- ; i . i . - x . -" - i -1 . - - - . , -1 A . - , V i " V i , . .r - . . - .." , I v- - ; Hi 45 -f- Si -f it 14. 1- r 3 4 - r - . :';-,--".r' - -1 , ; .v.- ... , i - . - -:v. - I.- if! - - in m ml r 2 Hi!.; m X'M m ! 5.' '-4 1 ! is-- ! f S 4- ill 1 -3- Ii sr e sc.e.t rtd fur candcar -aul tpJH-- - ctcnl estimate, of 1 lie danger of dividing the Suutb cn asubicct where all of necessity ai'e uoi- L ted; to.a void charging jbi ireachery wjlheir; adversaries although they t do! pppr?. '.aprthe i Pesidency a roan who adively prytnod the V istriciiormpoti the admission :uf MissoujijUand who Voted for a prohibitum upon lherem?ra)ion .Vf . Negroes into " FfuriJa 4 w c3tinol -belijeve; !' that while, Southern me.n support him frj pite of these things t&ey do-en on account o intra, of anr man.' -. V: y v , -' . V! ;r i ators, Uiat theymaj futf ari frcab copieXi2a4 1 stand Itka a beggar fviih his hat in on hand aodj J fi t arm n!iasnre to inform too, ibat t-;i. o.-.;-- - it-i -I 4 " "v.-f his cruel treaimentl on the coast of Oarbarf Iri oo mQ'h'ee9 at all acquainted nb pcblic opin-1 , ? - ,-m . . . , If the olhe?, and appeal lo .jour sjmpathteau- ion.'can'doobt Gen. IlarfisonVsaccesa. vThe l'fij-ltwfiiaid ihal England hat agreed ! Stamp bimwiih infamjj and bensboots f com- no inaifsniir v cui ui.ih 'Awmion. to a cnnvenilon lor n cAUiurauoo anu SUr. 1 omauun. ntcu j insctuiiuii: : . iocue3 isuq Jet us not charge tbern wiib tbat crrnebiit in tie spirit uf ctmtrion charitj--a2ree thai kowev : er on irise, n non every gruiunj is their adVocacj of Mr. Van -Diireo--sullaliejr aw but. miijajken. X That Hiey aia mistaken on rery groerid, is j?nraTedbv the record ' Thev advocate him'fjeeause tbe? say he ia'UeTbtedlv 8utfietn" Fnititirwns cjr fur the PeopleJ H alone, has ivet'hA voted'-m the .New York Legie for i fatnaus dtcfaration,' tblt all eon Dnscriinuli of srUlrs, ptetendiog to be Democrat, and of Sob lteasorei,Uilied in the most desper ate eflur if, to gaio ti aacenaancy, will be 10 vain. Our beloffd Coontrt has been most shatfiefd' Iy rnbrHled.f- Ge6Jackon left 09, as be f aid pr.perus and p'pf , Mr. Van BnrenVAd minis(rajon has beea a constant warfare, agairjst ibr basin5$sol the PelplerAII ur Piesideots until tfiisrjticne, acknowledged the power aod du ty of the Government to provide a good Corren- made toe in . CommuiutifS ar the Missonri restriction Because be isl afJtl-ta- 1 apt to expect too fnttcbf"I He sad thi$ in 1837, riJT -tcI he voted for the Tariff of 1824 and The fPeuple !exp8ciedmelbing then. Thy S23-0ecaqse he is anti-Internal Improvement j know fooftDUch of JrVao Rmen not U ex- vet he voted for the io!I cafes onjihfe Cuon- nect ativ'thincr wxjd aL his bandf. --IJecause he is a Ilepnblicpni-yet JThe ebteft' is.hf ir fnthe hands of the Ieo iRtxfus King. fr the benat4 and p!e.; Thp House of Representatives bave in one ms;anc enosen rnernoeia ior one otaie, ann oy this violation of Ihi Constitution, have secured the imssae & ' tJie $ul Treasufy Bill, or Exec ' vlive'Baftk. If the People do not interfere the House of! Representatives may hereafter elect members enongh to paw any bill, the Prrsident wuba5 ; t hev may disfranchise a sovereign Stale, pass a iiub Treasury Bill, ur raise a Standing Army, t : .j- ' -U j , v s- . The interests of the country are disregarded : the Public Lands; our jbmmon property aie us ed for' electioneering pot poses : the interests of the old States arefslcrtficed to party : o'isbonest men are kept' in offii-eand the public money is sqnandered by. a corrupt Administration. North Carolina, lo, is deprived of her share of the public domain, and mu,t be until her puolic ser yet h , bsrbnd Road -he voted for sustained Jlr.CIiriton against Madisorl AjBecaose : he is a rfttend of State rights yet he ajpproved t'4 the Proclamation and Force BiH-Decaosfe e has talents -and yet has never darte-or ssid .jn irjlwxi t rt - ten. any one thin ?fiat his friends cab pttfrVf out. '"''' How then has it happened that he ii Prei dent of the United Slatesafld has a;forniidah!o Vi party stisiaining him for ie election. i true; answer furnishes a C'jnclrsive argamepi why he shoald. not. be. Lle wisf-nut iiAo the rresi- rrbis it, and ofgaa- dency by the power of his predecessor,' hein? in, he is sustained by the pover an iziiiun ftf Ejceeuive"nitrona?e. The office bold- ' O ! j i ers put him in, and the ofli-e holders keepUiim ln.4 lie himself declared that his glory jjwas in serving a chief, and announced that hisfpplicy, Would b9 to follow in the, foatsteps of thai sb?ef. T As to what; he has done for the country 4-look arcand opon the prostration of all her gleat interests- what ha has'done for histipe,ndi4nes look at the .annual . expenditure of ihii-nine ; rniUions of dollars.