V .(-. 1 lit i ' nvwiriil certain slate of the mind, - 7- "i- '-"O SfT P ' 's: ;.V-'- P S7lf - : " ''l V ' rVTi ' - V :"'v" 'M S" Ti". ant life worst consequences imaginea. 1 1 d ' . I IN II I t IN 1 i ( UJ . Ill wJ V ( W?'J tee! nlcaltj called hypochondria which 1 hei,cttMw he e hypochondriasis. - he(cel4rfiwheoarae bypoehuntfriasi .li .'St, j-' ? " 1 T . iie W&eufor bowels, acrid eructations, (- saiodiclpains.,'giddiness, dimness r .umnKJu -utu "j'-i - - liiiiV TJ- a ii iih I -.111 vntmhttuT-dMnond. VjrtrBient.)f the nervous system.; It haurll tpPl taiaitiatioo andi bverhelmn f JtJbtof "men art as open ; afllic i sKfetiie of ahy kind, Specially; S9- iiiifiPSfacfed ma taie nonrin me nigni; Ift'rumWeTbfbadil ' intercparse, or ex- tititikirtai Xlio irnrooderate us of mercury tewkl8f1bel soppreion of. ?ome ha I1 ,;irfeft4uial eronticn ; i 1;.:,'lf.le or.more knindriant or?ans wilhin EsbJoJifMls a frequent canse T . . Illlfir TREATMEKT; ipHdil Objects of t jealmcnt 4 are, to re: 'jgDifeSto tkentbea the body, and SealiTeilnwbich may promoted KQant nCsabn. 'rt$ bowel? (if costive) 4WtifA'faa, fry Hhe'roccasional ose ffiittfiaientt; Wknow nothing better l.J - k fi'ri.ftr Pi laJ Lhpinir mild Ana certain It. I gtlJ0n. 4 lie uuweis j uriiijj unco I n4si!maIe CirnomiIe PilU,(which llfend la.nlifspasmodic) are an ?2rej tonic f lri4,KWrfe!nidT. ;nd wilnoal dispute: have proved a!ffaplessingjLO me numeroas puouc- iicprttlibiitit sjhoaid not be resorted to ; ainjli1 wllreftly aggravate the rffflpidni'Jyl'lij'-'':'..:' -' ; ' 1 - r J, (lftSnd stontafMig. Facts. AS t i8 . 1 H R E V E A US' ST A ND t ,1 rlit))f rV.Mori roe, Schuylkill, afflicted fefc rtJalH'ng malady. Symptoms: (jreaijlapi:ii)l, flatulency ,'distorbed rest, ner- mii?jmWtfWto"S of breatliiiig', tightness striiifcoss the breist, dizzineses, ner-f Ti hor Z';&til:pustfion without the sensation of apifcj'litealioqi .bajpitation-' of the hearty Si9treS!pgi!gncosu?eness, pain 01 we twiu h.drowsitJt;, tfebiltty and deficiency of ie neriuwi-erfrjy. 'Mi il. Monroe gave up ntjifii p recovery, and diredespair 6at t ihe cdgrtif figflice or everyi person inieresxea in -. .1 ::I f '. t ' ..: ..L-. I: it l :.i L HXISlpnce w:napptiess, iu uy atciuem. ut? iiUdPd () a mini ic paper some cures eneciea oy Vi V ENS' MEDICINE in his- com- iiiVwhici!induced him tw purchase a pack- fc(feHEl4 bicbl resulted in completely adTiri everyi sympiom 01 nis oisease: xie hfa to shv his motive forithia declaration is, atthosa Blflicle'd with tfjd same or any symp- sffrtlf dihose frpm which he ishappilj ctijuSalf3kewisei recelive thb inestimable WifJAlliOK . ITU UUL.UUil.UA. - ;1J.; Pi;5 jobnsoi.L wife of Capt. Joseph Vf Lynir.Mass. was severely atllicted lirh. lie! Dolereux, violent pain pheihj'aJ. nnd vomiting, with a burning heat tiib0st)inach and unable to leave her roomi ewM find no reliefi from the advice of sev- ral rlih y kic? aftsx n b r .from medicines of any kind imlfiw csbHIladiommenceid using Dr Evans Minibf iM Chatham street, and from that letodBtiy ameUd, and feels satisfied if ecudtlnueltlie -medicine a few- days looser; lle iirfilUy;uredL Reference can be had ' tqith4 truih'of the above; by calling at Mrs dafeliter's Store, 3S9 Grand street. r? Anee Fi Kenny, No 115 Lewis Hfetitanton land Houston sts., afHic-!- mM$ yeffs with the following distressing fiiotMtji! AltMietaiion, daily spasmodic os in ilie hSttl ; foes of aphetite. nal pitalion of iff tear!,' a'afdiness and dimness of sight,could lie ori her In eh t -sid e . disturbed r est. utter i n itfjoi elttgfairig'in any thing that demanded s'wtioiitaiiometimes a visionary, idea of s0iiaiji(iiririf her disease a whimsical averj- w.tf pntjjeitij persons. and places, sroundless 'Fnif personal d singer and -poverty jlitf tiiHe-bnr every slisht becayon, she .pH neither die nor liv; sh e wept, joKmeu, aria inougiit aue icu a QjiierCbftfjfe, never was one so bad, with lt! hallucinations. . m K 'ylifadj the advice ipf several eminent 'JapsaffdlBadr recourse! to numerous medi "Ty.vif :apfiiji opiatn even temporary anevia i9'jfjf 4Ililstng state, till her husband perj- t! l iftpWle.trialof my mode of treatmeDt. e;il? nQfilllR lPliirtil i a,.t f?n1 hpreolf onWa4iy hf attendiittr! la hr domestiki af- raWflJVshjtenjo healjhai rl-nillMsbd. of tb aforesaid lAnne ?Wiirn beforcme,th si 4ihd ay of December, .JJPjNC(K.Ei(,.Com.;of; Deeds. t-T fARKAB LE CASE OF ptttp IPlppir w h an Affebuon of the Tpeitis;in al 1 h i n tits j which were always W9-.yhilUe1.'sl is hiest ' mtioni ihe tongue '1 8 Kelly wii Ueness V loss of appetite i:ihjfi$irieadvft he bowels commonly ve .iMiei ttm nrioe hib co oured. and 01 ten if feiiMt uBatrended bv relief. The a Mifiij;were als(iii tended with consio- f td!ra!ffif breathtnrf.iwith a sense of the chest;iikfewisWa great want t3i X 'etJL'i'V nrTous system. Ifl lljfptdrnjs were 'entirely : removed, H't'tVSure etiecied by IJr AVm Evans. WA-b) !l-BENJ.'J JARVIS. ti bfjing duly swqrn, doth de t that the fac I afttlofl in ilia t WfM '9titedfbr k m, are in al Wfe iftENi.S JARVIS.