- r. -A . V: Ml r iuMMiiJui. iw nmtv,. ."i" !WHiwjM!-.'!Mi Wii. i imummJB. ' umw iii.Mwamwwwnwtii - - ; " " )"" , 1 : r I -F : ' : m hi - , . . . , .... .." ... , ,,i ,.. . :. ..... . . j .. ....'. ;!: v . -. xrsr - -3'k-,-4VitCMMiJi " anjr beaftw firf Ait Iim rfoUon in J mcf, inl too iollan ind fflycttt at lb end of lb yar. . JSo tuteeriptwa will b received for lest list tbas on tr,Bplet paid for in dnr. , ' No" piper tftioMiiinued (boi kt the nplioo of ,0iiiJaoriJpnii4iU!itrfrinfipiirpsid. TEHI Of ADTCKTISIUB.' - ." , Om doIUr per quire lut the Rm inaonioa ind twenty Ave eema fof each eontinaaoee., y Coart nolicee will b chirped-23 per el. bljb f ibta tbe abof rales" ; ; " r - V-" 'A deduetioa of Sty per eeel will be made U thoto wbo advertise by the jear. -. AH aJvertixoMtaie will be eon tinned nnfiJ arbid and eharged far aeeordinf if, ale,a ordeil 4 for eertain Bomber of lime. .IQ Le lore eddreeeed to the Cditora moat mow pnM paid le eieowt atimiiiow. V Xi EUZJ WlLLMMSOLVt SISTJSK ' f 1 1AKB pleaeare lo uSuiug tbeir oervinee to - v J the eiptene of Salioherv aod the adjuceot CMOtrf. That receive ragetartjr frooxbe Nortb "J'the hteel'"'""'". - - Tbet feel confident that ant woffe done by ttieaa will b tqeit, tf not tope nor, a any worlt don ' in ihia eoeotiy, in point uf eiyle and lgoee. w P. s VTbeir reeidenee "a in he while 4we . rrt la Mr Weafa brick Utilding . i ry; DeeewCer IS,.l841&2i 7- rPLENDIT,l r hub s on m if , .. . JUST RECEIVED VnMiyai. ' JUL need aapply of v - v. mmong o y be found the following A. SO red, cteea KaXitle flaonela '.4S2H Kentockt' Jeina. , :- 410 ae.b. At browa doaatilca, j: ,j-'-t i 1 ttorba; 'Zu. r; r-V ) A It naitloetar 4 -t ' . ',;.:: SS bed tiekinff, ;' - 19 iwrlled kerteya;.'!. . S4 neaen aaen'n IM - " u -v 87 , , w -Teck eoaaie.- ' 16 eaaee fur bat. , : , 1 i ' -.. 104 plain air w baanete, ' ' 18 doten palm leaf luwda. t , x . ' ' IS follow ootbrellae, - . . TOiaaTnikey red yarn, .....1 .- J. piecea bet aaeior atHtnf doth. Taewtiier with a general aeanrtmtat af av'ery wtberfctadafr s.J -r' '', - , . g o o n s , jt47J l The poblie art reqaeoten la eall aad etamine, , bear prteea. net qualiiiee and !gt tot tfcemaelvee , J.e-W.MUBPIilV' - Dee. S5, f 84l4wM . w - - -- w Co-partuership Dissolved. Xfrotrx Sparrow TTATNO eSeonited tbeir eopartnerabip in JLJL the roereaniile taina at Uavideun ijwt- Irire. reaiweta all neraona Indebted to '.hem lo call and make rwynient oft er a fore the let day of February . 1843, aa ton yet indelgeaen eanaot he given. Ail debta eol paid will e given loaa vBSeer for eolteetron. -! - - - - - . Meehfawhcry eo Pee. 99. 1841. if 4 - aottt . A HANDSOME white aad livei coloared J.M. Peinier DOG. called Rondo. He eaa be teadilt reangwieed by hie hating aaterally anert tatl.elurhuy erenked at the extremity ; a very email jwrtloo vff of one ear, a alight mark af a eatd en on aboelder, and marke en hie bind lege where hie dew elawe were ant on Ron.de left me about 8 er 4 week ago, and I ear tweed he would attempt to reach Wadeebor. egh, where be hid beeB fur aornr time pnrviaot o hie leaving, not hie hot having retorned In ibal place. I nappoae be baa taken np nemewbent in tbe neiehburhowl. Ant nerenn returning eaid etng t me at ihie place, or in Jaiaen L. Cuwaa, Seliabory, or giving mformaiion by which f aball wet bldk again, aball be liberal't rewarded Q. B. DOUGLAS. Wood -Grove, Rowen manly. N. C. reeher IS. IS4I. JLmrge whole I e and .iletatl i.9tbtiMkmeMt. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SJLE 150 liege Coffee, I aegabeade Serw, ' 60 Nova Hcotia Grindataoea. " fiOO Ibeeole lewtlier, 10 bbla mackerel, ' ' 40 pieoee barging, ' .. ldeneaddleree, IfKIO roe 'net nngtt. 