A . J w j . a r m L. ft I B .1 . i B a . j ; i p- r i f ' J 11 V 1 r J friends and the it,Uiat 'tie T V, . r Wx, mt m tf i irtisy - s 'Lina on4helailorio Business in , OaaaCiiC !pi ' - and hopes tUatafura silence of . - l a at t i ar .w art arvBararmafm -' a . r i w . - : I 'u-'-fcv 1- 1 -.:v v.r-jx: r-w;v 4 atiemido inlhis line1; aod nllbe 4 - I T -i - ' I f . r; 1 I, ' : : : S 5 . ' . J i : - . - - - ' l " "' ,W '..W V- v' H, -f i?. " ' - .-. t trr.tyi-.f r-.-v- -...... f" a- wboff sale and fil at v 1 1 .-1 CRAY'S ot Harrisaa'a UlolC3eni,' Beckwilfi's Pills q-s- i llomfsPmsaiia33itters;3 HOUCK'S PANACEA, finilE Subscribers would.;resp?cifonj iaforta JL tbe eilizeos . 6f Concord and its ticinity Ibat bate purchad froda ! 'John Clark a4 1 his STOCK iod TOOLS connected wiih Tin arid bheev. Iron BaMnesa, andfare now prepaied to mahnfaeturfc all articles in I heir line, wnicn. if--V. ' 15 !r VWES. SFIRIT&EL ; r ; f j&ftJaerfflr JorJJowtl wmpwww, - d iffer a. wholesale or reiailat tbe roost rea r-v" iC B.&C.K. WHEELER, tamers thatibej can oepena jgn osving ora?r n! 1 1 ?. - . 4 eiecdted belter and .with le delay iban tbej niTeiefer been not op heretofore.' The sobscri- b4r flatter themselres that tbfir articles 6bau oe iniertor io none m mc oiaic, au iwuh. ms tavorof a call: TbetrShop for ibe present, b iq thpiear of Allison Moss' tod j directly opposite CoLBarrioser's office. " f p N B. The auention o!4bepabIic ts partlco- larly? invited rto the sabscrtbers pn of Toot- in?, which can be seen on tne iausoury iouon Pi S. Pewter, Lead and Tsf rscoiVcd ad for sale at tbe Salisbojry I :V'"lsV':I)r08f'Slofe' aHlrtiryNor. 20, 1840. " J ,-v is nuw carry- 4fX!njiun'; fcoiiecn ycariu :c4aJocr and indutjed-in S4JID2 that be has eiiteh lie adfantajs af- toitfeav io me auain-xteni w supertortiy 'in nts bosinessbmb id Enrnpe-aad Afnericaf 15 years inEorope,l.and J20f tnr;Atrtc.;He;-in plays none but xhfr best of Cwokioen and -woo(d have it particularly remembered, that he trarirnaJeTe jj thing dot,e in his sh(p -. . j ; v With his most respectful bow, be leaves his solicitations with the publie, and feelu flattered with ihe'hbne that he mav! be freqoenily railed on. -.7 I? CHARLE$ FOWLER.. , Lextngtcn, April 3 1840.-1 y46 ' : r ! tMP.-ScWribers. Agents for the Lexington ttiiion' FaetoftT." would inform barter. 4 Copper taken r1 in the public hi i tb'pv haK icsl recei? ed. and now ofler fur :4a. tshnUralB or retail, the Cotton Yarns of j laid Facory.'cons(sin of vaiiops uambers.- trie 4ufcerior a utilities and character of tbe yarn3 foff this Factory are so weli tested a.nd known, as W U ti - f W w wfehrriV to purchase will please gvaa a call. I C, B. & C.?K. WHEELEtt; April 24, 1840-4U33 , 1 If DAVJE COUNTY. ;- " M-UYrti lVrm,1810- . TAYLOR W ELKINS. Concord. June 12. 1840tf46 - v - T To Ladies Ildust'keepersr TfU hnve 13t, received a large and fresh I?4D iSitchclVs Geogmpny ana A I TLAS ; a new Geographv and .Atlas, for the ose of Sclools ao4 private learners in fact for al) who may wish to read history, and to have it in the family A jconp!ete System oi modern Geography , comprising a description ot the (present state of the world and its five great divisions, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Oceanica, with their several Empires, Kiogdoms, Smipa. 