.t -4, .... ' . i " - , K i t' zealoua partisan use to which il Was spoiled -' 1 i- j74't w 1Y iTrml an CrtW Here iff ft be . bad -4ft Wat U W"h V' IiYrJL lir i ..:Jl f; in, ti,Tvnip. ;Ooedolir pec sqmre fa the fif$i1nejtiori nd tWcnU fivrcnt3 W eacn;cranunr.tnct .i 'n 'Court hdtirs will be charged jjSperct, high foihan J h ?bnve ra fes.; ' f ;.j J U SetJuclM of S3J pr cent Jcvill bs rsadeta hit wbo&dvettiso by the fran ' J- ? i" l1 , U advertisements Twill boot'ntied vntt fofV'tl arid ?hared for anrrjinsrl unls order- ecf for sreilaih number of, tlm; 5 ';. ! SCPl Letters dressed to irfl Kditprs most cvyti tjosf pa-O to eisnre jtwuifo- ' t " . If rl-Sr-TR'r1!' -trfrr i -.-v- .L-L.'.ili.-.-;-' r' 6 :r' " Weekly' Courier and rbtie!r, U rnwsea jm 11111147,01 it p3 r. and off-r ind,cpmtrtU tb rh advertisel IsBMI-WEF.KLV - IVis shex wilt h pnbi jvheefs fur'the two prfcedtngr .at?. tojeihef tsfiVapprobrWte itfatter fot JiBfP reader; fr tra nnrtint0 " and ihr ilOSlde Wilt, be ibS.nsidenftned.ily pap(ei;njfianiedavi 1 hV kd3tlhal!chirffe to the! adfpniser ti-This fAlK;aiiort iwilK of coorspj be ma,itd wih the pjy rap?fj ofl the Mme'date, art) carry to thtj aqer yi cpuniry-jiie jry.-iaiy iinr,niKi?ut:5 .u,T;do1tars per aVnam,payabf in advance; .FlVedoIlirs per anaom, run cqses wneo pay nifl la hoCmide in advance, j m. , , ?Any ;pran forwafdinj twentyjfive rlollars A rntttey ratW for anf larger rrjiJioberjof snbnbers AVheA the moriiy snt n awre thap fi7 ber cebt below ras, IHe proceeds aimec J 4n credjt Df lbe acTiher, $nd the pipers sent a pro rata pe nod of- 'tme. t i l WMKhtf COUtllEtlrand KJYQtJIRFMi 1 '-i ll1 - I I ' i r i -),TbiPh0,al'0'f'lhs' I'1 Du' CooJ rleiaiid -thp largest" weekly paperissued from a dai y prWj will be rnhlished ori bptordays only; arid, h. add-on toall I'he.rnalte ptblisW to tfiej dlilt dpririrV the weelc,' will conttjo at: least, one? ciinM',ut)us'titofy, and a greai'vjlrfejtj oextractal or 'rnisceHdnepos sabjecisf, relating iq! history; pfilitjes 1ieratore; agricultofe, manafactoresJ aits) ihemetliaDic arts ' i l i j if jj'.i. JAJ in M.t- ;tt,ia ltAif! (Via Vine trJ i 1 1 IB f II leirupu n uioim .tiiu nHcmii " ! fgptf a,it wilVbe cnf of th latgt of the kind eer flffVred! JO Jbe TeaHirjg ' public J Jhat is. a ns;spTper fin the broadest se'nsjq.'ot he leimj alii l.pacarvlvwill b.! frord fconuiniriff all the !tnVeTof in' Daily Cburieifard-at lb a; samel 5 1 -' ii - jj i;t. l- a IJW0 very, piisrreiifipoiis ana urffrjt ujl irar-un tiunUipap'er. ' 1 ' llj: . . V s rhe'pnIUica of ihe Cnnrier'&J Knqiurer nre too we known loibe Public to rVovHie any ext PpItrialio.i Itiwastiis panr which first av&, I thelni)ejaf'fVVtil2 and Locof50 id the two cf 'narilf&i the Umtnj Sia,tt4 ; and rnuld its Kifkia MRXRV'.CLAY UoU jiow 'h brfJSe Pie-Jident of the UpnM States i( iiinip jowlie "Justice to IlARaVbrTiib VVjcst let iheronpqoences bat they may" ; and it Jiflbp nly paper in me grea' ro'T?inerciai hijiui jtom f the? Uniiedihiates which has assume 4 1 1 ill ! wh I iliauiiJiir tins iu3niv(i ..j i i 1 f vf' V'i 'l -i ' it ' " " 1 ' ! - ! ' ""' " M tekus OF tup; tvrcrcKiA'uuuKiiiK ry ; V v r I 1 1 II ft a ' - iToAinsId subscribers, three dpUars per an 1 ' IVjtP orirnore si)S"riher9. lessiihan'Six, to hfl s'fttiift the sanjw poBt? office, (mo dollars andfifi i ' . ! t , ll 1! I i'r) MbsenbeTs.'and Jess if h a n. twmtv five l!bl sent a nM.mnre: than three different postl hmtiiioloUars per annum.y ; 4 i t ITo'cUshs and eonrtminees o?erit weniv-five in 1ittraler td e sent i6.-jprrel. not; less than ten t il 1 an hop Hrsf oince; one aouar aiia. seventy il UfaQ cfj?2 will a ViEKr.Y Cockier be for- Warded frojti cle office for a period le?s than u'ne Vlrjj lor u'rj less payment is madein ad ranee; t I i '. lit ' L I . i . . : i t . i , .. '! t w yvjiien incsranos j seni are peiow pnr they; l Mlkbc so'iat the current rales; arid the dis-i toimllbe ddocted from the a radon t carried to! llifiiprJn liC the subSiJbe'. Ia 1 1 ke manner,; V-pediptjsrae-is noti paid, it will be deducted irlmihe amount enclosed. -. .-i. t- ' i A) Post fOffiicrs 5 are antlioriznl by the Post-: rnaHr GaVral; io forward fund-rfutt' subscribers f!Wosi(Xe.!amj ail remiartees made 11110" Pihjkiprij will !e at oof tisV.I I rfjjerai 'Airhi's, Carriers kl&.c. t"ill al- 'be SO!olid with anv nQniler of fitniA n.iav reqiiira. on giving lour aa .pjffwlasie hundred. - ' 1 ? tiV DjiIv Morniri' Courier and ?New i York : rs&teri .pprtmed the official (taper if Jhe Cir , i r?v t rU:l"3.: VyllUflS Ol ,llMrJjll:IHJit OtatPM taSpuSsftsh all notices' and -her prljcedinss in' 'fH'ull' all notices and i-her prpce paeVt Bankruptcy n i! .uthfrn Di ibeiJs'jaieorjNw York ajsnch f ll le Insetted iat ..least lonce in ihoth i Hn mkri 11.1., ' ." '- -i i. L rt-L.