2000 Iba Goahet. Cbeeee, ftflO haute PHutf, " 83 pair Elipiie aprioga, 150kegenaile, 1000 tna apnng f leef, . I 1 fcf I powder, 80 d weeding boea, , ,. Hi kthiieleetf( 8 besee tin pleie, Xv" .r.sf.'iaM' Series f -4 iatntcal IRST Lemain Latin. Aral Iemt in 'i. liteek ; a Grammar e the Greek Lr enage; a rteaml Greek Pnexxv; Cesar'e . i iiniTOuiirt en tfee Gat'ie.M'arSeileei'n Jtf-ji.h!i Wtr, wih Kngravedj JNetetj tw-, ev OratHmt of Cicero, with Engraving, lie Worlaof Harare, with N"e4-e ; Januh't Greek Vrl-t, wnh Nutee, Criiieal. aod a Clamra V .",i .';jrykej,h Ntrie? eiplaoaipfj, jo J,,ITfcL Ji 8 to. nearly reedy.) "I he above vlh!e oikt art for aale at lb Kurih CarUiaa lk hiet by . " - TURNER fc HUGHES. r!;b,Ati; I8.I840-U8 . . .... r 1X7 ' ' ' ' 1 Jh- "' . I . f 1 .. ' f -M l Iff -r A 11 dT"w - ' EDITORS AND PBOPItIETOK7 6XSCZIBZXJ. A1CD P AREEH'S From JSultibury, viaSfaUsvilleani JUor t .. .. ganion ti 4thebHU, N.tC.-; - ISoo'4 fall oriiiofl, luenmg ibriitigb lo two day a, and twice a week, at flluwa ; ' " fjeavee Matielwrt rveryWedneaday and Sat nrday at 0 o'clock A. M, and arrive ni. Ahr ilia every Mmd and Kritfaj nf g 'clcl(, M. " - Leave Aeheville etery Teondetaod em nr day, ir eVIork A hi, nrrlvee at ilieiwrt ni da ra at 4 P. M. .... . ' .: Puwenget treveljirtf n Ifew Iim Will receive I eood aecvmmodntiiink. I Out 4 eenf nad Htrke are eieellent, ana We ter, vtioai aeeoaiiaxieatiai j no rin patef to ieo- del trine tafti anil oteaejhrriVf tWt tanwnflete. ' . vfUKR.tJ8t PAKKER. Jae lit, ineiiuo . , . ' IfautlngJo i ;ctlerktl LOADING Mm ibe.Vultoa Mioeaii- qiiLin Qavideea eoadtjtawaer tbreej ntlii-e North- Eaat from, the Mail Rooter Jiutril haliabipy to Fajfiievi(e-jlS miletruoa bnj aery- 10 nilee , Jv m iimiioo, w hi jd aiven n annlkiUobat ihaiMiaa. ; Price AO eta. per 100 IBiyTw ' ' ' ' " Z ... ' vV ROSWELL A. .INO.t My 8'.-U84ftlf4f " r- " , J -V' 'T-de-STL "Vj T Lit1 f 1 i.li'OeAXrM. t itHE'ondereigaed hiving .dererwiined ih rwt I aiuvipf to the -Weat now i0V-r fur aale bia lying with' ona mile of Siltabury, tm thejgreai road leading Imm that town to the lowe f Gnar. Iiiii.U It ieibeaima furmeHy owned by hie la ther, Joo Piwl, and it la preaumed gennrally well koowri.jTtte liael etm'tin apaiite of r - aboot SfOiif which ia oleared, and under eolii'a lien and ebnnt 40 of it-firet rat aaeedow lan It ia well watered tat Crane Creek, which ifik lb tuu(h near the middle 4-Thefe eee tww 'L en the uaet, one eeee the mrrmt- nJ eniwird above, ind ihr mher.aUndmg niTaj. gratei.iiia tartne. ... The one near the nuid ie mutable for e HOUSE OF EJrTRRTJLS'MESrr. bav. inf all ibe eeeeatt eat boeaee Kioveeienllf ar- ranged, and awpnSied with eleellent vrelUwalee I be ether dwelling tn near an eieeiienr noting . tram which it i aupplied wnh water. I here are tteo a the promisee two . 1"" and' aTbrauhipg Vlaebine." The abe piperiy ia pleaaaatly aiteated and remarkably healthy and the itiberribej, Vinf aniNMiato cell will give 1 baraaia . Thuae wiahtne to aee tbe abova1Plan talion and obtain farther infurmeiion eoererning ii. can w grairneo vy railing en tneeuooctieerai. hte rewdeaowna-tta-eamo, - - .' , -v ' j JOSEPH POOL. Jely SI, 1941 -Iff " TIJOTICE-Aleianiler Brnner having ran JlI away faotn my employ. I wit) gi tw re; ward tnaay perton who will deliver htm In me," 85 if ihey lodge biat in jail an can gal a liiOT. Aad I intend to buld any pereott 'eeeponr aiale wbo may employ or harbor tiJ A Brunei. " ' - CHARLES N, PRICE. , Jaae 18, 184l-tf48 " - " -: JYeffroes for Sale. O '- : .... 