r lr- : . . . . - ' . . r In ' ; - ' ' . r fe-Tision.ar'l all the Stales were Wound any crisis Hie exigencies of the Country may rl iffttif 8 ccrnmn interest 1 ' V?;: " quire at his 'hands jj:: V bopej ilie?elor ifW SpT'ateaiheH1-,tlsie nP?-,. n??rc ajihf ?WCabinet wiih which 7 "1; - Ci ' I r i rk HtB 9 V3" Ph7 1 NoVels , Tales ,Tra ve ojragfs, tCc.,;hts been teoromenced. It3 i pQblis&ed on a double royal efeeei, sixveea pa S S EPn ") job.cco, nd ruhijl. lled.s!n',, possible .ft t.U I ,1? HrftM of libntfra iinilmfcl'aoirs re stallation in powerl' : i "J-rt!w Will be nontained-oa .theiiird M W Pfah. er ; n ,he?,oSpect,f;lea",ionofCrJk e-,k-Wi i i.i.LU , ,n ihp lp,r!in friend rfMhd Co4otrT. to be on the a!ert-L r ' ' : r- - r ii. 9fl b dshed to ?ee in the leading 1 mint of Errjrland.Obe LonUoo Times) JVn,2s 10 2W'-PPfJ?:v:.Yoar pasL orts hue n after coWWfroii the organ of .the Fn croned WithuU mgstnal foccesSe ,, Gofcrnmpnt. &nd otber journals fccooraged ;.tjaio . i ;' IUieQ'l.'Harrlsoii ebliof tlie Stolesacrusinlhe Slates by its'metsoi ;.verr and cbfrtfotion by lorHgo capital, frop34be mom ' psnifd tflUi j other j charges, t Iwcb d raUy to.eend frcrn erery Disiriet a champion 1 jaleid.EMOpWfH ti inrer mat trie ex. worthy of oor cause a represenutive. honest. tC7 The.Van Baren Toiy"presse of jth'e State,. are makioz a (Treat oat cnr against fthe K J cse that itarjiog isj coWeciifig a d.brf r m&nd 1 fee of $2,500 tbt demand .would ba ,i CoMooi - t . Oqi Mr Cadg(rf f re lotjn j the comparison -Stale of Nonb CanJir.. which, if ft had Seen dv woo!d hare ben "made rk. XalJ a miUlon of dollar I to pay which the r V efftuVa edson, wnb grtv-wrt-baUca and sbc f cess.; : ibe Poddretle is a pre pa rat toorf rota jafd or ttabfe and other raaonres. - It- is faU st 3a eenlii a boshe!, and abipptd VorHer; by D: KT. ,arfon for in&ti- Mioor, 120, r Nassau street, New York. Agill .i ployed by the j of this prepared roanare put lato a hill of Corn i Pit OCI end - Baujtt in j produce a wonderful tCect, and it answers nell gainst her, she j in all other crops; and is especial!? proper for the Tiro iiuxnii ei) dolus lit u i n r t STATE Ot" KOR111 CAROLINA. BY n:s last Legislate re, for spending-ao naocb time a'p treasure, ;and accompltshlog so little of imnor- i metsn taraeeto the people; This, ren If, true ibUbe the mountains lo the iea board inake a aw extent-declared" byTbese complVinefV,t ban 'ihUb ministration bate a fair trial ; Let it be tuded HWiitfiiiiB w k m t am , m h n v B m v n ana tm m UtbrAtnericins'lirtre of morals, ihe -coxing Administ raiion" a ordialfalf add !p!efVHoerty.Thu!)e. who cn- Impartial sopport ijaad let neV discard from Ur f a afir iinnn American rliaraf. A-:.L.l.X':.LfiLrf:-:L::V'' .. . iJ ? in ru.M - t r ' ruju icesw in ine Rnnrnann iniirrni iAik iha 7 .t 1 nothing is mi re false, comes with jit grace from a band of despoilere and plonders declared aizcA by the people ; aad from whose confidence tber Wkim itit beeniplPi1v ' ' I H ' -. " ".f U I 1 w .- - 1 mm mm - - iun wuuiu nae oeen ooo&jea lot o or iu t Lune nocr mMf wm." A ttlii man was I w o jear, The ose was one" of cirat inttincy Isold in AJissonri.in December UsUasa Ttsrant.i ?f and doobl. Judge Badcer broo!?bl toils defeoes and hooht hv the Ipptt f v I sr.Kln.-- I Uarfdson ine Deal powers 01 n miod probably on surpassed Some litnebeforelbatjLS the public will remem- in ihia age. , lle carried it safety - ibroogb the ber, ibf re was a case cf ' Selling af poor white U, states Court in North, Caroliaa, and the So- mao,w pnbltshed in lhrpaperi as haTtr taken preme Court of the. United StalesC Hepfoba ulace in SWih Carolina. AIIndiivtr iA ihs r. blj'expended $500 inlits attendance en the lat- ported u tzUi "and' to the tremendons ooiery,' JwiUti Ueeriui fapt Jl. SLctn rcre. rrc. ter Courf atVashington.;,e sated the Slate not long : since ra'aed againsf soeli business trac3- "tP?riod :abelting ind maiataioicg the ; : barmlessandthisis what the diaiifjoisbrd actions, the UicbmopdYhr remarks h U is oboGossIn the perpetration cf said felony ; arJ Lawyerof the ' Carolinian 'denominates a cotiooa .enoogh that the only instancra of" the whereas said effenders hare fled ar.J secret -d pretence of a law service ! - i J . kind occur in Loco Foco States ; and more edti- ojseJfes frtia the regolar 'i-pcratiucs tf The sum of $2,500 may