- "4 I. V1 T1: -i T 4 fitoi nlaeed tin' 1 1 -r l Ail -uwi m . .. -. ' . . . 5i- v . li .ra III? WA!cDowell, of Burke co, EDITORS? AXD PnOPniETOHS HINEUil-. --.v '" : -v;'. H p KOr49 VOLUME V iifM Publisher MH- y YIII. .-.-Jij5iJ'M'f Yio 'Yfc r :T 4 BliJBY,1fIJI;;Snii40i bmmttn(cattou0; 4: ivT 1 m ii llrf U V? Jones, cr WnM fsaac Bdrns, - fliVM FfaficbiVVitHamsi I. V; Long and J uhn if -I ;4lrlw -. . : i -- v.:' .. V-iJnWiS DAVIDSON bY P'e 1r his feet virde an, i : Mlfflff f f V- -ift be cuold,4he fair fable of highest officers of ihe executive depart ment?, down Jo almost ever? village and ?counri Hit l Extra G7oic.!ETerj effort-is m.ak- inr in tl.i3 nariof the IStater bv the new cob- j'iAifM V 7- li ' vr to VanUuren sm.iespee a j;as we as by J4' . IMm Bakes, of New-HanoTer; am a U.aL - a -ilk :2 .t-ilL tlf ijb tnonsirosmes engrenaerea and rostered byijbe self sty JeiJ DemocfaTte Admioistration. - An dn- ou9jicvi.iiijr peopie-;ib p oe, cajotea, 11 me jaris and dereitfulDaisrepresfentationi of .the Van Bu ret! federalists caa flu it. into a contribution from their had earningstoi swell ihe immense and in gouea weaim 01 Amos Kenoau, ine mosi ac complished political knkve which this Country has ever produced. Mjieu is hit god. For that, he woold outrage aH,r fhe charities of life, tram- and morality, destroy, of ihe wise and erood. euloiset the profligate ;and the iofamoDS,: aind sacrifice; even his country itself. : - This is the . .t. . .1 .1- 4 1 . .. uiaii, wnoio me nummisiraiion, in us exremuy, and i is par I izans in jtiiei r reck lessn ess , ja?e se lected as their champion, to shield them from ihe coming vengeance of a (deceived and deeply in- jored people, liserable infataatiorl !: Do they (Eupnuse.jiuai me (lesjoijiuts mgrateaiq lorac- coramg 10 qnanuij ana enormiiy, are 10 arrest the tide of public indinaiion ? It j's their last and rnosi desperate efloh : jit is like the death- struggle iot the Jeion and will be as impotent to 6hield them from retributive justice. I i r no WAN, Pqst JlIasltr ytio holds an office sulBcient Utiiiio iiiiu wiiii, aim; lurougiiiuepi, 11$ rajQifitiittdhs extends down to ountyj cent tral, and captain's district vigilant corarnil te.'Jt.js net however presumed tftalftbe cqmaiittees: have any pecumafj reward il their senr ices, but through the influence fof thbUvire woikers behind the throne, thejj rfl c4j0,edv "nd flUerpd into the! 3belje( tha lliey are-doing Godseivicejo the fpoUj ersjlhlt be ly receiving-and ifansniiltitig tojtbe- people those pamphlets, newspapers; ari JlOco foco; speeches" from niembeis Culigrless, to Jhtir neighbors that will "t'tM. kiwi ii u:eir nearest rig n is, tor tne tieneht J. i - -h J'HH B. Li Ueall, dfofMfWH Cbasi; MroramelU'iV ' ftffrCJbn...W.-:Smith, T'fe -Hi-1 WAm ti 1 B.B.: flobens William K9nnady .;:inyQaru lt chbr Esn t jfjfcj flpl-Coj.p.; Mr Barrij)ger, Tf'ttftfnBS lltW- PvDobson.: V. U. f;lKPvPeinletefJCyhi2 IN. uayden, jCi Franklin. 'HAVER I P.. B: Roberts, Dick'ii Toliver, Lf 1. U. llouser.- do (V. B. do vdo arfletjiiested l0; announce i;sd& a: canatdate 10 renreseni P'lM,-!-..; ....ij.-!. " TjIEtl0I4NA WATCHMAN. J JULY, 1840. craiidum, Teucro Dvce I ' 1Wi(f0Wcf Liitrtatt, ctriamus:1 fV'Mli&'Talinjg Day. ; spiiWeHr8rtirins beam, -r ;wre3.in stern. array, JlfrqlilSredJbeiOuecn i' Ifnawiafiiwtfjiff rii Hi riib's tr t be gloom Y; Tfcyj hatYe)tifsa5aii telunie' f byi.4feel Jiueo ;the last, iier Ba?iissiauoaru 10 uie masi. 9: i if BailUo t!dus 21 and Three vKMfinftai'lltrf riAr to be free, Y , atu;f lefwfvo i ue cicic j nrone : . beiBfiie(feUi cVoaieand Jle croim. " pO!pjf(;(ind Jlotiarclis do w n, Ichilvedgie Ktberty ! shall wr, 1 IfltM Free ?. ys ";-jr'L'-i-r;j4v:. . " !- :- -:-' v1.. ?Wte4a ted Uie van ! ;iiieliRrnoWori'ooe. Life . 