! ii J "tit i r" - .... . ! -. ' . r J 1 " ?. f i T ft .UiSi i-:" r,-4-;jv. ",''-' ( M See thatlhe Go vernnimldots not acquire too much pgit tr: rRcep achtck 1 OLUM -A.n Pk,5'i ,s JtJ.LjinAV- ?nn Ipsa order- t" " : . r--. --;TTTT"T . Ft : - '.. j . , T!T?!""T?"M"rTT"T""rT""" - ;?4U r! I KL ibe -iWod'.nd bne'Vfcnediw Cont,niiy 1 Jsl from Old WjV &P4 i'-i t IfT hiMW forth o the poMie ! ll liiijiyJLPp V!: W l ,Affvtent wm?erTeloi!lastra!e ihe d.f ;MsLu ucy Ung .2 fi?L! ' H f i ' r''- - u ferMwS la the fir6tjP1are, the operation of the .'ocfcVa 1 crdfrtciJt "O U illNG remo,Idf o Concord, re re . "onrd,r J . 1r Wljf v DcId Vir2ionV ffallsyoo'll'ftnd; V. Q d opining in hehrkk bouse wesl resjl; the coo rse or lie diij& . when pundaa y Af e Mb. pite LVrV-imW1 tronunetoibf lhftgeneralsyslernfoaper- , Ul Jhe'.hmr.weel vV .'"T SPltlNGAND iSU31311Uiv edvftAlfafe;henreipse$are oo more " , f Oh lake your iimefcc. 't'? h 'Aiw " -J " liable to ensoeihah an if lack of ihe disease in rMi 'h'.T'.--;! V.if 't? - : - iji' GOODSj-',!?-';1' one who has overbad ii before. A Thirdly: The : My Lncy if a pretty zW") i c ;f fmoiiil !bich are; Dry Good!, Hardware; y$tW dnringUhe administration of the Improf- . .. ftjj Locy'a berry tall; . , nnitervi Shoes, Bootf, Uats.tBonnela, ; Bd;Tpnic Mixtpre, epringe op at once.onder if? - She cms de treble pfon wing - V- , i i e ii-r Carrhae TTitnminjsl .1 beaign influence, and gies forth an earnest jf re . Vhen diincinW ai tbe ball., - ,' ! ' - ! 1 HrtlUii ffntt fSb P "tJ tqrnTng health bndfisofw Fourthly :Prodocin,r V' 0fi iakeyoGr time. &ci 1 -f r tCf0Cr'Mal,. W 'j: "wrc'or less effect 'on the bowels; the' caoe. of , ;-,- v-,f . 'hi-c"-; i. j-! , rMOBsJ fledl1c,nsv (' yi . r the disease pasBegorln the way" moet strongly YLucy U v.prett gir,l A y " iVjK rTITO T llir? G " Micated hyaore:- Fifthly : Its sffecta on tbe Soch lobly hands and fee ; - r. a H " lTttHj,M.j-fili JtJui!i35 A systerarare uniformly mildr and safe.aawell as Whien her toet is in de market house TT-fi - f. J LliuArVii rnml efficieot.and N is as welladapted to the feeblest - . Her beela is in, Main eireeti ; r l'x -: ndanrietyf other biiicIm, wiMm- 1 f . 4 Vnodlficktion of fhedose, as to :t , -Oh! W youMime&c . " Tal,locUpd eax re , our s.ockbefore parcha- 1 Iwwhere.as welhtnk w can give soch I ris will beffireat mdacemeot to pare bis- re. ': 1 i 'i-J 1 ' '. -' j"'".- 1 .C6antrV'prodnceenn exchange fofgoods. 1 I . ' I I.I II 1 PiULIII .