-i-. el . luinern uoi.ricv ui u ihip week fAni semUw'eeklv oaners We, shall nfso iob- ,hdi V our tMly. Weekly'. f and Wrot-iWeeklv' njiert, a fall list offall ihe applica!iwnt4 in1 ihe ' V!"IM .! tllO UCIICIII U MIC I UJUftlUIH 1W,. i ' f i I 1 I t prices Cfljrret and.Tleview's jbf tha 1arket tJI p( cnursa bft published at lenwin i each "of .tbree vtyeti i - j tHtntryl papers with which we 'exchange are ppcltqUy lit quested, .if cimenje'nt" to give adrertisemfntorie inaerttun nod all! latln - III ' 1 , i ii I . .. ' J ,f I" e 1 I l-mad tbe same; artd every' daily. weekly, or eekl papers io the Uwied, Statff . wih hirh;wedo-ol exchanjei wilje enjiied'io JSfagaj for iat lean one year; Wtvi!ngr ihis Jt'lemeOt a1n- insnriion and rattioU nUli- ntl Jtew YorH'Febrniry 22, 1S42.1 4' i Fo'j.s:-,.fd Wrtber ai baflsliyfy... t"; HAVER, a- "t - i l iJl.n nn TFr: I1IIWP1 fld IU , . Ua p.ipT Ol!romiiiuru, , I tU Editors' onfall 'arrearages are paid.-. .v? I- jteiois or ADTW-Vft "4 VI f N E .rtose carria.; sad i wij pair of spleni 'A .MmijchjnOHS.KS.;, ThiUwishing id THiae,caoVei a baror'ai ntr -on ft 1 ' Tt h T 1-vTHR PROPOSAL .' J'--' vejearsf is tolhatofa preaqhef. j-Voi.nnoi TheredotvU get Dgrr;-welajbst,not1fU-oot1( if " t'j -t i ' ,:f 'v. your neighbors prsjTes;.joU nn$t be apprg ! ;No, Charley, ifyaa are notTPxeJ with m i'hefoUowiny hutnfroas sketch ' Uom the beaded sooner ortla"tejrtlerefire; I tlunklhe lif voa are u'ot-' ,l" f-.3- 7 v rj ofihe inimitable Dr.Xwr. author of HaV 'betterVaj.U'to takeoot .a licepcerfV i: iRlfNoiimydeir Baby -rioliner fihekliind; rjf i LiTif qoer and Charles O'M alley? -.r ti.ir ne' -"jfeVer was a small aallv ofj wit more pof-cpss-'l s ?fcarf to prerojseiltat'Miss Baby U la ke is a ful. .'Mr. Clake laughed till he . cried, aad ivhen onone o!by diptpmacy ; huit.lea?tpbe owhr 're'f T, bewltchips creator', s a - coufn ; f he had done, wiped his eyes Ayito fenuffy'haM iofhaff tuld ue; h!ar fiaTvad :pered the jriegria ChajjM O'Malley.ahd that the; latter innocent 'kerchMand'cnedlillW-ti Now'the'qaestion simply! is -B.iyouloTr ffenilfroap h;Miodtrrhftgoise of the aforesaid somehoW, I coald not concealfrum'foystjf a ss- him?: i; ' f r "A ; Consioship, Jerome very iniimate with the 1anh picioq agio thewcerhy of 'tny frieod'a rairtliI t i'j'Lrtta'liftP'P , '''kt.'S TV p2 bfmty.K iO'Malley, hoVeer,: dreams of no- merelt'iiofisoled mvself-witb the' 'Freochjidae t- tLoteVvhom ! WhV Sdirkfi tdbsnre:Vr ih) ne m'ore'ihaa- filejidship. and so tells ;.his fter sail; with' her itresfed . finally to accept' or j ? fnamnrraoi uaoy. . ?parKseing a mooesi man j - ii wiii not be; ueemed;sitrpjisirsir,irai a f sightly parted ;.her tar2e;4au eveswere; Dxed. peru?des;PMalleyjo hecomethe, bearer of enari 6hontd come to the discotery I haver;at ujmn'm steadfast? ;"and Iherrhand.i.wTijeh'.J proposal foru Miss Baby'sihand C pIalley;ac- meottoned inora ". rapidly; by rhafin'gVerojed jhe 4'hld in "roiheshe ebddepljf willdrewvfrom cordirtglyi sets forth on his adfenoe pleasure of! intimacy wiib;ypovr,faaiilyj.r onjy my rasp. J 5"tVT 't 4 I'V 4 ordered my horsf at;-an " early hour,Jand lonar by the 'ampleTperfifdqnpesUc,;1.bipploe8s jsj And rsb-and so ii is ot M f $p3iksicane yod before .Sparks-loerthat he.-; washad opened presented ;tci hrra; bin by the; jrosptct, held ;oui are so ardently ..tbadncale?8iaid sheat leogtb bis eyp 'ol Maht was alread? on sny war to chat The heritage ifJihe.fair(gifts !whi6h.Bdora r . a panse of mosLa wkaj doratioor.V Gurtnimnrrai -4 'Several', miles slipped awa,y be- and sfacd married Jife( mayj reaonaMyi be"yied J iWhyi of course, my lear poasip; f IU was 'at fore I i welljetermiued how-1 fhonld pen m? . (or aroona' ihe' daughters of thqse,.j ihcmsel'e8 his suit and olicitatioti I called Wjpor father; Beffntiations j whether.to: p3pa,. Blake, Jn the the'realiZtthm of curjogal eliciry -'ti-t -5"' Xi was jiaimself who entreated m,e to lake this first instance or to madam Jo whose peeuliir Hre wasa. canter with a yeogeance; and as step; if was he' !', ' 'J ' ft , proviite' inp&e secreisot tiienome .fpnarstnrt 1 rfelLb own Isfackened mvpace, cupsueu, ana ill not before 1 confo conclude, sne onrsx in a tor-r v j iwii" Aui w 11 r - nut a uiili) u. 1 u 2 j urm im 1 rxu iir ii 1 -,r"-- .: ; r --r. a- 3 : w- - ir 1 t tp-- to refdse, .Jo address myself (o the beads offmv nreseov, commuotcatmn ; sieit. 