. -m1 ! L - -if 4 i ' I, - 2 i 1 ;.! v - , ', , ' . -'lit'.' i ; ,- - ' - ' . - If it k -1 i 0! 0 r 3 0 I & 6 :5 P3! M a i v if '4 r did Ui is a certain stale of tbe mind. 'N.mriifiifd bv indigestion, wherein the "tleyik PPrh?nded upon the slight iIi.fSnJ j,e wufsi (consequences imagined.. f ni tneUlCa winn nuppiiscu ima vi- MhifiBrft'0 those particular regions of the 'trm-n &iiii&allyalled hypochondria which wtieeicWi' ihe name hychoodriasis. tkf fOtniA' corporeal symptoms are uaiiuen-; nV.iciohftcb or bowels, acrid eructations. CJJ .fis.PsinKlie pains, giddiness, dimness UVitV rafHl'" tnd oIImi an oiler inability rfeo ktte attention upon any subject of im r -..rp'nrnga'2n!f ii niT thing, that de- t. T ) I . t 1 i aiso languianess thoughtful, despond afiice or. enigma . - if 'iflrarijf !8n '"h nervous sysleni. yepial jftlings and peculiar train of ideas , t fiantit 'ifiy i(na'4iniion and, overwhelrnn tifctofti'- exhibit a n ;i n fi ni le d I ve rsi ly . -The -LiM'lbeitfjf ropr aw "open to this affhc ;..n is the jmket. ... . . . tPniary;jf of any kind,' especially ;s Jt udv pteWiced lo a l'5 hour in ihe night. j r,re v -reified by social intercourse, or ex- ,'jt 8 s4'Kte habit, greal excess"; in , eating Mtfo'w$h immoderate use'of meredry, ivktii .jiiifjjfroveat the suppression of some ha-r-.-ilith3ffli'(8t theobstrddion of the men- t ) of Ipncpulmial eruption .relaxation j or t l.ki ftf or.ft t more important organs within .L. .mn-nprt.a a Jruoent cause. , , IMP fW!r ( SI j i !! - i TIlPiTMPIT. I i " " . - ' i ' ' . i ' ' - ' mm 4- 1 - 1 PENDLETON & BEUNEhil - I ) Mi 'A i I, t - . , i .M'. f- 1 - 4 t miTOps AND PROPniETOUS. ""MZ V W 38 VOLU3IE VIII. ' -'.. miOLR 'jfo;: 402. ' . r4 I 'If- firi4ncij objects of treatment are, to re ; bj tnHl,?,f ,u slngihen': the bodjr, and m eoffrih'pl'tts, which may be promoted bi ew'fdi pf dy hours : regular, meals, and pVaaj''n risaiion. The bowels ' (if costive) LiniW)l jffjgtolated, by the, occasional J bse (amiIdapiiKnf. Web know.: nothing belter eaktftuql wo!tiin this end, than Dr, VVilliam faV ApertVH Pills'-being mild and certain m ihpit 1inx5i;tp"n. 'i'he bowels being- once c e a R s J U i i ni s i i m a b I e C a m o m il e Pills,(wiiiqh aretopicaniyMcrand anii-spasmodic) are Ian hhliimfev1 anu' wiipooi , pispuie .nave -Sf;ne JhjB.aTis have '"recommended a free .i" r 'k. MaAJvalV Lilt It ri i I r f 1 nnf fvA ffACAf All ii iftjinaiyiSri?! it will greatly goravatB; ihe 1 JMeiwiflj flna Jl$lonishng Facts. liSTIlMAj'I'HRBE VEAUS STAND-1N0.'-Mf lMHrts Monroe, Schuylkill, afflicted nlflLfcaboe "(fifitressing malady.-Symptoms: -CfHi lahlt,1 flilency, distprbed rest, nler vMripaiachei rfjfllculty iof breathing, tightness sJ Striciflre,icr0ss the breast, dizzinesss, neir ious i'ttitabnhrijnd resilessnessi could not lie 1 a n(l?lmv jhiuuii w iiiiuui hip acuaaiiun ut nhendinp sankiation. palpitatiorr' of the heart, tt-stresWnjr i-jjoght costlveness, pan of the stom rhrrirovvi;n?,;;raalJdebiliif aSd deficiency of jyprjf tboorfri of? recovery,, and dre despair bat on ttiepujirenance of every person interested in L; . i.kiniArtiA -i1 (inn ni f ofo till k : niAidanr 7 It A Bwcea in;a pngm; pupr suuie cures eiiocicu.uy DrAVi KvyVS' MEDICINE in his coin- haioivtiicH'ipuced hiiin ta purchase z pack- ;;eg tbe 11113, wnicu lesuiiea in compieieiy rewff&ff iverpympiom' of his disease He fishy to saf Jii tnotive'for this declaration tis, tlavi!uKHlttetfl'Wtth the same or any symp-. icinslimilarfOilliiose from which he 13 happily restdred. rdjayj wiseFrecei ve ( thb inestimable absurd Mendacity ofthe fed . t ERAL TORY PRESS. 1 i r Calumny and falsehood are the order of .1 1 - ' . 1 "i ine oay wun vne Locoiocos. l ney? eem to bave brooghl into requisition everv Swiss etribbler found in the market. The :whofe country is to be flooded with misreprefen tationsandjjies, We shonhT suppose the great father of lies himself had engaged as superintendant of the Lbcoforo plan of op eration for ithe campaign. " Never in: the history of the world has a party press made exibilions ofjsuch utteremraliiMjrin.co ruptioa and prostitution. We are lajiham ed of ii. Ashamed of being'connecied with a professiorjjvjjiich is fhsgfaced oieyiond "clr. pression," by the utter Mrorthlessness and recklessness of! many of those W hoj aspiire to lead it. jjif such conduct is. pbied i, or toleratedNth whole public press of tle country will become no better tarj a ije mass of ordnrep Its character, rfispctabi