... . .......... - - . - -. i t .1 I " .J ' . r , . v 1- - ' ' . M- l! - : . J - -r: - . iii:- ... .- - .... , " - ..k . si ; , . ms W I 1 "fcl, IVV: . . . I w . J - w; k, mm JL II . JT"- . if- - : ' ' 1 I (VII till J H V Ii- V 1 ri:- S-V J ! EDITORS AND PROPRIETOR- , 1 KPW 0 iu. I)b iAwJ iiD OBErtt is Sir E."Geavl. Harrison! 1 J. ' Y1 vr.:X.f- -- J 1--L Li::i-,..r.--:- . --11:- -v.'-r ! .. . . - . 5 Tie ad Quarters ConcordjN- G., Jan. 1, 1841. .impot? n hc 1 1 19 f Bnjftde and 4th Oivi- r fotiare, jbj these Orders, comraanJed to pa ijefW rsjpctW Reaioaents as (bllowa : ffhi ReiienlfVliIitia in Cabarras coun- oncord, on Thjtay the 4th of March ThiR1?'0001 Cavalry composed of the ,,,)! of Meckleharg. Cabarrus ind Mopt- .-t ' Concord qa r Tharaday the 4th of O'Xt. . ... r . - 1 Xhe, Raiment of F'tlanteers composed of the ratift of! Mecklenlarff, Cabarrus and Moot- ijjer at Coocordjon; ; Thursday the 4th of j lucbnxt-ii-M'r - -.".-',1;" . The North Rezimiot of Militia in the coao- j. Mecklo iorg, at Charlotte, on Taeaday jLfih'tif. Mtrcb neitj j . .. j .,, The ho&trt Kegitneat of said CoontT, at flffisioo's on . Thursday the II lb of March next Xb Western Regim9Qt of Militia in the ranti-of Montgomery, at Eben H cam's, 1 on TjesdaTtbe 16th of March next. r f ybeEtern. Regiment of Militia of said isontrv at LawrenceTiHe,on Thursday I he 18th Tbe laboVe Regiments .will appear on the fcjsttoT mentioned, Equipped as tbe Law re ."iire?, t-10 oYlock. A. M.t for Reriew and In sjeciioa V ne ngdier OeneraJ f -i , t WILLIAM C. MEANS, Brig. Gen. j : H i 1 lih Brigade N. C. Militia. ' ; Tbe following Officers, hare been appoioted A Comaiissioned to cdmpose the Staff of tbe Buidicr General ot tne inn ungaae anj 4tn nxigiqn or iorw -aroiiHa mi una. . Maior William Barrlnsrer Aid-de-Camp. : Major William Alexander Brigade Inspector, j Cipt. Iiobert JJ xouog urigace i4rier was- -DfJ Cbarles J. Fox Brigade Sorgeen. .V- Ail (ifficeU and privates are commanded: to rapectand lobeyjnetn accoroingiy. . -WILLIAM C; MEANS. Brig. Gen. OUR COUNTRY.: 4 ; lJf w. j. peaBODr, xsoi Oor gantry f Ura "glorio'os land" : f With broad arms; stretched from shore - ' hore, i-.H ji Tbe proad Pacific chafes her strand, , 4 She hears the dark Atlantic roar j r " ' t Aod oortored on her ample breast, : '. , How msny goodly prospect lies v In Natore'e wildest graodieur drett, Enamelled with, her loveliest djes. Rich prairies, dectl With rH were of $o!d. Baniii oceans roil alar; - . Broad lakes her azure hs?ens heboid, -Rfl-e ting clear each tremblrri star, And mighty rivers.hnoantain horn. Go sweeping onward,' dark and deep, j Throogh forests whefe the brooding fawn j Beneath their sheltering braticbes feap. ' i And cradled mtd hir clasterioff hills. Sweet rales io dream-like beauty bide. Where love the aif with masic fills. i And calm center and peace abide; F or plenty here hei faloess poors; " In rich profasioa:oer the land; - . Aod, sent to teiz her geoeroas stores, Tbere prosl no tyrant's hireling hand. Great God! we ih&nk tbee for this home This bounteous birth land of the free.; I Where wanderers . from afar may come, 4 Aod breatbe the air of liberty ! Still may her fljwers notraounelldd spring, Her hiiTet wave, her cities rise:: And yet till time shall fold his cring, . ;; t Remain earth's loreliest paradise ! SAM. SLICK LAW MAKER. rtftAn fnr mwmtw nna in.l ilin 11 oli.tr get botbered and" forget where I was, inrj hive to begin asm : but whea day was e'eri so coniusea i geunt i my other speech on grtealtai' that I had lamed by heart, aod mixed the tvro together .all in & ravel. about breaking I was drawio' to close, janri 1 This ties, says I, is the bane of all good bad nearly scored and tough hew'd It but, husbandry, t Extirpato them from the land; when all of t sudden Ii run. agin the oed they are nsurpin' the places of grain, and post; id the dark, and nearly, knocked out I all Slickvtlle will be filled with Polls If mt brains. Well, next night I worked at they have no voice in this assembly, bow it .agiri jonly I left tbe candle burning so a$ can you expect them to obey the lawa they noi io oe t stamoiio' up agin tuingsinat waT ucycr. uuc vompei ioiks to. cm mem and the third night 1 got ahockin' col irl down in the full of the moon, and they'll mjl held, a-walkin about naked so, arid all die; I have tried it myself with univer- feli as weak as a child for wsnt of sleerj.