-1 II CLdcit 4nd 1 .H mam tn tn iianse 01 ur., unrns - jwuichi fded y J no. I. Slater andjqst below J yv. 4 u arry og me ouqer oniuH! DU9uc3s hi , au.o I'M. :;r-il ii ?:n ..?.f I T. .Lf.l : J. :ill ikn l : varieties cOmmonllin couutry 'towns : 'soch sa I j. miking. Spoons, &c.;" and fepairing bilve Valuable OTpnertv for sale in fl1,$ib3'eriieJs desirous I 3 ihat fwfll kfiown basinets t 1 .NlliGliis'da ed Mhort dislahe norih of tbe Vartha$f-lotolelly occppielb aldpleogp, Pf ti r y : StC p- f at ri aj p r e e n occ ip g i ed - tiy P.rttnr.t. nn4 A r rta;' ' Tli hnitea ta Af s hriflr Kry ar& anfexeelleht i sarae fbotl Ktisched to the premises are ill ilcpsarr y tfbufiidihgsj 'Those wishing to pur cause or to examine me aoove prosern 4eyo a toilpn if) Ippl ica tion be made ffHi!4!:AKbREW;(CAfiOCLElJGH. IWa'VftllS41 imSi -WW, Ud hiilcjiargls; will be moderate. nd dotderly conduct will be $tn LIMB ! ! F44 iHY.Wi'rAitj' of fresh Lime can bepadlal -AftsiliiA-tfiibWifio IQb bfshHs .nllp ;b40bas a?nHUlftV hod iPcowtrvl . ! V. ! .. i - - i . t ' . v. . - ... - -Mi P 1 1 ri t' ?. the orieioalgaaraotee, viz: '-aoe; money, snaui-j i-- . , - . vi J. I '; ' 1 - i 5Ss7N - I J , f has be?n poncioall? osed wtthqut Jprodocinff the 'At making weto pills," - p. L J. ' r ' : t d - i 'tzrt i ' - 1 desired effect. Address -l.t" ' ---r'- Ad de Whigs be monstrons angry m' ;J I . IP ' M I? , Dr. JOHN R. ,IiOYVAND,V-i C ;,KasedeK lost so many bills, - V : : -r1 '-AV' 1 yfaA, V'. "4( I No S9 North Second SlreetPhiladelphia. ; Oh! fake yonr time, e,-1, " t fWW.-" lL SoppHes bate been leceiTed by the sole Agent V; ,-aiif f -;tr. ' V' 4- 1 r t aKJSn' - -tj'-t foi Salisbury, N. 0.' , ; r-.. Lacy'sgoneto Washingtor; r' ,? J1HR sUserieUspectmUylinformhis old ept?; f 1842-1y6 "J? 3L Ftiedds and he Poblic generally; that he 1 ' " : . , n-neaa aim sore -oriiie.- opehea sbb? &ba,y tbe ae bosi. ji KEFASHIONSy ; ".Obljiko yotir time,! in a Vonm .l&eetlv ODnosi'lolWesVO brick 1 " - - -'VL' 1, :a ... - - . 4 ' Xb!l 4 ' hepubTic Unf unctu l" JftblS t Ja Ko pr.cUc.bt.ty pMhlDgs whtch bye nntniuated bap. there are few faces from which the ; h,f to patroiageaod soppoit. he wtJlmer jiUu-arioqs-branches. two dors above J. & o nBe .foraiances appeared, thst even! tbe f ' 1 Soine f 0pr r may. be , I ! ,knw wnnlwnoiti W Mofphj-s etoro, where he Is ready to cxe- tber,tbe conqneror of Hindoostan, has curious to learn from what circorjnsjanre tt T U :lfih lPN- TOV"ff 1 all srderaof his customers m a style and deJicej a porliwn of hi, interesting memoirs m hreWed .t- nnme lo thW.w tnld . - ;toY.,ior-ii,iQj 1 ; us - ( 1 . 1 j maDoer not glassed by any jn thispartonoe d B8cr.ion 0f ihem without however, altemp- . E - f ; t . , : r- I 1 rn TT I v.Li.-t 11.. s. .is .k. ramit.r rarptnt nf ihft f . v v ! . . . a r the tradition of , if . is this r v durinr4 the Ji- i r T-" Medicine for.FETER ad Ache, JJuspepsia, anJ Ir ; v--- - .LfTCV' LONf?. , P-h4. KutlT bore are a few of the points of "J!? ' !.u .u--J-.ri contrast. I rilh the temedies-generally resort-' 1 , . r , ., . . . . , ,-,m L..A,;,a- r,nm 1 which a propet jadsmetil maybe formed in ae- Hffliff : ' !: 1 . , . . . . a . " ; . . . I' 1 . t . 