3 WIMfM$ bel' Jlights olMan." . Swf,:Fprtdieclariun of Fame O: V3; humble name ! :t;'intfSl.:dfift led ihelway Y r-.Wfi peiOnis ot .this. Uay 8. P. M ;tMfrtffi;?li.Nri TVmiti stinna 'n!Iilviyin2 hour,;' ' Uficiyllbnjf the conflict runs nfP WfcJfttti Proe--p'rsd uci nw nower. WjakMful hand J "iduiiric4ories were won H. Wtoei'VVasliinrrionY . f S!f FIW ij" l eel -and; souls of flame, ii. ji'f'ip sio 10 wieia ifeWffe of iored andFkme ' , p3dtf cnin Ilall or Field ! ' ifeirW- of the! Land Y For the CaMiha Watchman Y - Davidson Co., June. 1840. Messrs EdilohlK is an old and es tablished juaxim, tftatif' eternal vigilance is the pce(;!iberty, 'arid that we shbiild never trost too muCjh tp the professions jof aiy person or. pan? , more especially when, l.k i. j l L'- ' . it wo wale unco fcuiu reason 10 suspect uieiru iionesty t but that ;lbere are many whose want of jvigilanceisjalnjost inexclisable,4 and ivlin i!o nnl llnnk:fnr tltpmcolvoo iKcro Jan be no doubt ; and it is with aain ! add, it is my belief, that there are a great m-iiy of our leiipw-cuizons wnp compose the bone and sinew oi our national strength, are and charmed into; security by the vain show of liberty,' and the Syren song jof " all s well " while the billows of political death are rolling beneath their feet. ! tiith etto, I have teen a mere looker on in polil ical ' matters, but a j crisis has now arrived that is pregnant with danger to the best in terests oi our country, and bids me to re main no longer inactive ; and though ) am but a poor scholar and an humble citizen, I have buckled on my armour in defence 'of liberty arid my countiy's dearest interests,and -ball cry j aloud and spare not. When the result i)f the Harrisburg Convention was made known, 1 confess 1 was much disap pointed that Mr. Clay was not nomjnated, and although I never thought for a moment of supporting the principles of Mf. Van Burets administration, I felt as though J was left without a choice to -vole foj-; but tune, opportunity and much reflection, have determined me to give my sopport to' Gen. fJarrison, for reasons that I will prcsenilj shd j- Y' Y.J -Y . -' !"'!! r ; 7 li is.well knpwn that Mr. Van Buren was not elected upon .th& merits be possessed, but upon ijihe popularity of Gen. Jackson, who dictated him to the people to be their President, and by the of office-holders and the imposing name vention, vation to 4 tVl't' ill S? 1 " iw men maim, . WTOlNfeadiest weapons found, n!!?,MMrriors fenced them ouc M-Pl-'V-'-LfflPw those iworthies sign'd mam of the Free, lP4ecjIlesefin'd: - . v)cbjWMa4Ciberyr ' Winrarnrded on-- have been I.f,!!rsna;-indiffnantJ;fW I ! ffrsfrppfrailed, prune,- larEon sires bejdeaihed intrigues of a caucus office-seeker, ' under the Baltimore Con- Neither since nor before Ifis ele he Presidential chair, has he ever fbeen the author of,a solitary measure char- E . . ' i .i. .I'LL.. 1- i -: ' . J! j acierisuc eitner oi a great or goou man, an a his only chance for re; -election depends pot upon his merits but upon that system he has, ever since Ihe has been president, practised of turning out of office,! honest and capable servants who we:ej top pure and incorrupt ible to be bribed into his support by the pep" pie's money, and appointing others of scarce- '' 1 ! I ir L.a py any omer menis man sucu as cormieu jtn a 'devotion to his ant) his party's interests. jThen if tlirough this j system, every ii-flice-holder, zn l post-masters as numerous as I ha locusli of Egypt,! arc compelled, upon the penalty of losing their officer, and j fat Salalies, to espouse liieir great, high priest's cause, and; pay tithes: of their salaries; as has been proved before a committee of Con less in Swartwout's and other cases to be added to an electioneering fund, to be ap plied to the purchase of such papers as the Political Reformer, edited by an Urjivejrsa- lian preacher, the New Era, by an avowed ofjihe President, "ffice-holdvrs and joflice'4 seekers. This svstem beinff oroanlzied in oiil Countyrand that ungrateful Ediibr f iusj txira uioue, anfi that mbdel of Ihe New Era, and that Univprsalian of ilie Pb ' 'i(i!;ai Reformer, ' and thai Aboliiionist!bon( cajrj, Mr. Fiher's friend and correspondenfj aria that Abolitionist TaDoan. who snid. If a son of his had interferreii to prevent the negroes 01 bouth Hampton from murdering ie women and children in that insurrection, efwould have disinherited him, and a host 6tsub worthies ara noxv; ready to supply ouj county committee men, with all sorts of Loco-foco newspipeis and speeches Uncle Aras, ); believe proposes to furnish weekly $50,000 copies ol the Extra Globe,' and JIawkins and Montgomery, it is said, pay for, between 5 and 600, but how' many our Jim CrOW Representative takoc far liiA pdl fUflcatipn of his constituents, is not exactl I ly known, but jndging .from 'appearances j" . j ouj 1 1.11 ha i cia." t e uuutiaiuuu one man in iIim Counfv takes lOi Kxtfi j-G lobes he must be a great reade?hf?