i .i If -FT 4"t i 4K if, -i 1-1:- if- hi; ft, . i - .- 'Mix '5 1; ' . -. i I. .s r j t- -fik 1 IT -i" II! ! - 1 1 -I i P : 11 j1 f Titer bettered that the times r were atispi. iri'oii to the' vindication of his!! fame, and of iheir preference for hini ; but in the spirit of defied patriotism, they have remember fil rohf prfjlicfi-'ihey havel jpielded r tjieir" own ptefeiencesi and have given you a candidate upon whom you cn unite with out saciifiring your pride of opinion they have acted wiely ; it is for yotij bytmi tin? with them in the election oLGSeneral f Ilairiooto show that : yon, too,afe;1pre - pared tu make some sacrifice for the the country'. I- , r- good TO THE PEOPLE OF N. CAROLINA. to f (Concluded.) . There are various insurmountable) objections the Sub Treasury. I at. 7 seekf the cstahlish- tnl of a currency for Iht gnvcrnmtui and Of fice fjfliers different and distinct from that of tae people. It will require upwards vl spfiOOt uiu inpcie 10 carry on me'opetaiions if this expeiirtieiit. This specie ia, tu be drawn fruno ihe jxicjkeuof the people znd hoarded away in ' safes a$d vaolis, to pay the officers of the! jgov- ernment, wheq but fifty miiliont' will be ieft to - 'carry on :he whole trade aod busiaess bf the peo- ple Who is so blind, las' not urste ltha) ibis will affect, greaiy affVcl, the credit syktem There i. morejvef, g.rfuethioj else at jiiej bot lrn of all th's different froth what lfef;people - iipfi8jp. Ifpy iuif'xlfjcin a purely specie cur- " ffif-'Srt - tease the , value off money ;at least . ctm (y!d, ca.ni'ui all!eee wheoce originatlslthis r z:4 yf i he oSce holders to, break op , the credit system f Wiil it not increase iheir salaries in , the same proportion ?: The President; iv ho is entitled to bis salary cf 25,000. by recejvib? it . in naiuuiwiiuj, unuer toe cn&nges wntcjfajaes- truction of tbe credit system woaldi produce, will virtually have a salary of $lODbpO,fand wih the 25,000.- will b able to purchase near ly as tiiMrh of tbe pile's property as he would athi tim with flOQ.000. The salary ol e? ery urdinate oFicer will be enlarged in life siuie proportion, and the whole, expense of the ppjl thu increased four fold. Every little pt m.iRter ;n thecoantry will ftifce the people . v. tpaypHcie (or the letters, by which neyfhear fr;m lheir relations and friends, and) jtrapsact their bfisiness; whilst they are receiving Oank r;4j pnpn rags, (a the Van Burenites cill them) i; tbrj'.lieir ifodace ai.d labour, Fellow j Citizens, I ' thta pulicy is swindling jwlicy. It is Intended I - to fcheat you out of yuu'r hard ea'rninfiS.lH'JJcWure v r 4 i . !: i .i. j ;2odIy. 77ie system as unsafe. For .forty years previous io the introduction of! the jSob Treasury, the goveroaieht did not lose a single do lar by its depositories, flow has it been since? , Upwards of twelve oil lions of dollars, at the low est calcolai ion, has been .lost by the o!ejfalcjz(ioft 4jhub-Treasury Agents ! Look at hfifase of ' Mr. Swartwoui, Now York, andf see how wpl the scheme works. lie embfzz'eo! the eoun try eotof nearlv A MILLION AND HALF OF; HOLLARS ! Tbis is truly an Indcicnd. X tneot paper,' in the Cfttjrseoi.Us lssce ar.d circo- lation, naterally centre ? jTu .what points wtll it tend ? Cer iainIy; mosi, certainly, to the great est pointe of collectioniand exptndiiuref to the very heart of the melropjliiau city wherever that city may be. This (s as ineviuble as the fall of water or the resplts of attraction, f If twn thirds of the duties M eoljected in New York it will follow, of course. bat )? two t hjrds of any Government paper recli ved for duties will be there received ; and ft :ill be more; valuable tbere thsn elsewhere111lte valtuj of such paper would consist in Jta ecetvsbilityV and nothing els. It would always tend, therefore, direcily to tbe spot where thf greatest demand should ex ist for it (or, that purpose. Is it not; so at this mo ment with the outstanding Trtasury notes ? Are they! abundant in Georgia, in Mississippi, in Illinois, or in Ne'w Hampshire? ? No sooner issued than they cnmmeoce their march toward the place where they 1 re j most valued and mosr in demand : that isj teethe, place of the greatest pnbhe receipt. If yon; want concentration, and enongh ofit if you desire to dry apt the small streams o f commerce nd fill more fall the deep and already swollen! gfeatichannels, yon will act very wisely to that end, if yon keep out of tbe receipt of the Treasury all money bat such pa per as the Government may furnish, and which shall be no o;heiwise redeemable thn in receipt fur debts to Governmehl; while at the same