k, - - 1 . j : ; t r . 1 i " i T i M:'f ''' . V -''. hic!i a cenoine locoto- m air riy l ff F w Ami;rik via nd. wi' h mwl th Glob eioq JPntljr WW M j , ?., . . adopt the. mimsndpriucipUs of uODLBliS- - - ;.. - -'.;.--- ; vo nZfe a blie and iroti', French tambours, comparers on k. feet, elands fhbonbons, with three slopes, gudr A ed French ptaltans; garnished irith mirrors and carlands ad gaudy arli;uiaij tourers. , :unns The 8iKioiic d3jrf . mr erf cnftcntndeJ lo eat whii wase lore (iem,kini: ;p qs 'km if in? ir,K)d Ctf istia't roari shonW.'by, irtfr?iail8 Jrttr, wooia cirrtainiy: nare naro faFeof it ; Hemig!it;peffiap9 eusain fitoishing hnroanity by pruwsing on :-mnifiqml . fl verr.Mi! wretlis, peraaenturc;bf torching f jih the tiHiffW t!. saccharinecompoiicT and bonbon; sooTcw Uai afier the ; rajnTer f thff ; efy cmn- Tv tfay amons" ibe tohahitann of KmiJerhiwik, Tof . 4 ! r 4 'v sit all.: This, is'-vrbai W call in tho ihewe aid glonoos Uttte of tberThames. and in my judgment leaves no gooi grounds tut wuroteT8y r unpleasant feeling? beltea-lw biave officeisV tlt "ant r?nJ - . t.. - : ; : r Truly; ybnr friend, '-;;--;, ; :. lien. ci.akkisox. v- g" 1 " , - ; t - : - T: FRIDAY. SEiTE3IBJ2U 11, 1840. the manliness 10 avow ft i; nay, be eten cnld" Induce the irbprpssion that: he didnbt allode 'to' i lift Committee sneak nz ' ! ! We take n6 dieligHt in dwelling npoo', these 1 ihings. because -we regard them as cbmpromit . imji the honor and character of the nation. :$ni nisei nati. Aoaost 24: 1840.,.? j h1r. Van Borerj has tornedont to'open ejection- jiVjfVaVf lead the correpondence bet ween errircr; Utter 0Hn letter has been published joorseif and Cot. Juhuson rela)ie I him'; at Wilder his namithc direct object ; all which Chiiieothe. From the perosal if Cot. Juhnsoni ..i Thinking! voo for the tneresl yoi bate n the field doing batue like eiomporators I maoKested.io. 4isrvmMer' I rctorni .the .cofres- fur a Feat in tbe.Conimons. When we seeaii pvndence this.' we are corftpelld to the conviction, that so far as the President is concerned, the dsgnuy of VoWK?nrliirr by a.c-rd a large lamp ff sugar imaif- -difly over th centrof ; the table, so that it ! ... might string round to th" cut9)'e'fial!,y: A' j re have tried tte iWasriciisn his magic tconl do. t must weather the storm with TtppccaMCs ' if f; , rl aits: ! . V 1! " - " '1 N:v':: ft" .rl ... J ? fie boif ,r sir, there V fio food lor the ; palate "laced op-r-.n this locofoco'a table v there is a'feasi of o!d fr the,, eye that would . hhve satiated King Ali da hionRelf.': And aUhaagh the wood of sere r, tl Ijjgw forests wsLsWi i ui dwn to dress the victuals for this Taaie.rUn bar.qiet. yrt it re nirrd the HJiXD 6ffEHU.0DRKD V):AVAX ?V OWE; DOLUIRS TOK CASH TO BUY THE. jFrfBLE Ftfi yiu.-" seemed amsMd,iMr. Chairman. Do nnt relieve that 1 speak not t5e wur.fs of truth aid soberness.'!- I bate now in my hands, sir, Uie ; rjficial vonehers: which show the ex , '.p.nditiue .; f "c-f ety dollar of that large sum. and thai the whole amount thereof, with the excep tion o(.t125, wasexpended since j he days of - t he plain frugal, ? tcotwmkal, republican re ''treuehingrejormalion if 3 ackeon ami Va n Bu reft eommei.ced. And I l:ere. in my place, de- insni in th name M mv 'Vtiristituents. that the ? Committee on the rUp-iidiiares n the Public IloildinT make a report, to, this Uoose. and Comrnnnicale copies, nut only of the vouchers tin this sobj-ct.butaH ihe wot ehers in relation to expendiuis for: th? President's House, for future, arid efoon.'s; t'ipt they ma te all spread before the People a an official form This Everlasting leakage from the People's strong box toosi be sienched. . . ,-- - Hot 1 willexnib;t to the committee the vari ous bills which form the ajiregate of $11,191 S2 fur tha table service L of the democratic Presi dent. - ' ;' ; . . I .will, in the first place, bring to the notice V. the committee Mhe bili fr the French ster lirig sljTer; plate and gilt dessert bei, bought r fr. m riJnssiai. Nobleman, de M; h General ;'! fJaroii da I'iijrll, resident Minister of his Ma tjfsry thfi fCmperor f Kossia Mt -.Lisbon, fur the ' WHIG ELECTORAL TICKET. No. 1 . Col CHARtiES McDowell, of Bnrke co. 2. Geo. Ja.1 Wellbrs. of Wilkes. S .David Maisocr, ff Lincoln. 