.... - - t lite - tijKHSiAH" may tarreifier he ,a(i ft (wo dftlan hi advance, ami two Uullurt and fiflij eeutt i ilio mil nf the year. No Mai:ilp:ini will Im received fur a In time tlitin on y r, unless paid fui in advance. Nn paper diaconiinued but HI 'fan tiuQ of I lie tuuum unui in iirriMjn ar paid, ' TEBMS or AilVEBTtSIKG, y On dollar per injure l.,-H.e final inwrn'un and' twenty ne cents rr earb continuine. -. Court notice wilt be (.barged 23 per ct high ,: er than the sIkivr rale A deduction of 83 pr cent will b made lo taut who advertise bf ibry ear. ' , : t; . ,. Al( advertisements will, be ennlinued nnii fuibid snd chsrged I. r sccWiiijty, unlet urdeil sJ (of a certain number of time . IO" Letters addressed in the F.Jttois must j owe pott puid lit enure atlsniion. ..... No w's .The Time. Bargains 1 IjAUG VINS I ! THE undersigned hava Jonl received frwm New York and 'PuiUdalphfa. a isrrra and Stltnsiv atticli of . . Fresh Goods, Constating uf Dry G-aids, Or. rim, I lard arp naware. Hue, Mines, Bonnets, Combs . , JJonk. -Vddleiy, Cstnage I riintninga. Ki u.toiiig eou. k, . Caodlcs, Nsil. While Lead, . Drugs, and sl:notf every . .... t ; .- f , article that i generally I v -. keplin Siorea. ' :1 ' These good have all beo bought far eish ' tod bought l nib prices snd au at crcdil pn ess, which are Ave to ten pel cent higher ihta - CSih prices. We bars it all linias foods in ll.e j hands of ear agent at New Yofkt with nhlareia I buy Goods when the are at their lowest pride, f Under these circumstance, ws think we buy assay articles lui than ths most tif Aleichanis . do: snd we srs very certain ihit tber is dm - establishment ibst sells gauds (ur a less profit this ws do, snd we thiok i will b sdinilisd goods WSf o 1 thsif prsnenl luff wooes Ws do pot irsf of bstinr so aisn lbHSnd dollars worth of Goods when we i to the North, aor do ws bras of sellinr mors Goods (in aruoonr J than ws hse gut. bat ws say our stock is ti'f, erobri- j cm slinusl evert variety tit Uiuis Hut lat " lerly, thrssts bars bees mad agamit us. snd : now we anderstand a drain blow lias Been aimed 'Well, ws are resdf wa are prepared for. ths f bsille-k-ws si ss willing slid s'r in sell ' Uuods at a small proAi.-tir at cost, r under est -JoT 30V Sf StbM iMUStr 4 --flWf - say ws will sell goons lower inio inej can oe ' . bad sof whers else in tows ; wa du not eara what the pries may be, fr ws are delertoined , la SMi wneioer ws gei pfnu w noi. . Tbs publio srs ioriisd to call, eutnine, and as Utatr owa judaea. 3. tf W. .MURPHY. . .Salisbary. May 1. 1841-tUO N. B. Wa giro notice ibat ws base akao. aWdiihe prscucs ol giving suntplrs u( guwdser bf ssuding jjlool of tbs siurty ; ILLUSTRATJOXS ,.i or THS EDlTOtt D rnOPRETOR8.- -See Mdf lis 7 WVe''sW icl equvft '""j pwirr. Aep a eAscft f vprtHUjjOurMukr Ihlhii ra O-s;. M.rnson. NO. 44 yoLUMR tnioLK .vo. 4co. IX. " TtflE DirrKUENLE. . I know two friends, as mot h alike) As e'er you sw two stiinps; . And aw plitenolojisl eoold find ,, A difference ia their bampj. I Oris took the paper, Snd his life Was huppier thsa a king' t Ilia eiiililreA all can read and write. And talk of are and thing. Thenthsr took au paper, snd ' w " While strolling through the wood, A iies fV II down upon his eion, And killed him as it should. ... Had he been reading of ths new, ' . At bonis like neiahhor Jiai. ...I'll u Amtmii - ; Would not have happened hiio. , At m holms e aud ifi. WHEELERS. ;v '',--itj 4. 'I . , , - ' .flBi-wswsswssws,',(''...'V,l -' ' '"."'V. , i1 v. IC3 GRAY'S r Harrison's Ointmeni, TJ3j Btrkwith t PiUt: MotTir'H PilUnud Bitters; HOICK'S PANACEA, PlifLOAroNS.; I, IS :tw.iiw ring m-,' it ennnnufd. altrr no. how to cr.t.(e .r en bw to desrrtne . fir hs .u A jf Gr Gf4( lli.abrH.k. t Its ohjerl ,s ; bs I..IJ U a grr.l dual .u,,, G-aa-ral tir.es!.;. Wa le.se ,1. rr-adrr, diseo.er ( j k((N h,.,,, u . . ... p.....,, J '" , im.1. Well. air. h aid fb ng-t of nl al si t - ' "I la. Sss Bsa aaial. n rll M kaiMiif In ' o . v . that we have been trie means of bringing doatrac"',f Rmdjf Jar Iiowtl Complain! ,. D.kC.K.WuscLRa. BIBLH. C7 Rfery itisn, woman snd child in , the Untied Sisle) ho possesses Bible, will sute )y furnish thenmelvea with lbs following beau lilol aerosol Siriplsre lllusnstions.