"',,g,,fiiii '' ' ' '' 1 1 ...1"' " " "".1 ' "'. ' . " "" ' - ' 1 " '-.i,,l " ji i B M0 .Um "t f-- lfilbo wltllbe reived foV . Jea lie ..A lL Y !Ko paper, disccniinoed (bnt at'tbe 'option of - . - , V -N-.k .. . - r-- .-." - X . 'rri KV-., 4 - - 4 - .-iil- i 1 3 4 ifeifort) i;al Wreiragesare pa'id. 'J , , ; ...-v -r,, - - ,u-- r. - - t -t.. .h, 4 UCimtfaoticti w mbechaTjed 5 pec cli fright I tbd;who JdTcruse by the. year, v ;; -t , iAtl idTfrttseraeoU twjll be -tonUnocd onlil ?brfeyai charged foriccbrdinsly, onless order edfor rcertaift number' of times. ; ; J . i V iiH'Itfers-ifI(fresW'.tibe Editqrt most I ff-dE-toii.drsiieoUon. -Vf Ztf.J V " ii . ... .. I '. llsbed ol Wedoes(jajrsstnd ;Stordays;r On (he DicaiiprrfiU, of course, be ,oiaiiea, wnnhe . reader Id the coantry the f'ery: latesf intflllgence. lulv nanM 01 ine fiime chij . w mo I . ii PTkmapf thelSemf iVetkly i'aptr.-f ; 4 .1 i it'rUu Ll--;--'Lli. : 1 I ' mrMi perlnnixD, ptyifle in ,diwe.-; ht lnot made ifrldVance. ' ' ; ; ". I WiSlii- .!. UA. 1 4 Jof tfflnev. not more than ne per ceni. . Deiow par.i : '. J ! : :- '- IT...- ' , T I WEtKLY COURIER ani EJfQXJIRER. Ifhia sheeii also of the size of tbe Daily' Coo inland the larWst weeklv naber issued from.a daily aresswjil be " poblished oo Saturdays only; aadvrn 'addftlon to all Ihe matter pnbtisbd in the dally during the week, will contain, sl least one aib of sl) witl maintain this pu$itiop .t V i ' tfRS OFTrtEVVERKLY COURIER ilV.p-t".l-;A'N-Dl ENQUIRER. r.:-. v ; J p ralag1e ; aabscribers. Arcj4: dollar 'ptr-yanf rftifei: IniMf - 4:t- i - :J- . ! 'i -'a44; 44 I P i two briWore aiibseribers, less than, six. to be iseni tojthe isaroe post office, (ico dollariSdndjif- To bix sObscribers, ano less than twenty Jive, taJ-tWnt to not tnore than three different post offices;-iteo lottariper qnnurA. i j7 ' ' 'j 7 I To classes and committee3 over twenty-five in !po;.:lnlee, .one,Iollar and seventy-Jive . 10 oe seni in parcels pot ies vnan ten 10 t Itt'ca'wili la-'WEfirLt Courier b for- Wardd.from (lie office for a period less than one to'na. . imt.ea "ni.manl !o' rrAA tri ft rl v. nA and when the funda aehlare below i par they ijrilf bo sold at the carrent rates, snd 1 the dls fiottnt be t deducted from-, the amount carried (o :teroreiSjt of jthe anbscribe'. In like manner, wbien. rnwiage is j pot paid, 1 will b$ deducted .(ro'jbajilbf joontebclosed;- L f .-i 4if VAiMf erflare'; aathorrzed by the PiisV iriisiter-General to forward fundi for aobscribers Hefqf Bst(e,ad remiibncea4 made .into' iroa8teH vwiil at'oor riaV. j jjf general Agents Carriers, j e. &cf will i, fwiyallbet sUppIiedi with anyfnamberi of copies iiy; may require, bn giving four da jal notice; at -Jpars Iperbondred. r! ' JpiaittMolin and' Tew York fPlwleSn con-ietioence tif its great oreoiatiott, ba been appoipted the official raper of ihe Cir. tMt'-aad Dirit-iCdttrtr':of be .United States Mlfjabfisb all noticea -and osber proceedings in 'files','et' Baakrupify'.ln h ootbern Distrtc! of i riat of ewlYofk ,Vi.d all : each notices H ill be inserted ai- least ooce;in ,00th jbe.weekr lynd semi weekly papers. sWe, shal also prtb liab in pur Daily;? Weekly, and Semi-Weekly Panersb a fait list of all lhe a pplications n the WHed States for the benefit of the? Bankrupt PrieeCoireiniand Reriews oribe 'Market will of course be poblisbed at; length inach $ of J Couritrv oapeirs whb which we 'exchange are te-ipecifaHy ireqdested, ' if convenient - to" give ad? erirsement one insertion and fcal! aiten-. vOio the same ;nd every, daily," weekly, or fe4 jlatjthe United Slates, with whtch we do not- exchaose. (will ;be entitled to tt excKarigW for: aUeat one year.WgWiegthia Idrexlisement an insertion and calling nnouo ai )New York Februa y 22, 1843. f lw Avj VORK .'