i: - i . I j qridf ance, and too dollars and iDfI;III I 1111 V'U'jr will be received fiir n lna timp A.i!'r 1. 1 i . . . ar. umeh I : ...,r k na l It In nilvani'p f ,1 . . ' ....... dist'f tifiood (but ai ?he inMun of t'jiiyr'si oo'ljl ill firra rages are paid. TEHI !OF ADVERTISING. , j,,!jar pcrpq 'ff h'UheJftst insertion and Lv.five cents hr each cunnfnium-. ' ;.fri Jihi-eslvviil bethartd 25 per ci-ldsh Lhsbnvie Jnies. jfiJ anil pharg Ihir iarpordifigly, unless order arertain nufnber .f time. -. -:t, v niieisf.i to me tumors must 15 jf r c. w cent will be made to P "r ' T 3" 1 r Vfyb'&e am the y .jisure attention. VitsisuRYj . I -' i: SI I March 1$. ojii,see(l I 1 : I i is 25 eecl per 35 5 Molasses,' Nails, Oats, r Pork, i... Sugar, br. h 'loaf, Salt, . Tallow, Tobacco, Tow Liticn, IGa 20 Wheat, bush C2J Whiskey, 45 a 50 Wool, (cloatO 40 Laril, 7 a 8 Cents. 40 a 60 7i a 8 15 a 20 Sii a ? 10-a 12 18 a 20i $1 25 10 a 12 -8 a 20 PRICES OXmRElTT JVT CiifcRAW , 11 arch 2, 1841. Beestfax 'Basing J.'1 'Rile rone lb Com iii iii;i CyJQjbti.su hqiiijbfi Feafliers Irpn Lnrd JlolaSfes : 7 ? v MP 00 a a f 8 a 9 45N20 a 12 15 2)Jn 215 10a BallU 50r 40 40 ja 45 bs j5J!a m ltJSlli; - La L Ul FATKTTEyl rfLB, MSrcti 3. 1341. ! -Do, -Af )Io 40 a45 i Btsviax, - ' 25 a ji!6 I- CofTre, 121 ftSi ! - C-yUor), . ". Spar-1 1 1 i CoUoi Vim, a 26 j-; .y4Q a-pQ r 1 Flaxseed I a I 10 ; - Kbur jf ' 4i a $51 Kealhprs i Sli Ja 40 : ;l:.n, J; : 5 j a 51 Nail? cut as?or. 73 i wrought IG a 18 Oats bushel 33 a 40 Oil gal 75 a $1 I lamp : .$125 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOIbs 5 a Rice lOOIbs 4a Sugar lb . 8 a 12 Salt sack $21 . L bush $100 Steel jiiner. 10 a 00 English 14 1 German 12 a 14 Teaimpe. ,$1 $1 37 4 ' " mllri?! 7 nme,)iot 'Wire too much power.: Keep aeletku KO. 33 VOLU3IE IX, i .... . i,-- . , - ..-) (. . If i . " ...... . I II !' I I l I If 1 .! U F. i . 3J1IF I I 11 1 r f , i ; . . , i. -.r-.: i I From the Ncto York 5 tamlt: rJ ? EbcbElilM ENTIN PLA NTIK G i A (em weeks since we pubiithctl : rounication Uotn a rorrcf pondeni, the reYull orhexperiruent in plantirf IK Massey, E-q. orthls tillage. Ir iejr caUed cpoo ns the other; J.)', t rnct an important error in said en ration; in j intUed iu' personally to t me iatl iieji, which fl we accordir;'; arid no w i e? ihe tesu.'ti of our uL ; Molasses," 27 a SO JVails, cut,; 61 a 7 Sugar brown," 81 a, 12 Lump, "16 Luaf, 13 a 20 Salt. ' 75 a 00 i Sack, $1 90 a $2; 'robaccoieal '46 Cot ion bag. 20 a 25 Hale rope, 8 a 10 Wheat new SO a 90 Whiskey Wool, : SO a 35 15 a 20 JUAMATION. ht ATE Divii OF KOKTH fcXCEktrN'C iT3-; i O V fc Rlf O Br. &.C . To a tcAom .Mert ;?3cnia atall come grcetin fi H E K Ei $ i f h as bf en officially reported f f I to I h is d4pa Iciijent. that on lhexl3ih dav Ibj'J, oia Jyalhan Lsimbtlh, u of November, suri couitiy bruisl iitnd inattnttdi thai be died; and whereas CAKOLIMA. EDWAUD B. DUDLET, MJi Tirtoeoi lined in lYaSl lo meexfcofed JLP by I hotiiis If onieti (or Ifir purposes ihr4 ii mVmioned', I'.iiroflTdr ' Uk'-tite? on iH-I7'ii' and 18ih days of MarclFri';; at Moclkstirie of the esaid I pomas ster,', in ihe:Tnw tl MocksTille no occupied a; a TJ1VEUN; 'v T 2 .large quanily of ' Several1 Fit a tl of ? iioiizehold atul Kitchen Fui nit ure ;&;uets of Blatt smith yo$?