--;! Every- man is deprei;?ed but rje who holds an efficei and every rain whbf holds an office, is active fjr the Ciiief who gi res it to ' vrhcir faith in the discharge '.of- their official doty is exhibited in the unparalleled j embf-zzje-ment. of public money -their fiJelity 6 their .master In the'tncrea3irrnInus,ry w HI? which they, devote. themselves to electioneering, and tlieirjaoscrupulousresort to the fonlest means, is ' phown in tbeirdaily calumnies; upon ;j(jieneral .Harrison. J They represent "him'as a coward, a dotard, a heartless tyrant, a maniac Heaping from a cage, and filling the streets with riot and ;;VI0ieinC9,-;;;.;4 , ; :-.'-,..( . Et hope and trustt ihal the-eroosed spirit; of the people, will rebuke this flagitious lemperi-drive ' the 5pbiler8 from their ill-gotten and mupji abiis ed power, and save us from the further rhisrule cj a party w nose wuoia aominauon nas tepn sig- nairziu oy violence, corruption, ano uisjate. , . : r ? rrf l nave; me uouur xo ue, , V ij'v Gentlemen, your f S r,-. - obedient servant-' 7 -WM; C. PRKS Messrs. Macnamara, Committee, Sec. TON. Chambers, and: others, Washington, June 13, 1940. Gentlemen I am afraid that Congress will not adjourn in lime to enablne to avail fnyseif ; of your kjndj invitation to spend the approaching 4th. of July With you. : I assure jou, ttiat there ' is nd community wilb which it would give me, more real pleasure to mingle, than tbatlof your v ancient and patriotic Town and. its '. .neighbor -hood.; If in the course which a sense of duty .jvrced rce tonrsne in recent and irhportarit . questions?, you had differed with roe, J jassure you iii all sincerity; it would have shakn , my confidence in my own opinioBS yem w llj there fore properly estimate the value which.. Ij place ttpbS.your approbation, i'rom, the first days ot the Icvolation, Vt.thout one exception, the bis " tofy.Tjf Mecklenburg exhibits nu as always on ; the side of the Constitution, of Law ard jLiber- fj, against itsurpation. oppreRsion and pqwr Vhig3 in 1776. Republicans in 1793, ind Nul lifiersin 1S32. . I have'" seen with sorrow ; and astonishment many: able and honorable men of tl e JStates Riffbts party uniting themselves heart arid sou! with' the leffiliuiate" sd'eccssors of-the Ifrofclama vanis, learn to respect her rtqaesis arid wishes, and to consider her welfare. - ' v 1 cannot in the compass of a letter, dwell sof ficiently upon, the jpiiarroitiea practised' by the spoilers, and uprt; tfre wrongs infected on an in jurtd ano! bpprissed iPeppfe. ; It is onuectsaary, what' was prediction a few years since, is now history. We feel the calamities brought upon os by Wondering ignorance, and by the misrean agementpf selfish, purfupt and unprincipled pol iticians. There is but one remedy a change. Turn out tboae, who have kept incompetent ami dishooesi men in office-select one, whse private honor, has always been unsuspected, and whose public character, is without a stain, It is true, he has been ridiculed as a fit candidate of the ' hard cder and log cabin men.' As such, we take hini, and as such we will elect bim. Jt is a reflection full of joy to an American heart, that in our-cohnfrythe rights of the hg cabin men are respected.: ) No man here inherits tilleor distinction, But the nalb of fame is open to all. Many hfive arisen from humble stations, and secured the rewards due public vir tue. The children of.;the pourest roan may as pire to the -highest ataijuns. May this continue forever! It will contirjue, unless the puree and the sword are united in the hands of one man. I beg you gentlemen -to offer for me, the enclos ed sentiment, and to accept the assurance of my high respect, fiurl, JEw. aI ! ! I EDW. STANLY. jR. Macnamara.Jnd others, Committee, 8fc. North CoroZxa Qther Slates boast of ihe achievements o( a few if their sons. JS'orth Car olina when asked for her jewels, points to her People. - Her Log Cabin Men, were foremost in resisting the encrnachnrients of the one man power, and Stanjjlrig f Armies in 1775. She will be true to her principles in 1S40. Ur! .i i i For want of room we are compelled to defer the publication of j several other letters until next week. I ! : - TIK SUefREABURY BILL. t , i ; ; i This odiouihricgrjected meastire, has at Icngtfi become a Ijaw, and that too in in disputable opposition io the will of th,sov ercign people, yan Daren has at last achiev ed the fcuccess of one of bisjMonarchcal measares. By its operation his other plans will be facilitated, aitd were there not a dajtrn of better days breaking upon the Uhd, we wouh?