'1 . si.-1 II li It-:: -if';, ft- V.I 1. Wernep of Nor ib li&lrielfr something wrong n?ily. ..! .n rs a ihe in- it':! I .1 i n a nmnnltinS'. (I y H .-"! !. I f '' ii - - ill t" :' Mr. ' V a In ihe world. But, i ...Ml .irtt win .-' t i"- i.i. i j - .( VII. 4 The . ihe 3 j ii it rm ? .3f Li 11- Iriier, (if it s" ' Il-fitrt ; 1 -! i -i .- . irnh - mntm WWN, we ieatn, is yoking "stump orations Ifcftne; customers jn ifttkei not ; one par- j s a . . . . . - :Mm4$xH 1ibe V-rfsbyienan.- a Saturday the Iain Inst t h e; pledjg e of ihe A rner $ibn will btt disccssed, and ra 1 I - .mi'TBW i i tO VS'' i (j jj(s adojstiqni Set eral ad- Pi e I 'ft E PETERSBURG FLAG , Messrs. Editors :1 have been faVured bv a friend with a ooraber of ihe PetwBbrj'Slales teropung o practice apeption In presenting to the assemblage here on which I represented as Ihe 4ih"ofJoly, a flay p that of ihVPelersbcirg Volanuf Company ;fl'he article etale? Aat there was bat one flag belonging to that Comna ny.auo mai is now ici the. town of Petersbar. 1 will not dispute the allegation, howerer as tounding to rae it seems,Tor I "can!harilyVsop-; puac, iiuuue manors ct tnai paper would Ten- tore opon an assertion sb easy to be disproTcd, if I there was not a flag-of that description there. wbicn was displayed oi the 4th or July.- Bat I most pereaiptorily deny , that f was guilty of any attempt at imposilipn on the occasion refer red to, and when I gate the history of the flag in my possession, I thitik not only that I shall be considered free from such a charge, but that it is more than.probabh ijthat this was a Merita-' ble ensign of that gallant band of youths My luaiernat uncie ueroeri U. L.oUint was one of efcff niJal reiigiaaaDil decency SI beln 1 Vpno puokcQ . T . ujr, anu ; pnysicaily impossible tyiMWP so ,monstrooscould be deliber- QfSi achristranntaliasa !!5.dd apromiscuctw Concourse of at lean . -VH "... i. . :. - lanuard, has undertaken I ' . ! . ; relaUon to -a personal m jby Mr. Hale ot the Jin regard to the sale of a i he was in the battle of Fort Meigs, and was dteadfuny woun ded in the celebrated sortie made cn that occa sion. He came home fd Virginia with an inten tion of seltlin irKRichmond, but shortly there- atter died from the wofovi he received at Fort Bjjleigs.as I have always "understood ; shorilv he. fore he died, he wrou my mother a letter . in which he'spoko in tie very highest terms of Gen. Harrison's buma lily and affectionate kind ness to himself and his wounded comrades. VVherTI addressed the people here on ihe 4ih, 1 was under the impression, that this flag was sent wilh the letter, as Ihe Flag of the Coropa ny iq wnica. ne uau lately belonged. But on of Jhe piece being headed hrosutu- toir P-H0 miction it should have read4- prostitution' uf ifi . fim.ut r i'hisjast expfession would also be ioconec:. for the ;Globe is llrnadv t'sn - nrr.eiitn'taA iU.i It ' i '.-):. J " . f wou!4 be diflicuti to render it more infamous In the intimation of a 1 virtuous people. ; To be ladred by snch a;Press 13 the highest lenco- miom inai cooid be- bestowed upon a slncete Cbriltian, a pare Patriot, or an bonest man. 'I 1 r- J ' ' i- ' V1 b ' Tilings like it must sling, i And higher beings suflfcr : 'tis the charter Of If (e. The man who dies by the adder's fan aou the Whiss wso enioyrd ihe pcpmmodaucn extended to tuc Paett I Our cbjeet is U deal fairly, with both sides so far as pnroprar & aoiicular sense will be: os up, and potarther., We are Whi frori the What jmoieciore 1 ' 1. Yet a :Whig can, ejust to friend polities! The ontrary assertion resta;;pn the , Bas.Iess fabric 5Iayhaye the crawler crush'd.but feels no anaen ldrnjnistiation made of purili Ul-.WGtieai CWOQ and. .5 s 9 -adOrv lit f &iC;ff estimated that ,0C0 persons at IsiiiluUjraori j Persons from.9 r.v-i -if ; , , . pJina atie,rided, from some irttft'delefTationsl1 GnM. s 12 spoken of in the highest i. !vJ 1. 1 f " - MUPisheu in' a tew aavs. ij said d) have passed off assembled tr.utlitiide was )di 61 gentleman, and alter mauiilaiii poy uen. tLdney. mfist a Mention. He was ftef North Carolina" very T.il'tDn.oft. contersing wilh mv fdmilv on ihe sobieoi. I find I wf a norse money, jfcc. to prosecute his thflr is noiMlnti J K0; ; jourjiey. Ibis statement has been confirmed llhnipcraiice Advocate. iH BtEAlU BOAT NORTH AR0L1NA. 1 . . - ' r. eomoriajfded ,x3 iCapt. Uavis, leil futurJay last, ,on ' her way to siuri. hflvir tfjv hoard,.' as passengers, iM;k: Alabama, Hon. ;51r. 