It- J -1' 1 I "1.? '. ' -v , , - , l :t - l 7 1 !f r ' f. t ! - . " i 1 - A J ' i -.- ; n t- rVJ K - t I , .fJ- iff , J ... J - r. - """" -- I Ml. I t:Al gcoiigia;; paasrd hew us hill in aid f u.Jr : Was tn ;fl li i . I r j ' . - it. H - , f,r - ' . ; i - ij;.. --r , I,- V -: 1 .r- held a neetinj al Mille'deViMp.nnjth ) 4 t tt fi;S.e (or aceprdio2lr:oftfes order- '" - 1 " 1,11 1 " ' " !' ' f---"-- ' 4V-t. - ipf L t -.jjreSsed . to (he Editor most 4 If! 1" . it 1-3 I i iVlSG n'jcMsed Uiai j known nd BLfi nd;BiB vriil be snpplied.wifh iliLti ife w( kt aod orrboodrngr oiantry afr fet ! t S u . :l 1.1.1 - - .-;.- - ii:JwA8(,Enac'os,' and uoonuiuny sop S Khboa pro'coder.of al kinda,at ft)! ralihfo' and piieoOfe- Oler ( fowitrvute& pledges bimseff that no ex r.paiacUiDtoaU wbo majr faTor;Lim whb f?!I,l,?-. i : 1 ; ja!mr$ l. cowAn. rrin'fii PfJhPRiB'ltbRor this AVaJchoan 1 Priiiiiny OCIcffTespfCirol'y Informs Uie C'etShrtff'f and Cocfvb'c of lhcaorroond iq C(iio-;eSihal1e Jb"aS and. WfH ccn'.inneto 'Iwfton-fbndf 4 fo": sopp. BLANKS neaUj w.iwi'sopJ'Prier, ahd-ooi aorpatwii by aot woie itj'ilie Ktate. i;AU order froaa a dis laf,elfor o,of lb following Blaoks proxnpiljr O.BbLaJ'fV.Cafii floods Sobinas.yendi-, :ti(io KxnonasVJo dV Eckels, Esecoiions. -J wun! Court r Jo'oa Tickets, Eiecoiions, htf btd'ijiienl,' lnl(C(cbeoi fs. Overseers of R'l?i VeoJi Exjooas, VViioess Tickeis x fllit eellaneotts ConsiableV Warrants(wlth Fjecnliom atiacbedt) C Sa'a & Bonds, Goar iiirf DonJs, App'cntrrtHii! Indentores,1 Marriage LWQ?e,;A'rte racico Bonds, Dd of;Tro$i, Ottif of poftTeTance, penteryBohdsHojoflc itqnlji jflT Deeds, j(YeVdi.!Expa )VAnpeal BwiH.-GoiBCDirgona to, lake Dp'noaM ions. Con -:tVfi' Bnniatv AJoiniraior Bonds, Prbsecu- t'4o iBoncIs, tjjjorrio' oVl tCo Caori.- j i ; Printing imprinting. !: ! 11 FAI4 oy j ob woais VF OlKFEREN'rj .COLOR?, done f i be abof test notice, and o ot surpassed b? fHIIEvSobsferibtr oi for sale -hi valnabld 1 If'taotatmn... It lies, on botb aides of the Hkjerroad tetding from Salisbury lo Charlotte, There is riw water rwy conTe'l tri'. the iwe(. it'. s"fo excellent standyfor a Public luodfl. ' A? J jnienti rcQving this Fall, I Will Hilton ?ood 'ierm$, tifi)n as will sqU the tiins. lpijof Jtn(tnoney wljl np; be expected while tiptofler'ts P'eaideoti '. ''" "' prices otmnsnT AT rj .j! ' Lis!B0r) Jan.. 14 ; : l J Bacon.J. ; jJ-4 a 5. Prahdv'ariila 30 ! Cotton YarnO 190 Molasses, .35 a AO eacb,:40 a sbl'TVils, '6a7 - 15 a 20 foiionfctein 5 a6t Sugar, bf. 6 a 10 t .Hp i;nV 1! i Aou : is a is iM i25' Tallow?, s J JWM W a 4i ) Tobacco,! 8a 20 eu, ;,5U a 05 iron, net lb' ! WheaW biish ' 75 Wliiskey, .,2." a 30 Wool, (clean) 25 1- i R. i i ' ATtTTBTIIfcpJ Jn. 4 !!'ilar.hp.ipli a v Mni Naih, cat. 6 a til 1 Sojar brown, G&a 10 Lump, ' ct4 laf, 15 a 18 a!t. . 50aeo I Sack; $2i Tobacco leaf ,2 a 3 . t'oUon tnjj , U 20 Ualernpe, J 8 a 10 : Wheat new. 80 a 85 Whiskey SO a 35 W. -f J..)l.0a.tS EiledJ ! U$U i WoM. . 15 a 20 ,..:? H M L t wrought? 16 a 18 J I 121 Ir n9t. - -22 a 25 Oil gal t: 75 a Si i--7 lamp. -1 $1 2W fWela 10a 12 m a 14 Itnaeed 1 10 a 123 Pork IjDOlbs 5i a 0 Rice lrtftlU a k rwi.!': ".?;-44 s'l ? ,1 bosh ft 100 j Slel!Amer.