'I 1 ' "' 1 "" 1 " " U' ILL be told in front of the Coorthnnae in tbe Iowa; of Saliabwry nn 'Monday, the 7th FekntaT nex'.ii beig be Monday ef Row an Connif Cnnri, niioi " , 'tin CMVeyed by Barton Cjaige' lu Samoel temly. in Treat for ibe pnrpoeee ntnNtioned in the deed of eooveyanee., Amoeg them ar good hoeee aervaoK, field hand and , of Good Blacksmith. ' TERMS. One foanh ef the nrgrwea will b- ld rir aegotiable paper Bank, wnb'nnt more ihan ninety daya tn ran the balance a pun. a cradil af an mimtb. , '. . ALKXW. BRANDON, ' - Anon ey in tael for bamoel Lemty, . ' December f 5, 1841 ia ., .- b P. 8. , Th ClieraW Gaetie, Greenebnroegh: Pairiol, aod Meekleobnrt Jrfferenoiaa, will anb enny three line and 'forward their accnonU J; . (7 Dissolution.) 1 . rflHE te-pnnerttir'hereiofare eiletfeg nn I dor firm of Bend Dyl, n ibta day dtaaulf d by muteal eteiit ,- ' f I1IIE atthamiher j ahoet In Tepair the old I 1 AN-TABfl.fnrmerlt carried en J.o Beard, aenr , ai ihe Noiihcaet, end ef the town aad will give ihe bigheet price in eaah, for bide aad alee lake bidee nn lre l la - -7 CHARLES L BEARD. ftaliabary. Jea. 1. 184 i 8m II" Attention - Shoemakers ! rA.M'EP"noriw, J"orneyn Shnn I . TF makereof giUrharaeteiVlu ewkul. VfT"tfgtiIerinnUr dierSbee. le wbam g'jd wage and cunaunt I mJ Joat received bt vmtdui weal, will be arttea - - jtmt iriuursuit, SaJtatarf, Jely 4, 1841-tttJ X rrr ' Stt thit lh Gmrnmtnt dot net pon mil your HhIo-M' Do Ihiw.ttto V,- JANUARY 15, Jrth Carolina Exttutorf "10NTAIMNO the Kuraiee and tnwireiMi Lvl.iof thit H ate, tnf eiber with iha def aiunirof theSapreine lenrt,aad all ibr aevrtn. r formmad preeedentt. : . - " . ' Iblended at t" conveeienl ' ManeaV and aafe fuide to Eieeotura, Adtniniatraiera, Geaidiana, Jtttkte ad Ceninveeinoera. .apouiriled by the rtTt. Ctettia, tihMtATaad at! tfher onblie ef fieere, - It lhl, it It intended fur the Mm fit of elf peraMit, ptrbW m pttvaie, wko are, er pneei bit etir be tntenvlei) In the nnuief Mageinftl f 4heettef doevtted peraoae wi A thelMMil Uuvb'f and tut', V?, aemiHBf 'o.'rie he now to hrea.- Kiir bnidea ine imraf oia'i ler ahuve'tteniifoed rrteratly: It Vree hi kindred tiibjie of Wirteef mm an renmeat Pmnvrii. IrfrMiten. Dtairttitiive abarea at' Re lief-, B4ntrfeVtcii PaiUlii nf.Eilatet Rt Bfld'etlAir ernvia eon for W Mowa, eXe. - t- SJaAveag.the form it euetaina, are,. all the ?T1.-...a...-i i - n .u Deed: BillrV Sole. Lea, fixmaaf Aeeoent, TPiihine. fflda vlie, Advvriieetnenia, Uommia JtiMie, Nntiee,-VVtit. Betaiea, v Reperta. der-4htjt. ear a nonaree te nowoef . aoo m ie"lM; bf fiwd jittgee, te ha the largeei, aa well- the roan' pravtleal ind approved eullon-' lion of FoirpeUoje e.laal. ; , Tiek baapatedjeea pab!ihed. ll-eee tain 54 eefnee oawed. Jwe ia aa tkcae of the 'NV'hlUhfd'iea Joiflt'e-;") well badad bf loaV wifingvpaadAlneow'i''ficeof jhejaiarcin tywf m.4iev, aa well aaetitfaaartjwcirnin ta reeehttf 'every pm ,'ii ia a untied for aala athe:lWTiirrl5Vfcf retail Merenaata and etnera whbuVjitiaiily te aell agaia,cn nave aeaanmwe reaeciron in pnee JET Apply at ' Printing OtBen ia Aahw Wmntb, Rmdolpb eoua'y, N. C .er at the N- Carolina Bosk Btere tn Ksletgh. -t BKNIAMtN RVVAIM. ; Deeember 8,1841 SetS - ." ; J- , Sktutt or iortn CAtounjit iirjSewM!'r' NOVEMBER, TERM, .ML";1 ; ?