bi' f j h Hp rldSSV-M fl.Wrtje. are pa f. ,y? 0 ThaB(erts8 by the year., - ;4f r f r5S tn bHrzHot accordioglj. ooNer- tfiftt to eWBte entiotr It f . ; look at tih: :: ;7 !frEY.v.i;-HA $nnng: &: Summer r i ; - TTk d : 4 1 ' 1 ! i 5, x . Hj- ( ' fit 9 . " ' ' - i i iTHE i SUBSCRIBERS- - riVftod removed, to Concord.5 ate oqw te L ceititiff and opeojogio thebrick boose west SPUING ' ANlJ SU3131iili; oongfwtich ire Dry,. Goodf, Hardwite; 1 1 Sadd!ery, JCr;i'gp.Trim'oaJn4s, - 'j Lj'CfockeryPainti,. Dy-.-,;i; f "t ;atuffsil! Medicines, J j . - f !;aRO0ERIE.S,i A vjrifttv of 01 her at tides ; In short it coin riseVai ffenerel .assortment, which will be s6ld pry low (k cisbjor to pdnctaal dealers on time. vi Invite bld'costorrierf and the public-in geh- WnlttAPYmine bar stock before ourchas- T Tat.tocairintfexe-iiineoarsiocKoeiarepnrcaas la feTOaMS' 11 is 1111 ill w - . - w lT- - - t- '.irsnn 1 ..IK , ct3i!J;iL Ulrl'i QnWiVntW '.ftp 1 I - rr r ir -I '! -'-I I fTIH Subscriperinforms the pabl 1 11 1 his 'iait received f through th btjes tjie' Jatestindmost approf ed j !v'4 i 1 11 'IT- ''' f ; I I'Jl - i!f I , luable nhH fsqbscriberffers for said his valuable 1 1. f rtT v'vy"""' j 7T.Tr taroauieatfiog irqm ausDury io: ynarioiic,- ixWesfrdro Salisbury. "It.containsK -l ilofuser. . Aa 1 intend moving mis r an, i . win eli upon kobd terms; such a? will suit the Times, A LToVVe money will not be eLected while fVni.U.i;rhPqht-niJ .!,. II5 r l L.'i'l S. iVVELLlNGTON' SMITH; I Sept.4; J84-if9t ' V v r ; filV. . PRiaES GtrnilXlITT AT Y.rsof. p,; r: . ,;, -,r- v . .i!.v,t; Ceiifs.l Cotton iYarn,: j 9Q it iicdn,h 1 o,:o4 ' 1M utanuy. ap. a uu, ;t)each; V-50 Bdtifir' P 12 vjouan tnseea nonej f. v-.. iionel. a . cleativ ' C a;7' CjfleeiP i 10 a 12. cfrt fP U30 FlpuK iff $4al4-r Flixsccd,!; 62a!G5 iron, per it). ,juo Wheat: bush -? S1 Whiskdyi ?"45 a 5a Wool,elcan);.. 25 L.inseeu uh, pri r 1 t gat utri pn.t Pi'n i -WooUcleanr.f 25 ' IV 4 J j FAYEHt$TiLLB, Ocll 26. ' t ; wiitojuyipeacn;. 1 l7Ji!5 Coffee,-? 1 lla'ii Salt i i 50 a 0 Sack?. ! :$24 Tobacfia leaf ' 2 a"I r-nttonf ban- : n a 25 Cotton Yarn, f4a'lSe tWP4 40 3 dll. Hale robe ' Sa 10 oj i 0 f- i Wheat new .80 a 90 Whiskey : 23 a SO Voor, , V"15a 20 f e4aiers rS5 '40 . - w 4 . t SI .1 t- - 1! 11, ,18421 .,Vl etrU r.;3a4 Natlf? cut assorPTa 8 cacoc -4 ? 4 6 a: 8 ,:wrongliit 16 6 18 Oats btishcl 30 a 37 iliaf-P75a$i mjap $125 linseed I 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOlbs 5i a 6 Rice jlOOlbs 4a 5 npp,Mi. f I oo a ak' Baginiyd ; 20 a 25 t ,m,ta m Bale rone I h t lone b 10al2 CSotTea lb 12 J a 15 Cotton-1 iCcrn Lush fih a R9. SugaMb;tP8.'ari2l Sail sackV. '.'$2 s';bu8b"v? 100 !(celAmeh"10 00 'i Pnnlittti- 'y't I A Iur, j' $5 a 0 cithers ir 3Q a 32, ,lr(?,n'IO01bs ,r5a0 'Ud? r'l. '-'47li8 I Mo met. ; 351 a:4a , German'; 1? a 14 inUo-wl 1 ,!' 12 i TcaijpreJSUSl37 7 . if- Cportourw w lf char eu ; . rtfoanirfVW6Mtal:eoI.xe I'A'l'i :;away the umejndlv siting about from j ) ii!t i'lMMRimiHECQFFi-lz:?::::: i r--,y"ow,nayitw holeto hole (a gosam and talk" over one an Concord Miy, J4M842-tf52 . -v : 1 : T T "i VhREIV CALDCLEUGH: I ' 1 1-. t . v- i ? r 1 vj . . . , .a . -- . , v ii r 1 vm n llkii liibii 11 aiiji iLaiiuu ivc . uifuu . t ra t 1 1 1. . ' .jjh i ' si -f 1 . 