- be filled wijlVatfulapprohnsiobs, for the safety 0f6o sbeIoved anrf deatly bought CouDtrjalndi Iter Institutions. But the prospect of, Republican principles tri umphing in the approaching lug, inspire us with a lively hope5, ntlve cpn6dentlook forward to a. day ribff far distant, when will commence that wfcrk of Reformation. Mr. Fisher was; nbtf present ! when the vote was taken en its passage ; but had he vey of the Northe.aslerc bsundarVjaccording to the treaty on;1783, with "an ytapire lif decide all qiestions on whi.cli , ihc.Corr. missiooers disagtee. Congress bas agreed to adjourn od the of ?t bis instant, REPUBLICAN!! WHlb-MEETING DAVIDSON. " " : 1 :"':-. "V . -s-- ;.:-At a. Whig-meeting of the Ciiiz?ns,of th Southern part of Davidson County, at the Siorq of N.ew6m!& 5 pence, atJaeksi-n HilL Posl Umce, no Saturday the-27th ult., on motion ul Borweli Wuild, Jiaies IJirekhead, Eff , was! called to the! Chllifv on nition of tel, Bnrwel; Vo6f J and VVm Harris, Etqs were appointed tststant Chairmen; on motion of jWm. Harris, fi'ravt's Daniel and Wra.iH. liadget, .were apfKiifited Secretaries cf the mfet-'ng- The obj?ct juf the "meeOng-was then ex plained, by tiVVinJIiH atria, Esq. After which the following Redolutions weia uffeied, byljra vis Daniejl. one o" jibe ' Secretaries' ; for consid eration of the meeting, and unanimously adopted, without a dissenting voic; the vo'e: beving ta ken on each! Resolution separately , 1st. Rescltkd, That it is -incumbent on ihe Freemen of NorthjCarolitia, frequently to assem ble, to consult logeiher, for; the nublic-gusd, and to, adopt such measures fur the prefer vat iynll or ineir rigius, as snun stem oesi caicuiaieu .io secure i bem and hand them down unimpaired tc posterity.' 'j 3 j' ' ' r " 2d. J?fWcc,'p'hat we disapprove of the Subtreasuryj Scheme, of large Standing Armies, in time of peacei (two prominent measures .of the present Adiiiilislralton,) as being subversive of our Reptbliitan Institutiuns ; of the rights of the States, and of?! ! he liberties of theppeojie. I 3d. llesotved, frhal we disapprove, generblly of the measures of the present Administration df the FederaCtiuvernment a developed under the ausp'ces of (Marjin Van Uuren ; and lhat wp will use all lawfujl measures io effect a eiiange uT President and Vice President of these Uoiie' States. Bfjiljl " -' ! 4th. JfMoi'eJjThat we willyieMta the,Herc the ratnoi, fine Statesman, t v WILlilAM HENRi- HARRISON, of Ohio, a cordial unport fur the next Presidency! 5th. Resqhtd j I hat we hail with nnfeigned gratification! jVirginia'a favorite Sou, JOHN T YLER, as a candidate for the Vice Presidency! 6lh. iifSOeMI'hat we have in our candidate f... '.. L ..t ,:iL. ci...' i r 1 1 vr m i mt l' i iui uoeiuoF ui giaio, uuun 14. .uouej bp the echo' and the wretch . is sometimes pitied as the innocent victim xd oppression when: in fact he is th.e vilest of thej vile. - lie glories in, ihe chet, and in this way ccc of , the noblest pjiciciples of hamaniiyi' (the capacity rof feeltog for another woe) is perverted to the most igno bJe endsrarid tint sympathy which should ba lavished, upon the brave and good" struggling 'a gainst the istormsjf rfate. is wasted opon one whose if hofeC sonl' cent res iQ6elf and . whosi bosom peihips never throbbed With one generous emotionii7 " :i-PJrZ 1, T Is it wondef fu) then that theTl rof h is slow in forcing itsef upon trie great avdy of ,the people t Is it wdndetful thjtl nor wisest and best men are doomed to seclusion ?; Is it wonderfql that bab bling p3rtizan3 and ambttiuos densagogoes occo py the highest seat in the political synagogue f Is it wonderful that when servilityand ,6fl tirues rcguery are the- passports to Executive favor, that he motal3of the country should be lowered '-I bat the press should be -corrupt lha't the laws should be despisedthat the Consiitu lion shotild be desecrated that the Guvernment shun Id be bank ru pt, and lhat t he cty of dist resat slfould be hrlard frcmne t end iof lhecbminent tb ihe oinM jrJuiTafi and this Administration distinguished only for its weakness, corruption, extravagance and intol erance will soon tjjpple tofts fall. I Its snppurters the revilers oLhim who periled his life in de fence ot his country, will be driven back to their loathsome dens by the deep execrationsof a free and patrmtia' people. 