- .' n ' 200 P I CTO B I A L I L l.t' 8 T R ATI 0 . 8 r f - jor the aiata, ' ' VUiW IN THS nOLZ I. AND .TITCW. CHEAP, A VALUABLE, PUB JJi LICA'I'ION. Konr Hundred PgeHrO foptr. Ilandiomly Bound, Price coly TWO DOLLARS 'l he surweiiber rrap-i ifoliy in stiesthe attenlkia of Clermmen, 'I'etchfrs of SBbbatb Schisds, llesds f Families. aod Bo k slleis, Ibmughoul the Unlfd Sistsa, to ths -tTjlewr ChespCsnd iiV'illMlfJII'i'ried Work PuMinbed and r, sain, si No. 2i Ns asa Street, Mew York C-My. Its feaiuiea are welter defined hy ths title: ' Tw0 HOHDSKD rtCTOaiSt ILLU4TBATI0BS " or the scurtcaa. f ''''.''' - .i -; coasisriao or.--.f VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND. ' Tgiher, sritb mny of ibe most Reir.srki.ble f ; eujects mentioned in the old snd new Tesu i roeot, represeutinf aered hlstortesf evenis, copied from eelehrsted piclttres, principally by 7: lbs old masters the landscape scenes, taken ''ft ttvm original skstchta msds on tbe spot, wuh fall, nd ialsrestlng letter press descriptions, ij devoted la S explanation of tbs objeot tDnn - tinned in the sscred let, v. , V . , - Otxsminstion this will be fcod : a serf pleiMOt and awfitabla book asDectaVty for the perusal of Yoang People, aboanding ID the must aslsable lol'urmslion, collefled wrb great care, from tbs best and latest sources. It may. very ntfliwol. h desiensted P toromon (dace bonk td Bejs.i;ualoms. fi.? (! . wmr w' - hae'f s e mpfcle library of riow and utjul fcWiMgT.,rt-,llj.B ,,e preeni, is Isr superior to tl.e common Annuals it m- the out of date. C3 It isbesdnfuHy printed ia new tocf rirrer lypa-bapdiomeljr i bonnd in ma.lir.. wilt. nd lettered I and is, decidedly. . ibe btrst and chetest pubticalioo.(for the price; -.wear ued (rt lha Asasiiaaa Presa. C? A liberal discount msds to wholesale varehasera. . ... ' ' : Persons in the ronrUry, wising to act as egsots, msy tai. si! Hie .necenesry informa iMm, by addressing their h tiers to tbe sulf cri feer, No. 122 Nasss sri. New Ywk Mt. . ROBERT &EARS, Publither. . -I Clerayroeo.bupenntendents and Teach Crs of Sabbath Schools C7" Aents of Kelt gjoss, newspapers, and pertodicals.wC?! nisslers. and Booksellers, ilirooshooi-tbeCBS-i Irsrs rspeifull requested l snl ss our A g.Ws, '5o fcHertcittfrs taktn Jrom tl JJict tiniest po t paid. . - ' T PubR.-htri f Papers throughout tht Unild Utattt. " ').- Newspapers or Mssiea,e..pyig the boa anfire, wtvuul sn slteratioa or abrNlgemenl ., Orlmlisg this aoliee.) and giving rt 13 iniidt : iuterttom, e-hall reeetsa a copy at lb" rot (tuhject to their order), by sending dtrsct Is the ; l'ub.islior. . , - ' L J, JgtnU out iff- li. City, . .. . Saxioa & Pierce, UMf Wsabinstori al , B - :-iit " ,' H. 3. II. George, Sosth Sib street, Phi ladelphis. ' ' V N HsrrixMt, Bulttmore, Md. i - Hrbtdoey Di Howker, LaenTtllf , fP t PR13SII TEAS, mjVES. spihits, Jusl received and for sals at lha bslisbar'v . proif Store. . - - Salisbury, Nof8. 1840. . . To T.dTfficsT sfL Ilouxe-keepevs, 7 E have juat rerrelsM a large and resA f v eopiilr of the teltbrnUd tu Ltbanoa, .Snoftrr (iAROKN ' EKOS uf all ktr.de. Th.se wishing seeds forth nest year, will do well to call or send soon, ss the " re Ukt hot CaktS." ' . C. B. It C. K. WHEELER. Sslisbnry, No liih 1840 tflS j Petition Kir ths sale ol Und. - - , Stntc of liortn CAtoUu a, , . ROIFJ1.Y COUJYTY. , -In Hit Court of EynitySprlng Term, 191 1. John F. Cowan, Abrter B Cowan, Bi'iijjinio K. Cowan, Wil'oi V, Cow . so. Levi Cowan, Ann Nefin-.lWiTnj.VCow. an, Thomas B. Coasn, John MrNeely sod wife Msry, blkanab U Au tin sod wifMrgaret, snd Jape Minn, widow, oeaihst. '.