'' f - - 1 ACardT I I: II y i I i-"- TOTHE' WHIGS OF N, CAROLINA. ' 1 , . " i J- .S- ICjP I jt"ibe.wisb of the,Whigs in many p3Ms of the Stale tbat-a Convention shoo I J be held inthirrplace on,the 5ih of October Jex: ; ' 'Relievio this suggestion to bare met wilh rencra: appiooauon; we nereaj iiuuuacBjB if '' t ha! of the Whi? Parly of North Cafo!riatM ' there icM be a Wiig Slate Conventionlheldin ?ihe City oft Raleigh on IheZlh of October next "V the Uj on which was achieved the victory of ihe Thames, .when (be friends of Harrison arid Tliefiirin tbioaglioof the ?Jtat(e will be expected 4 to b represented .either in person or by 'delegate; 1 Whig of Jtorlh ' Carolina !'i Vbur Codrjtry exr 1 pects every roan to do his duty J - - ; I . J. IL BRYAN, i-'.. GEO. W. HAYWOOD, - - . 'I- .:' V-,T. j; lemay, i " . : - j as. iredell;, - H WV MILLER, ' - r.VV. RVGALESr . " -r.-- II McQUEEN. ' y,- y ,: :: - .W. H. BATTLE,- ty ill'. It f i ill. : The Watchmak" mar hereafter be bad 1 for (if o dollars in 'advance and two dollars and jjifiy cents at the endoMhe-yearv r - No subsciipiioD will recei ved for a less time ' thnri one yf'arionleSs paid for jn akancv -No pipef diaconlioned (hat at the" option of r the Editors) oolil all airearage are paid r;; " ;erms 'of:xdtertisiko.; ij , . i , One dollar per,!pqiare fr the first insert; on and 1 twenty-five cents toreacb continuance. : ? : Coart notices will be charged 25 per et. bigh- J er ihanytbe"aboTe rte.-V''- . ' J, I ' ' A deduction of 53f pr cent will be made to !h who adrerlise by the year. 11 ., All adtrertispments will be cootinoed nntil forbid and charged for accordingly, unless! order ed for a certain homhef of utne. ' - i t x 1 c3LeH3rs addressed to the Editors must ome post paid its ensure attention. ; j m i-ji" 'If i razees cuhheht at Salisbdrt, September 11. ' 3 I m i y'&t;fMff:'-- Cents. ' f Btconyf y 7 a 8 i BrantJyrapa 40 V ' peach," ; a 50 ! Butt(?r, rKH8 a -10 , Cotton in seed 1 1 J J Sugar, br. , . cleans , Coffee, Corny Featliers, Oi a 7 14 a IS 35 0 .40 $4 a 4 62 a 65 .1 K" Flour, Flaxseed, Irony per Jb. 4ja6j Linseed Oil, pr. r gal: $1,121 , -VV';-'u-.f - Cents. Molasses, 40 a 60 Nails, v. 8 a 10 Oats, 15 a 20 Pork, 10 a 12 loaf, 18 a 20 Salt, $1 25 Tallow, 10 a 121 Tobacco, 8 a 20 Tow-Lineu, 16 a 20 Wheat, bush r : 52 VVhiskey, 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) : 40 Lard, 7 a 8 Grcai" Western Stage ZitiCi FZIOM SALISBURY to ASHVILLE, N. C. -ARRAEMENT FOR 1840. Tfortli 'Carolina .Book Store. rinohl wotkfr'on rarroioff, uraninff, isota- nn J ny; Cattle. OVcbafds: andthc Giap? Vme, 1 ?JL friends and the publiciihat he ts now carry- IE- 'i M. . r! V:";-v. sn- Tnrina.Bosines-sjn Lex.iTgion, 1 . J I a ' : nl. M"". . .i - f f.mriPPn rpars. i j he compieie ranurr,;iwciiMi uiuuritii an(j nopes mavautr a-wiruvr;-'-- t, . i noose, Bfiogeman & heIiv ".be pertnittcI to soticti ppo!' on8 ii.ncycjopeaiaoi; (e,,j,on( ln h,& ime; nm7uy-c e foiled Vb the at tainment of soperiorityVin his .JEORAILE.. Florist Go!dt liP Green 1 gardener's Assteanir Loud T1 fipHE abore JiDe is now'. in foil operation and dardenlnor. Art of . Winemaktnjj, Memoirs f th Pennsylvania Alricolioral 'Society. Teaiise on Cattle, their breed, management, $rc2 Farmers j Own Book, Mowbry on Poultry, History