... - Hi -r-i 1- 4- 5i. e - ii ! 3 i i- , !- i I. I 4l f & ; it- I LOOK. OOT.WH1G5, EVERT'-WIIERE. 7 There is somethinj rbaliyy arming m the : -ilk S li i 14- t - n ri lAfm nf ih subioined trticle, witcn we I Cop; from tlio Newark Daily. Advertiser,1 ( )' highlyrespectable print) of Monday last, i This is Dot the only intimation we have bad that some grand scheme lay i n agiljaiion a-" rnong l!)efricehbl3efs to enable them by force or fr and to' bold oo to the pow er they havV mndeTso ill cse of JVai. rt letter his accidentally come jnto my possession fw hich discloses a despeie e add deep-laid scheme to defeat the elec ion of General lUrrison ;;andf if carried Qtit, will convulse thisGoVerntncni to its very-centre, and oerhaps result in anarchy and blood. i - The Post Office" is the engine Amos l Knn.lH the instrument Ur effect it.! The l first step is already taken, by ordering ever? channel of. communicating information ' to ! the people to be closed except Ihrptigb bis 1 bands' and those '-engaged in the" conspiracy. 1 A'ftariling report, sacb aa the death: qf Gen. "HarnsW,:inay"bprdrruIalfd throtighout ' i Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, just on the ere of ibe election, and every uig pa per contradicting it to be suppressed.! v; This scheme accounts for their confidence in the success of Mr; Van Buren, ;ndtwirh i .standing itheir overwhelming defeat jin al j mol every State in which there lias been 5 an election. Thisiaccounts for the xlra i ordinary declaration of a leading Adminis : tration man recently t in the citylofl New i York, that u Van Buren had a card yet to ! p!a n which none of his friends suspected ! - V oil may depend upon it they are play iog l a desperate game ; they make no l ea ! lion for a retreat ; they have insctibed i their 'banners,1 rule or ruin." Let every ! Whirr ureas throughout the Union sound the alarm, ffarn the whole country a gainst this daring conspiracy Tbeyjhave 1 certificate maker and affidavit makers in j readiness, and with sucb a bold, talented, j and tcckless person as Amos; Kendall at : tUeir headt we may Well tremble for the lib erties of our country; , i j . 1 am no alarmist. I have ever relied; with confidence -npon the intelligence, integrity, and patriotism of the people of this country. Cot when we see the highest functionaries of our Government conniving with public plunderers-whcn we see the Representa tives of, a eoveieigo Stated holding in their bands credentials clothed with all the sol emn sanctions of la w; kicked out of Con gress for the express purpose of coniium mating a conspiracy between Mr. Van Bu ren and John C. Calhoun; and; finall;, when we see every prominent leading meas ure of Alrv Van Buren pointing to one sin gle object, the concentration of all power jn his hands, there is just cause of alarm. J would suggest the propriety of recom mending. the Wbis throughout theco:untry to be prepaied, if necessary, to.efctaolish ex presses in e?ery, State in the Union. j Let every .moil be watchpd until the election. and as. soon as - they are satisfied that the -- . -ii: V"- r '-' ''-""" I. wai. freateriban It bar beetf since the ap-. nointment of Mr! ffoyt the presenrVollec oV, ibe''''nnnber-flr:fertbn..emoyed;-:ws. less than one-third ol me prepeni nuraoer, and lti expense less inneariy tre tame. proporlion.i Mi iJinmpson nau unuer ninj one hdnarec ana roriy ouicers anu vicr - Mri Hojfl; has fonr hondred ; and fifty? two. iMrThompson expended $149,493 for one yeal 51f..0ovti for the same time. expends $507,561; : - :r: ' trress Q! , persons empioyea y Hoyt. 312 i -: ' ' - ' Exeesof monev exoended by air. uoyr, 358. 