f"i h its- i ' - -II N ri rj:'---'i; :h?il fc.f!---S V : :.:.:v f ';i-;:r !. -viN .. w,y hifpLtrfa yrdna'J.dy bronghj op i .V i Ihia way, ciskes She is cuirb better ifeaV j : gold, ?weeter than bunef rnmbf Jn T , la Jia- fatiafeind; Messeil pd So Ireir;? bfr ! ! there'f tptfi reit Wrginia TettololerS - " J 1 x I .T - il ! f . i 4 U fft I ltfl...-.a.J . ttii U iTCHMAf u may iiereu'er su u-zr r-'1 ' '- ' 4r M -v. r Y f 'r-fr f X x . u l '-Y V7- " -V " - -i i ' " y - :. ' 1 - I. i ' ? L ' ,C:;PKyiLI?.I.,OX.-.f. i.- . K'tl y HuUrJDv IkU.JiitD uncart niivt,"Gn'l Ujifiwa.'l ,1 -.-.,' --i i:;' V- -1 1 ? vTVf V '.1 i aettik or ,13 tprjrpn will.be made to bo aiifri fee by .th year. Tt ? J ifl 'a;i&P'nn- 5 wilj be7conrnoed entil f .wii rt chafed ttr aecnrlnglv, unless orderj IT A VI tip rrjrteii nai jwu Known aflt ' " ..12 . 't; . i . " t. ' llX. I'iif erbihea f Hooe, (known 1. ihaU,otlW2Uier!TafernJ n;ba hi6c$i$befaarkei?od 6orroandingc.Hinrrj af-1 sKef, Whh" Vaif.qod p-rotendf r, of all kinds, at' VdJt faithfutnd auemie 0le?t r ' "! i Mrt.UrtiWnil nlffr9 hiim&e?rLha t no er f riion bri hjiariVia!l;be wanun to siTen-7 Ut haliafacuan toail wiiftjtnijr ra?or Dim wuh. I rail h i 1 a r ' r J I r j 3AMPiS t u; cowan.- if7 TP CtlEnKStSlJkf:!FFSt: CpYSTJl- 'IHIBKOPRIE'I pllfh V JValciiman J Primin; 0fl!',1r, repqifnllj'iforni ihe 'e'ki br.lT, and ContfablM of ihpnirroopd n2 C.tont'ei ihatrt.e has anjt wll cnn;nbe in bind;; fu(f upplf;': BLANKS nca!j. ii-Vif JHi cojI asfteri and not or parsed by any Coutitit Cmitl Jarof'i Ttcbls, GxpcdiIoos, I Robdq Veiidij jijxpgias, AVpoess Tiekei'e in JintU, j4pircfljtipsi'' Indnrf; larriagre 09es Appe; tana Honds, Dida' niTI'ioat.' ildni, C6tninia1ni o iks OtfM9'lons. i Con sba B'W, AdqniiniairaiWsl Bonds',- Prdsgca i. ' --it .1 -ii. iij , 'I mi ji- . 'l ' v i. - ' ! V tvtntlng: lPrivtlng'! T P AtiO Y JOS WOXIS 1-3'A6RES.' - ran it i 'herjSf ifuindl-waiier vrj rnremirnl o ihp Jose-1 j"iaiiei(;eJ'eO,.,a3nil f.i I a'Pubhr Jirpo (food; pr',,, S a ,sJi the imf Uirof4n4dtiT wUlnq: bw" eipfcied while . r!L;iNGTON SMITH. S. Mi'1 H 1 iCU5. j y Cents. 'Cowan yn.f " 90 Molasses, S3 a 40 I fpeachi:40 d,50 iil l 6 a.7 15 a 20 j'V!-25 f sugar, nr. p afiu rwK0 23 Taljdw 7 Flow, - f $3 h 4 ( Tobacco, j 8 a 20 li PC' .is "fell OO'.fcl j W(nlJ(Hcon)f 25 -'i kfuVBTteVII.Lfc.. 'DjO 21.' HAiiiitft AO" 5 i!H. cm, ! a ti "nSfijrjnji biawnj 6 J a 10 rL(tmp, ' ,14 Sl.?tif;i - r 1 i a l - '60a60 n Hi 'in,. -it J3 ir11?"!! .WaOl i..i.i ind eratl'c3fneran" 'Homp fmr is now, Wiifor I he tztrp'ton of TTjravellf n i?i Bnarderl Stipcridr Court yitne?9;jTickps,'AVf!f9j :init" Bind' Ci ISa Bbiido, SnnxBn Vend!- VF plKfHlliaNT, COLORS, done M 1 ih shufUpi n5UCP,'anld po surpassed by fj 10, 5a ao.!eaf; nif (-Tera of f7ery detcriMnm. lif, pfi4lklMf.i3a.t7 Ca.l.:b. i ' 2o(enpr.Hfeed either from-cold. !itrofrifc.ri. f2j iyc'd t Rife r'ope, ' 1 Ss.tofd air. swempy ajd amp sitpatitrcs.r potri wlfkt- new!n 83 1 iam. hiieri koalisnant or epidemic, m an t 1 Oil' eitY:, .75r $- ( 5a tUatn ,! fel 25 rCff, J'ilb ,tO it l1 linseed 1 10'aJ 2.1 ' I !Si3-4SaUsJ; fowls' i 30 a hash $lM ...Eiflis!r,;!