- a r mim: v r n. .- i . 3 Wtft $fn tbtsSath of Nofember. I83C i lWff rfv1 wold?J ro'c, v9 nas-- i'wi V. - ; 4 be Spqip Sunder the treatment of Doctor 'jffilIf 100 1 Chatham iireet,. Newi .ftlehlamin'.'iS VJalrris,'-13 Cehtre si, '-iTOilaffiifV' ' Wrrfout years with 1- Vl MilSt.S (Bookslmychcrau, S. C. il lfflfr Jm-V. Camden, S C. PENDLETON S JJRUNERn i, w;. V , , r i L - ' ' U -2 YOLUME VIIL , j. - j . i ry Published Weekly at Tivo Bolls. andJFifly Cts. . 4. .- - I1U; , EPrrop8;AyDpnqpRicTonsj - ' ' v; ; f . : . , -1 - f , 1 ( ) ' Jl . HQE -jvq;. 4o6. I -vtt-VX ' -j:'-- ''' V-."'': lit (? : T l -j - i- i -.s : - r-- j p ." . ,;'v. i--- . - - iv ' i Iii Rottan Counlyt in the jFea) r: " The Grand Jurors of Rowan, attending on the Superior Cloiirt, having disposed of all the official duties beiore them, proceeded to take co der consideiaiinl, the alarming stae of the gov ernment and triej danger in which pur free insti Jntion appear igbe. After :. deliberate copsideraf turn, we unanimously adopted : the . following Resolutions. j - . " j 5;v'v;-i Z 1st: ResoUep, In our opinion! the political condition of thef government is such;, at this time, as ought 6erious) 10 aarm 'be American peop'e for the safety qf o'ur free insiiiQtitjns, and even for Liberty itse f. " ' " We have seer within a; very few years, the power and patronage of the Federal Executive increase, and increasing to an extent, .greater tliao those possessed either by the King uf Engi land or Prancef Ve see the expenditures of the governmen j Increased at a rate beyond all former example In this, and almost any other country, havingjjn the period of ten yesrs, rnn op from $9,784,154 to $22,713,755 exclusive of the Public debt ; and we now witness going on in the country a scene which threatens to de stroy the freedom of elections, and! subvert the Constitution We sejs the whole patronage of the Government wielded for the purpose of forcing on the people Martin Van ;Buren, of sew York as next President pf the United States ; and to ac complish this e id, nothing is stopped at men in all respects competent and honest, are turned out of office, merely because they are not in fa vor of Martin iVan Buren, and others put in who become thelpliant and servile tools of power; It appears from the documents submitted to Con gress, that the number of dependants on the gov ernment for bread, is rapidly increasing. In 1825 the whole number of persons who held offi ces under the government or fed opt of the pub lic Treasury, was 55,777 ; and that in 1633 this list had increased to 100,079 these facts we think ooghtjjio alarm the people, and awaken them to a sensejpf their danger. ' : 2nd. Resolved That we deem it prema ture at present! for the VVhig3 of North Caro lina, to make any nomination for the next Presi oency, or to g-o fuiiher on the subject than lode clare our opinion against Martin Van Buren, and against the waste of public money and the abuse of patronage which have taken place under his influence. We would look on j his election; as a great misfortune to the country, and espe cially to the South : and to escape these evils, when the proper time comes, we will support a gainst him, anyl. man of competent talent, fair character, and acknowledged patriotism, be he Hugh L. White of Tennessee or whosoever M.-nmvil l t At R,,nh nnn shall ri v irt th A, nonnlii cn,!cf9Mn,v aCcrnnn ll,at hJ is for economy and reform in the government. 3rd. Resolved, That we look upon the mis j called Convention which is now getting up, to be held in Baltimore, on the 20th day ot May, as nothing but a packed caucus got op jfor the our-, pose of humbugging the people, and Impisiegon; the country Martin Van Uoren, as the next. President, since; it is well understood that no one will go there, who is not for Van Buren, and all w ho do go, do so, for the sole purpose of nomina ting him. f i 4th. Rcsofeed, ".That for the;' purpose of ta- kiosr nnder consideration the alarming: state of the Government, and to arouse- the people to a just sense of their danger, we beleve tha the Whigs of N. C. shoojd every where assemble together in public meetings : and we now invite the free men of Rowan for that purpose to assemble to aether.