062. y.:Z:- -" 4 v - - - - ' : How wonderfully the cdnntry has gairi ed In point pi economy i-iwatj'"" -j . f Selected from Prentiss's Louisville Journal Thaia. Democratic asks whether we would have the ofSce holders, thai is, the le treasti rers " wWk for nothing and find tbemM'lvea.j We wood certainly have thera find ihemsclvef, tor in many case it wnald be verv diffiuU far tnv body elseHo fidd them ibis side of Texas. Reader, did yoa lerer look atiht bor of a spoon, new nnroz-iniaiiyi anu see vour m y as round iod jolly as that ot a taiiriar, anu mm, suddenly! taring tlie bowl into a perpendicular position, beh&ld thfr same i ace as mug and dolelul as thaiof the knijjht of the roefu! countenance f WeM, just such a change has the phiz of lucofocolsm undergone. The New Era talks about a " partnership bft; t ween the Whig and the negroes." Have not the negroes sqtne frw partners " sleepins; parl ners"amon the iocu fucos?" What say you, Col. Johnson f The Newborn Sentinel says" Dr. Duncan i an s!i!iii"nnist or1 a hvoucrite he may take eilher horn of be dilemma.M Let him take both He is never satisfied with taking one " horn" when be can et two. Col. R. W:. Johnson, went into a store and a9kedt9ra pair uflgioTes. Of what color do you wish them?" enquired a young clerk. Gie me a pair of sh colored ones," replied the Col " Oh certaiolf sirj"f rejoined the Cleik, throw- ing him a pair of gloves as biacK as me oiacKesi flJsh at the Great Crossings. N. Y. New Era calls the thine." Did he scratch his head for ihat idea ? ' The editor )f the Vermont Siaiesman says ibat he khowof ajstnaUeity in that 8iate,!, one half of the roafe population of which, if not abso lutely toper, re jai leasts intemperate J' We advise Dr. Duncan to visit that ciiy when he next goes east. The municipal authorities will no doubt present him the freedom of the city in a quart buttle. j j . We will lay anytthin? that the Whigs dis band in less irtan three months. Eastern Dem ocrat, i 1 A Foronr-Rig its and cor taws w'U stand firm an-l-l f, ' The blood f ar Fathers shall ne'er be forgot. Nortli Carolina -Boot 5torcr. VaiuableVorks on Farming, JGardpning, Rota ny Cattle, Urcnards auai me vj rape vine, Ln n-i The faith ind the bunor.iwhich; j;J rJ JJ'Vw0 "''"Sbilf n'ffel hearnishM bj'Awreb 1 : VSUBBlIKOM. IlUv complete 1 Farmer, American ' Gardner, v - a v n v m. 7 'i l Jur sr iin :iir. at i v t v-v - - - m Around Libeity's standard we'll raiiy, we i ra.iy - . ;; J JX Ult-I'. Wntii Assistant;. Loudon Encyclopedia of Old Tippecanoe boys, ihe watchword shall AliU., . . : . -; , enin A qf Yinemaktng, Memoirs t.f the .-be. t.;ri---.--';.r;-'.V-; - -V'-t-r g0nn tIdJs Aricultural-SocTety,Treaii?e on Its echo will thunder from e?cb mountain and mE Subscribers would respectfully JO form- ""J1 fed manajjemtatJ e. Farmers' valley, iJh ; -'r - ? . BWhSRiiehsf Cohcord. ndits vicinity, h5lSt-wbrf on PooltlyV H story of the Of ' i he Home tof the, Brave f,tbe Land of the : g.rf from John Clarli SObatd Ornamental, The editor of the Whisrs f creeping game has commenced, let riders be eo, ana sent in every Direction. mount- E . .- i - J. Smith, of Indiana, and Mr. Cary,1 city, with great power shU effect. ' Lay any thing;?" . Well, lay an egg then. Gen. Harrison cannot get New York city by 20,000. JYeio h.m. . Well, if he e!s It by 19.000, his friends will be satisfied. -I I f S : i There is some dispute in New Voik as to the precise meaning of Ihe term " Buit-e.ndprs," the name of one ol the factions of tne loco foco party in that city. -1 he better opinioo seems to be, that a Buit-endrjs nama is merely intended to indicate the locality of his brains. The Times! m eduiinistreiion paper, and