I? M - It ; ' 'i t.. -V.l- I !l i, 1 s A " i , r 1j J. h : - 1 -i l-i- '3 !;l II : .. I. in In it I- ! ! I 3 fi if -V- 1: VI 1 A HIGHLY' IMPORTANT CAUTION TO THE. PUBLIC BY: DR. WILLIAM MVANS, 100 CHATHAM STREET; j - - - - - - ' - - , - l I 1 - ' Bisensts general . and special Cave ne V titubes. '- ' - j 1 ' " , nr.WARE LEST YE STUMBLE. ;OCT. WILLIAM EVANS, 100 Cbat- baoi street aTails himself of the present oc rCagiyn io tender his most uoieigned ac&npweuge nients to the numerous members of socleij ho (suffering coder 'all the pains ' and acMs7tbat flesh is heir to,n) hare entrusted themselves to : his care, lie has the satisfaction ol khewipg from many living evidences, that his remedies have dune their duty as far as lies wit(tif te compass of human means, How j distressing ,10 the afflicted is Dyspepsia or indigestion, jpoisotf- 7 ig all the sonrces of their enjoyment, and lead ing ia m?iny instances to the miseries jnif on firTned Ilypochondriaws -Long as it has! been ihe $ object of inqniry by-medical aathor, re mains in ranch obscarily Apoplexy, diseases of the Lier, Kidneys, Spleen, Stpmachii &ttd ln- : - testing Bladder and ita appendages, Diarrhoea, :I)jsentary,Catn Moltus Allis perform 1 parts r io the drama of ; Morbid Affections. Prl j Evans has been sinsralarlv tjaccessful in the treaiment .of the above diseases, by remedies 'drawn from his own and the researches of, the mo?t 'eminent , medical men in the world. -He has also had vast ' experience and success , throughout theijwhola family of delicate diseases, the impure jtjpden- '. " cies of which are aggravated wby and -irjied In the eonsiitution through the base conspiracies of Mercurial murderers, unprincipled, uneducated - and uopraciiced, in any art save that of attemp ting to lead the credulous victim on the 'road to ruii..' - Dr Evans' office, 100 Chatham street; is supplied with the choicest remedies fjm! homei and foreign markets aad compounded hy i mas ter's hand on scientific principles ? A'physician 1s always in atiendence, and a private office. "All ihnse whocome ihere in the hour 6f keed, WILL OO OFF HEJOICINO. - y j -r - T lCJ'Urm C OM PLAINT, OF TEN TE.1 US -STANDLXG'-Mti ' H ANNA H H HO VVNE, wi fe of Joseph Browne5, ' h'orlh b'ixihsV- near Second st. Williamsbargh, jafflic led for ihe last ten years with' Liver CJomhlaiot; Yesiored to health through the treattne it Jif Dr. Wm IC VANS. Symptoms: Habitual; constipa tion olj the bowels," total losslpf appetite, excro ciaiing pair, of1 the .epigastric region, great de- pression of spirils, langour and other symptoms of extrenre debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate now of thejinensesipain, in the right side, ould not lie onjier-lfft sidt, without an aggravation of ; the pain, urine bigh coloured, with other !symp .tjras indicating great derangement in ihe func tions of ihe' liver.f r ;? v?- J: jf : JJ'S Mrs. Btowne was attended by thieejof the first physicians, bdt received hul; liule relief (rum i heir medicine," till air' Browne procured some of Dr Wm EvansMnvaloable pre ?aritions, which efTtctually relieved her of the abeye dis tressing symptorasY'with others, which it is pot essentia! to-intimate rc?i: --r; icv :; Tr r Vr JOSEPH BROWNE. City anil County of New Ycik, fes. ' i I Joseph Browne Williamsburgh, Long Island, Wing duly sworn, did depose and , eay thjat tb facts as set .fouh in- the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. . i JOSEPH BROj(VE. r. i- j Husband of the 6aid Hannarj 'Browne. Sworn before me, thi9 4lh day of January, 1837 ; PKTEIt PINCKNEY, Com, dfjpeeds. NEW. ESTAQMS'iT2EMT IJfl,j WW r t . 