offer ao resistance iothemteurigfuhe tire-J t T-TiTi. a.' ' .' i-L kJJ. : r 4. jj a, Art wtntn iittiUM o mstwi n l nlore thar forty'years'standip, lo elect Sena-f !'i t-'S ' .f1 - ! tS I" f! 'I J'-,'! bejn'ibe'scentJaoeyj Tfcis ".pledge tbe'iUbi mrabers were'sll. wllliro oa. bol their cp'"'. j; t.t.WMa above r 1 yriirAiia; certain number of.uraeinir . . J.-j - jf I " i ItriXGemoTed to Concotd are npw re- V 1 ! I tlllil? and oDeoiog in ihcbrick boase wesl X-;! 'i "i - ft L:' itJjrf- vj' r .- 'f i ' -J 4' I GOODSi i Vmon -Vnichlar . Urj Gooo Hardware; PiGwileryUSabeS poois u t t Sadler?. iGa Mpdicinea. 1 WVI Mf - ' t 1-' . r ;fr'I ... t, T ' in khort it comr ti Vs? 7 4 .1 , : "f-ifii .u.l1 tttti Letters P'juresseu u -fr.";-? . x" AMf .hh?". !i;u"iH!w"'"j tv rt-tiT -"mr ---. - - Resiles' relations betweett:;my8e!taDdim3rrwil J - ; r II . - n. a ; K null iiju&l. I rs b a iivkiii :.. ii itntsii f la- mtta Sfl ? 1Z( f Mill rifiV'tHSrA Pr- l&l0llitJ Toesdjefoin j accompanied wjjh aometto li ri.n:f:-l;:i-TVf:i ofi t r ?! -prT i' i- -f Ir..f, J'- f -- frestidred? t :f :bav e. bceff faogbt;ta believe ;-ibat a rMwf irod oceiikeb It. exci. ange ir oof0! ili Vas enliiled to the custody bis m ; &iii MM' 1 ! If II! MEPMR1NG. -U-&Tm- . -T-. -"- -.!;-1 if flej)ls and the, Public generally, that he y pene'shop trt Salisbury n the are bus-j ifii frVobm clirectly Opposite -Wess Dries; fa aitilil.AA tn lhA flhnte: the subscriber Will arry on -vne ottrer omwi ausmiss m " Mioiilooos'. iiiwsJ 1 8d Irepiiring SilTe 1 I-. - i ii -i L Jj " it, varieties common ; rn icouHtry, iuyw . ra ' , Uepgl, tq assure 1119 poouc iua it ivi:j ueoi&ffrtbsinesaJ title: him o patrohaje aod 8opportbe wtjlmer: T itUViiilllvl.-iM-i t'F. ' 11 iff "I-. Nt-'-liW t.-.Tti f V'jfiiM-i i' J f H - i - j" ,;T" y i subsci I fvai IiM sBVd' M ona mud loo slcon t ato i n g &i n iexcej le n i kewsslriiiiutld shiog)opaj ae sa&e root, t- Aiiacoea WfiWieii ' 1 . t.:L ' 1:l - J l.- j n..t " I PI i 1W House n Mocksv e.iLJAVie till HI Luinlo LtiiforaihA la rirfi n&reri if n firi I wKere hets prfpared; acf. I to Boarders and "Travellers w!wlUi;cljratbodateBoarders and "Travellers In Cstyle whiebbe bopest will prKeiatisfactory I tl hu;may favorlhlm with their Custom.--1 At" ve ndift0rji jfjyieoaw'dct-wi1!! be strictly p'ruhibited. f lE.R. B1TIGKHEAD, . - TT-f-t. ; la j i mI.i ' !' . i: ! s o hM? ftTOf" ??-! tup bushels and over jo penis r 4u io IS 5 14 K. ELLIOTT WMiUOW.SEE.1 AfgusUtio Si4w sBpitbib ndhs6rroef!JMe8lroaito.el,pftrateiy,i.v weiln0wn1)us oess siaqd in IJexing fi" 151?. T "tr7 I ii -.. ... vi Ili;. ti.M 1 interest d CTJStS.f ir U -; i-l., ::tv-Ur oni -j".;Bisoaieu inon Qusiaocr nonif iwj .a n j i vif -.toi-,; rrLsj n-riL-! y Ipccupiaa by Caldcleogb. FiW? vW our w.u a,o . ; f Crr ' - ' A - i. 1 nffitlifl first mondav in Auglsu 1842; uusenfeeit & uo.; rva at present l.eecopiea-o.f-.-.Tr r:,t W m . I ii jWria-. a Jattii- I Iia hnnari brtcUi i -''Mf" it . 'i t"'v-rrr -r" I vj -aiiu f s ' ' . ! ' 'i ' IT- En i-i.- ..I' .-":-' -v i 1 paftreiamine ine aoove pioppny, win tc- -..1 r&KG aikCptlUtl II 4UIIIUtllUII MO - i, , jj - - -f . .. ;Ji ;fllASDlEVV! CALUCLEOGHii- V 'J '.jffittV;, . I i : t- I' I 1 S . - ' i " . . . i f S I - ,:l ' " J I.f-.J-. twvv ogei their services 16, their 1 1 net. e wif g. m: wu , ona , 01 ipaeeai -sues i rjrri ...vuuSi)a me poo.ic. .pi ia meir purpose, iq T''i"?Tr," ..v.j . , :r, ' -i . " ctfylooibotb Xheaeaepartment8 in alMheii ira it ioj the Siarba'iog a fi 4M$n!e8? 