. -I ".- 1 -2 4 .' .Ml j' --' ' r pr. tt'K 'IS? tu. 15 5k L1 iSt olj 3 1 ''iU.iJi.U,;' ma., hereafter be -had qvo 'dollar W aT aJ0U- (NK;U.1allrra kiiidMIir Wj?ib, fi1?0? " ,t nnmber of linae, , z5- 4. i ".Ssnre itleolion.- " - - J- 3 2PM Paw.y.v-" J- t - vu 'It i " t? '' V' I -J I HfE W.I J M ' 1 ..-.7 1 M- 4 If. I . t- v- n A. .8 i I . - -r ktilSd reoiotedi W Concord, are now le- L WivinaDd .open ngia kpiii;G ?and; summer r,itfftrir' shoes; uoqw, uait wy"i Sddtry; i Carnage Triajmiof f . . 'alaffs: Medicines, r J i e iitlU cUtomers ttd e pab!:cm gen- i'-- 1 1 : V 'r-Tnii iAV - M ' A ; Coocordj May 4. 18452 iJ :-:r'ii'-r 'virn 1 V-IL J -,y rT-: - r i -h il i i vr. (hefe is' wood j watert very convenient to Ihe aasij; It is ari excellent sUnd for ! a Public ioaen.'JAa 1 hiend movio? this Fa! . 1 "will Lit .ViJl.U-.a ti..L.l ) mil c.i'it idv'iias ri4 UUUIl IfUUU VI'UIB)r bwvii D4i . imo. tfirtof thomonsy will no: bo eipected while r - - ' i;. ..mi r.' .1. i : .- .,.,! ..-ii . 3piaia-TTltr ls resioenu n ; v; I. C1 r ' IVVfrr MKfnTnV HMITU II peach Ha450 Nails, , :r f 61 utfo jf- i!;i2210at?; :f-415W aUon livseed none j PorK, ji - j ? pi : - 1 - onep v.i tu a iz 1 u ,0?fM io (q(r, r 1 1 ,30 lojirt'.r;f4aig llaxseed, 62 65 ofi, per lb; 3 ja5 U0o 41H r! ',-"t V l- if ' i ucrj;i':isi 4 ft i I. Itrrtr 4M- Jeropolb 10el2 flfcalb.swU'-is Coltoh;.,; Ba7i VB,liush'0'(a62 (trs" .30 a 32 lOoWlL'Sae linseed l 16 a 1.25 P6ikigOlslA5j a 6 'Rirel lnnllU "in R Sbgar lb' i i a:t2i bait sacKf , . ' -.S2i; , f Jlnsh' ft ina 'J.'i-'-i - ! 'v;:: M ,f' rra arid exe-nioe our sjocKoeiucc Puiuu , Pnu jsnnfl. vnnl. n no n eTte ent WI,,.'K y telsewheras we think we can gife. sucb Stwe row &VdwMng;aparlmait all under sbip; he bad neer?-en Jo, a, before ; 7ams as will be1greaHndoceinent la swrebas- ihe same roof, !? Attached to tbe premises are all bis oame was Green,and bewas as green as u I " i II AM' ! 'J ' t - necessary on L'b'uilciings; Those wisbingto pur- a gooseberry. I took a dislike 10 him the Coa'otry prodace taken 10 whnge ;loffQod9., chaseor,to examine the above property; will re- momVnt thatI saw him. becanse fae had w l s Tfor the KC'i-. imraifratm?Lon:rd 1 Mm 1 1 - ! i : " . i v T v' -T t risen my. peculiar genius tor invention. s - Spring! and SummeiP; ArlhebtstM$piCl$ESifa ; Af lasvatter I had, given a charaderof 3. '-F- li i; OjN 1 " 5 ."j! 1 -TfKING'the, chVa pest and jpbosi, pleasant. the first lieutenant, which made him appear ' - " h I Y "-r j . ' f- JLP I'he Medical JFacohy warmly approve ihem a sort of marine ogre, he asked bow it was J -i tb1 I O 1 - 5emaii is a skilful and experienced .Phy- T'gol on :wUh him L'i O very welI,V Vepli- aicitoand.ajrteniberol the Medical ;Society.o ed bot Tm a Ireeroason, nd so is he ; 1 - iT'iVXorl'. - iV.J- . NewTotk.api-vf-!'. ..-j-Jr-V;' and he'sneVer sevefe wnh a brother mason." M A W"lec?lyed.,!!!0 Ti2htness;oi the Lungs ot r.-.bi. he:ben to scold me. anil hVl s,. nes,uie laiesiano most apnruveu, 4- i - : -vy 1 -'. - " , . p, r that vou know- HI London & 'Parisian' Fashions, -nTJtt.Ji SiSfi rr.U'T'T.:ii . , II : I Tbti fooiw. Hi 5 l'i :b LM.'.iffU rLAiA.0 ;n th nii ' .Jkir-i:.i L' j-l.J-ijr--.; - .1.. ... m- .-'A-v.' r : he knew twhal,tt. ft hlFsb arid saiisfactorv manner. "r h-" ! -1 nin -.r HiinTi.ed. Thpv have been used in I ' i t hnM " lilr JL tn IrnnV 'ihnV .inno1 wow.aoo loan, so I Work sUroiii Jislance. hall be cireWlly, ir i;40O,O0O case. nd .eter known f.il.' , Won't isl! then to me ?'' " !" " " "S.Vi I . t. ''i'h-i: if ' ' -. Aisr 4 J.'L u.iri!iUbi!iOW . -I. . 