lSm 4-;;- r - - i . . . f 1 ' t ; In . H--.i- .!v' - --i - d this disp VvJt U JLL', f K: llv, r: J 1 11, III.- K'i VV V V AVV .m s LvJLLLy J ) JJ LJJ 5 - , ( - H : III - XV rrrfo09 of lliR rp.)4horiJria which rllirr !fi,.i.i n'yht r: left side bfibat'e rlJjifjl msHhd name ht wcbondrjasis. , tillilifcrnach bowelf, acrid eructaiions, WEiUll pa' iipa' giddiness dimiss !!?:; ii.riiki'lF.iinnb 9iw BRUNER; ' l 4 ir tIDITORS; AXD PROPJIICTOHS Published Weekly at Two noils, and Vlfly Cts. NO. 40 VOLU3IE Till. . J : WHOLE A"0, f404: :M ilMlle atiehiioB lopon 'any subject f im- i j., l t !t ff'! 1 iirrlliiffa nn!iar i rain nf ifla 1 5 ' ii:in 1 - r - --- : .- i , uimiiuiix" - ' - - : . .. J t I K 1 . ' 1 '" 11.11 , .i i I I I '? - T P OETJOAL. t ad infinite diTersiiy IfTxM anlfeM: nierifcre as open to this afllic iaepryii(Vcf any - kind, speciatly) $ and Abolition- We eirel NIGHT. nioii r ufiiii ,n 9inrp . in ma in nvinn nr (., - i. t -.- - . i'i - I r Piti " 1 , .. I vvnen Dioni nersaoie manue spreads. Bv 1 '9A' trt f J aa - s n anaiVAitl H a 1 i ii &v iiuui uiBMiiguiautu si6iaw, ii aua?tt ;Ana roonais canny sidk to tesi ; ij f to dorreceni call 6n him, adding anotber-; When oft reclines the weary head V ly in the Jootstep. happy if I shall ft which he hat so g oj President Jackson, able to perfect thetoork oriously begun," . Has he endeavored to tread in the foot steps of bia predec !$3or?? Hasheendea V -u giu'dfoi racied to a I ale the night, Melljreiieted hyocial intercourse, r ex- t (NS'MI't: llfulti m to the already multiplied pf ofs of General HarrisoQ!! soundness on the slave qustipril Charleston Courier), 7 iLioi3i a i At Vfte H lppr'on xr some; ha- S iLlm uinal 1 eruption relaxation; , or 31. cj Vr rrreitmporiaht organs within Is a irquent ause. ) . t tl r)dtpt nf treatment are. to r 1. 1840. h in your pa- rf SAVANNAH, April; GEirrLEMEi.-Yoa call upon me, per of the 8th 'inst. to male public a letter, ad-: dressed to me by Gen. Harrison, on tbe subject! of Abolition, f. 1 have already replied fn a gtmilarj request made by the t.ditor of lhe Laihj ltle graph, ;a paper published in this city ; bat as 1 know not if thai pa per, ( which has been recent- - ffi.-A nn-i'iini iiuitra:a ut ucMuir-ii ii iu i-twyvt i - . L - .uj"u j j . ly esiaonsnea js on vour usi oi excnan?ea, ano W MMknm- ? WT Lt,5 &1 ibat thelliberality of yoar conduct, lovaifds mwbW a political opponent; gfves yon an! ondoutiied mm yJT elatm'to tbelespect and courtesy of his f.iedds. Jtera( HThe.bowsls (tf costive) i repeat tbe Substance of thai answer : i k P' f rP?, 1116 .un Tie Letter! in oues ion. was written in 1SS6. J C smTV , n ccr- wii therefore not made public, arid I V fM A$$m PS;. mI.Id n-d CeHa, fear has not? been oreserved. At least. af4r a Xtie uuweis uriug unco i . ..LiJ ,, I A i.wUn 'fc?JsSr h r ,ir- j r slating- thei ife P.ians1- hae recommended a free Teleeravh but should not be resorted o lljgrtjj an l 'Jtslonishing . Facts, - IIMaM re YEA IIS stands UiMfiMbprt MonroerochuyiKiit, ainiciea hl)fl diNMnj '.tnatady. Symptoms: to im The tetter embraced three points: Harrison den'ed the right of Congress to abolish slavery to tbe states, or in the District of Colombia (! j - ! 2. He expressed the opinion that j the Tariff compromise ought to remain undisturbed. 