j 5 f f -. i :- ... . , -. v . - . . - - fir- i! i 1 - 1 1 3 ;? - , i , - - ?. . t - ...,!-,:HfjU . " ,'t.-":.. r:-"'r.-:r-.-J- .'II if I h y-i-r ii 4 If I $ ' , ' . " - L- - 'if; n Hi - " f 1 f .ifrf11 T,CK .J.Sf lihov cnrnpbite.TiiOJ." ' dencej&s I conwiie that no lioacst x--soffer hi friends to pcb!sb;'doet:mentt i i name wjiu h Wfrer.ot genair.p, cr- c.'-.n.j.-ppim'oas which Iie-was not the d avHUp u , fl5 " U;?Ur, placed on Jt fur the ,.fl spirit and rrromplUuiIe Pi jnhMj bavcjicied in this pat-. "twAccept, gentlemen, theasscrar.ee ' .. i ' - i-' - ii.i i - tievpf" 4rt " ii,;r"M- 1 1 'ii'ttWed: "J'J.0 I ickel is as ? -v n itinnivn; t; " .; . ! t - -, . s i ' y' " ' ! " 1 t, I. 4fC, X -V (i.Tlnwrri.. fl If il TUP CO..' j.i VWrli.troruv. of Wilkes. VA1, . tht fruV.. f f Lincoln. M . 3 "n v hi $. :Cjii.fcM.. of Rowan. .., 4- ?- i4e;lof Caswell. - - ' 5' m 'irlillM IU.vcHER.of Chailiam: r I' v iX&vfo MiTir. of Oran. . ; : ff!! l . l-iHtrVr.x.orranliin, ' ' 1. V;yo5ES. of IVrqiimpM. . , 2. if! k'i. -.vf VqeKinr.r.' ' - ?i: if r ' f 41 jj.. K:. 1 T'MIJ : Ii 1 iFra ncis: William c;a vha U. MelcHor, Esq. ," - ; EDITOHS AD PROPRICTORS.) i f-1 :-i i (Hi j.' ..THE DEFAULTER'S FAREVELL. FarewII Amos f tboa artlfilfingr. y' , T;r Extra GlobVs wiihUxira liesf N I LwonW aid ihee, phlj Low wilJm ! ' - j itBnt my daik taise onward criM. : 44 Fa re well, 'Amos; riivr I leave t hpfj, .V-- Hopes and fears jm bosom swell ; ; -AVhere l golhej roaj bpliere me4 kTboqcoald'st nem) Fare, tliee .rt-el I '41 1? Farewell,-MAfiTiNlHhonaTtimiling, s, Bat there's sadne$4 on thy bbw Vain the hop.e. that'fll How tegofling, - i Vain theirnst ihaf Ifilla thee-nnr. " ; Farewell; MAnTiN!j thou didst give me : ' ' Office, ere thy forbna fel And I'll hife. althodgti I leave thee, i":wSafleringJVlARtiifare thee well! Farewell, CALnoCrtjS thou art tnrning, - Asjhou didst whnjfirst we met, , Still thy patriot bosom burning, On the Hrnr.ge9t tde to get. : Farewell, mild and gentle Levi, ' 'Thnnffh more dear than word can tell, Amos! Mantis lCf ALHorN ! IAif All belov'd une's, fare ye well. .vi.-'-'it Kii-v ranKun. B Roberts c'n Toliver, mm 4 JX- C. Hosier. do . do (V. B.) - do do .... . S i - led to announce JOHN cahdidaid to represent Commons lu the next AGTi 51 AKING ' : i - Iff -1 1 s leavfe j to inform his ic at la rjre. that h eh as yajness, bp Main Street ii wlipriel:e is cow pre ,bn shoit iibtjce, From iherLog j Cabin Advocate POMPEVMASH. , TuU "Jim Brown." was handed in bj a ' gem The followinor sonn-manVonkrwwn. f am a New York nigger and my name's Pom , pey-Smash, ' And Pm guine on to Wlashington to cut a nig . ger dash ; " s .- ?.Z: ' Pm to dine wid the President, case ' I'm from Kinderhook ' j An I'm quainted wid hts gassy son jes like a book: I'nT a new grit dimecratgo de whole finger. For Massa Vin Bureo. de ole frien obde ni?- 5er x '6FrMmmMscRiRTioxt , oni;oi gooo ano (in- 4r 'fTirntplii. XX i:'.i)iieifisf 'qn . ji . style' bf workmanship S3TKK.to.'h;o jgpet ion m! juountry. lu )t4xz ta'rhf" peffnarient, lie hopes' by fritt aikmjift 1 Nt&sis to bi able to render nitf3Cin!ica favor htm with 'rtfrrt ft; litancc iwiH be thankful. YmiHtnjy; attended to. uiinlf of(frriMscripjiun In his line will h twya nfsine.ifWl'iiOespac. ana on moa ' Je'ttsSlff cbtmsMffil with ihe times. 'N. 3. iOif IrflwtifjoQd - workmen in the a- I go defamoas Afmy Billjfbr fiohtin Im de stotT, The sassy Ingeris mus be; vhip'd, deyve whip'd us long enuff ; 1 1: Dey've vhip'd de Gineral Malty, an de aid de scamp ton, ; -: t ') An Benton, Blair, ahd Amcs IC. an all de blood I honn crew : '.f:-.;9if . ' I vote for massa Matty , for he always go de fig ' ' ger. - j . . . When dere's any vo'en done for the rights of de -i nigger, s I go de whole Sob-Treasury Scheme, wid massa John ualuoun, j To pay for the French furniture, de plate and r' golden spoon . ; An fur de splendid English coach, on which de , while man wai:, j Dat Mattv boucrht when iminister of dese Be- i ? -niffhted hiatus :! i I'm a new fancied dimtcrat -1 vote the whole :s;5varheet wiijh employment, xmm au.e. 'V---tmlt J:j1TIIANi; BROWN. lash at the Court House ine ma aay oi Augasi :the i t ? ii bus m ?; Ui3;llIl'ft.4. - . 