i ! I" 'I! -! ? It I , " r! 1 3 vs. 'r - ,, vVl.i' m:5rWy t;f S3C0 aLi,reVMr Fi-her may read ev- , !,' r',.-, s - - ' ' ' - '.ij-si'JSi'. 1 r 2 - " "t JmlV snrTRHnrR 25, 1840. . iHLMMiiFician .his manic wont do. 1 drAjw icilh Tippecanoe. v IjjjG ELE(0ftAL TICKET. t rA Cun0- McDowell, of Burke co rnrrib BiO'lrft, "f Lincoln, - - s Iames vMifrl-ol Caswell. 4 S":-J j H Ab b I RcNCHERiofChathara, nr JiMEl BiiMrTH. o Orange. Tho fft; ff4N E. PpTqo inions. . Mieageyour Leuy-flU New Tork Coa riprand KrrqMirer Matealtbat ari lonmation Ms len gipn from a high source: to the Irind h( the Afminietraiion, nof tetany mart" nn ib FrpdeniiaJ Election -.ThfrAfefc lour it surPscd to be MrVanJ3iren,andii doei'mure credit to til's heart than anj thio we have over ' We re.Detr.ber aorbe!: Hmesuiea "that -Mr Biorne. a Van Do-n oiember'of Cof.res's frbrn western Virginia, m passjnj throao'hTeteiRburj, sent word to the same elTecUo Mr -RihTiie.if these bints be noH taker,-f wh-Ie them bet on t" ... , , '". - ' j ' ..:.(' ,u-4- t. ".A willu. man' maun halliis way-: - C He that will lii Copar, maun to Ctrpar," after i!iey hare hvfxt ODvinccd how iaeiefi ta the attempt to fix opon GenerarHarrison the foul, chge;rt AbolU clears Alraniireri'i akirts of lliai fantti ca! and da'ngfroDsUoqirine, have osceram- eu vuX."5,e uooe-.cane, and the case f ihe younp Cadet at West P.iin perhajiaj that Vail-- Riiran is an H..Lk l " r - i Harrison I Indeed pTljia is growing more iiuckii, iii laci. uui, fenilemen. vnu'll -fi?0 Wlftf riday Wr will mate no euerV.cowpromiselof this matter. N6- ining short of an arkpowiedgment on yiur pari oi having grossly slandered thr Patriot IhJ. r " - - e fecupr; and we.lr the. TwJF' rmLSrepr,i,a,i"n' falhcod into' the; hre .,f th'JJ tfts , -V"? . f r -1 - '4 r: J,,r, "'Mm5,CVM n rroiiinll i .1.. Inf s hfsiorv on ntlich- am inA. .uJ i-We irwt lliat't.nr nsitii;M r.:-j.-' -. V i : ?rr a"1 ,ydKonin; at Vaih,ngtou: my whS-h rheir coar-v in nirlrin i r,., 04 us lalemtniiLwo never uiada,irbli deJ W." We, m"pa7t oi (h aioeoV of, Ire- j Ws carried'efery th!og.befora them in d li eiiunty ari of opinion that the corrupt stite A,Ur' bave made a . clean sweep ! t hatioff vf.oo' G'Virnnaent ih ml flminieifkib.n f 'elected thfir.rs.vinA k- n nnn : ?K!r5?J I!' r?V9 ,f iy o-tof eight deleWea to Congresa.- an fu:irfia vciom j -' ri ub nun. inn vrm nwm win msnn 1 .,- . . i i -i ....grivna inu nnpwsiif in t . , ..-..- , , UnrV Bnsir.f ss - if nn!i,,tU . fi-. v; -v.hu .M.Kfu wi n L every iteaiore. 7 " " "-"f o inepoor 1 Wo one 6at ibese of re-D-etabiliiv npJ anHv. tors. ;JP27 VI) Tor . OESPECTFULLY rrqoVsta ihose'inrfctcJ JUL toheT, to call and seiile the Face. There are many h0 hare account with her cf fevft- r al years siandinj, and. to thcro she' ffpccialfr duecL ibis rcq.iesi.. T N. B. Mrs. P.' wHI take a ycanj dil frcn iu iu is years old, as an apprentice 10 ihe Mil hTh harar'fr zs a dt-epciism. 1 focofocos. ' It ia a Whw triumph extra one Wiad whereas, WeMiw, ihai io retain that we nerer expected. Come bovs, strain o a - -f u mt- uriirti uivv Salisbury .SeptembeL23l 340. of.A..ownPa.ri.,t,. and ti protect those ftY"Z' "'V 7,7 7. ' InsttiiMms whijh wie Dtiot b ih hnA ..f m-kS eounl let's elect - Old Tip i . - - , 1 f , yvas-in-ioT. Jerjrsoo anl-lacn. and to pie mouziyi j ten' wr L1n from b-.in- the ; Land of op pre..ioc atufiyrsnny, it n nectary that i?a- a rhrpp in ralera Tberefne, I ; Weaofred.vThat we enttr into an a-snetminn, (he utj iif which wilf bi id se ail fcvrwraW pifaria to secnr ih elevation utxbr Preidencv f that loig tried and aithfu! Patriot; who in Ala general meeting oi th Rowan Tipp cal rpeChjbinS!8bufy,onihKi5layirSepl afterdilreVaing t laraeTarid If r 1 a ! a s ? f2 f U ac e a-i of this nd ojlTer Counties; in a brief iai.d sntriteii juarinf reintroduce j tfie"fiflbwintf ResIuL ' in - -:i -i : . . - - - .- j- . . 