! t - 41 , M : i t-- 11 "T.i V. ... 'M " . .' .4 - .v. T - f St tftMiey sucb ;charges t .jSihktAHSi Focos.lbey hate lIMUcli-id reedy 6 is, S. i - ? . , a ;f!..f 'urtb Ca which themselves i're were no nece- , treacherous cbar iha! fwe say to the ; i -wit an 14 t iJot Federalism ains Gen'I. .J C&ar6 -V -4 5; t ' , i , . - - ' ' ' , - i,- has bolted from the til fcc Soutfc- extr acl'frora ad edito- Camden Journal, find! ; pili 1 hal p-r shire:. oft fairness, and his . hi also: has bolied torn the ei.pm.m ti Van Buren -CiitSct f Iter receyp excepting wnere we h: .L-f ir lAilrtaUon .ntion E itifMacoh; (Ga.,) on the - . -: . n t ie- t tl T Kf i!oS!V CV Preaion were the . u !Pini iriiittnortin? the substance extort it. ; to the sreal B- ' .liiiV :nn"'ihii rnnd occasion, thev ' , i il.ur! Iimra hhm hill " III tlA 5 v iti.if ha(fie.j!i Several Lm Cabin" aced in . .. .irnKiKrwftrT of their L,ot L "Jiea;i)u "ei Ti'rf o - ' Peart of tit Hcri. 45. J; Andtrson -i-The Danill-, Kjr., Rii3e uf ihe 15th sajs : The Hun. S.'H, ..Anderson departed this lif?, at bis .1 fi-i'. . r ; m l bf iraft taunting- hlrri a litil '''ki geUato the raeof a Dedlamite.and 'threatened cain j me; whenl I offered him' ta cane with residence, near Lancaster, in Garr.rd rmint. "j !- ,. V y"-!1? wnai paj m tero - - . . -j V I U i Ky.; on laesdsv, the 'f . 1 1th ult. Daring his illness which lasted several' months, he suffered greatly,-, but was erer patient and submissive. In Angcst last he was elected to Congres3 from this District, and! during the short time he was able to attend to the duties of hisoffice, he'won the esteem and regard of his colleagues, by his amiability of character,' gentlemanly deportment, and transceodent! talents. a. tmaU'polaloe war! tn which. thera was more words spitted than Wood, and which I learn since would hate been a Cue subject for the pen cil ;of a lover of t he lodicrous, he singipgou l as he went ofT,;Tory, Federalist. Murrellite!tfrc;,bi "iu luciuca uf oaTioo gained tar Mmseir fame and immortality. So ends jbe first chapter. I come now to notice his statement, in which he says he was attacked on his return & threat -ened with a mobbing, &c; : this I pronounce a bas,a. palpable falsehood, as Ac bejan (Ee sub ject himself. on his return, and no other person bad a word to say to him." which I heard, except o 5urare him toco on :'tnt s for his nt-vin. if h had any along;, he did not show bimself durin' ouf icinay oaiue j and so far irom endeavoring to force him t join in the 7 revelry, as he is pleased to term it, I did not see him. on his re toro I until he had passed the frightful Log cab in nich by the way, l am told was not opehj nor was there any' person about it) to thr dia JS orlh Eastern Boundary. - The Globe says : called to me and not tn Aim, S ,h,a We understand that Major James D. Graham, part bf hisfaUebood; J& far s regards bis in- uiih Lieutenants' Lee and jTom, of the cor ds of) ttmatiun about his black wagoner and whip, had - Comcio?i.From the manner in which the statement of the Davidson j elect ion was made. may ha v a been onderstood that we meant to say that John flargrave was a.'candidacer We now state that MrMlargrave was not a candi date, nor was be bo considered at tbe election.4 ibf iodj.nuhe stand efkerVdiferibarreT was pi ieis posiUoliJ Notwithsiandt mm eff n wp imagine the urand affair. leU tleman SO 3 l'bors4ay last, and 1 hink j ted liaer :e hatftbccilQUite a ? L.iffL(rorrftheiP towing extrac" of a ,!..!j.rnf the It l!i inst. from aeen LviHsM fChe great U auri it f Hill" ; Mv'5"" ""J faamW'ofrpP'cori'gregated in this ouonled tu ii.Ojp the -.finest looking men arf :t Ktft b eJfstfdts order occo r re d , .;..Kor anv drutiKen men to be seen in ,,ttl3 . buch Ian assembbge - of such J neYer 5niet ,-iof of- Mason ; and - Dix Jtvtharfffhly gratified to- find T.-pographical. Enjioeers, have been ordered on the survey of the doe north line of the North -eastern boundary. " Judge ToomerThas resigned his seat on the Superior Conrt beijch. ,The cause is ronttnned ill health . The Governor and Council i will meet on (he ' 27tb to ' 11 the vacancy, :s -'ik-X' 'r-' ' ' ' ' he shown bis face, I expect he would Vun truly nave learned of what- materials -Muryen was made. - Again, be saysv Wagouers, &c: should be prepared to resent insults from the muV vni ally assembled at the aforesaid ' Log-cabin : Pray sir, how often' have yo passed Morven since the building of tbe lug cabin. Woo speaji asif you had passed daily Now, Messrs. Ed itjiirsp the aforesaid Jogcabin had not been raised