' ; ifex-'-c.vi-. r!vtu" ' . - . vw. - - . v 4 ! ' . re . - f v r v 1 i 1 - s NOTICE i i i ' I.' 1 U4 i V 0 - ' ; . ft ' . t f .! . ?: ;l RIETTA TO 1DEAL0N IN, HEAVEN. P, riT foo Weakjbe smallesi iinkp ! ' ' .y v the sofiftt earthly ctiaio,' . , f ':P - Satre he ona'of, wliich I thinki-j . , " You tiiajf meod it oft igvo i v, . , y VBatjiha heart thti ooc is tiven, w Oti"! ii jcanaol raeaded be, . j . For iiii links were made in heaven, , And ihe ianiles thai came lipta ibce J : If yoa fob ibe turcica nest v , - Of ber Hille ones, be tries : All the next day fo find rest j ; AViih ber pinions in ihe tkies Ana, alas ! berverdnTen; : ... ;. aie is willing there to be, " Jofit because she has Iieaten, - IJke mf sool, loei without tbee I JBEA;UrY Beaotyjs but a. vain and doubtful food, A ehlniAg'' gloss that fadeth suddenlr, " A fluwier that dies when Hist it 'gins io bod-i A little glass that's broken present I j ; A doubt fnl foodi a glos a glass, a flower : : Lost, faded, broken dead within an hior. 4 . - ----- 4 v if! PXIXOES CUHIUIIIT JQlT v - Salisbuiit, Aogust 28. a "40 Bacon, ' Brandy ap Butter, Molasses, Nails. - a 50 i Oats. 8 a 10 I Pork, -Cotton in seed 1 1 j J Sugar, br. n. it i. IT .V , Feathers, , I f Flour, 'Flaxseed, 'Iron, per lb. 4J Gj I jjinseeu uu, pr. -s?-"gaU $1 12s; Cents. 40 a 60 8 a 10 15 a 20 1. 1 ' i 4: )- MM VpiHB : Subscriber".' rfspctlol - informs vhis ML friends and the putitc,inav ur is i.ww , in"' on' ihe Tailoring. Basing rn, Lexin-lon ind hupes Ibat afttt asitetrce . tWrtteo years. d ai4 in A :T the house of Hogh Bron. between three 1 porcbased Jack.of I and four" rniles abuTe,-lIke8toro, and on ihe Yadkin lilei, there : will be sold, on the aemay bepprciiited U solicit, pabhc fatnbri in And' will le indulge tini lbat,be;hJS eiu- lhe aoani?g-s -. t.irrfed lo the attainment of superiority fn &asiopsboth m Europe aod Aruerica--I5years jo 'Earoptf, and 20 in Aineruja. He employs hm ii.p Ai of workmen! ''.-th d&uidj Y mV Consent my negro man JACK left "1 ..n ili. 1Rik nf .1 d1b tact ' nn mw r uriAU sad saodle.te return in eight day. Said negro bas botlyet returned, aod from a let ter jot Teceif ed, I Ihink he is conctaled or kept br Mr. A Aeob Eateisow, of Chatham County, now a caocioiie ioi toe oenaie irora iun Coontr. It eeems frota the letter, that he eon tends that Jack is free JoBathan Ketrel. of Greene county. Alabama, who, bought him oflMr Estis,a genuemao who I 22nd aod HSnf fdaya 'of '..September next, three riicularij remembered thai he ttprranU eye? sold three or four tiroes, at deceased persons sales and regisiefed in the Clerk Offieor Lhatham County Court ( ipvryart, lw noticet ' any person or persons conceal or harboor the said Jack, tfihe Is a free roan, 1 will prosecote them to the end of the law. : No person has toy right to him ontil it fsprbfed, hot myself. . JACK la about 45 years old, a brown malatto. 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, thin visge teeth not he left, a brown homespun coal, flax pantaloons, bora' i one of said tp?a aojoins .ne r uohc mm, and wool bat. 5 -f and as a situation for business equal to any to the several tracts nf land, contamtng 14 to 9 ( - ' . ' - ' e ... i at- fflnr. that smnaliluie 11)0 larm wnrrwin - ne W W W - w - m. v - - - ; lires Said Lands lie va both sides i;l the. ad lf-it nivr. unit rniain at least.