i I ! ,X;X J X az ilL - A" r . .1 i 1 t- it. J- 4 i s --,: j . i- 'i; 4 .1 J t- t x -4 4 I T'l" n .1 t IS, .i v f IV mitt .4' .1 1? ' 1 1 Si '.1 fc tank nBuqwppMKMrf . - Line ta the Jfcst, 1T : crday at 6 o'clock A. and a r rites all Abe-; .title everr M'ndaj tod Fniayt p'cJpct.'P. "(.Learet AsheriUe e?ery Tuesday aod Sator day, at e'o'clock A:M., arrif e$ ai fcahsbwy next - I Passeflgerd Jratelling- on rbwlinwul receive good acc6nmodati6na. (Oar 'I'eirai and! Hacks are excellent, and the Prirer, sobers akUful aod accgaimlatiny inopaioa wiH-he spared jtoren- 1 der tritfa safe ancf pleasant to the pasaeners. f rVV i SHERRILL& PARKER, i Traveller taUeXJVolice ! r Timothy R: Hdslieslh: HAVING OBTAINED. ihf JLWSIOJY ff.0 USE for! public accoinntiodaijpd, In- fprm9 hjij friends and the publ'ie generally, that he is no piepairld Jo fecettel Indj j eelerjtaia all who isaf fa tot h)m:"wit:l4-Uieif iatinger' 1' ' i HU shall atwaf s be well and; plentl- folly aoppf if d with e?eiy thing the- cooolry af- lords to please ana aaitsiy me paiaic evu wiao f His Wjli ' bi'.' foVnaJ MftiiKedlWiint! .cnoice 8RifCiKB ni Liiquora, v iuesno vwihjbis, i His SWABLE8 shall becMi anily afttepded by .faiihfnl ani,. aUeoiiye boat! witb abradant provender. 'b J : j.N.'B.jiTbe tage Office Is Ion House. i ; .- j 't.-. j Charlotte. N. p.. May 23, erajaiidra'upplied 1 Il-r kept at the Man- Ik!. 1842 6m44 f HAKES 4bls method o ; I InTdrroins bit friends and the lpobio;tbat be is stM cairring oil ihe' Warch and Clock making, and tte- pairtn? business', all . his old stand, nepr the. Coortboose, fi All work done by bim will be warranted for twele roonihs. He still keeps on hand a small assortment 6f Jewellery: . rU- -m-tiu 6 Old Gold and : Silver taked in exbangd for Jewellery or work done. Sal sbnr'fHi'Vlafeh. 1-2. 1842.-tf33 Copper 9 Tin JPlaU and Sheet M.VNUFACTORY; fXHE!Sobs(?ribera biting located wj jSalisba- LB. fy , two dboi-s below A. MatihieH1 corner, do Norib east 8t reel, tespeUfoyin()rto jth pub lie, i bat they hare opened a-shqp, tbich is now in full operation, for :he manafacturaof all kinds of WareJ and execotibn of! all kind oJTVyorki in ijie aboTislinie.; They invite the atteriibo of ;(be public to iheir present atock;ofj vj Jl:'! :k k A I "m a m s lil m suumjtui wiin.li nicy ,irtciju itscjiia, lv on haod.) conststinsJinpaitLf the follow ins t.rticls: , , " ' 'y-. u l ,y y Cf 4 -1 $tibste'TO Brass do;, plain and Japan I Tm Warzi Britain :! . ia jfrre-.loe,j SliJvl4t4f ' j Beside! the manolactsre ir all kind of Wares in their Ime, jthey Jbold themselves in! cooatalit work proving deficient in! workmanship, will be madpgoii free o- chaige. Y h ': y $:. ; ! ?rr7dld Conner. ewier andl Leadl: taker in excbange!'fur work; . ; ; J S ?j :;.::;!' J. U. URUWNi& Ctf. i Anril Gt im; - 4 V, f i l ii l ' ',1 State of iior tn (TavoUUfX Superior Court, of iMvprtng Term, i. -4 :rom Salisbury ivia.StaUsvxUe ana J1ot- . .--h TTSnow in full opersltoo, OEflfDihrQngli;io , i JL iwo davs. and twice a weefcjas fdllowi : , i. Mai. . readiness to answer calls for r aciory work, Koof - ing, Lockrrepairihgf. ano1 indeed every -kindof wnik that Coprramiths,1 Tin-fltte and Sheet lion workersj'qsaaliv'' ttnjferaM.1! Ant -of :'heif .IX if. ' : '1 I i 1B. artha l,m)f r. Rpben j I vin',3: 1 V9- ftrvuuw lor ivivorca & Alimnnv t ' H J I" . . i. i , J - ' ! . r . t XT'. I " IN thislcase-ii appearing to the talisfactiont of the Court, that the Defendant. Rnhri f g is not an innaoitant ot this State ; It is therefore Brdered b the Coori, thai poblicaiica be oadem i the Carolina Watchman and Greensboro Patriot ? for three months, for the Defendant Robert hvm. I I rvfr";" twr neii oopermri uourt, ot:L.aw;to fbeheld frdlcounty, at iheConrt.Jiooseiin I Lexingtoo.oii the 1st monday after. the 4th mon I diy in September next, ibm eiirf there answer I or: demortto said petition, otnerwise1 judgment I pro confesso will.be taken, and irhe case set, tar hearing expand ,;X't4iy Ui',Si Vitoess Andrew1 ilunt. Clerfe of lLitln t tiffin lh. ui momlty .fi.r tbe7 4tb mos- 'AH- ScaAS Printers fee lf 4- I rccrfkCir- riiv CTooscnoer re$tectra tv r iPnA till! i.. ' I -:M thanks! fof passed f9t SndhegS !eare lb Tftform .the Dobtioi! that he is still VrinL it tenders afeotebusineks fetis old stand inlliisiyiribas hranehe Ha has now .on 'fajsno.: ilhdkomV 4ock of lakes' ana gentlmenSboesiaria Boots which are of ibeyert heat:ataieriifi,ntf,i.kti. -.' lee ' . i- ' ; T" I-" " " iu ne nron