J i .(,- ..-fT mirnm -t iV'4; H.' it.. .. i'.v r-i'i L. ..... - HL1 '- i -3 ' ,- - ': Mil- ft 7 I ft- 'I-'. i- - J : i, "' ,1 pam-. 1, 4 si- J 'I - 1 -i.j.Tted it 4bVboiL!ers jup ef t few Utr I.r vl!itii- sels and j heir pc ferity. i .'"CJL" The batWiire in tie 'Jrasgfj cnthV U',tJ nary, (;S42,V xdoliw ef i&e, arabnr fptA i" . $230,433 TiV JeWwo ifce.'I'ff'l r.,. I sury doHnjiho three fiisC q darters' cf; ifie pr--. , , :f rni year, t irons nources imyuon uoiu.-r i V . jf ; i-r-i foribe (oartb qaf((r arwmnj'.t'Vaboui ril.f rritUK. yecA?eredcwar;three mHirna ton rid ft U iffUi-ipated ibfle hi h fi'4 land jhirty.tjx thousand etght i"01111 ii tUa)rVbe firWtfVj!.jrji ; " 10 atiraertiio iaegfQa Isoughl io be Mi4iiEt9 i u(cu ijb iciv 11 iq. oe His uutv to t iaree .anured Ta ihCSeniflf mid 'Mouse oMh litSii skili; T 'IaI 'rfiia'o -n wnoer of .1 roe.-i p;-; fie- i i It . 1 Ml. 1 8Dd ti ; J 11- i.-"t: . - r lihf..reriei!edfW fiJ itLL-iViii li no tier's latere.) inL.be wrt4i: fiin wit!, be rmiied w.ub i : 1 i vdviliiw- VW.ll 5tlio Boat erjVWlifttlSJ'o--tp;f I bo (DM faToribira wUh mHe: PnOPRI EtOR of the; Wticboao PflOPR'M O R o' lh " v ucnnian pihdmce.TpebifaHy infurm irnj ihlriff's irjci CbiwiiMes'.oO.be sarrooDd uiiii:fbaiilieihM od wiL corjnaefio fc . . - . ' 2--- iLiui. t-i.-i. "1-:1 ViVa- .t..tt Unci. ow oed by J o.' l.iSuaTer and josi delow J r.ety . in-i k tn N a aatir lc. -1 a no r e r3 n i o ff o f e eitiffoiida lU feiusfnett, and &kHfulwok H- , .. v-fn M "! : r i K' ! j ' ' "7- --:'', Jv- 7X-? V.V , rJ( I f ji at H ?H ibow a ujV rs ife od in Lex ng " Brehdiitiii1iH0i!frn per- ciraie'orid $k'9pVe$fcVb9f'wqe profonndi cratiio.de la the greal Creator of ell IhiDflSifof iimbeiless,' seisofjs. tbeihiubandman has -bit siroers filled 4!: lli'bgoKiic"! ?in5i. NbjenferesiM. oiber ppnUkithtjPtt 9 1 labor tn.:.Qlie the. gtejfWtfiUwJrileb leri :tsjat8n rfTjuiaPnf nrodUofHni)4 ibe ijumio 'riuiiJM wincu arKS IIUf will! oiiu- tHa4ed?lcrroe thai coufenlionVand the provision opKeact4f be-prertiar ff of nflr twas ; ti..1 I - talnaVNl,?!,ePlfl'?f ?Dthe5Africaa Congress ofbeMS'h ofQonc, 8iolt -lie. KatMryinlbiMlywsedreir ibe cl V rf- : iKfUt! Uf Kli. r ! -v'.i i 'M'V, 'f v r .'o exist -tu if ayweT Ms fieorruoalroziurtt, xtitl . J ndbM2atioDS-cQmtli$a wiil-,lA'teln sccordin? loathe r tJA- u i-.Ui.-,-..-. .ki ..r -ii IJ'oPt.and al oibe j of cHi2t?nnf,Um(Jn)tttVUutits in fH iint rail fr ibe ibtrotfaHn of" , ' Staled against Ibe aysrfjp wMrlhiba toed highly bnffiiMalii v ' He has IsoMeefotsVedlwiihTtner in4 '-cogniilietej itla been aitprff reiVr y. -: aifortio'nllo-.WlfolWcdlr KVr? fiJnJ "! -; tne uoTernaient Ol iMextco sliould not find ; - - I J , - ... n , k, .j--v.a:;-:-'. iwT 4 i 1 Pr be lOvftrotect tlie iniikel alike asaipal tedvedanti ) ibaiJl$ ground assumed in ihe Mecssoe has b ee ti:( u ily .jnain I i n ed, at tlhjej ta m -1 im eHh a t -i h a nui'iii nn a Vf i I rit,.'