-125 acres .f Yadkin bottoWj beside a piaomytol goid p laod:' Also; 450 Acres l Land, on the waters of Lew a Fork and Keddie'a niter 1 aiso. one undivided halfoftwp lots in the I own T w Hkes- Jv tl.irtrr rftn "in -tiis fthoD. wi h mrwi rpsntriful how.ihe leaves bts wiicrtations with the public. aand feels flattered iiit mar bn. freouentl v-palled . - CHAULES -FOWLER. Lextngioo, April 3. 134a iy 46 .." v North Carolina Book Store. tf-irtnh! wnrksf on Farming Gardeninff,- Bota , a.---.... - --- . - . , " my , nv Cattle. Urchards and tne urape vine 'the complete "Farmer, American Gardner, Florist Uutdei The Greeft Huue, Budge-Ban's Oadeflr.''Aesiatsn'tliwd4H Encychipedia f nthiniArt of . Wiueoiakin Memoirs i4 the rPennsylvania Agricdltufal Society ; Treatise on Own Bk,16Wbryn iWtryrllis.ory the H orse, New 4Am r ica nl) f ch a r d ist , O rna men I a I, Trees Farmers Register", complete as far as pub lished! Masons1 Farrier improved, Loudon's Encyclopedia t Agriculture ; toneihrr w uh a inlndid collection ol B-jks io every depariment ot iiiieraiurei'iof ! - . - TUltlNEa & HUGHES. Btleigh May 6. - ; - N. B. Bjk Bindinff-donf wiih neatness and despatch, t ,the IS I. UooK omnv Grcc v s I ill pay $25 for his confinement In any jail of the State, br 433. if delivered to me in the - - s.. h & ' f i i sr r city of Ilaleigh. ; I A"tt l.o i en. Aogost 31840.1 ' 4- 4t loaf, Saltr 4 40 Tallow; Pobacco, 35 I I S4 a 4l U 62 a 65 10 a 12 aiSa 20 $1 25 10 a 12 -8a 20 Beef Bacon Batter Bees war Bagging yd Cheaw,, August 26 5 a 6 - 7a 8 'l&a00 20 a 23 :18 a 25 row-Linen, 10 a 20 Wheatbush 1 52fc Whiskey, t45 a 50 Wool, (clean) 40 Lard, ; j " .7 a8 mmmmmmm' mmm . 1840. Nail? cutassor 79 a L !. . A ..wroociit io a io Oats bushel 40 a 50 Oil gal; lamp 75 a $1 $125 fHlHIS is to warn all persons in Davidson -U. coontr and elie where, to be on the look oo t for Thieves, and from trading for the follow 109 Notes which wire stolen from my house on the 16ib. instant, together with my pocket book, containing one dollar tn cash my name is writ ten on it whilst'myaelf and family, were ab sent. One note on .jpeorge Tucker, of Cabarras count r lor ine sum or iu 12 cw. one on Josiah Binndy,-?f Montgomery county, fu fi40. with a credit, ot; si a, 1 beJieve; one on Cornelias-L. Biickbead for $27 ; one on Arch i bald Mose. of .Moote county, for &1Q ; one on Peter-Smilb of Pafidfion. for $6 ; one on Silas Kerns of Randolph! payable to John Worth of Montgomery county, fur $5 10 ; and a!?o sundry other notes and accounts, the dales of none of which I now j recollect, together wilb the fo! lowinor receipts: one receipt in favor of James S. Birckbead, for $76, 1 believe, nreu by Jesse Lewis, Constable ofERandolph county j one other civen by Kincheon tokes in. favor of Aleian der Smith, for hotesfleft in his hands, aad which receipts said Smith left in my hands until here turn from the! Western Country, whither he has gone. - There were a number of other pa pers in the pocket book of no value to any one but myselfsucb as eceipts and memorandums Tuwo.- t; -Mf'- 'l--;v - ' ' Also, on tbe!25th and 26th days, there will he sold on the premises, in Afhe County, 40 Actes of Land, sitoated on Meet Camp cret-k, valoa hie for its nieaaVw land and its convenience for a iinrk fairo : also. 125 Acres, on Pine Swamp Creek, and 50? or 60 Acres bo the Blue Kidge. Std lands will ne sold on a creaii 01 mier aiiu four years, and will e sold by me as extcuior under the Will of Mm Br-wo, defeased HAMILTON ukovvis, ii.rr.. ' ij j Of John Brown, dee'd. WilkesbonK N. C., July 31. 