4 4 i i t 27 JV M I ! 7. iff UJw WATtiiMAfiinnv'hereaf'ef'fae had Liio'tfotofo fncfcaoJ tusa dollars and v.j-ecWa thernd oC ibe yaar, .. '.i? t one yViiftfss P'u fo in advaocd." V fcv -d'ojpeK'fiScobMnnrdbalj atrif vpiion of tfdiiorlnl' itfarajrea are paid. ; 7 : ; . ttEnias o AprtRTisiNo-; ; , 10 tie Jotla. Pf square fir the first inseiifoo and fiebcnls M each continoa'pct!- -t. a uoiwffof 53i .pr.ccot wilLJja made to in niWrleroenfii 1 with b coolihaed'OBti! Uif andcb'argpd tat accordingly; Dlesa "order-" S poilt pa?Jto"ei'sore attenjfori j i j i n si ; - til ;i ! W - rr-rr Sfhunmer r i . -l ai m i t J -t- 1 : t. Tim . stJBscRiDmis 1 sPfltRcHAND; sqAUiEB. GOODS; i ' i -m- mdng. Uljich ar Dry Goods', Hardware; ;Sa'ddlery.1 Carriage .Xrimmins, i I p i Crockery; JPdintt: Did- ), ! i, UViiifJ,7 Medicines, 4,-7' Id 4 tariett .Jfi oiAer; articles ; in'shjort it cam- t - I i I i V I ir. i ' y. lof fi cashf'orito fiinctoai dealers on Urhe. ernTiieiHco9ioroer8 and the public in gen- to call and exentpe oqr stock befofrpurchaa V elsewhre,as we, thtok w can Jgive . sqch jnrama as grRaifioaocemeni to purcnas- Cfiao try Wallace taken in exchangre forsonda. - LlifUesFashions . Sptftiff anclflfeummc' of 1 ' . tiiV77i- hv TlftE StfliscriHerttifoxina the noblic, that she .y . s;l k-w- .' i - a- ' - V t . JfiVa t latest od toosr approved-' a 7 j London & Parisian Fa sirioiis, nr t3 prpparedo jpxeoHte orders' in the most ylisfrariJ satisfactory inanner. 1 W?rk: fzni from a djaiahce shall bi carefall? Htapanilipmarded.U!' ' - i I ! t 7i 7S p. P END L ETON m 't5.-"(ic3 s vfi' i umans, ana .her iruHes; tvill be kq)t onhand fo sale. 1 . . JV.)frftJi.!pk U flJao, prepared to execute' 'r njiinyqn reasonaoie uerms. v -SafisbujyUpril 23,h43. 7 . r y ' "i aT jVpors6a6cof a Dree of the Coortofdni tyjor rtowao county, directing sale of the sor avfaicb Owen HarrisDn, died-aeized, wet k land llaatf r; wifl offer atpablie sle: at vDariHoqae wi.Salisbory.on mooay of the juCoonirW;Ube7ih day of Notember, ?aaTIfaei of Land containing 5 . - . ! 170! .flttES9Yi 4. Vjaon Second Creek, adjoining ibef Landsf l f a iexanoert uotoins,i arid others. v A Credit livelr months will ha 11 Uix . I." 7' ?ProvvV fecuruj ror me purchase y.j ifjUirru on lop cay er saie f i I fcMITfiT till 1-fM Mf q at. e. n ii 1 1 I. rr N . ? l. ff.i.iSBofet; Oct. 2D tK .,,7 Cotton Yarn.L GO fJj,Vrp. a 'i4 t ,pcacb; l a50 Iolasses, Liis a 40 Wails,. f7 7 Oa 7 Oats, r? I 15 a 20 Pork, !,-( none Sngar, br ! 5 a 10 nuii insecq none f eartH eW ;re i r to ai is 0rtii. f?hr, J30 f4ers,j 7 :i36 I j- Moaf, Salt,'sack, Tallow. . Xobaccof 15 a 18 i , 8 a 20 Tow-Lincn; 12aJ6 Kperll) :V$ Wheat, bush 1 WhiskeyV- i45.a 50 WdoMlcanV?. 25 ,?A.VlSTTr.r!LB. Oct.jl94 '':. i :'r(u-"..-r .. : 1 - r" - Iv. ,j !.. V.: :t U Iolasses, 5a5S as, cir, j a t ogir.b'r;owa,-6Ja 10 4. i 14 i.taf, fTt5a,;lS W. 'If 17 W7rs , 1 $0 a 60 i8acfr. ;5w5ii 3??! Tohaccii leaf j?2 a S Cotton byir 20 a 25 Bale rope, 7 8 a 10 ! Wheat new 60 a 90 ,"'rvi qut assort 7a S !'f , wroughthfj a" 18 Oatt bushel-30 a 37 J ,amP r $125 linseed 11 io a 1 25 PprlvlODlbs7 5 a 6 U r.i 1 fix "I3T Jiico, ipuili3.14n 5 CMooibs 5aiy 100 J - . i- 5 1 ' ' i "tjleci Amer440a00 IAVlG femoved to Uoncoru, arar now. rt cciviraod opemogia thebtick fcause wel NOTICE 3:F I 7 a" i Whiskey SSaSO t ' I MVool.'j. : ; 15 a 0 -- ' - . . t -i i i - - -n j - ?- . - . i , n Pin or . a KumanA t i t - . ; ... i - W.tillh ig,slMw caos against Peiiiion of n eai n reeoiorc , or stokes cwqnt y ; bhoe maker.tp be. daclared a Dankropt.ai Virmintotf oo raooday th4 ilat day of, October next."7U Bj order of the Coart. - :r-: h. h,potjf.r.;;j - ; - j. ! cn clcrft cfXovrt in Bankrvptcy. 