- $ iJaynoow; Crti,-"'- "V" . ; ..I i . H .meal li -a mlaamkwh.4i ...... '-r"'' fJlalewllt WmVfTWt". Origiwt Atlachmtnt Mti ti Sundry "J- urttcla of j'truMt frepfrry. . f T apimartng le lire aatinfaotiu f ih rnerr, m m tbia ea, that ihedelmdani Bril Buirh, te not an inhabttaat ef tbi Slate S It te 'here- fore ordered bt'lhe fjri,.4bl edveiiieemeel he made fnr th defendant fur att week in the Car eun Wetebmaa, t he aad enpear er , the we a Cnert of Pleae ed Quarter Seeeloaa.'ta a hole rot tfcemtcntr ol .Marry, tube Conruhoeae In in Iowa or Riiclt'ord, ia the Ind monday in Feh eearvXaeii. i plead or demer, n latlin ib pmperiy wil be etiademaed lo ibe aee of Plam. VV itneaai F. K A rmai rang. Cl-k Cnoniy Court . r ,erry, tbe 2nd mvnda in Ptoemaerf A D.I84I. - - ' T, K."ARW8TR0NG.CIk. f 6U eiUler'e lo 45 50 . State of ilorth CnroUnit, NOVEMBER TERM, IS4I. T,i IrW- JrWJ arrano., ii v Original Mtiekmeml, H : H O. N-impUn ' iummontd at gugrmitht. v f N thieaaa it appearing m tbe eatlefaetiae t Ji the Cwtri, thai the defendant la nl ea habitant of ihie Stale i ll l iberefore ordered by the Coert. that adverlinemenl he- made for oil week i ihrCernlin AVejehoie for th De feedaoi Jneeph K'f eonv ' h and a ppear 'at the neat Conrl ul Plee an.- Qiiarier Neeina to be held for the rnnnly of Si.n , at " ihe l.eert Hooae in (he town of KorfcHHd. en the S4 mne) day of February, A D I4?. m plead rdemnr, Mtherwiae jtdmenl praconfeeae wui be entered aeaiitnt him.- "- . , - - Wiipeaa.rraecin Kf- Armnimng, elera or ear i natJ Cnart at ufllce, tbe 3d monday of N"tem- - Vr,184t' . - . - ' , , P. K. ARMSTRONG, Clk. 8w'2J prfatere fa 5 60 - A a. ' I. 'i' """ '" -'n'-'' - ,f ate'oror(h . Varmlina- Iredell twvrry Court of Erulfy ortTrrwi lt.' 1 David Critwcll and Jam McNeelj, Exeontora , ; of Ilannab Monro. - ., , ' ," . va. , , j . . . William EmVrenn and othera. IT aneeenew the tnetrJbauEphrtijn)-BL. 1 More and Jirba) I-eiae. eVfendaoH in ibiteaae.ammrf inhnbtianie ef (hi Stat I i k Iherefoie nrdered, that pottbeaffoh be marie ia the Candle Walrltmaa. . (or ibe eaid defendant Ephraim P Moure and Ma Lewrance, wrer ally to appear and anewer eaid Billnf eump'alnt at tbe fteti 1'erm of ib!n Gonrt,- te h held ff IbCeminty uf Iredell at th CoWrt-OHHiaW I tiiaienvill. oe the 84 Jtl f' 'he1 1 awn day w February aeauwrjadimenl mill ae lake lor euitfeaaed and beard aceurrVng tn law ewer of ihe Court. , v .:,' ' Viinee.Tboma. II MeRnw; Clerk and Ma ter f eaid Crmr a-4Bee, IWamber 0,M4&V " - - T. H. UlrROKIE, m. a., ' .833 prinowe lee H 60 - - I ..Blank at tonovilt ' 1?T. Wa. AI, f leodernna, ia ' Jamt ageal for tba al of bUmkt at Concord. He will keep eoWent jy n band a aupplt ef every kind in etmm n ; end will retail the aenat Jh price f ttd at ihie office, ., .;v..."' "2 i 1 EDS. WATCHMAN . Jul 94 Iftdf - M ntttatatriigt; TURNER It HUGHE Ca 8a Bonds for pale here, j SS w" -tar ewenrW ff miwA Liacatv ra lira FafrvW tmicr GOODS. ! i j 'lie Subscribers V" s HATlNGmnoved hiCaoMrd. ar eo rw nerving and opening in tb brink awet wcet ef tle Coerlboeae, their --.) FALL AMD WINTER -f 'GOODS,'- r-;r U X kmoni wrliterfere Dry Cuda, Hardware;, 1 Cntter. hja. B iHa.l1ii. Bntittclt. . 1 Saddler w, Carnage Tr4mmtnt, f Crockery, PainU. Djt : ' f 4 ' '""' Maditra, GROCERIES,. aad a variety f ether anwlea t in ahori, it rem ptteea a general aeorjrnnnt. wbteti will be wld very low for cath, at to paartaal deatera ea lima. We ievile old enetomere and the poblie In gen. eral, to eall and examine nor aJnek before purctiae. leg ateawhare, a we think we can give anrb bargaiaa aa will be great indncament tn parcbaa- ar. s . . 