1-8 .; I J' 'A t ' I ImA'- t - -r : Mij'l ,-p-B1 ' - "T-NiTrai W.rtil SUV figcrer For de slick cle fox w iat vote3 for de nisgar. Spoken. Whaw jwlfaw l-whaw ! De eb erlastin ble?sinb de whole nicrpr ra r"t n dat great fricn 6b d: higher, masa Van Buren Bress God, I spect to See'de day when dis here nigger will take he seat i'n de balls ob Congress. Den I get up an make speech" to de nasty Whigs, an sayStanJ back dere, you no fripn tu de ninrtrer like de President. What do ;mas?a Jefferson say in he Decofaiion ob Independence? Why he say all men bawn free an equal, bofo de while man and. the darkey, an ip any hab de power gib it to de darkey. Now, my dea ftiens, you know massa Van! Bjuren second dis notion, ebery time de rights ob dp nipffer come into con tract wid de rights oh del ole Revolution soldier. Wra.iD. Crawford, jCrivford purchased of Thos, tit of Venditioni Ex- Cildeil and wife a , at the same t;me Matty walk'ed in de 'y--'-, was rigfht, ' When he voted Tor to bo white Up to de polls de nigger bow can strut wid mas sa V an, ootsleps, and did de ling ish out de nasty word An push de soldier back and say, dis is de rights b man Stan back. an let de darkey comehe go de hole For Martin, Amos, Bla " T i- -PIRACY AND i.lURDER. J?.".; : f r -. ,. . , .. is.::..? ii-. 1 f The following information, frnihed by a re sident of .Ilavanfia, contains; full pniicnlari tf; the Ipss of the Br. brig Veraorfand her capture! by pfraies.Vlst May; !8404-tfgethef will a Iratj of. tKe crew saved and thosei. murdered ' 7;:Tle Br. brig Vernon, lefitjamaica 26th A pri!.! tof. tiaiiiaz, ,.. -.wiin a cargo ot 5,V pnncneon- ! IlUrrf; and a tsrew consisting of Jame.- liruin? .ba'bif master and John McClond matefgidentsl Of Halifax, GeoIcCov, Benj Peach, Idwd. Norton, and James Tyler, (colored frwf:civik.' Co the 1st May, at 10 A. M . CapeAritonio, bearing 6ooi h by west iferee leagues 'distant; a hbat :wa3 seen coraini from the shore and makin : lot ific ong -ai ursi Rijjrn me,uapiain suppps ioff U to be filled wilh some shipwrecked isea- raen he bore down fr ,US but the wind!being ligh there was but little. progresstmadeJ !Or the proximity of ihe brig to the oiat, the lauer ajdiscovered to containl 7f men, armed with rnuskei and knives1 When, within lacH of i heir shots they poured volley after volley fit the bri2rs crew, who were obl'ged 1o retreat blqw, w'uh; the exception "of the mate and ooeseaman, whojiook reftige behind , theft mas8. Iferej iljey remained without any hopes of life rire'pt by (jijiet submission, for there were no arms on Hard, ttntij the pirates Came alongside; when byiallno tton V'g. below, made by ! the waivinsr pt'the hand of one of the pirate, thev too reluctantlv went below, and thus left'the decks clear fof Ihe pirates who immediately boarded and ordered the Captainitocome on deck. f J i! -; I'Ojh the Captain obeying their command J one oT ten stated i hat a panisb RIan jrvf Wajwas liing in tbe:, river, and hadj&eo. for their parjsrs. They next ordered the flig to "be hoisted and the vessel steered for the land, which was, done, and at oightilhe brig, was anchoredjn shjore 4csi to a fishermanVJiut. The sails werejeijued up aKd the crew ordered aloft to fmrP-ibeaH jftfr ter tj was done tliey conducted eacb'oneja he came from aloft and confined them -altogether in the forecasile and closed tight. In about an Hour and a half they opened ihe scuttle and ordered then! on deck. On reaching the deck they found ah addition to the pirates' gao? of four fishertien, it . -i t . J . - i i.: JKi wnoWiin me nrsi, were eaiing anoi oniMog. The:crew were then 'allowed something'' Jo at. Dorrng tbe whole night a strict watch was kept by the pirates, and no one was allowed to ap proach them. . - ' "f - 7 "" Jy ; I Tfie next morning they ordered the crew to get te rig underway, and after sill the sailsj Fere st, fhey streied the vessel about ten tniles along t&e doast where a river discbarged itself irito the sea. I Un this river they conducted thebrigjabout six miles inland the name of the River tf Pan- tode) Rio; here thay ran the brij; ashore and orceeo rne crev looiscuarge metarg".', blijped Capt. Cunningham to assist in dis ing. jaltboosh he was