i'rWi 'iWATcnMAiirM mar hereafter be had r iicaVfoWdV !n advance, and po rfotfarf and rtj?!staitei)tt ibeyear: ,V.y Subscription will be received for a less lime lad o'oe yeari unless paid fot ift advance. itfo paper discontinued (boifat Jhe -opuoa o, U Editors) ooiil all irrearage ie paid- V. ?03n.doiljf pVr'sqaafor the fi'silnsertion and J Wkrv-'fite cents fdreaclicootinirance.. -V I ldout notfceswill be charged: 25 pcT cU high, ha'ad, the above rates. 4;'k!'I - -t v Aj dedoctiuaof S3ij)er- cent vflll, lie made to t who advertise bjr the year 1 V y rl"-j vUr a"dTeriiserneDi3 will . bej.c$nljiHd pniil ;b!d and charged forjaccordtnjljri 00 fess order-;, i for a certain .number of. limsp. f" r ' j c JCT Letter ?'Wre$sed to iAeEditors roost me po&i pad jto e Wre attention-' U - "k - ' 10URIER EXQIIIRER. J rI . rap PUBLIC.,! , ; J.r -TjhM and afier Friday. lU I Jih lnst the I Weekly nd Semi Weekly 'Ccuneri ani 'nnuirer will I enlarged 10 ibe size of thecal paper, and after indocejnents jtojths advertiser J neberal readervsoch as hate beeorareTy pre :M by oy paper ij., the United: States.,;,, -SEf-WEEKLV.1 Tlis shtwill he pob hed on Wednesday! and Saturdays, On the tsiU w.itl be 'planted all the contents, of the dah , ihtAtJ-iw- the itwo preceding 'day, 'together ilb approprial? mattpc for. the general' reader, .fected for tba purpose; and ibenide wiU.be ieiosideof the dily!paper-of tire sameaday. hdsatfnew fid vertiseinents irt 1 be daily paper Yednesdaya arid Saturday, will also appear io Sei Se:mi-Weekly paper for thesejdays; withonl iy additional charge to the advertiser.'-.This :bItCf,ior) -will, oi .coarse, oe roajiea np.Ant iHv'oaper of the 6ame date, Sod carry to the Jide fa the edohlty the very talent intelligence. J our dollars per annom, pajabie irt advance. - Fjte dollars per anoum,in ai ant is Dot made ia advance. f AVhlr Derson forwtrdliB2 twentyfiTe Hollars in tohey, nt more ihari fi?e per cent. Ibelow par, ik bVtiz$) will be entitled, ta.seven copies. M sent to the same, post office; and at similar t?s; for aoy larger nirmber of sbacnber9; AVhen 3: money sent is rnore than five per cent, below trl'mlNew Vork, it will be sold at Ahe current teshe proceeds carried to thejredit dfjbe tsiiriberi an4 the papers sent jfor: a pro rata pe- 'E&tLY .couniBR and enquirer: This sheet: also of the size of, the Daily Coo Wahd the lafffesii weekly paper jssued from a. ail prej9,,wiU bepobli6hed on Saturdays only; Sdiltk additioVto all ihematter pf bHshd Io the illy Uuring the weeki will contaid wl least one pntWoous story, and a, great varty-of . extracts imfscellaneoas" subjects, relating to hitory, fat literaloreVli ajjricaUorer! minafaclores, ad. tee mechanfc arts,' -1 i ' IMS intended to make this.sbeet the most per- -ft t . . ;. .L .' I.L-ti LflaL.! 1.:.. tis it will be one of the, largtkt of. the- kind rtit dflered toi j the srading rioblljc j that is, a ewsjjaper in i ibe broadest seqsq of the term, (it ijecessarily willbe, from fepnlainingr'all the ioel of the j Daily Coerier, at the;same nse fery miscellaneous and Ijieriry, by reason Tselect ions and republicaiions set op for (nser icm'ii this paper, i !-4 Al fi 1 ' ' Jem' in j;wll known to the Public to requite any ex pf iriaiioTi, It "was this paper which first ,'gaye he- name,s of iWhies and I,ocotocos 10 tha two jeat jpariies the United State and could its ounsels havp prevail ai Uavrftbiiirg ' in Decena t 1B33, HENRY;1 CLAY wold now have (len the President Of Jhe UrMted States-; Its iot'inow Is Justice to Haurt tit T14B VVest, it'Jhlcdnseqii?6ces;be what thejmay ; and it luiejoniy papriri the great commercial eropo WU the United Hi!ates which; h4s assumed lEltMS OEitfJE vVEEKrJY COURIER I A?iD INQUIRER, tim.: ; To,8n2le subscribers, three ftbUfl- :1 i til ' ' iJria two or more subscribers. les$ Kan six flo' be ;w tp 1 he same post umce, two aouars anajif y refits perannvnU y .'. : j- ; - : fHri sijs sobacfibejrkv and less; than hcentijjive, Afoft $ebjt in 1 nit. mflre than three differenC post fiel; ftoo-c)iaw jpeit;onnuml f -- -lk To.clissB3 and cbmmittees over twenty-five in viimoeri to be sent in Darceia not; less thacv ien to iuf-Qneix) office Lryie douar ar, d seventy-Jite vat per annum ill la no case will a Weeklt Couriee be for warat'Q from rue oincerior a neuDq iess man one iltljif hen ';thefnnd. en!t arej befow parlhey tfe so!d atihe! Current Tales, knih their ilhi plftbe deducted 1 earried to illced!t of iKe; sjibscriber. 