-,'"14 i German - .IS a. 14 L TeannpevSl !5I7, i 40 W' -ii'i ii . i ri.p tic - E0H3S y y 5 11 C fc T4-;f ' . . i ' i- - :f;f 1 ;: i!i... f ii.Ti-js i. ."i i--,i 1 ."Hi' . i "A r si cirry on ?i(o SJfrer Smith Busiaeiil ib tarieii9t)innioo in coonin lotvhti anchj a lle bpgt astire ibe puWiethai! Hi prjndoal aiiriiibn id UUaines,'tnd . kiltff wo'k ill Vn- Valuablprbpertfo ! l: i 4 ; h Lexington. 4- ly i- f ffHRSrlafWrisdeiroulotl.pTi8ijelf. 9 ! that welt known bnsinr8" ami in Lexino Lib, N. C sisbaiPtla short difttan.norh i.f ihp large mlvnaaraKlioo, ccmiainiits an; exretteni Store :room;ani' duelling apartments !! onder ifi(e arae r(f. lAuffied Jo h pmisarf a!l Mceary opi Hiloinos . Those wiabinj' la)or. cb39e of Abjpiitohifjbe aboTetopeny will re cHfe aitentiorv il application' be mf, "J 1 j AjAVDREW OA LDC t.EUG H c jirTthzteit MEDICINES in the Worlds BEING Ihe (cheapest -and rorwi r pleasan lh Mldici) Facoliy warmly a pprovejhpra Dr. Sherman ! Rlful and.-xprieneed Ph atciariflhd i tnember.uf live Medical $oc( if ,U, ire inesaiefi, sinritu .' . l.ie.-CoBgbfc : Cfclrfa Conaompti.KjxVy fMpji Cough; i Asthma:, Tigbmeaa.ol be Lnngr f SllCRHAS-TVOItia LOZEKGES. A re i he 4 N n If 1 liile - j m"; dei rof i ngmd.fV cineeteVlditefed'bi- iae bf n srl ner., 1. 100.000 jraae and nr Itonn u.if t SnERMAVSiCAIlPilOR liozr.KGES Ui wnitipiiiti relief in nertiHia n k H- aenenalMta!rHiDpf.he Hearl, LoWns ofplr. sitiide! ' i , - i r j - - , h ' i t ?.p At i h inoss ri' I retnerf T".f"T i h.i$ l i rrwfii ronpaint. ejrer ored io heArnri'art pf)h!tn Oiarhciei I likenp '4h bo'ssflsK'J'un-i i I iHt rf,' " r a i 1 j v v v . - mmsm w ..I i i mon and t riniiP8irjBe ouriny ini-nininrr uuimi.i maj now heH!jirely ' prpvenipil .propoT kiej .f ihrse lzpngea The are prpa red express , ;iy fur'tha pJrpoc;and ran tb rebed,,on wii1" perfect o!.ofij8rifirViPerwitibjei.j(q a dranJ ment id vhe bjittU ahnold never be'wilhnnCthfffi i "iTlief affd irmediaie relief frorn all ihe atiend f ! I 1 ' f T . .- . . i '..:' I. i . i ni Enpiny94rairnmpspurprtiM".HW' .i Sherman' Cathartic Lpzonges IA4 as pleai?ad eaeilj'taken aalhe romrri! WpVtmin'Mil ind are an adie and fefiieif i( mpriirine iThe ! cleanse ibsmacb and lnwtl3 ianfj afe the beat; hathanic e e.r ned': f.r hUim pprSOUJa. j lr8 tr pir wari a w r a- t- jhev are not nly ihe best, bot the aafesii that car1 be adipiniiefedi S . , - , - M 1 : AirtTiffW rengAMtnfr PLASTER The bnsi qf klli plater for Rbeomim. t.rnn iijt), pain!ni AVekkoesa In , the - Back", lioin, de qr BWn."j I ' - . - i The abo4 medicine ia for a!c. ?he8a?e or retail, at the Bi'isW? Medial Drngr Sio'e, by ! s I 1 I C; D WHEELER, Aeent, , 1 H,H ! Salisbury; N fC;V . HepiS.1342-ly6 nW yioffhV Vegetable Afk 1 OOSEi qualities of the rnsl tptld'snd Si neficjJl fwa. ITbe? are composed ".f ar- tnrnd&nia Liown as rihe'-'ofiir cenam antiooie other caused ibesa mrtiioines are certain io the aerations or f ffeeta i'lh8? are pnssv7sed ol fi ten It a r oaalivist wLieh not only excl alldi-ts'" tb'it ai the arrje time' restore and Invigorate the ityatetni v v nen; first vtaken: totothe .atoaiaco, they -imrned41jr di(Tbse th.em9elies. likp Wa jxji t hroiHjfc eveH tfrsp, pndocinjf Ktffm'i at on dplijhtfur, aaljuaf and permanentt When the taxli 4ii tife: hlih 10 !