it? si I . . - - . . - MMHW " . I. : r 1 1 r-r; CT ,ttr Coach-Matting '.. B tfl SIIMEN-T: lu-' Ifp ll"! CLASSICAL .SCHOOL m t-:i :f 9 T ' v rillE Subscribers respectfolly Informs , the ifTithii-riieHjife commeocid the bui- . rtess iu all iis various branches, In the shop forf merlj occupied bf John LShaver, ;on lb South' East Siijeet where ihey .will coriBtanifyeep -; on band a variety of tebicles; foch - ;' Carriiig8i (open and close J. SSar6uchC89 c;-v--: sulkies, v -;: ; - '' Gist; -IaA f,: f : ; Carry alls9&c.&c ill Tbej will warrant their workmanship rot la; ffjL, pe sarpasseaoy any in mis section oi?counifj, j is they' hare on hand a Urge supply of1 the beat t materials, and also in ihsir emploj first tale Hf;wAmeni;''! V.'v:: v;'" k : -' -tS -? If The aoWribers will- also keep? conatajitljr on lILhand HARNESS bfjeirery descnplionaa tbej i ll hare a first rate lUtness maker. , J, . estinmice, etc jc. , r v i . All orders. for work from a distance, ad dressed ta the subscribers, will be punctually at tended toli ;. ! ' . ' ? DAN'L. SHAVER,! t , ' D. V. HAOENi " SaUs$ary; Jah. 23, 1341 tf26 THE MOVED HIS SHOP TO TUB BU1LDMG iFO&MERLr- - POST OFFICE. A ilale and Female Classical School will be JLjLlonened 'near iheod liading Ifom Salis-, buff to VjlkesboioU2DJ iredeu v;ouDtT,oo Jaon- day the ist.flaj neopary. v, . , - -Botrding, W X " $6 per month. TuititfOt Froni Sto$12 5& per Session. . ThelTrasteesnd 'PttVoos of UninoVille Fe cial Ucademy, S it?.. Gen. ECitran of Uotb- rrfriwjn. Major "J, r inley ol Wiikesboronshi Dr. S. Siropson of Lincolnton,, Rt. S. Fron .:. ..r r)vr I D..).:. ..r t -;n-tT HevrfWmi A; HalifjMoclwrllfe awl Uer.N. Oontittnesto keep Mhand a good assortment o HPharrf liudell Col N-- - I WrAcs audi Qltam sr 1 ; : .VrtM'coi 5obf '-Silver. Hiimlles; " Breast Pini and Rings, j ', t ! Hodgtrs Pocktt and Pen Knives, -And all other articles IB his line. ' . - Repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelvei mon i bs. 0 Id Gold and Si I ter taken in exchange for articles purchased, or in paymenr for debts doe.' 1 h'l j-f - I m DAVID L. PP0IV."x SaliibofV", Jane 7, 1839 tf45 4 ,p MECKLENBURG COUNTT- , Superior : Court of aw, Jlugust iTcrm, ' ''iArCr " - " r U! I ' Alexander J.'McLenahan") i r JL that I? At 17 1 rillHEnbscribeT respetfolly informs nis old the, Defendant, Sarah McLenahan. is .Prin.. TaWChorrh;irede3tCo..N.a. Janoary SO. 18415w27 'ff " Tbe. South Carolina 'Temperance Advocate will gire the abuve Advert isement-lbree inser tions and forward ibeir account loathe sabscriber U - Friends and ihe PoMic generallyi tbat he I not an inhabitant of this Slate, 7Z u Iherefort Or- has oDened a 'shon in 8a!isbnrf inib'e above hosUj dmi, thatpttblicatica be made for three months roan, that the said Sarah McLenahan appear at oor next Seperior Court of Law, to be held for I be Cooniy of IecklenborgrVat the Conrl Hoose in Cbatlotte, on the' 3rd AJonday in February, 1841, 'and answer, or sad peution will be beard ex parte and lodgment awarded accordingly. ' VVitnessJenniog " B, Kf rr, Clerk of our said Soperior Court; at CharLtie. tbe 3rd ' Monday ns- in a "Tjobm direcilT onposite Wesrs otick 5,'dinff; irillhe housed off Hi.' Barns formerly ouaed by Joo. I.SbaTerartdjost below J. & VV. Murphy M:fyPs:-.-v-fcy In addition to ie abore,- the eobscTioer will carry mihSilverjSmithjBnitiess-in i all the varieties ; common in country towns? sucn as making Spoons, - &cy and r repairing. Silver ware. ! -f GRAYS jr;r;' Mofiit's Pi! nouci; Bernard 's Iieir.t r for payment, ri" - PROPEIOl FOR SALE. .... ' a ADZES' PASmOjNTS V.T n . j ..." ; -' ; . FOR THE ' -'.'