&orthrfc ? : tyii's oris; 1 Dm otic lie;:'i ; Also, on the 19th and 20 tb days of ;the same' month, at Koster'sM ill and, SOU house, w ill o sold the Mill Tlact'of Land, containing 2GO isr f70 ACRES . j . with all the imptoreixients thereon, con sis tin? td Dwelling Hoosej anci necessary out buildings , a G.'isl Alill, with Ibree sets of ronneisa Saw Mill and ; an Oil Mill, all in g-ood repair! The Siillbnuse tract contains about Two Hundred and Eighty Ac ea of, Land, five Stills, .two boilers, and 80 or 100 Stands. A large pstock of HOGS of an excellent breed ; some Cattle, &c. The terms of the sale will be made! knows on the days thereof, i THOMAS S. MARTIN, Trustee. February 27, 1S41 4wSt ; FROM the sbbspriber on the niirlit of ihe SOlh of Septem ber 1840, a negroman named rom thirty rive tJ forty -yerra of age. Davy is a tall black fellawj with hi front leHh out. Which nt?gro I hive no doubt, has been! peraua- nave u-jd reason tobelieVd he ded from uie, as I harboured in Haliibury by -a certain? man at this time. - w in this State j was so beaten. Wf' JUil JN UUS stands cbar!fd with the ivmiilssjun off laid deed ; and whereas Iee Marl4nl :Jlhnlr uVhrd, Alexander Bishop JAitJi Deer atml Ifrperlfi Skcea were, present' auniij ai.u aotiui)r: anu roaiiiiamincT me saiu f jbn iuoS4 in the perpetration of said felony ; and Areas' said4;.fionders have fled and secreted themselves fmrri the resular operations of the lowland Just ire : ? 1 i lw. iherefo v-ss ind his ardompiices in the murder, may be kroaJhi lb tria. I I Shave thought nroner !o issue orr PrH lah4tionJoflertnT a reward of Two 'iQafred Dlaisl for the appr?hension of the said lhojGnss, and a further reward of One Hun- irrdpyllirs eieji. fbr one or either of his accom p:ipk; io any rierson nr persons who will appre- hfnq.pr cause! Jo' be apprehended, any jor all of me tenders and fugitives aforesaid, aod oonune siii, r enner ji l ineoi, in ine jaii, or oeiier bpol.or either dl them, to the Sheriff of David- Ijav bunVy , inf Che Stale aforesaid. And I do, Cijilor MUitwf, v;nhin ihis State to use thejr st Jexeriions Til apprehenJ, or cause to be ap pfebenddiiel foaltivis and offenders aforesaid. ....m. v i n........ v I w.tn jifliuci lily tiailU S3 UUICIIiui aiiu the'j(irc?rSeal of the State of North Carolina!.' Done at our City of Ra RaUibhf lhis the 20th day of October, EDWARD B. DUDLEY. Bt Com ma rid 1 appoint Charles my lawful agent State. II give a reasonable reward for the apprehension and delivery of said cejjro in some safe JailJ soi that ( get him, or for .91 oof sufficient to convict nay person in legal proceed ings of haibounng or having harbored said negro. SJ Partee.of Concord, N.iC during toy absence from this tfl9 RQBT..UU1& RECEIVED isto. r Co? ecu ifjMetffiivate Secretary. - . onmtle Ofjeaders namtd in the above lyoclanialtoii : JOHN GOSS is'aboot 33 years old, 5 feet, 9 If) inMies HiVh daik oimn exion. dark curlv ii:riand . has ome specks of gunpowder in his rj-bfoiiitiiiii de ind .quirk of speech. Jit iffharU n isj&buui 23 years old, 5 feet 8 or Jj"pps high, tarnliair and complexion, his fore f n briiad at d wide n nart. larnre evebrowsa 1 0 lookt vyilro riue, slow spoken and is stout 6er U'ardAa kboot 5S rears old, and 5 feet 'fChe KU,W Mc4ii,rfr ctiiiili'i i .ill fair mm nla lim it, v n ' ' .. .r.v-., fcmiuft bokn itir rey headed. " ;iwi perils boni 2fears old, 5 fee 8 or ''etas tjgi,t air skii, blue eyes, spare made, ,,l n !?j(?q k spoken, hair dark colored. , Alexander' C. TiuJinn a about 25 ears old, 1r. itnij tiLte iloiiint'ied. sa'udv cutored hair. spuk(fti;5fft:L6dr'7 inches biffh' and dark lh It Skeeit is about S5 vears old. 5 feet ftt&itcKU hiW fair I 'M ...yi 'HilIIUH .11" .f. l - fr ana fJiufnKy rnau, and speatia in tue J a w nen .SKiKn to. Dec 4, 1840-4 JUST J1jYD fOR SALE, . WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, 50 sacks jL. P. Salt (large siz) 100 busbe3 A.Ium do, 7 hhds $ugar. 40 bags poffee, 500 Plough Moulds, , .100 prs. Traqe Chains , , 20 dozen VVeedinj Hoes. 150 lbs Spanish Indigo, 200 lbs Dutch Madder, I ' 500 Ib3 SbuniCotion. I 100 lbs Tfurkev red Yani, 200 Bo-ties Snuff, s 500 Ib&Pjjlty, 500 lbs 'ijalluw .Candles, I 12 bushels 0 lover Seed (new crLp) ' 15 Do! Herds Grass do. ! Daily expected LA 8 HhdsN, Orleans Molasses (new crop) tiBy J. y W.MuRPHYL Jan. 23, 1S41.-II26 tfl&tlGE.