- f 1 't 1 - 1 - - r'- -n - I'. jA. .i - ; - . i - iJt- t- i .i . u , , k-'-it . -t '. I . ' ;t(. s i.l .. : " . i .. -r i 'it. - - : '' S a"" 4 . -U It H' i h , - i I It MlMv1 V . ..-li..-iM" JUlUTvVv'.i ! X '--4- -l v Ss;-Vf j-V-r fiji; k l'v-tv. man, and bisrty Cave the eurieoet : and now it is 10 (he last ensaeiatpa ati?e of was? " ' ling ewsamption; ,ibii Jshisi.ryt it lehe s , : : this philosophy : d-scard lhe quack, throw his v, : ; postrumatQ iha dsndgo back ta tban-itni r ' ' rtjtme thai produced. bealthfofeesa and v.gori 1 - T jy j'-: ranllbL; Jli ftj;; TIthei Loss:oir :TwiwD-Wf-v;, l ,; -There t, no ca'ioi her of heart. "' T : ' ThailIiidsanliaV. -J J ; - W' "if " "1 Si rf-- J ''II 1 'II I :.' . 'i i ' : 1 I . I K I ' K I V (.;. If 111 1 " ill . I 1 I I? I If r III I I 1 z. : II 1 i ;T i v'." II f X Y Ill 1 f i I 1 I I J !. i 1 1 T I J i ' .a, "Sr-sf ... i "Sr feniMV4 (bill 4 ! ; ! . Vrnnsre r4 first inrlidn and. ' il T Wf.s for ch NnUnnM'ce.l f !l?U,ikWhti will hJ rnmuooeil ooli.l 1 1 2 Rdilo 4S rJf'i"K,spdl 10 ne ,,fc to. aention oi! musi Uu. b" ft 1M 1 1 1. Mouev if nown Fn; the if fenmP is now H ?; .-Jr.n.kin of Travel eblfc Boarders. I i,;et ih'e market aod surrourvdintf cpofry af- 4!i'iiiiiiVrairi anUproveAdcr. of all kinds a UaUtbn to al .who pay br uii wuh OVVAN. i - . -i l v- mirfcHridPRiE'ioriif (h- 1L Pmiiorf Ofllcer? rpsplcifol IVatc iman y: informs the hf surrpond. Hi? CWhiieil, 'hat Ite has-aad wil fimJinae lo kBon band,1 a tail supply riouAixno iipwy Iff' v.f Mt)fiinI,'(fidiRtftkntg V.s Qversera (4 RMHtYodi Exponas, ivyiiiess,. I ictteta; f 5 r i ' - -. I 3'' - lfaofanebus -ContiaMM W4rranis.7ith' inn RoAfj AinrflnlirV Fniipniiiiles. I .Mafrlaffe Lt'jsp j ranee ( B'lndOfl'Jda-jof Tost, 0. of f)nvp'vnnpfit Of filrv Bfd;lnjnc ShVjirra j (VprltXBx'pl Y Abhe1 SiiiiJiCrtrTiin's'iwriaMoi'iakp IDppiHitions.rCjoh-. ."mViV ft'tiils.Ad'nint$Tatirfet Borjds.l Prosepo- PrhitUtff l Prhnin ! i.t. V, ' .ill i'i.J -ii - i lii h ,iA i 111 ft-- .y ii i iiH f s', - i .I 1 tit ' H 0 f-ri Ik, V h?i.1' . If" 1 Ul i JPfaiiatton'i ,on both BMfps of jh j, 205jll-2AOUES,r-- lhreJ is ffKi water jfrj flontempnl , to tfye tok It: ij W, excellent iistind ftir, J1a'Pufilic 'sj As I intPRfJ rciiviog his Fall-I will Wttiwa vutid tecDB", b5qh as suit, the timpa. ii p of thjni)nv tilt nbtoe expfded while i V l m. WEt L1NGTON MITH. 1 1 Bacon CCHf$. Cotton Yarn; 00 ! J-i I Moldsses. !S5 z '40 i IpeadHUb i!5i)Ni!s,"; V,.- i6 EVrt ? ff 7! 8 LOais 5 a HO ik I ; I J. .f ;i f lIM ' " I H?M ugar, Dr. ,sa iq loaf,, JI5a Q i Tallfc . J: (TqwiLtnen,Jia 16 Moer I hi Wheat, bush - Whiskey, 25 a 130 ,r?ait.nerh 1 i rMniiUp. ' .peach 1 45 i ;m Apple SO a 5i : 5i a 2Y a tOa 12! iNail ,cut, .Suar biown; 6 aJCf Litm 14 15 a la 5Ta CO L'naft Nba U'J N;ioa vvi ka 18 JV)vr-cotcal iv . 2 ,1,3 80 a 35. CpUen bag mm Bale rope 1 uWhcai' new SO ! Whiikey ISO a.S3 -Woo Oh IT n II. .M ti IC II NatU cutassor 7a 8 .IOC . fc eV! i-! wro iffin iu a is Oats bushel 30 i 37 Oil gal r-75 a $ amp 25 25 a 6 'S"1? nwi H Pork lOOlbsUl T "If! 15 a jllicef . lOOlbs A iJjWhtwfcT 50;02:, Sugar lb "'8 a "Our hit 1 i' 4 1 it' i oli t.i ' " t-- ! 4a 5 i2j SPrs a.:W I'-tl (osV-: J S 100 rd . , j . f : t -i ; t 1 - . . ! lii rU ; zl I sTy,nire.3i Si 37 8 II II. L I Fill n 4 i 111 ti frr. SI If A prialfd J00.1 pspsrs, ana g m ipasju uny tar.wf''rarfyor.the'(ollowihg BIdnIc proajpilj '5ienW,:Co?rt5Vitfti?bj Tikes. Wilis." :.nteif attKof-'talls at tlits;OrTco i jF 4 I r4" - H Hit hl fPlH E uWriter respectfaffrnforinV his old JL r Friends and the Public geriprally,hathe n openpaa enop in ausaurj. in ino awB npks; jn a room direct Ijr.