'belt of Snrr nnni .rPit " i- L uay "ut oui way pi 'Uctooer nt, ! r. ; .Acting Cte'rk of Court io Bankrupicy. " i Sept ,29, Ua4HJK v'.J :"7'; ; CLocn - ..it 77 Mi -St 5t if- "'4 IJL ljends and. the Poblia rrnprill. that K bas opened ajsbop in alfsbnry in the ahoe busi- I ! B . roPP? recilyopposliei West's brick DUIIdlOg, in tHfr house 'Of "Dr.- finrnV fnrmprl wned by JttoMvbhaYer and jost below J; & W, Murphy, ,jj ij r"J:; sv- , V ifi, -....' ; lq additiotif t&e;aboTe, theub8Cfi6er iIL carry on .the SUecr Smith Business in, all the yarieues corocpon in-coaniry , towns : such , ar making i-Spoprfa, &c., and- repairing.SilTe Ware.'- 1 ; Is r H , - . i He begs tQassQTMhepuhfic thjHf parrctaal atlention to business, and skillful Work will en- lulls I 1 ' t i !: . - 1 ; r' paironageanu sopport. be wiMmer- ii 7MTIH'-:' 7- '-.-r -c : . 7t . r - SA ARON1 VYOOIiVVORTJl.- I $or. 13106 t -7; . -r v:7"- - -7 Jli that weUktiowo business s tonN. C.sisatd a short distance north oftbe Courthousp .formerly ocMjpied by Caldcleogh. Dosenbery & Cai and at nresent ni'iinite,ii Breyardj aod? Adams ' 7rhe hoose is "of brick yj'Si0 "i"" Mi'? cuuiaining an- excellent Store roommd dwelling 'nnmimnt)i t,n a the earae roof". Ai tached t the pVelniW are ail oocessary ooboildio2S,hose-uifihinrlo nnrl chase or to ep'mnbe the above 'property 'will re- eeive attentinlif ipp!icaiioti be roarfp io"7 - - u I f i r X -t,rr -. "I piJflSUNTroa decree of fthe Conner fe iMjirJr ttowar eoaniy. the- Ulerk aod MasterwilJ iell at the,d welhng house of the late John Reed deceased, on! Monday the Slst day ot October opxtlall ibe-LANDS descended to the betia of Johnfteed. dee'd. to wit, i ' '7 " the home place? on the Yadkio Riferl, 8fj ining the lands of inathan .Misehbaoier, and hcra 11 1206 ACRKS,Vr; ;V::7 of, Woodland oo Flat CreIr. Vdlojnin'the lands diiided moiety Lf j --v X-;A onthEai side of the Yadkin Rieer, know W the ASme of fhe Ball Monhtainbh which is a fcalf owned; Hj, James Addeilon; in Davidson f A credit oftwelva months trill be allied; and bond w!lh approved security for the purchase imo-r oey retjoiied in the day of saJe. n t Sept24i 1$43469U A ;S VipiHE sobtr); offera forSaV ,..b .1 pInla,i1' containQgnpar'500v'Ai:RF-S tion;about80ir40,AcresofexcelIenibott(1mh and nparlraalodod. meadow lahrf 9iiTa affords; wtii hh ecellent Threshing Machine, .nauro oiu , rnn oy t.orse power, lying six teen; miles dofe .West from Salisbury, and-ire Rowan co.jpct 9.-18424 w'l I . - 4 7 i fc uru-i .y itji : i7 -7--7 -It L .K - i.u-i 1 - 7v t nnH& Sribt!riber loffers'. for af iaTn.V- rnnn o f 114- PlftDlatinii frlipi .j.-J 7".. sUge roa.1 leading from Sahsburylio IChirlotte; sir miles froroaliboryr: It contains a n ' .!? C 4 T-r-. -.7 There fis gm,d' water r-ry cooeiipot bouse, ill lis!an excellent stand I for 'a to v the a PubHic (-lnna T'' le ! iKtA nf'tt.: P.ll - t ! self upon good terms, .such as wilfsuit ihetimps, A part of Uieb&ney will nohg expect erf while .'.i. - 'irt .n j. -r- r-J ' inane oeiore ue'desnm trl ih- tv.tir I ...uww iuteflTQi oarrjr 'coomy," Farmer,-' to he declared a pankropt. at-Vi!mngionf oo Men.' day the $ltday f-Oc.nber. next ; i i . By order of lbe Coort- 7 J Tt1 ; 1 7 - ;; : 1 -y h hJ pq rrKR." r . -1, : : YaluabUS propertyfor: sale in f 'll-ri ;exington.,-;; - ; f IT1HR Sobscribr is deiiruus to sell. pritately. ! f I " i i i i i i i i i i r -.1 "Mjireoi.uapa: yreefcr UborebJ-, Ar,y. Pers6o vubtng (a btry woul do well to tppfy soon! f Sepl'24-i$42if9-' . ,--:7r '77, 7:F05::-SAB;fi::-- 7 a .''