4. David F jl al.dw ell. of Rowan. 5. James HEbA5ii,of Caswell. 6 Hon Abraham Kenchee, of Chatham. 7 John B.iKELLT.pf Moore. 8 Dr. James! h. wrn, of Orange. I 9. Charles Mault, of Wake 10. Col AV M. lr. i.QFG, of Halifax. T. D. Carseal. VVH; HARRISON J s I ' . Cii?ciNHATi, Aognst 12X1840 ; Mt ifm Colonel : I enclose yoitffpeech as poblifebed in ibe ChilicoUie Advertiser. I he ,pn,.ripr ,f ocr sceech. so lar of General Harrison, has sorely misconceived roii": 1 not onl? so think, but have so said. An inference may oe lairij orawo iuai uu ! i .. j.j L:..n.. kni itiai tnn only in ooooi as rcgaroeu uiiwuijjp,i n :LOW: PRICES AN D LOY VAGES. The subjoined letter frora a dislingmslu cd Republican .in" Ohio is enticed to the 'tubs'! serious consideration, both . for the testimony.il bears and.its very intelligible reasoning upon' the doctnhei of the De- structi v esV T'he wi iter' be it observed, is a citizen' who has setyed the country with liieb repute,-in difjerenl trusts, both military arid civ i !t pf iugh standing therefore, and of ttntotfpeacblircracilyiJ jnrerr til WaHtne Coi (O.YJiVGsU 1340. ' iier5eSi'r Treasury pn je ci'aiHi policy; if carried cuf, wboIifbwe'ardeVlraki agricultural; 'arnl laboifi rig glasses of the cornmuhityXepci" entertained, a dtnibt, and npoiTall proper occasums, -Ven'lbe suhjeel was ::matter of conversation, I uhhesitattnglygave it a rn onimon that, in the same prppartion as the 1 product oHUe farroernd iHe prire of Idbor 1 would be reducedv that bfribe officehoider. H. Vm. Wj I2.jTMOMAS f 'iiERav,of Bertie. E Jokes. ot Perquiraons. the nation is brought dowp as low as it can be, and therefore, there is no treason why Van Boren should not be treated as any other electioneering demagogue. Wre shall fitlblish the, whole of Mr. Boutf letter next weik, and'we hope it, will be atlen- tivelv considereiJ by every ore OLD TRUX r i - t: J J uen. jackBon i i and ao doubt thinks ho riff hi vanilv M - m w w w - j " - - I J J r" . ( i , . n . v.- t ;jnit U Jiwih fiM . nnriiMn elec-I From the enclosed remarks of Col. C. S.Todd, every friend to tb rights of; nn. tiuaeerer in fatbr of his "successor". But he, J" uCf p,. 'r- one occasion .u ., ! Ji .L i.-.. . .;n widely diflWr. , If consistent with your feelings, Esa. Af ateubenville, some three v ears ago, l - nc n iii i .. ! ..ii.ui 1 - . . turntsn me wun your views wi .mc uv They will be published or not, as you may desire- Truly your friend, 7 T. D. CARNEAL Col R. M. Johnson. V. P., Mansfield, Ohio. :. ; " i had bot little respect for him as commaodingUen ( m0Xe$ jhterest or cipitalists.V woujd rON IN THE FIELD !!' , eral. My personal regard for yon induces me alone , pnh ' H . lJiat S(lch a state t.f things ., 4,. irll o. to call your attention to thesubject, and lurnisn , ..-mt:UmA' ..eciru : uutKU ,n an oDoortohitv of coirectinffJt hat I conceiie TVUI:U. V lliA 7 1 he can do it again, and; ' hft an erroneous and sarbled report of what every woere to te loiinaraDq-approu o. h9 induced htm onenlv and' rn Hirt Wa in Chilieothe on the 9th iostaet. Ithe despot, but abhorred and detested Uy T3. Josiah CQLLI5S )f Washirgtob. 14. James -VVj Brtan. of Carteret, 15. DameL iBj Baker, of Nev?