'rrritorle9- &.c. The wbote embellished rjy numerous Enoravings of j jrariuos, interesting objects ot fMatoreaoQ aik lygnuei nu ply of the ccfc&rafeJ Jew Lebanon, enialions of remarkable and toted events, sim CARD EN SEKOS of all kinds. i,ljfied takers Thfina wi'iLi(T xeeds for the next A'ear. will and adapted to tbe capacity of any.illus- trated by .an Atlas of 16, maps drawn & engiaved vlell Jo calllr snd-sooo, as limy ?go like hoi (0 accompany the; work, m'at tastrfully and ck: v iv f j; "i" . ': ' carefully coloured : and elegahtly pot ap . l he I j 'J CJf C, K. WHEELER. whole work is neatly don Tbe publishers Salisbury, Nov.jl3lhl840rtfl3 Ua rMlvpA numerous testiflooniais in lavoor kf U. f:onfrranli fmiro Teafebers and others in TT1- ' r I 1 1 f I J .1. ; w a n'Anlil m n 1 -r iney wouiu p-upuic, - iui pamphlet, we would select: jcme of them ; but tbef are too long lor a newspaper aaveruseem We do most earnestly solicii critical examina- 6f the work bv all may feeliac interest in plac- f .l . 4 r i - - rL... n Deiore vooin a correct iucushpuy. , is, also an oaiune anas wbcii cau -vcup-iiy hie Georrsnhv. the maps of; which are not col burrd, but calculated to aid the learner. itC Jost call at No. 1 ,f tbeap side, Fayetie ville St., where yon may Arid the above work. LoSrether with every new nublication of the day. pbd many rare wotks of older times Rale jgb Jan: 1, 184a i I I 'William Adams,' Elizabeth A Jams, James Cha.nbers, aad .Wife Phebe," Dvid , inktns and wife Mary, 0uhn'l lodges and Daoiel 1 Sarah Adams.FIarry Etch ison. S. tvite Nice), Isaac Adams, Jacob Etcjbisoo, & Jobn Ltcbisun. Petititi&n for the sale of Land. mm mm i 4 s :m - 9j w , JVV ay- :. .. .. TMMOM&S FOSTER TN FOR VIS the public tliai ne tias removed JL from bis former stand, io his new buildings on the ncblic sooarei in the 4 own oi wocus- rme, wqere ne wmjWJnuiuo1w-i' House of Bntertainnienf His House is roomy a nut commodious; attach ed to which are SIX COMFORTABLE OF FICES for aenttemen of ihe!Bar, all conven ient to the Court House, frhe so bs&iicei pledge t.imeplf to the mdsldtlisentexertions.iogive ciurin insnoh is aiav call on bim. ills w.a---'-- -w -r --- j . TA4H.R. BAR feSTAULKN are provided in the best manner that thf country will afford, and his servants are faithful and prompt Jan 2tf. 1839U26 : r rAdniinisti ... jr's Noticed - 'it- ... , .;.... '- , ;. v " . nnHE Subscriber having qualified as AdmioV L i-uaior i ue tstai oi josepn isowao, deceased, will tiDerfof aid at the Jale restdencr of said Joseph Covvao,on 4he 5h day of Jan oary 4 84 IT1 V.--i:'-- r."- - -.-.- State of DitvemroUuni, Court of Pleas and Quarter. Sessions Novem her rrm,-1840. plain to t nf ose or Susanna Davis, Alexander Smith, Attach men!, j H . 3ing 1fen; r Hlbrntn and Children. T. j J. thatSbe-Uefeodantts not within reach of the - 1 l j:.- 54 r Fitvmittg- ToolSj Household and Kitcthen Fur- with vaiioas othet articles too tedions to men tion. A credit of nine months will be allowed upjo rivnflr bond and approved security Tor the puicbase money for all sums under live dollars cash . k'?- -.- -' t-y-K-- -I: All persons indebted to said estate are reqoe4 ted to make immediate payment, as the condi tion of the estate will not admit longer indul gence and all persons haviog claims against the same are requested to "present them for set tlemenrcr payment within legal time or this notice will be plead Jo bar of their. recovery. j Nov 1S40 8wl6 linary nrocf ss dered, that publication b madt: for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, Jor4he said Akran def Smith, to appear before lha Justies.of oor Court ol Pleas and Quarter es-ions, at lle next Conrt; 16' be vhetd for said county : at the Lonrtmos in extngion, on ine -a monaay m