4 DAVIE. ' Ccvi tov.'n iz'l r.3 ; . freshir. tl.o-.rc;, vere thunder, ii M Beck Inn -his hands v, ;r: appro:.:!; c f shelter, v.-he;: r lost his life I c: other trco eL; dangtrous to r scarcely taker. ' reached hi a GENERA HARRISON'S LETTER TO bior. every wav worthy Trfoui rjg our undivided support. fPhat in our opinion, slander has become too much the orde HEAD, a cham cause and deserv llh. Resolved and defamalion of the day, 'and that the situation of that patty must be desperatj? such unholy weafj and honorable o , i-V-M . .. , ..... ' . ' tion fend t- orce Dill parly I hat mey j are as honcjst as I am, I do n-t doubt, but If th ;y khould . succeed, I just as little doubt, that they wfll live .;Ui"Cgrct'j(t;'l go further, and say to youjin all sincerity 1 that if Kir. Van Buren, aft ?r? fell the rbTsery that .he has brongjit upon the country, and all bis; daring assumptions oT puwer, sha'1 be ereteciedrihav it will then have been proven thalipatronawe is -too strong for liberty j But fj-.enileinen, I Jo not anticipate such a esnlt as scarcely possible. The only quarter to which lhave luoked for efficient help, has bct:n in the intelligence and virtue of "our as vet uncorjuuted t people, and all the signs from all quarters are j been there, it is said: he would have toted auspicious. . i oi noi oouoi inai uv.n. iianison j arramst tt. who make a reckless use n bn to the prejudice of an higb nent. . ' 1, 8th:-Resolcedifvrther, That we disapprove of the cause of dufr representative' in Congress, (C Fisher D in J raying io secure the re-elect iofi of Martin Van Bolren against the Irishes of hjs constituents by tfying to drill the people leavj ing. Cnnnrefci cifinif inlu hi-i Dislriet, jinfiijdg the people into Van Buren caucuses, to hear his public addiesses-t-'rljoding the Country with gar- bleu extracts,!misteprestniaiton3, kc. 9th: Itesoleedi l hat ths hroceedinors nf tli'is to the Kditurs f the Caroliqta a reqti-st to fuiblish ihem, n -JljHGE BERRIEN, FOCND. Wejale frxm the Charleston Courier the following letter, written bvGen. Habri- bjid RfjvUcd frhe SA?e ut L:a. fr lie nxji payment of debt, he might, froa the state of bis pecuniary circumstances at tha-lice, have beert himself the Jlnt tieiimtvr,:: - - .- 5 Do y oa'nbtUlso fciovf that ' Gc i. Harrison lias himself said :?Far fron)' ad vccatir.g ths Hlcrain3bfe principles attributed to me, X thi. ; 1 1 at imprumeiit Jar debt , o nder any circum stances not those' wbere;fr"aof is alleged, tsat waf with' tbc t'St principles of our Con'' tnd.-dnghi ta ! Uilci??'! ' I 6. Had you not" enme Jcoroponction c:encs when yoti said.'as you do in yo rcu iar,iif Genera JtarrisoniU acaaf . es to be Seen, or evenpokenjo Ly a poor tnanV f 7i4f you were aware, aa you seem id -have beeoi that the'laws in" qaestioa relate solely to criminaTs and have nothing to do with debtors, prafjell me.what you. mean by that pathetic in quiry in your circular; addressed to y our, const It uenrs "Uow would you feel to see one of your poor hot respectable bltti good neighbor men sold at auction?" . ' . ? - - . . 8.'' Is it common in" your d.is;ricts, or in any part of NorttV Carolina, to ' call criminals "res petable iod good?."- ' ' - ' ! " House of Representatives, June 13,' 1640. ; VI 1 LA j NO US FOR GERY. The Locofocos, having no o'her means to sup ¬ port their falling coiirse, have resorted to a miist Campbell r.li hm?ful and pitloV-firgery in ihe shape of a" Chritonhf " T Near) meeting be sent Watbhmari with JAMES B1RCKHEAD, Ch'n. Tka's DANii. .; ? Secre!iw m " : !t . rA2j rd i Carolina watchman. 