1 t ..:..,. i , , , !.,. i .i-.;t. F.Hfhiy.QVj $ LhWahlrin''. K .'t -t . VVhennain and anJnish nrpUi-V: v ,1 for a- villigf,1 and .no waterj-.ta. I i f W I n- C,.,t.rt ia b'iir.,1 anri STnariAnopit Phc- I ','1 I t. .ill -i.r 'j- v. - - . . '! - yuvw - Cht-cA-' 'Ah:;::i-ly , . Throogh chargins chivalry ! dph Pr s an:Fashions, ,fr; 1 . - f t::; - v : knhsHpared Are the oLl infallibleVwdrm "destrlvVng medi- - ?TM? ' styhsh satisfactory manner; A - Vfe , cine ever idiiCovered.J They have &eensed ' wl.tfi .fc.Arew Bonnets, Caps .Turbans, :and Give, immed.aterel.em nervous or; sick Head- i death, and life isa -trenyfy Went.; otheTatUclesiwilrbekeptonifindrsale. achei palpation; of, the Heart, Lowness of Spir- - -T hat myials tn the strife, r ;; SI P; it alsop?eparea exedute; itSiDespofdeoy, Fainting, Oppression or a t - Kiwiiol foi -whom jhe boon is sent t: Cnfning arid, Flutin? on teasonabU terms: sense of jinking or thaChesi.piarrLma; Las- Till they havi done Willi tef y : SiViWi Aprira3, t842. U: - l-V. sUode.akeosiof fatigue. .: , , f- ; ; ' , ' - - 'I ' i I 1 i ' ImmmLZ L-1 a5A-mfflis fever land Atnm Izpnrrts A TOWN OFPRA1U1E DOGS ' " ' li I.- -I i i i . . j- li .. - . H" . . s . - I t i. t : , i o i . . it.- . . . - . - '-!-- ! . ' :r i i j 4 -1 ? J t'-J 1 fs 4 -4" i - , v - "-. the parly, ;and one circumstapce. IvtouIJ r':. v ;'r'r1 J i-ii v.r' HIDDEN iTHLNGb'. vJ mention Vsingulir m-lbeexltemend i " f AV 1 "--And bidden' mWtrf the Aw0' ! "'-5'"? fef -VrC l'''' t: ' "'BeaoijwhichVe mortals.setf rioiV-: hard pched bimplf,direeIyr upon th pile '"'t. r vif,vw r- - CL- Thrills trottDdferv tihe're.; vA . of .dirt jaTmni ol his hole, sitiingitjpr and i REPAlRWGr ;r:n? - C'lOVjr):'W::: zpbtigt faiHb;,whie;alcomjftnron's f fpHt aiscriber fespeclfollViriforms hiold 'j. -Hiddeo'thooghia. how Jrighi,jjow man ! v head was seeripokiiig tjot of ibqr eotra'ncel Jl, , hYimfa and the Poblie generally, ihat.he ; Break ifce bubbles in.ihe son f . (bVtidi'4 perhaps fo expose tjlmtelf faclher.: has1 opened a shop in Salisbury in the abote bnsP cVhere the 8irearo;spen,of.any, t Aeit direcjed bail frorh!tn ;ifl carried: 4 rqomdirey onposfte We brick Hdeetib wilwe v cnlUe ;tbpoi:iiiroimVia.keid SJJf IN" e ?y??5vgZV? Hidden lo4 itd nldJen Vt tioikW-idi '.oo i WoRlbVeerfetrrroo owned by Jno;I. Shaver and nst below JfiW -."v,, 0 . . ,aM v,flv"et. f-v- u:a It Afii vt.i :Wi.iT r-rViin Mqrph.!'. , . i V.': k .7 1 , : 1 re?su' neer brought lo light, , .r bs post perfect Jy-rdead. reloading ( j Ittadditioi'toibe'abotei-the subscyiber'will . .Live and ao;sh. like ibe earnings " V- the t otherrdarmglyr caroequCeied-ihis carry on lihk Siber SmUh'Buthuts'An ,altlbe C v0f bright meteors' inthe.oight-v,Ivit-. compapion'bjr one of hia jiesp.nd befora. alleles tcc?nmoQ in coub'uy towns: sucb?a ' ; J'T;"" ; ! 't ?'r--:i .-r w, could ; reach Mhe; hole, hid drawn, him maki ons,5 .&c.; : andrepairing,' -Silyei ; -Hidden alih and hidden worsbip,;, ' eoropletelf rout of reachy UrioVe .Ware.l J.- &J, -V , i ; - JJaa Tuti" 'V'': hin oirwlthJa ramrod; Tfa.erejwas ! He big, tUssure tbe naWic that if pqncioaj . S $ran flr. hk a feeling in tbie l,tt!eVihcWeni; j8offlelhiog attennonioHanlM bqmarth H m my ti title h.ja to patronage and support, he will mer- -v ; ' i- -.-tt'r v v- M ' r. 'j-j i . -. it it J 1 : i " t: :; . " ' ; .;4VVhytare these, if notio tell as maiori!, and eTerafterI did potUttetnot toJ i -! " ; fi U AHARON-VOOLWbRTH. ;. ? & broken links unjle L . i kill one f thea,:except;ben r driven by, 1 KornS-llfie .'IfL';- -Y" .f a ?ba,n former Parklmg V ' . ; ; hunger -imK f-? , iValiiablc BroiiertV ;'- , fXexingt rniniS siifscriiper is dean iji taat well known bnsi ton, N40.si3oated a short distance north of the Coorthpqi,, forn.rlj .occupied, by !CallcleoSb. . ""t -r-u. -7 ,"r""T ' I a ,1 con,mojloo9 Containin an excellent i i ii i . i i , i i i i i ' I." ? Ill H.lorntlB'o hrna1 bnhl I , ' t' . ' I rut J ' J 1 I . I i'lti" UVSS SISUU ID -eiIlJJ I . '" viiiWhibiii w .