-4(3-'J . - - - - .j. . . v ,, - - rt1 I y ' 'tWmSofVi,s,!,b?: t I. : i ,. t, i:.,i,.(!rSnosfrUiiili' Hhadthb febofe rates, jy - J ' v, ' ; A 5W3 S3j per cent ?fl(&?j.V ??.1tL-i; -wilUhe continued ontit rWd n4barsed for accordingly, dless ordeM for anmambcrf lime,. I r ' ; NEW! if: Summer l -A I i -r 5 .k-.V 1'- !;" JtiB's0isCttinEftsbt :-r. ttt A VI N G? rmoed ;lo Concord; arei no re- jlx ceifbg nd opening in ihebjicl; house west 'fiih Crthonse.iheir- V" ' :f ' SPUING t AND SUMMER Atnonfflfibicb are Dry Good,l Hardware; , . T.l'l iU-J:- Dnt. Mala ' Rnnnofi ' - ; Sadctlerj, Carriage f Trimmings, ,.r Grockery, Plriti, D?er, nd V aVietyl of othcra)iiicfes i. inlshort it cotn irip a eoerel "assortment, which will be sold tery low. for cash, or to ponciaal dealers on time. .Ve intile old customers and the public ia gen- &l tocalraod exenine oar atock before porcnas (f elsewhere, as we think 1 we cab: cte3 aoch rtrains as wtu db ?reai inaucement lo purcnas- Coantry produce taken in exchange lor poods. 7 l yi i i J & R. WirfECOFF. ConcoVdMay 14, l?42Tlf52 j , : i ? ; CLOCEl, AND WATCH t 1 i ll t IMPAIRING. IpIIR Subscriber respectfully informs his old tl : Frierds: and tbePnbic genefaUrithat he wned byj n oil, Sharer and iust below J. & W. i In addition to the above,1 the subscriber will carfy onf rne filter smith Business in an me tVarietles doranjon in coantry towns: soch as ja-iking. .Spoons, S.c.,'and repairing Silre I HeJbegs jto assure the pnhlic that if princtnal ftulf himtpMtfohageahd inppouheiwiilmer- l ItB AIIUW WOOI4WOUTH.- Kov. IS-t LA 1 a-e' rvT1 vi - a W I fVk war i nnlin it uiuuuutu i M'vi ij lui, auiu in lxirig on. j IHE Sqbscriber is desiroas lo sejl.privrtefy, f A that elloowa basiness siand in Lexing uiR.v8isQiated a ihut.distan!co north of the Miijthouliil formerly occupied by; Caldcleugh. 0bDberyi, jfed. and? at present! occupied by Brevard arjl Adams. The house is t of .brick, fars andp comrnodiqoscontaining' an excellent Jsfore tpiMoi Idmlling apartments 'all under p?e iamelrjftrtaeited; to' the premises are all jecessar jiijtiWingSThose wishing to pur (base or Icr'exarnine the above property, will re ieive alii nifbri if application be made to r I I S AN DilHiW j C A LDC LEUG H. i'.i!- Hi;; fftHE Sabscriber has opened a Pob pai jiq HooSe in Mocksfvil e, Davie i..Qunty, where he is prepared to ac commodate hoarders aod Travellers ;n a.stylfrhtch he hopes mil prove satisfactory p jl) who my favor, him with tber eostom. Iis htabfilli be abundantly -fornished with Hverf ibihff riecessart; in, tba lin. f nrnrnniir Ilia BaT Vfcll sappHed; with a varietv of Honors. od his afafes-will be mbderateJ All riotous Ind isorde'r ly cond act wi 11 be strictly prohibited. M!:aodtr3fxotk.:!!m r.ri;x;x.iteix' ii h TtiTrrirHPin B ! LIMB ! ! Mlliiirtiity bt h'esn' Lime cajn be had at k lb ei ki fn 8of-the late Joseoh W i II i a tns d ec B fhe 100 binsliejs and over 16 cents ; 40,'to a0pju9HjaJl8 i 5 to !40 bushels 20 ; upslacked lafoporn-ptx I xAU ,ripiwisbihg limf. either at the kilo or lhei resldjenceVWill aiy either! to J. or R. RpQkfbrdi? Sqtfy cbqnty,K. C. ? ,yTOV' a ..x.UA6l4ivf;3 bavinj associaied them- nher for th nnrnii n( nifiiiKir 'fjfflnow.. offer iheir services to; their IriAnda ..yt ikU li.li..'.' t . ? .. f . v.. . "'"a i I'uy.ic.v ii i9 luetr-. porpose to -arrv on;wth ibese depart mems iniat their ya f I'WSxbr ittrjleei and the v feel eonrldiln t of I oUin -"4? viciion io au who milhinr ihm i - j xiL"r ,7,-; i"w w - (ihen jinB; fj'f IUo done in erdejr. i:mmmm k.'.ei.uott j; ; :;illlir; t ROWSEE. U. S With lh it foBcn;..UvL i-" viIi.T l?t1w sObscriberii lso i TV?"sf-W9l,lJ. teady, rhide Coffins. ' : t; -. v... , j. it. ICf C. ; - fn-i ;r-rr ! . ; -1 c-.-F'!.!.-.. d rf f.;.it - publica(ion Biting '.be .reault of.,lbn du-' "1 r ' cTIlo ii ; --lLf 'f-hFNiiaEi-'' :-. i ;- 111 1 SU t!i .t f!6 lllO iiii. Ii f i "i 1 . Vr,iBiACE;CrPENDLETOTir'rr-ri f'if)'r4i' t'i-7fr.'r KJ"z-T. yyu-jj -' - t. kVt.v ;r"' "'rvJ1 i' " : 1 1 - 1 "i' a - iry. -: . -". if ?'