-opposite -Weal's brick bu i Wnrj in ' l lie boose" of. : D r . B or ns" formerly owned by Jno LSbaTef arid josl below J;5 Miirpfiyjfet-nvVVv .addition; to iher above' the subscriber will carrion he Silver Smith BusQiestlin aH,the raaikiW Spobos;fi&c.i and-" repairing FSilve Hebpgs ioiass?re the public ihal. t panel pa I atteoiion lo f business, and akillfulVprk will'n ilte him to pairo'naoe aod support, hp,willmer- Valuablej property: for i sale t lif TT" . I IT h j exmgioiii -,. fBlHE Subscriber is desiroua toselKprivatelj. " fig j9hatwelj known bosloess stand jo Lexmg ton, l.;Gr:taisoated a shori distance north of, the Cj"jrthodsp,; frrrcnerly occupied; bjrjCaldcleogb, Dusprbery &. Co.; and. at present; occupied by Brevard apd Adams The , hoaseisjot jibrick; larjje and coEQondioos, contain! n? an excelent Store 'room and ctwcllinz apartments Tall - under ibe, shine rjpofijj Atiached'tu ihe premisesare aU necessarr bul'bui dtnssi. ;I hose wishing la pur- chase or to exalmine.the above pioertyt:.wil( re- ; H ; ANDREW, CALDCLEUGH the lkst MSDWltVItS in ih World; TTb EING the cheaneat; and" most' pTeasani. , JLj) Thf edieal Facoltv w'armlT approve them , Urri6htrnum isasKUtul aoa rapeneoceo-rpi- sioan.no a loemaer oi iun wicuii wiv.j Are the safest, sar.f at.' and mosi effectual remedy tSllEPMANS WOJRSI tOZENGES ; Arf i he onl v ihfa iribleTworrhn idestro t ing . riiedi--nine ever diWopred: Thfy havebepn used io1 o vi-pi', 400,000-fae andeer known lo fail"; isiiBRM A'S CAMPHOR tOZENGES ' Git immpdinte relief in nervous or ; sick -Headachy palpllaiiujti ofihe Heart, Lowness of,Spir-; its j ! pespbodpocyi. Fainiing,'- Oppression on a, senfeQt. Sinking ol. the Chest, iDiarrboea ,'Las sitddejor a aeospuf fatigrie. " -f iv ' yc ? rff r-j T 1 J y '-'"1 i-.r &hinnan?s 'Fever and Ague 'Lozenges: ; it h i t ' vi -i i-1"-- j i'i Ate the oaosi renain remedy, for ihis, dis)ressr,ng conppl4inif? everoSpred to the American publicJ ; in p& iompnse numoer pi -cases m woicn iney have been used tbry have nevr been known Jo j Serwianf Restoraliv ej Lozenges, Diarrhoea or looseness of the! bowels, so coqi- moti and troublesome durinp the summer moniha, may now fee entirely prevented by a proper i)se of these Uozengesi . They are prepared express' ly br thai! purpose and cari; bef relied ,on with per jeet confidence. ; Persons subject to a derange meai of the biwaTsshiiold never be wit hoot tbepi Thev affoj-d iaieopdiate relieffrom ait ihe attend ant gripins. fantriess, depression, vS'C : Slibririanfs Cathartic Lozenges Are' as pleasant and easily taken as the pom m: no peppermints; land, are an active and .efficient medicine Thet cleanse the6tomacb and bowels, and! are the bes cjaibanic ever osed (or bi lions persons. iWbere an active medicine 19 reqy'ced, thej aire not 00 y the best, but the safest that can be administered. '. . : .. ' . iSerinan SlrengUiening-PLA S TEH; , The: best of ail plasters tfor Rheumatism. L'nm- fcagol Pain or Weakness in the Back, Loins, Stdlei or ! Breast! J 1 '' ' . - The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical Dng Store, by ! ; C.B WHEELER; Agpnt, ' t m A uf I ' J Salisbury j-Ni C. , ii i:f r. i r ' " 1 M! r fr Moffat Vegetible JLllfe "O OSSESSj qualities of the most mild. and be neficial natore. VThey are composed of ar ticles the most anti-putrescent, combined wiih iogfedien)s,koowo'Vs the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. . When thedia ease ii produced either from cold,, obstruction, bad' ait, swampy and damp situations,; or putrid miasms wneiner laangnani ur eiuuruiiir, ui ujr other pauses, these medicines are certain irrthetr oppfaiions or effects.? They are' possessed of pe- -collar qualities which no oply expel all disease. but at tueeame time restore ;and invigorate tne