the Gazette, a Whig paper, have been united. The. union of the t Wo makes ao adcuinistration paper. Eastern Democrat. fs, Very likely IPoi a pint of dirty wlter and a pint of clean water;; together, and the whole will oe uiriy. i It is said, that, doring the late session of the New Hampshire Legislature, a quantity of wax was slyly deposited in the chair of Ihe bco loco apeaker. At the hour of adjournment he tried to rise, but it was of noavaih His attachment to his seal baffled .all attempts at extrication. From the Cincinnati Gazette. BOYS, LISTEN TO THIS ! The whirs advertised a meeting at Cole . raine, in this' county, on the 18itv. res petiabie assembly ol both noiiticair parties met, and were addressed by Messrs 0. B. Soch a 'f waxend" would have been a shoe- ofi this I raa&ers admiration. ybile The editor of the New Albanv Arsrus. whose . f .Lit. j . i . If 1 these gentlemen were speaking, sevefal of acts of theft w4 Exposed the other day, h a mem- the Van Buren men interrtiDted themi con- Der 01 ln w- W tradictingtherr "statements. When they nau conciuueu, tne cnairman, we are in form e'd , st ated th a t"i f t he re was an y Van Buren man present, who- wished toUdjiiess the meeting, in reply, he would then be repeated call jfor Dr. e never think uf his char acter without being at the same time reminded ol a walk of al well known mercantile firm in ew York Prat and Steel. nearu : a iouu anu r r .u- Tr ii -it !!. i r I vuicr, irum mo an uurea men. .Droujni confer ubiin cosier it v h,n anothpr !,v..i mm reluctantly to his feet. He askpd to member ; jumped up and exclaimed " D Posterity.?- faiock down argument. A locofoco member ot the Illinois Letslamre was lately setting forth in globing language, the ad vantages which (such and such measures would foco n he excused; stating that if he athlfessell the posterity ! what has it -ever done for us ?" . meeting, ne leared he should otienu Some of those piesenthut the Vn Buren men had selected him, their strong vtdnX for their champion, and the call became more -clamorous Dr. Carter vielded. and ad dressed , therneeting for about 30 minutes. contrasting tree eoTernments with mon archiat ones, -and pourtraying, with great ( eloquence and clearness, the principles of Jjibctty and our Constitution. , The Van Buren meii were in ecstacies, and! the whig knew not what to make of it: frhis done,' the doctor paused and then rapidly stated that many, very manr of these! free principles had been departed from lately had been frequently lost sight of, I i( not trampled in the dust, by the present Exec utive of the United States Martin Van Buren and his adherents. and that for himself he could stand it no 1 longer nor go farther in hie support. These jdepar lures from pinciples, in his political Ieaderp, had made him think deeply upon the sub ject; convinced him thai they were vrong and determined him to make the declara tion thai he could no longer act with the . Pay. , He wished it distinctly unilert tiv understood, lht he would, from that time forth, suppott UVHa?n Henry Harrison, as the bepi way of correcting these abuses, and reStjoring the administration of the Government to true democratic principles ! The effect of lais waselectrical. When some little! Had elapsed, Mr. W od, a whig, from litoti, addressed the meeting. I he editor of the loco foco paper at Detroit sayshe is wijlsg fio stake his reputation, thai Ueo. liirrisoiit will not get a single electoral vote in ihe ' Sdjftbj The editor will certainly save his j repulsion even if Cen. H. get the whole vote of the South for his reputation is that of a post notorious liar. JCP iThe first hews, that reiched Nashville in