feeble from are. When the argo was out, they ordered the Captajn arid threl of the crew into their Vat, whiciralf.ndy had five pirates in it. The Pirates told i them at I tf at they Were not ging to kill them, but go ing fo get ballast for trie hnpr. They .made ie siilsow the hoat and - when1 about four gtjb shot from tho brig, the work of dsatlvgan, ry ohe of Mie Pirates, in ihe,bcw of the beat, stab blnglthe jCoik in the heart. This was ft U ofcl'lk, and the signal they bad. to commence the rnassacre was theorder to ceaao rowing. !Aftfr kilning )he Conk they threw hisftody orerboari,! anapnen 8ianreo mm ajjun vvmif m At ti is' moment young- Peach sprang overjboafdi ahdlmade f.r the. srwire, among the Mankrofe biislei in which he secreted himself. Once hie looked back and sa the Captain's headj ovYjr the gunwale of the boat, and saw the Piratm; 'jilting bis throit The body of another aihf, EdwaTd Norton, of !' East port, (Me.) was h,nh- ihg lifVIess athwart the brat. ) j 1 Ynuncr Peach, after thns escaping from thejr bands, travelled ten miles through MangroV3 buslle? part ofthe time, and swimming the re mainder. He was stripped as' they al)!.vr bjr'tjie Pirates, of every thing hut thev pints loonlfj. IIIeQce, his feet were continoIly ,llf?p4 H froro Ihe cuts he received on the oarCiiCptk$1 IflrngShis long period, he had nothing to fity ftstlsab'ot a wjld-nigrofi he killed -with a ! ick on the sernnd morning in the Mangrove boNhe?! and, at ar signal given he and this crew rushed j tiuu meiu auu . t-ecueu wiJie luai came on ia tbt boat. ' After confining j them, Capt. ?. manned his boat and went ashore and took the wo pirates who were guarding the two- sailorj, prisoners; There then was & ! rene beyond the power.nfpen to describe, - The liberator tnd lib erated rnhing into each other's arm3. Therpi rate? and four fishermen are novi sale in the Pun ta prison, and next "tyeek will spfFer death, j,- : , formerly of Coldmbia, (5 U,);i : Uavana, June 19, 1S40. ! I GEN. HARRISON'S MOHAL CHARAC ; ,1 J - ' j, TER. ' :n I : We find the following in eresttngj letter, from the Jlev. Svlvester IIo mes, in f a late number; of the Boston Recorfder, a religioos journal of high standing in jhh conirnuni- ty- It fully confirms somestatemerits res pecting Gen. Harrison's chiistain benevo lence and moral character, which appeared in pur paper ol last week: Bdijon Jlllas. To ih editor oj the Recorder : !! have noticed in the Alias, a commnni- icatinn, in which reference wns madr to me, f I do not mistake, J. T., tjie wrttejr in the Atlas, is a gentleman if nojordinaryj merit, in all tjie- relations of 4ife.r In returning from the Anniversaries in New YorkJ held copvcrsaiion with a! centleman to vhnse name tho initials J. Tl would answer; Imnng the vaiious subjects, pen. Harrison's name was introduced and thafyeTy jnattir !ly, as I:have more than once been in O ia ;and6lh?r Western etatetIt did; not then occnr to me that t ie conversation might or would be repeatet , much less pub fished. As my much Esteemed frii-nd QioSipbt proper to refer to sbme facts by me 4Uteu, I can only say thatihey were very dorrectly repeated, and if 1 regret that they Were published, it is only because I have, 4, 41 fKihielAp 111 1it,Ta f r. gt A ,ir i f I r t r C t Ii a IYo:h the V. II Courier and Enquirer. GEN. HARRISON AND THE W HIGS OF THE NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. We publish below an interesting cirre?rVrt de nee between the Whigs of the New Yortc Legilatnre and the Whig candidates for the Presidency and Vice Pre?idehoy of the United States. The action which led ,t the correspon dence was comsom mated on the 22d of Febtua ry, the birth day of Washington and the fourth of July, the birih day of the Republic, has been tvuh great propriety' selected by the Committee for its publication. fThe letter t-f General Har rison is frank, full and explicit. It takes' the ground that should be maintained-, bf every pre sidential candidate. The adoption of the prin eommttutcnttou.y. V '. I rb THE VATCHMAJf, . h., Gen. Jackson's prpclartty tlws-g cj-p? Trs! me, to brfiunded bpon.the--taoo, and -has f, -iq'uenily ibrongfiT tn my toind the man in :he f. l Jo pledge! bimseif-Wuh wax tvirg cndK ed op towards the son; tho heat of which rr d his wirgs and ;he fell tvith greater rap:div than hejsacendedrr Jacksoo Jonht two ba;;!