gooo terms for cash. IHe.wH! take dried aod green Kidps. it Tinn'-roi tiling- ini worK.; juhn H01Pp ril16,iat2-6ravi t i if To irneyn fM$ntiersi t Tjiiitl srijei ,8 desirouif or! employing! a cjonstanif eloympot nd4gbodi W,a. "He wants te follt rnrtenjXt- nV tht; enure managyment of a Yajd,land to cbn, tihmm rtouM branches ofjthe bu?inpM. One wiib a sm!all- hot thofie f looefAnd itdutrtct08riaDits.lLeait. addresH to the lobscnbef at Cedar Hill. Aason ;buny, N C, Shall be. pupftiiiatly attended to 1 . x i ' XJ FIDUNlvAP, BQOH r RESTORER : OF,:THE;BL00D,. f. CHRONIC AND OTHER-DISEASE';, Cft H ETHER prodoced.?y t bile, phlegm, i V freni infernal morbid matters, arising from hadlv cored old disordeia; from ibe 'nsa of mer cory, calomel, ark. &e., or (io females) from the change of life, as specified in the Pamphlet. ' Aim 3irniMTv qtrup. luis meaiaoe is in all Venereal Disorders, a certain remedy. -X-j-j. 'ABTSSiitrA MiXTtTRCfin liqoidand io paste,) celebtated lot its speedy and perfect j removal - ot Gonorbce anolGleei.-; ' ? ' vr" CJold Wise Ualsam, for Bmooeand ftervoos AffectiooVColds &c ' j t'";i r - Aromatic Extract, a liniment for Indige? i ion,. Coldness in the stomach,' Numbness or Weakness, in the limbs, Rheomatism, yc. l ljytrvRimt: PdwDEK, for Biliens:FeTcr Headache Diseased of the Eyes, Stc.wbicb is lo be takeri in the Restorer. -r' t i Japan Oiktmekt, for Piles, which is to be innll Kcm the Restorer: r-' "t' " ' . Bekgal Ointm ent, -for Tetter,' Ringworm, Salt Rhenm Scaldheid. Eruptions of the skin, and foal nlcers,r ; is to be applied besides the Re atoreKV - - ' - t - V ' - - S f , l--; v UNITEBSAI. OR '9iiiBowBfti-i.., lor diseases of theUnest, uyspepsia innamma tnrt Khenmatism, Palsy; Paralvsis. fic. , .n iTtTMf L-Ar!rtiTRTini Oil. for 'Deafness and all other Anricqlar Complaints, which' ia to bensed together with the Restorer, i 'f tmrir. KflhVa Pamnblet 'Tieatmeiil." , entered according to Act of Congress,' contains fall Ujrectiotrs foune nseoi me a-wTe meniioa- ed medicines; and; accompanies every Remedy From the Washington Globe. s We feel ii our.-daty "o insert the following commanicaiioq in onr colarons. ipasroocb as tbe efficacy and great saccess of! Dr. Kohl's! Restor er it well known id osj V" 4: t ' 'V I- Yoa wm please to. notice in joox paper in following cenicaiesx j 'H'h ;:y (( I d hereby certify, that abont ihe first c e January, I was taken with the worst paralysis and inflammatory rbeoroaiism that ever was in flicted oa mankind,! So far as l ean Icam, the ose of every limb was taken Jrom me, besides' a tremendous swelling at every joint, fever with tbe same, and attended with tbe most excrucia ting pain I bad eve encored. I tried all reme dies that were recommeridable for the same, but to no eflfect. . I. by accident ' was informed that Dr Kubl, was at Orange Conrt Honse. I! sent fur him immediately, and by applying his medicines, I felt a change in less than an boar after be came. Tbe medicines nsed, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extrsct. Gold-Mine Bal sam, Universal Piaster.and Deporative Powder; I, I heiefore recommend his treatment to all tbose laboring onder affliction , as given under my band and seal, this 14th day of March, 1837.' M JOHN PEVTON, u a HV"MtarOrarigt Court Hause Tirginia? : Dr Kubl.notwithstanding tbe statement in the aooTe cenmcaie, wwnes to oe nnaerstouo, mat in genetal, cures cannot be1 effected j within .an hour, althoogh; a person may he roach; benefitted within that time by!tha use of his medicines. f Ie feels ir; however, necessary to give ihe fol lowing extract of a letter from his Agent at Or ange Court House, dated Ma? 19ih, 1837. i y Dear Sir 1 saw Mr John Peyton to-ay and he looks better than I ever saw ebim. He says if it bad not beien for yoor medicines he sbould have been onder groond. He reqaested me to tell yoo, tbat yoa bad saved, his life,! for bnf time, and to present h; respects tp yooiii .'