of the Horse. New Arnerican Orchardisf. Ornamental Jl arriTe at, and departs rrom, Salisbury, as fol. Trees, Farmers Register, complete as lar as paoj; j Jt p3riicularly remembered, i nai ne warraiua . -Lea?es:'t8aji$brry OQMonday-.Thoisdeys-, .ijncyclopedia: fjAgricultare ; togetrw-rwttbva is fyilflj and SatardavsJat 5 nVWk. A. .AI.: arrives at chi.ni.iH .nMpr.ti,m nf Tt.mks in ever? department, l lrti:!Uiinn"wiibthe'pablic. and feels flattered Ash t'jI le next days at 8 o'clock, PAl v Re a rn i ng.les es AshTille on Mondays, Th o rs dajs.and Satardlys, at 5 o'clock A: M ; arrives at Salisbnry next day 3 at 8 o'clock P. M." .. ., ,rM;;iJ".,A. UCiDiUIII, . : !' I V :'; ":: & W' LONG. ; N. B; Passengers leating Raleigh, N C. Tennessee, . will find no delay is-route. T A B &rR. W. L. 0. Jan. l7th,.lS40. 1(25. of Literature, 'm sale at reduced prices by ltI k-ii t, in F.nrnne and America sia - years inEoroWan ilO i Amerieay He employs none but the best of wprkmen, and wonl have for Nashville whatever on th Salisbury Sj TURNER & HUGHES R ilpJoh Ma :6. i i '1 - y: X it Rnik rtindinfr done with neatness and despatch, at tbNnClBw)k Store. ' LADIES FASHIONS I TO R THE" . " . --"i- - AND WINTER OF :.w f.J Kna il.t h mr be freowentlv. called i i 1 i uid( t5, -vn w iiEU: on. - 1 .'va"t" .7 Lexington, April 3; l4ti.-iy4t -.- . '1- EW: ESTABLISH! EXT. ntll : FALL -I- v M tMocksvillt, JV. C. yf-X THOMAS TO S TER INFORMS (he public that be has removed from hi former stand; to- his new. -buildings on the public shuare in the Tuwn of Mocks- viHe, wnere ne win continue to Keep a Miousc of Iliitertainment His House it roomy and commodioos; nttach ed to which are FlCES for sent ient to the CourtHouse. The sobscjicei pledg es himself to the most diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to suchas may call on him. His TABLE, B Aft J&. STABLES are provided in tbe;best manner. that the country will afford, and his servants aretaithful and prompt. Jan26. 1839-U26 f 11HE Subscriber informs Ihe public, that she I liai inat received! tbrooffb the Norihernj Ci!tieslhe late'stjand most approved - LONDON & PARISIAN FASHIONS, in.iinrnnri() tn flxecate orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner. - Work acnt frdm a distance 9hall be care full jr put up and forwarded. . - j j D, PENDLETON, trr A few; Bonnets. Caps, Turbans, and Six comfortable of- "t" ,c1' !e kf pl on ''"'' i"IJ 9 ".. Silitbutj, Oclobfi 18, 189 - OOTTJ5ET ffl HE Subscribers- Agents for 1 he Lexington Walkings, Jphjri I: I. Cotton Factory, wonld inform the public fell, Yarbrough & TJUostisaA-nroMsn, ".?! COMMISSION :i U ' AND . ' : I . . - j fFt7mmgon, A. C. Rcrcn to ,; ! j-: ..' Messrs. E. L. & W: Winslow, E. f ,W. V ! M THE S UBSCRIBER HA VIM EE A MOVED HIS SHOP TO iuu ! B UILDLVG FORMERLY -j KJVOfVN AS THE , j i POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on band a good assortment 0 I Watche and Lliams, j Silver Spoons and Pencils, Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, 1- U Breast Pins ttiid Rings, I j Rqdgers' Pocket and Pen Knives, And al other articles in his line. ; I f Oi KS & HATCHES Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased or in paymen for debts due. r DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, 1839 tf45 fil 'it j - R 1 i s. Ciiehaw, Septembers, 1840. f'.i -S ! i ' r. 