.. .-.v , . ..- iT, - - f ;. V - r "I 11 1 V 5 r.-:tHE FARMER'S SQN0 !' , 1 J envy not lb? roTghiy km f ; . trx - -;! u ' v Upon the splendid throne 4 (!,. ; . Nor wish powf r.mipe own , i - r. c -"- 1 For thougli his power and wealth be great, tv ' And.roond thousaods bow:": . j ' 'in reverse In my low estate ', More solid peace r know. J ;h -J - ' r j"-I einry:"Dot-tbe Misei be v J4 j ' :" ."vr.vMf'ieI. bi' treasure' ft'er-R-' . .. .IWay be?ps cn neaps aroooa mm see, And mi T antl sfrrfi flir mnre ' I'd ecoru his narrow sordid soulp ' .' 2 RapacibaJaod onjasi :V?';vt' i:V-v;- -Nor bow beneath tbf baseoairoW r i-;, ' Ofjecopt;. gil Jednst.,;4 J- Mr' want are few. and. well supplied - : " B j.iBj 'pVbdactire field ; i r j Tb I court pai roxariea beside, t'rjf--' Sate what cvntentmeot yielcsi Jj Wore pure enjnjment labor gifesj i Than- wealih or fame can brin,:; . . "And be is happier who lives ' . i I - A r armer, tban a King. . r ' HINT TO FARMERS. -A- J v It js much to be wished that dor. farmers were more deairoia to possess ; good, fer tile prod active farms; than large (arirasv If farmers jn our country,' instead, of increas- i nz the number of their icres would bestow mere carerand expense to culiivaling, the best possiWc manner, every acre they al ready ppssees," They voaId lire easier, and bee 6m e tic her. an d Iia ppi er J also. - It has vftcti bten remalked, JeapeciaUyby KtR ;:wbo.IiafeJ trayled'aDfo'atlj; : Hhath-e;-great fault of our Ameiican;Tarmers, liep in their f easer desire to add field to field; '.which, of-' ten impoveiisjiea ihern,, keeps them in debt, anirendcrs ihem uuable to bring any of iheir.land Into the highest and most profi table Hate oX cultivation. ,,: : :. J ;Tlio advice of IDean Swift should be treasured up by every good farmer, j This distinguished man I saidj v Whoereri xan make two ears of corn, or twoj blades of grass grow, upon a apot of ground jwtiere onlyjQnefgrew: before dsserres better of taaokind, and does mote essential service to his country, than the whole race of po J i t'fii ns put together.'' A T the hoase of flngh Brown, between three XJlVnd four miles above Wilkesboro', and on ihe Yadkin Rivei there will be fcld, on ihe 22nd and 23rd daj of (September next, three several tracts of lanl, cohlai&inz 1, L "1 ' .. 1 ' ' ii.:'. i ' J nnnE J. frit IV Ji iiis it n:6 or more, that conslituie tbe farm whereon he lives. rSaid Landsflie on bt.ih sides ut the lad kin-River, and cofjiairti at least, 12a acres of Yadkin bottoin. besides. a qwantiiy ot good up land. Also, 450 Uires of Land, onjbe walers of Lewis Fork anaf Reddie's River j also, one onai vided half eft w lots: in the 1 ow n f V ilkes boro' , one of said lts adjoins' the Public eqnare, and as a situation fu business i equal to any in the .Town. " -. V 'T r -l ' : " X Also, on the 25lhand 26th daysthere will be sold on the premisesVin Ashe County, 640 Acres of Land, situated o Meet Camp creek, valoa ble for its nieaduw land and its convenience fur a stock farm ; also, f25 Acres, on Pine Swamp Creek, and 50 or 60 Acres on the Bine-Ridge. Said !ands,will besotd: on a credit of three and four years, and willM sold by mea3 Executor under tbe Will of J'nhn j Brown, deceased. . HAMILTON BROWN, Ex r.. Vilkesboro N. 0.1 July 31, 1310. - . . '.