13. m nas me cppanraent seemea inp more inrmar coorse, i made aa, existence inai 8e.raea jiir-nu fwea- f p m' vPs nft-pnoa or iter weircacy nuiiaimy fid, as Ii was .acting entirely rieao esvoye extra- sorabe;he(oTe; appear blanks and nprofiiaWe tew madPviheneana oft tpe Icprorannication'io brdiriaire.'l deemed Ibis the fiirfag mode of pro- withwit 'Ueift liave therefore to come at once hf r father ? - X hat badJSfiarbs fone. or said to eeeding.j . I Jz". - -Tl-i to thd poinli 'visited you" this; morning IfirttnaJ'y pbtiiimelf and me id such a devil t7,alpredica i It wa exactly eisbt oVlock,, as I drove ap -lo 'to ask! ber bandiri' marriage ; her fortune I may orient ? ' Coold she care forlaoyfone ejsf ?-V the doorh !Nlr 'Blake was standing tat the open observe at bncel' is prrfectlyTimmaterialA mat-. f,VeIli Charley V. cried Mrttohktjas been- window pf the breakfast jonto, snuffing air of the morningrfTh Blake mother sily enwaoed with thereconomy of Hhe'te ' very simple -6tile of mornins Vostome ar n''ghri:cap wlhla ?flounce:.',e'; Pe,, . i , .. -. ' ,...-. .- m .r .. I turnips in the fawn before the door, ; J i Mri Blake hid hardly time to take a burned departure," when bj husband came oot upon ihe tiers to bid- me welomeS There is no nhvsi-1 ignoro)s like your fatberjoT : family ir your mother with marriageable daughters. v Latei I was OQthing loihem in reading the secretsprinss I -:l.t.ri't il i 1 . I lal acdoracyj Carefully noting down every Hr-1 eamen' and; feature their change, fheirJactioo I uu imcii vcpcmpciupnv -iiif v .. iaeu lurtiin l jL.7i.l."-tu--. -. 'J-jli jl-... -1 (SarDey ; gojd habits: are just as easy ias bau rfnesil and, the Lordi be praised ! my Sziils were never erougm up wun anyomer t - I j I jam well a ware of ii,sir ; and. 'indeed," if I rjiay be permiite,dj lake advantage "of ihe op firopq it was on the sobjci "ofjjne of 'your flaugb'tcrs'that I wished to 6peak io. youuhis 4ornng,Vand which rmght me -.over all' ibis ttincmlized Kour,- hoping to find yu alone.. j Mistake's look for a moment' was one of tri ixmphaht satisfaction ;' it was a glance, bowe-X vpfijand. resented tbe. very instant jafier, as "he sii jwjih a Iwell got up indiflereoce i A j Just 6iep jwiili me into the sudy, and weVe sorenot to Iw'interruptpd.', K--. .. Knw,altriough I have lilile. tiop or Space for spcli dallying 1 cannot help dweflin? for a mo ment Upon the sobjeel of what ' Mr Blake digni. fed with the name ofiljis study.. It, was a small aitartment viiih one window ,:i be panes of which' iadepeiidfnt;of all aid from "a ennain, tempered tre' daylight ;, through' tJtp medium of cobwebs, dpst;and1 ihe ill 'rained 'branches of some wall I re wit hoot t tI."hree oak chairs and asmall ta bei were tbo only anile of furnitnre J whiles round, on all sides, : lay the disjecta membra id Mr BUkeVhuntin?, fishing", shooting apd ct t ing eqiipmenji8 old op boots driving ,whips; old 'Spnrs,aiciogjiaddle blundrrbiiss the helineCof the Gilway light hor?e, a salmon net, a large, map of the i country j with a marginal In dex io several mor'gaaes marked, with a rns, a siible lantern; the rudder' of a boat, and repre eniaiitrejtf hi. daily associations ;i but noi one tKjok,rsavp an odd yolome of .Watty Cox's M gizinip",? whose pages seemed as mnch ;he recep taW if brown backlesj for, trout, fjjhing- as" the rewnrci of IjiVrary ei$ore ;r- f . ' ji? Here weU he quite; cosey, and, to Ourselves., said Mr Blake, as placing a rhair for me; he sat downlbiraself, wilh the air of a man resolved to assist by advice and t counsel,' -lbs ; dilemma" of sivne dear friend., ' V-,? v ; Z: .w flAft'eria faw Inreliminar? - observations.'which lfke a breaking canter before, a race .siive. to more tnan pnehe8deflpoie iook - a jiurtive Jiandsorne setiiemeni, a -eu aecureo; joiuiure, beep between ihe cof'tainj; and the buijer ofthe aod all ihatbvYes,:yesrfeel U'all.'r j-.yt..-;, tami!v.in corduroys "and a fur can. was 'weeding n VVhvJ ves. sifi I believe ;i inavL add. thai 6i acjron ue nigaen sources. -or an ; cnaracier. i ihedetil 1 snail ',sato l lomysf iiiv ! a stranger i very irpeastr Had tberehpen a good respectable bump, allot-,;? The point is after alirta learn the lady's dis hat when thal'sirmger is ieo. dj oporzneim ia r oonoraoie inienuons.' tne I posh ion. m the matter.- - - : ' , J i i" v r., matter, bad ben all fair and easy i the very first! ; 'Ab, Charley,4 none cflhis nfih Die. youUly U 'Aho'it tobrcomc what?'!. S3 fu leaf ihe gepUeroan would have, pronounced df-Yoa think J don't kndwyno. nVby;Pe jping his spectacles,! and pon hf8'Viers j boi,' alas no , such guide, isi been watching that is, I hare seenno I mean M'9 Ns oose to regard me, to bee fjrtbcomlng) and the i science. Las it njw exists pre heard they they people -will talk,' you j ' Youi, son irf law, I hope 1 have been suffi- isenveloped io doobKand diflfcully. :Thte gay; toW,' 11 ' Tcv.