1 rv Vserisibtlities will deny th io rre-isr. Vihate is a duty enjoined by V& 'viivthat acts charipy htn32&8l faculties; of the iT-f the a-o D.V-SO deceV1' stead -Tillffriiefeally needy and meritor -ous, he iAateby the arts of hypicriy io pi? mu-ieiice ins sjiupp- w"ho deserve nothing better TV, A wilti 1 1 . hJf J( 31. i- I A fft-rjlb tears of affe.' to the hen eh ent ficfin ons and wicked. 4 If Si at man is frequent i . r. : aiju mat. on nines--, i r 1 J follow in 1st. 'fi Can the Congress of the United States, consistently 'with-the Constitution, abolish siave- rv either in - the States, or in the District.of Columbia ? ' f f 2d. D-nocQnd faith. and the peace and harmony! of the Union rfquire that the act for i i . y L : . . . i T . : tT i ' t. . t!IO compromise oi ine xanu, i:uu:uJi'iy hoowu as Mr. Clay's bill, should be carried out accor ti2 to is spirit and intention P 3d. ' Is the principle proclaimed by the dom inan't party, that il the spoils belong to the vic iors,n cfmsislent with an honest and patriotic administration of the office of President of the U. States ? ' I proceed to answer these questions in the or der they are proposed ' iv1 1st; 1 do not think that Congress can abulish, or in any manner interfere with slarery as it ex ists in the Stale, but upon the application of circular purporting fo - have been written by.the late Whig. Central Committee of Ohio, and signed with their names.4 Jt. goes on lo give a plan of political fmanageroent utterly unwonhy of honorable men!. " The prune pnncipla of the document is, lhait the 'ecd 13 -be. accomplished will justify aiytneans wHbin our power and as flawing from this doctrine all soris ofunwor tbyjnd despicable suggestions are recommended; such only as could be coined in. the brain of one whose character Iwas already so base'lhat steal ing ootside quire6' would add lustre" to ir. The State Journal has the following card from the Central Committee . ' "", f ' -: A CARD. , ; ' The Harrison and Reform State. Central Committee havelearned that a printed circular, purporting to hate been issued by said Cummit lee, headed i - I - ' - . " CIRCULAR : (private ' and confident i j TIAL.'; ' ; . Signed and dated as follows : 2' By order of the Central Committee, " ALFRED KELLY, Chairman. " Cnlumbus. May 19, 1340." Has been forwarded by mail, to persons in vari ous parts of the State, through the post office in this city. This pretended circular was never seen nor heard of by any member of the commit tee until a copy was forwarded to os from Day ton ; and we, the members of the committee now in Columbia, declare it to be a base forgery. ALFRED KELLY, , ; N. m; MILLER. ! v i JOHN W. ANDREWS, LEWIS I1EVL, LYNE STARLING, Jr. ' ROBF.RT NEIL. Columbus, May 29, 1840, Desperate must that faction be which is com At the reside -Jeffreys, Esq., f the morning cf 1 Isabelh Lanitr, nierof PiHsylva EMAININ Stalfjsvil: - ! of July, IS i ll Bailey Alex i: Campbell i: E son, on thp4th of November, 1SS6, to Judge Berrien, of Georgia. This tetter knocks the last hpe from under the tottenng Loco Focos. ls'Gen. Harrison has witbm the last month endorsed al! his political opin ions formerly expressed, ho stands now be fore the American people, not only pledged j to go as far as Mr. Van Buren will go in discountenancing apy attempt-to disturb the tights of (he South on the question of Slave ry, but (olgo a great deal farther ; for Mr. Van Burjen never has denied the consOlo ttonal right of Congress to abolish Slavery in the District of Columbtaf without "con sulting either the inhabitants "bf, the Dis trict.r Ithe States of Virginiarand Mary-l3nd.-i?a?cigA Regtslev, Copy of a letter from Gen. Harrison to J. M. Berrien, Esq, New Lancaster, 4th Nov. 183G. My Vear Sir .-This is the first day of lei sure thai I have had since I had the honor to receive yjonr letter of the SOth September and 1 avail nivself of it to answer . the three ques- turns ycru prerwse to me, and which are id the ... e e . :. ying,worus, viz . ti,. hunMt n.tinn ,j tUo. .i.trintroiin n,n The honest portion of the Administration party will blush with shame for such a deed perpetra ted by their leaders at Columbus., And will they not abandon them ? WiUihoy v lhat if th-ese are the means -you ihu, we must wash our hands of their suppori by leaving so corrupt a party ? Ohi&pppcr. ' Jlr. Van Buren and his Friends.lf Mr. Van Buren is in bad !dour with the people of this State, i't is owing to the a buse heaped upon Jinn by the leaders and presses of the present dominant pariy During, and