- .... i i ": Also, there will b stld oo ibe, 22nd and 23cd days of Sepiernber n&it, at the house of the alam named Hugh Brdwi, Horses, Cfit- tle9 WidgSy a quantity of good Wheat, of the growth ttt 1S39 crop of Wheat abi Corn of this year's growth ; liye ano kjus , npusenoiu ana ivnenen r ur nilre, Farming Utensjils , 'Also, on the 25ih and 26th, a parcel ol STOCK CATTLE, oa the premises in Ashf, hti Meet-Camp Creek. For more fall ioformiiibb concerning the Lands above described, persons desirous Ito purchase are referred to Hugh jBr'own, in WillveSt and John Miller, who resides on the Meet-Camp Lands. j HAMILTON BROWN. July 31. lS40.-ftfs.i I - TUds.&jrnF6i:i, COMMISSION rOHW ARDIHG MEHCEAITT. I mimington, N. C. Refer to - H- Messrs. E. L. jt jV. VVinslow, E. W. tVj II kings, John! Uuske &, Son. C J. Or rell, Yarbrough i& Kay, Joseph Baker, C. T llaigh, Curtis 4 JMyrover. i ! FayttUville, N. C. March 27. 1840j6m35? I, UEWllTOVEIiS. DAMSEL of Dafierii by the author of Yem masse, Sec. The adventures of an Attor ney in search of practice, by the author of ' The adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse." 2 vols. The man about Town, by Cornelius cause ol which, in one case was suriposedl lhfl Mlhor of ,Tne , p Jhtrle8 T' i rell, or the Bitter Bipod, by James. The Gen tlemen of the Old School, by James, author of the Robber, Ju;st received at TURNER & HUGHES' sN. Carolina Book Store. Subscriber respectfully, informs eod and ihe public, thai he is now earry na on the Tadorins Bcsinessln J,ex!riibn ; and htpes ihat afitr a silenceof fourteen jelars. riemay be jicfiniucd to solicit public, favour ;jand allen:ion;io bUJie;and will; be indulged jn sayinjf that fce has enjoyed the advanlaorei aH huded to the ialiaintnent of snperiorityin jbis basinets both jio Europe and America-! 5; yf are in Europe, and- 20 in America. " He employs none but iie trtl ff workmen, and would, hjatve it particularly! remembered, that he tparraneve' ry thing donel in 'his. shop. " ' j With hjs rn-t respectful bowl he lea vesj his solieitations with the public, and feels flail qrtJ with the hopathat he rnay b treqwny ca .eo na. I . CHARLES FOWLER. ' Lexington April, 3. 1840. yib :1 see Mtrcrntih Jour- ;5:;-THE ITOMATOi VV aretTeceivin newevidericejpf the utility of this grateful garden regetable in preceiring and curing indigestion, and dis- j ease of the liver and lungs. A .writer in j the 1 Farmer's; Kegislersays it hat been ; tried by several persons to hfs knowledge, ! with diseased success. '. The v. were amcled pays he, wiih chronic couch, the. primary THE Subscriber would respectfully infdrm hi friends land cuslomers, lb.at. be has e moved to the owse next door to Geprge V. Brown's Store? ivhere he intends keeping anps sortment ort j : X - ,. .v--f-'A: Pbmleiiand Sliot, JLIQUOnS ot all sorts such ai French -Brandy, Holland Gin, . s Malaga and Tcncriffe Jftne, Muscat) . 'rLeinon Syrup, fyc. - J" Also, an assortment of ' ' CANDIES, . And other things in his line too tedious to men lion, which can b twught to? casn as cneapl at any other place in bausbury. NOAH ROBERTS March 20, 1S40 tf34 - ESTia!BLISHi:iSNTi.-;r nnHE Subscriber begs leave iu, iw ;up 1 friends and the "public ir Urge .thai he hat commenced the above business, or north of ihe Court House, wnere- ne is uut pared to make loorderron shoit notice,' ,? OF EVERY nESCRIPTlOX, . f. l - -. n Mil r.f rrnorl im on me mosx moceiaic -. . - , raUe rnatenala; and, rr"a style ol orKmansip inferior Ui none irr ibis.sectwirofCouoiryfs Iii iendiii? to make his stay permanenf, he hopes by strict attention to business, iw; o sui satisfactidn to all those who may favor him with their patronage j r . , u - v " ' IC31 Ordersfrom a distance will be thankful y "received, and; faithfully attended to. . Rebairinfr of every descriplien in his line, will be done with neatness and despatch, andv on mod- erate terms to