1 1n tlike manner. lEolao the amount ettqlbsed. 1 ! V ijiiri rii5iii"c i uui ,iuiji it win c uivviiiCU .&AU Postmasters -ate aothorizdiljf the Posl- aisuft Ueherif io (nrard fundsH&rl subscribers Hejr posfajlf and! jail remittances madethio ll(iiri.ai8terft'Wili'hiti killer Vmtr.- HI !'! " V'-;-""v-- Ps'fiasters will bo; kt onr risk. ; iMfberal Ageiis, Oarrierv &C. Witt al- ptafsi.be supplied iwiih any number of copies MB-y raay require, on giving lour oajs notice, at l i Tljfcpaily JVlornh Courier laid j New York Bjrprr in cmseqiiehteof irs gre!at!circoltiuji ; -oWn-appolbt ed Hhe official pa er? ofr t he C i r : Ul nd DisimtT Uooftsii of thei! Uefted States pjftQptoiv alt notices l and o her proceedings in f es if It a n k hi n t i t'rlll tti. Snn there Distrlcl.of 'j liiaie of -'aiwYoiji .laini a I suchhticesT rjlnil; semuftjekilyl papers.- We shall also pnby .U in our; Daily, tVeekly, aod- Semi: Weekly vjlJeM. a fait ittt nt all ihm nntia I inn a i n I h A Hi"tife inseriea a leasi opce in loom ino wbck ri;idlStaieior thellbehbfit of The Baokopt v ii : r " lf;rlces CorriMit ind,; Reviews" lot te : Market JHH.6T ceorse be ed at lenWhl in each of .I.i Ijhectfdlly ; reruelted, ff con verjiept. to4 give !l'Mwisetnrnt oneinsertiun'a rd call atlen ml tot the same iptl evwy daiilK i weekijr,:or Tii-weeklr p8PBr9 io'tlie Hoited States, with llnWwe' do ink exehWe wiUbe en tilled to n'eiehariffe for at Iteait one vealr nri Viw!nr thi 4ertisemen ao insigriion ana caiuog paoiic at- 'er xoriri h Ahriniv '..! '-: -i-. fill rr S I : . I..S' . ...I -1 11 . . I, ri T't ose pantaffe. and two natr of solen oat did mit did mjiteh HOUSES: : Those wishing to j ,i " f ; l T'r'sain oy nuioz ,oa me 1i;f-tf.-i-: ".Uli.-.?-' i I intiiUi v cUitmn .r - 1 tifi-yiyy-y V 1 f iPORTANTiTO BANKRUPTS . t -J The ItaleJii RegisWi of the SOthofiiao, say ip-Wo Biihjoin; arReport oa Deci- gion, just made by the judges , inea pretpef j Court; ia a : .caseof Uiankroptcy, Iwbicbl frill;'' jv0 have nb:dbubt, be interest- tinfo.the public generally and especially apTo Bankrppts':::. ' i n' ThJi was " an a pbltc at ion to his Hnnor jjtfdge' Battle, for a AVrtt of. habeas corpus, 16 be discharged frnci the ; custody; of t he Shenir of , Vake" county. rThe ; writ was 'grahted the 2Sld July,l8nd.jDpon:its reiarrv the eame dayJ it appeared that the applicant, on the 13lh day of May last filed hiaPfti-' tiorr beroro tneJtsincl Jouge mr me ui- i.!.i'-f Wi.il.1 rlWl.M 'in oK;VK tin ullpOPf? lIICJ .UI-i.lUHI UIIIJ wuin H .yr's- his inabilnylppay bis debtsand prayed to ba admitted id the benefits of the Bankrupt AcU bat novkeLwas theretiponVtyen to all bis mdiiorslio appear before the aajd Dis? tricC Jodse ori ibe 1st of Septernbet next, to snow cause 111 any .inoy uu, wy, uc Pelioiier sboq'ld not be. declared?;- Bank root :1?that after the filing of the Petition, a Writ of Capias ad satisfaciendum vi at is sued, at the ibatapce of one of his creditors, irom me uiBy-i erm 01 , c wuuiy vwuu, Uo .the Shejiff of -Wake"7, County under which; the applicant was arrested and detain ed in custody. 1 His Honor being inclined tri think that be i facts disclosed 'were not Vofficient to authorise the, discbarge btjbe applicant, bu( understanding thai a diHerent opinibo bad been-entenaioed and i acted up. on by5 other Judges, thought it best to have tlefcase considered By the Jucjgesf the Suprebe Coirt, io order that the qnestion might: be settled by jhe'bighest,' authority . Ai bis request 'those 'gentlemen readily - ai greH'lo assirt ' hiroin; the .bearing of the cause) od il W8S iherenpon- fully nd ably arghetl before1 thera b .Mr. Badger for the applicant. ., Upon, a consultation, after Ih argurneotthe! Judges1 we're urianimonsly -of thc;opinioni that a voluntary; applicant j; for the benefits of theBarikropt Ijaw, could nof, lipori the ' mef e- filingr:of - his ; petiljonand riolifringbisl creditors of bis - intention. to apply for a cree declaring bW'; a. x. Bank rupt but before such )lecree,' claim an ex elmplion from! arrest at the I instance of -one of bi$ creditors. The ipiilirant was there lipnn remanded by Judge Battle, to the ens tpdjf of the Slferiff,;to"be detained under he Writ tf Ca$ai referred 10 in his'returp: '.J . ! 