t ir t i t t t .1 if at ar.' '. 1 1. - hi;. l - r - It ; ir: -1' Ijrrnut it was not upon led, ms PERVERS ON OP.tllft iriW: Siluuoy knowledge of the fact, GUAGE, AND CONTAINED EXPRES- 'Mtmit VdwtU. - SIONS, WHICH HE; DID;,NOr - USE. d said the appointment ol Mr;JJt disavowed I hi spirit of it entireiu.7' HPvlfk .llkribw' nothing of, these ,i,i,'n Whether I hey were cause t color end cover: up to to the f 1U previously deteimined to r4,tppnmfnnrnt occasioned gen- imbnfc tne friends and foeirof .rtfin!?t ili timev aod the se fS, iratPS liow u-nwtse it was. , fllffPSS to ; i'i l-Jn'jor rfip m t an d f n i m a d v er At ia 'nbtfke5.et on the occasion pi . irale KPnrauon 10 rne lor a .ni of Hfrat Laf mailt said but f - 'lLin')ho rel unnn hpin in " wbgrrfj jnritii. what moliTrf, and W J V"kt:AikJl iiato fro means of ron- his informer. may not Van Ouren.wlio. in the GT. O R G E W A Sty N G TO WAS A FARiMEHi '.-"v-": . Jolin-Adnia was a lia w jferi". ?Vil'v Thomas J tTprsoo was .a Lawyer, v.v Jarncs'Madison. was V Lawyer, . , Jam 8 Monroe was fa Lawyeri''-'...'r;V : jonn iiinry- Adams is a -Lawyer. "Andrew Jafkson is a Lawyer. - Martin Van Buren 19 a Lawyer. ' n.n'A R RISON WILLIAM 1" c ISA FMUIIR. AT A MEETING THE V OF , , Tippecanoe , Clulf vf RO WAN, ' - Hesovkd; :Th&t ihe Rowan Tippecanoe.CIub accept ihe jnTitaiiorr :.nf the Central Cominittee ftftattol iuspoiitiealforbinett ifh in n,iU nt wj .iii -- ifirvn-i" gatws to the aaid Slate Contention.. Ii t 'hr . llttnlvcd, Thai our heishborinjj Cbanties he and are'hert-by requested tu seod Delegates, to ine fame Mate lonvention.' r - , . ICT Resolved, That there trill be a general meeting of ihe Iippecanoe Club on SCP 1 ues i ... IlK.'CnnllltPin Ihrt hnlH .nit f .L.ifirfp r Til list indionMttnh . nn the ' Mfll J"5 w T; ri ,T ' . ' " r ,.HPpor)lfl; from the Federal's Dro- 1ciibiUoiof his nrae only would tlrmM;rr.";"T'0r ISth dat if Sen olainiJi BurnV Jteiirnl'WMfn0; Ia; room. ' Airtrae! Vn8 are' considered as t lite ? ro,in who has : failed f members, and art earnestly tequested to atiend im ine universe, respect - unnr MiMiini P,.ei Sam'lVSillimak, Sec'y. l..hU.f IllUtC 1411 IUV VUI1C OV. iKin!:fof "myself, allow rhe i3yhatf liWp other jiimilar missiles. J', fjflj llllen? bIeM.ftrmy.'feetrexciK ,.00 ciber sens: tibn than iht of Scorn -jpiBtejwp' 'J IK tJLAY. risHnUE, August jiw. laiuy v "Ts reaper Ills rioj rarffotten Mr. Clay's face-! ifiitlliirie I" his osual occupation ff-!1 I?'-"-' i"! it;; seemsj, is pi Wit '1 M - oWr bu t meets with woSltitfe csiouo rs' occasiooally in his tray? i Theltliilwinir incident is related in one of i Trt'nmfetjerid admtrably illdstrates Jttziii lli(nrppnl(incnl mn em I lam. it. (, Witt tens M & Republican Vhig' Meeting y.Will o held at ihe Conrt House in Concord, Caiwrros County, on Satnrday, the 19th ingt for the purpose' of appointiog Delegntvs la the Raleigh Convention ort the 5th of October, when the Whigs are invited ta attend. x By order of the Tippecanoe Club of Cabarrus : R. W i ALLISON, Sec'ry. Concord, Sept. 7, 1840 ' jr ALTAR OF UVMEJV. iy "if tfjrsviii '. V.', kt ta$te and habiis : ; X . y Jliclwiond Whig. Ml; Grundy was met t Those wtiom jpe cements in holy faith And fqnal transport; free as Nature live. 4"' made a Ions spleen ea I e to re pi f f4)u i w as re 'ffbfch "Ii rge nrijorliy of the as tlouse, and clustered a What is the World to thera, " Its pomp, its pleasure and its nonstnse all, by V Who in each other cl4&p whatever fair High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish! ' ll-- .4 r 1 IN. irord frf'-Rsia Ilner, w1th.'tttipes j Bwa . oi. go.j. emaroidery ; carriages embroidered on Suord & Scabbard e only'.: - r-, r'' r'ibed iot dress ,bot withoot the Treras prescnbedVfor drew, but. withoot r.ibe stripe. ' : -j t.r Af ,1 i ; I 1 The same as in Dreu Uniform :-.. t, ; The same as in jfJresf Uniform. I I iity !efle Court He street, who addressed HARRIED, A, In this GounfV. on tbeTit inst., by R. Mae'" namara. Esq . Mr. Alexander Stoner, to Miss Lavcnia Hull ? t Iii ihis unfy, on.ibe'3.1 inst., br the RpV. A Y.1 Lor k ridge, Captain James Owen, to Miss aafrp hours mToIf effectively.' Mr Grun skj!? atid,iri titsl speech;; to the Baltimore rtfDifaiif6J'AyiiiiYoanff-'Mh;;.as being com thtr silk .SifigLgfhiij.'-Geo; Ar- flln H ilre0,dnec&l hefieniKn of the pe n..L ' ' j,-- z In Cabarrus coonty, on i o&cakr. GruritfVfa rimed start, vvmvs. . . : ?m iVV ..i,nT r Mw Saron R Bradshdw m-8 1 i pretty pmk of Democracy to talk cf - - - j lh 20ih ult . bf the Robert Archibald tu lilcdtiife-ffCMtnl?: 'I The shout of the peo- httowedbat the answer was ccnclisie. lie :i K? .'nxpeecW Jr;' Grundy had borrowed HEAR ..