correspond with the limes. . Nt B. One or two good workmen in ,tae a as North Carolina Cook Store. Valuable works on farming, Gardening, Bota ny, Cattle, Orchards and the Grape Vine, &c. &c - i- . ; - : ' The complete Farmer, American Gardner, to be diseased liver in another, 'diseased longs, yh mitigates, and sometimes eflfec- i tually checks,, a fit. of coughing, h was uacdin a dried state, with a little suffar mixed ' with it, tot render ,il. more agreeable id the ! taste.. The writer expresses a ricbnviction va if freely used in July, Awgusl and Sep- 1 icmb'er,; it would prove a compfele) anti i dote to bilious fever. . The tomato, lb have 1 it in early use, should. bc started with us Florist Guide, The preen House, Bridgemao's i in a hot bed ; U6ugh ir raised in I abun- Gardener's Assistant! Loudon's Encyclopedia of - i . ... V. ... Gardening, Art of Wmemaking, Alemoirs of ihe ; danre t m; be dried, which is our prac Pennsylvania Acricullural Societv, Treatise on nice and may be at command - through the I Catile, their breed, management, &c. Farmers' i i .year. The mode of drying is laslfollows : .?.wn ?k MowbryonSPoultry, History of the i ., . . ' . , , i 1 . Horse, New American Orchardist, Ornamental, . j ull ripe tomatos arescalded in hotj water T,ees Farmers' Register, complete as far as pub- ' w j toiacititate the operation of taking ofT the Mshed, Masons Farrier improved, v Loudon's ,,lhekiu; when tinned they are Well boil- rff -f AgrMture ; together with a V i ; -. . i ) , splendid collection of Books in every department t ed with a little sugif and, salt, but ho water, 0f Literaturei for sale at reduced priees by ! j, "and then spread iVcakes about an eighth of TURNER & HUGHES. j 'aniiich thick in i the sun. Ther will drv. 5a b May 6 I , , . . r'-. .! N. B. Book Binding done with neatness and 1 -;eooughjia:lhreeor four day to pacfc awiiy despatch, at 'the N.4Bouk Store. jn bags which should hang in a dry room.' " M: KTOTICE. I. - s -TB1AKEN up and committed - to"; the Jail of , A Wilkes county, North Carolina, on ihe first day of April, (insi.,) a negro man, who says his name is 1 ! about 24 years of age, five feet eight inches high, of a tolerable dark cwlor, qttick sjKiken and very likely. He says he beloiis to John Alc- Crav he don'l know where his mastpr li'rpa A he was purchased of Uohn Campbell of Craven friend of mine reraatkeJ some yearsViaoo a I county, in this State; and his master was taking We' consider the tomato and theubarh the most healthy products of .the garden.'. ; : i Every ' attentive observer. will remark a ' j- rnong the plants of , almost erery j kind of : j crp, Bomc individual stalks which are dis j tinguished from the others by a greater de- or caruness,.or some otner peculiarity. THE Subscriber has. an improved Patent SPINDLE for Mills, by which, a mill will do much better than with the usual form of Spin dies. It is so constructed as to keep from healing or killing the meali in any raannet. The run ler is so confined by the Spindle as always to pre serve its balance,. and ot course mere is no mb bins of the stones.' . , I think, bv this itraDroved Snindle. the same water will do kt least one-third more business, and the meal of superior quality. j Any person ; wishing to use one of these Spin dies, may obtain one or more, by making a ppl ilea lion, f within a short time) to tbe Subscriber at Mix;ksville. Davie! Co. N. C. 1 think the riro- bable c:St will not exceed $30 for the Patent and Spindle ready for use. f The following 5personshave my patent Mil Spindle in j jjjuceesjsful operation : Gol. W.jF. Kelly, Tho. Foster, Joseph Hall and Samuel Foster.of Davie County ; Gilbreth DicRson and David J. Ramsoiir of Lincoln : Charles Griffith ot itowan ; Adcrson Aioore ot uavidson, and William Doss of Surry i all of whom are highly pleased with its permance. 