.'l t :5 u' i culiy,findsVfbarifalina ' j ' -r i i .L w- .tj. i f.; f eoactnes and that . all j pretence i. removed pjeseryed and Jn rwjfer?t heir ?f ff e j i rvd w 19$ inrtjtuuonsv fie ; Umted Vgijes - re apldW ir)v8;nei6gta lheiljsbestjiy jwhle rfenlsemsljo liate marked ibul fo iliirrn. .lining iyimirn -'cuniuivuir' niw ei jjt-Bce wi;u sm lue - wnna: we f are: len iree tnef sdvanin the happiness of :iherPebptfC C-U7 -imtZtt-i i- (iii Hili77it7 purpose whaieyer by jlpreian Goyernment. j ment of the amount r r m. . f WW faP&mkvifrt iefieiitoppliel W oreiiitrabriDoih of : : nli c-i-- i'&ilt?r4- 106 tBinofaicirer ai eiffl " linrt andw ijicKhotildW34Ma Ttoifpiie in praise artd Jhanktgtv in? to that greats Being wbdrrnade ut, and wbo presorea us;a na- 7"" 717-. -1-7. . 1 73. 17it! " . ri ropsfaiwtaie vonj.icuowFizen, on tne iisppy jciiangcp-in iiie asppn m pur iprergn j affairs sine TOy7lasinnuTMe93eir Ca'iieH 1 a-iiiiriifiisiii a iiijii'ii 1 vim v hi - iisaia w bii n. Sttilt kabelollowiDg Blanki otnptly f HlfrlA Off C A f.OG.IiEfjG 4n be.0nyed SediGttat :tiJ;1't-:i;-t;i2't ilr i-v--- .eedrtfC:lei0wl'3rVnbepbwie mi&S: iMmifmmm mmmw WvBn&!ii 'Eiivooaa Wiiness iTicketa; TfirtJQ Ibe ceapeUJ-roost, p?eapr Tbe'opiritons ?n eftained;by rbr txenaive FEWHUvr MjMlieW m?m on;te.l nfiid leinopiMMev mfamWP$Mj. WraniMwih 8iii,aisod f IwemberTofltbe MedicJlocieiyr,u .-i.f iateWiM?-i! I'liUinrwiAi-i J in BrtiidsJ Annfentces;inaeniorwiiarriaTO ir? r?: powers; cbotd ooKfaH to Ts weerffrbni ". '?,rjWiinoui,ine iner pofalion of and new princrple jnlolhemar- lime code, i . We mat be nermitf ai! tn hnno tbil the example thus set will be' followed fV. irr ".r! '-ei-.Ll77.1 , twL . . it. . j -,'5?,Pir 8t; efeptmnVtotheTair ifaderi it- i hijaeV WeatiTb f a j fl lip f a t t be samrtinie' iho ?uieiate8 Joll a sound :iolicf . and:hnmanjty-:tfcv(-i:iiil. ; J.;,-C-i; ' It would haverJorniihed additional leacse for "co ji 2 r a I'm I a t o r, 1 f irj'ejj 'IV ea 1 1 cpu id- ha t e embraced! all 8ubjpira calculMed n futore to lead to a 'miftUndersiandinp between the i 6 poternmentf. " Thej territory of the IIoitel States commonl? iaileifVhe Oif goin 'Irritw?j 1ymg!o Jldlnfevanee,lDetery niW08til& yMifllDeed (Velndi rated rearrftf Prnptlj . siiucuons; 01 nis; MoterDrtient,-tni regard tp syjieo inot estaDiititr ifKitte siorenouae ney t , tbttMrDpdrta'nt:aobWt.U. i ii 41 IT 5p.?'i -I 'fi36dr ?mjiehtiei-wWi wait, ibe 4etiiils-4-f tbj I . rj;iieicitizens of the ' Uated i States who niaiseu jinipeirsswsouia giiFa fj T ? aWmpaoTed thelale exineipijtibn U ETfiN l'Hi t s;nt j v ( -i Tfr4TT..,! 