-at the Court House in Salisbury , on the 18th day of May, the same being the Monday of Way Court., j 5th. 'ResolviiU Thai Burton Craige, Thom as G. Polk, Jqin Beard jon., John Clements, Richard H. Alexander, H. C Jones and Chas Fisher, be appofhted a committee to prepare res olutions, and an-address, to be submitted to the consideration of ibe meeting ; also hat they in vite the Goverepr of JN. Uarolinaiobe present on that occasion land that they respectfully re-t quest our Senators, Mr Mangum, and Mr Brown, to attend, and gite to this pan ol their consul u ents, an account of their Stewardship and fur ther, that said jcomnmtee, invite to be present any other poblicjmen they may think proper; and generally to make all other arrangements that may beecessai to accomplish thep'uct of the meeting. 6th. Resolved, That the aforesaid commit lee of seven, be Rested to appoint a committee of five in each daptaUVs company, in this county to act asa committee of vigilance : ,7th. Resolved; That a copy of these reso I lotions be presented to each of the papers pub- tit,ot in Si liahorv With n rpnn,ct l.. n.,M the same. a 1 . S i I JACOB KRIDER, Foreman. Michael Pttler Samuel Lvcky, James Frost, Joel Kimbell, . George Giliesp ie , Jacob Lyerly. Dr. R. Graham, Samuel Rimini Thomas Dickson Samuel Lyrai, Cliristian GraMm, Benjatnin Little JVoah Partite.. ! Jesse Clement, Geo. Mc Connavghey, Hugh Parks, li: Jolia Carrxgan. GREAT POLITICAL MEETING :. . . ! iROWAN. 1 " ' IN 4 It will be remembered that the Grand Ju ry of this County, at the last Superior Court, recommendedUo their fellow citizens to bold a public meting on Monday: 18th Inst., and appointed; a. Committee, whom they 'io- stracted lo invite the Governor of the-State and oar two Senators in Coneress to attend. In order lo mve1 sssurWe that lit die ,W.n9i ith!U thr rf ih ntii. Tsr.-. r-r"' r- . lew year agu. 8o 6uuug,, .gaiea vummuHi.ji .ii i-ui .jU..Wv. v. v.vi, ciuo gncn otnei; measures as iniyr may think best cal were appointed, all of whom, had been prom- jpufa ted to. inform the public mind, and tberebv ineni be tore ne people in mis, contest, This CnmmitrWfl dicMinrorpd thelf dots! h invilihg the Ginileraeti specified iwitb many . ' m I er mvitatronsJ was included Gen. Duff .GTeen of Washington City, who happened to be in our Town on his way to Columbia. toij Mangum proroply obeyed the call. iGen. Greeb also was present several Oenitlemen also from neighboring Counties,! with at Ifastj ONE THOUSAND of oUr ! jcouni ty jmeD, attended, and it was a glorious dav for Rowan. The signal for meeting was given by ringing the Court Hobsie bell, )d according to previous arrangements as many as could get in met there, land the officers were appointed, but it beirig per ceived that a . large portion of the compa ny would ha veto remain out : ojf doors, it Was agreed to remove to a grote a ! short cfistance eff this they did, accompanied by tjieff elegant bandiof Music frorrij alem. Here ; the Chairman addressed the! meeting at length, in a clear and forcible manner Men. roll;, one ot tne uommittee, wiin a fw prefatory remarks, offered the Resolu tions which, they wete instructed io prepare, and which appear below these 51 r. ijisber, aftr a few further remarks, read to the Meeting. The Governor, Mr. Mangum and Gen. GreerT, severally addressed tlC meet ing on the general politics of the country, and the only commentary we shall make is, that this large crowd rem!cea tdgelker (mostly standing,) during the rive jhours wnicn tne Business occupied, ana tney seem ed j mostly intensely absorbed in-the speech es.1 Editor Carolina JVatchman j Meeting of the People. Pursuant to a call of the Grand jurors; here tofore wade, the Freemen of Rowan. ri great numbers, assembled in Salisbury, on May the ISih. At 11 o'cluok, the Court House bell was rung for the meeting to take place, as ion -former becasions in the Court House. In a few moments, jther Cjourl House was filled, up to overflowing, and several hundred persons were outside, doable to get in. ; I Y' f The meeting was organized, by calling John Giles, Esq. to the Chair, and Jdde jJames Martin, Doct. John Scott, Gen. James Cook, and Nathan