-row d'ro "rcqlatinn langniii, and5 lHe;ffeo!iie8 paraltd, theae medii tine$ ate fotapd 2t'e 8 on ,Mht Partes, hi!rr!e tt.P aaimal spirlia.lntijjMratif tbeVttorty; "and fe Snimjitethe whtman-YY-f ! lfoiUfBlWitnebhf9lm.b. .Me the mtnt btppjy - 8 access in -Neri-qs and Draw peptic diseia-a, CSnoantnpiiona" Asthma Liter toiplaint , Rhpcimatism. (chroniY .andnflijna' rTf D ropsiri . &rw - K t'-. SCjiUalt la tiRiS9M UOOBfi a. wjcw. , , -ai.sbnry,;Oct. lS4T,ly - J "I J jrcoirrirt; couut writs, Printed on fir8rt!at''P-"Vr,.anil 4?r ' i Ml .iYYi.i:7 sale ,i -i-- r .a -h,i.- .' 5 . 1 v . - 5 . . -sr r - t hi.apfrrfa ship in Dahshur? in.ibe ah(..e boM " Jr'iL'. 'T vViHT ;' ; " : r - Uu:4WJdir?cilj,op.ie Wfii brick 115 or, 20 Likely C5fr0esr :Ja7ln li'3' 4' 5;4t5v7 bti.ldioir, ir ibe,bu.a,ofDt.-Burns "formerl. f biinD ih:pS lSThVj ri! 1"- v 8-9 10 1112, 13 14 HUB Dim xo aironageanuuMiun.iiiF "Mifi it J f L If r 4 J s h ; J &aron:v6olworth. , ! si. ii . -t CoonhqasK formerly croptd by iCfidcipwot?, Dnseebfry t& Co.; and ai present joccopifv Rrpvard ami Adams -'-The botwe if of brick. have been atecMihej have neter been, kHoivtf fa,. ,il r H , i;U 1.1 HUM t ;- -a v - : . . . .. .i , -.t mm . i ,i - .. . . -. ii , - - - - k - - - -. ? Afrs LmftJl ' (rMiu ,E. J ... . .. jTJY nrdfnof he Counit". Coart tJf'DVi; I dale. ; ; AH onrfqobd.M)iini flyainstj lheeaiaie will be rereivpd if? parn tt ; fend and n;mnf mm? aqired1:-Alu.PV0,al. I'ke3 Neirg will ne sow lor rash arjfipname Hat nd n!ai ; : rilHEiPlantaliAii Uwng -n i hp ndr' f i hp r B I la lei Sa rr ne t l fpr . nr Th i U ' f : Ii n h cnnuim 2SO .St' ill, V. Liil' i- m- -oriahle ifnfiviijf-ni on ii, will bVIWdai ihe Cnrf Hi'tise, m Id IihorT, n the 2nd. day rf JanoaT?JlS4S:t also all the feonea blotiinff i conmting nf fhreegrmon men, wotfonjei anyone girl ahout)cn yearsotd will be 8ld ihn Mrrjf iirii and 'iee ti pVi pied ofi riraiply" . M'irn wiM b-, lmrtp kn.mn on ih'ed)? cf ap Bond wuh ai praf ni aecon. y wiSl be'required. ' 1 -. ' tr i KOBE It 1 ARiO?R, f ,' - ' L Legatees. Dee 171812-921. e'eotVVw. n? -Brawl yi'ec'd, on th 4 aifi Sih daya of Jmnarv netl, all the : 'Person at Property if the 3d Vm.3Bralpy( decMf finRisiri9 ot we've Head nf f "-r " j " ir8M9Sfti99m. Cattle; ia lioad of Sheqp 80 3 TTGOA SlS SEf OF SMITH TOOLS 20 tf WHEAT; Jff0 PUSH EL OF C'OWJV.-iw?o quantity1 of HJ . O 7 S.! 7lWDER. n?rf a Uwrfiii SEED f rpT7'OJy(ahovt 'i' oro Ib irkizM ) lilt rth- Farmine- Einisffs.' HousVhold -and Kitchen Fur 1,'ij. V niture 1 and -other article Jon nomrcMTsJn'mojtio, h,- ' Li " iunjjins- fo ine ti?o wmr i ne sue iq rao;,-. tre from day to list, until a'fy&RoldrMh ; ,i . C ; NANCYBRrWVf RY.j "h u.v ;riNBii. ...tuiA i;prvi . 1KTOTICE f4 nkibV Vitnj'tba-.lt' haVlnff-:lart'.!va1at ih-eeHJ p. - -aent tbetn ,pf '( -ii!l-eiiic.3eil kw-ug A laer arnlalMhvaM itmfpMrd f.ipb-; mlr?! siWrr- tmineliaielj, B3 l'rjr'. fdulgr ne" Wt!f T.ii !, rcn.Vi NANfJY BKAW i KY : : NKL. DRAWr.EY. l&dmeffi lew.' ; ". 