i -i I : 4 i "3S t-' . - 1 i ! .is li' 0 "'.I ( r. - 1 : w v 1 ,cl ad'anrand two dollars and fjjfjpuop wjll be reci?ed for a less tioae .si .JirJ utiles for in advance. . ' 3 it disconiiriflfed' (bai at the option of t" i Z M f M M M M A W - i. TERM - O J 4J iln.i, nar sniiate fur ihe first inserlion and 1 . t. rf.nis for ea jfll HoiWafir..! nor rl. hlflrli." $Libof4rald4:..v.i- 'yjLjiufi of! 33f per cent wil ! be made to tL advertise, be year-' .i , g(jifetU8ement Afillj be ; continued ' until i.f.aeharoea ior accoromoij, unless orcer- irtain number pf aime ;- , Ifilert ftddessed to the Edi Hij flIj ia ensure attention. ltois most . . ,-- TQETRy. I Aorreatfew tona or roeirj r-u so, weDfg fftfe8d tne following; bealotiful 'iines. v If M Derosa!. aBdpifhaps, It rriaj have some ' ' ....i.IiiIm! Iai 1 ill nl !! of cor hdy!realerV ba are food of music; i,ff bccasioaauv caiiea on 10 sinz, Keep a oct, aod who Jesred to sing- by any of oar ibls who ba?efjPQt yet taken a receipt for ufjears subscription, give inem tne oene t these eitgaiwttrds. They ' will much o- 4- From (ftitTroji Budget. M Y Til E P II I N T K R. Xf n 0Eii2it"4 Loira Tme Ago. ! V?i i Heb comes Win le, here conies Wiriler, ; Srms of jhail--and showand sleet-- Pi ihe Printer, pay the Printer, ' - - Letbim tvard Ms bauds and. feet. r , .Here comes wine, here, comes wialer, . (mtteninj evfry bill and dale; a Send yoar.jmoney btlhe mail. . ;, fay the Friniier,fpay Printer,?, - i IlTemember jis just doe, ; ; ?v Jojcold ietelr,irj cold winter, . i'' He ibatsasf s well as yoot-r; MsrryW in t erlmjer ry ; wi n tcr; , t will be if al do nght; ; 4 ? r -Pjr the Pririteray 'the Printer ; po the thittg iiaiisX)li!e. ,. " llappy winter happy winter, -'u ; "llark the jing'ljng of the bells'; .To!t be Print ejr.- ioU he Pr i n te r ; v f i What sadJalesftheir mbsic tells; Ahhwor 'Prrtte4--ah poor Printer J ITourubsciibers frolic all, 1 lQhevinterjinf(hewlnter, .' ;v; ; . ButneVi tbiok ofyou at all! v-. . M ' -- a. i PENDLETON BRUNjER,") ;i , EDITOirS AND P ROPll ICTOUS.1 jr " See r.vpen ee iAoi iie Government dot not acquire loo mu&'pou-tK- 'Ktep oon atl yofcr Riders; s Do Ihii. atd libkrtt is safe.?' Gen'l. Harrison. ;f 1 t n N0;.25-4VOLUME JX: mtoii:to. 44i.vv: r- V 1 ' j1 ( - -1 v -nTSseMewBBBiMSeMBeMBpWSMMMMIiMMBaMMi ing petrs are f grafted I on qyitco stocks in! j aofe igor6osand 'animate after thati ; before l - tl - - '-i- . ' 1 1 111 ft fXrWrimnt. HU rt1 ro fn t hi rumn a araa i answers . were- stow, nd placid h' looiVs vatingl I DO e'e"oo : v tin regara iq nts.na( .. 6 I its through life! Mr, Hcirhfi ctatM that! hm WaW anI fastingJ .Oo -firft and sister theiexperi-i six, msbls the?, bbservea j,.;- r : c? . - ..- r - k wiui oe woaia cncarioiiy conseni ioa monin. peisvcns h or (fecrctfytngr tht Wi seen accounts of frtu half in size by being prodaced macht large increase in size was ppie 6tpcKS. xi y e seldom see Bweef opplea from sicins su sweet as oatural Ahaphed )qr,th'e.Vutemenaltesefe'ti fruitowing idoublie&eir towl H!i'n"KJ 0' ' . A L - i L' ' ,1 -artioowihem three or four clertrvmenSwhic on. sour siocks. . ';! j corroborate ihe above fact in every partco1ir Stock have an in Uutnce -on-increasing 1 From one of these certificates we mte the foi- or rruu.-r Jiv e pave : .-;V ... ';!,-..--. t v'; xm-iI f We were present when thef aid : .BeroaI ' oiing JOCW&-oni, Catanagh, of his owrriVe;WiI consented t grafted . in trees thai ibe; proposed trial and experiment, even saying r fraii Perhaps the FooM ttop ino long asilhey (pleased J - . , v - r- - that each and. every of them mtouiely elamin; owing in part to ihe edjhe, TeatheH-bed, and pill6ws: bolster, bed thrift of (be scion, as sometimes ati improvis cloths, a chair and a table in the room ; biu! tKey roenlVmaleiirt thai Uy without any influ4 1,11: , -' mi and that no food was dr ooold be in the room on! encor the,tock otherwise tbaii; supplying jkriown to them except the biseiiitararjd wait an abundance of . sap. We grafted the win ,,redy mentioned aod. agreed on; that each ud , .