1 t v . Ceeotry prjdaea taken in eiehange for gnedai . J.kR WI.NECOKkV Concord, Nov t?,184l.ifl8 , -",.; Statt of ilortfi CaroUita JRKDELL. COUM Y- Equit. - George P.' Davtdaon, Jeaa. JltAwa." Williant Mavhew. Prealy Uaihett, H'kiah Hobbaand MaMldt hit.wii. x.irf.J . . . t agaittaf T . ; - ".Renrfe W, Mmbw, indmbera ,. flfiort far aaft "onttV A'AVgrtwr. - IV it ia caw i appearing ' to ' the Coart. thai Geerf W. Maibew. Joaeph Mtvbew and Ana who ittermarrtad with William Brandon rhHdren at iame May hew aa twn nrner entl- dre af tadaaid damea lUayhew, alao-tbe ebil drew and lelra of 'John Maihw. wboaa reai. eVacw and arete ar nnknown, ar not inbabi. laKiaof tba Hiatal It ia therefor ordered, that publieaiinajbe made in the Carolina WaiuhmaB for three month, that George W. Mayhtw, Jo anpb Alaybew William Braadna, Ana bia wife and'lbe other heir of "Jawed "Mat hew, alaa ibe ehitdrwldhira of John May haw, appear at th nelt term f Ibnt Hnorble Conrl. to he held far th Coiaty aforeeaid, ea tba 8d mondat after theSd mewday In Prhray neat, and file their aaawetkar; Judgment will be taken pro Witneee Thnmne H. McRmi. Clerk and Maater nteatityoort at t0ice in fiiaieavillte, the 3l nxmdav: dwr ' tba 84 monday in Augaat A U I94t ' . . ' 17 II. MiRORIE, C.kUt jflmH prjtera tee f 19 , ' 11 ' READ rmiS l HEW r Have JfMsf . retired ihelr FALL WINTER GOODS, Wbicatheyaredetermiaed Meell ea eheap at ca ae aenetti i tatoort. I net teeta ii aeeece aary teemerate a long liai of anlciea, but In He irieif baanaa ana coetttmera tit give tbem a tall examine tbeir amek and prloe. betare pur ehaain ebewber. No peine ah.H be erwred on their pelf te give aaliafamion, and t aell good npon lerwa to anil tae timee, ' 1 ; eahebeiy, uet. in, i4i mi CLOCIi AN AVATCU f . REP.IinlXQ. . t flHH "nbecriher reeneni lolly inform hi old -A- k'dendn ai.Ajh Pobite geerallf,lbal ha nan apened a atiup in aiihNrf in ne anova oa ee,rw a rum directly MipnMI Weel'a hrlrk aniMirig.'ln) Ibe hoeee ef Dt-Born formerly owned by J.. . Shaver and jtut below J, fc W la aMitiow tn the above, the ubacrlber will carry on the Silnr Smith aVtrafneat in ell the vaeteiiee CHoimon Ja eoenir Inwna: anrb ae awfcing 8 peon, fce., and, repairing SJiva aVare ..j": WJ .''m., - le beg m aeire th politic that if poertaal arireiHM in bnaineea, and ekHlfol amrk "ill en 4il bint to patranageaod evpportfc will New. is-tf 18 ' - " t ome and. Settle "A peraone having aeenent J. reqoeeied Hi call end tet!te ilk ar bt ibe tbelaaiwt Jaart. 1843. er the met inert Wpay fur i am air mined not aa let ibem tiaodaay longer. HORACE II. BEARD.. Stliebrwy.'Jteoari I, ISdl-tSiV,-. MR, B D PENDLETON earneeily re 'noceldthiW ti.drt'rd Id' hefle tome for- ward and eet'.le by ear neat Superior Coert j Mb farther give notice, that ie'efeM wilt be La a . aa . . ...... . .. a: . i .... . vTuJiirb0t,,sePt.4, imi. . rr" itr . , ... t til : . . BROf HER 37" ATUAN'S WIFrVS AD VICE TO "HER . D AUG HTER.'. ., ... , i 7 .. ' '; OS THK BAY Of HaHRIAfic. 1' e ; "wwee No. Polly, aa too are abnet to tel.. f " ' . ,- a, few word artnt appropriate lit iha wr. caaton A'th.iogh I regret tba arperauon, yat I eio ,'piaaiicd lht ' your proepcrta r gi.iu. .T V wol rl lltink thai air befur yaw at Ltyeiaa fielil. Utiil.eare'anJ Uou ble, art) 1b eiunpamnna trffrvit Itomaw a tin. Oiit ortttli ii will, be d i.)! ted h diettaee, frm and Jealb.. "New toe are r.krmed. Eeri thing pertaintni to thfa tile ia on the etungt . - - - ' A well tollivated mind, aniled with a pleaaaat ard ey edapoailion. m lUe grf at eat aceomplaririie;nt to a lady, I bat ar daavorrd Iron the fire! tw th pteeunt time, to bring toa wpirt aitch mwner aatn form) yn lot futura uaefulneaa tn anctely. : Wr maa waa aeter man merely to aw eeen j bat lu fill art irjiortaal apart m ,lh great chain in aatare, planned aod formed by tba A mighty Parent of Ihe IJAivrrte. you hat beta .educated ia habit uf in-tue. trt, frngilny, nconomy and aeataeaa, and ia tbeaa ypo have not diuppoioied mc. ' . It id lor tba man lo prutide, and for Ibe wile to laka.cara aad ae that every Ibtpg wiihia net circle of anntameat, la dun tt order aad aeaaan therefore let melbotl and order ba eunstdered tmpottant.' A place fil every thing and every thing in lust, are grnid family mutiot. ",. .A I bwoogh knneladgc of atatt kind of aoaineaa apprnjitiai lo the kttrben,ie imlta pe'aaabl, fiw wubuut auch knowledge a l. dy it rarapabt of th maaniul .of her own ineer. end a riahl l impiwitmn by bat terviai eeety day.'