ity,"and inijiieiice, and the great! object pf its: eujblisriment will be destroyed! It will become a v'psi engine of evil - exerting , its power only to poison and corrupt the pub lic, mind, to j deprave the public jtaste, and to involve the multitude in the mazes of de lusion and rrorvilnsteidof being the pallS dium of liberty; it. will but aid in forging the chains of tvranny upon the human raiifd and the rights of mankindit wi)l (beconfe the shield of Vice, the conduit pipejof po son, and the palladium of Satan. Ve re gret the course many presses hae thought fit to pursure fx and for the sake ofthe ores!. for the sake of the public, for the sake of juaiivci Bim.jH iuc name 01 mat rrespeci which is due to lhemsetve, to the dountry, and to Heiventwe would entreat them to cherish some regard for honor and truth, and keep at least within the limits: of det cency and prpb&bilitv. These preliminary remarks are jjsngges ed by the numerous slander?up6n General Harrison whlchi have been Dernetrated in the Baltimore Post and Republican. .We aro bound to suppose that the. proprietors and conductors of those, journals are men, Uyet, we might .reasonably infer from the character of some of their publications, that they are incarnate fiends. U e bear them no ilNwill--jurej do hot know ihem person ally, but, for; Human nature's Sake, we mus protest against the manner, in which they of the Sedition Law and Black Cockade Admin- io Upper Canada," on the fifth day of October, isuauun, uc aumwea if.' , " - , - ' in f- k Jlntwtr, In hti flddrs in ;r54j! iK nS e oriusn army, wun ineir agage,camn declared himself a Republican 1 0 t ft c? if.W "W ' 7 , vt"' ;" IV' i'Xr'f g'a Wedalsto be struck, emblematical of this l JO nanooipn, insteaa 01 aamtitmg triamph, tad, presented to Geni i Harrison aod wnai is 8iaiea, ne said dehatej bat Ats Isaac Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky. opposition to the Jilienand oedttton Laws teas so xoell knoicn in the . Territpryl that a! promise was extorted from him! by ht4 friends in the Legislature, that, as he hat): no vote in the proceedings of. Congress, he would not unnecessarily compromise ibe lo-l cat interests 01 fits constituents, by i the ex- prcssion 01 ins political opinions.' j Chargn 4. '' He is in'7avor of Internal lm- proveoients by the General Government, ptain- taining jthat - C-ongress possesses theitppvler: tu make roads and canals within the rcsieciive Sjates." . ... -Hi 1 : ; Answer.' in -.Ins letter to Mrif Sherrod .Williams, he declares his opinion, thai " no1 rrtoney should be taken from the Treasure of the United Slates, to be expanded On In. ternai improvements, but for those icfucli art strictly national." ';$HMl I 1 Charges. ', In 1827 and '3. in the tlnlted Siates Senate, he opposed jail reducitbhibf the! tirifT, and in June last, capped the clirriaxiof his1 absurdity on the sobject,by declaring Ithati' he! wouio sooner see ine streets or iNortoiKand JUhar leston covered with grass than consent to a rood location 01 a repeal ot the tariff la ws."n , ; i J I VJlnswer. This is false throughout, in fact and language. Gen. Harrison' otinted : . -s c c , .--it 1 - the expression of James M. Garnetjdf JVa.J iri relation to the opeiation of the tififfjaind declared that if such were really its. efTects. then 'he would m&tanllu give his vbiU for Hi modification or "entire repea.'' j j jk Charge 6. "He is in favor of a NaiiorialiBank with branches penetrating every part of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, s I John Gaillakd, . President of the Senate, pro. lemporeir April A; lSISppioved, j--f : ), :T, V ' -iv ' Jauks; Mo5roe. We will not stoop to answer the base in situations of the Post, in relation to Gen eral Ilarrisons private character. It stabs in me dark, like the midnight a9?assin, and has not the manliness lo expose itself to day-light. If there Were cbarflea to be made n:cy vuuiu ue8pecmea. S i p; 1 he rest of the objections of the Post, are matters of opinion, about fas false, in oar judgmsnt, as those which affect to be facts.