-- -vJf ii. . . & II J B i A J fll 1 Ptfsaanw iof , an order of . the Court of (QjJartfr; Sessions for the County t bebruay session 1341, 1 will 3 ' IV lG 110 KS, 'he property i ' , a) trfcci 7e flcund day of April next, ime like- i ieniVJ kitOk tair. i.lii lb a nthnr n Jl,1l JIO JOHN D. TODDjr Adm. John Trott. dee'd. on a credit of ilie-late residence of John Trott, old Fresh Clteaper than hrcr. . ,- i .-. r n THE Sobseriber has lately retorned frrm Charleston where he purchased a large arid choire assortment of all kinds of Groceries, wtilr It he will seli cheaper than they can b Doojht elsewhere in this maiket. His stockjeonsisis in part of : ); ...,'.' Havanna & Broien Sugar, from 10 to 12 cems per jo. jirsi quauiy Lottf Sugar, Jirst quality. Coffee--fir iine quality, lliison 'Pea cheese. JUolaises gooxlt a best quailly, JA QUO R p svperjjlne-F tench Braody at from $1 50 to $4 per ga Ion; Holland Uin $ 1 5qto $3 per gallon ; Jamaica and Northern Runj first nie. besides all k nds of dnmestie linunrs. WIN ES-Madqita , Port. Tebc rifle J Claret , Muscat. M ilaja, (jhampaigne j i! LONDON ALE AND PORTER.; The best .assortment of Easily Groceries ever brought to i his nuiket-Maccarcne. Verrnacelli, French Prunes, .Ualaga Grapes, Raisins,- best quality : Salt FishJ- Mackerel, Anchovies, Her ring, Sardines ;Nol8 of all kinds Sogar and Butter Crackers, Gt'ig4' Nois ' L&MOJvk bljJ'GES 4 OYSTEUS. CakdiesI all kinds, at 50 cents per lb. for cab ; Starch, Indigo's, Copperas, Maduer : Spices, Cinnamon Cloves, Ginger, &c. I GardenSeed of all kind". I i Gentlemen's puppets furnished to frder. First rat Chewing and Smoking '1'obac, Maccouba atid Sctiteh Snuff best Spanish Ci gars from 2a to 50 cents di-zen TOYSjof rati ous kinds jl'tiwdfr and Shot ; Razors, Breast pins, and mtoy otpier articks. j ! The subscriber bis removed his Establish ment to theloppostte side of the street (rom his fanner slant! ; he lis now situated in the house formeily occupied !by JTJr. Buis He invr.es lbs public lo come and examine ana iasie nis eouo U.53 things. Jtraoary 25, 184$. tf2fr F. II. ROUCHE. - - POCHAHONTAS. Upon the barren sand. t uiujjin lactic auvHlp It' j; . Around.bim came with biw and brand, . The red man of the wdodp f t 1f Oke hiurof old his doorp he, hears,! '' 1 ''Rock-btmndoncean's rim -Ml t ' The Chiefiaiu's daughter knelt in tears, ' . . Ana breathed a prayei for him; : Ji I -v.;--:. j -:;$ . Above .his head in air, I . : j . , The savage war, club swung - The frantic gir in wild despair J Her aims about him fluris?. ' I - Then shook ihe warriors of the shade, V : I I ' ' ........ .i j V, L.iKe teavrson aspeniftuo, ' - Sebdued by thai heroic tnatd, 1 Who breathed a prayer for him i. 'lUnbind.hiai!" grasped the i" It is your King decrees," lie kissed away ihe iearsif grief, i And set the captive" free f Ts ever thus, when, is' life's storm ' .'. Hope's star to man grows dirn,' An Ai:t;e kaela,1n Woman's form, And breathes a pray el for him j , THE RESCUE. AN INCIDENT OP TI1L ItEOLUTICN. BV ROBERT HAMILTON. I j JRwas an autumnal evening the forest had begun to don their mantles of sorireous colors. TheJ fields shorn of their harvest treasures, lay like golden tablets in the rich and mellow sunset. The noble Highlands, I.ke giant warriors, clothed io their panoply of roctc and foliage, threw thoff sudden s iad bws far oat upon the tosom of the glonous Hudjbn,"wbo rolling on in his path ?of beauty, 'gleamed like a fallen rainbow in the innumerable tints of accidental glorv. Far in the distant towered the venefrable Cronest, begirt with a diadem of purple and gold. The first star was twinkling on tha brow of twilight, deep dirk clondsj vere encircling the zone of creahon, rock; and mountain, tree and shrub, hill, dale, vultey and rivulet, and commingled in one! iaz softness, rendering t a scene of indescriba