-.' . John C. Utir, Jnir.es A. Ban. J. V. McGulte. Aon A. McGuiie, snd. Htlirkiah Jenkins. ; IN this case It appearing to the satitftriii-n of the Court, upon ihe showing of cimplkiiianis, Hiai i he Defendants sbove named are lenams in rarniiiou tugnher wiib winipliiini in sll Ihe. Koal Eiiate of J.nepb Cowan, decesaed, lse ol Rowan cooniy, new prayed lose avid for division of Ihe preesds and ibat ths ssid Defend--ama, George Cowan, Anderson 8. Cowan, J.din C. Brr, James A Brr. J.oeph K. Mo- Guire, Ann A .McUuire, snd Heiefcish Jenkins srs oot inhs'iiisnis of this State s Therelore or dered that publication be made in ihe Carolina Watchman, a nwpaper publishsd in Sali.bory sure a week, for three ii tooth, requirit.g aaiil defendani to appeal si the netti term of this Cuun ai the Cuurthoose In saiiney, ou ins fourth Moudsy alter the third Monday in Au gust lie 1 1 snd plead, answer or demur to the Bill or Peiiiiun ol enmplainanis ; otherwise on failure, jodgmsot pro conlessn will besnlered. and the csuse beard experts as to tbsio. .(Copy from ths Toll ) " ' v " - -y - , 7-;; -Test. . . SAM'L SILLIMAN, cub Alarob 27. Su.35 Piinters fee f 15 ' IV' .w. RUiVAWAY -'Sb(ierif-'a-' -tetj f jV- ntjhl ol theSOih-ttl ptem ber S40,aorgromsansmed , iom thins five tj forty yerrs of age, Davy is a (tall bltek follow, with his front teeth out Which negro I bars no doubt baa been persua ded from me, ss I hfve good rssson tobeli. vs he M hlrboored in Malisbary by a certain man at this lime. I war itt give a leasorable rswsrd fur ths appreneovioe snd delivery of suid tgro in S'lmssafe J ait, se that I get htm, or lor'proof stiffi. lent to ennvict any peis in legal procetd ings of harbouring or basing harbored ssid egro, sppwinl Charles S. Par'ee.of Concord, N. ti , jiy lawful agent during my absence from ihi State. ... '' . ' ", '' ' " " KOBT.UL'IE. Deed, 1840-tflO . ILATflS, GRANDIREDnyibs Ameriesn Rrlipsr. lbs ebampKia of America : winner f ihe Ureal Match Ra . the N.f'h against tbs Sootb This noble animal will make his ihttd seswa at the Sob-Cfiber"l atsble. in Sslwbnry slresdy eoomnfd. and to end en, ihit'SOib June next C3 For paiuesl.w, see b.l's. March tj,l84l-ti5a . nisnr-uf lha sVene, mil Ihe rtiaraeltt, in grtieral, are well .itiisgine'l eo l aUMited. Tlin political parties f the d.y. sni their eptHeutia, priMcrpIrs, snd cd-t. are t.fteo very c!iiiirtly hit IJ. - The author, ) en r lie is, undeistands his suj'cl, snd buna's til lha riei'utt"h f it nurd talent, vrit, snd grspbir pnwer. W promiae k" m ilirt q iiel aiNiie, and hkqv hear ty Isogh during us neiusaf, IhiHiuIr we think tusl ths machinery of the bix.k ta Wo en.n-1 plea, lha narrative, si tunes, s liiitie prim., in ma wit oiH ttiwsys sery iial We attract the following sirounjt of the speech uf Thrnit nrs Vug Ailwney jm L'W, surf iudrptndtiit tandiu.la ur the lfgiala ttir.a : ' . '-. j Theodore Fog's fiure is above u fst, lean snd hiij, snd with s sloi.p whu-h iu clinca a little Iu the right, so ss ! hung his left sbiiuldei nearer la the ear lion tia vppo. site; ilia arms are unusually long, his head atnsir. bis lace strongly furrowed, with deep Ji uaJl ii ) ea iit A g recsush Imlre, bis noso j II decidedly of . the pug spenes. his mouih -iarge, bis completion of lht tom, drum head parchment boa, that q mII rlt fiea the war of the vlementa snd the ravages id al cohol. Although short Yf fj'lv years of age, his hair is iron grat, and I spreads tit a ilt k msl over his whole rrsniuin. Al to time of hit, ba ws cartful of uross, but now baa declined into an ritiriue of negligeme m-lU particular, - Ott torie-Bt iceaion tie wort) a ainped gmglum iom, tsthtr iho.f ill the sleeves, snd rrosa isrred pantaloons j his shirt collar was turned doo over a nar row, horeebair slot k ' sod a broitd) black riband ifuard crtrssed his t.retti, and lermi' aalod in Ihe ritjhi poi kt-t of a black bum. bagut waistcoat, where It was plsinly lo he seen, fioiu Ilia riternl impr-saiiHi, lodged S Urge lime piece. He pieaented) himself to Ibu multitude, balding in bit bind a lit ti er shthbf straw bat, which be, nevoilhele, fl.'iiri'hed wi.li Ilia Sir ami grce uf one who had kuown better daa tiisii his liauilimeiits scented lo denote. . II Stood for