lv' !f - : "r . A - EENT)LETON: & BRDNEE, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS avaio suoht fiis child, oVwitb" what tenderness be restored her to that plaee jn his nosum wtiicn she bad never forfeited, Paris paper.- ;-.'.-1 -. , n'crs Wrne j licy tnntton through f'f fine1 teifobtitter, instead of vybitc 5? - dtjr.-ofcW 10 .be reParins lUlr f BrV1 !f-Kn7 inlend 10 rCSt 'Cl" V.?; .Jiitiariiihe seed may be sown kfrDiiV it will afford bim f . ;,vfcJ mporta n ce nd be may jj.5 111 frnm Alher business I fe! W W io Setter, voraeppftJieS5ce Farmer. IW '$T T S;f:-Hr "H rl - r i , - ; impolse ; a faculty in which ShHIej to men- r.i fOE uniwiuu 3 iu hie vuv- . w. nniu nn Bnnormr romp l!JO ft citrnaiiv I i-rB 0 'U 1 i S 1 T - i . ' " i-j ' ; 4 iiwi vhij vv iivi - - -...-.. ,UCUVIVi', . J ' . T lent and case hardened aextoo of a couoitj pa rish, to whoDB she in Ijer childhood is ihe single object of emotion, and Jhe constaot companion in f5.l ; - S that the. Gfvernment does nQl acquire too much power. Keep a check T RS Vi A ' t,1 attyur Hulcrs, Do ihu.'A&B ubiety is Sin'-Geol. Harrison. 1 NO. 7 VOLUMB IX. IVJiOLR- vdr:423t Hi S4fc has ill. Ha- gCJ We exirac the. following from a Re view of theNpoecas of John Stflrlinff, in the Lon don Qoarlerlj Keijewjor Julj5 Thet lover pf Poetry will be gratified by its perusal :" i ffTbe principal pwm in Ubis collectiof?, ',The Sexion's Daoghier,f is a simple but not hacknet- J ,nJnilsii rtrClh m rrronl Aun rf drill In th narriivi. and Jeavin? an onusaal eniireness of impression on the heart of the reader. It seems to 8yw me aumor, master 01 iuai ire uieni mnnngt' mnl. nf mup.h hitflier jrenpril - .. - m o I powers, ot relating Hie necessary iscis in vers?, withonl discontinuance of the poetic tone arid 801ming scd wheat to prevent afel !v bad on the subject, I may d(ftfsig:yout lto ; '.One daogltterJiitleJanehad he -'iIm icii:" ifwice: among - farmers TheYtleat sexton's only child ; ' fioDil simeirHng like forty yearsy x And when she laugVd alouj and free, ifcKf f u.y:-.. T . . X? v v"'11ie grate old sexton smiled ; 'tfistBl 7 te'ollcd " a newspapei", - or sbe7 within bis heart bad crept, .thiiirsncec Himse fhe coold not tell you why ; Mi .i '.v-' ;.Lt Bot often he bas almost wept, iJlef Ub eathav.og been suh .ecausW heeard her cry. iiW Fmdllftd. and before it could ' A ;:. ; f t 1 , : turned.. But ere ,th winer is pasi.ane watebed bv the dealh bed of ber r;omiaed ; band, and she herself has taken a. death c Wbeo siuins returns, the aged aexton is Ie lone 00 the earth. ; " Cri i ITrxm ihn unrirnr clad Selda ami' wnnd?! -r 1 1 : -r - . - ; ' X ne cnurccjaru giats anu isn u;uiu tqwer, -,. . The warm, pore davtight softfy brrodp And nils witn rue ine morning nour. Thp rast seonlrhral vew tree waves. Ana Ieis ine gunsiiine cri'-er iuv Miaue And e en tne !q and j?sv graves Appear in liftng slouiber laid. 1 1 The only sad and belp'ess thing, v I That May day a.nkes not less tt-rlorn, ; I Is that old nan tun hum the spring ; I Is dead, and dead the breezy morn. I -"-:. y ' " I These live riot now, for all is dr-ad : I Wilh her that lies below ihe fod ; j His daughter from his life is fld, 8 Aad leaves but dust by spectres trod. I i The smooih sweet air is blowing roond,! ; I It lb a spirit ot nope to an ; j it whispers o'er the wakejiing ground, 1 And countless daises hear the call. -1- 2ndly, That all Governmertt is sin. The fart is ' I fear Fannf Wriehtism. Not that 4 1 think there is ihe eltghtest tendency to it in our otaie as yet. pun iiuie asms actors females for any public purpose (especially where it seems