'i ii"-, ts iff .- - Beef Bacon -Butter . Beeswax -Bagging yd Bale rope lb ColTeo lb 12 a 15 Cotton! 8 a 8i Corn bush 50 a 62 Flour brl:.r.,j.-v. Feathers 45 a ,50 Iron lOOlbs 5ja 6 Lard ll a l2j JMoIasser? Tallow 4 a 6 f Nail3xcut assor 78 .7 a 8 I wrought-16 a 18 15 a 00 I Oats bushel 40 a 50 20a 23 Oil gal 75 a 18 a 25 lamp &125 8 a 10 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOlbs v 5i a 6 Rice lOOlbs 4a 5 Sugar lb 8 a 12 Salt sack $2 a bush ' $100 Steel Amer. 10 a 00 1 Lugusn tT 14 40 a 45 I German 12 a 14 12i j Teaiinpe. 81 $137 that therbave just received, and now offer for sale, wholesale lor retail, the Cotton Yarns of said Factory, I consisting of vaiious numbers.- I he superior qualities and character of ihe yarns T. John Huske & Sort, C J. Or- Ray, Joseph Baker, C. & My rover. i ! 1 Fayelleville. N. C, March 27 1 1840 6m3o Heigh, Curtis NEW NOVHL3. MitthelVs Ceogritphyantl Tf .AS a new fipnoranhv and Atlas, for the use of Schools and private learners in fact for all who may wish "to read history, and to have it in the family. A comp!ete ystem o modern Geography, comprising a description ot t he present state of the world and its five great divisions,? Europe, Asia, Africa Amer ieaand Ocean ica, with their several Empires, Kingdoms Slates, Territories, &c. The whole embellished v numerous Ens ravinijs of various interesting objects of INature and Art ; together with repre of this Factory, are so well tested and known, as n vAAil rv riAivtvtArlelirin frnm ita ' 'tkw$A I wishing to purchase will please give us a call. lAMSEL of Da, fen. by the author of Yem- sentations of remarkable and noted events, si nv J r - E. . I m m fi-i. : nui of an Alto. I n J .ijnn tn .UA Mnii.it F 1TV 1 1 1 11 p '& G K. WHEELER I 'L masoc, wt;. x lie iuruiuito v uit nnwi I yuucu aiiu uuapicu iu uc v.(aviij nj ,.-- " w MMKMMA.AW.tiM.iMii a. nn inA .ninrir nr . nn - a mm r. nnn r. in m . r.n r m n at aniri v van adventures of a gentlemaD in search of a horse." Town, by Cornelia April 24,1840; K38 Fatf.tti;vii.lk, Jbtpieujber 2, 1840. Brandy, peacb45 a 50 Do, Apple 37 a 42 'Bacon',- y "da in Deeswax; , 2fl a 25 CotTVe, 121 a 131 Cotton, - - 5 a 8 Cotton Yarn, 16 a 22 Corn.- 50 a 00 Candles, F.F. J7 Flaxseed 90 a4 00 Klo:ir ' . S4i'a$5i Feathers 35 a 374 Jron y 5 a 54 Molasses S3 a 374 Nails, cut 61 a 7 Sugar blown, j 9 a 12 Luuipj ' , 16 Iaf, ' 18 a 20 Salt, . 75 a 80 Sack", $24 a $21 Tobacco leal I 4 a 44 Cotton baw. 1lC a 20 Bale rope, i 8 a 10 Wheat new! 80 Whiskey 30 a 35 Wool, 15 a 20 if-: if: BF. FRALEY keeps constantly on hand a full supply of ready f v - MADE CLOfHIJVGn Coats, Pantaloops and Vestit, also Cloths, Casi- merei and Vesting, air of which, he i ill sell . low fW cash 1- He is also prepared to cut and maKe'cioiniog 1 - ranted to fit we itice. v He will leoch the on the most approved and Fashionable Style to f Tailor's wishing instruction. B. F. F. Sept 6, 1S39- 12m6 :'r: 1 1 bg in a yeryi superior style, and war 1 well. .Garments cut on short no- NBW FASHIONS, ' i- I'i roR ''the v : ". SPHMWG & SUMMER 1 1 840. HORACE H. BEARD, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he still carries on the TAI LOR1NG BUSINESS at his old stand on main