5rtM'l.iC pIeasBreaandL4 BAii?t84d6facjioaW! allFwho may favo them FW'W 08 cr01 WJ,,T?Wf P? enjoyments of, youthful frieods,lbecorrjes a jiiWoriiye;p miserable man ill feeling 4 a A T T' T A W - wr . m w rw W w A :l - r . Tiiv-iui iuiiiiiui rw 111 1111 n uia iuiiih viiiivr. .. ir--' ' . -. w w - - - . ;t!,t ' 3 h: j- . if i f - ' i It rWDilDr IllUinttnunno Ihll uKoArikAM ' k lo.. I ' II t .J.J lliZ21. r . ni ..L T J. I Ol IDE DOflV. ?V AAllAAtll At: VlILUfk A nil lnl t. t, ! - ;r- -"r-T - ity"' i , ,i u it t. icsuiieit ui uuuuuiu avauwa bujvvi U 1 - i . s !. i i , )- . . tT?ihad a quality jbf ready Pjade Ci.ffinsi ! the 25tbef cioberat 10 o'clock A; M? , fereotM'lfae betitfofibialimmofUHty be jlL-H-i'r STEPHERONTIs;f. passes lheergeabffVwwm iSi:ii.itHK tU--.-l tVS.ept;t?.fi84wv? batrtdfcootaQot ;-,tu irriniinrr wsiti'i!atniii4v i 'M-i il-if:R?"- ohv"V ii " - i f.;-1? Jtna.voai iie jraeett wui. please eotnr. ' . 1 : : ! : ; ,, .aim . '. i ? icvib-h wivrtrcj. iii'iuj , fiteli':'- x-O kr -- -lb?-bif 'Wobe wbore'3ailfirg foinakat. immm&p fe&xv irofci$& iS K-tffib : , ft-? tMluJ !ini4 fuinn4 In lVi nheef tnA nf tti near iri giiJperDrfi daoer (frob exiled wUtitice tafnlf twJih no inteolion to do heftUhe sfiah'esl persbpal bt?jabd -. aha -received, from that at self lioQiImjItinailonJI wilhoatjjtbowledge ao COESra. OUV B. Te',Kv iwuuc .wuiuii.muo nayi L nnntitnilt nl i . Hinnpnti v : Ann vnrpn In search herjaqtbo: uno-eflecl; ;;JUtTe.jra nncH nnnn i rinna ruasidnnr to mace oat 01 CD Y eatifel bch!a proper iaii d reasonable; aetenieni upon jber; as woold be srifficieotto seed re iitoher a libtjal sapliorf lor ijfBat ihi t aeemsaa lSInikCniy VnJ link. -liot ;Mr! I ha va chilli fi5tigfyctoii reason to beliete that her Whole time - W!ie?0jipa.vWi8io,inejviweiTe moo top, SDBjiJUs QruQjea bhu la&eu uu ui mo oioo,oi ?!8iJjlo arr U lo my peignoorDooc, nas oeen secreuy 10 HifTprnrP mierhtha v understood. 3 and hatmonv cialtt 'if-:aacD tetiVaints lb-re becooienecessarf for tbe safety !dr protection his peace and prop- ertvH under tneexwence 01 inisiBwiuiiig. I am coDSwainea io roTewarn -h iperraus num crfidilinnr or iradin? with her on mr 1 am ietertbiiiealtd' pay do debt contracted by her wttiout my!rUen ordertI alsotforewarn all 'm ifelj 'the said Harriet Cpboeff ini ber .3 present wicked and'diaobedteat coarse of Ccpodoct, as- I ami determined tor! institute actions against ail t,,.N riArBfina as mav tcnonrmtriv comrari aau en CbArlesiorii JSC;, :j8ept lT1342-tf8:-r ii. - SltiVf ilVVVMUt, W' . a. ama iA m a V -M mri j i.- AtJGUSTi SESSONS." 142 Richard Ifat thftdefendintlsnbt an inhabitant lof this Staid r It is therefore ordered by the Coqrt, that; puhlicaiiab be cnade in the Carolinai Vatchman for'sii week3ihiVbtfaidRfchaid Pinckston be arid apnear tbe next Court ;$f Pleas 'and Bailer 88pnSi w oej neio ior inocuuniy . r first smondiy in Novetnbernext, tbon andlheie to plead prrepley, or jadgment finl will be ren NEWFASHIONS J If;- JOB XMB Vurl Tffiiiifha?'fl .Tib'-fci t - i I r i 'p Jn'f jESPiCULLinformi bis friends DJn.tklio tkr h eiill srrioa nn lh - T ATTiOTlITIQ. UTTSITJESS :wJi its 1 various branches, two dowsabove Ss WiiM.,rhhni karai wher he iareadv toTexe- Vj cuteiall oriersbf his customers in a aiyle and iti.nrr nhl slifaaasedbv anv in 'lhisnart of the Fashiooab e at an times. An 12, 1842 lyS f i --iS'rl- I I'm -t j lr -t . w . :. . j -r ! Yrii i c; hV4-t-Tirmiers ipb a ui ; : - -.- - .