1840. Also, there will be sold on ihe 22nd and 23rd days of Sent ember next, at the hoase of the above- named Hugh IB row n. Worses Cat tle Hogs, Sheep, a qoaninv of ood Wheat, of thegrowib H 18.9 crop of Wheat and Corn of this feat's growth ; Rtc stid OaUi Hoosfhold and Kitcht-n r r nilire. Farmiriir Utensils ; Also, on the 25 H and 26ih. a parcel of STVUK l l lst,. on he oremises iri Ashe, on Meet-Camp Crefk. sr ; b ut more foil information concernii;? -ine llanos abuve described, persons desirous to purchase are referred loHtfgh Bfwn, in Wiike, and John Miller -who reside tn the Meei ('amy Lands. t HAMILTON UKOYYiN. Julv SI. 1840. ids. (Dall-.iiit'iB-.See, fTIHE Subscriber i would respectfully inform B his friends and customers, that be has re- " - I . i . . I 1 - V "IT ' 4 . . . 1 . ... t? OolTeo lb 12 a 15 Pork lOOItisUSj a 6 close bodied coat, etrered botfona j one striped moved to the ppi.se next ooor o oeorge v . i - 1 nn THE SUBSCRIBER E MOVED HIS SHOP TO TUX BUJL VhYG FORMERLY -KNOWN AS THE l POST-OFFICE;- " ? Continues to keep on hand a good assorlment o JJratche and Chains, Pilfer Spoons and Pencih Mu teal Boxes and Silver Thimltes, Breast Pins and Rings - 7 Ro'lssers' Pocktt and fen Knives. And all oiher articles in his hoe. 4 NOVELS Si M ATCHES Rpnaired in ihe best manner, aod warranted tor twelveriDontbs Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased, or in payment fordeblsdue. ' ls . - - DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, !839-.tf45 "Hf. FOR THE . ' - - FALL ANDVvVIXTEU pF S . 4 . FROM iii g. U aniv( , lows : Leaves t and Satur A!i viUe rv : Reinn.ir days, an 1 S at Salblur; N. d. ; for Nahv, w ha'etpr t Sali.thurv . J . M 1 1.11 1 I IV f m UiE Subscriber Informs the public, that she J ' has just received t through the Nor'.herft Ciliesthe late and moar approved ? f ! LONDON & PARISIAN tfASIIIOSS Ant is prepared to execute orders in . the musi sty hah and satisfactory manner. : - " ! Work sent from a distance shall be jcatefuHy out up and forwarded. P F S. D PENDLETON. gCp A few Bonnets, Caps, Turbans. -and other articles, willbekept on hand far sale V Mrs, S. P is also prepared to execute Cnmplngnd Fluting on reasonable terms.- Salisbury, October 18, 1839 . - Bale rope lb Y 8 a 1 0 linseed 1: 1 0 a 1 25 A quantity of wearing apparel, vifc : one mixed Cotton 8 a 8i Corn bush 75 a 87 i Sugar lb Flour bti f a 0 Salt sack Feather "V, 45 a;50 C I bush Iron lOOlbs :5ja 6fc UrdHdlla 12 Molasses;- C40 a 45 -Tallow v?- -121 Steel ;. Atncr.nO a 00 $100 : English German Tea iinpp. 14 12 a 14 9181 37' .Fat xttevi LLsrA ug W. i i 840 -1 . 1 Brandy, pcach45 a 50 Oo;Apple 37 a 42 . Bacon, "-yvv Si t 10 , Beeswax 20a -35' Coffee, Y 12i 131 Cotton, Yv-iV 6Aa 81 Cotton Yarn 13 a 24: Cdrnv''-;;50-a00" Candles. F.F. 1 ' 17 Flaxseed 90 a $100 Flour V xS4ia$5i - Feathers S3 a -40 lroc. 51 a 6 Molasses, S3 a 34 Nails, cut,j ; 61 a 7 Soaar brown, 7 a 12 Lump, Loaf, Salt, s Sack, Tobatipolekf Cotton ; bag; Bale ropo, , W heat new Whiskey Wool, ; i FRALEY keeps constantly, on hand JLPa a lull supply ot reatiy '. p - - MADE CLOTHLYQ, Coats, Panialstons arid Vests, aisoXj!luibSj Casi- meres aod Vesting, all of which ' he v,ill .sell low. fur cash. He is also prepared ;to cut 'and mikecloihing in a very superior style, and war ranted to fit well. Garments cut on short no tice.