regard to tbef Louisiana elections, was favor aute id the Ait wl nisi rat ton. Thereupyn the rsasliville loco?, without ' a moment's delay, orougniput their big gun, purchased a large qnan my ot powder, nd sent lo the Hernmaie for Gen. Jackson tefcorne and join ihem in their fes tivities. The old iUenerahinsianily repaired to Nashville, but oh cistiner his eye over ibe papers, fee reriiafkwi;:-h,j This looks very well, my ne;;cw, otti i rainer llimfs tt would be prudent for us to wait tVl we get somtthingfurther be foie wejire the big gutu" Accordingly they w ucu lur inree navs. iiip iipnprui rim,inf(T with then the whil time, when, at length the mails 'came from Looisiana. :hnndfiina ahnail ntellihce of a overwhelming Whig1 victory. Thai nirjht.af the dead hour of twelve o'clock' a carriage was sprj speeding for the Hermiiage, ana, on; the nxtj morninr, a Whij delga Hon waited opotf the sheepish looking "Uk;o tocos to buy their powder ! time lam- t! 5 At the ffqst of some of our suhscn bers, we selecty several of the most popu lar Whig song and poetrv, which we pub lish below. piis. Watchman. From th United States Gazette. A NATIONAL WHIG SONG. In the strength if r'ur might, from each inoon- lain and galley, Sons of Freedom arise ! the time h at hand. RETRENCHMENT AND REFORM.' Every day brings some Lew prooj bf ihe extravagance of ihe men now entrusted with the administration of public affairs, and i tbowing how entirely their practices helie Around Libert y'i standard we'll rally. we'll rally, their professions. A writer in Itte New .. The iar-pali Bacner floats over the Ubd York Express demonstrstes, from hfiiciahj rheo let iheprup Eagle spreading wiegs wide returns, that while the aironnt tf lpir.ue - asunifer' l j, collected atrthe ctrVtora-boiu-e of thlaj port, And Urt fr,a the trammels which strive to under; the 'administration of Mr. lAldamt, if We C .Tkli', .u 'X' , 1 .v ww..vu.., a uc vn of tinned buntinv1 or ill flmich tnn t in i nsr i it uu bnu . , . . i mm l ca n l i - i irau -km a w - V LIZ Wibtf and TO OLS connected with X jr. li Reoister cod lilete as far as pub- ' " -.t Iron Raines?; nd are now. prepaied I 'L i?.. Mn.' I P.rrfpr imbroved Loudon's to mannlacture all irliclei, in Shnn whjclb tonether with TC...tn.?iQ ft (Tripiitiure . jkvremm tMM - FROM SJLl?:: above ! ii arrives al ¬ lows: " Leaves Sa!' and Saturdav?, A ,-;n r. i Reu rnjnaja- I focfiht for America's daughters, JUng'Side jliE Uld 1 ippecanoe. Ete .this too when danger assailed os, And lndfatis dread missiles did throw, His coanse) afod courage availed us ; We conquered at Tippecanoe. t And wienlalj the troubles were ended, 1 fiew to the girls that I knew, They promptly declared the intended To kiss me for old Tippecanoe. j ' i j And now that .the good of the Nation Requires tbat. something we do, We'll Hurl little Van from bis station, And Mevatfe Tippecanoe. jll Come boysJers assemble in masses, Bid MartimVan Buren adieu. We'll please ourselves and the lasses, Col. Barringer's cmce. ' ' -u. " v n iTh aiientionof the public is-nartica- larlinvited to the subscribers- plan oT roof ingwh'chican be seen on the balisbory Loiton Factory. .1 : ' :", ""' is r! i Pw ipr. Lead-and. Copper taken" in bTef' J - TAYLOR & ELK1NS; Concord, June 12, 1840 if46 - m H R SnbspriberV. Aertht's for' the Lexington - I Cotton FaciotvwooTd informUhe:; publfej that they have just received, and .now.oner ior sale, wholesale wuiiio :.iE.