-!: - , . - i jii li'-.m fi-i Moilne63 ueiof decree,of the Honorable tbMiellecl bliVpasied away amid the feeling of CoQft ioj ofleritlpubll, V.ii!,;jn;yii4knniio ,Sl...iliAi. iI..'mii.i adjoiaiiig tihel fends of Daniel Kirk andethers nt ge. ;v SeptembeltT; I842v-5w$--- itbter'sree :iiillisiis vease geoiie zepnyr 01 ,100-gaivr.i-- z:Ad"? .And let my "ear attend: ff-To Tondilr ariam wtihfn lhA iraieif ' SCI 6eace can bear one. eiBle Sound, ? - ildoes'so ee crl7 flm fc;?' "Ti- -' . Ir MO &2Vh"ife: towering bills are'risioj roond .v;i'Bai pow? I bear a plainer stin. rits tippling irertberockst . 1 It scwiods like sorce sVeet distai sbrCxMweet distaritrillyjfij Fiieooented brttbelfluckl AtTMore onjye Iranqni I humble stream. ' f 41 V ' "'. -- S 1 1 1 1' ra It in .'lri.m K s nr o )'fr ' .-r Wi t h it 1 1 t be m ighty' d ashingVoonds, K fiTNfs caoniso4treoie7pa"in , :U Noriieaf! Vhe iovei9.,iiiorta) 'Woa's .Of 'break " h i' ci ptjvecb ii p ; cW'r!1?"! nVr Jby sound, T? -Ves weet coinpusiu? rill ; i -IS ; ' rYoutsweeis are s chase arid plofouod ff i rfBrds eVeryabeaiili;'r1Aif:;t ; j. '? gvWhilV lilbe worl(( :teBldef!ibe;lCt v9H" Compared "with ibis lovdace r ? t 5;Nok5barinV'o(.;beaatyjBould' V 64fM-Av ,i ipr mingieq pieasurss lasie. '. ". Enclosed by their meandering rounds; V 4 Rtearf with mai lUttprntJ if Iabldbot pass the- water boo nets rJ?'Ferny 'other sjwt.: ' . ;t ' -" .llbw fragrant is the; citron grpv" y1" VVhon knrinn Anulara final KlBPa . . -The shepherds' thiiber oftenjroau) (: -'; -'AM; "free iheajseires from care ' - iYes'i when ihe sun conceals its head 'i Behind the western hit! I n li . Cornpos'd beadiies' profoselt spread, f"" Uffttil. 'wirery' raeoBi' fillsV -. :.'H II Yes it offers scenes too sublime -f ; EVer ib be told i !' . vy Wfr "it" ' In 8uMd prose or smoothest rb)me, -? Suck grandeur to unfold. 1 jb j i Giv roe my little ruiral cot, v"! " Bound by this gemle streami ii . avs.iv m a a nw v u j- 0 jui HpweVer blest they seem Behold the lorelyi vines , -. a nai's creeping- rouna my cox, . 1 How sweetly every branch ,eii twines '":'',l1iai coreri o'er Jhe"sp'ot:, J08i.see .uie virgin cower 109, ti. Bowjdown its lofty bead II VVhiHe covered with silver dew, Vbai beaoiies around it spread ; XHos blest wiihsuch.a rustic, scene -Si. .an but be'cboient, . ( j 0'- U on .thet.ord I learn to lead i ,f I .5 ri'ij.''".:; Lk 1-';.-! 4i For every b esstog sent. mIrtilla July jlitl 842; -From the Columbia (Aid. i Patriot cufj-rjVATiONoF friendship;; Social4 improvement was the original jim prt:68 of iDeity upon mao. and amid the af lecnons oi ms neart. tne cnasieoine virtues were ingraited.; i l p extend ineir intluencH and to cultivate the divine impulses and bi ases of mind and heart, is tbe essential! de 8120 of yoatb.: Jt should be tbe ivirtiiou exercise i of Tooth's : existence, tbf employ in its perfections: tbe aciion f ihojughji, land the seDsibility of. feeling. vNir can heiun- sbackl himself ;of Jhese ldivin biasses up since established ib goo 1 old human nature They are inevitable upon human existencf. IUI UCIll IUIUICS9CCU.IUCIII UUUPl UrilUCVKI M Tl All . a m L.A . . n . . . t nature and new-born mind, t Their higl ullivatinn ts merited for it nil the a . condition to; joutb in the persons of hi- caen ancestrv ana uocn wmto me crtain . i . : . , . . i i- 1 01 seing Bix-iauusanu vtars uown oak oeiu us prooauon anu exu'ciseo 119 j moral agen cy. kui jtnougn j,iove ?t 0 aneaion j are heaveb'tnhitancjeo .jiouth yet" human oegeneracy 4uaB,; priBJuioicu.; iiieir, uiviuiij and enslaved their ection. Cold distant re- ' 'V domain of the heart and s-wn fotteneseiaad corroption'in the sduPs centre Idd life's vi- talitv. ' JSihcelibdiaii,:; denentracv snranir the expaoding powers of-inlellect, curbed the blooming.'chilstenihg virtues, abd check- ed the free iwarni How ! bfvittiious friend- "I 'ham sm.a Ina HaftrmiDD knn HI fr m n in. r;diys, ana tne unoetiej 01 nasi ages d.the original purny of Jits LheariK anrJ enstamp'an age With candid vrnueaod go! deo affection. Jt becomes bim to teiorro wuuUvWM can cuib auu iw ?. P uWhe :f V'M W'0?? sedition, and envy into those of friendship, behigoijf:pdr6.bilao Itjbectmiea bim to step in advance of . tbe vicioos'habits his rice, to curb their wild inclination?, teachl them the divinitv of mind andWof. ter tne oand 01 assistance and ieaity. latellecf tod alliy'fofra'M sosto w fideltvbe-ckl asldet'aU! the inteJleelual the degredatioo ltfe, wretched tori forlorn5 Bpf bagoani- niofll ti ",tb a t u n d iji()oa wli a : is tablet o re P,l?fi,!i'jo! bosom - with i hooks of steel t ---redpmtihirMlwW thy -end sorrow.conseqnent upon earthl y: life or:)bff farlbcr.inks existence am' Snenrw porites ;n one- living -r cornbinat'ion - all Mhe and body.:- ! i , - v r ; l 1 " rbfre i8 not such a: gentle: emotion' as friendabip amiilat all the atTectjons of the sorVnduriuglv heart to heart and soul to souiL :,Sorhoke!in its alliance, so pore in its srdbr, so content in 1 rta exertion, it ecm9 6 tikve sprung from ' virtues sol riose strop and.bloomiOfft e.Hderl tbe.wh61esnme-i influence of relibus:anri iaaafoodjtb V- .0 . i- i- ' Hf jiitf r i fci v to tbe bleeding Wourid i In adversiff ttaupi pprMrjCspirit Jpfm to je bed of . VfQiction makes .sacred "the 4 ainea oi decayed nqsn and crowns tne imse oit aeparieof iiie,i wun tne ' wreatn 01 afiVtion andVweefrem i-i hfk. the cbtomooalia tif ife, it oeutral- izeH ue.Buruiu iiiuuence .91,; avarice'- -gives to society its charm and pleasure, and! looks :--- !U"-if."-" . ''j-':"i ' . . - :!- ' .it,.. i. uppp soiuuoe wpin aeiesianon andi. avnor rehpeTh ge'pjia) ;'inijiicoT. thejsnin Vp. on fqe cpid and (rigid eartq surpasses 001 its humanizing effects spoo the mind and heart. The one drills be jond vision, the mists, and cloods and gloom of night pthe other strips, dtspair of its : horror, dissipates the ugly; and deformed j shapes of imagination, and maEesTt(i inteKOursesl cheerful cnfideoce adrj' pleasing as3oria- ttonsi il P. Cliff 1 rd.' August, 1842. f i JA CHILD LUSTGREAT EXCITE- 1 t 'M c I j , 1 MENT. A circumstance recently occurred in Per son; County, that tends to.afTect tbe hardest .icari 11 buucuid luai : luq .wiip ui a xur, Ptnter, of the aforesaid county, bid is occa- sion, pn ; tveanesaay oeiore last, to visit a neighbor living. about a oiilel'off in' doing' so abe left ber children at home, in the car of some one capable ol taking care of tbeoi. , Sihe bad not been gone joog. before a lit; tie boy, not exfeding lifopijiyearsi i)f age. atarejl oflf, lunobse y d b gd j tp her. Bt the;lijtle teiiow )warVderedpot of ; the w an-i became so bewildered that he quit the road and roved! about jlin t the woods. Hewjis,iin jhe course of that da; missed the fatarm was madeand It he neionbors sembled , and quicklv ' proceeded, to hunt him, 1 ney acoureu iuo woouh, uy oay auu bv oiaht.' for. four miles, around, but they round nim not oay ioiioswcii qay ano nigia .jfotl9iteci: dngbt7eitio-i :dji j(a. could be hado the losir toy ! 