- He will teach the ' jj r AiaT or. otJTTiiTG on Ihe mot approved and Fashionable Style to jailor's tvishinir instruction. JJ. r . p. Sepi 6, IS39l2n6 ; WOTIOS. bs 4 a 5 -mixed Test j two pair of pantaloons, one a fine ,8 9 12i I thread pair, two patjjrof draws, two fine shirts, ! oi I and three socks.; I swill give the above reward for the detection, and confinement or delivery of the 1 hief. - 1 ; -.- --kYv:'; 7 REMARKS,-' " i A man 01 Tery puepicious appearance was found early on the morning of last; Sabbath, the 16th inst., in the piazza of ewsom & Spencet's Store, two and a half miles from tbe residence of the Subscriber. fMr.Newsom bad a conver sation With him. tie says he is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, : stout built, wiib small black whiskers, and that he had on a blue broad cloth coat, somewhat worn, with a white hat rather broad brim, of the ftossia fur, and a dark colored pair of pantaloons.! He carried nothing with him but a blue; umbrella, lie eiopped at the Store with the pretence of wishing to purchase some shirts and pantaloons, but on beino infoiro ec ne could not get . mem 00 ounaay, lie inq'iir 80 j ed the way to Fayetteville, Siokes' FerrT, aod A i I . i - 1. .ill - -r ov a on 1 otner oiaces. ana men went on in a verv contra ry direction to mat 'in to men ne seemed most anxious to know about. His whole manner, an pearance and behaviour, left tbe strongest belie on the mind of Mr. Newsom, that he was a man of very suspicious and doubtful character. Some iime in ine course or me morning 01 ine same day, he was. again seen a halt mile from the Store above mentioned, but on Ihe reverse end in which be; lefti the Store, by Mr Beverly Gorans ot whom he also got breakfast. Afte he left fcuratts'. rie; was seen a halt mile from his house on -the Fayetteville road. Nothin more has been seen of him since. 16 18 a 20 75 a 80 $24 a $21 4 a 4 16 a 23 Sa 10 15 V 16 Brown's Storewhere be intends keeping an as sortment of H 1 ; i " ' GROCERIES ; stun as MolJsses, Sugars Coffee, Powder and Shott Snuff Sfc. i ItiQtipRS of all sorts such as Frenhh Brandy t ' . Hollknd Gin, Malaga and Teneriffe TVtnet Chdthpoignf Musttit, . I Lemati Syrup, fyc. Also, an assortment of And other thibgs in his line too tedious to men tion, which,r9 rHitighl tor cash as cheap as ROBERTS. at anyftOTMttfSalisbory aste BUfM.NOAH . l ;TTOVa.?f34 TL 5pS OF HULLS. .WIL,LrAAl A. B1KUKHEAD. Davidson co., N. (C, Acgust 21, 1940 3 w4 gCJ The Raleigh Register will give the a- bo?e 3 insertion?, and forward his account this Office for payment. State'bf Jiortft eatoUuit, DAVIE COUNTY. mil f crust i'lVraii. 1 filA. j. .r k ,t '! - . ---7 m- v liisi oaj ui apni, vtnst.,; a negro man, wnosays GPorjre Mti ? his name is . - - . I ,1 1 ,.,., ', , . -.mnir .' Ma Fy Riddle, ? : - John Binkley and Sa rah Binkley bis vf ife, a t.ivc op anu committed to ine Jail o Ji Wildes couniv. North Caiolina. on the r t:' Henry Mocki 1 Peter Mock and am Mock, j Is this case it a I Petition for sale Negroes. a&nt-24 years of age. fite feet eisht inches high, of a tolerable dark color, quick! spoken aod very likely. He says be belonrs to John Mc- oray he don't know where his master lives he was purchaspd of John: CarnDbell of Craven county, in this State, and his master was takiner hj.T to Mississ ppi, and that he runaway from l '"i8. CIfl P"11"? fVr.r him in Georgia. The owner is rfquewed to Henry Mock Peii;ocknd William J come forward and mA nwU &l k. are not inhabitants of this State : It is or and lake bimwaj.or he will beealt with ac curding to Jawi , ANDREW PORTER. Jailor. of April 21. 