- i1' suffrage and the ballot. " '. I iwas awfully pnzzled to fix on what to do Well, artillery is nothing' but a popgun on aconnt of that piaguy cold. 1 didn't ! the noise the members now made it was an arinquaKe uppeu with thunder ana I never beerd nothing like it. I peecb would leak! j felt 1 was crazy , wished I was dead a. most hole set flt. if 1 kept, in too or could . sink throogh the floor, into tbe long su as soon as the boose was opened. 1 middle of the sea, or any where but; where I makes a plunge" fight into it ; for what I was. At last cousin Woodberrv took pi- must be, must be, and its no use considering ty on me, and come over to whenI was. So ll ups and says, Mr. Speaker, says cd said Sam, said be, set down, that's a (Lord bow thick my tongue felt ; it seemed good feller ; you dont know what you are too thick for my mouiti, like the clapper 1 of a-doing of; yoa are makin' an ass of your on scouni oi mat pitguy coia. i aian't y hib uoiae know whelhei to wait) till it got bettef o was an arth strike while tne Iron Was hot and hissiri, lightning. 0 for 1 (eared some o' the speech would leatc! feltl was cr out, or tbe an old hoise) let me propound this resotrjl sell, i But I didnt hear him. Confoond Hon, sir, says I; all men are free and equal. Ju 1 aaia ne,,you toot mean enough to No one doubts it; MrJ Slick, said an old P P n into eclipse, and be laid bold mere oe r no one oeniestiiai : its a trueism. i "w w.m ui wy cu, u I didn't somehow expect that interruption; it me aown t but inatead of that he, pulled kinder but me out. and I never got a coin' ea n H, and made an awful show of a tooether noht aein afterwatds. lor I lost I Ul9 ' "a in, quue ravin- as my temper; and when a maa aiiit cool, tie j bad 89 I wan't be put down J say. I, might as well Ifang up his fiddle that's a ftcU Alr-i&Pefec i fight lor libet ty and tbe Uavel fieedom of speech, sir, or have i ." . agio sue i.iriy sniinngers. not : or is that last raw nl libeitr torn from wuuauu me, vou siave i saia i. loucn me 1 . f " ,:i I iii - ' i- . ill a msf f ih nntiititinn ion i, I cianil I not, ;or u sacraaCB you on the altar ot my stock still awatin' for your answer, sir. Oni ciunlr7 with that I ups fistand knocka DOCTRINE OF COLORS. , An onpretendiog little book has ost been pub lished by Dr Fraotz, ol Dresden, on the Eye, io ffhieb the physical construction of that or gan, and the whole science of optics, sre treated j in a popular and concise manner. - The tltow- who i respect to color are not without novelty - Light, or ratbsr every ray of fight consists of ihe primitive colors, bloe yellow, and red. If ibe surface of an illomioated ob ject be bf soeh nature as io reflect tbe ray of light wiih an eqtal mixture of these colors, it will appear wbjte. and ibe more etjaal aod inti mate the mixture, tbe whiter wilt be the color. If on tbe contrary, tbe illomrnaied surface be of eoch a natore as to decompose the ray and sep arate either of the three -colors ; if now it at tracts two of these odors to itself, or, in other words, absorbs them, .i appears of the third, or jemaioing color, which not having been absorb ed, is reflected for example, if bloe and yellow be absorbed, tbe object appears red. Bat if tbe object bave tbe property of absorbing one only of the primitive, colors, it will then appear