mwo than two weeks before the Kouan Wag oner passed, and he only saw it on going down ! bo!framTa.Tb!e of the wreckiig sloop Key West, with his wife, two jehildren and bis mother, retired. for the pur P?"S of secreting ibem; in the privy ;-bnl poor op fortunate people, they were soot draggelool, and "Ir. Mutte aai wife were shot the mother escabing; to the water, by w hicb she was saved :bey then dashed out tbe brains of tbe two in fants against the rocks, and left them with ibe corpses of the parents. As the boose of Dr P. was; burnt, bis body, must Lave been consumed 'J J lad about 12 years, btother of Mrs. E. Smith, hid himself in the cistern of Mr. House roanV bouse with carpenter named Blocks me natter was savd. bm mmk knmi it, 1 lad perished in tbe flames. The onlv other oer Key, at the time of ihe attack, hart, wasf Mr, Otis, a carpenter he was wounded by We ball, which has been extracted; and be is doing well. At Tea Table Key, a U. S. Post, about two miles and a half from Indian Key, there were about 12 invalids, in charge of a Doctor of the U. S. A. The rest of the detach -riet of Marines nnder command of Lienl.Sloab, battj left about 48 hours before, in the U, Si schr. W4ve, for Cajpe Romano, to join the expedition l'oa,'' ',?lbe everglade, onoer, command of Lieut, jpouj'g ; M 'Lkogblin Nevertheless,! the Doctor, o soon as be heard of the attack, with fife: of bis invalids and Mr. (baseman, poshed towards' the scene of action, with a barge in vfth was mounted s gun, which they disebrg ed;s oo.approachisg the place it recoiled land went over board: The Indians left their plnn der, and walked, as faTas they could in the wa ter towards the boati , distributing themselves and firing, by which . they wounded ooe of the Doctor's men, and obliged him to haul off. j , j J't following persons Were on the Kev at the attVkij Mr. Houseman and wife. Mr. Cha. "v - ? " " 1 t ' " i" -O" "I"' "'' "Thcs8 whVm love cements iolioly fa:'.!., And tqnal transport free as Nature life.' , Vhat is the world to them, , Its pomp,'it3 pleasure and its nonsense a!!. AVhoio each ether clasp whatever fair Iligh fancy forms,and lavish heart 3 can ivish!" l-y tTARRIED, : f ; vOn Tuesday last; in ibef vicinity of this place," by the Rev. J. D: Lumsdn, ,Vr. Joseph Fed, toAJiss.xiary jane, daughter of 3lr. John li. liardie. THE COURT OF D&1TIL - j , , : J . w n ." I - . - .e, tKi . vM.t and on his return, arid tbeu would probably not 1 Howe, wife and 5 children. Dr. Perrine. wife CP Don't fail to read that portion of Jlr. Ogle's speech published in to day's paper. 1 MonvEKNtC Aug 25th, 1840. Messrs. Pendleton & Brvher ; I received from an unknown friend in Cheraw a few days ago. the Western Carolinian of July you term Feds : according to my notions of rwli the24tb, and in looking oyer its columns. I find ties you are one of that breedvi drgs; and how nave seen it. but from the tact ut Lis stOomn? hard by to liquor and feed. -. f ile says ' this device was expresely designed to catch wagoners. Not ao. oh ihou prophetic spirit ! for if the love of Bachns and hard cider ; coulo indole wagoners to worship log cabins, we cejr til inly tbould have secured him. He says a gain', that this shows what the Feds will do 1o get into power. Pray M r. Wagoner ! who do si mllentlemen j and only e, beg the use of youjj I,aweeriiiiitt a better caose'tban Pse of vindicating myse f under ihe head of Communications, a caution to VVagoners, signed " A Rowan Wagoner," the greater "part of which article, is such a total misrepresentation of fads j and such " an entire perversion of truth, that I, Jeel bound, by a sense of justice to myself and regard for the character of this place, to give it a slight notice: I there- columns, for the, pur long have you and yours been striving to get in ti power, in vain however? and how much longer will you have to be lookers on t for ft sesros that your o'Vn party have not as yet deigned to signalize you even with tbe crumbs rm the Treasury tabled ! j In conclusion, Messrs Editors, let me observe thai: but for the unprovoked appearance of this and 3 children, -Mrs. E. Smith. child. brothar and mother J no. Motte, wife and 3 children, Messrs. Otis, Blocks and Glass, Carpenters. Mr. Good hue.' eleik of Mr. Hoasemao, 8 men, crew of wrecking sloop Key West, and some 10 br 12 negroes the latter all saved. Out of this bum ber Mr. Motte, wife and 2 children, are destroy ed, and Ur rernne and the brother of Mrs. Smith, with all the booses, except ont of Mr. Howe's. A boat in charge of Charles Stuart, was immediately sent from this place with the hews to Cape Florida, and 1 from this to Cape Din.... .ilL .1.