4 .1 ?Ps'!AvhlcV cre 'onammousljr; adopted: H 1 iUiolved, ThVt wsppovej of the Viate l v. Sg Coti vent ion; to be held in Ule City d IU ! it: i g h : j6n t he 5 h Or uhi hex ! j k 11 J ' 1 h a 1 O jdl llowan will si-mi dfclegaips W thl oecasi.in " j r' 11: lletolved, TUt a the Bal haV, b -n pot in motion in this ae v b.iv 'dt'rimnd iij jkeep i;i movin- ontil oor betofeit tounirv i'rJ J 5. HesalDEJ. Ihat tt K-.n iwU.i-- J iKi. w liurdio- Necretanes al of November next. f.L. r n ... . . . . 1! fex voTrrsrujndlitor NFcrMtariM. and i.n Trifcsii- Imle, and we'll save the Loos the' trouble of warn- tl Male ana Female Teach I ARE DESIRED ; IREDELL'COUNTr. Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term. 1310. - - GrB;Parkps iolheuse6fi Juatab 1 Cowles, T . -y JnUces Jiif?rnefttr Hamsopi in chargiiigbn him abolitionism cn 'ef l" of the W higo, 'I -r y ?aMtrM?Larcd situation: is aom wlaijik a 'criminal underihe allowsr ' With? the 1 'eicention that li-.'L'l- . .. v? r.Dv . w :- r.r r;ri, . . 1 -. -:. ; n -.. -- -. - - : . ... j. ' - Ci-ITy7" 1 - fw wad MS )t)i th -; Counties of Davidson ;mr,;van.,buren. . -1.-."' 1 1 . . . jfotorrtJS iW nltice in Ihti: paper, pro- h" figtleman M received from Uniple j-el parmc-mecungs ueio in eacu 01 1 . - ci. vm.b 10 me vounir, jtwoueiip ;lhe-?0'f,??,,, hundred ' :md$, ?tttl f1 ,-tes Ic4 the Raleigh Convention !Hr.vAoWa ond -j i.1" sem in ff:;nt f he Rows n Hw!f t at 10 o'lock on th'' rnornin? if T'Jfsdav. $ht 29ih inst . and march diieiiuJh cn of RatfiVh,.ant join 'our! lrllwcnizen Jn the lo-.niion a!tid celebration. - : : I r:.-.i;'ii ' . . - ! -v i-j hhanner. Mf mii ihe Delcgatiuii from our "P4tJ rioicisler, Dvie County, to j4m uai on ttjii I'ccssion. The meetin-r was then addressed by David! F Caldwell, Eaq in an ene:g'ticfoeibl, petrt of AO diinoies. IV. Boyien bem loudl? "'cald spoK p, for rnn time iih grt-ai ai:i.oat(:nf. ahd nnO take charge of the MAGNOLEA William Raahand - 'Tlaud of Deft. Rash. -1 ACADR M Y, in larenro coantv Ala E- iji -; ' , '. ' ; . pf aw- ha pruified Ur rights and vt ho in ihf bama. on the jirtt day of January next. The IT1 Ppeariiig to ih satisfaction of the Court, drkesi boor .f iMif nintiy's need.botdiy au.i male Teacher wiU required to leach the ClaaS A thai WHJiain Rib is not an inhabitant of im and the vatioua Eeglfsh branchea. The To J" -iai V " therefore ordered by the court tress will beffqoired trxeacb tb varioos branch J1 PUon be made for six weeks in the pol Female Education, incloiirg Music. ""aWaich man, printed at Salisbury, tLat The location the abov Institution is con- ,he dcendant William Rash, appear auth'o aidpred as beallhy as any in Soqih Alabama. "PXl Coon of Picas and-Quarter Sessions, to be The appltcaiitrwin, be required to prevent " ? lOTin county ot iiedetk at. the tout hoosa tpstimooiala of qualification. 10 Direct to I ,n'tlille. on the third monday in -Kovtt tiibcr William S. Price, M. U., Shiloh Marengo Co. neD tf?a ere to anew cause, it any be Alabama. - j "T. ,Q ,,d ,ao Pbould not be condrmn- AppHrations will Srs received until the lotb e 11 ! P'nffs debt and ail lawful erst 3. ' i s ""55, 4. c , .iesanuer, iieiK ti our raia fWM SJ PRICE court at iflice, the 3rd mondav in An?. 1S40. i 11SSJICKETT, Trustees,! J L. W ATKINS I JS.L. BEN NET, LA. B. IIObEA, Splembr 25. 1340 6w9 forth iii rescue t er n n.e from di?race, ai d pro fpct h'r tnizns from the, massacre of a rutb bS3 foe who is the able G-neral- the wise $ ateainan, and the patriotic cMtzen. Tbat man h Wll.l,LM HENRY HARRISON. j Resolved, That w will nupii. rt for the Vin- rrefirtHf-r v rainia s r.nbleat son.. .Iohk I Vl'er ' mm ' - ' Hesolctu. I hat ilns s9cia io ba'l be I known ty the name ot the Liberty II i( Tinne 1 . . cnoe ciun, and snau runsia ol a President, six r?r, alt perrons who sign their names to ibis ,on-itiiii nn Resolved, That 15 members may at any lime co i( it h qm.rurn and uaf.act bi)siiie!s. Risolvrd; That it RhalLfc ihe dutj of the Pifjiident to pre-sice at the tut-finer i,f ihe Cluo, and in hi') absence inine une of the Vif Presi dents, caUifg 10 order, taking th -j.se of the meeting on any question, and deciding wbto there shall hf a He. I. -L-.tl L. . . L f . O 1 , un J or ne orcr.i.ry o seep. (, Cochrn on lhf U,h d q Aogt) jft . a .a.itnui rcoru 1.1 ine Pnceeo:n?s 01 me iuo i 4.i, frnm a ... 