system,; jAVhenj first . taken": imoT the stomach. they, immediately rcinuse inemseives lite vapor ihroosli everf , pore," producing 'effects' at once deitghifuU aalntarj', and, permanent; .Vhn the, sark of "lift, begins 1 0 grow dim.! the circulation languidj a.ndthe faculties paralized, these bed! pinW are touod i'o give a tone to the nerves, ei- hilfrat-e the animal sptrtia.inwiworaie me ooay, and! re1 animate, The bole man ; i J V ' I' The Life Medicines have also been; used with the mosi haonv success; jn . IS ervs and:D;s- peptic:; diseases, uonsnmpuoa.. Asmma, itver iCOUNryccoURT writs, Prtnud onrst rate paper -and lori cate hi 1 j.I .J'f . i 4 t.rti pjopati&i ;:;ti:L; ilt tC3?Call;at Cress Si XioGZK Agents. 1; 54hsbQryiOcV22,"184i-tyl3f,v,- 4 "tl' St I - II i! I i- - I'- .-... ( I ' .- V?4Vi it. ' T L! -.r .. -T-": - f - -I , , n'' Ullo n cinrK.nexi flat lh lUinbow hA , . , .r "Frenoflnn IB iicpuiiucan , nig .,1 ickct-! - For President of Ike United Slates, ; ' "1-L-1L" " -'T Mf 1 OF- KENTDCKr.Vv-'t T'jT r r r- 1 -t '-. - m Jiidiana.-TA - VV ashington correspondent;' of tb ' N!r-X,,f k ' Pf?sJ y :-f iThe ' news frdon'-tbe Indiana LptTUfatrirB hVrA W" that San.- ............ j. . t. .,.(.. . .-..". -." nr v w. v'l. . a'or in LongreBa;ts not likely lo be cbnsen , ai present. The; Slate Senate, wbjch; in I Whig. have signified 'their, ; wil lingnee's. lo: ga Jnto an election ; 6nt)the (loose of Repfespniaiivps have laid the refolaiio'ns ppon the-table, and, as is ap preheoIed,' with! the- intention of "imitating the beautiful example bl the Legislatureof Teri ;noes see. Indiana; -'Th House ,'of RepreentVtivrs. oh Mondav. the il2ih int ; decided Ibe pntpstpd seat of Steuben and De Kalb, infavoi of Madi- soo JVItrsb. the Democratic clatmanti by vote of 52 to 45 one Democratic member being ab sent, apd inotherjexcbsed from voting bcaose of not, having heard ihe testimony. ' The; election of a United States Senator has not 'yet taken .-!; I if - - - i r '. piace. 1. - 1 Mr CLAY'S ARRIVAL AND UECEP- '-Tb Natchez Courser of the 7th ultimo 'says : About half past eight yesterday' morning, onr citizens, who had been long anxiously looking for the expected advent of their distinguished coon iryman, Mr-ClayL were apprised of his approach by ihe dep mouthed roar of old Saratoga' The Diuus wpre. soon crowoeo vim eager in ron a$i, who impatiefitly .watched the advance of the hb3t,; which was gallantly bearing ihim to ior shore;. So soon as the, necessary' arrlngements could be made for his debarkation, Mr. Cla v land ed , a nd accotp pa n led . by j h e . Commit tee dpleg a te4 for the parposer was escorted tof- his qnar'ers at lhVCity .rlutpliby ihe Fenrihlps;! who had voionieereu trifir spit ices as a guaro. oi . nonor. .".tJpon hrs arnvarat the - Hotel," F-.iLt- Clai- borvne, EqVwVo had been, as pur-readers are a ware, selectfdfoH llhe dotyadyaoced and Bd- dressed ,Mr play jl behall 'of thej ejiizns of Adams'cbonff ii in, a "sppechsolsmgularly felt ciousf lhar webol reTeeho.'ihe genera LVof-e. "io expressing for if the' warmest idmiration.-'The address referred to MrLvClaya idpnt Ifioation wJih, ine nisiory or ni9. cou?trv,':as ine fioi marj and brilliant orator whose' burning eloqianee and in-, domitahfp courage wakpd thf sinklngl pirii9 p( the country, during ihe last war as ihe far- amed advocate ot liberty in other crimes ---as hp line Ampriran, and the worth v rppresentaiiw nt that horn ofhebravp and- ardePl.