'at, oHleWsii ft fyl Tl) te lion. M ess re; Da w- UVa:rcli,4y N.f&tti':of Georgia; HonViMr. iislin, and v p j atr of A labama , J no. R . Iniiof tifliifdi lit fea'rtJ Colombia. S. C UM.M;M S. C. I Vienaboul MSB Jruiles from: Georffeiown, ..tnerihe ;;cMje:p6tcrnpr Dudley, which 3i;5kttft8f'-t I CdroWtd . abreast of ihe avrArWf fltttitn tn 1 four 1 S . r-:. !. w!2u4 tnd went down in a few' J3fiifithi:?3!ly!no lives weie lost, tho' patter Ito if the illurt ijri iof-- Georsrta. were much liarliyl lie cpneussion . and the 1. n & t. : . CTm-S:' e:B boat to tne other. A 5'.tseiai?ed with dithculiv. Nsllrs Mr Chinn, of Louis a Si !' UJ!.ft "i-tsiimaftll. I I. i fi ii K:; L-.5-. K-JIM0 SUftJj :irg iii 1 ri'jtifyjWas hist by the passen litHlvilleJn "$l,QD0:and $20,000 iiilfiia,- fMyHin bealrcf ilflLri b.iard. is said, lost the Mrs. Hub- fffllltlili.ii, ihbt before half the giUBi in (iieir ue r 1 us i-ae vaii mm. :l if. vtut.ilubf .'S.t jCibatli jBuais (had just turned lenuhe ardent occurred, hLli'i-'. .1- 1.1 . I irtsi;iii i ut" jf. iti.es uumc , ! yiw shouJdj be very cautioos klfficer before the public,, as iies$) UBtil all the facts are vies verv calm or probably jen lives losit. 8 m f5 ffi: a. hK ..llhlljl it r, and must tif those oii cap from the hurricane Tw8 tbe worms nature'.'- . . - . f llpay be ashed however, why these ubiiar- itedjjunprovoked attacks npon a body of men, distinguished for their self denying Republican principles? Why select the bad and hold ihem up a examples of iha whole fiaiernily tL h can be easily explained, and it will be seen that such? paltry attempts to fix a stigma upon tlie many, for ihe indiscretions of a.e few, (even admping them to be guilty j only worthy of the con apt source from whence they emanate. ltfwill be recollected that at the Harrisburg Contention, among the many interesting acts of char-ity and goodness cf heart related of Gen. Harrison, that Judge Burnet, one of his nearest neighbors, (old of a distressed Methodist Minis ter fho had lost his horse while at Gen. Hani- sn hobse. That Gen. Harrison supplied him cf a vision f1'-- was verified by Col. JlRison durins the H,4"! wih tbt tame culd be said of Judge oaunaers. Me got possession of the Tapis, and look especial care to keen it inlil itjra too fdark to read ! He employed Documents exten sively, St handled them with rrfeat dexieiitv. and jjipgennity, and disingenuity too, in support of Iis arguments and assertions The most pre judiced aoditor can . net denv to Mr. Saunders the possession of talents, emident talents ' In lormatioo, and powerful elacutjon. Nay, of ora torical flte icy capible of " riaking the irorte seen ! the iefier afgvment " And if ever a pleader from FelixfGrundy dokn to cerebrum sine liertute labored1 to make the moon made of green cheese, the Judge, your candidate for the viiairoi oiaie, usjeu erery enori to make the and patriotism ! hm. was a mathtof icitdom. prtrism and tU '.T"'" fj-om 'the 'GtoumftTitepinJi.-- ' 1 1 rl. iClt- -ii-1 -; le give the following comtnemeafxn c"- spicooua place, and trust. that it will eel be witt, Phe apartment prepared for h tj'reception, was decorated with taste and elegance by ibe fair, and lovely ladies of that place ; in fact, the pro ceedings of the day, were conducted 3 with; so much union and harmony, that wc should not for a moment despair. Old.Virginiaantf " Oid Rip " will mote together, and" never fire;' until car beloved Country he restored to its br icerproiprity tod happimstC A SON OF ROWANV FOR THE .WATCXIMA5.J V CAiErwe Doodle. Arouse! Arcpse! 5 e noble band. That go with Tip and Tt ler ; Here at this Town we il take a stand, 'Anl make the Locos Qy sir. They've spar'd no pains or magic deep Have 5pent many a dollir. To fjx around otir free-born necks' Van Burea's cursed collar. KRS OF NORH 1 AD VO r ffLlNA: iatto of Virginia was tried Mil since )t,t Martiai a short time a iefrrnes!wcre auuniieu as j He piotcst.ed not only rjuenilyj appealed- to the n Van. Buren, to disapprove very) ground ! JVhat ti m tipsr litis" DEXTIFIJVnS A'OTH- lUQCKEDl.XGS IJV THli W HO OK. IVUlcn ilE v approfed by Gen. Harri is -the man with ' Southern being sent in this waVi j When my uncle died at Richmond, there was at; his bedside a friend by the name of Monroe; a nephew, 1 understood of the late President, who delected a few relics and keepsakes out of his effects, and sent them; with a letter of condolence to hie relations: Dossiblr. it was through this channel it came into my mo thers possession : but be that as it may, I am cer tain when it was sen) , it was accompanied with a representation, that it was the Flag of the Pe tersburg Volunteers. It was for manyr years in my mothei's family, which since her last mar riage, is very large audj extensively, connected. The hisiory of .this if lag was relizvmslu leliev id by all of them, and I never heard the slight est doubt upon the subject, aniil I read this ar ticle in. the Petersburg paper. 