to trespass lb the slightest degree upon oaf views of tl; instinctive si.rinktng "frorD public j observation they shoolo' possess) lends msensiblv to that fa naticisni which the ladies wio arex engaged in their establishment would! abhor as much as you or I do. ; v- ! -) " - i " h set ins to me too . that the excellent de- termination of soint Paul wbieb 'imnrisrs silence upon the womrn in public, a ppjrs to this case , l neir iriUoen-e can vie ex ertc-rf in a legitimate manner to an infinite rxtent : but the moment it becomes erratic U oita ouUMsO saturateq -wuq sau as d (ot Hiere that; was sown, it js butlittle or nosmut; tisiphtj8 iw beai .was quite saiui- niiifh cifcqmsuncojled to the practice juiw brine If eed w heat i ooeing , SrfitHU tl PVjy Smut, II OCCUIIUO y WJ, 'tjetaliefi' fa'i: theialne' lime,' the oijshtj))iioctual I accordingly :y,cd the. pra6t ce of washing my seed siim a biihelti strong as cn: be made, I tt Opntll borouiiltly r weti say flora irtVrV 4nintdriii;''('ff..llie brine and adife whiaf bn afltibr; put oh slaked t&t i ilvillvhen a suffi'ient quantity: - tUi-,lw1li;fW SAt whiles the busted roan would raise i::f)iywaM ovjbr wilh lhefhoe,and Above the brink his bare grey bead ni until eacti JMrneHs covered with a AVith quiet smile a moment gazp, Inn All else td him annear'd as dead. Awaiting but the shroud and pall ; -It seem'd that io himself he said,. , 'I soon shall dig be graves of all." And beast, and man, and homeland wife, He saw with cold accustorn'd eye : j j Jane o.tly looked so fall of lite j As if that (!) sbe could neer die. A nit nhtn she still could hardlv walk By holding fast his wrinkled finger, So well he lored her pratUing talk, He often fiom bis work would linger. Aronnd her waist in sport he tied The coffin ropt-s for leading strings i And on bis spade she learnt to ride, And bandied all bis churchyard things. Henceforth 00 many a summer day, While hollowing deep the sunlit grave, Beside him he would have her stay, And bones to be ber playthings gave. f- V o lit mounts and sings away o heaven, . I And 'mid each light and lovely clfud; I To it the lark'- loud joys are givn 1 And young'leaves answer U aloud. lit skims above the flai rircen meadow, f And darkening sweeps toe sniMng stream ; Along the hill it drives me Miaouw, j s And sports and warms in ihe skyey beam! i 6 ill , From the Columbia Tellaccpt. Nautical --SI.tps to go under wtr instf-atl of on is surface, are now brbngbt tot prrfee lion, so that henceforth such things as storms and ship-wrecks are co mora to be '..dreaded." ; V SIkdical r-Thft wonderful mederme called the sublime elixir i produemjf mus asionishinf effects. A Mr. Jones of Vir- CiniH, walking a mil1, and incautiously approaching loo near the machinery, was caught between the wheels and crushed m to ten thousand atoms? two drops of the elixir being poured into the pono above, ht was initsnliy sc n wilktng out at the door as sound as a 'uarh, aadi&s,i been within three miles of a milLsuice. -A Mr. Smith had his h:ttl shot off by a cannon ball; three weeks afte'r he was dead and ' buried. ks lo exercise itself jn other paths, huSaVd couisin happening to hear of the . It is no dfUbt vety agreeable; to lr hm a,., lmmP(iiatel restored ta otr- geRtlemenvho make speeches before fhe (ect hCfM -d health." , ' Legislature to receive their reward of praise GE GRArniCAL. -The discovery ship.the irom ar ana lair? ups, especially 11 ine;ia- tvm,. n ' ? ,.naA .