Chaffin, Epq., as assistant ; Chairmen ; Kob't. jVlacnamara and Alexander JLong were appointed Secretaries. As soon as the meeting Was organized a proposition vas made that the assembly should adjourn to Mr. Vogleir's grove, South East of the Court House, in order that all the people attending might have an opportunity of participating in the business of day, the) which Was carried by genpral approbation. ; 1 vtom the Court House, the People, with the Committee, and the officers of the meeting, the Vernor the State, and Senator Mangum, at Wad. tta'Chcd t0 PC f adjWiriltoent 1 he elegant oand of music from Salem! being here.on their way to Mecklenburg celebration, fery obligingly joined in, and conducted the Whole concourse, with cheering and mama! mo sic; to the grove, where hasiy arrangetneqts had hjeein made for the occasion by Mr. Vofcjler. As soon as the meeting was re-organized, by the officers taking their places, the Chairman irose, nd in a clear and lucid address of! thirty minntes in lengin, explained tne purposes or the meeting. - ! M ' As soon as the Chairman had concluded his remarks, Gen. Thomas G. Polk, a organ of the Committee appointed to draft Resolutions for die consideration of the meeting, presented thosr which lollow below, with a few introductory remarks. -The Resolutions were then read. A letter from the Hon. Bedford Browhi Reusing himself from attending this meeting; was then His Excellency David u. iSwam, and the Hon. Wiliie P. Mangum, who hud both been invited to attend and participate in this pro seeding, addressed the people in order of their Ipames, al considerable lenoth and ;wnh great force and eloquence. Gen. Duff; Green,: of ashinglon City who happet:ed lo be casually present, on his way further Soath,i also upon a call from the Committee, addressed the meeting nithe critical state f the country) So-1( plain but masterly style. Enr-b of those distinguished descending trnm the stand j were respectfully but heartily cheered by the assembly. 1 he Resolutions were then nut to vote and unanimously apoptktj : They are as follows: lyliereas, We the t reemen of Rowan Coun ty; believe that the best, and only &afe guard of Liberty, is to be found in theconsiani vigilance of the people over the conduct of their public ift7B,s' Uf ,e lIlI,e "7 ! II,ac ,hirSe. of the Goferomem ; and foriheruiore, 1 ,H on,T l"e n5"- D'u "'e l jfPP .w"fneTel see In oernmeni, u !nvL OI us aepanrnents, geng wrong, t meet io B?'ci, uwidie men u mikjusbiii. glve;vilC;aNiui. Mr, tnereiore, me r ree menm nowan uounty, tn oahsbury assembled, do solemnly Resolve, That, in our opinion, t he tapid horo press which the Federal Government, within a few years past has made, and is s'lll making in the usurpation of power not granted by the Con Stitutiun, in the abuse of powers that j are' gran ed in the extravagance of public expenditures, nd in the corruption of Republican principles is, Socn as ought greatly to alarm all patriotic and thinking men, not only for the safejyjjpf our Re publican Institutions but even Liberiy itself. I Resolved, For the purpose of arousiri? j the people of North Carolina, to a jot sense of their danger that the friends of the CoxiTiTtlTrioN, f (economy in public expenditures, and of re form in the abuses of the Government, with pit loss of time, should every where organize themselves for active and open operations. To this end, we recommend to them in every Coun- yj to appoint Committees of Vigilance, and ob servation, that is, one Central Committee in each County, and a Committee of Vigilance in each Captaio's Uistrict, whose doty it shall bejio a- waken the people from their lethargy ; to detect the artifices of the Caucus party, and of, the of hfice-holders and office-seekers, and bold lv to ex pose them lo the people ; and generally to adopt t para our institutions rrom tne rate that now threa tens themi I ! 