1 he reason why am siiil inclined to think it belonged to this -is a company is, that 1 dnde showed it to G. VV Grimes of this place, ("who was one of the same company,) staling its history and he did not dis- pile its genwtnenefs. This fact is still remem bered by. Aaron VVoolworth ot this town, and perhaps by others. This I lair bears the motto, 'Volunteers to Aionjs," which strengthens this conclusion. M As to the fact, that; this FJag was many years agow my mother's faTiily with ih$ unquestion able tradition aUacheditnit, I refer to Dr. Jas. F. Martin, of Mocksville, and his brother and sisters: to Hugh Martin, Esq. of Stokes, and his lady : to Judge James Martin, of Mobile, Alabama, who are all descendants of my moth er's late husband, Col. Martin, and who knows that I have spoken nothing but what toe all be lieved to be true. Many persons saw how sirong- ly a certain lady of that family bote witness to-4 tho truth of this staiement by her emotions on the oocasion of my presenting it on ihe 4th. 1 dislike exceedingly, to take this liberty of nam ing individuals without their consent, for I have never exchanged a word with any of thecn since this article came out;, j And I dislike siill more, of bringing this domestic history before th ub lie, but I feel thai-justice to myself rtj'iirtb it. Dr. P. Henderson of t his town, I (h)nk has the letter spoken of above, from my uncie to my mother,' bur he canm low lay his hands n it. To him I refer also, jfJr the trtiih of my stateijent concerning this matter ; I shall send ihe Flag I have to Petersburg !to;6ee if there are not some there who can explain! this mystery. To show that my uncle was entirely above at tempting an imposition of this kind, I refer to Major Junius Sneed, of this place, who was well acquainted with him- I y The facts and circumstances relating to this affair, are of ancient date, many of the persons who might aid me in explaining them are dead, and wilh none of the others have I had an op- portunityof communicating with. since this pub lication made its appearance, but if one after this stiif thinks me capable of so pitiful an attempt at imposition, I hope to be able to produce such fur ther proof as well pin: the matter beyond doubt. r'WHi only add, that I have heard it suggested by-one who ought to know, that the Volunteers had two Mags at diifJerent- times, the one was used by them in thieir first organization, which Was never entirely laid aside ; and that subse-J nnentljMhe ladies of retersburg presenied them wun anoiner. it in is oe so, uie ouiicuuy may be at once resolved.! i T ltespectfully, i j H. C.JONES. The American Statesman is requested to p.b lish the above. j ; by the Minister's own tesrimony, and subse quently published iu most of the Whig, journals of the country. This benevolent act was well calculated to place Gen, Hairison in a favorable at ti tiide before the Methodist community. They! examined his claims upon the country and foond: nothing derogatory to his fame, private or pub lie-jcivil ot military. The consequence is Ihat Gen. H will receive the support not only of the Methodist, but of all others who go for cr- vil and religious liberty, in preference to pro-. sci 1 pt ion and tyranny who go for striking down the piratical flag inscribed' To the vicf tois belong the spoils and running up in its stead the stars and stripes (now tattered and tarn!) with the mbtto4- Caudor and Fidelitylidj public servants' emblazoned upon its folds. ' I 1 Mil give one other leason why the Method ist, in particular, are odious to the ' Powers that be.' j It cannot he forgotten that the Methodist Convention held lately at Baltimore, passed a Resolution disapproving of negro testimony ;a4 gainst white men. This resolution corresponds with) the sentiments and feelings of every Sou therner, but is in direct collision with the views of the ' Northern man wiih Southern principles? as acted cut in Lieut. Hooe's case. ; j For tbos presuming to exercise the privileges of freemen for this indirect