of that color which results from a mixture of tbe two reflected colors J if, for instance, the red be ab sorbed, the color of the obiecr will" ha ,-which results from tb mixture of rellow and blue. From thd respective degrees in which one or other of the primitive colors predominates inthe mixteie 4f the reflected colors, arise the infinitely varioos gradationa aod abades of color, or light. -Lily, if-tiw surface of tbe object possess the property of absorbing all ths three primitive colors, jit will then appear black, which wifl be the more deep and iniensa, the more per fectly aod equally they are absorbed. The ob ject in this case is indeed illominatsd, bat re flects no Iight,"4-gitrV Paper, l - --. ! ; ' -I i ! - , , the Subscriber ll- t ESPECTFULLY retards his thanks: We commend the following to oar read- ers. . We extract ttifrom the third series of the "Clock Max tit," or the sayings ant) doings of Sauukl Slick. In these dull times, if vcu want Iq laugh, gentle reader, pray read it, read iM' i j ;. j In the course of 'oor morning's drive, ' I SMi tavois in his line of business, and begs happened to ask him H he interfered much akform his friends and the public geneially, in politics when he waam JSIickville. No ittheVtl! carries on the; WXZSfSHO tim varioas oiancnes. itzr, tie Keeps con nmlj bn'nand supply of ready made Boots I'loeis', fine and (Uoari:H Alb of which will x ttj jow for cash 1 or to punctual dealers on a sqrt credit, or exchanges rot country produce. N.B. Orders from ia! distance promptly al- )aih;i6, 1841 3m25 , sartam,! said he, sartam ; you may talk forever; it yoo like; go on, sir. only no mwmw J AllLl mmnmm M.nn.ihift 1 1 1 a sir, said W, its s lie writ Order ! Order I-j chair ! chair ! says some.; Knoc k bim down turn him out where did you learn man-; ners ? says others. - Hear me out, says I; ill you ? and don't be so everlastin' fast; Woodberry over as flat as a pancake, and bolts right out of the hall. ! ! But I was so blinded with! the cold in my head and rage together, I could'ht see no mote nor a bat, an.i I pitched into sev eral members in the the way out, and 'most broke their necks and by own too. It was tbe first and the. last of my speech PRICES : bALISBOB?, ':3fandf , ap peach Cpiion i CUHXIEITT AT neoruary vs. - n in seed 1 i 1 . Coffee, eitKets, -f? A a -mm I Ton, pe t I unseed Oi 7, a 8 a 40 a 50 121 I 7 a B 14 a IS $4J a 5 62 a fjp b.4a6i Molasses, Nails, Halo f I I I Plr j Sugar, br. I, pr. gal. $1 Cents. 40 a CO 7h a 9 15 a 20 $4J a f 10 a 12 18 a SO $1 25 10 a 12 8 a 20 loaf, Salt, Tallow, Tobacco, jTow-Lihen, 16 a 20 Wheat, bush 62$ Whiskey, -45 a 50 Wool, (clean) 40 Lard, 7 a 8 " AAA . Ip-ter;..-1 jsax v' 19 fpDfrlb v.. . r- Ciie0aw,1 February 2, 1840. 3 a 5 V i j'-oru iusji routiri.: libers . lOOlbs passes !tbw ' 8 aflO 15 a 20 20 a 25 25 a -28; 10 a 12! 12 J a 15 8 a 11J: 40 a SO! 40 a 45; 5ja 61 11 a 12 40 a 50 5! Nails cutassor. 7$ 8 wrought 16 a IS Oats bushel 33 a 40 Oil gal 75 a $1' lamp $125 linseed 1 10a 1 25 Pork lOOlbs 5 a 0 Rice lOOlbs 4a 5 Sugar lb 8 a 121 Salt sack $2 bush $100 StceJ Amer. 10 a 00 English 14 German 12 a 14 Teaiinpe. $1 Si 37 . 't v jil'eacn to a ou ? Aile I 40 aU5' sauo; 25' a-i6 hi a m 8 a 104 piVarri, 16 a 2i 4ua OU F. I7j SI a m 4J a5J 5-a5i 1. - f I T1 ' 1 in a - - -v wTW 0371 a 40 Molasses. 27 a SO Nails, cut, 61 a 7 Sugar blown; 91 a 12 Lump, T 16 Loaf, - IS a 20 Salt, 75 a 00 Sack, $2J a $21 Tobacco leal 4 a 51 l'otlon bag. 20 s 25 Bale rope, 8 a 10 VVhcaL new 80 a 90 Whiskey , SO a 85 Wool.