4 BuV jSaiurdy, the fouctb, day f the :j childV i absence whet despair grif and agony hadifixed deep in his parents be8rs-and when the huntsman hadgjveu up thebunt the poor little ftl low was found) by a, gentjeman (who had not heard ol" the melancholy occurrence,) eight miles from home t' Air. Morns, the getttlenian w bo'foond the jcbiid, happened U be j in the woods hunting deer and a u. 4 puppy that followed ai' his heels, W8j4 ,bsjyeti K.tart, suddenly arid r unj down this moment a to a; branch ki d growl at feeble; voiced e heard lo'.echo from a clus- 1 - lerfof bushes, PIeasesirl dout let; your d 'g bite me j! Air. JVIorrH eu,iired to . the spoil, and foyriQ .lie child in the mid?i of a t i . . ! .I n: : ! i i. I'?"l'!i'- . '. - . group o ousiifs, where; lib had eiicentty hiu,'on seeing or liedringhi3. benefactor, to avoid I discover f, for it H a singular fact mat tost persona (. cooie wua auer oeing lost a shnii tune, and i ! dodge or run from tpe human; species they even shun I" ..'I .. ..." - I --lit.' .. '35, I " i . ' tarms ior lewr oi being seen we Know oi ad that .wis lost, on bttng oiecovered -bv a genile'mab ; who was huQtiug bim. ran wild y rrom the nun teri and it was with difficulty that be was oteria'ken q MrjMort isl Bskedj ' the; jchild A'li'at ttrrntirklpH fnp hia: hi in a1 in" "the" bttOt!.? Trie boy answered, " Pal '.looking for ny mHher,-vHe!waitben tasked where he slept t.h8 oVfr?nigbt-be replied that he slept with hfa t js i si ie r-" r 11. e u J d n c; t til bw long tleliiad been peared uncmcerped, thpugb Tble ijtin oa theefid of file poor liiite - feN toweSfinger8 waiconsfdeirabty piietied; j in coasequencebf gather ing'febindua'pina to eai auu ins i uur auu i 8 me a re d with grape stai n. Tbe joy bfftbe! Parerits tfere be- on recovenr.g, alive, ibir los t boy fcfnirotte imagtried; amen less descnoea sutuce ,h io say, inai leafs, unprompted by the ties of . relation - food riintHTb cerated DtU aatby kaid -f tfiell youV jbnestly, w ibink is the whoje cause of the com pi I maladies of the human Name : it is . : i . ! . "'. i-' - iMi' 1 t f:.--..' Aber- what I the com'uiicated matadteabi : it is . tbeir gorro i ndtzi ingy aol : stutHng.'arjd fctioaolating ji creating irritatitjpnaTbe f state pi .oori miudsiisanothK figetting i'ind-,:d scpiieqWi 'Mp sbobt Jbat IfmkKmM Blbi8 ai goaai pasaj?aa wuuu y pressibg oo mind, diu, aclioo, i0 tV'y-?TW' r are cettainly excelieut bials for tbe present onietuea time-i ; ' ' A 1 T ., I A. - m.,. - w- ' - I f T A. A iAk I li - .ilL ..1 ... k. I J 1 I .; ,i t hom thtJSfliotiol InttUigearJ ; ;r:7FACT10N lSTJTKNESSEE:Vj , For more than fortjj years, ever sinte Ten oessee.was admitted lota the Union, on t niAl p.mui. uenerai Assembly met 10. ci'n veoiions. w henevei; Occasion, - required; to'eject Senators toCorrgressi No. objection f0 thjs coasewasever hearlpteviuos'.te Ociuter i a 69, from any quarier. pativ!.?or riodif iJaat w uc preceoeois oi more unajn onyyears stand- T me oa-J become -flood;) and : wholesome: la wr tid all readilv acquieseed ii i:.; ; r 18S3 James K; Polk was" elected ptivernur of fchV&aie by af ma jority of a.SUa.yaieSjl and ! bis jrieodsbad a sotall mawriiy; ia'. the ,Lesitature4Senatois W tine, tod Rosier wpfd ioaiucted.oul : and the Hooses should meetio!:eunvfrtiu at siicb titrie thetr'oprnentC-mbt chouseioe.iict soc- "'Jt woiuw.iv ircuiij asreeij tuat, tne .two ??-r" '!il.B-'H???Birt bsE? f.-AceordioalT. &fVhhrS o $n net or not b of tbeseV an Barerf men If thev Warf finnt. 5 lAZkA Ai .wZ 1 Huoses- io 7 cprivehtloolbri withdrawn froni the ing present.' Bn'f they scorned; to take at j Vo'cb ? evolotior;iry t stepi f ? fett;' :Kff.