- , - i ... I t .1 -i 'eliirti hfrefofore endeavored- to arouse the r'ttiiiih dfil! iljWnttttKlsor Itefbrmto the im riaceotiKflcakingithe pdliiical meetings in dif fii part1f the country, general, instead of 5nii; f- tfenr to 1 pfle: po Ii ilea ! -'pan r,; The ?Mfcf ih Federal ftiroo Foc.s is to prevent Vpwjjji rm htafrrgfcih4 truih. They know Jti. Nik-slat's off fro qtiftion should be fair . irwitei'to iotilligen.t men, there could be atft.uai3(R in condemning' the uncunstuutton -aacesir'Uciive measures ot the Adrninistra h.nd iorninjto lairrison as the efficient. m n Of&iging ubgntthe requisite measure of :i:o?itu)ni . Out exchange: naners bring us isr pruo fife uf l h e i Determination of the Dariv 5ersl preyejQ general discussion before 4 rwpte. i?PPeotah PwJlifsefu8edioraeei Mr; Balie Peyton. Morney Meneral was to have address is of Murfreesborouffh. Tennessee, rte2:tiJiof AoMsti and some of them ad- p uijj.je to riim, proposing sucn an arrange r.8'13 -buld. enable the ' people to near both BOTH SIDES! THE COU OF DEATH. ''-All pass this gate iq one promiscuous crowd, ' The grave, thegay. lhp humble, and the prood; ' The rich, the poor, the ignorant, the wise " 'Tis neutral ground whjence all dis'inction flies. PXX, ' ' Iii this conntv. on ihe: lai instant. Peter Da vid, son of Michael ind Sarah Corl, aged three vears, 4 months and 17 ilavs In this county, on the j 1st instant, Hannibal, son of William Hjfnd fancy Smith, aged laree years, 3 months, and 26 days. . HEAD QUARTERS, LlNCOLKTON, Sept 2d,'l84D. Toall offifers of the l4ih division o! North Carolina Militia. In obedience to law, it be comes my duty to issue jand publish the regu- m yr JUunfan has refused to meet aiions of the ontform. id be worn by all officers Pl ?wi ijenaieion. wr. oenaior tf whatever title x :--Madisonian. ' was a virtual refu- im-be theiel; SAccoidincly as ajm iiija conch thd hear Peyion soon as Led his remarks, he started. I Peyton, ' Mr Grundy " Mr. G.. frfi mouinfi'. "ejQ iaisirif-his voice I hope Mr. 7 till-not yiike thelame Caniain The Cann whfeiouV to fight Indians, and oon them unexpectedly, ! Buys,", said i''ile tby ije(iiihev are very numerous--? ?l".Qo is theyljjwhip'usbnt, said he, fight 5"T?ft in gMf order -as I'm a little lame, ife-and fivay he" went" Here a - "siiv up in rent s tue air !d shook me tti - reJli?,tet expressing tne nope i?l?eifr VaTtiten men present would not i;mrtiyy'irhir hmn f.anlnin -nrn- J, ! rflret;s' the audience, who remained. n 8Djr0.ni in!a speech Jreplete with sound el iuipaned eloqiiencer rich humor , ; Mr. lirinidif hn crrpallw failpH ir. mill. "Boce'and ftftctivene9sa8 a stomp sppak ( 'eoi!i Fejix". trembled at th e lfl 3 peak I w ho stood before him. , Our tJ3Ke!ix 'icafv Without waiting; to hear. -". J -.11. mm x fficcyittci'ille Signal. BRIGHT LOOK OUT. or orade within the borders of 6aid division, which regulations you are hereby comn anded to strictly observe, and obey under the Densities ihereuntoi annexed, as you find spread upon yonr Si3tulj Books for each officer's information The commandants of each men: are commanded to enforce the-following plan of dress throughout their respective corps BALIS M. EDNKY. Moj, Genii of IheAiU Division. $.A Brigadier General. DRESS AND UNDRESS. The same as for a Major General, excepting that the coal is to bavjj ten buttons on the breast in pair ' jj , Epaulettes the same, excepting that there shall be one star on the straps, instead of two Plume the same; as jo materials and fVirm, ex ; - ceptiog that the colours will be remand white the whitejip half the lenutb. Frock coat for Generdl officers bae cloth, two, rows of buttons, placieu according to rank, at n the dress Coat ; stand up collar of dark blue Velvet; cuffs, also jot blue velvet ; lining black silk or blue elj)th ; pockets in the folds; of the skirts, with' one button iat ihe' hip and' one at the end of each pocket, making only. v four buttons on the back and skins of the coat. A. Officers bfhe General Staff. '1 DRESS. - Officers of the general staff, with the except tioo of the Engineers, Topographical Engineers and ordnance, having rank as Such, and oelostf the rank of generals, will wear a uniform coaj corresponding with that of the geneials exceptf ing thai it will be single breasted, with a row of nine buttons, placed aj equal distances. : thecolj lar to be part buff; the buff to extend four inch es