rebuke of his Ma jesty, Martin of Kinder hook, (for the very head and front of their offending hath this ex tents no more'J it seems that the Methodists are to be placed as a target to be shot at with ' pa per ; bullets,' discharged not only fiona official blunderbuss,but from every leaden pop gun with in the service of the Administration. Let the President by his acts and votes (I speak not of professions) approve of the wild schemes of ab olition fanatics and the miserable cur who has grown fat and sleek upon theoffdl of the ' kite- en would snap at all who did noi say Amen ' Let ;the; President approve of proceedings whicli would render, the tepuialion?, the lives, the liber and to depreciate the merits If Gen. Harrison and lis friends. This is speaking within bounds. He could and would have been controverted on i.he spot. Col. Allison was prepared to refute bis prominent statements as sjon as he cunclod ded But he took Time ly thl forelock and held fast until the shades of evening came. He then retreated, declaring his inability to hear anyj-e ply! Col. Allison, with somp difficulty obtain ed a jfew answers to the searcVi ing questions he put to the Judge, vho finally promised to hear hitri next day at Guy's, and tjake the advantage tif speaking last; . Jt is now ascertained that the Honorable Gentleman did not fedeem that volun lary promise. Judge Saunde rs did not attend ' It was clear to every attentive auditor on ihe 23d July, 1 hat Mr. S. after sbue hours speaking wasjdetermined to prevent a 1 eply by consuming thej remainder of the day. et hejnet with no material Interrupiion, except (from a certain old 'mari, who sometimes took ihe privilege or rath er presumed, to ulier an occasional exclamation or remark in order to weaken the delusive im pression which the Judge was so earnestly, (we will; not say, insidiously '.) lajbonng to stamp on ihe rnindsof the Jfldgs of Iredell ! But R. M. S. was carrying water to minting creek! and tycvt the time to as little purpose as the peasant jn Horace, who ' expectat dum dejluat amits." the principles of the Whigf are similar to live spirit which actuated the elder and the younger lirutus .'conscientious and oermauent. innate and inalienable The same yesterday, to-day, and forever . it is the current of the heart of free born man ! Labititr et la hctur in cmiie volo bilis cevum !" It does and till forever fljw, in despite of Demagogues, Mon; rchists, Machiavels and misnamed Democrats. It may be safely aidt that Mr. Saunders made ho converts to the Sub- Treasury , Standing &rmy,ot in a word, to VAIM B UK EN ISM. The compass of this communication admits hot of particulars an out-Iihe is all that is aim ed at We think that outline as far as it goes. to be truly drawn. No doubt; you gentlemen, will receive counter reports fof the aforesaid af- iair. I hey and this must fbear their own luad of merit and demerit. Cajtera desunt whig For the Carolina Messrs. Editors We sead you the following account of a Whig meeting at Liberty Hill, on the JJ4th ult. 1 t - According to arrangements previously made notices given, a large coni?vCse ' Whigy as sembled at Liberty Hill, m lilf p3st 8 ochick the : meeting was opened ''IJ choir of young men sitiging the tune LibJp0 and an address to the God of nations, byfce Rev'd, H. N. Pharr. Hail Columbia, wiylhen sung by the They tell us negroes have a right If only worlh two fitly To puh old soldiers left or right, And march up to ihe box, sir. . But we wiH see them, then, we wot, If e'er it is atterapt'd : i! Old soldiers shall give in their votes . And not be thus offended. . j They say the darky is by law A" witness good and true, sir, And this is why they luve. Van?o : Van thinks its tight and just, si'.5 We've heard enough we knojv their law : ft is toa tough fr freemen, So come to the polls coma freemen all, Come do your duty now, sirs. We've heard enough we know their-Jaw It is too tough for freemen, So to the box we no " will gn And prove ourselves AMERICANS. Salisbury. Aug. 5, 1940. Desertion A WhoU Committee, Bolted The entire Van Buren Vigilance Committee at Belmont, Ohio, have abandoned all fuither ser-i vice in the ranks of the powr parly, and rallied under the patriotic flag of Harrison and Reform'; Their address to the People concludes thus : cut' in effect in sileoeicg at least one of the nz-, ny wicked sjasdersof the enemy 'T HONEST METHODISTS. ..! We ask voa la loot at the following statement of fact3 : - c , - t Bishop Soo!; D. D.,one of the' most pure and diatinguished methodists ia the U.