3. He repudiated the practice of making ap pointments to office, the reward of partizan ser difficdlty of breathing, tightness ross the breast, dizziresss, ner- hlKfilttir ahdi restlessness, could not lie St 1.1 i vice. Wit Siiaalipostiion wiinoui irxe sensanon oi il)W'P' 2rea oefiliy ano denciencj oi iHft(t'Tblf recovery, and dire despair at i i S" if . i ( v 3 . t. a-Jt ,b4ltrtt3Btnee- every? person inieresieuui iftieloT hahnin'esl, till by accident be !)ft- TO?? .?,K,,lV,ft'!i tn his com- i.iiv1lipft lAdored him 1 purchase : a pacK- f?th 1'ins. wn cn jesuuea. in raaipieiBiv p n?mr e ver v - S v m Atom ot his disease- ne th3tpeBea0IdletJ Wttn jne same or any ymy infflisMW4Whoseonji which he is happily i;ctL.ia-v''iiikevise- receive ithb ioesiimable rhis was tbe purport of the letter. I did hot ask Gen. Harrison's opinion, because I doubted it. Havingjbeen to intimate intercourse with him for several years, I knew that his views on these subjec J. Siwere accordant with my. own. j 1 am very respectfully, ! i - - gent. yr. obt serv't. I 4CPHERS0N BERRIEN! Of man, by toil and care oppressed! How sweet tbe memory of the bast. How loved the hearts we cherish'd bnt misfortune s changing blast .U Had bade us wish them back again! Perchance the fitting of a dream I Some cherished scene may bring, Of airy fancy's vision beam On years of pleasure brightning.i Oh, how loved that dreary hour I Thatrtets theweary bond u an free, rhat biJs the rod of earthly power Leave its hold on memory, i ll That hour when all the vicious great The scourge of conscious feel, ; When virtoe in her humblest state 1 falm rnnlnl f)f)H noana riralo' ' ) When the son of guilt and crime Seeks repose, but finds it not. And vainly prays the welcome time! j When all his deeds shall be forgot, That hour when distant lovers nfet And dream their day dreams o'er again That hour when weary orphans greet j Their childhood's home in vain. Oh,jgather up thy treasurers. Night ! Thy dread array of hidden things, , Let the day-star's radient light j Reveal the scenes thy coming brings. Scenes of woe and scenes of gladness ., Would grace the checkered view, J ; Days of joy, and years of sadness i Friendship's smiles and loves adieuf;! I Flowerets blooming, then decaying ! f ! As the seasons come and flee, 1 Man from virtue pathway straying All are shadowed o'er by thee. THR GREAT WALL OF CHINA. About two centuries before the 1 birtt) Christ She-hwadg-te (the book burner) con structed the great wall of (Jimato stop Tartar ? Incursions. The wall, which has always been considered one of tbe' wcrld) : ' .. . -.- i. mi . , wonders, is 15UU roues in iengih in great ofed to 'carry outfthe principles and poli cy" lor wntch he jwas the instrumeru ae- lected" ( Most plainly he has ftbandoned lud disregarded those principles, and is no longer worthy of support For three y ears has he laboured to force upon the country, his Sob4Treasury ficheme, witha view to take into his own fustody, the treasure of the Nation, anp lock it up in vaults, as well as to reduce the wages of the laboring clas ses. Furthermorp he has. distinguished himself, by a late proposition to raise aqd retain a standing army of 2fJ0,060 men. Both were denoaneed by General Jackson, in his last message to Congress, of Dec. 6, 1836 in the fallowing expressive lan guage. To retajn it (the publicjnoney) in the Treasury, unemployed in any way Is impracticable. Itjis besides, against thz genius of our Jrei institutions, to lock vp in vaults the treasure of the; Nation. To take from the people the right of bearing arms, and puHfteif tccapons iof defence in the hands of a sJandinc ariy would 6e scarcely more dankeroas to vieir libcrlie$t than to permit the UovernrnenU to accu mulate immense amounts dfi treasure, be yond the supplies necessary tf its legitimate wants. Such a - iieasure would doubtless be employed at sotye time, as it has been in other countries " i The Hero of Orleans here speaks like a man; and a Republican, and leaves a very deen track vet hts successor, the t'sele6- ted instrument to carry out hts principles,? has failed to observl it, and instead of -tread ing in his footstepsj' seems to disregard the . tracks of his "illustrious predecessor," and linsr, Capt Cooke; Larrabee, Barton. Bur- torj, Adams, &c. 4rc 'Now who are: the best judges, those men who were there and wrote a histroy of the battle or Gen. Car roll, who was not there ? ; a ,. .Not a dead Indian was found, on the baitle field asserts Gen . Carroll J 'From 36 to 40 were left on the field. and the Indians were seen to take off both "the dead and wounded., Moses Vaicson 1jjG en. Harrison, "-"-!;' Right here I called out -for quarters," ut no, the young Eagle continued his work f devastation, until not a sign or 'particle pi the Governors speech remained.