time you depress the character of the local circulation.' How irresistabte the conclusion 1 And how astonishing, that southern men should be found supporting a system ffbich is to baild up the northern jellies at the xpense of the south, al ready exhausted by governmental extortion ! The 4h Uesolution, to which your attention is next solicited, aspects thai the PobJic" Lands of the United States Ire the common property of all ibeiStales and: ondemns the late act of Congress, allowing Settlers on tbem tbe right of pre empiioo at the minimum price, as an act of grosslnjtjsticeto the old Slates which originally ceded them or contributed a common (and for their purchase. To enable you to understand the foundation of tbe claicn which N. Carolina has to a proportionate share of the proceeds ari sing froa the sale of fbe public domain, it may be necessary to give a htie history of the cessions made by the several 'States to the General Gov ernment At the time the articles of confedera tion were recommended, several States objected to them, because the waste and uncultivated land within the territory of some of the States was not surrendered as a common fund to defray the expenses incurred during the war of the Revolution. This war had brought on the Slates a heavy jforeign debt -the Public credit was like lv to be weakenedthe finances were deranged and the national faith on: the eve of prostration, by ihe difficulties which appeared in the way of establishing a more; permanent and settled Uov ernmentj' New York, Virgioia, Noith Caroli- narand several other; states, which owned va cant territory, prompHy stepped forward and ce ded it to the United Stales, on certain conditions and under certain trusts, specified in their res pective deeds. The grant of New York, ex pressly states that all U he land thereby ceded $7 1 830 4 lWhis wastegarded as an extra tt gant eipend demanded in Dover expfndttiifesihad increased to $lf 0.053 IS, $37 ilore i and relrenciuneni was loumy . T? jr ut three yat fn iri" ' ending the SOiK SeptembrM837t.lK party In Crrgressduihg yery thing they coald tastifJe discussion apdfch ck jnyestigation. &X& M 1rie receni t debate in the liouse of Ioresehta0ves VVobjut those ibaC were con Wjoosf ffuiiwonldMncs have endeavored to V I I 227 7 oper and above thai ot toe same numoer, snui w-u n. ;" ' U f vearWdurinn f Adamsdmintbtraiion. peal to the ;viriuoua iningcu r-.M- -. Win- Wk'k:fcmielrtr.mgbr 1o be diselnl morals of he Mopte ?i . llL. . ,tlJl..i..i.:n ri.i -i.i. T m momeiHiIonsfr. lliejLeoulilore hu one- u-i . ' J - -i -- - ' I. Qulvocall v expressed ; w haj . they your wishes on the grfatpna inieresnng iopigs creased, extra vagance. rr, '!''. :i i - -t IT I iUA how isit how;f i Jn IS23, those-expenses wer " uf !?SWiM"' J -iuiM i80.000.PDrlU the year 1836; thelast yfai Ud gh t to ?Jh'7 of Gen. Uacks Administration, lhev4rf "Te oeenji nmauniu, ne. ""- 'jiij snnn nnn . i warnea too oi me aaoirei aucau. iuu during ihal f' 1837. the last vear of Mr, Vfan jour pobl.c set vanujf fff idetbe vessel of Stain " - " I- ' . ,- ...... . . . . I I' . . i " ,J.n..J Boren's to 250,000 ! and have bee enlarged in u lue Iwf.8 4 rhfch they are heed the same ratiolevery year since. essly propelliog it. tions cannot be under&l ay that these -resolu- I The same Report of 1828. expressed the he-; noos cannot ne rTT" " lief, that it leastbne third of the clerk. fthn Sena tor are '2nf "ttS1 .-.Lii-.iiJ--..i. n.n,nm.nii .,.yi And can ypu ackoovv fedga thatvyou have L. I!. Lj Iwt Jli. cfalo m lha nnlkUt tlZed mCU tO OO UISJJBIISCU Willi, III pc-lic. w jwi. i . i ... int....! iln.iUJ nf immnlvlnrf with this Trnim4 I at pOilCy. K U IE! 1113 CIU Mi WW. K 7 " ' fr. " - " - "S : I , is : presuming that our ngoage. you nave nepo- consult en great matters tif nation- who are solgnpraht that they cannot mention, riamfcr of clerk, in each -" offices hs been inctessed. la 1SJ8. the wtole " f ".'" i" . -" number in the; State tent office was! 16 f 1 CM .1 V J jn-.- i- mo .inn. ih nnmW pile the orotestationa-of our Senators, 4heresoln has been enlarged from 2 to 24, and the sallrj uons ca be undersJood T He wher t AAA j.Tii oinnn tiUra In tfiirs reao. It reaotres not the wisdom or a Solomon the Secretary otltheTreasory empluyed Scleciks, to interpret their mjnf ? .thoSh ,!.are- with a salary bf 18.600 dollars ; in 1837 he had Qe that species of knowledge tor wnicp iney 13 eerks.iw tb a feav of about 27.000 dottarsl 8eeu iriuarsoie, io f"'." In 1829, the! War Department had 18 clef iWTSJ In r rnT'hsdlSo We, unbecoming the idigityi of a Senator who Iars. In 38ftbesne dement had 40 aek'now,djet 5e great Principle of instruction. clerks,w,ih a ryof 63,600 dollars. f T baheretofSi avlwed hat it was only in 1S!9. the Adjutant general nao o ciei&s, with a compensation of 2,950 dollars, whilsf in 1838, there had been an increase to 7 or 8 clerks, and the compebsution enlarged to 8,225 do!irs. I All the branches of the Government, in their yarious ramifications, have, in the same manrjer, been anuallv more and ' more expensive to the qountry.