- f';' f ciently explicit; sir,' making kdown Mri Sparks faoohU tem'peramentcf sdme';jhBdarkarid . Yery troV,!sir4-TJoti'aiIMrHlg,J'iorey .wishes'to you.:l; ,f " 1 1- V - lvU t .- srioiisj.coroposure of others ; ihe cabti us and riaik; - :i-f -'J '"1 '-' i V" ' l" J ? parks 'tWhjf d--b me, -sir-thal is leseryed4h open, and the r candidal he w'itfy,, rjavt ai this lnnme'nVthedoor opened J and Miss fi. beg pard.on.fui.the.warmiyoQyou-pev the seotentjous. ihe cteveri. the dull, the' pro-" Babv4heTisef,Uo)kfn2 most annoy inglyfjiand- e mentioded Jiis hame'-today ijlnowii v IYdo' led wbicb rbe 1 innumerable 'hi es of character Jia- I Papa, wpre waitfog breakfast.1 "Ah .Cbarley I print upon me numao .race oi Tine, are meir siu-1 how dve dJ i" l ' -v . ; ! d). !Tbeir. convictions: are: Ihe slow and. impa- ; v- Come" fnBaby said Mr, Blake 5 tyou havp I Hem jrutts oi intense ooservaiion and great loot, net witp-i m mv kiss thrsmorntn?" i' . . 1 I uiwurjwiiM juo stem ui s umiTOUDii, aau run I jy away J the ning useu proToses-me. r i p i kw cown a growing ; passion iAvnrv : ao unrelenting ,s mnch cold selfish croeny in such eorampub- J iam perrnriiy . unconscious Speeds I have been ip.tbe -witness box; exposed I t7co endeairpents, as in the Iisciu9 display ; 1 1 eame, bre Jhts niormng withia to theiicenseid . badgeleg and privileged 'imper! rich '-"rounds land soMoins In a ch'dnJ bnuse, tKliH he hand'of ybu'r 'daWhter In heha ftrincR of alawjer ; iwinked, ; leered; frowned.' : Uyes of ihe starved and penniless wretches wnli" 1 r. n Y"U's If, sir t yoofself, I'll nd sheere4 at, with all the. long nracticed Isei Li kn Hrlnmnor rat and eiftipii-i a 1 r riH not swear f but mi answer5 of a nisi prim lortoriir ; I have stood hWure the 1 eats imaginary slices, while tbe pains' of hunger-1 J ' r -v ' .l ff . ..F . . -, ' I UWU 1 UV wm wr mm m.m ' fl' " Bat - - " T i , " " s '. r ; ) 1 i .. . police, as hfe compared my passport wiih nK .'tiipi- Tun ! said Mr., Blake.1 sudden! person-, and thopgbtV 0.ild delect a discfepan - ltim Croninl Tim ! shouted he to-as il sei-m W '"r""' " vr-v sense -im ed to me an fimsrinarv; iodividof out suit- I F lutal exposnjeas.w en giancedLA-the,,aif parn,0eS9 0f pursuit; he high, prying look twcrthy faiher or mofti,,,.. Jft , M or,;slildy banging-ihe docr as he weni femily where tbeie are daughters to. marry,a Slld leavirVBibv and mrsell io our Mutual di v nobidy coming lo-woo'..p i lici;,n. "7 v : I '-.'r- ,h r h i You're farljr,' Charley.-rtid Mr Blake, with 1 -: I hbaTd MVe" preferred it beinolberwie : n an sleeted oqixtore ot iraretesnessaod warmth, j but as thet ftte wMua'it.Vtinfff.lk daHy's hand l--'oW for what had " happen 1, i)rf ,was begin ninj 1l Yon: have not had breakfast V-m. I s i-l nit led heHto't'he winotiw ' iV ;i',sir. I in ve, come to claim a part - of featVreVmrcountrymen wi7tc;ha;i0gr,ro oyprcomVpyM.N piWn; IMiJji.bke podW hear Q0s:5 and, jf I mistake sot, you seem a little nised stronsly io'niyself,'.! 'wmild tiii yroefaim ; neithorebui sTiatcbed uprt.isi jt.at and left ihe lajer than nsdat.' '4 -v-k- ' w' and writings as f do however Ijitle peopie'tna nxpm. U1! f fr-i ' 4 Noi more than a, few .minutes." . The 'gills snsr.p'ct'me sufely'fnr' the ske;of,the moral, lad it' not been for BahH share in' ihe Jransl wiiur ne nowo presenuy : iney r; earu risers. It I ., I . '. . it -. .'i' . a ' a- T ' " ' a; ' .... r ' I get yotft coiittg'e opTand settle you'weU in7ourjssw bai ring before Baby.'J c-4-f seat. opened Tmy-, negrttialions by 'some; ve'ty bJoaAjand'. sweeping irutsms about the misfor- iuaes'oT a bachelor existence, the . discomforts of t pqsjjtiooj, bis want "of home' alid 'happiness, ha ncssiiy Jo bis pne day thinkir.g sciious of mairiage ; ii oemg.in a measure a mosti-at mosi as Inevitable a termination of tb free ; and 'easy career f bts stogie life as iraospdrtation of so a that he laughs best wbo'lanahs'lasiVjand -went I f ; Mirs Mary Blakel sirris l hen" the, 'object-of j - - i ' 1 L . . ' . - i -.. i , i tv ' ,,. i . I every ihina.tn this respect will answer, yuujex- J i.eetations.'l - . " I ! ' U fc 1" - Of course V to 8 stire-fAIy ''jpoor dear.pabyj J iinflv:?tnan'wrtbooiherJthai1..the'riib''!Ni:Yiiu I don't'khowjO'MaHey, what that girl Is to roe ; j voo cannot know it : vouMI see one day .'ihuuG. I ihatyBo will. : Hi "- ' 'IS I. . ...... .a r i , 1 ?l 1 net eriTPd ;Th lovely girl threw her 'arms' aroond hi neck: while 4ier 'bViahrand flowing ilockslfelt riChlY upon 01S siiOUiocr. 