ble; loveliness, beautiful as in those daysof primitive innocence, ere sin was known, ;or desolation and decay, had fallen upon the bosoms of our earthly Eden. Sucbj Was the evening when a . barge was seen to leave the promontory of VVest Point, in the oeigh borhod of which, we locate our narrative, in the year 1782. In it were several prrsons attired in the military costume 'f thit period,' who with well measured strokes of their oars, made it dart over the golden waters like a ray of light. In the stern was seated a man of about fifty years of age, his head was uncovered, and reveal ed to view a wide and capacious brow his features were marked and masculine, his mouth -' inch as peculiarly character ized by a closeness of the lips, gave to him a look of determination, one which i;n no way impaired tho mild and merciful expres sion which reigned over his general aspect. Like the other in the boat, he wore a1 dark blue coat with broad buff facings, closely buttoned to the throat, heavy golden epau leits, buckskin small clothes high military boots, with spurs of steel, while a belt of buff encircled his waist, in which was fixed a stiaight sword. Such was the costume of the personage who was destined to achieve the liberty of his country, and to burst the fetters of oppression. Reader, need) we say who it was ? Io.,Siui minds eye," dqca be not stand before you ? Is not ;his name the watchword of your Independence, and his memory enshrined in the heiirf of every son of freedom ? It .was Washington. J. As the barge gained the opposite bank, I j one of the rowers leaped ashore, andhad made fast to the root of a j willow' which hung its broad thick branches over the river The rest of the party then landed, and un covering saluted their commander wiore spectfully returned thir courtesy. 1 j ; Uv ten o ciocK you may expect me, said Washington. Be caution? -ldok well that ou are not surprised. These are no limes fr'trlllng.,, j I I ' Depend upon us,' replied ooe of the parly.' - j . " I do,,T he responded, and biddingslhem farewell departed along tlie bank of the river' - ' ! - .11' Tliat evening a parly w lo be gtve4 at the house of one of his old 4 valued friiends, to which he, wilh several iother American officers, had been invited.! It was seldom that he had participated in festivity, more especially at that period when every ipo ment was fraught with danger ; neverfhe less in respect to an old arqomntance, Mfk ed by the solintations d Kaby Rugs(ale, the daughter of the host, be had consented to relax from the toils of military duty, and honor the patty, for lew hours, with! hii presence. I After continuing his path, for some dis tance, along the river's fcide he frtruck off into a narrow road, boroired thickly jjwiih biushwood, tinged wilha Ihoirsand dyes of departed summer here and there ijjf'grey crag peeped out frc in the foliage, over which the green ivy and thescarlet woodbine hong in wrealby dalliance ; at other places, the arms of tbe chesnut and mountain ash met in leafy fondness Md cast a gloom deep al most 13 tiigtil. Suddenly a crashing; among F -It 1 ihe branches was beard, and like; a deer, ",a young lodtan girl- bounded into j the path, and stood full in his presence. v lie started ;with surprise, laitl-fcis hand upon InV sword but the Indian onU fell, upon her knee, placed her finger on her Jips,,andiby a sigo with her hand, forbade bitn lo proceed ; 44 VhH seek ton my wild flower Vy szid the Ueneral.. She started to.hei feet, drew a small tomahawk from her belli of, want pjui, and luiilated the art . of: scalping tbe euetny then agtin waving her hand as for. bidding hi-n to advance, she darted into the bushes, leaving him lost in amazement. , 4There is danger," said he . to himself, after a fhort pause, and recovering from his surprise. Thai Ind tan V marine