1 : a ' ' mm . r'BlAKES thik method nf inh'irromg hi friends . IL and thp'pnMc, that he baa p'irehasi'd the "BBSiTra-" SHOP" j-.; rormerf owe'eiJ bv Alf. tVriVrlk luwerv. In the Town of Sarbttry7i8hchhe'tn:iertd here after in cafrv'ofi in af innnlner; afiiweiheif ne,w -1 thta part of theiidntry- f I e i nontnk a SjCnnh in theccmtnbn nndeMtaning' nf be terroj.'noi ners an actual iriirnviny, opuiff op n- prrf ed,tr pot rrn in'ir av r r tetnrwr, uhf'p er. All ikiWtf htm C i i 1 N V, XV O K Kl - n inffolMILXSPlDLES lberavir. ,.NK or GUDGEON'S, Jk .cVneat "the h,usl n.'- tiee.'and in firvk'atj s't'e: He ntl sIm. h -. and repair CO I! I ON GINnr TH Ii EH V R j or Indeed an? .f MX' I1INK X OH v r he tnay "be called up .rtu. do 4 He rp-pientfo y aultcits a trial. ' j iUMl WILLIA.ViOS. SalisUory, Sept 3.-JSJ2 16 i ;, ,ntr, kU- t 4 . VI fllHE'CI"rki?n Vi-pr rTer at pnblu- il -, sale, at he (. min. M- op in ?a.iiaiirv. on Monday jb",e iipVii, day pf Jarotff lb, Tract of ilnd ijtn e-ni, iij-"r.gji.r Lands of Rr X arnamarJ-ei K"kUQ othera, co:amiinu: j Two Hndrei. ;aid B-r y Acres.tbe pioperty J ot aiil-in the oceupjuuiu. i. Richard, X al nn.s :fl'he, terns ofalej are f;t cash, to - be pai- intamerr:T)il? lo., awattl ibc further order f lh-,Crt tit ISqaitt.l .: ,V'i; M LLI 1 AN, c il w.. December 6, 1842 -420 -jra. Yaluahlci ' egi oes for . said,, TriV order of the Coutity Coon'otRowaM JjLM Will expuse in r public sale -at ih- rraidr.e vl Yi.e late Casper nrb, deVtT"lpMla' Sjfaf 4.1 Jan. nexr FOURTEEN LUXE LY ! EG It OES. among Jbem ate Men, f'o mm md lhildren; 4 f j -Tetuis mao- kfpqwn m the dav nf sale, t ? vYt . 1 JAMES ADUERTON,?,.! ! ALFHKD isMH H; ' Dee 7, l424 20 r . i - Y r t - tUit-TAbLK I NlVl!.RALltLb J " tor-aatp aifhis uuice.Y -liw T Ibalisbwty, N. C. Ott 1S42 tll4 ' f ; 'h'-'-t i r1" i Feoriirtry. ; t 2 3 4 I ' v. T-. -L Ji i I J - f TV r - o r i rw I i;T 't 13! I3?l4 1516 17 18 - . in oi ni'r. . I ?-r r ' 18 1U U 12a3 14 I5il6 17 18 U mm mmi ! ' i I ' , ': - n, ; -i ,4 r J if ' XII Si I - VJ5- M-l ' JA R 26 2S7 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6j7 8 9 IB II 12 13 14 15 16 17 ,18 19 . 20 21 22 ' 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 X 30 - f 1 1 I . May I - ' l-J 2 3 4 5 G , ! ' 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17U9 19 20 . 2 22J23 24;2526 27 . June 3 1M2 13,li!l5i 1617 ' n 9'J0VIlrl2 13 U 15 - ;16!7-!8'19 2021 22 1 23 2425 20 271 28 29 S- - -ii . -3U-31 E" -1 ! 1 2t 3 1 'ii.; . -. -1 4 J5 11 12 18 19 25, 2G Jr . 172 I 0 7, 8 9 to 13,14 15 16 17 i 1 1 -1 -September, .'- Ocfi.ber i --. t I , K1- - 4- V It - t .f 1 . : r i r imp s .1 - a. . . r -" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 : I718U9 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 2f 47, 2 29 30 :.T V"3 J.4-;j5.6 .7 rt8 9110 1112 13 14 . V 15 10jlM8 ,19 20 21 ; 82 23j24 2T 28 27 28 1 go 30 3i Xcteir.brr ' " -:-r ; ,l - .2 3 4 ; :5 6, 7 8 f o 10 11 v 12 Id f 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 20j2l, 24143 24 25 '; - i 26 27 'M ' 1 17 18 24 4 28 ,29. 30 ; . V ' ;. i I 1 2 -567. 