.v - . And ire jea fa:e the news Is true,' ; - - ;filiVtt;T fAnd rdjoa tore he's signed r;: ; " a. 4 f, 4 ' h" , "''-" v jAod leattf my lears behind."-:'-' - v'HiitvXO"THBi PUBLIC. V ' - If J&ho his signed ind drinks bo morer ' ivJrWtd.'f; IM tlib (nst.; the J?6 hPP?t wife m I,'- , V. 1 e -nJPPfr??ni f Uoifed buiea., , - 5ioce he ta drink did faM- ' I .f-" I nntiide win oe piaceo su u, tuo.uai-1 - Whose lore so Hoe win Shine, c . viauer oorseivesif--iei,ns cito ;uen if Sheets far the two preceding days.i together - ( be has bent 1.; heart and hand. , v. II inong tbe coral cates of chr.stianity. where air"c"TV " iv M' i"'! -.cmrialii matter for the. ffeneral reader. ,Tt,.iM.r.i.. . - - ir : -.1 wa.. t, I they. were daily;desertinj.iVe apprehend ..ii.- t, th nnrnM! and the inside will ha I in-, i-i... ... jI-v.:.-;. t 'V- I - - -. . . : ..- ' . I m may jQfKt tor .no more'.voiooieers troqa RirtiEU iui m w f f wt .9 : - - v : i ' : ts ii a. w it a l. Liu tji" uuuu ill an ui w .. iicAu i s L t . ' ' ,v i at Aim a ft ii i iDmiMiaiai -ir tvnrin i t'BTiiiamani i m m ' . , , - . i:t..?r.ur.imrJjmtntiJB,U9m oitihnnt 1 ."JTiV, ' '-- The wsim of n ma rol over iho social receotlv held 10. Aubarn. In oarsoanceof a? call il,W .h adveitr-ThU : '-tin.- VTIV ";:' h'nt iSevi ArtnK UhA Unbroken ffPd bf AbonlSOQ le2aL f Olers of. tbeivi Intla farabir larger! number of aobscribers. When 1 ' f ; ' .,-m,,-DB, . . Vr i " , be.oved.eea. bassaa to be caogbtjn-aucn a , yhmt If yon have failed; in 6Qsmesai. You Wtorteywnt five per cent -held w " s U .'2 JOVYKKb. , v-y macnerr jNever.Jorap at bait inerelr- be- stillliave life and healiblDpoH sit down.aod pttln NewiiYork. tt wilf be sold at the current j . "Who does not lore t .flower ?' -.- - . cDse' t i0t- beaottfal ; " but1 first' examine over yoov miabaps,- for that will never et raeatfieroceedsWarrie credjt of the Inhcfs are taken from ihe light ' ; jt we j, J: nrbdenl and J cautions eyei joaout of debt nor boy yoochildren frocks,. Go snlcnr.Mlne:p3pcrasentor a prorata pe- ,'i Which sOmmersaan's fling pore and bnght : .4 tbenVonsider whether ;thee' mav not woikat,somelbing, eat sparicgly dress moder, mtt 'i- - A 1 U I? acattered and prismatic hnea. : 4 - llwfS 51 , . Mitisfe". i 'citi---. ' ' r. I : That smile and shine in droppiog cews, . 1 f rf-,it:w,kr-JT 1 keep a merrv heart and voo: .will be4 no in the cOQlmopus story, ana a great vangty oi extracts i in v .r ": ..'' .- c; wj'i" i-jt ubc imu vpvw. ih: iub, wh uo mmuiuuymiuu kiu .uia meetings .10 oa.mlscellaqeoosi relating tq history, jjr text for this", becaaioo ia by t Shake waterof aaliatioa; then enter the creeks of Boston, audio make con vertaj 'f p4rjticir,f lUeatore spearaM rbllows:. v " be caugM by tbe "hungry r Tb Woodbory N. j- Constellation haa haisC ind the mschanfc, arts . , 1, . u ; ' 1 U: ' V . 'V " ' ,i fiV' - monsters of vice,' And O, ou foolish and ied the CLAY banner. t .v-r A 1 ffifet tmprovidenti- Po giesUbowt many . times M,; f fWElh.pf ofjlha largest of the kind K; , I he devil a the ber- T . . ; :. e - , a ,o8 fcoj ' to feed Roasting Ear, in georgiaLin S.vannabj on m'f4mWt'S pabliej that Ia.a t Mhea erawhen, I come to; twist; tbe bnn e LJj7n' 1 LLka of Belzebub I ' Re b IJib lost., a. Mr; Doag las cut off the ears of ifessaierjfn.ttbehbroadeat sense of the erro, .. ' rf v d . i'i ovef-and u .?8rn,? tan"'r ,t5eizetuDi ne ir-jobB..inDif and ihrewtbe trophies in the m oecestoly ::-wJU bei from contain ng all ibe sabjeeiy, roqnd soon., sod "0;" of .d number there is noseeuntv for your spols fir , - , , ;: .. 1 . 1 - T tlijierfi under! in jayojnd, I thinkjthe- world may except in ihe deep waterof strict morality. , : ; j :J tpeir..lBJscelfaneWa"and (iterary.by rsason not bp; inaptly I termed ahig,fiah.pond, or -There 100 hare nothing tofear from either r Jf yob desire to be qo he? comfortable Jn'mind, o!iyeeilontn4 p:for laser- rather so ocean! containing a vast varteiy of book,' harpoon or' scoop ret : but just: as P-T ne printer; j Hi "r-" ' lUI; III lUISc iafCI a ft "j.pN - . f- I ii -l- . .f it.. r-.;. C, PnnniMr ' I iriiw.