1 k- Li. W. U1LUEK11 lrtfis , November 8, 1 -1 i particular stem peai:amor his earliest PP'l.rl lha1 ruoawaJ ... - i ' ca him in Georgia., The iownef is requested ;to , t. : 1. 1. i crop, wuicu. cameinio ti iwer fama rip j ened a long lime brforej the otheVy He ! ;rnirked law atecn and saved Iholwhole of I its produce for seed. V" These came aa much' earlier as they had originally done. . This prpduce wa also saved for seed ; j arfd thus he obtained a particular kiod of early pea, that came at -least a week before the bat sort he could buy in the shops, if sown ai the sime time with them. The Doctor re ales facts similar to this respecting wheat and beans. The general idea be means to inculcate is obvious; Wd eztiemely Worthy 1 tT located himself perinanenily aitPntiAPi 71 a.l.l. n-.-.LiL-- JJ. the Town of Safisbory Menders his sei come forward and prbvtf property, pay charges and lake btratway.Qi be will be dealt with ac cording to law. f I v ! ANDUkW PORTER. Jailor. April 24. 1840 tfSSl ' I . - " i Rev. .f . II iclandy MP. of Columbia, S. Carolina, h3s been requested, and has accepted the invitation, to'deliver the Annual Oratiob befuje the two Literary Socie ties of Davidspn College on commencement day, the SOm of ihismonfh. j Davidson Collejej Nl C. July 10, 1840. ; i i ' ' . . i ii- - JDr. James G. WomacI;. , jSalisbiary female Academy rtffl HE Trustees of the Salisbury Female- JL cademy, inform the public, that this I risti tulion is now jji?r the care of Miss Emma J. Baker, a iinj.?jTy1in whose literary qualifi cations aiiste B&iiMor such a situation, they have pr A jje ; and who has hitheho lauuhtCvii6 :-V!rarjd other seminaries, with enlirosp f The sed6V-istw will commence on the 9th of March next; H TEliUS OF TUITION. For beginners! pe session of 5 months, For the Rudiments, with Grammar, Ge ography and History, - - The above with the higher branches in Literary Department, M nsic on .the Piano and Guitar, Painting,, j r; -' . io Ornamental Needle Work, and the making of Wax Flower8, .will also ba taught, if desired, at $o each.' :- N. B. The French language is also faur iu luose wnq uesire n,Dy a uentieman who is native of t ranee. By order of the Trustees. f iTHOS. L COWAN, Ch'n. oai ipoury, eo.i l 1 840 it30 C All Ul AG hto A Kl N Gc r1 r U 1H.I 1. I , ! Vi' A RE M AN UF AC T OE Y. bove line of business will meet. with employment, if application be made soon. ' r- NATHAN BROWN. -.. Salisbury, June 26, lS40,T6w43 ' - Dr. UBAKPEK lULLIA H1 ESPECTFULLY offers hrs professional services id the, citizens orSalisbury and surroundinsr couotry. His Umce is in Wr. Vest's new brick building, neatly opposite J. and W. Murphy's store Ausust SO, 1S3U tto -. - A1 nnHE Subscribers would respectfully inform "JL .the citizens of' Concord and its vicinity, that ihey 'have.poichased irom:Jonn Olark all his-SOCf and TOOLS connected, with Tin and Sheet Iron Badness," and are now prepaied lo manotacture an arncies uiku imib,- wuico Iha'y fififer. at;whole?ale or.reiailat U;e,mcsi ra euhabld l er mSj- a nd.cdn fi deal ly assu re t h ei r c us tomerV lhat iheyfan.' depend rpn having orders executed belter. and. with JefS idelay: than they hive perbeen nat up hereiofcr.; The sub?criT hew flatier themselves thaC.Ttbeir articles shall be inferior to nono irr ihe Mate, and reques: tne favor of a call--' Their -Shop" for the present is in-the lear ol ; Alilson Moss'- and .directly )pusite Col. Barrmger's, oSIce.' ; . ,7 ? , t. , , v -N. Bl'The aUentioVpf the public is partico- fly invited ! to ihehjflubseriiberR ; phn xf roof inr,Avhtch can be seen on the -balisburyCoiton Factory." 