11 il Besolvcd. Thzi the Central Committee, ap- 1 rininiPfl ftV: llilfi mPAlinff. tnrlh lltK nrvan Mnvroa rty in every part of this State, and more espe bially n the Western part, for the purpose o prodacisg perfect concert cf action io the great Also, that said Coojmitlee as soon as they ; con veniently can, prepare, abd publish an address, from the Free men of Rolvan County, to the peo ple of North Carolina, sitting forth, in plain and earnest language, the dingers, that now hang over the Country and palrticolarly over theSou . them States ; and orgin upon them the neces sity of retrenching the tfxtravagances in public expenditures, and ofrefdrming the abuses of the Government. I j I ! I Resolved, That the late attempt of the Presi dent of the United States, to DICTATE to the people who shall be their next President, in our opinion, is an open assault on the freedom of e lections, and a daring oulraga on the constitu tional riphts of the peoplp and as such, ought to-jarouse the patriotic indignation of every jciii izen who is worth v of the name of Free-man. Resolved, That the Convention, which lis to assemble in the City of Baltimore, on: the 20th day of this month, for the purpose of nominating Martin V an Bcren aa next President, is an other attempt to subvert (the Constitution of the country to take from toe people the right 6t choosing their own President and to transfer it to an irresponsible Caucits composed of interes ted office-holders and ofEe-seekers. ,:- Resolved, That we are opposed to the election of Martin Van Bcren of New York to the Pre-kJencj ; and to the Citizens throughout the end, that our Fellow JState, may know our reasons for this oppositio we will here briefly principal ones : We set forth the heads of th are opposed to the ekctioi of Martin VarBuren, 1st Because, he has always been hostile to the principles of the greaj Republican party. The first noted political act of his life, was in hostility to the Republican party, f During the late War, when the enemy was spreading des olaiion along our whole ioast when our j Nor thers frontier was overunland many of our towns sacked and destroyed byi fire when the brutal savage was turned loos on our Southern and Western frontiers to scalp and murder our "de fenceless women and ctildren, Martin Van Buren leagued io with the opposition of the North, to defeat the Republican Candidate for the Presidency , and to dilgrade and to drive from power the Republican party : and yet, notwith standing all this, his partisans, the office-holders, have the effrontery to call him the candidate of the Republican party. ; j -2d. Because, He is hostile to the peculiar in terests of the Southern Slates. In :820, when a most daring and unconstitutional attempt was made in Congress on the subject of the Missouri Question, to interfere with the constitutional; rights of the Southern pelple, he was found an active and zealous supporter of the nefarious) 6heme. His subsequenifvote in the-New Yorki Convention to'place free tiegroes as regards the; nsfnior sonrage on an epjuai looung wiin wnue men, is another evidgncewhai his principles ar on this subject, so imporrnt to the people of the s.'ave hoJdine states 1 lis ought to be a serious warning to the Souther people, not to elect one whose principles are so SAFETY. 3d Because. He is a ual to our rights and advocate of a protective I ariff. " In cooventi s of Manufactures at ht me. and in his seat in be Senate, we find him; steadily approving, and the odious Tariff policy, which has cted on tbe industry!! of the South so oppressively, as actually to have; endangered the peace antiunion of these States." He voted for the Tariff act of 182S a measure: which is now characterized as " the bill of abom- nations." This Tariff sjsiem aims to impose heavy i axes on the necessaries of lire, such as Iron, Steel, JVaJU, Salt. Sugar, Coffee, coarse voiton, ana coarse troctfn Cfofs,; articles that are ; extensively osed bv the common neoole, while on Silks. Wines. Jtwclleru. fine cotton and fine Woolen Ciothsj articles mostly; us-d by the: rich, light duties, or no duties all are desired. 4th.l Because. He is rlow avowedly in favor of a system of Internal! Improvements by the General Government contrary to the long estab lished doctrine of the Republican party, that is; he is in favor of taxing the people ;of one State to make roads and canalslin another State. We bold, that it is onjust to tax the people of North laroima, to make iropro 4 ements for New York each State make its or any other State Let own roads and canals. 