I - t f - - i ;iVATHMXsVrinajr bertfafier be had iZflr ibl dvance,'and two dollars &nd rw i. . ih'4 Arid of J he year. ' .V lubscC'P1 '4? received for a less lime iNa c y,ar, p ep P1,d for in advance. p3pef disc nUnued (but al the option of Editors)'00.1!1 H"ajragcs.ro paid, : TE&MS F AOVERTISI5C. ' jilr ner siiare for the first insertion and r.h continuant, 11 n wr r- --- - - - - -V-irl notices ' t. iheabo J rsi, j wilt ibe charged 25 per ct. high V$ rafjes; oadrntyy-ibe i..riiaim4ril will 1m rnntintiAd nnti .51 . if? , rariain nut T altera rl dressed: to ihe Rdttnre rnnet .it -Jrertisern and cbarged " ..inn nil i br a cctard i ng If , u n less order 1 rntter of time. ; 44 PENDLETON BRtNER, EDITORS AXD PCOPRICTDns. I " See ftal the Government dies not acquire too much power. Keep a cheek J f e " upon all your Rulers. Do this akp libertt is sate." GenM. Harrison. ' "j NO. 34VOLUME - IX. :' TFHOLE.JfO, 450. MAESCIS SO, 1841. istue attenlipn. 5' peat I), pur Salisbury, . .alarcb 20. i7fai8 Molas8ea r Nails, ;ii0 I Oais, clean, . jRLM8 14:tJS it 1 11 1 a 11 315 Coffee, Corn. v Fathers, Flonr, fill rusced, 62; i 05 Iron, per lb. 4UfH Cents! 40 a GO 7t a8 15 a 20 $4J a" 10 a VZ 18 a 20 ' SI 25 10 a 12i 8 a 20 Sugar, br. loaf. Salt, Tallow, Tobacco, Tow-Linen, : 16 a 20 Wheal, bush 621 Whiskey,? 45 a 50 Wool, (clean) 40 Lard, . 7 a 8 deli. OFFICERS OF THE G4tu. REGIMENT. FANNY ELbSLER. VVe takp the following froma Leciar ered bjr ile Rbt. Thomas Hrtinerd, ia lh ibud rrcstjjrteriaD Uburch, at Philadelphia: t - VI perceite bj 1 New York paper iriJrjdly to ibe tge, that a certain woman has .brolWbt to lle theatres w here she has been emn!iid. si 17 nousann oottars m atteeo weeks; ! , Ai.d what compensation has this rendertd fur this fast aDnrooriatiun of Has be.Jike Newton, atruek out new Urinri- pie in w itnett ?. Has shfe, like FiItoninade newr oco6Mts in thw arts, by which the'; noblic cnmiufl and wvallh hitn hin nrrimnleil f-la sh, lite Howard, or Mrs.! Fry, come as if' imis- iwuaij m visit iiie prisoner 10 nis suilioae to take the gaoge of human Oitserj ' lolaiove open id Oheraw Bacon Sailer Beeswax Bale rope lb Coffee b; Coilon . Cora busli Flour brl ' ealliers 40 . 'A Ait. e 1 too luuius y j Isrd ' 11 a Molasses 40 Tallow . ': CURRENT AT March 2, 1841. Nail? cut assor. 78 ! wrought 16 a 18 Oats bushel 33 a 40 Pil ; gal 75 a $1 lamp $125 linseed . 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOIbs 5 a 6 Rice lOOlbs 4a 5 Susar lb 18a 12i Salt sack $2 5 bush ' -100 Steel Amen 10 a 00 r::;Eighsh;;-u 1 German 12 a 1-4' Telltppe, 81 $137 i i I 41 3 d5 ' : -if Ik 42QitS5 25 Ws. mm-1 li .i YOU are commanded to parade at tbe Cpart . Housein the Townbf Salisbury, on Tiiprs day the 1st of April aft 11 o'clock, A. M. armed with 6ide arms for Dii)l, and on Friday the 2nd 4ii April at y ,0 eiocKj A. m: with yoor respec i'ito Companies! armed as the law directs'; for' Review aod Inspection.: 4 - ?; ; ; ,, ;; . J Uy Order of; :. : : .if-; - R. VV. LONG, Col. Mand.H. r.. Captainsjare requested to make; returns on the dav of Drill. ' : ' ; ; : : J. M. BROWN, Adj March a1841. 5w32 v - the Blarkwall termtnos , upon wbicb be inst lac ted the attendant to say by the same agency . Tell him to come here direct It!" , In tenmin- otei from that time he' anired. tee distance be ing nearly seVen milesw' lf the distance were 200 mi Us V tie conversation could be carried on just as readily, fur the commonication travelled at the rile of 20 miles a second !JY. Y. Star emate tnpney f PLEASANT INCIDENT; " I LOVE YOU AS PURELY AS ETl:K.,, The Baltimore Clipper relates ao incident of a vert agreeable nature, of a very beau tiful young ladjr of that city, who not' lung since signed her name to a temoeraoce pledge one article of which prohibited ber ti feel tor human sorrow; and bafds; to ecei'ing tbe 'affectionate 