--i;-.; . . i . every of ihem saw the biscoitjS and watfjr agreeii ter sweeting into a sweet apple tree, thai ; f .l " J "stV ' i un placed in the room, the windows, chimnej the, sweetness of the fruit might inot.be and dooi secured in the inaoner abbve:8iated depreciated ; the tree prod fruity very sweet and good was veiy saiall the scions produced good coarse of the sit days trial, generally fruiWhat kepriong,but Jt was as small; w togei her each time, isit ihe rm iwi ;, . "H, , ; ; v '-? where they heard Rev. Mri Hughes ask Uerf ihefraitf of the sipck ;whelher; that, was neard Cavanagh, in a load, distinct voice if h its common size or not we do not know, but wanted any ihing, or if he . wanted tn go hocpe ; supposi it was bwirU m a measure to the !bt"wVoral!j was that he wascontertt i i, r " i v ir c" f-.?v-'. v j with his present slate, and would slop there as P X i rS !f long as i hey wished ; lb at Bernard Cavanagh These' facts Will be Tery proutable to the was apparently in good heaUh on entering ihe growers of fruit, and! if any of our readers room; thatibey were eaeh and every of them , 4 , ( I - - . I Pteseot at the opening' of the door after the ex iearn.irom experiment or opservanon anjj?- piratIoll wf the confioeiotnt o six days and, six thing that corroberate or illustrate these prtii- nights agreed to; that ihry jsaw said Bernard oavanagn in me same apparent gooo neaiin ai that period as at the commencement of the con-' finemeht; that the biscuits and the water were nut toadied, but were in the same state afier the; confinement as before it; that the seals with which the windows, chimney and . door were: From (Ke ljtnfot V rmer . EFECTS QP; GRAFTING FRUIT. ThNcions wll produce fruit similar to irom wmcn ; iney. are lasen is a laci iTlwwn; bd rraoy persons are mista jiio supposing the scions govern wholly i i L .i '.'. .' i ,s " . ''. n ' ! mi. Jiaai me siocks nave no inauence . t iw the residence of the , family ofiSir: George Cartercltto whom this territory was granted.' rennsyivania was so caneu miaoai. af. ciples or tend to contradict them, we should be pleased to hear from the subject "NO TIME TO READ." We have often encqqntered men ;who profess sealed, are-the properly of Rfehard Singletori, to :believe tfiejf have M ) no time to rea,d.V Nof sub-insneetor, Jf Lewjn, bM eonstibie, ame we think of H thev have alwats been of one cha- Jobn Kslly ; that after the Uiodows, chimney racter. the pbinUof which are easilvsammed tip. and door had been sealed with ihem, they had Nine times out of ten. ihe v are meo" whe i have I been pot into a tin box which iwaa given tb Fran-; never rouna itme 10 comer any suosianuai aavan- 1 C! jcbu, v. r. tage either upon their pounlry, their families, or themselves- TThey generally have time to gojtb election, attend public harbacuesVcamp-meeting, Sales, & sinking schools, hot they have 'no time to read.;" They frequebtly spend "whole days in gossipning, tlrpirpjj, and swapping horses, at the cross roads or county town, but they have 'no r f ' -'F .,! . I t. , :. time .read, They Someiimes lose a day in asking pi govern mpt!, but as the stocks have advice tof rieizhbour-ometime. a day in Pick p efect In manyirespects, it is important ing , ap'ihe news; the pricesf' current, and the Jiorticoliuralisis tl examine the subject exchanges t i,. I ' rt . , j . to read.v They have S time w hunt, (o nab, t skarn all the various eOecIs oroduced bv uji j.;t. L . .t . , lJ. . . j J t - i 7Tlj ' - y .1 mooib, io unoK, 10 oo jtoining, uuu uu nine ia , m as in many cases it mr be turned to read.' buch men osually have uneducated chil hi adtanlafle. kn J in olhets much" disad- dren, unimproved farms and oohappy 0rtideGt: I T I .'I i. , r x Ihey have no energy, no spirit ,f'r improvement "SP "cu no ove of know edffe: Ihev re 'unknowinff arsd r.. . : M '? Jt - i . . . J. " ' . "it Mvtkshave anjjfecl as to bearing ytars. unknown and often die unwept and un regret ....j l. i- .. . i i . i . i ilea. ro?iincri itirinminY. - i.Liun phi i nm irBim 11111 nnir in aiLi;riiaiK i . --yy-t .w. . WMi puUritp. jslockstliit bear every T - The JN'ew Forfe Covrier -and Enquirer pf Jf o m alterna b.lears different from the nursaay inos speaks ;oi a lami'y now residing ...:' '')' . i i f f . . i in uroton, New London county, UonnecMcut: ! "I wui nuuui IUO bviuih nsin I ll,n si IVh on . ! fM ... y i ut;ai every ypaif mougn iney may nave i age, nau a lamuy oi 10 cnuoren, ana ioan Thin v n'npie, 4u years 01 age had a tamity oi 14 ! 111. - r - t a l ' I "siuscu. xvauici auuaiuau wcic CVUriua fAirwmuB grt aavamage lu.mo had n:arried.8isters.' In the visiialionsof Prov- j. I grower, as it will enable him to raise idence Daniel died, and a!soJWij wife. Th ers who qnail at the idea children, a leS it iaimuallv of 'those krnds that without r.'d(?w h.ad 16 childred' to provide for; and hooesi Lf.lv- . s1-! 1 . . . xSoah oaly 14 dear little creatures. wg, or by grail ng, on stocks that bear To mothers and fathers who nnai l. li.Ji: m ...IJ 1 :.u I r .: s. A. i r r, n xicpmuvaiioruaiQ ycaia, wuuiu uoit jiciu ui upnjniHj a small lamny 01 O or-lu CI f1. i ' . ! . 1 ll 1 . H ' I Iruilr at ikiio mvul mnn'd k!.inta . n J I .. fir ttuit riverv second vear. . . gw ...., m,.uij, iUU iojiu c, i i . U r . . , . . I son oi Taior. lurmuaej inu resisoaiion. ruin mocks ettect ina scion tn naxienmg or rmw,oa a,.rni.;.i.;etii.' aLa, k ? 3 ' y ' "I M 'fvij vuiiivii w I M i Oi UUpilUVU WtS illw i ir;iwg . Ae rrpentng of fruit. Fruit labor of their bands forJsapport; - 4npens too late may be forwarded by en- Nb was a stone mason, daily 1.1, , - . . r work with an honest heart aodVconK iitliRff it nn stofks that nocn Iheir fruit .:j"t ...L 'u. went to his liisir it nn ainrkn that nocn their fruit I i .l-L L.-i. j i .ln. . . j , b ..f" ""T, Ti . --r-- 1 wneji oe reiurneuuoine at nigu;, cniHirn !Hand thereierse. This may be turn- flicked around him at the door to receive a fa- i.jood accouit, ,Dd Ihe nM fruit mir rY,,:rILi.;& ta successions by crafting on stocks m;nMi ihit ih hnnf,l kv .nmh m omti run at ditierenl neriods.' lihem quriner the day,; When he was absent, and Wre seen acrliints of fmit beino accei- dniinister lo ibeir wahis at nfghl. ...AiwjeyK 41 (4 t'peo their fr T'wtesfen in its ripening ono month by this melh pSoQeliruits thitjare too late for our north- j'itnate mighi jbe ripened . here by en- u.f,' m fi t h ... ' - . f f earlier socks4 In this way some dence of the purity of the religion of r his people he did boi study alone to ruake himself happy (n the selection he was ajboot to make: he did not think alone of bis children, but he thought of Daniel's -and moreover bethought of Daniel's wife, and became the father of Daniel's children, Nt Ifinds oft fruits that are now too and iueHrmotbr theiniother of . his'makihg ao ,! I . SLi. L-. j-i-lt, Fi.,:'--:. .. s er " nippies. - r-j jraaucq reci o? grajicu J All vrin! fathers and mothers who r j i t j "TiaThave hrbduced fiuil with rotten small family of 10 or 12 children, visit Cnnee- or with .nlU ! mr r ,n .nm icut,and see a small bouse filled to overflowirig like a bee hive, with oinientraent sndT pleasure impressed on the countenances of all; and you win return nome insircciea ana cumeuieu. .; PNuce the! time effect io a similar i e Oft frmi enftf aftt d on them. I, We no. I ce ; some of the apples were AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE. u,f .' P,"lM'' Ireland, furnishes the particulars of a most ex- he Newton Sweeting iraordinary case,. thai of a man haaied Bernar'd r ,Ln i VyaTaoaiZii, nuuactuiu he iuicuuii, iiau ouuswr ed lor three years apa ten monins in pericp l..ollU ivllhnrtl tkoifllf! nf tnAil nf mi binVI II. . . i-V. I -t . i .1 - - i . J r(t: (fect 'thi (color of Mi7. We whatever. The matter was tested by a public Ql S 1 . L I . . f ant hiak farltoJl IAV AIT riil SIT J l1! 'I OI a,ir nichts during which he abstained from all lb peell 1,niri(edsn1 hcof- J w ors owirjg id the Scions bem?. set iemin!. Th rarilcolars are (riven in detail. U f 81 tocks I Some" of the f apples and endorsed by a number of respectable witnef- OthPra M fa Kri,K('Allrta. SCS, 10 a late numoer oi me lyouotm suvcamz . I'll rtori tct the laualilv. of fruit Sei I Ukntiamn nt r,n,nh ' luQ tialrlwin! arSnii wrrp iPt.in Inn .tr1 n-nrillw lnr times eacn AST. SOme- t: .. . .! r. ' - .- - . - . 1 .; r.., in nrnA nirh iimi of mani inr. a . n ..niAAsAM, i Lixxifab iiiiriiri m - -j or if be' wishsd to go i: feWM'&.flcb ppicy flavor when home. These were Ibacntyf 'questions ' put 'jo r i f-LtJ - L-.L ! him. him ...roroWarlfi iim. which are attested . . w iiiiiw rta n annioa r -im wni n i wiui a uu Buanaia - - Bd we Virf'L. b7 iwentyVif witnesses;, Protestants and Caihw NOTHING TRUE BUT HEAVjaN. The' faithless world's promiscuous show, , 'Allured by fancy's vision, The'sojiles of j'iy, ihe tears of woe, DeceitfeL shine, deceitful fl iw, I There is nothing true bjt Heaven. Fine gold will change, and diamonds rude, r Sw.fi wings to wealth are oirrn, ! ' All va'ryiog Time our forms invade, ' The seasons toll, light sinks in shade, There is nothing firm but Heaven. . ' Creation's mighty labrie all . ; - Will be to atoms riven, The stars disperse, the planets all, Convulsions rock this earthly ball, -, ' ' There is nothing lasts bui Heaven. ' ' ' - . . f " .7 i ' ' Empires decay and natrons die, t ' ' , J Our hopes io winds ire given, The vernal bloom in ruin j Death reigns o'er. all btow the skies, There is nothing true but Hraveni - - : .' ' ' . - -:i : The world is poor from shore to shore" And like a baseless vision, lis lafly domes, and shining tire, And glittering gem are mean and poor, 4 here is nothing rich but (teaven. ter VVHIiam Penn. Delaware Was so called id 1793 J from Delaware Bay, on which .'it lies, 'and which received its name from Lord.De La War. wno nieu in tnia.llay.'. ' txi?-irr 3iaryianu.was So called in honor to Uen Helta Maria, queen of Chiles iJ irf tots pa tept, to lord Baltimore, June; 301 1532 -i'-.Z Virgina was so called in 1684 rafter E- lizabeth, ihe virgin queen of England, .r' Carolina was so called. by the French in lV4ia honor toTCing; CharlesiiX,of rrsnce. ,, ,..t - , , . ia: Georgia was so called in 16321 in hon orf King George Ik v - I r Alabama was so called in 1817, from its princalivtfr.;..-"'" .'fct -- Mississippi was sojcalled in l8dufrom Its western boundary. Mississippi lis said to denote tbe whole eriver i. ei the river formed bf the unionjof many. 1 ; : t- :- v Louisiana was so called, in honor of Lows, XIV of France. ! h Tennessee was so-called in 179t ' from its principal river. The word Tennessee is said to signify a curved spoon, j . Kentucky was so called in 1792, from its principal river r - ! Illinois wae so called in 1801, from its principal river. The word is said to sig nify the river of men. ; I1 Indiana was so called in 1809, from the American Indians, 1 i T 44 Ohio was so called in lSOtl, from its Southern boundary;' ! Missouri was so called in 1821, from its principal river. . . 