street, next do4r to the Apothecary Store. He is ever ready to execute the orders of his custom ers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the Western pait of the State He is in the regular receipt of ihe latest London and New York FASHIONS, and prepared to ac commodate the! tastes of the fashionable at all times. : 1 . j : - iCf Cutting girments of all kinds attended to promptly , arid the latest Fashions furnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions given in culling;, f Salisbury, JVa$ 1940. Iy25 Just Received and for Side, MVhoiesale or JRetail, 18 Hhds: Sugar, . 189 BagslClflee. 1500 lbs. Loaf Sugar, 16 Kegs; Powder, . , 1 bbl. Madder, 200 lbs! ffpaaish Indigo, 200 Bottles Snoff. ' 15 Urge'covering Hides,' 30 pr, Elliptic Springs, 15 cases! Hits, ' . 10 caseS:Sh(es, 100 pr. Tracr Chains, 8 Mouse Hole Anvils, 8 Bright Vices; 9 pr. Blacksmiths Bellows, 300 Sacks Spit (large size,) 125 Kegs! Nsils asst'd sizes, 100 Kegs! Vf hite Lead, - j By J & W MURPHY. Salisbury April29, 1840. t 2 vols. The man about Weabe. Nan Darrell.or the Gipsf Mother, bv the author of ' The Squire frc- Charles Tyr rell, or the Bitter Blod, by James. The Gen ilemen of the Old School, by James, author ot the Robber, 4cJ Jost received at TURNER & HUGHES' N Carolina Book Store. 7 -fA T the house of Hogh Brown; between three ; A ;.Vt f.nir miles'abtive VVilkesboro and on ihe Yfidkin'Rivetr there will be sold, on ihe 22od end 23rd days of September next; three several tfafts b( landrconlaining i, "-T . i j. v .L. .;...i;nta jhA,frm'nereun be or more, i.a. vu. ,. .-- . r .k- v., lives Said Lands lie on omn sioe kin Riter. and contain at leasts 125 acres of Yadkin bottom, besides quantity ot gtxKi up inA A W 450 -Acres of, Land. on the: wateis of Lewis Fork and ReddiVsRiverjone undivided half oftwolois in Ihe Tyn of U ilkes-borovy- one of said lois adjoins the Publc?qnare, nd asa situation for business equal to any in the A nn -i' be 25ii i and 26th :laTi flhere wi)lb"e sold on the premises, in A4e County, 640 Acres of Land..situated on;Meeti Camp crk valua ble for its meadow land and us convenience lur a stock fairo ; also, 123 Acres, on .nnecw.ii.R Creek, and 50 or 60,Acreson ine iiioeyiioge. Said lands will be sold on accredit of-three and fW Prs. and will be sold byme as Executor, under the Will of J?hn Brown, ilereased. . y -: HAMILTON UKUWiMr W f., ' . y. Of Johny Brown, Iecd- Wilkcsho Also, there will be sold on the 22nd and 23rd days of September next, at the house of the above- named. Hgb Brown, . j, Y my cv.-. mv h,-aa . horse, bridle r ! Said nrtjro h.u ? cr "jut rcceivf .' T yt. A a no:, ;'; (N.C now a r County. It sr tends that J3;1 onaihao K-(r whobonglii married the rri sold three cr f. r and rffrisJprvJ i Coooty Cocrt : any pt rsi(n it t Jackvif hp H 1 to the end .f to hitii oniil i; i - JACK. Bsh 5 fefi 8 ir 10 r before, inc!ir.?J : he left, a brou ; and wooi hnt. I will ray f I " of the Slate, r -city of Ilalfij!;. AcgHSt 3, 1: Horses, Cat tle, Mogs,t& , sneep9 a quantity of good Wheat; of the growl h ot 18S9 crop of W heal a nd Corn of this year's gow 1 h ; Rve and Oats : Hoosebold and Kitcnen t r nimre, Farming Utensils; Also, on f.the 25ib and 26th, a parcel ot STOCK CATTLE, oa the premises in Ashe, on Meet-Camp Creek. For more foil information concerning the. Lands above described, persons desirous to purchase are t rt litfrt' -- It. referred to iiugn mown, in vv uses, ana, jon Miller, who resides nn the Meet- Uamp Lands. HAMILTON BROWN. July 31. 