1 la Motk&vlti9 N. V - -. : ' THOMAS: FOSTER . INFORMS the public that he has, removed frm nfs formerj standj, to IJiisTnew; buildings on the public Rquareinf the Town of jMocks Tille,!iwhere hewillconjidoe tokeepajjri House ofitiertaiumenti - His House is roomy a jid commodious; . attach ed to which are SIX COMFORTABLE OF FICES for gentletnehjf the Bar, all convene ient to the Court Hciosel The subsciicei pledg es himself to the most diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to soch as may call on him. His TABLE, BAR & 3TABLES are provided in the best manner that the' eountry ; will afford, and his serraots are faithful and prompt-v V Jan 6. 1839 tnte l j i t :-H.- -; TT jvo j oun temis time; N iIohday of ifN Monday of February Uourt, 1840, fbe- V in" Uidday at the mouth, will certainly be sold, th4 ffiUovring property to the highest bidden for cash r Une neat and comiortab e ; . - - ,. i I I TT r ... -4 fitctllin in fo the great. North feqdare of said town of Salis bury; Onetjther House and Lot opposite Wm, Howard's the Lot extending: back to the Lu theran Church i Forty Acres of excellent Land in the vicinity bfl own. The condition 6f sale vil! be cash to ths amount of aboot 500. 'A reasonable! credit will be allowed on the balance. At the same tirae viH be offered a Tract of 124 Aeres, lying wilhia 4 miles ol Town, mostly woodland,1 with got d buildings thereon." , L : f: ! : - . . J. JONES.! ' Deeembe 1$ If 59. ts. : , 4, IFPR THE PALI AND WINTER OF nnHE Subscribet informs Ihe public, that she jL has just received .through the iMortbem Cities the latest and j most approved f LONDON & PARISIAN FASHIONSJ And is oreba!red to execnte orders in the most stylish and saiis!(actorjr manner. I - woric sent tromia aisiance nau oe careioiiy pal op and forwarded. - S ' f 'Mi l P PENDLETON4- CP A; fejw Botjnets, Caps, fTarbans, , and other articles, iwill be kept on hand for sale. 1 Mrs. -b.' P.. is also prepared ito . execate Crimping and Flutjng on reasonable terms, i saiisnury ucioner its, i3U. i g Ik i Mortis Jtintticaulis. r , 11 SCjrtoiftep'recenC test of the unrivalled vir- CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES" may be hid at Fayetteville, N. C. about the Iast;of next summer or the first of the Fall. jThe pfoprietofcan very readily dis pose of them at the North, but from patriotic considerations, he prefers; that they should be iaKen oy nis native oiaie. x no price win oe the same as inBauimorelpr New York and will be forwarded to purchasers on the money's being remuieov 11 is nppsa inaisucn as may wisu io engage, may do so at an early day. "O ESPECTFULLY offers his professional JLa services to t h,e citizens of Salisbury and surrounding ebon try His Office is in Mr. West's new brick building, nearly opposite J. and V. Murphy'sj store. j 1 Aogost 30,183tfa j TO dWJSBRS. OP MILLS rfflttl Sabscribfr has an improved Patent JL SPINDIE for Mills, by which, a mill wil do much better! that)) with the usual form of Spin dies. It is so constructed as to keep from heatwg or killing the meal in any manner. The runner. is so -confined jby the Spindle as always tome serve its balance, and of course there is no rub- bio? of the Stories. I i Is 1 think, by this improved Spindle, the same waterfwillsdo at least one-third more business, and the meal of superior quality, j Any person: wishing to use one of