J . ft '"V t 7.. ' , V 'J! .4. , .v. ! . v.tu 1 ' 4 s - i til i ft. l3 6 .3 2 so. IT 1 51 ik "Watchman j! maj herfcfb9,hd ( Y ''zir sO 4?:Sr "'t'rv". " Vft H I -rT 2? n UCV JtlMfe LI. No papef discontinued pal i s i:r. i . fJrt nAtirea will charged ,25 per ?n aign i . ' J ' . ' ' 1 ' ' - ' . . . . ... ' . ,i . ' - Li..K adert se l)T ibe Tear.- -! ; J - - '-- - -- - J. -'- - :-.n: J. i;.. I radf eibnent8m bef coni.nocd am i j , , . . .. . ,:rrrr-,, , , r-- !rV,f!nd charsed for accordingly, anicss oium- , rir;vor.rit.,c ' T;inptinn' J "Fro,n 'the Sosloa Daily 'American inclined Jo Jiogh at the terror she bad man- fWt"W to.he.paitormosi 11 nrtM to eiSOre atteolion. j ixa-ooniy,jp - r - - . 5 Nathaa Sitnmona. of Sorry eranl. F armero A declarpd a Bankrupt, at Ubafobera in t alette- titU, pi. Tborsday ; the .first day, of September i Afinm Boles.of Surry .county; Fatmer,io be dec I area uaumnju jvuawuji title, on Tborsday. the.; firtt day of Septernber . i ivL ..t.l. Vrctirw .nntii. Tavprn Kipper; to be dechred a. BankjnpJ. at Chamber? n ririttat Tbursdi, the first day of in FTeiieille September next. September next.: ,j iM'". - ? William H. HarrU. or Sorry county, Farmer, i ?fohn Harrisol Sorry rounfy. Farmer; to be ttated a Bankrupt; atrChambers io Fayette- tilleonTburiday.lthejfirst day. of September next. ,' " . - i '-iv - , : - - If IV : Pirn poiTfR Acting Clerk of Conn Pjnjrnptcy I Jy -.:,:tSl,,S,f ,842- 'ijAtfg.' 6i 1842 4w2 ! r , "j s j UJVtTfiD STAT&S D1S?RICF COURT I ! f1-' OF WORTH CMOLim. ' I ,ii .. SANERHPTCT. I Xdhe to shov cause against Petition of rfi AVID HOCTSHOUSRlof jtowas Wn Xlltr. for his discharge and certificate a Bank fppi;;4t Wilmington on Mo&day, the Sin day of October nekt. 1 ''v-- ;l I '; : Hi' ! '1 ' r j rabttcauon orcereo. 1 i V ; ' ' 'I V If. POTTER, rjj u e-ii c- : i lv' ' r 'July 28, 1842. ilAog 6,1842112; ! - j -,j j Untied Stales nstrict Court 1 1 1 ofjjytirthi Carolina 1-1 - I'Wt J. .1 .'-f I f f 11!-! ! r J"- 'i 1 iNotce o laowcausBiaaromstTPeftitoof ,i A: I.EXANDER B, MOORE, of liedel'l ijUBLCuimtyi Chair maker, to.be declared a Dank Ifttpt Chambers in Payettevilfeon Thutsday, tKe'first day lof! Sep' ember. 1842:" 1 1 1 WlLLlAM CONDREY. of Iredell coonty, Fartner. toNbe declared a Baokrunf, at t Chambers I'ettet ille oa-jThrsday iheJfirsi ulay of lari jAri v or xaDjruconn- , Mntwrisfhti ijn rbe! declared a Bankrupt, at Ihirtjberrtn FaietteyIUe.n Thorsday. the firat payof September, 1842; ! " - - 1 If iActing Clerk of Qoort in Baokiuptcv. j i : -: T - '"7:; . Joly;2ti 1842 " 6, 1842 -4 yc2 '- -.i . 7k "' rtnmhpr nf lime. ' s . t I . ' .. T T, . 1 - - 1 , . - ,K;t .vr.iho. 'li first oay 01 pepu rr"J u i 1 liorke 6;UaidwelI.I514 S39 - : 1555 V 367 uat am sott snitp tnr bubioe'arerroo treakW Jaba8iarmon,or '7a V!"''. Ctbarroe. t . 610. SOSkS ro ' 'To savejny otitnskpll forthe next two tear declared a Bankrpt,; at, b"4 Sim Colotnbos, . 129 vS5l J. 2422S8 . .'-fc-lj -'vS-' Wfe 00 Thursday . the .first day of beptember Cai,eret , , ; : 000 r 000" 442 v 287 Von WbUe House.' stlndin .on ' theristoj SaTAwIiiatiTlW ouThoiSaVthi tofdaf Mecklenb.fjr. 771184 v' 984 1201 Bids me good bye and .pitying despair; 'r Zr r?Sh!' tlii ?h "r F'- Stanly &MontgVy;l 106 .7A; 165 : V09 I ;I39 .And leltea 11 clelr, for Harry and the Whigs Gf j)teber next. r L !j , ! Moore,! . - - , f 55a - 504 550? 517 , I t. . x - .J yMa A. .Carter, of IredHI I coonly, tarmer.to Nash L l I . 000 000, '73. "782 PT the follies of a prior, blind raan - !,?e?l3rSia B5nkf,;Et'i Naw HaaiWi'.rsoi 7 885 :j 219- 899 . Whose wiia. heaven ; knows, amount to no jiillou Thursday .ibe .first day t,r Septeoiber NobsiiploD,;j 532 ,430 ; 546' 516 gU tjora ; I? , . 1 J: , W: 41 :7t' r.J.. Ooalowj u 187. ; 53!h" 150 ;. 