.v' : FALL AND'WIXTEUJOF -i'.-h, TB11IE Sabscriber informs the public, that she Jt Las just received through the Northern uiucsthe latest anf most approved . : LONDON & PARISIAN FASHIONS, And js prepared to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner. Work sent from a distance shall be carefully put up and forwarded. . 1; l .. : S. D. PENDLETON. , 5CJ: A few Bonnets, Caps, Tnrbans, and oilier articles, will be kept on -hand for sale: Mrs. S. P. isalso prepared to execute Crimping and Fluting on reasonable terms. ' Salisbury, November 6, . 1840. 4 To JCadics '& tlousc-Lccpcrs, E have inst received a Jarve and fresh supply of the celebrated JSeio Lebanon Shakers GARDEN "SEEDS of all kinds. Those wishing seeds fin the next year, will do welt to cal( or send soon, as , they "go tifre hot takes.1, .SVvi-;, v , . . k t C.B. & C. K. WHEELER. Salisbury, Nov. 13th 1S40 tf!5 ! ,AMSEL of Datien, by the author of Vem- massftj &c. l he adventures of an Attor ney in search of practice, by the author of '-The adreniores of a gentleman in saarch t)f a horse." 2 vols. The mtn about Town, bv Cornelius Webbe. Nan Darrell.or the- Gipsy Mother, by the author of The Squire,. $-c. Charles Ty r refl,or Ithe Bitter Blojtl, by James- The Gen tlemen of Ihe Old School, by James, author of the Robber, o.Jnst received at . I s ' . TURNER &. HUGHES : N. Carolina Book Store. Korth Carolina Book Store. Valuable work! ion farming, Gardening, Bola hy, Cattle. Orchards aud the Grape Vine, -&.C. &c. . . . . Tha complete Farmer, American Gardner. j Florist Guide, The Green House, Bridgeman's ! i (5 ardenor's Assistant. rLnudoo's Encvelrtnedia nl Gardening, Art of VVineiniktngMemoirs of the i i i nui.iiniiniii nnuuiiuiBi ouuicit, i realise on Cattle, their breed, management, e. Farmers Own Book, Mowbrv oo Ponltrv.Tlistorvof the " -. w w rn8 mental, (it as pab-Loudon's Encyclopedia of Agriculture ; togeihirr with a splendid collection of Books in every department of Literature, for sale at jeduced prices by i TURNER & HUGHES. Ualeish Mav 6. B. BodkDindin? done with neatness and despatch, at the N. C. Book Store. He begs tq a? sire ibe puulie that il , pnnetuai in Anjast, A.MJ. 1840, and the jboih year o! ftttenUoa'tqr.hosinesSy and.skjUfalVor1rSll sn-i' meficanyJodenendeQceA title him to patronage and iappdru he will mer- I' v J.! B. KERR S. C int. ' 3 1!' :-,''..-v v i Oct. 23; 1840 SmlS Printer fee 511 2d -,i ; ; ,r . ; . . Nov. 13 -AARON WUUliVV UU1 H. -Vust rcceiveu r- ; Salisbury, Nor. -z WEEKLY SIADISOXIAN, - For Ihe next Session of Congress. . FTJ IHE approaching, session oC.Congress will, n J.. .kiL.A rs i nIaiI II sau III private salefjibis . - i . f t . "i? Ltr-ui ai. tf- JL i well knovn sod valuable Lauds & Ferry, S - is ..i,;s '.i.iw's it,. r, nnHE Sobacriber ofTsra at ri vate sale, his JL" 1' well knovn bod vain known as the J&eensFerrj ;Xiact, 'coataining 1T WiiES, consisting chiefly river bottoms or low lands. which aTe very piodorftive Thjere are between forty and fifty acres in ifioe colli vation : ' The re mainder is wood lnd. ft v J he value ot tuts -1-racl is greatly enhanced by the Ferry known as above, which averages $180 per annum. . ; ' , ' .i-ALso- t V ' ; One other Tract of H 51 f2crcs3 lying on the iankin Riverradjoining Abraham Miller and others, one mile arid s half below the above Skeen's