seern;Iarge 10 some otjssullin theSliiMof Tweedledom andTwee Law andjusticervi EXCELLENT E. - J't IT.', ,'f To all tchom thtse presents tLaU corns greet ingi HEREAS it bas be?a rfficisjly rep. r:ei tow department, thai on the 13 hci? ot ember, 1839, ona J"athan Lambeth, vi count , in this btate, was m beai braised arid maimed that be tied ; and whm: one'JOHN GOSS stand charged i iih commission of said deed : and, whereas L: llf l.nvfnn fIhM If J r-.' ,D(J credit, M r, )V, pronounced enemies bare deserted; those ...intra, a 11 wa wn r itwivinff nn -. i t- Cyu..;- ? . wno bate mtsrenresent topic on tones of patriotic and burn- k.r-'Y,f itf-11, . j . - , 1 if3ei4 , r wirt ,w.r rclf,y- he best interests and honor ofoorbp irfigDat.cnih Uieepale and the gaU loTcd CoonUy . - v . T i?ff could' . nof e repress-., Ifee expression of . - f -v'j-wr4-..r . , .r-j ipprobattcjnH j But we shall soon hm .T7; iV-'-yir-'' t l ' iripF r , - . - . ICPThe Legislattire of Kentocky haa.pa8Si( 4 oleasow. ofj spreading the whole speech T. . 1 : t : .;- - 'l. I 1 4 - i V resolutions in faror bf list and enctiaMijIuiri Corning Around.--The office-holderr are onfaithfol public serTants busily engaged in atodyinglbe life and writings ted their constituent, add .of General Harmon and have come to the cost- 1 1, !. 3- elusion that he is a much, abler and better Jman than they had supposed before last oVenjoer, ..nnrobatton But we shall soon hare . . j J. . -! . - . : UU4 l",OW8 erP; jsii -rr , , 4 1 ECZJlhe L.eff s attire ot Keniock v has nassed cbinn . ufcuM oiispreaomg me w note speecn Z.iZ.ti.Lr -.5 - our reader 1 - - 4 f i f ; '"r u T" V" - rlV.lWl V flij9 Hr.ose ipf lUeprcsentatiies the in-1 uiion Lftion of 'the Treasurr Note - Bill bas laraong ttf" " . i . r ' , r ', . , , f ,f, w, . . . ... - J j , for the last twel? e years from the foor qusrtsrar t . - . V . m i ki ' of the Coootrt; and about to leave .their dens persons. Uul IeMbem remember bow often a fee I dledee--lMssri Btnton and Calboon. ,m . r V ?ow, therefor, to tf.eend tl.at tS- v.: J - f $100 is paid in cases Urivol ring less thao It is, also; a eiretfatstance worthy of mention J Gossand his accomplices in the morder,t;.3v Vw.iojieieajivearMns.iBeumeitbst the.irnfg- Legtslataie of Aorlh Jaro1int;i orougna lairjai, I hatethooght prt.pr,:o 1 rale, without taking into consideration the ne I at its recent sesaioorrMalod ' that nanol oar I this mt Procfamtion.tirTeriri vr.rd r.r cessiiy . of - stifBdmg tbe .Sopreme Court- at vagrant law which clothes the Coorts with au Hundred Dollars. fr the apptTbension cf tber ::d Washington. Jodge Badger's fee should hate tbority to disposs' of .Vazrants Uo the h?2best John Gta, and a farther regard of One Hut-- pritaie ihditidoat in the State would have oCTer- VJ, : y. "Tjy'il' plicesj to any, person orpefSORS who ill a" Ac edia Lawyerso small a fee as $3,500 for snc- . - .r:.t. .-1 bend, or;caue be'anwebcndedJanv otV! , f ' J I 1 1 1 "-' ". 1 " . ! 1 I A n I T.. . C "... 01, me proceeas 01 sates ni public Langs 1 '6- i . v, , ..miwM the setf rail Sutes inVhV rat nnnnriln !nhA R-nit. Ih-0,.)n J.U T0S-0Q With SH ine money IDet COUId lajie jpescc. - "v. ? P r.y. .onanimoostjr j ana frrmT which Uv have' bdriven bv ihe twer y-bW?,Hy ano, emiomng a iai tbs resolution in tator ol thetr distribution; as a- . . . . " ui A j L;r ( inty ; with the financial affa.i. of the bote, passed by the! decisive tole of 7 to 4 I of People, with . a large, publie debt fo?tbe ...ni onrt ninnnrrina Ihsl thAt nrrA I ' - ; 1 ; ' -- - r wrvpn w.w . : - j -, ,- i I s .- - S I f I - - - i - 4. i deplorable cortdtt ion deeply in vol ted ,snd loudi; calling ior rcrneoy ana perma ie(3tr8rnanlike nrotision. The efforts ncu u . . ... i ft as T ' - I t . j-s ' i - f-vf 'sl jf. Xv lsoer, oi jua... uen i nompson 01 i R Caud filr. MOfi the new a At a Democratic con veolion held inl Tosca looea, Ala., oo the 21st ott col. Benjamin Ourteadrs harej from time Jo timh seen complaints aboot the onlfageobs conduit pf ... v,r .w.pp tnowp as- ne organ oi.... l.,TVufc', -Ain. ...mifa .."Vh-11 nd prornis. " H ?e ' f ocrstie candidate for Governor; at , the enso ng r creditable riu,ur;n8OW0rW8 's - independent men, and as they have losr all seefe 3 member Irom iodiana, were si m & ' .nIa avt ipk m' aft vh -l . A-fli rKllltl A M atiA M i ihAofl "Pin riiiniu miiu niEK.iiwn nMU mwm i - . j. (be toisntsnagemenioi ine i teasury, I "'Mg?i )n jias been par. As its icon h'eetioV with inf- lines, of Va.f Thompson, of Mi., and Dun- portant affairs of the Country is intimate, andLl 3. aoch a nature aa to give credence to ita state ments abroad, it 'therefore becomes all lovers o( mount of monet. 