.' But ID Ihead thing w hav beta trtatractad.- - - '- -Y6 will be mtetrvaa uf your houae. and Obacfva ihe tnUa itr which ou. have -hewn edarated. Yon WitlnriaVnrS6teUthinj t".mk your Ire aid Iha mat agreabl plica for ibe m-a of yoai . rbic.- fivaa aniry and a happy dpoinow will -vet be ronttdered neeeaairy to tbia important : eqd but a foolmh fondneea ia dteguattng to all. Let reaann end common aena ever guide three, aided by pleaaanl. friendly diauoat- liou, rentier life happy and without lha it ia not daairanl. Kememberyooy.rouitta El'X. " She married wnh tbe bigheet proe peci i Mi, nom a betuietiiv eettan, . Iilaimcg dtatoaiiJoo and neglijence, every ibtng went wrong, and htr-bom became a place o diaqniettidc to br buabind. - To avoid tbia, be anogbt tUrea in uaaa away vacant tiro t tebera, wttonatrd Willi ' Ihrtaa mora w irked than himaelf, be coolractcil Ibe babtl of tniemtranca, and all wa lirat and poor Elig waa (brown upon ibe chanty or Her irtetvt, .. . , t , Bar ptr nf a n d oblig irj y f S" ion r" rjetg S-htira-iady lo grant eeiae when nV cewiry u careful of their cbaraclera, and rk. not rc'dtly helievd an ill report. Throw tbe mantle of rhartty over tbeir Ttilingt, knowing (hat we ar hymaa and liable ta err. Ai'hr a tatll, end git no olaca to the report of edrk. However atrona a prov. ocatton may be, navtr contend for Ik lent wnfd, if ' f Let yonr Bthl abw it ia ntad. Giva no place lo novel in yor library, Loi biato. ry, and biography ba read when lima and opporiunity admit, without inteifenog with th tmporUnt duiiee of lb family. Bt not rgnnraol of the atroia of Ihe time bcioc. tbarerora read aom Jnurnil of Iha day. Ai tu In irtcodi wbo may rill on yod, never b eonfoaad or in a harrt treat l hem witn hotiiiialify and polilencaa.andentleae- ot to fitafca them happy in Ibtir own -way Never lease them t do Ibta or that which they do not prefer. ' True piiliieneae con aiata in an eay aod pleaaanl drporianent. and "making frienda aaypand rmining them to njy ihrrnaelvea in that wbtcb Otoaf plaaaing lo thern Fpek with Cell beralfnn. The other aeg fell ui that 'lh ferna! longne it never lif er," he it an t let it be regulated by reaann. Alth cine of the wck. if avtaaibl. lei a'l your wotk for the lime, be done j to Ut on Supdey yon amy improve your ttm in tneb a manner aa will ha appropiiaie to that demand '.never,, eitraordtntriet r xceptal, let vr aeit vacant al Uhwrrh. , Aa to drew, defence in becnmtno in all . hoi eitravitanc npena ih. door lo wAi ( lollriw ilia: fttlu'a af the day ia Tr ae d tenet aad good aena will approve, but a- tmd Mngulenty. . Be not troubled fnr what yew have ami be thankful fr. and lake care of what tea have A Leuborn bat loaded with B were, will not euro the head ache, nor a gold wateb prrvenl lb eon aumuiiiin.-,hnicnn farm i-. z , . T:tlrrr rhune- "Ptnae, efr, rfnnl lhinkMr. poerm ffkf hit phyeic jg'lrl" taid a doctorV ky to hia emnioyer, "Wht ew ?