4- A : 1 1 I .. .... . :N; I njjiLboUE; Between a political Monomaniac andan .Edi .1.. . i- -. -1 i tor, iii! former saucuingwv wjjjht y -li;f :r-i Zaer fvr the Presidency : ; J" 'V Xnd owj' iddsd thercandidatei' f wish to get ha support of , , tb e Jou rna I . : VV h j really . Kivj w are pledged to jo fbi Henry Clay asraibsi ihej;woTtd.,1 ph;knbW that, f said he j' 'but, ifMriCIay dieVor Withdraws from the canvass, is ljj nniptressibje ihiryoavwill soppbrir me 'rr Wie wilt IhinUftfh nr nf in fur'nf of I hewrn ttirjrag4 4 nd neff" tes t j rnon v sa id ; wel ifNi?. inoeeo. , ne repueu, men.' saio .wei we win AnVii n if!t!nnea Johnson' . Have You eyer sta-; Icrtjaiy oione ?' ;Wby b!ess yoonoilhere nlaedj fTheri said we. 'we will support . y 00 in tefereocp to Got. Benton A fool?! fl nattermyslf jthat Iamfooi here pped.! ifhen said w,'we will support jo preference Jo John-Tyler.1 vf J - 'j- 4 ;' i II j ' 'kJ' - 'r " 1' ' , 1 ';.-:y j I gOIThe V hTgrjdyrnalsaretdnnmgup;ihe GIay3Fiaig; ind they do it ;:: wi(h Jhajtsik?r swim res olation which generally' leads " to i iri- urmph.V'They iwere never mere onitedi and ief- ei peibans naq? more potent popniar- omens 01 -sjscqMlfCrbifartldos'andl hopes a:re-iioj'',tti-; vtdedybHween'rifal down and fasten firmly (orr one maryTh's ge tjieii erTuHs directness, concentratirtn arid energy. ? - if f yyrtix y. JVorlh tfniericaa. candidate, and he by the unanimous acknowl- ledgement of all parlies the-greatest man in the Nation. Tbe; Locos have half a d zn ,candi daies and eaw never, agree upon either.; Mark my words. IVasU. Cor. P. American, 5 - ' PA contemplated insurrection among the slaves bf; Wythe county. Va bas i beert discovered andj suppressed.' wd of the ring-Ieadefs were j ar yis tdd?-. Theyi were foupd provided with a va n- ety of instromfnts or deaths socjr asgunsj pts-4 tols, swords, c.-tvYasft. Ban. . : t .ty: ! h h i r -if---. rtfTP ? Felnale Svunkisn- Rhode Island.-Ve bl'ati';hef d-" cif bni' r6nriinglel ihsUnceU of ,Nii i,s.I- . , iv. ... TTy , 1. , .. . .," ,:. .1 j ne sit at ion among i mewooie louryuousmu c iti ziii U 1 1 f lw h 0 V r o ca 1 1 6 d i a t o : t h e" fi c I d dariing the recent rebellion- A man beJong in to ope ofjlhe; .coWutiy brigades lagged behind his regiment aod finally returned. to his iamijj j1: Arnt jvoo'-going with the dearI think lon tbewhole it is niyi Jotyto btayindi'prd ect yonS replierJ the husband. jGSt wbat it is ; ; eit her you or I hare got to ffoi with Governor King's men against Torn ipor'tVi rebel LIff ypu : arr not goirg, give ms iporbreeeiDesii He.;weni. .'y, adlre ba bat the Portrait of . theGopcrnar ii to appfiryery' eatly ibtbe Democratic Kvie w- Ur ;shoeld bepujl lengtn, witn ; particular, care sived te the lekirfbere there K seems to have r. .rEc; .u-at. c.'ii. !,. (femderatie i nrinciole1' than In , the brains. . fd Ioo)y hcad-ptrtraitofiporr the anistywoold qheai (is batoKj the most important pait of him,, - ' ' - ' ' 1 - 1 " 1 "' " 1 -11- 11 M 11 111 1 1 11 ! 1 I , ,1 .1 1 . 1 ii . 1. 1 .1 1 1 1 I M." . i. Ll 'LI 1 ' 'T .? snipport ypa-inipreiererjce i vo uaren." nave you anegro wfe ?0rtalnly nohe replied.4 Then .1 aid tie.1 . we' will sn iporf.ydn oMfer fa -At Kew Orieacs,' oa"tbe19ib nk. ' large" foorjstoiy duelling V'house, on f Tchoapiloulas andocccpied by MrsilWajle as a boa"rding hcose" was destroyed by fire. The Picayune gives ihe following particulais in. relation to tbe escape of .The; flames' Were lofmrnedlateVcortneciloa witn.me stairs or me mam noose ana in jan-: al most incredible Rpaeaof lima cofsmunicaiiorv' was cut off bet ween iheupperistorles and the street; ureai consiernauon was me consequence, as ine boarders spranV Irom their beds lofiod t he'iair case in flanies beneathHlhem Theyfushedto the frontSi,ndows. Tch)uniionlaV5treet4find tv, ing sheets"snd cour.terpan!iooeiheff descehcled i to the balcony, and found their way safeli lo'thei street. .One heavy ror'entlemani-was1; )4KenogH oimseu in mis manner wnen one ni -ine tsoeeis( fourth jstay window oniothe galleiy, ; Vusiaip1 ing,howevf riid serious ipjoiy, "";V,V i 7 A moreVemarkanleeacanehoweveriHhani thatj made by M'rs'VVade herself, from? the Aorning l.'