7-, .boe-ae tnprax matioo won d:-be caw to a stead. 7-, fV?5n e.irVireimMjpf-W I, hf.,cysPWner8 pf.wi;r jtrt JlexicP,; bleuhl condoee koMfiedided ianiageijf H Irave all ..been iibered:: .ff' .1 :' i ianduhcafpr 7-tjtl - 1- A fespondene ' has taka place between -.ecprejb Miniiter;oforet2h:iAffai' plaint ol Mexico tUat rirlzens dr the tfn K? States were permitted' to g feWtbheiin. f" fWW'T--TO"an,s 1 in the iwari existinaibe- & MMi-skri.atfla hA k.;itt tpt correspondence, are herewith enmrnuni- ifipcea pdfiniff bisfond in jofdef io'pa? 4 1 MiMnSrtl'MfrinVnS SlJci'p. "A ce vli et f o (UaieH w m dessfotj sr qnenHrtereonliaf ins been Tiki vflfaVfif d hy I I 9 iiii shiiMLnoiicaJand ;ool sarnasedtbf mijiyjljSatl.;t P -Sfkl if i.rSJiaiiiF VeVweethoW 1fJpieYa(ii.y r safebiareable Af lf -?lt:&wi W;lheir llMaiite:r0r- both s.dei:of ibe copatppejteroaf io.be Amn 4 UHife&i'sal V,-i f(6uirtoH: J! ? aincel8caTe!yp;in I-ouUl jr, fc, M$5a WrJ: -'4 if tVnif feEehte will r , ft eerir.i;.ed HPH ,n?:Wf'!?,- fh. ff.K.le,l fo rnerrHe en. ' 4-ilifikcia;wrtt suility iiitei. ! S'nHllfl Hie jnieifpiWo, ad tent ores ,4 srrliiuU f 4ljWbl mioerlwUIWbe-expeciwbife 4n tbe rnot dRtant sei ; iidrfreiaiiiediilf. f' tfTisSffi fiiprotir'it's tib'iB honor or d.giti of ebbfr fcitftetvir il i; -jJi.lf- i PM Jl l . ' ? ?r.rM bnundarv linf hie mt always be rroaj. 8 ol; IbAjt-l m nnvt -j. 1 ex f cabas hon2htBrorerJorecinrncaiathei ,t -r-iiU-rfc. 1I.-7 koA.u-9ti-"...i.i.i' -1 "I 7 .i- r7f. 11 rn. 1 iii Aaiav a i iii i i w ilh manap n vab m man - r- ;accredu.nto totbiltyrjcrogin'awji ,.tl kastbof be r,m f?i?4r,? lM y:nfl!nstartcpf on . denclM.rrUc j.Vaiehiis TSiemkid Wo flexed wiibjbis;nms, abthe.ihierj 1 weftJ.e3tliWrfd e 7 ? lat a t j.istcaoae? rtoa ,lrawWrkI 5t.0j.Jd be rernoted ihat u,is tbe be. Peiibjer; TO:tai8airJ;, ii!Umirofd jprai- aKojilekpUeoi. U -t ;tH,lendhoffOraW .jsKmlitWkrM , 5;. 'jif;k4f:U;lni M.tl'-J-MV fordb.?retibVn-fi hpcy ild a ; -;r7l'n? ween-isooerrtmeni Uafe-r recwHj lolbe po.K.nid(ehat?er pnd VP -and several (.ibers 0f. r.be Siates.t bribiiLhemi-1 mirftiiWiit .ii;knm0w ;L-nw:7.t4hitilrt.l J::t and t hey tide tofpula tyorJ whtch claimed whnt . was so lately an. , uobroken wlfd.erlnia vli Vnore conitgnoos -?X?par,?ng;.i ybitbi trei.;born . ib.e. " Jcrjsi i ;-it'nl irts .t 0 t hej: PjaCific, .Ocea n, jt rt-d va oeef I liV aejocroentfofj,!tniifidn ianilssound poficy dictaiil ilia eve ri ffir1 bould be resortedviobthei'oliGS Y.Wntstoeitleftbeir resnriivef cairns. Ii uenrne man icau ai an eany j nnur 01 me tale opgoiiaiioninat. any attempt lor the ume oeing sauiiiPiornv to nrienmnenmose nghls; would ilend to pro facie. d8rip SIO SH which miobl embraCOlini it fiiliirR ifillipr i bae ifrain iibio i4ei nnt oni t7a.n 1 r7r:ir77 : sr:.Tlr rJr "' ' ij J T i morelpressin mattrryahd th Exc did opt regard it as! proper to Waive all 1 adranii209 nf Nt!! honorable adiiistnient .t . : t "-.I. ' - ,e ... i 7.17V r 1 " I .i- iopr gimcuMe m great mennu(e ari nnrnhpa ' haii it met . f Iti it ti rtt tn Tmriiivili ,ra wj.r .p .rrrri jind ihit i(iiilmeni J.s been:ttfotf ,promu gatacdL Jn lefVnj ii a eihtjog Jftiff .f dirties. &b6old " pres ng, s'oqdjn he j way. rAttbouirbthe on thnt fi,r fiMnl;.i r An;ai V hf?i".i i. 1M, ti . ...-ti L-l f iff. uliv reterred to may noli for rl now commorcaied to poqgrpssjw'itb a. view'.io i aboVl eao,ly rfe) haoggeMiitfcandj ro4 aart :n romp: imtii?b ine nparp ni inn iivo t nnni iiiai n.tiiv in niiro cnfh inmaa n ik. i - u ; ii,;lu emtntMcs; ye I sbalhnpt de'ajj tb urge on Greal! nfitain!lbe: imnortance iofi its earlv et tliif ett.j7 V TMpr wilj fbther ' rriattefs of Provision babie'rt made;b'rl iae''Gdte.rrime1iH iPepp'e.lf-"-iVimii i-Mn ia rm avmt npmq i a nnr a as apa aaA ra i i aa a awa n MAMaa.aaaa. ail . a . r aaar . a n -a a- 'iian . ai a . a r v aa m a a a .a rm aa luaAnn I . a a w v a vaav a .aav avaMaaa- a . a va - aj aaia a r - ' ( l . ? .; 3' . a . ... . . ' . 4 k l -. . t . H - i . ; I I I. . L. Li - i . . 1 - a. I r .a .. I n beoveilookedU! and l have good rrasnA to 'r ,b ,,,a' detent oi. or, tbf.bHg Warriior .1aii-l ."Wft-pw-W- -"''W" -. . i ' i "i t w t - a-w r r . rm z- : m ' i in. at man n.i i i u nii w r ar n a t i w iii-f, civfiit-pi.-t"fj ( citizens i ? - T'O 7 -7 ; i tp meaau'awouiaae r;et-iii4- she syetem bv dra w iark bersfe- nViaj ,dfbnm wnufdh nwiatiacli1 to f all'-.'...a...aal. a, l laws applicable to id pouc, asniay uejieeod t.quisile,j, li i;tCon!rress.Ube ffrfeali oiinrarv; aRiTconmin 3 t1 0- oar;oo!.j: Ut aoU 9t .1 ikacll, 5ia 0 K;oUon Yarn K E-iO IfMol asses S;a;I204ts,r a V'-ii 7 '7 I"---. '7S . .--', Vu- 7 7 '.- snn jo -expect that other, aa-..:a.. ..I. ! I I a. - L L aiost Cbil, wilteehtofenfedfpHa-fioilla !. onlyjeipVe I by edupiioif )batj j VmS .Tni-Li . U .1 L. . f'o I r? -,r3M I -11 " n 7 .-. : .- -r. a. . : a. .""77 " 1" or.H Iirf'. vr lUevlar nat ontt Abe uesl,oueaaie$i jtat cso it .it: 15 a 20 mirt. tlein lo 6 -Suoar, bri 0 a 10 ui ,1 dmisred :77,iJ7'9. all 12 Ji fcr'i Uaf, :: 1 15 a 18 trtWSlrifigW irtJi;T''& a''I Is iteH'nri iSatepsieiween in- t35 aO pn'eln4Vji thieni8-. wbtrhj seemed to ifra -i$eetye!-i.ie ,tbreatetirtthe1ire43fVi ctea r.