1 ttteptloororanf Chilstian charity t ' 7 -". :. young gentleman who was in any way given conscience, so that in all the. relations of find more gnntleness, industry economy. ana oenevotence! V Has she given ajiew impulse to nriactDles I to intemperance;'. It ha opened that the ten ot;, moral rectitude in their coottol over! public der hearted damsel had. at TS ter? lime ifa ih I il" . I - .1 A" . : Mr. Stanly faid;No, sir, no. Tl.. tleman has made bis speech ; ho idusi v 1 will make'raine i " " . fThe Phait interpret!. Mr. Stanly : Mr. Chairman, I wjli e: or to keep in order.) I ought to hae a r; to reply to the remarks just made -Wellsir, the gentleman says lie is : minded by my speech of the ,,i.ur. . . ihyme,,T-- ? - tit c "Wbo shot Cock Rubin ? I said tbe Sparrow, : Wiih my bow and arrow : 1 shot Cock Robin." ,Well, sir, I am willing to be the spzn fo f this Ock-rob irt- th's rh i v a U o y s per-:' man j--fand lei me tell llie gentJeman, i' ! will not, deem me vain, I feel fully zl ' with,roy bow!and arrow," to on thro a 'cow-pen full of such cockr)bis, c; ! is. Yes, sit, 1st me aay5 to the tcv:: members from that State,, who have sho so mucbj eagerness , lb engage wuli 1 . Come on gentlemen, cutne fairly, v. I. ; r both stda can have fair play, ami ahhci you miy think s yourselves greatly tny periors, alibough you may be superior ; the Vstimaiion of me others, as ou r doubtedty arc, 1 am -hoi frightened si li. prospect of the combaL, 4 - . The gentleman alludes to my pig r. arm I , - my piimr arm and intirnu ifa we heir V March S, 1841, Fayettei Haudr:neach 45 i 501 Co. Ann e 40 a 4D : -. - --fiL i o Beeswax ' ; 25 IfS CuBveJ 12iajSi; Cotton 8 CoUcraiyanj, 20 Corn. : : ' - 40 a Ciadles, F. F. '; ; teed -fha flour J' Fesihcrs v titer 4i a 37i afi 5'4 50 7 d 40 Molasses, 27 a SO Nails, cut, Gl .a 7 ILA1TIHI, t iTi RAND SI RED by the American Eclipse. VA the champion of America : winner H the Sugar blown, 81 a 12 I Great Match Race, tbe North against the South k 020-000 X Aside. ' Tbis noble animal will make his third season atithe Sobscribers. stable, io Salisbury beison La heady commenced, aod to end on the 20tn June next. iCr w particulars, see diiis.i 7 ; . i l , II. W. L0.4 ; siarch G, i84-fir32; , j ;,. f1 16 Loaf, . 18 a 20 Salt, ' 75 a 00 Sack. $1 90 a $2 Tobacco leaf ? 4 a 6 Cotton ;bag20 a 25 Bale ropo, . 8a; 10 Wheat v new SO a 90 WbisUey 80 a 35 Wool, v r 15 a 20 she put her name to the papery aJheau with whom she was well pleased, putw Ho .on (ortunatel j , accor d ing to report) look " oc- casionally a leelle too much." The maiden was therefore under the painful necessity of addressing her "fondly tuved one,V'a polite note, statins her situation, tbe nature of the men and maidens mure wisely 10 live and! more pledge she had taken, and the utterimpossi s.a.e.Av n 3 cj . ' 1 Vi Ability of her ever after receiving his alien -S 0 W'f-tofffhi 4ion as a lover. " 1 lote fbu a? purelr at ever " was the language of the note, " but' ray word, has gone forth, and honor : bids Haalshe brought alearV plucked Irolp the tree of life', with which to staaonh the wounds of .a heart Weeding under guilt ? r Has shto'hongr 'up r brighter str over the pun toipimortiiiiiy f ; Has she taught ourjyoong of land in the cold north, for com'tnv from Pius bib .u 11 11 1 iiio oauies 01 iioeriy in ine refoiu iion. ' we gate 10 Latayette, the young , and chivalrous nobleman, who left 1 lie wife i of his youth and his children, to aid uur struggles for independence, some fifty thousand dollars inland and money... s -as What boon of tbe blessed, what surpassing ucdcuii un mis vjenuaa woman cooierieu upon us, that we hare given her sixty thousand dol- Notice PROC WO UUMD STATE .OF ir his; EXCEI.L ronltpi6t ihest vm,:tion V DOLL'S. 11 K ArARD CAROLINA. B. VVDLKY, lars for 15 weeks ? " She has danced