- jj, wiis u wieiunt a uuurum i iwuioirosnrom oe- ;-fow:;mark.;iheeo6tra$t.t'M 1$4Q JamesrC; uuues ! eiecieu .uperpor oiQf j amet iv, rots by a.roajoriiy of j $.5f)i ptahd the Whigs de tected 5 1 of the 1 00 ttiemberkof the Leaisla lilff.1 They bad a majmityfoff ieelin 'ihe House of iicjiicseniauTos, ana :ine v an paien meo a ma ioriav "of one". iiiifid " &Q'af e-tfaoW ti-i wrf nf ihk thirteen Van BDirlSeolatorsltOrnevand Mad- in h-j;icbciiicu. m iij tuawiciv. : ; a tie iegisia tore convened last Cfdtooerh j Sam. Trriey,j rep resenting a decideitbig dis'rit;'oot a yaai'ljsl rer t rickstcrM I; the ljfir?i i'wateKlwasflecteil Spea ker of -the; eba tev I o t each - H ouse i b? Whigs intrpducedfjlresolutiouil again ! and naming j v.p IUI HID :inu UtlUDtS (U meet in coova6ti6o"b11eleei'Se'nator!l ( M. Grundy baViagiijied;;abd MrL Andersonls lime of iserf ice expired) in lime forthose -whj might be elected tof reaclh ? Washington by t the meeting of Congressjjj !bdt;as often the Van Bu ren members fbond means of defeating, i postpobU ing, or laying On the ia$ call sucli- resblaiionV i.. .':i .'c- ': ' ' ii ... -muujiiiiu, uuweBi, ioai in aii goou time sen ator shou Id be elected.' f 1 ri Speaker Turoey was very profuse rniaese promises. At feo2ib be vot-d for resolutions which were adopted by both,Houses, to go qto Con ven lion on a given day to elect Senaibr.1The day ;arrived9wbeo to j twelve Van tiuren Senators :ptterly. refused to go into tbe coo? ehlion.. fTorney went, but as no quorum of the-, Senate was presenti nothing was done until the adjouinroeni ufithe cooven tionJ When it rejagaemed -Torbeyy rVould noit attend, but.remawet behind to tbe 'Senate With ihe oi her twelve Van Uuren! Jactioniits. Tbe cunven'.ion continued in session tsroor ibree days 4nd fiading the'faetionisrb resolved.todeleat the" election of Senators fat rail hazards; unless fibe? majority v ould gi ve the election intu the hands! of. tbe-mbiorify; finally disu! ed sine die, wlth-l M f iloing" any. thing Ki ! !V' 1 rj.':f V. The question of who had defeated the election' of Senators aod deprived lennesiee. of a voice in the Higher branch t Corigress al ibis most fmM Hirtant junct.ure, viras much arid watmty discua-r' aed by ihe I wo partiesMtj lithe State ; Seoate,j each: paty contending ijiajt. Jit, ad dune' fight. -S!ev-! ral of the Van Buren Senators declared Trilthe debate that they Veie ready toletihe People" oeciae me mauer oyf resigning and reternog the decision to them. In9tautly the Whig Senators',; as one mani accededib ttie projosiltunV where- opon it was suddenly dropped Kby lib e ba rite rersV On 0e day f iM.adjbunaienl oY tbV.Legis latare, tbe YVhifis issued an address to the Peo ple of the Stare, lib Iwhieh they slated tbe tea- l ctxrt a ahtf unalnra tX i Tnr.rrroi.a i A m t kn. i- 9VU v , J ' aavaiwa iv 9 liau raJW. .UCCfl Tim reeled A day or tvvo after tbis, four of the Van Buren Senators publtbiied a;rep!y to the W'big manifesto, and stated! tlieir readiness io thro up their commissions if itheir1 tonsfiiueots, were not satisfied with what tbeyhad done, and let them elect those' who would act! differentlv: -Thev also staled their; belief ttiat' fbeir colb?agues!wbo i i .;.!, itki L.ii.:j.i.! r Ti1 '.'. iiau aticu wiiii iinu ncieieJUf IO UU me 841116. -Taking this as a banfer 'for a general resifriii tion of the iweoiy-lve bnklpr,iWA tbat'lbe People might pajudriie'tupbn1'itiei conduct, and elect a Senate that would do iheir bidding, ihevtwtl?elWfti;Sebators, aftt-i " iiterchange of ojMuiuns tlr'jOgb letters on" :ih; j-iibject,' publicly1 arjuuutuced ibat they had foi ' ard.rd tliefr' re9;gni:i).i;. to-be rendered 'totb Governor simultaneously!! wiib I bosef- of j the ' ibiiteen" Van Buren Senators, should Ihe lai ter make good their ae:mii;g banter. No sooner had iht twelve Whi Senators dobe? Ibis than one of it.e MhulVeij,lrSamuejrfi, Laugh lift, tbe auihor