&ebe itinitcU 9 'V ' o e's, frafcsrtie..eyf-wseili persd'bsj-. $j herp an rHteirf.ciie U4fqvf. lMbll of lalfialaa.ert" Cor HbVoretiiHtt' RVri t t v25 I I. sack - IMP !ft3i ? tTiiriowr h : J"' V 8 bfgd? ppoiir-Ayeakoeasrt Nbe BackT-lns Linen, a lo :i- j. ..L Q -7- n:.. ... I ILllla Ii lliK T -. Hirwi a 1 " v"w ri mj. iefedll-62 a K5 ffow. m iiet 7 lil7i 3!a- iAVheaU btis i!l! 75 Maillor. ki Whiskey, 30 in I ill -It - r-u7;:.,llw,vvfi. C- ll00illMooM.:eteanV ;-,25 sptlt5.iS42f 1?6 Vf :l7' - . !" ' : - ft-i I irl ,;i AI rH i JL, 7i,.l ft t,7'' - ; :ia- i -, . m w -. ii. 74 f i :B:ipfh.y4:'--tl. 7Hit7 ii- I 10 a 12 03 4 I so larl S:.V- 4H"., -l i O rf nvJM-S,i'-,sf.7ai la!itrt 10 7, r -ir.MkVdmi f 4 H . a. ,- 1 r.ttar Naifs.coLkk 6 Snar biown,1 6a 10 . Livoip, -- . 4l " ''14 I mar, f ,i 158 .13 ;:.SaU,.'; .y -. 50 a 60 . sack,. 0i Co.lon bnj; r ' 20 liaierone k'8a 10 L Wheal new-80 a 85 iAVviiskcvft S0r55 Wool. ;. f I 15 a 20 lt4t:RWi Dec.. 6. 1 842. 0, !t L.'t HI m$ t on Ijt ;i 0 1 3 J Jtnseed i; io a i25 ;Pe;4ail2V 14 Potk lOOIbs . ei a 5 Cotior : U 5i a'Oi Rice : lOOlbs v 4 a 5 IEu 5a 162 NogSr lbvirtf 85a 121 lffo)itbtt fV&?4 loMloQ. 5 a 6 I Sleel AmerflO a 00 i ; .:7"''i' '!. sseiaa-iu rw. O . i ,"v t uerman Ki? w -.-.OC. -; f, Oi - a ;' I -j vcl lliu 1. (I; Ar Slpfu Jnd fot! de f ibis OfStl .r i-i 1 -1 j y..U ''ri';-t.-x-3' '"HK'::F:7 ,7; 1 1 rc a te n 1 1 ; e 1 4 r I V? f r r a f J 1 1 J j8 t h at cjo etV -wi ih the Aftica np ve trade. i:VBfs ibe r lO b siiice -f Me, Treat v f GhrntjivwJaMxiMefi'plec'ared tiiatf'wnere-. a'tbe Itaflie in slaves 44rreToncMa4de:fwilb th mincipte! of tiii nnifV and jblice 4 and 1. 11-iiu7:illi .'i.' ''.ai It - L .uL 1 1 j.i;.i States are deairnusi of continuing their ef furts i to; prnmo'e . tts "t 1 re aboi t ionit 1 hei'ebt Haire'tlfoVWih thectiii et'og parlies !iiialiPthtt nnleinrs to c compfisodpiraHtean oHret.1 fin t be en- id England, as; it does wjlh ilatof the XI ted Siles, to 8et2e upon this momntt when most bf the causes of irrila i iiwty,rto crme'nl I he pe"ace aitd i two 'countries of wisetv renaovtnff or prqbanie tiittire collision. ,Wyh the pther pnwerV ! W. ... .-Vaa . aa-w. . a . - a. . a. a w va - a. WK ' a J ... t . ' . .(...; .(a i ' . f J j T ' I ' 1 '7i i 1' j V 1 : ; T - w, - . . , .7. KialL.aia ernrofn-it.-.r ? uVlT nce??artl andi tioteM .'. w ."R .r u 1 i. 7 tbanges n them, or m Ibe perorn.'bo ; admin it dtaflfimlnbii nnl aimurfi nJr iK-n in ; r. wm mm''mi w m r?;.irivi,us: .-.mn.iiM. it.iK Iht inUrctt nr lki IUi.. I . . . . ' r ' '..j7L'- iV; f..i.rl'7' ar.L. a i. t - ,:-a -s ; '- T . .-t Ik! lohha'hnsed'k::", : W j'Wi 11 c 0Uiid t V-' n ? -' -''r 1 i "l. by nMHP2,a jrouisel ojoletatn,o, aftd "t: k l .1 ! S i w'topces h.cb rpcp7fcf.roke lot f 6f BnfOfje fjor re-l nAW V' 1 iNtff;Hi-i5ic'4 kow4iHi.bJil)ivrp 1 ! Ri! ,i4iy.aKJi,' tVii ifjefif nt .reaen.r.s jneiaoiijrrpi ine) 2v- iBfeSia uf aliai.fcs.l Nr i- lieraikt t.iet in i forceect of ;h lawtand tieatymfuistiona d line ml PipSSEpS yoatiiieslof ;be nost roild;anrteM 1! ne BcM laalereil el'b ey a e cob pbied of a J -til" .L'a. ii7rl.'alira.lt.lsai- - t ' Aa tt . l7l A A. I . S . t. ir redienI nof! n as 'the" only ..ceH.airjCSntidca'e ease ittljpMcedeiiberfroro . cold, rjobst'ocMoff, miatmJiiitberXmaV Pr V; 4beco8l4i'tw otainaferTecs: ciu i a r qq U ties j w bicb not oo It Xiela1 1 d ieae. i'. . j ! i . i .;-.r :.- ,-a.Mf is:7a..-."..'J. uot ai4iif ftmei iinie icsiorjj.apu inigonc n r siyaiernl feWtiepOrsi-ja ti'ej tnedat el y -d i ff use jhetnsel ves like vta nor t h f ctio U 1 1 erf pni e,: tprcdociogeficfs'atbnre ialeihioysaiary,'ahd siojiilfK I inffolil 7 ad tire faebli ies pa ral-zed.Miese medi L . J ? . .) . a A . aa a. " a. f aara A I 1 h. tna-aMnaa a-iW cioes) are louou u . uvnrs( tiitejail tiiHanibaatspiritaJ 7kTbelttfa'Ji;etficmet hate also been used with tbelrriost hPpy. success in ISryi.os and.Uy8- leases, Uonantsptton, aium( ui pepiie 'd;teiae8. UompiainV Kheomaiiamr ippxonic auuuvauia lonl 0 fofsleal&r.'. 5i7 :. tr3ICairat!CBES3 cBocEST'.enlirJjl 'ti ,ryk.9t .;i845;8:;v: MatedfiraiVate pi wrland-forBale' 1 .: i t. l-.7 ji i . i 1. -i'a 7 t : i tbis Of&ee p! Great Wrliiil a, ptart.ee iltd thiestened or. iii.,tcienret:inii. rniaigcmeni 01 i.qe..iiei? iprtioff hit silat on hins ai ino.underlthe tthe spreao oi commerce-tun f ren fit nr- bieii ha&sohing oreyai'ed wftfi the jnrtian lrtbeir A met ictj-x fl -whcj;".tM I ev 1 1 set ou sly i n- .. ' v; . -- ii .r - i" . "T L''.',u i toiveo QVt; m.TMimeavrjsiiiS.wiHia subject toTvexitton albratribof our tracle. whirh wns O t y v.. .-1 n f easj rg no 1 1 - w n i r 1 , tt quiiru 9 -i 1 p foster in ca re,- of ,lba .Governrneut. An d althoughvIorHerdeea irt bisicorresprtntf- enee wnn ine!.amerCiiouxtTys, i unnoon, eVpressly' dftrlaimed; all 'itghrlo; fjetUin anl American 5tiip. 00 iiif- -n.igiiveas$ ieen i ti fou nd "w ithra !!csigo oB slayesf 00 boar d and Tesuicted thel .BriltsU jeteMioj(p""a mere c'aim to'tisit; and eFqutie. set it cuuld not well: be oMscerned oy tue J2,xecattfe oi the United State bdwIsucb thhd erjjqijiry ould;.be;;jnade-.itbod tt.yage and conequeiit ?injemptioo to the trade, Itwi regai oed as the tigh t of search. pi esc n ted only in a oewiprmfawd fxpr ill1 t ,(tat fl.nl imWrAm -rn' -4, thfrpfnm flii if tipjbe ray 1 d o Jd isjioctlylo; (d cl a'riolny .aoouala'message to - 0oogretsAha ;novaurb cprieesston cocld, bejader 0d4hit4he otied State hid both ibe;wiladV the abili ty tV!en(orrellbetrj)wo la wsntfjtftiotect Ibeir Ug lio be.ng osedior purposes wbot; Isa tew 11 rl rl mi k 8 t a A" I am rwm anl t tn ni.i ra neoinso'a orKlqrldi ls banrflT eo ttVrrnjna -ed Jw bfiWiT--tfcis)"-ben re1ned from a sseaVieer of ilia trwiV lisrreebJe our PO'ief. whico can m tin t ioi ksho the CCDeralleootJiEin tire riiftitaima ! ahom claims have bed tHtenkdl llie vexa.iT.iSi baraMiocr r nd-'etnens.ve niaoting i he zer to. eciy lland and sea i Cartf.lUr ah- - ; 'i ii.it- r' . -. 