1 be Editor bas chosen to call this fre " an by tbe Executive to meet im um ucru ruuiiuuucu , L ! '5,1, , i , , ., . .. . .f ba.iDeM M of lfc?. D''.J- . af - t . .- . , -v . i ns-v i inr n va v ra nnii inn emoiiieni ior ins loss ot s senatorship " It is a j ' , rj.,- . --, -w Zuu son county, in the biae aforesaid. Ard Id well Known fact, that JodgetBadger positively .t v- T.Vr r a ;LV-:v.; f.ul moreover, he-ebt reqoire, all Oflicers. whetL : refused lobe ran for the Senate.. nd scarcely less lTT Jl'"1""" - Civil orMnitarv. wuhin litis State tu-cse tU i, ceriain, that he woold hate been elected if he tt" ; " vauiuc -V?'- - best exertions 10 aVnrebend. or caose' to fc a. bad not relosetf. Unt it is s do?ma. we beliete, I . ; 1 prehendd, the fositives and ofTt-ndsra aft:rr-! 0 . . ' . n ... ,1 rr la IHa I-l r. v ah mi. annnnn Mi Ihil I ' . - - oi;one mgn in me regards ot tbe Uarolintan, I -;-!----m-v-- i ia uiven ander my hand as Governor an l mat ira man does not get what be mtght Jiate I Jesse a. cynum wit: noi oe a canaioaie ior re- r l. e; the Urea J Sal of the State of Nunh had. he is s loser so moch- i . I flection to Cooirress from that District :'aod t Vv Carolina. Dooe at onr Citv cf Ha g,n; ,n oeVnbs Caiolwan, we Uominatea Wm. W. Cherry; as the Whig can didate to succeed him. Oo Thursdat the 28ih bit., at Liberty Hill, Iredell Co., bv the Rer H. IS" .- Pharr, .Mr. Jib ntr Morrison to Mhs JIary Jinn Sharpe, daugh ter of Abnr r eimster, fcq. : : ' a T A eolation, but also a i ! i jURpAY,!: I84i; ft have tried the Magician , his maic iconl dot u must weather Iht storm with llnpccanoe. government offib 1 jm e ! We omitted last week to notice a remark from t i ine roan oi me L.mcoio nepuoitcan. 11 is not o much-importance, but will we remark, however thai if be means to say we do not belong ;to certain class of creatures which we willdeoom inate modern gentlemen, and to which we have no evidence he does not belong.he has well guess ed, But perhaps we bad better give an outline definition of a modern gentleman. Well, then, he is a thing that dresses fine and flourishes a gold or silver headed cane ; lounges about Hotels, drioks liquor" and smokes Spanish swjeara gracefully and brags of great exploits of himself or big kin ; practices-to acquire skill with! the wspaper !- a pretty sort bf duelling pistol that he may sometime murder; cne Scial a most consistent of his own class onder ihe pretence of defending find : I'--r .h A resolution to pay George Badger $2, 500 for a fee, and $500 to Gov, Swain, for the time." v-"; r:' ';'- ;''r,'- -: ' This fee to Gov. Swain, is a cor iocs incident, and we do not regret that the Carolinian has drawn attention toll, however much we mav despise the feeling that prompted the notice. Gov Swain, whilst at the iar, maoy years ago, was employ ad in this same soit, "and with his usual industry, had taken great pains to make bimself master of its merits. .He had received a fee of $500. Subsequently the Legislatore rjrvuE Co-partnership heretofore-existing on elected him to the Bench of tbe Soperior Court, der.firm 0f A. Beoceni U U. W. Long, is and be did what we never nearq or a sawyer doing, before or since not eveo the Editor of the Carolinian, he returned the $500 to the Raleigh, this the 20th day of Octt 1340... Ivvw-vW.-.'. : . EDWARD B. DUDLEY. By jCommand. -.rr , C. C. Battle; Pricnfs Secretary. ; American honor, not ojtly to frown down itsf efr I other newspapers and mfn - 5 this subject deserve the ai- who promulgate its fuol statements. The joined ejxtracls on tenlioo of the reader : From th$ Gitensborough Patriot State Treasury ! We wished at the time that it naa seen again paia lonim, as acompensauon ii tbe labor be bad undergone, it not lor pare aomi tation of ihfe nnnTamnTed delicacr which nrOmn now been done, upon whose motion we know to present them to a A. Benceni for payment, - a - aTl.BKM.Maa:AtfhaMBvAB ami Ma, aaa Mm not, though we honor the mover, and those who &o I0J uluw,x,t,u wmiW Vy ?i dvr mm9 . V ab V MttW ) Ttu Globe. Thts is a fine specimen p an American ne ;T . ? .