of tbejariflly dp wr reply loftbe Wbtg.mauifesib, catbe oui with the declaraijon, under his wo r,aai,' thai he arid hik Van Buren colieaguei made no batittr, io'ttair opponents ol m5enate to r:ijo for that wuuld be putiiog up all inej s abes srjd playing fain a gamef in whicU they lo'ghl,; ijosd but could flot'win j bui stoiply a proposal to t h e r r 1 c pos t i t o e ri 1 s to call op on meiu iu icsijjh . aaj- lutry oeneTeo. iliai tttey had not acted in god jaith. or according to!the plain' requirements of ftop Cn8tittion'of the taie. Huever, Mr.Laugblinand is marjag ing St. ad roil jwlliicar fr ierjuls said ib r he Whfigs, if you want reaisnaiiobs, tetlthe patfmbeis of uib Houses. resigo, and weare wiibWtfo'j ouiiotn- erwjsfi . A'tlMik it" ." '--A ' f or a moment nnif the cotnsuroffiate an dis played in ibis" njancpuffv jtf thyhigrtad not accepted the firsihabjeriwildVe-b ruug oat upon ihe jchaogti oil hubuggeiy iatfihe gusVielectiuol from obd edfihe Sial next August t.a.;.the!otber;1ro)o;f4bi.4 cobstables. ibat the- 'tbirtefcn'liraril the iwpIw' j to throw op their couimis'ioni' ub'ibmL anlTio common let 'tbeir conduct be tested by the crbn -1 oieoi me oaitui o HH'Js fu" 4nier tC(M: ac- v;epeJ, ih ready eryvf raised y;the -,t tix tee n tha iliey oeyeradudblajBaat'er 1;' i V Tte absurdiiytol tbtir eecbnd? ban ter almost surpasses ihecunnibgbf! ibeirilfirst.; And yet the WbiffAkrioWibff ibe-irickwrv'of their niimi 00u; and ing.witlipg t0 concede much, very muchbeje ibM , exact f?wtoace ub the pafi oj their j opo- 1 .sslTwSii n r- oir , f onu,Ilvo , m-.- a?r - . , ' ..Wj,' lh Vtad a majority of twb on j tim! ballot, tbatihe members J both Hous should all resign. f juej the resigniog iiieuiiers Would all pede m a a i iuouscictj, in iue even cut taeir re election, has been one tleciion without. anv r)!eicre. and: ihfi .Van Coren rotaorfiv JV availing tbemselves oTthHr power.Hmtrically 0 prevent the atjer:.- dancivof a qWom, defeated aga in; aodj-aga ips f Van B urea men "will noVagtee. laan? iptedge of lh the sots, becanse thfjkoo w ibai if, in ajtew lection, iheyhwjldileci. ruie of the ticent yjite Re prese n u 1 1 v es, i hjpycbu Id r (as i t reqoi res, t wu r thirds of iheTJQ6iri.Vr8 of each- ilouae .to,fconstiV ; tote iTjoofnm of "tint House) again defeat "'.the ? election Senators to Congress.- "'J "." ';The Gbbe aflerts lo sneer autbfs'propoeitfon of the Vhfgt;aad'a5ks!bowtbe present rstm VJ oers or i ne i.egiittore can bind orexpeei io ex- v "Ir,rwii ii'"i iwcii .ewcvcsMjrar v iej , ra do no socb tbinrr ; they ak to do oethingof -Ihe tind.AlTheVV higsTailv ? a pledge'of those onlyv hoon .for reehViionand :aie suceeksful. ;i Undoubtedly .almost - every; onetof the 'present V membfia wonld, in case of a general resignatiab, run foraureleciioo.- Tbere would' be pifda r noogh an ibe matter: if t here were no1 iber con t siderai Jpn; to cause then so do ao;; i Hence it is folly ;th en, la; prftfbd jthattbe Wbs ask 4 tbe , membtrrs lo make pledges as to tbe future course of the if .secessif8 iiher ihan tbemif-lves - V. HE GLORIES irT HIS SHAM F. f - V illy M. Speaker Spalding; basv made jaVfive-. bourt speeob atPimpra,. portage xeouWly (I, in defence of. tM' coBspiratorsilHircai a ' MMca Vefate;. irtdjebtrd tqtiiQhio j-Iifr. tad.ttbe:I;mQcralicrpembri-e peleni,- jded lo district ibeStitend t dun think could he made itf UicaItt9jUY i- -tended JrVMAKK it. jtj isuiiting tHe'S.ftO ' so ai tDAiecure a taaajdriiy;bf democratic diiv iricts. Tbeyimight hive gone theU I an!d districted iihe Stae adia to give tfie irhi aftefyQifhanciijAlk the Democrat 1 aay . tbey migfit VaVe iinel ao But hnfld you posettifytineii ofppolitioal excite;me;uti wilt ktptti Not SucV ten as BytbgionTand yourself, lf; Spaldirj cer Uioly ljb6$C3fLl'i9al ' ThereAascaUty foriyoa. Tias Mrl rSpaldjngiwas the Jole Locofoco Speaker ot me infuse oi iiepresenialives ol Ohio, : and his speech is in relation to tbe Gerryoian dering vjllanies of hia compeers. ) What honest jcban will jsby: ibat he doeg iiot "de--sen e ibe: baiter' tClaitiJIrnnerl'M i.