$r .. 1. : 1 1 . . :! ' ry ina 10 ins poor neighbors, it is now yejy difficult since the new arrangement iA the General P.. O. department, and the a f:r pQntmehU of the rejected V. B. candidail) tor Upvernor of Connecticut as Post . Mas terj General, to get VVhif. papers from V ash inglon or north of that: but how much grateiwill the diflicultylbe, or the chance ot getting wing papers, ,wnen the Hon Mr Fisher begins to send oui his circulars; that ri to! tell us for whomj Iwe must vote fpj f resident r Jvmd man, bow we appreciate bisi goodness for this gratuitous act! to .eril lighten us poor benighted clod hoppers" who hafe-not the learning tolread, the capacity i tliink, oi the judgment and independence to determine for ourselves wjum we wish to be President We are certainlv under renewed obligations io him for this proffered kindness ot till, and lor placing us. in so unenviable a condition when we were quarrelling wiih out friends and nt-'ighbois last summer for saying, if M r. Fisher was not then, he would be -a Van Bnren man after iie was elected. We would say it was not sP, and it was 'one of jlho worst signs of the times, ihe bnx icf many evinced to majje every thin turn on; the fresidenlial queslion." It was degrading to a free born; American; to be cortie ibis man's man, or that man's man and to proscribe ail who will not cry out for his Idol." No aspirjant for the Presf deritial chair shall have jit in his power to; ppint his finger at our member in Congress asYhe passes by and say " there goes my man." aiq now tne Kind sotu cuner wains toYmake us eat our own! words, or tp tut n about,! wliuel about and jump jim crow throw up our hats and cry huzza for ; Van Buren, when he denounced him in his Salts; bury resolutions as a Federalist, an Aboli ticifiistj, a Tariff, on Internal Improvement and a corrupt man, but it will be no go with me t can assure you as well as with many others who will not he dttpnd to enter the lis) 'again with the Fisher Van's, neither by hisfdeception nor his dictation to freemen. .41 I A FREE THINKER. I r l Kiicn ineir arms acnn i i$2mf$Ms.tti -them ligut. ' iMtWiy blood and toil 4 i ;?Ffo8W4 bold ibem fast pil V)mnmitieA 'Banner snreads. ' IVik'Sf?01! IIAURISONt- ierii '& & ,plHe ins cresi j :' fflf't Hh Cia Vide. . : . i i ",.'.r" -o wnen irieu. oMiirlfY-f- y Tint Rin-n i AaOTlH4igPPear.- tfqtISf tecoil In fear, WfrSttlbl1 Egi. F'PJN lWfnri l'.Jll T. t ' tmfyurthMy. e eye, infidel, the Standard, .by a man it js.said once edited a paplpr fo Arthur Tappah, ;the Extra Globe by ahj ingrato anddefamer of his benefactor to be sept among the people to deceive jand mislead them, and: to g'II them into the support of Martin Van Buen so as to re-elect him to! the Presidericy, ihen we may bid farewell to our dearest rights, the privilege of choosing a President bv pur free suffrage. ;We may have the shadow of free suffrage, and br the tools by which office-holders will control the Presidential elections in. all time to comr. The djeep' laid scheme of conspiracy ot.Jlardn Burr against the! Jefferson Democratic party, were not more artfully contrved nor better cal culated to accomplish his hellish schemes, than are Martin Van B'uren' to secure jbis re-election and that of h, is successors for gen erations yet unborn. No mau that has con spired against the: rights of the people!, as has Mr. Vao Buren, and hss made the Gov. ernment a separate and distinct interest from the people,1 can be wojthf of the confidence of a virtuous people. his system of elec tioneering tactics, I believe extends from the Mr. f Republican? ! do not Think your: disease is as yet . incurable. Read the Watchman" not by accident,) and U will irovje a god anti dote, to the poison which "is estroyingfyoii-Uit vill be good music to, save yo j fiora the bile of i he Loco Focq taranlolas. ij '-Y Voq must keep cool and by all means abstain rom the' excitement of eompi sition" for.ooth i ug is so injurious to the laic in the incipient stages of lunacy. - I , You ihink yourself ' A Re sublican" but it is mere vision of a distempered imagination I ave seen beggars who fancied they ; wfere Em perors. You must learn to thnk more soberly . (Think of the distress wbieh is prevailing sthronghout our country among fill classes of men. frhink less of yourself and more of your neigh jbor it will teach you humilitjk You must not think so much of a splendid government of crowned heads and coroneted brows, of thrones land sceptres, but bestow a thopght occasionally upon the ' Log Cabins" andfihe sufferings of. their inmates under Vans Kjngly reign. ' In a iwprd you must -".forswear" cfiampaign and ad Idict yourself to ' Hard Cidei." ' Y 1 would cheerfully giveyoulsironger medicine Mian the followin? .if Xjuoobfcvou could bf aril r tui as it .