-'' i7nToit -iv- . vt vt-i..t '.'! v rtuUntiLK rVemn Wnmi.ha iit3une r sv? nero .foiu ol -the snalce'srnowpr tJV lii ' I -If C hildren'7?i r:"; to oh'.Tm-M J-lVr.u:7:a:'I:.iV 1 -C! i Lt caitaWe S1SI37 ' rVSL'.l'Z." - IS."'' AP?'ri iWrOffipe, .mind i leHllie wSib of ?rhiof!M' ib'ongbi 7.7; MU?IHATH CHARMSI r The d.slreasedVioolber, ;inMnwViiev Kfcc cinsfc 1nMr, Iicf pie the djseonsoiate jain'. Vttb h;e filelo;handyhWdkcoofaln to" "his ladyXwwer;' N7;M7,. p :.Vake,ladfak! fihemoob noWare'bihr' .Vr .The twinklirV? stars js ,bearrio-v Ti. ' jVbile naw and ihen; across lbe sky,4 s,v , .-V.'-A-'n? te-or-are sireaDjin1 1;5 h- vt t .7.-.i v,-, ""7 ; u . s Vakp loTcTonf .Theski'are dear;" ! ,i:,..Kefresbit)gis!ihe,bf'fZ?5! ' i'l 1 Jt,blrtw my.noseViT I sif JTere-Vk-Ji lTA fiJJiiayneiih iheUreeseshr-.Vl ! : .Vake Sallt;dear! a'he bull-frrinA t -Are beani in.jonderroshesK -r4. 4b"; t 7. The moon' her beams arepwirih! -77'f7 Thrt stars-Juiib porn'aid" vjnk at rae' ,J (B George f who threw tbarwafeV? ;V4 7-,-" ff-1-7 7- ? v-". ' I1!'-A Oh! croelSalfy,lhoso sjight-. -7 iil-f 1 Btfi the hopes of;yoaifi fall tW-k'ifl1fhi.'hta t nJAnd iheodays are' dark 'ind'dreaWtl- V-: "ftV-'V i77-'"-7;7jr;;7'.; '-R stilt. .hV.Mi ."-ji.' tJL-'' r Behind the clowdkis ib'sWstM Rhiffmtr . i RULES FOR ;THE,1)RAJNG $Qi. r u'g, h n d be sute t 1 posses s o'o! " or l h e tld ladv'sa'rm rhair. .V': r ' H 7 If a lady siog huarthe musie-alon wiiu urr , oiv a, wii sfery boilf i else present, will be. astontshd-&l your knbwl- edge of harronnK "If. you sh)u1d roploder to Ihe -saenfife of riot chewpg w Mile in Jlh& room, yo can step o the front 'wtndow.f Vra w anle i he Mirtalns,. throw upxr aasb, BnJ . 'iltng your quid luio tho street; f- '7 1 ; if 1 " Stroll ahont the lapitme.nt ; and handle the ormaoenla.r If ypq car?r reach a;pi "'egct upoin a rhair-and and ik u djhw'n, .Aner8itujyrri:essjrqiM-t7)rls to ptit ft up fain.yoti rnaif leave it ; standing upbni the fl.or; and Je&mingiagajnst the wall. i 7 ' You mt)8t! ronstder: lhl evrry laly j pre s e n t -.is w f a i rjo:- cf ; y o m t a f 1 en t ions a h d a it x -ious to engage Tni7inif res'.' This' pub lishes self icnf nct- and y ou7 tn ay k hn be, as, .blanJi- Sd condescending as l yoo please.VJt:,! I 7 t i "j- 7 77An offhand imannffirirfs favor xciitf the failles rS thatalgMoidwap to wirucVes with them will he to rriainlainon'rdcpl(rt meittv of ihe bar and- billiard ronit ; mere ly-tefr ainioe fromppiuiiufon a muniin ijown". treading at tetnUf toe,"or slapping your hostegs on (le backoVroHj?hly , ,-j v jT II - lint ji i co v cr a ? i ra a I F k n o t " d isr u 4i n p A screnttfic.snhlVtbf f-ak in upofj themlnnft f eUte aU -youlttifiw al6vl Tit. Yu wtlf ob pervetnmeUiiey,'hyj tbe silence ut tery body'.-hu.w dtl'girted trf are to. listen in yon.7 r V: f 1 1 : 7 - . 7 a ' 7 puiroo( ypiirv&alrjt nftpn,' and atjlength declare ibst an engagement cwmpels your rabsenpe;-' if you havjp'well obscrsed thfse ruics, you win anaj.iai.'Mou can pass V REMARKABLE MsE OF- INSTINCT 1 in a;birDv17 r nl. ' r . t -' ' 1 t i ' : i ui ine roosi remarKanie casea 1 in atinclive knowledge 'mrbii'ds was often re. Jated by my grandfather who witnessed the fact with bis own eyes. a lie iwas attracted to the door 'oDe summer day, by a troubled twittering, inhicstion; distress and terror. A aim, wno nau ouitt nemest in a tree near the door, was. i fifing barkatid JdrtK - with tbe utmost speed, ;-u!teYfng 1 wailing cries'ss she went. ll'JJe wSa at firel at a loss 'to ic- count fnrvher strange movements, but-they: were soon expiainedby the sigh t of isnake siowit winding(up is 7'Animal magnetism and whoever had c'arerj to tneVtion ilf would nnnhileaa liap wilhjiut benVfii'JorcIerffv Nejertbejess. ,-.",gn -in tnem ar bushes. ' .t . : 1 l0 aine ! c I'be rippott jlf ' Jf.; , , OlDS On that rtl fanna mrsA- ' " . 'Vhilj the nl pipps'ortbliis hwiSn thrill, ' . J;'(Vy donV8he8fce'I vonrer ?)c ji t 8ofiIy'oa the tfiassv Tea:": ' -I r . r f'l : f-;7;(Bj .Guiarjf-Sararp,isnorfi'.t)J:K 7 Vake;Saflya-vake!rVnd lock ort'me't r i ' Arake f Sq.ii?eConb faghrer r - -t-'IM'H hare ;Voa. and Wll ha. leii rr ; I he day 19 co d. and darband dreary fff y -;B tre your sins will finil tou out ' is a :' iiilSi'al,i,!'l,d !,r'r-TfW ficii can make lUWeue :r- U7lV7 !i,;7"ir. ; wnyahere in-aiaine, tbe preVise where Mylificoid', and dark; and diaVVir 3 -u!9K?-in!iPw itfJI,,lies7mBffha"nt " rains, and thp" tiis.t To-nis"i,-i 7y:-iti"" whoaeitore! ia itnipl .!! Llwi'.r -Jl.'ik -tr inoTs emi crincr o "the mnIcfrfii. Pi 1 D'BM t a rrerV. Ir f "F tateis ine mmbn- Tale aU, H- , - - Into each Ijfe sum raln mut fair, f4' 7 'S'Some da'vs mosW d'fc arto dreirv.K" -;ihob your nai:oa tne narpantf .layyoaf tick 4n ihpipia'nor.'i- ; 7i f-'-jy. ' RuK your" bobtVoff well unonlKe firih': Agoodiway lrtdisnIayMWao.eleiranrP.iA"lu Sl" nerchant? remarked l ito pull opt your pea-ktWcrand iriiB:yoirri?0,n?L0i:1- " ,e."" f manner in fingernails:! , r-. -'77t,t , ,f - him. hut knowing, htm tofbea man of prop- rvi v cries trfnfe hex soan discofeied tliatabe 'eKny. coritirfoally, wiib admetb.pa the fulds relaxed, apd he,fell4ib the ground "fi'V iuuuieu inaree to exam- -The Jfltle bird koew JflWvf Waders do flOVtbat contact ?.wiu -the white" asri sfsa deadly jpoisoa to a anakf. V bis isTno idle so perslliMm-;,. but a' veritable facf iri oa toral r?!oryfVTbe Indians are.aware 6fxil ami twiat-garlaoda uf white alb leans jbout their ankles as a protection Bgamst.-rattte- lionwhen they troel through tvarrps and forests,! guided by ihe norlH stair j pr i? e cabin of some poor wbito ajao y j Who teacb es the a? to read and write i by ; tho Iiaht of P ne spjinieis, and recetfcs bis pay'; in mas 's corn or tobaccol, -7l J' ' f y 8 h: eer fteard ; anf emanation" nf M fiyct.prddoeed V.tbe .white sh ;,ut I .'"'... 1 i - . 1 r-u uu 1 m.wt m.h, miners n . me derness ike to haver these ireearWd4tieir lo.ha.a4 beifdnn - ' t ucii lOUCOPQ sliicej that bad" a lrte ipck! hf pork 'res d. hfrielledn his rljar, l7' ,,,,ri uob .morning, r ne discovered 1 he door leading to1 the wbarjT In be opep, und thkley to bKin! 4be lortk. Suspecting something wroHg. he examined the artjc-lesin the cGllar, and fojond that one harre! pf pork waa missing; ; f f - y h knowing upon whom o fi x j t he chargej hfonch.doiJo say nothio? abut It, bet o wait Ihelevelopemeni of time. 7 Svral months passerfjan he gained no fna tvl!,o tl,.r. i! f- ' " ...... ...w t nru urj morning, a man who lied a few miles dnwrYlhe'nver, eamp ewx and reputed raoralitvv he thrjuhi it could bo Occasioned by nothing but some petlyirnuble that slllicted him.i - The 0an lingered round for slveral hrttirs as if he wanted something : and7 at length; when there were v'no persons lift ' but tb? merrhaht and himself, he said, ;Mr A '' did you. evt-r find out who stole t hat barrel of pork, jou lost a few months sinrV? Ys, tr; you did, was the prooipt re plf of the merrhnt7 ' 1 I J t r 'Me sir! H iwdo.you knowhbat V 7'ie-pht-d the mn, covered with! confusion,; 7 -WhyBir; n; one ouV'yko and I.Hrtew any thing of the matter. I ha0 never men tioned it, and bad yoi nut ? stolen it, 'f you could have known nothing about it.'j Confounded tbe thief made' liop f The niexrhant steppe up to His dek, drew out an qld account of some fifty t'ollar'and adding it the prica of the ptrk he told hiro to pf that bill ' or hewould expose liidivrThe bill ws paid, and the girthf man wejjt home full f shame 'and' chagitn. We co.-ias we begin, by Wying. tt jhe reader, as the best ; moral to ;j ouristnrri; he sure voiM sins will iii jd you! difi:.-5;i iSj r . , I . : I 1 A Bold Pracier,--tbelibordness'fo wai,Ui,,iyU.so imnorianu f s!: t.W.q.L,,.,; : to pr) trial it might' be given the,n, will j he illustrated bv 'aole aoecdolL' . When r . 'i President of the Princeton College, he vm lied England for the purpose of obtaining da Dsiiont forMhe insmutionV The ,K;ng,' George I J, had a'curiostv 10 hearai preach er rroro ihe wilds of AiaerieVj j Ho ac-' cordingJylatiehded, and, was Vpiintich struck with bis jcotnmanding : "e Irq'ie ncel . I It a t ; he expressed Ins aalonishment lond enongfo oe oesr.i pall warover ' the hodse, in sbch terms observio speaketb J U ilh 1 kl hga of tho' eartn' keep .tIMTi.Ji.:.J .! ..,1!L - ."7 r- mained quiei during thevremaii'ider of the srrmooi TAe. next div"7be monarch sent jot bim, and gave himj ififty gumeafdr'Jbe iostitutron cvi-r which; be presirfedobseVt( ed at th"e aameircbe. to bis co'arttere tii iV an oooestjmao.. ih iVotr one f bis silken biahopa would hSve dared to give him each a reproof ' ; i H9.. f.M,i.oUone particular twea white 9h VVT1? wke.w oyofl his 1 way Jup jat ih instant hufiead Icaroernear tbo' he: wtty ihe bottohs tKer' a rp t d5W r?S,dt fr':l(st'0Qgcorjtulsions Rafter avhife thetfslrfwlj fo-r.?,bu seem sick- fl9 tnese: . rtie ta a wonderful m PTatiPr tn,A.fnALJ.:3--A- :S- A vT i ' - i . . i s , i . m.s r " 1 i . njri dioarToai r. jo eyr cult' ner Why; h beats my bhope p "DaviV 1 hea.t r. The narkolJ. ef :Vfc!i?iT:5JSi gt lb at. the kin? was atrrHirV mio I"h .id Tadv liadheen lenpW.tin iilTw ;:;sLin Itenttpn Ihanhlmse:fpa..sed7anii looking w,hia, and fefi to yiit r.;Ho W JVnehatt is maiesfv full in the fare. im V- Of the I2:h of Septenbeh KbifjtiahV ''WaLf emjdiatip fonestbe-: fol J-owTnai b ti i ifu I re H,uke 7'1jV Uih ihcrjlrpxi; roareth let the beasts of r the 'ores tj re m blV: aVd wert JtiiA'T.k k vyjAw;tp(fef 7o:,7.t' iThe melaocboly faieWitajaTyig"!, excited a; verr .nrfkt decree of intelest in ihi. cpmmonity, and jtre are sore that nWfS";-' v ljo2 tot hi jiatiuelfeailiwitl--i&,tn.,ji"tii.! Hw..j..T. uo lynuwiRgarucie Dandfidtoosyes terdajr by CemmooreM&VJ qis person anerne reete4:isvdeith!-wQ-uBd ! and was writtjerrVasas nceen4scertained!! but' a few minotes before wsb 7i J iV ,,e noes wriich wenow lay before ffiir,well.ee7eirardefl,aV-JkUi-i.- .... . ,v Kuiuiiiuu h'iui lue o;ldIjQwsFeadslbeorii.l! oQKac,10fli,na Cbifjilros56pr.t.-v any one set-down ana coolly land cat roly think Toib,.k ihat ronlrawirery-,w may elapsi- before his immbrlal Wl 4ill be w in4 ng its flight to worlds unbiowr(;n.knoV, n"ot whether Hwilf hron of anselslor dralh Up. J-'v7i;i JIT UOdJ - Sflfth ihnnnlifa a.o. ,L... i.. .v 5 0?l nd makef fbefabotMi: nirtea'oBai Ai U ?- hiW7 WtherUd to iheiJ 1 knees. anl In hhmKf.' Alt-Jir rTjf-;;. .r v .-"1 ak rrPl- U "WMyr '"nnin ; nenoer. 4loe It riviUf;nn tAA s very poor MUsfactidna Uo of feeling and; of bonor. ' Almost any - man lean "rao --uif' cooragenough iouhtif btff fwValasl too few, are possessed of moral coo rag? so fficientt itv toTespect it in any shaoe sitf triiir. ni.- that, the public will not) cordemn he-coofsel I have pursoed. rberevaa' situations, t'ioea aid occaaipns. when men must Uri wiibloldoess and uriuness, 10 commana resppctfrona Hhose with .....yi Miiuwu. 1 inp aort); aone ani thrown: and I ainoerely irusLyihai 'dot! will for give me for lbe cbunc thatL ihave nqrsoed 7 V - 7 FiELDiygRl cULP;b inn .wui. j ma j un saya skill runrrican iiisiiuiie, are AmariCan Pina.mo.lo the Howe -'Ai a nufacturirid CdmpankjBirinioIr ham' Conn. The v are all the aTOallsizlS. hnt wTf fer from- -'WrVe nf t are TOua.ftfflrtfaj-that jahe !pio and ihe neaa are one atid ladrviainieyibe ftlns are twice . 1 I AT- .TL. i. a? -i't " 3. " a a :: . ' I " t-- . i.r i in u9 i i oe rng 1111 L aod thej, poi n t of ex cedino firtn-ss.jowing tci improverpents in the method of maoactarlogj.., nie qua in v ano mu. aorf are ; afTrdeH hpir than pin have everbeenllefo iwj'v vctj .1 iieieBiawitjtoments now 1 area out over-one,, milfioinijlwSday,! 'JTrid .iVpre K. ... yy,j iuiiipuj sinejwnoie union l SCTrhe duty hn; this vai!oM WairaiseV frnV 20 roiSO per ceou bV?the l&WTar'ilr: .nft.k. aneoinV, ai.d he:qoinpan . havesifice reduced the price of Pina in the toarltet J&fo cents neV iraii a.Tij itiur. ri inr -nriraitiinn u lj . . 1 -y,Vi ' -j--':'r774V'-'7i:;:"777 fi 1 lFrom the ChillicfytilGazlue. : NLEGATQiA;rt One of ihe poiat9t toochled by I Gal low a'?. in his-?peecb before; the tfreatillifcainp m... ing. was the, tendency of lofocwaoifto strip ihe people of their librtierjg a little and ibtpreVaffrtile,'! and conelnirlf- in power in the handsvof a n ijr responsibly officer or iraucr ff insianceu -the j the accidental ; majority in disfranchise -1 wWihfrds 7 o Stale, in the Conrrressiona audacioiiatterDpi f our I.'egisJatuTe to Iht Voters of! this districts. tbe .developments of ".locofiicri aner 1 iKW as on Vf oiherraereciied. calculated, bjj ihe force and tro-h tvith wbicb rhpirUq,mi,iei were de pteted. toexeitehe gnerrius fnii?paf ions f his hearejs. Ln..ktng ,at tbbsV;ibinsb' said Mr G.. why; sbll we sayj luch fbir VillrtPR.Pll in lh. n.n ImL'I... L K. - - - "'v "rf 7 m ! nifty re - ear- pec ed in the dry ? Will maf we lanse.:arfd cwaiiiiH tite one. 1 7 r - i .Is this ihe land oor fa'tbers?loved The freedom wbieh,'ibevfo0ghi: lo teiV? ! - Isihisi the soifthey trod upon jp.'f Are these the graves ihe'slutnber ik -: Are we ihe sona, bv .libm aW borne " Thetnaoiles which the deajd ha ri worn ? And shall we crouch abo'le thfiiVriL . With cravKo sool and fettered iipL- V ? . v..t-f,t ; ; l . f 1 n - fi-5 15 ' 'hrfr enlargmVaola jhich berst ; 7t 1 T fiv ti'it '?f' -','P'a j'S-'l tree pilgrim fioirif. flnro! : 1 it bin our Jo most hisiima ;By all abuvjeYaTonnd, befcw ; 7, Be ors l he indiWa a'rla a-ri. Nn St . 2-- ' - - - 8 . ' i rwr --- '' :"7 . Late from FAUlfirtMurder dims. -IVoibioa seemVequaf (u .ttaAia&D and rt otninj- from' i be la tier nfiee. aimif& aUa U ,lr -tr.n... 1.1 .w.l' . i they wre fired u7wa.bjIfftihs7ilfcrK0 a!d, who was drjviogp' riiaA wbfcrn cbnl tamed Mn Cronvt4!&e fttN'FtrtV. received a' severe wound t mjidebfs escape ibylwoceal mse,f iB ;? -.!TOIrl!Hirn,:wbi: wa. riding on horsebiek.alkiurSOyaraa aheaf of ihe carriage. -succeeded tn takiepihilr dnitnl cr op. on the horse aod made ber Escape, i ilia Infina ttd' 1;J-J: 1 i i T- .' ""- r rtinoroanDgjjfS. .Urufn ; Ji Cuity.nalu$.A nt eman i fend ; of rural, parsbits was . ob.elved, toi I 5V.r ' . 