. AH feadr, fiisnerfd Frank. : VritiV. 45 i . - a.- - . : J - - 1 . l2-L-J-1jl1'' -4 - nlipd'Frxnlf't- AJctlthfrt. ' loetr hair-uf subiirfn-,V ' , .Vf The fetters of , repose ; .Walk at the dewy dawn abroad, And hold sweet fellowship with God T ? t. f -.1 ' i " , Morn is the time lo pray-s. ; v t How love! y and how meet- To send oaf lQfelieti'ihoaghuawij.-r,'J i Up to the mercy seat!; :, ; -Wy,:. The mingled notes of oat'ore rin, In the delighted ear ! 7 ' . - r .t I And with the swelunv anthem raise X The soul's Ifresh matio song of praise! -5 J -4 f; Morn is the time to sow. - -u-riV . . lit' ' t f .- v : - The seeds of beaTenljtrotb, v . t ? While balmy breezes sottiy wow . ; Sj - ,Upon the soil of yooth : ' - ".l . S And Jook to these nor look in Tam.y :l Oar God; for sanshine and for ram. h J . I I' A - t? Mom Is the time to love.. , T : I As tpndrlU if the'tion. fP vnnniv ftitlAn fnnHlv nmVAI' ' V- - And seek them; where to twine fix Aroaod thyself io thine enrjracevHr Lord let them find a rearing place. " . ' Morn is tLe time to shine,' . i I Kaflectjha rays of j light dif ine, ; j lAs "morning dew drops do ; . ' Ltke ear If latars, be early bright, -t , - - Ana men away, Jiite mem io iigni.r- , LV.! fr': ' ffl'ar mnrninn,i tirtnra m!oannl. p Alas how oft from peaceful sleep, U On full v'madlv bent. v - MWtlM VWWftff M.tWW.'W... ! I We'fe left the strait and narrow road, And wandered from oar guardian, God. Morn Is the lime to think, J . ' i While thoughts are fresh and free, I. f ! iOf life Jost balanced on the brink ; '. Of dark; eternity!, u "c : And ask oqr souls, if, they are meet r1 To stand before the jodgment seat. ; i Mornls the time;to die,;-: 4"js Jost at the dawn of day, ' v When stars are fading in the sky, 5; IBat lost io light more brilliaot far if" 'I TlL ak Mi WAffMAivAjl lliA m m at a ai at ; loan ever I Morn is the time to ri&e. i'The resurrection morn'; I UpspringiogUo the glorious skies W On oew faDnd pinions borne-' ITq met a Savioofs smile divine- Be sufb extatic-rising mine, Itroni thelN:YlK Tribune. in 11 AIiN 1 VCjtVOAtvX OF THE HOME 1 m LEAGUE r of American loulUlie Ulnionl ire apprised tl ti(ate in fbis jeity an 1 Association was here lomied by a Convention of citizens from inai noDusi CixaiDUion m ttii aiiiparts 01 toe country, denominated Thb Home Leigcb Jr ike protection 0f Amer ican Labor and the prriot ion of rinro. co, jCipmmercs.' . it was coroposeo 01 rep resentatives irom toe Agricultural, Aianuiac iinliComQieiciai & Indnstrial inierests eener- jally, without reference to any sectional or party oias. tia priucipiea ana oojecw are sow fcnown. A widespread influence and formation of. more than a hundred auz- jiliry leagues, co operating in the diffusion, of iuseful infonnation and the advaucement lofl oar domestic concerns, are sufficient llxtxri .rt. : . 1: i-i-'X-: i . x . i ." prpois 01 its utility ana wen umea estaousn ment. '-'I : - . - A-r ; . l!x---;. It is now the duty of the Central Com- miUee, appointed bj and in behsif of the Prtmiry Leagua,io announce to its associ ate! branches and to the public genertlly. inattne brst annual, meeting tor tne choice umcers ana ine transaction 01 ousioess apperlaining to the association will be held it I'eLfeetmi of Natural -Historv," 563 tiroadwa?,in this city on the 1 3t b day October inert,' at It ojejock,' A. M when a.; general attendanc ofits. members andr those! who jwtsti to bfeomt eneh'i'fiill take rHaosVVitb bbklfartbel-nWbeit il l An addresa to the Peonle of the United States, setting forth the generar views oi Luis Associipn, iiaa aireaoy oeen circulat ed ibroughout; tt ed ibroughout the Conntry, and has inet itn marked approbation. From an Inst i. jlutlon; scac(Biy !yet?a jyearftn'cxistence, it cannot be expected that any boast " will be madfe of hat ill has done, and 1st ill! less of jWbai it is Jikejyjto achieve. No banners are jdisplayedrto aid partttiifeorito jpxf fte jl popular