-Haoover. ,j . . . WHAT MR? RITCHIE SAYS OF USj ,Thf Richrodnd Enquirer contains the fol lowing, which pe commend to the consul eration of the V:hjgs of this region : " In the snrrlmer of 1836. Dudley (Whig) was eleeird Goyernor over Spaightby a majori ty of 4,379 ; bui in the fall our fiiends rallied, and eanied VanBuren by a majority of betweeh 2 and S000. Wfiai was done in 1536, will proba bly be don agaib.? ; y ' j Now old gentleman, permit us to -sajr mortal man never was raor- mistaken thab you are in the? )abote. O ir friends ral lied !! W hiit sort of a rally is it to Ml from 31 006, the number given to Spaight, reeknns. this time, without his host : we will venture "if the secrets of all hearts were made known." that ftbe old fellow receives little thanks for his paios. Mr. VanBuren and all the sharp ones about him know, that the day has passed by when theTIero of ftco wars and 'Jifty rote' is to be worshipped as a God. Tbey know that his gracious smile can no long er shed glory opon his appointee. Mr. Prestori,' we believe it was, io by gone days, when be spoke for and with the Nullifi cation parly of (south Carolina, called General Jackson a toothless Tiger. The propriety oif that epithet was never more strongly illustrated than in tbe letter against Mr. Clay. He shows i t; all the ferocity of thai cruel beast without the power to harm. . .. . J, Massfield. August 18, 1840. Mr Dear Sik : Your favor has been receiv ed, in which you observe that, by my reported speech, an inference may be drawn that I am not only in doubt as regards ibe conrage of General Harrison, but that 1 had but little respect for him Esq (then a candidate lor state Senator at uus time a Senator of the United States) invited me to his house, and to. dine with lum. Whilst there, the Specie Circular, sab-Treasi ury, and Bank.Reform pmj-cls, were most ly the topics of bur conversation, he approv ing, and I disapproving the measures; I alleg ing the deleterious effecte hey would bavo on the farming interest, observing it would reduce the price ol wheat to -lwenlihve as a en SOU, QUI lliai 1 IIBU VUI J11IC ICBiTVi iui him ; II ,.! M. - " Jr ' --. f - mmanding General I am happy to have j cents per bushel, and, in that, event, 1 for this opportunity of informing yomhat, during my service with Genetai Harrison, 1 had no cause to doubt his courage, bat to consider him a brave man, and I have always expressed myself to that effen ; oor have I ever disapproved or censored any of his measures as commanding General io tlx To lht Editor cj - Sir Beir Ke ry Clay of Kent':: at .'Nanhville, yp! r appointed "the II 0 ston .'Secretary of v faulter and knov, ,; that I am josi.fi , to be false, h U ! that tlm dent to the ijenr.e. priaie cotnmiuees . it is to inquire j nominef s, ao I T,. t of defa.li,oranv ! existing against t nomination f. f member of the T Louisiana, wlien ! Can Mr, Ciav s !V firnwlion of his" ; was a defaulter? Senate, will. us r::r by ihe. Senate is such ohjectum, if r I am Baiisfijul i could not lave 1 I am also infer: ed roe with app :; Collector of ihc ; irtg that he hstl 1 Burr. To tl)is c! that I knew of : i tiou with Asto,! that of Mr Cl.y Cory of the time .? justice, wa? far fr lion with Burr, -1. Lexington in II. was appointed sny with reconi .: Illness not niorf i d deed to tne by t in behalf of IS1 r loo. ai me iirm? r that hig'i ofiice, i directly crwet! t j having bargain' 1 Jackson is as manifest and as strikingly exhib ited in the epistles w-bich we publish to-day as volomes could make it out. One shows him- st.If a polished, dignihed Gentleman : the other a savage. dnwn i(i,25.fi.'H). No.it was not the ral- sji-n oi-fowaM ihref hundred and eight y o( ,rilds, but the apathy of the fmp Turn, Wh'ifs . We I fell from 35,864, down to JI i dollars and eishtu two cents. Tho silver : plate coueist of Saoce- Boats. Plates, dwerses zrandenrsl bottle stands, sovp ladles, -c fyc 'C three hundred ; 'pittA. thirty. eight' pieces. . , ' ;f Pne gilt dessert set U compiled c( Table Rpfums, Sveel-mat SpMins. Tea or Coffee brMns. Knives, Folk, c. &c. one hundred avdforly pieces. ! I Yie following receipts are endorsed on the biiX.r the silver plate and gilt service : . . Received, - Jnne 29, 1833, four thousand three hundred and eight dollars eighty two cants :b(ji2 in full for the withirV service of plate. V ;v 4- - V- GEO W. SOUTH , I .