Tract bisiract consists .eatirely of wood land, and is i valuable. .f, "' . C?" Persons wUhing to see these lands, may at any lime have jit shown them .by : calling on Mr. Spruce Paikt residing a half mile below the Ferry. , l )j - - I ' : N. B. If the above lands are not sold before tbeStth of Febroary. il will then be disposed of to the highest biddec - Terms made known! ion day of sale. 11 " j! L. A. BRINGLE Jan. 23, 1841 6w6 Methinks ve cast full twenty years aside And am again a boy. -Every breath - :--Of air that trembles through the window bears: .Unusual odour : Proctof -Virimeoa. nnHE unprecedented success -which has re JL suited! from the adoption of Brandreth's Pills, dorling a period of upwards of 55 years Daren's administration, and osher in the more auspicious dawn ot! a dew and better order of -. J ! ' . -s " ... ' !- V" : f w.. f " " J tbiogs 1 he scenes inongress win jmjoaoiy the numerous and, extraordinary cures j whicb be exctlins Oo one aide leside we shill see the strug- th hare net formed onon hundreds of individ gles of an expiring factlbo, and j on the other a ca!s hom they have rescued from almost inev triumpbant party, armea wun ins connueuee oi me peopbr, imposing jaoicious resirnpisupvn iuc iSwiiim MiII Hi" - BE THE stipSCRIBER AVING purchased that well known and lonir established Poblic House, fknown ;oy the name of Slaughter s Javern,; in the jl'own of Salisbury Nij C. informs his Friends Und the Public generally, that the same is now ppen for the reception f Travellers & Boarders. 1 1 .His Table and will . be supplied with the best the market and surrounding' country af fords. - . r; ll ';' His Stables spacious, and bountifully sup plied, with grain and provender, of all kinds, at tended by faithful andjattentive Ostlers.. t The undersigned pledges himself that no ex ertion on bis part shall; be wahjting to give gen eral satisfaction to all who may lavor him with acall. - 1 l JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. 1 1840 : tf7 j Morse, iew American Urcbardist, U ; I Ti"ees, Farmers Register, complete as " 'k 1 Ushed, MvpnV 'Farrier improved. Ilocts. Killian 2j Po we, If i cew of thVt liable death, after they "have been pronounced curable by the most eminent of the faculty jostuy ur. pranureio, me propria ior oi mis Vegeiable4Iriiversal Medicine, in warmly and conscientiously recommending it to the especial notice of the public. ' ;. ' Dr. Brandreih wishes mankind to consider this trutb,that health solely depends on the state of purity in which the blood is kept, every part of the bod? being supplied daily with new olood from tbe food consumed, consequently, accord ing to the purity of that blood, so must the state of the body be more or less healthy. To obtain, therefore, the most direct purifier of the blood, is a question of no little importance to every indi vidual I 1 ! That Brandreth's Pills are tbe most direct pu rifiers of the blood there will be no doubt w hep it is considered that they have gained their pre. sent very extensive sale by their own intrinsic merit, proved by the numerous sures which they have accomplished in every variety of disease. The peculiar action of these pills is most sur prising their operations being more or less pow erful, according: lo the pureness of the circula ting fuid. i On a person in a fair state of health, who is only costive or slightly billions, they be scarcely felt on the contrary, if the cor plaint be chronic, and the constitution much de