-r a. 1 I .estles, .ndiorcrtooiiBe move; mm wnnw . ixKannr'i ihb nra m Mil fl " af-pn wlvR ;,. iFnWi -n,.;,,"!;' -r J f '-- .1 1 r .5-1 Are the most certain remedy foMhjs distressing eopt n,veriffer(dtojheA In tbe3mmnsepumber of cases m which they have bMniiaedthel .have never been known to lf.ii ,i tj 4- : . r 7 ( Merman's Keiloralive Lozenges..: ')',' -I V ' ' :", V - 1 M jjr .. . , n.iU perfect confidence. Persons sobject to a derange- ment ortbe briwels should never be laithooi them: TheyirTor-J immediate relief from all the attend- ant gnpinjfaintness.depresswnliVc. ' : Sherman SIJaiUartlC liOZenpCCS Are W pleasant iand easily taken as the conTmon -UAnnminik and arn an aciivat and ,rffir,iert rnedicipe,:7 hey cleansethe stomach and btiweis, and artbt best cathartic' ever used "for bilious persons; !iiYhete inactive medicine is reqnUed,- P,uiftp ihmrir-f.nw : I 1," V . - I . , r ' - "uouij nnosrauei. y :, - t 7,, inj' H. ' vi,-w finH fH rf".rr -'J -t -i W ' VW 1', I - .r.vb;tifaMd.rV.HirPirL: ' old hunters say. the, di2 a welllt J . I sicran;and a member jof the Medical Society i : ' nd make his glory known. 4 - :i ' itit fekft i Are inesaiesi, surcsv, uu uiusv euBvi.imiuj i . i :j is strain on qui or siranc , --j - v 14 1 Nor-hern Ceoghf Colds. Consomption:Vbooping - A flash upon the sea ;: -t f s. t.-,,i KjoQont t iASiama,-:x iuiocsv5ii jmo i i i hp siesmtP.oi ;a gnraenns orana r Suirar, br.,r 'OalQk. nrt;et' .t .h. , . . : - . loai,-i vlD a it? ;i The above medicine ia for sale, wholesale or extencea,! and an over it tne scene! was the Sal ft sack, -j . " t $3 retail, at Jhe Salisbury Medical Drug Siore, by., saroe: " ' ' " ' Tallo ' -I ;8 C.B. WHEELER, Agent, - '. 'We rodeMeisurely along until we bad TobaccoJ 8 a 20 V . f P i - P- Salisbury, N:C,l reached the moreMbickly settled .portion of Tow-Linen',' 12 aJ6 1 Sept 3. 1342rly6 , lT P- the place, when we Ulted, and after i.kinf 'arn-..' wL'n1'',. -P" ;V-' If1 -??eT?6lCrffe . i ;WClf cifl . : u - , ,P: WaiCIIlS . :y P : u ITTOSSESS ooalities of the most mild arid he- 1- nificSal nature. . They are composed of ar - maiisjaamv r epioemir, or oj ober caass.thesejnerfkines are tceriaio in their DPerns W effects, p They are possessed, of pe- -"M Salliieswhich not only 'epel al) disease, LL'lIJ'. L.r ' - i" i' nui ii in iimA- lima iuinr. mr tiitm.i.- I Vm but at the liamej time restore- and iorigorate the Anttthifai JmntV i uimtniinl vU'kL.-llia spark of! life begins to grow dim the circulation iku;iiiu, .aw iw; idcuiues parauzea,- inese meoi - cinesare'f-iund lo glveta totfe ibjthe serves, ex - .hileraiejhp animal spirits. invigbrat , the 'body ?BteW!l i-? ' - V themosrbappyi puccess inervcusandiDys- nentialdinp.- Crinsnmntion. iABihma. i.i.p. Complaint,! Rheumatism, chronic and inflamaP lory) D'fopsieaj &, P J I if " . : j: ECJCal atlCiiEsa & CoqEsJ Jsenlt, P .,fbaiisbnry, Oct22,l.IS42-lySW tV j. - l'.', f ' . (J M.tiVtr Application wni be maue to tbe Xt next Legislature ofNoUhHCarolina, furthe passage oCa'.Bilfemancipatirrff'.a 'NegroJMave rmedSainormerlyhe pro-pert T 6f-Mary,Ha- WaPdeceaaedlvv-" - f . . Wu'KING. ' ;-.-it 'October! 15, 18424tv ISod'" P h.nn,tiil?i burrow ,-waa occupied by a dbg, sitting airit they immediately diffuse themselves I ke' vapor 4 - L - i - 1 - - - j- tu . throW.-eer, U'.e.l .rod-cin, litaiV oV. ?ln talo ;od coblly .looking .r .iOPj Sale in . J. j i L 7U J size of. a rabbit,' beivier. petbai, more com nn i '-Vkr-iJ' r .?;m.!mi? VP : Diet: and with ouch shorter essrIdaDv vrama , . (".." I - ' - V 00 Id ini8 World Ot POrfOW DC. ; j I ' - ' ' f . r. . 1 , '"i..-'.'' V nrji nt .4.j " i1' oearance -it resembles toe wbodchuck mmmm A Mi I I HlAl T - I UAItl 1.11 1 nfllf fl fl 81 n R V f I W Ii XUH1RU - T. ':'tfvw I . f' . " . -I , - ' 4 J . t. , . j. .V""-V,,rV-r"",iM . ..Tfi.r;, ;:,rr..i r . t , eround hoc of ihe,northi although a j .' ; 'A . i J , RET1RE.1J EN'l'.i ,.' , . y.. - y 1 An interview wlil-r Heen ; ; -;- I ' . ..