'ill if- ' ' "i-ij '" in i Ai!aLt r i i M ued onv secret to bim he laughed heartily, SCT.A few Bonnets, Caps, Turbans, and Give immediate relief in .nervous or sick Head- won't - do,' replied . I, j j, don t know you. anj J-j-.. j. rc i ?.., ?: . ! U iLei'rtlcs. will be kepi on hand fqr sale. acbe, palpatipn f iheJIeart, Lowness pf Spir Here we are on boardin btwro wed ll - A Tomm Dnit AuVe, MhsV'Vnn ? MMrs-f. P; is alsa preparede execlite its,: PespondencJ, .Fainting. Oppression or a raen.. Now Mr Preen, I'll show you: the T, f'rt ."XL i ' t J VT riman4KluWohreas sense of, Sinking bl .the Chest, DiarrLma. Las- wp,si-. fi, ; ;S -t werPP t0 anything, and so I think fo are; 4 SajlsburyApxii 23, 18? V ' 7J '71 sitfderaeWpf fatigue.' , 4 - J WasVr'rcserited and ushered in K" ,ea.lMf 'V TTf .'r 4 ' :M ife - Vj. -erm4r imdXozee, lVtbe:serv,ce rnjhin the same way. hatj fb o the frogs, I vWnHfn7fP ll'r Ar4eihemb,ferUVemedfforinisdi w-s . bot ;fie' ; frgu:lerT.h.t:r said ! tyou isdeatVlo others l.rhe 5 1 1 .f ' Tl:: r??1- rred totbeAmerican poblic 10 h m. relative (tcthe first heotenant;and ,t t ffa Tn I ! ''"I'tMl V t:i;;. ilmtorrrbll0MaSe8-T wh;Slh so happened, that Ion tbe third day, he wit. fn.d T98 ,h,S' cbanC6 n "1 Ph V?' k 11 IE ooscriber offers ffor sale his valuable have been lised, ibey have never been kdown, to " ' ;,bat;on jdei;VPrcd hv ihVliMHn' a,n 8nd 80 yo n,urt loW me !o 3tnla,n 5f 1 PiautaiioolHtlieS'on bothdes ofjbe fafln' . ;!J ..V;C'o -J,l " j V f.Ai!?. the th?.tter so that it gets to the' ears of the troad.leaV,ngfron Salisbury tJ Charlotte, 'en JaeitorahVeeWe .1- ? " il TrfJl J?i ,! ih T first lieutenant ss soon i.s possible'.' r : !l- xleamSaliaboryMtcliMiiV..; . Lt' 1 '-,! Y ' r l' , ' "" r P - i I ?, l. e "I"1, 'WeU.? replied 1,-do'as yWl.kei'Bob; I I t j ' .J " " - ' Diarrhoea; or looseness of the bowels, so -com head for tbe remainder of the dav redded - t . v . " - .. ' I r2H5 ? iVUUiS. i-V 1 - n .nd iroiihlme durint? the summer months. ...i,f,M . r- ,,.,..f.-;.;Jj .t. s..', 8nf one 9? lurneu on oi.me service m J "":"7r v;"":rr :. I v I - .k- r - t . n 1 ' wisrilhat 1 expiajn all to! get Mr. Green . 4. iiawutfo ?,',f , ! ! i ; Sherman's Cathartic Lozenees auaded io pan wnh them ? : I will g.ve.yo,, .f . ; . . . : . . , ' 1 , rr a! uJLk, .;n i.t.n .- ih i.m,n..n mvitiing mat I nave wnirn you may like,' . , . . - ; ,r PH10ES1 0UHIU2ITT j AT, j , peVpermin.S; and- are .:ieti.a.efflcii Well.? .id J.t-1 should like to hate f0chi ma;ter$ nonscn?e: or yourV 1 i,M f?t 13t m6flcine J?' cleanse ibe stomach and bowels, ih.t long spy.gl.sd cf yours ; for , ,s a very "sef uiistaken one of thse day f. J never 1, :l j P - tfe?Us, 1 IV r -Ccnlsr and are tba'besticatbariic ever used for biliou g0odonet and as a signal midshipman will M-f : ' , ' tiaZun -u a 'j 150' Cot on Yarn;' ,100 persons, 6 era an active medicine is reqnrted, L uJeful to me.' ' ; MW f,Ufb d-,l,pf :n ie'dk,BJ,,J raltdarl. Ii 40 Molasses. ') 35 a 40 ?hey are Uonlybe best, bot the safest that can , r,l eiU it you wh all my heart.' re- ZlLT" I' I31 yUriSi I V00UlcieariJ; . r r f s r'"'cv -i. u ?ou never inaue i -ii., ivtiub Ur bu- ,ll I y" i ALETTE VI LtB, iiov, ) .JH, J ineuci,i naiuie. uey icuuiupuru uiairi pursuaae mill inaioii r?-o tohsuij, wueo V-5' .J'f4is f? !1 'i-r.7 - inWrftiRia 1-i.nwn a ihp' nnN rrla o -tntidnle ; r,.-r - V" uiTii! ' . - .ii , " t." !? 8PPI icawen,uian scarcely cuuiu icuam . H AW.I Mla S6 jNatls cui.'i. .;6 'J" o make tie fist ft.gnuoiil be has fg. hlDg . 1 went opto himand said t ; -JJk-5'! 'feSo' T1!' 