on each side from the front ; the rest of Ihe Epaulettes ; Vuttbns r v- Hatri. y r t-oop and Cockade Plume' ; Vrdvat or stock : i Boots : . . J ' Spurts ' - . - iPortf and Scabbard . Sword knot $elt (black pa pen i leath let) late ' , Gloves troc Loal for staff officers tinder the rank of I j general officers ;daik blue cloth, single breastf fj ed, with stand up cloth collar etoih cuffs. regulation button ; one row of nine buttons on i the breast ; lining and buttons on akin same )i as general wfficeW " : W:-' Cloak' for general and general staff officers i b'ue cloih.iined with buff - rlumestot the different departments of fie siiaff, the Adjutant General, (napecior General, I: Aides de-Camp, and officers attached to the I! General in Chief yellow plume, like that I presciibed for a Major General commanding I an army. "' :":? I'tttties A;detde-Camp and officers attached I io a Major Generalthe same plome as fof a j Major General -i . . '-: - ' ' j- Plumes Aides de-Camp and, officers attached I it a Brigadier General the same plume as I fr a Brigadier General. ! ! Pict officers of the Qaarter Master's De I partnieni, including the Quarter Master Gen I tral a light blue plume, of the same mate I sals and (uim as that prescribed for general I Officers - ! - - tPhuncs Officers of the Subsistance Depsrt ! nent, including the Commissary General of J Subsistance of the same form and ; materials I as that of the Quarter Maa'er's Department; half blue and halt White; lip, white, half the Eerlgtb. j j 1 JO Artillery. Cool dark blue cloth, double breasted, two I jrows of butions, ten in each row, at equal dis I lances: the distance between the rows fair inches at lop, and two inches at bottom, meas 1 u ring from the centre or eyes of the buttons; standing collar, to meet in front with hotiks and eyes, and to rise no higher than jto per- ;mit the free turning of the chin over it; two ' loops, four and a half inch l ng, on each t-ide of the collar, with oire small uniform button, r at tbe end of each loop ; the collar edged all tdond with red ; plain round cuff, three inch es deep; : slashed flat on the sleeve, six and a t:ha!Hnciie8 lunar, and two eights of an inch ;1wide at the points, and two inches wide at the narrowest part of the curve tour loops and four small buttons on the slashed flap on the sleeve, for field officers ; for Captains, a sleeve of the same faabion. but the! slash unlv four and a half inches long, with .three small button ; aod slash sleeve of three and a with two loops and two sma to be placed at equal distances ; slashed flap on the skirt, with (our loops and large but tons ; the Slashed flaps on skirts lo be edged with red indented edge ; two large buj skirt to extend to within three and a half invft es of the bend of the knee; red ker3evmere turnbacks and skirt linings gold embroidered ; shell and flame at the bottojm of; the ki's; lovps ou ihe collar and flaps to be of gJd lac-. : halt an men wide, and tne entire loop not i exceed one and a quarter inches in bieadihj ! . the coal to De lined with real. . Epaulettes according to rank and pattern, as j itereaner described. Zuforteill. convex, seven eisrhts of an inc diaroeier : device, a spread leagle with shield Ccp5 black beaver, seven and half inches f deep, with lackered sunk tip 6eveu and a half inches diameter, with a band of black paten leather to encircle the bottom of tbe cap black patent leather peak, gilt eagle, and Cress cannnna and number of reorimeni : strap t'f black patent leather, fastened to each side of the cap, to be worn under the chin. j Pfume-Ted cock feathers, falling from so up ; right stem, eight inebes long with a giltsock ! -et. - : ' 1 ; Trousers from the 1st of October to the SOti of April, while and light blue mixture cloth, producing the effect of a sky blue, to come well down over ihe boots, and made perfect k Iv olain. exceni a red slrinej down the outer seam, one and a half inches W J. & welted at SSame as for the Ar; f Same as for the fJoat same as for th artillerv. exsnt I- mb wutiou, waicu wii: oeiqe regimen iai put-l Steord "knot Sash Stock r; Glcte : Spurs for mounted officers. Frock t ton CZoafcsame as for the artillery, except, the li- ring which will be while shaioun. I F urage capsccotdm to pattern. , ; I V. f-'- - 5 ' 13. Dragoons ;' ';' " - t ; Coat dark bloe clotb, dooble breasted, two rows J notions, ten in each row, at eqaal distances, after ibe fasliioD of the, coat deacribed for tbe infanfrj,xcepltaat the battons are tobegilf, the lace gold, lbs