683 Whose blonders endiocr jast as they began,' J I J jlfnitcd Court ce o sAob caused against PetUibi of, ! lESv)vjLpNG7.o( Saibbury,7Jtowan: jUiunty for his discharge and b-riificite as ilianktup at Wjilmjngron, on Mdnday the 3 1st fdaylhf CbtoHer oext i77 . I'-Wt't DVlp KERN, of SaIJsbari.Howanxounl rtjr, to1ia 'iscMrg iQoticeraficay paokropt,41 7i Wfrminjton, ;dn:JMynday the 3lt day of Oc i tibf'jncxt.i - i'f -l v lv 7. ' Id 7i: .-!fi-?7: - JTiOMA.;fllCCq.i!6S iP5 if Vilmiogtop, oM6hdayiie,3latday of lor nis qiscnirge ana ceruneaie aa. panic SAMUEL REEVES, of Sa isbory. Rowin luitty; far bis dischargetahd certificate as Bank-! rl'Pt. at WilminWtfih. un Mondav iHa 3li ta P r! If r .nex7! :- 'H . ."t--fe-.:. 7 - L - "WIIVIIIIUU.WIWJCU, -:-!S7v' II, POWER, 0 UtS.NIC. 25, 1842. , Apu3t, ld42-T-4wdl :H P .: IV jflUifc Sub1eriberislietr0o fjn , p,- u. siidted vshor l idistanc north of the ; Matthbosef formerly ijecupied by'CaldcIeosh '"I'tff r wo.i?ano ai ftresepf occupied by femrdd jams . bousf is jof bric - t r l ""v y mo premises bib an eceisryitbuildinas. I! Tkn'.UKintk nWri py..?.vkeuiion ii .appwcaiion be. rriade to l , etftrrf rioor &iet ofi-Hftteim ?r;r m!1 Jle-;g5i;84f477figf; r ! m ttentioh Cb istable t H.ii"a !F?TT? w,wri tiixecut toss,; yery neat ?P if"" m r aaieai ibis Ufnce ; ; i : ;f - ANIikhAV nil rrf pfTnti. ! WV. - -.-1842. j- 1840.-;, fJnnnliflV; " i MamIimi!: I Hpnr'v f ' M. : I " R. 1 i - ' - " .. ; -; . ; I urandwiclcV I - ,2 3011 - 332 " tt47 t i5l.il.Sni - I ". Ch - , ' 245 22t'f 292'- 203 I CMBlfVi S nraTph1 t - t;lJ2nV tf0POr,- . . fI220 .'178 765 h - g; M'"1?11 - , 1 553 I - 856 : .62 1 . 952 ' ,,u "auij w Mifeuuxsea io luany a waq. L549 , 6d6 671 -043 r - AV.- iWat hodl.mt.l.t. k,- ; 714 i - 234 ' ,74:185 111 -,J298 0 !takp m0 to ihe'hospita! 11 ! hrm'n -J j -, i 862 : 64Gr 383 . 636 . Scorn'd by ihe whj. and sneefd, ai by the 5 W 50 m. SSI. : 302 - -. lories,!1 -'m .--: f - ' V , ' iGranviHe 'f--. gX" J U I . 000 000 L r 308 ,258 r 67 4 191-622 .446, -i j 465 j 216 i,- 438-; 7.202 - Sf, J H?dW ! '. .! . JnhiwiMj - V Ann nt f -382 ' 161 1479 -252 .'. 485 r 179 - 1668 - -t S3 1 ' 574 ' 61 1' 202" ? 1 1 tAJ 4 ' 580 129 ioh -7"i'iiS :-15i9, 933 ' 20Eb T7 226 . ,577 7 244 574 377 LSecolo' Martin? Oritlge - -1576 1472 1664 1549 ; 203 . 874. ; B5S PerqnimmoM, : J 376 m." ' I-11 24 PerqniramoD9, PiU 2 -7 Rntntnti: ' i! 1572. S79f- .625 519 1154 i. 309 1287 S46 Rowan & Davie, , 1S63 973 1113 . 871 Richmond!4! 655 92: KoDeson, i, Rockinrham, Roiherford 4 SampsonfJf? Stokes. Sorry, t , Tyrrellj'i 3 ; Wake, I iii' Warrenf7U -VVashinpton, Wayne; Ml, Wflkes;;. Vancy?!-' - 534 . 383 1366 : firiT ' - sec I 557t 9541 173 533 $3 1000 2 - 546 : -7i 1652 575 -6 473 7723 JiS-. :!!5 :2S? 376 603 472 723 oftA J infi'7 avo ' .i 1 953 llS5h 1030 1(57 r 113. ; 730 8S r' 705 . S64 i 216 7 ?3S5 42?9 58 680 109 493 .379 , 95 263 ' 7", 777 1425 J27 i 392' '417 36.068 30,7081 33.781 25,546 TAe iCites'FwA.r-The fisherman col ect from the surface end margin; of waters.' be gelatiflious masses wbidt: contain the spawn, they then7 empty a new' laid .'egg sholl of ita contents; and fill it with spawn carefully closing it up, and placing it under oci'jug fuwi. A ceriain oarnner:ot oays ret allowed to eltpse,;when ihcy break the shell undef wate(no8ly arme(l by the sun :tHe frv !are a h o r f 1 7 i i 7 L In pure water, until old enough 0 be added to Jhe porid whicl cdniains Iheir' prbgeui! tors. ine sale of this spawri is an import laut leaiure ox irauein xjnina. H ffitEconbmy and Honesty of Van liu nis MdinthtshratidhU annears the Post pmMjDepvMneht hstfno wori iband. 