--A cer a:n Rabbi of our land, who interrupted Cot Gentry on a certain occasion, also took oc casion to speak again. A silence like that 'which often precedes a thunderstorm reign ed for a second the question was; over jan answer given, and me doewmenf of proof iad in a moment. Then came the "rack it?? an hundred voices shouted yells of fictory irom -air quarters so compieiciy hd so unexpectedyjwas the "vung disci pie'1 to Van Burenism discomfited he re lied on the Union that he never more o- pned his mouth ! s fi Gen. Henry went on in an impassioned Strain of eloquence, until he had spoken two hours and a half, and concluded amidst the shouts ontundTeds, saying -Conquer we illconquer we most, and in Godbe our trust." ; II Thns you discover, the Tim Bur eh meet w?gl turned 001 to be a --whig jubilee." Such a general greeting and shaking 0 hands, and rejoicing I never saw before. v i Dismav bung upon the countenences of te 'spoilers' and not one was to be found, Jt0 interrupt, or mar that stream of iiniver- si giauness wmcn waterea me Dosom 01 eyey patriot. Respectfully. nledcei son men, men who so for principle, susiaip Van Buren ? Canftney support him with- 1 - 1 out discarding the h in supporting Geif. inciples they avowed Jackson ? Can any one support Van Bpren, whose pledges are no longer rememoerea, man mey are use DREADFUL STORM. tv :LJ m nn tact. hp npYnrrpnc( of a Vi n'pnitorm it Washintrion City, which did mtih fietshl .and thickness, furnished With for daroaoe. it wis,': however, much more terrific J tjresses arid towers innumerable, land is car- - . in usenects.ana moreiawio i y rieo wim smgmar skiu over im.umains una f siatedVwe boldlv sav. that Van Bureri rivers, as well as across lhe plain and val- Federalist 0f .hV old School. ! now en- leys. Lord Macartney 0t peeing deavorin- nrjder lhJ mask of a Republican in securing popularity ? As we have it that it was cettainly the most stupendous wortc or numan nanns, ana no rauonaii Concluded that at the remote period of its in Rhode Island. The greatest injury appears to have been don & In Johnston, in the manulac tur'tng village .called Simmonsville, where the embankments gave way and flooded the country. With the damns and tbe'bridge, were carriedja-j a? tvon ilWellinff houses, the factory, a store; and part of a grist mill ; and a along with Ibem bnildirjg, China musl hnye been a yery pow wereswent awBv thirty persons, of jwhom six; trtul-and civilized dempirr. Ur Johnson i-i&ii !'. nCfWntaA I i i e.iJ.A 1 ; ( ih. Tomiinitcr Si.. 1 ,j r .1.... : J..i.i nhi m n vnn . ij uss-i s ociciy auiinsw i navB oeen luunu auc, ouu i was iiccu&iuujcu iu auv ui 11. uiai 11 .wuuiu bttOT i'1' c Uolereux, violent pam twenty dead bodies had, at me last aectuais,oeen jje an honor to any man to say that his ferand WmMfn vomiiing, wim a yuimug- uwi tHe'MlaMiaiHluKabe to leaive her room. fiteisdltt'b 'ref M f :.f lib'n the advice of sey- ! :--r. tit 1 j f Extract of Mr. Badger's Speech. 