cominotioh ; but, convents from jallljipartjes ansesomijamli coitions of j tfjej: Country - have Joined 1 its ranks with a proper spirit of independence, lb establish;1 peacefully permanently, an unioniQf;UnUfest8 opppsittotil tb;,hbse inioationaabyi xunpa triotic dogmas which have lately been : en- dermininglour;, character and prosperity as LX . ix h ' X ' x:-- '. . . an jnoepenueni ana sovereign reopie. - M the two conventions, which have been held in furtherance of its ohiecfii a harmnnv of action and consistency of conduct were manifested, I which net only proved The ticme jueague to be above serTilityja local and party prejudices but by the diffesioo of ja msss;of uselol and timely informattbrr j and the fearleai expression of f sound and otic views, an interest haa been ev-! ry where awikened in its f aver, ao tbit.' - -J rv ?1firtf1 . ; r-i , , I now nt warmest adtocaiea are amoii? Ibose '.wilfioul eroploTTradfi paralvzed. and -the L inieresis sballibe crowned with comD etal I. ! i ; ' n ,li,fv A'blessing joar Maker's name.: ; . herseir, Jia?e herebeec successfully cpra- ! ilorn js "the time to'sinj. ; : - i r: btt J ll n?,-Jong a ' beiei.to pro i' How charmin .nU to hear '-1 ' ; tect our, Home concerns or to foster a Com- i Dairi i casejoni to the people at large, hate easen Iially iided in ; the formation pfiau larjflf as iDaispeusiuie ior reTeaoe ana ioa oasis m a sound tC6i renc'y TaV: for! Prbtectioo b D- mesne iqousiry.,, i ne oanioi. ana aecep. Uve doctrines of 1 ree , t rade wbicb an in sidious foreign wal was coromending to our adoption, wnnout cetgmng to practice tnetn merce.tbat is truly reciprocal To carry on the great objects: sncb-anhAssocialioQ i was formed, maniiesuy quauneo to promote, me Committee ;feel,s themselves v pnvi urge upon their Jellow-citizens ties and in all States, throughout to continue the efforts already, commenced. ana to lorm otaie anu county - leagues to aid in completing the good, wurk thus aus- piciousLi commenceo.. di ocn remains : to be accoaipiisnea, wdicn tne narrow aims di party discipline would neglect orP subvert to its own jselfish purposes. A 'special wigil , ance is necessary to watch those who are the chosen guardians of the public wfal, to see that oar Legislaiors accomplish '.he work: lor wnicn they were. appointea, ana snouic their patriotic eflorls to relieve our present embarrassments" be; defeated -tot holds our selves in readiness I to call public " meetings for .the protection ojf oar Home Interests, at all hazards, to sustain those and those ony who constitutionally enact laws for the re lief of our suffering Country, and to prevept our birth right from being bargained sway for the offals of Foreign Free Trade these are sorau 01 toe. auties ana privileges mat belong lo rhe Home League, and which u will faithfully perform. : . i ! It is one cf the cardinal principles of our association that the Government and Peo lilt? V IU1 vuuuy UWO . IU lUCUl&CIVCH piotect, American industry and JtluUfpnse. w bereverand J btfw e ver ; developed. i-.-.W ith advantages greater than any other; nation possesses, tho United States have rightful assumed a higher stand, Bnd are bound o maintain a , loTiier and Jfeer cbai-acter in a moral and pbiiiical' point of view than ant '. other community Our jl labonnu classes especially tet but io be better educa ted, belter clothed and better led than the oppressed operatives of foreign ' countries. Jul to maintain this ascendancy at this mo ment is no easy task. Low labor and low prices prevail everjjf where The did Worfir seem s got ng ge nerally into a slate of, liqu i dationj and iliere is scarcely an article produce or manufacture which cannot or an Industry through- ZI not be produced in some foreign couti ised that dating the tfa'at less price thin we can produce it herj of the American In- u Carrying Trade loo, and our Fisher u. 4 and in short all the labor of our hanM. are mterferred with when placed in coo. petition with the