dome time bowing and witt ing bis bal in return for tti vbmroos i,-. probation with wJtt.'h hi- w g't eted ; ..ti.i when at length, siloiice wsa isstored, be tie gn hia speecb ! ' C untrineii sq.1 Friends : ynu of Q m ' libel, B.'kerMkf, Tumbledown, end ill' tdjienl parts, hear mci I siu sn ol.l.in ri and lriili,iti.n.ncbing ami milor h - li -d ll'iflJrUii.Wew Lishl Onn..irl Flan Suck er, bring us a turul.ler n r ung'i , H, Fito -no iiyixtcrtsy 111 me. gemlemcn, i go for lha ardent. Yon ail know I am. an.' s from the nr., upposed fo the iron iil. nig (hero ainsM a cheer from the Antie) but I don't come lo iafk lo )ou about that. You know. uiircot-Uu J a:u an am. nunx. toatioa man J j out on independent grounds, everf to.uf'r bimsel.'.as tbe jac- ssa said to Ilia ihiLker a (a loud la..i.J. I want to asy a smi! avweut Au eifi.n Fa Cummoitlr cslled Ag Fi g. VVbo's he ) Look at them gold tpoi isil. sod y.o wi.t see what be is st once. When Ihe pi tone band of Dame Mdtura sl ab. til Ihe htiri ealton of that . msatorptrce , of buoMO no chamsai. a genuiae ouuaiirNoui thorough slttchei r!w Light , I). tnocrai, aba Bcl thought ol sucking Ufon him s nose to te tid'len by two gold rings biing over it (ike a pair of saddlcbsgs-floud Ufgliler.) W have otliir uses lor gold waiitit Vf mini drops old Tom Beulnu's liiu.t dn ps lobe tun lulu tliuui, iu- give Ibe? n.'neii poor aiiiaolliftiill'iglfclt''.r, When bis Week's woik la flouc, than Copurrplai Bank rgi. ' signed Nicodemns, Ilaody (.od ,shits aBd-hrsrAm4eybi(rr f ntnhledowt! and tosna nd bte ftom ihe Convention meo and Ki. Werhrsvs Fucnd-, I tell you our parly is epiil s phtic:llt' aulil. I have ascn this coming for some ftimv. ' Ws !. three : acts ' f New Lights srnong us, and M is lime e ahould know it. , There srs Ihe I atidsritiSi our big huge, and I culd name ilie5 to you You will find loetn on Cpp'r.la Ki.lge ( B V Bahl' from the New Luhf Oua 'Go ItJhect I gu it old fellow f' fioro ibe Aoiits-vY"u wfsll jdikI them ar rnpuiar Flals n"iw.n, dI' cued fitu Voics Hbiee I.eeNvJttr . lha Uon Mi "'lel o Fisra !' loud ehm-g l , l-'lem Wik into ibem, F"gl f'V .,b Antic grctl Isnghler snd rulitiing "I hsods sinoegst ll.e Whijis.) , y.u will Bod Ibem in ihf for warding and Coiijn.t7. on Lit.---(grel up roar oh all sideSjijAltfl , 'he Alil.lariii come the Mi''?!ot!Miif alter the MtddlruKS, the TtCr-.r-tHe ierly wh..le-souj rh7iT"k-QrJa, 'rin a Tioe Gnt I (Great applo:.) :i- We re nalareVooliie mrnbene we thai ! r, Flau. I Vail mi- self crrrvof-JbC'tt'tyil FAI of iba Soet cilf People .ren5 lsiibtr and ip . :i.. .-Li ar ... ..... Vi. plall'r.; m wWHIO'g'O'e , nivalin i..l am " tniiav aud-w-ter, n en sna tcrac like the 'a f Ins Me de snd Pfistsns ' U Ihtl Gresl suniiiun irnlb Which, VitlS' S the patri.-t's iieall, re. aseiiates bis sinuion sad sparkles m the binnm iireast, like a stone in the boit-t n of a, wi II (or toads to sit on I or ia the divine rainbow epaning the earlrf With its arch, snd . I, .... -"IT- W .. ' M ."I.., ,,.vw in th west a p.sl set up in a s'ream lor the liquid el-meuis .f limatn policy fof eV'r to r..l b, sod leave oehiiid ? or JS It Ihe m.ghit mass uf eteam power Ih l not "' 0 tl Ujioh that element, but dies on Will .lr..sa th.' great oeesnoT nintUI things fortter rbsngtng in its career I U aol dr.' mottect itself lite match of intellect l he.ryuu all answer, wub on arrtrd7A, ay, tr f ? ( Faking lbe wot funrt lha orator, there Wis s i.nd fll' mati ve rrauonse to thew qoeaiioiia , . ' - '.V II theu. Jksn did change, He wssftr Ihe single lei.n . ne was sgamat M ; 1 ronr- a' tbr Itt l. ' lie was for Hie protec. Iise sesteti lie was against t : I sgree to it. hi wss-a. gainst it l what of thif He wsa for lha tltsltiuoiion the surplus, and sg.in b was ag tnai it : f km.w tt. ' He was for internal improvements ha srhsnged bis (tuo.t lie waag..ii.stif.e.. Then agin. airs, be wa sfiatost the inieif rence ol i ffi. ers in lha eiwtion be was sorlv for' it, sn4 l"'k Ihe nlhef lack.