1 i -r s-t i -1 Tt91 I, 4 j 5- - f' y -PErl j. - . u a o - 1 ari s7VC7 THOlAlWaVS"A; ; i il ifT ' T irVTTnil I.Ui w i... -vi,-iiwii ict-iaiar-aK" iA ' ctll'-l?""? i-Jsaaa! Vi-- i(w IA r.eiin Mn onitr fill inl enn iknnl r ...-3 ' confidence in the efiiciency 'of the HowanJ'a Says she 0! gracious! Jenkins, , ?' ' - l-r1 m. 4 ' Improved Toole oiixtare" to cqeci a;iann 1 , Ltoes your mother Know fyon're oat t" r SWATCH ' CUre "of Fereriand Asa. the Proprietor restores I 'i ? OhlUkeyoar time.&c. .cCi-.-'ir i . I . t . - . . ! ' .. " Knfth. fi- it.it OAnAfHtr mil;) -'r-H ?f-v- 1 f "jr- 1 , -)i L't , -o- . - ' ' t .Tt l.-1 'tllff- IHa itrmuter, OJ To tbos who never, witnessed the extraordi- 7-: - - r: "J, TVi". V'""" icuuuMj "j" , .I.W.J.S-. . 1 -w- , 1 ung toeir eiocioairon. - v t. 11 , - . 1 I J-fit.LI v:4r-Txrrtnir- viamnVH. - . 'in.i .i.r ahn nA hft ihKnrnr nf rtr l aniriran strnotfle fnr lihfirtv. Whitr nf 7(1 M. ; M ' I I ad prepared o accommodate the-tastes ot tbe wiag me -ipa. ivijaa in uw rij wot ,w tne name of UofRery, , was; pursued by itahd toliexing-l .t?i-uJ. i ,rf;!J?.Uv ; t L.i 1. ...4ioW it.A,n itW hiB tVirii-j H.. I hst;iAt itit -narf ?ti i Si attTrOf MbttUatbUltitL fir1 hftd!d ?P82 l m ttmO ana fifendVti irnpossible 1o es- I "v "i f-lnlacedlft in i s hosoai murder Jo hatch it h He ? - t i." -i S'. w I IH mP.nmJi7f)mTJW'V.m-MrJ A r'rii:.i: .ii aiiti-uk una wJ:Luj bate, except by i nrecimtitins hin1?elf over 11 'f jaraea McLel'and and WifeV A H ed to see prodacea and me gentle weena nairg; inis precipice wnteti'4)0-ai4,"Qa nniracti- 1 r ii i- j- k H t' - - named .a dove, (the symbol of lief - own innbceo? i Uiri--d;l'4f?K4l!i if:vT'"'' N ; s U t. i I unrspfi Aicjirasev ana oiners. il lylbMi fSiilSLf "i ' ed ioo the skyjWith apid-in?oo. iTbe;trick: hived at Jonsthsti Faws Emist j.t that m m indor I y only a wTfctIHboyAthe summN of ihe ! -8 A r h--!iS sakanoinhabttantS of .-tuis.ats'e : J t is r- I r'f iw- - Tt t . 7 .1 .1 rt-- 'LIUL "V ; : -min; . i'- -a 1HI1H Pi 3 ;.kii-a'rttLi mi-fftr l wapU in by orfer ottne-iianee, repitia ,ine :innoiiT o ceieors.tPnegrotifliooDitn, curtairied m 11 fbfffi fondc44l .!5ispeli; :- :;: teldo' appeal at ibWnixi term of jbla tTooti.tb' be' .ffem&i;, Ld. climbed above!nhem as thev turned firM i I i f mooday alter tac 3i i 4llLrus!l I l9T:"rT?ra pfitateJ branch; Was nearly. ct t Muhibiledi ! i 1 Jf l:i;-irrSi afra-H1"irl rent fcx 5 -- Mil as this tealiapneared. it t nl-.;l T ! t: irl 'Sr ! hU h hr.nrh extended yesierfajreja? jib'es'bf lllfant Miisi ,V",y4G wah::ravenuHs--4railchess form. 1 f" , r -, ' ' MTbat ever, body, nd