depressed libor of Euiopi or that, of its tower reduced Colonies. Row, unless our wotking men are.reaii to abandon : the! .benefits ,oI Education. t cpifbrts of decent Apparel, and the wIhk some Living iq which tbey havelbeet : cuatomed, we Oit guard againt foreign competition by secuting ureference to the La bur of our own citizens, woofer native or naturalized and to our legitimate tlnoe Interests. We have no ether alternative. for the benefit of he Laborer or Capitalist ;1 for it cannot be doubted that if is for the in terest of the Capitalist to pay a higher rate of wages to the free American who supports himself independently, rather than , to give lower rates to such degraded and pauper iependent as are mainaineo by poor laws icj foreign countries! N or .will the delusive doctrines of Free Trade. help us. 1 hat dei maodsj the exchange of :Lbor for Labor an eye lor an eye, and a fooih for a toott4 whatever be . th-eirj character! 'ill is bnljr bjjj a judicious Protection to our owo Skili arni Industry that our'Woiking Classes can e: secured in their jptiyileges.rhe 6alfstart eu, nait-cloihed and and ignoiaut foreign serf can and must; wotk cneaperf than ' wi do, and of course the ' purchasers of his la bor will in an open market, have ao advan tage." It is worse; than Jdle to be blind to this conclusion. The ratts of Labor forru the standard of, value whereby io estimate the moral and mental improvements ot a Na tion in comparison. with; others, i Skill, tal ent, frijdustry4rdartn create capital): Good Government protects these ; and . just ' in the i;same .:way tjiat ! a ' supe rior workman obtains higher wages than a poor one, sodbes a Nation possessed of the above advantages; take the lead of other Nations, as long as it can maintain a Thigh rate of wages by the above means, it1 Will be pre-eminently prosperous. ; - j fl'Pet;thi;: of thisalue ol Labor lieing Money, it should be measured by a omfotm standard, and not bjf la flucto- ating currency, which, it is satd( is the cause bf the present disiress. KbwJ wbat I is the existing stite of our money talue- as the representative of other values? We have nblcajiblnsr of the .GwrnmenMs:done lipor? a Specie t basis Titer Currency o f tbose Stalesllvhicbbave any Paper lasnes is nearly equal to Specie. If the wages of jfLabur therefnre decline, it will not be owics to Banking UKany way. For the futureif wo . behold our Laborers I iIown,s we, bust jmpnte these eV its to some f other cause than that arising from a ' Paoer I uurrencti:;Arearwani ot work a; uome to,1 - J consequence of empfoy ing tperUf es abroad to wbrk.forus paid by our , Specie or1 the oroducts 01 sectional ana not genera .raiiv., ucv KAi.urtn.ii :v , .-j;L...n..i. ,v::..;.-. ' - bor. is, the true cause., Look where we may r JlPRWiN, N.iY.c -v voice, w bat ha . was i about;'. 0'dmtfr'reA ; wet witness :thtsesolt.pThe:dismantled f- "JCENRYlRUaDEPJ, N Yr-ff, plied Tora.lraplormy; donU-makaVnse -;; i; Etateor-JurlAmencan Shipping ihe tnonop- T;. vCH ARLES S MORGAN", .ys,"f you will frighten fin ..roermaidsVervlatrfa' , olyl by foreigners of .wbat little ca fry ino 'n MEfWINfCQPEtfAND.lCono.1 r detiii.' wared, 'ihMd geotlemae, they, are trade there!?, the suspension of, our manu-' V BENJAMIN REEVES PaJ-: ntydatrgWera. and; iyoudV vsiusbjn a? , .' factuVg enterprise gWe:emPWym"ent?tp J; BINNU.; J, Site ullycora-, neejdyperatives abroadj the feacriled trade -" Frank. andlweVj missing; qoick fas t"" V; sy4to pro- and foon.intereoorse between, all,- parts of AKtvMAN.'N,Y.c : thooht.-iJ5aafoii Poah " M-?sr,?ri j' eriCom. oironce nWsbiog ;Countfy; the plethora r v-L'D.,CBAPN;- gl-r " 'r." sltnboted to over production and diminished w'WMaGJL'AMBERTcN, YV "A j -PAnno oifv i-i A -la ie Koeltsti wtk haihe'v J . ru for which Icoqsumptiori irour Agricultural and .Me-I f ;-t 'Central ComqiitteeT. - ttfollowing sebooni of a,new discovery .via.; the- and is so chanical pursutU-The downward, tendeo-4 ; ' ' , mof wuia-r vWVr -i t; Central cy Wall values save.that of jnoney, where-U , , VPRINT ER" ;.TrT, J . Aooiber ait fcaa ben lately added to-varioas J, - leged. to by Capitalists alone are benefited, and they Th " ' .Vi.in'UV.fflkT. XiL "S?"