1 ."WJt t . "P. S; Pew ler, Lead - and Copper taken in barter.: k .- " " - . i , TAYLOR & ELKiNS. mo run Ccati; ir ' . '4 U Zs.-f; ill 7d " And Repaired i; twelve m n exchanat f, far debts du S.nlis 1,.,, Great Western )ta&cJLine FROM. SALISBURY to ASHVILLE; N. C ND committed to Jail of Rowan County, oh the 13th instant, a Negro man who says his name is John, and belongs to Thamas B. Stone of Alabama. John is very black, about 45 years of age is lame ir. the. right leg, caus ed by white swelling, slow spoken with a down look about 5 feel 8 or 9 inches high. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty pay charges, and take him away. DAVID KERNS Jailor. Jan. 24, 1840 tf26. . ' - I1B.DIES9 FASHIONS 1 ! FOR THE ' FALL AND WINTER OF 0 01 $8 00 10 DO 12p0 25 DO DO 1 aooDs THE Subscriber informs the public, that she has just received through the Northern Cities the latest and most approved LONDON & PARISIAN FASHIONS, And is prepared! to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner Work sent from a distance shall be carefully put up and forwarded. " f ; S. D. PENDLETON. StP A few jBonnets, Caps, Turbans, and other articles, will be kept on hand for sale. y Mrs. S. P. is also prepared to execute Crimping and Fluting on reasonable terms. Salisbury, October 18, 1839. ' tllorus Jflulticaulis. nnHE above line is now In full operation and la ' arrives at. and departs from Salisbury as foU lows :" . ; j r :. -'y-K' -1 . 'y-W'-J- . Leaves Salisbury on ;i Mondas?,vThsisd?y s, and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock, A. I M 4 arrives - at Ashville next days at 8 o'clock, P. Al. Returninff,leaves Ashville.on Mondays,Thurs days, and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock,, A. M .; arrives al Salisbury next days at 8 o'clock P. M. -1 . A. BENCINI, -.. ;. -"M':": IL W. LONG. N. B, Passensers.leavins -Raleish, JsT.- C. for Nashville Tennessee, will ' find no delay whatever on this route. A. 15. u.-W. L. Salisbury N.C. Jan. I7th, 1840. If25. 1 THE Subspribers7'Agints for the Lexington Cotton; Factory, would inform the public that they have just received, and now offer fur sale, wholesale or retail, the ''Cotton Yarns ol said Factory consisting of vaiieus numbers. The superior qualities and character. of the yarns of this Factory are so weli'tested and known, as to need no i recommendation from us.-- Those wishing to purchase will please give us a call. C. Ii. & C. K. WHEELER; .f5. April 24,1840tf335 r v - - . . 1 v . ;- '"''-'"' :i NEW lESTABOS'JIIBKT vt-i file . THOMAS FO$&0lZ TN FORMS ihe public that -lie has removed .u. 1 iv ui ais loriaer siaou, iu ntjw ounnings on the public square, in tne Town of Mocks- ville, where he will continue to keep a : - House of Entertainment His Hfjse is roomy and corhmodions; attach ed to which are SIX COA1FORTAULE OF 1 . r ti -a. . . . v --., v ior genneoien 01 me uar, an conven ient to the Court House. The 6ubsciiceinledT- es himself to the most diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to such as may call" on him. His TABLE, BAR & STABLES are provided in the best maimer thai the country will afford, and his servants are faitiituiand prompt. Jan 20, 18391126 i : r t7Iffc:r; "A 'I'LAS; Jbk. the u-f . in fact for a ) , to have it in ' inrdr: . Gr?