especlallj iht l Jhlle Ne- She makes me feel at) orer o.' 1 j eeni moat basts roy hearts - , . . . ' ;.Ujr f.y-, k "".. !, R. Tl44srM!,a.,r-i r- m ... ' ' i . we are going 4o relate will doobtless appear too marveUoaa even for iho: pages of. romance; but experience haa'VsuflSciently Wrapnst rated 4 the shell Landfleiterio ' I T . I ' ! tor as ihe; 1 ' - -a L a r k T a al. in-his hand inid hiat jnflniaiionslbeblof soros" ke t nd in the place of arh appean? bni Manmii'whi;h 2adally Swelled out jlargest and licbest sfzaof that delicious froitj r 2. '.ji,..tJs a M-n c.lwisr' in tenoantSr were presented in a goidrn; stvpri tq these naviofr Dtrn caincrvo u uriuvin ' . 1 ' - 1 A .VISITTQ THEbNEGRQ: and !PH(Er Tp:NlXM0UhTAINS.1f: x IVfter W9 I hers L pany, than left 4.Mrf;f Mary;Mrun V(6n WlkM.Cqooty,)'pnitho-fcQrr(iiDff of the 1 5ih t.; : f oi; the pq rpose cf i f isidpg , tbe'. Negro and'PtcBnixfMorjniarns, Sntho Vconnty "of and much to the eliehforjhp.erty.rrtho "Bun looked down ODcn ut withont the shaJ- w ui ciuuuAf - nappeneu,: tne lair rcf poDfioiiiues of. saia; part? tool no tribe red t!he,gentlerrien::on our rriaWnWitke; anothergallaoi into ;sertce j betnfe fairly dmded, and all things, being arranged, each adv ooajsttng ofTber own protection, we et out with ,tho ? pleasirjg excitetaent, the ?nttcipitionojf so Rojmritid : aovexcarsioD; is calculated to produce obserring ttrict plan 8ucgeste4 by one 'of lhcscompa.' ny, and unanimously agreed to " by all, "Tint no gatlint should entertain the same Lady loncer than twb honrV at V! ir'rangement J welbtalculated toj break- in opon tbe dull monolary which is so apt to ereep into och parlies, and diminish great jheir enjoyment ,i hin Hio" We4 Lady and "gentleman ride together during the Whole trip, but that the two hours, to some 91 out ; coupies. . appeareo - very, snort, can afearcefy be doubted. ? . r !, kin Riter, and in a few hours found oar spiffs crossing thel beautiful i crooked aod clear atrearo, Reddie Rifer followed its meandering banks---cros3ing H eight times witnin . tne aistance -ot nte miles, - end it length Urrffed'at the foot of 'the Biue ttidge -alter a. gradual ascent or five miles, we arrived ; at the summit; or Docker y V,B Ta,,CT " ,,a(l"K! Kiwfwnien wes between the BloeRjdgpn the; North snV the Brrshy! Mounts n op the Sooth. Per" J'. . ' ..a. .1 LaH I. . L I f " ' . . r the b cf jthe fairionei ise-MpbeforW"me'" as 1 ,.jtf j-its ;fL.rj ..s pwriie, as ii among -ipeu.vivia recoiecuons .. ; V . if -Ti - II anJ Am rtOPva , a! UaI; spirit mooVoVhcrse gro Moifotaia:' Tbfc; mountain "ifeabonr one: ntiy Sonth ' f iJefrenillhe aitltwde Stpkesj is near OQO feeifaboteahe bed of a stnaircreek ronxilnit'ifs basei It fre-; cetted its homely naa-iroa: the