08, bOtll wprli) ibf aaail bags niore jthlri jl li as oc jbasjohifbri f 'They are Ihe'retoaroslaf faf lu- crattve job git en lo a ipirtazlinYfbr Crpolftt 4 J A'-Ji 131 ;.! '. , . ' ' 7 ''. . biiidelp ira Gazettojof the7liih mstl savs: yesterday applicatfOTi was bia.'e to Judge Rindall; pf ihe USiCurJf M he instance ff f blatfc wdroin, a lae, a enable; jherjto return w jth her master to he SoutbAfteribf hearing of IheKteslit W9utnPii woo untwt- to'.be: a 5b;wa! TMy abxtdbato reliirnand 7ex. bresaed irrat i firai in n. i t h Jam.inn 7. i. - uge-t Frpb ber Paf f W f 1 &m (of ajong time in this t:it antljiwai oriablelto realize anviKma fbrfber; mlot;j andjfinally came to the -ton fiotfon Iq seek ber old hom7 7 POETIC PROPHECY. I have freqently)bservedsays the Washinir; albums circulating through" the House and Sen ie, Chamber, with the view of Collecting the ao og;rphs of thmeniber8. t One thismornin?, b. ongtog to a. young ' - i telderable altenMon, Upon examioationI fbond ft contained a pasa of welt writien noetrv dated auraciea con 23d July! laat Jo the tremutoos hand-writinWof fobn Adams. Thia piece was descriptive of ine niiu cao i preeaoi spread over oar politi cat uir hv! auicijaiea cpraing events vwhtcn wofitd ormg oroer oui ordiaordir. Tbe closlo Verse wai as follows; iMit;'?" ; "Say,(br waose brow this laurel crown ? 7 I iFor I whom thiswiBb of,hfe is spinning t& TTornj this tb!y Album, upside jdoirn. t ; I jAndl: take tbe end for the beginning 7 m-" llie meanirfg of this was somewhat mystical. tot by turoingjto thi; back of tbe book, nd io- tciiim iiuu in mat pac xrii wis lotlnu wilb tbe signature H.CLAY 1 I Yours Sic. G. W. - OTe Hizhest Miintaminthe VStatei jMeonl Mttchel, i peak l the Black Aloun Itfi ;tniKanwy7 col N Carolina, is Sfr f fboMbo le?el of the sea, by actual pcasuremeot. Pifv ITip t(U Af-rm nr.Mlnd man. - hl . ..t.i. . - ti. j'i-l i : 1. uusr teeuiB 8eps ew-ujuuucuv mure an and moreVL;-- fn' .. Whose em mast'dwindle 10 a sinwia pan.L 7 i sniie of Vetoes, one two, tbreei and four. 4 These latter'd.lbcos nnt me 00 th rheek ; r . i nis corporal 8 guard cornea ucKiing my Jong OldiJickory 4here a joyfol Akp)wo found, ;j rt And fe,es$ iiflM-jBloud "my troubled fancj: - 1 on'iri 19 my passage j mm mis siofn mrone.v -Fur mine are onlys acci(finflr glSries'.' 1 A scanty brun wamy paternal lot; -.. t r VI proqted;qp I'k preen Virginia corn ..- 7j Im creeptn.out the small end of .the hotn . - "t i. ' 7T " 1 V . - "";.7 'on.nny onre the comfort of my.ae, -. 1 e n?d8 wosed jip Bennett's gum And 6abblm secrets for his dirty page, 1 -v? Ivcd that all fee. faw. fum; Dan VVebMeV only Wber of ,rpy care; Tt : vMnal brinafall. andbe cabrii - . 1 xr ,7 rise. NOMORB. ? Prom IheJlmuktifor 1SS6. BY A POST'CAfTAlN. 7 " Again the dUrnal proapeci oiiens round "erk. the shore, the dyngv4 e 7.'-' v--r! ' V l - !. 7 j -'-v .t:- T j - the diown- L jline irrange'd -my tT4iri:and taken a frewell!ir my, friends and i WqCmntanccs; 1 mailed fronwQitthee in thel Mt-dots, atC with heartfelt leeling of delight anticipa- eu returningi to my v natives aome, alter len tears absence from England The vessel was' in excellent trimthe cr?w in ; highicr der, and herjeaptaiu steady 'and skilful ; "ffiaes jmysew, mere ; werei eaioarnco, hji. -i -anu nis oaugnu r, as pnssengers i: . Vih ftsht hearts, we drooped down the munificent $t. L!wrencc,7ha,vin2: all ssjif sprend to 8 ttterze, 5nil erijoyed'lhp rtobfe proppect which -our; advance in either shore presented.' As we approached AntiCDSti it suddendy fell'calrri; nd thb'lgMwe werestill at isome distan'cel l felt uneasy, for; having often sailed ab ut the culf. I was well aware ol the tisk 'Which! attends i iproximity l that desolate island Uestdes the uncertan ly df . th reriprjdcaittng curirertts, 'Uscqasl? are extrmeljr dangerous being lined with reefs of Jfl j l Ijmestnne,' which extend out ii miy luiui'iiisi wairr, eo uiai uiere - ate ic spots in its whole; extent, f where a V vesee, can' anchor;-; r ' - 7 5 ' 1 ' 7 7 i ' "V-A Shortly after thje wind Jhad! adied awayj' heavy rolling swell, began jii.