-.i n.iaiinf. ;r,f i Hiiia ;' numbers. ' I ' And vole for THE HERO Old Tippecanoe. OF THE THAMES. I Tcke " The Poachers." Let Loco Focbs rail and rant Al Gurrencyj and Banks, We're sick of Sail their empty cant, We spurn them from our ranks. We do not mind their silly talk, Nor heed their idle claims ; We'll make the whole banditti walk, With pur Hero of the Thames. The Hlio of. the Thames, my boys The Hero of the Thames! nit: When British roes assail'd our land, And hovered on our coast, Pray where did! little Matty stand ? Why,! snug behind a post! A post and place where all is thought, (At the spoijsi alone be aims,) While Harrison our battles fought, And conquered on the Thames ! The Hew of the Thames, my boys, The Hefo of the Thames ! In vain jthe Red Coat3 sought to win A foothold on our soil . He met and dro re them back again, And saved ou homes from spoil. Their savage al ies darM no more To light their midnight flames; Ob, they beard the deep mouthed cannon roar j J . Upon ihe river Thames. Upon tjhe river Thames, my boys, Upon Ihe river Thames! 111! Not there alone did victory fling Her slanrjard v the sky ! The Prophet's town, the bard may sing, Which saw! the red coatfly. Though; if Maukee her laurels shed, Fort Meigssher trophy claims. Where many -a gallant soldier bled yU-W of the Thames ! v ,ijLvt-ty?&01" the Thames, my boys, giof the Thames! feTfilayed her flag of white He bloody strife. I IUUO IIUUJ HID 11 11 fc PlaSHIOSfS, I ' FOR THE - - - - r. SP Rural & SUMMERS , HORACE H. BEARD, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he still carries on the TAI LORING! BUSINESS at his old stand oo main c I mal npvl rln.1T tn ihe Arothecarv Store. He - -- . , . is ever ready to execute the orders oi nis custom ers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the Western pail of the State. He in the regular receipt of the latest London and New York FASHIONS, and prepared to ac- a the tastes of the fashionable at all times, I , Cutting garments of all kinds attended to promptly, and the latest fashions lurrusneu at all itimes to country tailors, and instructions given: in cutting. Salisbury, May 1840. Iy25 rhPsoDerioroualiiies and character of he yarns of this Factory are so welf tested and known; as to need no recommendation- from . ns Tl-e ishinff tonurchase will pfeasft ffiveos a cau. C. B. &. C. K. AV H EELER ; Aprif 24,18401133 i . cays, and aaicr., at Salisbury rur, N.B. Par fr Nashville 1 whatever on th's- : Salisbury N. (J. NEW I- 1 tin' Uftf mi- w As'ls. jRoiwaim IHLofell H ! THE SUBSCRIBER AVING purchased that well known and lone; established Public House, (known by the oame ot Slaughter's Tavern,) in the Town of Salisbury, N tD.. informs his Friends and ihe Public generally, tbat the same is now open for the reception of Travellers & Boarders. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING EE MOVED HIS;: SHOP TO Tim BUILDhVG FORMERLY; KNOWN AS THE : POSTt OFFICEi " v! yj v Continues to keep on hand a good .assortment!) rrafeftes and Chains, - C Silver Spoons and Pencils, - , Musical Boxes and Silver 77iimllest , " Breast Pins and Ringst ; , ' Rodgers' Pocket and Pen Rn tees, p ; - And all other articles in his line." t cm, bcKs & n wTcriijs Repaired in (he best manner, and warranted for : twelve montns. via uom anai onver taken, in exchange for articles purchased, or in payment for debts due. ' r ": ; DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, 1839 lf45 - ' TOWN, IjOTS.. : ' FOR SMiSiSti n : i . ' TUQ; TNFORMS .! .3. from h;s ice,.. - r on the public vine, where he House g His House is r ed lo winch are FICES lor grr.t' ient to the Conn ! es himself to thr saiisfactron to TABLE, BAR ihe best mar.r.cr and hi servants c Jan 26 1S.W- Sub- fiiap,L His Table and Bar will be supplied with I rjr al-I i Lexington, Davidson County, on the Dili riiiiurew 'humble life? No lst of power, no love of gold, iio seinsn, sordid aims, Could everjfbria jmomeot bold . The hero of j the Thames ! The Herb of the Thames, mylwys, The Herd of the Thames! S.l j -And there he stood behind the plough, And drove bis team afield,' Content with rural honors now, And hat his farm might yield. The Buckeye falls beneath his hind, His skll thej soil recaims, He lives a tiller of the land, Though Herb of the Thames The;Herojofj the Thames, my boys, The ' Hero bf the Thames! I ! 