-rWMresKi-ii tv :jLJvyf "i4-''' ",w nts legf-nanging over tne rorKoi peromon 1? rT is corTtinualtr filing; and 1 am sorry to , nliftaiioa.ali was this paper which first gave i -,u i r i..-fv m J fimW WhlT r.Jrii0iha two say,', with i the fattest of luck. Now, my 'irbirk&ibaljnitea States; and coold its friends8, you are the piscatory , tribe which !ee-of onB to d, vie ,y8 nDd rrawns. for p'W P"7 -arf- 0 V3 lhe lab,e ?D ! nkHBi.ta nro.nl .1 r..t.n. in na.aml Inhihlt ihn tvnrldii wide nnnd.' and for which I Li 4 4 . r'c - I congress . r-"--'f-L,,S' r'' -i- bSr) lBS HENRY CLAY ioatd now have Satan sinks his; hook ' w;lb auch glorious ;. jjear Triebds I know that tie leopud f: -The iUge Record saya that the- Whiga-of h?lNien. ' ihe, MMeB Sutes. Jta saccess.- Some of yon are white fish," some cannot easilv change, bis skin nor the EihP Chester roont?;Paa;e lo.a man int favor -of PnNf 'oHAaavOFTtttW-MT, blaclrfish, some odd, queer fisbfsorae.sltp. 0Dian-hls -nfoi. inch of voii3 fish-aa'are -Hry Clay, the great champion or, American le$be ironjedaenws be what they may and Z, .i;Vi5,i. .nmaT.V. UM kinnrf mrf P "P,S V, '.7. . n "B " Indosiry; - t " r t ,1 'iL-1'!- i ta onlyr lotbe kreaileommerelal empo. Pery.;al.my fish-some are cold blooded and naturally scaly I'expect will always -remain .f", - s -"'.It iT:' i'- : dnLofl ihUnUed Slates which bas assumed amei r-T-rfVme; awimoear the sur- 0rand 100 who are beslimedwiibsiri.mos - Mhn in a name. ?Of all tbe members of immmontEi it IFJNE close carriage, and two pair of spleo. llJdid match IHORSESJ Thoseishing to " f. -!' 'I . . I -1 -! i 1 u, ) . .' :pmcbase,cangeta bargainioy caiiir ra ioe . wrnoW ofle0 Jo yoo.'ye careless crabs", wouto you oo wuu mm i --.v J- -fiffW"7-inilk I anX; crawl around there of Satan out of , aheer ,1 would. swap.htta way the first ."' , , , 1 . , , V -V-f. ,y . , ..y . - p ;r-,v v . , - r '--,,' . r ' ': ; A - THEWIFES, REJOICING-.;? ITif L TVfla Inl- a Knot ttia hftnc 'I ' er , Whose ejea so kind, whose hand so sVonj; r nd blessings on the helping baodj, f.in,f liafe, baste ye Utile ones, and ran - ' . That mai him hunt tn - r jYptir father's H And 'are roa sui face to see.' "' ' "S""' And'are yon sure, my John has sigoed, 4 Uo temperance shore at last . - ; -"1 1 ThD.ao hkn n t.mir hnni ih. hr.n'tA. ' 1 I ,tis ' ! r r" V . . rj i. j -1 lb IHlU.IIMItlll IlirOCI VD IU W AIHQ MUUD Ulttlll 1 I P .r lis fragrance from lis form from Wbo does not Af SHORT PATENT SERMON.. man toshes, lor whicn tne oevu, anting witn face of the water, and others dire deep, rui row and keep shy; - la short you constitute 1 .fjTW'nd "nous ,a;e:lheaits for a professed politician ha never purpose ly bi&sfff and ,nep t rrcirtnce; tie-catcnes jr 'ir.T "-""Tvr-f-f-v'";""::",." j rotten,1 your,skin is only worth .maklogjhtd a halter to hang the, rest of your race.VThe foolish young rake or twenty will eyen btie the hare hook ; "and the first thing he knows he finds himself kicking and floundering op- on a burning bank of misery with none by pis Slop to proieci anu puy , uui me wise man and i philosopher impose too .heavy - a ix u pon lhe patience of tbe evil one.wThev live 'calmly and quietly at tbe bottom ol ihe deep watera of wisdoro, and meddle not with the alluring bait j; for : the schoolmistress Experience has taught thera that oftentimes iLl. l L ......I f.l. iLll...l. .'. inai wpicu appeals isir uptni uiq t'uiiuouu - tains destructioti -withm, as the Iudian said the sweetest air if comfort and too pointed for pleasare.- Oh, j wot,i tMinV - ; .nr i ".'.j:- an mat's I'gui ano anaiair , j you wicKeo; ana perverse; 'generation, oi p . . 