for 03 -that b it ! . Whilo many inielligeni, amiable, ana most worthy females, sunk from affluence to poverty, have plied the. needle with aching heads t and hearts until the midnight hour, fur a compensa lion that hardly procuied daily bread . for their children j we have lavished! sixty thousand do! lars anon a strolling dancer ! : '"Ther press have called her thedivine Fan ny; but bert divinity; it Seems, is not ta her bead or her heart, bat in hit heels. I 1 ..'' This case is not witholtit a parallel.) The daoghter of Herodias dnced off the head of John the Baptist. We have not heard that this German woman has danced off any heads. She!,, nd dollars out of the P me respond lo your kindness only in the light of a friend." Tbe young roan found himself completely subdued. The words, " I love you as purely as ever,'? were' loo pr tentTDetermined not to forfeit such devo ted aiTection, he sought Ibe earliest opportunt ty to become a temperance advocate himself, signed the pledge, & is now a member of the Washington Temperance Society. Young love's dream with them, has already bright ened into engagement, and is we understand, shortly to be consummated in matrimony. Powerful and beautiful is Ihy influence, oh woman! : I :L merciless flagellations .hat Sautbero arro gance and Southern bragadocios ever re ceived, and the value was enhanced by its coming from aSonthern'man. It will doubt less soon be printed at full.'' - The Globe reports more at large,- and doubtless colours high for Mr. Pickens : ' , - V Richmond J?hig, ., TllOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 " FebhCary 19;l84.-; The House beiog in committee of the whule (Mr. Evans in the chair) on the bill to extend 'far five years the act approved July 17th; 1838, granting half pay and pen sions to cerlian widowa f ... Mr. Pickens of South Carolina, made ! some remarks,,, of .which the. following sketch is copied from-the- Oooe, no other report of-it being in the hands of the pub lisher : :, :. . ' ':t Mr. Pickens protested 'against the pas sage of the bill.tavolving so great an amount J nA' 4 ta. m m iti mm v - MannAr dpi i m in . w m i m w rm , ' - -- t - . ui wuucj ,uuuiPiuH ' ' 1 The gentleman say?, sir, he docs t. found their legislation ? He hoped the committee would not act on such loose es timates. Could gentlemen be aware of the consequences which would ari? from this large systemjif pensions ! Were they pre pared, at this late period of the session, to go blind-folded into a measure drawing up wards of two millions and a hall from . the Treasury ! For his part, be would not act my pigmy arm. that he has little to fear from it. l ; I have: nevern thought, Mr. Cbairn::: that my arm was powerful, but lei me t this chivalrous cock; robiul that it !.: strength enough to master; him; he r;v find, sir, that there is as much ttuth as ; etry in the nursery ;rtyme wnica uc r: here 'f ! speak , for the ,SnuihV I am wtllir;; leave it to the .House tot decide if that c tlemnn. and some of his 'peculiar posltl fiiends are not eternally speaking ti the Sou makes a he does not take 'the Soulu under his c peeiarkeepiDg. " " a ?l only wish North Carolina be cssr::; lrt frnni Ihn mnilfmin'a rhsrirA lrt ! upon so important a subject withoni prop- aone she stands separate from her nortl cr cr Buu cuucci luiuriuauuu. Ily speaktt th. Sir, the gentleman hardly c 1 speech, or bluws tifl his gas, t!.: . (Uli A I I CV EDWARD iprjtscnts afiall coine greeting: 1 VirilEllEASyitj has been officially reported 1 1 I UO mHE FIRM of A. Beocina & M. W. iA1exJ , 11 ander. has Ibis dav dissolved by mu'tual consent. All periobs having claims againiipid Com nan v. will present ihem to A. Bencjoakvho to settle the same, f ;1 !M. VV". ALEXANUEU, A. BENCINA. i tfS3 - i ii- is fully authorized March 2, 1841 this den iNovernber, :I8 DiviJson