10 ro ,Alf nf . ihe Measurer's dutv shall be to receive andi .i- i, ...a or. jn..,. . tl J. F. ALEXANDER: ct.r. September IS Cw8 i Pnnter':Fee $5 C2 NOTICE. fBlAKEN op and entered on the Rangera J0ab Richards, 1 bijoks of the Cooniy of Cabarrbs, by John -' M I William Rash, State of Jlortft CnroUua ijREDELL COUNTY , Court of Fleas t and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1840. ' was frequently interropied bv h.uch acotause 1. I . 1 ' - ... . I ml ; ! iroy, 1 ne atiu ence ; ai.;er wn.ch, U .L U.rrtn pav oul , mo0IM ,CCordin to the direction of: T. boTified to come forward prove nnmertv geif, Esq.. beinji Joudly called for appeared, made I Ibe Club. i hereby potined to come lorward, prove property - Original A '3 ; -lad CelfVjtion. r:i IPS - on1oRaleglt abttft adi:ess in his . usual anodl taste and ele ippli use. ninely.riine dollars. Ha has received ihiV 1 :- ii.- t -3:- I . - . a - ; . . i frfirH of the Rowan 'Ho- raosl uapgerous measures to the liberties ol 1 iairaVttolrlinxtV.aa early as America, that could possibly have been sug 'i precision wi!l; th? n be form- gested ; and yet he hag the impudence to ittJ marched 1 rjitpugb main street, dl ELECTION. : K ' i i i s;- ("as ' . - . - -" . Jkafone fiiuTth bli?tbeV votes of tbislState alipardlfroiri.knd thus far, there i a sain aWbiJsofjGf rM a gainof one member of ask a. hundred thousand more. He will he ver get it Better had it been for America that treble this;amoiibt were sunk to the ocean's dark bottomland the name of Mar- yle and elicited loud a Im B Ltrd, Esq . introduced the folloin Reolutii n : j M I Rcsdued, That every Whig in Rowan coun ty be aftd is hereby ttop-.unted delegies to ijtf Uoovention at Itjletgh, on the-otb 0n., 1840; uuauuuuusiy iop:eo. ; I By: William P. Graham, Eq. : i Mesolced, 'l'ha: h old Whg Soldiers rf the Revolution be specially rtq-Mei!i to attend tb4 Conventiun ai Raleigh. Alb r. iii Smith, the bis' loco foco, se.of their; -leyers in Congress. v is beaten tt P. FiSssiSBtN. Mesara. Evans and 1 Ctbigayalf4DKfford (V: BJ are re e ,The Sli $ enato is safe for the whig: iroin utbiiucuoin. . I Pursuant 10 previous notn:e, a nnonber of 'h4 citizens ot Cab;irr 09 county asvt-mbled to Con-i tin Vn Buren never known, than that bis ! oord, on the I9ih of September. (osi ) Tiie meftinr was c-itled to order Dy 1U0;. 15irrirwef J Un mutton, Lird Alexn:ler, E-iq , was called nl the uhair atid Aie.iit.at-4 K ')enkon and Joon W i Millar, were appiottj! Sruieiaries. The in tecl of the meeting thn explained by C-il Barringer, who otTercd the folSowiig Kesolu-I Uon UsoZred.'That we appoint the following ilel VRu2S:tss Tl tin' :'rlyjxecLJto get the . Governor. 4aast be edrijgssjed that we are getltn a services should ave been called in reqimn tion. But bis-political sun 19 fast sinking and as fast approaches the day in wliich; those who support him and his leading measl ates will find a stain upon their character as indellible as that of Toryism in the Rev olutionary struggle The Coalition. The; last Intelligencer ,has rery well Y dj East- The delegation I an excruciating article reviewing thecjrcumstanf !i session o -vin tsuren and a .:wnigs, it ces 01 ine coaiiupr Dei ween Mr. van uurenan i:. ... ' . j -te art .r . 1 . : . jrobablj be 1 i 3f - at i in thfr next Congress. WIJH'E SUK HY I N THE! FIELD." HfWJoHinjri artfopriate, yybrds are taken lie Card of ia? 'nation sent forth from ihe ::jof Sarry fojr .4h'e occasion "referred to in The Whigs of; Surry , grateful for the sue- 3 if their caaselasi manifested bv tl. result fate eleclioiti In Jhis,and in ! other States ieUr-ion, ar! believing"! hat! iheir princi- Mr Calhoun something on the plan o!Mr Graves1 speech. 'Extracts are taken from -Mr:, Calhoun's speeches, showing what he though! of Mr. Van Buren and the parly which he was ( i i . Si' leading. Extracts are also taken from i 1 . Pickens' speeches, which though less powerful and elegant, are a good deal more savory ot eph thets. On 1 ho other hand, e have con tempo rxneous opinions of the Nuilifiers from the Globe, and to say that; the extracts before us are iitkflparn andjjiiodersUiod, wpuld be more j strong as ingunsaud garlic, is but faint praise; Rot ua4r?alf adopted, have de It is odd and fit shame and indigiw4ion did not l0 ..Mjagrijetijflg 01 me. irienna r fi bftfore any 0,her station) it would bo a" mos aad'tKarffirkrrat the to n- of Rook- I . . 1 .. ' . .-'i.',A -nl..li J; jl i. J An.u t musing to peruse tuts Kukennu cat nsnl as it: is rntxi,: 11 1 - ; . ' .:- - it .1 Wj las a bKiferfrlght to rejoice at xuu. egae 10 attrod he CMienion iu ibe citf uf Raleigh, 'n the 5t h of Octt b-r Gen VV C Means, Maj V Brringer, D -ctr ShaiUle.Moho Long. E-q J.s W Sm.tt. E-q R VV Allison. Fq,.J.l.n F Phifer. C J Paft. e C N! Price, Col D M Ba;nnger, Col, Wallace! Col rhimpock, Dr Young James t hiiej C r r ' 4 1 . i tm . f 'i I) . . Kirkpairi-k, Roner: L Archibald, EiiariP man! Capi bwerer'tsaio, Franklin Pharr. Jieph 0 Pharr. Ld Alexsndt r, E-q , Jer miah Huiej U y tlarn?, C.sq. It nsrris, Alsj L-orum George L Phifer,Cap It Yvg. C J Hon: Eqi Gftorge Houston, Col Suit, Col We lding bn.jAlij jhive, Cl Aliioit jCiap 11 bert All) stharl ihe gallant spirits of old Sur o!dp9iheI)giou9 electioneering pow ' A V tn P. K?ori ; they e re bese t with BrownandiRomulus Sauhders, the lar Jom pal;jvhrn especial attention. ad flit ra fufi,He9. , Sneechea and Docn- 44 thp deeply if ue. vere circulated with UvjIvv; i.rtiltr.v-',.-..-. '.(.-' ' . . wee hoiaer was quarter them for i: Nammer, and we are in- erit theMfele figure for J hie master. iatmU nof IlllioT '.' The s:mp! truth was 3 Ml a inatnli!Fv all iiio mil Sunt la re. !r Kedtdbw. (mark" the word) from porirjfjed from the masitrly pen.of lr Gaits We recommend it, to all jwho can gel hold of the paper, and we ask of our brethren of the Press to join us in giving ihe article a fartlier circulation 'ktfth t iWla think we know the brate orryJahwnen they hnce fight and tofS 4 0 .nil 4e down (as some of us do) Si t - fgn 'new s. ; . . emer iiJtVQ.oeen-ls -joU "arrived )-vrJbh'ew8 by ber ia quite itart . ,r? jijautne prospeci 01 geuer- i p.. t-fi.. . ' - r - i . . . rowing out of thefachaot Ibteii Jroembered F that ' : featy , Tma(le;yiVP:en Great Britain, Russia, ft 'tn'k on-tlie other, guar ft. hp. quarrel between the ?5-i?ned lir ;:tidjts inRdrgent snbjeets. i -' vHf 'i fllhimirAlil reuses to con V ' w "Pfedi that, France will; march f'l IbHigh contracting ww" 7?,H, fe'mpt::Ho';''aforce "ii with :; -hli'TIwverVa srood "deal of ne i W,- Ve;iateIyvreceJved a rprivale nothing If nni Ut'.-'- 1 a 83gc'0,,s,'and we iJ T ll gotwj oppbrtonities of jbdg- Iiffefa,e- 'Bet no more on - "'Mill I 4 H -' - U - i "-.. In "CI ttenel it be 77i Bunker Hill Celebration. - Among the thousand and one ceUbri lions which have taken place lately in the United States, that ot Bunk er Hill seems to have surpassed. It is aserieo 11 1 - that the assemblage was ibe la rg-8t that eiei took place in the new world. Daniel iP'ebstir was the President, assisted by Governor Pe- ntngton and others. Butj we forbeai. Our whof Sheet devoted to the subject would make but la faint description of Jhe, Ensigns, Mottoes and rare devices, wkb thu sayings and doings of trjis irresistable mass of patriots. .Well may the schemer at the White House advise his faithfii' to make no more betsl 1 i .."PORTRAIT (JIF HARRISON." J Under this imposing leapt ion, we fini in the last North Carolinian an article