-has been said that ibe bait of kbe dnr is gooo ior ne one, i uu not aespair ou a speedy core :i : . . ; ' Resolved :We are opposed to the election of Martin Van Buren. 1st J Because he has always been hostile to ithe principles of the great Republican party. lrL-- : . i - . ii.;. . If t ii ji ne nrsi noiea pomicai aci oi nis uie vtas in hostility to the Republican pkity.- Duringjhe tale war, when the enemy was spreading deso- lation.alons our whole coast-twhen oui North ern frontier wa3 overrun, and many of out towns Hacked arid destroyed by - fire-J-when the; brutal savage was turned louse on our bpulhero and VVestern frontiers to scalp and murder pur de fenceless women and children! Mar tin Vn Bu ren leagued in with tne opposition ot the JNorih, iq defeat ihe Republican Candidate for the Pres idency, and to disgrace and to! drive from power trie Republican party ; and yet, notwithstand ing all this,bis pariazins, ibe Office-holders, have uie auroiiiery io can mm ids cauaiuaie oi uie Republican party." - Is this resolutitn familiar l you Mr. Repub lican. Is it not a pity trat all ltepub!caniHvere not blest with short memories ft U is sometimes so( convenient. Y In regard to ihe wriierof "Davie" persona-ly-' his father and conneciroiis" A Repub licari"; seems perfectly frantfe. ' Davie" has nothing to conceal either as lof bis own conduct or Ar-fiments ; or the conduct or politics of his apceibrs. If a single .one of his connections rjroved recreant in the timewhich tried men's souls' it has been kept a profound secret from ilie world. Can many of those who are constant ly b asting of their Republicanism-say thus &uch P Can even " A Republican" 83y It ? I am afraid that the name! " Whig" "grates ' harsh thunder" to ihe ears of many that it recalls uie Associations oi nines gone oy, b!etsani 6ul mournful to the soul... 'J'o "Da' it is otherwise j For the Carotina Watchman. Mtssas. EDiroRS Amid the Political tur mii of the present day, flippant fluency of toNgiief and rapidity of en, have lust none of ineir lurmer distinctions. i . ,1 T$iwe ourselces should Incur the blame of sweHiur the maSs of inagnific declamation, and Jiritonlah satire cum cvrreale ,calamo We beg leave to substitute by way 6f comparison and contrast, something written -.'some-thirty' years a;o by a very able hand for the public eye. The application is left with your readers. Y;Y Among the distinguished traits of the peo-' ifllhis Logocracy, is their Invincible love of e oi Pi talkiiif ; and that I could compare the nation to! nothpj but a mighty wind .nillilpw is"thisl mill supplied wilh grist ?How is it possible to furii!S& subjects for Ice perpetual motion of so manytongues r The genius of the nation seems in its highest lostreiin the discovery, or rather the application of a subject which seems losapply an inexhaos tibleiinine of words. It is nothing more, my in'saccessful operation, owned by Thos Fir' F.sq ?cf Davie cl'y.N. C-i whicb,it yoo ch ' j-a may poblsshl - . . " Y , - Messrs. T; Foster! L. M.G'dbirt and J. ITaii are the owners of D. B, Napier's Patient ,. for. this Stater They are" genilecocn of vu:::l peacbable Vfraclty and on whose words li.e u. -i implicit teViance may be had Y They shotted si J famitiarly explained to ra Mr D. B. Nipii-r'a pattut application of water through a rit. .t Mioot, to a patent Tub Wheel, also the r:w: : I . ll:ll o. - uresa so win atones; and truth iatperalively c. alraios tao toay.tbat whatever might have! 4 my prejudices heretofore to this most useful I'au tent, they" are In one; respect totally reciovf J : Vor rbesttaia not to Say.'nomsn upca an is' arl tial invesligalion of ? the merits of 5 Mr. Napier's' Patenti (with. prejudices