?1 if of all par- but transiently, the exposure ot the destitute ting and reaining.Mo?! of the ealy printers to invented; .lUa ,'ealVed ph,onograhy, or lit- ' i . the Union to fenme and suffeiing the destruction of were men of erreat erddi ioa and'acknDwlpHTO(l t.r.u. .rin. U -anna , .k.i uw ,!,i.-t.. 4 ! principle o prone to toiiowj thst ot -proper? fabijities, the lights of he: age'jn: which ; i hey J - ' . 3 . ' i - 1 ty,i tnese are actual miseries, wnico tor Mieu,ano,wuof mrougp jjioemeoiaroi or then i tne wao 01 a rrotective otstem, tne Amer. rr.Krtnnn oliiui' .i. nnM.j t middle affes of Europe.! iLirhardT Bodolt -of I man v aim). hit ts innlicable to all lan-flant: aod feel. r " j- r - ' Angsbarg, Uldnck Han of.Il(jrae,.Vandeline de We have before nsa)ook.coDUinng a part of - . t4 " Rut ihft nnmmiitPA fnlfi Wit Vlii I .U' P Dd Aldus Maurit jaa of Tenice, Gering ihe, Scriptures 1 in English,- Krencn; German, J K rjomnS SiS f P"s. Aniony Kobarge.;Tarotoa oftMilan, Chinese, arid .Hebrewalf written in ibe phono try1 IS not compelled to submil' long to .this Caxton io England, wnh many ; others?ere graphic chairacter. Nothing :bas yet.: beVn In- v' . degraded condition.. There is no need that eminent as men ol lefrningvihe .associates of vented wbfch comes -so near .to- ihe ubiversal ,"Vl our young and ; puissant nation should be the great ; respected and bpnured by kings - and character so jmach! j dasired by Btshnp VYilkjns. y .p Of er laid or ove.reached Jn Jtho throes of P'tocps." ' , w ;, j, j j, ;i1 o-. If generally introduced,- it would be a very vat- - distress wbicb oow convulse! the starring ' TheStephen9, Robert and Henry,. were two uable actjuuiiionio the deaf and dumb, enabling i jvi Millions in the Old' iWorldil nor however f moatdistingaishecli-printcra aodlsehoIarV them toexjress"heirbought withlmust as ' jOJ.il deeply we may commiserate their sufferings of lhe l'b centnijrheir serricesjin the owch rapidity as ecin da by speech. .ij S.it n.M.aai. ih.iAt.hnnU.ti.m. nMr. caas? 0 f elaaaieal literaijire canno be overrated:; : i - JM MWM I.AJ" W W WM . f WVIUliU B.U BCD I . : . , IF - 1 . k . . c . . l . I T , r 8 ; . m: L ' ' 1 "3 n . lJ . r i .k i m Many-instances good,it teeresop.-The Nantoek- policy which , seeks to level the wages of x' rru Auicuvau uiuvi ,w a ocitiiv ur no-1 per Standard, cannot be tolerated ly our lo dustriousand better Educated citizens. The hmh character assumed bv us is canable of beio2 su8lained., rTbe bounties of Provt l - . - . -. ,: x " i uiigu w witcu vvfiiuuvisiivv ui vine, 4aci, xinai i et inlander savs ne loiiowine storv was laielv . hence bow everywhere : smile u.on oVJl1 ' ' . . i r ; I . i . ? i o heldf.t bkill, Loterpiiie, the will and Strength to work, the advantages hi ; Educa linn mnA Vr0Artm aihinh ! rail ti nrn no r am. I w m vwww. ..,..w, : ti t,i uivuvi vuw l V : " MVc .w .uf ,U9UO vu itiis by a projecting aud fostering care over Ti --r O O . .."TL ' -,-rr 1 odr Uome luterests that, we bled surely and betmaneotly. nrosperity- A national Commerce tirseiveg must be encourage pwer.jirooaorgovernmenir. ro come; i in theshspe of a Protective Tariff, equal in its -ilintprifillllia nraorar ti till lhaa! rnairnoniloa - i - ,f .. -.-:- 'i-. .;- , i. . . ... - we may be thrown into byj foreign inter fer- j 'f t " lv w wil ittvi w aa wa cvuv iw a eOre a iariQsecuring Home industry and I Home Competition, not fur : the benefit of Monopolists nor of the Government merely tnit fur, tht whole Counlry rewarding La- bar. remunerating: Capital and tqualizl trices. 1 nis, b we believe,! ia ilia reces result of the isystem we ' advocate, the MMgue and the onl; L e we are bound mi.- .-..!. ' ' .' s : : . i-. l iuo aiaiisuciit rcouria emauaunE iroiu i .r; issi itvvii vcuiiuu , H3Uf irrajy oone . .i . i . - .i . I . 