1 I " MR. TAN BUREN. it i 1 ''How stand the ease with Air Van Buren t Of public services, what memorials does bis Cbuutry exhibit ? what testimonials are. re gistered in our History ? what measures of execuiive or legisiaino iyisuuui ubid uwcu hAm ls.ltf.oh ns4 j' :'!ivife of Capt. Joseph 1 IiL! -.4 1-1 -M ' to earn out the principles and policy, which have always peen nearest his heart. ffttof Bannir. a casr Gardener out of L13 sjhrr if e qui red from the 'public,- sn allv that purpose ; and what ah allov. ;;; $1200 a year lox.ti Uardtntr ! . Comptroller of North Care1 t StOOO, aud! the Seen tary of S u: . ' oesidea nts fees. v Let any r ..), v ing to judge ma4 by their dcl:r: bj Ihtit sayings, ask himself, t: publican ? Is it not on tbe ccntrrry. mooslr extravagant, and aristc r Would any man who was a friend c ? omy a lover of the people, et a tir Longress were obliged to make a I ctrry on tbe Government, woul.! roan, at such a timo draw on the r pay his seitantsd all It his sahry nov defray; the. charge of his he would he not dismiss a portion ct vants and bring his expenses witlun ! ; ary ? Or, if .he was a rich man. juo Baren would he;noh as other Pre have done before" him use his pnvst? , to support his unnecessary bevy cf r.- -If so, wbat must we think of one w;'. these professions on his lips, and pc of a vast private fortune, as well 23 r ing a large official income, at a time t T he calamity burdening tbe State with : for his Gardener,r greater; than the t ' of ja large proportion" of the Judrs c ' States ? Can we, help thinking, t! -1 a man's practice and, his profesfion? re direct opposition that he 13 nopal;,; : loves the people only,' for what he cr.n out of theroJ Is that man a Rrpul! who seeking by every species of mil : and official coercion to compel n render of therevenue to hts control 1 . Sub-7"reasuiy BiOafthe same time r: . of Congttssrto place under his comrn;: army of 100,000 men a standing rr; e ffec t, under the . name of militia 1 0 drafted men, or volunteers" to be p3id fed by the public, and to be always r to control or overawe public, cpinion r. 1 balloi.hoxrsj:or, by concentrating 5 1 ticular poidts to produce a majorit of 1 for the support "of power. "Of such a t ure, it is difficult to speak in terms f ;.; or reprobation" too strongly.-Be. ic!r iendeucy to increase tbe already alnm spotic authortty of the Cbief Magistrsl :. effects upon the morals and happinr private file would: ueceepty , injuiir . Think of a large portion of the popul !: withdrawn between early manhood and ; die age, from iho usual pursuits cf '. ness from the ties and affections en ! mestic charities of life accustomed to dissipation of camps -the thourou"!! j serviency of military discipline, and rc? ed into society totally unfitted for its c 1 what prudent father can think, without . anxiety, of such a trial for his son ? V. ; mother's heart can hear th imate t;f ' son, at the most perilous lime of his ( ence. withdrawn from the influence .ano i restraints cf i .wLU ,n'.n ,mn,nnn,.i in him ? Ala 1 in "nce. wiuiuri wu 1. n . - 1 .,t-. ! me omiw auu me ecuue rcsuaiuia Awer. What instance of exposure or sul- f circle, and plunged amidst th e v felirjg in the cause of the country, does T recovered.4 Rateigh Register. i ! eml siuslTsallnor fr6m medicines oi any Kina, Vba ,atter'lkd cothra .peed usingDr Ivans' $m Chithatii street,' and from that !"4piffll amjnd,j:anU leejis satisuea u M'toA m m W meolicin a lew oajs ioner, .1 father had seen the great, wallf pf ifJhina. Mr Barrow who saw it with Macartney; went the J'HISO tt NX! ttl lit Mm 148 lUftiMifeetii MWfur; aisiressing fti llifer .cTatlon, daily spasmodic immmm u,s . appeuie, paipnauon oi ! , ti Mi ft hfl&Hness a f id d im ness ol sig h t,cou m .: . .i oi x .1 ..; i . J Sid A MISERABLE HOAX. into some amusing calculations-as to !: II larnsUllhal ibe letter to Gen. fl'J'"i- 'Wlfl""- ri.0D,inqirdVl opinion. pon Abolinon, j. . b " Eofiland and Scc, sop .t"J"""'H .!. f ? ..