never so gre3t.) but willbe forcibly struck wiih the exrecding sis pliciiy of. the several pails;' which as a puint A utility, i3;and tnnstbe admi'ted by every Ma- cbinest.as constitoiing one of the must impatast featuies in machines. ."' " ' Secondly --He will see that this patent appli cation o(fwater ptissesses more power on the same size whel ihan any other application ctcr discovered by Smeaton Guld, fcSvansniiccti. cr that welhaveany account of, by at least tne third. Thirdly The exceeding rapidity with which these M1U' grind; is a manifest' proof of lleir vast superiority ovef all other mills now extant I: Mill Right will be prejudiced lo this Patent bfcau.se it aims a death bloat their prest m plan cf ibuilding niins aiihT alt thtir pondf rt a i wheels and costly machinery Y s The' difPit nee Hs jost'ihls : A mill on the old plan cosing (trx rf i .500 to! 1,600, wilt not, on ibis, cost inore than from S00 to $400, including patent Gte, bhoot, Vheel, and Spindle, of Mr Gilbirl, acd 1 ii cdmpo6iiion Plumbcrblocks. r Y " : ; -. 1 - Another difference i that five or six Mill - Rights will be five or six months busily employ -ed building a mill upon' the old plan! whilst ilnea Jrieni, ban Politics; ajford which has per- one at economy On consu hing Dictionary of ' PJJ &X'n "P not Davie" It teaches hrm That Fjeedom's battle onc bpgnn!, Uequeath'd by bleeding sire Qfcon, Thousrii baflied oil is over It whispers to him that it, preserve tlian even io obtain bli-Jles revolution w that ihe struggle of struggle of the y the oppressed y is enwnrthy th beat back from the ci icult to hat the going on 340 like the he'siruggle of sion and that he ?2" who would not reeduui .not onlv this linguaoe, I found it denoted the -science of Ciof efnment, and the relations, situations, and disiitions ot States and Empires. -. GokI, t hough tjjj)f aenfda-vvho boast of gv verniifig themselves there could not be a more important subject of investigation. I there fore -'('listened attentively, expecting to hear from j" the most! enlightened people under the Sun,' for so they modestly term themselves, sublime disputatious on the science of Legisla tion aiid precepts of political wisdom, that would not liive disgraced our greatYfrophel and legis lator iimself. Bui alas! Asem.how contihual- ly are-my expectittions'' disappointed! how dig- j n;neoa meaning does tins word Dear i.i tne uic tionarl' ; bow despicable its common applica tion I find it extending to every contemptible discussion of local animosity, and eveiy peity al tercation of insignificaM individuals. It embra ces alke all manner of concerns ; from the or ganizition cf a Divan, the election of a Bashaw, or thtjhevyiog-jjf an Army, to the appointment of a (unstable,ithe persona! disputes of two miserlble 6lang-whanger8, ihe cleaning of the sireet, or the economy of a dirt cart. A couple of politicians will quarreli.witlrthe most; fociferous pertinacity, about the charac ter offa Bumbaljff for whom nobody cares; or the deportment of a Utlh great man whom no bodynows :-land this is called talking politics; nay, i is but afew days since that I was annoy ed by debate between two of my fellow lodg er??, wio were; magnanimously employed in con demriiWia fccklesswigbr to itifamy, because he chose to wear a red coat, and to entertain cer tain erroneous .opinions some thirty jears ago. -i Sho-ked at their illiberal and vindictive spirit, 1 febiifcd them for thus indulging in slander and unchaitableness, about the coior of iP cof ; wh'ichjhad doubtless for many years been worn out ; j'qr ihe belief in errors which, in all proba plan, in four or fire itjcrks; and which -"jjtir.ds a third more in the same space uf time than uvMs upon the old plan. No small disparity, ( I propose so soon as practicable to present tl. a public with the details of this moat useful paten', in a series of communications ; the FhilosopUy iof the a ppl tea lion' of water lowheelt, and that of the patent Spindle tbe merits of which Lato hoi beu yet appreciated as it deserves. r Having been a practical Mill Rright andYMt ehinet, tor more Ythan twenty-six : years ia Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virginia and NortU Caiohna. l niust add, in conclusion, that I havo seen and ki ow of no plan which possesses such strong