1 torneo lamer somt -1 : --'rt- r- -,. f if' : 1- '- ' 1 . .-' I woatd gladly warathe unsuspecting against mead, a veiy decided; tendency t to become the Consoler,- the confiden l of yonng ?adis ; seeking out opportunities of assuaging iheir -$orrow, re concliidg thiir .afflictions. breaking eveotfol pas' saoes id lher ear "j noT fr'ora any inherent pleas ore in the, tragic phases of lbs intercourse, bnt for tiie semi querzipgL (hat innocent wsist-pres-smgiwit hoot which 'PonsoSaiiop is hut like. sal mon i w il h o q t tubs I r .a t It i n g m a i m ed , w a u ti og and imperfecta ' , , j S 4-.', - I "N.pwiwhfiher this with me as a na'oral gift or merejy a way we have in rh ; army.' as it sangsafs,UshaiJnot prrier.d'lo ay ;s,bul I ver. tjire to affirm thatfew men' contd "exfel me in, tb practice 1 speak of S'lme. five and tweptv years agoi' L Fair reader! do priy'.df I have ihe happiness :of;being.kn'fi,vn l yon dedocl :jhem:. from my Ege b-fore yoo saoiracLmjr, merits.. AVellJv Baby, dear, I )iavp josi po rkine ab'int'.ytiu to papr.LYs:,dar dunHdook.S'Mn-. creddmusly-even of yonr own sweet jeelf .Well,' ped mej 1 have been asking your papa's very'irn pniani quest ion; and ne,nas reierrru me to ynu for an answer, And oowwill.yoo tell me, in all frankness and honesty, your mind on jhe.matiet?' "ii .She grew deadly pale a I spoke these words; then suddenly' flashed opagain, boi said, not a word. I ctuld-perceive, however from her heav ing chest and;restles' manner, that no" coramnn aitatronwas stirring bei bosom. It wascrocily to h& silent, so I continued fVJi it ' . 'One who loves you well, Baby dearj has ask ed his owns heart the question, andUiirie'd that your hngtn eyes are to him bloer than the deep sky abqve him ;.lhat y on r soft voire T'yoer-. win ning smile and what a smile it is.! .hav taegtit him that he" loves, nay, adores yoo; , Then. dear fstwbat pretty fingers these aie,tjlli?ewhat is ihts?-whneo came that emeiad ?- I never ieiad? - - i j. r, ?Oh,.that .said she.Hloshicg deeplr,.!that js a ring the foolish creature J(aksgaveime-a coopleofidaysago j but l don'i' like; don't intend the fresh I ter oft n consequence (so f.Mf Bak0,tbouiht I lejredrubbjng Ms hands n a pet feci paroxism' of washoj also) a coropeteocefully'fqualpij evefy reason: l d temper, 'JiaR fove makiofdrivenj breakfast stable; I arnotion of, expenditore r j t r.' ' v-1 ofyouf head 1 ;f , and j There-ibere;vdon't, said' Mr Blake, wip- p v hyfaith, sir, I greatly fpir I have biun icoat, ing bis eyes wth aH sob; like' a hiccup, ilon't j dj'ted my' mission sadly. ; My ciiusin does not sp- mnnpf M I tnnif" whal foa'd sav : a 1 Dear so neffectlv sal!?hd her raanner ' . uo von Known almost DTerer v oroair worn-mat t ' I, - tiw- . "'---i '"winuieoiio racn, who a w soom mai cual way ; those same silky masses fk Better fal- till' ' r . ' - i i I T . i " ; inff thus heavily ' " ' ' " ,c" .7 I,u"e Bomirauoii. ; - - .-'-'There now, Cbarjeyi ah;d6h'ir. ! 'V 'F " af strong Woman im beatntifnl. ' ' Wetf. Ifiiifw I was sayinVlrjefnfe yncsten . lJringjtiid confieepl- Woman is . & saying, abe eotfeavored 10 draw" u Trom ber i Tr '" 'n''1- w Jiwciicnf w urn mw'u'k wr naMiy tiw no mu-uw 'r: Ll. i - vV -T" , i n fiogsrUt'iaio;lvs ,v. ; pirv V 1 fc tmraediately addedABm what great and of lhaf period, Vne,wrioi Wt He 6'hd With ! ilons t. tijp: utityj of any pubjic, nun tp Bot why. Baby, why take it off ?, Is if tolcd ir.anvcr Ined who wes riot calumni- astonishment at the mdeHtrMl tv wiih make ft-q-ient ictiiapges 01 opiojim, nr:my ; j ! ; give hiaCthe pleasure of potting it on again ?i ate!d:by tainy.pf bis comemp6tanes V ' which the caigtnny nas propigated and the change, but opon wouod. so supcieot and ;fy :- . , .-.-y i!4 V,. I' '- L i .-.) ! ,.i ,::,.;' ."! f' j . ' V-v I.R.'-'-J ..I.: .tei I j a flash vf indinan sorprisptoasserfaWoss her' rent of fears and roshed from the rootnVf H Here, wss a1 it cation f WhM the deoce was une matter ! Hid'she or dJd, fhe not care. lor II "ion-i ifcii me sucn nonsense; me gira man ner No be Itaken in that wav';f ! i ' 1. I;. r - -.t it : '. " -t 1 ' r " ' i ' i- V - t - . ' "! Well theusir, the best Ihjflff onderithe cir- cvmsianres, i$ to send oyer oparks tiimselt Jpor consent. I maVtelr huniisl already obtained. ;;j Yes, my bov ; 9od my daughter's Is equally sare. :'' But 1 don't' 6ees what! we" want wilh Sjpaiks at i all; aroong.old friends and relative? af we are, there is. 1 thmk, nomeea cf a stran- " " -t . I" i f " ? " & j i . I'll he is a stranger (T 1 about iq become y bar said Mr Blake, rob- placing them; leisurely fme-.whan me in suppose that in fact,-you told me raos most i .. t . : . ! '.. 