.Voor Restorer is tbe leading medicine! in this connty. and many cores of importance! have been effected intbis neighborhood by tbe ose of yonr medicines; 1 1 iave had a great ncmbr of!ven ereal case3, and many of long ctanding, and al ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Antl Syphilitic SyiapiTorj Abyssinia Mixture, a i per fect core." and that in a short' time. 1 ti l sir 45f JlMorovgh, J)r. C, July 13, J842. lis lnar Ueldiifh l.. vj nvnK) aifsiaMgaa - Y- U Dear Sir ' fi think yonr Medicines are about to take a start in this county, from the fact that they effected a 'care which seems to have baffled tbe skill of the physieiana in this section; for a year or two, Tbe subject is Mr Nathaniel N, who has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some other complaints, 3y,Flat ulence and Dyspepsia. He has taken one bot tle of the Restorer! together with the Aromatic Ex tract and JJepuratire Powder. He says tbat in iweiye noors ne ten relieved, and In twenty-four hoars, much relieved). . He has so far recovered, now, as to follow tbe avocation of his farm with little or no difficnliyj He says he wants all who are afflicted to ose your Medicines, aod ia re commending them Ip the afflicted. :1V 1.X I would be glad yoo would send me a sonnlv ery soon, by the sisge, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixta re, as a vast num ber of persona are taking them now. rf . 1 i I Respectfully yours, . r. M , f f V ,M. A. DRAKE. lC7Pcrsoni wishing lo procure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders. with Ihe amount, (post paid.) to K sv -. '' (s r" i ... . V Z n . UR. KUHLS UFPlCE, It ICHMOND, VIRGINIA. j or to any of. the following Agents 1 h ) nwa in VAUUUM. r: .Tnlrin At TtilcTa Kiliahr... 'HarffiaveiGaitber&i Co. rTininK5 i. k n.. qioan, ureensDoroooh, G. W, &IC. GrimmeviRalejgh, I ' M.J' A. Drake, Ashboroogh. ' Xt .t J F & C Phifer.ConcorU. ': . 1 -1 -B!Oats.1Dharloite.r .- ,f :T "1 , C C Henderson, Lincolntoo. 1 O- r CI - i- . ; -si i vi Li"' 1: Soutrt Carolma. . ' f ,iX Steele, Gunning Co. Yorkvjlle. X X McLure, Btawley Co. Chester C. ;H; The contioaatiom of the list of Agents; see uri tw. s rampniex I- NOTICE. Patients and A rents in the1 State ol North Carolina, and South and - West of it. will please direct their orders toDr KuhVs Ofi i AT f . J .1... !. TT::I- . j'kfc, ..lucjgij iuu iiiusb in v irgioi, ana Worth and Eist of if, to Rtelimond, Virginia: L Aogust 6. ; j 843-ilr -'! -.gJ Cotton Gin llalciiig Business ; X-v 1f-:; i . 'i. - rvv.vi,-' ?o'Vf iffHE subscriber would respectfully inform the ym.:. CcUizenajof RoWan and tbe adjoining coud- iiean nai ne pas commenced Ihe above Bosiness in Salisbory.! Hiakhen ia Ur AtYf.at f iMosesli. Brown's Tan Yard, where be is pre pared to execme alls workio his lino of busiaess ;wuh opatnesa and despatch. Frcm a lnn ex perjence in the bosipess, he feels confident of his ability lo give entire saiUfaction u all! who may favor bun with .ihebr aatronage. V XJ- - r N. R.rAH orders . fiomti a -'distao'eaX sbalPbe j pinctually attended to. Repairing of evp?t .l. scriptioo done on , t be 'shortest' notice; both ,Gios and.ThrrshiDg Machines -Xrk?s-r .-t c V . ! AEXANDER ITRAUiY- i cBusouryjune ao, 1342 6m48 i -J- DBejlXUHS duPREMEC REMEDY 0R;: FEVER ANn Af;i?KiAND B1LLI0US FE v W n U-I'There is no remed y; k no w ri t either ' tn ' VrofessiooaT or -domestic practice, eoabeulotelyf immediately, aoo permanently emeacjous in nis nvafenfabd obsiina'te malady.as MOFFJlTS celebraieJ and long established JAFE PILLS ana renowiieo as iiviueh tuec4 h,' in general, in FQVEKJUVD and all Biliioos Affections ibey,are.more soj'becausei in; these tbey are as jjnfallibfe aa anyjhuman means cid be This has been proved, in toore than ten thoosand cases, nor is there an instance in which they bae failed, or. reasonably can fail, when ta ken in atriict accordance with the directions here sobjoined,and which are also given 'mJlWF- FATS MEDICAL MJLnrUJU tnd Uood af niaritan. 'But lo ensure invariable success, these XFUVER' and AGUE; in all its four leading species, is pecol ia r r pe KJp.Cic a t " ad m i r.ist ratioo of a nroper Temedfi io conQtctlcn with the spe cific powers of one of tbe ingredients in his med- icinesris ids -eecrei 01 dis inTanaoie ,:iiiuiup', while all other practitioners either entijelv fail ot only temporarily Bocceed, were, with, tbe ve'v Ague is either QriiJiam, or daily ; Tcrwn, or tbird.dad j' Quarlan, or foortb day : Eratic, 'or ncT rmmiM inni wpr Known. ' (ihkius., ui sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a-; nother; or it is Complicated. ey- taking these perioda in succession, and Iben tanning into in termittent fever oft a more malignant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however, mysterious and unaccotintable t may appear, that' each and alt of these apecj.e8 of Ague, have a foub- . v k v Miitit in i mhipti: ' fhV f IMf -iti cored withj certainty, bnt by neglecting which tbey can jonly be cored by