8 9 12 13 j4 15 16 19 20 21 23 23 26 27 2$ 29,30 !ju ember. r 1 ' I- 1 ' - - T- A S-msY THAT MADE US,1,AUGH. - - ' My -it ' uGi:ng . nn (lie titer on ht 'peaaar i m! ftejl nffi -red fni. thi p ihfiq feri M ere irM an '.X'-el' t: tnrti at ! le.ijt if -emeilt t. tp. i'J ! Gr-en'ohsnernrnri-! my snrMhe bmt hnd on ihotml a rfrv Imjui r hmr ojr sa aflrr it.!878iirf8cr.T(red that l.e was desd, the hoit laoed it a fwiird ardv pd thej ftefiinrl topfr waa ;d-pi).id in.Hii f Xiempfpre rpfSflf. l hotelled aWsjy." ii oinrtn lo kd and aliolLhla headi p-t( a: - I'. i '''-- "ti V" 'T'' 1 . i. 'V . i f nisp-py. i t with ail I qj0r bPieaue it had killed fl one loter of it in this abrupt niun ner irhp c?ss iii,S! with ht liaclv, in eirneMi. f -Y I'" i . -. r .-.t-i "r 1 i&t Ii nis i, i : I ! ( r , vi. 4 ,)',. i j! ' i . ; Y - i T.r p. xjiyy.a p s- npr rsme;rt b-rij, wb i.sit fti.lptlv hesihjlpokin? at sotur r,o- il nkt s, od jwliode! repeated; intit- iion-io.ine narvnaa fniner israpartt t .1 ..-- P.. . i r.i i - nim irr Men.ic.i.r?..s tie ,Keo tm . j It. ard isum rinlr. Hm. mad - h. : way r tr.-f U'ljirsce tie If; t C:iDOion, woo irs l tie. w.el. for hoaiftimt- i-arro!) anved liiro, t:d at It-ngtb thos 8'i-cted fl-l.Wstrnsrr, hn're' d"rnnk !n '. Oh no, only sl'sU'y nterri'ga.ed V was ot where !owt lhie?lt- y 4 Well v, ean! Pnntnglon let me -jive yon a bit nf advices !0.l't: gn-f l-'t slee for if lit y ifoni bhiy you m"4 Ihe ahc t. XVhv there was a chap ve.slrrifav ct drunk und went to 'sleep, 'ansl rr two'ltocra thev ' ' t . ii 1 1 , ji hiiriid bfm.- the- man wisno: mure del Onn I -fr They serve; all drunken men o ot iht- 'i"t.' Why I dunk nii-eM and dareen't )o to sle-e( n thjej boat,' ! hav'n idej t lor1o weeks, lor if Iehs my eyea I snow tpet'ii nurv m. epnngti. a aio rv ahraaed the paefogrtbit It perfect it aot't-rf-tl him, aod he dtf not drtuk anoth er dram pn ih?, boai.-f, JTtfcAez Courier. A ptesct er dacorftiie o be ira t fab- ions.i remarket. .-that thtre . were brecinfret board, io the asat-toblt belwre hiu tban would anfnaler hen ni r ; s y - 5 J mmWmmmW?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , " " ,YVb.en Aristotle naaaaked, whil a man eiuld j 5en natoue aae.r. Mt a mancuid gain bi tellir a- lalselkOMiy be repltd, XSui lo be credited, wbeo bt teiksthe4rol ' f -1kI23-26T,27 Ita V ; ... . J . . r.us pt'C1. natiped rcrinip-oton. " A'derYD aep.ger, h itmtf dro he.i hi rapp, if hej h j ' : no?!"V an fftdrnopn a Yf nfi . Vi i .tr nist laid down to Wer ol ami. ae atietlt died An ''l Ore . -- THE . --.I- ts2.; " - I1 . . U at peace amonT ronrsftfirpt.rt4L .it Uhlnas; bold faatlbat bieli fa y, . pfltt. ouosaoa yearsovr man hate panned; 1 by. tm,;0 Freedom -hoMir faal i i , 1 he gapa MyaVeW ? -if l . "ntise; the tjaily spo.i (ibDld'tiim. Inscribed opoo tba pajje 0f fame; Tha i is precisely v Ha j I mean 5 "B artrff out an bohesi nart - I' And when passed this earthlf jacene. To- five ensbrmM ineery eai I : uvoniM 1 your car at Eft is here T !H v jf- ri'o ih yoo Oil a hapBuiteafA - Mi tidinja dfftlia JllnoTt fpe! 1 r Xuo aak: .( Palroni esjeeqjd ? f itr ftta iu no, ana teaJ " Tniifrlrf(e. ir, mafirfdl eeaai id,. v i'he lii if JlVdioa aila a'elt". pi ; Four iHsmrjTiosa Wko6tetiIf Ruose lro ywut. aeeni-ur alojujoer ,'on, An jroaplly, tr joa ae anrfoneP' l 1 . - hall iberaQreefd ?