ranged, the effect generally at first fs most pow erful, until the system be freed from some of its most vitiated and torgil humours. This accom plished, dose sufficient to cause two or three evacuations .daily, will soon remove the disease, and the constitution will be restored to a state of ! health and renewed vigor. -The thousands who use and recommend these pills, is proof positive of their extraordinary and beneficial effect. They in fact assist nature to do all she rat'i in tbe coring every form and symptom of tbe only one disease . to which the human frame; is sunject, namely : impurity of the blood or in other words, and impure state of the fluids. These pills do indeed assist na tore" to all she can do for the putincation of tb hnman body ; :yet there are numbers whose cases are so bad, and whose bodies are so much debili tated, that all; that can reasonably he expected Is temporary relief, nevertheless some who have m-immonnorf n ei r rr I h A Pilla n nr?P f iho mnet Irv -vife a(4 authorized by ihe De- j circumsiabce's of bodily affliction, when al--subscrtptions under frank, n, every ether remedy had been atregelheT convulsive throes of. their opponents, and shield ing ibeir country as)tfair9 possible from Ibe dan gers of malignant aind fkless violence, and en-, deavormg to avert thfjerobarrassments which defeated, men, stung ! with disappointment, will seek to! thiow jn the way of the new administra tion. On lhe,tb:rd of March next, 12 o'clock, P: M.J Mr. Van Bdrens dull star will vanish. and immediately in'its place shall we behold the rising sun of Harbiso . j ' On ibe 4th of March, General Harrison,' as r ' , . .i ttLij! O... t 'til J t rresiaem oi ine upueo oiaies, win sueou m the Chamber of , the House of Representatives to take his oath of office; according to the direc tion of I the" Constitution j Oo his entrance, as on the entrance of JiV ashingtooJ and JefTersoo, and Madison, the jaudifnee will not be able to sltfle their disposition to applaud. Having taken his seat on the eleyated ehair of j the Speaker of the H nse of Bepresentatives, the Vice Presi dent, Mr. Van Buren, (if present,) and the Sec retary of the Senate on his right, the Speaker and Clerk of the House of Kepresentatives oo his left, and the Chief! Justice of the United Stales! and associate Judges at the Clerk's table, he will proceed to deliver his inaugural speech, after which he will receive the oath of J oflSce ! from Mr. Taneyj Chief Justice He will then retire, arid such huzzas will go up from the multitude around the Captoll as have never been heard. '".' 'j! j ; j" Sucb will be among the Interesting incidents which willccupy the columns of the Weekly Madisontan. The j paper will contain leading apeeches, spirited sketches of the debates, and a summary of the resnltsjof the proceedings in Congress, together with the general and politi cal news of the day!1 It will contain the official retorns of the vote in the Electoral Colleges for President, which will be opened in the presence of Congress, rand the Inaugural address of the President. This will include the time compre hended between the opening of Congress in De cember, and its adjournment on ihe 4th of March. Subscription price foi thif period Fifty Cknts. Terms cash, in advsriee.j Bank notes of every description received at iheirspecie value. Post masters will act aa aseots, and be allowed a commission pari me Le MTi f naiif if. I ' Having Associated themselves TNjthe practice