- which caused him to obtain wax wings by r! : he iictil he roosted. on the Presidential tl) r" At the time Refouoht tbose battles the nation' v. ; -DfJTf iarwaf,lber.!cm'ttctce",eGSpcnded at-'t fir ons' Weeding tafdying ta the battle C?!-'-. While ihts dsrk clood 'epreadr its hoorrors trr . the United iStates, Gerw Jackson at New O r leans fiified himself, Vy! which means he easily corqnerpd the British' arpy, who were exp ? l to bis fire ?ithoqt anvsort of a screen. TU ; exploit flew cyer,rhe cot:ntrjr with the rapMity ciples of the letter wilt do mare than any thing i of lightbing and electtified the perple, which r else to carry back the Republic to l.hepnniy and enrapt(ed their j minds and gorged them wi:!. integrity of its earlier days, ard to intrndnce an j' enthusiasm, ibat!for, several years their rca? n ing powers appeared to be suspended, as if stt. -artful demonUad put a spell upon Ihern. D:t ring this period "f illusion they appended ta Jackson a pair wax wirgjkbjcb swelled i:' jmbitioti". to.o.v?rfltwtngt cndjcaulMrr!, Itlco adraiTiistration worth to succeed ili3t of Wash- Al'sa'st, 2Slh 'February, 1S40. inglon. led from r&tirp !!ow cilizrui for- T& C6. de friers cb de mgger. VbftlaKtoaian named Marv. eirl ff rf !iS!l -W''b and boy Jim-a t T-ff Wt$UBhich -3 sttaated a good mm h t 7 V at, if. -:!. aH Machine? f and an unim- HftggsMrsv AVooosonand others, liiowU ih rfavor of D. A. Davis ! id r e w B a gge r ly , Willia m Pflte-il-t'TtT- iiTI tl ft tOniP enr 61 n ri. D GOOD. mm Mm kbiM'y Coffee House. ffc respect fully i afor ms h is tvfon hani ath's Establish- splendid assortment of ev b6 line i of business, and fry low for cash i Sugar a V Miliar ; Coffee at 5, 6 and Loaf Sugar of different uu?M ra 20 to 75 cents per lb tSiW! such, as Albany Ale ; i;t, i' .rFM oiher ktBds of Wines ; 'W m iiaori and great many Mt mmmcM as Tess. Clot es. BKllalJlkinds ol i Nats, and a treat .tjti,-.sTfe f mi tie 3 un band too no- i'r Yftt'J&Pi Qd according to the nres- Mui sell; very low Jodeed h -?-.!-,- -a f. - - J Wt IVi'l,! -7 fv""' iu HJC DUO- r4 O f 1 tWM-ge he has heretofore ra- W V; 'ZfW &WVy awenlton to business ly4B I spec to hab an office soon, on massy Matty's -; word, ; 4 ... . ' He's got de money pus in han, and wants de na tion's swnrd ; j Dey better mind dis sly qe fox, what come from , Kinderhook, i . 1 ! v e git he finger in de pie an eat him likeajjook: Ob when I git d office, den I go der whole 1 : figge-r . j . 1 A votin fordts cunninifox, de frien ob de nig- A ' I . SvcJtcn Whaw whaw! uhaw When I git in dis here offifp, and finger in ole Unde Sam's pocket, den 1 com4 out, wid massa Mat- tv. a new urit dimerrat, and dat is anroie leaer alijt dyed in de wool; Ip .we can reject de o'e fox, I spec to be Minister Penitentiary tode court of Johnnv Uull. whar massa van uoren fitody de science ob difn jftacy. Massa Ktndaii nudder great man. He be Minister Penttentia ry to de court of Philipj Louis, de Parley Voj Mountseer. Massa ;Benton he guine to tread in de footsteps ob be areal predecessor, and. massa vyamoun wnere he o nine 7 I snec ne naa nullify 'gain. Whaw if whaw! whaiv ! back you New Yawk nfggeis. To de master ob de Globe, now I drink de goblet I : f' !: '. I - " And to de master ob de p0, I fill de fl.iwin cup ; To all de loafer focos, t joib de frienly han. An Pm de frien throughout, to de famous little ! an : - - Now go it New Yawk darkeys, an cot de ban som figger, f fn votin for de ole fox, de frien ob de nigger. to Stan Exciting subiecls of the dar. These I have ihooght it proper to leave tl those who hava mucii caloric ic tneir oomppsitior.: tneycan iireathca hot atraospher.d! most freely. I ttit'nk I have not voted rpore than three times in twenty five years! 