5 .. ; . ' 'i . fiere irom me onueo jeooris or a, rage ana a tjru2zle for concealmeotj Mr Blake was onabl iq proceed; ana walked the room witu a meio Tdfiamic stamp perfectly: (awfqt ! 'Keallyl sir said I at la si, labile. I deoly rPf ani miuwuif utiuo ur jui9jiie I uecn ,Li'j.. 1 r ? vi ,.t' L I - Ji A' i . u... or oavinsr.misei yuiv . proposition fur lfofr- 1 be - noj me.' 11 f too ever fniiQned; nueord:iif MH Sparks; tf you ever ritlrtAil tnttiSiA I iH tka l..r lf.nl nlmil.s ' - I was perfrctly a?ifnished.r Jo my, nnlnky ettort at eijlreme deticapyi I became bniy eo trt t uijsenous, mat 1 ten uitie.inaner open 10: 1 ... -.1 : 1 . i. i-. t. ; ir 1 JJ ' t ii . thm tosqppose that theTiKhanf of Tariary was inhtve-uith'Babv' t ;.-! 1 Ther& was bin ' one course now open, ij Lroosi- rdmbly:. apologised or: my bljimier ; repealed, rteery expression I couhj summon up, sny jsor; action. CshrtnJW fiw fJitff,i"rti In'ilfnhl Al it ws,l fel arihlng but !mrHn& ; and jhe only clear and bolfeoed kU & my qiintt wisjjo hur rypome fth alLspped :apl (iseo. aqiarrel on Sparks,' the innocent caijse nffbe bole' "mis. hap; ";Vhythi? iliuBhLirodl metet physiol ogistsdeefde. ' J , ll ' ' A few, moments? rflTeei-ito sitisfjed me, thaC uuyf r jjrespni eircHmsiances, i v txiio net panic ufarly ak-warrf io rDetin nhlany oilers; of the f".tl 4 I - . I . - null j iifueony orsijing, io fecurejny reireai, I sneceedo'd, afier ,somelilife"itfjne,f jo ivpeiir.g the window sash i nns6inVruVself for aev irin ry ; wa ab-ut to inflict upon IM i Blake' ytong ('s irAUALLRii o4theIrxe: a TTha. TCnrth A me.rn Hi-l,W. 'rt. S- .1 ' rairable partitton of nuijiiics between the , iiuuii r "lit; 1 1 vn ii sa y tiicic i an .11 - J , .-'1 -. - ' - ?,! :!( . k. I M9h!a nulltinn nl niililiM Kn-r . i U rurs wuicu in auiuor-oi our heme nas liffiiieht and unassoraing, tf- Alan is great in ar jonW oman, tn suf- ;:Kl.o sriins"abroaqVonian;at home. s plsn talks fo' convince Woman to per sne amf please, r I '!' ; 'J Mrtn hs a ?rugged bVar!t--fhVoman a soft anfl tender one. j .i J j t Mao prevents misery-w Woman relieves V 1' f I nv - i" it IS Man! has scienceU Wornahfta'sie. 1 -t .- Mn has judgtnent-iWoroan senstbibtv. i man I9a ems-Of Justice---Woman ait,T1,lc" "-rv.?wvvM fjuoji ir, ,i antel of rnercv. ft - , , i'A lawyer who was somen &i9 forgetful; by me, throughoi.tjalluhe trials and vicisi hatigbeen engaged to'rJeaf thV cause" of, tudes o,ah eventfoj and ktrtuons Jifej; and animer, began by saying f I knoU ri.eabove lf,'fottibe scornf'jlnii'gnation witb prisoner 61 tKe b'arand he beJrrjilhe tbarac cbieh 'they repelled an foios cafumn? lerrqf; being a roosr.consooi.-a lltnport -'directed gaTnst isf tnsmel tcif- fame at aroo- r.ucui Bi-iiuiiinri .iipii'iini4nnnt Bnianpren ' rr ttnif til. nwinn. ni -mir: mi I I if - w T r in I hiii nri9uiji uuiu: . t i ii .... !.. t'j-i 4 -f'T . r i i u, nf-hpr aue n .mm larx. -a ft . w iiuui;u( 'JVCif v-' : t - j -u v.r . r '.It was givca toonr countrymb'VFj'aDkliftl to bring down' the bsbtnibg fro'rar Hesven I To 'f nable pe to be h'earrj byths!i mrnn$e kl.l .fill K.nt, I I i!.; tl.. I ' iu,.aitw. iiiiun 111 1 11 tuf . FOIFC. IIS T luuOf SI thunders Alcnnpt ido 'tbaVll fiofie't oimiv,uo tt;iU5ru UK. SOCn- njff 01 UJI f r . 1-- -t;V. -v-l"- ruv r;7. f- lung? as is rracncaoie, ana not inconsistent with the preservation - of my i4ieallbf r And I feljht it is onr first dtlty to express out obligations lo a Vied and i bountiful rProv dence, Corlbe7i;0piQusanU:e'rtiat1ehVvrcrs .Jr . T t - v i ....... . ; i . li . i - .'I ' ! . "i'iiu ,uo.iis just- oiesco xiur-Jflnu-- a reirejhrnent of which ;rt istbhd rnorjin need.:ForneJt offe abd ilutiTol thinks.-) -Tbelineonvenieoco-to4 us, po this; festivejccaslon; )s f ve'ry slihjj w liile the sti m of good which these 'timely rains will produce 'ltyeiy jgreaf !aodeocour- . F!eIlow.cni2;n3,-"-find mv$eir now iD a situation sorriewhat like one in whifh I was placed, a few years igojw hen travelling thrnl Ci.i. f: T,i.l-i Mii L:t Alt. - X.