collar, cuffs, and torbacks. yellow,, tbe skirts to be ornamented with a Star, instead of a bugle, and the (ngth of the sKiri to oe what is called three quarters. I he lash flap oo ihe skirt aod sleeve to coi res pond I wiih that of tbe infantry ; the slasb on j ihe 1 sleeve o desiccate rank in the same manner ; the collar io be framed with lace, two loops on each side of the collar, with small uniform buttons at the back end of the loop- j pauht ts according to the established rule, where tho button is yellow, and cccordir.g to rank ; the strap to have no number on it J Button gilt, convex j device, a spread eagle, y wun me tetter u tMi tbe abiid j Wrousers for the company officers, blue gray mixture, of tbe same color as that for the in- fan try, with t wo stripes of yellow cloth!, tbree fourths of an inch wide, op each outward seam, leaving a light between. j f Field Officers and Adjutant, dark blue cloth, with two stripes of gold lace op each outward seam, three-fourths of an ineh wide, tearing a light between. For the summer, all officer to wear plain white drilling. i ipo me same material as mat tor the tnian try, but according to a pattern furnished ; to I be ornamented with a gilt star, silver eagle. and gold cord ; tbe star to be worn to front, with a drooping' white horse 6 air p;mpa )tbe fiield officers to have a small stripe of red hair. to sh- w in front of their pompons. , AiguiUettcoi twisted gold cord, with gilt tags. to be worn under the epaoiette of the; right shoulder, will distinguish the field officers and tvur missioned staff. iBoofaankle. Spurs yellow metal. !T v m ai 4 1 1 . li T.l daore 6teei atatiDara, nan Dasuet ntii.gui vim two fluted bars on the outside, fish skin gripe, bound witn silver wire, and of the pattern de posited with tbe Ordnance Department. $not 'gold cord with acorn end: JSashwWi net, deep orange color, and like that of the infantry, as to shape and size ; to be ftpaalettes may be worn either with fjJs or Aguillettes' tj rrgi nenlal staff ffficexs-t wls'te l 4-Kwld and stiver cord w:th gtlV lags'woin on " 'der the epaulette of the rieht shoulder -v The dress uniform Generals, and gencral slaff Officers, to be worn at dress reviews, ao4 on extraordinary occasions.- tr i The ou dress is for general, Vse, and may be worn un ,a 11 oecasions not specified above.;- The blue frock coat may be worn by General rfficers on common occas'ions vff paride and when the troops are ordered io w cat "lb eir great coats npun a march. . , v s " : , v Officers of the staff may wear fonder tbe same circumstances, tbe blue frock coal prescribed for them. .: " : 'K. The sword belt to be worn ovet the frock coat. ; The saah may be worn by General and staff officers, when in full dress, and on aU occasions n ben serving with the troops, whether in'cn dress ormtk -coaCV'f- . v;: -v"-;- , Colonels of rfmentsor corpsvliaTing the bre vet rank of; Generals, mty ai their option, wear tbe uniform of their respective regimeots or corps, cr that of general c-fficers accordifg to their bie. ye' rank, with ihe exception of the pluroe.which is to be worn only when commanding, acccrding lo their tespecti ve regiment or corps. All other brevet officers will, near ihe pao lettes distinctive of their highest rank according totheir arm. r -- ' . . . Officers of regiments and posts iU be provi ded with shflljackels,Ho be worn in summer, do ring the extreme beat of the season ; the shell Jacket to be of the following pattern : while cot ton or lioen,:vith standing collar ; cuffs three In ches deep round the wrist, to open at the lower three loops and for subalterns, a half inches long, 1 buttons ; loops the sleeves and on the ends ana tlons at fie waist hereafter :j j j j i ; , ' - .- - es ou eacn siue irom ue iroiu , tw Jxii formfy of the'Glbbe, purpoit- collar blue ; the cuffs also blue. JJ theiii&l'h or Gov Lincoln in re- ..FjpaMicfles-according io rank as nhe--mllhLLrr.":., vr- ti. r..i scribed. ' i 'ated frUllI S,i.KAV,,n.hii:;n.,n., ot-gi r. convey same as general omcers Wkut Vni f F cocked, the4same as that for generat otn. 1 m T r"'n -ni1 may aeceive auuiu cer . AWfsjniese its true cliaiacteris Loop and Cockade -Jame as that for generals'! r- r r a ... - .i.- ,' -0 -?.. t.' t;.in1 fined Mff pgje it appears was reply ;in ' tue reported, speech. 6In;inleriuptcd him as fol- fepeatedly interrupted him, bim that the report of his Hi,t 0 w poousnea. tn the Globe oy . a reporter, ano published with- -a -"-leMgeor consent. tie never unrn tyjppeaiedi in print, and had andhewishedlfP8 revise it: ood; that it contained 3it) : . " -. pmet ; of which be ; bad Mm r. i'.