(aet' towards the shore, frrtm tliei; sooth-wps,tb com mon indlioatin rfi iii'flriifn from ilhat nnartffv This drove us so fast towards the island that there ws rjo!altcrhati?e but jtpropibe an chi? winch jwas done immediajelF ihjbr-; ly fathoms wcr g-Yet there aa..ttjp7chaoce; of Jhetr ol dijng,'6ttt ra'iiftiVriaeTfW theijrl booking; ,i n J f om e cr a c k i n the rock, which was sopcrfectly clean, that an armed deep-sea lead did riot brincf up psrlicle of sand . Tho anc hors, tut more, . cou la? not hoji 7btt hi)UgHl ey kepi the 'yeaJeP4,e.ad tcf j le seawtiich had'nowlbecme jsti heavyj that be pitched bowsprit fn The weight;! at the anchor an itHeTjchain cajde retarifefi our j rogiress towardshe fierpi7and-flrtrdedus 'bopr that the. wmdi which we knew fwes precwr sedjby tho awell:Wcnid arrir betue any Veriou s cfastrpphe could take place. TjThe sit u a i in ri, ho we y frijbje cawjr .alarmtng for at . 6 p, si J we; had: d r i ve n w ;t i n h a ! f ra ie of a he; ietfaXq n c ( t u ci a a u r f was b r ea k in g.j all 1 1 jf t nsT no Id jiibt ; 6 rpl h e r esvjt , if some ciiaoge.did not occur ip our fatpr At this critical stimt a Train discovered, from the" mastfheadl,- the i expected g8le on the . horizon,'.? approaohing ' rapidly, the waves beibff cabned with foam. We could distinctly jiear jt oaringf as itj8t!jvanced, and never oio any souco iye me more pleasure. Thfe roeffjbebavei nobly both: anchors were saved, and the 1 Aledora ws agiin onderf a' press of sail in! an tncrediblv short space of iirae r f coniriveu iocirr? -yn "'R'M and evert ftmnitvo laekedJ Massey's soi.nd ing machine assured that we were deepen- i ng our water, ana ciaoing on i suure in ine direction of Cape Ro ter. -vif faf C .-i t ' ' At day-break it ! wa found thit.we wre at least a dozen nles tot windward of vAntl costi, wtthja Kijsk gale to work witb "Tjhis gladdened all parties, especiallvlid the cab in, where the depression of spirit occasion ed by yestWda),raccidentf givH Vaytq ;an ebullition which! made then breakfast-table gay not wttbstandine the motionlof the es sel. All was eoAfideticei aodcnlerfolriesa :i Miss P iq the joy of the raoneni,Vasf nTeased with fhcebol conduct of the feamen. ibat be declared he would oake each of the a ar prefect oh anchoring jn England. 'JC s v7? !ileanlima4he:wind strength eriedtbu.t is !it Ve er e"d ; wes t w a r d i n our 1 fa vou r, the ft i) a ri ly coatinuedrand we stood acfos3 tbe Cicilr of St ''iiwrcocalii..$be jiJiopa ! that all ; danger wii now over. r?Rnt"lhe'mnrtrtrto' nf iK sky; and the difficult navigation around o, made-me. still apfrebensire, though I aaid nothing thai inight be djshearlen:ng7 7This continaed a couple of daya, and we i had passed Jhe Shgdalen rJtlanrls arid New fouodland, when" my? fears 'subfided 'J land alter svaixing. ine 'aecK to, a ate hour, I w-n t down to niy berth, con fi den t of I soon gaining the open, ocean.fi h bad not, been long aaleep, when I awpke and found the ship Ifjng nearly oo her beam-ends ; and by he rapid, tumult of water past her sides, 1 knew that a heavy fquall most have caught her. - There was much confusion abh?e and below; andjtbe clattering of ropes and blocks, with1 the'screaroingr b7 they wimii ':u and the creaking; of the timbers, announced the violence of tbe assault. 7 1 horned immedi. ately on deck the night wae pitchy dark. t. J . J l. j I L. .,; i ' .-'.i-.'v ? me wmu iibu .. ircueoeo , io a r tempest, and tha sea, tncreastnfl;?ith it;!rose literally mountains high : the top-Vallant mst were sent on deck, the jib-boom run in. tnfil- sanyaro pucea ; lore -ana, air, preventer- '-.- li 'r. i . . . . i ' - .