-tlr .a sgaint the sppoint metii of mrrir era of Cohgress in ibeora m prs-hr4iiia-fTMf- Ibe aui..Tressnr . and pf ih .ps he is UoV for it . It is sll true, as Audv Gr .nl baa told you n is in lha do. umems I il.tot ricnv it. Sirs, it is the glory of hie h.rec le thai be tins been for lid Ogahist fer thing ; and as Mr, V-n Boreo promised to . .How in ins loi is'eps. be. of eriorse, was lor and tgHinsi rveiy thing--! kow htm. He would nH ii.v nr-n a geouirt" New L'shl if lie were nut f- r snd Hgtfinsl every inrisure, We ie all (and here Fog raised Ins voire to Ibe highest bey, sn I struck th imir.l aharply with ' is bsti ) w R ind A-OAlfl-T ever- thmr I How els ad we lit n.e n, j.i.u, f ;VVhl M Urn New Lulil. (t.u-litaiint D iiio. iace. hut a nlnrt run. i.Hiuity lolbe will of ihnmajorilf ? A -sinst thai snil thai onU we never go! treuieo d.wis pplans A L- l .Beardslc ssid, P I ' Com nr.. e, r rth Credit sn-t I sst P- loH'Ctiirfor.. H.nks.Sub Treury.Con aitiiilion, Ltw, B nton, Amos, Van I bad m.iai.i p.-rts i O"! ILrkorj liulowats go iri ih. MaJ.'.RlTV I' ' - A'ler Ibis tori, winch may be asid to be truly eloquent, Tliendi. re made a very bap pt hit tn it Niching t.poii Ibe ntttiral bostiiilt tieteen the rich and the poor, showing wilfi great p tnl of reina'k, bow injoe..le it is lot these two i In ssics In have sny Chris inn ferfjng lowaitt e i.Ji oiber; and 'g"ing ft. 'in ihe gieal Ne L'ghl Deniocintir piinci. pie, thai, in CveriileMr1tieot of the G .vern. nieitl, li an man who holda properly ought t- he 'deprived of all l- fjuenrrnd Ih .1 ll wan I tic p-hi id.d'i rlg'.i io I gi.lite aw the roll man's post-rations, ''fin we not kn..' said he, id, t inseery coniiiiiinilf the majori ty srefioor f tbal there arc two men with. oil properir, lor every one man wilh it i Ol rouisr,lhn, ll lollows li'gtrWIIv that, as two heads srr better tlisn one, the sole right, ss portion of lour rrspecuhltt body sir. hei tcr voters itiaii you think you sre. 'And al sll events, if sou are tint, u becomes us as s Clirisuin People to rs'ecd lo yon thai prinege i go lor ttie re.ieal ol all laws which tyr-ni tellj r.q ire a yer,a real deuce in tia State, iyjietre a stranger is ale lowed ti, Vole." i "Ilurrsh for Ftg r'-burrsh for Fsgf" hutat forth to loud vh'orus fuin tie new comers U.t.w aaid Theoi!oi in continuation. as I Crn concealment, I lauai ta frank With von. The airaoeer should he sraie- (ul to bis fiiemls and f therefore, for, one, never cnaenl In extend lha invaloahle priv ilege of an IT ie to an nn worthy nianA Mr ui.i"' e"w aa'S't', an "lurni, unuirncri inj Q "dlii'Cterian Dfmncrai, readvl lo go in whatever way wa who take lha, trouble to do hia thinking for him tvqmre ; d i but reaaonshle. - Wa think, stud, burn ill midnight lamp, and toil, when be sleeps, and all-for lha good of the man who bat no li'no ltdo these tlnngv for bimaelf what is hia duty in return, j Why, In stand' by a who m.kes these ser fi e. for his welfare dearly I ncoMeslibly." I And now, fellow-coontiymen, one ac.d all m n of Q .M!libel, roeii ol Biekerhrey and especially men of old Tnrahledowu, the poor ; snd ihsl ihejr make laws for ihe ffoVeri'meni of ihe rich, hut lha rich can not mah Isw (or the government of the ioor. - Ursides, who would ba the most iwi sriint iti such s mailer, the man tegisla. ting lor hie own property, or the mun ley. ist -ling fi Ins RCigliburs i -This r.qiut no rei.tr - - ". ' .... - rv irrfWfcd b.4dJy his non iom ttMMiii tern ,- f sin not sure, si this moment,", aaid he, bow the land lies. I wait to ascertain lha ntiiiieiil of ib Mionif , which, without I dting aides, I rather incline tn Ihrt-k is g.fri the .esore. I jsilge from lha vote I ti New Lgb,alwo yeara ago sltliiiugh I -on lee that two . year are a long period loi s New Light In look bark, snd thai Js raitirr overtne sul lime in which custom r q ire we should t-hanga. I shall wsil for vrnis.' '""-r;.' , .' :' : " Toward Ihe roto Joeion. wliieh s ve ry p.ilinii. the oiatnr lun.e.l to thoe trsngere-ana.iitgsl us w'io nd came; over Iroiii Hickerhra an J lri penny Railroad, ;4O0iicmeo. stid hf, -ou suud in s .e tVilaarljr lot' resting rclaiioii in the New I'lll's. . Y a sre strangers, snd. as ths po. el Bats, "Snanger is a ssrred name." y TLerefore, il is our wish Int.fceyou in. Toi have .d ieei over sitty days in our S ale; you, sre separated, many of you, trom you i awerilieaits , some ol you front your wivis sll of y.