.u;.. ul Li j t - ! wk J had catightf ihe'alaraiin time to reach the street but had lingered in, search 'of her. children jdisj tracted witi onceriajnty and -terjor J untilj her re IUIU VJ ;iD,MII, W.9 ICIIUCICU HUIU.-.IIIIC. was soon after seen upon the roof, and Tjiheres-I ciiemem cle was ted in reach the eaves flv this'timo the epper S'oiy i . and already r weeping :i VP.w,a?f ihrnncrh fhetrnnf t' VVitb almost miraculous! ex-r pedition, considering the frighifol emergensy of ihe case, anothei Jadder'; was raised -fr)m )he first floor beamsof the new- building adjoining w b icb wa placed d i rec 1 1 y n pon t h e op r u nig : ol the other Jadder. and still did4 not reach lheNoof of ihe dwejlingr by some four'or five fest.""Ye from this perilous and fearful height tbedatin-g woman , swung , herself by ! means :ot a sbeeti reached thejadder. and "descended -slowly j an4 safely down the trembling support .td tbegrjiundj She had not j yet stepped from ihe. last rung: t the ladder when the j upper part broke, show jog. but too plainly how critical had been the daWer bide of descent was raised against (be - wall to fa most precarious position, and held byMryWad himself, who by the exwrlionof prodigous strength preserved it from falling, or jBlidinorawayl ft was a most extraofdifrary sod thrilling incident, which happily terminated in the safe restoratiup of the lady Into the arms of her husband.. jMraV Wade is a heavy woman, and her escape cT jes terday morning W3s truly ' miraculous f She '-lis roach injured ,by agitation of mind, and a bliaUjrj ingot thenpek and! hands by "ihe flames, aad sparks erehe bad left the, roof ;1 . v --i! The rear buijdings were completely destroyed and the upper story of the house besides! vast damage to ihe furnitnre.i,iThe fire! i generally stippcued to have beeNiHhe result xf accident A -A black boy about'' fourteen': years dU is tnisioal supposed o Lave met a -horrible deathv irr the flames. . :--- y ; r "lrM - - y-- 1 " v I- t - 1 THE CONTRADfC i ORY COUPLE, i ' I do believe. he said, taking ihe:spoon loo of his glass' and tossing it on the table, ' thai-of all the obstinate, positive.? wrong headed crea-f tares t hat ever was bbrp,. you areolae ,most so C harjottfe,' tfc3 . . ivrii.iiii Lii.nrijf - pray.v Yoosee howl moch I coo trad ict y ooAre joined i be; ladyy;gf yf!:tH f U AAnrca Bn' Hlrl'nt :MnlHrilit m l rim. Ktthat ?t Itoa falilhat ontlidictidiiif o.f the .ta'l dy answers; rtnd I say asain. E.fKard,! that jerly V and lyon still 'raein to say thaOv QiacW burn1 new; house there are .nntmdre thanj foo teen doors, includinor; tbe door of the wine Cel I meanito Bay,tretorisrthe lady beating the lime' with; her hair. bfu shjon t h e j pa Iro of jh er barid.tbat in lbat house there are:vfbrtieen . doors.4 anf pd more.!rf9. fpfq ;if 'Welti ibedr cries ili!eenllemanl?TisiBtirii iuenpnir, iuu. (mciiru inn iium nnui iaytt ouiycs iKIa ia annitnli fn iloctrnir . m.n'a Infeilol nnrfi drive him mad !pf&1 -jf Byand by the gentleman comes loo a ilittlej and passing ls hand across his' forehead," finally re-seats himself in bis former irhair. -Thereis a long silence, and this timehe lady begins. L I appeal to Mr Jenkins; whd;sat next Ito'nre on tba sfa in the drawin-roon doring tea .'P.. Morgan, you mean interrupts' the gentle man.' y. r 4, ;.t..afi;i"ri?4 '4; I dn riot mean any4 thing of the kind,? an swers ihndy. "L"'y "$ , i Now.lhjf air that isj aggHvatingadd iropossi' ble to bear H cries the' gentleman j'clenchiog his hands and forking .- upwards in ag rny- khe going to insisi yponrit'thatlfttffio JenimAJ- D you 'take oie.to.be a perfect fool jexe;l,aims the lady ; 4o you suppose f ddnt knw one from ihe othe ;Pd ydd t sepase th'aH dfk jfobw thawihe ma'nsitb jtbe'blue cokt , was Mr Jen kins?:; :v . .y; v , : 1-,,;, - Jenkms in a' bide coatlcries the gentleman with, a groan Jenkins in a kloe coat ! a mad who would r suffer death rather than wear any Ihlnsr bai brown !" T ' : " ;.1 1 c t' Do you idare ! to f charge".... me with tellin? an untruth y demands the lady, borsiin'g into tears. ' I charge joo" ma'am, retorts 'the gentleman j starling opj with being a contradiction, a tnm sterof aggravaiton,''a-a'aXBnktns in a bloecoai! What have! I done that I., should; be doomed to hear v-such j perpetual tormtots.