- 15 a 20 said be, not now . j I was once an Assembly man,but since then Iginn up politics. There is nbthin' so well taken care of as your rights and privileges, squire. There are aM wavs plenty of chaps volnnteerin' to do that, out of pure 7 regard lor you, ready td lay down their lives, to fight your cause, or lueir loriiiia 11 ujr imu iuj) cuuii - I have given that f lip. Clock-makin' its a; better trade by half Dear,, dear, I shall never forget the day I was elected ; I jeii two inches taller, and about a little the bigrj gest man in all SlickvilIeJ 1 knew so much was expected of me, 1 could'nt sleep a-try in' to make speeches ; and when 1 was i the shop 1 spiled half my work by not hayi in,' my mind on it. (Save your country, 9aya one ; save it from iuin ; cut down salaries.! I intend to, says . Watch the officials,1 says another ; they are the biggest rogues we have. It don't convene with liberty that public servants should be tbe masters of ttie public. I quite concur with you, says Ij Reduce Lawyers' fees, says some ; ihey are; eatin' up the country like locusts. Jist so j says I. A bounty on wheat, says the farmer for your life. Would you lax tbe mechanic to enrich the agriculturist t says tbe manu facturer. Make a paw a gin thistles, says one ; 8 regulator about temperance, says another: we have! !i right to drink if we please, says a thinly Don't legislate too much, says a fourth its the curse of the State : and so on without eend. I was fair ly bothered, for no 'two thought alike, and there was no pleasih no body. Then ev ery man that voted for me wanted some fa- vor or other, and there was no bottom to the obligations I was most squashed to death with the weight of m cares, and the; were so heavy. I i At laft the great! day came, and the Gov-? ernor and Senate and Representativesf all walked in procession, and the artillery fired; and tbe band of the caravan of wild beasts! was hired to play lor us, and we organized in due form and the (governor's message was read. I mustlsay the day was the hap piest one of my life! I fell full of dignity and honor, and was filled with visions of glory to come. Well, says 1 to myself, the game is now to play in real airnest. and no mistake; whit cad shall I play? The presidential chair land the highest posts is . .-.: a open to me, in com moo who otner citizens, i What is to prevent roe a rommtn in by npn- 10 make (fl.V.owari in advance, and two dollars aod Wiat the end if the year. -h" t. vw,l,01tw,'i receiveo ior a less iirae tj jf 't wnis paia ior in aavannp. . . t! pPr dtscontinoed (buf at the option of fm) ooiil all arrearages are paid 'Ellis Of: ADT RTISI NO . f per square fur the first insertion and 0- Mall! Cif- 6 ceD, t'rt each cootinoance. 'W V . bs charged S3 per ci. mgii- what's the use of iumoin' afore vou corns nluog. I went by the name, for: years to the fence. It's a lie written on the face SrfT8 ln ?? Iaw" "f 'W-and cq jal t ,u - i...; ru t i.t .... ik ;i ouck ' i wisn l couiu wipe out tnat Dave vi' iuc cuiimiiuiiuU' . vu . w airs -, f , I . I. 9 . . . ! 'ii r nf mo frsWittm trtm ma mnainmnrm I toll that tl? Y. I H i mil ronstrsdiCt "V "vm "'i. tui it if 'vou darst. We are not free ; we aM Du! n "uuon- to them that navigate tlM nn- Ii.lf nf l.r.nl- nnrf. I pollUCS, that 8 8 fact. morseless. onfeelin .' oveibcarin' tvrantsand oin,n ?n n,s fl,de lh water ..I. .,rn.r. . .4 ih UihAi- h.lf l..eJ l a iool of a man, squire, he contia ahiect. miserable, deirraded slaver. The agoin' to tbe house of represeniatives .r.... .n.i.j tK,-.rlW without bein7 fit for it. Them that banle the cold in m.. nnse i hen to licklfel li1 80t lh right weight of ballast are Up- tickle. tickle, till I coulori'l hold an longer ul 10 no l,me 8na lornea D0oa P wares liUl,. thai! ,iffl.t hrok- triJ afore. they, know where they be. Them inders out. On. L-rd! what ..a haw biw ! 'uai aro ,,4l,c a,n H8,ur 80 Pul,eu they sot up.. The first sit ; and off went both agiit, like thunder ; it-fairlv raised the dust from the floor id a iloud like a whirlwhindii ii (D4oe an spin tj irgument is this ?'P aod f coaTi9&. they become n barreU of my nosd ut ,a,i?n,n Block t0 world,! 