- the i v io. . -, r. .. Oceanic;), wi h States, Trrrr. nuracrens F. objects of N ni' sent at ions ( f r iidified and 0.' t rated by At So accomprii: v carefully ; ! whole , wot k ; havo rrot iv. of the Go- z- - jrarious pari- ihey wniud r a pampJ.lt, they 2re'tf ;) I We do n.i i of the woi!-. i njf befuie is, also eim the Geori; oured. bu? .-.;. ville St.,. !. tocihi-r v.'!:!: and rnanj r... Ralcjli m - ra fi fit 9 S6 35 SO 100 do.S do:? do.? doj Ibsl Aoas The perfume of any of the es aenlial oils, or tho cfilavia of dried; plants from which they arc extracted, will drive away 'or prevent the approach of Sloths. Wormwood, lavender, walnut leaves, rue, in bury, tenders his servir ces to it? Citizens 1 sfnUl ihe adjacent country, in all Ihe various branches of his Profession. He can be found at hit office on ntaio Street one door below ihe tfJacy 0 the We&tein Carolinian ' Jone-26. 1840-1 y FRESMl & CHEAP. 469 Pieces 0omesties, 263 do.! Calicoes. 1 10 doz. potion Hankerchiefs, 63 pieces"Drills, K 16 do.l Flannels: Kentucky Jeans, Apron Checks, -Blk- and Col'd Cambrlcks Bed-ticks,. Turkey-red Yarn. 40 pieces Lawn, a beautiful article for 6 pS. Het'Anchor bolting cloths 6 doz. Sal 4t Calf Skins, Lining and Binding do. Also, L-rockery Ware, Plated Ware, Had wik, vuuery, - oianor.ary, uais, Uonnels, Cap3, Shofes, Drugs, Stone Ware, Saddlery, Leather, Palm-leaf Hats, Combs, Umbrellas, ad a general assortment cf every article commonly Kepi iu stores. ' , ; -h:h?:.: For sale cheap by f J. & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 29, 1840. Sw44 A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES may be had at FajettevillerN; C. a boat the last of next summer or the first of the Fall, j ThelproprietOr can very readily dis pose of them at the North, but from, patriotic considerations, he prefers that they should be taken by. his native State. The price will be the same as in Baltimore or New York, and will be forwarded to purchasers on the money's being remitted. ; It is hoped lhatsuch as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day. Enquire of E.'L. Wtixslow, Fayelte.ville N. C. ' M ' r -: Feb 16. 18301129 -T.:DI891UKES.: AS locate at Col. David Ramsay's, Oaklj Grove, ltedello. N. C and reswf?if.il ly tenders his services to the public, in the va rious departments of his profesion. -.. . January 10, S40 if24 " TO RENT: A small house wih two very comfortable rooiB3;!nejr the residencvof Mr Cbaa LJ Turrence.'will be let nnon very mode- or black pepper, in grains or pulverized, j rate terms until the first day of January next - placed in contact with woolens jor! furs will protect them from the ravages of these des tructive intruders. W'haterer remetjy is re sorted lo, oughtld be applied erly; in the season, befuje the moths bgin to deposit their eggs.-"Faricr' Caoincl. There are attached, all necessary oui houses for a small tamtly. Crf Apply at . i ! THIS OFFICE. July Si. 1S40J h& tf j ' 11 i " i ft' Of all description fir tali at this Office. j TASEOltEVG BUSEVESS . Si i "O F. FRALEY keeps constantly on bald -Mjfm a lull supply of ready MADE CLOTIILYa: Coats, Panialoojhal and Vests, also Cloths, Ca'sf naeres and Vesting, all of which Jje will sill low for cash, file is also prepared to cutd raakeclothiog ioi very superior style, and wdlr- rantPtt trr fill. w'llj . - . . 