1 W-S bs,rucio. Ided you-well jent at an;, pause you Gf enT JJ0W J:9 a ti-what has hap tlee H 2.7jftS ?S : 1 TfP ' Vs a 8 'r. swampy and l,dimp stuauons o, putrid niusi make it r fyyjo see, you must put ?, . M , , v - UaSw-'Mt ,Tti;:r "50k60 m,asmi,b'etbir..oabgnanUor epidemic, or by your thumb to the , tip of your nose, and ex VF .li.onpApi! lil i!ie nnnr feW " Whoa VVrn ".13 i U : : S?.t r" H 0,ter esthee medicines are certain iu their tend yoor hand stroll from it,'.wtth.all tbe L ? !' " H 'oa Vajp, 14 a IS . back, - J , sri nner.t; - - r-.... L,.-'. , . ..Urtit n : Xn tai has happened ,vherej am tj v j v fVnVi'J V C ?9 ?2 irobaccoleal , ?a r- j fa j - r p5;ff - "a ,,, ti h. r ;Did you tnake the , freemason's- sighs VH':!Li J$5i Whcatew 60S&0 W-'1 Wb first taken iin-o. he stomach, onsidered the firstpruofof your being .'DidUiU ? Yeil diobi Iwball.be. he'r.HailkfsOv ?VI,rAei 28aS0 ,,e d,?USfl twelves like vapor . ;- . - ;esl ieVond. ' LTbe fira? e.OBpf.iDe T-j . "1 . . t -. - - t , 11 i r l- r .ill nrmna in wrnnr n m iniv nirnnm ir.n i raiiirr mriciiuviu . va au ivi jAw v iiiu : k . , . . i -a t . i r h :-i tw - ... :-KoOtS4$.L -:'- languid an4 the' families pmlized.'these medi- will continue to nai .itMoo ; must. - ,ul .,u !"lu m"' 3vi I NaKcufaor.'!?aS cines are found to give a tone to the nerves, ex- therefore, wait: a (iltlefill he pauses, and lquesurepi .IMI. , i ,ri n j 7. a t V I -wroD'elitf 16 a18 ""eraie the animal spir ts.invigoraitherbody, lbeD ,ou. observe put -op your; thumb tb ' ."A?" P5"P i. recollect ttiem. V.fail ilaUhn.iNir.'.'T aud re an mte tbe wnoie man 4l ( r. . v . I tour nose with the ifir.gert of -your band exacjiy myseu ; upwever, do,oi gooc oeartr t It 1 n i i -i 'i? aH FTbe jlifl Mtticincs bav.also been usedWitb Wr " I"Xe and I wjll -he; the.bla rbaher explamed ia25 Oil eal : '75 a;l u r N.r..n nrf nl spread out as .belore, ana.ir.en auajo jit ... -?K i-. i i ' rr i aicei Aincr. iu a.uu i .V If 12 -Elifilislajt" ;;:.14 I named Sam formerly the property of- Mary Ha; ftW-T " " V 35 a 40 I t. German ,12 e'.l4 WiitWalri-. i UjlZ- Yk F KING- rrf perfect, and l M V, 1, t ! i :!2i 'rp,WnA ftiti-' .nr'ir1..ifli!-iiM- I it was tbrf e days aricrwards i m f ' " - 1 . .. p- i.i " . 1 r - 11 -1 ' -r u . 1 1 iff 1' - ; k;, ;t . v r T ., - - - -t. " -- t - 1 y- r ifliiiJjlr , LI; TK-?rAV 1 'i.' 'j J V-Vl':': 1 'M'-Vrr WV-9 V f -:: V' r resectfallv informs his oW attention 10 lMs1ness, and skillful work will eo- till him to natrooaoe and support, be will mer- si 1' s V ft i t . ."!. -v 1 s a " 1 3 i !i atjhm ivnnrAVnnTH. 4 I ce!te "eati9n If ppl'cation bemade 10 : , ! "ANDRE VV ALDCpUGHv t ."y q41' f ' . - Vv- may now be entirely prevented by. 1 of: these Lufcehges: - They are prep; lyitorthat purpose, anq can oe I nartani nnfifnf Prnna filth yt wr.... . roentof he bowels shoold never be without ihero I rrrt. - cr.. ri. ..t:.r r.i. Alt ikn nitonl i per auurvtiiuiueuiaic icucijivw n j.uo a..cvw ant Arininntf faiatnpco) 'tfonrPfiftlni.. " J - -! i - OTtrmoiV Strtfohming.PLJlSTE j ne Desi otj an piasters tor itoeoroaiism, luu tan M.:MWptk.M. t, lb. Back.: Mm 1 o'ue or u i. .v' t ; -t. i --'- - r.1 r - iTbe above mejlicine i .for; sale.holesaleor ha moit hi'nitvii 7 .1- I rlPTICR-Applicatio made to the KIiX next lts Inure cf JVdrth Uarulma, r.ior .uei - --u, f.r.j ' jT . ..-.-.. wi... -JL IFnpndondUbeTPobliegeneraHy7lbathe t U Hgweia wie-it sweetens j - ; has opened a ihopmValisbory in the above busi ; - " pojots to end!ptWiw.; - -ti ;w nefin:a room, directly opposite West's, brick ''-r; r, 1 :rJW-'' building, in tbe' bouse pf tDr.'Borns' formVriy iriopphjer ifae,gtbering lormf , owned by JnU UShaver and just below J.'& W. - V,e5es h "sniog power ; f 't -MornhT' vl'h " . "i. -7. ' rl Smiles 111 the billow's hreaeoing,forms mi iniu oooicriof Irf addition to the aboTe, tbe. subscriber will r, ,-!"