'I do nqt sny iliis becaose.I am sure I hive done right in neglecting to go quietly I to the polls I ?jave stated this fact that may know that vyh!at I said of Gen. II. ws not the over- ilrAvn picture of a partizari. It was rtqt said I cl;; political, purposes, but In justice to what Mici.cwspt uen. u- l see not w hy a 'mm en rpnl and held up b' his f' the highest place in the gi should he called at) anpel f r a devil, as w;l! bst serve the purposes of Jf think most seriously, tpipgs is one of the dangers Lmost loVe; I do not sa Gen IJ, is a Chrhtnia he is not. , I know riind his beien t! jlct o( is nass. er hrat tfr of Gen Jrc meeting of a bible 'tr's church in Oincin&r ig he made an witn nig n apr;7 !e was calle Sir. .-On behalf of the Whig members of the .Legislature, being a msjnity of both the Sen ' steatid the House of Assembly, the undersign ed hafe the honor to transmit to yon ' the en closed Resolution prepared by us and passed wish perfect unanimity and thefnost enthusiastic feel ing, by those members, at a meeting held on Sat urd3y last, being the anniversary of Washing ton's birth' day.- -' We have also the honnr to transmit to yon a paper containing a report in full of the speeches and proceedings, at that meeting. We have ihe fullest confidence that in live views there expressed as to the rharacfer and policy of the present adroioistraiion. as well ss in the tribntrs paid to your own character and public servicesand to those of the distinguish ed citizen associated with you in the Ilarmbujfg nomination, wehad given utt&ranee not only to onr own feelings and convictions, but to those of a large majority of the People of this S'.ale. - T i W : -.t ! e arp, wi.n nign respeci, j our friends and fellow citizens, u. C.'Verplarck, Martin Lee, Jtdin M&Tnaid, C. E. Clark, Wm;.Daer, Letter B. Porter, DJ B. St. John, - J. Ilnhhardr Of the Senate. 1 -I Of the Assembly. f Gen. Wm. Henry Hahkisox. North Bewd, O. May 3, 1340. Gentl"men : J have the honor to acknowledge ihe receipt nf jnur letter of the'25hFebrnary convpying the proceedings of a meetifg of the Whig members- of the Legislamre, convened in! the eapltol of tbp S:ate on he i2.l of that month j I hf yon to 'believe Gentlemen,,, that I am Icf,lv.'i,nnre.?std with tftfc horver whsr-b has been i ri i . .... t of the nation, j conu'rrea up"n me t.y tne cis;ii:gmsr.ed oody. ivito.ii ui;s refusion vow rpprtseni. i lie him hat tol r m ft 5 gtsopV kit w m . a i i great object of IkjII my civil and miiiiary life has been to serve my" 'country, toJhe utm ist of my abilitiep, and to obtain its approbation. The hope f r I i has r.fien cheered ms in circumstances of groat d'tfieiihy and embarrassment. You will pardon me, I trust, if in tins letter I go somewhat beyond the mereMrpr:sRofaekno.v'. edging tbe receipt- cf your omrnunrcauon. and j hive sunk much below par. ashington's mor the proud king,;bncfiadnezzarte say in 1 i henrt, ! will ascend above the leights ct i r clouds and,! will, govern the nation indeprr.v en' uf the Constitntion and of the Cocccil nnr will cf ijthe people; " Like Daniel's ram," I did acrtrding; to his will;" and Jike the 1 g at, he was moved with, Cbpler against 1 1 Presidenoffhe Bank Vf the United Staff?, beeauserhe was not hl political friend, tnd hsr ing no control over him, he poored out his wrat:. upon the Bank, and cast it ?own to fhe gror.niU and stamped upon if i with bis feet. About if f time he! perpetrated this. vile and arbitrary ret, h remarked, that if Congress had ctmsulted hit' he would have put them upon a plan for a Bar1. , which was tacitly saying that. bis wisdom superior; to the united wisdom of Congress, Er 5 that wisdom raost. die with him f Now wba was his plan ? There can be no doubt at ir but it Va the Sub-Treaeory scheme; and v have reason to believe , that the Standing Ar:T.v of two hundred tbonsapd men, is also a plan t f Jackson's, becaose Van Boren darrd not to !,av concerted and revealed either of these sehem---without the coRsefnt of his'master, he being Jc sin's President and not the' people's. II e'r.e? it appears t,hat these eggs were laid, by 'Jadcsi , and Van Buren beirg;. very docile to lis il!u''; ois predecessor, and acenstomed to a-sedans-y life, was chosen to hatch them, bnt I gurs V.. will find cock eggsthard to hatch; fThts great innovator and inventor of plans, was spoken f by many, asjt second "Washing ton, whereas it r donblful whether there is one trail of resf mblan :. lo ba found in their characters. "Washington