1840 tf3S y J Sali iburtj Coffee-House. m M0NS 'ROU'cHE; would inform his old nn1Mi?tlu0,Crii, lVl fneod.and customers, that he Mill ha, l e,f"rle " lrt lh tm and J':d8tRl -i on bund a general supply of articles of a superi or quality io hlsjine of business. He will be ..pleased to" accommodate those who! ma? favoi fc. I ! . a . a i - uim who a can, on terms tbe most moderate. He earnestly requests all those indebted 10 him, either by note or account, to come forward and settle the same between this aod the next Rowan Superior Court, as be is obliged io have money to renew his stock of Groceries, &c All who do not comply with this rrquect, may ex pect 10 settle with an ifficer, without respect 10 prraons ' . . 1; Salisbury, August 23, 1840. jl ' : to the Court, that Mock, ordered by the Court, that publication be made fur six weeks in tbejCarolma Waichmar, for tht said defendants personally 10 appear bftore th Justt ces of our'Coiurilof !eas4 Quarter Sessions, at the next Ccut, bfe held (or said county, at ihe Court House in &Wk3ville.'on ihe 4ih mondav In November tiexi, and plfad, answer or; demur .L or . .... r . lit hear pro con less. fntpred against ihfm . Witness, John Clement, Clerk of our. said eoun at office 1840. fDIHE SnbspriW has an improved Patent SL NPINDLEtitr Mills, by which, a jnill will do much oetief man with the usual lorm i npm dies. It is so constructed as to kep from healing or killing thefmeal in any manner. The runner i8 60 confined by IheSpii dleas always to pre serve its balance, and of course there is no rub bing of the siohes.' " I think, by fthis improved Spindle, the same water will dd at least one third more business, and the meal of superior quality. An.y person wishing io use one of these Spin: dies, may obtain one or more, by making applica uon, (within p snort iimel to the subscriber at Mksville, SfJavie Co. N, C. I think the pro bable c at, wil not exceed $30 for the Patent and Spindle ready! for ose. Thp following jiersons have my patent Mill Spindle in spccpssful opera tiun. :G"l VV, F. Klly, Thos.i. F 6ter, JosepliLHall and Samuel Foster, of Davie Count) ; Gilhreth-DicKson and David J Raffisoiirof Lincoln ; Charles Griffiih of Ran; Addison Mo:re of Davidson, and William Doss of Surry, all of w hom are highly pieasea wun lis performance. ! L. M. GILRF.RT Novfmbet Bt 1839 tfl5 ilMttchflVs Geography antl A TLAS : a iew Geoirraph? and Atlas, tor sL ihe use of Schools abd nriVate Jearners- iu fact for all who niay wish to readhistoryand 1 o hare ii inj the family.' A complete ystem 01 modern Geography , comprising a description ot ihe preseni siaieof the world and i8 nve greai divisions, Europe. Asia, Africa, America, and Oce-anica, with 1 heir several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Territories, &c. The whole embellished by numerous Engravings of various interesting objects of Naiureand Art together with repre sent at ions of remarkable and noted events, sim olified and adapted to the capacilv f any, illus tiated by an Atlas of 16. maps drawn & engiaved to accompany tbe work, m-st taslefnlly and carefully coloured and elegantly put up The whole work is neatly done- Ihe publishers have received numerous testimonials in favour of ihe Geography from Tfachers and others in various parts of ihe Union. 