-States was asked jo the presence of the Rev, Leonard B. Griffing," (who, heretcfjr has been a sup porter of Martin Van Baren,) " What is the public and private character of Wm, Henty Har--rtson ?. The Bishop replied I consider Gcr. Harrison's character KUJiDut repro&h 1 He has been my neighbor ; I have Often been an in mate of bis family, and I consider his house one of the best houses, for Ministers, in all Obi j." The Bishop 13 well known fof his great pru dence, tod in the same conversation J when ask how he thought Gen. Harrison would - admin is-t-r our Government, replied I believe the af fjirs of this nation would bent weKadminisleieJ by Gen. Harrison asbv President Van Buret', ; or any of fiis friends." v'4 j Mr. Grifling is extensively known in,; all ll is ;t region ot tvuntry, and he bad the ovignaniraiiy i and manly independence to cemmanicato tu-tl.e writer ibeuregoins facta. - GREAT- GATHERING 0,CCO TO S,CG0 AT KNOXVILLE. There was a glorious celebration of the 4lb at Knoxville. The freetcea of the mountains were there in their strength, and strong and fervent were the sacred feelings that fired every heart upon the hallowed anniversary. They met 1 1 honor the venerated dead, and to do" justice to the living patriots ot the times, and. the enthu eiastic meeting eX thousands fromT every point, abundantly told the deep devotion, which as free men they proudly cherished fur: the living as well a3 the departed defenders of their conntry. Eh quent and stirring ; speeches were made by David W. Dickinson, Mr; Senter, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Jarnigan,and Mr. Collins of Nurth Caru lina. Knoxville Register. :; j . 4 V . L J. Mela.vciiollt (ATASTnoriiE -Seven Persons Drowned. On Sunday; aflernoon last, a party consisting cf seven mcn five women, and two children, left French creek, Jefferson county, in a small sail-boal, for 1 . . - - . - , "We can no longer support a party whese , .. .,,.,, ,1 i- . "1 .u u V , . 1 pleasure excursion, and had not proceeded golden policy is to make ihe rich riche: and ihe . . . "" "" : ' pooi poorer ;"and whose professions for the dear Kar wJ,en 'tr craft was capsized by a sud- Valchman. People have -been so long and loud, but whose practice proves to us that they love the " loaves and fishes" mors: than ihe People's rights,.Fp,r these, and similar reasons, we canned soppirt Mattin Van Buren for the Presidency in the fall of 1S-10. Wm. James, James McFadden, ' James Mitchell, John Pollock, Thomas Prue, D. Rosebrough, Dorson Finch, John BouHont, Wm. Brammhall, M. Harrison, Eli Marlow, David Mercer." j choir; after which addresses were delivered by ties and: property of Southerners as valueless as Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq. and Thotaas Al AUi n.ilWj.oii iA,a ont iV. rrUm;-7D,i Anmc.' inn Fso.. in whlchboih the necessity and ins 1 Bp !-!! :l.vt-i tVi It mm -l.it; imm .46 -PKg'e s 1 1 . hmm the practiceiu ithe General n r m vuunuuu 1 ins, inu lor S5 " i: . IA-.: i i ... "!wrHr' " "uaiio ui Indian, sw-' Ffr.iTiH. jfir-iiit'asi 01 lue u. oiais. npi-lfc soil:-, m.- LL .Lj : is siiiors. or iiiuians. ui in civ- Katofes, mulattoes, or Indians a- llifpSE B. THOMAS. . J Ii " Rl CHAMBERS. nilil'ljPresiilieht of the Council. rM-rt.HhsoT 1 1 --J ; WM U V.S HY U A I! R 1SOV " Wi tt : T; rv ! I i It. e urjdersta nil that Mrl withered leaves and ihe ' galvinized would grin consent, and throw his putrescent carcass' between the people and his master. f'his ungenerous attack upon Methodist Min isters is; but the last spasmodic contractions of the f corpse.' The eyes may open and shut for a moment, but the body cannot be reanimated v ievri byhhe galvapic batteiy of the President. The death-knell has already pealed, and the re mains will be sepulchred next November, amidst the; joyful acclamations of a suffering, hut liber ated people. f DAVIE. ?:n.i-u;B.--ti ? h rr-i WMMCondress for the Green -r-W Fi?1 waT hdmefrooi Wash- a j -IrlT f .7- , .f.'Mi lll Ivll t:M ftftfti W good advice for .'Mr. -WD-tf. H ...... -.t ' -. - - r- to betany .1: f l! Iff .MlliimiRitche-nQt 'If f PiPSiidpntiul rlpclinn . t. t-i i. s, "-""" vt tlO Wtrit'n ,fS I- -- Si'. 