Frbroary nt-xt, aiid replevy, or Jodgmeol pro cunfcsso, wiif -be entered against himand the properly levied "on, cendeunued to tbe sttislaction ofjbe plaintiff, demands..,., .X!Tesl, . . l)ec"4 : 1840-Cw 19- Printei $5 50 " - -- . : . i'1- 1 j-JSWPJS H I O Em S - --. -" FOR THE " " --J":-----: , JL840. Ot air that Irerubles thr Unusual odour : iVc:.' . ; f1PJ!IE uoprecedtntcJ c JI suited Irom the r. J Pills, durling a peri-d tf i the numerous and exit; hate pei fora cd t i bom they have rt itabledeath, alter the? 1 incurable by the rccst cir ; pistify Dr. Brand ret h, VegetableUniversal :,h . conscieBiiously, rtcorr.:::: i notice of the public ; Dr. Brandreih vii.r lhi3 truth,that health sc.! of purity in which ths t ' of the body bfing supplir from tho food consut-.v ' in? to tbe nuritv cf ilii of the booy be taore cr !; 'herefore,:he most direct a question of co httlo h : vidua! That Brandreth's n:: rifiers if the bloodthrr.- Tl ESPECTFULJLY informs his friends! the pnblic, that he still carries on the. F1 fSnlhon's Series of iJassieal iVprkSifor Schaofc and Colleges r IRST Lessons fin Ll'iri, first Lessons in Greek; a Grammar! rot) the Greek Lan- guage ; a Syitem oi MreK lirrossooy ; .v.sar s Commentaries on Gaitio War ; Sallosi's Jogwithine War, wittf Mograved Notes r ee lect Orations of Cicero, yUM -Engravings, &c; Work9of Horace, vhh Npies,c.; Jacob'. Greek Reader, with Notes, Critical, and a Classical Dictionary, with Notes explanatory, in tVol. Uuyai tf vo. oeariyj ready.; : - The above valuable.Wors are Norih Carolina Book Store, by TURNER 8t HUGHES. Raleigh, Aug. 28, 1840116 or sale at the : .V-" PrTT anoparincf to the satisfaction of the Court ij u. that tha Defendants. Sarah Adams, Harry. i.ir:hisoo and wife Nicey, Isaac Adams Jacob E'cHlson and John Etchison, are not inhabitants cf this Stale; It is therefore ordered, that pub ligation he made.in4he Carolina Watchman for sixveeks, fur, lhesaid defendants to appear, at T5W I70yH.S. AMSEL,of Daiien, rjyihe author of Yem masse, Sec. The adventures of an Allot ney in search of practice, byjlbe author of The aHTAntnrp nf a fT,nl!omn in KitrMt of a hnr ' the next term of ibis Court, to be held for the 2 vols. The man about Town, bv Cornelius county of. Davie, -at the Court House in Mocks- j Webbe." Nan Darrell.or trie Gipsy Mother, by the author of The Scuire.1 c. Charles Tyr- ' fell, or the Bitter Blood, by iJaroes The Gen tlemen of the Old School, by James, author of vtlle on ihe 8th omadav after the Sd mondav in February next; aad plead, answer or demur to the paid petition, or l will be taken pro confesso, and the cause st for hearincr exuarta as la them. 18 - 1 . v I Z----: AVitness, Lemuel Bingham, Clerk and , Master monday after the Sd roonday 4n August, A. " D. 1840, and in the 65th' year of American Inepeudencei -4 ! -xrt4,wL. BINGHAM, o. m. e. Nov 20, 4840-16 wl7 Printer's fee'$5 62 PROCLAMATION. - HUNDRED DOLVS. JIEWARI). It 1. STATE ;OF NORTH CAROLINA. : Br U1S EXCEl-tEJiCy. .EDWARD b dudlet f Toqll whom thzse presents anaW come greetingi HERE AS it has been officially reported; i- - -o in is uenarrmeni. inai on me loin oav inf Noyernber. 1S39. one 'A athan Lambeth, of (I ' iATidion Contyjri this Stale, was so beaten,1 bruised and maimed that be died ; arid whereas1 E vio, vtm vi you : oiauus enatgeo wim 100 tofnoii.