for some time alter, the 'last canvass fprj the Iresidenrytheydenoiinced him for all that is vile nml abominable : ns an Abolitionist, a Tarifiite. an Internal Im provement man, as the prime mover of the the States-nur abolish slavery in Ihe D.slricrtPcIamat.on and Frce Bill, and as an en- ot Columbra, without the consent or the states of Virginia and Maryland and the people of the District. The first wouM be, in my opinion, a palpable violation of the Consiiiut'on and ih. laiteri av breach of faili towards the Stales 1 have mjentiyned, who would certainly not have matJe the cession, if they had supposed thai it vonid ever ba used for a purp.sa so differeni from ihjat which was its object, and so "Injurious to ihm, as the location of a free colored popula tion of the same description. Nor do I beJieve - i - ..ar..- . M ; r 1 will ;Le elected If he is, never had any man a '-: hinhrr destiny 'betore htm. It is in his power to establish for hiin-fH the great anil glorious ap pfllatiun of liarrisou the Restorer I confident- h -bdlteve 'that he Av ill nt disappjint lhat dt-s- ... - ttnyf',. .-, . I have the honor to b. Geniletnen, most n-spectfailyj arid tr.ulv your ftiend and ubh.Sser't. WADDY THOMPSONJJr. Cnl.i Robert Matnaonia and others. Cammit tec, . W.5iiistfTos, June 2i:hl 18-10 GtniUinen : I regrei ihal it will not be in my power tube with you at Salisbury i to cele brate the approaching Anniversary of lour Na tional Independence. ! Bu', I assure jrbu, that my deroiion to " Harriym and Rtfbnfi.'l is in- .spired by a patriotism 'liWy-ftr own, and 1 woujd go nincb further than to Salisbury, Sj promote the tiiumptf of our cause (because of the coun try. I b?if you io offtir in my name the subjoin ed tuast, to accept my thanks for your kitid invi niioTi and ta believe oje, HENRY. A. WISE. Tvo 'Messfa. R. iactiamarai Wm. (lhambrs, . C Committee. ?i$h CarnUnd and Hrguiid 1 Injted a Elder Sisters of ihe Confederacy, iniied for .'Liberty in the Revtluiitn, let thena cut be divi- jtlf UOW. i . - ' i W AsniNGTON, June SOib, 1840, (ripllltintn ! I hae had ill hono; tivreceive your letter, inviting me to attend a dinner at Salwbnry on the 4th of July. I haJe delayed trnsweritig your invitation, in the hop, that the business here, would have been in sjacb) a con dition as to justify me in loving, Washington City. But I cannot do so, without uealectiftg A very fraud.- XV e have just een a co py of a CircolarJ "gotten up by ih Van Buren members of Congress from this State,andendor. ed by a few 2ealots of alisbory, which; for mis representation and chicanery, is not to be sur passed by any thog. The" solfr-ubjct of it is to prove Gen. Harrisori ih favor of selling poor white men for debt; to tthoever chovSts to buy them, negroes not excepted. We have not jhe! time nor space to devote to bestotv his-gidlii thtes upon ibuse than contempt. Bui 1 di not intent' f deal ia, abstractions r it , -i ' 1 ' i .... i i i J: sp.ii raorai. nom lies, jvT-py io umu op ,o n,- . Di,lric of Colombia, of their property, without uicuie certain: tiye -sto.y Known tapiuany n ; theircoenf )t wooid rev iving-fhe doctrine these partby thenamemagoojue9 and o wf Jhe v( QfeAl Iiritafnj!n hlim ,othfe potni oui me manuer iu uicn uiey aouse ne t best feblings of humanity. I will rfily poriray lop! Chambers Ti. Cannatly FJizs: Davidson Geo. I Daniel Shrpsr,! Dobson Miss M fret Edwards .Tarr,C ' Forsyth Hemic: Fdhour Adam Farley Robt. H Gaj' Franklin G lylor James Hfman C'apt. Harris Jarnrs Herman Mi:! - r! Jordan Re.. Johnson Mrs. .", Julian Andrew Josey Samuel LeotsII e n r v J . , ball. " - ' R. S. EM A IN INC Concert!, ?i 1840. ' Mis. Erixcna A! der Miss EltEabct' V ander Miss Jane A! : Moses Black v, t : Miss Martha shaw Mrs. Il&nn ih C Rev. George V. Mrs. Sophia Be E. B. Burns Solomon Grv ? Joseph Cor Pinckney A C Afoses File Daniel Lime' rr John M. Gny Levi Gocjdau: Abner Krimni; Jonathan Krir Jonah Love Nelson Luch, L Miss Eliubtil. ster r C.V.: emy to the South. Even after it was an nounced that he was at put to conciliate the Soi;th it was declared by the leaders of this party thatjiis chnractef afjorded no sectifi ty for the redemption of any pledge he might make. Hear wht Mr. Pickens said of him, and of the influence that brought htm in to power, after his elevation to the Presidency- JUa divon tan. - If now, in the infancy of