-.ytll ... government othcial I 'a most consistept or bis ownjetass onder ibe pretence L-j,J n iif I .-: , : adtocaie of democracy I -to go abroad irSto his honor ; excuses himself (or getti .ece at:ientiojd lands anj citWlate iwong' : the distorbing qoiet people by sayiog Ihe controversy, which has itch has jects of European monarchs its fosl abue thing bui Champaigns ; ruos offa nd New of American citizens, because they eoWe landlotd and tailor.44 in ihe Ijirch ; " inofien tb exercise their 'right of suffrage indepen- marrifs some worthy gfrl ,iande ?d beiwlen ihei Satei of Virginia an . .. ..... 'i . i ; s - i lit. ia regard to the surrender of certait f.iij3ins the ym of ibetlatter State. As dt;ntly, without taking'counsel of t litty at UWcsiibri is likeiv to as?ome an interestini? pages to impress upon trie toes ol repuu feirwiii hi i?th.Vn!i h nrnrrn.A .c bean institutions the slanderous ideal t - - - - - ' : mm mr w . ,a w , uj WW . I ?, lUuiis. i At present ihe Committee bavin . . . , si vf TH waiiie i n rrnn1 thai tvmtM r ianrrfn uimgn Rl . 1 . : A .... . .. J. I .tr , ,i r ftj i- " ,-- ance frauds that would disgrace human. of,B fatter, jn the ifginta-Legislatare, ture in its worst fchases. A late letter Wine repotl inir 00 til the NeiV York Legrisla- lht PnrnnPan rnrrnanmontiif lliP rVali wUeforewbom4Ua the snbject-is pending, J al Intelligencer" says : : , j - tit' - . i - " ' I ' . ictciii cici;ii(iu7.ur jvut ifrii ful armies of election, traiiti, affords theme, of which all the Loudon Tory tors avail themselves for a renewal of ft i- XXTUA SESSION OF ! CONG RESS. of ton aw-rich nsdronkiand disturbing qoiet people by sayiog he dranl no- ruos off and leaves his deceites aod r ber proper iv ana renders ner miserable-; ano nnauy ipuis some county to tbelrouble of whipping 01 hjang inv; him ; or .some of his wife's friends to the ex oense of burririnrr him afterihe has cot his bwn ihioat. We say to tbe man of the Republican, inat it sucn creatures aie crpneraen in nisopin ton, what, he intended should insult us we re ceive as a high compliment, JJjssajg.hM that there will be a war on the fcao The 8tahda.rd"of j'-'u kcwiui) uji vjinigietuf cany ,ui ihc uuiiuci i oiil insiaiii say 9 ; -. Jef.djpr Ueni. -ilarrisoo's admmistraiion. This We are literall eqi- f -leir tjie lly deluged with a ,ma W- ad public failh oftbe nation. 1 rail li bit "Surrendered absolutely necessart to enable tu'le of evidence.! Droving the, truth of '"CiTetn merit to devise ways and means to I that we have advauceil in refeience toj the OitLlhe public engagements and to sos 2 inn V slain the I abandoned atrocity of American election ; Mi a nro-1 and the many cases that have been proved. Jjin dynast (are going out bf power, after and which gives ech a deplorable charWie Ill AIU6I IIiaillUUUMB ic a HIOIC fle in the catalogue oi cnoiea consequent spent all the money ia the Treasury, at eiraof toore than thirty millions a year 3HihlT tbfil (idTPrnmAnl hiinl'rnnt.Wllhniit ft K. i if ; r ' if to pay the necessary demands and burden a lafge public debt.' Yes. these econom- 'i people-ToTitfir Democrats -these haters cf a Naonal deW, have drained theTre&sury by the wastefoj ezijavagahce, and left a large pub- h) to be paid by those whom the people . Iilaced n power as their successors. We f-l-Md-bytlhe President in his message, and Ina lata olno'linn tuv laiw Bikviiuu The Tiroes of i .I f f -f . t ---ITT Si me on quoies ine w-asn ington Globe amply on the same hefid,. and la vishes quotations, from M, de Torque ville's book respecting the evils of "our: fre quent elections, ip show the eoineidenceiol his authority; witfi that of the Washinglim official Take the conclusion, of the article oime a imes in explanation, mi us moiite : kWhal are the conclusions Dslnablv tLcti, -tool that the finances were in the Pucd in the foreffoinff l statements of ifl-nisbing condition the Government out J Washington GlobV? - t wht nl '.idol it v IMuiLla lli. .fimlfllt I 1. tn ilia ftoal Lv I . m I. . . aUJL. L. 1 1 . . --!! na ,iho icisijh, iui iiio buuiiug i x XII IDC lilal ilitCC, 1119k ItIC UdWUl IS a Mpend'nores. tese ose M tomonls rora ntttrna 'i.jqs aslbollojvf t?m be iwooti be amply sufficient o meet ihe cor- security of konckl- toiine, is a complete , uui ii was wen Known ai i lauure. jiic.us iu uic pcrpeirauon uj irswuc acquainted with the subject j by voting twice In difTerent names and fre- snd these y going to tiitlerent poning-ppoih. and hypocritical as those b7 personating other people, and 'in etery iraciiced and deluded the wa7 that the ingenuity of man can, devise . . aa. ' m a 3 a iw r - i f't fureirst Notwithstanding their l nat onttefsai sunrage lar irem pro tttauons, een jbow in t heir dying sgonies, tre calling on don Siy and 4ret mbn JfiW fire niiUion more cf Treaso-v Noles. I 1- ful' i Us ; -i - ' - . l-reciion ana oioputneu. l r--.