distance from Lexington, say 75 or 100 miles, (if; amount of orders will justit fy it,) for which I wtll charge the usual price of baoliog. It jwill be well lor those who wish to obtain trees, io get;the Catalogue of the Nor&e ries, which contains prices, andjwill be sent grat is to all . applicant? the i postage being paid. Commnnicatidns will be promptly attended to. Direct! to Lexington, N. C. - t ? - fj i J j CHARLES MOCK. Lexingtonj y. C. Sept. 6, 1839. - "jl'f ISsifNciJ The Vol. of the American Ai ifJlmanae for, 1833 and 1834, belonging to the Subscriber. Prvbablj it has falleo into the hands of some one who purchased Books at Gen. Polk's sale, as it wa$!last loaned to that gentleman. " ' -t.i ... U.. C.JONES. Dee.6,'1839-tfl5 L-aDIES5 PiiSHIOHS ' ' 1 1 1 . FOR THE j H ' & . t r PALL AND WINTER OF mHE Subscriber informs t he public, that she Mr bas just received through the Northern Cities the latestaDd most approved ' LONDON & PARISIAN FA8HIONS, And is prepared to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner. . Work sent from a di9tancevshall be carefully pat up and forwarddi h jj . ' S. D PENDLETON. JC Asef JJonnets, Caps, Torbans, and other arttclesj 'will be kept cahand for sale. V Mrs.1 P.. is .also prepared to execute Crimping and Flutwg on reasonable terms. Salisbury, October 18, 1839. HAVING .located himself in Salisbury, re spectfully tenders bis professional services to its citizens, and those of the surrounding coun try, i His office is the one recently occupied by Dr. Bouchelle1 where be can be found at all times, except when absent on professional do ties. MSalisbury June 7, 1839 tf45 ' 1 u PRE nnUE Eubeciiber bas fol sale (deliverable af i ter the: fall Sof! the 8ei0 from EJGHT THOSAND to TEN THOUSAND genu ine Mores Muhicaulus Tjfees. fam roots ( and cuttings, now growing in and! r.ear- the Town of Pjllsborougbj North 'parolsj. These Trees are large and superior, 'many of them now measure from six to nine .feiptj wel branched,' many "of which will count from one I to three hundred buds each. I will sell any number that may be required at) market prices, by the tree, by the foot, or by the bud,rbbt would prefer selling by the bud. r .Xii , . Also for sale, onej mil!io of the best ock of Silk-worm Eggs for feeding.! - w p JAMES J. , HORNED puisborciiErh, rc; 839-tfs,:g- ,i j o jozlk Tins jriME. ON Monday cf iFebruaryj Courtl 840. be ing 3rd day of ihe month,) witl certaioly be sold, the following property to the highest bidder, for cash : jOoe neat and comfortable N.C Dwelling W i ---- ' : w Houst let ! -SJ'NPf ' ; ; ' W S t - i c5T TO OWNERS OF MILLS. THE ; Subscriber has an improved Patent SPINDLE for Mills, by which. a mill will do much better , thari with the usual form of Spin-;, dies. It is i so constructed as to keep from heating or killing ther meal jo any manner. The runner is so iconnnea oy me opincie as always to pre serve its balance, and of course there is- no rub-5 bing of trie sidnea. - " C;U. ' y ; I think, by this tmproyed Spindle, the same" water will do at least one-third more business,' and the meal of soperior quality. I Any person wishing to use one of these Spin-: dies, may1 obtain one or more, by making applica I tion, fwithinU short lime) to the Subscriber at, Mocksville, Davie Co. N. C. I think the pro bable cjst will not exceed $30 for the Patent and. Spindle ready Tot use. 1 ' The following pejsons have, my patent Milt Spindle in successful operation :-Gol: VV. Fl Kelly, Thosi Fcfster, Joseph Hall and Samuel Foster, of Datie County ; Gilbreth DicKson and; David J, Ra'msotir of Lincoln ; Charles Griffith of Rowan ; Vddison Moore I of Davidson, and, William Doss of; Surry j all of whom are highly pleased with' its performance. - 1 I ! h I L. M. GILBERT. 'J November; 8. 