-rpen, K' - turky. k Mr. Ctar rising ir. hi carriage, r-pi ed the address and; so remaining, iresponnlpd t, it... He remarked npon his dpstre to djvesi b$ visit altogetnet of a publsc chara"te; and t bat i shonld be unaccompanied tvijih' poblic'crrmxmi' as it was strictlt of a private nature j ! .Hp sp k of the pleasure he 1 felt, at tbe.nninni.iif all har ties in the waiter. of his.irepppiion b;if ihe px- ' 1 11 i. . I'- 1 1 -'. .. ri l r . cellent jefleetsi lha most follow he; conduet of party conflicts io a liberal and gpnprons spirii, when party conflicts must ; pcpui j raod of the honpsty and fa":r intpn'ions of the masses of alt partiesj.'tHef referred to his old acdnaintance " V ' j t i ! S.:t. l with the city, t palamities, its fo'tttodp and en terpM$e,nd assured jihe cdncoorf?e, thai' he would pherlsh the recollect ion": of his arrivsl here.as amnng bis most, pleasant. reminiRppncw. To say that it was'Mrj Clay who spoke, preclndps all necessity of referring! to the gra'ificatioi. of rihe audience.'., 1'j J- ; I iMr. fJlay-afVerwardft receivpd in he drawing room of the hotel; those who. debited lo be pre- sentcd to him, and ahe. npporionity of shading hand with hirn. apdof looking upiin him. who. in all his nobleness r' of form and prespnrp, had been ' the observed: of: all observers for so ma ny vears; waa lost biit by few. An invitation to name a dav, npon which hp would be present al a public barbpn,i waa Ipo deredte himj Mr. Clay 1 felt himself forced 'to declines for the two fold teason, lhati he dpsird his visit o bef as far as his inplinations should he consulted t strictly private and s cial, and that, were he to consent to partake or a barbecue here, he could not resist ! the wishes of his various frienda in other cities and portions of the two states to meet them at barbecues, and then ihis alrjy would -he i protracted beyond bis iniem inn, and beyond his power fo procrastinate it. With these reasons our pooJ penple have been reloct- antly forced to be- content. . A ball will no doubt be given, however, al which Mr .i Clay will :W requested to attend, and a the faif daoghtpra of our State will then and there -VeeetYe htm wi;b their brightest smiles, hecanoot refuse his ptes- i- New Orleans, Dec. 8, 1842. HENRY . CL IY. i . j. it?-- The New Orlfans Boe say r-Tbe Hon fl. Clay reached Vi. ksburg, in the teamboat Rain bow, cn the 5th ioslaot, at JO o'clock. A M. ihe people. bum at 12fcrhSrk. ..' ton. i 14-." : ? l 1 . P.: k Id i r-i2-fi jre? r.is-J..'S t..r.js . - ,,nd h.Bro.ei 10 ;..!S. pe;', ,,ri,ien. I; iAVpJ.wn by a passpngerwho. jarrivpd, in ihe l.s'pampr Missoari, rhtt. th Rainbow came in srchiioE Natchpz as.the' Mmorirr left thai riiv and "thai ,he rpve'rSeratiori of cannoV;wias heard afresh Vessel had jjot out of sight of tbeetiyf i ne.nimoseninnstasm prpvaiiea ; tn i rxstchpz lhe; recentioa would be a v mostl brilliant af i fajr, 1 j ; 1, (.-:" -ilyCii' 4? address from Judge Bodle.y. iX v, f From lie Raleigh Register. ' I ; : f 1 ' ', , T THE WAR OF THE GIANTS -iS t' I U.AL9: -A'-Tafnar havfbeen.'pre ventedp frVm witpea )he- rnagnifipeni dis play or jntelfeHnaL proweV, Axhihitprl . in Ihe Spfistfr on Friday a$i I have ihntight tt Tfl1 !fc ,Prf P,rP Jtj a;?ketrh of jl, .ln(h f9,r. 1 1pj "0iosen)ent of yon .and rWr rVaHer a 'id ipjresctte from oblivion; the preat' and tuDdjifloerjIal pnliiiVaL.dnrTrinrs . ihen, ind 1 Ihp're nrnelaimAff. i Mr Mh... o.n -.. JhVj of m,iw; f. .lo'larsf ph,n. nlaslerit. ketnfj unr!oMnnlftirli;An j fientleraan having sel fnrihlhe merits of his erherne mra short j Speech, the Hon. Bdl- Ainoi to his rising eemeo a pillar of State.' fopnienance heuayed, intense inwH ernntjoi) 1 nd his ehesi henvetj w ih nnhp '' ti,, w'Blef "'prance: !.Mtite expec tation'lheJd . Ihe 11 in so isulhas summer's noontide air,' and ihe eager gaze of a crowd edlatidteace lold ihe; honorable" gentleman thit something grand ws expected. 