- A .ai; iis nrwinrr iaiti at that ncrind fat lhe-, end about which the Van tsuren rress is maK- --";. r " lJU ho hai inir such a ferment, because ne wouiu noi , j.; iwirisvs i-B . . - i r. k;nn'in trt nt lUU, ana to average suuu cudiC; leri ti aboVe, bycaMiat Mrs reply, is A forgery from beginning to end. L . , . y.. bulk of the wall; without tresses or towers, ? which he contained as much masonry ano brick work as London did at that fjmgJ Stu work it failed in its ob- life j present ? No: pne. The most dan gerOUs exploit he over performed for the nation was his voyage across the Atlan tic! Sn a public ship hi greatest exercise FRESBORO LAST ofjstlf denial, was mixing in the highest luUJXiiAX! p 1 1 t2ef allowance from which he saved, was A highly esteemed and intelligent friend iri nine thousand dollars of salary, and an equal From the Western Weekly Review. EVENTS IN M the 1 following distressing ft - . - 2 Ktft .ejrw4iv aide,-disinroed" rest, uuer in-felijflqlnpi-h'f? H anl thing lhat demanded "i4rMporaeiimes a y isiohary idea of i'iljrtniuiff f heir disease, a whimsical aver- we co. organ 4ilie?0WAis ' proiesses 10 u . i a title assumed for the occasion by a band of bracelets iii fiidels who are in the habit. of meeting at jthe nine-pin alley aforesaid, ; to revile Religion by mock prayers. No lpttp r was addressed bv the Union As sociation to Gen. Harrison, nor did that A Rutherford, has krndly furnished the folj. lowing notice ofjhe proceedings of the meeting at Murfregboro' on Monday last; It will be read wi h interesVty all. RuTHERroRDtCo , April 8. 1810. i i i i t ! - I' Dear Sir We hive just had awfiig juf hi lee in Miirfresbor vesterdav, 'the 6tl sum of his outfit. He, indeed, gave good support to the protective system, for he vot ed for the Tanffof 1323 that 'bill of abom inations."1 according to Southern opinions. Uel indeed, gave support to the anti-slavery fpiit, for he voted to instruct the Senators frorjri New York to oppose the admission of On the dav before I anyi State into the Union whose constilu- :r ! . I .. !. i i . i. i i i. l Mat. Childress, the uoq aid noi proniuu siaver auu ucjvuicu J I . !M ...... . tr. -i.i . - : . life. And under such a system, in z generations, language cannot descril revolting corruptions the soviai t;-..: berment whicb would. itflict our coj: ' But if there were ho other objection to t measure, than its enormous expense, s : no friendrofV ilie country could, t time, desiro itj adoption. v It would : toIvc, at a modctale estimato, in q J l! iii. our expenses (already far exceeding o: r i come) an expenditure of many ruiilicr; dollars yearly; and whence is the monr be obtained ? . We are already issuing c notes, because ;e are unable to defrsj ' charges of -Governmenr pal of ,'the revenues. With commerce crinpn i end ous as was the Il ADVICE TO YOUNG LADIES. j I If you have blue eyes you need npt languish ; t vou have black, you r.eed not leer i si.f you duce deorectatcd. and scarce saleable r. t : supposed cenans.taSJtr, anu canuiame lo .0.. ...,,..,.,. pnce-piopsrlflind UbSar deprcs.d, : .lector on the Van IW ticket, (whoevei of f lor.da ,nl. lo specf, lhe nombe of fJJ"-picd b . .; thought Van wo TejH l.ea to . Sonthern man, Uehng J, 5cL nesiee.) a appointment to speak n lb,t te,r.K,,y. ".$"; Luess. to ttl ,of . . e.saro b, which to the people orIrfte.jeo.Ie Tbepe .cts of .. he lib , pendilue of millions," ,e'rly, n mtiH3io for .lectori D W. D ck nsom well known, and with eowlutic clearness. . . L..1 . . ii.-.j. t..... . Ullt UUUII Oil IIICHUT CAIiaU?ll'U .'. iwiapiliiiir persons and places, groundless 80ciatioo ever receive a reply from CJ em; have prtuy a m . H h?ff Ho hi i-hJklirfy aal Idaoser and" poverty, H 0f his frierttls. The whole scheme was! ort ffUlwa,s' ftS K HS c.nbocl!by fewVan Buren men in JgV oX oo.h lablh ..on -Hry lis gbt occaswn, she wefi0-aroAnV iwhom are some office-holdi ftf " 0f sl.owintf ihm : if yob have bad illll Irs? and tha Association" was selected U yo.r moutid kile ; IpilltuV for carrying the infamous! oa nave pretty arms and hands. tbren be 111 CeirtatUs ' fraud into fleet. An Oswegoian had a shqr nA objection to jour playmg on the hajp jj tf you Rmet4vle of' several