- . . 'u ' 'cx, 4 l.w l., i j . .,, 4" And by his presence cbeer. ' ; vW-.'V, ' 'p i . i Xearhing ed that thei from theiguide who had return there was al large: city r common- wealb of jrie dog8 dircct(y 6n ,b -oue , . . , . tne comma? rnputtii' gh,0r . animal was said to be xrllnf S i! J ' i i ; J f ! 4 We had proceeded ,hm. aho. t distance after reaching a beautiful prauie before we came upon .the 'outskirts of Utt' common-. wealtli.v A lew scattered Jogs were seen iM tte i -':'il Jiff. -.,;"f: T,"ti-". ' , J I Mllll Hf IJCar IU IIKB f Iltl IT I B I tlKIIVIU III Cliai ..." ...f ' I- J " . - ( . .-I cr--- 7 -7, r o- . tampering in, and ty their abort and sharp 1 yelps gtvinfi a nenetal alarm to the whole communiiy. - ; f ; Upon the Mist ciy of danger from the out. skirts it was soon taken op Jn the! centre of nothing was to be seen a dashing and a ecam mercurial and excitable deni- zens.of ilte place1 each m his todge or bur- - row, Far as lha eye could reach the city rrow, Far as the eve could reach the citv lQe bridles from our horses 5to.,allow. them lo grPze, WprVpsfdJor a regular upon the halitas.I :Tllef burrows Vert lupon the i not' mote fa an. fifteen Vitds apart,-with swell ( trodden patlis Iadipg in djiT;rent directions, the 1 ahnrlp f ft miinnppl anil lpi!nimv nrvpvpn -r.".-r." . rt '-i7"rtf rr ITT, , 7 tbe4 cene, before' ws. Our approach had drivtn every one to his home inrourimme- diate vicinity,' but ! sdrne hundred ' yards off tbe sroatririound ofeartblin front of each I . ' . -; H - 1 nt ; commotion.; Eery,!nowiand then l suuie ciuicu uiuie veiuuruuq iuu uis ucigu i bor would leate bis lodee on a flvioc? vnit b""a companion apparenfly exchange a I few orda and.tben scamper backlfasraabis le5H0.0Jft,rrJi 'I V"? ' r, By and ; by, as '.we kept perfectly sitll. sotae of our nearest neighbor? weic Paten poking their heads! from out . tbeir holes, and looking cunningly and aHhe time time inquisitively about there:;; GraduaUyVcir-' o wotndremerre'tfrom lbenir?ncetbf his doroicii; come put Vpon iir loSking Out ije' v rV perk bis bead and commence veln-D?: - xur 7DOO" "m,,flD,n 3iT monwealtb, watching ibe roovefnenlacT'tbe tnhabhinl arid occasionilly picking ( three' hoor's we remaid in this com. boat nia to. ascertain ibe. cause ot the re- or trifle Bflttller than that animal., Io -their . habits P'.'oS " "ocial,. pe.e htelone wild, frolicson.e set of fellows when, undis os would location handy, rold 6 upptjL tVOnlaeferal occasions rcreptluo close ta erne oftbeir villegea withoat being observed centre of oneol ihcmj I hirliculsrlv noticed a Verr largo dog, sitting in Iroht of his door or entrance of his burrow, and by: his own actions and those of his neigbbois, it really iuokcu as,tnou2H ne was ine presiaeni; may ori or chief at all events ho was the. "big (djog.' of the place. iFor- at (east an "boCrl lookejd at; ther;opef ations if .ithis! little Wm4 munity. During that lime the large' dog I havenenttoncd received, least a- dt2eut visits jfrom his fellow dogs, who would stop Mid chat wuirhiraiafewfrbinuies arid vfdr off toj their. domicils. All this wiije he nev er leffhis' posi'for a moment, and I thoueht Jcobld.. discover a ra.vity! of deportment not t disceinafcle in '"tjitfe'. by-. WHbo7aie, rrot?nded. , Far, is" it from' me to 'say was that su tho visits he reccited wero i upon; business, or a'sjhaving' any thing td'do with the local laws regulating the bpdy politic, it is the prairiedog.h; ; ;; r; i ' ; C In different parts of 'the time village the mempera of it were seen cmbolirfi. fri&kj ing, and visiting, about, occasionally turn ing hetls.over head into -th'ejr holes,' appearing. to-hae .aU sorts- of fun amooQ themselvci;! 