county, i .ruised in if rnaturl we JOHN QOS wftuaission. of si Jfarfo'ji, Jihntt Ma.i LcccLaiid 1 -'inland abeil) It 1. r i ' au uusnn the m ncreas said ofJd 'tnselres froni and -Just "ice Ninvjljheri j oeeo ; r lte II. Sk jfment, that on.the lSthday on a A alhan Lambda, of ill, Wt. -w- o at. UaIah that be died ; and whereas stands! charged with the deed ; ! and whereas Lee Alexander Bishop :een were present find maintaining the said net ration of said felony ; and 4tJrs hae. flsd and secreted 'P'i regular onerauoos ui iuo the efld that the said John Gjss amMiis accomplices in the morder, may be "wjbl'ko trial, ill-have thoashl proper to issue swy PnKjIamutliJjiJonerJng a reward ol i wo HandreJ Dollars fcirhtie apprehension of tbe said :M'n Guss. and a farther reward of One Hun- ! "H3 Y virtue of deed in Trasl to me executed Jt3 by Thomas Foster, for the purposes 1 here in mentioned, .llwill offer for sale, on the 17th and I8ih dats of March next, at Mocksyille The HOIJSES 'ana LOlS of the said tThomas Foster, io the Town of Mocksville nowf occupied as a TJlVluUJy 5 Y - large auanily of, j I GOOfiS has only danced sixfy thbusai pockets of our fellow citizens m these times of pecuniary embarrassment, and danced the prnins out of the heads of those youny men who har nessed , themselves to heri carriage in place of1 horses, in Baltimore lhat is, if such young men ever had more brains than which they supplanted. the cairiage GEMS OF THOUGHT r; s rsrs m by he best bo ex- rich. the wise man STORE Several Head of' ,j n h -.,. 1 :.i f 1.:. . 1 1 h j" :'twiioyars eacu,lur..OB oieunvrui ms.acvuui- - w-Tr . j. . raM i, I A K oaai,i. k 1 1. ! 3 ' 1 - ; ... 1 ma v rnmm m r -i - m wr m m mm m mmw mm ta a m mm. w w uu a u o m uvu uj u w wd I su aw m m - aw aaai va. a 1 vat aai m . Ai j & - c" "UA ovs 7 Lnor 13 money you mav be snsnected as . . , . p ices, to any hersod 0? persona who will anpre- nf. or1 c. use to. he Apprehended, any or all of ue oneaders andfugttlves aforesaid, and confine '""n.o either o fhem, in ibe Jail, or deliver pro,od either of iHero. to the Sheriff of David- couhiv . inabft'lSjaie aforesaid.. And 1 do, r jliliiirj, wjlhin this Stale io use their pstfxeitions to apmehendor cause to be ap- hendifd, the fooufves and' offenders aforesaid. Giteri utufer" mv hand as Governor and the tjleiif Seal of the State of Worth CsriUmrf f InnA at mir CilV of Ita : ilalelbllhis Ibe 20th day of October, lqmYARD B. UUULliii V Ho do not want precepts as patterns! The worthiest people are the most inja Bianaei; as we usually nnd that to be fruit which the birds have been pecking A mUer grows rich by seeming- poor, travatranl man grows poorer by seeming 1 here is not greater difference beiwee living and the dead, than between a and a blockhead. i H Nothing ought to be more goarded against in a free sfate in an making the military power j. it'.; . t- it . .1 1 ay looioisunci irom ioe people. frofasion restores to the puplic the wnicn avsrce ias detained riom 11 lor ajtime 1 he dinert nee between a rich man and a poor man is this the tormer eats 1 when he pleases, the latter when be can get it. . rrt . 1 0 ! a oe weainer is not a sate topic oioiscoarse: your company may be hippish; nor is your health malade imabmaire; I" Servile Murder in T!x.--A Planter resi ding near Sabine Town, (Texas t) by the name of George Partelow, was killed some time ago, by two of his female slaves.' While punishing one for some misdemeanor, the other! came steal thily behind him with an axe. aud si rock him a w on the head which felled him 40 the ground; she continued to repeat ber blows until life was extinct. The negroes then carried the body to a tree in toe neid, wnere they were burning brosh, and, for three days and nights, kept a constant fire around it. The absence of tbe indi vidua! being noticed, suspicion was aroused, and after some search, some portion :of the body was found. 