eminent lime befofe, removed to Cincinnati.. ;H4; f disposed to be ?W$W mUh to numerous medi- WMa ct0, 0( many of the Assnciaion,and dance Vdance but -'v to him thcfprltended-reply of Gen. HarrN MnTmT nrxSt i' son's friends was sent, that he might copy;: DV when yoli are asked, to few people are ?Hlof ?y i, .nnendko It the names Of some gentlMl ETnt.LJ hnt everr une wJU be sensible -h v I H m ,. mflriifct Aiihpr hi onnosilion lo Southcfil y . . caovnna A nrh. nt. inr.fT. rpnre broken couniry They may be consider Esq., was absent orlbusiness to Ueorgia and I have no doubtjtho arrangement was made to aitack the fvhigs Jikb the ranted say the Indians attalked ihe Americans at Tmnp. emnp ? huTwJ were readv. like old 'rw t ronvi tberl. Wrc ir ao I Placed I constitute a singular foundation, on Which . eT- t,c . kit In t thp Piiomv kp.v to huild a claim lo our conhuence. 1 roe. III 1 I'Ull UtAttl" I " v -..w, - i t; . . . . ER to Southern rights. ed ground of support to Northern'manulac turetsand anti-slavery societies , but surely He that recommend may have other qualities, but be can lay : claim to ectnomf.:I'-ff,-l "'i': Fellow citizens, let us pause and rt-H - Whatever I may think of the motives and r r ciples of our rulers, ! surely do not a'.tnl their.faults to the great loajontf of their f t f.-i mm fk w - m w m m mm w mw . m m m Made figiit. Sime how lot other our he called a iNortnern man wun ooumern porters, jfta masvoi tne people in our c ur- tniard was discovered, and. ike John Fal- prmcipies,vnen ,ue wuw cuumcm .. MW. ... ftaff thev U ought Irfwcretoa the better andihe seems, likewise, to consider himself btidy of Mr. A aoBurenV suprters as , stan, tney iiiougn. uHneiw , us uci.i ih . ' v0cim rvr'mr.otpc and brother8i W" should desirewe ijf'u ii! part of valot." and never made their appear- an Eastern man, with Western P'-nop, a dw deiire he Weifare t)f oarCotjnIry. TllL... atice at all ! At 2 o'clock P. M., seeing wlih he desires the suffrages of the West by -dlffent,-BStee-wayet-.Rw-in tr.': there was no chance! tor a fight, we called Butithe difference in the two cases is, that tbat we all wish well to our country w i.i ! but note .1 IU Sf.. f j si. e enjoys as good health, at ev! forgery was deliberately peH ijo are asked to be metr.ed, say . yot JTidntWiuuJ-. tncridihle aa it mav seem, a- fun wilt never be asked a second time.rjEc Iinritf'itbt;f I". ii r. . i... sentinel, Genj enr,the whig can! to te West he is tendering a very substan- in9ltotions perpetVated, not only in form fn. oiD. u.r frnln th marks ville riis-. tial lonsideration for Us support, in the ces- substance-not only witb the circuuni fnr r5. t. Thp n-npra ti.ok the stand, andave sion ol the puDlic lanos wnue io u wnu .. -F., w,. . i - i v i - - Aft ai. kaM i irnn w n 0 nm rifti in noEira n. a chyiii . 1 t' 1 vt r: . 1 .1 t tn o ir a i ri r 11 o mw i iijciia 111 1119 ats 1 wcriic w o . j - 1 vt v puiva 1 v 1 TT "w " ' r,- .i-:.ii k . 1 . . M ,1 noia narcoi 1 1 "'ft-'-- - s 1 luiiMija wi oi'i. t WMinilW in fKtl . ftltflU Allium I'ICIH I . . - y .ii!li ; o - . " . ln rtfttf : 5-: i -f-- i - . j i r . . . 1 Mv3 1 i w rvf rt in 1 .inrinirjii. h rm rriuiii 1 Haaiva v .1 rtuiQea " 11 wun uyniiin niii 111 iitiw- 1 i" wvutiMvi ---u .j - cj ;. i . y.t - i.. cabkhMof aitenii Oa to her domestical- men avw kuf. ri iJUUI j- 7 X . r. f- . f , - -r,t-Amm-utk .Aim, tia Consideration for Us suDDort. in tne ces- tffts"flMCe-oot onIv with the circumsian! - r . .-T e .... I . - .". 'I'hto flnm.l k .nnccn.nHinn hill xhnVP R 1 1 . I ma IK 1 I 11 lUlUaiC IOT CirciUI uutu.iue ,vio,i 0.0 'inw v- . . " . ' . . . . . , 'Tia, enjoys as gooc neaunm i -v . ... 