-fl'bey rnaj indeed! 1 ' 3 -: lufiMfuipinr 11 is ifenteedif f fat; whit are monfmeat?Bae 4' ?v () Demagogue beiirckedVin fiooll s Ja I- fluent tongues are eei Tairj A - To cirrouivpni, delode, efcolT Their moving pnocipleiis aaLr 1 i 'v" ' ! ' In d jnny iQpoer 10 walihr1 rY t Fr -nal onr Standard to 1 he inaal C 1 - -pdffj7. iheVaiKiday ; 1 ""f'r Kw freedom suih Ituioi at lait; " ' " uHirjui int. itratr o. ,Jerj' LC0 '.' Jl w spuro ihif- able fiasc ind b4w " 0 TAauT" BAmxta' to a loelfl 1 .1' i : . 1 Of Pnlnifa enoasbJ tre hail 'ii fThe Rfn"ial. frtYodahip jif ,:; the gorjd Y ('arbisr ahall ntpf failT, " f-To dn hia-diiia as be ahould ;v t f ti ahiid jlonobef- who doea net P IVJtjd patroos, let it tie furjoU " Y :' . v . --: v V f '''I mat thp fi'mameni afTe. - Brgh "eynblem rt oot'Banher dpigii, I trltBtiii 411 in lutcu in4 f ----- 7- 'mm m w. w w Bpiieitt K Vik caofpy div'tnel ; t font. CauierL a ibons'Kt h'kes'! rl- wi-bibramHea'iif Botfnit bfef. RGllARP;B.4pENl)LETON YOUNG "liAdlEsJl I ! . "Y 'tis MHi as well t otnl Wntlptnen j r. Kfi Vmirtii lavltfiipeSnpe. caeii . Vfifur J t'P'4rty 7 orlhe rVf;!!,,, gnj wbiakre! rroa rati ifia HiarinlfirtlKerpwe er(du.' eng n,,j,ipf f Ip ltkr his afq inficejff nNhle Lnd pf ls. ant : -!bere ' t9;nvman.tvnshty would id refer V wifr who can rp'okhinrf Wash and SfWndciub do tbtnasnef eaaar t rerfrTtthe Wttanfrmrot il etert Wli reebU- If d jouelioli, to one who ran sinj fi(hini! 'e mnMc,dnbm orl prarili s1 lalkantirrlKn. ami rt'pral ttSnle j pqgea7 l Nor that aeromrilihmpni ere fa he rfserded dr neelerU ed-8ltPgMhei:n tut thai ie;?eWntial8 flight to hQsaq'nred first,' and practised ti8.mus.V; l I"-" ; - ' J; J-YiHing rnen rM sense like to ee their 'wO Jlie!.rla somell.-uet Irt tie kstehen wth tfv-ir .sleete roJIsd op and a pan of hot wpttr : before iIcj, ?nd a1 dish-clUi and a piprt f sip in their hatvf andj liardlfat wMk-n the dinner, brrikfjst anjd ?upper f ihr. Ui it is in ewieit Accordance with rpirlscn pnipripjpsv : fforner, and ullfer rood old mo heia,tell ui liuw prianvs plauffh tpr ?jd Pnlop), plied1 ihe lom and tho,r own and tbefr IbushiridS gar- ,nPnt3. Biit many ofot. iivRhtfb in lhce eprit.rfte dainllotF beetamrfe rather f St.fpimon's lilies whiChflOil tin . neither i pif, iid rwisiik r It bcliealb therrji fr eve n into a knowledge 3o( thte! !ni"ot2jrSrdinry parts of house keepiae;; j 'tipTt ; popf la dies, yea are altogether wrong ber. Yon never appear more bpaulfol thn when em ployed tn some uaoful bcpopsijon, in learn ing ihe art and msleries; or making spplp .weatrneats, long satire sod pumpk n.pies is VasMngton i Irving wpajd sayi and Jin t-sto2 the troth of Mtf.A Child's Frugal H'M'sewife. a capital bdiifc bv the vaf, fr ynttfig ladies, and '-mktng; iinpro remepta th teon, tf posibie Fi fheidai i c f Chit airy, the lady loves of the Kr.iirhtsCloftl I trashed their fortfarnor I Wl,neiafce' lalHir be now applied to borni-h thir milk p-ja and boiler covers anj stratneri and Un p na; hang them on thel kitchen wait, as tmphtes of your art and irldoMry, r se early in Jftc momtnj and feed hr ehtrkena ahtl get beakf-st ready, aweep the floors and dtui thebirs, and 'wheqj jtbe bell rings, i ate the bieskfl smokier nn the table : I then fl round and da all jej worMrb'Cis ' ann ua au me, wors woicn ii ; if vo g UsleflatiUlIy to. I havetbe !wbtl' cfoooii n qntred and. ' work, fbo will -r" - ana writing 10 arme 10 rfaoinK, prriong iexnng, music or sfcoppi$ '. Wh$t aL dfe n! ", to ritr 8 nd ebeer 1 fcen oned oqr 1,0 r trf l0 f e:tDk4.i)atk oqiVfdti yJri 1 1 .. matt .. 