7 Owls of L; a singular species weiejseen among-them. :They,idid notap-' pear ito join in their sports in any way, bnt stilt to' be on good term andasthey were- seen 'entering and comingjout nf the same holes, m v be considered aft members ot the saroej faniily or it let 1 tetairiera. Rat-ler snake?,"too dwell amona them, but the Idea uiai i-joa uutaiueu- oi iiiejr u ving : opo o spcia ble terms of companionship witbTibej "dbgsj s .wttbnol fonndatiin Tjbelsnakesl look upon! as loalers, not ejasily shaken iflf by the regular inbabiiautsandUheyi. make nse .of me owcuings oi Jine cos as more cqrolorl able fjaariera ihanlthey can' 6nd elseaheie. We killed one a 'short rjisjanije Uom a bur- row jwbo bad made ameaiVf a)alf grown dog, and.a!thonghi ITdo bdt think theycan master the; larger" flnimafs, thiK "fairer are willing eoougb to 'let them pass in and out without moleslauon an evil like many in every socieiy,ihatxannot be got;rrd-of. P P Ti;tv' firull Inwn ' ':w; fvSeilPrl tuna nv'ftn miles in length, and at leatta mile in .width suhorbs of jthe larger lowd to alt appearance W,e kiodled'a fixe and cooked three of those we btad sbd! andifoan'djhe meal exceeding ry sweet leader a pdjb icy rVembUngthat of thePsquinel; only ithrj there; , was aiore fat upon if. L Thus eri.detl ar jirsl visit to one of tlie numerous dnjr town; nf -lhe' West. Emdairs Santa FiWxpedihon' P t-Jti. Evolution of 'Light id (he Human ?Sub- jef. lt?wa ten d ay 'a pre v ious tu Xi.4A:U tJeatQ that loir lienryiaianiFobeserveu a very i exirabrdiharv light, w hlch XseemeB, da 1 ting about ihe face, and, illuminalicg 'all aroopd her headflashmg-very1 much ? like an aurora boieaiis." -She ws'sin a deep de elmel lnd had that ayjeae:zerjf ;with suffbcatioD.i which Iteaseti her ;rcuch-for an hour! and made"lerl s6 1 netvo-uaP' tbaf she ':.T. rt.P- i il'.L."ri. - "that !l rmghtraise lierup 4iriiicklr in easO 1 of a xeturo of -tbal painful aehsat'too.. After she settled lor.uie nignt. l lay oown beside her, and it was. then this Jumifioas appear- ance suddenlycommencedP Her maid was siitirtff UD4bide the bed and I "whispered to'hCr to shade (he lifhli as' il would a wa- ,D D, sn?ube Vf j ken fouisa She told a me msisne ujni;was then 9aid:-'JVjat.cia government oi ( ioe vniage ; joui h ceriainiy looked so.'.; If any animal is endowed. with reasoninn.Dowers:1 or.has: aoV svstem of ftp "1- f 1 i'!r this 1 ?sht be. hfch hi fl jsbTh t.oir lVIiss L'ou-1 iii,aiavc.i u v .fUBiu ,iuyK(o very misie ritiuvand informedr.mtbatUhelhad :sj?erT hat, light before-raod it way from nojcandle theri inquired whn fihe ha'd pefceivedkit ; she-rsaid 4batmolnng;.iind:ttdazled her5, eyes, but she ha JJ t-jd nothic" "abouViti as i,ap ics iwaysconsieerea-'-servantr supersli-' fiOBsJjtllqweter; aper ;watciing "jtCmyiself half an hour' I g of upland 8a?w,tha ihe baoi A 1 e "w 8 s i n a I pos i 1 1 0 h. fro ro wfe 1 c h t h is, oe c u cuum qqi (Uavejcorrje, nor jnaeeu waa tyike thst?afnr oMightIt was 1 trior' disappeared. It;ffiUe ;the !ace :ihe iloolt VCIS ya'u'c wniie-anu pignly fjglaased bot it danced aboutland.bad vervifxtrabr-' i od uiuar j vueci'v 1 ureemguis iiier,rje maid oe- room ana saw it 819. t, j-ne evening Before L. A', died, 3awllh8:liahtL againlol -iL Vfaafainier, and lasted but 120 mitiqtesV from those of othVr! compUints whom j era! outlinewas the a very pecutiar smell, which pose; there ; mighi be some going forward. -The "ijouni wbose uerson these lominoiTi lrjejnanifeste'd.aI b'adr seenl several -iir-nea 1 i - tiocener return tonne country ner iansir. Wiibintne all dutb chill Shrink back in awe idsh V ii j la cuntem pla t ions' See'Natare Nbonrtbon hast disiubed of all rn'mbormnrrWeeti igh4e;Sr; ..-. i : .