1 iW above riteJ tiii K of-331 W cent will be made to toJWMtiaebjj the year, 4 ; 4e"iwmehtswill be continued nnOI HLjHf.irgjoj jccordingly, unless order- 1- --Mi.u immoer pi umes. J'jta addressed to theEditoia , . r isatte attention. must ors.or if I bave good luck, by the odd trick. What shall Mead off with ? I laid awake all night considetja' of it, a rollin' and a tossin' over, like cramp in the stomach, not knowin' what to do; at last I got an idea. Extension ol suffrage says I, is the card I'll play. That wfl take the masses and masses is power, for majorities rule. At that time, squire, we had the forty shilling, freehold qualification, and it extended no farther; so I went lor universal sunrage; for, thinks I, if I can carry that, I can go for Governor, on the alrength of the new yotes, and president arter wards ; and it did seem plausible enough, too, I hat's a fact. To all appearance it was tbe best card in the pack M So out I jumps (rom bed, a-walkin' op and down tbe room in my shirt till, a work in' away at my speech like any thing, and dreadful haid work it wis, too ; for it is eas ierto forge iron anf time than a speech, especially if you ain't broughten up to the busineis. I bad to go over it tnd over it so in the street afore ram. agin Wbf he is a very ring-tail roarer says the members, aegular snefZ?r ; and lhe' shouted and roared like any anything. I thought I should a died for shame one minit, and tbe next I felt so coonish 1 hu half a mind to flf at the speaker and knock him down. 1 did nl iist clever!? know what m -, - i to do, but at last I went pn Did the best blood of the; land flow lor forty shillings ? Was Bunker Hill fought put to loosen Brit isb chains, meiely to rivet American ones ? Was it for this tbe people covered with gore and glory, on the bed of honor? Was it the forty shilling alone that fought the rev biution of Ihe Polls. I am ior the Polls. Taxation and representation should go band in hand, and freedom and equality likewise also. How dare you uxithe Polls without their consent ? Suppose! they was to go for to tax you without your Consent, why who would be right or who wrong then ? Can two wrangs make a right ? It is much of a reuchnefcs, air, six of one and half a do zen of the other. j What's that feller talkin' member. Russia, savs the other: what a cussed fob! Pr playing sixpenny Ion. Jf mankind on- he is. It put me quite oat, and joggled me l knw. fools Mey were, and how so, I couiuii i raKe another iiue strait. 1 1 i, ,, , , t , i . , list win woma oe some nope or mem. tor iney KW.xm u ..v ,w ...6vi, hj . W0Uia havt ,arn, ,K, hrst ,,f wisdom Wa t Mt ll I fradl mm t t mm i ' ' nuihin' roost rediculTis fiols ; while them whose princi ples ain't well anchored in good buldin' ground, let the rogue peep oujLolheir pro- leasions plainer man luty Jvin on The skin of the beast like a;i Irishman's el jhree coats on Bui th it neelher A man ieivr rupt in business as well am ci T. . a. . a.it .1 ii. uoin- nig anu laiKin' ior tnree iwiiins in the year, puffin' each other p till they u re ready to burst with their importance. don't. convene with sellin' tape by the yard or loading on carts, when they return home to their buainess. In short, squire, a country ought to be a rich country with lamed men in it, and men of property to represent it, or elac as sembly work is nothiu' but high lile lelow stairs, arter all. 1 could point you out legislature on this here continent where the speakin' is all kitchin tlk, all strut, brag, and vulgar impedenre. Its enough to make ja cat sick to bear fellers talk of indepen dence who are mortgaged over head and ears in debt, to listen to the chaps jawing about public vartiie, temperance, education. and what out. all dav. whosnend tbenifht about ? says ; a n , bacK room nf a market tavern with the A vote to help the Poles agin' ( key turned, drinking hailstorm nd bad rum lont lor a