-C,SAefcAcj 'o; -r.i--.-, v-. , .nJTj . . ... , . -I -j' i jThe Fredch Courier o.f NesvJYdrk contains a statement of the: earnings of 'FaDoy ElssJer jn the Weserr5Vorldi Since: beirai rival jb:iB40 she has danieed 221 Jtimes, the proceeds of $2 of which werefgrvea rtoycharitableiiobjectsf tpr the rest she; received ; 140,000i Her expen&e were $4O,O0OV leaving ber tbelrpued. hondred ; .u j r.-1.-.. . -..u- j .... u... ted ber mdneT in the aiocLs of New Yotk and j Ohio at such tales that heannoal interest Ida . ihe ca pi ul invested - will b? ten per cent dr iQf cooryocid'ntrcp ner ttime t i oh ; no l iutt y qu siyst t be igeti tip 1man;yy Ves,J;dtd8iys ihejadj0v-j'. Oh yon 'did ? cries the gentleman ; '-you at -itthat ?t t m-MnmM:m4 iy : . 4 I r ' w - r ' - : - , y i - y U ."Jr a man.twenty-one years of csrer begaa" to' ,aaye one dollars week, and "put hat idterfst ev ery year,' he Woxild bavei at SlPtvears ef-SsrV. SftiaOraiUlinssai-aCSl:' SS.6S0'; iaKoK J t. ieJ$G,t50; at 71, s;i.500:; When wa iookat of t these aomsi', and nhn via 5 fhinlj lrrnf tmn&li tcu-.paiioc oiighthe aoUfed in-ihe.Sery l ac't of saving them and how roach good a min ia'bym b!e clrcomsiances may dd for ;hi3 fimily ' whh .these sums, we', cannot helpfwondering,'that Ihe'rea're not more fsaveWiof a J wieek. He" who saves this sum may ot only pay: his owo way'-but helnlhe afilictedi'add Btibsciibelto va tlous benevolent aoci lies. In short, he'may show iuciwj"!J tiiivunaiivs iu'iiita nuiiUii! uuu us may u" The- above' calculation; isfrom an Engljish pap per,' andibe interest js "reckoned at "aliout one half the' rate Tin this country ylf l i'mahhere were to .save $t a 'week duting'the time abqve i- As STRANG E .BEDFELLO i V; ?V At Ji LadieslmpemnWVeetfni inl New butyport, one of the members remarked that the Temperance cause had been a; irrea.t Jblessln'w to Fher'f for'radded shel slept wii alharrell r . 1 1 vs . i. - - SPEECH OP MR, I'OLATf (concluded) 1' I have traced the principle canios of , the present embarrassed condition of fine coun ty, I hope with' candor and fairness, and without giving offence to any of my fellow citizens, who mavr have diffeied in political opinion from meVy It Would 1 bavJ been far more aareeable to mv feelinos to hive dwelt. - r.- . . i'- '. ' . ijj , (i. 1 I 4 as 1 did, in 1882, daring the third year of the hrst term ot f resident Jackson's admin isiratioD, upon bright and cheering; prop ped 3 of general pr os pe rity; j i I tLoug h t' 1 1 useful to contrast that period with the pre sent Ope, and inquire into the caes which uifvfuuKui upou ua eucii vaa saun uismai reverse. 4Afooch more: impbiru ntljobject remains to fnie; to attempt and 1 fiat -is to point out remedies fori extsting evils and disoifders. y,;-; i v-utyly;-''' i Ana toe nrst ! wouiay suggest; requires the co-operation of tbeGoyernmdpt Snd rhrf peoplei-it is economy jand IfntgititV, strict and'nersevermcr economv. both hh nnhlir J . .-.--' J,' - i i - ' ir-. . - and : private - affairs. : Governme nt should incur. or continue, noreipeiise' llhal-'cin be justly and honorably avoided.; arJd indiyid i!s should dothe Fime.' The WospeYity of the .country basf been inipaireij by tanses will 'not be jreltoredj j biaj ilayil a y ear :petr r t p Fior,v(,l sf i?i itttias talc en -to. destroy ttU But we muW'ly 'Xi flcoifomicat,we;aiq3t he ifidustripus.liDde f.tigaole industrious. 1 An Itomeose amount capital has bee nl wasted and! squandered licnd pTiVatei SlcJti bnIi V;pfucei by labor.ahd saying.! l-i. Tbe second remedy whieh ii; would sngf 14: : : IV li'-i.