1 But barkj ourjbleeding Country cries For vengeance and Reform ; The Patrlo Farmer greets our eyes, And every heart grows warm ; Oar Candidate he hears the call ' I'm ready ij he exclaims, Then speed him ! hail him, one and all ! , The Hero of the Thames f TheH!rokf jthe Thames, my buys. The Htro of the Thames ! Then let nsjhahg (our banners out, And spread them to the breeze j The spoilers we will put to route, And do il lob, With ease ; Then let ji3 alUike brothers be, And Ui?io5i.sTs' our name ! Huzza! Hzzi! hlr victory, - v tin the Hero bf the Thame I the best the market and surrounding country fords. ' His Stables spacious, and bountifully sup plied, with grain and provender, ofJilLkinds, at tended by faithful and attentive Ostlers. The undersigned pledges himself that no; ex ertion on; his part shall be wanting to give gen era) satisfaction to all who may favor him wuh a call. i JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury, Sept. M, 1840: if7 State of Jlortft Gavolitiix, DAVIE COUNTY. August Term, 1840 George Mock, Mary Riddle, John Bihkley and Sa rah Built ley his wife, Henry Mock, Peter Mock and Willi- am Mock, J I r this case it appearing to the Court, that Heory Mock, Petei Mock and William Mock, are nut inhabitants of this State: It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina .Watchman, for tbt said defendants personally to appear before the Justi ces of our Court of Pleas 4 Quarter Sessions, at HE undersigned will sell at Public Sale fn day of October next, (it being Monday of Supe-, nor Court.) six --, 63 in the Town of Lexington. Three, of them fronting the main street, the other three situated on the back street.' A credit of six months will be given by the purchaser giving bond and good security. "v E. S CALDCLEUGH. Lexington. N. C. Aoo 10, 1840 8S . it friends arc! t: ing on the To ' and hopes that c !' he may be pt rni; attention in his ! saying mai ne j forced to the si: business both in I' in Europe, and nono but the ii: ! it particularly rr. ry thing.done in ! With his nv solicitations vi i;h with the hope tl. . oo. . j '"Lexinorton, Ar Court cf VI .'"f t . Harrison M. Y. ' v ' vs. , Matthew M. lit f N this JL ihe C Petition for sale ' Negroes. of H ASM ALLchesnut sorrel Horse, six years old, about 12 or 15 f4)ffi hands high, with a small white spot Mgin the forehead very short, arid tough pacer, and a hard trotter, j A reasonable reward will be given for his delivery . WELLINGTON SMITH. August 21, 1840 if4 ' ' ; ' - THE Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he has re moved to the house next door to George VV; Brown's Store, where he intends keeninsr en as- -i n . . 