- I .1 ! iivwauc, vriiii tun uopra mil (uue ai ioe loo, ans might be intercepted on their return. Charles Stewart and one other man bad been a bunting, and were iu the act of landing on Indian Kev. wtieo they were warned by tbe yells of the sav ages in time to make their escape. & they v'e eh;32d ; to a - better caosetban k IurW5 an io'difilBileralist of the Black .xkii W to thetresidency 01 this gion MWeoqao, juowever,i;oy ,any- if '.tv L..i' aJ rfAfarfMlnflrl tVI f K -- T Attf i tuttf- tj: piit;.our phQulders to , the w heel , iipossiblegwe- toea;, av aierioa ceieai in ffe omitted lasi w?l) to- notice that Col. R: Mi$ f elyb$oili'lwwU; which were iioatia blantatiad open ion the 23rd uhimo. who were prevent on the Occasion alluded to by j a jredress of grievances, 1 snould have paid no A' ffufn VVa.nn.f Jr In ck:... I firrlhor allantinn In Ik. miliar hnr aKimlrl l.a This' redoubtable ' Rowan Wagoner made I orl any other person, who kissed the black bottle his appearance in this place, on - his way to jwlh 'he dignified grace he does ; and hai ta- Uheraw, in company with a gentleman, by the done as much tor his cram, as bis bottle name of Poindexter (I believe) from Rockingr jhajsjfor bis ace. he too, would have seen the ham county, (who, by the way, I regard as a I: propriety of silence on . the subject. I here Is gentleman) he fj poindexter.) bjQght some !h3wever, one word of advice I wish to give this cider and invited the Rowan Wagoner to wgoner before parting, a'nd that is, so long as drink : whereupon his Democratic highness be- he advocates the doctrine of caan payments and ways leave lorly-ceni shm- hn. be starts to marke', and ic., cursing and abasing, with the apparent ma tuver and gold enough along to pay fpr lignity of a devil incarnite. cider and ciderites. chickens and eggs, and not have to beg credit as he is pleased to call them : and swore he iiuf uco u.ings unui nis return , irrm marsei, kin. -So. we jridge, it a n j til e from the notices 01 tbe newspapers. Some of tbea of the reu ny - wise order, think it. good rmiiter for a pun , and others; from whom something better miht be expected, despatch it m the briefest manner ' Union of the Pacific and Atlantic Seas. That the Atlantic and Pacific oceans will soon be connected, a, ship canal Across the isthmus of Panama, now seems certain. Ad enterprising company in Paris, after tak ing tbe necessary preliminary steps have sent out a sbip well fieigbted with engineers, laborers; tools, key and it bas probably by this time, arrived at the mouth of" tbe Cha gres, ready to commence, active operation. The estimate 13, that there are about nine thousand persons per annum, passing and repassing, in , connexion . with tbe western part of South America. It must be evident that the number will be greatly increased when tbe time of transit shall te reduced, more than one balf tbe facilities la ibis County .mi in 27th uli-.JJj sen of travel augmented, and lb 0 expenses les- of William Fulls r 8!red about 4 vears.v seoerf. - .V. O. Bullet in. - , . I In Uis Cooniy or ibeiGib uhimo. Saroi. daughter of John; Cuogheoou;, ; Eqr ; aed a bout 5 years. " ' .f t;f .j u " In this County,' on the Stsi' oltv.Vr. J:rer A?mail bag was found on Wednesday I CoieoTi.aged between SO and. 60 years. Mr. last, at tbe foot of one of the piers of tbe! Cowsn was a Worthy and respectablo citizan. Rail Road bridge across the Roanoke, with y ?. iufaRt several heavy stones in it. Fragments oft i!-.n. ni....-.L.AD.L 1 - letters were in the bag, a number of them of Mr Jobn;rn)Utmao,a.d about 12 years, t having evidently contained inoney. They In this County, on the 26ih uit., after a very were . mostly from . Louisiana. Mississippi, tedious illness, Mrs. Jane f aille nooszi t of llr . Alabama and Ueorcta. Those from Louis-1 waniei vaooie, agea aooui 30 jears. All pass this gate in one promiscuous crowd, " The grave, the gay, 1 ! humble.and the proud; The rich, tbe poor, tbe ignoractthe wise Tis neutral ground whence aU dis'tnciion f ;cs. MAIL ROBBERY. iana were Post-marked July 31 ; from Ala. August 5tb; and some Irom Augusta, Ga.t Post-marked Aogust lltb. There was "one letter ; in French, date not' discovernble, which had enclosed in it a fifty dollar U S.; Bank bill. Another, had a . list pi subscri bers, with' money enclosed, for tbe Madiso nian, and another with a like list, and mo ney enclosed for the Globe. The frag ments WPrft (Tathpr.l ,m-nnt mmr, nn In (li. rt p Ft rT M"w r" ondcr;son of Daniel anNar.cy Sn.ith,acd a General t oat office Tipnartmont t IVt.dmn .1 . . . , . "ovt . r rr-..