-a of said deed : and whprpa Tj r flWfot, Jlbncr -. Ward; ; Alexander Bishop! g TJy-ftttfi Deer tool Hope . Skeen were present' raiding and abeiiing and maintaining tbe said; I , Jolm Gos3 ir thff perpetration of said felony ; and! f whereas said offenders have fled and secreted. themselves troni-lhe regular operations of the! Law and Justice: . AV!.: 7. - . ! I ' Now, ihereforp, to tho end that the said Johrjj Goss and bis accomplices in thetnorderVmay be' : height to triat.j 1 have thought proper :o issu4 I this my Proclamation, offering a reward of Twdl j -tttojred Uollari for the apprehension of the said 1 John Goss, and a further reward of One HunUi1 T dred Dollars each, for one ot eiiher of his aeeom I pticcs, to any person or persons who will anrtre-i j. hend, or cause jlo be apprehended, any or all olf -oe ocenaers and Juguives aforesaid, and ironfin t them, or either Sof them, in the Jailr or delive thn, or eiiher iof ibetn, lb the Sheriff D-vid 09 r,ouniy,in in Stale aforesaid. And I doi moreover, htreSy require all Officers, wheihef uivil or Military, within this State to use thei 4 4wst exertions to apprehend, or cause lo be a if preliendd, ibejfuitives and offenders aforesaidl r-A- Given kinder my band as Governor and f j s.) j flie (Jreat SmI of the State of 'NurifV ! V-Ty ' Carolina. Done at our City of Raj r i, i:, Kaleigb.this theSOlbday of Octobe .M j 1340. - . " i -l j EDWARD B. DUDLEY. A--By Command.- , ) rC. O, BattLe, Private Secretary, ihe Robber, &'c. J osf received at f TURNER! HUGHES' ; J ; ' ' . lN. Carolina Book Store. North Carolina! Book Store, "Hi 1 .., Valuable works on Farming, Gardening, Bota ny, Cattle, Orchards and the Grape Vine, &c.. &c. ' . H :. -' The complete Farmet,fAmerican Gardner, Florist Guide, The Green ? House, Brideman's Gardeners Assistant, London's Encyclopedia of iiueainv, ri 01 iut"tmjj, iiifmuira 01 me Pennsylvania Agncolioral .Society, Treatise on Cattle, their breed, roanament, c. Farmers' Own'Book, Mowbry onliPpuliry, History of the Horse, New American Orchardist, Ornamental, i. . V . .'Jit .3 n ' l a rees,armer8' iiegisier, compieie as rar as puo lisbed. Masons Farrier improved, .Loudon's j-,ncyclopedia ot Agriculture ; tosethr witb splendid collection of Books io every department of Literature, for sale at reduced prices by - TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh Mar 6. Ij! t . N. B. Book Bind in? done with neatness and despatch, at the'N. C Book Store. i tf cscnptioiicfjlie OJekders named in the abate ir i r :Vr Proclamation "f - i JOHN GOjSS is about S3 years eld, 5 feet.b 4 fir et or 111. Mrs. S. A ( i fr i THE SUBSCRIBER HAY IPG RE MO VED HIS SHOP TO TUB BtriLDLXG FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on hand a good assortment o . Walclm aid Lhains, Silver Spoons and Pencils.' Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles t Breast' Pins and Rings, Rodgers Pocket and Pen Knives, j And all other articles in his line. ! CLOCKS & IVJITCUES Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months. Old Gold and Silver taken in it is considered thai t!.; j sent very 'extensive s! ,; merit, proved by tire r.::, irt i - nave acccmrissucu in cv 9 9a a l ne peculiar action ( prising their operatk : ? crful, ftccording to the j ting fltid. On a per who is only costive or be scarcely felt cn i!;j plaint be chronic, and t!. ranged, the effect gene:.; erful, onlil the sysicrrj I gC3 Cutting garments of all kinds attended noK.fiiuiea and turt promptly, and ihelalest Fashion? furnished pl'Med. dose tufficifnt . 