-'mj i aig. i nat ine oatioi ani universal -sut-deranled and destroyed it that we have fr8ffe; occasion an unoaralleled extent! of j wai currenct jat all . Under the humbu? K.;W.-r -nt min- 1 r-m tl.i.h f hKn wcinj Jfenk td Sivie, their Sob Treasu British svstem ol o en valine and lalss- led ' consiiluency is, in a good raeaenje, free. -. , i . j 1 '.! : !4. That the secret and universal exer cise of the Francbisei though said to be In- i'Hith they had praci . .kL:. Ni-:- moling: the good order and society, is real- . , . iy productive of such anarchy snd civil ilis gress la .increase the pob, jead lhq ijval faction; to tV ey.in tjbeir hands by an arm. m their hsnds for purposes of tnsor- mi j rarce-aijid t he government" is still MttStbeii;avorite Banks with which secret and unholy alliance, j iel PMessionsfoV making golL aodjsilter vQPf Ifa mi . onn.liiiAn uhin lha nn We at al-Q;re s.inmthernsel ves by J J - n.V biopjaiters issued by themselves. lIN.istiogek, like the efforts of th'O' '... hale theyfafe endeavoring to see how l na a nw I- .1 ' . . . 1 . 1 L-rr;.v " oisiuro ine waiers,io wnicn iucj - r 3 $l;lincv tirMictfimprl In toaI b t nlo-s... and he m4ci iniarV and embarrassment lhTH ""P way of those who have 1?? ,h a. jViicipating an extra session 'H tit 6ectSsili f nd djfi-cuIUea which iheir U. tA njiltrianaffemerlt aud corruntion viaced. tbev are even low altemntin? Wv ,he if, it, on General Harrison's HL t. lT' om we defy their eflbrts to 5V 1- on confidence of the people. "HeLpeople's man. He has firmness the ability to meet dispensable to the purity of election, : isa source of danger which, if not speedily re medied, will prove fatal to public liberty!' 'Such are substautiallv, the confessions of live ultra Democratic print whose words we hate giten abite : and as, besides prer ceedinff from a iournal which can have no Interest in damaging the Republican cause, the various trutlis, implied therein are sus ceptible of a rigorous demonstration, - We shall propably take an early opportunity t( subjecting them tcfthe most satisfactorj f all tests ; and, in Ihe mean time, We com mend them td the careful : meditation. pf every Radical Chartist in th? kingdom We omitted last week to mention that the pcblicatioo of Waldies Select Circulating L brary, and Joornaj jof PeJite Uunttueiioela For the Carolina iValchman. It Was a beaotifol eveningjo Autumn j4ho fading tints of evening falling on the "fading rl.ra pery of the forest, was well suited to calmhhe mind ! to serroos Contemplation. The village Church hell tolled for a funeral, and my sieps were led to the vilae burry injr ground. tien I arrived at the new made grave, instead of an (sembly of mouinersj found only a womanjvhth a bfantirui utile gin ai ner sior twin sooomg and bathed in iars. In heir arm the woman held a swe4t litile child which was alternately looking into tbe grave and in mother facei as if enqiirtng, though iw yoonsr nsfe, vhy hhe rrave the coffin aod the tears. That 'mother's sou, an interesting boy of eight or ten years of " a . i f a 1 ' w 2. age. lay- before net in uis romn, na a laq was trtinw to let it down to i.s last renting' nlacef. This 'scene "so tobehingr and ehqucni of grief, suggested the following lines on the BURIAL OF TBE POOR. The vi'lage hell, with its brazen tongue Gave forth he fner8lknll ; And iis notes on the pr of- ibe busy thN In solemn cadence fell-f Like sptrii'Voices when of the shady land ten. 