-certify that I havereceived into the P.icsi Rent's Hon e all the articles contaid in the within service, and they are intended for the use of the President's Hoose.- 1 1 J BOUL ANGER . Washington, July 1, 1S3. 5r It may.be proper. io remaik that pure gold is "enerally cunsidered jjo ductile and s-iitjn ruan ufjcidreM.njo knites, folks,, and "other utensils, which rfqiiire sirne degree o! firmness or wani of phabiltiy. ; The gilt or gold service, there ' ft.re, used in the palaces " of kir.rr and at the ; cas'Jfstif wealthy nnblrmen'io luu!ope,'is com . red of a slight substratum of silver, thickly l3t-d rrovclaid with pure wold. -And hence. one should not, aftr paying those who as sisted me in securing the crop, have a, sur plus more than sufficient to pay my taxes. He, in reply, said that twenty-five cents was i this charge v:a or would be enough for a husbel of wheats; his prefet.t assr nirnr1 Pi.e-.-r ie pursuit o Proctor, or in the battle of the ' . v rr.;.i. ....u ,. Tbe contrast between Mr. Clay and General Thames. Every thing I saw met ray entire ap : J S, ""Z.""' u SX: V- T , probation, and bave never spoKen 01 it in any u ' t s " """if j -' other terms. In sneakin? of tbe battle of the and that the times would then assume a more descends Iron ! Thame, and the part acted by mj regiment, I stable character, and be better for the conn- and roams over did not intend; io increase tbe me-it of that reoi-1 tr opnerallv I looked at him with aston. f tiers against the ment,nr to diminish ihe merit claimed by others; ,shment and asked him if he was seriouf, niucn less pio i miena 10 impiy inai ueuerai Harrison. or Governor Shelby, or any officer at tached to the army, avoided doiy or danger.' Each bad his part to acl, and I should feel myself moch degraded to suppose that they did not per form their duty fearless of. daneer : nor have I The Fayietteyilie Carolinian onder the cap tion "it will leak out," says times are getting better fast, jfince 'he Sob Treasury has gone and was such his democracy ? He answer ed that he was serious, and that such was bVs democracy. 1 then ireplied,'-" the, Lord deliver me from your democracy." r : : My bservataiions then turned on the Hermitage .1 . O TO Your surprr nreal as mine r- 22 572 But (what more could have been expected, when pur, candidate, Judge White was actually proposed to the people of N Carolina, by the great meeting at Salisbury onahe 15th of! Msv 1835. ' as an alterna tive as tlfe choice of two evils. This was the manner in which he was back- s. . ; i ed by Mr. CUIhoun's friends everv where i i in the State: and it was this backing tit killed him. No one could feel much hope or anxiety for; the success of a candidate known, yet the Whigs are tryinr to conceal it continuing to cry hard times.' 4c. We cab tell this sagacious Edifsr he is mistaken. The Whigs have no desire Uo conceal tbe fact of into operation) and that although tbe faet la j ever doubted that these gallant officers were pre- J great inequality such a state of things would ginned Andren .aai .j ..v.w uu.j v,.v, .uvu-. . ----- I pruuucc ueiwccii mo uiuc-uuiucr mr jii . .editor Ol tho i stance, and other portions of the communi lng dte on tht l ty, to wit, a State Senator's $5 per day will: The circtnns: pay for 12 bushels of wheat, of tbe labor of Nashville are va 24 men for one day ; a United! States Sena j repeated intiisi: tor's $8 per day will buylS2 bushels of wheat, tinn holden on t n Kir ft .1 man nnA ilqi. i lia PraelilAnl'd ; ill. Ul IMIV JD Ullil HUB UBJ , ,,,V M. ll.illUllll VeiUPfl IP Si) ' ' ' sixty-eight and a half dollars per day will . wag honoroJ, w! mv Inr tivn hnnnrori unn cnvrnfi.lnnr hitoh. f : - . . jm j Ba vv v iiuiiwi vu v u 4?w"aiyvvu vut?