1 - vavw...&.&-BVL.iiiaiiiaiitia-. law aetata of a fearfnl miiim.; i,.,1i Ihe aommary !ponthae8t Wih'm peVsonf. jir b"- 1 ' : recently occurred a boird ' the IIhi ?5,4: 1 . ' Brij WCnoaqi'inl N her- nassajre, from the foaai lftf AffW L V.VV York, where $be arnrel on,Tborr ay ooroieV J i " last J". 1 1 ,-'!' "1 11 ,11e facts iaf ihVmailoyVaa far ia ifiei aa be J t .cnmeai.aieiihuasia.ed'Br tbe'Edor i)f nM . VnrMmerieao, hosys be bas iakMe j 1! paios it ascertain ibem?- 1; U - :Tha5ororT sailed froca Ne Fork aSoot ihre- 1 mooiha tia fibe riiasJ of frra, bve? 1' " I uirSuij?, anpremie and ei?n eamen.-Sn J namariveglUe Comronder; Alexinde. Sl'eYfl ih M5.cker.xie, .onlf llieunaht.1, fea. Y oon. pr-Aany! and 6? vr 8ix.m!h?n& r -MMn whom -Philip' fDLneerfon-.l'the;S;.UrV 'Wff'l Petty are atoluna theWid8hlDinen.''?:- VV tW:l 'i ' I: is belie? ed jhe ptaij of rnitt.v iaa'aiUnjt f '.U' edaooo after Jeayipg,, Y,k boia 4Mied l Mi un.il, on ner Ffiiirn iron in eoatr, Affba;th Vrm f brig as a.bM(n? d priatana :;-jW.hp!WHlH7nO er 51ackenzifl jlbta mtiliov wat in proaitavwl Y-'fe : anon aOer aiaper was dctiered In hlr m tt; whole piani. of )t taa detailed. AIi.nitJ1"v' k lil ' awain on i.r iUm ni.j i.l n .Y. uiu r swain j Q;ofh8Q najed,UrpmWelJ or-Qr j tnelin. had ijwiii more than half tbe ereei were itnpneaiedinMhT I ' fe0 i fended. anj:a ware, .tnofU ovthal,3lyaj;lbf iei,fi!r1 Woold wtrdii.jAe4 their immediate txeEatiin-andibey weteaefxirfY and their got IbHniYWertaioedr lite wire I' lorthwiib hnsre attbej J"rdarm, ihelft r j atea in critne Jonniq them op, while the oTS cra, armed! stood bt to Uitneae th'hL.n L ! A large nuicber of iheruili n iU L.i ;L 1 Tlll : I 1 !' y - - 7- L-"vVil&:;- .:..!, i fit - Y r v.-.t ivi sr. , i" ; Ihe brtwhen tencjied at Si. Thomas ytcidU; 14 ailed, and tiade jibe yaptd paaaagetf erght dafSI to New Yoikwhepjfojirreenior ' 'filffeVaVr.f matineera m irona were kranaferred In ihNmlihi Carolina wjife jjabjf frairrefardJd and1 prevented from; hvifi7iommonicalioo wiih any' one--j-7Yl; U ' pf; f . Midahipman, Kpencer pas over wenty yeaw of age, and bart!aa e ilan beeniani broe " fforo the B'azilqosdft bt Cimmidf k7 W with jhe j5wi;s4ooWeravaodij haiie artirr1 resfan iiafwaihiioa arlivalavjherijri.m oi his fTni-bein' aCovghf fo itTPiiori iiiania lt. ad omermrnft0yx ..7 ; . wp;. y 7 riieecheoie of ie rooJineprt, 8aid fob detailed io ihe ppr fotmd. a io maofk-r all S 14 the officer bnj ithiedrWiii. aeae ih.c.r .nJl l&i't croie off haodf Mk 4 loterep i sod rl.h ihp i- YT7i Packets, apdwher.lnaild bo-.d atNpa ;Ji7, Y '7f i np oeeessity lor be iimmed'aie pxeeoiinn of " 7 J be riogleadfra arte wej pretuo, t tn tbeliefi . that withoot the aid pi Mr Spencer, nb aae to oaaigate. and the boat9aoi a d qn.i;pa)a-i Y would bv honeiSesai fio-d Qad po't -oni " :pttR vntbool the Safegfiaii d iDaritpe' iile. fefcriaf -j uon io re.cre wygipij nave been gt.ai: aid. in tja inqreeavubel oiBifra tirie.