-- I i M I " I- Tbe Post will gam but little by this pros titution of its colurnns. It Us .not possible that falsehood and Calumny can alienate the affections of tbe American I People from! a patriot soldier, who has bared his. breast and spilt his blood Kin defence of his coun- try : ' j . . - ;H From ihe Halifax fmd Roahoki Advocate: THE TOPER'S TAPER. By Richard Day's fforgeous monarch from his throne sublime Had cast his last effulgent beam opon the Earth.: His flaming voyage thro the skies Was finished. Heaven s golden arch was now j 1 No longer robed in rihest tapestry : But clouds of awfol magnitude arotte And spoiled the glories of those gemlit stars Rnb .f iho it .,nMr.i:f..f:n) Aa t 1 ai immeosuy sjoroaa onsom ourn. u-L ... ci...j ..iiF.irU--. . i J ibn! Darknessnuw theworldeneoaTpassed. Girt with country 1 Answer. Gen. Ihrrison declared; the old his letter to Sherrod Williams, tri 18S6. said emphatically, that unless a Bank sliould ally chartered. " . M-ri Jmmhnsoi.: I wife of Cant. Joseph conuuci poi ticai wartare. ior our par Jo&nt KiiffcIassl was severely afflicted we dp not wishwe do not intendjto be- iJm0mi' I io Dolereux, violent pain lieve onr opponents, nor to treat them with ""r ri if rv' ' , ; : "vv ,7 we cannot conquer tnem with the weapon wab'iffticiaas"; 6or fiom medicines of any kind, r LJL.....L . .P i r j .feMiammced usn2 Dr EvansV nf air.imp'hatharoireet,r and from tbal "v I 7 "'n'J'v . inumpu oou ura sfm 'atnemi. and feels satisfied! if 97 falsehood, deception and fraud i is - . r ,.; ,v ; r. . . . . ' t . . . ill' . ': i i-. (untm&eUfliftedicihe a few 'days longer, J worm enjoying. v;!l W rftfel c red,4T Reference can be had $;tijilhe laiive;, by calling at Mrs Johasot) aMiibV Store, SS9 Grand -street, It was in one of the papers above ded to that the sneers against Gen Gloom all Nature stocd.Ndu2rU could be heard. sava - - - i -- - be shown to be necessary, for conducting Inebriations wildest note. Fancy! . the financial operations of the Government,; Argued that it sounded like the screim of he does not think one can be coni fttif ion4 j Spirits damned1; or dead iofernaU in the I erri&c region of perdition. I j Stopt I looked 1 listened. F saw a light. : It was the Toper's Tpper. It looked S. As tho ' twere lighted at the fires of Hell. it was a baletule lomtnary. Like A "Sepulchral lamp it shone only to! , ' Expose annihilated dignity, jj Around Ihjs liffhtI.sa(w band of men. A band of wretches tpo they were, unmasked. In uiost horrific rivalry they danfc! . Damnation's fearful fre disiilleld. j j' Twas j Here sobriety was slain. His heaving r Form continued, and this Taper of despair Oi-J only serve io manifest his corpse. The aged ihbe of 6oistconfirmed, that had Proudly sworn an oaih to bis immortal Memorj, now tfladlysurig his furjeral hlrng The fell genius of destruction From his hated cavern sped his flight ; he . Short 'Quest ion.-Where f was Alartin ' Van Buten during the last war? - Living at his ease in New York, Tiding about the State in a coach and foor, and exciting the people against ,Madi- son and bis measures to redress our wrongs ! fVbere was General Harrison during tbe same period t - Leading the armies of his .country to victory ; . battling with the tiritish and tbeir'Sav age associates, traversing, ihe patble'gU wilder-- ness of the est, sleeping on the ground at night, and riding, during the day on horseback through the rain and steel I ! ; .f-kr:-'- - . - .Which of the two,:Freeman ! deseryetyour gratitude and veneration t " : K : and; fall into the viazs, Thu3 ara. t!. forces, the activb and the reservk, hoodred tbouand men each, su3t3ir.( j c petnated. Go onj reader; now the tl the system begin lodevelope-tbesjselTrs. confederacy of soveren and dJstsnrt : coder the 4th,sectioo,tufce cono!iJ;u J, i.-. re-divided in such a way as ike c r.n instructicgi discjplihir.g, and xcrrvj-t':' fire force of one hundred thousand tr. qire; Yes State lines being ctliiV-r::; unit empira farmed; the imperial !. : be parceled, out into ten Military Disubt: irapiea.'each district containing a i . :.ain Uon of thp active force : for instanc e, tr Military Districts is to extend over t! the new integral lerritory io which, at are to be found the States rf VirgU. ',?., Ianff Dela rare and the 'District i-T CM And this Satrapy will furnish 10 ? tfacr imperial army. Another Sa t ra ' J : ' From ihi"Rkhimtidj.1Vttig. Vik .