-VA J JlJ J it. , els of wheat, or hire or pay for tbe labor of five hundred and foity eight men for one f jn whlt term , r day , ana so on, in proportion, for tne ben- semceP of , such a battle,! where our country was victorious there should be a controversy about : the merit doe io the actors in that battle I claim nothing above the most humble soldier who performed his which he speaks . we know times are assuming duty on that occasion, nor shall anv earthly con a more propitious character as brighter grows sideration ever induce me knowingly to do mjos the prospects if benHarrison. In tbis we,ori- lice o the commanding ofllcer, Goyejrhelby, l rtim... J. -if , , .1 I or any omer onicer in mai army, i nsieinus ly witness an action similar from cause, butd.f- ,nftnpH m.Bi,if tn nttnitrai m,rf,. nn, knnwino- iereni lp eneci, io me cnange which look place in what particular fact injustice is supposed to in the times as the passage of the Sub Treasu have been done to General Harrison. 1 should ry oecameJpfobable. We all know as its pas- be glad to know what particular issue is made as sage into a taw approximated, times view hard: ! the facts stated in the reported speech, respect- I in., mkiak I - I , U 1 1 tnl Att I chl ril timir nn or nnn hitnilrnH Ihmiciinil 4 - . . . thus upheld by a Urge division of his and now that o great a political change as from l0 slale facts JJ as ro own personal offic6rsVho 8re fed oul of xh& Dnb,. cnb nS'sh ed . , v, friends. I Van buren i toi iiarnson bids fair, confidence is Lnnwlpdcn tmuAe nH vhml nnrlorcinni (r..in Lj i ; n .... lu,s niie B" u : " . J j. r r ' ; i Bot lhe times are changed nbw : Rip is wide awake j Harrison is uppermost in the thoughts I arid j affections of every one. He is stronger, than Mr. Morehead in No. Carolina stronger in every eounty in the Van Buren to Jarrison bids fair, confidence is knowledge extends, and what I understood from fast oemg restore knowing as-all do, that the others ; and not to censure or criminate, but to Country will not now be made to suffer bv the I state the truth, as far as I know i or believe the tacts i expect to be in vour cnv on ftondav. 'PperatiorjCSub Treasury. W lmm who have perm itted themi- State, than any Whig candidate was in the summer election.4 and we have no fear that we shall fall off in November. The l pr imr; ihe gili service of the Presidunt was falling off will jprobably be on the other manolacored after the same manner. No boo 9ulf Mr Van Buren's forces are, esv 1env.erat, boever,Ty taking up the various . .. i - i . . . wiey are uiRpirueu, ana unless uesperation tirtirl.9 ui which it consists, would be led to do'.ibt a moment that tbey are mac'- of gold, without any alloy. They may be pure gold, v thotinh I am inclined to believe nthei wise, mas rniuch at they were ,: .proonred 'from ..-ne : 'of the Vreal nobles of theMtooiian Empire. ' When we commenced the publication of Mr. Ogle's sprecb we designed only to give a. few. of the best pans ; but we -find it so entiiely g-ood that we have ctiiicludit is all bett. We will continue its publication alter r.exi wek. A few day? ago, a big and a foco foco of New 'Albanygot into a dispute in regard lo Mrl Van Boren's vote irv favor; of negro siflH2e, The loco foco denied ' that Mr V. V. ever gave toch a vote. The Whig oiT'-red to prove it by Ilolland'siography 01 Mr.WanrBareh The loco fpeo chal Icn'ed him to produce . the book. "The ' Whig accordingly went off and I borrowed it, took it to hi loco foco opponent, and pointed hunto the passage?, where 31r. Vr. II7 negro vote is recorded. Thejoco foco took the book, threw u into hi: moncy- i, drawer, turned the key upon il, and obf.ti- ; iiejy- peisiaieo in rr iubih w auiiniurr i up, though h offered to give fen dollars in 1in of it. I The- Whig of course rejected '."j X ;S;thc money 8nds afterwards told rthe owner - iof the boot: whathad occurred- Forthwith ''drX' X'i the owner wtai andrdemanded his proper- :-f: ; ty, but lhejopo lieo, instead of -giving up ; t the book, ;rof esici that he had burned it ! . j ', " Aro our opponents such fools as to sup- H $ ;wse that they