hsd mueh more soil rid ."and 'useful knowledge than Jackson- Washington was considerate and pro dent in all his acfs--Jackson jmprodrnt, tar it and preetpitato , 4 Washingtori proved bishnmil ity bv rendering up his sword Ut Congress, wlu-n the Repl 'tion war was oveT.. . Jackson wlf n thelasf waf was over, instead of rendering op his sword to Congress, paraded with it round tho Capitol! aT Washington. ' A campaign tf mcti than sejren years proved Washington to be a man of real military atent3 Jackson's cam paign was so s'lort, that his military talents ha i not been solTicipntly provedrbut it is very pr? .i b!e if iIip war hid lasted seven year?, that -'-hi military fume, like thai of his civil career, wou'd lepiinirs 3 : rr ori surf" a .3 ' known, w:u tivc. I remi t- rd us service a t n witn moral i . an out ay mao ; - til icre ne was weu haracter was defer -1 irf trmstanre or that . v r . "V ft r t V J use the, occasion; for mikiog a few remarks, i which circumstances seem to require from'me, io respect to a declaration , of opinions, or pledges; as to my fotnre conduct, retjuired of candidates for high offices. ' ' v f y .My public life, not now a short ore, is before the country. My opinions on important subjects, Inve b?pn expressed fr.m time to. time,' a.3 those sorbets have nren. and since my name;- hns been mentioned among those from whom a -selection might be made for the office of Prsiden', I-have in several letters to friends, fully1 aitl al cliar3c!rr was. unsullied-: he selected .Lr 1)3 bosom frie'nd a viri onus and amiable ladr. W: Jackson's rrind kr.bneJ wnh 'purity, and justi n whpn he selected his wife ? . Let his adrnircfr? answer this qnp-tion. Washington feared G;d and venerated' his name Jackson ws a most profane swearer, and hesitated not to take tlse name o ihe. most High in vain. Washington, although as brave a man as ever lived deemed it n!!ird 'o prove his bravery by fighting do rU. B'jt did Jackson's conscience prevent him from this brutal moce of murder?. It surr'y frankly avowed my sentiments v Hriiirr than I Hid not. And did the people expect a pure strearr. tliis I cannot supple Intelligent persons could from sncb a- polluted fountain? From the. roan desire me' 1o go. The Jprple of this eo'jntry do ner. in which they acted, it would seem they 'did, not rel? on professions, piomises. and ple.-lges. i hot to tnir sorrow'' they have discovered tho dfceflSJon whicu Jkied roe very murh : The Rev. AIrItoerk Method ik cler gyman of mtil) distinctidn. w?s a speaker Sjjlj he wandered on ncktpg the blood and eat nh thai occasion. He hrfd been a corporal iHr It be fiesh of this Li rd At. last be saw asi)i in the arrav commanded- ty Gen. Hi , Bih ,ui M j-iuuia tlse gentlemen ailuited to Here he slept a) j arid present meeting schooner sailing along the -oast;bot it grnjvvin( dirk, he sooh lost sight of her. their former re la- kv ith mutual kind- t . i ..- .i" 'it mvu u.i'i (Mtri in i .item:;; p uu tiuum ngtfandon them,rrowbe,saw w.th m,, . -J&- x ilnoof,!! into .he hands of ?on:e ,rihe !aAerward often heard lie Rev. Mr, 7 sink gan?. he hesitated a moment, bat u$, Pf Gfln.- H. in theiindest mahner. R ' Somebody writes us from Indi ana that Pilimtnfr (Tilman) A. Howard can't come it for Governor.1 Tilming is the candidate that works in a collar, it will ber recoltceted. Qre&isboro Patriot; wb his misTable cnditon trom starvatuni ansa tliirst, and the heal ofj the sun on his-bare feud liiat he Jiad -ratherMte' thnn continue such ajmi?; crahle extstrnce he thoref-ije swam, off tti llU schnner and threw himself upon his knees and bigg-ed for life and water. The Captain not understanding him, but supposing he was ia cs away sailor, took care of hirn and by fig? rriaije him onderstond he was safe. -j 4fer seeing the unfortunate man at ten dea to, Capt. Antnnion Peloso, the orthy enmrnani derSof the Schooner, coasted along the shore in snatch of the vessel supposed to he. wrecked. fi vVenl withtri 9 miles of Cape Antonio, he iarld ed it the spot which th English Sailor roiotep oijt thinking that the vpsscl was there, and hkvng no suspicion of Pirates. On Capt. Pe lescfs landing he was met. by the seven Prtates