-- is i -i - 4 I. i. S i I ft-il j' . -y I 111 T j Without which all dthers must provtnrttor.e enr rdiybroniform'Va Uo. ion inn tulomiiM. -...i; 'iirr . t . f0" tbf holder-j 4 , knoft,ne mode in tahieh'iliat:it1iijif !iiTf'!d'I: plished, and that hds stood ithlf lit and practical frxperieeirftlftabro uc.oiseu man a nans ri me United Sfates. Y which eriuuiu oe aaie. ano rcertaiin. artd. Tree I lV-.fc;Ai--lkitr-W-liy ' ;r-ni ;, iMueo;pi ; oyertnent. end es pecjally notjerjhecbntrol;o!thtC nti ve departrflent fj should' f of teneladfy see it emhTace)l-iaminbiexciuM ded to a Bank or thef Hoite RilieenW V desireiiiseei .oneestabji8he w il j 'ririthot.'tW jcbnseh j; rSf Ih e pe op. -But; all;my observation nd jieflectiob hate 'served jjo strengfhefc adil confirrb roy coi- iqtion,; that such 'a1tnatift)pnitemsnatiao Trornjhe -authority, jnftthe Ofheijal Gfverii lenfproperly minded and guarded wiih ed duti tan afone supply airejiafle curren- : Accordingly, at the; Extraf Setjaioh Ja'baii passed both fseso ' r- ai vtu iivsi ii3 liuiui : A -2 .: ill t . i ' J, ' " - i ww umiuu, cuomaeu bd excellent cn a rift, vrth onelor two slight defects, which it i;as intended to cure bV asuno&erA hill if ih, Veto bad not been lexercised ffhe ehir- ter contained two nlewr andU'thiilk admira ble features ; oe was io sejpaf the opera lion of issuihg a :trtatidrrmVth:at1or banking confiding iheiei falcottWIr bWiffW. ent boards; and tb othei raslif limil tlie riividendf of the baki bringing Ibe excess, )eyono ine prescribed amount, ir to the pub- i inf;PxepaUtion of the tblr- fnadftlthlil could be ade, t accommodate ft, espec jilly ii f re : ird to the. brittchit&'howeU!.fo lin'b reribtedt. pinions of thfcPfaidentiti Bui instead of peetingosinamotifipiriteon iv. pvu ug w uucoi sent , irom; tae . Congress, anxioos to folfilithts' exoeeta. liens of the neoole. another hank hill mi , every sacrmce wis prepared. in iconformvty with jthe plan of : a Bankketchedbyf;lhej .acting l PrjeaiuVnt f jn bis Veto messsee -.after a previous eonsnlf a tion between him and- some .distihffuisiied wvwucis Mi: vyuugre-s. - aim jwd,' leaainir mem Ders - .pi nia . j amner, 0 h qe oi u ; was Shaped In "precise M conformity Iki - his "views, Is communicated by those members cf ,ther and:wasTsubmitted. tb'lifs inspection 'affej-Jit was'so prepared j! 'anal he gaveaf su ranees that; be would approve. euciral'.bjU.tMwas hb'party to the transactionibtU do noVpni teriaio a doubt "wbir I IstaW jThY bill passeirboib-IlotiVfs iof Connrrsavwirhnut the-Veto wad nevertheless ffgairi emptoved ces t he VV hi gs, a n d d i so tjr n s bet n g o n e "althpugh' hey administers "tner . Exectitive branch "of. the'.Goveinmentjm .-contera'bt o Jlborr feelinos and In tiolaiiod'oftheir rln-' rjples;f and althougrrj bllrwhdrh be cboses . o ' . . i -1 . . (.. vat . a r not due 10 truth and .loJtEelbitjiry.I will however, syMhat, 10 opinion, the Whig ccnnoUbrtY)ily;heltJ responsibfn for his ad- ruiuisirauua 01 ney executive. cepartmeni, for the measures jliemai recommendor! his failure to recommend 'Otberjnof specially for the manner Ib'whicb he distributes 'the public patronage : Th0y ;Willdp Jheir'dttty J 1 Dope, towards tne country, and, render, all good and proper support! to. Government ; but they ought oot; to be held-accouu table fcr his -conduct.They! eleMeKhimit is true, but for another office, and: he ca me i n- to thepresent ode by . a'lamentible visits f hum, wi iuviukuco j uere na3 peen no such instance occurrirg; under.trle Goverri-' "menty;if the Wrjigs were boupulUo SPMttl,-4 rfze ms opinions inreleerce: .ib an office which -np one evier aoticipatedbewould fill; he was bound inihoflor (aod .godjd faith to decline the Harrsburg nbm (nation, if he could, not conscieniibuMyTroloperate - with the principles that broughfi him roto office. Had the President who waa r elefclcd lived. had that honest andlrgo!od; mian m? whose I race,nUb-4llpicfuVe,.wJe,p0w gUey beent sparea, i, leei periectiy -jetSnudeiiLfthit-aU 1 iue,iuwui wui-,11 ! ine--prtucipiet.':ppioe Whrfisamborizetftbe coiiutrr to x'oeH.in. eluding a Bank of the' fJntted: Stales, would have been. clrried. jj -V- - x ov.i y o aiu 4ai a squnujeurrency, such as 1 hye described, is una'taknable dur ing' ttio ad minis traiion bfi MfiTylerl Ii 111 ce, u iycan oniy eobiainc tiirougli the instrumentality of a Bmk of.; the United States, unless hei changes ibis opinion, as he ;y:jr .. Is P.--.