ol" Medicine, respectfully ofler jX' their services in all the vaiious branches of itheir profession to the public. Their office is in mr. West's bnrk building. Salisbury, N. C. Jnu&ry 9, 1841. tf. ' s free, or postage paid. f HO MAS ALLEN. a 9m o r 1.1: ; . . V. ' ynvar i late years lo penorm ine ( Inauguration on tbe portico ia front fapitot, where the area is better fitted to accommodate a large number of spectators. The practice will probably be (Continued. unavailing, have been restored to health and happiness by their use. Dr.. Brandreih has to return thanks to a generous and enlightened public for the patronage they have bestowed on him, and he. hopes by preparing the medicine. as he has ever done, to merit a continuation of favors. . Dr. Brandreih's office is now kept at the sub set iter's Boot and Shoe store, 6 doors below tbe Market Main street, Richmond, Va. where the rents per box.. Zaie &avis) HOTEL. -HAGUE & G1FFORD, fiH AVING. purchased the Hotel frmerly Da- JB a. vis', will continue the Establishment on the same liberal scale as heretofore, and will ex ert themselves to make it a desirable resideoce for Boarders and Travellers, as their Table will alwavs be supplied with the best the market affords, and their Bar with th best Liquors, and their Siables with attentive Ostlers and abundant provender. The establishment will be under the exclusive management of T. A. Haogue,i formerly - of the Salisbury Hotel, North Carolina, and his long experience, will enable him to. give geneial sat isfaction. . , : ': t Camden, S. C, Jan 16, 1841 ly25 . . If oct. If IP Mtcinpsy, , j 1 ' I jarKeujain sireei, iviciii tXtP flf Jdrtil arftUttarr Pillscan be obtained at 25 fbCPAgeuts in the country supplied as usual, - i ; rN.- i 1- . J ! Sicfo Cnoiuct AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, In Concord, N, Carolina. THE Subscribers would respect fully inform the citizens of Cabarrus county and else where, that they are now prepared to execute faithfully all .orders in their lino of business which will be thankfully received and attended to promptly, , jThey will keep on hand, at thir shop, back nffthe Coua Hoose., BUUEAbS. . SIDE BOARDS. CUPBOARDS. TABLES. SE GUETtyUES, BOOK CASES. WASH mi LAJxD L E-S TAJYDS, BEDSTEADS. $rc. $ c. together with a handsome assortment of I WINDSOR CfilAIKS, AU,of which will be disposed of low for cash, or gkd paper. All orders fjr Cuffins which may be sfnt to them, wiirfce attended loand moderate charTes mad. DEJERNATT.& RAINEV, To all those tcho are in want or a first-iaie-piece ot Furniture, I would le specifully say, let me make it," and U will wairint them a piece of work not to be bcattn -liavinff been nrinrinllo rr r. , .1 I: :'r;oyol noeJahany work for set eial IX-MJ.??9' coofidenco; make the promise: : : 1 herefore, send me an order, aud the work shall jr ;: . : oaone. . . " rj. H. DEJERMATT. The Subscribers rnr,i n iglad, immediately ,'t0 g,od burney- men cabinei-rauker. a. 1 raiiu utr iMiirr ininrwiny. me tvit OimI Wufk imfn eeed apply, lu hvia ihe best of Haes-will ie given. . " J DEIKRNATT S, RAINEY i Concord, ji. C, De. 19, 1840 J021 j icy 'Vf .Ha!eigh..Hf-f;ttffr and Fayetteville O nei'er will giveijte above advertiaemeol (fir hwU) three insertions, and forward accounts lo he sutetnibers. D. &. R. KJ JL ABOUT the 21st of December last, a nacfrrt're of handbills, headed "New C. Jbsnet and Chair Manufactory, in Concord, N. C." signed Dt-jernaM Rainey. Said package fwas pit upon the