betokens me oo good, but my trust is 'in i God ; he has never yet deserted me" and resuming his path, be shortly reached the mansion of Rufus Rugsdale. trv His appearance was the signal for joy among the party assembled, each; of whom vied with the other to do bun boner. Al through grave in council, and bold in war, yet In the bosom of domestic bliss, no one knew better how to render himself agreea ble. The old were cheeted by hiconsoli tary words. The young by his mirthful manner, or even in gallantry was be wanting, when it added to the spirit of the hour. The protestations of friendship and welcome were warmly tendered to him by tbe host. Fast and thickly the guests were assembling the smile, the laugh, and ihe mingling mu sic, rose joyously around. The twilight was fast merging into night, but ai thousand lamps of sparkling beauty gave a 'brilliancy of day lo the scene all was happiness bright eyes and blooming faces were every whero beaming but alas ! a serpent was lurking among the flowers. , t In the midst of tbe' hilarity, the sound of a cannon burst suddenly upon the car, startling the guests, and suspending tbe dance. Washington and the officers look ed at each other with surprise, but their fears were quickly dispelled, Rugsdale assuring it was only a discharge of ordnance in hon or of his distinguished visitors, i The joy of the moment was again resumed, . but the gloom of suspicion had fallen upon the spi rit of Washington who sat in moody silence apart from the happy throng. A slight lap upon his shoulder at length aroused hitu from hit abstraction, and look ing of! he perceived the person of the lrr dian standing in the bosom of the myrtle bush close to his side. ;Ha ! again here ?' he exclaimed with astonishment, but she motioned him to be silent, aud kneeling at his-feet, presented him with a booqet of flowers. Washing ton received it, and was about to place it in his breast, whenjiie QZ firmly by the arm, and polnlft d 10 a whisper, Snakel SriakeA Xinexi moment mingled witv the j ho appeared to recognize and one well known and estevraed. Washington regarded the boont wonder; he saw nothing in it to excite his suspicion ; her words aud singular appear ance had however sunk deeply! into his heart, and looking closer upon the nosegay to his surprise he saw a small piece of pa. per in the midst of the fl:iwers. Hastily he dretv it forth, and confounded and hor ror stricken, read Beware ! you are be trayed V It was now apparent ttiat he was within the den of the tiger, but tb quit it abrnp'tly, might only draw the consumma tion of' treachery, the speedier jupon his bead. He resolved, therefore, tcj disguise his Teelings, and trust to that po wer which had never tfbrsakeriltim The (festivities were again renewed, but almost momenta rily interrupted by a second sodhd of the cannons"; The guests now began to regard each other with distrust, while many and moody were the glances cast upon Rogs dale, whose 'countenance began to show ypmloms of uneasiness, while ever and a nou he looked from the window !out upon the broad green'lawn which extended lo the river's edge, as if in expectation of some one's arrival, What can detain them ?' he mutterred to himself. 'Can they tiave deceived me? Why answer they not the signal V At that luoment a bright fldoie rose froiu; the river, illuminating, fur a moment the surrounding scenery,and showing a small boatjfilled wilh persons, making rapidly towards! the eore Airs well he continued , in ihree min utes I shall be tlie possessor of a cor net. antl the cause of the Republic be; no more. '1'hen gaily turning lo Washingtbn, be snid .tvit means , replied the traitor, splicing hi baud upon the shoulder pf.Waahiugt ''Uiat yuu are my . prisoner. , lu, tlit4 naniej of iCiogGeiuge. .1 arrestiyojt s Nef ef excjAmed the(Genfifal, We mayrbe rot t0jpie.ces hut, auf render tW94vjl not. '1 et eforeV give'wayaJiei'wye his -swrd, lq, the guard, wh j stood,; ; willt their rhbskew levelled as if rejtly (b Jlre should they. alempt io egcape Ju .au in stant wexe tnior weapons i0T.ersed, and tioru? !o Mrls Mar spt. took "f ; the secJ cp.