-'f'Vff "nJ .urei' " , T; carry o6'be IsUver Smith Business v z.ihe V J..5 .'.'.r tf " '-Tvtt' faneties common' in country towns: such-as M calmly tiewa th weary boors:- --tiir making SpopDi,' &c.;; and .repai Silte- ; CPVeri Te .P-'- f tyar - $ , ? ,-?r- ,VJt-.l 1 -lh blighted fiys-ikeyi:henng flowerelc" ' HefaeM iJalWrete public rhaV f pancioal i? "-Thai sire w thereary.icinb.U: 1 K"'ilArih -j-' i I :voe bour when ff fends" must part;. ,r .,.. tl', I 1 u,-r ' "- IVfc.g.np, 1837. ji M-.--. Valuable property :for! sale in - - k,;. : u- ' -."tju--l' f - fflHE Sabscriber is desirous to sell.rately, r ti'oji r H that well known bus oesssiaod in lexios- , M" tt,rK..0w. wmmj... ton C, slsdaied a short distance norih of the Marryatt's new Notel of.V. Pcicit alKcene. Courthouse, Tortnerlyxoccupied by .baldcieugn, The se- h6 tQ to Spj ; Dosenbery & U04 and at present copied oy Vead , is.fienl bd'rtorein the cutter; to Bretard and. Adams .The, house is of brick, . . f IU' i Xf Vf AfiCI fllffla'if ; i't 1 uibii yuuuv. iuc v.ijibiij buu uiucefs. ana io . i im adminisiereark. v 5,. -i-, i - i .u , .ib.c vm" u.. . ! nan. buck, i.-1. rma i rnisii: l i n a cm iisnn ri ni a ira t jrntr nmre. uv . i in uue luriii. iiicu icu mui ti mr i uci in i t ;aJ. -1 I I: ! 1" : ! , ' - - ?4KC,aS; " rV t,T ! ! " . -T " . uation of my fnendGreene I onacco, oa, zu ... ?"f!V ; ' u"nVM'! r": . r;: went down Ihe ladder id the Xow-LinenjlaiD j-r y-.v- : - ; ' lou see, unrpt us. o 'ery parT lhcre o0 the itarboard side I Wheaf, bush : J j ,Jm - - . . ' W ucular about makirtgMho?e signs, for if yon ' , . WW - M. m m ZM a M a . .J w .t'C. : - ' " . )'. B SIWMMm -H11.KM K W IM mm III i UD tva av V Ii ilia II 1 pepuo. Olseises, u-onaowpiiou, uiwer r; fit' k "l Complaint, !nbebmatism;tchrooie ;and inflama: tbamo to Ihe littletfiger ofthe hand already liiril D rbpsies. kc: l.lv 71 v p.' id stretrh yoor other hand and fingers LirPCalf at Cbess & Bogers, genf. -. oot tte the first, LThen ; you ; wjll fee the s. i . i . i: -i v j J tiii.Ss.vc ui a'-Jiiti riiianrri t)i.iiiiir .K- ntsi. ... . : u w - : - - - .1 1 .' I 1 lit 'And sheds a J - 'Around .h bright calegral fay 'ir--;t?.l . '4 . It pUys-'cpoh affection's senile '.'' AV wweiit 10 ine par ing pisst r,-j 4 . o ' V- r.1 '"amp?'8?cJ lb- : 1 heiartffoish ami UrdVned siffb;i ' r- ' Aneianga:snsmiiienn,ari: -j s mi .1. . . - ',1 jf ' ' t'The woundedspirii-i-ile tearful eye. r ! booked! nose, and fvery small ferreltreyef. A, we.were;Pi,',lin? on board, he; asked cnV a jroat many. questions of .all.kini'e, panic- j. "7 . ' iTI. j V '' - ZW C". : " .1 v..u I . , , r i . i . . i . and I received tie fspy-gtass as ;a present, elTecis.of ihe second sigo. Do you think you cart recollect t an idjs : ior. as i saia bffoT joo must make no mis j? wla--- l;. Li.i.; .wi Kr (AM l.lm!1 i; .'.uivcu uui ins utuui. up Ui, 5 " . j T r . pnpe. ... ,ie-ileI1,b oid.wd two roeo.to bet bo.h r' .wb on.eaw, .t nogbl to be me., .od '.reueo on; wpm i .i.-Jk- i.j..i..i: . . car yoni.Deinginrnea ouiMhe ieef io derange w the men led away by the master Sarins, firsl lieuipnantwr.n'i like no the Iand no came io me . , - - 1 . . 1 . ... . . -f - .'f j4n,.nu t'q , ' , i - i 1 t and the other qflirers wi I like you the bet . 'I do1 wish, Keene, you would tell me i . " . .. f A. . s I ihnsft siffns.'