chance. Dr. Mxr-, fat's directions for taking the medicines in this; disease, are therefore these : First, take two of tbe Life Pills at bed time, and next morning! oefbre breakfast a full wine glass of the Pucesrixt Bitters lo about the same quantity of k water, and nan a wine glass more in p mil wine grass of water. aboot half an hour before each meal during ther day. n On the second sight take three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bitter a! before!, and eon- tinoe taking tourf pilia ; every night tor tnree nights more, with the bitters d tiring the day; Oq or before the aeventb day,tbe Ague wil seem to be entiirely cured, ancf ihe patient wil feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must'ne- vertbeless continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, until and on ihe fourteenth day, witty two Dills every ni?ht after the seventh day. He will then, and hot until tbeib with positive and invariable certainty, be Dermanently cured. and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious and liver affections it may halve superin duced or even in any way connected. ! If, how ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un due confidence in reatored health omit to take the! Phoenix Bitters ini the full quantities pre scribed, at least three time! oiii the, fourteenth day Dr. Mafiut most not be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient should learn wisf dom from affliction,1 and go through another course of the .medicines for a fortnight longer Obeying these instructions, however, be will be so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease however o heal thy may be his location or) prevalent tbe maladyf around him. For children between se veo : and : fourteen years of age half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; fori younger children,' a quarter of those quantities, ! to be ; increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood 10 iniancy.r lor tery young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone! be necessary, if - ' l-lll - -j:!-fk" 4- This treatment, with these; supremely effec- toal " LIFE MEDIClNES'lhasbeeo peifectl Jy iriompbanl in the worst regions of the Soptbl ern and Western country, and around the norths ern lakes,! where the malady prevails with tho uDiversaiiiy 01 aa epiaemic, ana tne demand lor tbis sovereign remedy has been far greater than the sopplyDR M0FFATf$fAg4nts, how4 ever, are now well furnished, and. will maki ev ery effort to eend this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous ly grateful testimonials are received at the nrtU prietor's office m;j New Yoik. by eveTy mail! in incredible nombers, to-4 be absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not-only in Fever and Agne; other intermitent fevers, ?Uver lza billious affections, and derangementa of the di gestive functions generally, but also n chronic and Inflammatory rheumatism, costi veness, pains iu 'ne Biue inu hojos, eruptions o tne SKin,ecro fula, piles, worms, scurvv, ianda host of other complaints for the core of which; these Vegeik able Life tfedicinesiTe so preemiaentlv re- 1 mt t T t" nr V , i: nownea iprougooui tne united states. Know-, iog, however thai many of these diseases,' as wen as a most ratal nnderminingof the general health arej occasioned by Fever aid AgueVt Moffat, irt his advertisements invites the .- cial attention of the public to the absolute a seen dency of his medicines over ;nls malady ihe fountain head of so P7 others. He has only to add tnat, tbe Liie jieuicines are agreeaoie ano invigorating in their operations; require neither confinement por change of diet, and have acquir ed tbe reputation jhey nave long; possessed, not by the usual artificial efforts, but solely by their invariable ana extensive useruiness. 1 f re pa red and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 375 Broad way New York.! T'L i .i. :r'. 1 ; I5;- I. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail .at tbe Salisbury Medical Drug Store, by :' 4 X u u. wheeler, .agent. Salisbary,ep S.' 1842-r-lt6 ,t ,. ; TO WttE MBIfBiMjMC .M ii !' F niH E subscriber takes this mlthodl of infbrm. XJt- ing the pub)ie, that he 6iiJ continues i to carry on th business of . : r - CUT'1'Ai.M G STOIMB, as usual, at his Granite Qoarry; seven' miles south of Salisbury , near the old Charleston road, where he is able io supply all orders for MILL STONES, ot.lile best grit, and oo the shortest notice; V'tjp- 1 ' Svff &c. &c, t - h-J-rHOULDHOUSER.1! . Salisbury, Feb -26, 15421ilySl vr :. ; K :BOrders for lany oflthe above -wrooghl articles; directed toi me atiSatobary.will pe pqpciuany auenoeu 10. vt m - i-' s 'J. H. X!J 1 Attorney Couhellbr a1y- rik-XJ-" ' - --hi SALISBURVrW'cUX OJJice, first door Southwest I Coiron; JJnC Sali6borViJobeQ5, 1842-if4S i . Attention Constables ! very neat 5-- uianK . vairanT8; wun n,xecoiions, m allhtlowtot price f,' X if Winoow StUs, Door -sills, Door steps,-; roogh building rocks, Tomb stone. Gold tfrihders: &c. jus; pxinled Itnd M sale al thUOmc; 'JCWPROVim'OIIXO itvEGETABLBFEBRIFUGE;aspecf- K h-g 121. tjK- fic aod.lasiing cole; for Fever and Agm.ind tor . JL- X : fc. v GeneratWeaknesse?; wiih,tbeir kindred com- kVjl V-- "JV 'i --l f plajhis;.so ong, so exiensivelt. and W aocces ? ffAnoCE 'rT.Sj&ARD V fallf empoyea idrooghoot ine uniiea i and elsewhere, has been essentially: iroprov- j TTJ Rbwanrfrafteri a residence "cf'unwarda of. two I tftars.doiioff 1SS9 and' 1840, onon the the Mississippffwbefe be'eclojed the fullest vantages and opporionjties lor acquiring and personal Knowledge oi. idc; peculiar llJRll It better Jadsptedndall or to either of the mbst prominent varieties oader'-which intermit-: tent Fever, or Fever and Agae, presents itself in every part ot tbe world ,dC6n Agbe, ie -characterized by tbe Bilious; and tbe 01 i spiriis, ii8ueuess, - irni&uuuj, jususwuc--, laSStlUUPa. IlClJUOUt, JVUIIi UU liembiiog.convQlsions, dizziness, Vf tion; weikness, and other mrvous This Variety js mostly met lauiaaeai-". :.i 1 . -s-i.' - ;;.x.-' r? 1 The;second, or Bilioo8 .Intermittent Fevei, or iAraV! is recognised, when in additions to the usual marks of fever. are presented in a s degree certain bilious symptoms, ' yizJ yellow tinge of the skin.bUioos vomiting, bitter taste in the mbath;disordered bowels, Irritable stomach, tongoe white, changing to brown, skin hot and dry c,; etc. ;This variety prevails in the south, ern and tropical climates.-; , ; "'Ft X'-vti ijTbe tbitd, or .Congestive form of Intermit tent Fever, or Ague," is known to be approach ing j or already present, when the osual signs of fever are attended by great distress at the pit of the stomach, or; in the '' head, or in the bowels, or in the ii?ht or left side of the abdo men, swooning.' Insensibility or stupor, delirum, great kod sodden loss of strength, deathly hue of, countenance, collapse, the fever stroggling to manifest itself in tain, the fital powers of . the system being apparently too feeble to establish a re action &c , did. Under' this formidable as pect, agues are so frequently encountered in the Great Western Valley, and where its fearful rat; ages are loo well! known tobe described. ;' Yet the Improved Tonic Mixture," administered under the " additional instructions " now given, folly meets even these alarming symptoms so (hat: while it prevents, by its! gentle laxative ef fect, any accumulation in the bowels, it has been made to reach to tbe fountain of all the impor tant secretions and excretions of tbe sy stem pj riffing these sources of heal.h and energy re moying any of theaeedsof disease which chance to be; lurking there, and by maintaining an equal- . . . ; . , . . . . . lAof firnnimttnn nraaanlmir inlMtintl mnitsBlinna ,v v,iv...iU..ltiiii,iiui.s iwikgiiuii wuwiivu. ndlljtbe sad consequences? lo which they too uuaii icau, auu ai iuo saiua uuic urcuaiius iuo digestive 'organs : to receive and diffose tbose health giving impressions which most ever flow from; its peculiarly invigorating, properties. f amilies may now nave within their reach, a sure protection against, and remedy for that great scourge and destroyer, tbe ' Uongestiye Fever.1' Usually, the three classes of symptoms above enumerated, are foond more or leas blended to gether,' as tbo caoses producing each variety are generally 'concurrent to a greater or less extent, j . 1 1 i; . t . . ' e especially;; in in ose sections ot inecoaotiy wnere tbe grand divisions above specified approximate and rati into each other. 1 I t 1 1 he abot ' medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical Drog Store, by "hi-ij l C.B. WHEELER, Agent, I! 5alisburjrN. C; w Sept 3, 1842 ly6 ! jifli ii! j! pr. Sherman's v -, x. Are the best MEDICINES in the World, BEING ;the cheapest and! most pleasant. The Medical Faculty, warmly approve them. Dr Sherman is a skilful aod experienced Phy sician, and a member of the Medical Society of Sherman's Cough Zoxenges, Are the safest, sorest, anAnosi effectual remedy for i Cqioghs Coit Consamption, Whooping Cough jittam Tightness of the Langs or ChVlx:f--' x : i -; " !xl;-..