1 be negroes, on examioation, con fessed their guilt ! 1 hey are! now; in custody ai Milam, j awaiting their trial. JYatchitochts Herald. - ! Id the course of his remarks. Mr P. al luded to the speech of Mr. Stanly on last evening, and iminmed that he (Mo P. would Have to exercise proper caution, 01 he would have the tnisfoi tune to draw down upon himself the anger of that vindictive gontleraan. And for fear of falling under thai gentleman puny' arm, he - would re frain fromsavtngwhat he intended. Allu ding to the attack of Mr Stanly on the res olutions of the Legislature of South Caroli na, 51 r. P. intimated that the member had shot his dreaded arrows at South Carolina with about as much effect as . the savage who let fly his arrows at the sun. The member had brandished his battle axe like Richard, and strode over the' whole coun try, dealing vengeance aronnd. The course of the member forcibly reminded him of the nursery rhymer ''Who shut cock robin ? . 1, said the sparrow, 1 -Wittrnt bow and arrow I shot cock robin." MR. STAN Thjis gallant son of-ihe lmK,tl af.e, Mr. P.rke. eonel..' ""fc;? ''J'f.iHi . -1 with his arrogance, that liis pcsm 1 1 m;: 1 By Command Battle MMvale ecrtlary. Household ana Kitchen Fur I nit itreY: -0j Set s of Black- ,smith Tools; or three rlYagons; 1 Barouche; , J anth WCarryt JiU - : : &c;.! Sic. ' Also, on the 19th and 20lh days of the sime rhomb, at Fosteris Mill and Still-house, wilf be of Land,. contamtng r t 2GO or prpg- sold the Mill Tract rower A titled nobility is tbe most undisputed eny of feudal barbarism. To endeavor the con f.ion of a heretic I by force is a absurd as to attempt storminsj a cas He by lugic. i . A wise man's neari is iiKe.a Droad neartn mat keeps the coals (his passions) from burning the hoase ; and good deeds in this, lite are coals rak ed op in embers, to make a fire next day When all is done, human life is, at the best like a forward child, lhai mast bo played; with r; 1:3 . ; - fipiioh qf llM Qffeiiders named in the above r I ; lyoclamalion : , JOHN G OSIf U Sabou t S S y ca rs old , 5 feet. 9 lies nign has sooii VIA it inauu a We ll'lmrln'n Is 1, -1 T'-- I ' hps high, fiiri alutk; voice Jh'A Ward i , uiw n , sijooaj n paie r rt dark' complexion, dark curly j fepecks of gunpowder in his rul quick ot speech. 7 it. ... xx -IJ R O . ip'uv - o J fears uiu, u icci out Hair and complexion, bis tore eapart, large eyebrows, a flue, slow spoken and is stout 70 ACRES, with all the impidveriients thereon, consisting of Dwelling House and necessary out buildings ; a G.isi Mill, with three Bets of runners ; a Saw Mill and an , Oil Mill, alt in good repaid t The Stillhouse tract contains about l'wo tluodred and Eiffbtv Acres of Land, five Stills, two. boilers, and 80 drllOO Stands. A large 6toc of HOGS of .an excellent breed ; some Caiile.lfcc. The terms bf Jibe sale will be, bade knowK on the'days thereof :;yrs V :5r t A lluiuAO 0int.il jasit:r4- and humored a little to keep ii. quiet ail ll asleep and then the care is ot er, . II W ickedness may be compared lo a bottomless pit, info which it is easier to keep ourselff from falling Ihan, having fallen into, to stay! oursetf from falling infinitely. I " . . i . ii. s; rittoe knows nodistmcUon of ser. 'f I Ii is a common fault net er tube satisfied with our .fortune, nor dissathfitd with our under standing. ,, . .v : A good eoncience is the finesi ( ar is in siaus wrai exercise ls .lo vHuat6 : a proper propmiiun may contribute f February 27. 1841-431 jifn 5S years old, and 5 feet iWered, fair complexion, L-4- Wef highSffekin-biut eyes; V PS. Q-ici i Mpoken. hair dark' ves. Li,d trtntiu -mid trrev-headed. spare made, colored. 1 5 tears old. :.s ..! f . . I; ti!- in n euied . a item ;cJ ir i m a i r, ci6 or7 inches high aud darU Sclnliia about 35 yearrold. 