'l-.i- -S- anmi Mpek7 siace.iVhi. erruinrfa mnLinV .ot.,kT ioft! s-ibjetion of jhe feroebiu mjpotesi frheire.a-' ty has little vflVei up.intha'oij it seink they ?I,,,,rked,5H&ef party aeari Ne4iaasillJ aod killed one ofihe nooiber. a lr fnm- ii specKelea on his nose e ,d"a serjjnt hold-f f?'4 'fJ-S:f..t- .ill-.-;' I ; I ,-,'T j2skcxd!urallnicdctcA knowle cf ihV' babiia'of'antmaU is "sometimes of great feryfet '' ; evert io tbe salvation of cities, , James, in t hit f - ' recent'historj onhe Blark.. Prince, jives an a mosing insuoce f ihg 10 lbe defence of - Rn- ' nes. a lowh of Bmuoy, beiid by tbe"Duke7 : dr.u"-?s,;!?,lr JoeffecC tbeltorrender : ;- . cf the place, the Duke .oforted a ttrictr block- S'-r -ade,wb,ch soon . redoced, the girrisoa to. great .: ? s rairsj.bof be koew tbe7 woold,h6ld oonS ibeV f ' ia$rxtremtty,7aad determrned toMry a trick cf V war. For tar purpose: hi -drew offbis'aoldieis' as if h had left the place; aod formed ao ,m- c f Cascade in tome bashes , behind the .town. - He - then caosed a number 6t tuga to be lorned looseV r , in the plain; in tbe hope that the starting a(ri:7 - -son woald . rush out far e'prizeBnt.tbeVito f7,7 " 1 deratqod bis trick, and lorned it fa tbetr own ad-"- s ; vantage.7-They opened one-uf'the aallv.rw.n; - nd hangup a yoong sow by ; Ite Vin'd Jegs lo' "oiwiir,. .ono.oi course maoe a great oatcry and the hogaTxamejroihingopu tbe place from 7 .c '7 .whence the noise proceeded ske was.tbeo cot7v ;-7 7 down antTdiveo tbroob.ue of tba streets an4l: '-'-V' fbtceduo ; keep t op her; mosic.iTbf soldiejal , apsfjap-fronrihrtr amooscade io-order to try. JPW!!1 Ihfs : onfked-fr7termtDation . of .v ' 7 V , ' thetrexperimeni i but-Jaroes says nbs bos i wjth ibat intnitiye perception of the wayvibeirk, ;1-' v ,i masters da not :sh ihpm in n whuih k.. ' 7 j -vPi marked thai nature, went lushing tumaltooosly 1 x 7 il.fi he town, '.and ,affded the gatrhon very, r-- ( seasonable itKtf. Louisville Journal, V- 4 .'7- 7!i H7WHAT MilKE TO;SEET::r-::;..V : .a like to see a younjz roan'ol fortune and 1 7 . 7i of t rVflion S osr e n t! dtn in t . .-- 7 t ing4 and spending hta ItirneTk to Worse than idleness?. It shows hi Jove Jo thpsfond,i;; S , ' indoloent -pVrcnt ; and hisVespeet for theti r7" 1 ' eximplei in hfe"; aills as 'his, ref erence 7-7 ' I n r, arm graiiiuae to that great- B ina who - 7 Buvtaiu 1113 me irom cay tq-dav; V-. :-7 ' 7 V running themselves"and par-iits' fa "deb", by ; j . tterojUingiop.aPe tha" sisVof Vealtb; : 7 : p! are sure to be resnecterf ' 7f I like idaee younj? .gentlemeb Jke ihfrVl"-" 1 naraesiroma i emperancrrfedgrt: Ifubowa. V jr , iheir;delernjinatior obfri$untrammttf ' j 7 fi(fxrepthen Capt: Whifkey walfoVr. " . k-4 . f t ! A r t " 3S. - ..-" ;v.t...ii MMUI l. U ) IUD Atreets in idleness :j: If shows they; intend to pay their: hnwt debtsln the eaiie'st way possible. I 'i ' ; 71 like to sea a good mechanic, with a fond wife and, .lovely :cbildreo. dependent upon .bun for support, i spending two or three ltotirs-every day in a i'rgaf rr.n It ejiuws that he has no fears, of becoming a drupk ard, and thij bnng'bis family 10 want and ipiseqoenllr there js no danger. 7 I like to er-e reformed topers' returning to on 1. . . h !- 1 .i-ii: i.r. tVl"- . 