-iv f4 SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES 1 Are the only infallible worm destrovin? medi cine iever discovered. ' Theylave been used in ovef 1 1.400,000 cases and never known to fail;" SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief io nervous or sick Head-' ache,' palpitation of the Heart, Lowoess of Spir its,! , Despondency, Fainting,1 Oppression "or a sense of jinking oX the Chestj Diarrhma,1 Las- aiuuut?, ur a sense 01 lautrne. f - : -jvt t Sherman's Fiver and Jttnitt Tj?pv iiM-j -7 - -X " ? . W: nio iuB mosicenaio remeoy iw tnis distressing complaint, ever offered to tbe American public In the impaense number of cases in which .they oave oeen oseo, mey nave never been known failXiXX X- i . ... X ,X-: j j i Shermdn's I Restorative Lozenfres: Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so mon and troublesome during ihe summer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose of jthese l-ozenger jvl'heVire prepared express com ly ior mar purpose, ana can pe relied! on " wit! perfect confidence. Persons subject to s deranrre ment'of the bowels should never be'withoul ibem, a Bey.anord immediate relief From all the attend ant gripingsi fatntness, depression, -cJ-. SUejriaus patKartic Lozenges Are as pleasant abd easilytaken as tbe common peppermints; and are an aette and efficient medicine. :J hey cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic everoted for bilious persons. X Where an active medicine is required "j are noicoiy ine oest,oui tnesatesi tnal can do administered . ; . ;..--. 1 - - - - , t: Shemi&g Sirengl henir&PLA STER, The best of -alt plasters for Rheumatism, Lum bago, pain or Weakness in ilhe'.Back, JjrinsV Side or.BreasL". "- 4 : X - .The above-medicine ts for ;aale, wholesale or M a . . . ' -m m A a . ( . an. retail, mi tbe 25aiisbory niemcat Druv Store, by ; ti-f f? C.B WHEEJLER, Agent, ;V;.f;Vx-" : Salisbary,N.C", Sept3.iS421y6X W J'- . Superior; Court Writs Just printed in "ihtfneat&tufe and on 1 ' i MAI Mi...r'.tf tf: JJ'. 4 iCCVVU mtUUKTm LLm I tirLTF.. I . " - - I kin leaiures wnicn Disease prescm!n io uitjh us mine irgw 1 1 rwiH w 1.sSV.w..y.. .r vuf.tprn Villpw-sncr for annlsinirr lesliriff. and 1 New York FASHIONS, and f prepared to ac- still farther perfeeiinghia peculiar method i of commodate ih6 tastMiheashioriab treating that peculiar class of complaints to which times.! $ ir'- J t."-t -; : 1'", K has for unwards of' fifteen yearsdevoted his 'tr3 Cutting garments of all .kinds attended roost earnest, and almost exclusive attention. J' - to promptly J and ilhelaiest Fashions. furnished The important improvement which has been in all, times to coon try tailors, and ? instructions stituted iu tbeTonic Mixture, consists in so mod-, giten in cntling. .' ti?.1.-vv.? r tffing its General saiuiarr iperttioo as to render 4 Salisburyi Jan. 1842. Iy25 i - . k, K - the nredominanceof more cr less of the tullow 1 f ing set of symptoms, 'soperiodacedinpon the" "rr7 general sighs of fever,-viz: anxiety, depression J Ml . ZT.BTJ7r;:rE BIS HI p FOR -THE ES PfiClTU IX Y1 nhii msf his tVien'ds and , -t K nuMIrf 'i hf he 1t HI car lies ont b e TM- LOR1NG BUSINESS ai IiU old stand I on main lie ftsnir r i airM rti rfrwir iA the Anotnecart -oiorc - ad-4iseyrteadytd execute thewrdereotMscrjsiqm- at oiiccvi era io,ijn? uianiici . pn'a. j BOUI1II I WOrkmxuiu vuq .v-cstciif aii wiiMiouwiB., m" til; V WEEKLY JUM SEMhWEEKLVU rink! fjl, NEW .YORK v iv t , ; vdiTHT ir f 1 " ROM and after Friday. th J 1th inM.,' Ihe JFeeJttV imcf Sm fFeeAca Courier and 1 nnuircr win oe eniargea 10 ine size 01 me Aat lisbed on Wednesdays and Saturdays..1 On the outside will bef hlaeed all the contents of the dai ly sheets for the two precedinsfj days, together with appropriate matter for the generaH reader, selected for the purpose ; and the inside will: be tne inside of the daily paper ot 1 be same day. Thus all new advertisements in ihe daily paper Wednesdays and Saturdays, will also appear! in tbe Semi-Weekly paper for these days, without any additional chargef to iheltdyertiserlhi nnhlication will: of coarse! be mailed, with Ibe Daily 'paper of tbe same date, and carry to Ihe reader, in tne coaniry.ine very laiesiinieiugence. Terms ofitfie SemiX Weekly "Papery ! y Four dollars per annom, payable 1 10 advance. Five dollars per annum, in all eases when pay uentiis not made in advancer"t''f -1- fc-lA j ! .1 . I.'''''