4 .j ! Li., l.li j J icb to convince 'th public of theabtlitv " 1 h " our countrymen, with proper, protection -Aimlrimeri aiiln nrniwi n-ni.linn I T- t i-i 1 . r i" ? -i- '"? 1. ' ring, Agricultural a We now invite the Association. t continue ports and to correct anyerrprsiwhicb may tiave appeared in those r already published. Let tba employed joperaiiyes meet in their respective'distruts! to cousult together, and devise the means lo gite a new impulse to tbe hand of Jabot Viet ibemi appoint Dele gates to express their wishes and views ai tbe Conventiunand co-operate with us to rfstorS to the countrir iis fbrmir prosperity; Let the Farmers oi iheliteriof look at the state bf the Republic, and having a Vegarr to the whole country, jlet them meet us through Iheir Delegates; ibepresent their fielinis in behalf bf American Industry aM of! those classes! Who1 jifotniib' a:-' market have t beiadopledoi 1 i!. Pnnnir. i i rfPHnl. Jkinfrtfi with couragement, are odds in lour favor f against y trade, r ran Kim was brought op to the same ed upon the mouse io come oat Yoo taseal, the World; a cheap Soil audi every variety arl and George III, King of - England, waaeo did you Dof promise tbat Isbouid eat Jdo?' tl Climate' secure to us if we only have the P'eed 'ritb it, that her partially learned tbe Ab1 replied the mouse,; but yoa kBowIT tens -J.:i-... i....i eJji........ trade, and frequently set ppi ly pea after be aa in riauor attkt timk !V .? . Jl fbr the productions of the soil and nrevent their forehead, is . genera y more, or . less ... tSero fom beingiPdependenri-on foreign mascoline. Miss Lnndpn was 1 worsshops tor ranrics oi the nrst necessity. ,c,,,,-.uc fM.f rul -t'5 oege rf'JL,. w . ! . A due preparation! rolasures lobe acted Mwt PardeoMss Leslie, ard tbe eel- rtWjfofce ye.- Hie 1 Y, Tri. upon at our next meeungf Will: essentially ebrated Arm Mariaand Jane Porterare tbe booeaaya: Our friend Robert Pyleraon r.iJ.- .k- "irVitLi.-r '-iii -.k-ii rr.nirif. On- if ih itfiTa Prt.r. k. and Private Secretarv of the President, was .WIII..W.U., WMW.W.im'MlVa)... UW.I..UW.WI . I trie Protection of TLiborlHahd the prosertt- who .was admired tor f bif p rtorja) beauty, ti on o( rpciprpcat Commetce; we trust boir Popexwa awfully gly, Pr Johrispo was no citiz?nk generally wtH uneltn bur patriotic Mrbeau was (he; ugliest mad in all labors 'a-SJ ;' j; I IffrN H France,and yet he was the greakal , favor-. ilTbeiComroitteeincohcIUsibb wiir itewith iadie lAVomen mofejfreqnent repeat that in whateyeraeetibnbf thexoun Pze lor sterling qualifies ofithe ir thMA nntimint mv I hki nrnmnlaairt 'l whatever pariy df. Jiateaer trade may ; es pouse themills hoped implicit faili may 1 . X iXJU i'z.' .. . -"i-"""lif LX:; f. ''" .'r1 do piacea in tueir sinceniy, ioo ii ueiegaies are appointed; to meet ;bjtbat tb'ey;lwi)j bring with theei a determination" and -the means to carry our our tiewsei again assert what was contained in our" former J aouresi, inai "io prorooie- jjomestic inter ests the Home League was established with u reference to ptjvi d istmctions, .sodlei imprest upon bur public trkpreenUttyes the prpnMrofgardtng andSproruofing ibo-'e ioierwts, Oureffuns occasion IS propitious aid the necessiti ur if ..""t.- . ri r ; ' gentand we eall Upoo; pj tbose M woo love their own Country : above all others, who !-!.!ir' - ...i?'i '""W' if t IX : 1 . ' preier iomeauc io roieign taierests to a- i bite their exertions to ours, until the con- cantrated efforts of the friends of American ; Ibey and Nations! Je found to;preaib m efery 'de demanded Frank; lapaiientlf. Whyr wktie" , VH.r- partment of onr Uoveinmehu r ? .' t f 1 as .r;.-:;C.c. haven. tfiYv;i'- j-i Jwacrrt ui,v i , x. yi r? i iraoui. i.L .Ji i A I II ll I K A ,T I . H A TV 1 1 1 . h If IJ V- I isT 1,'it kr -xx,--i farmed wiina tar aicKorv kiick-'wuu. stizea : r. i ...... . . . . - i . - - . . o . 