-) Tbe report, he repeit- exceptii'2 the rays land stars. The eagle to be gill instead of silver. t il TasscUiAd,;t : . ' . ' ) Plume swan feathers,' the same as the general officers, with ihe distinction of colon rs to dot i senate the ..departments of the siaff, as be A low. , - 't' . , - . hs SirordJtiofs gold lace strap, with gold bullion; .tassel. : .; Cravat or stock Trousers' Boots ' The same as furl word & slccl Scabbard S geneial officers. Gkves; - 4 Rath I wA cillr nst WrvL. silk bullion fringe ehdsr - . j ft i 4 seam, where tbey wi small uniform buttons. form biutonsdown the w w be of yellow me- Buglers, b Pri- lied on the right hip; to be worn only when in foil dress, or when directed by the command- in officer. I : Waist belt black patent leather, one and half i'.ch wide, with sling, hooks, and plate, like those uf the general siaff. omining on the pla'.e 'he letters U S. and inserting the let ter D within the wreath. Sfocir-nlaek silk. Gloves white. Horse Fw niture. Housing blue cloth, with gold lace border, for the field officers and commissioned staff, one and a half inches .wide, and yellow cbth bor e'er, of the same width, for company officers Bridle black leather. rouufmga all metalic moontingSiStirrops, bits, 1 c ... t l.:ji ... c. i ii $ ecu., iii bttuoic ou uiiuie, io j tal. Son-commissioned Officers j vales of Dragoons Coat dark blue cloth short coat, dooble breast -I ed, with yellow collar, cuffs, turn-backs, and ! brus shoulder knots, of the nnct cut and i fashion of tbe one -urntebrd j he Clothing Bo- reati sergeants to wear chevrons ol three bars, points towards the cuflLxeach sleev. ab ve t ne elbow ; .oorp' VS. l he 'collar of the Chief AJus coats to be trimed itb ing, after the style of tbv coals to be of red cloth, yy ctiffs. aj . Trousers same material ahi olntTtrofps, but cut a d made alter the style and fashion of a pair furtiished ihe Clothing Bureau, j SerT geants to have two yellow stripes three fourths of an inch wide, up each outward seam, leav irg a light between. Corporals stid privates, one yellow stripe up each outward seam. Tbe Mnpes to be in advance of the seam ni's Ta ind -VaiVi and 0 jacket boe cloth for winter, white ctitton for 1 summcr.siand up collar ; trimed with yellow wors'ed binding, like Sergeant's coat ; sin ! s breasted, one row of buttons in frotti. ir .11 Ihe edges ; from the 1st of Mat to the SOU of Sentember. white linen or cotton, without the stripe. J . v Boots ankle or Jefferson. j- Sword and Scabbard according to patterri fur mshed bv ihe Ordnance Department, Waist belt while leather, two inches wide with sliding frog, lobe worn over lh coat, and clasped in from with-a round clasp, according - - ...1. v ! lo pattern to be tarnished jb urunance ue partmeni. 1 Sash enmsom silk net; with silk bullion fringe ends; sash to go twice round 'he waist .and tq be ttrd on the left hip : ihe pendent part to be; uniformly one foul in length from the tie Stock-bhck silk. Gloves v.hite. - Frock coal dark blue cloth sir.gle breasted, with ten large regimental buttons down the front at equal distances, and two sojalT regi mental boitons at the fastening of the cuff ; plain stand ' up collar ; two jlaige buttons at each pocket in the skirt, one of which at thej hip. and the other at tbe bottom of the fold Mi tbe pocket, making (our buttons behind , 'in ing of the coal, blue , v u H CIooA blue lined with scarlet shalloon ; walk L mg length ; clasp oinamenis at bottom of col jar, gill eagle, ith chain. j j! Foragecap- accord .n pattern. I M Spurs for mounted officers -yellow metal o gilt Sword Knot crimson and gold, with bullion tassel. '.- - Infantry. Coat Ihe same pattern as ttu; of the artillery ; - to be of dark blue cloth, lined with while serge j edged with white kerseymere where the artillery coat is edged wiih red ; turnback! and skirt lining of white kerseymere ; ski r ornament, silver embroidered bugle ; tbe lace! to be silver ; buttons, silvfr plated, of the same device, sizs and shape as those for tbei artillery. I Knmdtttss according to rank and pattern, as berealter desenbed. ' f Cop same as the artillery, except the , oina ments, which are a silver bugle, number jo regiments, sormonnted by a Plume white cock-feathers, falling from an up right stem, eight 6ocket. inches long, with Trotaer ihe same as the artillery, except thai tbe stripe on the mixtuie trousers to be o white kerseymere. If gilt eagle.i stfiff to weir