-.. . ouoi 0 years. v ; m m : - a ..." Mre. uanoierias ielta husband ;and 8 or 10 small children to mourn her loss. Her childien are oow about the right age to receive scch ira presstons as affaffeitionate'andirtnocs pant" might teach.'. Bui" the,. Lord gave and lha Lord haih taken axvay blessed be the canse of ihe Lord'? He will do right In 'all thd earth. Commwiicaltds v v ? In Cabarrus County,' on the SOth' clt .3. Calharihe Beavertzei about C5 years. In this County, oXthe 2JJ oil., Rvfus Jllcx- iaaira fsr;...ifjt; priMenl all the netgh came.so incensed, that hd instantly began a tirade jhfd money, to alw j!inoa;Ianteri of Billingsgate' abuse ojf jhard-etder, Harrieob. phsiers ai borne, w I pVecalI thMeadersrattention to an ar ip la cay's oaper bead5d,L6co v ocoism Un- jit ;msy tireii be seen what are the rat measures ITanBuren has Kin reset ve to be .(iil'fhetA'ibericlpplejjin the event he ecliWaud icf-jWhich the aub- i rea.au ry is a ejotefir WepeJlThe reader may obtain idjw of the priucliiles and objects now acted intended tor f( secretly) by the present liquor sick stomach : under a shade, opposite or as well as others, f 'jRow0 Wag. ner" before the public, seeking J INFAMOUS ATTEMPT AT HOMICIDE. On thursdav last, says the Philadelobia U- nited States G&zette, a large number oj sen- tlemen left this city for Trenton, to be pres ent at the great Whig meeting in that city. The number was so great that extra - cars were started, with a view of taking the pas sengers up with tbe New. York. cars, and hrmg tnem back at eight o'clock, before toe Pilot line came down. By some'misunder standing, the ariangements were not com- at Trenton, and tbe Wbigs of this ciiy, and the lower counties of New Jersey, mounting to near six nundred. were detain ed, to come down with and ? after the New Yprk passengers, tbe extra train following the mot train. When the Y not train was about three miles above Frankford, lit ran and that too of Itidies, and finally Mail to call and cash their bill, as it said e did. i . AN ANSON..FARMER. fii would not taste a drop to! save us from h I : but celled for bis beloved black bottle, which con tained a little of the Lo foco jollification drops, with which he surchargetl hir royal highness stomach in good style." 1 He then proposed bet ting on the election, d figured pretty lusvijj fjrom Vie Charleston Courier, of August 20; I Violently -into a targe burthen car, standing lily as a politician oi wie ;nii,e gijg-auuj uiuei. Alter reaoing a nine irpm nis lavorue piiui,u: which he is permitted to appear, he went on a few hundred sards further, where his go-bov had procured some eggs and chickens for his AND THE INHABITANTS BUTCHER V V j. DREADFUL NEWS FROM FLORIDA. 1 IJYDblJr KEY DES TR O VED, vrkli ofjihh;Iatty Van is Chief. -I ; uwtljie iflection tbok- place in this last Tueslf; for Governor and "other Mitre, of the five members to were tlgceri, raemlierls of Congress and tdnt seiids c?iess. ' I iro oti Uiei 1'aMe delegation . i.-- t. -.; - ;: ;- 4.f-:.'- s ? .- - wpandnfifes fofl3oerB6r-are Silas H Jen ( vVblff.Vlhn rtfpni inpnmlwnr unit Ptiil m 1 'r- mm mm mm mmrmj near wntcn, stanas ine onnive iog caoin, (that terror of Van Buren Imen, where I cordi ally inviud htm, as well as tbe rest of his com pany, n a fnenidly manner, to unite with me in a drink of hard-cider, not -designing any offence whatever: his travelling companions accepted the invitation and joined ! ii ED BY THE INDIANS! ! I i .... : Again it becomes; our melancholy duty to re cord the cold blooded butchery of men, women and children, by the sanguinary Seminoles.-- Again has the treacherous savages bathed their on tbe track. A terrible concussion ensued and the burthen car was knocked to pieces. The train was run off the track, - one pas sender knocked out of the car, and the lives of almost every other were greatly perilled, tine ourtnen car tnus Diacea on ine tracK. i must have been dragged over a mile to reach the railroad, which could scarcely have been done with fewer than twelyp and there can be no dor,' : Some light on the subject. . gentle man informs us that he was a few days ago on the banks of tbe Roanoke river, and dis covered amongthe rocks a quantity of newspapers. On examination they proved to be numbers of tbe Log Cabin Advocate, of different dates, with the nam .of direc tion torn ojf. borne ol them were dated tbe-fourth vf July. There was a wrapper