1 . Til f - . "tTv-I in re tne, this 4tli datr of npcpmber- k JiNtetY, Com. of Deeds. mongh conscious of the absolute certainly W"" ofdetectioii. Bt those immediately et-j rvri C f A KL!lA..M.tin e t nrtnlra laf arv gaged in jthelafltir, well knew that they f 5;r j -could not suffer any loss ol character oU.f oaDer savs ihat.oo the whole he is glad RlljlHKAtJLEiCASBiOFACUTE the transaction ; while those who secretly; n,p3Tly Weie defeated in J?ew York; because. pulled the jwirs, hoped to escape detect ion, bey Dad not teen something pise would and that before the matter was blown, the have beea " to pay." It was pretty much so jaipfti iwli&aiiSet jecu-flaittV h Resnsier, M, with !an Affection of the under lhe; treatment of Doctor 100 Chatham street. NPW. amfri! S Jarvi?, 13 CenirR t L a-flficted ir four j ears with :ii"tMl hb jotni. whichwere always '"Mllky Ui?slightest motion the tongue rrv(t;iSKi.iJ. whiteness ; loss of appetite. "Ji I ''a'fteslStf tjis! Read, me bowels. common -1 IMMlti4lrrv lM rlMlw, hfbreathrng. wiih; a sense of Bank f Huzza for the Snb-Trea3ury ! lout rrrp'4hft chjesti Ukewtsea great want i I "hergi " lDe nervous system v.. i (taswsessji oraerv wonld have accomplished its oh-! with old father Hodge oyer the mountain.! His 8C. j . . i il JLi. Yian r.m in c.ntk Anv and said. : f ! 1 1 invitntinn to! the KVUVIUI j; - - 7 I . champion was non tiircnu.J.1 to proceed in the discussion, fur it was t heir appointment; Howeverno man aprteard, and so trie uen eral commenced. IBaisposmqn: oannuis nosition! what a troublesome thing thou an ! Why dost thou noti always mean When 1 say Gen. Henry made one of the best speeches I ever heard, I am saying i : i : - i , friends, an ostentatious profession of South- P.' pu .T IW". IW' "U' ,r.3 c" .i1cHu.,a.iwti.iJ m , . ' ght no pride of consistency shot our fdis ernrinc.preswh.!e be. not only does no- Pf trnih and reson, U Moil thine for us, but actually lakes our property m9n IO ... . it .pr ,e thl honora. : , iV . ft ft ft our share of the public lanas to buy t ojnfe6t and 0 fjrsake error ; but when -;r Western favour. v rors regard the welfare of our chiloren, the rfroe, he is called a Republican by his manent goid of our whole country, then a . r frieiids lhe vert perfection of Democracy verance in them becomes the highest fully a Butfin what does his conduct agree with his ' ft f 1.. mm. mmmm.m .1 k.Lil. mm MA trnfA- Reautiel of the Sub-Treasury?, l h Ii ve! said that Senator Walker has left his station Ij Father, that old black sheep has got' two bot wbat wii bc sarju0ned bv every whig ed to the plainness which our forefathers as- present. He tonkin the an Bureri speech sociaieu iW u.guwW... ' Iambs. ii Good ' savs the old man, ' tbal'S lhe: Imost pTpmaoie snepp wi mt ioim. . ji if Butpoe on 'emVdead, added Ben. 1 i . 11' : .11 X .a .vlAn.mnr. 1 1 1 V I, . made by Ex-Governdr Carroll at rsashv.ue, uca vi 8? 8 "' r-- e me ;when l ten ry nac mc i iwiucm '-"k - l a.-"-;-i?.ni I "CI . erjifica fsyrbptoras were entirely removed, iwffct ?i .JL -!'!.'; !' r- mm, Xy "vrepucure ejiecieo nv ut w m cjtbos. 1llifar-tiNJ.!-jjARvis. and Silvtr for the office-holders rto . buy mike a grand piece of muttoo in the fall. i j the people's rag money lJVest. Whig. I .; 1 Yea but the old sheep's dead, tooj exclaims - - 1 - -r------: Ben. f! ,'. ij anrl mr rlo,r cir hftllPVA m P . J I. . i . i. i ... a..! D. ... ..J ikaicn riM inri tliP PYlt nm .w, a., ih. ft.nw. i itMl he hot- f vou. it was the first time 1 ever leitaisptw, f r-M-v T " ri . . - : - S - CI I - I f.ll sat io revere ui oaaiciu. vo - - ft... ..r-.a: when a bor did Tfacfc men and deieno uie cistrsses oi uC; , '"X.V' et for the old sheep. If But "t"bther"s dead, too, says Ben j I'm irt.Katt.r ' f.inino ttitrra etno'll i tUUtll IUC IKHllf. ..J'I11 1 1 .1 J I .1 m. mmir tlian n o ! whatever party name-distinguished--let di? i M b'. lM4aryis1 beinff idolv sworn.: doth de- t-v,iiuav,!iiiji in iiarie &i.tin in inp a THE BANK DEFALCATION. t The explosion of the Loco Foco Bank at Rich-; mond. Va. is one of the most astounding occur- vL -i Tf u Te 1 l" e fences 0f the age. Tbe deficit had -reached, a: e, subscribed by him, are in all !ff!!i"lTwi,.W of ft70d. Dead ! dead I what the old sheep dead !' cries old Hodge, that's good, darn her f she always was an ugly old sczmn.