$.i . ihefx4 1 " tent of the mutiny, ttea would have been a jfear-J 1 foi b-rdi i',Yi. .j; i. l'J-Y V p ruet add 'bat tiiaiarement. ihnnghaab. 8taiiallyeiptriel( as we Wllevea n piura' hffprespiii thefMM'inl W si-8g9iaaipi arWrDr as ihe iact8.Ti hjenfdadV poblic.. willarrnji ldshipirtan;Peffypaa deiacld teatSoiav: myrniog to XV $.hpgUn wob thpjoncitl rrpp.n j nd, meantime, the $omers li-4 i ff ihe! Nav ' aaru anq pq; one is peiailtted Io ciini.'sun cale won ner, - j r . j-.- j I - 7 s r Y'f'i4'il?l if 'Fao?i YCAf A3 '.-Tbr7 land and natal force j Irrtde a cwnqiqed attslk npon1 the beti'lMaar 7' roondinr Caopeacb.jb24ih"of IUie"p J bf r.$-: '? yI j; ',"' alter a dea(perei stogoietfwfma ;wbhr I . t: i ,'.!.:' Iti 7. '. i"7 &otb parlies divplajfcid the; greatest firaej?lihe;;i3!i Yocaianeae weie d'rv rVooa thrir nuua vVai. Iiun. The; Xleaicana bave thas aerored jeai'f jsr tdvantarai butjljieir adver'aa r reaa ppr aragLbel ! n no ie disroorage.1 ia conapq'ieoce, ! 7 The day ipreeedpg fhe capture ol the herb's f Camppaeby ,be!re aia rpgolir 1eg9g'-n;-ei '! between the Xltiion flpei and the m gn boats ' ! - !7- i - .1 uf the Campearhaiios, it hiefi Ue totinet were rpo'sed with conMderable loss. Of pflioa from' i b ; Xl p x ca n forces were !re- qjoent.'altboogrrfvery precotfun a taken to V. . . p f " r I prpveoi i hem 7 Aoong thjeerera arespvfrsl eirseaqVa, ofiporals ando4e'r minor jtfficpra. . Mr?M 7 P""ailni :ihe jfexiieaa raiaklyjjie the oarers ia eimdsaed'a tijrjue t prevent j an umbrek by a rigid ayaem o iiKltaa .-J '.i .11 .4 ' Ji - -fir- .x The lexicnsseiyereajyivilance in eo- iorciog in wftaiQe. r(everiveffi,we learo- that merchant; vaaaeb ad ttTtb grneerewad ptotisions conOnue io a!eal( tbroogb tbPforoa of armui teasels at fliht. sed dppoai'. their caW gea wttbin ibe city iVVidetbitCDttii b Uampearbanos caano, at. all events, be starved .into surrender. 3 "7; 1 . O ! hew key, I aiiab; I was a bear TP Abear-i-bafhalj Mia says yoo are ntir ajotr Nne doe darnaioa take it I guess I mi iben;!Lttab l!was.t if " La! Jboajbanyoo are ao joai; AVfeat wool jo want iooa beajr tor t . (, tbey bog ao all fi ed bard as ve bera ay and I can't bo; yen ball bard eovogb now yoo lestle pigmp enmr yoo,' R atilllel mel alooe or I'l Be still r-lei Mm aj0oe or III b.ller : Voa Jonathan, got ?ayvr.--p'j ' V. j - : A P0 faV9m hn'VitM .. - . . -. -. A v , aepa.ted by tfteeirce i.fMr D71 H lua .Aicobpl, wefbrtiidb; FrI;7i--j - - aiYbfit r , t y 7 '"?r l.'.Vf,!! TT' . 77 i ' rlJfT N l 'f t; Y!-r ii'.'t : -I ;- ! il- 7 ' , 1(777 iTtJiF.-i.; 'Yf ft " if 7: .'" t ' i 'V. tir'".1 : 1 I : Y -17' 1- ... !' 7Y i'it- 'If i 7t. lh J7 , p.. i - t ... . if " Nil-.. YY. :;"i;-' 1 1 : l-l-T.' X' f it 7 li-V' .- J-i:- mi- t :: 7 i -41'i f - .15 u ,7i''l 4: t 17 J- I ' i. ii- v Y ' i- ":t t.. i,. . Y ' ;.-t It ...r 7. tc J. ! ,t ' i.7 J -v : l JU .--...'cf. .1-7 1 , ;. V4.A - U; !- -:. ... f Y:---l : 7.' fa- I i il I ! 1 :t . - 4!' -,.t- i 1 i t ;U 1 4 7;MH 4 r J"r 1 J