'nff. they . . , -m s a S - - . this day dissolved cy moiuai consent. R. W. LONG. Salisbury, Feb. 4, 184 1-3 w28 All persons that have sustained his' motion. There are other complaints of the Carolinian. .,- . .v.. . ... tbai we could notice, it it were worth while. February 4, 1841. ripbta. un. ye- i flood, N proiod parade nor fasseTd pall Were seen along the way ; No son of wealth forsook his hall, - The lat Fad rile to pay. None there.were deep attired in feigned griefs array. But near to the tomb a mother stood, !; With a weeping child at her side. And one in her arms was bath'd with the. Of sorrow's briny tide,' For ber firsi-horn, rosy boy, bad sicken'd drooiM and died. : i ' The lotely corpse was latci in the grate;,! And Ine clay weni over its breast : In silence that mother turned to leave Her cherish'd son to his rs : For her.no priest was thereiol Heaven to make ' - request. I gsz-d on the scene with, melting ihoogh l ill its simple rues weie oer ; And I placed a stone to mark the spot, That I miohl see it more. And think how sweet and calm is the burial of the poor. IVOR! October, 1810. ... j . 4? JVcct the Fajeltnille Observer, We have seldom seen a more gross outrage opon truth, or more ungenerous assault jof One professional roan opon another, than is contained in ibe following extract from tbe last CaroJinian, alluding to a resolution of the late Legislatore ' Ueorge E. Badger the great Log-Vabin-hard-Cider Orator, rewarded with $2,500, un der pretence of Law services, and as an emol lient for tbe lossul ft aenatorsbip." j ' The SenW Editor of the Carolioian is a ta w yer and is in the babit, we doubt nof, of de manding 3 per cent, as his compensation for col lecting a simple debt,. requiring no mental exer The Resumption The Philldelphia Banks have fully maintained their ground, noi with standing a considerable run upon them for a few days. Tbe Banks of Delaware have also re sumed, and it will be Keen that! Virginia call upon Maryland to follow. There is sea i eel y a doubi, we ..think, thai lbs resumption will take place in both states in a few days, and no doubt ioai ii win oe immeoiaieiy totioweo oy me iNorth Carolioa Banks. South Carolina has .already resumed, acd.Georga is obligied by law to'doeo on; the 15th February, so 'bat by that time we may safely preoict.that there' will not be a non-Secie paying uanjc from Maine to -Georgia. We heartily . congratulate our readers upon the prospect, and opon tbe certainty, f hat the Banks and noisiness of tbe country, will be no longer needlessly barrassed by unwise or i malicious ti pejrimeots. '. ; . .....' j.U. S Bank Stck has- risen 4Jt per cent, since the resumption; the last sales jfuNew York be ing ai 51 to 52. And at J? IP. S. Presidents o- met on Friday last, to i A Dejpjate fn.m ihe Vh sent Fay Observer, XL JXexebxiripori. (Mass Ji Fatal Jlceident. A melancholy and fatal ac cident occurred at. Ameshnry Mills on Wednes day evening last. IMr. Enoch Wells, who, hr many years past, ba been in the employ of the Salisbury Manofacturing Compmy, was instant ly killed in the large factory of thie cc-mpany, in oonseqaehce tf the bursting f ;aM picker ma chine" which he was lending and before which he stood when the machine gave way. The fragments, cot.sisting of several 4 rg-e pieces of wood and irrn.sirock Mr--Wells on the lft breast ; and, although assistance was immedi ately rendered, yet, when he was taken up, life was found to be entirely extinct. Mr Wells was aboot 50 year'sof age, was an industrious and worthy citizen, and hi melan- 1 choly and sudden death will be greatly dep.,r- ro, not uniy oy nis niiiicinu lamny ana irieaas, but by the community generally 'Herald. I - Old Pharf. This celebrated man lived to ihe age of ont hundred andJifly yeats. During thai period - .fie enjoyed perfect health. In his yongei days he laid dotvu certain excellent snd concise roles, to which be always adhered. The'heallh lhat he enjoyed, and the great sge to which he lived, conclusively show their va lue, Keep," says he ' yuor head cool hv temperance, your feet warm by exerrise. ''Rise early, go to bed soon. Ne ver eat till you ate hungry ; never drink bat when Nature requires it.V 1 hese words sneak volumes. MMMaaaaaaaMaRaNaBBBaaBaBBBBBaaBiMWMMB Resumption of Specie Payments. 