-r "i" .Mnijijiii, iiuii winvu ny menu (Mr-Uariden) nearime;rpme9'1 lBtt)ppel at ".tillage; containing some jfour lor five hundred inhahifantsTandpf bad ' scarcely aligned before I lund'mf self, surrounded in. the. bar-r corn by every ladolt oiste reii 'dent of the'place. I Afierja whjle," hserv. ed a group ron'ottinslWether in om cor ner of the room and .sKortlylafler1! wes tall, lank, Ie3nrbbledatei aid sober lobfc ing prson.lwithJong.fateand hieH cheek -bones, T'lvhav addressing, jme' said, he J was commissioned ntj tits neighbors, 10 request that I would say d few words to them LWh v my good friend said -11 Tshonld be. verV happy, to do anyjlhing grMifTing to! yoor self jiod yocr neighhots, but sm very! mrijfb fa li goed an d ho ngry snii thirsty ; and I do riot t hi nk the occasion , a Speecbranq.I, wisHJvo'u wouldVxrnsd rnetn your friends. ..VYlenf says WjMr Clay, I j ronfess I ihooplit'o rmrseir? Vcn;nn 'Vol we bave np. wiooljo cfTpf yoVm drint ! J - Now ir ;thrWofthi iti?en ;of Irjdiaha waVright inupposirig, tbstr gisss of wine was a necessary prcliminaty.'and ?a "rjrere dentrcond j tion, to tbe delirVrT of a speech, vnu'bave no jnst'riehtlto expect imel from m e a 1 1 h 1 s t i me j for d h r i n fi t he su m rit u o ii i repast fromi which we hay just riserj, yo ifTered me nobioi?iro dunk ' hot rnlH water 'excellent (eril islra from theVla- .- .1 !'' ,;. :".:. ; ,' . m't J- l: mnniaio 01 por jgmpniea; triena ftir. Maxwell, which lus so oltpn regaicd us on celebrations of our' great I 'snniveraary Great liugliferJl -.fj:1 jT,C, I ptoiest 'against flny 'lf)ftjrenre-of; rry-he-tng inirnica) tn the ertijjera rice cause; Orr the contrary. J thi'nj: ttsft admirable cus, that has done great good nd will cdnjinne tf do good j ss Iqng as fega coercion is not uimiiyeu, inu i iff in cxcitis veiv unnrt ner-J lu'aion;and its pwi (nlrfnc merits, i i t nave a greau and orowioff. reoudnince- o speaking ja the open air to a large asscm hlagp. -BurwhiiSt the fccitlrv of pre. b rp. rosins to rnf l ean never fel that re'pog hance. never fee otirerithaWerafefulsinsai lions, in mskino my cknrinledgemeo s i those wjiirb have brought us together. Nut hat Lam ep prestirpptupiisjas to bcJievt ,lat ( have been the pccasinl snlely of col eci ing thisva rni-ltiliide. S Among thWinrl uc'p men is, I cannot )ie!p jliirkinc thaitbV f:it white-virgin Heifer.! of m OiendAlr Bcr- ryman, lhat cost $CpO, wbicli Vas been served up, and the olber goodLJlj in.s whieh bave been us, exerled some unfr-iiy spread telore ;tn fl uFncej j n swell iti g j tf i is unpreredeotedly laughter. large i meeting. t.? tOreaf r:. t ii: -a. trv.v - t I nnol hoi feci,4 iMr President Mri dfier- myi my respeftruljacknowredgement M the u-...x J'... :jr ikfTL.! t-s-t-:- : r. i" MUIf III done me, jirhV elcijiienL address , yoo ha e josi J(!eh'ered, an.l i n the ' 'hich ermiinciji- wiut,w ucn you concjuocd it. inn juui w anil I'iiyidiitTf unq ineiervent iricno ship vvhjfh has sol Jong existed bel ween1 n, an J ,ilie kindness i of my-neighbors 'and friends around me1 have . prompted an er aggerated description,' in too glowing colors, cir my public b'ertices ant) jmy poor abilities I seize the opporlunily (to preien?.nny heartfelt thanks lothfl whole people of Ken- tnrkv, for all the tngh honors and ? drstinH guisneu -lavors ynicn:i naye-received, dur ing a -long? resjdf!nce,:wilh heni; at t(ieir hands ; for. thr1iberal- rtatronDge -which 1 1 received frora them inni profession l pur- r SUI1 i frtrthe"errifnnl .plieek ia whirs) tbey hate put mef or enabled .eip reach ; for. ! l generous nd - on boo ndec; confidence limes ;r ftir.the4g-;Uapt Sn udsvery tnjfideU 1 iln tort1 ,l9limr,nl.tintU iiMtti.k f t. !i ,vl h .President Ladin and Gentltmnii VfV, peop'e of KmbtkVf it rectivd nVcounte nancn; ul in proftortioriao'lha vennm'and the taalevolepeTof . tttchculation wt "the e geoerOQsly supported. Upheld with" loe: - J f3 hf otifiie portion of'ciy'cooni , J trvsnenv5: but to h4e been 'sustained and m. t' pirated; is 1 Wsshflhe"pr6p!'e:V)f natown4 1 State, h?:yoo who koewrne best, and luim ?v - 1 -rhad'ao'manv reasons' to love'and esteem";--i -- V-i rnnwiri) nrnnrUM T ; foV.nl llnnta n J'it.lli;:VV ingt ami adding (jf ill .1jythei1fDpm icacy'aed: tefinerheni of their sbpx'wiII! riot -CM . :: allo w them id mix in theironcliertceHsnt human life, we may bo$nre tfiat. whenOver;- tronareleftowediliri occur-'j renee. ItThat presence is always inabsclr 7 iV'SL --L". Jj' ir :"J:i . . i., -"'". -! 11" .''J". J.: t inif diiujiiuv in iinipi. fiHrnruininii rfHiii'ei. s lLi 2 L-.' ct ' i ... .1 - - L -. i: - J itude are due fim fn:v o r 3ft ;.'' :r ;Tlbnl',yorj, fricndsUnd-feilhwcttizenff- V " V fr-luf 'distinguished and enthusiastic re-:tr . cepyorv of nje, this dayj inif or the Xrel-V.