889 lfl5 j nr. LEANDER KILLIAnI (D & C. EvWHEELER j Have just received a fash' supply orJ, A "MONO whichaW the following, the firsi 1 A time 'offered In I this 'market, to wblch they wouldj particularly Invite the attention of Physictana,5m: ' : . . - ' t Tartratt of Iron and Potassa, j Tg' jnild and excellent Tonic ; "... HydrargjtntCum &ri(i( clialk mercury,) t an excellent preparauoh for children ; .'i;i.v- Preeiattd Qarboriate of Irori, esteemed i much finer pieparatioo than the old j. v 1 1 j tust or carbonate. - i . ! Acetate of Potassk (Sal Diuriticus.) I Liquor, Potassai ; Extract of Jalop ; ii ii' Elatkriipn, .1! . ' Tery fine,! (Clulterbucks.) mud medicines of alT Kinas, cnieuy usea in mis wuuitj ujo Paints, Oils, Snuffs. iTobacc Spices,, Cigars, 'Candles. Rice, Starch, Soaps, Perfumes, Brush- es, instruments, faste uoarus, r ine metier ana WraDninffi Paper. Qdtlls. Int. Drawingl Paper and paints j Madeira tTeieiffe, Malaga; Port, Sherry, Ch3mpaigne,MDSQat,and Claret VVines, French, Peach and Ajple JJrandy,Gio, Mooon gahala and bid Whiskey, f Jamaica and N. E. Rom, Loaf Bogar, Varnishes,' Sand Paper, Glass Ware. Bottles. Lemob and iGincer Syrop, Lime Juice. Tamarinds. Jeffs,1 Casks. Pocket Books and MapsJ Pipes, Iron and composition Mortars, and Pestles, j Candle Wick, Blacking,; Lee's. Dean's, Dybtl's, Anderson'ti, Hooper's, Scott's, Cook's, Shop, Beckwiih's,! Peters'; Moflait's Evans Brandreth's, Pbelp'a Pills, Houck's and Swaim's Panacea, .Moore and Anderson's Cough DroDs. Snuff Boxes. Soieea. Pepper Sauce. Row and's Tonic Mixture Back Gammon Boards, Matches, Balm of Colombia for bald heads, Elix ir of Onium. Swaim's Vermifuge, and a tbous and other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold very low at the Apothecary Store. SalisbuN: C.Jin. 10, 1840 tf24 OILS.--LAMP, lT)S AINED AND LIN SEED, for sale by! 1 i I !;! CrB. & OI K. WHEELER. Salisbury1 Jan. 10,ll4oatf24 V jyuMisMji six IT For ii at Wheeler's, JaluurW Jan. 10,11 84d--tf24 A LARGE assortment4 of fresh and genuine JSl GARDEN; SEEDS pust received from the New Lzbanttn Siafecrjf, (see ; catalogue at their 6tore.) Alsoaiieat Oval Boxes and Hand Swifts for Ladies, for sat by - -11(1? C Hjfc C K. WHEELER. Salisbury, Jan. io; 18D-itf24 " Setocllrrg pv Sale Fffl HE Subscribers offeftj wholesale a large jl ana ooauiuui assorimeni ot . Jewcueru. vutieru4 ana a variety of fancy articles. if1 : RESPEqTFULLY offers his professional; services: to the citizens of Salisbury1 and! surrounding country i His Office is in Mrl West'sjnew byick; building, nearly opposite JI and V Murphy's store. j Augtist SO,!l839tf5 j State of Jlottft Carolina Sf STOKES COUNTY. V :n the great North Irauare of. said town nf Slis- bury. One other House and; Lot oooosita Wm. II - 1. --Si." . . . " " iiuwaTatne it extending back to the L.n iiviaa jiqreii.- 'orty Acres cf excellent Land in the ticiniiy of Town. tThe condition of sale will be cash to Ute amount of about $500. - A reasonable credii will h il At the eamei time! will be offered a Tract of 124 Acres, lying witbtu 4 mtles of Town, mostly wooaiana, wuu gwa tuildipga thereon. , i- N i-i .J.JONES. December 13, 1639. ts. . j-V i 1 , Court o EquifyFall Term 1839. j Polly Early,! Executrix of iea Earh decd.i I . - r : H Pleasant Kirby, Thomas Kirby and others J f IN this case it appearing to the. satisfaction of: the Court J that Thomas Kirby, one of the Del fendants in ih5s case, does not reside wiihin the' limits of this Statej It is therefore ordered, that poDiicaiion oe imaae tor six weecs in tte Caroli na Watchman,: printed at Salisbury that unr loss the said 1 Thomas Kirby appear at the next1 Court of Equity, to be holden for the coontv of Stokes, at tbCour-House in Germanton, cri tne second mondav after too fourth mondav in March next, knd plead, answer "or demurr, theLL cut win oe iaKen pro conresso, and the case set down for hearing exparte as to him. 1 Witness, Fv Fries' Clerk and Master of oof said Court, Cd monday after 4th monday in Sepi tember,S 18391 If t - w ,v . j : , i FRANCIS FRIES, c. M. e. 1 Nori 59 6 w I Printers fee 5 ' Merchants and dealers in : the above, are invi ted to call end examine, as.: they are determined to sell very cheap. f. If; C.Bi&jSCI K. WEELER. Salisbury, Jan. 10J 1840-tf24 i ! ,! . . . ' s. il . . 1 - - . i . Tlie Subscribers offer fit wholesale or retail IsjfflTh Reams wrapping paper, &J 20 Reams Foolscap,) 12 Reams Letter, ruled and unruled, 10 Gross Paste Boadi j j -' 6 -dd 1 Rice Paerij J , . French and colored! Paper5 far Ladies ose. i C. B.lSt Cl K. WHEELER. Salisbary,Jan. 10l84pf-tf24 1 1 -.i . : - State of iiortft atolfua SUURrcoUNTy::. - '! : :- . " .'r Soperior Court of Law September Term 1 839. George W.'Rooertsh . : , " . "vs.J I Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth Roberts. 3 r ; " rm HE Defendant called and failed Judgment '-JL pro confesso.' -Ordered by the Court, that pnoiicaiion oe maae ior inree mu.iins in me car olina' Watch main , and the Raleigh Standard , for the Defendant to appear at iha next term of wjr said Court, lo be held Tor said connty, at ' the Coort-Hbuse to Hockford,'on.the th inonday af. ter the 3rd monday in February next, then and there to answer to the allegations in said Bill, or the pray erj?f the petition will be granted, t Witness, Winston somers, ; uteiic ot said Court at office! 'he 5th monday after the 3rd monday in Aue-ust, AD. 1839.' . , WINSTON SOMERS, c. s. c. . DrcJ20, lSSSj-SmaiPrtuter'sfee SlO Cocoons Wanted. 4 rfflHE Subscriber ba aboot two thousand rery" JL fine MORUS MU LTI C A U LIS TREES yet fori sale, from 5 to 8 feet high, one half of wbic& tie is willing iro sen payaoie . in .(jocoonsi to be delivered next summer; the other half casn. j ( i -Persons wishing to make contracts will pleasei maKe ineir applications soon, as tne season tor fdanting according Jo his experience, begins ear y in February i Silk Worm.Eggs from arery bealiny siotii ot Worms, can also be bad. i h r: - IWETMORE. ; Fnyetlcvme, Vecl'MO, 183. 7w21.- . r; 1 1', H: C. JOXES-Hasr remoTed his Law ODice to the building htelv occopied by, Mr.. M Brown as a family residence, next door to his ttcre near the Court-Housp. Mr. JooestifSce is io the end of the build- ing, next to the former rost OEce. ShRsburtyJan 3, 1840 ; " THE Subscribers have just received from the North, six V v FAMILY CARRIAGES, anaT Bar ouches j made to order, and ofd the best materials, which will be sold for very nloderate prices. : They al so have on hand, ooene two wheel Biiggy land one Siilky, with HARNESS fpf each of. t he above, all complete., Those persons desirous of somelbinr neai aoo uunioiiBDie io rme in, cannot tan to D6 pleased both in style and; price, i - aB.&cf K. feeler. oausuurj, ua,n. iu : jo9i 1141 ' State of : North -Carolina. ; DAVIDSON COUNTY. Superior Couit of Lavr-Fall .Term 1839. - Juliana.. Bringle, V '.!'. " , , , vs. --r; Petition for Divorce. . Casper Bringle. J j v V f IT 'appearing to the satisfaction of the Com t , that the Defendant,' Casper ' Bringle,' is nut an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore order ed by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina - Watchman, print ed in Salisbury, land the Greensborongh Patriot, printed in Greensboroogb,that the said Casper Bringle appear at; the ; next Soperior Court of j Law, to be held for tne county , ot Davidson at the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st mon day after the 4th monday in March next, "and answer to said petition, or it will be read expar te, and judgment awarded accordingly. Witness Andrew; Hunt, Clerk, of our said Court at Office,! the 1st monday after 4ih mon day in September, A D. 1839. - , ; - , vAKUKlCW 11U N J , C. S. C Dec. 6, 1839f-3nil9 Printer's fee $10 - i 7T OW spirits i? JLi accompanied J greatest evils are s; grounds, and the v Ancient mfdical ; to be confined t f: abdomen , tech n ic:. II are situated on ! 1 r ity, whence The common c r: cy in the stomach : costiveness, epas;;-. of sight, flpitaiic of nxtn? the sue portance.or rr mands vicr cr c the rcind becorr.c i ing melancbo'ly, c a total derancr 'Phe mental t'c:l. lhat haunt the i the judgment ex . wisest and best cf : tion as the weal. .. State of ilottft atoltna WILKES COUNTY, - . ; - . . ' - Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1839 Gideon Debord, vs. Petition for Divorcer Polly Debord. 3 . ; - XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that the defendant Polly Dybord, is not an inhabitant of thjs State :. Ordered by the Court, that publication be made three months in the Carolina Watchman, that the said Polly Debord appear at the next Superior Court, to be held for Wilkes County;, at the Court House in Wilkes boro, on the 7 th Monday after .the Sd monday of February next, arid answer to said petition; oi it wtll be heard ex par ip,. and judgment awarded accordingly. ' ' j : h.; :;;-. -:-p'i:lU:-'r Witness, James Gwyn, Jr., Clerk of our said Superior Court at VVilkesboro, the7ih monday of the 3d monday of;Angu&t,'A D; 1839. ' ; 1 , ? J; GVYNN, Jric. s c.'r; - Nov. 29; 18S9 3ml8 Printer's fee $10 r . j 1 - 1 ' " I : 3tai ASHE', COUNTY. Superior Court, Fall Term, 1 839. Wm. Hoppals ) vs I Petition for Divorce. Catharine Hpppas J ' . . IT appearing-to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant. Catharine Hoppas, is not an inhabitant of this (State, is ordered that pub lication be, made in the Watchman, published at Salisbury, and( the Raleigh Star, published in Raleigh, for three months, that the Defendant appear at the next Superior Court to be held for Ashe County, at the Courthouse in Jefferson ; on the 6th Monday after the 3rd Monday of Feb ruary next, to fjlead, answer or demur in! the pe tition in this case : Otherwise, judgement pro confesao, will bie taken against her. ; . Test, ..-..' . "i - 9 K'tl"': R. GENTREY, c. s. c. December 13. 1839-3m Printers fee $10. State ofi lldttu aroltua, ASHE COUNTY. SuperioA Elisha Baldwin t?5 Charity Bald Court, Fall Term, 1839.. 3 Petition for Divorce. joizTHERjxnansEs. S5 1 il f - 'JL i finHREE pair ofs FINE NORTHERN , : II tHORbES ibr Sale, young and well broke warranted sound, and perfectly ntle. , Annlv - U CrB.ffc C. K. WHEELER. ; to Sal tsbu ryi'Jan. : 1 1 8 40 t f24 BIT. H.1 T. DISniTIES U?s located at CoL David Rsmsav's. OakIy Grove.;1re- dell co. N C.,and respectfully tenders his ser vices to ihei public, io ihe taiious departments of his 'profession. "j - ' ; ?i . January 10, IS40tf24 - ; J" WT appearing; to the satisfaction of the Court, JL that the defendant, Charity Baldwin, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made in the Caiolina Watchman, published at Salisbury, and the Whig Banner, published at Ltftcolnton, for three rr.cn ths, lhat the defendant appear at the next Superior Court to be held for Ashe Coonty, at the Courthouse in Jefferson, onj the 6th Monday after the 3rd, Monday in February j next, to answer, plead or demur to the petitioniin this case ; Otherwise, judgment pro cdnfesso will be taken against her. Test, i I -I'' ': h ) R. GENTRY, C S.C.L.; December 13j, 183$. 3m Printer's fee $10. Stale of JYorth Carolina. WILKES COUNTY, i Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions November Sessions, 1839. Glecn & Martin, -lojlgjnaI A(tachmenl jeT. Wm. H. Hackltt. Aled on defendant's Lands. f T appearing to tie satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant Wm. H. Hackett, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeksin theCar olma Watchman, for the 6aid Wm H. Hackett, to appear at oo f next Court, to.be held for the County; of Wjlkes, at the . Court House in Wilkegoroogi)L '.on this first mondav after' the .fourth monday of January next, and' answer : or or juagmeni wui oe eniereo against him, and the Lands condemned: to satisfy plaintiffs debt. Witness, Wm . MasUn. Cle-rk our said Court at Office, the 1st monday after the 4th monday of Ootober, 1839:- : ; ; ; ' I 7 yM. MASTIN, c w c c.J Noy.29.1839-PrinterVfee $5 r . 7r 'I r II2TRT ITO VELS. ; AMSEL of Datleri, by the aothor of Yem masse, &c:U'he adventures'"of an Attor oey in search of practice; by the author of . The adventures of a gentleman jn search of a horse. 2 vols.- The man about Town; by Cornelius Webbe. rrNao DarrelL orthe Gipsy .Mother, bv J I tneauthor oi 'Tine squire,; $ctunaries J j i- rell, or theiJttter Uiood,ty James Ihe Gen tlemen of the. Old School; by - James, autbor of the Robber,' Just received. at : 7; - - - .v.TURNER & HUGHES - A sedentary lif. vere study protra and rarely relic v; ; ercise.a dsssolnte ! and drinking. : violent purgative bitual discharge, ( ses,) or long cunti bebilily of one or i the abdomen, is z . The principal c move indigestion, t to enliven the sf :r. by exercise, early ; pleasant conver: jii beingcarefully r . of a mild aperient, calculated to obtain i Evans Aperient F. in their operatic : . fcleaosed,hisincstl are tonic, anodyne, infallible remedy, ; proved a great bU . Some physicia; : use of mercury, t .1 as in many c3$3 it symptoms. Interesting c : SO A ST H M A , Ti I' INC. Mr Robert with tbe above, disir. Great langour, '.: vous neaoacne, oiLit and stricture across t; vbus irritability and r in a horizontal posit! impending suffocation . distressing cough, c; : ach, drowsiness, rt : i the nervous energy, every though t of rex v on the countenance tf his existence or haj 4 . noticed in a public j Dr Wm. EVANS1 ' plaint, Jwhich induct : age of ihe Pills, removibg every sy i wishes to say his tn ; i that those afflicted v u toms similar to t hos e . restored, may likov ; benefit. ' -A CASE OF 'I Mrs. J. E. John: Johnson, of Ly nr., . for ten years with TI in her head, and vcrr.: in the stomach, and She could find no rd; , eral physicians, nor fr; until after she had t( raedicineof 100 Chat: time she began to err she continue the tr: "Will be perfectly curt .!. as to the truth of the Johnson's daughter's ii' N.Y. ICJ M rs A n n e F . V street between Stantc:; ted for ten years "wit it symptoms : Acid en pains in the hfad, loi - of her heart, giddiness ; not lie on her right siJ-, ability of engaging in vigor or courage, sorr,f an aggravation of her c sion to particular per apprehensions of pr an irksomeness and w ted, discpiietude on t : conceived she could r.z'y lamented, despor. most miserable life, r;c v frequent mental 1j a 1 1 u , ' Mr Kenny had the :. physicians, and had rr ci ues, bol could not C'.-: tion of her distressing suaded her to make tn : ; She is now quite ir.;. not only capable of an . fairs, but avows t hat t ' present as she did at r J. Kenny, husbar. ! Kenny. Sworn before me, t! 1836. Peter Pj: - -CpREMARICAl7 RHEUMATISM, Lungs cured undor Wm. EVANS' 1 03 York. M r Benjid i . : Newark, N.J.af' severe pains in all hi increased on the s!ig!,t preserved a steady w!.; dizziness in hi3 head, i: ly costive, the urine I profuse sweatin g, c r. :i t bove symptoms were z'. erable difficulty of tre tightness across the c '. of due energy in the : The above sytnpt. r : and a perfect cure dr. aiyofNtw Icr:, Benjamin S Jams I . i pose andsay, that t' boye certificate, sul. respects true. Sworn before me. ihi . WILLIAM SAUL, sao street. ; r . ;; Sold 6y ihe f GEORGE IV BUG JOHN A INGLIS ( H. ANDERS ON, E JOHN HUG GIN- w ji:juason,l c . Jlay 10, 1839- 11 1: -N. Carolioa Book Store. If Is - 1 f ft i .ii.