5 (eel HtchQ Ii wt-K i Tit I f ftimnlailinn a nil ftlll l&FP : lliiir an.l (InhU m4!i ri.t enoula in thft lift IS - T a - -- " v f ;"OROM tbe sbbscriber 05, the . .uT , JD night of;ihe 30h ot iatt-,,- ber 1940. a negro man .'VrVf ay y fieri kpoken! to digest the use we; pr whicn we rom thirty five to forty yerrs:of age; Day a tall black fellbW,wilh . his front teeth I Which negro ! have no doubt has been' persoa- ded froro.uie, as I have good reason to belitva he is haiboored in Saltsboryby a certain :maniat this time I wjillj give a reasonable j reward for thelapprehenlioo and delivery of said cegro in seme safe JailL so lhai 1 get aim, or for toof aomcienl to convict; any person io irgai piocefu health and vjgor, but too much emaciates "and wears bet a: constitution. m . I t- - ' , une can as gooo go to law wnnout api as break a jest without laoghlei on one's side. UnwilIIi.oly.does the mind prepared for it by.oiheis; for, t ourselves, we eat cut the iruit planted and 'Watered r ' 1 ime rottSlmrand 'when tbnth'-andl vatrfsn. a nne ladyi who had' rteyer entdrtai tbought into Lwhich an admirer! did not finds irk herself a lamentable voidCfi - Jitlu The very conciousness,f being . betpved tea object of our attachment, Will, disar terrors even oeani useii. a bo wealih I bor- some days since, gave Virgil it y a shot, and poured a wj into South.Carolina Chiv,,-r-Tfc ing of tbe countrv sympathises ! with Stanly. There is a most extensive and profound disgust throughout even the South at South Carolina arrogance and; assump tion of a sublimated and exclusive purity so poorly supported by good works. The very term 'chivalry" has come lo produce popular nausea, and the arrogation by her of the peculiar guardianship and; champion ship of State Rights, has done more to un pbpularize the old Republican doctrines than any thing their enemies ever did or could do. j The correspondent of the New York Exoress furnishes a brief out'ine of Mr. Stanlv's remarks as follows : , 4Mr Stanly, of North Carolina;' obtain ded Mr. Stanly obtained the floor. Mr. Stanly said; Mr Chairman, I tbought the other day, when ray friend from -New York (Mr. Granger had touched the "bagpipe,-'' or the bag of wind, from whom we have just heard, thai its tones would ''cease for a white. But it seems I am mistaken. cUs, sir, it is not so diflicult a mat- hi to inflate this "gas-bag'' would sayl from South Car olina. It lakes him (Mr. Pickens) about and southern neighbors in political opinicr.: ; she feels able' to stand alone. Shohas rr; -lesentatives enough here to take caio cf !.; : interests ah d her honor. She repudiate , she repels the arrogance which would t:'. her under ils charge 3 r, Sir,4hegentleman tells lis he "fighls c : his own hook"; Hes need not have pro cUimed Ibis, sir ; wherever that gentlcma; is knciw0 iti is' well known he fights t ; hi?" own. hook.".; Ye?, sir, this princip' ; was proclaimed in a celebrated letter. It is ' the principle,' on which some cf t!. chivalry-aro to--1 perisb.,,-"r But, unliko i ' galUnt Yfnkee.of whom the story is to! J, the gentleman does not content himself si::, fighting on any one side, against the ene mies of his country, but, sir, he fights th:: the"? ictory may .Veuuire" to his landard ! 5 He fights for and sguinst cither, side v he;; a feeling of selfishness prompis him. ''O;; bis own hook," with them, means fightir t for, himself. :-; -u : h a-- ; I v .The gentleman tells us, sit, with Lecc:..