-u Irom your borne; W.fe, sweetheart, home AtTerting wurdtl VhS' is 'ibe Bean ouh ami sidesd - : X ho never to bitnself hath id hrtth.' ppralirig id tour paaatons or rej..ieea I acorn auch slrst. ageins.f- No. adore- wiyaelf solely srtd severely, sternly wnho.il a fl iwer, prnsti raliy wnhoiii1 a figure, aoberly . wilhoul a fliglil, to your cool irinpcrtte, and nnse dored rapacity of logical t'educlt. in. Y' . g-nlleioen, I, s pom men, do bailie agstnsl ihe hosts of the rich. I the friend . of ho. net Itboi, etruf gle agiti't the huge mo nopoly ol fanarded wealth, ' hoaitled , bv grinding lha faces - f alerting hill dealitme lahortog men alone, 1 strive s'gsinst th-e hand.'d oowera will you deart ma in Hi trrle V J' . .i.-"";' 'Never,' ahoulad Flsn Sutkar, and Ben I bv. snd six more of Fog's principal roea Never, never.' ' Then I tin content. Coma weal, enme w , hem is a hert thai will never or ra ther GriitleroeB, let me ay in the worda of he poet fit became now quite obvious fist Theodore ws beginning to ba very Henoiisly stTrled hy Ihe frequent rei'resh iiie .l which Flan 8u;rker had adiuimatrrvd during h ia speech) y . 'Come one, come sll, thlsmok shall fly , Fioin i's firm baa soon as I.' In ciiui'lusion, all 1 havo id say ia ihit: we sre about In pari VV hen ynu gi lo your homes, snd with hearts enraptured y all a father's and a liusbaiid's failing reelinirs you take your seals by the ol, I family firesides, snu Willi the partner ol ym.r ho ton a getliing supper, and yo.r in lerealing progenv rluaierinjf oh tour' knee, in Ihe rpidat of sll these Meanings pause lo sk yoiirsrlvea, what sre fliev ? Y otr I. Carta will answer, they sre our court fry I II'.W Itieo, you wilt inquire, a that roun try lo he 'reserved, as a rich inheritance io thoss rherobs I who, by this tune, have climbed a blgh as your Witiatnosl pocket ftese government is acmdm to it.eu oaa.il ca li.ms soliry, ss they will b enabled by th near jur.ka tobl.ck op tbe enhance. and rat offro u munir, i.jo fnKn iheeuter waisrs. Ths Inland ia ait 10 miles Img, and att miles Hnd. The 'Jhn.eae he two fxis ns lbs Cosl opes- ail H. eg K'tng Bar, snd Ihe asaill hsrbor of Cow tot, s roorh firquenlrd b lbs Cue. ling jooks. ibe following eliracl fross S popular viuik, by Captain Bitil Hall, will bs read with cootidersble ioteresl at ibe present lime, when tbe iln lid has so tatetf steoma a aartjavf bet la-jeaij'admiiintona:-.' It wis indttpensably ns- ' ee-t ry, bewrter, b.fi.r leering io the aiuih. ward into area so little ksown, lo eomtdrle nsr stock of water i snd we made waif accordingly tn th Inland of H ng Kong, ens of th great cluatsr ca.led tbe l-adruni. Here wa found a noble eaacade'i and the night being per feci. 'y eahn, wiih a aea ss smooth as s ill-pond, in eon' qnenoe f lbs Sneli'trage being land-lut ksd on evert side bv lolly htlanrfs, we filled out . ter cask eastlv. snd towed ibem on board la raits 0' 10 hi 20 al a tnns-un eXie.lniiMia ins thud, bul pra.'Ucsble only etljtS lha d.atatice bxpitens lo Ik small, snd the e onri.tH d. It was almost drk when as Secboied ; hut Ih m.a-n, ' which wa nearl at the full, riant shor ly afterwards above the hills The ialands in ihia q-iarler, lay so close to one snoiher that eea io in day time, il was diffi cult io diaenver snf outlst S but, st oiuht ilia ninuniain sppeared to form s eoniniooo barrier. I he tine of ibe ground alao being bluck tnd an- broken, it seemed as if th ships bad been trans ported by run magical pruerss to the centre of' a sotitsry Jake, Ivlng io the bueoru of a hiohfand g 'ea. oon after, ws had taken ap our elation eeai th water-fail ; but before llii eerioo ba- sin wsS lighted bf the moon, snd