11 timal in nonoirr lail.ir. and mslrucl ions "VKUsuons nauy , w i I I Ii wi j given in cutting. . " Salisbury, JS'ov. SA0 ly25 HORACE H. BEARDS :nd TAI LORING BUSINESS at his old stand on roam street, nexit door to tbe Apothecary Store. " He is ever ready to execute the orders of his custom ers in a style and manner not surpassed by any workman in the Western pail of theotate. lie is in the regular receipt of the latest London and New York FASHIONS, aod prepared to ac commodate the taslea of the fashlonkble at all times. to '6M:.ai avnK.nna fnr arllplst nnrtli!ieefl nr In nnomnril O ESPECTFU (-LY keqoests jhose indebted fprJeb - dae. DAVID L. POOL. P I r. io her. to call land settle Ihe same. There r ' . i a .. T.d., . : are many who navel accounts wun ner or sever al years standing, abd to; ihem she especially directs this request j N. B. Mrs. P.will 10 to 12 rears old, as an linr Business, if earlv Monlication be made. --4 --- -- ' j . . . ... Wo one but those of! respciaoiiity need appiy. Salisbury, June 7, 1839 tf45 Salisbury, September al?e a young girl from annrpnttce to tbe .Mil 1840 i State of iiroUua, Attachment and Guar- f i. Iff- r L thatJ- --Ketd thisjf N I A Yina ? l 4 d.on Jw elt , tonsfead, 1 -cabarUusi County. Court of Pleas auk Quarter Sessions, October v . , Sessions,; 104U irri: n TT ; I Jos. j F. Reid anjl John Still, jun. j T appearing to the saiisfaetion of the Court, one or toe deiencants in habitant of Ibis Stale ; or publication be made for ina vvaicnman, printed the . said Joseph F. the Court House, in the third monday in replevy, or demur, or the nfonertv levied on willi be sold to satisfy the plaintiffs demands. - Witness, Kiah P. Harris, Clerk of our said Court at Conrord.it he $d monday in October, 1840, and ihe 65tb year of ourj Independence. Witness-iKlAH P HARRIS, elk. Nov 27 6wl8i-Printrs fee $5 50: ,. i - :- : i. 1 State of $lotft avolf nn, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. THE Subscriber having been qualified as an Executor of Joseph Williams, sen.de ceased, , at November Term, 1840, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims orde mands of any kind against the Esta'e, to pre sent them for payment within the time prescrib ' FOR FALL AND I- VIXTERflOF fin HE Subscriber infdr JL - has iust received s ihe public, that she through the Northern Cities the latest and most Approved LONDON - PARISIAN FASHIONS, And is prepared to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory-manner. k TTUk uuui a uijSiauce oaii oewareiuiiy pat up and tor warded. ; f 7 S. JO. PENDLETON. BCP A few Bonnets.) Caps, Tarbans, and oilier articles, will be kept on hand for sale. Mrs, S.-P. is ajs prepared to execute Crimping and Fluting unreasonable terms. Salisbury, November: 6 1840. 4 LIKELY NEdilp GIRL, 19 or twenty years ei age., iv io ii inn V X1TTDDI4V Salisbury, Oct. 9, 1840 S.nl 1 4 j 3 10 .w!t? hjgh, dark complexion, dark corfy 3 1 T ,a ,,a5poe specss ol gunpowder in h wsiout made and quick of speech. 1 Let IFharipri n abuut 23 years old. 5 feet 8 -,arncris hrg lur hair and conipVaton, his fote xeein oroaa auu wide apart. Urge evebrowaJ j-:--i!ova Iookvce'finr, slow spoken-: tod is stout i f -Ibncr Ward abourss years did. and 5 rJ iVinchei hirf, stoop shouldered, fair corn plexiJrt. I Ti ' - " poRen anTgrey headed, f ji fishun Dcpr is about 28 years old,i5 feet 8 i ? inches htgi, fair skin, blue eyes, spare mai h 4hnis.rVvoH:k-Hlken, hair dark colored. . . """T 3 aoooi sjD years ma. f i r and pale couuiIm.mi can.itr- ..i.r4i ' hlir rquick spokeii. 5 feet 6 or 7 inches biwli and dark i' pa jS-vcen is aloni 35 years old, 5 ieei 8 or 9 inrhes,higb, fair i-omplectior, and fall fice, I'i&Mvt mi cbunky madii. and sneaks in libe -4i...u 1: . I v.uM.