5th. Because, He has Seen chiefly;instrumen ; tal in introducing into th practice of the Feder al Government that system of proscripti h, and parly discipline, which is, so rapidly destroying the freedom of opinion, orrupting the morals of the country, and making the Government it self, a distinct interest from that of the people. By ihM system, within tbe last few years under the influence of Mr VanlBoren, more than fire thousand persons-haie bejen turned out of office, not for acts (if misconduct! but merely for opinions ake and their places fined up by persons, not because they were well qualified for the duties of the i office, out merely on Account of their politi cal servility to Martin Van Buren,' and because they were willinottTproetitute their officesio se cure his election to the presidency thus con-I verting offices which wee created for the bene 1&t of the people into so many lecruiung5 posts to oe occupied and used to perpetuate power in the hanrJs of a ruling faction! 6th. Because, He is i favor of an extrava gant expenditure of ihe ublic money. J, To show bow the Government is going on un der the an- Buren tteW6 have only to refer to public documentsifurnished by the Exec olive- Departments themselves. It appears from these ocuments, that, in the year iba, the whole expenditureof tne uovern ment, exclusive of the public debt, amounted to 9,784.000 ; and that irj 1833, it had run op lo the enormous sum of $2'-,715,000. Public Documents alsq show, that in the year 1825, the number of persons who reoeived sal atifs and stipends out of he public chest, was a-bouijifly-siz thdusand-nnd that in 1833, this list had been increased tq upwards of one hun dred thousand persons. vho are now fed out of the public Treasury, trom the Taxes collected ef the people. When at the last session of Congress, an ef fort! was made to lessen these expenditures and reform these abuses, Martin Van Buren and his partizans, openly arrayed themselves assinst the plan. What then, can the people expect from his election, bui that this; system will goon ontil taxation and corruption overwhelm our liberties. 7 Because under this fan Buren System, the Post Office Department that impuruiii branch of the Government, thrlosb which light, and knowledge muat circalat to the people, has been of.party. , -ps- i I Pubhc Docoments- show, that when Judge M'Lean left tbe t)fficeirwas in a most flouiish ig condition not cnly aupporting itself in all is operations, but actually leaving a surplcs of several hundred thousand dollars in the strong bpx of ;ihe Departments Scarcely, however, bad Mr. Barry been iu that department a single year, liefore srgns of disorder and confusion began eve rr where to show themselves. It appears, from t ie reports of Committees cf Congress, appoin t d to examine into the condition of the Depart ment, that not only disorders and confusion exists ii it, but practices of the most open corruption: I .is proven, that the Post Master Genera),! has ben io the practice of giving large sums of) the public money to favotite and partizan mail Con ti actors, under the name of extra allowances j il ls proven that the Chief Clerk of tbe Depart ment has been concerned in Contracts, and has b some means grown- rich out of the spoils of the public Treasury j and as" might be expected from all tbjs, it appears that the Department itself has opcome ysnouy insolvent, and now owes a cent opt tar short of a million of dollars. In the days 1V.lL! ' u asoingion, or enner oi nis six successors, what would have been the course of the Execu tive towards a public officer, acting as Mr. Bar ry has done f Weanswer. he would have been dismissed from office, and punished for hs oTen cp. But, we see that'Mr. Barry, in defiance o public opinion, has been retained in office, arid thereby encouraged in his malptactices ; and ttfie, lately we have seen him rewarded for his trjisdeeds, by appointing him Embassador, to Spain-, with a salary of 0000, and an outfit of $9000 more, making 18000 to him in one year; ana as u to try now mucn tne patience or tne cluniry will bear, we see the convenient tool of Mr. Van Buren, Amos Kendall, enstalled in his place, as Post Master General of the United Jiiatesi A few years ago Amos Kendall begged Mr Clay, 4oLa Clerksiiiof $1500 per year, vhich i was denied him ; he now receives, as te reward of hisHngratitude to his benefactor, a office worth $6,000 per year. I J 8tb. We are opposed to Martin Van Buren, bfcausa he has attempted to enlist the influence of Foreign Governments, in the struggles of or domestic parties. His carrespondence while Secretary of State, with the British Court, and vgith the Pope of Rome, tooclearly manifest tis design, to leave any doubts about it. 1 For 'these, and many oiler reasons, we are or posed to Martin Van Buren, and would depre ciate his election to the Presidency, as fatal to "tie welfare of the Union, if not to Liberty itself. h 1 Resolved, That we will support Hugh