-t t rmy not oeamiss to reier to a par- lheirTOetIow ba agraph of the speech deiiverea oy mr. jjona on officia, yn8eaoenceC-aid place Ohio in lb House ot Kepresentaiives, icif otherBWywl, at lest, not scoff at .1..... m kM ralinl Kalrxra lha Miinlrir Iho n elm. i . . . . . K I . unetions. ing" and cbriupi)ng prodigality of the Admitiis-i-tration. He sys : I During this! "search mg operation" and dtp- ' i -J - '5 . a - a necessary for tbem to knd'dv the will oi tneir con siituentsi tb induce tbemlto obey orresigo. How is this willtobe exolessed but by the Legisla ture ? They know lerjl well, that according to tneir own cocinnes, jioeso fesuiuuyua we iu structions and intended iseoch : and they will meet their! reward if thl people " strip tbem of tnfflriffsS-disrtobe them of their confidence in their wish What iii s rpcnonitiori of the doctrine of id . . . : structioo but an acknowledgment that the Rep- " '- i! rKSt U Villi w a is UUUUU TU IUVWW tUO WWUW vi UI3 tions fault-finding every petty expense of he nsutenig f-DoesJthe use of any particular several Departments wavlooked upon with open word chT e Mre if the mon or C0Mli,a. censure, j i weu remeaioer uui an hkui ui muh few dollars, paid a laborer for destroying thegras wnicn waserowinff Deiween -m oriels oi ,mib t. . .,.if nrnrmo, paved walk leading to the stale Deparimnt, wor58 ofi,he Coqstilotio) and the nature of our was held up to public views as a piece of anito- 0TernmeQt. I8 thefsenfant who disregards an cratic extravagance. Now sir, suppose I wer rps, Pnmmflnd nf his master, anv more fruil- tocite to you many similar and equally (if noit more) objectionable charges in the present ic counts of these Departments such as cash paid tor clearing the snow off ihe pavements, so that Mr. Forsyth need not wet his feet; "JO dollars V -"uij , mr no uuuoi owartwoui iieeis " . .. qiite independent with soch a roll of the people's " nearly the same condifions. tncmey in his pocket. From the Utei accounts, the latter are ! - : ! i ! taVr the use and benefit' of such of the states as . 1 i ' I mem ml. nit ttmfnwtm vt!c I Ihm CtMnfoilmmf inn ' I , . "f Tn . I Tka'MMiMia f vTi. itr Vnrth fiftrolin. a qaafier, tor jaoor "04 ooiiars lor snnones," v,. nr.i, , iur no uuuoi -owariwoui leeis i l 2 :.i . -t.-. n-: M UP WI UIUS VI 1 . , L r . . ' . , . . . .-v.. a nor or woric. it might nave oeen tor Kiuingrass, All ih UnAiAtaAin h- rr?rt hr vlnno or raising vegewoies lor tne secretary, ine of this act, to the Unhid States, shall beconsid- lerm may conceal tne same things, ersd as a common fund for the use and benefit of amy , u"u;iuiKui BnSu,,e wnai u uS thr TTnitftd Slates of America.NORTH CAR- made oflhe fire Proof Pa,nl for htch 78 dollars OLlNAj INCLUSIVE, sccorcihg to their res ptctive and usual proportion in the general charge and expenditure, and snail be faithfully disposed express command of his jmaster, any more guil ty of disobedience iban e who scouts his wish es and scoffs at hfs entreaties? No. They rest on the same footing. This our Senators have always acknowledged and foolish, useless yea, contemptible pdej;d would oe the right nf instruction, if theiRerjresentative is to select i . c . . ... - his own terms to make itblndiog.and impudent- it is reported he has: been giving entertaicments i, i,jverpoi, in crowds of persons, which-cost upwards f thirty dollars per head. Koir is' this a I bfc case of Price. Gratiot. I2fcthia anH yd, and a dozen others, prove what Corruption 'js existed m the goveroment under jih'e epera- 'oris of thisexoeriment. The Sfieratar fifth 1 retsury. in hiHate report to Congyess,! says of io th1 purposej aufrfor no other use or pur there is still duovfrorathe pet Banksi which uhbf?cr. f vere lhfi"ht tu be insolvent, about k million The same conditions, in substance, if not in od a half of fiolfars.Over this the adminis- I express terms, were incorporated into the deeds ration ha3 made a great outcry, when these l from the other btates. 