-iy 4 wnea apoKea to. OciobciSo-r - c 4?0 ftjlROMi the subscriber on the L r.ightof the SOtb ot Septem ber. 1849, ngto man named fromrihirty five tj forty Jjrerre of age. Davy is a tall bUck fellow, h. his front teeth out. Wrhieh nt'gro 1 have tin Jloubt has been persua ded from me, as I haie rojd reason lobeli.va he is harboured in Salisbary by a certain man at this time. I will gjivf a reasonable reward for the appreensitjn and delivery of said cfgro to si rnesafie Jl, jihii I get him, or for prcof sufficient io 'convict an person in legal proceed ings of harbouring or having harbored said ngro. I appoint Chailts S. Partee,of Concord, N. C . my lawful gent durif.g my absence from this ataie. , Superior Cour ofklbWtlAugust Term, 1840. Alexander J. McLenahaii ") I vs 1 1 1 Petition for Divorce. i I Sarah McLenahan. IT appearing to; the satisfaction of the Courl, that the Defendant, Sarah McLenahan, is not an inhabitant of this State, , is therefore Or dired, that publication be made for tbre months ini tbe Charlotte Journal and Carolina Watch man ed by law, othet wise this notice will be pieadln bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the j Estate are requested to make payment immedi ately, or their notes and accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. 1 ROBERT WILLIAMS, Ex'r. Nov. 27, 1840-8wl8 1 NOTICE To Members of the approach ing General Assembly nnHE &ubscriber would respectfully inform JL Members elect to the Legislature that he is prepared to j accommodate comfortably j with Board arid Lodging, j from SO to 40 olf iheit Body hating rented 10 r oocna n the capacious Brick Building tf Mr. B B. Smith, where the last Session of the Le gistuie'was held, it will be in my power to fur nish eligibls rouflos ro ihos who apply early. - N. B. Having engaged the services of Air. William Howard of Salisbury, whose talents in this line are Well known, to attend to the ; gen eral management of the Hotel, h flatters! him self that evey thing will be so conducted 1 as to give general satisfaction. U DANIEL MURRAY. Raleigh, Nov. 13, 1840 tfl6 . THE Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends tnd customers, that he has re moved to the boose next door to George W. BrownStore, where he intends keeping an as sortment of ; GHOCSHIES ; Molasses, Sugars Coffee, Salt, Powder and Shot, SnufK Sfc. JLIQVORS of all sortssuch as French Brandy, Holland Gin' j 7i r .i T"AM,ri rriM iutMuguttitu ukmh. rr mi) . Champaign, 1 Muscat, Lemon Syrup, $-c. Also, as assortment op And other thtpors io his Ifne too tedious lo-men- Iiojx, which can be bough I for cash - as cheap as any other place in Salisbury. NOAH ROBERTS. March 20.4840 tf34 6 3D LABOURERS, the most of them toork above ground. Liberal wa ges will be given by the Washing ton Mining Company, situated in Davidson County, about 18 miles East from Salisbury and 10 miles South of Lexington. " ThoKe wishinor to engage bv "the rear will be that ihe said Sarah McLenahan appear at preferred, and those, most studying their erinploy- our next Superior! Courl of Law, to be hpld for the County of Metklenburg, at ibe Court Honse in Charlotte, on the 3rd Monday in February, 1841, and answerer said pet.uion will be heard ex parte and judgment awarded accordingly. . ! WilnessrJenning Km!, Clerk of our said Superior Court, at Chxrlotie, the 3rd Monday in August. A D. 1840, and the 65th year of American IndepeiideuJ I j Ji B. KERR, C. S. C. Oct. 23. 