- braces rove, toe rtatches batten down, and every thins got p assnng aa' Isireomstarices would allow of , frher then endeafnred to fticjj m'obui vtuaf iu mo. wmu, out me sea canted her bead off, so that she made more lee iuBii uccu-waji ana uie riesm? was ier i cr' t ' nuiy sirajueu in iuu coon, f ; - .". As the morning broke, the em seemed. if possible, to increase, ; the sky was : ono dense, cloud, and the rain fell In i torrents. A tremendous gust now split the foresail in to' inbbons,iwhile, at the same r moment, . a sea' struck her with a force that flsade everV limber and plank tremble. 1 jerfasped a rope near be mtzzen-rigging, and (while jihtis clinging for safely, heard a wild ery'cf-;2 ony break through tbe howling of the storm; for as he vessel righted, thelforernat' hid mapped short off; and crushed ' several un happy men in its fall. ' '1 : " J : The caplain and his: ifrew;man8ged so adm'rably thai the ship was prevented from broaching to ; and in orderf tojreh'evrf the wildness of, the helm, a hawser was veered nvejr the sitern. 7 Broad-axes and tomahawks were distributed, and "while one part? pro -reeled to clear a way the wreck of the fore mast, another rigged the rpurdpt and dehv eretl the water which had been pocrin? in. Xnpse exertions were, successful in easing fhflj ship,' hot we discovered, rw't some d' may. thflt she had opened, to the forreiof the weather, so-asJto make it'rptjuisite to keep tho" pumps incefcsanily goingi t now descended into the cabin, where ! ;ound b1 was terror and confusion, every ; f ttcle that could movn having I rolled into t tvej lee scuppers, and tbe w ster was stream ingl In aVey ejy si :P in 'deep jnguisb, was7cndeaybrin to soothe tlie- a brw of bisiigliterwhitethejlnterestin gulserrood be upon Icon- ;oeatrjixlfr0mhe her ",f 8.17 M yjfa" npcrajicjpis,ahrf). the; tigTpga . I brought, th ajjl'i he ship was easier, begnr, to Isoriie measure, to quiet their apprehension'; and I 8t rove, by treating th matter with af fected indirTererice, to restore their ftill con fide'rice.r'lTfie 7caniaP, too, soon after arda joined us, and made soinei ji w wsrdvaiterjipta 10' t)cliecfal . ihoogVt ibiSd perceive bt nis i yacan) ; resitoncss, ine qeep- concern wud which hts;mfrrd was aintatcdl - '-c 1 t t-r v f-1 It , r if.. i . - ' ' ' . ' : A.uouier noavy sea navin sirucK iue snip f reiurned 'on L iVJecki'M. At7tfis .'instant, itbt- boata ! Were! washed over board, and every wavefeemed to mske a deeper and, more fa'ahnrptew ioie i each) with , a dull and exhausted motion' as .IhooghVbbo force of tpe opposing elements. ; And as the water within was gaining upon her, in spite of pumptog ana oauing, ii pecame evinent mat we were reduced to extreme danger. Even th seamen began to - )ook aghast' at the pros- peirt of founderingt;Wh' h towards the close of the day, land. was announced os being in stght under the liee beirb7 7rhis discov- ery gave great; joy to 'all j bn board , except injseif,, iiir iw5 mt - w y 1 1 q u a i u ; c u w 1 1 ii the iron-uound snores on eitnernano, not to know Julirwell the danger of a nprdach log therrif4n thislinstanM a cas8-ofrdesrw bilityliOf tbtnerwise sinkingf tbearigihtest chancelof anchoring or evenof running on. srorewBS considered preferable to keeping toe?fieaK 1 In thisaiewrdfdve past: leg- ced head-land, arid petceif ing a sort of bay trjg; Dottonjith Was rbundedudy ani boliS--beT I bo wer ai cqrltgbptbe j cables erje7 tben7yeere4 awaytb a iong"range and hte7 stream 1 arid kedge dropped junder foot. 7 The sb:p rode havify, and pitched immoderately, but ail thb top-banimer being taken ofT, there wp atrong-hbpest that she would biold her on till the rooming. Bot to me the expectation of ridingToaJotern for t iols d cet thtii raib'::teiF ilik'elfali deluge arid toe waves tumoiea ,in inmuuuous rotiery waabing bteh ibrc8$t(e.; To add lo'.ilfe bdrrorsJbBba;aitoation, t the occasional gire of the lightning discovered to us, no?. yjianiootrg tinp exueroer darkness of Jhe night, a reef of, frowning ! rocks