(M.f;i.. frorr, ihP oun and the centlemen elderly : . ri J'.ul. , . Bat roqnd that boar and haggard roan It cannot shed a glimpse of gladness ; Ha wastes beneath a separate oau, An exile to a world ol gladness. Upon a bench before his door He sits, weak and starinw eyes, He siis and looks, for straight before The grave that holds bis daughter lies, i ; If anv come with him to sneak. I In Au harsh words be bids' them ffo ; ! Vnt iliis stron? eaith he seros too weak. : For bteaibing life too cramped and slow 'i ' 1 A sun dial pillar left ak-ne, I 0 which no dial mee s the eye ; r li 1. ... kl uiiti t-rrxcQ nVrcrrnwn.l ThaV hears no watei trickle by i '. i . : Dark Daisied mass of sevrrd rork. Ll-.-.l n .1 e.ralln C11I1 9nH faint '. ! ! a .koiiLnxi trrave atari's lime-wcm block I Tbat ooly shows the name .;f-Jane.Vp. 99 diei are lounj nd the gentlemen elderly ; but even to them it must loose half its chairms whn published in 1h newspaper, and is the united action of two ur three do- zn. One nreltv eirl would bestow a bright er reward with a single kindly glance other merry eye, than could be giten by all toe f nia'l resolution.; in the wortd,iuougn pass ed bv a.sSenaie of Helens. I 'Order is Heaven's first law," sats Pono: a wiser thn Pope says, do all things " in order." The order of-mlure prescribes all wotoan's duties, labours, n flence, strergth. nnn power 10 ue eieiicu uuu umcu uu,iu ouvate. 3 i I have been insensibly led to write more srn ?uslt than I first intended , 1 only qe signed to laugh at Ihe matter' a little. I have written a homily ; but if tbn ladies of Union- villa will onlv mke their H .sbands &: etc take their places in.lhe Soiiety, ahd triei themselves attend only as an! audience, tney will tlouhle. and more than double tbeir In- fluence -in the Temperance clause. I A LADY'S MAIM. northern seas: shesafelv reached ibe exatt spot of the north pole, but there she struck. held fast by the magnetic attraction ; her crew found it imnossible to cpt awav until I CT , a - t they bad thrown ovwrnoara every parucie 01 iron in the vessel. A fi nifrn ltc n al. Tho Philosophical Societv Immg discovered method of pro- lucmg or putiing off rain just as there may be occasion; for the future ?6ur cotton and and cabbages will never be ruined by a dry season, hEMAttkst6F Imr; ogle , ' - OP FCSirSTLTASIA, On the Civil end -Diplomatic JpprcprU Dill" Continued. 1 1 shall not detain the committee, iir. man, by going Over ibe same. eternal -wuna. cf elegant and costly furniture with; which U.c apartroeaiaoa'the second .atoryVf the -palace a bwind.r I most .i, hot ever. orcit to name tr.e t!tich eg maniel ornaments 00 silver star.t.?, anal ?he superb imperial and rojaj WUloo, Brus sels acd Saxon carpets ; some tof which, it 13 said,-are-deep enoosh ior a good locofto decuo crti t. bury his fjoi in, as be waJks over tfcem. Let roe refer )ou, sir, to itrctr or four of the cz: peibills;rT';trr.U.H i ' 1 " T .'.,: ? 5 Nfi w: Yo rk, July 3, UJ7. fha PrJsilentorihe'linhed Staiesy f Smu U. b Mojjht i.f J.Wph Lowe. X V lyi -'Til H O F EXGL IS1I. Car pe ts. Oil C lot h s , 333 :BrmdvaV corner ol Anthmy sueet. 93 vards-'firusieb b.Hly.a 18s." ' fO .50 23 If- do. do-4der,a,lS,t , & 83 99 Ao ;d3.VbuiJ. 9t 2i2 7u 23 - da, da ; b-Jider, a 1S,1 51 i 3 .Imperial: Rugs, Jadiesviooca "r and a chambers, a $23, ... . - CO - ' v y- o-:a ss Correct, as thirds quantities. Sfpifmbtr 10, Martin Van Buren, President & S. fcooeht cf W. V. Chester Uo. tin urcauwaj. 1837. June 29. 170 1-2 yards bax ooy "catpetriigva $4; - ; 1 rng to match, ; "'July 31 'i 2-505?;-Sf CO Br remoants, say yard.ictrjrnei, 767 $7C3 Mechanics "The famous architect Mr. Axiom, who first discovered' the per petual motion, is now erecting a machine imedeF,hr the purpose of shotting the world 20th bepti w twenty. three degrees back lo its original po rtion, and thus restoring perpetual sum 20ib Sept.' '18S7. ;-;Correct.v-Ed.'