can, by such petty rascality keep the people ignorant of'Mr.Yjan Buren s loathsome and abominable principles ? Louisville journal. shall supplyjtheb with courage, they will fall fT in the Presidential election. But the Whigs mustnot presume on this ; let them remember ihat desperate men are dan- e gerous rjicn.i Tihedyii i-yZapof the whal Ui has proved fatal to many a goodly boat. November is .their dying flurry, so we must be out in fpiqe. i MR. AR VAN BUREN AND THE . i - bill: - The able anp patriotic member in Congress from tbe Rtchmodd district in Virginia, has nub hshed a reply Ito Mr. Van Buren's assertion in his Elizabeth City letter, that he did not alludt sdit&fefpj&'lPJ Parly spirit and made to chacijtejf 'ibat Gen. Harrison is a cow ard, MiaK -lirjg correspondence, and hide . . . . . j , ibeir facesj for snafne. Let the editor of the V Carolinian read it, and then look one of those honest men in the face whom he has decieved, if he can. Lei the lory orators read it. They will feel thej pangs of a guilty conscience if they've any left. 1 heir Vice President, Co. Johnson washes! his hands of the slanderous lies heaped on jiis old General by the Party, and orie would think for his sake at least tbe Locosvould i l i desist. But the habii.has become a part of thtir nature, and it is difficult to be broken. i From the Cincinnati Daily Republican COL. JOHNSON and GFN HARRISON, Col Johkion at Chilieothe -We exU the 23d, on my way- home, and 1 shall be happy io see you. ; . - s RH. M. JOHNSON. Major Tho D. Carneal. hi n wiiii aiu i-iiiiiiiiiiHiii nriiiMO annul i'i-nii. i ----- ' - --!-, - w : imnniti ipiihiM omy and calling all those tuiri-coais who f tl rf p ; have nerve enough to say that things are not . c3jj thc tjf jn;r as they should be, and that reform is neces-1 -y.j Jrr.,. nr i Those Jive lives of Harrison, neighbor, where are they ? Are yoo prepared to prove the assertion that the Whigs have published jee lives of Harrison, all differing in essential facts in the history of that great man f or do jou presume y.ar trord? ; is alt sufficient proof? We have no desire tod is in ib you! ease on that head, but, neighbor, just between as, don't you think it woold help! the looks of things a little if you can prove it f "' j VAN BURENISM. We bave it upon the best authority that the appointment of Thos. Henderson as Postmaster, at Conco'd is dissatisfactory to a large majority of the Citizens of that Town ; and that he has been appointed contrary to their expressed wisheshaving petitioned the Post master Gen eral in favor of Mr. John A. Craven, a gentle- V .. - ( .U .1. i . ' aiiui iciici ut iuc iiiij iiisuui nuuiu - ... i t . .. years we u ic- een answered sooner had I been amrt flct,1;,nm?, home on its arrival. I returned home last ; f tuZ.. i evenmg-after an absence of eight days. slIH,Pre,nn of l, Y u say that be (1 appan) has denied thej JefT(rS(in nf hc, siatement made by Mr. Wallace. I think tQ iho,Constitnti he will not deny the truth of Ihe statement : nr nnp f0nr,! which I here make; if he does, I shall not , , be surprised if he hereafter denies that he . ' ... t n . - . . .. . - . lOi aparry. i was in uieoeuaieoi ineuu'ieo states wnen ! e.. Ion nr.p r, tne suo-treasury mil passed. Respectfully, &c. R. BE ALL. pressed the: other day our strong convictions that Colonel Johnson could not have been correctly reported in the speech at Chilli- cotbe which was contained in the Chilieothe man who had given universal satisfaction as th3 Adertiser of the Sth ultimo: and in proof deputy or assistant of tbe late Postmaster, seve i I . . t . L. ' ' t I . . 