aigoil- hke lhoe for ihe like patterns fur Phese jackets are to be made of cloth of the quality used for the old uniform coats Cap same material as for other cor pa, but the patterns, ornaments, trimming, like the one furnished the Clothing Bureau Drooping wl.ite horse hair pompon J Great coat a? me materials as for other corps. Stand up collar, doubled breasted, enpe to reach down to the cuff of the coal, aod la button all the, way op. Boots ankle. The n. in -enm missioned ett8 on the left shoulder artillery Non-commisiojned, Siaff apd F'rsr Sergeants of companies wear yellow Worsted sashes. Forage cap black leather! nished Clothing Bureau - -... r -' - -14 Badges to Distinguish Rank. . j EPAULETTES. Of general officers as above discribed. Of ai Cofmiel brtgtit.bulltan, half an irch di - araeter, three inehes and J a half long , plain lace straproir.amented with an embroidered spread eagle ; the number of the regiment to be embroidered within the crescent; cres cent solid ; eagle and number to be silver where the bullion is gold, and go d Where ihe bullion filter. j Of a Lieutenant Colonel ihe same as the Co lont?l, t mining tbe eagle. ., Of a Major the same as a Lieutenant Colo nel s to shape and size ; th strap to beef sil ver lace, where the bullion is gold, and of gold ': lace where the bullion is silver ; tbe number on the strap in correspond in color with the bullion ; ihe border of the strap the Same coi or of Ibe bullion. Of a Laptain plain lace straps aod solid cres cent bullion ni.e foorih inch in diameter and two & a half inches' deep! ; regimental num ber on ihe'slrap to be gold! embroidered where the bullion is silver, and io belsilver embroid ered where the bullion is gold. Of a Lieutenant ihe same as for a Captain, except that the bullion is one-eighth of an inch in diameter. - J The bullion of allfepanlettes to correspond in color with the button of the roat. j All officers. having military rank, to wear one epaulette on each shoQldr. The number on the epaoiette being; intended m. tka i,-imAnff at aawtll Ka ew;MM W I i tV a? mic irgiuicuit SSv yi in uo VIWJU VI 1 J1 I; I mpnlsl rmrnrlf. I he buttoned with two A row of ten small nni front at equal distance ; ibe front and rear of tbe jacket to coma dowo in peak' i ; . ; The commanding officsr will determine io or ders, when it:e jacket ia to be worn by the offi cers and men, according to the state of the weather. Orr duty, the sash will be worn with the shell jacket 16. Shoulder Straps to be worn on the Frock s Coat to designate rank. . . A Major General tbe saut as a Major Gen - erai ommandiog in chief, except ihat. there will be two stars instead of three; the centre of each star to be one inch from the outer edge of the gold embroidery on tbe ends of the strap A Colonel Strap of tbe same size as above the embroiderr on the border o be one half the width (Ve. one eighth of an inch;) an embroidered spread e?gleon the centre of the strap two inches between the tips of the wings, paving in the right talon an olive branch, and in the left a bundle of arrows; and escutch eon on the breast as represented ia the arms of the United States j the eoabroidery of the eagle to be of ail vt where theaorder is gold, and of gold where the border is of silver. A Lieutenant Colonel the same as for a Colo nel, omitiirg ibe eagle, and introducing a leaf - ai each and, each leal extending seven eighths of an inch from the end border of the strap ; tbe embroidered leaf of tbe same color with ibe border." d Major -ihe same as. that for a. Lieutenant Culonel. X ept that the leaves will be of sil ver where the border is of gold, and of gold where the border is of silver. A Captain ihe same as that for a Major, ex cen( that two embroidered bars will besubsti toted for each leaf, of the same width and col or as the border to be placed parallel to the ends o the strap ; the distance between them and from the border equal to the width of tbe border. A First LiadenantThe same as for a Cap tain, excepting that there will be one bar at each end instead of two. A Second Lieutenant ihe same as for a First Lieutenant, omitting the bars. , Aoe. The embroidery of the borders of the sl:ap i in every instance, to correspond in col or to the button of the coat. 17.