- ner green aiuro, now rciaa , r watched it jmorAhananlhonrV wliVJt; -.TIiaalatA nf Tihn hndv nf thi V. ;rii Wh.I ,,u ui ?Uv mw-w ?ne ira course Jo pursue'lf v or three monihs M badnefer teu Jnr lead the way; and; thereby show,, eBecessfol - i;':-bed-. LManv ofiher simptoma.variedimijch resolisthe doubifof.irh-iiimi(L nn Lht autTerersrin nolmoflsrr would then at ckctt fulfowA li iVaJaM. ihit 4t harlaeerb'ut thaTsen" I ,r,,s momerli,gp6s,cn"he brooght.and sofd ItJr : aam ller breaihihad 1 ."M" ,haodsomor prgfiiratva or -priee , l wereex-tensjveiy aueased ; aoe laborett un JS wu jf' 4e nanuswo omers, and : der tho'mostJbelptjaafoViafoNrTatinWarv J?rd heVeaeh.oPf owner .'asjs al ways, the, rnnsnmniinn -Tnrfn 'AlAX I 1 " - case w"ere goodsare. delivered oo a trediu No fJ f consumpttonZo7donedica(Ga emptatibns a ie presumed iQlhefmall dealers- ' - . , j . . i ; 'J jo seek compromjse.JconlessirodgmMrts.r make - .... . iromjhe Ghensboro PatnoL colIusrfesalesr.Oolihe contrary, their fonsineW '' -t-- vvV'':"AUyiJajN, wilLba rendered eqoallyJiealihj and sound, and- Ob"; aloomy Aotumn tnoi'tnv mourcfuHooW onihejeonspmers will jexceed 'i '"A . , and idak'st mv harr' ,rg,jr -,Jf.'we- -Oye-kiiow it'jstll 'be , Mid at f , -on J,ze ncej by Teiy many that nly a v small business ;it -ndDQlieaa mv ninTl -1 wAl ??'?one pj.ioait Wfloadopls Jbis course.-- - And d& . Oo raouolains h inal ions nave8tood despite tbd sweeo na Masts t r'''"."' M,1,, !,yluOT r,y) ; Of tempests blown severe;, the smlhn-y.rtalo,- nt 'el noosand olIar r nesaotje . .5;tK p Onceclotl.ed in livfog green,! alia bir arid glMtK'NW Soma."modest UoonbV nature t Hell, to Iralf; Cfei P?" u,iaI?. dpteat;on?; . I'he phyra passing (j with fr'e awe!, coMiogeres lZ:f i . 'Thedaik maiestro wuVds that; aaving, seemd? -';h--.4:.;, , . .... .. , .... 1 . . - One vast and troubled" sea of greepj-these.all V A.TRAGIC rATE.H ppv 1 f t, I Have lost: lherrhue-;andat;thy homing weep.-. '.-fjba GlV,ieVcb;n iP-Ye yellow leaves, that lifeless lie oW p)l ' ; wiUuhe following Neapolitaiuaiery.Noatea , - f ; The pla'w,.ti) withe;?otand mlk'wi(h earth ' are Sen, bdt we are w auprhjjfm'-arTalr j j v (frnnnmT vinpavA faJiniV fl-u'ro iKii' .1 is ot recent occurrence. lie Uouniess MoT Lamenting .'tbalyoofilife so swept should rudely fioji vias lefj' HehndbeaMtifol;.widpr.ijat -the-Thus bi.touched iu a I its piimeby rutblessl ' early and? interefUng aga of. twentytwo. fn- auiucnn s areary tpio i i gree . your sorrow Wiih a tear of s'ymaihyVror as comings ,"J.." Autumn days bf-catultVa'death do teli, this flush Of hectic on my cheek these sunken eyea' These casting iirubs vith failiilgtsircr.gihdo ' tell P""i- 4 PP" vt'"r fn language plaip, lhat life, to mesrTdear )-': So lull, will soon havefluiteAllnUsflighU P 4 And leave this frame of -dostin death to sleep ; ' Thai-soon ah ! soon-Ul in the ot&v must lie Witb myriads who BaVe guno before; as lo V 4 A-Plhey, and ihey as I1; ihere ll aitke Do fa re : no friends orlfoes are iherei nor name Or binb; nor rank ortiealth Htyanciwrr there"' ? Shatlclaim vUhe.youn-g,' ihev old, the poor, the; . j ;V5V l y I , ,P' V. , Naught shall be, but fo9d'fo;woirns- ro-kfeedlTpon Na, sorrows ibere to wmkl&JhdbtovvnoVnTiles Enliveu the face. k3The ears inisilrnce hrishd' 'To meltinrr nes. no more shall! wake'ur hear' i I The voice of those dr&r ones: irviow isiwont -J u dry i he tears ibat fl$w and Irom the heart Lach suiruw chase. - l A'" i : fn death Vll see nnmore the srofjlingspjainp Of oitihli as burst in2 fn-in ihe easern wbflds;.; She itdes maiestic tbroifjjh the vaiihed skies i ur Dios me son tuai jn tne wesi fHNii'n;iger T-6 flee laoiber worlds and ieavePibejnighi' - " With her and all of hei attendabts bnatitl ! : f - i : h' MP - ' 'ITioush whep. musing thus my