eirrum staVce.rof'somellp sal f eij n its r ugg d ,cl tffa dr iu g the Re vol p. tiooaiy 3Vajr:iiW6bl( ajnd; rujrgeoVeri tbe top barren yelti lhV"irepUoh of some BdyCMoii flfit''dEf-iVelVpeciatnr le oaisnce on (ontvn ispnot improper to f tate thit the Ladies deaerVe" ore at credit" for tbeir equestrian pcilformitjcei buiipe'rhaps or. as the steepness of the mountain ;'th re w, they cn ire of gra vi yf euti rely folder- their "cci iiKuucu.jiu.iuati 5Muri io ij maintain their equilibrium The sii)es of 'ihe-Negro wen;, oj us i ueai:uiuiiy oecorateo witn;some of the snandebmestGeni's! ol Flora, . We h iva h.il ..Atii..ii t.r . t:.!i? .1 iibu au vJVlVHIir ! l ' l?IiUg 1018 raobntairt at!otberlseasons of ,tbe VeaT in the winter, whenUne maiden snow mantled jls ctoud.pierceing-beaksV'and thoVhole au ' t ' J 1 .r " J ' ' - , particlet.of ice, to breathe which.- must' in delicite lucss, have caused; a sensation im. liar to laceration tyilh a sharp koife. "I have scen tbose mountains when the late, but raw pid spring witb itsjbalmy j breaihinffs. and its soft sun lightj suddenly . awakens 'the long s!ombe ring vegetation of those : cold and elevated regions wben 7 vou .could a! raosi see the barslipff of lh!e hudn. anVl th-, for.ming into : lea vclr,? whil " patches of the 1 . if T L .- I a . a l taai anow yevwngereu oereianu mere about me csYiuea vi iaa rocss ana in tne noiiows of the fallen tresbut never did theWe nerv eqnai mat ci august, .when they are variegated with all of those countless arrd exquisite shades hfpeepj ptnk yelIow,biue nd violet, M a field for ihe florist" that can not be found anyi where velso(n thel Stale. Still nearer the tp-;;were seen thel fleecy 1 .1 l-i'r..!i r . . . ' uvfi piuwg miuny opon wic nricisices: and.no w and thori the swtlel . warblipgs of some mellow toned songs er fell softly'on their ear a:. 'r. vc . U 1 . Mli i V S v We at length ascended ijie raggy. steep, and the .pictureipj-eeentedjOh! who can paint it- 0 scene pf magnificeoce and splen dor burst opoo o which ijt had never enH iriea inio ine. ncrn or any olrlue compa- - . ' lit ' ' : LX n w , n.Miin : : lift.,' kL 1 . 1 . ft t oescnoe iu out; we venture ;lo say, .with nut success, and if ;the ablest pens of the Amrivaea half of. its wmderpus bxaottes, let not this humble 'pen -da're it desecrate that snhlimi Ity; andjovelines (1 f 1 9 h is 4ri'! b cfi b a i oui.. j u--j luu u j yui v eifiiiu view in ak?. Tlia h J k.U llL.J J X J-'t i - M mute sdmiffttionlilhe beauty "of the f scene 1 .".