..' ! ' ! f j. ' ,1-." : . Any person forwarding twenty-fiye dollars in money, nor more i nan nvejier jceni-ji oeiow. par free hf rstagetfill be entitled to seven copies to be sent to tbe same post office ; and afiimtlar rates for any larger number of subscribers." When tbe mbnley sent is inbre than five per cent below par fii! New. Vbrlcv it will Jbei sold! at j the current rateslftbe proceeds carried " lo the credit of the aubsenber, and tne papers sent tor a pro rata pe nod of time. WEEKLY COURIER and EJVQUIREB. This sheet, also of the size of the Dailv Coa i r . rieriibd he lirgest weekly! pper issued from a i daily press" w II be published on Saturdays only; .nSlihuHHitlnn mall the matter nnblishad io ibe . -- -' - - . . . - I : . tit f .... .. I nsiiy ; vOXing-1D0 ween, wincowaia irnoi una I contionoos story, and a great tar iety of xtrac;t8 on miscellaneous subjects, relating f tni his politics,! litersture.iagricaltefe, manafact ares, and tne mecnanic ans.w i ? rr-v.- It is intended to make this sheet the most per feet, as it will be one of the largest of the kind ever offered to. tbe reading) public that is. a newspaper in jibe broadest sense of the term, as it necessarily will be, from containing all the matter of the j paily Courier, iand at the sarie time tery .miscellaneous and l(terary,by reason of ; selections arjd repablieatioos set op for Inser tion id this paper. '! f- x- :.H X-'X'H The politics of the odrije & Enquirer are too well known to the Public to requite any ex planation. X It was this paper! which -first gate the names of Whigs snd Locofocos to the two greitl parties in'the United States; and could its counsels have prevail i Harrisburg in Decem ber 11839. HENRY CLAYi would now have been ;the President of the United Slates- lis mbtlefnow is "Joslice to Harrt of the West, lei he consequences be what they may; and it iVtbe only paper in the greaicommercial eropo riem of the United Statesmen has assumed and will maintain iVV)$i X i i TEiiOFitTHE WEEKLY COURIER AND ENQUIRER. . U !Tp single subscribers, fAree dollars per an ! ..( . -''I'll-''- ' - - J' ' ;' ' ' " ' To! two or more subscribers, less than six, to be sentto the same, post office, too dollars and fif ty cents per annum, ;,,v v i 4. ,,( i. AOiBtx sooscrioers, ano ipss inan ucemyjive, to be Sent to not more than three different post officeftfteb dollars yer annum - - , To classes and committees oyer tweniyfive fn number, to be sent in parcels not less than ten to any phe post office, one'doUarland scvcnty-fite cents per annum, ; 4 . t ? y - 1 . in no cose wtif a vy ecsxtuourier be tor warded from the office. for a period leas than one year,! r I unless payment is made in advance;; andiwhen the funds sent are below par, ihe? will be iso!d at the current rates, and ihe dis count be deducted from the amount, carried to the credit 01 tne suoscnoer. in like manner. when postage is not paid, it twill be dedocted from tbeiamount enclosed. ' j j X ,! .All PasimtKUts are zaihothed by the Post master General to forward funds for subscribers ret cr postage, and an remittances , made to 10' Postmasters will be at oor risk!.' X -4 Xi! ' General Agents, Carriers, &c. will al ways be supplied with any number of copies they may reqairt.on giving foor days' notice, toa.douars per hundred. j , ; The DailyMbrning Courier. andNew York Enquirer, in consequence of its great circalstiot., has beeni appointed the official paper of the Cir eali and District Courts of toe. United States to publish all notices and other proceedings cases of Bankruptcy in ihe Southern Dist rict the dtatept new yorlf , and all such notices wil) be inserted ar least once in both the week ly and semi-weekly njpersX Ve shall also pnb- nsn; in oor Aauy,;veeiiyjaad Semi'Weekfv jnpertvi foil list orVall; the?!abpncationsXih the United States Ifbr the 1 benefit lot the Baokrept Lav. t . 'It-iJT ... Prices Current and Reviews pf iho- Market wil of course be published at length! in each iof tbe tbree papers : .a. vounuy papers witti w&icn we exchange are respectfully rcqoested, if cortvenient - to give tbis advertisemvnt one intertion and eall;atien lioriito tbeiMme ; and eteryidaily weeklv,- or semi-weekly papers in the United States, wiih which we do opt exchange, will f be entitled to an etchings for at least one year, on tivinothia advertisemeni an insertion and calling pcblipat teniion tnl.it. -.'illK.. 