Sfagl at this place, and was y have been dropped at Concord ; but it 19 suppos jed they were carriedrbjond that place, and are now lyin? in some Daf room on the Great Nor hern and, Southern jSage Line at no great dis tance. Bar keepers aiid persons having charge if .stage offices, arei requested to examine wbe per they have sucli st package! and forward it )o Concord, N. C , iorDejjrnatt Rainey, care bf Robert W. Foatd, F.Fq . ! PENDLETON S BRUNER. ih January 23 ill t ;S , - - . j 1 l -. State of Jiblvtti CwoUuit- j IREDElilj. COUNTY. Court of Pleas andUjuarter Sfo&wiSy Xov. !l 7er,i 1840. I liWilGam Garrw, i i ' II ' w ' M i Fzekiel Jliyres and. wife Nancy, Daniel Rash . pa lyid Rash, Thomas jUish, Luke Rash, Polly Rash, Meredith Rash, John Rsh ) John Rash & wife Rfth. Riney Crabe, Jane Rash, Josiah Rash, Rash, j heirs at Law of Thomas j H ash, deceased. 1 j IT appearing lo ihe satislaction of the Court, that ihe defendants John Rash, j"o- Rak and wife Ruth, and Riney Crabe, are not inhabitants ;hf this State: ll is, therefore ordtred by the jCourt. that pubiicationlbe made in ihe Carolina jVVatchman Air aixj wr-ks. lor the said John Rash, John Rash and Ruth his wife, and Riney iCrabe. appear at the nfxt Coonly Coort, to be iheld for the county o Iredell, at the Coorihouss fin Staiesvil!e,on the ihtrd mooday in February next,then and there to; answer, plead to or de jtmir to sa?d petition, jef the same will bq taken Petition for lion. Parti- pel fprncanfesso as to fders jjakn accordingly.! j 1 Vitiiess, Ji F Alexs iheoj.r r and the necessary or- fCourl at office the jd Monday in j J. h ALEXAN j Jan. 9, lS41-6H244-Printers Alexander, Clerk of ouraid Fv'ov. 1S40. PER.Cik. fee $6 SURRX COUNTY. Gideon E McKicney, i Garrett Capeland and wife Nancy, V vs. Stephen McKinney, James McKinney, David McKinney, C B Tucker and wfe Resaman, VVmJ Stricklin and wife Mildred, F B McKinney and Jonathan Haines and wife Polly. "ITT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court.' JL that Stephen McKinney, James IMcKinney, David McKinney, C B Tucker and wife Rosa man, Wm Stricklin! andj wife Mildred, defen dants in this case, are inhabitants of another State; it is therefore H J Ordered, Tbat publicilion be made for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman,, that they appear at the next County Court to be held .for said County of Surry) at the Courthouse in Rock ford, on the 2nd Monday! in February next, and plead, answer or demur to tbe said Petition, or J F. A. Hoke 4 a. a - t1' t il eise i)e same oe iaKen pro coniesso, ana neara i Carolina. esparie as io mem, ; ; g Witness F. K Armstrong Clerk of our said said Court, at Office! thetfth Dec. A. D.. 1840. Fi Kt ARMSTRONG. Cl k. January 9, 1841. Printers fee $5 62 n t vcrknrii d rrri ,,- tt- i. I uiiiruuin oo i uioh.. Agents arejppointed in every county in tbe State, for ihe sale of Dr. Brandreth's Pills. ErTT Each arenthas an'enaraved certifteitR Petition of agencv. signed B. Brandreih. M D. for sale The following persons are agents for the above of Medicine. Slaves. AGENTS. Pendleton & Bruner, Salisbury, N. C. Hargrave, Gailher $ Co. Lexington, N. C. Joseph H. Sicelnff, Slid way, Davidson co. N. C. S. C. Smith, Salem, Stokes co. N. C. J, - I . &. I. S. Gibson, Germanton, Stokes-co. N. C. FK. Armstrong, Rockford, Surry co. N. C. N. D. Hunt, Jonesville, Surry co. " 4 " Thos. D. Kelly, Wilkesboro. Wilkes ce. N. C. Waugh 4 Harper, Harper's Store, Burke co " " R. C. Peaison, Morganton, " " Mclntire & Walton, Rolherfordton, Rutherford ro. N. C, H. Schenck, Gardner's Ford, Rutherford co. N Carolina. Co.. Lincolnton, Lincoln, co. N. T NOTICE IE SALISBURY JVAJVUFACTUR JJVO C OMPAJYY. haying commenced operation, are now prepared to furnish Dealers wiih Cotiou Yarn, of a superior quality, on fa- vorab! e terms.. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. December, 12, 1840 tBO j Stockton & Hoggins, Statesville, Iredell co. N. Carolina, j Young 4 Bailey, Mocksville, Davie ca, N. C. John Husuey, Davidson cotiniy.N. p. October 23, 1840 ly 13 ' j ' . DR. 0QU.GLAS,. HAVING remo?ed his Office to tbe se- cood door of Mr Cowan's Brick row (for- Thomas Norwood, and merlv occuoied bv Dr A. Smith) nearlv Jane Norwood.his wife 4 rT j .... t opposite M. Brown's Store, politely lenders his professional services to the poblic &ntburv. Aug. 21, 1840 tl4 TAKES this method tojnfbrm his friends and the public , generally that he has returned from Virginia, and will be happy to receive a continuance of that very liberal patronage has heretofore enjojed. His office is at tbe Eagle Hotel. Statesville, N: CM Dec, 1840.Ct JUST HBCBTWHD AND FOR SAIfE, WHOLESALE OK IT ETA IL, -. 50 sacks L. P. Salt (large size) 100 bushels Allum do, . i - 7 bhds Sogar. " " 40 bags Coffee, 500 Plough Moulds, 100 prs. Trace Chains, 20 dozen Weeding Hoes, 150 lbs Spanish Indigo, , 200 lbs Dutch Madder, i ! A' 500 lbs Spun Cotton, . - i, f 100 IbsTurkev red Yarn, i 200 Bo'.iles Snuff, " I ' . 500 lbs Potty, " - 500 lbs Tallow Candles. - : 12 bushels Clover Seed (new crop) . 13, - Do. Herds Grass w- do. , Daily expected 8 Hbds N. Orleans Molasses (new crop) By J. 5 VV. MURPHY. . Jan. 23. 1841. U26 j V , r State of Jiprtft QfAinn, MONTGOMERY fiotTNTY. Court of Equity, Sept. Term. 1840.- - r ikHD FOE S-aLE. Blanks tor sale at this Office. lis-- r3 IHE Subscriber offer for sale hU valuable JL ! Plantation whereon; he now iivesr lying six and a half miles East 'of Salisbury, and near the main road leading tq Stokes' Ferry, con tainlng 236 AjCClfiSt on which iT ah excellent Dwelling Honse, Kitchen and oth er oui houes : also aj goo new 'Bam, an excel lent meadow, aod about $0 acres in cuttiraiion, wbifeb is mostly fresh ground. ! It is also well watered, and as for health there is nune excep ted i this seclitn bf I'utinlr. Anv Dfrson wish ing to buy land would dojwell 16 come and view loon, i payments will the premises and apply: i be made easy.. j' j -j J. sV' MYERS. R jwan co, Jan. 2j l$4fl 9 23 TAILORING. THE Subscriber resprctlplly informs his friends and the public, that he is now carry ing on the Tailoring Business in Lexington; and hopes that after a silence of fourteen years, he may be permitted to solicit pnblie favour and attention in his line; and will be indulged in saying that he! has enjoyed the advantages af forded to the attainment of superiority-in his bosin ess both in Europe and America 15 years in Earope, and 20 in America. He employs none but the best of workmen, and would have it particularly remembered, that he warrants eve ry thing done in bi shop. H - Wiibjhia most respectful bow, ne leaves bis solicitatiDnswiilb the public, and feels flattered with the heWthat he njay be frequently called on. CHARLES FOWLER. Lexirgrcn, April 3, 1S40. Iy46 1 vs. tl . rr ir . i nomas j. orai i usvu9 i ri..: i n it John Colson, Charles f VI,,UA1 "m Savage. Rob't P. Lyde 1 and wife and Samuel j I Savage. j "WyH;f- IT appring to the satisfaction! of