when the most so'esin silence prevailed evet the whole scene, a fl"t of ssveral hundreds of C binet.e fishing boat suddenly advanced ia-. large gionps ol 411 lu BO ssen, Irom behind ihe Hlands. J hay were rowed about from place Iu olacs with great eeleriivi and . in sacii host tu or three men sluod in ihe how, wuh finning lurch in Iheeir hn, which they waved barkwarde and tor wa'd. while niher u the craw were emplnvad in besting in the nioal furious manner, several large ganga auspendrd in ths masts. To give lull lor.tr snd fioiab lo IhtS extraordinary sere nade, .a cl.orus of Jells and al.ojt ws art up Ji" ertr-my-hi.me, and wesr shssot frmw my I sllaheJiojtauiejvsliefulN their heart. sjavr cxnosed to ymi, Irsnklr, free ly, iiiihesiia'inly, my principles a id pro fession. Y 'U nil urn ii I sin n .ked golleles, an I robed in Ihe simplicity d mv nstnre.; Flan, another glass of that it.f", my hoy. I do hot m.itaie me friend Aody G ent for te is my friend d-o it, we can il.ff .r in tioliiica and hre .k no scAre I 1 do not. like l.itn snd the Whig, entertain yoli Wnli TrutTiy a. cTam dioii, voices a uproar which anekened R ech e n all ih aoiroundtng hills, snd tendered ihe whole acene so irttlv diahulirsl l bat the sailors. aaioniitbed snd delighted Si thl amlilen iiropiii.n nsiaiud upon i that a teg inn ol Ll.iiuae deeila mils' atiiely ttwve been let hwae hi (lighten away he arnbaaaador. out this lutnuliui.ua snd s- luuamg uproar was evidently intended lo drive n.e n-li 'mm ths ttenir id the haibor into net aned auroa ihe narrow channel, bsiwscn lha trroutidtreg-hilts u ' - " Madeui'iiselle Fanny El-ler has writtsn to s f I lend in Pari, giving a glowing acrurTnt of her aucceaa at the Havannab iShe savs aha cleared more '.ban 6000 dollar by hr benefit, and was mailed lo grand Supper by lha sutho riiiea. In which she was eaeuried-by s deputs m.ii .d 4 of tbe wealthiest gentlemen of the i-land Sh sppeststo be sstuniahnd s. ihesn llioaiet.ro which all cret'ea, (s well she o.ay, for ll la very unusual for a Mpliide f nilTi--tx I s.aKut, so or kluuTcaitll lu s( oits sutb rapiur at a dancei." ; CRUELTY TO ANIMALS; We lately noticed In sums of Ihs public prints, . ihit a mm In New Y. ok, had been fl't'd for cruelly beating a bsrae. This, we mtintain, is a !t should be. . Cruelly to animals ia one ul lha 11 dommon aina ol ths day snd it sl ould sUsm be remembered Ibsl ha wbt will onoeeeaaarily give psintu the most intigo.flranl of animala has not the diapoeiij. n to make sll sgrcaable Cnmpsn ion or a faai friend. Tbe poet Co per very heaotifut etpreaaes himself on this subject in Iba M-owing lines r "1 would not enter on my4isl of friends.-. . (Though errncrd with pulit.hed manner and fins , sense Yet wanting sensibility.) lb min Who neeill. tnlj sm fool iinn a worm." He who wsnlitnly tori ores dumb sn'mals his t ssvsgn diap-ujinin iliat he would indulge lo ihe uppreraing of hia fi-ll iw-man if he dare J i a ssvagr tyrant st heart deetilate uf. Ihiws fine senahilo te. which adorn the bsoiaa charie-i-r, snd warns h'li ihs power snd opportunity to Mrui'c ar'nge Ilk hlinaelf. G'esl csre, stiiMild ba 'eken in' ths edtiesllon of children to impreas'tipon them their duly In -ilna reaueel ; i.i chsriah kind snd benevolent - leelit.gs sn that then sfier live oia b ehsrao lenaed he ilie predi.minaney , of ihssa sit-, iocs I Tetter a Car Tern. Ada ... V' a i well s the solo power, of l. giaUiiiiu is im .into which ihey have, with the natural in atinel of young New Lights, thrust tlieif ll'I'e fingers. -The reap.. use will he ready -Go to Iba polls in May gn, determined In aiiflatii the everlasuitg piinciplea of the New Lighi, Q.o'llibertsrisn democfey . go, wttii a firm resolve lo tuppori no MiA tlariii, an Middling, but to sualain an una. dulleratenl True Grit go, lo stile ffr The. vW test, prdsperoos, and Tav,'jr' ocral.-l sm on mns auo-wiei, fuw'L h .lf iU.k Hired B.