1 ,f i "i ' love a flowerj" ;; had ! How inclined v ou are in the spring 1E RY CLAY, of Kentucky Noaiinaled, si l . i s r vi: T-.-. . .. .... iv .... v . .... ,,. -v i .- ;-'-)'. . ( . i ..; .1 k ivi. :- .'a.MiU.i:: m. . t- ' . r a : 1 I Sit . I MVIilllV. "-JIM I UM . UU f . r i! - . ;': i.- nr iwv. in. , ' -j-- - ? ii.. u r u j wnicn tne oia fisherman throwa-pot for you. lhfown o6l ky lhe arch enem. of ornkiDll, ediiornf the liivingston Ala.; Summer The;youug Iadiea ere t perplexing -fof. of and.keep aa raiicb aa possible inflhe cler, Coimtyl mig. waits a iobrneym5n printer ehineisv th-at nibble at almost enrj bait, but pore w,tcrs!of piety, you will berome par- mediaiely.One thar r,n have tbe chills,' ri fiTTi lairw. iiiiiii iiiriv viirimiii a - arm m www ivnYi awi t at 1 . rn ivriii r.i M.ii.iMikj - , t . -r . -, - covered with the flv of flalterv and tbeo u wiaiyinacsapwir iere are on jhoosand practising .Lawyers of that of ;1840, in the. intense s covereo wiio ioe ny oi naueryana, men up ht9 la?je ind qUlt fish,OR ror?er. $ lo ihe ciiy of New York, with aboot ihaff bai- ,u 1 Clir xvu1 I 1 nJ-'n tbey.will jump at jl like a toad atarose mote it bHv" .f,f.; nessenooghforthreehundied b ,lh wb,cb Whigs wilhiillyj bugJ A miser is a kmdj ;of mud gudgeon, - Jfm ' K " ffiJr; t - . , L 'Llf - : standard of 'Harry of the'West. .-a L.: . - -..f"-,.r . ' rV r..T' .-4. L The Rtchmnndorean of Mr Tvlpr fella Hon- : i ; Wquencip A valuable frn sn.Wf.rerf 1 EmlVnh 7 a lawyer hefirstatehes a c?ient, and then bout tbe iimeVnV th-.lemberance Ireform him.he will hot permit. them iio oo Wm. If4' Mr. Manfium.-The Senator uses himfor bait fjor a sucker, he drops. w beginning 10 exert s healthful influence Uhey adjourn, it says.', they will be. immediately STlTaia has no rioht (I halt e oFbrandv. and is sure to iet a bile ; . ,u rj.4 . . - .A u-. -1 ' re alled bv a Presideatial hroeJamati TAi I fJ,Ta?.a "gni it Ma.w.y.jc.uM. a w.ug u.j .w-w mocO more m?st I give you 10 U0 Wllnoatr "u" V"4 f'T. oeiiTrry or uen.Dei- fiir,,eMber; fi ??":J? nMifi ,f faelU .He once caugnt:aypocriie wrth abut ,t, ypo may give me what fou please rea3?1 af f?1 bltlf. ??B 'a. ! ha'pence; but, eeMike be , so .twisted and .WelU said the larmerlwill. give you bTBe; best Heme Leagae't that a, min can squirmed; and was aoalippery-; withal, thai , iheep itariho fa II1 if y o will Ida witboVt.? Jui Mithai.wbereat a j prudeowife ptesidetbw.: be slid through his. fingersVand made hi- 'Agreed said Jonathan 'T rf, ' a'ifl ',h oesl?a"ffn can impose is a broomstick escape- and what do you think, ray friends, Tfae 0Idel 'son then asirfl FalnVrwiii BP?? Wne9-4. An .econnfriicalife is tbe best the devilhenr aaidWhyiGoo nceciton for Amencan.odosvy. ; ; , vonfa! im? son of a serpant ! yonr flesh is . "4Yi At.rblL vnn !iati have aKocn il : An idler boasted bis" descent' from aV ancient to the bomb snelL ! :Vr 'V', - ' v . lullimatelbappines bf ail concerned. ; lIv friends and fellow fiabea vou of the 1 ' -' " , . ' scaly, the slimy, the, delicate and the beau - - tifut brood V warn you.'oneiand all, a - gainst biliog at those bans which Satan drops ear-. . .r.. -.7 f rv. into tlie sunnv sedociog wares or sin. ; Be: Why so; Peter V Tl : f i v, "'4 LVrii Af them: lest ' vou snddenlf feel. sore i'd cheat somebody ocst shockina bad about the gillf,and afterward have the pain sfpra night. rt ifl-..nrp nf aeind served on for sunnerlr L ti.o ir.fohon b.lntv. v?The ancela and otb - er spiVitual agents of BW . bobbing lor you from the upper world and .all you Ka.w i rtr. .. ,-r.st in e?et a irrab and bold oo. and you are hauled up safely io the realms of happiness without even e prick ,in your - i..-. Ml... - - 2 - j t; mi-- j-y-1 - " --- - - ---- -- - - sorrow !