-.0a)ew:wV getting well -- preeHMi eel." .v . ' - A llort 7y Two gentlemen anating in the Thame at wbam hleltewwtr nnt Igie p the ppearerrr of one nf fhcrrf tavern ttr, me nwrae. ny, aa fbey agree o lefr-r Hie aj leatino InareWte e bee Ihey aw pirwyhiog at a iiitl rJiettnre, and ar. cuett.d hint th.oe.w-.,i'.Dtdi v :XiaMMM1iaWaaWAL fcota f y r WbtiM card llodg' with eetnn:kmtt. Nwa. eV'al it, I m9m eeed a bora Jy.lia 1 oacf aed a eon fU dow ptariric f RtportttptqtheiUu r.. ,Tba follewH.g Rrpiirt wa lon.u.ifed ia .!. lla alt.j eompttanee with tt.air mfteai la hutb Heeeee of Coevrn ; ' Tea Secretary of tb Treaittry, In mrntili. aneawithtnareaoloiian of the II.enu Retire. vuij-wj A !5ib meiao', ha' if, b.u i, auiimiiitflg tbe'ifiaoght sf a bill ff tbe 'eb Nbeteai of a Roatd of Exchequer aj the vy uf Government, with azaociea in the aetaril Hilut 4 and Tetritnrie. ..'. . -V'ln preparing thi itttt'brr h.r irtferji rion m keep within, and to fill up. tbe g A,u nail a oi ibe rneaiam. a pieed iw Oie n.ev. aaa n the President at lb opening rf the e, son biA be d not fhiter tim.al that l will found en per frr t in tin detaila aa a4 (o. re. 'iJ! (nrxiifiratiiweand rattfol ettatia by iha two llooaee uf the f.eialiiur. X - T hM "rr'.,s,"t - r' eip iiifce . ibe ..tjeraiin nf, lin pri len.end hi amriiaiimai advienra. tbe r-mle. weed i directed by hit to accompany the bill i'h a teueraj ripnaititin of the ttewa enier;in. 4 hr hinr'aad ooncuried ia by Ihetn, imptcs-4 " i it. - " tH , v fj . Id wfivt manner artii jtmtr . whl aciniii thy pehli ivv ImJlJUi'-tu'ri n wii i(.r nr, w wbHher in any mnier, Hilar G..rn merfi bll auewpl le anppfv ii!iir, toiner ' dim fr pymeae m the IVatfitry.and for the general me uf tfi People In What niiinior vr whthr la any manaer. it alult atiempt tob u- efti tbe general aeameea of tla country, by ''or- niming laniittiea or excnmjt,. ere ejneatlona WhteH have nut eee4 tw agitate the ewtMnonU t for eight yean. I'm tbr eeeatnina much iipeetiiMn.'if enrnion baa rtevilrd, and ardent ana intenee pnf!inaj ouniroverviee and atreggtrn htveJiee foanded, l time that ihtaatateof thing were btooght to an end. . It i time that anch prnvWiun were trrede for ibiewiudy of . thrvon.a that tl. Pepl may feel li.ai the pntiliii treaaurra are aa'.' It ia time, too, that, in rvUltea tu carrettry ajd etebinge, in- . dtvidiiaU may know what they have to exftrd, or whether they may eaoeet any thing lio.n ih meaaore of Goverawewi . fjuuhr anl unwruln. If in hi reaprct eonatitdi tli wural nf all eorniiihw They effect every man' mean of living, and. inalead of giving encnuirgement, and applying a etlwultn to Indivldnul eieriion and eiTut, check ibe bind id Maiy, auppiera the aitr A of.enterpii, end b'ing aiatnatiue and parlia apnn lite, prndncttvn .nnwrre of 'lh country. On inlntto tltaHy Connected w th man' prenl nJdnaetillr. iha Penpl I have a rtohl'to rVqnir that what i lu be don ahould be done wiiImoi fori her delay in order heher may -fruntmortite theraaelvea lu'the " puliey uf Jhewrramenlr whatever that-pnliy - aeand be prepared tn give a ewreanonding direciiun. t iheif nwrt lodoairy and buaineew-a ThegVeat Want of lb country t the want of eonlldence i onnfidenee la the aleadinem and 'ability of he .pettry nf th Gitvernmem t on fldenet iii Will wbh-h regatatea the talnenf pro petty and the wage of labor; and cm II lenre In ihetlihmnt and pNtiion eje afj atmary meana of etehangtng pn4tt.n agiiittL,-. proriuc iioo, and of buy it g and aelhng with ". Iity.ao tbat lbe intarroiirt between dif. ,vnl nana of ib country mny be carried ea wob iia l .rmer activity aad wfolneaA Tb iei af tB plan aoggtaiee tn Cncgreaa in the Preai-. -dat'a ., and now preeeeud for l cue. -alteration In the form of a bill, iejo. ee'aliliel. . tbtaooiMenoe fftj lh7 eoontry nan. 1"iji'K lt t tW!gned to terauoete e . of long atandieg, and to retiure that pmc, noiet, and aatretaorton. with the' atati of public aflaira, Wtthnat which r cinnoi pattue Item vpeillom -either with