--Cicers of Regiments of Artillery and Infantry. The sash is lobe worn on all occasions where the officer is in full" dress. The frock coat, as here established, may be worn as a common morning dress in qnartets, and on certain dunes ol parade ; lo wil : inspec tion of barracks and hospitals courts of inquiry and boards inspections of articles and necessa ries working parties and fatigue duties and upon the march: . The waist belt is tu be worn over the frock coat, and when the officer is engaged on duty of any description, the sash is lo be worn. The swords of mounted officers will be su" pended from the bell, by slings of the same ma terials as the belt, with a hook attached to the belt to suspend ihe sword more convenienily wheo on foot. the forage eip,v io cold .climates, will Ur? s temporary band of black fur, two and a half ir cbes wide, atiached loathe bottom, to in Treat by.aie'of black ril'tn. - , . Rvg;i mental t-fficers not seivinj- with their re giments, nor doing doty in the line, niav v.cz: cocked hats cf the satnedesenptifn as xi,u?e pre scribed for general officers, excepi thai tha 1 will be of Mack silk:; the eagle yellow, the t:- sels to conform I o tbe co?or cf tbe buttt.n. . .".Locked bats may be either cp?o cr terrr.t Jsa as td'ahbt Jike tbhat which ias hwrercf .e been designated chapeao de bras ' " V; ; An officers are pertained to wear citizen's l: :: coat, with ibe bulton designation- their rest re live corps ot stations, '.without any olher Rir!; on there, such a coat; however, is nut lo be c t sidered as a dress fur any military purpose em. tr- v.. ; , 21 Uniform cf the " Jo- Co?nmiifned 0 C; - errs. Musicians, artificers, and Pnta'.ts, j the Jrtiltcrv, - . ' Sergeant Mtorl the sama as that estalli fur ihe field ; officers,' excepting; that bmoir will besubsittQted for a gold lace; the epsc letls to b6 of the same pattern as that hi !ihe sabalte ns,' excepting thai worsted bullion will be sutsiitoted Ar gold bnllioo i plume, red cp right hackle, twelve inches fcg ' aiguiUettt on ihe left shoulder, of yellow worsted, ".w.th - fiHt tagf. -.';. 7 - ' Quarter Master" Sergeant, ihe same as the Scr grant' Major, excepting tbVplumo will be tf - tight bloe. A . '. . " ',' -' - ' Chief Musician, the same as Quarter Mcstei Sergeant, excepting th . cJai to . be of it-J - dothj with wkite , linings and lurnbacks ; plume while, Sergeants, ; coat to b dark blue, sipgb breasted, with one row of nine buttons, placed at equal distances; the skirts io extend within "seven inches of the bnd of the knee ; ihe coat io conform to tbe pattern of tha tfiicer coa'.s in other respects, excepting that the cc:T !.a!l bare three battcnrand ' loops oh the th-U sleeve, to conform to lhat designed for a Cop tain ; the lace lo be of worsted ; two worstnl epaoletts corresponding in patlern with th- of a Captain , First Sergeant of companu -o to wear a red woisud sash j all Ssrgeants u wear the red slripc ha the blue mixture trcu sets, as designated for officers ; same for il ; non commissioned staff. . ! ? Corporals. sarne as Sergeants, excepting i ! a ; lh-re will be bat two buttons on! tbe sits!, sleeve, conforming to the pattern of the fel'e-.. ior me sudanerns; trousers same as serge an' ; wilhovt the tern for the stripe i :two.epaulelis,of :he pr subaUern of the same material as those of ihe Serges nts. Privates, the same as the Cnrporalf, excepiit'2 that instead of epaoletts, a, strap will be wt ru on each shoulder, composed of the sattjo n... tenala snd formol the epaoletts ol tne Lin o rale, with pad and half fringe. . Musicians, the same aa the' privates, except:-; that the coat a I red cloth, lined with yImu . white plume, . upright hackle, ten inches Ik ;. The cap of the nun commissioned 'offirt-i , musicians, and private, to be of the sac 3 j lern as that deetgaaied for the officers. The plamee of tbe Sergeants.; Corpcr&b, sr ! privates, red worsted, ;" eight inches long.l Uniform of the non-commissioned officers, mini cxans, and privates of the Infantry. he san.- as that for the artillery; excepting tt.e facn. and trimmings," which will be white, pld.nr white; Quarter Master Sergeant, light t!u plume. ' ; ) j '::X:'y'-.: j- ' ; ? Nun commissioned officers and privair?, r - ell as musicians, who shall have served fnh fully for the term of five years, shalt be permit ted, as a mark of distinction, to wear a chevr on on the sleeves of their coats, above the elbow, points op, and an additional chevron on each sn i for every additional five years of faithful s?r vice. And those who served in the war r!.;.!! have the addition of a red stripe on each siua ihe chevron. ! r i . ; ; THE, SUBSCRIBER HAVING purchased lhat well known sr-. long established' Poblic House, f kno u by the name of SJangbters Ia?erty in a Town "Salisbury, N. C, informs