--1 at, bow in silcnltsubmtss Being who made iiem:a1.I, The individu skthat, has once; stood upon ' - - - 1 S - - J i. V - the .sammit of tHeTlNcerb Moiibtain Uill'ne- ver forget tbe ridbjscene Isid but before him. vru an sijaec nature can oe seen in per most imppfjrrVjrmij jSbner-6fjy miles to the east f in Sorf y.Uuntvi can ho s-ejfthe IPiloi. arid Inomuchulejss i Jolthe VYbst, (10 Bai e dnuntf j ire seen tjib Table. jAi 00 m a 1 ns a r jsi ns iix e 11 oge pi tiows pr 0 p p i n g t hg H eayeris. bpljdtngdtfi nlnre-fito' storm and, tempeft audi scarcHy tremWiui? st neals1 of living jtrnirideri Iwhich lear from tflgaVrajlr.-Aiii.ldrrt fborVmites' i r tm tne i egTjrji a nsesj f ne- p i cci i i,' i n sullen majHtya1 !if diVtfainiog to; bold fel. lowship with neifilihorm? mountuns. Off in th diiUnre v?re seen of.he B.lioro, lie'Grabd -mluA 'kk.'x::L iUii-jii ed to be baihine their deeo lhe!,gbldenPflorz;;andVwf30'rf wim'c siwuiiB, wpiipu . jtt:scmeu ;.uie appfr i V. f ?f some wast monster reared against lhkf7A ?-win ding wayV half way bp ,a moantaPn on horseback tvejdfsmounled and ascended ante ui tusi uuMir ot.. uasiinsiSMvrr. laicr- I -i .f' --.-i ,;f---H mrtt ag 10 one jcqniojon pantle pfjgaljze. 'i. j'' ;'t Beneath them Werb strctchod numerous lit. 1 t"i4 : Hei!!ys-ifitprajnedVwijh"p?otleJ rf boilinw waferi on tw elevations and fptfnkled with fields "of wivpoubd's brown sugar : one ounce and a half ing golden grain, jdeepgren meadow; with liere aqdtherbNl field ' :bf"lfk wheat, in blonnvwhtch lbcd Irfea a vast wliite robe spread out on ibe.Undscape, hilst ihe or face of jihe .forcst;evrr anrl ann;.:irarying to yfighie the tree top's ? " trirots 1: tlereptre of the largest valley jWieje ipebndering forkjofi New jRijcjlfl; whose ehr'sfa.sbrlac rfflejeted alm'osti lrujd fir now rolling be ! we?!! a'FDd bJw sealinlrgeotly among the rich riiado'jjid( in :!trtditabcr until at length atlNe foot if the faroff bills, was lost DerimJ, jpe nrr.pie ot mountains 1 -r -ti.:- - ftli !..'- and most inccrp: ehecsible panoratnrcf ntV - "ii lurethat that organ is T capable of Vppfeif:y, -fr -ting lUunTtys ro l! : r:jn'd the ideatpf ihQ, i, -"woildapighttf Kainbow, with God powtl-T' er'm its:huesr0 beauty "r, VV; V :V '"- ' rThat arch where argels oigV leanj Ji 1 W - - 4n,d lew ibs,wMd"eracf tbemi-hty sctnsrv : v,Alter lingeriBg aa?eral boura onjhs sunf,--V mit,4nd reaatrog pa the blioties of .ijatqrei . we, found it tiecesary,'ootwit!i3tanJicg th;U r: conactness or tha'PoetVlhat "wbateV tti:4; potU.thfe mipa;;sbpporta lher:bodi .: patraVeof t some of the refrVshmeotarpfe- yt paredTor fhtcrpbso by thekiodYddds- ! . . piiauie iiri ., kui sion were compel Iej 7 to 'lea?eb n I ciopn t of a n a pp'roa eb i n t at orm v f -fl ; one regrefung'Uiiuhey ieould cot remain ' - jjr eeklipst-a'd Pi few; boors, T TtVej clouds, t j :p appeared lb Vccufnolate heir forcesJ until i H" f deep'glodo) taieined tft gather afduod; U !'f : . Nothirjff -can b'Btim'irinpfr ".VnnriinIimA':'1' tJ: than 'thiratphencCpheVamenatbn Ihosa vfr 'i ( i i e)etatedegionsj!ofing aafiht.iKonder-;- Ji:' slorerj in AuufI J n d B):ndinglhe mountain tk :! uu(iuii;dohi iiue w soon joupa ourselves jc 1 in the midst of ans immense rainboW ;Vtbo '1.'