5 I t - m that a murder was committed e-i few days since, by. Jesse Branchy a mechanic of f For the Carolina Watchman. i ' - Baek-wounding calumny The whitest virtue strikes : what King so strong Can tie the gall up n the slanderous longne ?" . l I " Measure for measure." The ' Western jCsrolinian' dated July 2tih? contains an extract from the 'Globe' which I .think entitled to a jiassing notice. It the state ment given by the GLbe' be correct,-such con duct should meet with the unmitigated con demnation, not only1 of every Christian, but of every Patriot, but tjieuncertainty of time, names and circumstances the distance of place and above all7 the unsupported authority oj the ' Globe' is sufficient to stamp it as a base cal umny a calumny through iheir Ordained Ministers' upon that unpretending sect, who de rive, their original trom the learned, pious and aciomplislied Wesley a calumny for the vilesr of ends! to gratify a master and accomplish the 'pojposes of a servile party. This is not the only attaclc which has appear ed in the Western Carolinian upon Whig Methodisf .Ministers jof the Gospel. I recollect of seein" them accused in a lata number of that paper, of blaspheming one uf toe , mosi solemn ordinances of thej horch, by administering ' parched corn" and f hard cider" in derison of the holy symbols tonsecrated by a cVocified Sa vior, Such profaraatiotf could scarcely be expect- I ed from af Sooth-Pacific Islander; a Ohoctaw In I . I For the Carolina Watchman jMessrs Editors :With your permission, w beg to state for general information the pro minent sayings and doings at a recent public ga thring in Iredell, for the purpose of tax paying anti census-taking. Everybody kno.vs, that at this andimilar gathering the candidates fur pi)lic office attend. On tl 23d July, at Capt. R-s, about 9 miles above Siatesville, all the candidates were present except Mr, Moreiiead, who had not mnde a previo;ts appointment to at tend. Jwse Saunders was vreseut. It is fof hijm we have chiefly to speak. The day was rafny -The assemblage was not, on that ac- caunt, numerous. 1 lie weather cleared up alter meridian. The candidates by mutual consent, made only brief declarations of their leading political credender, and the men whom jthey wibiitd Support for President of the U. Slates fr Governor and the Senate in Congress ;froih North Carolina: That is to say, they opposed .Njahrn Van Buren, Judije Sirange and Bedford Brown. The only exceptions to this public pfelgej were Judge Saunders and Mr. Smith. Tito ti fire. We will now, Messrs. Editors. descend to leadinjj particulars wuTthv of noiel Mrl Caldwell was ihe last speaker of ihe'Stftp cindidates The others said little,-and i we're 'A nbtfinterrupted Mr. C teas, by Capt. R from the start. Some agitation was ev and furci- n Ode tur;e f ihe u We understand an Orator held forth the oth er day in the Court-House, very powerfully, a gainst Gen. Harrison, because he had been a military man. So, we suppose these military men these old soldiers, revolutionary ones and all, are great nuisances to the' country after they have fought our battles, maintained our national reputation, and shed their blocd for the liberty we enjoy. When war comes, we are cap-in-hand to them when peace arrives, ihey are scouted and thrown aside. This is becoming a generous people, is it so ? O shame, ichcre is thy blush I Southwestern Virginian. den fliw of wind, and the fivo women atul two children were drowned. The men suc ceeded in gaining the shot e, probably bcici good swimmers, and keeping a' gbod lock out not to be entangled with burdens in the shape of women and children. The! bodies of the deceased persons had. noi been re- covered at tbo last accounts. ladium. ! OsivezoPai- son Esq., in which both the necessity and jus tice of the Whig cause weie bly presented. The choirky modtned tor the occasion, L,s Bruce's Address.' We jLi Ode- ' Fiiends of MoTeheadj Tyler's friends the strhrprolong, Make the Harrison army strong, Jlnd onto victory. The whole company, by estimation, aboui five hundred Gentlemen, and Ladies, rartook of cake, crackers, crisps, honey coikb, cheese and cider, hospitably provided by Mr. A. reimster and others, At 10 o'clock, A. M., 1 lip line of march was formed, under the direction of Capt. Robert S. Tayesas Marshal of the day. and J. R Scrooys, Milus W. Hill, John 1J. otts, Jas. xv Adams, Thomas A James, assistant Marshals. A eorr- pany here formed three hundred strong, (300 on horse,) which moved frura Liberty-Hill. At half past 10 o'clock, passu the seal of Captain William Feimster, anoLsa uted that old soldier of ihe Revolution, who re nains behind his for mer comrade warriors, to nform the Whigs of the present