-.; MR. VAN BUR EN'S ST AN DIN G A R M Yr .;With amazement and alarm, I have seeo in the Whig of Friday last; the Executive projei of la military systjera.1 On what limes hm we fallen ! What fatal j influence is orgiog,i the President to contemn acd insult the best consid ered principle the most deeply rooted con vie iidns, the most cherished; and at tbe same time, thb most sensitive and excitable, feelings f the American People ? . What inconsiderate: rash -ness, what hardihood, what recklessness of con sequences does he exhibit in atieropiiog, ih total disregard of the jealousy of military power Which has ever characterized the People of these States, to establish over them a scheme of mili tary rule more comprehensive and sure in its ter- lible results than any that has ever upheld a despot s throne since ihe foundation of the mon archies of modern Europe ! Fellow citizens of Virginia, the President of ihe; United States ha proposed, thronsh his Secretary of War.lo raise a permanent Federal soldiery of two hun dred thousand men.-Yoa were, incredulous orace ine lerniory mat now const it rtf 3 H of North Carolina, South Carulina, Geo the Tf nitcry of t'lotida and so of tie Goon lo the consummation of the p':n, r. ptmdar; oyer.the tncviubleTesults Ur 17th section, the soldiers compesir lie . force of each district, are 10 be'marriitd t year, of the biddinz cf the 'President, in : f of general redeztous.scmctrierc icilhin i' tary district to remain there and tr.J; exercises of discipline for so low a t!r. 9 r gresvthat Is, a the; PresidenT, may C 'I'he time in 1 reality' will depend on 1 1. e ; the soldiers may roaka in giving icdic. their, being penrtrated by the infiuer.rr during the rend?ZTo6sHi!l be brought t s themato incline them to the support sr.J ui me 1 iaiunu 113 uiuitcii, may , it i.c 1 and nodoubt will, appear among theta.rr graci6uscondescenson wth the favor;;', of isoldiers,H ho will ever after be Lis lit . will sustain b1nand bfs men at ihe p 1 d his bidding to repel 'any enemy, cr . Sf.iie. VVbilsl marching lo, paracir;; returning from the place of rendezvt President's soldiers are to -be censi Jt n projet declares) " in ibe. strvice cf tha Stales, and tone' snltject to sVah rfgulat to discipline and traiairg, as ihe PrrsiJ. think proper to adopt, and are also to rt same pay as the 1 soldiers of the tepubr ihe United Stated iBe it rernembert j sl der this scheme the citizens of Virjrii '.ii coercively marched, twice a year, in tr most profound peace, iut of the State t ginia, even into Delaware. and there r: and disciplined, with tbe other sol Jit r s Satrapy! Such, fellow citizens, is the gigantic t V ' .Charge 7. VVhen a member of the Ohio irgisiuiuro e yoieo in iaor 01 selling wiuie men in,to servitude for debt." L : t 1 . - : 1 Answer. This is an old exploded slant der, and notwithstanding it was ; published by the federal tones in Ohio, dunng the lasii election, all over the State, the people gave he old hero 10,000 majority, Charge 3." He contends for the riht of-Con gress to abolish sliverv." n1 Answer. Phis is a sheer fabrication; and wo do not believe there is a sensible: man in the Union who contends for' 'any ?tic(i rizut. allt: Harrt- iff -Iri f. III. Iff son's democratic mode of life first brigini- Lewis . JCMts AyeF.S!Kennv, NoOJ5 k ret bet flee vS a n tp n and Houston sis., afflic Hf jf ten y e'-sjw i th i h e f ol Io w i n g d ist ressi ng ijijitoiijs t- Arid! eructation: daily spasmodic pwn'-m ins na.: loss 01 appeme, namnaiion 01. "u ueargiuainess ato oimness 01 sigm.couio 'Asieon nerir s me. a isiurnen resi. uuer in- lK S?feSig inlahy thing that demanded lions to Ge;n larrisbn, reflecting jgrossty orcoatagsoroeiimes a visionary weajoi upon the UathPIics, and fabricaieuia storv 5fatMi)rher disease, a vviiimsicai aver- about his visiting a daughter of one of the WIp j persons, and places, groundless Presidents of the United States,)' and d viaiiu u nti me uiuinoi licaiuii y y f -..!. . : iriL ri . . : : uauioucj, fine iiagersiown paner nas thought proper! to inquire into the; matter, ted, and sneers: were never more ill direc ed. TJie editor of the Richmond JKhquil- er very jusuy cnaracierizeu uieir auinor as a "siropletonl and : disapproved j,nfJi things being'said about candidates.!! Tle same mint has recently coined a still more contemptible slander. ; It imputed rjectar 19 'otrieine&s '.i-iisquie wsonai danger and poverty, weakness of life, disconten- rae un every slight occasion , she ceited sbecoild neitUerdie riorliveishe webt. wOVgl ?ted, -delf pded.i and thought she led a and, upon thb authority of ihe lady refer jfjsise rabbit e never was one so bad, with red to, denounces the imputation as an ih TOifttf. rrit?htal Ifhnllnfiiriatinns MennytAad ttio advice of several eminenl rjiteiinsla.rld had recourse to numerous medi- ibulcouy nlitubtaifi even temporary allevia MfiiQi.sepsing state, tin ner nusoana per .'i fait i. . "-L J 1 ' . . I t . - . 