and, f.or Fishermeo, who threatened his life, biidby artifice he deceived th'em - and gainjed their confidence From them he gnined the iri telligeaceof an English Brig having beejn 'Sa-' ken, and part d their crew murdered, tbatj two were still alive bnt would sot m be put to dfatb. It was now that the brave Spanish Capt.jPd.n Antonio Pehso determined to save ihese nnfor tunie or die in the attempt. He gave thrt Pi-rites-three muskets and invited them to break fast with him on the morrow, but before leaving tbetn he sought n pouiiooitv of seeing the two sailor? who were in their power 3nd still alivi. "The Pirate Captain said, that after murdlring ihefCaptatn and pat otthe crew be resejryed the'rest to paint their- boat and mend their sail-t .-llliai cow the work.was done, and to morrow they must die. In order to gain greater cphh dence wilh the Piiates, Capt. Antonio Peloso infurmed them that he had picked upon! the coast an English sailor, who probably bad es caped from this vessel, and to-morrow when they came off to breakfast they shoold have iiiin. Thc they parted for the nighl. Oo to morrow, thef Pirates, faithful to? their engagement, came ob boa id Capt. Peloss schooner to breakfast, I nes! in the twoTtonses of Congress My rob i'lrshed letters to Mf. Wir.r.rAMS and Mr. Den- Nearly a year after the above-meeting, j yY, will show .'that' I . do nui consider the Presi when an Agentof the American Bihle So-1 dent a eenstrtueot 'branch oF the Lrgilature cmtv, 1 had addressed 'hei ttev. ivlr. Brooks7 ebbtfregatiop, where Gerl. H. attends fwor- Bible cause, as stated bf J, T., snd I! was the Presidential ofHce was the nrorer source and p-fsent when S. P. Chise, lq. waiap-) ,,; in roy judtrment. at war with every Pointed to go and reccivd tho deed, ; j ; principle of the constitution, and of deep and Now, Mr. E 'ior, I hive been compelled j dangeronsconsrquei.ee. The prevalence ol such t6 sav there things in iusti'ce to mvself. and i spnitments. moie than almost any thtrg tr. nloi from a motive un wot thy of any Min ister, to serve the purposes-o't a pnrty. I hsve only staled what I know of the grn- tlman who is now befure our nation. If hers know base things! I can only say f am very happy, that truth does not make n)e the channel through which such turbid vyatefs flow. ' SYLVESTfER HOLMES. ; i ; AMOS KENDALL pUT-DONE ! That Amos Kendall!' is not solitary Phey 'know, thai W the candidate is ijnprinc:- f'rram to be as foul 3S the fountain from which pled, he will net scruple to give sny p!Affrroih3 i it fl.i.vs. Ail ti e p litical evila, under which may be required (f Mm, and as little will he he- i naticn is r.ow groaning, originated with Jack itate to violate' it. Hhave already made public.! c0n. and Va'i Burrn is nothing but hi5? p'rd'r- ' the principles jhy which 'I shoUd be governed, if, tool io carrj out hb plans. This he ... porf:c Heeled -Prcsidyntj so far ivrelates to tho proper : promised io do wtien he entered into the hi.-1' ICxe'cuti've duties of that office. But almost in-. j-nfTice wl.-i-h he now fills. The Bible directs v. numerable appUcaiions' have-been made to m.; ; ? sf, c.t .vc ie :nd good men for our rulers, w !.; for my opinions relative to matters of legisSa-tion. appr-sr f"r n ' tl-o following texts : etiiro pave t r ffven to theproper mode of conducting bnsi- j M..s ibe fvill'.wir advice. Thcu shall pro vj.je fiit uf a:! tho people, able men, such as frsr Gn-1, fi.cn of . tsutb. hating envetousness; ard i!-ic.e. such over them to he rulers." Exo. '9-C.l . This ndvwe n.ei with the approbation cf Gr.d, and Mnr. acted accordingly. The fej?owir;g cTt contain; ?.p wrods ui God addressed toTh vid : -The GtJ of Israel said, the Rock crJ--rarl spnke tome, He ihat rulnh over men ran-.! hp jnjit. ruling in lire fear of God -2 Ssm. 23-2-Srdomon says, " wben the rightpous are in au thority, the people rr jice : but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn' -Pro'. 29-2. Jt would seem that the great mass jf ihe pe plo ho put Gen. Jacksrjn in the Presidential j.h''r, foregoing, texts of fecrip"rr. might be cited cn the sirr.