1 hele are so many, they would make a pamphlet, we would make a pamphlet, we would select some of thero ; but 1 hey are too long for a newspaper advert iseroent We do most earnestly soIiciiAritjcal examina- t .t 1. 1 n.' 1 :. 1: '1 or ine wor& ov an ma? teei ac interest in piae ing before youth a orrect Geography. There is, also aq outline Atlas which can accompany the Georkphy, the maps of which are not col oured. but calculated to aid the learner. C3f Just call at No. 1, Cheap side. Fayettr ville St., where you may find-the above jwork. together with every new publication of the day, and many rare works of older times TURNER &. HUUHES. Rale igh Jan. 1, 1840 ATTENTION OFFICERS OF THE 64th Regiment. YOU are commanded to parade at thef Coon House, in the 'I own of Salisbury, un Saturday, the 5ih ff Septembr,at 10 o'clk. A M:, armed with Muskeis fur Drill. By order of R. W. I ONG. Col. Com t. : 64th Reg't. N. C. Militia. J. M. Brown, Ad'i. - - August 14. I8403w3 , Commission - - - Wilmington I. c: Refea to ' ' ' Messrs. E. L & W. VVinslow, E. W. VViIlkinea. John Huske &, Son. C . J. Or- rell, Yarhrough & Ray, Joseph Baker, C. T Haigh, Curtis & Myrover. : Fayetteville. N. C, March 27 1840 6m55 Petition for sale of Land. ika jFik ...... .. ..i K L I JOHN CLEXjEM. Clk August 21st 6vS5 -A I informs the SHIVM.VG. j "HfTRS. HOWARD respectfully III ..ii.,... .rw.i;,i.,.. ...j .. vniunuicn ui oiiisoiy ,buu uiMzns w?ner ally, iliat she will inake psntalounsi, vrsia. and Summer coats, for half the price now paid 1,;. lrs fdr such work. She has done a great deal at such work. for the Tailors, and will ! insure, such a may be given-her, to be done a jjurable and neat as aey done by theob. Shirts.iboims, KOTICB. f SHALL proceed to take JL Martha AlcMl! ie deposition of at ihe P.isi Office, in the Town of AVinsboroogh. Fa'ufield Disinci. Soti'h Carolina, on the 2S0t day of September next. 10 be read as evidence )n a suit pending in David jn Superior Cobrt o Nnuh Carolina, wherein lam plainltfjtand Casper Bring!? is defendant .1, i JULIANA BR1NGLE. AugastTgf1lS40t ltd DISSOLUTION. will4lso be made at a very reasonabl SalisburyAugust 21, 1340 tfl e price. Mlaulcs for sale at this Office THE Co-part n4i ship heretofore existing be tweeo ReV j,hn D. Scheck & f no. S. Johnston, U itis day dissolved, by motaal con sent.' - j. . j - . . . ICP The1 Sc ool w ill re-commence on Mon day, 7ih September! - : , V i Ki TJi 9. JOHNHTflJ. i Aug. 2, 1040 L3U5 ... ; v,,. . , fjMHE oaersigned respectfully infrora the 2 . Public, that they are still engaged in car rying on f l fTANEHR.'F. At tbetr old sj and in Rowan county, near Chi na Grove, Ifj mi'es south of Salisbury They fl titer -'.hemepiires thai, with ihur long experi ei re at the business, and ileto'ing 10 it iheir un ren.itting pert nal attenfim-, tceihpr with their iat imp:o?err)f nt in ihe:r system of Tanning, to be able to manufacture Leather of a superior q'my.and tp as etieap lerms as any made in this montrv 1 Tbej now have on hand a ery large and su perior s'ork -f Leather, of alt kindi, which! i iey are desirous 01 selling on moderate