1. 15 Slit famous slanderi - Ih! The! same! paper, we believe Ifthe Balti more RepnUican) coined the following. I Alr, Webster, when asked in 1835 f i i j LJii . . ..! u if .7 .1 hettome ttialof my modeof treatment. "e WU"IU P'fea same ucKeiwitn llnpwo(U0 relieved, and finds herself Gen HarnsonJ replied: '1 cannot Joe guil cle(" attending to her domestieaf- t of Jtpy actphat shall in the remotest det gree, tend to j the elevation of a man to the Presidency J rfio is justly the scorn and ridicule .ofhU; foes and "the pUuanl4 -conr tempt of his friends.' 1 bis too,; we are requested to say. is uri- fP mNtY, Conuof Deeds J 0Ciliy Mlse' And, although! M wis auuiuriiauveiy contradicted several (lays a l Khe.eninvfi as trnnd health at xcj, as 5U9 tl At nnxt nor nl t I. or ietnA J'MWWlaod of the aforesaid Anne i: ' " --- j- i fc a -; . i . ' i 1 Kr ?c,??lTe,UuS'Ulh daJ of December; i '.M-fi; 14 -7:T- "vjc auu I ii. go, me luaitimore x'osr, oi vveunesuay last, t J$ VT' T U0D f : ,he ! Ihe eflroiitry to repeat the faisfiood It currJdf bnder: the treatment of Doctor ,w" i.Ji 1 t , - ft if I Benfibiiit S Jarvis. 13 Centre st Ba,l,Pre Po8t h9 pnMf peveril srk'Nlim afflicted Br four tears with articles defamatory of Geo, Harrison.- It Tears with Weije pasiljanlbisj(nts, which were always 1 Wa$ intimated that Gen. Armstrong might iMlelshiest motion. Mhe tongue ! possibly hare: promptedTthem.il &e are tt r f wni i n ,oss OI aPPeMle. afnea thai 'injustice was done him. They 11,1 "re too grdisly inaccurate to be! worthy sSiM6 CAuntedr r ? f hi, miSd ohis pen. Slimojared, no C seauftgpunatnded.by relief. The a- doubt WtuL'1 r i i lr ''nwVre af, attended with consid horV L n!"' fals,a 'Pn8 f Arlei-fbVeatbing,wiih a : sense of fj.rj :)tnjfy he same paper, ip jip pur Icte die rUt. tltiwi rrt w nt llf,l,?n of l 26th inst. undertakes; to give in ine nervous system. ttieaHi. -"jr?-m??q eaectedbv Dr Wm Evans; i lu:; BENi J JARVISi Int. J ?- j . ! bDMi c - . Wi? f T if. " -"t lu,-,,n onvemrer, 1836. tl following Agents, ii W rti&n'!S Columbia. 8 i C. RaW5n, JNT. C. twenty feaspos whv fieri -Hsrrisnf tiannt be elected president which contain Nearly twice that number of fi.lsei.ond.; 1 Thev seem to be almost exclusively the Nsult of an eoori , io jaencaie objections out of whoje cloth, many of which it would be an im peachment j of j a man's understanding Jo pretena mat iney do not refute themtelye Take a ley examples. . I Charge 5. "Geoeral Harrison is an Abolition I is not necessary j to show Is on this head the Sooth has it, andisitisfied. HMir !t Charted, "tie is a federalist of tbeReignif T rro' stamp ; and when charged by J ohn Ra- Jinswefl Ii; what the truth S i fhnrort tCl. ' fZer ITarfionn is in fitiir nf axing jhe tiole people to py the dehis which 1 Flapped -his fiery wirlas wah mijihtv effort r kj. . i ii-.!.i,,'ifT.:ii- i t.i !!i . i iu;e iuiproiGence oi a rew uues uas cwuraci'ea. 1 1 uniu ne reaci.eu ine piace wnere lieiigion, nonor, ana everv ornamental ; ;j Viriue was sacrificed fto Bacchus. I thought on seeing ol this scene of woe And horror very seriously. 1 I 1 t. ontemplated ihu1?. jlf sny son off f This s'upendoas universe would think of Hi great dignity, and moral grandeur, His influence and responsibility, 1 j He would not prevehj the Almighty's high Design, in his ereaiiori. i S i Answer, i his is equally false andi ab surd. ' i it 1 ! :' Charge 11. 'He is an advocate of th unre stricted fluctuating paper currency system.' ! 1 Anstper.'k ih)s is fidse. il II i 4 Charge 12. 'Hi-' voles while a member of Congress show him to have favored evertf pr)fli gate expenditure of ihe publto money, and ta have opposed every wholesome measuto of reform to have supported the consolidation of poster in Congress at the sacrifice of the rights of the find a , warrant for 'it' in the Cohatituti United States? VhaCif the power v. en ibe Federal Government to erect sue!, tern would that manifest its propriety -ca:e it- from the charge of : being fur t; i?st t' er therefore be exercised ? Are cur.