-tHril Mi '-dliag I Thm ts my ), my naiive land, and au Di rnocrsl - lo. aft toimisand purHws, , Do rot dee pair. 1 !e ftfew Li,ht fyttnf fuiies qooHits ia jturuj Vstursiibtte, True j fi.enl j and not only yoofi"! wile, Gnt, a whole bog Troe Grit, sod Rotlnog j sweetheart,- 'y, ana ebddr n, t - Q nli. but t 'Ttt OriU lleire ..Theodor ... ' r-et, nutaf you tr l.tre cex n nt", we bljged to pau a luti ttiiuuia vti account tdT Will m-e f em a yon me not eiitiiled i-t a the cbttring ' yoie, ilisi't all, J have au tiuuut a Urga :'', HONG KONG. ':fi'y. Wa find In a la'e English paper iba follow ing description of Hotg Kong, al oiled asarths cnireoew l tbe large bay at the muutb of Ca loei lieer ; . t :',.:.''" -'" ' I'he lalsnd of I long K'Hig, now grinted by Cbmt tit Ib- Queen -4 Eogtand, is sneol Ib group of Inland al ihe mooih of the Caatoo ri ver, ll is one of granalic btrmation. If the laud rotes t aome considerable bright in lb centre of thel,ifaiid.TBere ara eeveral good watering places ue the aouibero shores, snd put s toes tnd vegetable sre enlllvsled by lb inhstSlantS lot great egh-ni. ' l ha snrh'trage Is ! between to- Lawma laland and H"0g Kong ss there is Irmn 10 'it 12 I iltiom of walar. Thers is tlao gid anchorage In ihe Ty lew Bay for srr-sll ve. sets; isl the enlrsarw la nut good, and there arsaoui danger-ma rocks In lbs e..uta. Tbs enirm: iolo tbs aorlbern channel is ibrmigh the Lf ee nam fhtnual inut H .ng Kong Bee snd. although aeveral of our in rchsntmen have wimeied brre. Ibe approach ihroogk Ihe Lam ana rbai nel la Very uncertain, a ihe depiti it eoOaiintfy ch'tnyrtig from Ihe great dep.mil of ms Niilp Irom M.cao pa ihrmigh liiv Lam. ma channel dvon ihe ..or i hern munmn; bol the navigation id iheae stratis is eg -reding 0 IB cm and dunjrroas. I'e I'M-ge, o gales of wind, pr.,rshi g iSeCuaai si the q.'o,.i, and ar. vety dir i-itv to ib nai yaait'l foreign hii A certain Vrabb, Intenda stalling en ths trsiik" for Cuiigrf, he ia a tbiU) spewS tod Will find .hs ' heal so very Vyrts-fol that ha will gladly.aubmiiJti hv t Muld t placed over him." Oreeniloroiuh Deacon. " ICTOur C'riilb.U hw,, is sure) snd like bis tinmtiisiive, one of Jh aigruc-ol ll.e sltac, will be fmtn.l im rr essnjfe ad -we . d.-sbt -not b will prove Ii,hooi so npple Wiif Lew is. ' To be beaten by s Chapman, (who Wehster ,fte-a drsler- in--mar--lhlhg) wembif wirrbramrMr bunging tfatPgrTrB:TtfTrte liitoiirwbitbriw regret; bf Kt ssaured he cn control promoting Sltirldl which will preelmle the pominiliiy of Sn ouiliig (rlooatoi.) so i'atns-fol. ; P.uhsp yoa d.Mibi wheihi r he can f Wessy enipbsllctlly, uo' f'ruie tan, tir - (('ancrr ) " , T gut a' the Oafra briore hs's 'sih-4 ep , likas wind-wu.nd Brigx, is slow snd by tneiet; but hn y oile a iua st blm.t" you'll fiud belt yard (Milliard) it wub a loroiiiotive rush, . H other than be out Durut. Beat Ibai and yoa foe l -( Lewie.) 4;rs;a;o (a .) Patriot. o,- 4. MARRIAGES. Wuh all Ha ills snd cvile. rota koqwt no happiness urtil be marries ; lei bira possess a woman of sense and virtnr, and of whom tie himaeifia worthy, and ha will feel a solid and permanent Joy, of Wiet he nvvcr wsa baforr sensible. For, a soma body say, the bappineae of marriage, lika the interest ol ntonry, arises from a legular and established funds while unmarried li brrtiuee lite ui O'l tbe principal, and ba coma bankrupt m character and respects bill I)'. T' be sure, (snd ll.e same suihor -ity tells us umMetpted happiness n snail can, or ought to i s.ieel. ) L fe IB BO Bio. cure ; fruit do not spring sponisiieni.siy from iba rsrth, as h y did m the garden of b 'en. nor, does m-nnc ilrop ftom the clouds s 9 S V pu g I bis vslsod M badly ahuaea a a wiirms , . ,i.,' , ,h- n..e . it t sorrouoded ty stnall cI'Miersut ialand,snd , c ... i , . , ....b.lu: waiw.lltw ontble lo .n smrdt, !- '"f"f. -Mliinirmf f- Iheteu.l . J g-rouus S nail aiaamers will alone w' " rrga.ai h minus a CUM besereh'VnMr. but lhMi nioal be uf verysmill diaugbt. 1 hs ct-ssiun uf tnit lalaud by iba Lht- a du e 'l ptensure in prosfternv, tod lace iu surtow and d.fersny. a bq- .y:. J

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