-t.' h'. - lias cforie in regai io ihelatjd blji vyofortonatelyF Jesses morerowrsfips reeppctsthari a liiog,or qen tf lErigjelrid is never separated f (o m lb! q hat ipnt. b'ti t J s tljiged to conform tW its jwilt ff ftemirir istry hphds opinions jadejrse to jfenaorj nd is throw n mt the miiHtynhp;!lotise of jCommonsjh citj lVjr .disptss 'the fajniajtryji ajnd; ppoi n tdne;iwboe tipinins'cmcid JSV'!t.Tji. ccnlyi ben obHged hi do i andjnct;rne)y tciiangdherlnitDisV try, butto dismiss hfa Uiftto3nU upon. her person. . But heie. if ihe Vpreaii wm imiius an opinion .aoversej 10 inal ol congress and the loaiioni upon impM tap t pu'blie;measuf!;ftH4re;i sure? odica j xn the periodical! refurnlofuhe rights oi the ballot box. ttons abroad, and;lo.dloincrfissv supplies at home from dbj;mettic dusjiy. y J have so often expr(s4dwy ieWsorfphfssdjecit aod so recently in the Senate oi th?7a:ted Stales, that ldd Wftj iSjnMhe is any oc, casion for'niy'enlafging dlW ilaltniiiime i 1 do no(.ihTnkfhistt hgh tarifriaoe&lsa'rfr; iiisimd aii at f qaaiq re vr n uo auc .rea so n a pie proteciH3oarioViiso bap terra:.of4tnei(Try people nowjperfelticp i onr h.ghest5and JoreitrslriterestJ. 'Nj''!or?e' can Ju k bey ontt ils' Hisso jfjitionj wt ibbti.t' fa or ror and dismay.' lIHarmony; s 'ef5entiaf io the preservation qf. tbol Union It was a leariing,d!t,touh nbttbe'bnlrmbtive, in pro posing the compromise act, tolDreserve tbSt - harmony: ;ihe wer prprolef ting thbin-; crests of our owp country can never be a. i I... ' J 1 1 ' : i j. i . . '.fc . z! . i i- bandoned or surrendered! to foregn nations, witbppt a colpabf derelifipnlof taty.N Of this troth, oil parti ofj the na f ion ire' every day becoming mor,e anumorejsensible.!. f In tbea meantime, til is dispensable Dower should bejfxerciaed wftb discretion and moderation, and iq'a orm, Hast cnlcufaled to revive the prejttdicts.ilocheck'! the pro- gtess of reforms jqow- going jon jn public opiniuo. f . In connection with a system ch rcmediai measures, I shall only allude without stop ping to dwell on the distribution oil j: that jtist and equitable seitllmebl'bf a great Nation al question, wiiicfj sprang pp during; tbe Bevoluiionary VYal, which has seriously tg-1 itateJ the country, Wd which it is deeply ; to be regretted ha d not beta, settled! ten H Another renVW mfulfdl by the necessities rii Jheiimee,and: rbQuisv l" ..L -. rf -;h t u - My ile to mihtiidihfr tnefcvf iatp itf 'rtiirinifHl',r2..1... !i norMess than an years ajvas jhenpropgsed4'ifrdepeident A-f pf.!! other consider: I icnV, the fluqvostlon, -J,'! nlhe receipts fromsales'oXthe ptbl)e tlnifi t : 9jo great amTconaiaci that it is a rr'sovrcd , U n wbtchKeGener'aV" GonmVnlf-pugbt " - (' ioOo rely Tbfrevenuer- VIf far hefterthaU "'.'!,' - Ai a uruiucraifc; unu com mil ice of the Senate,' at ibi head if which WJ the plenished with dctlref on imports, witliout tpngin into jt.any: part of the landjfund. ; j 41 havelhus.snggesteineiPsurs prfie, . ,; " , ifpted 1 9 bo present etat el 1 h ccmj nlr y i;5i I yk have retired flfrmp Of;thdiurehcca wbiebj nroareiilv of the natinh which, everts eiti t Ct ien might Ho -do we J ,sbputd', discard Aall ' y passion and preinice, and exercise, as far as""" unjortonalelf exists belief nlbe twCT leading i." parties into? which dor pedple'areonliappily ; dflde'IitVonaidtins'tn !,; , : cr'thVjpounsels'ofJthe oneor-.tbeothec of ' liLN thesearties are wi?f5i and hestcalobted yj ' to. advance 'the- inlerestfc(ibe'bonor, an'd! tha - j'l ' " - Wssilei alpetfectt itana,hialrty.r'-?Anifwe i-H r should not, fonfine ur attention merely, tofy m vi tne particular measures wiijen irjoee panics. : , it to their general, course and condqrtj, and v- r f 10 tQe. sini ann purposes Dy jwutR.n iney' are animated. f IVe should ianxio&y reni- qu ire, fw h itber sb illi we' be led byfttfo wi n g -. ln'lhft lead of. one or the other of ihosrt na?