1 t m .1 - ao. me nexi voun, to oe neia lor said county, at Ihe I sortmenl ol bourt House m Mocksville, on the 4th monday in November next, and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiffs petition, or it will e set for hear ing exparte as to them, and judgment pro con lesao entere'd against them. Witness, John Clement, Clerk of our said court at office, the 4th monday of August, A D 1840.1 JOHN CLEMENT, Clk. August 2 1st 6w5 CLOVER SUED. A quantity of Fresh Red JI3L a The Her The Herd oiof ihe Thames, my boys oof (he Thames! From the kepi blican Banner. WHIG SONG. i n : ! Tone Brcce's Addre Whigs, whose fathers freedom won! Countrymen cf Washington Swear to guari the glorious boon, Right and Liberty. The great decisive Strife is near, Hark ! oar ciuniry's call wei hear High our siatntess banner rear ! Freedom's blazonry. Who will Freedom s cause betray ? Who hi birthright jjielJ away ? Who's a slave fur power and pay ? Craven! come not hear. Who will brak oppression's chain ? ho a tyrant' power disdain ? W ho ear chiriW w 11 maintain ? Briwhtir ! wtllcome here. Finn unitedjheart and band, Crush tbe sputter's boasMul band f 'IT' ch; ?TP "or glorious land ! , Sans cf Liberty. ss.. aJlovlr Seed. superior article Also, a few bushelsof Orchard Grass Seed The above Seeds are for. safe at the N. C Book Store by TURNER St HUGHES. Raleigh. Ft b 7, 1840. We shall receive in a few days, the following Grass; Seeds; Lucerne, White Clover, Blue Grass, &c. T. & H. Fir. .&V )i& Ti r.i. r - . ' VW V WW UII(fttfl)- H AVING located himself permanently in the T.iwn of Salisbury, tenders his seryi ces lo its Citizens and tbe adjacent country, in an me various branches of his Profession.. He can be found at his office on main Street one .oor below the office of the Western Carolinian June 26. 1840 ly ' "OTAS located at Col. David Ramsay's, Oakly JUL Grove, Iredell m N. n ,t . c 'l mm m m riw m - 111 GHOCBRIES ; mtctt ixu Molasses, Sugars Coffee, . Salt, ' Powder and Shot, , ' Snuff, eye. . ; MlQtORS or all sorts such as French Brandy, Holland Gin. "1 , Malaga and Teneriffe f Fme, Champaign, : I. . Muscat, ' Lemon Syrup. Sfc ! 1 . . Also, an assortment of, . , And other things in his tine too tedious to men tion, which can be bought fr cash as cheap as at any other place iri Salisbury. , . . u ' NOAH ROBERTS. March 20. 1840 tf34 ' . . , -- .. - -, ; - v : TAKEN UP.- i W; SrZr IS?. in lhe - A D ?Lf o W of Rowin County. , lo Muicaiuu. m uti in jam instant a. Vc.. LEAXDER KlLf Aj45ye ESPECTFULLY offers his pr. essionaJ t ir"Ue 'ow spoken'wiib Vd,,wn services to the citizens ,f siif.k Vi I looK abo,n a 8 or 9 i.-.ch hml, R surrounding country His Offi VXff n:wrck building, near auu w, Jurpbys feiore. SO, I89 tf5 ce is in Mr. Iy opposite J. Saliiburtj CofTje-IIousc. IfMNS. ROUCHE. wj$uld ii XV friends and customes, that .-1 form his old S4Ied 7. .i a f bm- He will be nira win, calj, on terms the most moderate Salisbury, JiuU 28, 1840. , owner is reauestfl in i.ftm.'f...-.ij m - wii,.iuiwaiopm,e CIO" periy pay charges, and lake him iway. - V ' HAVING removed his Office to the ge-' Cot ion Yarr, cond door of Mr Cowan's Bricks row (for merly occupied rby Dr A- Smith) nearly opposite M. Brown's Store, politely tenders Ins professional services to the public. - Salisbury Aug. 21, 1840 jf4 i ' casf ii; Court, tl - . Hughes 'resides It is thert fore a. that mT! irnlii n ! in the Carolina pear at he next ' Sessions, to l K tin the 2nd mur,.' ' There to plfaJ t r : final will be n i: lion issued rgai. - ? mount they have i; uefendsnt'.. ; Witiies', I' K court at oflict. tl.- 1840. i w . it r. 7 ur a a Camp fflHERE "l i J. Mount I !ar: bury, (near M j mence on Wftir. leuiber. , rnsar::; Sal: : C Bacon, " Brandy, ap. a peach, Butter, ' Cotton in seed 1 clean, (' , Coflee, II Com, t'j Feathers, Flour, C i Flaxseed, 0- Iron, per jl 1 1 Linseed Oil, -i Cu en a Beef Bacon Butter 1' Beeswax - Bale rope lb 3 Coflee lb 1-' Cotton Corn liusli r Flour brl Feathers 1 Iron lOOlbs Lard H Molasses ! Tallow '. Fayktt.'.' ' Brandy, peach 'Do, "Apple j' Bacon, .Beeswax, -Co (Ti e , . 1 - Cotton, Corn, Candles, F. Flaxseed Flour Feathers I roc, -V.

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