1 1 v Michigan was so called in 1805, from the lake on its border. , Arkansas was socalled in 1810, from its principal river . ' .-, . . . Florida was so called by. Juan Ponce de Leon, in 1572, because it was discovered on Easter Sunday in Spanish Pascna Flor ida. -;, .r . v. -..." '- Columbia was so called in reference to Columbus. i I Wisconsin is so called from, ita princi pal river. . r r4-l'.';- Iowa is so called from its principal river. Oregon is so called from its; principal river- . , fr . ' piudiia cruiiiartiT at . 1 OALisBDRT, JaouaryJS. - Cents: S;::r-':;rCnts. Molasses, 40 a GQ Nails, 74 a8 tiacon, ' 7 a 8 Brandy, ap." ;a 40 t peacn, a 50 Oats, ; 15 a 20 BaiUct, . 12 I Pork,, $4 a 5 Cotton in seed l l ; Sugar,b6' 10 a 12 J HJIE ehscriWfs won tdspeet fully; infers JBrr itheeiijtin of CabarroS county and flie-'-wher; rhat ihy are' now prepared fosr-i::-faithfully ati oroers in 4heix .line -.of busine wMchi!I fee lLankfally Veceived and ,'s.ttecw lo prompt ijN;' '. - rThey "will keep" oi. hand. at Yhe'irV shop, L.ir!; hUhd Conrt HwW BtJUEJlbS, SIDi:- EOJIWS. CUPBOAUDSJBLES. SH CnmWHlS, Sr BOOK VASES. ilSii .and CdJirQLE8TJLVDSiBEl)S . 'C.1?C tpgeiherfwitb a handsotae assort n:e;;l t i All cf which 'will be. disposed v( law for cssb, c: good paper.' ; ; 7 ; . . . . ; , . Atljotdcia for CcISns" which may, he srht n ihem, will be attended to and 'moderate chirks: 2 - 1 r 1 - - - . ;diuernatt ralm:v. clean. ; ": 7 a 8 Coffee, 14 a 18 Corn; 5 Feathers,, Flour, .f $4i a 5 Flaxseed 62 a 05 iron, per lb. 4a6J Linseed Oil, pr. ' . ; igaL $1 12J leaf, " I8a20 Satt; - -$I'25 Tnlldw, 10 a.l2i Tobacco, 8ra 20 TowLTnen,:16a 22d Wheat,-bush- "C2j Whiskey, 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) . 40 Lard, . 7 a 8 Cheraw; December 50, IS40. ceef ,, . 3 a a Baron; . v-8a:i0 BC:n,,.5;a22; Bees wa r " ; 20 a 25 Bale rope lb JO a 12 Coffee lb 124 a 15 Cotton 5 8 a TO Corn bush 40 a 50 Flour brl 5 a 6 r. . 1 . ' mm. r earners 4U a 40 ron lOOIbs 5ja 64 ,ard 11 a 12$ Molasses 40 a 50 Tallow 121 alcutrav fov tftr Sear :sm , - co k : A stranger in this wor From plac to pfa My friends are gv"e and I'm in gloom, -Aid swiftly ''gliding. Id d unknown, ) m driven, To find a home in Heaven. ihe tpotb, t 1 ' IK ; il 1 fit i MrW 1 j j V " V olics of lespectabilityi were that he was conieni 17 haj whicb grew on the last with his present stale, rhat be wanted .nothing, H 1ree rwii'miii-'tkl.e...".: .u-, 1.2L.. and thai he would continrie as he was as loig is 4t4cca!,arT Pn T ti . M" l",.Lbey wished. All n& answers w.re clear, s? fcoUaribfipr. uUer or meUvVdible, concise and veri sensible. Heseemed ' .r--:T" 1 r: n- ' ' f ' -V x I , . Mi i ; Time's fading glories disappear, 'i-.. '- Like changing hues of ever i " T 1-1 t- 1 . .. 1 11, . 4cra ! , 1 numpuaiii grace najp iju!ii cu uij leoi.j 1 ' Roll n ye suits, fly siih ye years, j . ' ) And bring toe safe fo Heavo. I - . -. -. . - 1 , j :,- 1 ' " . 1 ' . ' . 1 . ; i Fronithe. JVeib Uavtn Palladium j Origin of the (tames of the several! U)' ted States- .