'Well, sir itjeame : The barrier of hfr Ijps ws opened., and the deep volume ;of pent np thonghl fl vwpcl opt, a jnrbid and mndily si reamj rolling its swnfp0 tide over the whjle einfol world of Wntgism and1 Whig initiations? Binks and Baok corporations, and m?iif onipersal deluge invading 'the donotcifs f Ihe - sacred Democracv. , white evep the honorable gntlen8n. himself could fi; dnoWk of safetv, and was overwhelm ed and jdrowried iri Ihe flood of his own 1 co gitatifxn, Atart-from" the reaemblance. whirhihfs cuntest bore (o thp ancient and elaspieal I eng'sement het ween the 'Kilkenny cta;' wherein the feline combataV's mtVtii all? Idevbured each other, it noasesaed an'. other renaarkahle attr clive featnre, andJOl vslrfmsbpri audintre were, regaled witfwlfie i?h' joflihal' wonderful feat,' a man's swal towifff himself . But lorrnmp mnrp rhropt. it rpi theiriotntVTheSoeech of Mr Rrnwn wis vyidUnift a ntVidied one.and was intend. yi -as a Ijjlr expose; of his views; jn regard ti all thjp great political questions of thp dar Aid these vtPivs. emanatind whence tjiey. did and delivered on snch an occasion, notfihe regarded as iIipj orthodox doctrine of fhe Detiff thIici partyj jknH I were doubt- it.tenVl.'d to shadow orth ' lhe ftitore mn? tesjof that pirty.-' Niw, let me hold ti jrpirroii up to Ihe gfntlman. apd let liin auri.fi tnnseif .r f lpngh First, he de. j,ifp ft af all psppr m ne? is a humbug; thai B 1 f- rag? are a nuisance.: nd all Bmkfng K-.ctif ui.'n p'femis to tiSertv and dunger io 001? iPS'Miiilions.These arp his ;re mie, and r" p'.oves them hv the opw and highly dprnocrtic process of ratiocination. He, call ihem momed pprporatir ns, ( more dangeroiifi anim .l than nnipd m,an ;)savs they fl od) he conntrv ! w lb irredeemahlp j paper ; thf?t H ey shave swindle,. an grind the i fare V the poor. Hr then cues ih prps.enrerf the nrn-$ the d?:r!ingpm'"rt of the Inirrenrv. -ands the jhiah. ntes d Ex- chfigev a?)d rlnillv arraigns; Great Britain at the Jar of: thp Senate and. reads. her-a most whclesonke and instructive lecture on thp degrdatiin and wrethedness of her labour- iog 'clssses. nd apostropti'ZP Thome? Jpf- fe'son and Demcracv 7 Thpsc were the proofs toj which we reply, denunciation t roves nothing. AM the irredeemable bank p per, is be result of Democratic tamper ?T!jy with the currency the spawn of the Ja knn (use is, that eprsng from the roins of the United States Bai k. at the time whose detrtfctibn n other fispal scheme was tbotiuht of. The Sub Treasurv, and' bard money scheme, was an after consideration .and devised to pxcusp whit was done from private roa lice and blmded rage. The abose ofi BrMi! insii!tttins and the glorification of ; Demoracv will do very, well for the sob. teei of a itntnp oration or Fourth of Jaly narrangue. anu me pamrwn hi-iiiik, vm ii- etgn distress, would mate an excellent ng ure in the A 'id reef of the anti-enrn law ,s. sociationj f nd are all very preiiy of them selves, hi t have abotit as much to do with ihe remedies for our currency, as a Ukase oflCzr fNnhos, or a hasttngs Speech from Di'el O'Cnnnell, He says the Bnks produce Ithstress, and then boy up property lor! nothing Now asth parlour orator teoul' say. yonr proof?' Do the gentle man not know, that Stockholders in Bunks are alwst s the most im-specplating class of Ilie cooimunit men, who are Too consci- ee'iotis to have.and lob lazy lo trade. .and jtherefcre, deposite 'heir money m Bsnk for safe-keeping, and, t4eonaM profit f- Well, from these prem uses the gentleman eon- ihe vert thtaanchea sody in favoror a bara ctir knowaoafi Isiiflril enough:) hard cor 4fency,(!f?aTcn irje onlT -Upnoocratio currency anj ihe one la which weshould resort. Now thaLAIrV Brown-4dont cire tip t!,e prmej-ple-proHaira ir abd leiall the conaregaiipn of the Democracy say.Anieo rNov prat answer W.hy.do ouf pari charter Bnkv ? Why did Ihey issue Trcaftorrnnts ?