1 "! uaiuienij cm. on snort ttee. .lie wilj jteach the ' - I: : Alii1! OP CTJTTIITG f; , .c p?ea and f ashionable Slyle io ' 1 "or r'P Wnstruct en.' B. FF. Sept. 6, 18391.1261 " : . Just receive ..' TONS: frin : . era I ly, that ! meni in hi! fery thii: C. which l.e v.V' S, 9 and V, ' 61 lbs. to i' .qualities al . Chewing T and all u '- New Art. ( of Clnrtt . ; Lirr.e Jiic Cordials : ;:!! ither' kiii ! - I Cinarnon C many oil.er ; mprns io r; f 'sure cf the ii for cish. ' Mons. H Tic for'' he 1.1 ceived, and ! .hopes lis c I- - -. FOR THE ' - --i - -v ' RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that be still carries on the TAL LORING BUSINESS at his old stand on main street, next door to the Apothecary. Store, He is ever ready to execute the orders of his custom ers in a style 'and manner not surpassed by any workman in the Western pait cf the Stale. He is in the regular receipt of ihe latest London arid New York FASHIONS, and prepared to ac commodate thb tastes, of the fashionable at all times.." . ' ;.'' v-.j;':;' $3 Cutting garments of all?kind3 attended f to promptly v aod the latest Fashions furnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions given in cuttioj. i . : ilhbury, May 1840 ly25 i ri 1 ' ! ABSCONDED abou: the last of October, from the subscriber, at that time residing in, Stokes County; N. Carolina, my Negro man 1. I COEE.lEE i about 2f or asjearsofage. andof a very bright complexion. He is a Shoemaker ky trade, Has ?ieaa oi nair, a thin visao-e, is spare built and weighs from 135 to 140 nSdndav Hehasa -very, large scar on one of his lcs near meanjcie, believed to be on ihe rio-lu eTr casioned by a burn. His heels have been frosted, which injury has left scars cpon them. Cole nwn has a w1fe;( a free woman) r.ear Blakelj, N. Caro ma, aqd n is probable that heTnay be in that direcuoa.alihough many persons befieve that lie was decoyed off by a white man, named Jloaoung, who left the neighborhood about the same tjme for Indiana. I will gi,e a re wardf Fifty dollars to any one who wiRde liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell Louniy Vi Or Who Will Confix nim lAfl so tnat 1 ffpf Kin. j .3.., my possession. RlOHARn nVI?OTnnr.mV( . r.mlr v.. n"':. v " '''ampoeii ctr, Va - . 13cenber2l;iS39 Just Eeccivctl ami for Stile, Wholesale or Ectail, 18 Hhds. Sugar, 189 Bags Coffee. f 500 lbs. Loaf Sugar, ' v t6 , Kegs Powder, I bbl. Madder, V V' - 200 lbs. Spanish Indigo, : - S00 Bottjes Snuff. J 15 large covering Hides, " i i j ; 80 jr, Elliptic Spring, ',-'r4;;'v jl5 eases Hats,, . -, -., ;,' 'i . 10 cases Shoes, s!v-:-.-.!.';" ' 100 prvTrace Chains, ; :; v.'vtc--':-- r8 Mnnie Hole Anvils, - "! s' v .: 8 Bright Vice?," ;:' Wfy- '-y:H 9 pr. Blacksmiths Bellows, .-.SCO Sacks Salt (large size,) , V- ; li?5 Keg4-Nailasstl fiize? - 100 Kegs White LWd, -ll C A" i By j evAnTRpnv alisbnry April S9JS40y :;Q4fSyf Juu Received ankjictcivirign a lap.6e stock of fbesii a'xoecie : lEDicrxEsiiltS TO aims, Oils Insnes Glass Waretemon JL Syrup, Instruments. SnanarJa'nrfls. Prnh iice, opices, rerlumes, l obaceo, ; Cigars; Past Boards,' Writing and VVrannin?? PaDer alaai lame sunnly off fiunerir Wines and Snirl!?! i medical use, waich will be sold whole sale and L balance f his retailal prices losuit the pwssare of the limes by I always be OROM ;J3 ins!., Said hoy i cL or 3 irichrs t 'complexion, i and grus.?. ' -kept the years'. A r any person v,I. confine isirn epeedy noi; "? , long's to the I !r- Sa!iibuiy,;'- ' 5N pursnnnr i" ty Ar D ,vi House in y. ' next, it it:.2 TEtiL" lying on the u.r ing tu the litir- posed to contai . .": A credit cf ? purchaser givii on ike (ia i f Joly -21. 15 ' G quantity - a, supf r-r ; A ho, a few : The a-.- v Boik S'ore y Rahi2':'. I- ' ' WehiU rf t ftrass.' Sw'ls Grass, :e. and Tuesday " - J uce 19,1840: tf47 res. arch i'1- - t

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