1840 SmlSPiinter's fee $11 25 tate of Jltft i Djrwsas cqujsrrr. Court of Pleas add Quarter ber Term, 1840. i Sophia Barrett VS Robt Barrett $r tAhets 81 ers interest will command the highest wages. iJecember IX. 14U 320 I rncl SUBSCRIBER if - - ' .: i HAVING lately returned from Charleston, and havinr purchased a large assortment o( GROCERIES, (for cash only) voofd now inform his former customers and the public gen erally, that be is determined to sell all kinds of GROCERIES .4AYr I lowerlhan they can be purchased in the Town ttV of Salisbury,! for cash or a Sessions Nov em Petition foT Dowei ihe tiaiisfaction of the Court, B 1 apnea ii Dir .tt JLihat the defthdahts ; Robert Barrett, David Walk and Peggy ihisfj wife, VVilham Coals and MilLy his wife, Anderson Barren and Richmond Barrett, do not jreidejin this Slate: It is ther6 fore, ordered that publication be made for six week?, for the -Bill defendants to appear before ihe Justices of ujr CourJ of Pleas and Qaartr Sessions al ihe next Court lo behelc hr said cconty at the Coot t House in Lexington on the the second ruooday inFibrury next, and Plead, answer or decnoi to ie Plaintiffs petition, or it will be set for hearing ex parte as to them, and Judgment pro eotifesso entered against ihem Test, f CHAS. jtlUL K. CCC ! Dec 4, 1 840-i-6w 19 Printer's fee $5 50 Dr. James G. WAVING lUatea himself permanently; la WomacUy Vic 4, 1840-tfK) ROBT. 1IU1E. he Tjw of Salisbury, tenders his setTi Ctrl lo 119 CiLT7.rti ciil tti H(irnl tuontrT- Hi all the various branch. of canoe fourd at his! office t'ooi below iheiiffirecQf ihe Western Carol ibian June 26, ISiO-ly hts rrotessior.. on maio Street He one country produce. His Stock now Receivingfcomistj of .21 bf of first quality Rio and Java Coffee, 3 HhdsbPSt Molasses, " 3 do St. Croix Sugar, best quality, 1 HhdOld Holland Gin,' , 2 barrels Cocoa Notp, 2 Boxes Loaf Sugar &. 2 barrels Crush do. 6 cases 10 doz. Marecbioo, 1 5, do Muscat,' 25 kegs best quality Malaga Wine, 18botes Raisins Cigars, fksi Spanish, 4 cask Cheese. . 400 Gallons 8 year old Whiskey, Cognac Brandy, warranted, j 6 or 7000 lb Dry Hides, a superior article, ; Old Madeira V me, Blankets. H. A MATH LED. N. B. All these indebted to ne are earnest ly requestedjlocome forward and settle their ac counts by caslVor note. - A. M.'-i Sa!isbury Dec, 49C1840 4 w2I ) - - BotU W B Bcntpst, J B RAKES this method to inform hi. fricn.'s .amljhe public fieneratly lhat he has relurneu from Virginia, and will bd happy to receive a rontinuanceof that very! liberal patronage which he has hefetoforepjojetJ. His flice i at the Eagle tjnet. f r Siafestine,'-V. C, Vtc, 18!0.-iCt 2 ps. JUST R3CIi7D AJYD FOR SALE, - WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 13 Hhds Sugar, 1 75 Bags Coffee, 4000 lbs Loaf Sugar, 2500 lbs Cheese, 54 pfeces Bagging, SO Coils Rope, , 75 Kegs Nails, assorted siz.s, 1000 bs Spring Steel, S3 pr. Elliptic Springs, f 75 Kegs White Lead, ' j 50 Grindstones, 50 Boxes Glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 42 Blacksmiths Bellows, 12 do Vices, 10 do Anvils, 18 pieces.black and col'd Merinoea, -337 do Calicoes, - 150 dozen cotton Handkerchiefs, 4 SO pieces brown and black Domestic, 65 do Iblack and col'd Cambrics, 2S do Cloths and Sattinetts, 22 do Kentucky Janei, 23 do Flannels, " 265 8 4 and 9-4 Blankets, . 375 d(.zen Spool Thread, j 16 cases Hats, ; 260 Men's and Boys Caps, 1000 Ihs Hemlock soal Leather, 9 dczen calf Skins, I 50 ps. bleached and brown! Drills, By J. W. MURPHY. Nov.27. 