-Whj dotbey, want a Bank at Henderson; in Gran ville couniv ;' and JwhyHialrW ther Wt-prae. tised Iheir (jwo prtfachibgs?WrTy are ynnr friendsrdenouncibg thp-BinkVinlVjrgirlta, lor-not? iettng nut; accommndatronrpper aod a our Banks;pay iSperW.aiby vdoit't yoti all.go and get your doles cahed, and rid j fiitr d wepings of the abominm ons that defile.?' p Ate t hern twenty eenaib ; Demo, rials in - North- Carolina who believe thai we can lte without pper money-thit kri exclusive metallic' currencv would ' hot re duce the price orpropjprfyl the wages of (4. hot and 4rs a. witheting blight "Afir. every branch of industry ? . If there are not, then, why do yoti descmt so largely ion a hartf; money rurrenrv ? I$n hppau?'eiit tickles the oopiilsr j'sr'?' Is itvhpransej it sounds prettily and Inoks patriotic .3 ; Js because, ii is a'good lohhy to ride, hut popr'borse for the plough ? Yorj. speak, feelingly i tot he poor man, and that is a popular subieci; yout lano uniq and Oliver; and thatsonda well ; and ffel to he a. friend ib1 the poor, oiiu lisni jiiinuey y man, are tuieriy -incon sisfehf." Yoi he vail the lot rf the indiiet widow, white voti urge her lo give up her last bundle of -licks and hanifu( bf flour ; youi commisrate'the'debtor, and wpold give the creditor lhe legal right In knork off his homestead and his little all for a mere song; dii vou say; oesiroy paper money: and gold and "silver enoogbw ill come inlo circulation? Now all hands admit, and 'the' Lord knuws, money is scarce enodgh ; the crv - is'on e?v ery naod, there, is no jmoney.no rp'ney wh? don't. the shiners now come forth ? If the Bankr have draWn in their cirenhtion, as you sy, why don'i your yellow bors fill theyacum ?! v l 'it .j " f- ' , But again : The. Honorable gentleman! after giving the poweja'of Europe a castiga lion which will make them sore for a cen tory,. and hymn;ng the prases of iDpmocra f. afterwards tells -us that Ihey jhave fir Banks' in FirahcerarJd;, that she , has dooe without therb. ; ;.Willtbe genlleman 1 not al. so recollect, lhat her Jiboring glasses, do without moqey, and , some withoqt food-1 that the Government has always tnno with ont Liherty, the nation without i TiioMA-i Jcffbrs N and - thai, as . ye, the; ReaofuV lions of '98 anL '99. have-not been adopted in that country ?VVjU he 'not alsoeTojlect.1 that, France has. high . Protective duties, (and be took occasion lo co'ndemn'ouf TanfT; ? After ihe gentleman had progressed thus far, f in the manufacture' of his rope of sand, he changes his (theme, and gives at length his ideas in regard to measures, for the. relief of the conntryj ' First, the 1 Tariff .roust, be abolished (how moch miney. does thai take from ecb man ?) . Second: - vTber roual hecconamy, (whv was tnt practised when the honorabte.genileman was a part of the power thatibe ?) Third: a hard money currenca (as there is no-paperjmoney, why have we not a hard , monfy circulation Last.y, (tell St not in Gath I) he says that as it is a safe principle in BVnkmg that two dollars of. paper may : be issued ?for oneof G ld and Silver, and as our Banks bavo not tht morh in cirriitation, they should issue nvife. What !