-10 a 00 f 5e cngusn tQ!, ,4 kV UIf. U:!-- Lai' German Tealmpe.Sl 137 'JIV li lMat3t5f ' ' ' , J . ;''; : Fun X ' - f -V! f 11- - W " rW i J "f .1 ; r -ft - - I il f (pH E Subscribe- respctfc11 ?iDforD8 o'd JU. .Ifriends aitd tbd rcblic geneallf iibat be ha bpenet a &cp asoort.tnbe kboeJbs-, fie 43, iri -a' ronia iJirecUjr opposite VVesVs brick baildio?. in ihe Wcse of .Or. 'Barns florroer1? otvned bj Jno. I. Shaver and jost oelop J. & . aqoii'on oine anorr, me, 5UDc:iurr arr? "oo ihe Silver SmilhBtt$iatnyndtyw vaiteiif 8. com bop incoonM f tow m : ; spcK. a m kin ;Spcoba &c. " and - repaifinjr : Si!e . f He leg to asnre. the poblie that if - poncjoa. atli?hLiorr to btfsrfcess,anu ikHfo;woi' eo "title bjtoo lo pairutnaeaodj6bpport;'be wi'fme', ft it.1 ill - trml .V ?i--: AARON VVOOLVVOHIH. Valuable! property for sale in 4 i- 1 liexington. riflHti SoWriber isdeaTpos id seU.pnvaiety, II leal well known bosioess stand in Lez'ng too, NT! Cvstsaat?d a abort distance north of the Counboose, formerly occupied Jbj Caldcleojlj, Dosecbery .Coi; and at preseni; occupied by Brevard ' and AdamarTh e boose is of Vick ; la'e and cotbtn4ions; corrvaiofngn.MceMeoi Store Toomtf dwelling 'apartments all irnder Ibe Wiae foof.1 Aitacbed to ihe premises afe af( necessary r barboidiojsrl hose vttsfalnsfto par rdase or lo examine the above property, ill le- ceive atte'otioti ?f'bppl"calion be made io -v . 'I.' ?;i f ANDREW -CAliOCLEOGH ,;: eFll NG . lis b' cUea pel , a nd . most ; pjeasa n t f" riie AredtcalFacohy;warni'y a'pptove ;hm Or. Sfeermaala a skUfol and experienced Ptii siclan'land aiaember of the MedipaL Society o Ne-iyoiiflc-iV:. Sherman Cough B.ozettges Are the safest; soTest. and mosVeffectQaf re nxedj for Coogbi, iCaMa.' Consumption, . ,W6oopig .OoBo-b', -"AtthnaU Tighioes9 of the Lungs ;vr TJOIICUMANS WORn.tOZfe.NOES Ar tb0 only .ipfajliole "orm . destroying med?-' cine ever discove(d. ;i 'I'bey have been osed in ove 1400,000 jre "and,eer koown Jo fail. SIl ER II A'S 0 A M PHO EC LOZEHGES ' Gijre fnuhediafe relief fnervooa pr sirfc Hesd aclf,,naipUaiioo pfptn Heart; Low nets of SoTr s Deaoohdeocf1; Fain' injj,- Oppression or a seiise of Sinking b j ber Cbest: Dia rr hcea . Las si l Mi or a seflse ot fa tio oe. . Are;tbe mosi cer;j)n remedy for i MS disiressBj eomplai n t, e v eroffe red to t b e A m e r ica xt puofjp In jbe immense nnmber of 1 cases inf wh1cl they' bayebeo useJ, ibey have never oeen known ;o faiLif f-n H Kf H 4 If: I, SAwmavlJeifbriwe Lozenges V tMarrhcea r lonswnessHfJji be bowelsi so com mon knd iroo'tifeseon, Uieioramer moolhs; mav inow be eoHrely ieTened ot ' ute - ' - If .... s ' - v . -r The are nrepa-ed exnress ly loAhal porpo, and ran be re'ied bti with pe; fej:f confidence. Pesons s,objec; lo a deraror moQtiof the bttwels fbuold never oe wiibooi .beo Tbev! afTord i aimed, a. relief! from' at the aiipnd antgpings,Taininfss,depres9'on4c. . Sliermahfs Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant apd easily taken as the rnmroon peppermints; anid aro an aenve and fficieei medicine.! Thoy cleanse iheiiomacb end, we', and; are the best aUiartic eVer oed fur bilious twtons. Where an active roeoicine is .totalled. they ire-notoflly the besl.boC ihesafest.tbat can be administereJ v,"4 ? f ? ! 