olocd grows chill-, - P j' P-f - ' And thro'.iis .channels aldgglUh jflows, f!coo!d ' Wiih a' smile his' coming great, and claimhi;a l'or,a( friend"' drink" ol -NeVlar rndjbf gall swt it f 1 A 4t i't1 a..;' -1 4 hoi ia iuiniiirl lr I lib UilUIU ff ' UU1. IIWSVVU WfV The landscape spreading. far, lit 4 verdant h wo, v 't'ha fluw'iy fielJs. ihe rag rani pipadP Nu tnure Iu thughli7. mmd 1 1 guze vp'h ih'4 Jeen ; vinuvv ineirvvu 01 vHm,uoa,rB fce;ir M A gf Jtolora Show9ind CUm Bakea." Na t ong e f f les ' i h i d i h ely a ij ng' g ra V e Beciiats Vima2to'aiiosfo6Un U - .P-r Qya-Um$ iti(of:B),omg relljw,answeti loV to Vhe names- if;V mPp iC'irr nd 3 Alfred kMi tuurn, Ti3 ir.ed atY a;un$ourg. itw of k a lew cay s ago lor hating a plcrilityt4wivts. i wtnij-iniee' yearsvf go ne axmaii;eujn eo myni.'jioon a(ier te came JSA "Vvit State, and was" married asraln at Massehi in ihat'etaie J Four ypa3" after, he,ihifiedih !pne toUnca, I wherejie'nni'ed Innbself to MisV Rebecca Clrk. rife gaveiiebecca thefsOpi about a bear 8iri, and ron'er "bright, morning foond h!ms4!t 4 in Oneida count? .wirn a new romraoauy r m pne snape ol a n.i;ni .;r'A iirii-UiiiJi t 'l-4!.;, i.; nroeni produced ' fou r five yiang fitners, hom wi.h iheir raclher. Mr; ,Ciir ndoned f nd skipped over 1hel line imo Cjnada Eveo II w .-m ' y . iiii-i. iiibjlill.llliu w.uauii AvU In ihia chilly iegTon, hii-amatwy disposiiKi be gan to "develope theijs'elves he -was Redded againand 'againrame.brfc ta iCe Siafer-tj-fod finally (to close tba i eenifnj bishsfyi has now in Atiburn ataie prisorj for iha terai ot fivj jears", dafing whichjjime.'at.lflaft.thft I&dte will be IlkV VUJ 9 IUai.UltidllUII.'1 l VH.f : v 5 ... i i . There is a girl down -strett so sour that S vjcrgar Issues sweetUfter ln ng herj is sleadilj" upheld with jts'Janj evil3.",U--' def th'e preseut aysteni tbeT stand between manofaciorer and the retailor.; .They bqycf: -, " lew hbusirind sell to a sieatmany small 'deaf-' H9l tbereftreril isroeccssary.fotbenvl: i to meetiheir 'pnreb.ast'S folljr and prcrapily'ih J' wusrstllTer from jhe hazirds thatmay bflaT . 4 moia"crle!5s"pf a larje oumbersof small, dealers z 4 . As;ageneril ibfriw the jobbing merchant: d?v-V ' I not get rich in Ihc p; t&cni rnrJe of doing bis bd'-? V? sicess.- indeed, agenerariont-f. them swn 'jtns'v - V ' : away,; A J Jhe'cad of a yea r. whenrev ie-tvjrjjf r i:' iha business itfcne, he' often finds he has;1 ; : and sold a great amount,' 6 1 has paid a'greai tftr-T -of moneytulbe.prcdocer,he has rec'eTved triv?tV r' ' , fiom' the retailer, he has 6n his boots a- largR . amoont. cf joor (debimach -prolesWd. paper T " 'i ' wncrs, some a w. qhs, e vei a 1 -. com p rom isey,' be ' - rrt 1. ' t : l a - . 1 i . f .- ....- - .- - - -'s uj uem uiid!ato oj; his ousiness, i&u ine, iearv. j , ; . profiisjhat he has "actually in bis: hands, afut!' 'V taking ppa)l his paper that is soon lo became due." are small. 'The, case v(; ihe prodocerwheiher " " manuTacttirer or imnorier, is not, genera II v., the samVButry seldqiii.r TbVs ihiiAbei is the, '-n f first,dis.lribo!t of iKe tme?eb3ndise, ino fupor - v4 ? him '.iinmis'-llin-xKalTLAJ.i-.'r . 1. ' ! . 1.1 L 'j ' -.r cares, an! the losset.1;lt, is hi ihia reason tbat" sin, hold sndrejluto dealers break, o?er the. 1 r ' present mbdeof dciig t Jheir. , busisJessrJease -? ''' themseltes from their Wesem hazard, and eecara, ,V " to themselves what ihey fairlv -arn be hn'vlnrV, n - .,rv avw ouiUD Ulllio IUUIB lUKIIIM sel ti na 'rigidly iahtnh forkash uj.sucp asiise, inej wooio.. nave no "bad v 'f4- hi a" Tin 1 icl a i I : imtmasi'ln nt'ol-oV , ?. t? nu air.tne- end ot the -'year their pruflis ' : j ' 00Hbe in theirtpocket?,and noi on paperLand !j ! taVerCj! 