1840. .h a a . . and tneconsuiuiiGn v. in health anLrenewed vi ; The thousands who pills, is proof positive c f beneficial effect. Tin y j. .11 ... . uo an auo; rail in u. symptom of the only t human frame is eurj:: L. Lf . r ..... inc OIOOU VII. tu -UJtrl . . . mm . . ... tne llaids l ocs. r ... ture" to ail sue can o. : iiuoianooov: v p 1 1 r : r j . j . - are so bad, and whesj I taied, that all that can r temporary relief, never. iimrripnffrl rrcinfr hs I vw .m mm w . . i . . ing circumsiances of t tuu.i eeiy uvutr re..- i l uuavauiog, uave ucea happiness by their usd return lhanks to a nnblio for the natrons" c- a , him, and he hopes by as he has ever dune, t . favors. ut. uranuro'ti s d..: sciiber's Boot and i I c ' Market Main street, II; Pills can bo obtained at gtrAffeuts in ihe r tj:Y:l-, DAM . Agents are appoint ' State, for the.sale of C gcj.Eaeh sgtait I. of ageocy, signed D 1' Toe follow i rig pei. Medicine. Pendleton St Bruner, Hargrave1, Gaither - V Joseph H. SicelufT, 21: '. S. C. Smith, Salem, t J. & I S. Gibson, G. r F. K. Armstrong, N. D. Hunt, Joufavi!! Thos. D. Kelly, Will. Waugb Harper, 11 ar r R. Oi Peatson, Al;r . Mclnlire & Walton", 11 co. N. C; H. Schenck, GardiKr Carolina. Ft A. Hoke Co. Carolina. Stockton & Hoggins, i Carolina. Yoong 4 Bailey, Ma' Jobn Hussey, Dari October 23, 1B4C cr Press for Salc.Ul T BKING desirous f embarkingjih anotJier bo sines, I now offer the establishment of the Wilmington Advertiser fox sale. I do not know of a more eligible situation for persons desires of embarkingHn the printing bu siness, than Wilmington, North Carolina. . " TerDS accommodating. Applications roost be post paid." F. C. HILL. vr. LfilS ifijJLflAiXsJ4JALL-All r by account, ever earnestly rrcoe.-t surroondiiffvicoontrv. His Office is in Mr. I by the first of J.; West's nw'lrick building, nearly opposite J and W. Mufphy'a store. j August SOi I S39tf5 . RESPECTFULLY offers bis professional services to the citizens of Salisbury and STATE OF NORTH CAROILIXA, Davidsos Coomtt. Full Termiri840. " Thtmas Stuart Saiah Stuart") Pemion for ts sale of Wiiliam Stuart and others. j Land IN this case it appearing tothe saiUfacttohpf the court, that the defendants Daniel Stu art, Peggy Stuart and Latina Scart, are not io habitants of this state: It is, therefere ordered by the court, that publication ne made for C weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for Ihe said defend! at3 personally lo be & aprr before tbe Judge rof our superior court ol Law and Eqai'y at the nexfour, to be held for Davidoo cnuniy, at (he court house ?n Lcxingion, cn ihe first nion-1 day afier ihe fourth monday in March nex, and lead, answerer demnr io the plaintiffs peliiion or it will be set Ut hearing ex4iie as t them, aocl jodrneii procMnffSsoeniered against ihem. Test -JOHN M THOMAS, car e December 19 621 Piiuteis fee b 50 ; MRSTBAKER S SCHOOL re opened on Tuesday, Dec. lt. Terms b 50 per session of five months. No deduction made for ( absence, except in case of protracted t,ictoS.- - Dcc 45, . rHlHE Sub?crit r r L Friends and i! intends in the cour shop in Salisbury i room directly !fT Ihe house of Dr.D . I. Shaver and just ! In addition to il. carry on the Silver varieties com mud i miking Spocus, v Ware. He begs to zZ'ir: attention ro besir ( , title him to rairi-.. it it. Nov. 13 iff 6 pect lo settle with "November 157: Any 4. fore. Horse, wiii I2 rev Galibury, N; v. To Join :. OS' or . by immediate s; Lexrngtnrt',' HAVING r CODil door o! jlr mcrly .cccu; tt mi opposite 41. his prnfi sioa: