ation)' the WiJd speculations cf.nAich .are evey ronomg jroxncne -pn&qissr to. anoiber.-tod D- s 4 ' " - 'i -J- J " ' ' - " ' - -. - J .. .. 'if..., . .... liie roero Tisi-.oary.ihcnriit, tvbocrcapipi time, ' crectmjf & fr-boUt :ciea wnon the Vooef " fci'n the bo t'3- s, vi. J ! .1 :1 I 1 l1 1? 1 2" arid charged fof accordingly; oijIeM f rfer- I" -i MA.M tr. nnore atteisijon. --.y . 1 '1 iipself :not coif io ihendicole foif t!IsensibIa'4rVf s ? 1 Sitninier 1 'CIPnOVED' TOI7IO r.IEHTUIlE. Tl;n who wold have .? rccoors int.. j Famuv tfediche W FeVeh Ann AGtTE.'I?ispent tnd JNerpow JVcaknWr sbooM discfimio.te ietwef n the ' i honsand and vone V femedics 4congtntIj ber!dei forth to the public, fbe 8tme-now asm 1 1 - "J 1- r IAVING remnted ta Concffd, ate tfpw re tod ppeningin tbebtick hoaae wesl the goarinoase,Miw ,,- - j It rBbnft Wch re Dry .poop, Hardwire) SaHdle r?.; ; Can ;get jo A f. ; ,fi;, , tuff;Medjcint;J mdCERIEB,;; ll a tiiietV of olUr articles ; ge,9 ia .generei isbwuuoum b for casn.ww 'lM'r," :L. U r-nctftmarg anditbf lacH andcxe'nrne odrBtockpefof pdrchas 7 ei else i n short tt com-j cb will be sold Healers on timei puorc io gen f-TRin3:4s"wlU ba grait wdueenfeal rcbas ( f1 " " 5 ' I H ''-t-' t-l- '; i ConoSr prodoee fakeo in! excbioge forjjood3. 1.1 tiiSS;f':r,; I- . .! i "!!: I 1.-' v -I---, i . ?---- t.. i.4.-l;-'.;v - 1 1 it-' : vj -.i' i in l i hnf tii9iiiha ?r rai.- i tail - viin inin ami i rn mrnn -.; i '- -. ttt v- :r- .--1 - t --.j .r" TMn-nVtr c ; 4 1,,. SJ: 1 v - . ' . iv- -v- ' r J btisband havinff been called awarhw firi.iJIorqtberf Alroe, examplar of that character ' - . ii; ,1 vino o ufcuuiirflso.,v i if preparation is tscertamiD? ihenarae of I .'. i r v. h r- " l-i. i1 a- " .;,,.-! . , iiii iimM.,; w nij-. ' Z, J ,:' , ' ., f r- Z, ' raiBW,O0oriheset6itsbddjdemMii1""" ".'"Jty-I Hod tnd ra.'Xflrf been sompiimtsMrtieam m.bTteb? lf?fLilai"ri' ,io c aiixioiF i. in.-" "V'.-7 S" .lhn claJ In Miin2 rob8..rchriiaoloTe,-.'.'. '"o ontr ! henpoo t6 stain lbn be . - T.V.Tr."? '""5PVH; ri0(.BS, aoiji fc.i1, ih. ' l.w.lY. il : V.J-'l ' ' m . fwwf Hijr.5r7A,--i fib.bihirPocui;ad.b.i h : hidji" fd:.odfpi:ivBTs ed TS Mixmel Mafft op at . oncp under Mb The height depth s ChrmredeeAnitig We r parlmcnt. Mr.;ATi ; oiko dreo. , A gentleoaa pre WM offwedja PJy, bf ibr cred. crip'urea ihn.d.- prof e benWnofloence; tnd gi?e forth an earnest of re On this themeibv Hpde!i3bi tb'dwI his apraranceabe robberwitb a conrtoone lbe ;for..tb.aieV buhtrefnsed Abfr ueleiejiQus tnrirn hhb and vigor: Foartldj : Prodocing W bile ehrifaVhVart Wi-Vclid jNaartnoa sVell. lj" '. ' :r t,f.v ir,- KarTv , .rf iht'w.-indathe man? Ap meat,!ao4 oport the Imeres ofnbe agncqlturtsu as wetUs v it j . more e"r Jew effecon the bowelath'e 'caaae of And ainneraiooi have beard bee eft woelaim M Vr!?fS 'WJ bon?M? iHa other 2are hi'fflthemoner .whrcb1 he- fttt?1 - the disesse pasaesloffn tha w.yoft strongly Theierror. tf.Grfs rhlated law. -"-'rV B.lif a. oo the next.Hoor 'Msfote5 i0 piy0; i,1 :,Tforf.f' pf lb- 1 .Ll hT 5 mdrcaifdhynatare-Fifrbly: It. effect pn t he Before tbera thoa.bast pjacedbntb life ,od dea.b aoAa .parted. .lU,n; hitiBQ a! the ntmoatimooHance to the .anxioas While ifiauv more, bow painfaJ isihe ibooghtt vnUi.unJ '.''Lui'fi.:. -u- kAnAn. Wni,,-; nt,.. L i-i I ' 31 V1 wniy-Jo beau hboied tosoa- , F.ffiZ, S of iu Z . ' We " r " " - ' - " ! Ve . d.ngerou..-d theenSnl - I'l'n. f M .o.f ittf friend.". s,id aofce., fc, , .u; ,,--. ok,. c .f : " ed U in proressiontl and Jfamily praeltee.' from Thy dd.y 1. dijehargrd, !hy clear, v thrd . 'w0',h',Bi dion,e(. ih. rioe reiter ""fffbT " my por lor ; me Una -'"Ji,,- ?i , UV ' - P ' , whWh-i rTloii j0aoenl may be Mied in 'ae- And e'ei IibemseWea ball.iMtiniy b,r-1 .. i,'; lHOff nnlefl, Iberogoe teller- brinLing him op. lo lhe 1B- r .. . . ,. l"1&yv : UeiTnth. reoieor ' ll - ' ' Al ib.t dread bar to .b.m i'lb. bar rf, God!, and -performs'. -'f - ", --t-1 f " of hi-doein.: and free - V.-o ;, ! ' N?2B , tWUb Tiew- to" re-eataolU 'entire Thai .boo, Ob ioan 1 did-.l.wa.n fai.bfoll, iea-ci.c e.1f cti,"e Mi.'. nl b. ge , "f-Jb"f , "w t!,li.!1l ' H ; i j"? f" u .ion.f ih RAWimlVt To mrn to Cbr st andflpe ih trrzfi tfame r t T ! . . al in the follow ui g we would ell as well ogHn. di ira?J.tiiatRiP, not only ihe -eteoentaryv h!T tt ! r103.8! -ith the door, aad , thc Yorkehira nobleri; bLfia-- 'Ttu 1 ? f STfJtw aa4 A8ae, ti'4-Proprietorstores But greater still sbJlI be h'f rich Jeward - ! tep vanishes with the rapidity of Jightninp. dying."- A barorietof the last eIuri. 1W IILVtt pr.'Vf 6n9 "nd A -i : f ... frolnaT Wh Chris, sb.l cocne bU jewels .u ake nP, N. shoold! he be - ae.zed, acdj the stolen DanrionUL' Yorkshire .tappotfi m "l b7i K I be retoTtped iS eery cay whereit beiremedy Rail oo.tb, brow.a crown of aor; plaee.V 8ct fouod ; orj blo;be;i not dead;When:ihelfoloi,- con ! has been And oa tbyear bra wfcove plaudit ring. 4 ? f : ,V . f tftflk D,ace weeo hl9 i.'ile? ;tfaoil 8nt! i,, Ji.PL ai Vr. i-r ? 1 Pet 1 1 IflEf :SnhserirfMineetrnl!v fettforins his old ri-rlPtirfftsnJ ihe Public freaerall. that he h openeor enpn inansoory iosub w ut Us,mi 4 rotm dit'egtly oppositf Wears bricK li dms: ii'the house of Dr, BnmVf'OTtnr,y hwl by JooitiSbaVer and iosi elow J i Sc V fn aJfj(tio'n to the eWe : tbJaubscriwr wil irr ?; orHne , autm unmn vusmcssiin t Vnetiei corrimon in countr? towns: speb as h i - ..,Nr:JOHN.ft:ROWAND,-J-'1 Raleigh, Sep. 23. 1842 , V V No h Second Street. Philadelphia'. J - - " -j ' r!c?1 een the sole Agent pXRisiAN SWINDLERS, lot Salisbury ii. C. '-tf -. hh t? , , ; . . . ; . 1,Hd t .V Cp; WHEELER ; We take the following extract froa ;jfp 1116 ;rr WW which: sppeVra ini the Jaat; n,. nnrl dlriPi) fn ill .not I O0-Ol Ul8 sertant r d T, . J oua jccasionsb. : , -1 . r Serwohr. Our, roaster ia gone. ,.J7.ii;;L i.s. fcn-. J...u i'oof-Ab, whither is he gone? an elrquehce almost irresidble, the pardon. i j lecded loefery naliop and kindrp.l and viongce rp j under beaveoi BuL the opinions of Mr'C. secia .1 piisgess bait mile weigh! with practical 1 men. and are? esumaie.i bv iheoo a( just" what t . J! t 3 : lit ! NfiW.:FASHIONS l 1 FOE TUB I 1 -, t . J1 ! - X E m a ,i UkiOif I Hpodns, j&c, ; and rDpairriig oe !are. , V I H . 3fj f He begs to aisare tbe pablic that if prjnctaal lentloQUO, business,; and skillfullwotk mil eon e hiip to jiaUooaje and sopport, be will mer it ( , 3 T i S ft II I ii ' 8 a w r .t irr Art t fxr niT'T'Tt ialuMe? property jfdr sal m aH&SoWriberns desirous to beUMrrate)y I i Jibt weiinoWnbosiriess stand in Uexing m.ii. ..sisaaieaa snort cisiance nwimii inv Jtmrthoii se,3 iforroerly nccupisd ,bV g Clldqleogb iwoawy i f4 vo. ano at present occupiea oy; rtitardiandaArJarasi; ' The bonae is; ofrbrick.i :?e and ; cdmmbdioos. contajninf an! excellent rwe'roont and fo!tfleIirtff tfarirfena; sll onder vsasma roof. v. Ajiached to lbe rjrerniss are altj psart ooi-bDildiogs. Those Iviablng to por- ose.ortto exaroine toe aoa?e prqpeny, win re 'eatgennoa Jt appjicaiioa oei iau mi- - 1 II ANDREW CALUULbJUWH. ! XdJ i ahl I , J 1 5 . S -S A 1 .vi a v. . a a ..ti - r - t a a . a ini nn '.ilaw.': - 1 ' - " nrri o m A s n l c z iyftd- TT1 ESPECTFULLY informs bis frienda and Jt&pnil.c, bat he still carries on ibl t: .y TJ1XX.0XIXXTC BTTSXXrcSS .Cwnrio fTn fiAftan I T'tiAno US, '"-1 F.W.-To bearen ! no l-thii he k.,rnl' Be "J! ffreaU? be aw par ta - v , V V. ' T - trie jcompassmn ci-tne beoeroient man, . j- ' r f r ,oe" sonowj'ier, uh 8iaeJt cur Junmr .;ri vieW which, appears ini the Jast f London whom he! fraobly; sdqatta he5 has so deeply ! 9,jre J ,.v - ; statesrbefl?"uTer.wae minds he VieMs" a'aai.,.C Oiflfti ofi work' recentlr 00.; in injred-iini bis firstjiis only offencfi-tbe V ' 1 K ! 'I' 1 bich is,fa.n,fe,.ed.b, the Merilrty of ' r ft X? f? J? r -itl ! 7 .f? Zsl. V?. fatal loftlof. ol.Tba.led b, to ,t-io de- ; Foof-Why, because heaven , is are?1 he,5 I'h!? hjecndtbHr csnmp - U' isns, unntr trie oirecuon 01 uie ,jiute . i --j - - way tl( and woen m? master was greinja on or firneroo .ie:41.ror; of Uor.grtM.vhfch ; 1 ce France, entitled "Large Cit.ea. and tbe.r long jpurney he used foV'som'timoioLik oeghi tibe empWed fn;nrertLM17pt Ai ' . u k ... ' aa aer oreatneo -a latner w bo would die ; - ti .i- 1 it irTe m Hrii on of.ihe iiftifp niri''iA.'' ? - dangeroo. claW" h;g.,es some amus, whe.?o krJow of hr. son dishonor el idof ing examples of the ingenuityjand clerer, This-frequently succeeds; the proprietor !.im rapek of h6'"n ? 7 T"1- Wwdly and fully answered' ai Mo betrte i1 ' j . - ,--aJ . - ir ..T tion for emne: he cannot, therefore, oa done ' ;u,di,'B,1u-..:i.'.x; cu 1' .... ii i I...II .iii iriiiiiRiiiii uimsirii wnti KirMinai ina iiniini i . ,.., --t i ,a wuuiw .u.uaa uv ivurr uuru iu u suusi m . l"ui 11 . . :' uaia-ui 1 aiiai.u suiiuria. 11 uwtu scacs . in ttt t- r""'".'.: t - jit ri j - .1 . ... , t . . i. 1 aril i w . . . w -g pieiis m t' r.- . t ........ -..;'.r. vr - r 1 1: T s-v rniira 1 . til m 14 A man ofj unexceptionable. appearance enters a shop, inakVs some purchaaei-pro dares gold and rentirrts that the; change may in 'all itsl fjarious branches, two doors above St j be given him, in some particular coin, that Wj MnbbT9Siore: where he is ready to exe- af ihPiiniililiifnrinsinneP--r Vif ihe'Kinw. cote a orders ot hts costomers in- a 8iyie ano - - - r .v, mannpActsnrpaisedby.any in ibis part of the dom .of Italy;. The obliging shop-keeper coontryj iHe i also in the regolar: receipt of the poors out bis tack of silver on the counter, EV-OKlk jpAHUiQiVNf , . f and the cuatntjnor draws put wlih;gfeat carp and prepared to accommodate the iastMof tbe f theeaD the oeculiar coinage which he Fashionable i al times. Tr ' i i. " t - . " ' w ' ... - . ,. ' a .,-.,tt 1 iui MA i.n r 1 i seeas. uufins tuis .puouc process 01 se- blevsltS j1" fr0ffl ' P;lhe Peculiar eolD8gwbici Sti Hf IsUtyS; f . :- j ' - - - During this public process of 1 1 f 1 j : I? . (';' lecticg he earVjis.oo a private one ; a State pt Jiqttft iittroUun, IREDELL COUJYTX;. 1' t 1 t, 1 f 1 James McLel'and and Wife. t i Robert jWcJimsey land oijicrs. v .at in F.OI7ITV. i-.Bt "i-"--".- Tfrr appearing; to. tbe sal JJUliUtSil MSI' t 1". -1 jTBHEj Subscriber has-opened p Pub ; fl lie! Honsfl in . Morksviite. IDavie Mti U Cbdnlyj where he is prepared o ac idULJ cornroofiaiiel Boarders jabd Travellers j? wyipjwnicn tie nopes wiii , prave aatiaiaotery "ii wuq luay iaor urrn .-wiiq tneir cosiora. staaies win ;db aounoanny lornisneo wuo ry. tryng.necessatysln lue Iin of froveoaer . Bar; well sorrrilie'd with a! varleiv ef Honors. rlhis Icharges will be moderate. All rmioos i qisxwqeny connuci win pe sirictiy proaioaeo i . . 1 I i J iL'Sli-TV". r nlrtr la ?r ll 3 I l Ha. IA. UlliJL'lIlj2lJ.' 8 lecticg he earris.oa !; a' private . one ; and, with a skill wpch many a professed jfggler "Digbt envy. abstracts, as many crown-pieces as he':-; can : veniare;to Sake, 'without ; too mach dimiDvsbing the heap. rheD follow thanks and apologies tfor giving iroulle; satisfaction of! lbe Court,! and complimentary speeches . having been George Snider. Robert MrJImsev Mil t,,k'-:4 .k- : . 7 i i .. . . ; 1. 1 i a 1 UJ o WB Via wutu .ivioiiu uueuaun ivua a aucg niniui. tivuuaei n u ins ..air?, ui n"v;!" : '" 1 - . ' .;. ! . ... case, are1 not nbatitantsofbfs. Sta.eIt la cr- n restores ;netGiminisiea stiver into its dered that! poblica'tion be made fo( six i weeks . in bag and it is only when at the end of the me ku uai . .iiuiii ..-.-- 1 he counts is contents, that Dcuissovcrs uviiiu bi'i? m ... -, v I 1 ' 1. . ..'' ' nr held at1 ihe qoortiHouse Sm'esviUe, cnJhe J wuicu Buuiwiiun uiy.m uuV r i are ptnuVienis in ihe art conversation tpd their per- is'er Dl I anrnsl fittmetit.n sitf 'tyrMntlr Ktit ibi ratftte. 1 aaid ijonrt at Office in .SiatesvpHe, on the -SH . -r - , ""t I j S I : t J T..H. MiRORIffi. c in.- Fregier, la snplesse ct la 'fora a quelque 6w9PrinteT8!fee J5-5Cf .j ;." ' . chore domerVeillerixrV Tbe fairkex are in- 4v V j tioed shnplifiers. ' The peli?se and mantles down stairs r who. well aware thai hia hoo or is 01 tnat qescnptioo mat Know no stain, c06Miers tois moae 01 retreat fqjiva: a 4icior.,! ! I ; M - as ifraifng trte.dutyooanVaftlcl' bas tne iiTeqt :j.-v;f orreduciqg tbe price"fitbe.i5oodmer;rbovv caf) " -. . -a ' " - . - ajajk. '-'- c aa w-.K v v . - ! 1 1 m IJIIIII I If llli I Illll 111 i I II Baal in 'I n II 1 B fl 1 II TMA W r TTi l II compinr of onr fnendfsayaj the, oton the fff c b;oVlce!tIi price ef jtfs6rie?- ' I ll , , .',- t- f I'-. :! j ; r'-1;i; . ' 1 T T I TT f 5,'- ' - "i T7 : 1 "II P r ' p a;-. i-- ! ''a. J...'--g '.-. ' i ! ' 'puc ivpuMT r.onn rond, in WO!varn,(-inis weelcaodwiHie oaiat oi aosirauons wt an anwer ioa piamqies . . H .jlHfc IANr. ;DEAD. - , lhero a kinfisher was aeeVonhe'border " i , - ;! The only Woe, deep, eliding cord that of theond hopping aooui wit), e . r. . jf bin'ds us to the world and oo, kind, are found sobstanee attached to bis! BiU.M (They made V?$Z?L f.1, i'- fn iffectiins, jo those tendrils bf Jove that op .oh.i and caugbimi anfound tHat dTheS i bind beait to.besrt so closely, that they be- the old fellow.bad been jfeastin at aicfam-, immfdlaie effects of any system; snd Ifea? re- j come as t were one, nd to$epATate which,' ake, in imitalionwe suposel of Govern- duetlon'of prices ia prudaced hy compefinon, is ' Ml' aeea.Jorthe ;imes; almostr ltke alow of or Jlortoh and the Rhodel. hland tpfiiriQls neablisbedi principle Mn trade - Now, that Vl mutual deatbj : But of all partings,1 perhaps but one old clao, more! wise than the'rst, p4ectioa which offtrt a reasonable prospret of , there is none, jxtorej ajrootiiogtnan'.that which allowed Vtrtf to put- h4 biUiinrflhia ifdef and ' .finapensatio o, :ay .branch...of bnsin-a . Is the ; I comes be4weeo tbe parent and those neiiili. then cIo?cd his shell and ca'aghl the 'bill, so diesi wtyin lbe, woild ij create competuion. ; !..! flower. ofrlfe, that have .been so tender, thstil routf noi be extricatbd,iUd M ISMltl! VmTu? ' 'i , . i i" '. i - . i , ,x , ,- - M-f. query an oia woman s reason -will a.Ive, i u hand any iooly watched; and wh.vday Kingfisher was taken prisonorbf aielam. hieh isrtbathalf a l..9n hn.r iKnk. . J dayj as some new;cbjro3. soma tiny Bth the Goveinorl aud t.-the ;Kingfisber j or jrbtbef wardsi Vbat Isome market is better giaca oeTeiopeo nseu, nave ' ceen bound I Sboold j i tban no market at all - It ta not. therefore, to be ciosr anp ciosrr 10 tue it oosnto; -, j hb nie- i .uerferooer-:iuo s leaiwi uno, wya , : wunufig at- n vur oiauuiariiirvrs snooio wtsn F-.i. " '- ' it .. ' , . . 'irta ll a, . a . a. . aL .-A s'l i a.?' ' -J: . .'i ' a .. ... . : '' w '!! II ' J ' . I - . a - ' '- r r ine but - i he m)ture dying in their strength, secern i Cabgh with tbefibreswhidihestr'e tpibend." to have ennk before an inevitable, fate ; 'r T- VP'ayuni. ak .. ' ' I 1 Sdimonaay airerj jnea ? roonaay m .ej,ruiiTi or tuuu irancs. nexl, then and there to answer remphinants Bill. J ' . ,.. . til k..rri dTrtjj And nvpr ioi Pell I- anaiaoias liooers granted ; v 1 f5 " I n ' 1 I lheir powers of : T.Hi McRoiie, Clerk nd 7H' VVitnesi - Jit 3 i. 1 S KV rininiirr !nf ffpsh Lime can be iad at Xnbe kiln of lbe late Joseph WiU(ams.dec,i tbe JOO.busliels and over ItJS cen ; '40 to kjacKeo I I are finished with '"-hnse. prcksts: artfulli ..ii . : ? .. i i ' : . ; j im 'i-i c i -f j i r.i.i. - i fe uus&eia 18 1 a to 40 bus Dels s:u : on; . i i. i la i persorts wishing limeielthepat the kiln or Tfs1denc' wilt atv,.! v eilber to! J. or H. -. ' Itl',.i. I - IV... lauMs. ' viyro, ainTIf C0Uny,14 4f j igt,io4jf,;: ;-, if-v , g. ..;:iiW irURi$UANT Aj'. . '- I .WT-Mt. J AviMiC r9tJldffM .W ,' , - -r. t-. . ' V,-' . i - s.j vy-wi .-! ner. nave meir coarse uiicK-peuicpai ioime into a pericct series oi secret compariments. 4j. to a -decree of tbei Court Vof ; ' One mode adopted is new" tons, and Al New iEstaMisIimeht .-.'.- JS ',.a.i ' -1 bH I." . t. 2 i: . i 3. '.-'- jlHlt Siibscribftv having t associated . jhem- :aefvfs lnieiher fdr therMirpijRft iificarrying tZJAT and ClLlffi KSAYJBSSnowrotTer their seviResfiu' their f nl W thfl ;pobic! , ft. is! iblir I'jnaooth tliee:qepartnen(8 tnfall ttetr va p btfnfihea.'and jbev feel, ctrnfirjent of gtviijg l.aa clllaVfaaaafS.i ill . awt.h mj. f a' . I a b. j w -'-aiaaf.UII 111 ..1. : ai.IV lU'lJf'I.Vyi J5 patronize) Rtpairinrx;in tbfir lina's) faubfiillr and oh leaaonablta'terlnsl ill be All 'f WCiiiiniiT nminrn win .n. i i a iron in dt or6r Wi)ifc Bine loforderi -'4 : 1 i I-. :" . t I- - AVivi; row.see; a wTtb. ts4?4-tr '7 L r V: 7 J- 81 VVuiiblew of Iet?enig ih eiWtnnd IPC rifftf 8qS:.i?ify of fenlv rtsde i'offinsTft fehtint! ieaifi onQ tare Jl 'w Equity for Rowan county, Ihe Clerk and M aster. w Joha'llei llCliOU.UUUIl II.CIA, MOI, W. mvr...- . l,. , . x - i 5 l ".." V x r - - - I . r - a rw-aty xidV.M oi-aHKo . the pome place online Yadkin River.fadj lining t.i1 trj - t a ..-- lit sell at tne qweliing niMise ioi inetaie i ue.e-is a biisuo .ui iimerii 'fiJii-;nic pd deseased; on Monday ibe 31st day ol f tirown over the:ifansVc!ion, wbich gives it on- the lanJa of Jonathan ilisenbamerVaod others . ! i ..I " ' 1 --- 1 , l"-rr-'k' jml mi -m v - " J-. ' :i of j Woodhi.u o a Flat Crk,iad joining the lands f Juba pbaver and Jesse Hodge.i : Also; ooeon diviaed moiety ot , r -'i on lbe East SMle of the Yadkin River, known by tha a me of lhe Bill Alonntaiok on;. which is a half ,nw riled Jy rJamw coanty. i Ul t" J", V - ' ' ;' AiCrc. it of twelve months will be alhmediand boad with. approved seenrtty for tbe purchase mo ney leqaiied on ihe day f 'sate jCU f Jlfl J.' i!in iltfilj ALaAj aJIUAJI AAfAA, : ' ; Sept 34..1842-6w9 vl: : I I . ; M t- , - i l - .-- ifn C M E. AttcntiotilCoiistables,! f.P i uiaua. twiianfBt wun" n.xecuMons,s very nea jab. VIlULTU MIU 1UJ SSIQ tUl " baby in long arid -flowing probes thelady requires all manner of smart : things to be shown her, lays them aside .with' the usual fastidiousness of female taste, snd demands oihersvlp tjie midst ffrnirchascs"sheis seized'wiih a sudderi. paroxysm -pf. tender ness" fo( her baby i5thek good'hamorcd sinil- ling haunt sets the darling on, the counter; thai bis little face may bcloseto mamasa's; i r ''Liiv-: ; auu. woen me caresses are coucjuueo, janes it agaiq ;uponjher-i8rrof andwjtbr itjonder coverJof its long "robei: two of three selected pieces of silki A' 1 .." The system of several disltnct families and Time with its oblivious band, gradnal ly smoothes away the harshnes of our first grief. But when the weak and, tbe depend; ent. the pnrej the" innocent. -.the framlp. bow before the breah; of the1 destroyer, a keen er agony bs felt ood the fbnntams of the sool are1 more deeply stirred. , - To see its infan tue race,jone nay ngnteo up witn tne merry laoffh. sonneing from a sDirit that knows only of air sunshine happy, joyoos,' frol icsome, a luni; toat msges glad your heart after a dii'i robgh toil end lhe next with , ! -1 ,.! . -i 9 a. ' f t . t - .- leverea ijraos tana panimg oreatn, roeeitiy endorirpjthe pain of a disease that will not heJafile-of its; victim ; lo fee) the cold chill rnn through your veins -a the ear touches too to watch Its sufferings r lo see it sink slowly ; to see that mild eye rest faintly in i.i i. V -1. "' if w .' - . 'Ji i ii- i I" . ' ... . its last glance j upon you ; lo sfte tpe iin droop and close and then feel that itis gnne. forever -the sweet cherub you have so lov ed and have so cbeiTshed carries a pang. a Keener, ana more intense agony ; oi epui, Un,hnpje tell or imagination dream. Tfojie can know who have not suffcred."; " j "j Like early' flVwers nnopland lpa; r- ' ! iV'Tbey blooao and fade as'silentlyali. j-I3ot there is' sltll arrrcbTba1n w consola tion tbatjlike incense bover$ over.the tomb of ihe fa,.r ' babe.' If ts:isrtcicENC&'-'. The consciousness that h jarss takbo i away,,ere sorrow bad darkened itV ptbo sm fixed i ts ft agu . po v iJ po ri.l be s i o Ls; g i ves a pe tee and: joy, whicb leave to ; the,i mourner only theJgnef'of parim? There if no (ear; no trembling for thei futorei nal sorrowing.. m bitterness, Kr alnrtni Z It i'sindeedhaidjto take! tb 'finalTaJewlf fof those ."littlp jntio4 'ceoffvBui hetler h it) tVafthey should go frorn cs tYhen called. in all :liieihunstillted itihocencei thanito live: and .'streotjie, and! sm in thejdarkivaya-pf i frairworIdTheyi Camels onjht 'IVest&Ji 'jPrairifi writer in the Genesee Rirmerj p "native yof Rosi i, w ho h a s pa ssed 'man V y eaf s f ot bis life in i-thai portion of 'the mpire bordofing on thesUraLandl; Volga rivers. -sngjestsf that the camel would prove a most 'valuable ani mal for burden in those prairies,! and ppef cially for trnveraing the'cotmifylin lbe far West, wbrre water is someti'mes not! f6und for days.. He sas that psmels, in the on settled eountry. would be founr good to car ry mails nd convey intelligence. Their sneed is ffteat. 120 mites tieine.a -ctfraroorY dav'ss travel for speedyXnimalvphd IhM the hreedrsngnf czjnels would; not ;be mor rex pensive tbanboraes.4 They; may; be Snhiain- ed on the Blak Sea, .where they thrive in a more rigoronscli mate than ours.) "and the 1 writer suggests if agricultural societies wonld import a few pairs they would confer ! great advantage on'tbrt-eounj,ry."f romji0O In 1 000 - pound, with i a riderf Ms'at enmmoni load for ihe', camel y. 'and f'thej commonest herbage, even weeds and twigs, wH (,. f5ce for. their sustenance white enduring; Die se vereal hbors.i are at peace. Let. then, the moarner strive to lee) mat ti ts aeuer jor xno dsdo ana pray to be- mVde submissive to, the higher will.p T .i . L -ri . -ti.. .r r ?!r: j " uan to vpur,iiC8Tis tne -oesuinui t'ina; pressfve-Words-i' The Lord 'gave -and "the Lrora iBKetn away oicsseo'oe ido, nano,u .i .Ji - : ? V" ' t Z. living in ne house.-witb c a : common ,alair- case, affords lbe, Panaiam robber facilities j xinlcoQwnctn fllaodoni't 'Bonjonriers:VcZ i wjrtru ponioitr- Wievalttrt rnrnToariT. are f .t. r' .'if.- 'jru. k,K f happily -aignjficanr names given to the no Uodjt, inicoramdn, to all humanity J at h ' J r. such protection as will 'enatle tbp'm to partici- pale n beo-Bi8 firTjoor home market, esclodrd as they ae. almosv VntirVJr, fr(m forei'sn roar-' ket, by'lhe ons-arded sistem of free irade - I ur onej tnr.uffft , N)ttoo tiianter and?rocer t t grim- wian stneerejy te see it atiorded, ander in r full con rietionfihaij the' interest ol the agru-ol. tansi will be best sobaerved bv -so dutcg . Ac- J larding to the stameni made in Congress 6y ' ' j some of.lbe,iSoulb'fJaruJiiia elegaifoo, lhe ag- nconaiai proncuonsotoir coon try, are all that are allowed for tlie jcmjaooiptioo of tbe maoufac toret, every arttel: of Xueign impurtation. and ; espeejally. tbe arti .4(9 tf ,foud, being consumed by Southern plinters.' WhaUgrmaodizersrtheae gentlemen, must be;? t ..Nor'islf siraDg,that rev f tiring. toiteatnFib 'siomarh? so.disi'ended as theirs muuoi-ceasar'ily beihai iheysbeyld fall into sorb fanciol breams the bfn(iiu f firea trade, the jhonors of! monopulies. 4e. -The "whole argument of " these geh'lemeo,azainsi the pro tee.jfeyi!emserms to be based on thef false ideatbat f various parsohs and Wopaiiinsri of mankind tana necessarily produce a confltc! of interests hej ir is in fact lhe connecting link -of tl. chain' which bind ibem soiotimately to gether, that no.me4 branch of industry can ma- 1 ferially so fTr without injnry to the rest. Away then with tbisfbimera of free trade, which J.. Clav.bas truly pronounced to be wbeauiiful vi- v 5cn of theoristf 'endpnif!S5Pt'ers.-v I am. Mr. "r Er?it')r, no phrToopWr iTijself, bicb I expect C tr I": hi M i 1 H it , i i i ; tir 1 t 1 ! 'a I I hi L ii 1 ryro jijave already perceived, and canont be ex iTouckirtg Jncident.-Tt)e N-w i York r'iMT P"""0"'" ""SI ' J i I 1 to m xr 1 rsm thiolfi invnri riff re o trraMlaa .far at. iij a.j w tai 'u jm J V4 iv an ' ' I , a rinnnw says a corre sponoerr r inr nisi npw - fif -fj ijJfJu9 or j3ck ,)f ie Lan M.: Ins lai aa1 firn.ia.i a ItnnHl.r 1 1 " " v ; m i i . i . " " . Mr. Joseph Keen. was. passing on Sunday lasf from lbe-OnTversaIi3ttClioTcb, Oebard strfet, to rhetbanal place inf Amity street ,K six siiforsjbelonging lo thf fre behj jsteam ship Gomer tyi re met coming .qnwriSBrnar? way, who, as tneyteama.jpppntB.tnajbier,' by i cofimcn wpftfsirjlookilltfceita'rpair!-: linHfts annj-emaineo atinni.g oncof red - ' " - I .f. " a a t eicn land VWgratefnllv received by . do eor rowing and sympathising! thronb as afttken bf grnume.emoticn, and n.eideneetbat? . vOoe touch of Na t are makes the - bin "" ' - ' " J whole dashing married ladrr T"h world" ll2ing irrn, to: 'nearly: rfSnMif.g the uld sort aaobflL. fAarcey dlsriAg"rlabfe-IIe one prrdoced by "iieaptir, aris'm ffym ibe gtoend jo' moist, and bp22y iffefs"- (be niber, nothing' more than the ntfsMjdea of .sfetnrrei jrungioaiion. exod- broach acrife e?oit. pl?re In ibe skoll- Tfce firsris sald'cTir4 oiblead the benighted,,Jra- yelf;by,divejiitg ftpin" the f plain and direct path "and lead ing inotlscme intricate place, from '..: whicn ti is rtiiivruit in nim lo extricate ntmsir. 1 r ;f and "silent nnUl; the procession ihsld Imssed.H Tbe fast has led Mk, Calhoun to thetnK'n,vhre Snch'a tribute from otter Grangers in!a for- fod grant he mTd be cootenti to remam. and i - i -.-i. - . t . . z i m . . i . .ii.. i a a a l i.aa. crryqni irt iy-i itng-tD, ano oreaaiu ni t-5, fem oC'pohcy. sai-fny-$daped lu tbe wanisof ; the. iobabitonis of thar elfme. " A COTTO.N I LA I c-ll- . T , - It ' r. ' .'.' " i'v'jA marine an)ml alied bv ffhermenE ' Sea Touj; wait eao-aht pn th" 1 1th ins., id. ? Shall r.h&ve the lolcsure 'Jof' w with yoorMadara ?' said -a centlemab a to a ib waters ofMarheyief (ija ):., It, was : 20 fees in iengih weif hed aSout a ton (2240- Thank you, sir, I' hav4 htiggtng enough j lbn.)-anl yielding two banelsof oil. J'or 1 j A 1 i 1 omei" filkjhrald I- i 1 -; i ? I 4 i. ft i : j : . I U 4 7 t ...' . ' i . ' . . .. :: ! " - r : , fc - ' '- i-i ' '.T I - . . ! " . i " ! ! '"-It. I i I K. I - 1. i i ! hi i -1 PL i j i 1 , .i .'i -r. '

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