copied from the Globe, and representedjt.o have been drawn by the Editor, of the ' Bangor Whig and Courier ,in 1825 -6 Hear what) the Editor of the Ban gor Whig and Courier says in reply to t era bla slander. Now what reliance placed on men who wi their .votes ? Is this with which the Editor I circulate such us mis can be sttfT to deceive ihe people in order to cheat them output the armour of truth" f the Carolinian calls ti ff of the Court f of Appeals " rri ,aiey ;-ai nta seat in iiarK 5 a if S!l:N if ft 5 S. .ii -i upon its party to " gird on ?" , Is this a spect rhen of the , weapons j of " reason and .facta" which they are to fight with f"Fayctteville Observer. t li-;" -'v : I 3; - " From the' Bangor ItFhig and Courier, t :"'"''' ' - . j; -- v . j ' CFbe statement of the Ghbe, so far as re lates to the Bangor AVhig and Courier, is pn airocioos falsehiMid. - H is absolotelv false ibat ny' denanclavtpribf Gen Harrison evef apper- ed iu the epiamos ut ine.Avnig and ; courier; It is fa he that; lliese columns nave ever proclaim ed iliat he had a pelticpal voted him jNoaufch sentiments, no such remarks, no such thoughts ever-apte'ar.ed in the-icolumns oflte " Bangor Whig and Couiier," and that man is a calum iniator who asserts the contrary. In this ma tier we are-deiermrned to; have justice done 03. fit shalLnbl be that the Globe, or any other paper devoted to the caasel of . the office-holders and tin corrupt plans of Van Buren, shall falsely charge us with ottering statements which are false, and the sentiments of which we detest, wiihoat receiriirg the rebuke theydeserfe; Yo ton. fttn.iW A Lono. .lames C Frsz.er, J K Wed dington, iNIoes PrMs, Capt Sariiuei G WhieJ W L Gingles, D M Knsaell. Jb. M Pbrfi ance, D G liolebrooks, C Phiter, V H Atrlu bald, JnsiahVV W bile, I)f Hnrns, nl Barrier, Erq1. George W coti, Col B?roiart. J;bn C Barfl:iri, W-'Blaekveld-r, Capt D Ise.or; ColiJaraes White Capt J 31 Gray, Cant N II Barhnger, Daniel Miller, Paul Miller. John VVaraioth, Dr Orr. v M Hent rn. I). Jen uing?, Dr Gibson, Jacob F, Faggrt, . R;twrt V Foird, John GPHnn. Cbris'.ophpr Melchr, Cl- Miftetihamr-r. Diiiiel Ba'gi', Jijhn B 'o-s. A I (red'MtGraw. Mathia A Bainhart. L B Knij." nSiner. E B Burof, Henry E Reed. Dr Ran kin.! W Nevell. Robert W Harr s, Robt Mor rlsuh, John VV Mearea, Saul 0. H-.rns, Samuel: P;arr. sen., John -Flatter. John M Biark. hq 4uhh Diacli, stn, Colmnt. 03 Spears . Damrl FNh pr , Mos - Li-pf Capt Ilftitv Long 3ub?i Gv 4f4. Juhf McLore, Joseph White,-B. S., Ji'itsi Ru-isell, Capi Jubn rw... Ric -ird .lurua, J 4bWin(C ff. Mtcbs 1 Fie;ze.Mj J M Mc L-ne. II ( . L ily. Sandy iVkhiily. Sidney UcKinlV. Mar i.. Phiter, J " MMier, Arrlit ha hi Robinson, AVm Lee Mek, Dr John VV Inirram, R C Cooke. Col. D. Wum 1 Reunited further. That every Whig in thi I r , - - ' tf oitiiy le cunsidered a dele-jate to saut rpnven linH. and be requested toaitersil.it to ids per I L BKrimminger, Ej, then offered the fol Iu i' 2 Resolutions : i ' Resolved. That we have cooticed cor fiderjc4 ih tht ability." boiet'y ann pitnoiistn of Gfi WI IT. Harrison that every examination tiisimeTits - principles has incfe i-ed his laim-i tb qu"rnppuri'for the highest ffire in the. gift of the Nation and that p?eryj at ack that hi been- made on, his . character, has hot added rw-W laurels to his reputation as a Statesman, a Hero and Patriot . j f Resolved, Thtl wp are'readv' for ih giej contest fMi the 12tb ot Nottraer next, and we will do our duty to our Conn -tv in coriirtbuting i;ur aid to reroute from uriB'rite; power an Adf ministration, whose miarnle, corr::piion af;d f sUmptt'tna have brought run; on the people and endangered liberty itself. -f The meeting was then addressed by John Mi Long. Eq. in a few appropriate remarks j I Col. Barnnifer then rose and eltqnemly ad Vocated the Resolution, and orgeo k'i he meet if : and ah Whigs tb necfsiiy if comngi but at the poll o Nev ruber ; after which, the Resolutions H-ere unnnimo!y adopted. I i On motion, ordered that the p'ocei'dings he pablished in the Carulina Watchman and. oihef Vhtg papers On motion, the meeting then adjonrned. j LARD ALEXANDER, Pres. Archibald Robertson.? John W. Miller, J That the ofUctrs shall be elected by ibe Clohj and hold ihir tifices at the pleasure of the same. Ucscived. 