of brown paper found also, marked Halifax. Undoubtedly they were taken out of the newspaper mails (which are not locked, but only tied up,) and thrown into the river by design. WiL- Chron. l J& curious fact. The elections .in Ala bama occurred on tbe third of present month. On the 20th there were a number of coun ties not heard from in Wilmington. On that day we had intelligence from London, via Halifax, (Nova Scotia,) and Boston, of the third, tbe same day on wbicb tbe elec tions of Alabama toolr place. Alabama is four hundred miles distant, and London lour thousand FFil. Ctron. . A u . l- - - j . I ..: j : luiuau, i iv a ouu cuaiuih" hiuir, iiiii urru III ll u- I ' r . t . m .is Si r w I In. n.rn.lrtrtra r I.V us. but the celebrated nian blood, burning bouses aud destroying pro- f'1 ' . . r $ 3bij.) the )senj incun m,:jr..i. (l;,,tfo Foco.) us year was t2,S3l . it . Jenison's ma- e.-(ri tis itailhe election takes place uesday. j Sfttej officers,: inoinbeis of the lure, aneifftt iaemberi of Congress are 'wcied, ; QFtjfe present Congressional del Mtberearebiit two Whigs. .' I -- If . 1 - "T . - "e csndidatessfor Governor are John Fair- at- j r atrfiekl's majority lastyear. was over Hnd tjb$ Loci Fk:p majority at the Presi- ccuob Jc iiSSGwas 7,751. . Je Roe lilahd Eleciion has result- ?r asjiiiar fcemin aVhig gain. In tice ; and .sttaa. bther towns the Locos I Ccrrcs JYat Int. Loco foco Rowan Wagoner,' true to the lory cause, modestly declined!: modestly did I say !, stop, Messrs. Editors! fcould you have been pre j sent, pencil in band, you might have obtained. materials enough, to have; added, at least, ten more pages to the modern lory curse book : for he first made a broad sweep at hard-cider, Lgf cabins and Harrison : jiben proposed betting largely on elections., and finally closed with a stream of low, coarse, abuse of myself personal j ly. which I would have resented, but from a con! p:y, and been allowed deliberately 10 retire jo P'od"" the injury to t security to their fastnesses, to prepare for anoib- I Vbig delegates, as that w- er! attack on the defenceless, inhabitants of Ffori I menls. to precede the oh;j daj, whenever a favorable opportunity shall offer Jlold that, in order to sece these scenes may, and propably will, be reitera tfjl lime and again, unless some more energetic measures are aooptrd to drive tnem irom tne Territory ,or ibe inhabitants flee from their hom and country, leaving the Indians in undisputei possession t irri i . hi: t . j . i a ne intelligence oi vni? rausi aisasirous ox cui sideration of how often he had kissed his dearly ience was brought to this port by Capt. Kenyon, beloved black-bottle that morning. Here we ofi.tne scbr. Vicioria. arrived a; quarantine ye oppositiun- I'J MEETING. '2 ConVKlioh ias hld at-1 'Nash villa I 2afc'si'r i-li'-rJ u vi,;.i. ;IIon.lIenrt Clavl Judge Hopkins. parted, he for Cheraw and I for home, he curs! mg me and the whole place, in a style fairly representing his breeding;: and I onering to bet him a small sum that he could not snow the company one thousand idoiiars, me amouni ne proposed betting on the election, and , What next the hero of our tale befell, How long he cursed, how hot, how Well; . How strangely he purso'd his course, . And drank his gin, and! beat his horsey My willing pen shall tell.' After making a pretty liberal display of his chol eric temperatreoi in Cheiraw, as I have been credibly informed, he setj out a?ain for North Carolina, big with the late of nations,' and on his return called at the same place to liquor and feed : he is said there to jhave inquired for me, and having been informed that I was from home. began boasting of what ihe would have done had ,1 I been at home, and one red htm ine same in 5 -J a mr-m m. m m WW a ternay, Irom &ey vvest. He states thai a wrecking vessel arrived at Key West from In dian Key, 7ih inst., with a fe of thesorvivers ; who stated that a number of Indians in their cahues, attacked lodian Key, on the night of the 5th inst. and after murdeiing part of tbe inbao i tan is, and filling their canoes with plunder, butnt the whole settlement, consisting of about 3d houses, dwellings and stores. The Indians remained until nuou on the following day, when t bey left lor the main, l he survivors were con cealed during this time under a wharf, and left teed men; ect to tbe g are tbrwoik of mischief, injury had been done to the: rails on tbe budge near Frankford. We bear that a liberal reward is offered for tbe ap prehension of the wretches who could de hberately contrive