day, what i locust our fathers to gain possession of the rights for which we now contend. With almost the vigour of young manhood, he waved his hlearty sahiteta each file as ihey passed the old soldier's house. Tljere the company was joined by a pari of ihe Tippecanoe Club from Statesville with a Log Cabin, fand a specimen cf the Sub-Treasury ) All moved on to the muster ground at Mr. A ; Guy's, where the T. Clubj sung Old Tippeca noe, while ihe company pajssed a counter match. The County candidates addressed -their fol low citizens, after which?' a company of a!xut SCO returned to Liberty Ifill, and were dismiss edi wiih a speechirom J P-Caldwell, Efq. I: ! is due to the vv higs of Liberty tltil, to say thai Hrobd order. i?rav it v and feobrieiv characterised Goyertiot Pope, in his speech (not yet publisned) on theab-Treasuryj bill, in re ply to the opponents or Gen Harijison that his political principles were not clearly a vowed, remarked that he had no personal knowledge of Gen. Harrison's opinions ex cept such as was derived from his publish ed speeches and letters before the world; and from them he would attempt to give his creed, as he understood it, and as he be lieved every candid and impartial man must understand it, as follows : "1st. HeMs for limiting the service of the President to a single term. : ,4,2d. Although he will not recommend a National Bank, he will not veto a bili for one under proper' limitations, and framed to secure the institution against the control The Philadelphia NalionaFGazette, says' We learn from an officer of ihe army who h:. been for some time Mationed in the West, tl r several years ago Gen. Harrison paid out of i.is own private resources all ihe expenses of educa ting thirty orphans, the children of soldiers win-., had served under him. This splendid .instance of Harrison's well known liberality we have nev er seen mentioned in print:- Qor informant's statement however we entirely rely upon, b it forbear at his own request to publish: his name, as hedoesnot wish tube troubled with a citation be fore a Court Martial, as were Major Lendrum and Captain Dusenberry, recently in Baltimore, -on suspicion of doubling the immaculate n-turo oflhe present federal executives -!-' TheN. Y. Express says ' Gen. Eaton and lady, late U. S. Minister to Spainand recall ed on account of his rumoured disaffection to the traces of the little Magician, has left this ct'.y for Washington, from thence he proceeds tu.th Hermitage, on a visit to his old and true frier. J, Gen. Jackson." v ' !. . . Dizn: ; . : On Monday, the rd olt.,, Mrs. Susanna Beard, relict of the lale Lowi3 Beard, of t his place. Mrs. Beard was in the Slst year cf fter age she was bom in South Carolina, but her' parents having early emigrated to' this State, shn has since lived in Rowan County, throughout the course of a long life, honored and respected for the possession and practice of many virtue?. She retained to the last, the unimpaired vigor uf a strong mind, and has passed away after an c veniful career of four-score years, from the scenes of earth, to the rest of Peace which she express j ed the full hope of enjoying. She was followed of foreigners, and made sufliciently respon, . .)y Q-y leaJjors M ac4oaintaoce3t who jiave sible to Congress, known and valued her worth from their earlirit "3d. He is for keeping the -public land.s j year. Communicated fur actual settlers at a reasonaUe price, and, j - ' '"'.''" : i i . rt,i.. :. : .t. :.ti. s a- i tne wnnie nroceeam";. iiiai n is win niifin- uioh the audience The partisans on both sides 1 gence and graviiy of Iredejll that make the hi fli-.w nr.iind in An altitude t,t-seemiusr defiance ! strength of Iredill. ' . --' 1; , t " . I ... "J he Tippecanoe Clubfcf MaJesviiie, L u I.pkU. Co!. Michael RicfcerJ and others, with f: 111 jnU awaiting his iiiaj. I 'dian would blush at such jmpiety, nnless eteiy m- It ;:f-iih" ; Ii ' - -" -" - " - - .r.. The overwhelming numbers of the Whig party appeared to overawe their opponents no overt acts ensued. ', Q'ia spes hoslibus fugiV!l '. The Slate candidates fur the Assembly hav ingicuriclurted. Col. Thos. A. Allison opened on national politics, in a clear and mattet lof-fact address every word told home to the mindAon the matter under discussion. No declamation baseless, or even plausible assumptions, were j employed ! The irifeiugrnf knew thai he Colonel was right the misit.iormed seeic ei to feel an invohmiary conviction of his im partiality