whitened . tL. . . w. ft) ' . - t . i m - . m P kedge,bot then begn Ui 'drive; broadside . with i breakers; immediately astCrd! of, s.'ljr- Jnnr lhanks.Jo defray Jhe exfcn'sespf educatin? .;J , After cohtemplatirig the awful1scene bje- bis'children?c?ea ihongrube ;mgbl.haVo aVnf 74V i j ore ijsjib a:dreadfii-aoxiW;,lhetbip'i' orrwoincllege.'tlfspmrrchVejlow;who:h77 ; compahyr'wbo wetre gVaa'tly worriv from f.V Earned hisonej.wi.htu earning iVTr ; iigoeVwere:ca.lIedafttoaenatchCaJiaStVre- Wf'ti fir .'c -i-" 71 r i i" ., sky btgb, as.tbe nriore.'irphilanlhroprst,iar.r;- past. -Scarcely ..wafMheinelancholyimeaJ hi;;Mia' ;wwirVVngflia-Aiaiiitf! frdiu , ! commenced er,e thakhirr trembled and rece-, Maine jnMi-xtco. aDd.bechoeJv.f,cm He ' 7 h?r,Penf r? fi qgft sea brokej in or Rorky Maintains, aiLa bejieftof l&f; k'is.jrac !y ! yer all, andtbescabtes snipped like 'twine; t A"few jiunred d.W'ar3: gitvo h a jump is'some- ' , '! ' -The Lord receiv'e'us ejiculiled the cap-- Mng to teii of f six pence a time.Ta men .times . j. J lainrtt is nowVirvf r with" tie Me!ora ad?J' is ntjrerjhegbt . ' Cries ami groans bnfat from ihalipi if'-all; lVJ;nri n - ' ! and despair praliz"e!d every breast, i This JS cfO Corner. PismsfronBtr- - -,.t however war nnt; i ? mn.ni J.. .fl-Ai ri! Mfito o nfjeerp,--An oxtrsordinaryra'nd 7 - fiowevervwaa only; ? rnonen ajy effect for interesiog!fligbrof wmar peon$; to-dec dV -,m . each . injfif idpa! . aufckly bemasensiblc mttchr wl. iiiaf xfeMb. ighbob6o of A ' , ! ' ,l.Jr.1? mor?.thj' CTer necessary to act Birmtngbamon TdayVihe:i2t1i nllimol I j wiim .uisciefiun;9im unane.8ar; io.. oruetta Auout jt;ujpigeun!i bejongtbg.tfr merchants and t vert the fate ' that threatened them "in the unv other parties at'Ant wern..were' forwarded a tew 1 1 avoidable-deitfoction of their vesset.'L 1 previously -to Mr Mant?; brother of .ony of ; JI - J , When the bower cables partid,7tha ahip e membeirs.for Jbeiborocgh.lwilaequest r. , :.i.ia. .l. '.:L7i i tbatbe-wotold see tbem fairlv, started ai Oh'- , f, op, dragging..ibemraIong:with her. tEyerj l hhe whnle tof (he pljwns baving beeo started on man now; clung to t jrope, determmnd to te their Jnurnf y almost simuIranpoiisTyi-from -.AI r; main by the ship wliije'she 'field "together. Months residence at Handsworfh; andfter ma- bd euon oi some fjimcuiiyas tne sea was tiun hmb bit 4 lurjuuan Has- now making clear breaches over. berenA j,'?,T J'recikn, anft favored by ajiesh ?breze, it wannlc ih -tmrrnta Af.t.;.'irJ. .iki Jney-were out of.stght in a few minates.i could withstand the; rush -waters, LA ,hes,f arrival of lfc whole- fl-K-k, the first pi mournful silence ensued amontT ihpt mn: I l-:L iriit fi .- . : - but the horrid brawl 6T the (emppst was bro-; the, same instant; Ithe .vessel sstrpek; and pigon reaching s;destination at hail-past; te i. was dished, with feochviolenre on the reef Etiraatiipig .tbedfsiaDco.from RRniingtiam to that the raainmast was throwri bver the side An.,wP Jgf!; ,lne! 00 and the Vudder forced ppwards. Fortunate. S' tl '!ffBl?u9 i t ; .. . i J''Pi . ! 1 . . between-the Iwo pqtnt4 Ihe jirsi bird would ap ly, she; cantedto Neward, rori'every, soul, ar to it.it .t ii.. ,m,;r .aIi 1 most have immediately, perished ; but el.e 1 continaedto beat bardfand we heard.' bv Uar mending ourselves , to the protection of Almiglityrvwe began' to consider ourselves as beings of another world.M The ill-fatej ; Medor, lay stru?gl,nUpon her beam-enrs, (Troaninir.ii'Tithinff Iiua a oiant in ilin annnto I r j .iT - . . i i r ; ; ." '. t of death; and thevdarkness that surrounded : . ! . . . . i - UI .uibu .iibujuwbj ui iu7 pno t .:.uii( wim wnai au2ui3u aiu .we near me cries 01 no those who were successively, washed sway' bv the breakers that beat over us at inter- vls.we , saw - theU, obscure, form's for a moment jvhile struggling on;, tbe whfte "T1 '"P oigni-a uenu rnarrn r ' r.u t' H j .T ' Si . - . . and mretlrg rrgularly evry Sunday, do onto foam of the billows, and the next instant 8 mert UUB woifd be one br , f,f fna I they- were gone foreyfr f -: ; , too'oeeuy wyour rtrcumstances to give o tU : S As it W39 imposle that thoi ship could poor, dd wbatever efsp you have in oir ; ptmlcri hold together much f.onger. l deter mined to o do for: them cheerfully but if ynu can,!