1 - v.. ' - 1 . s ... M. -tL 171 like jo see insolvent debtors' sitting a- ':;'s, : U IU Hie llflliTt.tinltdl anrl rnrnai. aI !,' : ! their "ojif prictice--like' the snw tliar was ' --'77 V wallowii g u iKe mire, ann te og to. bis jomit :7 It shows ibWy j,are.v men re9olQtTt) ffif&itn&M, .T'- 1 7S 'X j 'j!flMy0o laiijes spi nnmg street yrh'and takiiiiiipa';4gipgty of her neigh bors;, ll shay's her romrranU 'of ftime -and euperlnrtT'O ver others. 7 Sue .woiild anake 3 a-good wife." t 'i . ; " 1'"J.- t ' -Hlike tojsee them' flirt atodjpss their heads, and 8u k tbeir ieeh hy iwliy ol Vx j)re8ing their rotempt for, finneat hot un.. eteodtog ojuiig o;ep!:r Ii s1o.Ws thiirgood bret-ding and ii! godnse .!.'; -' !. :I lite to, see- men' iaVej newspaper for tears, without paying for it and then gt wrtby Svbep heir accoanl is presented, ft shows thei1hatreftridunns7' , j ';;Zo;ntAtremarkable case of longeviT io old.fngid;,Nw EnglanJ, ti that of Torjof Gilly7di Augusta, Manej wbo died a w dava since, at 4h - venera jble age of 12 , married at, the age of OS a girl oJ: 18 years old, bv whom be had 'iejtcbjlrrytbe k hia athwas; mjye tlian -100 years r lounger than his faibe lie as of Irish origin; but a native born citizen of Maine. Hid hair was apWe silver While, a smll lork! of which Wftsihihied io us a dy ot twol ' hince, by a getlema"n whKltd H from hiak iP y 'Cmii. ' i jt su'M i. time re lore - hi a ;Hpih v it. turned blick. Ilia teeth were pnu squoti to wjininja sbort7peruid of hish -7-i ideath. 1 So frfroarkable a man waslie ini .') his day, thatlje.svas; a subject of -curiosity - :! 7 (orsll who vjied iSir-efettonV of 'ntrvl v here he rejudH5iii v:7"f . ofs orJ?os.4-Bma Bh,tM7 7, v lflf ! !7 e00 fooUi;?frntt they should be : i-T- feltf apte.J.jo thi;; Whatm,fra matif 4fpi ay;ifa raketiou!d;bo;pai-inio bis hands : t tour times theirosuaKsizef Tlfe 2,1 .. T7717I7 i lUe ijusual ,tze r He would at onre complainjrbat it was too larger and lesvy, eon say liiat he-could not work wiih itrtct.;l, oien are ljysnot one Uwnha strni. a men, urnishedi h full i 177 stzed rakeshd it is efpecied that they 7 ijN f ,!i w ' !,PS,-" 'Farmen. Journal. h. M-C.Wlt,fapy pba of lit t Jet ters, says tro, 'IT And jueilyitbat lo where ia "sn-ni rpl teferenr piid the female cliirictfr ;; 8F,d0Jmuf fffifiement praeiUed in tbe 7 stal relatioasf hetwn Ibif exerts in ho " United Statep.! 7:- : -,; ' -j .$,1 There' injt$sir old Virgmta by ike nana : S of,Cake. : lls!'ife says he is a tteeet Cake. t 7j " i CfterrfBfctt MiedflneWAv-' -ir.!- , i?; - :iii. In 4ugh'lv Pfrf aris 'Bosteo Bee. ? i "e'v vjjftiyetteicei U ion Tost. JAIof1keIyk.:Cake.BaireUaze:tel. - ':. ,. :MLHi 7Andossrbly;.ihoiisbf wejabeotd be'-aorry to f V u 41 7Yoo:dl rnakwImifeiiriHto i(iy0a go f'fciP in ihai way.-w.VorfcNct shell;-': 7 -ri7$7iKl Hammer a wiv.v and fnU r."1.i hipPicayontH- 7 '-T;l-,.:.T7 ; -r;: , Mf ribasany.jan1be will make aome ef vou tbkk be is iriiitr C1 Kcfnr- o&e who roa.--ret lit. r fter a!?, be iQny a Hoe cake. 1 - .'7' pf 1 Lcy Longt True Ttsi Noihin2, says a late wrltar. seta 64 wHra mark bei ween a YefWair ad a oo Deisf S!'-'Ml'e!n. loyo,omaiKooa1'. I ' ; A 'anwbijsa'lwiva sifeeripg.tat'.womao it go" r 1 I neraily acaarse"pr.igaie or a bigot. , f M A Paris cVrrrUuodenf of the New Yfrk;iTn": Ms that ipoj Doetd Avlmala baa . ireeentl- i1" .. i il - ;i i I . 7. -- L : r 1 'ir V I'. ft iii'-'- w r. ii 5-P f! H4 '( - '-Ji'.-i 17' ?r y7l7f '-.irvsii' v! 7 if :4. 777 a1 h 1 -' .rf f 8; It - - 't..f ; 7 717 M I 7 i . VJ? t i v i i 77 t j! I-1 .'j . J '!",' iv -I . . .. i ! .1 i i. . : ' ' i i j I a. l . . . .. . r r T. a . . ti. . - i i '1 4 1 .: 4 t ma :i

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