-,. If there ts enough Specie f r currency; and a dollar of paper for every d iliar of Specie is in circulation is not that enough? Did not 'he gentleman eay he was opposed! to all Banking and! Bank pa ppr ? And, tb-n, in the next breath, he ahtises Bnk corporations for not iisauing m- re I jHereis-a Daniel comej to judg meot ? i Here is consistency ! s Here is StJitesmanshtp f The Binlcs are abused for not fiaying Specie : Pay up. .joy go into liquidation,'?: is at one time the cry j am when they prepaie to pay, ihey are arraign ed for not issuing more paper ' 1 1 Such Mr Editor, is an outline ofithe gpnile man's remarks Hp soundedT separately, and by itself, every popohhr chord; but wbpn all are tnuched together, a moat boriible idM-d i!) they produce 't- A nurnVr of bright and ahmiog patches of Democracy were, siegly.r held up, which when' sewed imo a garmeo;, jwill mkea most beenmipg trea for a maunipbaok. The ijenUeman rnnke loud and foog, andi oed. mucli place declamation ; but bejepun ooi a yarn, of all colors of ihe rainbow, and composed of every srt of material. He charges forioosfy on tne aoKS--inen comes an apwivi"" terawn oivrs England aidrabbing-i-sn aposue phe fn DoMicracv charges down again upon tb Banks antubtr apuatropbe to Democracy 4e ..tl in bhst at ihe Bank of Stale then an apostrophe to Jackson fires a broadside at ex iraVaoance awwtroobe the third !Demociacy.. mm. " i t L jwdiM mm mmaw f ' at ilaafm Uemocracy is praiseo, titn i cited ix out esnoUtwn, a specie cirrola- kn isclmded.and ihe;Banks ahused fur cot .MieVSS j paper, the paW Me commiserated, j Z .rfe Taw f .rnraki,e .he rich richeraoJ tfte JL sr. is rePom.nded.-TbeSgentfeman ! r, . .R-a:i ..Acn! smtab wtdcb I iftd thus' I was wp!, 1 look 'physic, andbere I am!' He elxiiold o th jo 1854 exchange North Carolina oo Npw, Yo'k w i per 0uty nd hp nnoted wtne several tibjes B'-'hog brum's remarks, lhat bisicry. if " philosophy teaching by x?mple 1 Ndv let 3 bring" lb ibree terriarki to bear no the- gntreman and Ms ro4$ors: at il-etime ot ht desilaciino United Maiea' Uanfc, earsaose , -v - f-j ar fa ? iJe at tliis I 1ice. r i twiwecn ibe Nuiih,aud.h)j Jih, ibe muJnS? S Z'.'r M? tr coaj rear,- - 3 , ? ; - Ltvipg oi dying B6aav weieettlt" r vf,Byoed: tbeeachjof ratJjViVT trf 'jThera aarel y is some bl?ssed clima 1 ; v ; . . Where, life i, aVa:brPath y ! 1 M ;-Kor lifey.fJ.cMons.-traosienfiFe. 'S r Whose sparka tfr cpVard aod expire; .1 - ' - une is wqna aoove 7 r -lr f i "Where-parting is enkboWn,:: , -"4 , . A: leng eternity oC:Wye"oU . , , r Farmed for the good alone;.. 4 And faiih behold. the dfing here , ; i TraosUtell toMbat glorious sphere! Th'us'star Sv star declines i - J2fai. tt t .y rjiralf arrt passpvj Vway? As morntag hf-jh. an J higbpr shmes . -t i' To parand pcrfert day p ; - J , Nnr aink Ihoseatars In empty nigfcl, 4I ' -s;:Batr hldMhfinsele in hpatpn'sown light; - - , "'Mtrtxttv rntrtJ ' ? .ii" ri fBT, If- P WILMS. Oh I If there is one law above the rest,' , . "--Writlen'ifL." wisih m it lhprn is a vtntA-i '-r4 h 4, -. - V.. i t Tl V 1 V1 Tf0041, !ree as witb.a pen of fire" . iipn ue onassunvd temper oi a child -;,h . "W, ir.inere ts anyjumg Uat keeps Ihe toiad, ' , i! Omn In nr) iaii ,nl n..! 4 . 3 ' ' I h ffilservnf lll.lt hnmm Inr. t 1 I . The smallest pebbfe'tn ihe well of iiuih l.t . 41 : 'J- - . Hi II. iUiili, mMHInK ini .k. n 'J '.if i .. I .ii" !.;. .- . . p .' f , wilt, if ifi Ollll I v . Whentman4 beaimovemeflta bsve. pass'i!', ; .,-Ttie law of heaven is love, and Hip! its name t llaa b,a usurped by 'passioo', an"d profaned. V. . TttS uibov nses ihrfugb all iinie,t, ' jS'MI the eternal principle ts'pura ; "'.. .' J ''Anjf tV-these deep a ffC1 ions that we feel -0,irinfpttent wiih u,JwVbut ape -- . . The lavish measure in which love ts given ; f .4lAnd In! the yearning tvndernesa of a child,,- .i For eyerf bird that sings above his head; v ! And very creature feeding on ihe hills, .1 t- "And : e?eryl't.re and l)jwpi add running btnok. bbbi? iiuw winy loinjf wts inao'1 ii ur i Ad how; they err, who in a world like thU ! " Find aoy.tldrigtd hat hot hriman'pride. r Wf. learn from tb New Orleans Bee, thai 'bn the evening' jofYhinrsdatL the 8hsi. al about B o'clock, the ftf em ana ts Missouri and1 Samuel Dale -came in 'collision, oppn sit' Bonnet CarrePoint lhe? met bow to bow..; The Dale sunk jmmediately. '-11' was repmled 4hat ;8tx i of-her .dppk-handft ; wefe lost. We.leain from a passenger who f i was opon the Dale'st the time bfy collision, that the Missouii ltterallv -split her in two for neirfr thirty fet, wnfiont receiung any , damage of consequence herself. 