1 hat all Wh'g are requested to oersjm'- P-mbers of ibis Assicialon, Resolved. That we recommend to the Whigs of ilit Count t and State to form a J ippecanoe Club at evrv election prcinet, Resolved, that two persons be appointed to deliver t-aeti an aildreas at this place 00 the day of elpriioo foi President. Resolved, That we believe that only eternal y.'g:i.nee h ihe price of Liberty, and that we will u&e all our exertions to diffuse political tn ormaitoo and rt-deem cur countrv from ber ibral dom and corruption. After thse resolutions were passed by a traanj iiii' oa voice, ibe meeting then proceeded to or4 g-nz ihe Club accordtng to the Constitution. I'oe o!l.iing ffieri were then elected, iz : A Hilton Campcfll, Eq., President. Levi N Aiexande', D iet. Lee A Moore, A Feuister, Capt. Woi. Feimsier.fa Revoluiion Uy wjldterj Amos Weaver and Wm. Gibsou, Vice Presidents. Silas D Sharp and John A Murchison, Re- jh ding .Srr-taries A A Morrison. J R Scroggi, Milas Hill, J .t.n VV:iis. J F. Johoaoii. L Morrison, and W. F Wans. Correpondinar Secretaries. J Q Shaip, Treasurer Dttcuif Ler A. Vlooro and J.Q Sharp, were appointed 10 deliver each an aduteas on f elertfn. Resolved, Thai the proeeedir gs of th ihg bo publishfd in LEVI oairinan. j Silas D. 'Sharp, JkO. 'A. MrjRCHISON pay cuaiges ana, receive 11 as ine oirecis. t JrM.AIILMEK. Ranger, August 14,1840.3 Cabarrug Cuun:y ATTENTION! OFFICERS OF THE &7th Regiment of Davidson County, N. Caroli na Militia. YOU are commanded to parade at George Hedrick's, on the 15lhof OcU next, at lOVclnck. A M armed with Muskets for Drill ; and on the 16h at 10 o'clock, A. M., with your respec tive Companies, with six rounds of powder fvr General Cluster. By order ot Wm OWENTCol. Com'nt. IRA FITZGERALD,;Ad't. September 18, 1840 4wg I j NOTICE. , TBHE undersigned has been ppcinted jpe S cial Administrator on the Estate of iraeph; Cowan, deceased, apd in pursuance of his au Tbe dav Wv"ll ttr? lo!!0?1!; "" mondayin November oext, 'b- y ,je Sth.f October, 1 840, ai the late dwelling ,hqW Ba!Vj i( anj he has, ' 5o I uf 8,d rfeeweed. th foil? wing property, to wit : ghoatl nol he Wbu ;aper of ibe day. Two Homes, Thirty-six head of Cattle, J iiffadebt and all lawfol costs , - - N. ALEXANDER, . ; Hogs, LSheep. and a! quantity of Corn, Witness,! J. F,: Alexander, clerk of Attachment on Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that William Rah is. nut an' inhabitant cf ibis State : j It is therefore; ordered that pubh caiirm be made in th Carrdiua Watchman for six wetks, for the said , Rash; to ccme in at the nett Term of thia court,' to he held for thecoun ty of Iredell, at the Court House in Siaiesvillc, kj the third) moriday of November next, then and there to plead in 01 replevy ; otherwise judg ment by default will be taken against him; and the property levied on condemned to 'satisfy olainnfTs debt and all lawful costs. ' Wiineaa.'J. F. Alexaoder, Clerk of our RaiJ eoun at office, the 3d mondav of August, 1840. j J F -ALEXANDE R, elk. Sept 18 -6w8: Printers' Fee $5 62 State bt 5lorth eavolma. IREDELL COUNTY. Court of Pitas, and Quarter Sesiions, August Term, -1840.' ; Cowles & Wilcox. , t?5 '1 " Justices 'Judgment LevipJ Wm. B. Deaton j opon Defendants! Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of ihe cnur.r, that William B. Deaton is not an inhabitant of this State : It is tbarefore ordered by the court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman foraia weeks, for the said Deaton to appear at the next court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, lo be held for the county of ' IredelJ, at the Court H'ne to Matesville, on the third then and there to why the said Lands condemned to satisfy plain- I 1 At a roeelino of theTinn-., IDa- . ' - m m yileon, it wa unanimously 1 c. 0 rur in the p'n pursued, byJrhsBiiTtic?, f sendmw dt hgates to the great Stale Cootn fion. tu be held in the ci'y of Rleioh,on the 5th Oet.hr ; and thaj th following, persons, be p 'p' mted as delegates, from this County, (to wit,) I John W Thomas. R.hwpII A. King. Thalea i "Donald, A''8olom W illiams. Richardson Finch, Henry Wslser, Datib Ho flats riTEFqVV iHiam liriss, Esq, Cd. Andrew Lindsey, Randall ilmo ml, Cd. Sam'l Cecti,4i'bt. L Harare, Riley. Esq . Saoi'l R Brevard, Sam I D i-nkin. Dr. L.rr.zi.WiMid.Dr Sam'l L.Jones, Maj.r G Snj ib, Jr . i'apt. Aeq'oin Bo ers, Wm p" Moore. B. B. Robena.l Rbt. M Fimisn, Levin Grdy, Etq . Vaientiiie HMver, Ksq Ch:? Hoover. Esq . R. B Owen. J imps !nsei Esq . Altisun Vin, J'-ese Hulnies, E-q , NWs Hflmeti, Sen , Maie Holme, Jj , I , Sounder, .Grav Wood, 'I ra viDnni.l , Th- m; H. Daoiel" Benjamin Cnrneis'n,' Jubn . 'Mdler, Peter Miller. Patrick Fowler, fsaac G. Barrett, Capi. Hubbard Pere,Thmas Crnnip, Wm. Willis. Ja?on C. Harris; David Curry. .Lit.es Htnigh, Alexander Lehcoe Zebolpn ; Hunt. Eq , Joseph Waggoner, Eq.. John Ho pev. Effi . Mtid'son Mork John Hamntnr, Aus :: 1 n H-:ptor:, Danl Sal.livan. Jhn W Eccles, Harrison Ecctt-e, Peter -AWk. Andrew Berrter, IPhiltr Barrier. Andrew Darr, Geo KiifTiey. J Resolved. That it is nol by the appointment f thp-10 exclude any but all whig ho de it re to attend shll be considered as delegates. i Resolved. That those who are appointed. ;he rpanetert 10 eo onerate with othe;s in forming' tiin.-ses, preparing bag-gsge wagons, &c. ANDREW HUNT, President i i Samcel L. Jonls, Secre:ary. ff'heat and other articles. LEVI CO VA N . Special Adm'r. of Joseph Coican, dectascd. 'September 18, 1840 3 w8 Just Received and for- Sale, Wholesale or Ret ally 1 18 Hhds. Sugar, 189 Bags Coffee, 1500 IbsLoaf Sugar, 16 Kegs Powder, 1 bbl. Madder, 200 lbs. Spanish Indigo, 200 Bottles Snuff, 15 large covering Hides, r SO pr. Elliptic Springs, 15 cases Hats, 10 cases Shoes, 100 pr. Trace Chains, , 8 Mouse. Hole Anvils, 8 Bright Vices, k 9 pr. Blacksmiths Bellows, 300 Sacks Salt (large iz.) 125 KegsNails asst'dizes, 100 Kes White Lead, ! -ByJ & W. MURPHY. Salisbury April 29, 1840. TROS.$lVnFOR& COMMISSION ec ries. J1LTJ1R OF lirMFX "Thttse whom love i t-rut-oia in hnly faith, " And iqual transport, fre a "NVitre live.. VVhat is the wTTrld to ihem, j i I -5 ivmn, its pleasure and its non-n all, j ' W ho to rt,ch ither clasp wha:ver fair High f&ncv torus,and lviah heart- can wish!" J MARRIED, : In Davie poottv . n in 17 h inst., hy"Tho ibasA'eNly, Ei?q . Mr Frost, to .Viss Mar far'et Gailher. All in tavoi of Lo Caoins. i In Iredell County, on ihe f)ib iosiaeijhy Joseph AV Mordoeh. Eq., Mr aleb Sifford. u Miss Etizabelh Lippard This rnkes the M5th cuuple this MagisiraJe has.married. i TUB COURT OF DtldTH. " All pass 'his gate in one pr"miscmiis "crowd. f'l. .1 .1.-1 Ll. ..J.l ' i. Aceordina- to previous nmice, a large and ren , V 'V r .. - . . -, f ,j 11 ' . i" i ne rtcn. me pior, ine inoiani, ine wise ! spectab e portion of the citszet: of Iredell csuu 11 - l , r . . , . . . - . r TlS neutra ground hne all ffn'inetion fltea. ty asscmnied at ine nore ot nuoer reirusier,, v - , fur the DurDose 01 lortning s 1 ippecanoe uioo.ii . j On motion. Levi N. Air xander, Eq., i wasij called to the Chair, and S.Sav D Sharp. Jubn Id this County, on ibe 10th instant, Jane, A LMurcbison, E-qrs. appvioied Secretaries.; Af M daughter of, John and Ellen Blackwell, aged 7 ler 'the object of the meeting was explained in j or S years. . AND. P0IIV7ARDIHG MBHOHAIIT. 1 Wilmington, N. C. Rkfer TO Messrs. E. L. St W. Wmslow, E. W Vi likings. John Hnske k Son. C J.