--Be "warf.cf ibe barb tb'at is c- cred;:by. ihe fter?itcntpg- can -o; pleasure tod sbantbose nets; of ice; winch' are, set at the moulh of almost ever; creek'ofjw'orld- ly enjoyaenforr when- yoa : are 6nc8 cao pva t A or ioo. visionary in-our. erurnii;.- nr us not look'foo raoch after those fcolden, ideal 6sb wlucb tenant theoceah of ira agination; ana wniciare viorin qouung toriouu, jdui are only beantifol to behoJJ.: bat let os Jpok tt UOenil I ,,J'.il-.i; fr,r iina. sweets of jepose there oo billows oi so- ) 2er, passion, sod revence, break , bpon their j afHmkar.lLan.l- ttiaro'. ilia 'Ian.! niinht fioh I f,0m the fbotih of Jalfl' ibVfutther aid -X- j r;. ; - 1M t hfiarprqlti pi bait that the wicked one I oeslo catch lover is a bit hi CupidVliv- .j - -r.: ii :.' roar nves lo run ud wickedness, o be swept on ;.hn'A hv. thfi L. ' .nil i seines of Satan , never more to glirf) ag -ou Ventbre near, the shores of cor, rupiioo.sno pieK op me various crumo. o vice that float bitber and. thither, you .win I find have tbe rlrtvilege of beioi? more ot cess b-. s,med fortofer . bat if you will only prccaufIon Jnot1lo roeddlewith tl Use in: 1 ihe WmiI I vuwa.1 r. van.: w ijib Hcwii uiitwiu.u y0(I w, eo 1 nfred 0Q lbB. , lhink of . wvilillll I UIU IJUI. I III II 1 ! lUviJIIUIi IU I ... my rworK jnis year wunpui rum. . at How ,qu .will do withobi." . -It .-Tho youngest son. a atriplintn tbrVsaid (Faiber, will you give me a sheep if I will j0 without ?" f i -"v if t $:f 1 : ; i.yw; Chandler; you shall have a sheep also if you do wVihoiilViirrr.1 . Preeeoll a-Chandler; speaks again t' T - "Fatter, hidn't you better, tike a sheep : ,Tbis - was a . ooser heJ hardly ahduoht lnatt; hecould -give op the ! . 'gocd crea- i lore" yetVbot the appeal was from a Source noV to;be I -,. i ;...-- --.- " i - m"-.m ). " . I. . 1 1 wa9 mat toe demon was nenceionn oanisn e(j fam lhe premise to rihe ; gren joy and I' Jobn, how I. wish it -was as much tie 1 fashion to trade wives, aa it la to trade bora aejai I V4 f. 1 f-JIer. Spell castigate- 1 , yC.j.ii.gate, - V ; : , Nrfff V wcII-rVbst w tho tjefir oition T . i t - ; f j . i . , ? . lpDoo'i remember, w-jv , AasferaIf you had an ugly horse, what n ii i I'inp npcnpx vnn a'trnnn inric i 'I to a certainly, ''Vls'-.(t v.,!--? ; ;1 Mrdear frjenJs fisbs atiwe'tre; tnan u VVh? di'dn'r onelof;jbeja;speak io hm tin j - is ww- , qui iroi.iFn : iivinia airnpa nrn.in-Kinnw I applicable i.aense.'webave .reason' and, Duieh7 '."'z ".VU- -vr4- vSV strengh of miner sufScient to protect uafrorh f t"' i,-.''. . 't-iil v; 1 danger aod gaide'us from teir -tattoo. Z Lt hn tozmwm of.iWh JWolff IIuatMs . : i-B. ' ,i. i bae arriTed from Teiaa.TheroiTev atert uj uui v ua i iiiv vvuiiucnkai'i lit twui un imanr vnnii Iiaa fn W. Ih titPM nil .illUl. VUHcuiJOIi;. OUl 0V IDS AIH w --5Ir?VaD Borenidorioj his Jaie Western lour Tisilfd.ibe JMisoari'Uoiremty , lie was addres sed by jone bf.ibe ?sindenis in English: and res- ponded in. English. :"He was ibeo-addressedby an-aher ttodentln Laiinl by andlhecin Greek!! and by foorib In Freoch ! h 'ftlrirao J5oren . r. ' . Hi .iiii . . ,i.s. i. r "i if';. lL inl .ip:. ,rIm(,n, h ;.h nn.nmAnt nf Texas.: 1 That the? have bn badJrraMoned and permiited actually to surTer-at times; fori food, f wexannoiooQou xpi more inao ia ouoi:iae 1.70 ibat leftthis place, )el re main.' Disconteot u" - " iciucu iuiunx -mcum. i t, aao Hare, HENRY CLAY; was unanimously recomroeo- , ... fc " -- . , t. ffl : Al the late council 'of the Greek : IndiVns in AfkatlSasis tlW nit n3Kapd 'nrnhihitf nnr jKo ! rlos of .puitooas liqauri .(nio ibit aatira. , m , , - -K ru; r. 4 1 be ncff was tormerlr worn on the fourth finger of the Jeft hand, front , sopposi.foo jbat . oartico at nerve in than nart Anmmnn Mturf can people In commit.ee of the whole on the f ' A (fntmA. fk .AH ttMMM '.A 1. 