. , trees Vnd'eyeityihlng rtAio'd .were Vthllv"vLfd " : coloqrol ifrithifinrtetifol Jlotmd looked as if;scen, through b prisralJson i i-Ju J ' deep bhade is' cast alj around and increases i . sofin tlie-lov mutmufinff of dtaoiihan'' ' Is-- Wy SfSc? ItofqnjverAr the ijfistant ) '-J" -mouataioj, every; flashhter indTichter. t! 5 and everv pesl sounding louderj'.snd; 'nearer J V T : iobn the ; wind rises an0 fbshes on -the "i jt ' storm.ahd twiljehl-like darkness oserihad.': pest sounding lou'der' and 'nearer owing us? wlbilft 2 oct asibnall v -'the tjjahi-i 1 " lr: : uioa gieameoroui in onevast sheet.Hashing 'J-t'r intolmolfi day7-r All at once the- ram- de, 11 cenda 'rtttlinV thrbnghthefbliagei'of tbqv 0' stubborn b?ks; hitriing the liltlbjiniaToas- I-f: - what affrighted company in almost loo' re -r;. i reab(ng shberf. Thestorn coWinued'1 P-'1 - abobC40 families very sevefe,Vnd the vol- : ,1 te.inar lf.nH nf! If tains lb Iheir'fvecw. .foundations. Afler the i rV rain we connooeo pur uescent ol tneesro " : Moiintain-but oh t if I ob!d. decr'ibe .the r J ' r looks pf the maUlehs-thev Indeed! looked moji.exqiiisiie,, oius cannot ten their lcve- i . , 1 lioess the. gTeajer number of thern Twero ! ? v j talU:abdgracefuf--iHeir Vrtgtnia bo'nnew I were: wef .and did not entirety hide iheir I ':- sn o ww i i j i e Jswan-like nerks, langutrily f!;.l" - wvr. z ' V", 5 -.iui: will tc, UWj ' W 41111; .-( . i lilly stalks, "wionk the sweet chahce! is sur ri'S-' charged Iwitfi spmmet's, dew,- andt aboot somo of themihuQg'dangljng oS behiqd leir smallwbiteearsi bunches of raven ard an, born riocte(s-f-l'fc;ir etea wereseldo or modesty tjby were cast brion the grouna,.Dui : now. bog inen a gianre would tbalpotifrpfti beneath their Jong. bo!)ntst VVhatieffect i hajdon others 'I know not, but to.m?,';it ap ' waV sword iejapipg' from its scabbanfj or ihe lighlniog from lh4e gloom of a thundercloud. - When I could. steal ag(jmpibor.iheircheekf " I would see A rich camatiYm flurh, ts evan escent asrtie jbiiht hues ' of sunsettouch ing the; tpppi Wme heaven rismg bjjl ; oc casionally by accident would slip (for that, they all tomwbmestfopk: low seals cannot 1 bo denied) 'frprnl beneqth their giiyee.liko robes the most fjsylph-Iiko ankles, land the mallesl !sudmost delicate fest th't ever i i peered oot floors! benesth thacostiiWs of any payty nt Lot 6a fi Creai'on.M tVe re turned td Coll B' about jlhree o'clock! where we remained junOMhe evenrng of ihe l2(h, I take thefreponsitilityj