'New York, tr ebroary 22 1842, 'fife" CAx-SAS Vwj tnlft mior o d K . M - M W. T ' -T tTTm : njlHE JSnbscriber informs Ihe publicfhai ; il v has iost received through "the rV..t iiiiesiiiB i a. test a uo uiusi ipiuvea . -:-"u.t And is prepared to execnte orders in "the Li stylish and sat1sraciorynanner;fr,; .-Work sent from'a disiance shall be carou nut up and lorwarde'Jt 1 - K I ICFT A few; Bonnets Caps, .Turbans, I other articles, will be k'pp on hand for sale - V Mrs; S. P is also' prepared i m iL Crimping and Fluting on reasonable terroii,' 'Salisbury, April, 23, l4a. j i j J . 1 111111 1 7. THE SVB&miBER the best tbe market and surrounding coonttivj tores. . .i n: m ' -f i- :-rh His Sjablss spacicusj and jbaotifuljy ; plied with grain and provendefrof all kind),! i The bndersighed piyghimselftliatlnqy ertion on his part shall be; wsntingo gnrej era) satisfaction to all whd mayf favor hon' i; . i: JAMES ;L. COW AX. The Batikrtipti Lmv 5. .TIHayINO,: taken jconsiderable pains to Jlqiiaiht;my8elf with tbe iprovisiona W Baakrnp: La w.yitely passed by .fDoog'rwM hereby tender myerf ices! to such ast mayiiU to avail ihemselves of its benefit: IJshaU tifi? the United. ISrates Uoartof tbts Dislrict.ani necessary, ine vmcuu vourt. aiso. rend wishing to avail themselves of my se.-vicei, e.i 6ee me on the approaching isixth Uircoit ofu Superior Court :-f and afterwards; 1 stall y foond in my office in balisbory. j - ; ! : . x . ! :;.:;;;i:HVic.ONEs, N. Bi I take this occaMonkt corrects wJ tailing error coocerning this Law; many perarl I find, suppose that no one, except such atovf to the amount lofi rive Hundred Do! Ur9, a: claim us benefit.v frbi8 is a mistake, for it em braces "all persona"; owing debts who are ana; to meet lhemynoi matter how.1 small tis amonnt.r ''''-ruX 1 ;X r-' VH. C. J.i -Salisbury, FebroaryJ f I842rtf29 BiinimZSiimr, & nvssu I 1 fUHE ondersigned hayinw I sold J In tle k JL iwo years, aboot two hundred i&rft counties f Davie. Stokes! SurrtVlrectVLRftv- an, CabarVus, Mecklenburg, Day iilse, Goilfonl, and eome io South Carolina and Virginia, ssi the demand still being very great, have added!; their well known stock, the Berkshire sovit Col. C Harbin, from! Bernent's stock, Albany and now' having ten fell blooded Berkshire ton and two boars, tbey are prepared'to breed ssfx full blood as any in the country. Iey ban Ana crosscsJJfcussia tmdP Birkthiri. They have on : hand a good) ! nomW at ihi above pigs, Teady , to supply any orders wnicn toey may oe lavpreo, at prices 10 -piopu tion to the hsrdness of the times. X MAXIMILIAN C UTfiRELL JOHJY-H. CBMJV iV ' Farmington, Davie col N.!C - May 9, 1842. f ' - pnzoss ounnczTT at . Salisbury, cept. ; 10 l Cents, H. " S" --J Cf?Jr.. Cotton Yarn. W Bacon, 5 6 Brandy, ap. a 40 Molasses.: 35 at? .. peach, a 50 Nailsj Oats, Pork, Sugar, br. t loaf, Salt, sack, Tallow, Tobacco. 4) at Butter, 12 15i2!l pece 15 a If f Cotton in seed none clean, 6 a 7. Coflee 10 a 12 Corny 30 Feathers. 30 Flour, $4 a 45 m a 65 Flaxseed, ToW-Lineni j Yheat. bush M txrtl 1 '.Ml 9 j Iron, per lb. . 3A a 5 Linseed Oil, pr. . - gal.' 90 vv 001. (cieaii; FayettevillB; j Aog. 31 J U randy, peach , 45 Do, Apple 33 a S6 Bacon, . - 6 a 164 Beeswax, 27 a 8 CoflVe, : -11 a 12 Cottony 5 5a$ Colion Yarn. 14 a 18, Corn, 65 a 70 Candles, F.F. ; 17 Flaxseed fl a(l 10 Flour .$4 a $5 Feathers 25 a SO Iror. -'1 " 5 a 51 Molasses, 2 1 5 Nails, cut, Sugar brown at J l.nffln. ;i - 1 Salt. ; 50 iSack, ;2i?;! -Cotton .gL2fh tn Bale rope,; X of ilea. : . 1 . - , H1 ! il3 Cheraw, Aug. 16, 1842. BeerC Bacon Butter 5J a 6i -5a7 121 a 15 Nailcutl sgori,ff l : iitvrntiirlit 16 t li Oatsbushtl BeeswaxJ;XXj22a 25 Baggiiigya20it25 Bale rone lb 10a 12 :Nl lamp' Unseed 1 IO'. M i)dflee 10:12115 Pork 31 Jl r Cotton' LXVai Kic'efllOOjba Corn bush; 50 a 62 FlourbrlxXi$5 a 6 Feathers W 308 32 Iron iP0lbs 5i6 Lard : ! 7 a;$ Molasses 35 a 40 Tillbw:"J2i Sa tsackv f I Steef Aroer I ' v?JlMt..h ! ! "BM3" .11 1 German -tt' CIA flA HAVING pjirchased thafJweUknbWri V 1dng establisheX Pnblie House, (j-D(Js bt;tbe;iname 'f-JSIanghter11VerJ Tow n of Salisbn, N.- informibjs Fnenii aod the Public generally, kh.atlthe.iftfil open for the: reception of, TfaveHerslSf His I able and UAR will be sonnhei, I A&0? BNeaUyrioted arid fcfltJl it tti Pf l3xit-A;-fe:r-.-? . -'1j i!;i ! ":f r - IX X -. ' l.f- r-T' '.-TfTTi ' f f -Xl kH v ' "'' '', -- 4 trt . LI 1 4 1 St X.1