weeK. ana X nac to Keep Diowin my noseilhe whole blessed time, for the cold in it corked it up as tight as a bottle Who calls them foots ? says 1 ; who dares insult free citizens because they are not forty shillmgers ? You could'nt treat them wus if they was nasty, 1 Very Tall, Indeed. Th York Gazetie of Tuesday has the following anecdote snewing tne uses ol Dail, at least to one of the parties : i Vert Tall. The advantages ojlail. dirty, dispisable I One of the constables cf our borough recent- Fp CATTLE. We published last week the weights of "a lot of hogs raised by Dr. 8. D. Martin, of Clarke county, iMe average oj which teas 741 lbs. We bave the pleasure this week of recording the departure. for market, of another sample ;0f Kentucky products. On Monday laat our attention was attracted by a crowd assembled on Cbeap-side which we found to be admiring a lot of fine cattle. On enquiry we found they bad been pur- rbased for tbe! Cincinnatti market bv Mr J.mes Bns, from Mr. R Allen, of Jessa mine. They were fatted by Mr. Alia n. We estimated their Weights ranging from 2500 to 3000 lus. We find them estimated at S500 to 4000 lbs. by Mr. Finnell of the In telligencer. As large beeves or even larger may nave been and may again be produced, but fatter ones we do not expect to behold. Lvery point accessible to the organs of se cretion seemed to us to be loaded with fat. If friend Hooper of tbe Western Farmer, can find them out, we ask bim to take a look at these cattle, they certainly take the pslra from any thing Kentucky has sent to that market jet. Kentucky Farmer. A lT.s. "What is a kiss t A kiss is as it were, a seal expressing our sincere at tachment, the pledge nf our future union, a dnmb hut at the same time audible language of a living heart, a present which at the sam-au is given from us, the iropres sio?i , relent attachment on an ivory coral presa, the striking of two flints against one another, a crimson balsam for a' love wounded heart, a sweet bite of the lip, an affeciionste pinching of the mouth, a deli cious dish which is eaten with scarlet spoons sweet meat which does not satisfy hunger, a fruit which is planted and gathered at Ihe snme time, the quickest exchange of ques tions and answer of two lovers, the fourth degree of love.'; JS'ealh Done jgjj: 4r ft:-:'- v 8T THE EVE ItG 15 aS li Tt ld A Moothly Mapaxine of P. pular Teles, IV: and Muaio. TesmsTwo' Dollars per r -nam in advance. . j i j ' With the Jaeoary Noraber will ccrr.r.r: the Second Volume cf this popular icornpent: cf new, and elegant literature. , Tbe ran works of romantic interest, whicb hive tten c: meoced io it. will b carried uo to their comj let: A glance at its cupioas table of contents tier, the past year will afford the roost satisfac:. r evidence of its value. It haa 3 comprised vrc:l' by tbe most popular modern aethota of Erl aod the Uoited States. Now in the coorT? c publication art Poor Jack, by Captain Marrj-r; Master Hamphrsya Clock, by Charles Dickf ; sq. f Bozj Tee Tboosand a Year, tfce rr , popular aod amusing story of the day ; the 1 c -er ofLondoo, by W. IK Ainsworih, aether Rook wood, Crichton. , aod Suntev Th , by the author of Valentine Vox. Gentler throughont the coootty, who ih to rec. these works, can find them In oe ah ape uc -venlent aod so cheap. , Baek nooibers, cent; : -log the'eomaaencement of all tbese atorif s, . either of them, cau be famished at the sub: cr;; tori pnee. ' ' " Besides the works above enumerated, i !. a C r ergreeo will contaio, aslt has hithetto cor.t;;: tbe spirit of the best foreign Reviews and II: azinas, besides original pieces by native .vz'.l.. of disiioction, . . - A , - Former subscribers" a re? requested to rtr: their subscriptions at their earliest cuvenier ; , and new subecribera not ta delay forwarding tl, : oaraesrso that we may know tbe exact cJlt.' that will be