-i - 'frFmni''pbrtesian 4lercur ry recently introduced a' speech of Mr. Wise in reply toMr.tAdams;.tp ils'readers, in the' following eigmfieant terms . Wemay as well aaytwat of our own notion, jefe-sbou thevoght of giving; circulation jp trfis, fpeecb We acre i requested to do so.f iTjd.liavirgnothjrig par- . ticulaq, to urge against ittbern it is. In. trutb, it deserves publication, ITiaja fine and forcible specimen--of -the" Fishmarket order pf eloquence, and as that style i evf dently destined to berbme' ibe prevailing wne.inltbis country I it is highly proper that carefujly fho8eQ models should be preseit ed to the rising generation for their atuiTy vSodJripjtaiibit. T ! I : Jj ' 4 '. '. HrryA.WUe repudiated by Locofocos I Well, ;what riext ? r,Why, Pll tell you be dogs vwonl bark at bint ; for when ihey ' hearthe gascpnadiog voicef tbie man, 'so Vepowned forboastful speech and fsoupd,'hey-Will consider it as ham. I. s as tnecro'ak ir gs of .the fenny frofc'S. lit. ffJKWe condemn the course of the Whig press of the coo nlry, in r'efirencp. o Mr Bilchie'and his options on Mesmerism, Mr Ritchie Js j too respectable a ger.tleniflQ to be made a butt of in bis old age'. He is now bordering on second childhood, and it is a pity and a ithame to take away! from htm the rattle, with which he amuses his waking kpuriV and by .which he invites a .l..? r-. i'M-'i-A " .---t-- "'c ' fHiish t dly-X . h: .v. -: ; " . i And rf n't ye cry ; : rji. . j Go to Ieep old Baby. , , ' j.K .j;?-; .j '-" : -' ' Clap Banner (Stand bbi-k gentlemen, aod let the fluid bave free circuliiun. Its infiaeoce is much weakened by U cfowd. " - - ' .,k " ' " - u i ,, --.'- i"J: r i.- Rijcliie artbe Holx. - ; It teems that this teqoest of tbe dreamer was IiUraffy complied with at the" Shocco; Calhobn dinner j ; The 'forre.pi'o4t - of.-' tbe Advucate ofa Tr ffcf 25 r idi. or higher,, wines fionx the see nee, Vjti lber were pteaeLt on lie occasion,' bttwttn 400 and; ll ' ; 1000. A small gap for a lie to cieep out of We jirpp'ie this includedHal the visitors at the Springs . Dointes, Kttchieiltrs, and T y le r 1 1 et Cay Banner, FbiicneM.-7Among the ancienjlsfbr getfulfceaa of injiiries !was considered a-vir. tue iCihe fbeatben' pnilosophei 1 reri aiif. , thajlto forgive! one enemies ws u btrfquil to the gods. Cato, whom all the i Vorid. admired, said that he furgate everybody but ' bimselt izrfn-tcctuatUfioraFcl!on.Biiht the r art affected in ashes 'and water take the yelk of an egg, sjx drops ot the spirits cf turpentine, a few beet leaves cut fine, a mall : quantity of hard soap, add one, tea spoonfel of bnrnt salt, and one of Indian' meal, it neer Taifa to effect a cure if applied .n season. , iln qutHlllr 0f fir rale gun powder u ,0, with .pmietod apply; it to the pail affected until lishalTbe : come! saturated tihieb will produce the de- sired effect. It bowever may be necessary, 10 some aggravated case to applylit tn ibis to ; wav lome two or tnreo times. " CIH" : 1 - . J -It- -!l illaifciifeiill j I ft ; . i . . -i-i . .Ii:. .1 1 1

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