'The AIi oorifxtricated heraell from the wreck oni ; Friday, iCoornUg, and pursued her voy4 : ; n lrsVicIffit.rn I .. f ,i! : ' . aaawap urn m f - Execution We learrt' thai .Jiiseph ' Soggi ! i 1 who was nonvicied of the mordei of a'frpp ne gro, at tblat Greene Superior Court, Dnder-1 went the awful sentence. of the law at jti titoW designated; by fudge Manlt, io. the jndgmpni pronounced againsi him. 1 He was hur.g am'dit a da rge coii course ot peopde who, wpre brooffhi together by a pa nful curiosity to witness this awful exiiifrom life. The onhappy man sprn-r1 ed to be much excited, but made no confe-aion, only Egging the Sheriff ito give his bodv to ht M . j friends lor decent iutermeat. This awfnl teef li j iacleoofht to be a warning lesson to al! darlf! i -'v" and reckless violatera nf ithe peace and weltate rj of ihe coat nuniif JSewbern Spectator j , ii I i 1 1 OwrZ?usmm.--The New Yo'k Crf respondert of the National Intelltgencrf gives tne lonowiog accounv oi a rereni ai-ji tempt at I runaaray match in that city : , One oCtbe leading a uhjectt of gossip the past week has strangely escaped lhe newspapers hitherto. A young. lady, cer-i; tainly of remarkable beauty,' having ' beei for some time barred and bolted fnm bet lover, (a gar barhellor residing, at one of the hotels nf the city.) oond raeins lo g. t out of her m'o4bei;s house in Carroll Plce ver? early on Wednesday morning, r- l stepped into a parnagejo watting Ti., mother, awaked from her sleep "by M n ; den start of wheels frm herder, sfp- ' tt '1 the trnth ran "into the street ir. hev . clothes, ;wd, wtih bare fcetl vc rhe. i.t the ratrngi- which she t siruii k v.t th. Jor - iff cf Broadwav ad B'eeckr s:r t, Tv.U, or three gentlemen flew to her aid sr. d u pd the horses, and aftfr a fight, in whtclr the windows were broken and snmeski?r. ishing done with cane, the mamma w, helped into , lhe carriage, and ibe, cvtpftts taken borne' with her. The loe.' fl brought matters td a criia, however, and by strenuoos Perajship and elnq.ience. M carried hia ppmll A clergimi wa for, and the abdurer breakfasted in C-rrinl Place as boa of the family." j' To be bornto breathe io sgb tosofTr to die. This is I fe A momein-W u ts g We atrog gle pass on as a shadow uig' aaio aod are known po more. , In your discourse be cautions wbi y. speik and l bn'D I00 Pk how y.t tpeak and when you speak an I what i -u speak, Pfk wisely, speak truly.' httrithrM" hit lit IT Oft tltP 1 ThC IttUSCi IOCS ntiVXl. OFI f , -2 Is. Uliimo,.akeo Leiiera ' ing to law, on tbe Estaf Alpheaa Bey gaMy. dsed, .kejrrb, Sf e. general n.t.ce toallpr Mors of aid rotate to present their ela.a.. . d J authentieaned stiiun tfte nase iwni.ea o, U that purpose ; qtUrwiic ihit auce will oe "plead la tar of kbetjr recovery.. f'Debtors to tbesald Eftafe will alio please la uiake.payment immediately' t f V-X-r-r- v, " VJ FCO WAN. Ea'r. Iredell cn.NW 29 jMi-4gQ Ex.c.Ua. a r3 . r,'nS and for tale at tins-Office. 4 cry net 1 'i mv I ml v - 41 tJ- ." I ' .. ;tr.;; r . IT V 1f fit 4 : f Irf i' HP in,; r - I- 'I' ' ' 1! I in--- I Mi ? i . 1 r ! t - e -59 ''Mi r a , n 1 1 4" .

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