and fairness, and his earnest endeavor to expl delusion and establish truth. The Co lonel triumphantly vindicated ihe final choice of the Harrisburg Convention, of which patriotic bdy he was himself a distinguished member, even though he be a farm rr! Pray,gntpe men. did not 6ome very veracious people and jmnts assert that there were no, or -bra feic, farmers in that cooveniion ? But that is hot our present purpose. Col. Allison had uot pro ceeded far in his animating and pregnant jad dc ess, when Romulus M. Saunders was announ ced lot have arrived, and that, of course, he fished to address the people. Col. A men--tioned tbe fac, and fnstanily ceased. .1 J f Tit Rostrum was then positum o foro ! pro A. A. Morrison, FOR THE WAIICHMA-V.J like Geneial Jackson, opposed lb making it a source; of national revenue. "4th. He is opposed to all internal im provements nn strictly national and for ne cessary constitutional objects. "5 ill. He is opposed to Abolition in any j McBride, Nicholas Mc- and every form by Congress, either in this; Bride, Anderson Mc nisirirt or the States or Territories. I Bride, and others. . ' '-fiih. fie is for a Tariff, fair. iusl. and ! 3- . r J " ' , Benj Clayton, & wife JUDICIOUS. , N'ancv Wm AlcBride -7ih, He thinks that honctiy and fitness ., and ought to be f referred to mere party consiu- : ftloscg cBride. trattons in appointments to ofiicer Alter he appoints a man to rfrice he will not re move him on account of mere difference of opinion. Sth. He will rrstram public rfHcers un der his control from violent and intemper ate interference in elections, leaving them free to exercise the elective franchise. j 49th. To lessen the necessitt for the use titc of ilovtft GittoHu SURRY COUNTY. Court of Equity July Term, 1S40. Leonard McBride, Johnl Petition for ?lc cf i Land. XN this case, it appearing to the saiiifacti' n cf the Cuurt, that the Defendants are not resi dents of tills State : ft is therefore orderea, thst publication be made for six weeks in the Caroli na Watchman, that they appear at the Cturt of Fiiiy, to he held Tor wid evuety of Sorry, at the Court I lease' -Ru'ckford, on the fifih monday after the third rr.coday of August next, then and there lo answer plead, or demur to the Bill of the Complainants; otherwise, the causo of military force, he wslll endeavor lo in- vji hearJ expartc, and Judgmeut entered ac- the Ladies in the vicinity cf Liberty .IJilI, have fuse a high moral tone into every branch ot ; cording! our hearty thanks for their attcndar.ee and good tl,o public sctviee, and thereby preserve and ci.eer on uiai occasion, i strenethen that moral lorce wnicn lortns tne i- TnOS. M,iHlL, Pres t. cnp,,,, ran,,ai cr free Government A. Scroggs,? c- . . rOCb ICO. 1 J UlUi IIS n ill iiui uao iiij viiiviai - j I 1 r.ir. Kia tuo.dKn. Is0 If lO t the free and unhnssed choice of the nation."' ; fYlfiE Proprietor of the Leaksville Fietc - a uka n., c. r. k. Atgust, T, 1 9 i0 6 w2 Printer's fee 50 COTTON i Mr. Van Buren poes for negTD ruffrsge Messrs Editors : I have just returned from j and reoro testim0nv. ThatVtaking a cou Danv:lle. Virginia. I w messed the generous , f seTfn ieague.-slr,je. Let negroes and splendid recepuon 8.Jen V J" fj"""' Le admitted to the polls as voters and mjo lhsP!rt. J.lb frJ.: court, of iutice as wuncssea; and how far ctiwt ..j , - .. i, thA ho! t ioniatsr be Will IUO Tivin, w - -- frotn its consuramatibn? Louisville Jour. The Madisonian of yesterday, says that there are rumors of changes in the Presi dent's Cabinet, which come in such a shape that it cannot question them. Mr Pauld ing, it is said.s to go out of the Navy De partmen? and Mr. Poiasett is to take his place. fearless and Thompson The splendid display in Salisbury, on the 4th ultimo, has gone abroad, apd added much to the standing of oar Slate litis known throughout the Union, that Old Rib is wide awake." f saw many of the lov ly , and fair daughters of I Virginia, and much of the spirit andichival ry of the Old Dominion, ; The reception of Gen .Thompson was in a htffh degree creditable to Panvillend bis speech tolhe vast multitudes wlo assembled to greet JL tfi'l give haeral prices fjr ZOO Bags of Cotton, of a fine quality, delivered at LeatsTille, N.C. April Sd, 1840-SGtf j .III SIC SCHOOL,. MISS BAKER will contjeoe togivelestans on the Piano- and Guitar daring the sca rcer vacation, at the Female Academy.' i E. J. BAKER. August 7r 1S40. 2 ( BLADES Of all descriptions for sale at this Office.