1 . m . . Jo a pamphletf signed by bim '(Mr. Bolts) and W1 WUf Hru't5 i,,sl fS'0nn r mis oeirei, ral days in, advance ol ibe almost individual ap- v . n i weiri; vri hra n ihr nnrmnnn n ni nra,H. . ;..;.. .r ii others (tne Kxecdtive UommiiteeJ and we Say . T" , rr rr p"-i- pitnwu- o "bhucisuu I ', A. i c . i 1 with mortification: and shame, that . goes very lar to convicf his Excellency of-falsehood ! I In this electioneering bulletin of Mr. Van Bu ren, he says f the Standing Army bill, thai tbe plan' 'Was not onlv never submitted' to htm ' but wat nut even matured omil mote than three months! after the message wis sent to Congress.' Now Mr. Butts adduces the testi mony of Hon. bamuelS." Phelps, a Senator from Vermont, who declares as follows : Harver's Ferrv, June 20ib, 1840. Di:ar iHg: In answer to you? enquiry, I (have only iyne to !jay, tbat very early at ihe present session of Co'ngres-. a bill in form (-planning as I understtHiH, from ihe Secretary of War, was laid before the committee rf the Senate on the Alilt lia, of which! committee I am a member, frhal bill, which 1 suppose accjaipanit-d the annoal com monies lion ol the Secretary of War to Con or ess. was in all important features, idebtical . Swearing.-- I tie Lx-r-stmaster Gener- wish the plan commun.cated by the Secretary io eral, now editor ut the Extra-Globe, seems the cuntuHifeof the tl. of Representatives un -1 ,i i" . t wbilty of acthnsng yoo to publish th-j cor res some tog the 'ubjctof pondnc a ,m ,Vrs respeVifolly, iKce. v hat has-become j mi j t r uvctv der dale ofihe20b Va e - las. Hie bill to uhich I allude teas for enqniru bu the Committee rf it or tchrj it has not been printed, I know not but thdt sjtch io bill irAi reported, and submit ted xeith the annual report, is hot to be question ed. . -1. ;" :- i - Jin have given himself urr io hard 'swearing. ? After pronouncing the Whig principles as nespltcable a the Christian .bible, he n,nw raves' with clivers oaths at tlje speech of AU.'Ole, which exposes the enormous exvravaancies of the present Ajmihistra- nr i unoui particular regaru gai present i f . .v. -i toMr. Kendall pliucal course we insist J""" fa all : Mr Bolts shows bat aV ; l!t neither himself nor any Tithf r man in j gb r Van Boren says m a letter o xnmtendofli Oflght.to look for relpect from Messrs. GaUnd and Clark that he did not al fiis fellowmen, or pretend to sh up claims to ihej pamphlet of ihe Committee, jet -.to ihe character of a true gentleman whilepbat he alluded .'Io another puhlicauonisSBed by guiity of the ahommnie praMife f)I proune ; ihat tomajtiiee which hss ,sobsarjiiaiiy me rr- i mi ? -i ... . . readeis. It is well known in Kentucky, as well las in this State, that Major Carneal is proba bly on terms of greater intimacy with both Gencial Hatnson and Col. Johnson than nv individual in the West, u is conduct in the fojioWing correspondence adds to ihe claims which his services as a Quartermas ter under General Harrison in 1812, and as a Senator of Kentucky, give him to public respect. J 1 I Cikci5ati, Aogost 24,484o Dear Sra,: It was my object, if practicable, in addressing; the enclosed letter to Col. Johnson, lo prevent any unpleasant feelings between two gallant officers of ihe tale war. who, from my own personal knowledge, entertained a high res peet fur each olKer. I am moie than gratified to find I have not been unsuccessful in the at tempt. I Without communicating with either of these gentlemen, I take upon myself iherespon MR. OGLE'S SPEECH. i We are informed that the Federal Loco Fo cos, in some parts of the country, have now the hardihood to deny the authenticity of the vouch era set forth lo tbe speech of M ft-Ogle. We The vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Judge Toonrer, has been filled by the ap pointment of Wm H. Battle of Raleigh. Gen. Thompson's Speech Gen.Thamnson's Speech is now ready for the Press and will pro- oabiy appear in the Keporter, next week. The orders which have been received for copies of the Speech, will be immediately attended to, and if any other associations or individuals de sire to be sopplied with them we hope that, we shall hear from ihem without . delay. The Speech will occupy ten or twelve. columns of our paper, and will be printed on a half