required. : A single vulnrce cf i! Evergreen "is composed of about 800 paJCi l " the choicest literary matter. ! TERMS. Two Dullars a; year in adrar : or Five Dollars for three copies, in al! case3 f t nf postage,; New subscribers will receive all tl : back numberi from April to Decemtpr, 1S ;; together with tbe second volume, for $3 re lil ted free of expense. : I ! . j. vvi.vcHESTnn, - r, i - i , so Ann-street, Kew-Yoi I;. X EW ! JBSTABMO'm f J r. : r His WW m it i 3 ' Among the arrirals in tbis city is a Hiinese Boodhitt, from Ca nton . accompanied by Doctor Paceer, who has been for some years a resi dent at thai placei His name is Chik-Ltjito, and bears tbe liileof. 3Wi aftoon, or student ij letters He was yesterday presented to the President, and, among other questions, he ask ed, in ih figurative language of the Eat. Ivovo fong His kjxcelltncy had been the security of me rcopu. meaning oow long he had been Pre sident, j Chin-Long is a native of Pekio. He is a bout twenty one years of eg, and, in religion, he is a Boodrmt. JS'at. Int. . - a ! I a : bib . . ' . niggars; ana yet you ooastoi-your giori-i ly called upon an individual with the pleas ous constitution. Will any member answer; ant information that he had an execution me this ? Have they blood in their veins?: against him for rent This was a new thing and if they bave, it must be free blood; fbronr unfortunate friend it was surprising and if free, it must boil. (Tickle tickle goes he had frequently rented houses before, inv nose agin, and I had to stop to sarcb had given bail as in the present case, for for mv nose-rag.) Tbe honorable gentle- the rent, and hsd never been troubled about mat), says some feller or another, for molt the matter. There must be some mist ike bn 'em were atrangers to me, means a blond why did not the constable call upon his puddin' I suppose. Ab I thought I should bail, as usual ? 1 He is not to be foor.d,' have gone ravin' distracted mad. I kiiew said tbe constable, (Weil I think this is a I was talkin' nonsense, that I had run off very hard case ; I had a great deal of troub the tracks with all steam on, and was a;j le, running about to get bail and now -he ploughin through the mad in the fields: has tone off, leaving me to pay the rtnt my like any thing. Say a l,ril have your blood,: sett r1 you scoundrel, if you dare to say that agin:' Our friend is certainly an ill used inrii see if 1 don't, so there now. Ob dear, such 1 vidual. To bail a friend, and then net shoo tin,' roarin,' and clappin,' of hands II pay his debt, is a social impropriety that cau never beerd, my bead run round like a; not be too severely repreaended. spinnin wheel ; it waa all burr, burr, burr, k.i kit linvv I hit in mv rtr I It Irk- wwAfWfe M mm mm m m. w mmm wmm w - w r as i. i. im.ti... .kl -A.- t . iiitmwng-Aroan -.cown-easr- a Kecpcuu., c.i vuw. - -ji one Harvey Turner, who married wharf and only one step more was ? a dao2nter of tbe advertise and shortly, ab head and ears ebewallop in the water.-j-jigcoded. since which circuciaoces have Sam, says I to myself, be a man; be cotil , to light which prcre bim t be i ras-i-uke it easy ; so i got off egin, but I wis!' cal" Description of a Good IVife Sam Slick or some otber " sl-cklfeller," in describing a good wife,says " She badu't no ear for music, but she Had a capital eve brdirf' and for poor folk's that's jiocb bejier No one never seed as much dirt io my boose as a fly coo Id 't brush uU wiih his wings Boston gala ma v boast of their fspinnets and their gytars, and their eye tauan airs, and their cart jot music, ooi give me the gal, I say, that has an eye for dirt, for sh9 is the gai for mv money, Oar readers most excuse tbe lack of edi torial in our paper o( lo-day, as we weie out sh.tppmg a pirt of yesterday afternouo with ooi wife. Jfesftnt Republican. Our readers neednft excosa os for any