claims ppou the patronage of the pub! as ibis. Y . ' Y Y .' JACOB WAYNESBURG, to , June 10, 1840. Mill-Right and Machinal. a foreign fje but a native aggress jr7 ; " Davie" challenges 'he World to show that his father was opposed to ihei last war. fie did not like Van .Bnren and many of his suppor ters opposed if until it became popular and then biliiy,fhad been long since atoned for and aban doned j; but they justified themselves by alleging that ilfey were only engaged in politics, and ex eriingjjihe liberty of speech, and freedom of dis cnssii!i, which was ihe glory and safeguard of ihetrfational; Independence. ' O Mahomet !" thout 1, " What a country must that be, which buitds:jits political safely or ruined characters and the persecution jof individuals!" Hor ferule ia these contradictions is this Lo gocra'! Men' of different-..-nations, manners and language, live in rhis country in perfect haimijh? laking eachrother by; Ihe -hand and exchanging tHePolfices of friendship. It has even Ixen ;aiJ by one . of their fages, that believing in onejGt d or Mr) twenty Gods V neither breaks a leg, nir picks his, pucket." For the Carolina Watchman. l r':: "' ;- -Y '" ' '-..'". ' " How often in secret has innocence sigh'd Has Beauty been refi of her Hnor Her, pridp, lias VirtuefftbwVjjwre fas aaJlngd of light,' Been painted as dark as a Demon of night All offer'd op victimsAn Mfo dae, YY , I n thy gloomy cabals, Loco-foco to thee ?" . i. ; Y ' . " Salmagundi. Our Country presents a new spectacle for the contemplation of ra a o k in d . 2 Kendall. By your leave, Messrs Editors, we will make la few strictures on Mr. KeridaJI's i ncic spccla tie," iq the aspect he has chosen to present it ia his late Address to 'the People of.lhe Uv States. And,rn'pa5srtnf, examine whether he has as sumed a mask or shownVa true.face. - Aiming at brevity,. we will dash at once info the subject deal fairly - with him,' and-ask hitn no odds.. -.r '' YY''''-' :?- ":" ' Y ;-- : j Mr. Kendall's first assumption is in substance, thai General Harrison has continually refused io make known his political sentiments to the People whose soffrage he 6olicit9. We, in reply say, that the sentiments of Harrison have been openly and candidly expressed on various occa sions ! Have never been concealed nor denied ; and that they are in unison with the whole ten or of his public life! Details in proof, would merely insuli the common understanding swell this communication and be a needless repeti tion of the well known facta. We, iberefbre, pronounce Kendall's first charge 'designedly fake ! "-w .. ,'r- - j . . . - i In the next place, he affirmsY General Harri son to have been nominated at the Harrisburg t . T I. . f 1-1 .I - I s von?eniion, v merely oecame ne naa once vcen lurn aUut and become one of is "strongest adyo .j f intrest of , - of raadnesSf aiid dftajf? war hniiift ' flan A Kenuh man with truth siv this ? i .. ? - - ' . - . J i r" r .V-i ii jlrm .l .1 ,are ensues ;--evtr eye Uashes n.-e, every am "'d f ,a.n ,fn?,d.unf fal1 ,haf hecan long..! isWd ui.h reproach, and evety hear. W. " Davie" himself , ,S frue was two pronng;is fi-f j, vjth q,n d lbil,enic8.-tbB tongue loact.: He wai.notab'elo hndlea8ptioma impulse, and a lerrle Jess irwie d a musket. M cannni pay like H.v-jJf ' . a man?s lejr, nir picks hts.pucKet." ijot ibis a General!" Indeedl Uredat Judaius Aret mild r.d tolf-rating (spirit reaches not beyond the la ! The rest of the paragraph containing , the pale tf Religion : Once differ in politics, in foregoing ontroe imputation. looks very like ma- mere neories,ivisions and cnunera?, tne growth !N B. Can you tell rue if the central com mittee o Fisher VaoV who were to' ap potht pur overseeis tn each Captaw'adis Irict to distriute to us our rations of Loco- fpcj) speeches and newspapers, and to drill anil watch over our anions, have yet petr fbtmcd tbeir duty ? Or are their names not tb She (made known thai they may aci as spies to-infbrm our Juu Crow Bepresenta live who will not tobey his dictation, and also the drill sergeants of our County, who are very busy in trying to drill both Whig anq lory i A F. T. I Lfifte n the gardens of his Highness of Tripoli, rp er thousand Bee hives, Ihree hundred Pea- some Republicans that he " ivas born one" ii $onnu$ too much like