-n which he plautrd-the ti'ddja? small q . tyi and soakef"irn:a'Solmtoa of si!;--eommnply .vailed s.lt-pctie, and f : five rowi with the; seed: thus prrpau The. remainder. -of ihe'fieid, we li I was.planled bytth& narnemdividuat. I tivei rows, were jhwhile the re:: for the resutr. The touched by the worm der pf ; ihe field o Or ed lev ere! y by depreuatron-jiilre sfioult i jude i th:. one ker.iei.'Uaturateul ibr . salt-pctrj touched. ; while alrooat every hill in tl. joining rows-suffered severely -2c who will etimine-Jhe field can dot Riigsdale & 'theaareeableyurprise'i.f Wa'sV efficacy of tlwpfeparaiionrnt He will t t' gton, Ms own. orave party, wnota ne ind ,uop"rca m inwg umcrccco ut 1 as T - - - left in charge of tue barge, stood revealtd before him, 'v -: V"-4 '.hm Seize that trajtor, 1 exclaimed the coai mander. 'In ten minutes from this moment let him be a spectable between the heavens and the earth.' The . wife and daughter clung to his knees in .supplication, but, an irrevocable oath had pfssed hfs h'ps, that never should treason agfih reVeie his(f fori eivnesj after lhat jf the uiiscreani. Arnold. For ray own life," he jsaiU, while the tears rolled down his noble countenance at the agony of the wife and ' daughter; for taj own life, I heed not, but . the liberty , of my Bative land th "welfare, of 'inil)ioa demand this sacrifice- for the saka'of hu manity I pity, bim. biut ray oaji, and, now in the presence of Heaven, I swear I will not forgive him. n ' . Like a thunderbolt Tell these words upon the hearts of the wife and daughter. They sank lifeless into the arms of ihe domestics, and when they recovered to consciousness Rusdale bad atoned for his treason by the saciifice of his life. it appeared that the Indian girl, who was an especial favorite, and domesticated in the famiiT, had overheard the intention of Rugsdale, to be'ray the American General, and other valuable officers that'evening, in to the hands of the British, for which pur pose, they had been invited lo lhis feast of Judas. if Hatiug, in her heart, the ene rgies ofAmerica, who had driven her tribe from their native forests, she resolved to frustrate the design and consequently way laid the steps of Washington as we have described, but failing in her noble purpose, sho had then recourse to the party left in possessjon of thei boat. Scarcely had she imparted her informa tionand the shadows of the night closed around, when a company of British soldiers were discovered making their Hvay rapidly towards the banks of the Hudson, within a short rJistance of "the spot where the A merican party waittng the return of their commander. Bold m the cause of liberty, and knowing that immediate action could alone preserve him, they rushed upon, and overpowered Ihem, stripped" them of their uniforms and arms, bound them band and fooot ; placed thern in their boat, and under charge of two of their companions, sent them to the American camp at West Havins disguised themselves in nts of the enemy, they pro ceeded to the house of Rugsdale, where, at the appointed time and sign, made known to them, by the Indian, they opportunely arrived to the relief of Washington, and the confusion of the traitor. j Thus was the fathrr of his country, by the interposition ofT)rvine Providence, who in his own words, mever deserted Jiim? saved from captivity,-and but for wbiclvA merica might to this day, have been pressed by the foot of oppression aud her children have bowed the knee to a foreign power. aecdote;of FHOGS. One night in July, 