a mischief so extensive as must have been expected to follow such a a concussion as was prepared for. J JtlexlGaz. From the St. Louis Gazette. MASTODON. We last night paid a visit to air. Koch's mas-. iodon and only regret that his skeleton cannot be accommodated with lodgings better suited to his enormoos dimensions. He is now in a glass case a boot nine feet high, and fifteen long. The pones are all exhibited, enwrely in their proper Connection. I be bones of tbe legs and thighs immediately alter the Indians departed tor Key J '.n lfaeir proper position, as also the terrific West. - I looking oeao ana jaws, ine verieorae are. ilThe following letter from our attentive corres however, in three separate places, each, inelu- liftideni at Kev Wesi. oifes some additional aing me tan, aooot ten teet long, ihe entire TO THE WHIGS OF N. CAROLINA. iry It is the wish of the W bVgs in mar.y parts of tbe State that a Convention shoulJ bo held in this place on the 5th of October ncx: ; Believing this suggestion to have met iviih genera! appiobat ion. we hereby announce in half of the Whig Parly of North Carolina. ttat there u?i he a JVhig State Convention lidd in ihe City of Raleigh on the 5lh of . October next the day on which was achieved nbe victory cf tbe Thames, when the friends of Harrison and Reform" thtooghoat the Slate will be expectf i! to ba re presented .either in person or. by delegates. Whigs of North Carolina t Your Country ex pects every man to do his duty ! . CHA'S MANLY, , ; . ;'J..H. BRYAN. : . ' GEO. W, HAVWfyD, t JAS. IREDELL. , . ' . H W .MILLER, W,. GALES. ji mcqueen, w. iu battle: JOEL H. JENKINS; 4 JAMES BILES, beg leave to give notice that they hare suc- anciet injunction; and if tbe propensity for eeeded Mr. Thomas L Cowan in the Mercantile HARRISON MELODIES. 44 If anv be merry, let him sing." is m &usic be sny sign of good humor, then are the Wbigs of tbe United States, at this aus picious moment, ancLm view of the splen did prospect before them, the most j happy hearted beings in the Universe. For the Press, in every section of our land, smiles and sparkles with the rich and humorou? effusions of Whig Songsters and ballad wri ters of all grades, from the polished Poet of the classic retreat, to the humbler, but e qually patriotic and ardent lyrist of the far off prairie and forest. No doubt, there was truth in the Anecdote told by the 'New Orleans Picayune1 respecting a backwoods man just landed from up-yonder.' " An acquaintance enquired about all tbe folks at home. "All Harrison men," was the re- business, and have taken the stand lately occu pied by him, where they offer for sale" the-Stock-of G ioda recently owned by Vr. C, to which they intend soon to add a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c , from the North. THOMAS L. COVVAN, having rentel 1 !j Store to Jenkins & Biles, who succeed him in the 3iercantile business, respectfully rf qnpsU all who are indebted to him to call and seulo their accounts, and if they cannot pay tie money, give a note. He may be found at the Counting Room of Jenkins fit Biles. . r Salisbury, Sept. 4, 1340. . Ct nth on's Series cf Classical IVorlcS, for Schools and Colleges. tRST Lessons in Latin, first Lessons in Greek ; a Grammar of ibe Greek Lar - F1 ply. ' Well, areyou ene?" To be sure." goage ; a System of Grefk Prossody ; Caesar's Then sing us a song. Rat. Reg. As struts the peacock with his head erect and his many-colored tail flaunting in the rays ol the sun, so strutted, a few days ago, the loco-foco party of Louisiana. As slinks the half drowned peacock to the first covert after a hard rain, with head alt drooping and tail all bedragled in the mud, so slinks tbe loco-foco party of Louisiana since the passage of tbe late Tippecanoe thunder storm over that State. Prentice. Commentaries on tbe Gallic War ; Sallust'a Jogwithine War, with Engraved Notes j Se lect Orations of Cicero, with Engravings, &.c; Works of Horace, with Nuies,$c.; Jacob's Greek Reader, with Notes, Critical, and a Clascal Dictionary, wiih Notes explanatory, in 1 Vol. Royal 8 vo. (nearly ready.) ' The above valuable Works are for naTe atths North Carolina Book Store, by - ' TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, Ag. 28. 1840 U6 I':. ' i i A"1 Mr lUnderivood of Kentucky, Mr. suit, as he termed n, that had a day or two 'Kfnnrfit5ne ot -Ohio, Mr Ho- before; but finding a drunken, straggling free : "e,:ajeei(iVj' '. f vtmr ieei hrfs have heretofore raised facts 1 have learned since, or n uiign u M,it-' "- -.