the oiu woman who ue - i it i . iaiiT.i .i - . c'area sne was oorn a we nooisi- pin necan ,..w.i-e.rili Ai.ui.M nms. Jiay that ever since he arnvfed at years of d.s Uabo1i3 ; and yef, I declare to thee, Asera. cretion, he has gone for strengthening the Leg, , t,)at ,fir btlMi,)?f aod u8in!r. and chatier buye instead of ihe Lxecu. ve piwers of f he ae nulbi L mm?z, t0 llte wild uproar, General Government. If, tlf.s ia I euVrilisin, ; anrf wr of wJds r3 ,In? vv j,i,in ,e b,, M'hnme I j Hrcr u,fic - h ctloralict Ha tint's ' ....? . . ' .. . - T. . """'t - vr . s ... t this miiihty and distracted lwrocracv. l'oli IJIJI UUilM nil ail UULUJI'ma vi suciiij a iicpuuii- can" s'imply because ihe narile of late has! been .i i a .St .1 ' - desecrated by oefmg.?ues lopupe me ignorant j ps!in is What is the new?" ' tj.at their own selfish purposjs may be obtained. . ,;ind 0 rhalphj,e l0 ,v,!iiit debate ; Like the indifferent pamteri who wrote under ; IW I.. t,dllk kxactcy aliWe. h i rtieof his pictures-- Umtsf a horse s o j most j .bJ lhpyj finish aH ,hc o?i7c Phta of th modern Bepubl.cans hve to lelhf ihem j lbe.,affUaS8 a exiausled by way of stives nun me neopie may soecume as S3 y,i. 1 fi Y For the; Carolina tfyatchvzan ; But tell me true, ar li i ' You not mad, indeed ? or do you hot ; . t coooteifeit ?" ' ; i j Twelfth night ; ; or tchat yon tcifl ! If stupidity was a ffrime punishable with death I think the writer of MA Republican" in the Cart olinlan of the 19(h inst .would stand a bad chance before an enlightened jury of h's country. I know of nblhingliat oiuld possibly save him from dan; cin a j hornpipe upon airy nothing" except the plea of insanity for certainly thai man's in tellect must be crazed he of a surety must be a fit! subject tor a lunatic asylum vthncoul at this dayjhazard the assertion that Van Buren wn pronounced the war " disastrous and nialign'f was! una of its " strongest; advocaies" and thai his popporl of Clinton in preference to Madison was: on the ground that he thought Madison did not conduct tbe war with sufficient energy.'! Before ,c A Republican" so insolenily cbarl ges others agaic with telling untruths, I would advise bim to apply to himself Hamlet's test of madness. See if his pulse doth temperately kee lime and make healthful music if he can the matter reward" hi eh madness gambols fromlf . Although jou are somewhat ralid at preserii wise as they. I his doubtless is ihelcase with A tie j publican." YI have noticed tat men who pos j se?s any virtue are the most modest in their pre tensmrs so nhen 1 see a main constanriy laiK Itig about his Republicanism I generally con lliide that he has none eithel by inheritance or Adoption arul sometimes I anal sttongty templed to blijve him a fbd or knavi, , 1 j I'.il -'regret the necessity whiph compels m; to Saly thi?s much about my relations and myself, i jln tegird to tbe New-Jersey case, I believe that the Governor is but ihfe teflection of ihe Itepuoli- j ricg pervade every ciiy, every village, evpry temple, every porter house; Ihe universal J li. s is a and as no ten to one iSfS tn by way of giving fire arcf eneigy! to argument. Wlfar ivnders this talking fever more nlarm ing is that the; People appear o be in the un happylstaie of a phtienl wh-se palaie nauseates ihe mdiciiib best calculated for ihe cure of hi 'liseasf. and seem anxious to continue in the full enjiyipent of their chattering epidemic F.very day bqgets some new tale b g- with agitaiion ; and tip busy Goddess, rumoi, to speak xioticai ly, is fconsiantly; ia motion. .She inounts.l'er rat ihng' stage nasbn, and gallops about the coun tiy, freighted wiih a load of Hints'. ' In- I formations' ' instructs of lelleis Imm rcspec ligniiy ; baseness, and slander ! We pass it by tn sijt-m ccntempi anu aisgusi. -' If Mr. Kendall can be believed, the 'military glories of Gen. Harrison, are now for the first time discovered, after an oblivion of twenty-five years!! ! Mr. K most think that (ihe people either have very short memories, or that he can persuade them to prefer his ipse dixit to ihe perceptions of their own minds, pray, who now treats ihe people- with contempt ? bee be lovr. ; ''. Y " - More than ticenly years ago, we ourselves have. in another hemisphere, often heard the V .Military glorie" of off the American