- toad.L:.. - t position is re position he it r State ' I I in i-im " l i li I I aa vaitl uilvQ ill falls I ing the floor late- in the afternoon, retained it until the House adjourned; a i little past nine. ,? His speech was altogether bis finesi effort. High as Mr. Stanly deservedly stands, Uhe remarks he yesterday made, when .they shall appear in a printed form will raiae him still higher. He replied with great severity to the several speeches o Mr. Wise, and referred to the impracticable character of the Vrrgiriiaj pciljticiansj in general, tie said that JNorlb taiolina hau Qes9jcut loose from the leading strings In which indi fore the country !" His us, need not be defined SirV why does the gentleman, ",n 1US 2r ttcipating his colleague, (Mr. Rhett)ia throwing himself in r advance "so bohlly -travelling out or the wty :to refer to r:,; , while another qieition -is under considtrn tion why does he talk of his "positkn V Yes, his rpostron'r Slr. Chairman, -siiion. postion." is ihe word, the tvatt ! - . . , - i u . I i wuru or mat Bcniiciuau auu his ... wo hours to draw in wind enough to make " - , 6 , ,twkm . 3 : . -rrrr.f. i . . 1 her are eternally taking 'positions, ar, , an explosion lor nueen rainuieu, aim ouo ui ; ,. . . . 0. ; ;, i;i.,i ,4 K , i :. ,i i a.a 'defining position?." Sir. I do not like ti.:t those explosions we have t.ist had. I did K , . J , . A.-a i f not expect, sir. thai the remark. I made 'd 5 - lat i?hi vu. d have drawn such a hor- cannot thmfc rnuch, sir, of Um-man , r- net's nest about my ears. man must keep on some tree i, and looks out for the pre; remark, made or 'fights on bis own book ? - tder considera. But, jur, the jfentleman will speak f I : positioo.' i 1 he' whole country17 Unc; his position,,h jtelts us! ' Ycy, fir, t! country does knoy?t Jwd vhat ts il ? V pewiiiow isTdefined . asi indeiBoable. D t bis pQsUton. sir t!l tempt to defiue ihe 'position ol the tail ( a grayeat, placing on a farmer's hearth, I lore the Jrefs Or;toapeak more tespee f fyrof a certain distinguished pcrsrfnage, i tail of a tiger. Yesisir, jf you had a ts; tamed, and would tie a piece of enrk tu : tail, and let him' throVf1 it about; hith. r re to eyils epare have 1...' beauty a enter, she had for years been retained, 8nd was now: lie thanked God.free ant." indepen- dent. jH- comaaredjher present character little to tbe the hv of its nglish insnfierable and mem ina or ridiculous (bers, who 1 kI'wutoui iii viuci ui mho wwiui . v i... . . is r-' .. r .t f i- i .K..,rinrr nr rtvmtr-tiarnnrpa naia npfrrn. 4 y -and tJoirtrr rssions lor ine vtianiy jogs i ' - ,T iWin madJaf Vbrnay; sessior; 1841. 1 will I appoint Charlt. Partee.orConcord, N. C.. NlMitOESv he property my lawful agent da.g my absence.from tht. . o . .i . J l. . (.- t IftL . - 11,8. ai "o-ibe St twenty :,.y jea .P !-"-v". t: t Ax hklare residence of John Trott, tfay ot April next, one uue years! bid, the-ovher an'old imV -I M sunti t ' WW !e - V. hi Dec 4, 1840-flf - r " w W f : WF -V - Of all detentions for tale at fftts; Office. with that of her neighbors, -very advantage.either of South Caro Old ! Dominion. He' then proceeded to speak of the vanity of South Carolina appeared to regard that-State as the; only p., . , . .-.. . .......... r - j part of the Union to be consulted on every question of importance, ' He proceeded to show the ridiculous folly ol the opposition of Sooth Carolina to the taxing of luxuries. Railway Talking IVachine.-r-A fate Journal, in preferring to the London and . Black wall rail road, mentions a Ualking Machine" copstrtcted with galvanic wires, by jraearisof w liich con versa t ion s could be carried vnf between London and Black wall with' the grealest ease and precision. By Way of illostriatingthe effi-1 ure than any other part of the Union. He cirutj yi tuia ti-.ii.s mituiurk wji. rj-wcMwii g.1(1 fijal Uie iarmers' oauf hters ana wives triotism wboj insleaa ol pursuing the p: Uete Mr. Everett rose to a point of or- ; , . ;i -..ti, i,bM , , , ,; ,1 iigmj mm ihs " I""" The Chair said,the gentle in order, and not reply to rem when another subject was under cousidera lion, j '., 1.. M.'