-Middklinry People's tress. character ol Carroll. But ow .e tne nas ne snown a reuu.icau mighty fallen ir-NlwIisten-l l his 6wn P'n?6a "Gen Harrison pefmitled the enemy to ury issmall as a just regardjto the iiigntty L.r.A i th hatil f nf hi. station would allow ? Q-nte the con- IPIHri II IM III Hill V- V1UUUU m mmmw ' w w .1 . ' m ft ! rlet, liOMi c. m . nrc I lat BCRODniB. IUC .luiuoi """"'" o. v. a.vv, Wrle ibis2ofNnW qfi 000 and the examination was still going oa.; tbe Baltimore Convention, MiM he fcjsbi qfn. Jackson, commiUed I Miff -Ii i .-.4 J r cf iheabscoddm-i 1eeT.-RUi&h Register. Iowin2 language : i Tippecanoe," says Chrroll. Majors Clark and ! Martin Tan Buren when noaiinated bv ted it. C.Illmnra Pnniiiinhnn mm ..1 . I f2pn I4arTInTl Out trary mm overflowing n..l la.lfann. with a lull wdiviai m T . TrPamiiT. was conieni J ' and lib i j t iSHtoOO to furnish Jbe Presidential Man- but no guard, and suf- sioolwbile Mi. Van curen, , . -"V r?!pN fallowing tjlgtnlt ts1DAV Camden. S. C as successor to himsef in tbe fol- fered I imself to btf language : I -" I I ":. - ! f ,h k . r - I il.i. ,.... , .r. ii 4 .i tik. u j f-u. I tTha imn was defended h v. two com Da! and in lasii w""6 r . si : iwfiuci iuibcu tuc uuuureu uuiru - 1 fvj r ; i ir rat noguard.and sui- siooi wnue on. van ----- ; sttrprwetir continues slanjes of great pressure upon tbe f r i i nity deceived for the same purpose 20000; ' . . i 4 " 4 " " k,lo h ai a-kintr in issue P7i: aaas-s-mia i i So languine arethe faimers ofKenloeky; ntenf, selected by the friends r ,hm .nP.. nf Harrison and Tyler at the administration, to carry ont commg electioWthaJ actual .ales of" thelrl that . well front . , ' -.iLrj .nnklo iho 1 Bhall il himnrpn with lhe rhnirp nf nemD croM nave oeen mauc. iiva"' j-j-,-- - - , n' r-i 2nl dav old TioDecanoe is made rrestueni. i mencan pcvpc, chuc-iui io iTtaagz!inu- j My v. . nf c n nnnunn in uo- a ft a ' . 3 ft k. ft r mm Aoiir v ii 11 avwwwvwwa of ihp nrenent I nies tas guarus j ooin picxet ano camp iue 01 i"mj . . "T lppi .o.d,end 0&U3 Lon Wir . aU p., ' r ifiili I n ghtand the enemy Bred but one gnnoeiore ;ue f' " t,rr 'a ,rt n.ff hi 1b?a! th!who!eSrmv wa.l.d7toteceetheo. sbo4 .n-.en. of SHOO .1 o-ed to p ; hit I i i I...,.! Ha rnnin nil! uit ui-j wnu neuttiVJalUCU. " it, not in the spirit of reproach, but tf kind earnest enquiry, can this Administration dcrv fariher support ? For more than ten jear?. th have had charged our affaira A tbecirump; oietitof that period, we were prosperous ; in i! pursuit of a risioosry scheme to leaks e r jTiod better, they have tried a variety of ex; r menia nponour habit, institoiions and pr ; r -promising that eacb should issue in general pent? ; hut as we hae advanced, the gui:i i constantly retired before us ' And like the circl, bounding earth anJ tt. i . Allures from far, but as we follow, flies." And now, when a general presfnre h f:U wheo our crtffers,as a nation. re emp'y distress, instead of prosperity, is the reih lhe ten years crusade of ibe Administration, t: President aod bis adtbers, 4 "Cursed with a heart onkoowinj how to j4' instead "f sobmitiing to palpibls demr-nstra and retracing their course, still cry cn.v-J prepare for saenfioea, gteat and lony, but r.a v fib,and we will, at length, bring yoo the I; : tioo of the good we have prom s Vect: , for ten years, we are asked lo renew our cc: ... dencein thwe wbo have. Cfceiveo M.a security but the asurancf which Has 6ecn S3 C " ! ! . 1 : - - - ' : -s, liiir IP""1' "

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