1840. ids. - -.3 CaEIl annall rAK15N UP A' ND committed to Jail of Rowan County,1 on the ISt h instant, a Neirro man wh sas his name is John, ard belongs tu Thomas B. Stone cf Alabama. John ia very black, abooi 45 years of age, is lam in the right lej, cans ed by white Sl'nsr, slow, spoken. with a dwii lock aborp; Mtjr 0 inches high. The owner e BEav'I0016 frward, prove pio- peny BMjAjjyi iawe mm away to accompany the work, m"8t last elulm and carefully colouied and elegantly put op The whole wotk is neatly done .The publishers have; received numerous testimonials in taroof of the Geography from Teachers and others in various parts of the Union. There are so many, ibey would make a pamphlet, we would make a pamphlet, we would select some of them ; but they are too lorg for a newspaper advertisement. We do most earnestly solicit a critical ezamina of the work by all may feel an interest im plac ing before youth a correct Geography. There is, also an outline Atlas which can accompany the Geography, the maps of which are not col onred. but calculated to aid the learner, i $CF Just call at No. 1, Cheap side, Fayette ilte St., Where you may find the above work, together with every new publication of the day, and many rare works of older times i TURNER & HUGHES. Rale.igh Jan. 1, 1840 State of Jlortti aroUua I j SURRY COUNTY. j Court of Equity July Term, 1840. Leonard McBride, Johnl M'Bride, Nicholas Mc- Mc- fcwefrtVID KERNS Jailor. Bfer, Andfr8on r?X-?7 ''i-e : ; Bride, and others. ItlOittS' lEulticanlis. Petition for sale of Land. vs Benj Clayton, & wife Nancy, VVra. McBride, Nvthan McBride, and Moses McBride. IN this case, it appearing to tbe satisfaction of the Court, that ihe Defendants are not resi dents of this State : It is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Caroli- thi R,n ThUr.in.;ntr,n t..v r.n,v n -.V aicnman, tnai iney appear at the uoart nosieof them at th North. 4t..t from natrioii-ot Equity, to be held for said county of Surry, ; i- L' i .t.. . .1 u u I 8t the uiiRiuciniiuiJs, iiu ufciria tun iiirj siiuuiu or A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these "TREEH may be had at Fayetieville N. C j a boot tbe last of next euramer or tbe first of taken by his rjative Stale. The price will be the: same as in,Baliimoreor New York, andnill be forwarded tnj j)hrchasers on the money's being remiuea. it is nopea tnaisucn as may wisn to engage, may doso at an early day. Enquire iof 'E; L. Wibslow, Fayetteville N.IC i. ; ill : Feb 1, 18391(29 MOTICE Juzt Received and Receiving, ' .!! - . . - J,-- A LARGE StOQK OF FRESH AKD OEt.UISE 3IEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass Ware, Lemon Syrup, Instruments, Soaps, Candlt s5 Frsh Rice. Spices, Perjfumes, Tobacco, CigarPaste Hi s . o- i, Boards,' Writing Sand Wrapping Pafer-also a l'? 35 ,do,Ur. The large supply of sjiperi r Wines and Spirits for medical use, whih will be sold whole sate and retail at prices to suit the pressure of ih tims by 0 IB 4- C. K. WHEELER. June. 19, 1840;--tf 47 1 Sali iburtr Coffee-House. I H1AKL'.. op and committed to the Jail o ' iles countvi Worth Cam in, i.n th first day of April, (inst.,) negro man, who says j about 2 4 years of age five feet eight inches 'high, of a toIerabte,ark color, "quick prken and .'