lerms,; for cash, or 00 time to pbnctnal dealers-Dry! ! and green Hidps taken io exchange for Leather. ! Also, will be made on abort notice. Black-i oujiuit, nt-1 tows .worm iroca eight io twenty dollars varying according to site. Cjp Theyl invite all persoos wishimr mnnr chase Leather, to call and examine their stock oeiore purchasing else here. ! H fy W. C. MILLER; Rowan coy Aug. 7, 1840 34 State of Hottli fUroltUfi I SURRY COUNTY. Court of Equity July Term, 1840. Leonard McBride, Johnl Mr Bride, Nicholas Mc Bride, i Anderson Mc Bride, and others, vs. Benj Clavion, 6t wife Nancy, Win McBfide, Nathan: McBride, and Moses McBride T N this case, it appearing to tbe satisfaction of JR. iihe Court , mat ihe D fendantsare not resi dents of; this State : It is therefore rdefedthat publication be made for six weeks in the Caroh na Watchman, thai they appear at ihe Court of Equity, lo be held for said county of Surry, at ,he Coott House in R'.ckfoid, on ihe fifth mondayj af'ier ihe third monday-f August nextr ihen and there to answer, plead, or demur lo the Bill of he Complainants, otherwise, the cause will he heard exparte, and Judgment entered ac cordingly. I i S GRAVED, c m. August, 7, 1840 6w2- PrirterV fee So 50 DAMSEL Darieo. oy ihe author of Yem masse. &c. The adventures of an Attor ney in search of practice, by the author of.' Tbe tiuvrmuil'a ui a jv-ii inaoa mi Deivu.v naow 2 vols. The man about lon, by Cornelius Webbe. Nan Darrell. ot the Gipsy Mother, by the author of 4 The Squire,' $'C. Charles Tyi rell, or the Bitter Blowr,by James 1 he ; Gen tlemen of the Old School, by James, author of ihe Robber, fyc Just received at . - - TURNER & HUGHES', N. Carolina BK)k Store, s A1 ND committed to Jail of. Rowan County, on the 13th instant, a Nero man who says his name is John, ard belongs to Thomas B. Stone nf Alabama. John is very black, about 45 years of age. is lame in1 the right leg, caus ed by white swelling, low spoken with a down loukabout 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high. The owner is requested to jjome forward, prove pio perty pay charges, and take him away. DAVID KERNS Jailor. Jan. 24 , 1 340 if26- " . I Jtlorus fSuliicaulls waiu: nnHES; Jl tbe t !', that thf-v I hisSTOt:: and hcet lr to niano'ct;;: they t fTr-r at son able ten: . tomers that r executed U ; have ever tr hers flatter t ! be inlcricr i lavor of a t in the lear c t Col. Barrr ; N.B T. larly 'invited ii-g, which i Factory. P. S. IV, barter. Concord, J: liar fit! If tl ti k A : FOR SALE. l"t'l i siiti L X S if X " W M W M1 X r I1HE undersigned will sell at Public Sale in JL Lexingtou, Davidson County, on the 5tb day ol October next, (a being Monday of Supe rior Court ) six TOWJS8" LOTS, in the Town of Lexington Three 'of th--r fronting the main street, the other three situated oo the backireet. A credit of six months will be given by the purchaser giving bond and eood security, 6 f . E S CALDCLKUGH. Lexington, N. C. Any 10, 1S10- S3 sTa.iirv& on stolen t or u fxecured at this Offer. WW August 21, l840-tf4 i CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these TREES may he had at Fayetteville. N C. about the last of next summer or the first of the Fall. The proprietor can very readily dis posPof them at the North, but from patriotic considerations, he prefers that ihey should be taken by his native. State. The price will be the same as