1753, the'fiogs of an artificial pond about three miles square and about five miles fromWindham, finding the water dried up, left the place in a body aod inarched, or rather hopped towards Minno. mantic river. They were under the neces sity of, going through the town, which they entered about midnight. The bull frogs Were the leaders, and tho pipers followed Without number. They, filled a road forty yards wide for four miles in length, and were for several hours passing ihiough, and unusually clamorous. The ir.hiMii.its were jiq'mllf perplexed and frightened. Some ; Expected to find an army of French and In- dims, others feared en earthquake or dis solution of nature. Old and young, male and female, fled hastily from their beds with worse fbtiekings than thoso of the frogs The men, after ihe flight of half a mil, in whit li they met with many broken suio, finding no eoeniies in pursuit of them, made l Iftmn I Aiiurii I riloiirro ma t r ha irtrreaa 1 " v .rt.:..r iLi ...!,.. i return hack to their wives and children. . w ' Mr lin 1 moment encountered the scrutinizing look of Washington, and sunk to the ground; his hand trembled violently even to so great a degree as lo paitly spill the contents of ihe goblet With difficulty h conveyed it to his lips, then retiring to the window, he waved his hand, which action was im mediately responded to by a third sound of the connon, at the saroa moment the Eng lish am hern of God gave the King burt in full volume upon the ear, and a band of men, attired in British uniform with their faces hidden by mask entered the upartment The American officers drew their swords but Washington, coot and collected; stood with bis arms folded upon his breast quiet ly remarking to them, "Becalm gentlemen this is tin honor we did not anticipate. Then turning 10 Rugsdale, said. Speak, air, what does this mean P tue nve rows ana me remitnaer 01 tm 5 J Here is simple fact,; which, if re; bly and generally knownwould avc r thousa nds of dollars'to the farmers of the r ftry for cornnlt b av fact which shot;!.; universally known, and i in all probal: one of the greatest discoveries of inc ' times, in thes nglected science of. r.r. ture, MW eieou, the experiment if;;. Le exteostvelyn.estepas jlhe icssilti deemed ccrlaiu, -while the expense is cj paratively npthingi ii JlppeliUs in Cohl .fwofes --In the fr. . g;on;j theNoith tlie apje'iie fur fuud, the power .of digestion, ;are, ncomiuoly t . st've," ' Capt Cochr3n ;..'thjs account of" a j ney, through Russia jud Siberian 'IVru jives Some remarkable ntostrai-n of this d Adtnifal SaritcHef says that a ,Yankut inf.,r. him, ihat one of their men? was accosuiinrJ consume at home 411 '1 b space of iweniy-f hHars.!tb9 hind -quarter ,mf a $ large x, ,twc pou n ds uix f 4j , . a 0 d 1 a ptoport ion ate quantity melted butter Jor.t his, diink.r The appears': of the man not juljifjioj the 1 assertion, the .'. uiiral had a tmiud "Vi try; .'.his gottm-tnllzh ers ah'f fur t hfs purpose he had a thick p trri of rice boiled "down wilfc three pounds tf t- .: weighing together iweniy eight-pound ; : although the g-lutton had already break Id-'., be sit down 10 it with the greatest fagernct - . consumed . the. whole without leaving the v Capt. C. sayj ho has repeatedfy secn a W or a Tonguuse devour forty pounds of meat c day; and I have seen three of theso glui! ctmsorae a reindeer at Ion a riieal.. He add myself has1 t1ished a j whole fih in a ir state, that might have weighed two or 1! -pounds ;.aiid with a black biscuit and a gU- rye brandy, have defi-d .either make a bolter meal MedicidJournal. A friend has handed us the. following rrc; which, contrary to most thtnobf that kind, fords immediate relief. . tin. L'hron. Asthma. f inmediat a relief may be In J the victims of this distressing disorder by f : ing in the ruorn a ' sheet of white papor, siturated with a solution of salt petre. 