-! oet mv two forlorn! IfpUow nipnoPrm tin ways help the worth v poof, and nnfotufite.Ui dek, as the only prospect however :sligbt --l o,!,"B MJS ,ut"fU,, Kn'"? rulM- of the.r reaching the-shore;- With "tbis?in- R?TC" andl !f V""e i hn1V-" W ; . I. i "j ' ?l i t j A t "oJe and independent n yoor c rcimaancps?;: 7n tent I and -another;, hand, roade.our way - lrt m. , , n ' f - i P 4 7 through the skylightjintQ'thft- cabip ; the f lamnwas still burnitigJartd!lhevrr'it:s.-'ijim i '!i;,,ir,i0,,iLle" l!idvlVieS id., kr H,iir,ll r.. L- ported his slmost inanimale dauchter' in his arms. He raised lifsihead is wo approachd ed , tint li snail never lorget lire: careworn expression; and sickly paler)esf hiMcbun not thai he .feaVed M ; 'diti'iiiiiitihrWasj laffitifl" ted at the; approaching 'AioLfbf K7f Iad I cbiW, to Tvhom,eve! sounded like a summontoi etfefnttylr' We ;ttfc-tuV tremendous sea struck th shipreridinj her fore and sfV ad ienguljpliipg'us n; if dread abyss Thee !was a long jrb racted iy4rtl ;"it rew.Taifitrrii'nd ftjlf r4vjshad- sve theMiowlmg of tb gate, arid .thefcfUng p uci ikc wc.uierruiif;w tolh condnsion toacct i! J T in prayerjvuli ihase :riext jheon;. Twild-J yoorffenf Itlscimeihing 1 did not excfpt, but 77 71! scream wat now.' beard 5 Irony .1 01 war', ha j sim e I: bav been.the object of yoor ctiorce'iy bf tho;J)illow8. Two qfthe, efmen alone,lhe uftfijfifal conversation, freojaently Jl, House oft Vovinikg? Paisg a iT4tbbe- 0 . be st reets of our ;tow n a j day roce Irieetnrr'llii m rfilo rn'rif hat ! Kiniififnl ' hht Bea.rT had nased Whllv oVerllhe ibuddifi (lower, nor marred lis lovyioiBss as he ipiuckM it from its parentis bosomi 'Biaoi ihvdiseoosolate mother hoo oveij ber fceWess inrirehr, baih'ng itia . tears andl crsis, wib n,D pM of iy little Iamb thai had been HnatcbedTfrom her; to- som wulifha few.7 weVksrr Truly wasHthe searches? anguish, nervej;atiredjajfl sympathies. We .would have : proffered ,f consolation j,to. be bruised, and, broken spirit! :)ui;iberwa8.jnooe.i-' Nothing bol the sesrchiogjsptri ty jrobld; bVe teacbed ibiei'dephsjf hr afliie lioo; and1 given' comfort jUo" her Itbricefbroken heart. Out the An2tl oif Death lias borne ber sweet lambs as pure offerings ai tbesbrine of jieaven, wnere sne may , one uay : ftvain ciasp 1 them to her now disconsolate and bleeding bo- 8.4mertciut Eagle. $.f "' i ; l - ,. 1 ! ' 7 1. in , km Phe Providence EvejoUig Clbfnicje atates j being the bearer, of a communication to cer- lain persons from Tliorbas.Iljdrran o-! pen enctatntended Rfexcitfi! a rebellion.- , ' . rr ' t i, i i j j l . through Kene, .N. II. accompsOied by iwo individuibrtf iherp an aid tb lt?Ex- cellencyJhe Goteernof of New Hampshire. our aiieoMOiv was - arrfsitrs Mir ic iquuihmii i . ,;,-i ,. v.. . r u w ,r ..... s - - v shrieks of,a femaler! Tbey weri soTiniercipg ald.and particIafy calculated forHheJmlfid; and, ladrn' with angoish,thaijwepproafbed-ib ian offWashington city, but will suit any house and enteied ii,; hffpmg; tj.;Otight be in cor - -i ;; sif r ' power to asoasre thesbfferings nf "lihetconso- aoJ ef,,r l3!' jv-' S PA ,hakl 7 S,B1n a7t4 Ahi Mrsltlrtinninff.op srJd hal 111 1 -V I .WHIW 411 i IU I WU U lUfUf ag VI V mc nnno 1 ' nursi in stvnnv irnm 11a nnnr rnrntznn 1 IbitrTbom-a HostievfewTpilaatpshtre, f Rancys 0f themselves, by helping out wi!b7 7 7 