sheet. such as we use for ihe Reporter. It can be had at $2 50 per hundred copies, which sum will pay csoniy lor the paper and cost of labor. , Danville Reporter. FORGERY A painful case of foroerv ccemren' in this city a few days since by a vouns man a number of one of thelfirst fsmihes m tho Jknew that this desperate shift would be resorted place. A check for two $S50 wa present to and cnallenged the "partisans of the Execa- ed at the counter of the Fanners Bank a nd live to contradict the j facta stated by Mr. Ogle, I refused payment it being a forgery.; Upon or impugn the authenticity of the vouchers, at I enquiring into the facts of the case it was the lime bis speech was made, wheo Congress ascertained thai the check belonged to a was in session, when the issue could be fairly gamb,ei nd bad been received by hirri from tried at once- and dui in th' 'nr..nM r the young man in payment for a Bramblira , ... r.vvw u, j... , . "i. m . . thousands of witnesses from every section of the MCU "1""'B anotner leaiiui warning to Uoion. Mr. Ogl himself held the vouchers in his handi in the Hall of Repiesentative?, de clared them to be the original vouchers tri Jibs xn in uepartmenis and called upon the train bands to deny them if they could. Not a man ventured to meet the demandnot a Loco Foco, press undertook to question the troth ofthe charges at thai time. The miserable auemot a r Col. C. Si Todd. T. D. CARNEAL. young men to guard, with a neVer i ceasing "cu cwcfy aci inrougn Hie - A single false step, but one submission to the tempter's voice, and their name may be blasted forever.' "; i--''fw. -v '- We forbear mentioning names, and would, if we could, avoid any statement about the matter We trust it will serve as an anneal to others who may even now beyicl'dins to ing only p"t i: ate share cf t I view it awtariog. Highland Jltsserigcf. Ci5C15xati. Aogost, 24, 1840. Dexr Sir i Immediately after reading the snH! hc of j &! speech said to be made bv Col R. M. Johnson a l Chillicoihe. I addresed a If I ter -io bim, a copy of which is furnished. jOo yesterday I received his answer which, with pleasare I ebcloss lo voa. k . - -. . i now made to discredit the suibenticity of the j temptation. 4, vouchers must fail. The certificate declaring The young man left Ibe city before any them to be genuine, aod signed by several of the legal steps were taken agamst biro. Rich- most rev pec table members of Congress, puts the Wond Star, matter to res?. JMadisonian. as putting to rest, now and forever, ihe foti I slanders that have been and now; are aooe facts as the pamphlet, and yet h? bas not eircolaiirg against yoo as regards your eocdact -4C v.. . - t .'-4 There was a Log Cabin in a lateJVhhf pro cession in Maine, with a Martin box fastened to the roof upside down, and bearing this motto " Martin's gone." This will bi a veiy appro priate inscription after the 4th March kext T Danville Reporter, Camp MvctUts Jpiice. TH ERG, will be a Camp-roeeiing ; held at Mount Harmony, 7 miles Soujh of Salis bury, (near Maj. M McKinzis);to r com mence on -Wednesday evenin; the 23d of Sep tember. ' 2w7- ol feeling ivz:. cred trust c(.: .' people. In re-, lo the case of .' I tain'ments a? a j with truth than : highest terms. and nnn ni i., case occurred ir istration, Tli'- . a live ana juuki his default. II a quarter cf a t he finally liquid and when, I in believe it was 1 urst icrm oi u ever and hone or.coropo5iti"!t ( did not exptu j feult. . V In arguing frc tended that h' ston was a .i r was a virtual r or might bf iJf r. in a public tn ble harrier to noi attribute t etlge of the !- f to say that be f the const q'-'f r- individual s tbat iihtifc Gpr am constrair.v have been in the annls 1 default cf H ;--noy of ti:e Ur New Y..rk !-.: Jefferson, to t - It Tvas in J' ! and arguir.f r,i. ment of Mr- -lector of tf.e Um'led States and injurious t m the scl.c--such univcr32- yetaiippcsp ! sanl with t!-- - 4, 0. - - 4