1 hese, then, are the a f ery Bank were seldctw) bv them selves in on- sreements or obligations into which the confeder suion to the-warninof the whole people. f&on entered with itfie respective Stales. In Yet hen the defalratnmsiof their tiwn. atranta I 1789, iHe present! constitution was formed, in Hre;spkt.n f, they cry" hnsH ! hush dont fle Lst parapra'ph of the 6th article of which, is let the ."people know it." Fellow Ciiizps, ii I h following: i j iriilkto calculate that the peoples! monev is " Aldebts contracted and engagements en Safe in the bands of such iueh.unW aiuh' noli, tered into before the 'adoption of this constitution cy.; . ' shall be! as valid against the United States on 1 .lily. It htty a tendcncii to fnlnrtr Frrrufirf I der this constitution as under the confederation. patron uge. f lha President has already Imnbonc- The jpresentVgovefnment, then assumed all to tht- world Jhai teJias control over the puh- the coutSracis of the; confederation, and how any lie j purse, and necessarily over every cfficei who one canprevent amvjng at the conclusion that ha the management iuf it. The Sub Treasury Noith Carolina has an iiiterest in the proceeds bil( increases the number of officers. The Pres.- - the public lands, ? according to her prbpor- oent e power of remova 1." then, will imakn alt Hon in tbe general charge and expenditure," is. f- .-' . ' ... J-L2-, T 1. i J j.ii. I t - i of-so ..uicers soDservient to him. I'ha o-reat o me. incumprenenstoiei were pafd by the Secretary of State. But Ihe money is well laid out, if it will preserve fthe edihet! And it 19 to be regretted that the aec- retary of the Treasury and the Postmaster Gen lysay to! his constittientg that they know noth ing about the meaning o words, and mnst use such and such language before obedience will be given. Let any holiest man examine the rea sons of our Senatorsffor pot regarding these in 8trjctiontJ, and I defy him to ome to any other conclusion! than that they are determined, by tbe most miserable sophtstry o evade their meaning, or by impertinent hardihood or lashness todis W-ATOHMAK.. 81 JbM S i VIZ 1 PIIIDAY-MAY J5t 1840; REPUBLICAN ITH1Q CANDIDATES """", ' FOtt PRESIDENT,' . . WILLIAM UENUY IIAIIRISOX, - 0F OHIO. " , ' FOR TICEPRESIDF.IT, JOHN TYLER of yisgikia; ' - FOR GOVERNOR JOIIN M. MOREHEADr Cr; GUILFoRT COUNTY. .WHIG ELECTORS. . "V , Oar list will coon be full.-- The follow rngse lections have been made by the. District Conven tions so far : ?-t 7 '' .)' 3" :V No. 1. Col. Charles McDowell, of Bnrkeco; I j 2. Gen. Jas. Wellborn, of Wilkes.'" 3. David Ram sour, rf Lincoln. : 5. James Mebake. of Caswell. ' 6. Hon. Abraham RErfCiiKR.of Chatham. 7. JoVm B. Kellt, of, Moore; , 8. Dr. James S. SMtxn. of Orange. i 9. Charles ftlAJtLTi of LWake.. ; .", ' 10. David F. Cildwfxl, of Rowan. , ll. VYM. fVV. CHERRT,of Benie, v 14. Jaues W. Buyan, of Carteret, 15. Daniel B. Baker, of New-Hanover. THE BALTLMOP.: . WHIG Never we.prc; tions has. the s; . er such an army and talent, 3 v more , cn the 4'!. Twehty tiic; ? emallest numli r : it was called I j t gathering cf lit:: : tainly was a re:'. c bat the distance x:l the pains end c:; weot io devices their nombers, sre : ers of the good c:: the muniti-D of tb: ' :. . "An I ... : 7 . W,h would come far eT j'islice to the sccr.:. the States wcro t! . Messrs. Websicr, ( Cost Johnson, Scr Hoffman,' and a n: were present ecd animated strains z r The combat ihicl e erai nao ooi maoe stmuar purcoases in nme o -rA ,K.:P ,a;dlinr,S Th iUi, savnheir respective buildings Penknives find nJ.nindttetfoeoieiWe scissors, by thejdozen and half dozen, are W- Tint.Vellow Ciiiiena suffer not vmuaetv to chased for the Secretary of btate, w ha also pays be deceiTed. The resIDl is aD iipp. ,tflt cri. a clerk togo W Baltimore to collect a draft. An 6S in t,e s progress nf clnstitutional principles. uem oi iuo ooiiars paio -y tne secretary oi m? A sn5ri. o( ihi .li.ora.niM.ion has Treasury fort the transportation of money ;f but how much money, or; from whence or, where transported, wj know not. 1 bis last charge is a kind of foretaste of the hard-money Sub-Treas ury system, by which, instead of Hransmitling the funds of the Government by meansjofjthe cheap.safe, and tapid system of exchange, which prevailed before the banks were "debauched! by Mr. Kendall, the public money is now io be wa goned over ihe country at great expense land hazard, and always with delay." It can bet seen from the Reports of the fcee;re tary of the Treasury,5 that ihe expenditure of nnhallowed doctrine to ed upon the body politicjand threatens its disso lution. In one sectlpn o the country, doctrines are openly avowed direclly at variance with all the rights of property llie poor excited against the rich-corporateaghs conferred by the