1 J - . JT ' . Wben y 00 r Wife scolds too. hold yomtonase. . ff m waal telie eolirtleaed.read thn. nanara "i 4 . Kr ii'.vyu private ciaims arejoow-oo me table in yongress, W 5e is Ibe'rasbest snd: acts with i'wjwi , .. is uo, iu, aau , ? S 5,,0 IOT noining,'-rv.ru.li;ee.' 1 t.; , f- h-'jr,'. if',1, - e Mormooj Pronbet J baa renoes. Joe smT,b; tbe MoriIlOQ . fc;t e I !d Gov. Carlin to demand of the j Governor of faatulyi "So much ihe worse tfor thaj said a farmer as we plooghmen. say,' the older the seea ioe worse be crop." rL ; r . 4 ; , WHOOPLNG COfJGHi t Jllr. Editor ;--Aa I onderstaod the iwhonnioi eiugb is very .prevalenlfin ibe . vilfage. I witl give ioe luiiowiog as an absolute core: r TaU3 cents worth of iicbricev 3'of rock cao dy5orgom arabic.;and put iberu in apini bf , ir i , si in uwr add Scents kor . mt h . . ' 1 whenever lhe coogb i irooblesorxe. ! j It js pleas? ant and iofaljible. ForMfe Compiler, r wi uiiiuuniain vino. .1 Xjfli jii coni.land tin ' CccXii i Ducks. Tb'e way i tbel i&I 'xicana catch, w ild docks, is both carious - and coooinr; The lakes of that coootry were formerly visited f oj a prou igios pirmaer ormese aqnatic fowls; and empty goctda , were thrown into the likes that they might become iccusiomed ;tor seeing and approaching Ibem.4 The bird catcher would place a gourd over hia beaxf; wade jntothe wa ter deep enough lo hide bis body, and the Unsus pecticg dock (coming op to peck ibe goord) was caught by the-legs and polled under be water, wlihout making tbe Jeai ocise.or id any man ner alarming thereat of 'the decks. ;' fti Sentence or CharUs.F JIicLa. Tbfa noted foreer, and ex-memWr of Coores8,f baa been sen leneed tq three yeara impriscsnment io the otate rrisoo. vi' H. ' ' " - ' . 1- r. ... t . ... . i- . . ' . ) .i . . i . ' : .. ; i A It. i sAtiisnxrnvj A T U TIP AY,A UjG X.STf, 1842. - : K cpuLlFcan ;Vj j ;Ticke t ! --if OP KEKtCCKT .i "l - it K Cotton Factories in i i&'orth - Carolina r-: There, are in tbis Siatei (TeoUOnTarlories .- - i .... ' . - . ' t. -H. ' W : i f iwiV . running i,joj, spinuif.v empiofinu uuuu priiuu7, .wiiu c:iiiOf 9 J UU.OUVI anil ; 'iX' Bill, Vstdjoatiog Jbe JudVr hrb'iVlricti of.fhVSopreme Court bf hVUniiea r lustration of JohnTyletfThere;is sible image that can illustrate the; President I himself, sate one Vn ass.rjpon4a yail-road; tC'w''A L'.il''u:-Lf.ttl' .-v,6...u.u wnuiieea. hia diveraion, that he. is himself 5 the fore. most'object in creatipn, and that infshort, it ir against his dignity nd his conscience o ouuge one .ncu. p comes tne inunder. . nig locomotive, the donkey gets every bone I r- ... -i :l'ui ' 4. f.t . S : . -J io his akin' broken ; but 'the whole train is lt Jor fresi(Ienl f lh IfyiUd States, located in t-Kaihaa.'rsweiRowanl r-.V-Vr '-Iv x v-t "j' s.y ; r-- -V." r1 20,eeola;or Ioaojfrom,ftjitl00l$l8- Cumberland 8Davie IDavidton 1; E(fze -erL u . . " ' - u4 ir r -r i'Mf.t:'. J 000. ft If .aantFbUI were, pasted, it nuM 1, ' - combe 1, Guilford I.. Montgomery I, -Or- y tx'-'-i? 4 ' .j .-.t ; - -4 - t"'j4i ir-1 1 'nt bring over 50 cents a pound, at'an aversa 11 ange S. R-indolphRoekinghao 1. Uicn- r i,r' 4 , - 4i ..v- -tf-t ' j .'t jeV's-ti-. V.-'i increase of sone $12000, vTbiatirough. It- "5 mond !, Surry.t, and Sofees,l. . ..'t 1 t - : 1 4 1 i 1 r;-: 4; -h. r I 1 -.t T4-." ' out tbe State; wpold make, a lfTprnce lo , ware,'Marland and;Virgte trv-would bound forward WUhBrfe'anjd li4; m,. coil,er which.Chier joatici Tanef will WfW'jK!! luoutraucb.a-rn .j;.. ; preside Kh4-and';!Sdn)nCar &st expect colp'paratrve'rnadit . Georgia, form another-; Wayne's;; Afabsma, eyerf depariftpn't of 'trade. ;4 ;-' j ; i Daniel, or Virginia, is assigned -3 V-V ' " ' ; --;AJ U: , ; - 1- " ; t n - T,A the Uio -election; for -Governor, ihe - . r. AN APT ' ILLUSTRATION." t - ! - .largest Wliig'roajbruiea wgrven: tq! tlio J i ' W.-' W..V.i L'lL'll' j " ;C' follow inVonn lies fredel.. 