thing of the kind, althuigh we were compelled to de vote a pari of yesterday afternoon to secg on buttons. We, scorn excuses. Picayunt. Very Cod. The Bosiun Pst tells a story of a dun east Militja Captain, who, on receiv ing a note from a lady requesting "the pleasure ot his com pan v," enderstuod it as a compliment to those under bis command, and marched tbe whole of lb era to th lady's house. win old Pott Master. The oldest Postmaster in the United Slates,; died recent!y,Henry Tot. wilier, P. M at Harrisonburg, Va. He was ap pointed fcy W-ih'ton, and bad held the office 50 years. Ral Reg, I i ! In Mocksvtlle, JV. C. INFORMS the public that he has remcr: from bts former stand, to his new bui !J I r ; pa the public square. In, the Town of MccL: ville, where be will continue to keep a His House is roomy and commodious; aits c!. ed to which; are SIX COMFORTABLE OT FICES lor geotlemea of the Bar, all conven ient to the Court House. The subscjiceip'e.' -es himself to the most diligent exertions, to f i v satisfaction to iuch as may call on bim. I! TABLE, HjARfit STABLER are proviJr ; the best manner that the7 country will zZ,:. :. and his servants are talthful and prompt. Jan 6, 1839 U26 : U v ; PROSPECTUS v j -. . i or THE ' Western Carolina' Temperance Jldvocc!:, A moothly paper devoted to, the Tempera nc Re form, publish ednat Ashy tie N C, and edit ed by D. 11. MfAniLLT. - The Temperance Convention that was he! 1 at this place early in September, resolved ca poblisbieg a 'paper of the above title and chanc ier, and appointed Dr. Jjho Dickson and D. II. M'AnaHy to coed net it. from the many prc;:- tog engagements. Dr. Dickson already has,!.? deems it impracticable for him to be recognise J as one of the editors, though he, will cbeerfcllj ose all Va tnflaeoce otherwise, to promote its in terest; the subscriber therefore, proceeds to is sue this Prospectus io hisowo na me, with a hep that he will be aided in tbe undertaking, by a J tbe friends of the Temperance cauae throogbect ibe country, and that tbe paper may suon haro an extensive circulation. . ; Friends cf the Temperance Caw t ! to y we make a mosl earnest appeal whfla tl. . sands bt dollars are -aonoallyexpended at tt.c i tres, at circuses, at the race track, at grccerirr, while no pains are spared, the Itixory cf retire ment and ease foregone, and no labor deemed tco severe to advance the interests of political aspi rants, can you not dofiomething in a causs that must be dear to every true patriot, philanthropic, and chiiatian ? Recollect there are bat few, ve ry few, such papers in all the Southern counliy. The Western part of North Carolina, tbe Wes tern part of Virginia, and the Eastern part cf Tennessee particularly, need a periodical of Ihh kind, and it is for yoa now to say whether tlej shall have it. . ., f The very low price at which it was fixed bj the Convention, will make it necessary, that a very large subscription be had, before tbe publica tion of it can be justified. TERMS. The Western Carolina Temperance JlJvccci" will be published on a medium sheet, in (jtmto form, each number mafeing eight pages, and vil be foroisbed at the very low price ol Fifty Cenli a copy. Where single c pies art taken, the pay ment must be made mvariably upon ibeeccpikn of ihe first nomber. CJ Postmasters, editors or publishers of pa pers, and a II Ministers of tfce Gufel, are autl o ised agents. ; - colas and Pixir. ALL peions indebted to the Sobscribers b r.ote of account of longer than twgha months standing, will call and pay if not l!.: whole, a part, of their respective does fcrtkvf itb, as we are compelled to have mooty. Wi t:;2 thai tbiacalljwiilbe puncioally altetided ta i; all those whom it may coneern. Salisbury, Jan. 0, 1S41 4w24 ,Vente Depravity. An infant, unable walk, dragging acoat and torturing a kittco. to ALL KINiDS, - St For sal: at this in