-xh lenceandabuntJincc ol the Haibecae tht has i r .f I i ben!' prlvided, jfar,nUT eoteraiament, And w. rt T I thank, from ihe; bottom ot rpy.jjearti njl' jf'VT' r : fairlcorfntrymettio a'ird raX5 i"-:t; ntKe me preaipsi measure in Lnearina iesi - ? ir j fenV to thet rvalue and their virtue I bavo evffoiiyln'lhlulfweaud s teiuTaii friends,; a-- CTPTieroBsiy ?ron3ior5irg;iri ot,5iressjT "y ' their cQnrgeous fortitude loicaringUtwro . seivpsilfncofvf afrn r ir am$w And welanJ . uow., as in, 104U, luey canpomeriuny ai . grrepd'gond tife1 witboiit finy tlepariurd from the propfietjj'p'rdtgnity f their sex JokToktng aes :OpoQ mi tniigin and pro gref ..tBTolfglM'iiaVpa.fFs'ta? be, than k f n l' .tij he ed IrtlTS I ! ea i n g nveJ hfanj'i teifdet'iears 401181.01' . r'rcHelti of rhw M yl'Htly ) v jog pa rVfii jeimoveliitlhis Si"lb in.iiavif e.'lioy: ,tof lt1.f;Vf'n t?ea js. bfgej ih IheoeCoT the lJlgh CiartJ p jCbQ crfn.th JO i tr o It : fielrtnn nd; w iiflj 'ardraiis jithputlpecti qjery rneanMof .supvpor', i4:teef rjif course ' ai lmitoii could; H A' neglected education was jrnbrov ed hy my ow n si r ego I a r e xertj ons. w ban tr therbeneito(.fy8ternaH instruction. I sfpt died Jaw principally in niejPiiice or, a Jaroen.. . U' .i( f, tnl "ih'a f alia Dnarnnr 3r.tn!r0J . I lifl' IS '"k i Atiorney, General! of jiglnia,jahdV'iao tm d er fli e -a,.o? jieesj,; i(vb evptiejk b I p a n d p ir rnentej CWniceUor Wyth, foi whom I Had" acted as an amanaesis., I obtained a f)f censetd, f5i a el ii tC tji p r rof p s s o n jfrom the Judges' fif thenit of Appeal of Virgtri is.iandjesfsjUiif5l:'fnyseif:' in jT xingfori'in - 1km s-d'iLVt: lifrii-; . ' Ir- : L' . ;j. t.S-L i: t i VI ,ji w. 1 1 u oui, p jion s , w 1 1 H5 uitr lavnr or countepce; oyttip great ir opulent; with-f 'out the means ipayipgrnv TVPkly;bnidj nil 11.1 II (lfil? lSllijfi. VI m IJaf jiiliryminmiiy fl' lingdjsned.hferlneht mmhersV, I remi her ,KocomfotaWpj f ..thiigf V Ib'oul 4 be if ' I coirf roskfsCiOO Virginia. money, peir year, and -with, whit delichl'ii received the first' 15;shillinff1fee IMvUioiiPS were mora than rtliZM4'f mirn roshetnio a successful arid llufrativp prariiqc.- V r ( IaO'.anrl i4&whn; wV absent frooi . .t1iecorjnty j,Sytte, Tat tie OiioVriar Sprlngfi, witholjitjny krowledie or previous consnl; t ws brought Tor waril as a candid ate' and eleciedf6 ilu General Asemblf of thisjSfMe.i I sjervedl tri that I body several : yearsl nB njas then traiisMfo theSf natq and a ft jpr wards to; the tfoule of Rpprpsejntai lives of , tbe..IJniied Ktalos,' . Ilwill not now dwell on thlreiibsequerit evenis of i my-lpd-lL ..- - Mr' - '." ".4- -. ; -i . U - f -i : Jfi iiticai nie oecomcrate the iiire wriico I have- tfiupc. Uuring mjf pu (die arcerj f have liid hitfrr, implacah e, rprKiess .cne ! I.t. . 1 - ' mie?i j -put if I hyae been be fhjeci of jmia representation and unnerttled calumny, no man has beenbelovfd or honored t? more devoiedj-faithfui ;snd ftnusisstie friepds: j I hayenov reprpachps nOn.e4to mtk to. II wards mVcountry', w iA.";' i'r .!,:' - . .1.' ,r eq ano jPievaieo-me nr oeyonc , wnau.i tnaa arty riglfloxect, I forgive civ enernisr a Ad btpp?t b efmjr X,!' ve lb bbtai ti'l-itie.l for. givenes of their in cvn hearfsi " 1 1 ICwOoJd oether be filling nor is ; itf my purpose to pass jodgment on rtll the acts of roy pohlic life ; but I hnpe l shall be lex ciispcI fpr-ohe , or two observtionsy which the occasion appears in me to aothorizei I ;l ticvei but once changed my. opinion, on any ; great measure of S itional policy,: or on any; great principle off construction of the aMonal Cpnstif ution f . lira, early Jfei on deliberate corisideralioD, ijadboted tho prnciplij ot- interpreting tbe. Federal Coin-, stitution which had been sol ably, developed and enforced fy.Mr. Madisonjirj his mem orable; report W the Virginia legislature, and to them, as ronderstood them I bava constantly adhered. Upon - the question coming up in the Senate of tbe Doited States to recharterttbe ififit Bank of the United States, thirty years ago, I opposed the re rharter upr.n the cjunvirtiuns whieh 1 hon esily c n ! e r t a I ne d.' Th e experieftcp of the n ar rwhich shortly followed, the condition intr hw'b th cou rjtry. was thrown without, a Bank.snd I mty oow add,!labr and more disastrous txpfrierce. convirired me I was wrong. I publicly stated toroy.jroristiinents in a speech I" Lxi gln, (that whieb I had made in ihe Hoe of R'preeniatiff s of the Uit?d Statesnjt rvm r een repined.) my ressoos foy tjiO change jand tey preservf-ci in the srchiet of the f ountry, I appeal to that teqoij j, and f mii wi nog lo fce judged i ow atd he refwr byitbcir vsli'J. a. :: .... . ; . : ; . I do not adveit toth fact ' C (hn olilary icstahce of change of opin i an implying s tact. v li ITS v :' i; f i. - . I! til 1 1 4i j it'r Z r - m if. r i--r t r t -'.T.j 1: 1 a i 1 -"3 ;r -.- -1 . '- i j . jit . I V i ' -" i 0" . i. t r- ' ! i S-t t ! - - v- ! 11 l I ir v ' I. . ll . .1 i ! I . " . 1 - Is -. : " t ' I I , r ?u l A' ! . -r. 1 4 W-