-Or-rell, Y8rbrottgh& RayJoseph Baker, C. T. Hatgh, Curli3 &. Myrover. Fayetteville, A". C. , March 27 1840 6rn85 TO OWNERS OF MILLS. our said court at office, the 3d monday in Augt st, 1340. J. F ALEXANDER, elk. Sept 18 6w8: Printers Fee $6 62 , ; Statrlof ilortUCitvoUix IREDELL COUNTY Court of I Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1840. Francis Youn, J ' .' - ' ' : vs j Justices Jodgmeot Levied William Rash. 3 - opon Defendant's Land. JT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that William Rash is not an inhabitant of his State : ll is therefore ordered by the courT, hat publication be made.in the Carolina VVatch man fnr stxjwetks, for the defendahtWilliam Rash, to appear at the next Coort of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the ciunty cf Iredell, at the tjourt nouse in ouifsuiitn hb third mondiy (n November next, then and there to shew cause, if any he has, why the said land should 001" be . .condemned "to- satisfy plaintiff's debt and all lawfol costs. W itnras,!- J F Alexander, clerk of our sail court at office, the 3d mondav f August, 1840. j J F ALEXANDER, elk. Sept 19-6w8; Printera Fee $5 C2 State of SLovtft cravoUua, iREDELL COUNTY. UIE Subscriber has ir. improved Patent NDLE fur Mills, by which. a milt will Court of Pleas jxnd Quarter Sessions, I August: Term, 1840, Cowlesfc Wilcox V . rs, . Justices Judgment levied Wm. B Deaton j opon Defendant's Land. I'pappeartng to the satisfaction bl the court, thai William B. Deaton is not an inhabitant i.f this Stite ; It ia therefore ordered by the citort, thai publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, hr the said Deaton to ,no.ri it. nrt Court of Pleas and Quaker Sessions, lobe held for the coonty of .Iredell, at the Court! House in Sia'faville, on the thud ,n November raext, then and there to show cause, if any be has, why the said beds do much better than with the usual form cf Spin dies. It is so constructed as io tee p from heating 8nfetild not be condemned to satisfy-plaintiffs debt cr killing he meal in any manner. I be ror nnr 1 ao4 ajj javyful esN. is so connneoby the feptnuie as always to pre serve iis uaiance, &Dd of course there ts no rub bing of ihe stones. 1 ! hit k . by this improved Spindle, the same water will do at least one third mure business, and the meal of superior quality. Any person wishing to use one of these Spin dlt'9, may obtain one or more, by making applica tion. fwithin a short time) to the Subscriber at l -cksville, Davie Co. N. C. I think the pro bab'e c t will not exceed $30 for theFateut and Spindle ready for ose. 1 l'he following persons have my patent Mill ninul in snrrpssfol operaiion : Gbl. W. F. Kelly, Thns. Foster. Joseph Hall and Samuel Foster, of Davie County'; Gilbreth D'icrsoo and David J Ramsourof Lincolo ; Charles Griffith of R-jwao ; Aiitson Moore of Davidson, and William Dt of Sorry allof whom are highly olnased with Us performance. P L. M. GILBERT. November 8, 1839 105 jon fRM.VTijya Of every dcscTtptiorr neatly done at this Office. n mm a a.w m Witness, J r Atexanoer, eieru ei our --aiu-murl at cflice, the Sd m ndav of Angost, 1840. ! J F ALEXANDER, elk. Sept 186w8; Printers Fee $5 62 4 JOEL II . JENKINS 4. JAMES BILES, beg leave to pive ndice that they have sue ceded Mr.i Tlicmas L. Cotean m the Jlercantdo bosinesa, and have taken the araod lately otcp pied by hirb, where ihey offer for sale the Sloe of Cod reeently owned by -Vr. C., to which they intend soon to add a very general assortment of Dry God. Groceries, &c , from ihe North. fTlHOMAS L COWANUaving rented I. is 1 giore to Jenkino 4 Biles, who succeed btra in the JVercaoiilebuatnesa, respectfully requests all who arej indebted to him to call and sHfla ,hrir accounts, and if ihey cannot py p;,e a note.j He mat be found at tbe Counurg. Room of Jenkins &! Biles. . .. .' , taliilary, Sept. 4, iSiC. b;"" V-r r.

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