L. 3White of Tennessee, for; next President : But iaj . the same time, we make this declaration ; .self respect on the one band, and fair dealing in Ipe other, requires us to say, that we take him as an alternative. Nevertheless, we believe him IS be an able, aod honest Statesman ; and under tase circumstances, we will give to him our o- pin, candid, and zealous support. y Resolved, That we approve of the course of oar able and patriotic Senator.Willie P. Mangum; Iff the Senate ot the United Mates, and more the Senate of the United Mates, and particularly of the firm and manly stand which K has; taken against alUJSxecutife encroach rientscn the Constitution, or on 'the Legislative rjepart;ment pf the Government. He deserves ttfe gratitude of the People, for bis faithfulness their service vv L, tender him the thanks tf is meeting.; 'i Resolved, That theebbdoct of the members o the ; last Legislature who voted for Resolu tfn3 instructing ourzSenators to do an unconsti ( utio nal act, was an outrage on the Constitution, ad a disgrace, not to him at whom the blow was a fapd, but to- the arithors of the measure ; and a such deserves the severest reprehension of the people ! Resolved, That the Chairman of this meeting a rj point the Central Committee, and that (he Utntral Committee appoint Committees cf Vigt ls;ce in eaclv Captain's District. lllamlltpn C. Jones, Efq now rose, and after aftew very pertinent remarks explanatory of the subject, offered the following Resolution, which vs lunanimously adopted. , Rcsqlved,jl hat in the opinion of this meeting, that the nomination of Philo White, to the ,Gtltimore Convention, for this electoral District, isfa voluntary assumption of car political rights; nt made with the knowledge or consent ot one irione hundred of the freemen of this county, nclr with the knowledge or approbation of one in one thousand of the freemen of thiadistrict which helhas g-owe on to wits-represent. tOn motion, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be 'published in ihe tvspSalisbury papers, in B United btaes telegraph, at Washington Cty, and that all the Whig Papers in this Slate likewise be requested to publish them. m I i T-riWt niT cm rut. I i James Martin, ) I - Johncott, t Ass't. ; James Cook, f Chr'u. I Nath. Chaffin, J R$)h'ti Macnamara, JlkxaAder Long. J Secretaries. From the Southern Literary Messenger. - GO NOT YET. Go not yet oh! go not yet Linger buc a moment more Something that I now forget, Would I murmur o'er ; Something I have treasured long i Strange that I should still forget But it trembles on my tougue : Go not yet Go not yet. But a moment more iemainr Why would'st thou, belov'd one. Break so socn the sweetest chain Life has wove for us ? Many a word I still would say, Many a word I now forget ; Linger then awhile, 1 pray, ; Go noXyet Ggjiot yet. thus Seer'd once, our tears were vain ir Bttken moments to restore, 'Ken her thou nor I again, Should behold tbem more ; Thee are ours, andwhile tbey bless, It were worth a long regret Did we, parting, ihero less Go not yet Go not yet. " From The, Bcliluc "COME AND LET US REASON GETHER" I woold say a word to the rr son men. In 1824 you and I er, . We supported the electic . Jackson, Blair and Kendall wtr "irn j . re t. f ( .? t'. ) t ted partisans of Mr Clav, and Mr. Vcn ren supported Mr. Crawford Kcr.Jall tinned to be the zealous paitisan cf . Clayj advised lira to tote for Mr. Adar ., not as he pleased, after the election cf : 1 A. offered to come on to Washington, r defend Mr, Clay from the slanders, to i bis own Words, that were published sa i him, if Mr. Clay .jwould give him an o Worth fifteen bundrcd. dollars per ant.u:; Mr. Clay "refused !to pay bira the stipu'rt price,, and Kendall turned his pri- fangs on the benefactor who had v him iuto life, and became State's eviu.; to convict Mr. Clay of the charge which he had volunteered to defer.il I Blair came in at the eleventh hour, un contract that he ; should have the pri: patronage of the Government Now wht: are you, $ where are these men? You liar : all the kicks, & tliey have the all copp. r: . Your labor is reduced forty percent.in iu v ! ue & they boast that they have reduced V value of flour one half!! How is it with their salaries ? Kendall, who entreated Mr. CI: for fifteen hundred dollars per annum, re ceives bis six thousand; in hard dolhr and hit j pickings and speculations to be : . Blarr makes his thousands without movi: -bis finger, except as the pensioned