. said tie . can't von he ner. I - . t I - - - i f.T?' - - - a t f vonf other hand -bv minin? your . other rM1 hr-f rid Greeo upset a kid , of dirty 'jnrateflubonthe I6wer;deck, which bad been dry holy atone'd. anu ipejnaie or ine lower Jecii, when the first lieutenant went hiajfouid, reported the rircotnsta nee ,io ;en?pate .'himself. jr?Mr7 ine qnrier Qecc,-and; the f;rstuIcutpnni; wbq waft Very, angry-.cmmencedasVaVaVr tolley. of inveterate abuse on the 'unfortu- nate0tngsierv.;uv Green, tecollecting my instructiopwaitir ed the first:'Jie"otenini .hadC piused. and ihea made the first; free-rmson sipn5 looking ti. ' Ll Jli .1 I'll.. -I tr Mf icpy, uiiui j ilia ursi iicuicwiii wuu actaatljr drew fback . wilhfc'astoni sbroeiit at this contemptubos"con(tijct, l)itberiauowir-4 nessruflo Duaru 01 a man PI war. S 'tAVhali.flrjlVlcned: tbe first flieoienant; VVhyjSir, are yoo mad ?-4y ooblast come in- to the serice,treating me in -ihia manner ! j ! can tell you. sir. that you will ndt be three days longer in Ibe sertice no, sir; not three J uiys i, tor eiiner you leave ine service or l do.. jOf all. tbeimpudence, of all the inso lence, of all the contempt, I liave heard pU this beats all and from such a little animal as you. 'Consider your self 83 under an ar resl, sir. till (he v captain Cornea on board, and roar conduct - reported go down belnwfeir, Immediately.' '""f-K'1 ' The 1 leu ten a nt ; paused,' and Jnow r Green gave him sign the .second, as i a reply think-, igg i that Jthey j would Jben vcome to a right nndetstandiog : . but to his I astonishment,' the first lieutenant was more furious than ever; and calling "tbe sergeant of mVrines ordered him Jla take Mr. Gre'en down; and put himrin irons. underTthe'half' decV.Ni Poor Green was handed down, all aston ishment at the want of success of his ma-son's-signs. Keehe, whoi stpod abaft was delighted at thejsoccess'fof his jke, while the first lietitensnfwaliVedjKas'ily up: and downf the deckaf Trnjuch sonish'eJ as en raged . at such insuliing and, insolent con- uuev irom a iao . wno uau npi peen a woeic tn the sertice. : yh-;: s syst Afjer a time the first lieutenant went tlowa below, when Bob Cross, who was on leck. and who had perceived my delight at tho scene, which appeared to birri arid to all oth' era; so -inexplicable, came up to me and said ' -' t J -1 ' r: 'ri - i t ; r - ; blaster Keene, I am snrryby your Jooks, sofnetiHHk! ftbruuthis,i affair. never bad dared d of so, i f was -tthstfi he had done. "demur, but tell mo bow 'd; 6t of l.ogbter,,., he .ec.lled. Green', "y - .Wow to 'isneaK. io ine snreon I speaK to tne snrgeon. r, , s , A- iooi;t 0;nsJ hi(i quifled lbe -deck, curiosity as to the sit ; I therefore half deckhand between the perceived Ihe 'poor fellow,. with bis : his hands firm ly clasped to- looking.srt woeful 'and woe-begone, I v and then raising Jus eyes up to the beams of , the upper deck, as if he would Io the first UeutenanuV, r m t rl 1 Pf ay doqnjj? get tne outjof this,' I doc't wanj the g1aiabacknr'! ( ;V V? ?:ll have it done "directly replied I. vAs'lwent away- Bob Crbscame up, and told toe tht 1 was i wanted by ihe first lieu lenknt in the ganioomi'r'Jbrjiv -;'- Pon't berafraid.'ksald he they N e ! been laughing at it already, and the. first Iiei.ten-; ant is in a capital humor aow, Hill ' he'JI i?-wpI- .r:l -'3ha( I make hira'ahe sign"tain'?V"re p!iadr.ia6ghin:;.e v-. fic : - Ne, noryou'.gone fa;r,enongbt and ton fir aires dy:iatWd what ) say to toui' h jtfc"eu iuw. iub yuii.rtiftn ; wnrn a uiief- jieutengn,'. touching " ray lief,- and Jookiujr very uumure. jj-.w i SoMri Kecne,:rundmUnd it wis ton who h i ve bee n prt ctis i nw upon iM Ore eri , and teaching him insult ani ' diareVnecl ltd Siis superior officers on the rq'iarte'r'ldecki I made.no reply bill appeared" fery'pehfr tear r-rr Tvh'U-U '-' VBecaose. a boy Jag jusl r 6me to sea; and i