.r. . ': LI. I.'. L.l .... I.' Al . l.ehnrri4rf..r r.nk.ii n,.-J XT,L rueod and, costomers,. that be. still HtViftihisTy y,lv on nHnd ueneral supply of articles of a soperi . oniy, m tms tale, and nis master wis takur J .i:,, ii u t-tii r u -n L him t Mississippi: 'and 'that he runaw.v from ! '7. 10 h 9 Ne. n?9-. He m him-iii nk,ii. Fi j - nwsro id accommtviaie miK who may tavor mm in Uorgta, Ie-owner is rrquesied to Lim . , " l .u . T . .mn, f-.tt-PT -j ... j . i i - I n,ui with a call, jh terms the most moderate coirre inrnrJ aod prove property, pay cnargrs j , . - tr t.mcauj iv(jursis au mose loaeoieo io him, eiiher by !n(te or account, to come forward and settle thisano betvreen This and the next Rowan Nuperior; Court, as he is obliged io have money to renwhis siock ot Groceries, &.c. All Who do not Coraplv With !hi r. n ipsl maw t. rnwt to settle jh an officer, without respect to pfrion -i Salisbury, August 23, 1840, r llAREN opjand entered on the Ranger's M Uioks of ilfe County of Cabarrus, by John C. Cochran on( tbe llib day of August, 1840, a mare muie, trorri 8 to 12 vears old. of a brown owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property pay cuaiges and receive u as the law directs. J M. MILSTER, Ranger. August 14.1840;-8ir3 ' abarrua County. Court House in Rockfordon the fifib monr'ay after tbe third monday of August next, then and tberer to answer, plead, or demur to the Bill of the Complainants, otherwise, tbe cause Will be heard exparie, and Judgment entererTac cordingly. -- I i S GRAVES, c m. k. August, 7, 1840 6w2 Primer's fee $5 50 TOWN LOTS IFOR SALS. has - m . i - - and take him way, or he will be dealuwiih ac cording to law. I - ANDREW PORTER jjailor. April 24, 1840 ir38 . HAVING removed his Office to' the ee . rood door of Mr Cowan's Bricks fow (for merly occupied by Dr A. Smith) nearly opposite M. Brown's Store, politely tenders Ins profps-sional ?er vices to the public. Sansbury Aug. 21, 1 340 tf4 I Hr, James TTT V I N G hV ted J3L the Town of Salisbury. t."jd-rsi his servi ces o !t? Ciii2.;n and the adjaceni CcorJry. in all the various branches of his Prcfessioc H can be found at his nulce on main Street one door below the iffiee of the Western Carolinian June 25. 1840 ly 4 J &EIVKVG. MRS. HQ.WARD respeeifolly informs th gentlemen of Salisbury, and eitn-os gener ally, thut she will make p?n;al)Of, vrsis. and Summer coats, for half the pnc row paid Tai lors for such work. She has done a great dealof such work fof ithe Tailors, and wili tosare alt WARE MAKUFACTORY. ril HE undersigned will sell at Public Sale in Jl Lexington, Davidson County, on the 5th day of October next, (it being Monday of Supe rior Courtj) six in yheTjwn of Lexington fThree of ihem fronting the main street, the other three situated on the back street., A credit of six month nil I he gven by lherprchaser giving bond and good r1 T ! yj E S.CALDCLEUGH. Lexington, N. C. Ang 10, 1840- 8w3 G Womack , i -r. ' himself permanently ifhthat may ae given her, to be done a durable and laily invited neat as any done by them. Shirts, bosoms, &e will also be made at a very reasonable prices. ngn 21. 