- ues-wnuner ana 1 we oe carriea to ine a- 1 ir :i y. patriots bece, andjie liberal porjidq of man- f kiod every where J have fondly 1io'pe!d awaits ;; us X orshajl wej.ingfotiously terjplnate'our : dareerl by 'Adding t another roelancijolyf ex-y amnio of the inetabiljly of human !alfanrs.vy L and" the folly .wUh 3 AvhiclT aelf government 4rs-admintsiered2i V , iw-i't : " "It do pof .aVrogn je toi"inyselt ,mfteiimpir- tiality, or jgreatei freedom frorn parly jhas, tVaa befOriij'Jo ntbermen ;--int, iinjWjde cew myjlf,vl hiiik:f havejfearijd a imo of iile,rtd am noWin apcurwm offetiremer.t. from whicli l ean lUok" tar k with rulmnt si.Sc spekM hopeViWU!h.randdr and itfsWe ' . I juo our in'einu tq auempLa g(i)(Mrai qonn?t Jetweeo:the lo partiei'(a jq- thetr.!ou8e, , uociiinea iiijii spirit, ri uav iwowiu f w too . extensive, nd Jaboribtis'an-.undeitkingTor ibis occasBon Jvbtit I purpose to specify a few rec'entfjnsiancesvo which, I tl ink, our 'politieatjoponenti have exbibitet a spirit andJbearirighscjgantziitg.and; d ngerous 6 tie! permaneoyj endsuhility 'o 'iour in titutiobs, fand: 1 icvoke the serious aad sn- ber aiten won toituem, of all who $re hero 'assemhled'JJ l' u . , which tlVrritorifiS! have- been. lately ladmil- , ted, as ! Stales in td; the Union. 1 heeaily and rpgufat pracjic ofHhe Gvrnment was for Cdngress tof'pass previously a.ioiwi au thorizing 'ConventiufireguUtiiigittie ap- t pnintment pi members to ir; spectJVfng tho quaS.ficaUon of voters, &c yln5 thaUway 'most of thb Sutes' were recftte'dQflate;;. : .wituniji Bnr previous sanction (..11117. from Congyess, se'velri! Tcrrito'ries laye pro- ceeoeo 01 ttoemicjves to caij.uonvetttion?, form Conskiction,'nnd demand -at mtssi' n into .thejUpion j and they were admitted I do noteny that JUieir populMiorj klndj con--ditionrrnistled tor'dmissiorr; hot 1 linstt that it should luv beeiicfone in thj regular and estat lislu'd miideVI jln the case til Mi chigadi aliens were allowed to voLe,jas'alicPf uavuoeen aiiuweu i peenme. pre-?oipt;o; ers in the public lands .And a mojontv Oortgiess'sanctioii tho proceeding M'fi; ; :Corejignff4rf jb sf ci z ens Sn ' ? u r jedm m u n i t y ; It he U ie c n -, t i Ud 1 1 o a 1 j I t he j pijvil ege 3, it lb id tj)dii m 1 1 of the ;Cor)stiin ioa n;- Fe born JcifjjBe;sndir 6eteari( Ii y should be )i6tej,alhbmef3nd sjbioadi the thundey rlpuanilUr rpar s.i joad and as effectually in tbeirdtfepceuvisf u iheir birthlwere rioon' American -sokl'li IT. i y capnof bdtlfiiffgl itwrong and hazdous; "i&r.h tpajlb w a Siena"!", who have j ustla nedrtp4!( oiir,thbreal wjiioljliaveynot yetehiiiunVefJj ; their jlleglenctldffireiBn potentfcs, n r sworn " fi jai t jr liJ u r VC ait I 11 1 i o rr, with ly the"" in floehreifttnarcfiy and anarchy about therii, part C pale in jour uefliony "and effect bnr lrgiUtion. ' f ' J; n y y'2Vu,l hej New jjftisey election .inU)- . ,he Jule- aefiMn Wyf th local BiihqrM)i tf ny.ere potraeie tiy thx j- k, asfjumntir'Oby abrogate thib iiflijits- Jimit a Umip4 by, the SGjState! iu Congress assemhled.' - yt JA latreydltionary Attempt nf Mary- land'to ' stjbvert; ;the exi?-iing govqpmertt ana spi im a new one -wituoui any ai : If. ' ! : ' ' - . a - . - . j .s . 5. Thelrefusallf the mindrityj ilinessee, to c4 .co4fj)erio . with :be majority iiheir.Ccnstitulioh,'rqui- rmg the, presence bf two thirds of tld axem her to wcuteratiKisllive.iniiinctioffof lht" tljfiiied Stae4 tfa'pjaint two U(iiuiiSUUifHp'' Senators; lln'principle. ili3t refusal was e- qn oivalent to announcing the wtlMonesr-nf that minority to !"diS3of?e the Unioii '-i For if tTiirUeV fobrteen of the SQ States were to rebe allether to elect: Senators a dissolution of thb Uaion would be the, '" . i - rri.-.i t consrjei4e. Titpnnoriiy,for 'wdeks.lo- ge;Uer an timej ajteir time, dcJibfiia telly. re- fded io ericr pbh jthe elecjion; jUtad, if the Union Js not ia Ijact, dissolved, (us not Ijecausetft priijcrple involved woujttl not lead to ditlqluiipol but because- lsjlpViS other States tvenot like themselves refusal ed to pe'rlofm a high constitution dutji' Ahd bf did'thry refuse ? Simply becaosje tbey (apprehended Ihe jjjeleciioii to the $or8.-J, twqfJTenrrffissee nators, 1 in tle dited Slates Senale, are rjlvv vacant, and Tei)nes ;1 see has no foice )nSbat branch of CongcSs, y in ihe general Jfigtttirtiofl. One of the bige. r ; est comdlimentsywhick I er tec tnf,y: v a-i have been ;M.wW&il meeting in, Teonpasee, pJf" y -l$p in conjunction wiihjs distingoisSHm ; yny-yj from South proijns, wa an mo .iwmii ;:pjKyj 1 t j. f . y y 1, 1 I- 1 r y a , w 5 I4; j i- , 1 !'f ' 1- 'I ' ! - , y . . 1 i y 1 - t I-:---: ; - t r ! 1 I 4--1 i! 1 t ' :&4 siy I' y X i I X .y- if. I- :V j - 'V yy f:;. Hi: i - M ir-y y; fe : .w.i-" :.: W-M3 ! : .Vi. i ' i-yy.-- Kill-i ill; ii y m ky-it.yi Fal;--!! Hf.l ,. tt : i : '":vp -.It v J--' .: .y! A -H-r'r. .- i i it - if.