5;(i-.- ;i .!. is r V taio.raiirorointerfereniw in ran O'leMions xrfsielyie!5prr.rtg - themselves to the pi- . . ... .:.'7 rS.7lli;La. . -J. L 7 I. L I jMticaiiBcrjrsa; cm n-uriipc, wcH.iiy ot? ps?r- i rnMUed tcihopelan equal exemption frnlrrrthe j TOWfrenceo.ftiEaropea'i fayV- what letates to the atatee oi te American . . ... v , :-j.5-a.i-.. -..f 17. i1" f ;j i -. i ' rniA -....-": lit- 1 - s- -!i t - i; 11 .1- j: t i.i,- . O.r.lhe sd pi; April isi, uie eomm!8sin et pp Jhe part of ibe UUpd, Stale., under the convention with tbe Mexican Republii.. oiCibp 1 1 iii&A!nUiB29T ptoper.ueparimHi a .quai repori in reianon to .the proceedings bf4thed irpm mission. From t h is tt-8 ppea r s ;t ha 1 1 1 he. ot a 1 a mount sipnefs enu ne nrppire appointeo unoer inai .rt. t " a - 1 1 1 . ! ; a M a a 1 I a. ' . , . i.' - . I 1 S . - - I f 'V0- "e J. individual snbjpef- r ci .zMheriales. jn iaimirici.iaSta. taseaAor. to ihe4Hcileots bass p 01 com meyeiar inierroiicf e.i I'ean? ri tie u-rernmeni w mp uoinaJ S'Msw.ju.re.i r vfe;c f,eCM,l,fl,,wKlrorothfif4iBitioii.t witn en uie.wpin is inemniv lauo.usiioo o: w MU". . r . ? jVi","!-lTtiiis js ei:.ie y-jro-i !;xravaanv4iotref.iutteat! oe renaereo per- "' ::.; , : ; v .v-.f" , en tnuwpje bui .nniy ny xrwnn iine puojic und H vauty to tbevfnai'c4Hii in lereais, uut by ir:iUiQiug a.. ysuin .of soMijg!i g on aa exieosjwpcale asd ttie ..practice F- "-ty manoer jtfraflMHiiw .a i wostv igilae'ej of jGy? (cnirnn ca n not e fJV c i -.! U woiijtLle"8tttpdet ly.rlt-fcuMa . rssewtiatly d fler. riy,. , ' 74 "i-.Ti-'f . I'll. T ' . . 7 1 tuo.re thai?; thoeW vfk loiamfacio.rei.liwoot' -tea t ien puf i pi ;ad t a;g4 A wjg h r5f? f 'ii r i k4 ;geoeal-8'fqeaenfs'ia jioit, and ibe cof-sae-i peaneBcy7andabtif iiilHm hiiifei a,lltbaf,peraiion of ipdusirylirci?ojbe too ofifnrepeated,, tbit Jno iyi-em lflT11". ,we 'hicli -ts.il del aalif gi' 4tnifj.tP No i ioerisi ca Mnitte'onder Ity 'the nfuJ"eVtcif i4listjilMne yer auTeniure uf wpj'a' in -ffraouipcioiinjj fsiaei laav I. at. . a.' ..riiik a. a a. I.l!...: I r . at a4 a aaB aCaaaa...a. a. I 7 - l f character, and the 'lVeJasnry jfijom n Hroeexpen" ditnrel Home casual.eiHb eaks 7ro:jfJ occar, sdeh as are iccident to ihebliiRe ijjrrjxiitily, nl Wdr Wt tiers' and the-f ndiarb r'bot ihesellas in:aM ih- er cases, may ba left io the ea're f ibe local to 7 at ' . . ". I 1 I - . i J - T" .a....ala7 'L.a 1 be forces of t he Xfniied jt'e f A 88 ffietfnt number of troop wilt 4e,maiptainril in Florrda, so on as the jemoiepjpp;rpt'pf t pi. aaaser: cdntenttotti!Ctyaa two 'milliocs Iweiiv-six tbonsand and seventy-nine dollirs and six.y- etght: cents. v-Theiarbtter. hair toixaider ed inat pis -1 pneuons -iff i;et t eq twr to o y ipe coVvenUon 4imina i-wttbitbote of ; the" rommissione rf i returned Ho the hdard;tJtjdecidedlfor ofilinie. claims 7 wnicni nau -DreDvatiowea vdjl uio ACieriraii iompiissjoner?,? 