H and cmi?s-rw from Dor,r;3S been arrested j i i. ,t , LL; 1 u T i'r fii'fT-. .. ,4-a meantflgleas cbaU I We have rmetime i on warrant chargiqg pirn with an ettempt. ? . . t is f t ; to excite iosuictfoVio iha Stlteaid with hcard regular conycrsanon of this feserir r i jNomen labor harder tba 4, printersrDO-jn' are more Scantily f aid io -. proportion- to' the wear , 7 and tear of mental an'r physical .jcoostifotion 77p no men In, this com moo itywe are; quite certain,; 4 j are called upori'for sa ijtrge'an amount. Iriprtcert tionjo tKair means, "of gratcv 'nslservicSr-ld ' we'.believe': that no .- men pe i'cr ra t ho?e npVid 7' 7 j , services with more-' cheerful a!acrity-,Tbelj s bltnet9nf 'indfuerence with which sode'peo- 7 " ptetay an assessment. upon xewpaper ptoptf;7v:;.: lots; oold justify ;the inference taartcey'sapi.- '7r3v nbsei tysandprca'iocoilriothingi'Jaurney-; ' men and apprentices' fo labor and; live , ivIlLoot'' ;l " -food,or clothing; adpaper -miken taVfarnitb. ai ' ? costly. material wilfiout ever asking-for pa jdf nft - We lave fea doubt ibat" etch of the proprietors ; (j oftbe'daifgr.papers'of this city.gtve nopghf . i 7,7 annually q tbeway or advertising; for Fpeins-; y r : ' 1 1 andltocitiea wbaawble and ought io pay and t r ? trio'ewspipers fct which he gets neiiber credit, tauJv.- iSL.i ' J t.-1 o'chick'ifre1 same fnornir. followed ib rapi'l a'ic- go miles per hbiw rlt isot the le sioirQ- fact connected with Up mate-h. thai sWnnTQt A rf i I r 'f. i? r. r , . - y . . l" (o) of f! ?5Jl!i.' all yon owe, sndj of Reduce te iame' to note;; Aa fast asyoo co1lacr,'.pay ovey-t ihi?e -v .f. - - . .. " jou owr;. ; you can i coi ieci. renew y nur ni cs : ,nj oi i. t,.,ct ' ' J -- - T ... oriDIIIJ Villi uo ,to oosinpss ouigeoiiy, and tndustrtoos ; u se ume, was:e no inie. monopnts oe verv nrii- dent and economical in all things discard 7-aII nrideut tbe pride of actinjr jtmlyand wpllUbo 'illhfu' ix 1 1 9.d bv r.,?V. aH cU ASENMDLE WOviAN. i " -ruwu. a al'5 Domwroi me i. t. E5Pres9 5,' a,ns f?e lowing straight flrj of " " -t ia bei teens.lo a young' gentleman n tid7 .iV.a?WfWffi,fl.J --' i't':yi:-t"-i- 7'C May 25, 1S42 .a .y-;.- ,tPX C4be l6ih. vif form' foioe.wbo no Ifs S,u r ?-r - T P."" have no object oos knowino Jt .wjas I pi"n jWonhy of : yoor love. Very sincerity y uirs; f'l J; . ' ') K-r'- - f '7' -7.74 ' t 7 Wergive tliriollowinnf as a srecirnen of zlbeard n jfmigt. an v quantity' at opewar i ii l j . l : i. . j j : i : j-i j-T r. -- --r i terin pla'ces' and fashionable resort igehjerrtll 1 feyt he New Y 0 I M. h If t a tn m WatMrltf A 1 a a Thai : rf In aa ai'ihn' , ucru. 'WfUJhoW do you do V Vcry well, 1 thank yoo. lijj vc fy win dy trvJajr.'. Teisi very J windy. I thooht it would 7 ' 7. i wf 7 SoTdidtl Vcrywindy. But lit nas f , lThere ara 1 geodmany peoplefbfire 10 day. s, a good many.' . M We! have ,great deal of rain lately. tYepja great dec of win.' W4ere are yoo slaying my deari! - 'J 111- 1 ' r'.-" 4Thank yon. I am'glad to see iyotf look - UK an ! :.rr;: " -1 - r-F . '5 .."j ' V. Thank you.,. I am wry gladjMrK' to see you indeed 7:i.;,p'-;7;.f Thus ihey run' on, the male exquisites frequently taking a part, and making Mis Hon going" era for balf a"n Jrftur, each incessantly all thr while, and when'tbo ;f7 fhin ftametobe Cyphered out,' abiteiM ed down to the standard oi good hard sense, , . . not a word had been spokenXieorgta Constitutionalist, ;j 777 -1-1-St ' : -. r1' I ii f JH if iv. rl! j i ;M'i7 i'71 -1 47- I-1-7 1 iir K7 1 1 i j7 U kt.." i T -1 Ml- ? tftf . : If! . ft. J 1 , : ; 5 T .7 a -4 ii..;: ." i-'i-i-i f f: i! J 4'i I , ji.. V- ; J I 1 '' ''.;; 't H i ,-..f l"V rf- o j :t r - 1 -. i v i rU-.- it -r' ' 7'''Hiv:7 7H1 I ' T 1 - -v. ' - "1 t f- I. A :?'7 .. I '- ' -V. : H 7 7-

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