'I relief is but terapoiary, but .the frequent u tbe salipeire doe3 not lessen its efficacy. 1 wiitcr of this has witnessed the relief a.T.r. in si many instanees, that he hopes the at; receipe may be generally circulated for the I fit of sofferers. - ' ' 1 w3 Aicuawft.Some close calculator I. made a calculation as follows : - Increase the numbeis of mankind. v the supposition that the human race has pa v. to doufc' f its numbers four times irra century, once in every .supciFeding period of twenty i years, as seme philosophers have computed, . that nothing prevented hi he exercise of this 1 er 01 increase, ine cescenaanis or ioan vc have now increased to the lulbvvinrr number :4 1496.477.67G.67i,S44,5SS,240,573,2C9,lja) 73.812,127.644.924 007.421.- F1RK SIDE EDUCATION. Those who bave the charge of chiiJrcn forward in iljAineans. of acquiring wealih ;. station, as all important': they therefore er,c't vor to cultivate ilic nind and enlarge its cd; ty, btlieving that they most pot ihoio t: their care in thej roe road 1 to ortcne. B it w regard virtue as the highest aliaina.eni the richest treasure, and 1 consider that v, ( without it is worthless f passion, nay u i ; . snard io its holder and a curse to social y,we see that Hue wisdom cu.demi the nolicv u h -lliva'es th intellect and 'neglects ihe he in Let thi !iubject,!iberfori, receive iho car f aiteninm of parentis. Let them consider 1!. moral culture indispensable, and let theci I in mind what has freqiently been said tc! that the soul may be educated as .well as i' 1 if .. - ..t ; . iuiiiu. . 11 wo ihiii up uui cuuurrn 10 a uzu - profession we see thtt Ihey acquire by mu : practice, and habit, the knowledge, the kn; and 'he lasie necessary . to success. Tbe tri or prolessUKi of virtoe l uure nr'cegsarv si. ami il mi hvKlnd. near tire, and hahit. xtrni)cHv imnifKSifd mtuM the charactf 1 i' ... - 0 j 1"-"- r,- w. knuwlrtfge of any art or prwftissiun. Vci J- . ," . i L : . it ' ' : " t. .. i . e . 1 nope 19 iub uropnei 01 yuoiutoooz CT will always iqok rrvaru. There is w isdim even in the of grief there is little cause to fear we tl. . feel too much. - tN ; exjffjenti. when they distinctly henid from the enemas came these, words. Weight Heldeikm, flier Ttte. This last they thought meant treaty, and plucking up courage, they sent a trium virate to ca pUulatc with the supposed French and Indians. These three men approached and it bungjjaik, andno answer given, they were sorelv agitated for some time betwixt hope and fear. - At length lirwever, it was found that the dread inimical army was only an army of thirsty frojs going to the river for a little water. Such an incursion, continues the historian, was never heard of before or fince ; and yet the people rf Windhim have been ridiculed for their timidity on this oc casion I verily believe an army under the Duke of Marlborough, would, uuder the like circumstanccs.have acted no better than I they dtd. Rieh relations are generally distant c qiiaiotancrs,like ihe gieal bear io the rotj3-u: to be lojked t and admired, bat net approach'. JoHjre anao by bis actions -a poet by t eye an idli by his fingers a lawyer by I leer a player by his strut a boxer by hisy ews a j'istice by hi fruwo-a great man t his modestvao editor! by hi9 coal a tat! by his agility a fiddler by bis elbow and womau by her neatnessi iicjerfiWri-VtWiOld Nat. Lee. 1 rakd io-t, wrote tbe following lines, or s ihing' hke them, while confined in Beldhara Thoosaitda have realizad, most bitterly, tS iroih: - ' vi:?;-v;.'t!i:,;?- ' -If fortune is sonny And yoo've plenty of cnonyr Frieads ihroeg like bees roqod hooey .f:t Bot if dame Fortaoe frown. And tbejade cast yoa down, By Jove 1 yon may lie and ret.

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