hbrl!:: of General llarrisoDf arid those who hate refused to surrentjer their judgments c. J iher principles! I And these are the men who, by the vir tue of their position! in the count ry, denounr j such of the original Jackson men as disr ; prove of the measures which have broj;rJ -tbe country into its 'present unexm' ' condition, and call on youto follow then; i their denunciations, .q What I would, entreat of you to do ir, calmly to go overjttie wnoie ground wj. me, and let us reason together on lit things. How doe$ it happen that iho men who were opposed to, us in 1821 v,I:d then reviled and ridiculed General Jackson, even more than tbey now rjdiccle General Harri6on,got possession of bis ear,5' tlirou': the potent influence of his name, risen into power, whilst his strongest and stcrr estdfriends are driven from hiraj and are de nounced as if they were enemies to their country ? Go into any'of the States, sr.,! look out lor the original Jackson men, a:;d you will find that many of those who nis ed the standard, and bore the heat and bur den of the day, ore now proscribed and per secuted ; whilst a tnongreLmixture of money-loving office holders are the chosen leaders of the party. 4 How is this ? why is it so ? Men may change but principles will not. When we rallied sgainst Mr. Adams, the strongest sr gument urged cgainst birnt tvas, that lie z bused the patronage of the -government to re-elect himself .Who 'doei iiot'tccollcct Col. Johnson's celebrated declaration, that he would oppose thi re-election of Mr. Ad ams, though "he were as pure as the argc in Heaven!'1 The people were then rr roosed to vindicate the purity of the elec tive franchise. "Your pupose was to i::cri the power of the people to elect their or n Chief Magistrate, aud you rallied against Mr. Adams' becauseyou resolved to demon strate thai the voice of the peoplalwas more potent than the patronage of the governmcn t. Yonr desire was, ior prove that your vote: cpnld not be purchased with your own mc. ney. That the virtue; of the people ;cz stronger than the love of money. You tri umphed. The. election H Gen; Jaekscn Was a triumph of the elective franchise You gained the battle but you have lost tho fruits ofjvictory. Gen, Jackson cspd the power which you had "defeated, not only to re-elect himself but tolappoint his sue ceseor. I He brought! the whole force of the Federal patronage to, bear on the tlet tio and by exerting his own -personal popular- lXy jn aid ofl the power and influence of the government, he elected Mr Van Buhn. These things are true and no man can gain say them. Your confidence has been abus ed', and you have been inflamed by artful appeals to your passions aridj prejudices You have been taught to believe that in following the will of your party leaderir, you were asserting and maintaining your principles. I would ask you if you; do net see that by supporting Mr. Vin Buren s re election, you are violating your principles ? Who believes that Mr Van Buren is the free unbiassed choice of the people ? What will ihforld believe ir Van Buren is -reelected?" What will you believe ? If he is able now, by the force of the federal pat ronage to re-elect himself, is there not an end to the freedom of election ? Will it not prove that the love of office and filthy lucre is stronger than the loveof country ? But why do I reason thus?! Come one, come all and swell the rolling tide of pub lic opinion. Let thejxveTeclion be a tri umph cf populajvoicei speaking in a voire of thundeiOoTall who are now in .authori ty and to all who are to corwe after them ; proclaiming that the people are sover eign; and they have resolved to assert their power. Let the originial Jackson men rnoice that' our candidate is a patriot in who'm there is no guile. One who has no selfish ends to gratify. One who comes into power wiih no griefs to avenge and no debts to pay. One who will bring jor and peace, and plenty io a, suffering coun try, and who have no terrors, bill Tor those who have covered the land , with sadness and affliction. Another consideration. Oar 'candidal was nominated in the spirit of patriotism. He was chosen as the rallying point of er ery friend of liberty. In selecting him, there was a surrender of personal preferen ces A great many of ihe Whig party were the zealous friends of another distinguish ed eitizen. Tbey believed that he h3d been persecoted, calumniated, and injured- 8 i r

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