- !. . f -. Maine was so called, as early as 1 633, from Maine 111 France, of which Henrietta Maria, queen of England, was at that 1 time propneior. : , " New Haorpshire, was the name given to ihe territory,; conveyed! by the Plymouth, company to Capl. Johni Mason, by patent. Nov 6U1, 1629, with reference to Ihe pa tentee, who was Governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire, England, j j Yerrooni was so calied by the inhabi tanl8 in their Declsratioo of Independence Januarv, 10ih, 1777 from Fiench jvprd mont, green mounlain. f j Massachusetts was so called 'rom Massa chusett,s ba. an.i thai from the Massichu setts tribe of the Indians in the neighbor-- hood of Boston. The tribe is thought 6 have derived its name from the Blue ! Hill of Milton. ! had learnt, says Roger jWjl Hams MRat the MassachnselU was so called frnm the Rlne Hills.' Rhode Island was so called in 1644. jnj reference to. the Island of Rhode, in the Mediterranean. .;. . . I Connecticut was so called Irom ihei In-; dian name of its principle ; river. . Conne'c itcot is a Moheakaneew woid, sigmfyirlg1 lopff river. : ; I. ; New York was so called, 1684 in rpfer- ence lojhe duke of York and Albany, to whom this territory was granted by toe King of England. . New Jersev was so called in lbitt, Irom the Island of Jersey, on the coast of France . ' i ! January. . . - M 3 tesKK. P 10 11T2 13U16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -" . .1 February. - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March, - - - - 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-12 13 " T4 15 10 17 18 19 20 .21 22 23 24 25 26 27 - , 28 29 30 31 JlpriU - i - . .'" - -12 3 " 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 May. Nails cut assorv7j8 ; wrought -16 a 18 Oals bushel 33 a 40 Oil gati i 7i a $1 m lamp-" $125 Unseed 1 1Q a 1 25 Pork lOOllis $ia 6 Rice lOOlbs 4 a 5 Sugar lb V 8 a 12j Salt sack . $2! k - bush - $100 Steel Amer. 10 a 00 English ; 14 ' German 12 a, 14 Teaiinpe. $1 4r37 mada. To all those zvhoavc in ibrsiC of'a-fiisl-rate piece ' ol turntiure, I wu.iU ie spectfolly fstV let me make it," and I wan rani ineoi a piece oi. woric, not to be ttzn n . Having beeo prinripHy engaged io jibe rr.ana factonosrof fine - lahrjany work fcY seynal years, jeanwji jtcoiif4eocvv t on key the prumj?e : ThereioreV s'eud me o orderfand ihe wori shall 1 - . ... . . ,, oe cone. . , : " .: , - - C. H. DEJERNATT. 1 ? The r Subscribers tvottld l c gIad;lofmpi,y, imnLediatelytwo good Jaiurey-merixabioel-makerV. one, to;make walnut work aod thie iher mahogany.' None ant ooJ ro?k men need apply, id whom the 6est of wsHi given. '? . ! . ' - - ; j . 1 J K 1 r. IipAI 1 fy UAI i; . . Concord. c, Dee-iWl 1 840-f 1 02 1 iCpTbe Ila!ighTUgister and Fayetievitio .'PoseiverVill give the ;al)e) adferiiiemfnl (for hands three insertions, and forward acco?in's io the subsscribers. s -V.D. fi1 R. Fayettevillb, January 6184 1. Brandy, peach 45 a 50 Uo, Apple 40 a 45 Bacon, 8 a 10 Beeswax, 25 a -J6 Coffee, 12s a. 131' Cotton, 6 a 91 Cotton Yarn, 16 a 22 Corn, 40 a 50 Candles, F.F, 17 Flaxseed fit a 1 10 Flour 41 a $51. Keather3 3tl a 40 Iron, ; 5 a 51 Molasses, SO a So Nails, cut, "61 a J, Sugar brown, 9 a 12 Lump, 10 Loaf, "'' ;1S a 20 Salt. . , 75 a 00 Sack;; $2ia21 Tobacco leaf 41 a 5 Cotton bag. 20 a 25 Bale rope, 8a 0 Wheat new ,60 Whiskey ! S3 a 33 Vool,: ; 115 a 20 SIII June July August. September. October, November. . ... . . k . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ! 