'Thrqwa tion of resuming ecie Payments has been, ai length, decided, so tar, at least; as relates to tbe Bapks as far South as our own State. The Vir ginia Banks having declared their readiness to resume whenever the Maryland Banks did eo, the latter have determined to commence opera tions on Monday next. Virginia will, of course, follow soit, and onr Banks have, all along, been only waiting for the action of the Virginia Insti tutions. Th Pennsylvania Banks resumed on the loth inst. The New England and N. York j - - S9 Banks did not scspend. If resumption and the extension; of discounts shall ptove concurrent acts, then it is a mattei of rej-lieing to the eonntry. Bui it ifeey do not go baud in hand, then, the great mass of ibe com munity beed feel no particular interest in tbe movement. Tney wnt money to meet their engagements, without caring particularly whe ther it be paper or gold and silver lir-Ral IJleg. mWohn DSSrotcti & Co.9 Copper Smith, Tin' Plate and SheePlron Workers, O ESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that Jm they have commenced the above business in all its various branches, and will manufacture every article in their lineal the shortest notice, and on tbe most ' favorable teims. I hey; would invite ihe attention of dealers and otherso call and examine their stock, which consist in part of Stills. Still Worms & Kettles, Plain BtJappan Tin Wrare, Stoves and Pips, Factory Work, Roofing j Lock Repairing, &c. 4c. They hope by punctuality to business and faithful perform ance of orders for work, to receives liberal share of public patronage. N. B. "Cash paid for old Copper, Brass, rewterand jLead.l Feb 6, 1841-m2S - . - - . -. , - Description of the Offender navicd in the etc rs -t Proclamation :t: V v . JOHN GOSS i"abqtirS3 years old, 5 fcrt. 0 or 10 inches highjdark "rmplxu'n, 'dark roily hsir, and has some specks of gur. powder in liij face stout made and qnrk ol speech. ' LJte r barton, is about 23 years old. 5 feet 8 r 9 inches high, fair hair and comfJ'extontii!t ft m teeta broad and wide apart. Mrre evebrnivs. a down luok, -voice tiejiuw' spoktn aud is c; ut made, . . .s ,. , .;'. ' Abncr Ward is aboul 58 ears uld. and 5 ff t 6 inches high, stoop shouldered, fait complexion , aS a". a ' oiue eyes, sou spoken sw giyheaded., Joshua Deer, 3 about 58 years old, 5 feet v,r 9 inches high, fair skin. Woe eyes, span r.;cV. iuiii isngr, quicit ffpo.en, oatr cers foiorco. Alexander ,U. JSishnp ta ..Jbonv 25 years m!, fair and pale, complected, sandtcoloied hair. qoick spoken, 5 feel $ or 7 inches high and duik eyes. : - . ; . Ilw&H. SfcJs.alx5ot S3 years old, -5 f. -1 8 or 9 inches high, fair compleclion and fall fart', dark hair and chunky made, and sneaks in ti.o ordinary way whep. spoken to, .' Uctooer SO if ' , aluahlc Stock for Sale, ' . "j X WILL sell at Pjublic Accijon, at Mocks JL ville, on Tuesday 23d instant, between ibe hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, several valuable horse cietures and a valuable Yoke of Oxen. One ol thy''cfeaturts is a filly by Marblieu out ot a Bctk'uu lZT?I, of the tery: finetit appearance 'J'he others are voung snd vajoahle.i Terms 12 months credit with bond anir sernriiy. THOMAS FERREBEE. Feb 6.7S41 22$ . - j 1 NOTICE. I : ; ETAVING q-ialified as Executor to Ihe last JL Will and Testament of Mary Morgan, (tate oi Jj3vie counly,; I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to the Estate to make pay ment immediately, and to all having claims a- gatnsi ine estate io present the samerduly au theuiicafed, or the act of. Assembly for the pro j -a. a . "V . a . . . teciioa oLneceased persons .estates will be in sisted on as a bar to recoverv, RC. PLJRYEAR. Ex'r. Feb. 6, 1941428 TTTITbl JD J - A S Trustee of H. S. Gorman, I am aotho .fL rtzed by him to make sale of all his pro perty, (except his land,) on the 16th of February next, being Tuesday of February Cooit, consist ir.g of cne NEGRO BOY, said to be a good Plasterer. One NEGRO WOMAN; two fine blooded Colts ; &II his stock OF IIoqs and Cattle : It agon and Carry all ; Household and Kitchen Furniture , Farming Uiensils, Corn. Fwlder and Hiy . and many other a i fries loo leoious to mention. The negroes will will he fold al the Court House, and the remain der of the properly at said German's dwelling. The ?le will be continued from ua today, until all is sold. 5CP Terms made known on day of sale. J. F PH1FER, Trustee. Conco'd, January SO, 1341. 