1 " Iic9?c9) viu uiuvii w lur uamuesB ov uie i iias there is an intimate connection between printing QbttrSIITM Of thA '. Fnrl . ' thai I ol ana nuowieoge, ana mai printers nave irenuent- Ljnuch of ly been celebrated as authors, and : have risen ffom he manual labor of, the press to the: most eiCfa,ea "?B IB 80ccty and lellers Uajle ?',09. 1 pr,nl" P-d booki from his Ucriot. or committincr his nhonirhia i nanpr - n"i.i;a, "nuuui .no tuvci v-ciiiiuii ui uimiu i Sir William Blacksione. the eminent Jaristfoutbut the fames of Ibeer caused puss io sneeze ; a nil Mmmonlllnr rn ttnn Welt l.1 mA a I .t . ..LI. i X l: . L i. nL. i n -v. vu ugin i.n,nja Wlliiici l memory of almost every an who has moved 'uuwi iu BWiciii ( Win .lUIUICU II I in IDSianceS m I . . . . ' . .... f J . S l . . h . r I iiuiuicN uiiu lusiauccs in I ignorance: So; byf reflet fluence;r they en- lighten his owomind,; artel inspire a! thirsr for loorninw teKiln at f iSa E aom iimA ikn. M..;MU the on rva uius s,,re5 ",' i; - I-. (vMw-fi in a idiujij ui villi dren; worth (endoUcari d'edi-Eveh the most X A nWDninoi' ia a'.anttrw.l ftMil. kr L!I. t 1 2 4s- barren piper brings. isibetblnff 'new-Children lo regaiu -bur legislation,, and ia hieatiieeif Ihelaecative fW01 f f:,; eaWf .H Wg . f i & i a t'J jp.wnicn joe, compositor! arranges, i ,,,u,g r"T7"TM Jt',,"r ,,s ft!?.. m I ...... . (vysu ov.ii. iw uigivii. I r w - ..---ii 7t rhw n:"ijt;. !! I. Ininlf nl bhi-h iiUl. t. J J I '. . r , i t r ,j. .Jl t- ,t, . .... i,?' , "uuu t iw g.iu IIU1C IIICT lUIIIiaill IllVn .lirit trmit: I mr V f bl.,i.i v ...i , ; ....5 ...... wvf!;' niind the sexton wiin'riet me lae her out i 1 1 I : -,:-A- ;'iS'""1v f ' F Then was the lime txrioail(J "bouvsJ- i nllifc-' 5 !i . t ?' 5' x iii.- ' i uu meetm'a OYfir. , - - :x ?'fx,- r ..-.,.) . .... tinarariiiw.-;'.-.'! I nt id ren led a present ... . I.i . - ' . I . -f . .s . , .. I Iha Mtifl imhnrUniiiv'hF l.ltiainani u awaio ui mib cuii-ne gaT wnn coonaenee j t.oi iu a umuj , " " v-"? R :"fv'K De- e wu mr i J ' f - . . of children. Wo, bate made the remark be- fore, and we repeal iii ihat; lake twVjfamilies of cbildren equally jsroarb arid! both goingx tothe llum 9nd na lAuol in Ihil lil-a lnii ftmilis. nl I i : " : one; half,": and an iimportjiot ihalf of jeducation. as it respects the business of the world, and the ability to rise and make onaVeelf respectable in it-ia derived froraHewspapers What parent would out wish his children respectable? Who ! would be willing ta'ba've his neighbors children : i.-iu . J iflioffasom a naperiostsl Olt is even in these mora intelligent man nis own r and yet now in- hard limes absolutefy conternpiibie ia amount, manner felt. except in iti beneficial fonseqoences, who pa id tba subscription regu- ,ai Voce 7ear " 1 4! " jl 1 - ... ,fc ;)i , 2 F Very infellectupl worn aervaTion, are seldorti bealutiful.1 The for- mat.ioo:bf hhei.r,rfitres and particularly rr? '"l'1 a tat oi an .;itellectoal man, I never knew la very talented vmari mmdtban meo do womtn. Dr.l Johnson chose a woman for a wife who bad scarcely in'idea above an ;bys!0r.:' He ;:thWgbt her tbeIoveliescreatore nf exwiepfe,1; if we judge bv the inscription bar' left-on ber tomb. tfore te. i i- Ii 2&ht e SublimtJ'Q ?gee IMf. Prof fit, of Indiana, one of Capt. Tyler's sateliies, a young man eiecleqi to Congress as a whg from a Whig dtt net, and; b Whigs, rise from bis seat Jiblhiii Hpuiej and pour ler denunciation upon the aevoteir bead bf states m an j.nil n.nt Jnhn roriu a uuuo oi personal rinvective and oit- Tl, 'r" r" ' y- .. : . .i . . Ui ' - r . ' : ? . - . Oninrt M1imK. hn UA k.. iu , oer0 l0 bpprwf hefiatf C'pfJlriler. An bid mid ws ut;cb vsked to? subscribe ft a new paper; Sht an wered no she al- ways made ber own news. ; . i . i . ' ; r . . . . . . i -. , I ii 1 IV Ileal vi ' 119 t VUUIIOIIl, a iuiviivu ou.