laws, openly denounced ;endll the usages and foun dations of society mpnacd with overthrow. In another seclion1weiaFe witnessed a ruth less mob drjymg a;Stafe Legislature from its halls at the point of he Jiayonett, and proclaim ing death! to all whelshofild dare resist their au- inoiiiT. ouuer noti seen' oisorganizing sucn ake root and flourish io Is not the General the Government have increased from 12, OOOlflOO Nonh Carolina. Hh I hitherto hAn loval fl - . aa ril .W I m- ra A m 1 1 T ' 9 - T : 7 t i ' " J ' wect oi all tree governraentshas beei.l to check Uovernment bound to perterm tbe trusi f ian aonars annuaiiy .to thirty eight or forty o the constitution, rlevoiedlto thn nrinrsinlea of '"""ciitH ano paironao-e oi hf Htm.u no U.uivio iuou hi .luummiai uusiw, ku ouiuuu I wmwui'o ui HUiw. avuuiijj urunai upcm- I nparn and inelioA - anAi far Aidant ha lha Hav .. ' . Jl I . .: i.i.L Jr.L- o m . i.r :.. :. .it T i ... i -f. i I "T j- - ir J ut-parwofai. uy.ioese ne corrupts alllthe aven-1 n8 -appss supauuoua oi lue-irusi r 10 lesi wu yi wfuce, n was .uegeu, mai ue u.u when her fair character ihliall be soiled bv such . . . . - s r . fi r i i at . i I . ii j si . - .a aa . - f a -r poer, iniioeoces ihe freedom oft thought me question ; suppose congress snouio cede me "unai y jpay a large portion o: me puo icqeot. wanton attacks upoiordlr and good government. ai-nn, ana sways every press whb can be 1 wiunej-Qi me puuuc uomajn u uuo ur iwooi me f u. u w wfoeuuiaij eAuiiKuineu vj.fim, i Stnker.then, at thiwool ofthe evil. Reform lha tool Of I siaieSjWnicn oore none ui me uurmen oi me war, i au j iue eijieuses ui :or. v an uorrn rjjaTe natrnnatrp would! this be perfofminff! the requsitions of the been as great; if not preaier, than they' were of yffice, and there is hb- human forcfi that can I trust in jrqoiiy and good conscience ? All would when General Jackson had the control ! of f the check his .iride to absolute power. It Its hot in lep'y in the negative. But ihe Government Is Oovernment. And will the people be deceived (im liun nature to rtstat. th h andi&hmthta nf .f. virtu-aiiv do n? it at mis lime., uv me diu ce- anv longer ov sucn promises oi retrenchment ami ifice. jiia like the annfa of .Pjirail.'cA l,i,tar firot fore Congress the Price on about 73. millions of reform? Millions on milliona wasted annrtall pafenis; and strong indeed m'usi be. tiiSat virtue acres isj to be reduced from one dollar twenty- I to reward partisan editors and Office Holders, GovERNMErt : Change your Rulers. J our condition teayioe bettered : It never can be worsted. ONE OF THE PEOPLE. buildings that the 1 ' M which can resist it ! ;N0 Rewiblican shoold da jsire ilm patronage increased, if he expfcts ever ! t see the govcromeol brought back toils origin- -j iinn auu JiUUIJ. . XMH ! :. '4'.hly. The system' For nearly a half century iho keeping and dis Dorernent of the public revenue havfnol! been li,f ,a"fng'8 expense lo the Governmenti In ftiead.f this, ii wasactualy pVid a bonus, or pre , monu oi 1,500,000 dollars, for the ckre of the . puouc tepiiiee. Who can 'examine I i rfisury bill without being struck w whin tit auhe cost f Splendid public! arc b erected J It -is well : known t.oTrnmetit generally erects its buildinrfaiwilh ? !egird to economy, and in the end they in r variably cost double what the people are told tr.ey ought. . Our own Slate i3 a slrikihcr in stijnee of this extravagance. In addition to ibis, scltes are lobe purchased ; then ihefi aafs, the vaults, ihe iron 'chest's, the constant -uard, the . hc-f t of officers and the CJ discnt pnary pay, to be allowed the inspecting agents anij ihetrletks liable to be increased on public emergency or as the rt vpoue may happen to increase! All this cannot fail to make ibe experiment one of: great rik and expense. ii JSihly. 7 lendifolne Comolidaiionfpfiht Cm- ; erameitt. Wherever ihe disbursements of a Gov ernment are made, f here all power, will nlijmaie lj; id : this policy would make the head de parnuen's the source of all power, by grinv tbem su!ch conirol over the currency as wold "enable ihjfjnj to make war on the Slate Banks, as State institutions, deeai their operations, bring them into disrepute, and finally underind! them en tirely. Ate the States prepared fur tkis rto see their own institutions overthrown, lot bake way Kr a vast Government Sank, with j unljmiteJ powers ? , If so, then they may. look out tor a grpat consolidated Government, swaljowipg up therh's of the Stales. Bur its tecdencv to ft ? " All IPOnnnt. tint. VVtlkimttnn ftiM fivecenw per acre jtopevjenty five' cents. - Con- and this