his Ftift and the Public generally, that the same is n w open for the rectp'ionof Travellers &, Boarder His Table and Bab. Iwill be supplied "i n the best the market and surrounding ountry cf--fords. ' t : ?. ; ,;;; : His StabiItes spacious, and bountifully scp plied, with grain and provender, of atl kinds, at tended by faithful and attentive Ostlers. I he understgsed pledges himself that no ( eriion on his part shall be wanting to gtvec n eral satisfactijo to all who may favor him vw;!. a call. j , - "' '- -" JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury, Srpt. it, 1840: f7 18. Horse Furniture. for General and Staff Officers. of all other Majors General, by a gold embroidered spread eagle and two stars Surcinsle, of blue web. to be attached to the hOOMPg. The same as the abov cers hcldingthe rankr- cording to their grade ; if under that rank. - they are to use the saddle cloth prescribed for staff offic-r9 to wit Saddlecloth for staff officers, dark blue, two feel ten inches In kngtiih, and One fool len in ches in depth, within edging of gold lace ; the width of ihe lace one ir.cb ; to be worn under the saddle. ' Bridle, of black leather ; bent branch bit, with grit, bosses ; the front and roses yeMuw. Collar, yellow. Holster, covered with leopard skin, or leather painted to resemble it ; the leather suiting the warmer climates test. Stirrvps, gilt. 19. Horse Furniture for Mounted officers cf ArtiUeryy Ordnance and Infantry. Saddle cloth dark blue, two feel ten inches in ' length, and one foot ten inches in depot, with lace five eighths of an inch in width ; for the artillery and tjrdnancergold lace ; scar lei edg ing for ihe artillery, black for ibe ordnance ; for the infantry, silver lace and while edging. Br idle of bUck leather, gilt bits, stirrups, and njonnttngs, for the artillery and ordnance, and plated fr the infantry front and r'sses for the artillery, red ; for the ordnance, blue ; for the infantry, white. -r-Collar o Ah ar'.illery, red ; for the ordnance bloe ; for the jnfantry, white. Holsttrso be covered ? ith black bearskin, or black leather 520 General Remarks. The hair to be short, or what is generally termed cropped ; the whiskers not to exend be low the lower up tithe ear, and io-a line ibenc with, the curve of the roootb. , Vests are not described, as they form no pan of Ibemiliiary diess When worn however by ' Uoo issned jagainst.ihe Gaarnish-cs for the a general or general staff officers, ttey may be cf mount they bate in iheir faaods belonging to ilo buff, blue, or bi-e. o eott season ano climate, , defendant. with the small oeiform button; fur rigimental ffi-1 W itoesa. cers. tbe same with the exception cf ihe buff, f The forage cap may be worn off doty. vefcall the staff offi JW ffVST E wf general officers, ac " t v - IC7 Hy UU' " " JOKL H. JKNKINS fy JAMKS Bll.I, beg Iea4e to give notice that tbey hi e ceeded Mr Thomas L Cowan in ibe Mercanti! . buHiness, anil have taken the aland lately o c-i- pied by himl where the off-r for sale ihe Stock of G ods recently owned by 'Mr. C, to hu h they intend soim lo add a very general assort! f t of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c , from ihe Nw;!i. f J H 9 U Is L C0 V A N, havir.g rcntrJ IU M ti-rejtn Jettkma. Bites; who bucrreu hi::, in ihejjljercantile buMii-8s, -respectfully rq ; al? wt'jo are mdebtrd to him to call and uk their ascccu lilts, and if they cannot pay. ike mt-rey, give a'noiel He mav be fcund al the Coun'n Room of Jenkins Si Biles. - tsbnry , Sept. 4; 1840 fr State ct iiovtti envoltnr , SURRY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and QuarUrJSessicnt, x August Term, 1840. I ; Original Attachmtnt. Harrison M. Waugh J Mark Yoik. Wir.-jfc i vs. JSf.mer, and Nath li.j- MatthewM. Hughes. f den, surumond as Cji- J onhees. i IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction cf the Coort, thai the defendant! Matthew M. Hughes resides without the limits of this Na'e ; It is therefore ordered and adjudged by tbe court, ihat pub i ration be made fur six successive L -in the Carolina Watchman, that he be and ap pear at he! next Court of Pleas and Q.nrt ; Sessions, to be beld fur said county, ai Rixk.' . ' on the 2nd roocday of November oex', thiin cr J there to plead or replevy, oiherwise ' jodgtnn'.f, final will be rendered gaiol them, aod Ejpcu- iih frock coat and with the shell jacket ; io winter, F. K- Armstrong, Clerk of oor sai.! court al office,lhe2nd monday of-Angust, A. It 1840. F K ARMSTKOiU, cc r Sept. 1 1 Cw7 Printers' Fee 6- I'