10 uie arauuu v 4;r:ii -.-rk:. .!- - f "iA7 . i'i- i'L1. 7- I Ii;ltmniB. tir in aift tili.er lcndmr (YafHuii -at i ilier la the rr!$oninwi elb 4be:x siatfi .olanceiiainff as to than to the "nr aioienaaee vf i?bostUjties,-t peibere.iff f ? wtltiv?nf o aofoif It i id ht hoUh that a?lierriirf '.lo long tetaH -f fii il4-iKMi:tbafc Uto-ty; Jrjitfol pM-V a in tisairruwih. villi nor sneiNfii ricjrr irom i uoweerriPsn. Pw; H ii.fOMioos ie- It foibldden'bv those la wsl and i obnoxinus oT4Swoi8hMnme the messageis bis 1etiercrf mstrnctionsur hVndred and twenty dollirs and eighty-eight then Ministeifit Pans felt himself 'required I cents. Oiber claims, in: whici the ioooot 13 the evils incideolioa proiraded wrkexhitin t-parMf Cat o the increased -atDotjat of? ia rlcfepedaettons; ernoe?, mrill seccety iempii himJo trust, Ike tree evidences f;' reieroSoiiiwesltiirand Wosnsr tmpoetw.tiieh; 'hk baa;-8qifeii;iby,8 life of -labor; it: "Br tfce nraciiceibf rioiiiiiiiceioraTdatfie tm thej8rCfirJhdventurtiv! I 4berehie, 10 numerooa lodjanlriiaiej residing with mou lerH . the spirKpt fcwicihatjanud . iaflttroCf d - by co ibrial !imitsr and tbe exercise of a i-arenjal vigi- i o: oFP ' wee tnci greai in.cfrm. 01 lance over ibetr i0Yere$ts pr frwa)' h vprtex, of 4pohtical ctwi-Hj frabdand loircsicti; and atlihe anje li'oe PrS ! and in the; discrrtgecf . the ib and -fn-evVry. prtfrWdieK'M" I oowocco tbe arts orcivilizetf MewiM !-,.s !lf ieaajbemVito fb at oe-M, t aa a - . .... v a I. . . a.- .-a..-....- aaaa B . a aa Ba aa. a il n r a r..i m. . ITTf'aj ... inspire meru with a tefetox peace antf a jisaToca i jw - -"ry "av - i J ' -7-r.' 1 lions. ;Wjib seTeialfof tbe tribe! great progrm'J adtantageous tojevf ry interest prsocHiy.- i r ia.eltjli:iT schoolmaster and tbeljniarofiaryfere" f..und side menl exbiwiSia very foil and sai factory aecoui J 7 4 b mAm unlit!. rfnXmntinir!what were once no. t of the varioaai and Important mteres-s cOmouUed j .74 4, ' - : roeroos and povrerful taiionslmayjjet be preaert. tu tbe change Wi that officer, It is paitculail r-?7S: 3 i ! I i 1 $' . 1 ij1 ft - aJt.? "V ft.' It I'7ial7fKl7H- iter '7 4 :i'' 7--. a; i. ' i : . ! ' - i I . - ' i 1 v"- " t " I'i: .'.. hw-v j- 7 -"1 I 7..'-'fc. Ipi'Si-'i''-1-, 7i:7 7.i;H 7:y77jt ! i 7: 7-v'vr-i . : M ' i i '7--4( JT 7c' . -.1 C - I 1 '' . '-'-.' '- lit' la..-1 ?a'.V. 7'MH)''1''v a-" - - t a T J7:'- 4 7 fTT-h tb--3- ;7i; ' - .- t : . 4.- - ' "f -

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