drawrj from the labour of the peoplM - as to the fact, thati thl loco focos of Confess ares? uaa. evidenwv. as iweiimve tue iand9 a-1 now loner vmi trttmtn submit to such ,mr,.Y : 2 l m.. mo jua- a reasury anaafraia not double quandary," incr to thn nnat : return fur ihe immense body of land which she of these extravagant expenditures. Tbe planner 1" If ,M said the poor fellow. " I stay bamrinv to mi wi'iuu tucjr jiiavQ ueeu maoe is enougn tp a- mis an oignr, i snai freeze to deaih ; and, ir I rouse ihe sensibilities and stimulate the pride of let go I shall tumble into the gutter. "Leuu- most slavish people upon earth, it is with pain ville Journal If .!; aind moriificatibn that I am compelled to admit ji !" , j '! mat this uoverstmekt js the most corrupt I vv bo is it tbt8dvt)caies but one Presiden- ' J , . f ;i I . , I t ' T l r " . T ? i aic lu pica IWf IT IS VO , yi uo jjih-o uiuic uuwiuai uuc. i v ,iug viivucj cuuci ihwi un money to oe i mil. i hey are afraid o pas it But, let us inqmre what has been done for corropij meir own uoTernment f i I to pass ill Thev ate in a i iorio voiiii, compareo wun omer oiaies, in I i ot is u e ammtni ine most aiarmin?ileaiore I line trie orunkert lelKiwfrlinor ceded to the governnlent ? Illinois has received 1 ,030,000 acres of? the most valuable portion of ids puQioraomain,iiqr ine purposes oi euucation; Missouri nas ooiaiseo t,zni,iiv acres; .iicnt the Sub an about 1,136.0001 and the States nf Missis th aston-1 sippii Alabama, Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana and - - - ; ; - i TfxiS ''T I countryrwbere in the darkan se- Perhaps; ihe IeartjedjEditors of the Western ools at $470,000- cret machinal ous of the worst despotism ftfaat Carolinian would do u the favor to point out 1.264; the interest ever existed, J Can be found such evidences of ,he section of Ihe Constitution whEirthv of of commercial centralization is yet rooreii thrt:aico io particularly to, the South. Inlaxposition this argument. I need only to quote the words distinguished statesman. Io reply to Mr. Calhoun hegsays : li J If the i?entleman fears centra nzat ion ;i am astonished thai he does not see centralization io all I lis terrors in this very proposition oi ms own upon the face of the Globe. Where hi the tial term, rn the face oft the Constitution which Arkansas nearly in the same ratio. The com- annals of all history where in the fiscal opera- says ftco ? The Whigs.n fTesLjCaroZniartr a, am a mw v w - a m a a a av m. m m, m mon school land of Qiicnigan is vaiueu, ny per superintendents of public choojs inaioi aitssoun jaiioa..o, me inieresi .exisieo, ipan oe lounu eucu eviaeuces oi the section of lha CftnatUnth.n, on which (35,899.) amounts to nearly half the deep, rank,! wide-spread corruption and fraud as finH th m.ic? ,.n:hmtjm r..j" ' a, mm .. r . - i m - : - a . . - . . a a-'w a vuu tiuu . a. a iKNiupn a. in sen r we anoual revenue of rtorih Carolina arising? irom are suroneo on tne face oi ihe late lienor's ofthe two terma ? i, ; w,.vsuf-k 1 ..uo. Ad ,t ellaw cuizets of K.i.h S.c,eUT o(.ljTr.Hrjr 1 del, coom ich i. J "ii 1'inanj tuiuij. jiuui aucosiuia ncic as i iiiuti(iiiu imp uuum iv tuo I'icaeiii. iimPj for a brave, $nbmi(iedi a heavy taxation, and under- parallel. Lren Rome, in lie day$ of her pra went as many privafiods duiin? the revolution, j perors. her Cbmmodius and Caligula, would and contributed as mbch, afterwards, towards the have expeltedifrom power men who would Ithos lormationor tne const uuuon, and have you been nave wastea ner resources, ceirauded her t leas- remembered in this prodigal appropriation of this ury, and prostrated ber public faith. common properly ? Like por Lazarus, yoor J ; Ve have witnessed one collector of a arge Slate would hardjy nave been permitted to catch I amount of the! public revenue year after v ear go- the crumbs which fen from the table of the rich, ieg without giving tbe security required bv Jaw. Is this just ? With that portion of the public I anJ annually defrauding the Government out of domain to which Shejts jnghtly entitled, the blea- thousands upqtt thousands! We have; witnessed ihe Sercetary of theTreas ury'appointingone defaulting receiver to examine the accounts arid vouchers of another ! I ! We have witnessed faithless agents fcriotcn to be faithless rffcarcd to be faithless called upon to makeltheir returns to the Government, refusing to dnjjt, and again warned, but stilljcon tinoed in office, until all hopes of their being made responsible for fbeir frauds had been lot by tneir escaping to a foteign country ! 