the Court, tbatXhartes Sav2ge, Robert jP. Lyde and wife and Samuel Savage, are not inhabitants of this Stale, it is therefore ordered j by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watch man, printed at Salisbury, for six weeks that the above named non-residents appear at the Court of Equity, lo be held for the Coonty aforesaid, on the 1st Monday in March next; at the Coort Hoose in Lawrenceville, and. thn and there plead, answer or dfmur lo tbe plaintiff Bill, or it will be taken pro confesso as to tbem and heard exporter5 - ! Witness, James L. Gaines, Clerk of our . said rCoort of Eqniiy at office the 1st mon day in Sept.! 1840, and of the A. L the! 65th.. - 4: JAS. L. GAINED, c m.k. Jan. 30, 1841 6w27 Printers fee $5 50. 3?cnr nnK!) Subscriber would; respectfully. Inform JL his friends'and customers, that he has re moved to the house nexf4 door to George tW Brown's Store, where be ntendskeeping an as sortment of , i; j--. jH N,-K;'-Ci'.u' GHOOBRJES ; "mitt n . Molasses, 7 Sugars- Coffee,' , a alt. ' - U Powder and Shot,.) . Snuffy. f .; , , - : ItlQ ITOJff S of alf sortssuch as French .Brandy tl kI- ' - f Holland Gin, - "H Malaga and Ten er ijfe .. IFine, . Chatnpaignt -v "'J- Muscati r. , .X7 Lemon. Syrup, fc. j, . 4 V - Also, AN ASSORTMENT OF And other things in his line too tedious to men iod, which can be bought for cash as cheap as any other place in bahsburyj . ' . NOAH! ROBERTS. March 20, 1840 lf34 ' . nniiE Sub? JL.V Cotton . Faci:r: that they have j-ist r sale,". wlH)tsnle cr t said Factory,' coni-; jThe superior q n a ! i i : of this radlory arc r to need no reenmr wishing to purcln?1 c. u. & c. ; April 24,1 840-1 : 'Miur:. "JO ROM the pn! JV hight of the 2Q bet 1840, a negro t. B rod thirty fivn t j f a tall blacu felloe , WThich negro 1 hav ded from tue, as I ! iaTharboured in ial this time. I will for the apprctiens'u r, r in some safe Jan, ti sufficient to convict ingsof harbouring r r I appoint Charles S. ', my. lawful snent c Slate. Dec 4, iS lO-tfi: j .tcr lrcciz BEING desimus ( ' sines, I now f f Wilmington Advtrli I do not know of a persons desirous of ea siness," than Wilroin ' Terms accummua: ; post-paid. t 'Ha W ... . njlHE .Sqbsrribrr JL ries in Hit'.' of FRUIT Til Hi; A Peach, Plum, Cherry, the best American sr. fine selection )f Uo-r be delivered at anj rr iogton, at : the usual : catalgues sent gratis : a se be M g pa id . lZJ Carolina. December 10. 1ST 23CO 4: GIFT BOOKS FOII PCBLlLHEn AS!' wnnTii rjiirnu . . r, The Boy's Conntry V Plants and Birds, wi:.'. Peter Parley's Wun.! : . ! liTrr.V Ireland, with fin : The Child's Gem, Nu: - (en, The Play Housp md ' Dirth day Gift, Wi!?' Mnrr's Ar.nnai or ni Parley's Picture BA, Christmas (i Anecdotes of VVahsr Parley's Christmas '1 - Raleigh, Noverr.tsr fnHK YEAR liU J3 , day Reference ' A m erica n Jtv siriffle selection f hundred Writers, cc The Tree a. IcdgC, design ed r Study of Law. A r work just received zi i Store, Raleigh, 1)7 F H lHE-Sebfcriccr v JL to him, by note make payment cn ( r : bruary next , cr they settle the same wiih C determined to ak r ?i JLflL. ..Jan. 16, 18414. . FAJLZ, BESIJ ih iion.icn ESPECTFULL p'lblif, I h 1 1 ' LORING ijumn: street, rxi doi.r l is ever ready ioj ers iri a style an-i v. woikman in thj V s in the v. -New York TAMSiu: commodate the ta-:t limes. i CJ? Cutting rjf to promptly , and t! - I at all times to countrj i given in coltir.. Salisbury, Jm. IS t

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