1840 tf 4 riWIE SubBcribers would respectfully inform JL the ciuiens of Concord and its vicinity. that thfjr liave pnrctmed from John Clark all hisj S TO CAiand TOOLS connected with Tin and 5hf-fl Iroti Bainesa, and are now prepaied to jmanoiacturie ll articles in their line, which ihy flVr at wholesale or retail at the most rea sonable terms, nd confidentlyssore their cos-toui-rs that thy can depend on having order executed bet'er and with less delay than tbey bite terbeen 3t up heretofore. The subscri bers falter trjerielv(-s that iheir articles shall be ipfrrior to wolie to the State, and request the tavnrof a calf 1 Their Shop for the present is irt the iar of Afiison Moss and directly opposite oi. Drno jer s otnee. N". B. Th a i lent ion of the public is parfica :i: RMYTrG Of every description neatly done ai this Office. j P. S burtfx. Concord, j trj the subscribers plan of roof ing, which can be sen on tbe Salisborr Cotton r acuity. er. Lead and Copper taken in ASMALLcbesnut sorrel Horse, Six Tears ntd 'ahm?! I9 r.rl hands high, with a small white spot mi me lureneari TPrv chnn - .a roogh pacer, and a hard trotter. A reasonable icwbiu wm o given lor his delivery ' - " ! WELLINGTON SMITH. August 21. 1840-if4 1 Anthony Series or lassical i 0Us, for Schools and Colleges: H 7 i ,u -afin, nrst Lessors in ; a uramn:ar of the Greek Lac- K8 pyateai ut Grek Prtdy ; Cawar's VUUJ"w " , on ,he Gailic War ; Sallost's lect Orations ot Cii.m. .iii, V fksof Horace, with ,.it ? I Notes. CHUcX ;Cm f SViT f01" "P'atory, in 1 Vol. Uoja! S to. (nearly ready.) nnHE Subscriber woold respectfully Inform f it ' his friends and , customers, that he has re moved to the house next ; door to George W. Brown's Store, where he intends keeping aii as? sortment of ) , ,.. " . ., I" GROCERSES ; ssttcttatj Molasses, ' r Sugars Coffee, :yy .-- Salt. ;:;y; . Powder and Shot, Snuff, 4-c. j -EIQl'ORS of all sortssuch as French Brandvj . - . 5 Holland Gin. Malaga and Teneriffe Jllne, Champaign, ..', Muscat, ',' Lemon Syrup. c, Also, AN ASSORTMENT OF And other things in his line too tedious to men tion, which cap be bought fbr casb as cheap as at any other place io Salisbury. NOAH ROBERTS. March 20. 1840 if34 j TO oWKEBi OF'IKgLLgu IIHE- Subscriber has an improved Patent SPINDLE for Mtllsi by which, a mill will do much better than with the usual form of Spin " dies. It is so constructed as to keep from heating or killing the meal inny manner. The' runner is so confined by the Spindle as always to pre serve its balance, and of course there is no rub bing of the stones. j . I think, by this improved Spindle., the same water will do at least one third more business, and the meal of superior quality. ny person wishing to use one" of these Spin fdles, may obtain one or more, by making applica tion, rwtmin a snort time) .to trie Hnhscnher at M.ksville, Davie Co. N. C. I think the pro bable c st will not exceed $30 for the Patent aod spindle ready for use. ! I he following persons have mv patent Mill Spindle in successful operaiior. : Gol. W. F. Kelly, Thos. Foster. Joseph Hall and Foster, of Davie County ; Gilbrelh Dictson and David J Ramsour of Lincoln: Cbarle Griffith of Rowan ; Addison