8nSO eaocation; could he extended to everv child within her limns, 1 hose barriers of na ture which take from oar people the commercial advantages which evejy other Atlantic State enjoys, could then he removed, and a new era would burst opohf usi The 5ih resolution protests against the ex travagance of the General Government. It is a matter which materially concerns tbe people of this country to eqrppi'e fbo expenditures ofthe late and tha present f Administration, wiib that of Mr. Adams, which met with such a signal condemnation for its prodigal appropriation of the public fands. The patronage of the press was one of the great chapters into which the famous Retrenchment Report of 18-23 was divided It is there staled, as an astonishing fact, that the amount paid for priotbg, Stc. " by ibe Execu- I live for ihe (then) thtee last years (1825, 1826, gress, to which they tvpessed no evidence of a right.--Fovefm'Z Ofiserter. .- ' r i - - The following inscription wis on a ban ner at the Columbus KOhio Go&vention of Whig Delegates . j . f Come it Harrison, Go it Tyler, And ye'lj burst - Van Buren's biler. It is estimated 1ba50,000 emicrtnta will reach America, from Europe, this year. 6,000j Irishmen will embark from Limerick, in aiay. j ,i T The people are cominsr.Ai a Dublie mestinor at LilileiRock, in Arkansas, the resolution pro posing a Convention of Jhe Whigs of Ohio. In- We have seen the Government acfuallt re- diana. Kentuckr. IUmru Tann.pa. alaham. a , i '.I M I r 9 - - -ys 9 m vm vwvv v p aiaivlaiqa driMif f a tl.ai pimu:i a-. I I f a t v- . . - . . . r w . " t?nrw-,lF.TO oeggmg, -EarTRRAT- ouisiaua, itesissrppi, yvrkansas, Missouri and it us wn agenw its own contemptible sjphoi dinate officerfto make the eettlemfcnta requir ed by law, lefii the people should discover Iheir defalcations iflil ..' . '' l ' I We have Seen the Government and its oncers nking at all J hese ahuminatinu?. ehcouraWiuw ihem by thei i'ray allow me to ask, where will this Govern- 1837) and by, The Byst Office Depajtment was ttey are admnted by theofficers tbemselviihe 3isllegness and apaihv, and. hen Mchigan.(with any otjtbtold Slates that may wish to join them)Ho meet in Convention in the city of Nashville, on tb third 5Iondaym Ac gust next, to aid irllhe great can se of reform, by adoptipg bch meailiresHs will promote tbe elec tion of , Harrison anryer, was adopted, and the people are moving ft roajte it a large and efficient as3emDrage.-.iffrprn- thlot. THE PRESIDENCY. tHow nioy votes think yoo Mr. Van Daren would get in the contest, if he had to depend on his own merits, unaided by the patrooageot his office ? How many would he have received in the first contest, if he had not been aided by the patronage of Geo. Jackson and his overw helfjfe ing popularity ? Is it not time to take tbe alarm when we see the pablic. money laid out to buy us a President ? Not only the public money, but that sacred soil itself, for which our fathers fought and bled, the public lands are thrown in to the market for the same - purpose. Can - no thing be done to prevent the means and influ ence of the Government from thus being em ployed against tbe free choice of ihe people ? We answer that we know of only one effectual mode, and that is, never elect a President for a second termV Take a man who is not involved in any way with the intrigues of party. Take one of tbe people unpledged to any political fac tion, and free to administer the Government fur the best good of the tvbole above all, take an I honest man. ' A i It may be said that Mr. Van Buren will have no temptation to manage for his party after the second election. Indeed ! ! Has he no promises to redeem? If we are not greatly mistaken al ready has the succession been a matter of aspi ration if not of positive arrangement. What means the late strange and unnatural reconcilia tion between Cataline and Grimalkin f Be tween the Nullifier and Proclamationistf What means the ill concealed jealousy of the great ex pungcr ? what means, in a word, the softened tone of Mr. Calhoun and his immediate follow-? ers, towards the unclean birds, whom they so lately denounced in such unsparing terms f No, no, as the great fond of corruption, tbe public strong box, has been getting empty, we may well suppose that other promises to pay, besides treasury notes, have been issued, to meet the exigencies of the party. No doubt there are many pledges made in advance of the next term of offices and honors. If nothing of grat itude could be expected from tbe cat-tike nature of the Magician, tbey still have a gnaranUce in his implacable hostility to fbe Whigsand in the habits which a loog course