'a :.heuntixATh"rre1a Viff made lme lup- l!u ht foriwbicKthe raVa nowtpurchase, -r. ..L(. lhem. And every one knows, jhatithe prudent T. l, dpcmp0?iMon :retaUer.and sucrl 'alW-hla ch.iwill -al- V. -J Thrs coorae ul Attri&xAjfhhi&Zmi aint i.ieoniy eaie t.e, pejcapiiatra'con- in " coor - e wi1Iiu inl ,hfl Pofckets ol the merchant . rptPheti, hnoinnso nf fill, thniii.n-l Uvlla U L.L . ... .1 i , uiwiumumii liuo, wm mo uuteji .m-i mellovwas the ooly one whose sighs werejecip- located,' Their nniort was figreedun, and de- fened only till the tfjrm owidpwh'jod expi- red.,, One dayataetelthe yong couritesatook Jue fancy .of consolting a fort-ine teUer.lwhd was ibere .for the-eWrtainmot of'ihe goesis, He osual.amiAfdhaj fines jf her han!,and with' a tfonbled coanlenance4 and tremulous voice, said Ladyrl joa are at tbeTeate of iheTem- Ple of Haopioessn but you will never pass over lis thrtshhuld, andvil Wie in despair. The lady . waj aeepij ,aueciea: oy, ipia preoicuon, ana an thn affectionaie suthhiass ofher Juvei ; were scarcely adequate to! restore her mind: lo irarqail- !l Tima niedrtn ' liiiia.l.r 1 tilil i )lil.flliiil 1 J , HUD IW.UlUIHVttl-IIil VHMKI.ICU , lh impression: wheri,4be Doke da Hermella w-em on-a visu iu iiudie, ana ine cuuniess xeuiea fovacdJiveo't" anxiously awaiting hisPrelojrri;) re) appearance of v hfr betrothed "Atlasl came fVunrv him lhft fiitlnii1rir p.rnl pnisllp - Atn!nm 4, VB'!'s . 1 we deceied oorseles in '.believing4 ihat;wwere'jii'f P' j desiined fur each oiber.-. To morrow I shall bfl Pil insiried' to the Princess MarUDoiioLflt oapP foigef oar ''ihrldisbt fanciesi but peverfiebialn- 'Pllo! friendspPlWwfo h rokeif or,'ort flaisiitldg't bV letter, labe sank-f o ihVrottii'da'fid'; 4ltT h r e'e' pmgn a f f Vr oa n d a, a K ' w aflpg p ii lrg i rrto ins 'Cairtagp, ing rjuey iiir.juji. 4 jib uuu liters of jtjsiice in btiih coonu'w-s are ngf ged in P i iavetigatipg these tragical vtctshicfo have PPf . occ-aui. ed . the t deepist ei'otion many; noble i; jtP i families " -' , p'P' " H VCPp'D VJ1AT IS A CLAM RAKE? j Each section of he ronntry baa its peco- 1 jr..i O'tl . c ... .l IV nUi oo'iiii anu hcsi 11110 the Middle Slates their nl (Up Paatprn npfinln H The latter efJairis new to us, but the Bos- ron-Transcript th'tis y enlijblensibepttb!ic;P hotip ' mi tuUA.4af "ofU fpVerp a de P UD .III IH5 IMUl.VrS.VI tin. .mi. ;il.k ifAkSM rf niikiiinii'i Vhm ' 'A scripiion . Airenrb is '"dusltojna forty feet . !:v' . 4 . r...L r... Iqpu ntl fourjwider and fiUcd Ovpr lhpA tvonrt'ia nUPprt hrt s tlrpPLin died. When I the atooeaaVe " spiBcientJr Plf-'t heated, ibe coils 1 and-sshes are rempved.PTf,i Ligbty busneia oi ciams are poorea upon ibe pile with some twenty Boshels of poliP T toes, five hundred tantog, neatly dressed and pot iato clean cloth bags, of half dozen in a bag, to which are added a dC2en barrels l ..... ..Vn ' 11.-. nlinUHa i'i ' v' 6'"--'' ; ,befn red-w.lh; frcsrtaea and rock .weed, -fy.; nd objeeled to a. steaming and hiking pro- , j j leJish to Ibis simple find beyond the reacfi oftthe most skilful cookery of the kitclien. vWhen done, the weed is carefully remev. ed and. the; wholsome luxuries are serv ed up on the table, separately, in pins and dislies, and whb'meltedf butter and "brown bread, eaten with la relish that the choicest ipreparatioas cf the hMfls -vuld. tt gisr. V ! - - 4'ii ;t.j V; L':M;P :'t, PTfi- :pr::; i -If I 4, t lp; it t Mi. -ill 1- V i. AS, Pf ?' At "1 '.il p" 4 -. ; -Hi i-,' : 4 , . i -r i k . 1 1 St i ti Pf s P, PP' fi ' p L v -i . , V" 1 If P r' ; rT'" f fi-i -.iJpif P. : P-K l-..&-fk, ll, -tP IP'iP r is.- - -It! f p 4 P .4 i "t . ' 4 1 i. I 4 - - I I i p t I k i - I . .f S t T ! -

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