-' i: queaiiont the only, considerations inf.. measures of deep national cuncernmem ' pose you perceived; the Federal Gem . possessed, under .'the Constitution, the annihilating the political existence cf j :;r and of exungoisbing ybur ciri rights, r it contemplated the exercise of its act would you be silenced in your condrr: - : a constitutional argument, or submit t i rant for your destruction, because, Lt uu, rulers had the right to issue it ? If all i!. ers granted ir, the federal Cuostttut! ca prtciously exercised to" their full ex! question would at ior.ee be bet ween s' i v the one hand, or resistance and the of the Union, on Ihe other. To cite. 1. . : gle instance: It s clear to any reflect: the authoiily wiili which Congress is '. over the times, places and manner of ! elections for Senators acd Members cf t! House, might be so exerted, if it thr t oo itself the exercise of ibe power, zs v: to divest the Government of its rerc character. r Am 1 admitting, foi a.sin! -that the author's of ihe' scheme of an i::;; . Louisburg, N. C. Jarch, 1340. f i ' Ansufer. His voles show nothing 6f the nd. Ho is, to use hts own language1 in Out. of th e MudV since, dj a kWho will get thlnalion ou . . . -. if j- i ! - ii was retateu a lew aays cpntleman from the3 western' nart nf Tllinfiis. favor of every practical retrenchment in the lhal an old gentleman of that State, who expenditure of the Government y j had been a staUncf, gpporter of General Charge' 13. 'He is in favor of that ltt!ibuie! Macksn, and even of Martin Van Buren, in of Monarchy an imposing standing army and 1836, called to see frieod of his in Spring- whilst a memb-r pi Congress gave his woie for field, a warm Hamson man! I a standing army of twenty thousand men. j ; And vou think that old Tidd. can brins Answer. So is every citizen in favor of the Governmentback to its former purity?' an army ; and the present secretary prwar, saiu ine Harrison man. ! irKhis last report, proposes to divide Une u- '1 do,7 said his irjeud f or jl remember, hited States into military districts, similar to many years ago7 when driving my team to ihe militury jdistriets of Crorowelfi ai4; in- Mad River Mills, ' tlbat my wagon got into crease the army of militia to 200,000 men, a mire-hole, from which the horses could not draw it. While id this dilemma Gen. Charge IS. 'Congress itself has pronounced ""nsoncame Tiomg uy,! n uui ue ay the innamnh of finprai Narrknrv Jwhprt n the ow uenerai dismounteq, putiea ou nis resoluiion was before the Senate of thelnUed coatrand putting hiis shoulder! to the wheel, Slates directing medals to be struck in honor of 1 helped me to get my wagon out of . the rtif. dolp with being an open and "zealous supporter Gen. Harrison and Gov. Shelby, a motion to strike but ibe name of Gen Harrisen was deci ded in the affirmative, a decision too onf quivo cal lobe mistaken that his services wee not entitled to this mark of approbation from the uovernmeni. General Harrison himself consid i eted lhal by this act he bad been disglaoed in the eyes of tbe nation, and in a letter on ihis subject says : 'A vote of ihe Senate of the Uni ted States has attached io my name A:D1S-I GRACE which I am convinced that nd:time or no" effort of mine will be ab!e to eflace and which will cause the blush to rise tmnrl thn cheek of! my children. '.;!. : I Answer. When and where did General Harrison ever wrrte such a letter ? But the best answer is the resolution of Congress itself, which at once gives the lie to the im putation intended. Here it is: 'i tali SM . t- "' V : I j.!'--1 . Resolution directing tbe medals to be struck, and together with ibe thanks of Cotoress present .ed to Major Geoeral Harri, and Governor v j Shelbyy and for other purposes. "" "4 1 vij'jf .." I Resolved by the Senate and House pfi Repre sentatives of the United Slates of AmeHca in1 Congress assembled; That the thanks of ij Con gress be, and Ihey are herebv. presented to Ma jor General William Henry Harrisooifaod lsaac Shelby, late Governor of Kentucky, anil, timugb them to ibe officers and meo, onder inert jcom mand, for their gallantry and good conduct in de feating the combined Bttiih and Indhhi forces under Major General Proctor, on the Thames, Tbe People V wagon of the, Government is in tbe mire-hole of. corHption, and I firmly believe thatGep. HiABRtsox is the only man whose services the! People will accept in helping them to get! it out once more on bard groupd." i i j The Tories mak a great exclamation a boat Gen. Harrison's employing a coii.mtt tee of bis political friends to. respond to the innumerable letters which he receives. The old General's opinions on all subjects of public concern are we'l k nown by bis Speech- es and letters heretofore published, and by his public acts and fhslinguished: public ser vices, andVhe does riot intend kt- this day to he wntina electioneers letters or trouble him self with a written leply to every tmpertin eht inquiry which every Tory may concoct for the mere purpose oi personally harass ing him. :. - : :- jplt But the beauty of this outcry on the part of the Tories, is tat Gen. fachson had just such a Committee of Cbrepondence, and what is still moVe, one of Gen. Harri son's Committee, (Mr. Guy nn)' acted in the same capacity foxi.Gen. Jalon a very good selection ho understands bis business and will give a gooj account of himself. 