-r. iky - - i . - , Hrfect larojonli good order, and tiiil : l-7?r if .S? ,PT" : I be found rna s It MP on mv BtCPS .kS6 4f by the delegntions, xa, fcnow nt which, just haying got home, his . . f itri nuinflrons. nearlv every State val :n ih fivhiina eause. however, began to Ti the muUitude. . f(ir hnmp. threatening tu cow-hide or horse 1 4 -i ' - ,- - i er .1 . ' . . m , , ... I.: .W iatJ to nave passeu on just whin me. II I said any; ining iouiuj, itrB ic used facis 1 have learned since, or u migm noi naie, good gene si well with our j Rowan Wagoner' as itj A didjbut on coming upj against where 1 reside be found me silting on my steps or in my piaz-j 'Mfs. rpplesenicd. .Miaad unesboro' Whig; who was ni m n u a a tr uuIf the jfjbnv ei tion, w e ea n only laa) ubltely declared - in his ti!iu 'iwii. mi the Baltimore cbnven . ''i sni In! J that he had been at manr V,!i. : iH v a Xi . . . Vz, " Aeruig-fco4ii m point ot numbers T4'i;)f'ioni.l nd. splendors that the CWlif excelled any thing he JMii C.,ywaa,vlst- ui ?--iu uitji oy a. moti tremendous ?.rstor'i, Th give way as he approached, and when be came up in speaking distance he began conversing When we talked the affair over, and he agreed; as alsu myself.'.to refer the case to his company lor.oecision : and whoever tnev renorieu ,a length of the animal is thirty feet his1 height fifteen led. It we recollect that the bulkiest animal known ihe elephant is only nine feet high, and about til teen feet long, we shall get at some idea of tbe enormous proportions of this huge animal t Dr Corner, well known as one of the most distinguished anatomists, if we mistake not, in Philadelphia, has been.wjjhin a few days frequent visitor at Mr. Koch's rooms, and bas examined with a great deal of care the numer- una remains on exniomon there, tie is. it we are rightly informed, of opinion that Mr. Koch has succeeded in bringing tu light a specimen of the i etracaulodon. of Godman a species whose existence was doubted at the time when that not proceeded many mites when they encoon- distinguished naturalist announced it. tered thewiecking schr Gen. Washington di- Dr. Horner has been greatly interested by the I reel from Indian Key whose captain informed verieorae oi the animal which most in soma- tpem, that it was not necessary for them to pro- ny respects have iesmbled tbe human, and ceed fuitber, as all of the houses, except one, which Mr. Koch has taken tbe liberty to desig owned by Mr. Charles Howe, Inspector of Cos- nate as a giant fourteen feet higb. It it be tbe particulars of this horrible massacre : ii - Ij . Kev West, August, 1840 Dear Sirs: We wereahnned on the morning of the Sih instant, by the arrival here bf a great part of the inhabitants of Key Varus liicy had left their homes in consequence i:f ibe arri val of a small boat with some negroes from In diari Key, on' the morning of the 7th who re ported that a number of Indians had landed oh Indian Key, immediately after the! moon had gdi.e down, they .think from 100 to 150 in num ber, that morning, and bad murdered all uf its inhabitants, and burnt their houses. A party from this immediately went on board of tbe wrecking Sloop Vevilia, and started.: They bad wron. was. ov agreement, to treat when the tms, were destroyed and that tbe Indiana hd spinal column of a roan, he most have been at eebiiitdings were struck ! Li ij,' 74,t but no material damage was company come bp. the! decision was (as I thinkj that both 'were somewnat in fault; put that no insult had been offered' him which would justU fy'ihe abusive language bf Ihe dayVor two bej fote ; this being dooe he, together with the rest of bis company, caioef jin and joined me in a drink, not of hard cider J but of old Rye, which , - im . "i :. I-. gave one more nasn lo nis aireaoy scanet-co- lured friendsh m m a Mai A aa. I V . . m m. . m . leu the island aoout iuo ciock a. w.or the 7 in, least lourieen leet high. And it there were taxen away an tney wanted, in tne boats belong giants in mose days it is no more than we irW to the Key It appears, so soon as the a I have read of. We presume, however, that the llrui was given by the yells of the Indians, Mr. 1 bones in quest ion are very equivocal guide in this Houseman and wile, and Mr Howe, wife and I case, vi e cannot close this statement, without five children, were successful in making their I expressing our surprise that Mr. Koch's rich ad- eicape, and went to Tea Table Key, which is ditioos to tb tlPauna of this country have exci- That unblushing British Tory.