our Government, ithat Congress could deprive the people of ih i the President 'has it in I. is ixiwer to . nominate ana appoint a successor, uie day is not far dis tant when we shall live under a power more o dions than a hereditary monarch, because ii will AM we hope, is, that oar fellow citizens may not grow weaiy in investigating this subject,ar.d take for granted the assertion of ihe persons whose names are attached to that handbill. We assure them in all sincerity, that ihere are -nmrfpresen-fafian and 57pn-e?siore truth in the account which is there eivenfof Gener&l Harrison on this sutgect N MESSRS. BROWN AND STRANGE. OurwoSenaibrs.afier holding on Ion r enoutk to their seats, against ihe will of their constitu ents, to pocket their pay during this protracted Session of Congress, have come forward at this l3te hour, and tendered their resignations, to take effect at (tit tneefin cf 6vY next Legislature ? We shall publish their letters, as soon as copies are obtained,! those transmitted to the Governor, being so bornt and defaced (the Mail Bag, prob ably, having been ignited by a spark from the T-ocorootive) thai they can scarcely be made but. We shall embrace the occasion to expose the js scitical flummery of our Senators these being the only words w;e know that convey an apt idea O? lb character cif tbir nmnnnnii--atif-n Thaw my duty. V 'J! ! are eirf..ti iA'I 1. . i. I congratulate ybo, pentlemen, upon the nob!e4 ' iPpP spirit manifested byvtbeDemocratic IWhtgs in an, . arf Prfeqtly willing to leave the question toar section of the Slate. It gives' an i assnr- I 10 ,ne,r arb-'rament. In consequence cf thedam- lancet nar ineir -opinions ire uasea on principle; vwmuiuwj qi irre liGHtr?. ua rmiiersiari one or two of the i most striking characteristics of these animals! They havi o fixed principles either religioup muraj- or pdliiicall but adapt themselves with great facility toat tnen.t'l'hey are such lovers of the people their passion is-so exquisite th?t they Will not pcesuuie so express any definite 4 piniuTi' ugon the politico of ihe day toi fear it may be taken as dictation." You cap as ea stly chain Ihe lightning as confine them to a single projKjsitiun4-they always find a hole to creep out. Self is their polar iar and they trisi ! their, sails to every breze. At present they ale soraewnai i oecannea w aiung j suppose lor ja signal fioni ihk$4Captain'" a Washington. l I will require a giKi pilot to save them from sbin- ' : . r . . : - i i . i t l. !. disabusing the prfbl.e oji ibis sobject, this week. 'f in" " V 8a,"f"u-; . i ! - 9 vlB ifMute kiOD AhiMfc fU Anr is lino r. 1 ti r.mMcr jjiuwa uniatciUf aim uio gJ ' v iwifi and breakers ahead !' . weave their web of scandal and falsehood in se cret places iVVttb hearts dead to the kindly il - fluences of patrolism they ar incapable ofap-j preciatingjuuble and. praiseworthy actions.- "1'hey endeavor jtp'excite the poor against t h f rjgh and rich,aainst he poor, and draw invii - ious distinctions between the different occnp? lions of life if bv chance thev become entarl- ; "led in their own toils i hey affect penitence even have ihem they wiI thrust themselves be fure th people, hoping at least m. gain notoriety with! out considering that the IeS3 t Hey are known the better for j ihemselves, aud the more the better for ihe public. ' These are the men who are constantly en deavorine to mislead and at the same time ex claimin'Ti, let the people alone and they "wil do right.'! These are the Judas Iscariot's wh with kisses on heir lips, would sell their cO"un try for thirty pte'ees of silver. The Janns glance of whose significant eye Learning toJlje in silver, wooid seem true And without Utterance save the shrug" I What though ihey dc belong to a Church, tbet to deceive a neighbor, -even to osUjncise an eccle siastic brother for opinion's sake ' Fix a palpable filsehood opon one of these an imals it is just what he wants. IfTou will there by give him ani ppporlitrtity of crvins v)ut orJ- pieibnVprrjre himguiliy of fraoti and perula-i powers Of Parli.imenl, over the Colonies before ihe revolutionary war, and in direct hostility to the principle advanced by Lord Chatham that what was man's own, was absolutely and exr clasiveiy his own, and cimld not bH taken from him. without his "'consent, given by himself or his lejal be exercised under he deceitful name and habit i merits of a Republic. , ''We are told that the South is lo be 'recon ciled by the successor falling into Southern prin ciples,' and that it is policy to acquiesce in the aiioointment. Sir. there maV Lr. at hpjirt if-H- represeniattve. .V . u,t in it. ..nih K., it ttiii k. irA''Mn t. u.. Good faith and the peace and harmony of " : il 1" . " . i .1 f r ! . Jn n v rvi rinn rt nilifa I'll ll I A tVwT ; .,"i"iV Si" nu4tion. No! never, never! We have been compromise or me iuu nuu" j o, . )( , . , . ... i ZrJtTh - flagstaff shall be-shattered ir.d brken: 01 me uiu-u o a." yj ... 