1 Richmond IFhig. my, have constitutional power cn ti u ir No f It would, indeed. be a sttject of rr ; r humiliation with us, and jnst reproach furej-fathers bad they framed for thcrssclv their pospenty, a government armed you are so no longer the projet, with all its fear fdl details.- is before von. DescendarfW of the mem of ibe Revolution, who overthrew lite Stand I system prurjosed to be established intl. ir.g armies of despotism, have you renounced the Will you stop to enquire whether i? maxim your farthers bequeathed to you, that standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty f Let the1 indignation with which you will receive this proposition to pui on the mili tary Iiverv of the President, answer the Question. I Hesitate to condemn the monstrous project' and your liberties? Because granted, rn u authors, and you are undone. If the bare suggestion does not outrage your nature if it does not violate your sense of liberty, and fill you W'tth horror, relieved only by a deep and, stern ptjfpose to devote yourselves to your country in opposition to this suddenly revealed but, well matured system of military rule, you are lost, p refrievably lo3t. Pause not, ye men of Virginia, to reason debate not the constitutional propneA jy or the expediency of the measure. Is honesty proper ? Who will debate that ? Is murder right ? Who will discuss that f Is political oificivil liberty desirable ? YV ho will argue tbaj l; a large permanent soldiery incompatible with ciyil liberty t If yBii argue that question, you deperve io bcslayes, and you will not long be freemen. What a stride towards absolutism I Viva lostTh astonishment at the grandeur of the sebenE, at the vastness ofthe conception, at the blildness the-4ntrepid heroism of the mart who has designed and proposed il ! Wrbat a miscon ception of Mr. Van Buren's character and tem per has prevailed ! He has been thought Id be, 3ti(l I hadever regarded him as prudent, even to cphning, and cautious, even . to timidity. But here, if not the madest rashness, is surely the rnbst Napoleon-like courage I trust it is the ehner. I ru9 courage considers the practicabil ty of the object, and estimates the sufficiency of 'lie means. God forbid the calculation should hiifve hen made in this instance, and the end di-cid-d to be fea si bie.-?God forbid the President rible a power. shjjuld believe in ihe accompli ishment of his pur -Under the 8th section of the IsfAnir! pose of con verting thiS:Confederacy of independ- Constitution, Congress has power 'to pr eh! Republican Stajisv into a consolidated, milt- organizing arming and disciplining ti e s tary, imperial Government, ills means ol in- j and for governing such part of them ss formation and his admitted sagacity, would ren employed in the service of the Uniini I der his belief of consequence et ough to strike (lis- reserving to the States respectively t ; ' . . y.. -. .t. -' i. ' -i. . . ' .... may tnio ine neari Ol me cinzen pairioi wiiuiu poiniojeoi ui im uiucrjs, inu uie he aims to convert into r mercenary soldier a of . training the militia according to tf. aliliiary vassal The President's sagacity, 1 line presented by Congress.' The Stair . trust, has over reached itself, and looked too iar. alone have the authority ot training ami However be may be vilified by his enemies, he ing their own tnilma,exeepl when erni ! catinoi be accused of resembling the Bourbns. the service of Jhe United, States U l Ije IS noi Otnma me sge lei inui nave an tur me oiaies ib uhih, imuit kjmtijr iuhji credit he deserves ;; he is not behind the age their respective limits.; Can Virginia iri t.'.