1,27 2-J, J J ? t n 1 1 -f. " .Wilkes, f224't ST' Guilfofd.197 J44tb j f ! Richmono Whig etres the followinffant i! o..n,-.r.t 1 in rr,fu"t?. ,.t,VTi 1 u t - '; . . . ,A .. . . I IIUIIISI villi llilil. .UI IV' I I . a . . c a 1 1 1 1 . -r , I. i-ei haps thrown off the track and , smashed, WeWieve in-ihe specar'tnifrposition cfui- ';;,. V with the; loss of many belter Hves than that f Jnp'f lei?ret i1?, W faffre'd rf l; K r ...V t 't , f ''.n"- i,44-' pie. sWe-believe Ameneais ooder Histpenal .tS , Of thejackas8. T;f :U;--IV:? r protftetlooVe b.l.eve ;bit John Tyler is Ibe j f s V ' " v ; r""4""'' instraroept selected to work oo His will. We-j 5 fl' , Movements' ' of '. the Pcope.The .-last believe oar icoantrv1 is defined to troijer' in i , i 1 empbts (Teao.) Enquirei, contains 'the spite-of the devices of gambling poliifetans j HowinffS'", f-r-i--'V;-.'. , .JWrTheAlixandr'a Giiettesiys: Probably i his k- ?i rTHE IDOL OFTliE PEOPLE. - P f. I." i 'y T,,-i.'t 1 K;"-. I ' It is oiterly impossible: for os us to keep . . . 1 , J . - pace witb the movement making tbroug bout the country in favorj bfHenry Clay, for tbe Vexi Iresidenc.r:ast.WeW. North and a' t . " v""" Sooth, .Town County and Stale,. Cjonvep- liona i are being heldf apd jCIubs lormed for bis supporVwitn i degree-of arlV; and , "r- - r.i, ; 7 honest zeal, whicfv ive ihavsr never : known surpassed.". , The, nVxtj presidential canvass, -r.11 I jSj Win go ahead even from Peon." ' . iU s . J relertothe-prelcnf ive. -i4? '""i uumiuus wi imc 4jiuilfO, v -Jtz "l ;"' i Mr. Buchanan, rt vis not my intenlioD to do sol- 1 Heaven knows what fits opinions are now,.v I do nof,lbutJ have 'Sa right to- .t . r .e Ji'-i 'i.t4' -r'- 1 Ca;Jfe ciy"7 t" cm uciu. r Pmrtfenf Houston'? VelnTh Coo gress ofi I exas passed a law for prosecutins I .. .'.'' .-aa ? lit'. iV;-.1' . tinoro means of carrying on.tbe war with Mexico) and that Congress has no. authority under the constitution for speb a purpose. . . . . r . I . . ii i j. i i I . i , ; ?? The Springfield (Massachusetts Gazette Saya ibatna tunnel tbroogh solid rock, m the to wo of Ca naan, on the route of the Great Western railroad, has been opened, so that people have pissed ibroogb on foot. This is fouVhundred and foriy-eij ht feet long, sod its completion the only thing necessary to finish tbe road to Albany. : lit is" aopposod that tbe cars will be able to run through the Whole distance be the, first of September. 3 French Line of Sa'eawers.-Tbe3s. torxMail o(Snurday 'says : iThe.commis sioners who recently! arrived i at New York of thato7;i840, in the4 intense enthusiasm fjiU rTmiwbil sidsolarihat ibeflin thj with which the Whigs! will r illy, round the -.Paieat Office" at. Wa'sbingtoore " tn efetoni !: standard of iHarry of the'West. . fm ported from Geimany bf a Cooneeffeut roaot ! . 7 ' ; f : j v who wmks an extensile Iqoarrv to bi nn, fnr , r:t eppvp ipj TUP Piw AT' 1 :ofbl0fv laws and horn goDflints44 The L-e4 4 ,-.rBL.lW PfiWrv' - wiire irawpiitedas'ballasi, at,airifl2Vt.i,-f V oiran wiua veiigjous fxerrisfs w-r going On uc f says'Priend'ior. enemy; JoIin C.' Calhoun HeMhe' shells, aiw- Mary Tylcr, i f Cir ; l is not only -one pft he greatest, -but oneof ificnuiyiTcnoand Jihn C. Mitler, of i theporet patriots our country has produced. Rulberford cobniyNC , (but at ihclicc , 4 ' j The bonW.ndyeuWof SofcivMrfwm ,ltt1?t?; "WaI flVfT. ! .'.,r ;v, . 1 'J' n ' - struck 10 perfectly dead by lifhtnirtg that , never ser brs haud Da-q (J I- mies have neveyeLSncceededtn fixings feipiVpf Teni, (also a alude'nt.Vanvj Miis alain upon, bis .cbaracier, and .