ignorant of his Vofessiooi it ' appear a 1 to' be catbm,-.wbichy shall fakecare stialf n6v be followed,: to pl'ay him all rpnner of tricks and tell him . all- .manner bffafseboo'dav Nowsir,rhat have yon to (say fori your- ?eifu: ' r i v;vs;v?r jj;rJ, v Mr. Greeno and jl bate Jbqih jbstforne to" sea; sir, and themjdshipmer:al!' pla? ni so iniHa'lilAa 1 .AnKiiJ T 1. til- .LMT Lr.l tnck upon Mr..Gr'een.T r'KlVu-L'- ,Yes sir.'I told him so foifun. I did fnoi think he was such ia fool as kobeliev? Ime I only said that yoo' weVe a ireelmasonjartd iu. iiifC'iuasuus, were Kino, io eaen - outer, and that ypu gave one another siflns to'know one another by; Jj heard ;ydo sayyoijwefe j a free-masonV sir, When ; I dined,in j the Wn i . 'Well, sir, l'didrsay -soj lnt that isfna rcvstiu luriHUP ie4cuing aim ; io ue impo- it XHe ssked met fjr- the signs, sir! aVid I Jjj'.h-i i ivr i"' -i .i- rl- t Lifi did nl know tBerrY exactly t so i sweinitn the signs that Mr. jDott and 1 always, make between s.?.-.l:" ! - . ri. rii..' vMr. Dot't and yoo. are pretty mirMlre ia great mind - to butr yoo inlMr Green's jpiaco ;r .ai ai events, i snail reporyour con duct to tho' capiaio. - T6ere, sir, you bay Hi.put on a ppnifent facets I went lout. wiping my yes wjih the" baclCpf my bands A fe w m'ino:er3ftpfJrarus, lr.r Greent was set iree, aiier a sovere reprimand was a low eo io return o nis uuty. ... -: .Yon are.well.out of that tv,' said Bob i Crass 'the trick; my . bear nristl lieutenant w'oii't say a: word ko 'the cap'tainVoever.fear. But doirt trY it agafn.T L 1 J h 1 j i' ' - 7 v KOTHEULY:.LOVE. 1 'r " How chaimipg i it isf lo f see j 'rBrelhren dwell together in n.iJ Ho w deftehjfuIVt is to witness the brotherly: love whichjpre-, vails among "the condurtor of the Tytif press and"ideadiher affecting 'epithets of endearment e which '.they seem ne?verf in lire of lavishing .'or" each oihefJJ:'Jdhn Jones call? James Gordon Bennetlitnrtij,)1 and Tames, returns the compliment by kindly assu r i n g JoIinyAh a t Ji e,w jl fi u re I a1 r g c I y in lhal ; porliorT of j the') hiatiiry.of iahirnated , nalVro' whir.h'trafsjol tjack assesX fi!or? dtcai Manas$eh tNoah candidl; ; informs 1 James -Gordorf fennr.V,,ja!h js;qne of the.mosrconsuminairvcounjcfres i a live, and James Uoraon ieiermnea not io be out exun and ,h'tihe ?0B Prond hi9-points:andSP.ralels heiliy one of these as, have lo'undergo that awkward operation' of dying without touching s ihe groundwhich, by vulgar people is fermed hariginiPeVjnt. r Vj ! ' Jromen'& Love- of Flower s.Tfl; all countriesjwomen.lovf; flowers vin all coon tries theyiform npategayi oftbemyrbutiit is. unly in the bosom of plenty tnat they con. reive the idea of embellishing tbeii dwell ' togs with them. TJe cultivation of flowers a'mong the peasantry- indicates "a retoIullon in all their feelings.1 Ius a delicalc pleasure w hichr roak es i i way t hfogh course' ; orga ns. it is the sppse.of the beauljful, a. faculty cf theoul which Jsawake'eJ. f Mn then understands that tpere is in the gifjsof na ture a something tnofe thaoiia flecesfary fr existence : coioiirWfarm?i'o'donrs.are net'-- ceived"foMhe first timersnd these. charming objpcts have at last spectators; fr-l hose who have travelled in the connty lean testify ihat a"rdse"tree;UndeVtiie windoivjaj honetsocklp round the d6or oft a mtsc ' are -aLways a good omen to the tired traveller - r The hint) the sunnlicattons of abe ooor, pr tbe wan wuicu -t tiuiaic. u'incisi i uv a stranger- Cotcn'sel. It" is not f says James) throneh T the ear atune; nor; by tbe written Words ad. dressed 10 trie erH'neither byjlhe rble. njor moral: thaVman be'rrraayirecf ive instruct tion;-if be'jVijl Ibtit oiiUhVTe7isoi I say-again there , is;v not aUighf," there is not a sonud, from the flower of the va He? to :he cloud i-covered :peik of ihe rnouniain- from tbe;soond of the'lark Ip ibejltiondcr of he ; siorm, w hicJi-' does'- noi ? apea k'i i o 4 1 he heart of man seel: couna ilj an(d wisdrm without. end ; 'sicking. tofiiy calmly, almost imperceptibly; in the- mibtf. LP ! ', , PrefyGoodL-On a rtcrVt oasion says an exchange's th uiarriage ceremony was about to btrperformed in a elvieh ia a npjgbbpring town, vfhen tbe clergy maej desired lbVVries wishing to be married, tnUeiup, a hrgf nodder of ladies immedtatel? arose.1 " I none in civiiuv nu iriBnosuipt39ares-vJor-decai 'Janasje.'tbat The -:is "the creates. old villian . .SOUTII; ESTEUiV; A N Tl QUlTIDS. .vTbeTosealor.-.i"" M6niforM VI? -c that a' Mrrhotaas WrihalL of that' cilj,,baa' f?ibis K v; possession a aiiooe idol, v or i je, - w Mch was ; fuundat aldhlaneeofitivelre ib .'raTcrri-' looaa. near the' riref. evidently .i.'.e. relic cf s:aa"!V' ' race, superior , to -jndiaOr-It is tbe refrfr'nta1!-: : tioa,-accnr.dinlottia parrvpCa hutntn ticg;:;t " ' about ten inches in lergtbof ,very good propori liana, and all the jeatores of' tbe bead and face H distinctly rhisdled; , ?The rop xrtbe .bead is flit, and his on en; sHe four or five eats cr ffash'vi icrTbis image was firsvipo9cd to vie an -onV tv 1 was Unbare jo the: !piornU'arik;fc8-'V:: 1 spot, a more corioos discovery as:oadr, fn a ' complete set cf egant weights, 6 a" fine black ; v - V ' Polished stonsj froinao ounce to a"poBr.d;corresT t , 1 pending ' ysrj nearly' with- the standard 'of liquilies; they roaycWes'i, by.ihe?e staodard?; . -i enma iilfla Ia 4 Via. rvAnf a -kw-ttf ki.U C. J fj : .1 -some else to the people by which they were era-' 4 j- ptnye'dnThev; rt-ndeT.n'rennclasIve of an anii-'i V "-i qnity "very diffprent.from ibat. of cor 'immeri,. diats Indian predecesTs.plhouffhi rwrbaps thoswhicb we tread v rH'SseWtThe editor of -f - l i - ie Monifor fnrthW states that tbesame gehile- manv AlrlriMaxweiC. Cpa.'bered;, from? several l;J these remains, which! prpvVtheose of irorji andiVi," jv -Jh.knowledyei;Gf iiaatiistiear'ese, amonv'iheC.v - lion ofjUltle atoms or inforraatioif.of ilm ort.'' r : may" lead rivio- ihe .isior?.- atsTwetla ih".,i'; . graves of, this perished eoile ;rand;Ttakeri"T.iii,'5--;;f - rnneciionwiini- 'aoi, irnprieciNfecoras1? pi .tna certainty,' la the mostr Jmportaot'Ueasares of A- w J I- . merican.anti4:ity:vi ir. ;t; t r- ,C V' jr-Tbe mounds spikeo,of .ibuve, are all connec-tvv -vH' ted -with Jinealof futiifieati.V. VeNbwilonV 1 'K been ofthe opinion.. tbatthpRe 'inounda vere less iemplaredj fori tbe purposes Vlbwial : I han i j , , of4 fioaf stru$?Ie;4cirade?5 of superior nstrenjrlrti nd elevations wherel the fftw roniendmswiih'; .ur juiYi iiu wo pusaeHseu oil 1,8 tmpnnani-' adrantsse at'endipj aoperiorjieiht "of -pusiliori for ihiinse of stones ajrwi ml3slf8.andf forVg'rar; plinfff(KrtJtf foo,twljb v the upward, struggling, assailant."' -V' W v"rS " tV , " t Here iaa beanulaM xiract' fioiu-lhe peb: of lL ' KlrCornwall Barort.Wilson $ t ' The Head andihe iearl PlaseV my lady ii buy'a unspgayi ofbestow.a trifl," wathe ad- dress of , a pale; emanated lookfnigwofloan hold ing a fewVttbered flWers in her handno a la- vdy whojaton ihebeach at"Drio;hton'watcbtPg r-. the bine waves pf i he r receding: lidei-' ..have V" ,no nair-pence;rny. goou woman, saio.ineiaujr. looking..up itfiru' ii-nivei she was pentsing with 'a listless. "a25i -if, I had I would "give them to 'yoorfara a pobt4widow,-wi(b