-. re-d or.heathe coo lenisiipteUigenceof the TaineHy Mr. Pickeris? Representative la! on affairs of lbs world. - and acauire useful know-l o..t. r... ? ,-ij- .. Jtfemoifaz - Aa iwo.eent?emeo of the nresif K v oamed lnttt and Frank; -were saateun ataongr ft the Tock$;theyftscofrel - two beaniifnl ,! maids sporting ia ihe water,' "cf fa to the 'beach.' "14 ' Delthfed and astonished al ' ch' a- discover, V . ! " -for a (oomeat'ibejr wtrai a loss" what to doJ-h.' i Reeoferifle; bbweTer.fruaiuheir first softrUtv.i retired behind a reck, where they could etO" not be seeo br tbesa dmnhies of theToceao' - V SaidTcm,'lf Now Frank; oat "vrnh ywirrnoie't, . book, and write ,hl: I dictate?'; tny oran$ jot p-' : moonbeam : -eves nght ast ligbier.jng , . . -fD-.s. rnooib, cheek", notV&cv beytmd'ihe 'reach bf . - Johcsoo, Walket & Co.. oh LoU!,Hre(ihey JJt . weie interruptedly 4 atouCelde'rly eent'effian,,": i , word as it fapfonoonfeid.. It does away aliooe-. s - : -. - therwiin tbe tetitoas method oi pellirtor it. aisnocij 5iga3 lor. i an ine suoncs 01 ine pa told by a reformed inebriate, as an apology for LUnJatVaiKi lk ! Inllni;ifin mmia I I thelfollTi uf drunkards : A mona rana - nz abuut a brewery, ha npeninr; lo fall into one of thecals of beer, Was in immediate dan- ger of drowntoff. and annealed la a eat to help him out.The cat replied, it isa foolish reqoeat. " ' hc mnnn n:i(nnsti rpnnea inai inai iaif w nil in nm riti iiit. n.k.An$nk. I'v.i i-.n-t. ( mouse WOb JtMUJJO In Ilia noic. . 1 118 C81 CSII We rememehr peing at a Conference Alttifl0 lli.ilinff Min. YantrA unl. uhpn nnn tit Iho t i.'f " w 1 . . W ' w. " W rDo you want salt ation' Wit! con, ookin1ntbhis1)rutil7ic ' i l 1 -i iavt x w said the neaf m; A. O. Cent7".';"r There are5 manv if our readers who will re lar.l - ln hs.r inf (tia kiiqvs iimnahi a fTlijtl tAiXeiia. fiiivwij - ouii i iuuu uuiUincm oiiiniriiu I . . - . , X - : " . . i ' . k. - i- .n-rr.ikMj.v.k k.v. . health whan hit firil met tliehi! -J7ii-iii. iicaiiu itii-u iib i , - u Li--C. j , .ir - H anrtala of Jl itttoxipation scarcely furnish a mg by herlronk to sate her from de- struction. .Her clothing was almost wholly barned, saving t-nly a small fragment between beJ shoulders and tbe groond where she lay ; and her f a$ 6oroed ta crisp. Rochester Tost; . r lit i! . I; -'4-1 i m ir . . Ii . ! TimeTsfgivehf that we may lake care of aternity,ad ejewHy will not be loo long to re- gret tbe loaof purme, if we have misneotit. ' , i. , . . .ii frdg.GeotlemanG .od mt,rn. ing Miss Sally f how do jpu do tmsinorn-, ng? j Ml . ti . Sally fl thank; you, sir, I feel sorofwhit debititate in Wyiprovocalite powera.f uentieman. r'mcKamtcomico, maaiqi. here a few days since, very deeply: engag ed in xPoijtica arrangements and negetta--tions. Ibne o( tw conferences witJsr lain Ioco Ecb; mange is he innocently andmodestTyr observed 1 that his father would wimitmii claims ifor ' re-election toj a Deimct&icyional Conventions The Kinderbbckers Hjetwed their f aces1rto an, a go'nizjng Volem ni. tyL during the brief re- matnder:bf the taferenbet-bur;tbe way ; tb ey "g u flawed i s sbon . a a t hey got oh t of : sight watf ipoaiilveiyj dangerous Happily, no blood-vessets exploded.; ' ; Virtne is both a j tit re ana an estate, i ti tle the mbat exaltedj because it is God who confers it; an estate; the most rich, because it endures forever. Envy may notdero gate the nt?o because it is written, in the book of Heaven, and fraud cannot dimin ish the estate, because no sin can reach it, :Jl zobd many pnlatoes for one rttf. t We unratand that a very worthy daueh- - . s -a 1 ; ! -.ter of the Emerald! Isle, wife of an lnd-.s-t trioos ana nonest ptsrrunn, give -jino, on Saturday night last io three nice bo s a fi of them ; with the mother, we are glad to say doing orate . D. Adv. if."-. J'l I'! JLI 1f . iff . if f-H. 414---I' i , ' -: i- -;f-,f I r 'Sir's 5 i ' if 3 ii--.-. IS '! lift' w X, -I i h 3 fl"" 1M it :! i. if fiX :x,i- -' iii 4- ' 1 ; ir - X4 ? 'f .'i .'X-:- Si' L ' iri-.. I.-; '.. - . t. . 4 ;'ixW - til. -1 J V X i ' 1. - ' S-". - T ?'--'- '"T-f- 1 " if i )r t ' - - 1 - - - ' - ' "4' : ' -i , ' ! -"A- . - -