-and Hessian trooper in the service of the Ad ministration, tbe Eeitor of the Standard, Dr. James 6r. JVoniacI:. AVING located ' himself pcrmanenily io the Town of Salisbury, lenders hi3 servi ces to its Citizens anJ the adjacent country, in all the various branches of his Profession, Ilo can be found at his office on maio Street or.o H calls James T -Morehead, William Doak, door below the i ffice of -the W'cstein Carulit iiu George C. Mendenhall, and araes Bran- nock, British Whigs. And not only to these, but he applies thit bitterly reproach ful term to every opponent of Mr. Van Bu- e w 9 w rens administration, in the Slate, who have the copfidence oj the people ! Go it, brave old Hessian ? thou art but doing thy own work Greensborough Patriot. lone 26. 1840 ly Dr. LEANDER KILLIA RESPECTFULLY offers his professional services to the cjiizens of Salisbury and surrounding country- His Office is in Mr. West's new brick building, neany opposite j, and W. Murptiy's store. August 30, 1839 tf5 t The End of Time. That bald crowned, cra zy fellow, who goes about The streets, with bis hat in hand, proclaiming himself inspired, stood upon the curb stone opposite our office yesterday, and exclaimed three times, This is the end of Time ." So eternity arrived in New Orleans yesterday. Our prophet is ahead of Mr. Miller, and Mr. Miller isbfhird lhe lime. JY. Y- Pie- DR. K. T. II1SMUKEG. XX AS located at Col. Divid Ramsay's, Oakly XJL Grove, Iredell co N. Upland respect I j I- about one mile and a half. "? uEXDERsoN, : has been an- masteii at:C)ncord.'N: Cririn ' pofge Kluus. deceased . : 6-" M- : soon counlenane: we; -tnen parted in apparent ahd three children remained in dsbirV and ' he went on bis way rejoiciogi short lime, when tbe Doctor w after which be returned, appaienlly to me. and spoke to the Indians in S; wiihflui anv obvious cause, when I, good-humor edly, beffan to laont biro on the subject of his politics fand here;' -Mfessrs Editors, I should not have taken such privileges with him, but from the fact or being formerly acquainted with htm before his dear bottle had monopolized bis affec tions and estranOAd his reason, when I QSed to re- fi:;iajniuuas bot as I remarked, J - - IK- v -St i - Dr. Perrine;! wife their boose for a went to the Cupola Spanish -bat it is Supposed thty then shot biro, for he was not again seen. "His lady, with her two daogh ters and son retreated to the Cattle Csawl near the hoos. watched theii opportunity, and while the. Indians were plundering, started in a blat for an old hulk, lying aoout two hundred yards from the Key, where they temained until day light, when they were taken away by a ted so little interest at the east. Thai gentle than, by bis indefatigable researches, his contri buted more toward clearing op doubtful points, connected with the subject of fossil remains, than almost any other living man in the coontry Doubtless. Cuvier, if he were now on the stage, and apprised of Mr. Koch" labors aud; enthusi asm, would not have been ioaeosible to either. Bui his recent rare and rich discoveries make a Hon. CHARLES OGLE has been unan imously nominated for re-election to Con gress by tbe Tippecanoe Boys of Bedford. Somerset and Cambria Counties, Pennsyl vania. The thouaand-dollar mirrors in tbe White House doubtless gave back a very disagreeable reflection when tbe news reach ed Washington. Mr Ogle received a ma jority of 949 on a full vote in 1 838 ; if we are not . greatly mistaken, his majority will be still larger in 1840. England and Cldna Ttie Tea Tradc.By the-toueof the English paper -on tbe China bout as Utile impression on all the learned sen- ' question, the idea is strengthened that the ohi- sibilities of our eastern savans. as if thev bad i mate subjection of tbe Chinese is the object arm- been tne remaics ot sme stray pooile Or grtmal- Cd at by threat uniare. xttc-ti ian. ly lenders his services to the public, in the va rious departments of his profession. January 10, lS40-tf24 i j DR. DOUGjLAS; HAVING removed his Office to. the.' se cond door ol Sir Cowan's Bricks row (for merly occupied by Dr A- Smith) nearly opposite M. Brown's Store, politely tenders bis professional services to the public. Salisbury. Aug.ZW I840U4 CLOVBR ouantu o rrcm iieu CLOVEH SE1', A ou t a superior article. Also, a few bushelsof OncniBD Gniss Seeu. The above Seeds are for sale at ihe N. C Book Store by 1 URNER St HUGHES. Raleigh, Feb. 7, 1840. I . We shall receive iu a few.ilayai 'he follow mg Grass Seeds;. Luccrtf, WhUci Clever, Blue Grass. &e. .UT. fit H. -4

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