Moore of Davidson, and William Doss of Surry all of whom ztv highhj pleased with its performance. L.M.GILBERT. Novemoer 8, 1839 tfl5 ST tbe IPiuilbMeo lH? ondr2ned respectfully infrora the Jl Public, that they are still engaged in ear, rying on s 6 ii TAHETBRY, y At their old stand in Rowan county, near Chi na Grove, 10 miles south of Salisbury. They natter themselves that, with their long.experi ence at the business, and devoting to it their un remitting personal attention, together witrt iheir lat improvemtnt in their system of Tannine, to he able to manufacture, Leathet f a snperior qualtty, and on as cheap terms as any made in this country. y "y .:y" ivy : They cow have on hand a very large and su perior stork of Leather.: of all kindi, -which they are desirous of s lling on moderate terms for cash, or on time to punctnal dealers -Dry and green Hides taken in exchange for Leat her. k.n made on hort oo'ice, Black smiths' Bellows-worth from eight to twenty ffflHI'S is to JL Count zi '. out for Thieve, ing Noips viiiU the 16th insiarr, cjntairiinj one I en on it wl.i' sent , One nse county, Air U; on Jostah Buk ! . $40, wiih a cr Cornelii5S L U; bald Muse, cf y Pelermifh tf I Kerns of Rsnc Montgomery other notfs and which I now r lowing recfip;? : S. Birckhesd, I ; Lewis, CoriSta':.' given by Kincl.r der Smith, fur r receipts said S:;,' turn from the 7 has gone. Ti er pers in the pnr ! ; but myself, sucL A quantity of r. c close bodied coal, mixed vest 5 tv. thfead pair, two anil three socks, foj the detectitn , the Thief. $C3 They invite all persons wishing to pur cnase Leather, to call and examine their slock iore purchasing elsewhere. . , v H 4 W.:c. MILLER. Kowan co.. Aug. 7, 1840 Sw4 . - A man cf vcr foiled early on t! 16th inst., in t:: Store, two and a of j the Sobscrir r r. sation with hiri. or 11 inches I n ' , whiskers, and t!.-.: coat, somewhat v broad brim, of tl f pair of pint.il.) : him bat a" bice t Stre wilh ihe , some shirts an J ed;he could not q ed the way to Fax other, places, and 1 ry kiirection to ih:' anxious to know ; perance and b on jihe mind of .Mr. of very sn?pici i; . time in the couri day, he va3 sjy i: St;re above mpi! in ivhich he it Suratts! of wIhd he left Suratts' t his house on l!,e more has been 5f r y NV1I;! Davidson co , . EC The IW bore 3 ir.sertio::?, r this OfSce for j;: State oc; 'J . davj: I Align' t George Mock, .ary Riddle, JTbhn Binkley srd rah Binkley lis 1 vs Henry Mock, Peier iMock and ' am Mock, Isf this case it r , Henry Meek, Vc-n are not inhabltsn" by the Court, t La weeks in the Car; defendants peisor.: ces of our.Ct-uri, f the next Couit, to Cocrt Hcuse in in November r.cxu to the plain tifTs - ' ing exparte as i ' ' fesso entered - Witnfs, Jo5.f t eourt at tdce, tl 1 1840. -' August 21st fyiyeGT, . quantity til i ' a superior o Also, a few bu' The above Sff Book Store by J t Raleigh. Frb " We shall rccfi Grass Seed; L Grass, &c. ' gTirf mm iri. t U TAVLOR & ELKINS. one 12, 1840 tf46 ioriti carolioa Book Store, bv yj TURNER & HUGHES Rje,gh, Acg. 28, i840-tf6 - mm MB MB B F W W WSl il .tween.ltev. OP E ViillY DSSOniPTIOIJ, I Neatly executed at this OffceU : Johnston, i tl-15 L sent. JCpThe Sel f day, 7ib Septes - ' Aug. 2,

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