-tbey. never Cdzabeth Uoss, were" saved, If . is believed, - will sv i by khe free applicaUon of cold water. . Bd- , - . ;i , ; - aides these there were some 8 ot Identic- c j -. rflt if m mttTnrt AfHiAa Mlr ..lit tnnhe French aicaniVr Gnraer. for, t!.a' puri J; ! P0,fat' b'g , preparatory arranSementi : ! t -,wiiirline cfjtfeaa.shipj brtweerir. i ; thia eountry and Fracco; a rrfre inVbis'tity " lv ' the day, before yesierdaT nd tooVloJrog9''i at, lbeTreaoboi3e-, Yesterday tbef I pre?a, forthe( purpose, bf , taking; sou tiding -tnt?.S "Kf .Si?r rdM to judge ottho c i '''dvaniagei of this' portend iha of rl of Nw.Ypik. aa the jetmtous of,lhj1ine..;' f -;Ve learn that the result f;iheir exioint. 4 Uoq wasTiibly.sitisfactory.x.' i,r t": j'r j: , -i4' ' I 1 u r i - -1 - p.87u maw granun? .;32 acrea , cfgood " j i land t or eVeVf': w otuatr.w ho -will cnVrry;-d uri- i -ng the presept year, a4 'citizeDTbffbkrRe. i publicwho was suchriV tbeoeof lha' i DecliraUonof ' Independence, '4 1' f ; 'jrheEjfttt f It is "esiimaied; that taoro 4 ! 4' n ac'ei a4ys th'Rof hr" sier Dferat, aboo 20 cent-r per pound or $75,600 if if we4ld 1 at Ibe'presaot pricVavrBiu' rf.no TV nff is Warmers pi mof. than; SCOO OOOf-v -Tl?c ??ce of an llMe'T4Mff.m;,sH other fount'tes not 'fr -bebipd. L'Jn ! I1, proportion to the wbole ote given, the mi- ; J0fll7 P;V'I$ 9r;1! r W ether n coutiiy in ioeoiaie Dovwoai.wo most re- , . t j jn hri ,nUYetis;,tbaT,GWbrdts6eaf- : Old Goilford will Ve aheatlvtf the among you:-ifaHo"f. ' l jj ' N" ; :NEW' CRP.ED. - the foremost f'4"4l - .p'ri.ctoA Jlfaon.:, . ' i ' - V'.y -t : , J '. . MVshelieveiBtbeCbrisiiaBreligrpaibQogli ever so onworlby, of the name, of , Christian C.d ahordy 7ordere.iijo be-red in-all i tbe Cosiom H0Ss and Posi Offices atid IQbliol ' tk'. .i t - - . - i - Buildings tbrooonout.llii country. .,!, f v v " ' " ;N j I OjUtTjUt ihinks'now. ihatvbeprqcecds'. IWlaedl w.llie jbe moHeniforrn ardl steady ifoorce of revenue, and Ibat the I feasn-j r y cannot be denrfved of them.' wnboer producing! floctuailbes jufooas lojhe mnofactorers. A feivi Lu r l"'! lh? '? 1 nSorwy-s,hool be distributed' among the Siates by.tll mseapsito p'revept ibese' vert flucvolui. in ihe rJeveBoe.wh'lFh, were eqoallf iojaruu !c Jua Uoveromsot and me manaiacturers. iiaiie.1 - t -. '. 1 Thaiiegetber with the ldw"wasfestf (iwmrjnf, i enabled the 'calculating Yankee tofoMi ihp" QVernmeni wiihthe important stonji anu pruo less lhan.be could afford his owriyieM'eg huft- N tnoitiS said; a htedaom pffiu-'- v 1 v. y . i i " i DEATH BY LIGHTNING. ' 4. r-i .,, - 4 - - - - : - -The 1006300 Whig cucs anaCfOfiQt, or no Vwfulcene;-which f ocorredlini1 I eairp-rneeiipg in v aanipgton county,. t cnn.. on the 7ih tu,':r Aboni'lO 'bVlnck il mglt men and 'ladies in camp, most 'ol wbom, were siruck td'tberoond,,and;for a time wholly unconicious of what bad occurred. There isere many' other aeverely stonnec', sorne even prosrrated to the earth, and oerr ly ihe - whole congregation felt thQ 'ah nek more or less. J.1 No sooner bad tbe report of the tb under-itrcke died a way in the distance, I than one. long, Joud, conitnued scream, was beard in every" direction. , Perhaps a scene of. more th rilling - imerest, -mingled ' wiih 1 ploorn and terror, waa , never witnessed intl tbia section of couniryZ-i- ,j s f -The Pittsbarg American states that a farmer 1 io Mffllm tooshipt Alleghany County, sowed -r iast'litl f foor boshels of yellow .benrded heat; from which he realized tins reason doe hundred j and eigbH-mr bisheN Mi i i j- -- l-v t "-. ;i r -; . t"--- ' ' Tbe-iasr D-uwcriic Reirw sa-ts,. that beiween, the two great 'parlies in 'o .which (lhe j -rinnlw i i . AmA.A S-C??0?" Uad " VW MS y 1VV V lUrU M f 0 aS l W f aV WW KaW Come, now . iacit out says tbe bosiie to the petticoat. than tfuu.UOu Jhs. or wool hay been shear d in Livingston county. ,Nw , York, dur ing the present season.- This tvn!dVver. K 1f 1 ! " -4 1 i 4 I 1 . f4 .4 - 4 1 t -i "i : 1i - j iL4 i ' il ! .. ' I. f! Ir - (' 1. 1 Si

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