Gener als, canvassed and'cniiiratled by ihe most com petent and iropirtial. judges : Among others, wt.ai Ktndall calls the oblivious glories of Har rison, were not ihe least conspicoous ;-ihv were indeed, in a military point of viev, ut. .x cd superior to (hose. -of tb-a Ileal Hero, wi i-r he so highly extols in order to disparage, tr o ) ftuinrl ' AInrk Item!" In Mil ifi-ationa, there is na comparison between the Ueal and the Mock or Sham lino, that can ap proximate equality. Bui like the Great Wash irigior, m With sage and soldier side by side, i The Jhro of the Thames was liied,'' And almost unanimous opinion of the world, ha never suffered . W. Harrison to sink into that fJAicion from w hich .lmcs Kendall declares him to bo just rescued. Harrison's military and ci vil merit are neither despicable oor dubious! What superior claims can his competitor for tbe -i . t . i : - i : . t "nd that his acts in .Stdiene, fbtMi',SZV:,:it,7n-- (Umii,, ,,f ,Jr.tn- i " ." "'""": 'nm,7 Z'I 't - ' q'iendy binding untilthey nje consttiuiiondlly j l0, lXL set aside. 'J'o illustrate, we will suppose a case, j sai),rhyha Suppose nur Representative In his late election j wjfii j(, e8jitg' pilgiimage had beenj arrested fir ebt oraieg. Ail of whit-h her high uriesi. the hangers, retail to their sapient follower's. the stdemniiy, and all the auihenciiy of J rue it is.i ibe unljrtunaie laitr lie is brought berore A Itepijblican' and pieaos , wbanje,s are simeUtnfF at a ios for f. od to sup- m privilege as a uepresenttive. A ufP 'p- py uis iH-aliaj!e apatite Lt intelligence, kc. libn' asks for the evidence Jf his membership ai() . nQ- nTi(TflivQXj reduced to the neces&i- . ad a certificaie of William(.HiJI, Secretary of ly j lnan1,rttefoillS dhes suited to the tate i SSate.is protl.iced, 'A Republican' is toloYtbat ; of tb; lime5. tt) be ffcrfed op as morning and iie.aws of N. Carolina recognize no certificate j eveQ)ii, r.?aais tu ,heir disciples. Iu thiscoun- J a evidence except Gov. Dfdley's. I asK .At . f" . l , nanicuiar ! liepublican' if he, acting-unper the solemnity t - ttp niard f his ioda tit an oath, would pranl a-discharge. But sup pose a certificaie of Gov. Dulley's properly au thenticated is produced, woo!p it cut be looked unon as an outrage upon Mr Fisher and his con stituents, if he was not instantly set free so Governor and lithe balderdash to gull that all the stuff about the nle bun? distinct is mere isnorant. think I hava answered A Republican sof- ficiently. By his omitting -lq charges of Davie' against i$ self styled l)e- mtfcrst'ic President,! take it for granted he ad- rniis ihev are correct. 'DAVIE.' notice the cither ment airfl leare and reads every thing He says or i m(,an8 lbT adopt. i i :t 1. I i .!..:.. I -a - t-t, i .. ' ' soa' in 6hout6 of revelry, senselesa excitement Hczzis for ti e new 'y found Jlero-Log ca t,if,s 1 lai -idr cries of birds and blasts, . all. of which ht denounces as disgraceful ti) Hi? country and iisnlting to i the people, to ''re duce them into il.e jws of ihe wiley skbpikt ihe gasrg ed and gwtrded candidate ; we beg trve iu discuss ibis "farrago wiib a Simple re mark, namely; $C7 The PeopU are duirg their sovereign pleasure! It matters litlle whe ther the Rx-Pott Master Central til th Uni ted Slates approves or reproves the modes and write!) if he bears or reads nothing f le ; which is doujbthss ihe reason why ihe tnass of Ihe peo ple off this Loglcracy are so marvellocsjy en lishieried in Political Science.'' PATENT MILL. Xlixrs. Editors : Knowing as I do. your de- The 4tb raiagraph of the Address contains some grave charges against ibe Whig's. If any doubt rested on ihe truth or falsehood of these charges, we would slop to investigate them one by one. If the leaders of ihe Whigs were pcatiering delusion through the country J as Jlmns says, instead of light, as we say ; then ir- iA Vender voor valuable paper as beneficial S indeed his charges would have some colour or iral't ior luni uj'jvi . vui an luivincui uvu knew these charges to be false Amos knows to thel world in the diffusion of oseful knowledge as it can b, I send you my unbiased opinion re e pec i fig a paitepi Mill, thai I have to-day seen them to le false i They chiefly recoil on-Wi ' - - - It'S i i : i i IP'S, if W Sill mm " ' ' : ii : 'v f