eheerMneee or with ttocete. A midt tlieoonfliot of wfdely d fferlng npinlur. a meatari Id ratwrnmaiiiW-iBtfal lf'idanireme " oo both aide. It prop-ea leae, far lea, than mtnv ihlolj M dirablMhal Government ahould do, or attempt to do, and at tb wai lime fat wore than otbera are ready .te reeommeed It ' ,t ;a;aiBc4liit leeaaaa grntad'a .i; whiv'b ifiiweLmay nuoalaieatly atop wbo might - yerwil to yrrarlher; and-tywlwch they- may -adtane without aelf-reprnaeh, who wtwld never. thelena bate deaired lo fall abort of it. It due ewtailemni vawdlect f apftaf ff yrfvit aub eeriplien, fur ihe general, parpooe iff luana and , diacnuoia, and therefore doe nut prop.t to per. form lb Mdinary funstioaa of "a hank On iha " " Wberbaod. it da nolpropuani lock op th .. - peaiHi money rrora the lira i f olleetion in lb time of dibiranent, or to demanrf tecU pay ment for ty dent do la the Government making a atiempt at the aame time, i foroiart iba eouniiv with ehkat NfraftJtw? fit AWnkanwrn aad entirely annteaiing deeU with aeeering ape cie piyraanta into th Treaaary. I th r eci,4l :ua trom the ayeierw waiebitahed by re ww. now repeaiea, generally called tbt Sub. Treaaary act. . . . It le anl lntended here te dmoaea tba reanee. live meritauf ibeae two y !. which may be regarded aa cttwaao oppuwooie of actioiher. -Bai It mat no proper locate in teeard laa tiank-. . of Ih Uulied Mtaiee,- that if there were ia nuaner any cnailtuiioual whjeollort lo theerea tion 4 tvrh ainiiiain, it wot. Id ertyettheleea net have bee recommended I CoeyreM, in lb preaaoi nondittoa of thing, aa a mexoie likely toiff ird relief le Ibe Coanirf . toeh le Ihecon. dittun ul the currency, in many of the (stanw. auch-1 he depturable deprewthm of feeetll credit. prnuoeeo ey mat condition of lb eerrfnef and by oi her oowe, and even eaietiig preeaor ia the money marker, aruing aa ie believed. In a ' great !egre,froMaVanl of ennfldehce, lKi there ia little piohalMlily that private euewrVioee, payable In epecie. Wiold be obtained In nay ' bank ii an ordinary charter Tbia opinion ie " airenaihened bt ihe Uct.lbal nix oer rent atucke ' ofbe Unhed Siatea, eovrla tb-t'tei7 go lowly aod beatily Mie private ban.) and al- i ih.mgb lbi doob:lea partjy atlrifcutiibl .hi Jhe , -hort period witble which iboeu;ka a mad ' redeemabfe, yet the general Itret eufitara , with wther Tntwm te prodoi-ing a-foM netnt.w rhafr - it would he uaelem. at ibe preaeet moment, to attempt tb er-alion of a bnk, with a eapftal l b futnwbed prieripn'ly by pttvaie aoaacrtnliona. ynd intended le diieoael, thmoga it bf a or bee, ' bilte. and nmea. io all paria of tbei euentry, even ' tf eootltioHonalotyTCiioM were oot of the way. , And in regard in the Seb-Traeenrf ayaiem. h in perbapa enungb In aay,' 'thai ii fi 'ewppiwed'a f tonr t thattytem, ar aar-trnie hvretfier,' at w-"- aveai iigkrmraaaakhj.1 r .i-iy-' j' t Between th.- a hank e the eee baad and ' the ayetm of ihe KuaTreerf e the cbr- Ihe preaeat plan in . ffered, eeeking t avaid tba .... , nhieciiaea which ea i t reeb, and tw aecwmpliab ia me eateel. Ike good deeigned by both 'b ' plan, eeeh a ii ie, will a raeeived end eeneider- ed, II ie net dunbted, ie ' a apiril of rmdor aad . Mcil tat lorn, and wjib a dtenuMiion, out amacb ,,,; ia ike eeraoil of what ma he aat. e, at i lero urb gieaiewt practical ad- vanur of iba eVwalry the wee of all taoae' meat the employ meet of which may be expee ted meer rbejreerareoeeerrene. " The bill now eubwiiied mat be "ewaalderel a baaing 'brew nrmeJpal najeera in vie w t , . -tat The eafe keeping of tb poblie meneya. fid The fermabieg, ee well for mfa and ctavesleai pejatata I tba Treaaary a for -