3i a. m James C. lVomack9 AVING locked himself perrmnmly id the Town tf Salisbury, tenders hi servi pes tofits Citizens and the adjacent ct usntry. in all lhe3rioos branches of his .Prolesmr He canoe found' at his office on oiao Street one oor below the fne of the Western Carolinian f 1 one 26. t840-lv WfThrgifin. f JVeir rbrfe Poudrelte Coft pany A Compa nt has been formed by the Legislature )of New Yotk for preparing a .Vantfreof a superior kind, j which is offered to Farmers, Gardaoers and r l- imiehted to cti.cern rv ' arrnunt, are fe rists, who desire a cheap aod onver;ieni ferttli- quested to cojneJurArd n- c! them mmedt rar of the soil.; which contains m foul seeds, is ' atelt either by cah or nte. Wm. F. Arei, THE firm of Spring 4 Sh3nkle i this day di.!!ed bv inu'utl cwi.erit. AH persrn inodoroos. and mat be carried on board vessels 'a . . tA, a k a a k al va rr K li k..lil rTaiiei. Or RMmlXifua I ? IU Uill isrio j rt,n.wj vucwvr. It has been used by farmers on L'ng i!aor", in tion, and. iQToltingso tespopsibjlity. Sti that New Jersey and NVw England fwr thiee sue will attecd to settling t 'he B k at their old stand. - ANDREW SPRINGS. A. I SM ANKLE. Concord, Jan. 191841, -3w2? . And Cheapcir than ever. THE Subscriber has lately fetorncd frtm Charleston where he purchased a large and choice assorment of al kinds of Grtxjerics, which he .will sell cheaper than they nir.be - bought elsewhere in ibis maiket. His stock cui.sisM in part of;. y Havunna & Brown Sugar, from 10 to 12 rents per lb. first quality. " Loaf Sugar, 'first qualit y, Coffees-primp quality l:IIys6nftachet8e.K -Molasses good, a best quailly, . LIQU ORS superfine--French Braody, at frorr $1 50 to $4 per gallon ; Holland Gin $1 50 tu. $3 per gallon ; Jamaica acUjXorihero Rom first rate, besides all k'nds of domestic Liq-io.-s. WINESMadetra, Port, Teacrire, Uhiet, Muscat, Malaga, Champa'gne. LONDON ALE AN 6 PORTER, Tbe best assortment of FamiJyi Grrirerics c. brooght to ibis market Maee3rone.Vefrnace!ii, French Prones, Jlalaga Grapes." Raisins I-. : . quality : Salt Fish Mackerel, Anchovies, Ilt-r -ring, Sardines ; Ntfts of all kinds Scgir sr. I Butter Crackes, Ginger Nuts.- LEMOJVS; OR&KGES OYSTERS. Cakdies, all ktnd, at ' 50 cents pr r h. f ? cah ; Siarcb; Indigo's, Copperas, Msdjer : Spices, Cionaroon, Cloves, Oinger, &c. Garden Seed. hCsH kind! I Gentlemen's Suppers furnished whenc calied fort . ... . First rate Chew log and .Smokirg .Tracer, Maccooba and Scoicb-Snaff bet Spanifh Ci gars from 25 io50 cents oYz?n TOYSrf va,; ous kinds Powder and Shot ; Rtzuff, Una pibsi and many other artlch s. v The subscriber has removed Ins Es!att!! -ment to ihe opposite side ef tbe-street fr;m h former stand ; he is now situated in th hut formerly occopied by JSh. Buis. He -inviits tl " public to come and examine and t?fe hii -.d h ings. 4 F. R ROU C 1 1 E. N. B "A!I my accounts must be c Wed tt f ic February Court, by ca'h or note j my f;iu;u i will please observe ibis --.call and teiile. Jan'.rj 2.. 191 1 If tG liiichfWM, GeQgraiiky'ati(l A 'i'LAS ; a-nrw-. Geozraph.y and Albs, I CA. the ose of Schools aod prtvat leainriv in tact for all w bo may wih lo rtMd ht'tory, nr-.; to have it in ibe family. A ri:mi-!ete Sysii ui t i raidern Geography t ComprUtng desonption i the present stale of the world aod its fjvejjrt it divisjors, Europe,' Asia,. Afics,''Aroeiica,- si, J Oceanica, wirh their several Empires, Kiftudn , States. Territories, Jcc. 'I'he whole eaibcliifif .1 by ntimernis Enjravirgs ( varioas infercstir objetof Nature and Art ;..togfiber with re; t? senlarions of lemarkable 'and noted events, plified and adapted to :be capacity r.f any, i!'.: - tiated by an Atlas of 10, mapsdrawo engu?, i to accompany the work, m'st tastefully a:. I carefully coloured and elegantly put op. Tl whole woik. is neatly done. The pub!i?t.cr hive! received numerous- testimonials in Sarcir of the Geography frornTeacbers aod o;bc;i i . various parts of ,the Union. Tbeie are so r.iar y, ihey "ilJ make a pamphlet, we woold tr.a: a patiiphlet, we wpold select some of them ; t , theyjare lw lorg for a newspaper advertiser:-' ' ; We io'most esroesily solicit a critical ex-rr;-: of the work by all may feel an interest in r': inv before youth s correct Geography. Tt: : is, also an outline Atlas which can accomp:: , tbp Geo rrapby, the maps of which are net oured. bui calculated Jo aid ihe learner. tCJ" Just call at No. 1, Cheap side. Fa;c f. ville St.. where yon may find the above wor!:. toeiher with every new publication cf tta ii . and many rare works of older times V TURNER & HCCfUp Rale,ijh Jan. 4, UiQ.