these Spin dies, may .obtain one or more, by making applica lion, (withiti! a short time) to the Subscriber, at MocKsvuieyuavie vo. ix. l imnK tne pro- C. B,J & GeiSiWjDEELEBy ' Hat): just received ai fresh supply of "A MONG which? are the llowing7 toe first timA offered! in llhis market,, to which ihev would mrtictilarfv Invite the attention of Physicians viz : f l-' r 1 !'j ; ; 'i-l. I- -v:- Tartrate p;rnrf'.Polotf, :. . i. ' f! a'nuld and excelient.Tonie . , ffydrargyrum,Cuyi riffti( chalk mercury,) , an excellent plepaVaUon for children p s PrecipetaledCa)nattcf:IrontS esteemeot t much finer preparation than the old ' j ; rostlor carbonate. t";L;;-;-Acetateof Pdfassiujt Sal Diuriticus,) Liquor Votass jEtract of Jalop y : Rlattrium, very fine, (ClotterbucksJ and medicines of all kinds, chiefly used in mis 5Conniry-J-ye oiuu, Paints, Oils, Snuffs, 'JLonacco, apices, cigars, nindlfs! Rice. Starch.Soaps. Perfumes, Brush es, Instruments, Paste Boards, Fine Letter and Wrapping Paper HoiJis, ihk; rawing raper and Paibtsi Madeira, p enenffe, waiaga. ron, Sherry, Champajgne, Moscaf,and Llaret Wines, French, Peach andl Apple Brandy, Gin, Mooon gahala and 'old Wfiiskey Jamaica and N. E. Ware, BottlesLemon nd Ginger Syrop, Lime Juice, Tamirmds,augs. !Casks, Pocket .Books and Maps, Pipes, lion ind composition Mortars, and Pestles, Candle IVVick, Blacking, Lee's. Dean's, Dyott's, Anderson's, Hoopers, &cott's, Cook's, I Shop, Beckwith's, PetersV Moffatt's Evans', fBrandreth, Pjielp'a Pills, Hoock's and Swaim's Panacea, iiioore and Anderson's uoogn Drons. Snuff Boxes. Snices, Pepper Sance, Kow- and's Tbntc Mixture, IBack Gammon Boards, Matches, Balm of Colombia for bald heads, Elix ir of Opium, Swaim's Vermifuge, and a thous and other articles top numerous to mention, which will be sold very low at! the Apothecary Store. 0.1:1: m n ? r. J i n i n ttctA Stsite of KortU- Carolina. DAVIDSON county. : Superior Court of Lais--Fall Term 18S9. - Juliana Bringle, f " Casper Brl ITT appearm; JJ. tb Petition for Divorce; WE IP J B EMjEJU S tne ol Dr fFw Evan Medicin es. Wf&PEP' a$ia;ten years standing. j jMclCenziei 176-Siantiin street was afflicted with . tne atyive. complaint tor ten years, which inca ipicitaled him at intervals, for thoperil of six tears, in attendioir to : his. business, restored to erfect health under the salatarv treatment of ' Wm-Evans.--' ;'- tl ; Ihe Symptoms tecfe. A sense of jdjsieifsion 1 and oppression after eating, distressing i wain io v the pit of the stomach nausea, impaired appetite, ; giddinps palpitation jot ihe heart, grelrt debility and emaciation, depression -of spiritsijtbibed i rest.someiimes a bilious, vomiiing, and'pain in i tho right aide, zri extreme deaeeof tensuor ; ad famtness ; any endeavour to pursue rjis bus- mess causing imraeuiate exnausijpo and .Iwean- Mr Mchtnzitt ts daily attending (p hytlntsi- i ness, aim none oi ine above symptom have re curreu since ne usea me m8aicine. jeis now t a irongand healthy mao..;He has -rps0rted to -f myriads of remedies, but they were, all (neffec- luai. no is wiiung io give-any information to TnA.A fA k'im k. ik; ;tr r; tvLi'Ji- And all other articles in his line." eW.fai ann, uajr. i. bable cast will not exceed $30 for the Patent and Enquiry of E.j L. WKsloW, Fayetteville Splndie redyifo? ulb. . , . 1 VUl taI,Uo 1 v! i . - The feiipfn'g persons! have my. patent Mill Spindle in' successful operation Gol. VVJ F. Kelly, Thosijlilfoster, Joseph Hall and Samuel r osier, oi uayie vouniy , vmorem uicksoo ana David J; Ramsmir of Lincoln ; Charles Griffith of Rowan : Addison Moore of Davidson, and William, Doss of Siirryi all of whom are his$dy .. i - i '.t itil V" - :i- pieasea wun us penormance. i j ' j :f ftrl M- Li. M. UILtBEUTw November St 1839-IH5 I THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RE MOVED HIS SHOP TO THE BUILDING FORMERLY ' tKNdrVNm THE I j POSTOFF1 Ey 1 Contmnes to keep on hatid a good assortment o It tttches and Chains BUasl Pinslaiid IiHigs Silver Spoons and Pencils, j Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, ers Pocket and Pen Knives icrs. unsr medicioe..; ;. r 4 ,- "'.. '-' :: V'lit1-- ; i-v- -- - - A Real BIcssiriff to Molii ' kyrup. for Children CiiUiitsr iheM Teeth J HI HIS mfallible'remedy has preaervVd hun ! Jl dreds of Children, when thought: past; re covery, trom convulsions. As soon as i tbe Sy- ;iuj.niuuucuu iue gunis, me cnudiwuij recov :er, . This preparation is so : innocent, sof" effica cious, and so pleasant, that no child ! will refuss toilet its gums be robbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though thre is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup "'"i,,kj uo. uacu uu gums, io open tne pores. Parents should never be. without the SVrnn in the nursery where there are, young children j for if a child wakes in Ihe night with pain; in the gums the. Syrup immediately -giWslase by opening lb a poreaind healinz ibe ffUms there- by pre9nting Convulsions, Fevers; 4-c.n tS-Proof positive of the Efficacy 'of Br. .. . . jvans- soominsr Swim- ! I , o ine igenipi Ut t,?aiw' Soothing Syrop : required at ar. SirThe great benefit afforded to my suf foot, or by t fe ring infant bv four soothino-Scrnn in U ih hnd I r,",a"v aiuiui ueouuon, musi con vince every feeling parent how essential kn ear- ij application oi soch-an invaluable medkine is. io relieve in tant miserv sntt tnrf n ro rvi . J - W A U 1 V L1J V 111 while leeihinoC exnpripnrpH enH fant. CEjOCIZ8& UViTCIffES Repaired in'the best maijner, and warranted for twelve mdnlbs. (Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased, orih payment loraeDisaue. r. i i s - f ! I DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, 1SS9 tf45 t - r ' - - - ' . : i -' JIOKUS MliLTICABLIS TREBS. fBlHE Subsciiberihas lbt sale (delirerable af JL! ter ihe fall of the leaf) from! EJGHT THOSAND tol TEN THOUSAND genu ine Morus Mnlticaulus Tfees; fram i roots and cuttings, now growing tn and near the Town of rittsboroush, North Carolina. These Trees are large and! superior; uiaaj- cf tbrm -nM eaMita. trom six to nine feet, well branched-many of which will count from one to three .hundred buds each. I will sell anv number that mav be market prices; :by the tree, by the he bud, but would prefer 1 selling by Also for sale, ohe millibn of the best stock of Silk-worm Eggs for feeding. ' "l " '' x 1 i JAMES J. HORNE. PUtihorovgh; Sepl 1839 1!6 f : u waaauacKed with conve5sions. enI Mt a m i i a ' ujr u aim, umjiy supposed ilha death uu,uew IPIB45B meoaoe lrom4 abwuisb, till we procured a bottle of your sy rupj which ias soon as anphed to the sums auntUrfnt nnU , produced, and after skfewiapplicaiioos; Oie child displayed obvious relief. aotT by cootinqin in ns use, 1 am glad to inform you, the child hs com- pieieiy recovered and no recurrence of that aw rill mmnlainf lis ciraa J Jl t I t.. vv...r.... USd otitic wviuucu , ioe ieem are emanating easily and ihe child enjoys ilperfect ........ j,uu mj cneerrui permission to " - W - w f. WW 111 ! Fruit j Tres,:-, ; The Subscribe! informs the public, that hn has for sale, at his Norseriei tn Davidson County, 15,000 trees of the! Morus Mnltieknlis, these are superior to catlings without roots to propa- gate iron), ms prices snail be the market price of the article in the (North Sand elsewhere. He also has a, large stock of Fruit Treesconsisting i appies rears, reaches, riums, Uhernes, ycf being; selections of the best ! American and EuiODean frntte kll r gtauiy give any information on thia cireumstance ocolated, and in healthy! growing condition. - . , - " ! ' i : , Wm JGHNSjON. ' i w,n trees delivered in good 'condition. uifuj reasonable distance from Lexington, say aoa ow thefbUowiAzAzehisi INGIJS. (Bookiior.) Cfielay, S. C J. H. ANDERSON! CimAi,: r. i iV iw u HUGGINS, Colombia, isjJj W. M. MASON Co.. Raleigh N ft1 c. 75 or 100 miles, pif amount of orders! will justi fy it.) for; which wtllHaxge the usnal price of TRANeitlPT,OKKICE; i-.guJliMtX.&Uo. -w f : haolmg. 1 It will be well for those who wish to obtain trees, to gel ihe CatalugneoCibe Nurse ries, which contains prices, and wiilbe sent srrat- is an j applicants, Mhe postage being pitoV Communtcaticns will h1 hr,i- .i..-f jj XLincolnldn,N.C ci w x.exirigron, . n, Lexington, N C. Sept.. 6; XRJO; . : Cocoons Wanted. I rBIHE Subscriber has about two thousand verv JL fine MORUS MULTICAULIS TREES yet for sale; from 5j to 8 feet high, one half of which he is willing, to sell payable in Cocoons, to be delivered; next summer ; the other hal cash.. 1 !. !IJ .":" ; . Persons !wishincr to make contracts will please maKe men; applications soon, as me season nor planting according to bis experience, begins ear ly io February. Silk Worm Eggs from a very neaitny stock ot worms, can also be had. Hi! Ill . -! - !: I. WETMORE. FayeltemXliiDec. 20, 1839. 7w21. TJ1IE OMIJyG IS VS1JYES8. Xf F. FRALEY keeps constantly on hand JLPa a full supply of ready I rJVADEi CLOTHING, S Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, also Cloths, Casi- meres ana ( vesting; an ot whicd he will sell low for cash i 'He is also prepared to ' cut and make clothing in a. very superior style, and tvar ranted to fit well. Garments cut on short no tice. He will teach the art op oxrrrma I on the roost approved and Fashionable Stvle to aaiiorc wisning insirncuon. u. t r . Sept. 6, flS39pi2m6 j tfr rttMTlLL be given for any! in ftf ion that will lead to ne apprehension of a hesro bov namea r : - ; . , i !jAJIOS, 7 j belonrlnr !o ih "Esuiia ftfTttr a i J t I i. o C ' v. . iary Meeteeri Rowan County. This boy vvas arrested on! a Stiie's Warrant in Mftctlflnfinra county on the 23rd November last: when be- viue ois Daii, aia a Short time after he abscond ed, since which time, 1 have been unable tol ob lain miormation of him; ! I . j; HOLTON. Charlotte, Jan, 1840 8w24 - 7 j -mi o Its. LAMt, TRAINED AND LIN SEED, for sale byi I i C. B. &C. K. WHEELER. Salisbory, Jan, 10; lB40-tf24 SIX I t t 7 jForS Sale at Wheeler's. Jalisbury, JanJ 10, 1840 tBi GiiRDBECr SEEDS. A LARGE assdrtment of fresh and genuine i3L GARDEN SEEDS, just received from the Neto Lebanari Shakers, (see catalogue at their store,) Also; neat1 Oval Boxes and Hand Swifts for Ladies, for sale by ! ! C. B.& C.K. WHEELER. Salisbury, Jan I 10, 1 8gi0 tf24 ITT1HE Subscribers offer at wholesale a Isrge JL and beautiful assortnnent of Jewellery, i Cutlery, and a variety of fancy articles. Merchants and ealer in the above, are invi ted to ball nd examine, as they are determined to sell very cheap.! I !i 17- CB S&C. K. WEELER. SalisUry. Jan. jO, 10 14 The Subscribers fferlat wholesale or retail IOlfli Reaml wrapping paper, S&y 20 Reams Foolscap, I Reams Letter, filled and unruled, ' 10 Gross Pasta Doaid, 6 do Rice Paper", French and colored Paper for Ladies ose. - C. B. & Q. K. WHEELER. Salisbury, Jan. 10, I80-tf24 BAHGAIITS 2AZIGAZNS f T NET?" Fj&SHIOJXTSj JFMLJL & WWTER, , HORACE H. BEARDf' h TTJ ESPECTFULLY informs his friends end . J1,1!? pnbUc lhat he still carries on the TAI LOR1N G BUSINESS at his old stand on main street, nextdoor to-the 'Apothecary Store, f He ts ever ready to execute the orders of bis custom ers in a style and manner nottsarpassed by any workman in the Wesierb pait of ihe Stated I He ; 10 !ie "Wrreceipt of ihe latest London and New lork FASHIONS, and prepared to jacv commodate Lthe. tastes of the , fashionable ad all limes.-' ff :;"',: V7r ''-t'-, 5C? Cutting garments of all kinds attended to promptly i andt the latest Fashions furnished a,t all times;io country tailors, and - instructions given in cutiin. - 7" - r7 - Safislfrtf, Jbziary 1 7 18-rO'. ly& - - Tie. iT . to the satisfaction of the Couitt that ihe Defendant, Casper Bringle, is an inhabiunt o f this Stale ; It is therefore order ed by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina Watchman, print ed ih Salisbury and the ! GreensborooghJalrIot,, printed m Greensborough, that the said Casper Bringle appeatiat ; the nelt - Superior Court of Law, to be"heSd for the county of Davidson , at the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st mon day afieMhej 4th monday in March next, and answer to said petition, or it will be read expar te, and judgment awarded accordingly, r : t WitnewT Andrew Hunt. Xlerk of our said Court at Office, the J st monday after 4th mon day in SepteiflberA; s C ! ir H-ANDREW HLN T, s. c. : Deci G 1 89-Sml9 Printer's fee $10 rilHE Subscribers hafe just received from the JL iNorin; six 1 1 1 1 and Barouches, made to order, and of the nest materials, which will be( sold fur very1 moderate prices. They al jSq haf!oi hand. one fine " wheel B"ggy aiidjibne Sulky, wltfTARNESS for ech of the above, all complete. Those person! desirous of something neat and comfortable to ride in, cannot fail to be pleased both in style ana price. i I C. B.& CI K.WHEELER. Salisbury; Jan. 10, 1840 tf24 - irdisTnieJ horses. ffflHREE pair of FINE NORTHERN II HORSES for Sale; young and well broke, warranted sound, and perfectly gentle. Apply to - 7 1 C. B. 8t l. K. WHEELER. Salisbury J Jan. 10, 1840 tf24 ; 7 SteXteof ovtftiivoUWet; ...-,LKESCOUNTY;: Superior Court of Law Fall Ttnnt 1839 ::i Gideon De' iord,f ") ' . : ' : : . - H ; ' v. ts. Petition for Divorce. ' ---FIy Defedj IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant Polly Debordts not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered by the Court, that publication be made three months in the Carolina Watchman, that the said Polly Debord appear at the next Superior, Court, to be held for Wilkes Couuty, at the Court House in Wilkes boro,' on the 7th Monday after the Sd monday of February neit, and answer to said petition, oi it will be heard exparte. and judgment awarded accordingly. ..j (:-. 7v-77--7:'; 77--;. 7: Witness, James Gwyn, Jr., Clerk of our said Superior Couh at VVilkesboro tbe Tth monday of the 3d monday of August, A. P 18S9; 7 7 T - J,GWYNN, Jr. c. s c. Nov. 29. 1839 3ml8 Prioter's fee $107 State of Lortft ffiatoitnii rakr county 7 77 , Superior Court of Law September Term, 1839. George W. Roberts,") - ; . ' j- vs. j t JPfltHion for Divorce. Elizabeth Roberts. 3 : . - ' rfflHE Defendant called and failed Judgment JL pro confesso.U Ordered by the Court, that pnblication be mads for ihree months in the Car olina Watchman and the Raleigh Standard for the Defendant toPPer at next term of our said Court, taibejfe1d for said county, at the Coort-House io RocWbrd, on tbe 5th monday af ter the 3rd mooday in February next, then and there to answer to the allegations in said Bill, or the prayer of he petition will be granted.-. Witnessr Winston Somers, Clerk of j. said Court at ffice'he 5ttt monday after the 3rd monday ifl Auerostj A.' D. 1839. r . 3 VVINSTON SOMERS, c. s. c. Jgea gO, 1839!3m21 Printer's fee $10 T S&htt of ilottft sttroltuit, ASHE COUNTY. Superior Court, Fall Term, 1839. ? 7 retiuon ior uivoree. Catharine Hoppas.j T appearing to! the saiisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Catharine Hoppas, is not an inhabitant Of this State, is ordered that pub lication be made in the Watchman, published at Salisbury, and the Raleigh Star, published in Ralugh, for three months, that the Defendant appear at the next Superior Court to be held for Ashe County,! at the Courthouse in Jefferson, on the 6th Monday after the 3rd Monday of Feb roary next, to plead, answer or demur to the pe tition in this lease; : Otherwise, judgment pro confesso, will be taken against her. - J Test, R. GENTREY, c s.c. l. December 13, 1839 3m Printer's fee $10 "Si Wm. Hcppas vs I nniiERE v.iu t IL WTm. Cov.cn' of February next, 71 deceased, nut wilk i, iTlircc or JFirst ZZciZc One II agon end i. He and Hogs , quantity, of llou! r wuh various .cil.tr There will also I s f cabl8 youn t.7 Child. Terc: of sale by N. B. All Fr:.: " requested to ccrr.3 f immediately, anJ i" gainst said estata V legally authentic:' tice will be plcaJ i . January 17. IS 7 IThR. R. T. r: Jl , Col. David i: dell co. IS. C, and ; vices" to the public, i his profession. January 10, 161 - Worthcr:: VERY super: .- perfectly scj: and double harccs3, r -7..7; 7 7-' M - January 17, I S i X-ISlacI;c:::' First rate c o habits, and u:7 can come with satis', find constant and pr ensuing- year, to tak er two negro Smit' 9 with a small family : ing House and Sht: one sett of Tools h i cellentneighborhti the trade. Apply t lsbury miles irom sa Farmville, IredeH IHIiic S; the Season i :; , owners of $t.. - around and make an we would respectf; ' (o strike Bills of a:. ; a very superior nm: Waichman OT.c . AMSEL of D masse. Fee. '. ney in search of pn adventures of a ger t : 2 vols. The m:r. : Webbe. Nan I)ar: the author of Tl. relI, of the Bitter 17 4 llemen of the OIJ : the Robber, fyc. J 7 tuu:. Stittr of $Lovtii fitroUttti; ASHE COUNTY Superior Court, Fall Term, 1839. Elisha Baldwin - t?s I .j Petition for Divorced - Charity Bildwin.J 7- 1 app6aripar to the satisfaction of the Court. that the defendant, Charity Baldwin, is not an mhabitan of this State, it is "ordered that publication bo made in the Carolina Watchman, published at Salisbury, and ihe Wh'g Banner, published at Lincoln ton, for three mcnthslhat tbe defendant appear at the next Superior Court to be held for. Ashe County, at the Courthouse I in Jefferson, pn the 6th Monday after the 3rd, December Monday in February next, to answer, plead or aemurgto me judgment pra Test; petition in this case : Otherwise, confesso will be taken against her. R. GENTRY, c s. c;l. v 13, 1S39. 3m Printer's fee $10. FOR . r- I AM still Offering for sale, at a very low price, " my hou se and lot in Mopksville. The build ings' are jj oetv and ommodiou9, and well soiled for a . Merchant oi iTavfern-i keeper. 7 Tbeyare situated io the .most desirable part of Town, be ing near: ihe Ooort-Hodse.f The: who may wish the most interesting location in one of ihe most interesting villages of North Carolinawould do well to secore tift 71 31 Ir CLEMMONS. Moeksville, Davie htiJitkl? 154025 6t $tokes county; : Superior Court of Law Fall Term, A; D. 1839. Joseph Wolf, i V V9 I Petition for Divorce. Jane Wolf. , ? 3 . 7 , IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the. Court, that Jane Wolf, the1 defendant, does.not reside within the limits of this State: it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months in tbe Watchman, published at Salisbury, and the Greensboro Patriot, that un less the defendent appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stokes, at the Court House in Germanton on the 2d monday sifter the 4th monday in March next, and plead, atiswer or demur, or the petition will be taken pro 'confesso, and the cause set down for hearing exparte'f .. . V "t?---'"- V;C Witness, Isaac Golding, Clerk of said Court at office, 2d i monday. after the 4th monday in September, A. D i 1839. - w r v ISAAC GOLDING, c s c.V Dec; 20, J839-3m21 Printer's fee $10 "7 POMEAD SEE The Subscriber bav- 'log oo hand a large supply of mahogany and other materials, and also having in his employ several good workmen, is prepared to make to order all kinds of! Cabinet and Chair Work- from tbe plainest walnut job to the finest work of mahogany. . j 1 he ; greatest punctuality will be paid to all orders for work of every kind in the Cabinet lineJ (Prices moderate.) All kinds of produce, plank and scanllincr, will be la ken in exchange. V '"K. ELLIOTT. f CrtlVl.-The undersigned having permanentlv established himself in Mr, Elliott's emptov. would be'tbankful for all orders forma hoiranv work, and rromisesjhat all work done by him shall not be surpassed (in ihe ay of workmanshib; at least,; by r anj 'other whatever;' , f - C. H. DEJERNAIT; Sdisbyrvl'Jan. 31. 1340-tf27 , ; "frUT A VT JS D TO HIKE, a negTO woman If capable of doing the cooking and jvash in? for a smH family.7 rrp. Enquire at this Otfice;- v:,.;7 7, January fr, 1340 If-, . . v For nnHE Subscriber 'JUL healthy rf i: 200-4CG- of. good farming J. Statesville road n bout 20 miles from ' the latter p!ace, v. i ning throush the 1 The whole is an c 7 first rale ' timber, r. some, but small far . Slock Of the j A Top HOILSi:, good stock, Four C old: of good fclcfJ, -remarkably gentle : young MULES, f All the above active, and with a!! : managed. All the aboTs r ' cash, or on a ctedit the payment is t.-; subscriber, living I tbe Statesville ra 7 Farmville,Irc . 3 - January Mitchell'. 'A TLAS ; a r. JSL ihe use i f I in fact for all v, !. to have it in t modern Gecsrc! the present stale divisions,, Eurr r Oceanic3, with t! States, Territcrl by numerous 11: objects of Natui? sen tat ions cf rc: plified and adap trated by an At' o; accompany t! carefully cole urc ! whole wotk h ; have received r of the -Gecgra ; varioos parts cf t they would m:' a pamphlet, v.e they are too 1 or We do most c:; of the work fcy ing before yotjili is, also an cut: the GeojrarTjj, cured, bui cak : ' . ECP Jest f ' ville Si., u l : -togethf r with f and many rare ' Raleigh j -Jar.. n r i'. I i