- : - J ..C iU mn lk n!l;i!a nhnnt til. '.r.it i.f 1V1 . r I r -I 9 V t , ' ! lie HS oo BJUCil.Ill suince m uic ogn as mc uuui- i luuiua ujii .ud -m .i i"ioijiu . k. n j.. bpns ire behind it. He look's forward with far rylahd Uelaware, and the District f t t searching kenrand sees the degeneracy of the J bia, train fheifg within the confines of 'Vi?::' men of the Republic in lime tocome, and over-j Shall any other rower, bell ihe uenerai i joyed at thai prospect; so grateful to his vision, ment or out, introduce into ihe territory t hei in the inloxicatiou of his heart, lorgeis the Iginia lor ine purpose oi jwmtary operatif n, akiin which he lives, exist only in the future, out her consent, the soldiers of Mary'arJ, i a bd adapts hrsfpol icy to the future. Yes, his ware, and tbe District of Colombia ? Cf military policy may be suited tome iuiure, u m i wouio or ntr burnt u wiej ojo uu hmm i beitrue as hijtory teaches, that Republics decay deaibrYet this scheme of an imperial ' h.d generations deteriorate. Until thai lesson authorizes ihe President 'to call forth and t ble such numbers of the active force cf ti p tiaat sucb places within their respective and at such limes, not exceeding twlce.r.; r in the same year, as be may deem r.ccc for the purpose of training them, r.J training lo subject them to uneh. rgc!:: he may think proper that is. to govern t Is not this a pilpable violation of the Crr lion ? Is it not taking, in time cf :s right of governing and training tbe miliu . the States, and conferring it on the IW Dot, observe the atful stratagem to authors of ihis scheme resort, hoping th-n' J I . W, fsro icinn t ' stitution. Knowing That it is iniy when e:: ed io ihe service of the United States, tKat goverument and training uf ihe ottlitia, j i the States to the General Government, rr t officer thereof, the daring authors cf this l!':-: scheme declare in ihe 17th section, lhat U -lilia of ibe Military Districts, when s?.- : by the President for ihe purpose cf beirg irj shall be deemed in tbe service of the Ur Slates. Impudent misapplication of il .e ' service!" What dees "service" the phrase of the Constitution erapl' Jf the service of the United Siates?' Thijc: roust be taken , io conoexion with, and ! plained by the clause immediately j f'c: and lhat clause is " to provide for callir-J ihe militi3 to execute the laws of the I sepprefs insarrectiens, and repel inva:,!..: .." is only in one of ihcse three mcde?, t! c " can perform ihe service contemplated I? siituiion. "Ilieretore, it follows, that ! - sembled and paraded in ."corifivrhity u necuon or ine coeme, ine room aic ern"ce of the United States and ca.Dr.ot t t ed or govrrced by ibe President t r cny minions. Il follows, also, that the PresiJ::.; and general be reaiizer. in this Ke public, lar oejono us pre sent degree of verification, the freemen of Vir ginia and of her noble sister States, will repudi ate and reject with horror a system which, be vond aov thine that could be conceived, would degrade and debase them. What is thai sys tem ? Every able bodied male citizen of rhe respective Stales, between twenty and forty-five yekrs of age, is to be enrolled in the militia, hy the captain or commanding offieer of the compa ny:t withtn whoe bounds the citizen may reside, .ii soon as enrolled, the soldier is lo provide him sejf a muket and bayenet. knap&ack, cartridge box, powder horn, flask,' The citizens tt.us enrolled, to constiiute tbe first class, and be de nolniDated tbe Mass of the militia. The mass. embracing, as we perceive, all the male citizens oflheJJnited Slates between twenty and forty five years of age, is to be divided into companies, reimenis, brigades-and divisions, and to be or ganized in tbe manner pointed ool in ihe 3d sec tioh of the oroiect. Writbih a certain number of mjnthsafier ihe adoption, and establishment of th sylem, there are to be taken from uus iass otlthe militia, or.e hnndred ihocsand men, who are to constitute the second class, andbe denom inated the active or moveable force. This active force is to be dividedioto compan,e5 and battal ions, and to be organized in tbe manner presenb edlin the lith sectio, and to serve and I be gov ernedby such rules as may be prescribed, for the peliod of foor years, one-foorth in each State go ijif out annually, in order tofoiro ihe third class, failed the reserve, which in four years will of eoorse smount ro one bond red tbocsand men Asl fastrhowfcver, as the portions, of the active force sink into ihe reserve, their places are sup plied from the nwa. :One-fonib of he reserve also go out of service at ibe lermination of four yeira that is, after having served lhat time 4: f "Is-."