of political stock jobbing have fixed in his very nature. ' Let us then go out of these hacneyed walks and' lake a -man who has made no pledges. Who can ask if the candidate for office is capable and honest, and can act as he wishes when he is sat isfactorily answered. ' , There is one other ground on which Gen. Har rison is strongly commended to ' the people of thb nation. It would have a gxd effect on the industrious habits of a great many who are now drones in the hive. Yoo cannot helpknow ing that there are thousands of loungers about our villages, who not having been brought op to labor, think it a disgrace to work. ' If we shall set the good example of electing a man to the Presidency, who handles his own rake" spade, and labors in his own cornfield, it will undoubt edly have some good effect In removing this false pride from the minds of many, and thus add much to the productive Industry of the coon try. It may be salotary in another respect. If we have a hard-fisted man for our President, he may feel some sympathy for the hard fisted part of his fellow-citizens, and may! think it not amiss to open the door of offices and honors to them as well as to Court-houses and Tavern politicians. A man who iides io an English hafriot, Vith silk velvet cushions, and sports his six blooded grays, under the long lash of a white driver,' and takes yoo by the hand with a silk glove on his own five digits, is not likely to find out the evidence of laborious merit in the palm of his feUow-citizen. It takes a free-mason of the same order, to wit, of the order of the mattock and plough to make this discovery. Let this ; pass port Into office once be established, & we should hardly hear of so manyj defalcations amonr the money-holding officers. The people's work would be better done by men who ba bem breught up to working habits and cheaper. As things now stand it takes two sets of officers to do the public business, one to stay at Washing ton, and another to ride about the country and electioneer. ' Have you never seen ooe of the latter class amongst us here? Have yon not read of tbem in every part of the Union. Have you not learned that members of Congress can quit their stations abandon the trust confided to them by the people, and goj about harranging for the cause in which.tbey have enlisted. NayV do we not know tbat the great head of the party himself spent three months last Summer on an electioneering tour to New Vulk. ' I The Federal Lc : called the Wester, last week the fclle Republican Whij ( 5th inst : ; Federal Alert in . held a meeting in il ( day, for the pujose t,f , District Conventicn ( was hut a corpuial's ; Republican meeting i. nesday. It. howevt r, that they intended. On next day, the'-' place, the Delegaffs as regularly a$ if i! them. Mr. Casu s '. Chairman. We cr. instructed, amused, long learned and t. Lawyer Jones, ;Lrd Pearson; und ihen t F. Caldwell to be t! r wound up in peace v.: gates dispensed, and times," and talk ab t Why compare t! Wednesday with tL: which there was no c ber, cy from which r. stayed back on ccc: ing which was to f:' not rriake.the comp -. day's meeting and C tween these two r. . scrotiny, and if .the far ahead in tver? t coursgemcnt could ! ourselves in a state ; Bnt has not Lau ; Boy den, and Lar.yc to go into a Whi deliberations, as L yer Charles Fisher. ! Lawyer Junius C!c Hendetson, and I. to go into a feder meeting ? We crc our Lawyers with t that give important with any eqnal nt;r; any class of their Lawyer Boyden,L; yer Caldwell, sre ! " est calling a'utlirn r sides that, tillers cf their fellow citizer volgar prejudice c; account of their p proof of the lev: spirit which pervr. peel the next t! i: these Jack-cade I resolved it into a Greek." KCJ Opinion at I readers were in an "week, of this and tt! heard tbe Hon. C. I collect that he said t sible chance for Cm r . AVe understand, ho ' such, was also th3 z parties at Washir-t the subjoined letter, Charlesion Courier : 7on 77towr is an extract of a it a friend in Auust.i : o 'The best inf. r;. entertain a doubt , i When his nomin.it confess that my in' r ciplt-s, opiriions anJ curate, and confer a man and a stattt; ' Belie vin? as I sores and policy c ( i tending lo the en :i re the'prostraliun a: of pur country, If: most particular t ; opinions of .Genera I 1 tner the South ct :! : safely support tin f suit has led n.e t ; that he has d r and interests tha.-i : the slave-hold ir; I those States is mure s to our rights and int hesitation in sayirj, i. every way worthy ' fating support, and i ' Ul now. do not enier' IT he shall be-nt-mir. -i ii Z i r i ,