30 31 - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - - - 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -42 13 14 15 16 47 18 - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...... L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 , - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AVTNG purchased that wpIi; known and long-estabjisbed 1 Pqblic Iluue, "known try; the name Qt hUbghter s Tavern,) in he I own f Salisbury, N. C, informs his Friends md the Public generally, that the same jsfnow! pertfor the reception juf Travellers & Boarders. His Table and Baa'wiil be' supplied with ihebesi the maiket and surrounding country af- His Stables spacioos,Vand bonntifoll v sud plied, with grain and ptovender. of all kinds, at- 4end"d by faithful and aitenuve Ostlers. The undersigned pledges himself that no ex ertion on his part shall be wnniinor 10 "iveertn- eral -satisfacn jn to all who may lavor him w'uh a call. . - . JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. II, 1840; tf7 State of flovtlt (Bavollnn. DJVIDSOJY COUATY. Court cf Pleas an dQuarter Sessions Jcvem- her 7Vrirt4l340. , Geirge Kller 81 'others.) - i vs y Petition for Patlition. David Kller &. others, J . IN ihi cast; it appearing to ihe saiisfaciion o; the Court, that tbe Defendants. David El ler, Alexander JLtiriIEl4nira Daniel and Chas V aisner and Sarah his wife, do not reside in this State : It w therefore, ordered by the Court, tha publication bo made for six weeks io the Caroli na Watch man, for the said defendants to appear bpfore the Justices of our Courl of Pleas and Qnarier Session at the nex Court lobe held for said county, at the Courthoose in Lexington, on ihes- cond mor.dav in reoruaty next, ynd plead answer or demur lo he piainitffj netiltU'ii, or ii w;n re sei lor hearing exparte as to them, and Judgment pro cuhftfes-: fnlpred araint them. T.si ('HAS. MOCK, c c c. Dc 4, lSlOewia-pMoteT's fee h 50 1 350015, 23ooS GIFT BOOKS FOR CHILDREN ! JUST rt'BLlLHED AND FOR SALE, AT THE A'ORTHClRpLLXBOOK STOUE, Foa 1341. The Boy's Country Book, Plants and Birds, with colored engravings, Peter Parley's Wonders of the Eanh.Sea h Sky " Rambles in England, Scotland Ireland, with fine engravings, The Child's Gem, Nursery bungs by Mm. Fol- len, ' ; The Play Honse and Work Shop, Birthday Gift, Wiley's Rambles, Mary's Annual for all Statuo, Psiley's Pkture Book, Chnrtmas Gifti Anecdotes of-Washicgtoo. Parley's Christmas Tales, Raleigh, November 24. State cf Jldvtn eavoUnr, i sTOKEsCQUJvrr.; Court'of Equity October-Term, 1340. Mauhew It, More, V."l s . Mary Gaines.' Edward ) Original Bill." Moore, Zi uabrifcl Moore. l . and others., . ; J ' IT appearing 10. 1 be saiisfaciion of the Co.:ri ihat.jMary Gaines,-Ed ward Moore .a&d;Ga-' briel More, Defendants in ihis casp, do not re side within the limits of this State it is there fore vrdeftd5 that poblicaltQh.:be made for weeks 1 in the. Carolina Watchman, printed at Salisbury i that unless-the said Dtfendanis appear at the next Court of Equity, lobe held for il.o county of -Stokes, al thelCourt house in Gerrtin- ton," on the 2d mor.day alter the 4 to monday ia March next, and plead, answer or demur, or ti e Bjll will be ta ken pro conf esso against t hem, a r. d the cause set dowo for hearinj exparte'. Witmss, v . f nes, Llerk and Master in i.fjuily at ffQce, the 2J mofeday after .lhe4ih uionujy 10 feep'ember, lb4y. -'-: ....; ; ;4 1. f F. FRIES; c nr.. Dec; 11. lS4ft-6A20Piinier 8 fee$5 50 S M l-l s rglHE-Subscriber has for sale, at his Nurse--. JL rtes in Da tirfidn county, a large assort met I of'IM UtTTXF.ES, consisting of A rp, Te r, reaeh Tlum.' Vbf tryL&c., embracing' many c J ue best American ana;4 pjuropcan irutis aisa a fine.eleciiorfbC Rosesand; Dahlias Trees ' v,ul be delivered at ahv ieasonabV distance frum Lr x.- mHR YEAR BOOK; or Manual for every J day Refireface bv B B Edwards. M ERIC AN MELODIES, containioff a A MERI sinole selection from the prdnetion of Ho 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 hundred Writers, compiled by Geo. P Morris. December. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . - - 1 5 6 7 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 ! The Tr4?e of-fgat Knoic- insten at the nsoaP price "?of .hauling Price J catalogues sent gfafis to all applicants, the p st ae being paid. ICJ Direct, to Lexinntcn. N. CaroUna. -Vv v ' "CUAS MOCK' December 19, 1840 tf2l ' --' WEEKLY' MADISOXIArtf, For tht n txj , Session of Congress. r?HHE approaching fession of Congress uiH B doubtless, be one of great. interest, . It uill close up some, al least, of the affairs of Mr, Van B men's administration, and usher in the rnorn auspicious dawn ot a new tnd belter order tl things. The sreoe3 in Ccngress will probably bexcilifig. Oo one sloe weshU see the stru gles ofjan expiring faction, and on the other a triumphant party, armed with the: conftJence ct the people, imposing jodiciocs restraints dpm tho convulsive-throes ,of ,thelrfponents, and shiejd ing their country as 'far,ai& possible from liie dan gers of malignaci and. reckless violence, and en 4 ea vori n g i to a'v e r t t he . mha r r assme n 1 3 w h i c ! 1 defeated nvo, slung "with ' disappointment, will seek to throw io the way of the new adminlslri tion. , On the third of Ma)ch next, 12 o'clock, P. M., Mr. Van Boren's dull star will vanish, and immediately in its place shall we bthold ti;o rising son of Hareisojj. V , 4 ' Or. tjbe 4ih of Match, General Harr:?on, zi President of the United States, will attend in the'ChamHer of the Mease of Representative: to lake his Vath id Vflice, according to the direc tion of the UorisUturicn. yn his entrance, zz on the entrance of AT ashlhgtpnV and JeffVrscnT, and Madison, the audience .will not be ablo to stifle their disposition to applaud. Having taken his seat 00 the elevated chair of-the Speaker cf ihe House of Representatives, the Vice Presi dent, Mr. Vn "Eforen, (if present,) and ihe Sec- retafy uf the Senate on his right, the" Speaker and Cierk of . the House of Rppreseniaiiyes or. his left, and the Chief Jusiice of the Cnitfd States and associate Judges at the Cleik-; table, he will proceed to driver his jcaugara! spieh,' after which he will receive the oath i f olBce from Mr. Taney, Chit f Justice. lie will then retire, and such hczzas will go up from the multitude around the Capioll as have never been heard. , , . - '. , Such will be among tbo intsreslinj incideuM which will occopy the colamns of the Weekly .Madisonisn. The paper will contain leadir;; Speeches, spirited bketches of the debates, a&d z summary of jhe results cf ihe .proceedings in Congress, together with the general snd pu'iti cal news i4 the day. ft will contam ihetirieial reiorns o( the vote in the Electoral Colleges lc; President, which will be opened in the presence of Cinjjres; ar'd'lheTna.bg oral address of ths Presid'Bt. Tlls will indsde the lime ccmprc hended between the opening uf Congress io D: ceruber, aaJ its adornmenionihedihof March. Sobscrtptiun price fir ihis'period FirTT Cef?i: Terms cash, in advance. Bank note of every description received al their JycieralMg. Pu.t masters! will act as agents, aod be allowed ; commission Ihey areatso antbotixed by iheD? partment fo forward subscriptions tinder frank . Letters I oust come' to' fre, or posiags paid. THOMAS ALLEN. rringfon, Od 31, 1 840. I ICilge ' designed as an Aitant . in th li has been usnal of late years 10 peiiyrci ihj sindi, ui L.w. A ne supplr iif ihe k'uve ; cerfftnm-s of Inauguration on the potiico in frnt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 j work .irciied at th North Carulina Bjok j of th Cap;tot, where the area U better Lttfd U 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Store, Ralti-Mi.by j arcon rrjrdate a large number of spectators, ill 26 7 8 9 30 31 I " Tl'n.XFJi fr- HUGHES. practise will probably bs conliaued. It

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