. J?0- Kreeived oavmeot of T. L. Smith, . yex e p""v.svcjiester:&co; NEw'VonK,Jun67, 18.17. Major Smith, for the PFfdentVHose, Wash- iag on, bought of T. L-" Chester. 129 yards Brussels. carpeting, a I7s2d. . . . . - 9U H5 3 S do 5 8 wide borcenng ap. a Ma. 2d. . . SO 7 8 do o . ir,r 17 3 8 do 4 4 ROIALJUL- TO.V, a S2s. 2d. , 241-2 do 7 8 do do a 23s. 257 43 63 CI :o 83 75 ' . $1,S30 43 Ed.; Bccke. ctwtpf -lim e then' sfeaxl it xyer the 0041 stVerf I jpaj s ueipre-suwni" , i :pj is necessarv lo prevent the moisuiru, frvniileadiinefthe lime to ciea've ' '!"-.- - 'C"i'-' - - J ' I 1-' Ethetierfletfi3ire narrowing is nnisueu. m is no dipm of injuring the wheat lvjng affi bling limed I have had jt lWtUs 1 more ; and have never jwiiti, smut since the above Ujrvll seeder as adopted, and fewly if tile fepin ion; when the seed . .-:1;jl-Mr-----t ' ' i , Hiif;ettife'Mr,ed.l s above slated, the Njgfiinsimtt iU be found effectual. 'tiraimsUntcbstiilfd by;JA Hathaway, ... : i us. - . t w pnng,pi Bis neignuor .naving uwii. "I bis :wl)e!soon after Riming, ana a i ...n i. 1aLti fur ih dead. D 4' A11U 1UIU J ----- . i Years rolled on, and the child becomes a beau tiful grl ; j , C "To her new ieauty larjely.given . From deeper fountains looked and smiled ; V And like a morning dreani from heaven. , The woman gleam'd within the child! And she bad reach'd a higher stale, Though infant joys about her hung . With gaze, more fix'd, a graver fate Above her beauty Jtung. And thus about her youth was spread The shadow thrown' by coming lime ; - The expectance deepening o'er her head, Of Passsion's sad sumblime.' p. 13. r j ' t. a mmKr. a woman of a deep and ten ' 1 QliO 0 I W ' v. . F . " , , f rom the S C Temperance Ad vocat el Tit o Pniriin Lei me nromise thai I ill . M - . - i amia - warm thoucn iiumt:e auvocate sii Temperance ; and furthermore, that I hit? the deenest veneiaiion aim resieoi inr la. dipa in peneral. and tfiose of Unioaville ii j particular; especially the number of ynup iimi nsii 1 1 1 ii i aiiir nuu iiniriiiuib m nerance S(cietv there. Bu iug this, I by no means approve the form tinn of such Socoieiies ry ine lair Nobody can suspect the denr creatures ,iJj even a remote desire to wear sieam spee iftii.' for snectarles of any kind hide theW charming eyes: And although mark ed 'batteries are esteemed useful in wr, ,.J . iKo ointpoc of love thev are most C III- ! - - J u f.Awerfnl unveiled. An association - tween ihem and the"1 stripe! pis' is mpos V " ;-a VTffim;?.:- . V i": ,Zv9,i s.non sieves for her sib e Who wouiu ;oidk oi naming r Htfeienied frnVhl sow nr the retnainaer uer pm. . -" . . a -i..L j - s in it no.i breath, iilte r , , , I, t ! . t. ' i bo I digs ner gwir. B'-t - , . - . I'Men Hit'thririUAftniini nf raifiv weath- . .u .ia;nt uhhin ihat arave: still she 1 sinrkintra may HiUmelU86roesinutty while has sacred perform toward her aged !h;? bul Hue Is ijlrf 0 - . 1 f..K ,t ch-netforms ihem duly. One sea- iAa,hprP. iha "ft bad httleyr.none-I think goes o;,Jrnfui,mHltation she claims for ber Mtbe tetiMlof iettinff the wheat dry self, the silent hour of summer dawn, doling -'-ii fi iV;t-- -,i hiM. tends the flowers on her. parent s i0linH::.:3:8LL v: ' - I'". . .. LI..L .t. HIk . become fashionable among Rrrin. ssts J .a. .muni hi a iMMpm fluues o nnio. m -o tneni. uoi mi " , , 8 " 1 .'.I j n.rnis ihpm dnlv. One sea-I J.i.. .Koi ..m ti.f favorite iiailmr "ft bad little or-none I tbtnk goes mjurnfui mHitation she claims for her- f t. ,.difg. blU uUg known to be a toLie.r: conscious of his own predeliclipn, 6ni,.!-if I .N - ....... which siie tenos-.iue. 'V. :::::t: U.- nn! v desirous ol being .thougnt ijio f I rr- . ,rrave or Mtsbes de, wun tne uioie rtwtiug upwu i t-, . - m . ! i .... I BraYe r. . . i.A,lkAi;n nnnH romnanv. iilnore says, tlie aiii naveiprepareuiuetrseea wneai vvhilst soengagea onemoniin,9c i,c r-- Wl:. vj :-....-1 twnn(. the old. vew tree in the church- t soQlet . . . "nner above siaieo-oeiore me, oui - r . ii r i ".ovy-.instan'ce.'.- After hav Spared seedpheat as ahove for sever ani bemt satisfied of ills good ef- Vt sent an account of the above mode A f seeri wheal, to the: editor of a Nftr in Uucl MrAUuiaid, I believe, iptiisjjjabjiut twenty years ago. iSj very i esperiiu iiy , A Joiwr Storrs. i - I.-, ! n. : ' " i nev iu. 7 -oj Somunmfcuhloi.--'-A man, L t,as already w H-aWf jn:pt5s;aiion as a working jew-1 ror ner own : ; wuhag only child, a, daughter, in ,J4 omfo(tt ia-r aside all his earnings ; nhlptSrw'ii.tid to house hold ,,onlerlL vijp?y hcrr dot when she iaifllal man in lierfown station ; UDBeifsthie months, be had ooservea v f ,uifwi tnat articles ,ennuiBu o '"VMjg pd givto to hum tor th" pu;pse cmtio- iri ri l vrltdrvrv tiished between W llMi flf'tnVr.: ' The; poor mail bore v. ti "'ripsiue ior nis uaugiuer s por- rt71?tilles;of ; :wbieh he became had rubbed bim, he s'eeled Im ap ht r: protestations of inno I bit from h'is presence. On the fl'Siiklin mlaaA in nh'iaKl nf wottia' .Hnii have . putlotoed . The se , 1 tyikk a wine gla8 on' the table of (mm ii; if t ! .i . . . . v wpg ga;nerea the large 'W-loeJ::?T''Wara day break he i4'wfj$Lby a pab in hts foKi, when h . , bal to it a piece of broken glass. tj, roust ha ve been si a rfding a v 'it vvj -ucy w - - - , vard, hall in sobs of grief, and half in prayer; it . t -V.: L.m twin il.i 4bj i rl m ..I h . is that of a youtn Kueeiing uj uio er grave. tnn. was voun?. and sad, and pale ; Two mourning, youthful heari3 were they; They had the same familiar tale, Mans tale of every day. lnd each'uon the other gazed, VV:th ves from sorrow cold and slow ; They knew not why, out ieu amau That each was nuiaione in wuo. Is not so dear as woman's lip, N I 13 U I Oil '113 OTOie SlUt-cric. . j. Monre was a libeller, but he did not pre- Uutiie to say that " woman's itp", and te Utfflthlei" were ever uui'etl. X , no, Mir.. 'Editor, I never can think Temperance L. ot i are neresSHrv ior mc iir? i-'-f , . . . I . ..'.' L. do t believe that they ttunK so ; out m pH mv the advocates, to! proH iTernperance among the self-styled lords jf Ueation. Pve i.o dubl this is ihe real ob-j THE GROG SHOPS, 1 There it is. J The little gio sbop ! rea- dv to accommodate Yes, in any qoanli- ty. proportioned to tie means of the poor- eat eiistMtnrrs, taking in pay me? hm- tJince tl.ey bavr? for bread: ine inrniiure from therr wretched garrets, the rlothes from their sheering rhildieii. tlie very beds on which thev ate dying inirli-by inch. A ml this e?nuot be PreventPil I I he wretr ri- 'r who deal out to these deluded, friend- les, helpless beings, the poison ol ooiy and soul, destruction for time and eteri-ny, eannot he Teacbed by the bninJ- iger.t people ! Preach V .f- rv. Lift ail r'Jivis, t ar.d declare it, e will tv t'l. .Ikk 1 1, era m m.tral flirt A illp Hi- re is civil goveriiiiicui ri i" 4.Gd ruling in the heavtV&, we xcill nt ociet . Mu who are utterly dead fc ail other aroeals whose cfrwc4eow8 it -eared with a hot iron, on siiasiorr'' has no more effect wai Lmcn who willtake a piece of rncail 4n bart,er fr rtm Irom a dru;Ken wite, when thev k.ow the boor husband has .-procured u with difiicTTltyi for bis starving fmilv. men who will Kinumani psu V . . . I - . 11 L womn out of their own doors, wnere sne i... ..mi tn hpcpprh them with tears ar.d lias ii-i.i.- - - n her knees, not to give dru k to. her brw tal hnuhand. to drir.k aoainl and drink " i mm a he dies, or murders Ins wi!e. and anannons his children lo wretchedness and lonhs;cne T,reir gay that such menj cannot or must be restrained why, you may as well bresk up 'mt ietv. nd laugh t juMice. ami mrk a't li-map'tv Mi d its God.4?osa;ia, or Sci ence, in Huston. m-r. - - Foreign The weekly balloon packet arrived from the moon yesterday. IN o par ticular news there, except that green cheese is in creart demand. On its return tney in- terreDted the wits of thirtv one poets, and r - - . and one hundred and ninety-three lovers, and 'brought -them all baefcr, stopd up to gether in a glass phial. ) Correct.. v Received paymeni, . , T. L. CHESTEU. pi m- NTp.w York. June 7, 1S37. T. L, Smith, aaont.bit of Webb &.;Tp- on i VrUliiCjlio oi, . voir-,.. wt -Clmhilla-nbior.'--- 177 '8 1 2 7 one mUon car- 117 I 2 f -r f k. 1 s ttq .ort Pell0g'a9ri4do do -;.22; 7 44 110 do Brvs, do a 17, 233 J hearth ru, . - 20 3 4 juABpunU 43 29 are whom "moral tlian cn stone r EARLY MARRIAGES. Great as may be the inconveiniences attending . i . iimii arjri - in 1m c.'mnaf ed lii (ar'V ItlilM, - ..;; .... - - t ;. tittle sitending lung engagemepis. i ne pu-iiim 39.013 31 2B12 13 9.355. SO J 00 000 00 100,178 00 12 146 27 1.258 23 43.494 04 50 907 28 10,620 19 3 315 76 10,738 70 11.231 90 54,626 55 2,095 24 12 419 86 10 005 99 55 962 00 32 550 47 7.20 73 J4S1 93 26 691 50 6 650 50 2.211 5S 72 124 07 80 825 75 3.776 50 3 Oil 64 1,6H8 S4 2.690 47 7,702 45 593 99 6 000 00 32.133 31 105 CO ' 13 12 214 00 25 00 ach was nut alone in woe.' 'creation. Pve no doubt this is ihe real iiti-j . , iectof their founder, and as far as the reg H again and love, though sickne Xe luce of ladles as an .ndinee! marked Henry, the orphan youth, 1 meeliRg8 ,.8, I ,m a L i.n.iofnr their nresenre. Let them cheer f both partieslsMrTa m?nter, the reverse of that -wfc-Kh o.v win rcspenveiy oecnpv in ai.r m Th .lady "commands ibe gentleman obeyp, ami when iinsia'e of things has of lime, it is- no ea?v mailer i restore ihem a- tbai -ami; Twere worth a thoughtful wish to see A loving pair o calm, so young, " VMid graves beside the church-yard tree While summer's! light around them clung. : : ' i He see n'd a moire than common roan, Whom children passed not heedless' by, With graven brow of shapely span, 'lAod sudden-moyingV pensive eye. j : Retired and staid was Henry's look. And shrank front men's tomolroous ways ' And on the earth, as on a book, He oft wuold bend his gaze. Bdt then at VignCof bird or flower Or beam thai set the clouds in flsme Or aohi that told of joy or power, : y pun, ine mao ui s",v" for their nresence. Iet them cheer on the advocates of the cause ; w theirj Jzeaj by the thronging crowds o( fair laces ihat are so animating w me oramr , urr utd any hvph aTilioojh tw) a o.; jain toJheir liauiral s;ate ; f.'r mjn nf spnsB who respects her -elf till ver 'wish to d.imineef. and no man of spirit would submit to H, yet the precise limns m which authority may fairly be extended on ihe one hand, and ohedierc expected on the other, av so ill m: fined, that it requiies often 2'eat 'act and inanasmenl lo acijusi ihebahnce; and ttiis .nlTntnltv is ra:uralfy increased -luhen.ibe parlies h,av beeo 'Oi a l,,n2jjkffilJPiiilr'2 Ji!f pi't-lH 'contrary pars JTyeTsTtoo, arnatnralfy living inTcompTirstaie of dfcepiioji and hypocrisy in mjsi cases 'ibably qoi'e uriiitoentionaily but, where ilier -xisi a sirong ;iesie Jo f lease. ihe'ei A NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPEN TU7V'P I .' . H I -274 43 The Adrninistraiien presses, in their Wind ad- Received payment, W tuu r ti!n of all Mr Van Boren's dotrgs. have call- j haTe zm before me, ""J ? J u 1 ed the Sub-Treasnry Bill a ne Declaration of 0frieial vouchers, duly receipted ftt Independence. That the new Dec.laratiob may nig carpeting. P"', me inlo power r no. want the sanction of signers, the Editor of ace since u , ;? the -w York American gites the loiiowmg : "y- TON 1,545 00 JVames of the Signers of the new Declaration of 513 yds. prJ SJXOJV's) 214 50 on o ins w 6i do 4-4 Wioe ior aii., 107 do ?rwK carpet and border 1 harlh ra m niac" - , t n-a a 4 impena . - t , j 2fjo CO Oil Cloth, 'L:, - ; - i j 8,499 03 : the somof $3,499 C3 of Mere, sir. c ... - . fc f jjrencitn the People's cas l gJjVc tpeis and o.l former' for F"" let roe refer clelbs to adorn the J cn?resg, . WtoIec " A pQTICcarpetins r the usa or, IGrarpe,. daf(j oi .he Presidents lloesj J J Burpn r; aiTirm -ihat. Then why qWjgA carpeb? Are .here no cVudVf colors sufficiently -tm; democratic Presi 2audv. to please Carers, and dycrs. dent ? Aie.MEUUI a and roanoiactorers twuutlandtoo a decen, RPloo ibort. sir. t;.ai .VERIM h -f :ibe (fCl0f carp-t m ot H rwht doH be pre- no Amin pU.0iw.?JB" IV-difict io- so. io int-ii Bin - . well wiiu e I honest ,nde. "!J;Wof Amer- iiczht the heatt of every , in lh( Independence. SAMUEL SWARTWOUT, $1,255,705 69 J 1 . ITsnby, Willis W. Greene, R. R Gill, - LtTTLEBCRY HaWKIPTS, Wiley P, Harris, B. IS. Chambers, , Mr. Cannon, .1 W. Stevenson, G D Boyd, Simael VV. Bell, . B F Edwards, R. R. Slerling, S XV. Dirksnn, M.S.Mitchell, A. WT. Jons, P Childress, J H.Owms, William Lin, Samol T. Scott, .! d.n S. D'nieU, Pollock, M ) AHn, R T. Brown I'.motcy Upham, William M Price, R-.S.-ri Arnold. J.itu- P Dpcauir, f?.:mjhrey Peke, Ju'.n 13rewRler, Joseph Aborn, K. . Thurston, .1 .1 McLaoaban, A. W Me Da nie V L. P"p, AM Dtfabliers. hrnibers. husbands, sons, lovers, the single ones have five or stx it U) to join jn the glorious enter prize ; uinc iire.u. yepresent them there, as they do o ;.h Shallot box, the Legislative HV.i. or the BiM tie -tleld. But let not Carolina's daughter follow the i.otsiep,. o. ...c.r u.i ...... -n, j' hH . ;,! iters, and seek to enter inio a plre never Jf . ( un?ia;JJ,ifie,s :him designed for them by Providence. 1 ad- believe. ''io a!ril ted rnii that no immediate harm can rjS'Mt fromj 8re cnnsiantly tnk'f.g vf !.uJ r..miinn nf a TemDerance Societv of d.ros.iiuRs tthr and I II 12 Ilia v t -Sfl4T ! r . t i 1 i . i a-. r.ftU.s tkan m fihneba " Tt. ta tf : i . tT l! . ! t iT9 Clt tl iial ? e f V On . - a i an ipm. mi iiici luaii mi i t - a, 1 1 .-- r ' ViW "r: r.u - ..t;., ,.. t -nc.U; i.,i,ir a, f said foi-. ibetraoa ws mVoluMa little our sense im " i - . i !. t " .rcono which a.i5 giihht TV ,. Something nice" for the lawyers A curious ratisp is simui. fo n ftleaded before the Tribunal ;n Bf.rrlsox. A pTSt.n ; lbs' city savo a pro Jmiy r.u'c payable at sight. W hen ii as !nrw..!P;(. hv dbior hao an enormous pair ot kfift-fn Knpfiac! on his nose: and. bavins in Vs r - . .. .. ... ' ' . , funned ihf liUiSSier tbat nis signrwa vn; n3c, asikpd ihe na.ore'of ihe bi.l The luissicr n plifd ihat it wa1 parable at-sight. ' Io that cas-,' said ihe-debior, " I car not pay uniil ray eys ijet btrr, fur I do not sf ii!" The hoi' er of tbe hill nut heinor i.-fied wnh this view a the quest ino, has co'i-mcoced his action. M Thiers, Jhe present prime minister of Frnrc, is the son of a shoemaker of Mf a i. It s T I l-t ' . i ' i ... ....... .r. Iri . nT:. b I.. il.. m r.i 1 .1 cnhltini in mnV must al-" exis a ,ui --j ;i mj . .,.,.-k...c - , keep on-'s faults in ihe back grouiit, and exhibit, j w,08 There are 53 6-25 in the pleasii-g parts 01 one c i c t p;, . anrt 61,032 in tbe ceparimeui. i that-!, in ,ra?u loi G4.rmj, ,ow, fUttj lwo , b.nreS ol be- ill il.r o 3v' i . 7 hf gira? afier kf-fi and inheren! in humso r.iffer rn'or'aoej t ra. ?r. ing wedded to-young girts. Pa: But not so in u their skill? . W "Lowell witMe---. fee ! i n gs o( honest pride. '-v r i tnn ,f Ameri- .rVand the walla in ihe n.-.nt fornisbfd with saloons i.f an Aanufactore, ? I -plain, subsiaatial. Arr.f niBuref: pTOPosf s I J this the p-Iicy Jhi ' ; toMte.tiivttry fr.., which wr- ' vV,U bV ad. r -3 orff CMTXlZ benefits oo .3r.VC:j stnnffc rricuf e nter ne? m regard n,..ariwns..f iwigwna, woui gfoW- Wnu Wbat e American ,r ay to this plia ? H - . t0 pon?8h v,eav.r relish that ? WUn4 cri. , on. ray fenfidence on the can ry, rely ,JJ-- n , mtoofactorers i lritr..U a d paipms oi ; and tTicbao:cs I. rL.i.min. I fflil ' - 1 a I .nan Ul V issson. -. fl, r52tufe ;i 3ccusa - i.- ": 'ih'flPfol.l 'l ' kl " J' t. ' A ' l'tt -fln men reraounifu ii, aua tin t.; ; , ' he wasrbimsejf a sleep walk . ;W4jajudiU child oojosUi;ai P t fnice in the roft immediate r uo jsweis aua iriuhes i 1 r jt - ... .i r.i .D.ivtd Ramsai's, Oakly ;fle icacy snu " j srf f0?:,,WPd by recrimrnatWns n, all sbe g-tj . Gm. f irdell co N. C and renewal koaniv : but it is-the first l 11 ? .. . . . :.Ji i.e., -.-i- kj lf UV . X::.A 1.1. liaht when near him shone fff -." ,f.... U, I misery ana oit.ernces B,r.r? ...... u??, j , riders btsservics i. ine puonc. u.a v- . - n- , . bju. i i giep i imh' iu v -"-"v j. - i i ! r i-se trie mveis excttfu iu .03-'T f nonsdeuartmfoiso: nis proiessiou. lx li 34 !w4h the ultra fanaticism of tl, . , ?(tlt lhat tne.v ,re unoed ti human; beings 1 ,.40.124 , ,;r0T;:.h mitM as uoe.-4 WiUhthrootsts takes, fli s trie erst mo?eii like t hems--eS. aid neartie i w V : ; hT I. fL. of th- W. hif ainrvof ibe now again conJuet you tajw e lt . Cocrt palace, where we shaU eoi. jga Tcu Ba.iqaei.iig' m , It j, r .V -..--i;int'i first oDDoses the lovers anion, except opon tbecoodition of Henry s oe--coaiins his assistant in manual labor, but at last gives a general-nsent; f tbe parties. should remain of the same Tmind . wben the spring it- lifted' i : 3 : - i ;:: J ' ii-.:: if'. lr& wllh what arTection he firM-V'--..----- 7 i .'.-.. V : r '' - 4;:r!...:...;.-...., . -; . - - - v. . JtlWJSiC Si HOO&. UrwX,ed itself in tbe Ahlhtion Soil Good tfml-Tbe Chine have a sa;1 -sri BAKER uiltH-mte lessons 1st ' Contending that women ouiM' in2. tt aDtinlnrkv worn mopped iromme Jfll0 the I'.ano un -r ?nW ne au.u CietT. ls. lontenatng iob f ft rflnnnl hft hrounht hack aiia bv a . m., vacaii. at (be FmaleAcademy. . tn enoace ID the puouc vociiuiit vi ou (""s1 " .r. IT I : ., T iwn-o" engage id iu r m.chindiizbonei. ' I August 7, 1S40. and partae ot uib cicui.b -,- - .. kni"h.l I 111 BUSW J a sight ibpi will be, ubleset -out, ar- a genaiue locufocos on prepared to receive raoaed in order, ano ou 7 . . however. Io tbe first place, however. ic - .... tht taDi IB I Ml vf" : I must iVfX". disbeV'ff lld. iThardeider rndfocooco Preside - aoofit only to act before 'Bm" aod fl- -1. A -

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