in BaltimoreTor New York', and will be forwarded o purchasers on the money's being remitted. It is hoped that such as may wish to engage, may do so at an early day. j Enquire of E. L. Wisslow, Fayetteville N. C j Feb 16, 1839tf29 . j NOTICE. fglAKEN op and entered on the Ranger's JsL books of the Count? of Caharrns. hv J.ihn C Cochran on ilie Hih oay of Aogusi, 1 340, a mare mule, from 8 to 12 years old. of a brown color, appraised at 35 dollar The owner fa hereby notified o come forward, prove propertj pay chsiges and receive it as the law directs, j J M. MILS PER, Ranger. August U, 1340 8tc3 Cabarrus County. MUsiiC SCIMOOMj. ; ; M ISS BAKER will continue to give lessons n the Piano and Guitar during the sum mer vacation, at ihe Female Academy.. 'Aligns: 7, 1340.-22 . '' , v '" f ' pO.'..REWAKK ABSCONDED about the last f October, from the eubscriber. at that time residing in -Siokes County N. Carolina, my Negro man " atjou. j or 23 years of age, antfof a very brmht complexion. He is a Shoemaker by trade baa a very bushy head: of riair. athm iS5.r is I spare built and, weighs from 135 to 140 pouuds. i He has a. verv lara wir .ini Mi. ..f ki. i near ihe ankle, believed tobe on the rkht leV also a scar on each arm jesi below the elbow oc casioned by a born, r jlis heels have been frosted, which injury has left scars rpon them. Clel mao has a wife ( a free woman) fcear Blakely, IV Carolina, and if is probable that be ray be tn that direction, although manv Mniina Iwiiovo that be was decoyed off by a white mannamef juMiua loung, wbo left i he nemhbor hood about ?,nue l(aie jr Indiana, t I will, cive 5NFORM.S from h;s . On the pi:h!ir f ville, where i - His-Hons ; ed to which ; r FICES lor : lent to the C es himself tot! satisfaction to TABLE, BAi: the best rr3:;i and hi sprvan: Jan 2J. IS.; J ry- a- re . rt ward m . . k . m m A ALLehe.nai 8rfel Hore, Aja- six v-ar old. ahoii! high, wiih a small M f erv fehurt m.I i n . - . ... . . . . ut-fii i rfinniv v r who tiirrnnn.a hirv- : :-ti . . , ' .! VI. WUV "III VMIil' V li ItU. I U Id Ii. CIV MX 'A 9- . lyl .1 . . wu ,u. I r 15 i natA nf l?ir. iv.it ! II l f - ! r . - . . . bell Co . I . ... . j taai j p-et arm in mt nosscssion t nrij kink . L . ...ua Hifn, nun a small Whltesnrtt'I liw- n I ti . ..I. . '''"P04 I ttvei Coleman tirm. near It rook inrvnin m . . i . t ; - - ' hard I roller. n the pacer, and a Wl.l be trn (or hi- 11 . 1T, . ... - J. M.LiAvi ro SMITH Neal in Camp A reasonable RICHARD OVERSTR P V.'V. n . ... , . " wrooic wal,LampbUctf,V?-,,1."' -December 21, IS33 'f u-3 -sf GO ff IHE Sol -12 Cotton r that they lav. rale, wholf fi! said Faclory, c The superior i: of this Fadon lo nee no u wishiny; to pn; c. n April 24, li wm -vn ii on: ESPEC ! i ihe pi h' f, ' LOU1NG LI H street, nex' au r is ever ready u-. ers io a sty'e r workman in i!' is in 0 e r -g0' - New York FA-M commoJatp the ' times. 5C3Cittir.; to promptly , at all unjf? t gi-v'n in fol' J SalUhttfj Just tU fC 15 !1: 1 '9 IJ . - ( 1500 !'s. I 16 Kg- ' i hb!. 200 lbs l 200 13ii I-4 . 45 liTZ" r SO pr. F! 15 ca?t-! H 10 C3f S 100 pr Tr: . 8 M'H-? ' . '" 8 Br--& pr. Ii! 300 fcicks - ' 12.7 : 100 -Keg Salisbury A; Just tflCf. A LARGE ill Faints, 0!-, Srrwp,!"- f Riff.Spie-? l'" Boards, Wrni' larje supj't t ( Oierfiesl use. i retail at prices i" t ce 19, 1? r t f -.-. "n IT

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