! As ' Mr Stanly said; I hope, Mr, Chairman, I shall not be Interrupted ; I am replying to remarks juft made.- ;j Sir,-the -gentleman has beenplessedjtiriayjip. nol a very agree able tonel that he did not wish to incur the malice of the valianl kr.ightv as he calls me .from North Carolina - I. may orMl may not be. ) valiant, 'J Whether -.1 ram or notj others must determine. Sfir, 1 have never thought myself .born 4 insensible, to fear.' I thank God 1 was born sensible lo fear- m A do w i , i i - a' i - - r j : ' m-.ikav , . .i t : .at. 4 aiirn-iniisnea lQaiTiuuai. iu nuuiuvi on tins UOQT lua uc w- ouru iiucujiuio ' , ; o ,v..f v. ; . in ear. la iu uiscuaiuir iu ivii rwt . r. . tleman would have us believe he is.- Thai he is insensible lo the fear oj thame, 1 most willingly admit. . - i . ? 5 ' The gentleman spoke of me as brandishn I- - .... 1 1 1 I. ' n t .t . i ing my oattie-axe,: into nienaru, as-no with a sneer. ir. if i ever brandish-, ed mv battle-axe on this floor, in prfsenve 1 " Pul . 1 . 1 v- dm. m nn it mittt havA hpen the, oentte. 1 uc Ktr.rfl' man himself.; jnd 1 confess, ir, with all - . -rii . umiinr, mat 11 1 uau nu opponent uiut ; . .nnfl) ,u f formidable than the geoUeman frora.South g D,nff -T ei: u oVi; Carolina, I should feel like Richard, and be insensible to fear ' in sucha presence. The gentleman compares ray speech to the attempiiof,asav:ige shooting at me sun.' ITmay be so, sir. But the committee as if she was more Injured by sujch a meas said thlat be went to ibe station in London line day to inquire for one of his assists falsi v He was not , there, but the attendant said that be would linquire if he was at thejother efcdof the line';, be did so ;Jn a few seconds'the answer was that he was not there, i But atxja minutes afterwards the talking macbinejin him io tlondon that his assistaat had arrived at I of the speech, which was one of ihe most five ormtd of many of tbe counties of the State of Ne w York, wore more silk dresses than the whole state of Sooth Carolina would con snroe in a century... ...... ...i T cannot pretend to give even a sketch to the fear of danger.Jf ihe .gentle- ?.. Ts .) ari pleases, and;:to the fear of.sbame.--; . rT;" .::,7'.. . 1 .,d, sir, I ;must be allowed to ay , that I flnnm .a. t W - - V - . " . . . . . . I ,A ..n l,Am Cnnili Pirn in. ! Hfl lJ not be ieve that any man, who eyer had i v.:,w..v. 1 . . . . . miuM-M.i. mint nr h tail.nl . - " ' - . . -L 41 u III UltL mr mm ui vn, w w - - - wi a at b-scs s ti n ana m iiipans in nnisi v a j 1 s r lo'.cbhelusiWriavVonlF to . say, s:r, l the' gentleman .om ;outh .Grohna l! though;my af mrnay be pigmy,thoD2h I t.. be but a sparrow in the estimation cf c bornjnairiiatlJeoTrty'I am able sir, whereas t'Jgparr6tB9 from 'North Ca'it'- down a dozJn4 such cock-robins : Mr. Chairman. in ml remarks yestcrc- 1 expressly dlfrJ-fmed the intention cf zv I a 1 .iij . ... -" inos of the gentlemen from South Care! If they rhoofe to olako my remaiks per. : al. let them da if. as soonf they pica? 2 Come one, Vomeall,- ye South ,Caro!r. cock robins, if you. dare, t am ready for yc will remember thai in the remarks I made, 1 did not address myel! to the gentleman, who haa so unnecessarily interposed in this debate. And why did 1 not, air f Nc4 be cause 1 thought 1 should be a. ? powerless In. the 'Austin Cttf" Gizetf e 3f ' J a n u 2 r; V - , - .T HW . 0 often .o.-meifully kicked irtd. rcncWeJ bet-ecn .he R"?"f 1": : on thttliloor, thatXlhought he was beneath my notice, and utterlinnsigiuficanL fHere Mr. Pickens rose, attempted an j 27th, which if not before us, we fin 1 M tho fTreatv la! I;. tho Government of Great Britain ; Ait. 1- Guaranties reciprocity' cf) cce i ...Mtiinn tiptnprn the ciltzt mcrro auu nii.jjnv.. v...v- - , inlerruption.3 ' or subjects of tbe two countries, and tl

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