Ihreo helpless childien'd.ependipg MjnfS would yoo bestow a Ismail trifle Jo hetp usfqn our way ?,' j " i bavc rk-,', ..a --.. . r-. r." toio,.yoa ji naa no naipence,. reuerateu .ine. u d y 'Some b a t :e"ulsit ly -.. . Rea i lly , b e-added, aa t h e'poor - a ppl 3ca n t 1 n rned meek ly " a w a y this Is worse i han the treefs of London I 'lffey f snonm navea poice siaiioneu. oo- ior snore iq- i J pcevent socH t:annoyance. Such were . ilia 1 thoognuess aictaies oj me head. wamm," j said a bIoeeyed ,bpy,'Rho was tying on lb beach I r ' i at the lady 'sfeet. flirtgingrpebbles into the sea 4 1 j; -wisb yottVaJa ptnny. far the poor woman doer look bnogry.iand you knuw teff are going "to 9 j have a nice dinner; and yot have promised me j I "- a glass of wine.i The heart of tbe lady an- i i 'i swered the appealof her child ; and with a blush ; of shame ciimsoningbercheek at tbe tacit reproof ; ; his artless words.coieyed, she opened her reti -cole, placed a half-crown In his tiny hands, and in another moment the boy was f bounding alonnr the sands on the errand of mercy. In a few se conds be returhedhiS' eyes' apa'rkling with de tteht. and bis eoantentnee ofowinff with health i 'and beaulv. f Oh ! ' Mamma; the poot woman was so thankfol ;, she wanted to torn back, bot t would not let fcei i and she said, God bles ihe noble lady, and yoo loo, my pretty lamb; my children will o jw have hraa.d for these two daf s. and we shall :g0 on :our way -iejowing." The eyes of ihe lady glistened as she heard tbe reci- - al of her child, and her HEAaVUld br that its (dicla',e. bestowed a nUsurthe'cold reasoning ml a pit of the HEADn!d nevr.b'Stow. ? ... ! - i . Beautiful Ejfttt -fin Col.AVymera report ofK fc ; ihe battle bet weea ihe British! troops" "and Mff- ' f V ohans, near be yityiof Candohar, oo ttbe27th" - , March last, be says f trosi I may be'permit- i -J. ted 10 bring ti Ibe Major General's notice' the ad mirable practice of the artilleryunder 'Lieaien V ant Tnrner'S jroWanfie. every shot from, which told with leaiitif id effect vpon the dense masses tf,the enemy' ? i ..-.H "l . ; . A LUOltY EDITOR; r;- A Western Editor, (a bachelor of rrwirse,) ' - t . ' has recently ireeeivrd from, a fatr corresron dent a .lock of hair " accompanied by the following lines : y . '..t,-T'--. " This lodTofW, 1(f ' v 1? , I once 'diif iroire, , Bnt ftowj ifust Io ynnreafe , 1 ' And If we no more- caebnther ee,r ' ii " - Theo tools aiUhls.ndi think on mef e v To which he replied as follows : 1. Who yoo are. 1 1 J ' -That sect' thai hare, - ".V; I nozhler bad to, bol I didn't ear'a, :T-; I don'ii kiwiwyoo, tfaocgb you know me, . f". MBut I'll Irv te thiBkrif Won't; Mow me." : r , r t; t iTaflrpflir Coir" AteapoSrfol;"cf ',e istor oiPio a. Ublepwnfafipf molasses ) aleapoonfo t.f ihe Vnixiore rii en jwhrneyer.ths eongh is trool blsnme will, afford relief at onpe it is said and in in a few davs r ffeet aicore. The same remedy it is atso affirmedt reliaveiibe croup Eowever violent the aturk. A Good OnelirrThe fallowing is selected from toasts given at tbe ceiebratnn at Lowi ell : ' .Vifi -'I ' A moderate- drinfcer a guide board! .... . .. i . ; . . i Showing the slow hut sure way to tbe gat- ter Good but Venerable. h lie nic acrt of an in dividual as riding with bis ouasiet, equally as 4acooic, QQdday wbee the latter askad him if be I ked eggaVYe was bis reply. One year 'rom that lime they I wera both riding together io the same place "How,1? said tbe master" Boiled,1' replied the other, i t - .1 .- IF , 4 i 1 A ! 1 i 4 4.1' I " 1 'ri t.. v. t r-, 1 f 7 r1 1 !U 't L t i J 1 1 ti heI J r. i it- 1! S i I 1 "tit ij