- ge that the propl? ?t i f ih" Bible for argnrr.rc; -:- mold have overI'j.ked tic plainly pfdnt out their ci' -rulcrp; The Scrip'nre on jy-is not plain, b3t with 51 butit is impossible to read the letters ihat have ; r. 1 been addressed to me, without b-iieving thafma- ' sh pi he did pledge, the bt cf land ti the j r-y the writers had adopted the , .pinion, th3 j wuohl ipnd o corrsuiiaa'e the win !e siit.tanti"il p r.ver i f ihe. Government in ii.e h.'rids f 3 in o'p !:an ; a tendency which, w heiher i:; ur t.i of olTice, I feel it my mRt s.rl-'oin duty to resist. had lost s'oiit (,f the ih-rs tha many 1 ftinjr-ft. Ii s'rtr. ' North who appeal to ' cnrlrmn Slavery, s ai'- ve trx's vhich soi ' iv in chocs eg their the s.tlhject of Sl.avpr Fy p!vn. Ttie abolh I. have declined rherefjre to give any further pl-d(jpg 1 r o;dn!oris.on sobjecis which bf 'ot g to the f'i!.v icgislftt'jn oT Congress because, !:.; 1 conceive, fur the reasons given in: rav Ipttejsr loMr. Williams and Mr. Denny, that Congress should be left as rneh as possible ;- ard to our doty in ehooyirg officers, it i entt'c rrammellrd by executive nflnenre in the di-s charge x.f it.? legislative-- funciions : snd that a b.ptter guarantees for the corrfct enndoct of a fSitef 1qoic1 rlfA m "i tt f. i r. A in V 1 fi rar. a51 in his newfpaper -sperulalion, , and in Jhe ennrse of bis former life, than in j Gen. Harrison's moral character i pure and fill appear from the fnlluwing, taken from pledres and opinions o-iven donntr the pendancy ' unblemished, which most have been rfTectoa fed tbe New Orleans Rulleuin : nf a Annhifn! contact nn.-l if.9i alihnncrh reco? i hv his takin-the Diine nrecf nts for the rcl? ot i " Gen. Almonte, who it Iwill be rf collected by I nisj'ng-the rioht of the people to' be ir-Tdrmed cf , his onndnc? ; and as to hp? military character. 1 all our readers rlored.consi'oiouI v with Sanla ' fhe ieadinr ndiiifal rininiifis of (lie eand - - - . - . - - . . , . - - - - - .-- -1 icnists and others eertaie'v k:.t .v ihat tjen jachisort cm not rear arm rever .i ii - .l e 1 : ence iie i foo?"'y . yei uiej maac rnoice vi iu: (,r President t.f the United States. Almonte, who it ill be recollected by nisjng- the right of ders fi2oredtcoDSi'QiouIy with Sanla fhe heading poliiit Anna, in the J extan cam .lexico. the second part of with the Extra Globe. It w;ho, it is knqwn, has ocedpie! a highlplacea mong the Central abstluiis has issued a circular, conta of a gazette which he proposes to publish, to he called Aurora' which circular he basidiree'ed 10 every functionary of the Central government, pairing him to obtain all the subscribers be can, find forward tbe money, ee cf .expense. ! He closes with ibis osoal fl?u isl. 1 Gud and Li'r eHy.' Salan Despotism? Mexico, Mav K, 1S40. ALMONTE. sign, is p-aying m 31 r. Kendall Vgame feeems that Almonte, ' 3, has resigned, and inir.g the priospeci us lidaie : is certaioFy better eiab'isfted than that of Jck forofSces of trnst. veta it regards the subjects , cen'i. But notwithstanding tr eiCflieney rt upon which ihe Legislature may be called to ! his character the Spilamen have invented char act, the pledges and opinions shold be rfquired, 2es and preferred them against him, which have if required atall,of the candidates for Cunaren. all been proved false and erroneous, yet they 2d Bf caupe, tfie habii of considering a single j still continue to repeat the tame charges, which individual as tlie soi rre from which all ihemea j shows the meanness of their minds, and tbat sures nf government should emanate. i degrading j they are necessi'afed to adopt this wicked courts to nbMK'; and of Ihe mcsl dangerous tendtn- or be st'en uni mrj v auaiu o i iiu. cv. S I. Because, upon all the qneojonsin regard to wnich. undr any circumstances, it woold be at all p-rper f r me to make answers, my senti- I lest they sboold Ice their soap, therefore tbty pwing en, aifbocgn they are ron 001. 1 wm nov notice two of their objections to Harrison, iti first is. that ha is loo old. With res- ments have alrrjdv hcn loliy and dearlv given 1 peer to thi3 objection, I will merely remaric inai to entitle them to ere. many ol tne aaminisirauoD pan to iae public, m a manner .. i- in.:-t : ' '"- '1l4"'f I r' - i J ' C'riiir:.TOr.-v:--i - . , "r-- -3