of siyingphal n1 ... parly Sever enloyed 'themielves more br fared n t betiefjiHdJfsppiiklng iof fare-it isenbugh iQinspirblhe Moseherialf. I wobld sit, . ' Those ibaf, are mni of tne mnlton arid veal. , Orbo9bat woijld keep out 6f,theibowerSa4 , Let them puk bri at Col. George B ai l's. rhe incleroencf of iho wr alher pfpent ed tbo jadica . from visiting the Phootix ivjounisip, ai ainc, cornpany amuspii memr sefv"e'sj;ibtyariuavt; snd pec85fWa,Uy,Mr. S t- dblfgfited thpm rwtth Ihe sweej ipnrs pf h4 flfte jQi the; evening of :lhb ifo, J nptwtthsjiandlingthe onfavorahleness of the welHirthegertleoien i determined,: ta vint they Pbjtfbi pariviog at thepumn.it found Jtenopdtin: elpuds, anil cbiteniod' thr-mseives hr rrierel cartjng, in rbs ciiarkcters tfio initiais of Ihejljadres on bckr ages f j, Jj- ,aoA rwfj pr-miaei.p, ihemfelves tcf ttsrt; . , a this1 stjapenbusjidooment of njatqie sombj - ! : lime beii Vbtnmcr your readers shall . j ! : have a decrlptibo of the mountairt. The 1 1 ', I parlyfreturoeJ 1 their bornca on ihb 14th. : wnn jtnBir oBiiia jmproveu nnijt rrpre cr i ; 45 W, m M . . . C AMn.n..ft. . S VT - . 1 ' : T . wno are oenieo tne pleasure of nsi ttintf 'and gsznr,i$ bethjb a w'ei,on ihjoo t pofs w hie h I t un; -sntHifjity-nasj nanowea jn-inc raotrw ianl. 1 1 1 K & - t. . I l V - .ill ... - . i l 1 biiu iif inn .yi; vivi un3ii w.aniio inierofi a ' " VW-' ';W"n$ M ' I nr"rfv.Jl'i.' -" ! r ; Rtttipt for making j pingcr I of "cream bf tartar, and the sm of ipouud- ? ed inbier';j"lirbem well, trrd nntiit in a ibirrel dwhefi rrilk w?irm, puf iq half a pint ! of i?6od -eilt, bike ihs cask well,;snd stop fix rinse in jtwrHv-fbur hours' it will he. fir, j tcr bott'e cork it well, snd Jn ten jdays it i will sparkle like) Champaign one j ox. two will ins i prove ftrooci. j Yot economy, you may ! oso mollsseaj instead of sugar one. quatt j jn placbfof founds. This isj ) whole. ; - somej arfd, def icibbs beverage. Besides it is very ieheap aod simple. A goob man? peo. t plo use molasses and water, ooi ioi3 is .5; . ; . !-in---.ft ur superior, jfary 11 not drink it every day itheicraggy heads! rnon icenj mnuraf.nts or, Barda bnJ4Sa- i-i .?-;!, atheVjtbeNbtebr 1 gesAbes: pitbedralsB-ronja HnUf, -fi f ' .1 ins.1 which: seom i fn'Jr' finji afvery sgreablesiihs)itiite in ! U ; ! blue oeaks in visitipg Ine; fliegro and Phoenix MMinUinSr llk.S m - . . ... I i -- ' t -' 1- Js- . it 1 i i - r. i d i -1 ' :. H.': . l"l";''IV it ! 1 1 i Ml it i'i-;!fj.i! - r! 1 MX ! ' 'I ' A ti If i I . '! . , 1 1 will not recommend sny ; A fiADTr :vi 41 '-AAAAl 1 a ; "i - :t . ',.'i-S;";'; Ji", m -- if m, nt -Ti ' S-f-rt- 5 vi-t -4- ti : "ii -i: 'ti..:.-.-jv Ih t:i il'-r. " I" f it- - o ' I . f I - - "J " " - , W 1" if -i