'J" hut will ria.t'rfje fl.g to the guna!erauU con- used with a smole eye to ihepubnc advan- . . , , - ., . us u?eo V . qtter or perish under it." taae.and not lo promote the interests ot a parly, j M ; Indeed, that the President of ihe United Slates j u o are the ''traitors in ihe South'.nmv, should 'belong to no party. j that subjnit to the "dictation Alas I tar Yoti are at liberty fo use this letter for any! poor human. .nature ! the eloquent derioun- purpose you may,, think proper. cer of the trrason has become' the 6ervilc ! I am, dear sir, with great regard and consid- . t00j Gf ,j,e Usurper.'1 I JTY Horse TjLCour.ty f cr, considered i r ty, and none sn; Yadkin. A lar; some Ore h;i rii t on, sitcctc J c; ' rpiles from Sa: ton and twentv receive gond 5 -; of sound 15 jiil dnrsed, or c? price in txeU: June 10, jy ; ITcv. of Col u nil! , and has art ; Annual Ora:s : ties vf Davl ! .the f.Oin of th; .Davidson (J res to it? Cr all the varii ' , can be jT7ur i ; donr below 1 1 June 2:5, eJaliun, Your hutnhlp servant, r W. H. HARRISON. From the National Intelligencer! .'! i f Tie Postmaster General.- John M. Niles. I j the new Pest master General, in his Life of Uomunodore lerry, published in loI, in giving- IfcxQvatiom" to V. Montgomery an d M : Vl Urr?' Haryson sajd :'V27ie de, !f?Tr.:: ir.,.. ,w,rL r,,..., feuce of Fort Meizs. and the subsequent. .cap- in ineir own ions uiry mieci peniieoce, i riairftini. unwu-v ,..,... '.,jt 'r.L , ,( r . t,l-., to the shying of crocodile tears. If iheL 1 JVarth Carolina, suggested by their late ex, : ff J fyfhJ ZTJlJ ill nothing jbuT impudence to recommenf 1 irabrdiaary Cirailar. 7 ,.f- . - j. bnlUaul ; and txiradtnary ftnc Horis CLOC 'Jrust. Ti. Bond and Stc. - Sali-Taurj, J: 1. Do yoa mean.in your late Circular to your consijtuenis, to be ondeTsfood to say or to inti oatej thai General Harrison ever signed, voted for, or ap?ted a lnw to sell the services of white men for debt t S.jAre not the provisions of the laws which If ir " ':f'" . : In rnT tinn , n ,I,a V 1 1 ia irn i i no aii-; imiiin & t m ( i 11 . . -m - . - . . : : i . . : i ie:: s iNilts said : "It roust Ue concetifd that, ibis victory reflected bonor upon the National Arm; and upon the tnifp-? by whom it was achieved." ttTIie action and the movements which preceded il afford ample ttslimonsf cf the judgment and General Harrison did approve uporMhis subject j cool, intrf.pidttv or Gen. Harrison, and highly honorable to his humanity and benevo- in(fce(j. alllheevtnls cf the campaign support lence, in lhat they permit criminals, instead of J these characteristics ; lie piaster's Ittending ntng confined, as uen. tlarnson nimseu ex- 1T lIAVi5c IX ko INSTAKCs BXES imputable id iif " within the filthy enclosures of a hiu;m J i' 1 remai Dressed iail. io be trans fei red to the comfortabie mansion of some virtuous citizen,' tbero to be placed at Service, io order to pay their fines and costs by honest labor ? , - ' , 3. Do you not know better than to say lhat these criminals are compelled, by their labor, to satisfy lawyer's fees ?' Da Joa not know ibat this is impossible, under any provisions of law f . 4 Dt yoo ool know that Getr'etal Harrison has htmselTsard" that, '.'if the la? in questl'ti A D(scc?ery.-U appears that the celebrated bill which is talsely designated a? the bill pro posing to sell poor white I men for debt, and for voting inlavor of which General Harrison has Kbetn so much censored by the? lorirs, wm intro- Morris.,one of the late loco foco Van Berea I o-J ry Abolition Senaiois froto that' atatc ufCTgw migi -' rfflHBTir; t l: ThurBciay t! al which ti! quested to I . July 10, 1 - r :- There : fltS" at the (i county, cn t! next, and tt Caldwell v.iii people July 10, K 0 ell dttcrX : . 1 -.