5Aermn ! Strengthening PJSS TEW,- The best of ;al)litaaiers for Rheomatm. Lorn big, Pain or Veakoes8 in I be Back, Loins', bide or UreasU-; f . , . ." Thajabnye medicine is for. ;Mle'wlMi'esi?? pr relail, ai the JSalishnry jMedirai Drng Store, by. t,,: I , ,.U. lit W liKKLJIt; Agent, - Sa'isburv, ft. C. 1 1-4 :y SepU.LS-ly.G - I i If " K - , -U. I BO$SESS i;nalhie8 of .tbe;mosi njild and be iyeficial naloteJ; They are composed fr: tides lie most .ahtCpntreicenk combined wiih ingredients kuovni as the -only certain antidote for fevers ""of. every, description. When the dts; ease is produced either from 7eo?d, obstrociion, bad airVswamny and damp situations; or pot rid mtascjt, whether ;inaligoaat -nr epidemic, or bv other caoses," these irpedirines are certain in iben operations hr efJecitsi- They renosse?sed f pe culiar ctiaiitiei, wifb not bnly exnel all disease. but 11 be same time Teat ore and tntigoraie the system;: ! When first taken inp the stomacii. nheyjotnedlatelyj djffose themselves like vapor thrctjgfc evefyf pote.f producing- flVcis at once delightfiilraalntarjr. and permanent. htn the sark of Jife VgtnHo.gtaw dim, lite circolaiinn lingnh!, and the- facblties paralized. hese tnedi cines are fonndVto gitfe a tone ic-yht nerves, ex- hileratetbe animal apirits.lnv gorate the body, andTa animate Ike vt hole man , Tha.rLtTa'eoi6tVi have also been oscd w iih ihe taoat happf soccess in Nervna and Dts- rpjio diseases. Coosnmplion Asthma, Lver try p ropsiea. lie. j u,; , il 7" i 4 , a .7 w .tCTCall atCRFaaStBodEa'ena. . Sai'fonrjrOcy l 184i-Jf l?; y,fo r 1 Neatly printed and l tbta OCca :.'Vr! -lFfoiiilU Salfrday Evening i Believe li not; ye hinifant Fairjvl ' f-t..y': f ';.Tba't be . wbo ba I h' a b ea n ,?f ; r-Wil-h T'f Pre reefjnjrborning. there; .ADairee rrpm gone or .a!,;-,. c 'i ,Cab loebui one nn iijis oriobt sphcie. And when sbe.fades'a a il I v.' Heriraa?efnd wjlf fade. - 4r-Apd iim wjlUteal thenef away;- v ,f Which herdenartnre tntdp't ; i. i L . -And' he wi't lovp another bent ;,; ,'i'k . ,M uui iu uie OUR! T toraa--.-r I tier pore yooncheek of ehanoing-joje; ; AHer w fid and; pleasinor idneJ.. 'T . Hr fl(frl'nT tlenvhe, minute !rli f- ' ' Told she was hasten'ms on; . '- ' f"-r 4 ' ' t I " " A few months passed, and she had gone 'Toafomber with' .her God, i And ninch .be wept and sighed alone r " Upon herVcoverinsf sod ; j And one miht think who'd seen him there, v -Earth's blisa to him had fluun, , ; i And all bis hoes weie borjed m here, i iLow slept his lovely one., ' .! I Bat scarce one year its fl'oln bad winoed, r "And lime bad poured isdl i : Upon bis bleeding heart and .mind. ' ' - Ao be oegan lo mile, - , -And rotnglcdwUh tho'world again I , Tp jla'te its sickly joys " " Its snothing Frindsip blasting "pain, 'V fis long-fived tniseiies. ' j- Once more fove'p! fire which. I believed l'ft'-.Boi'for his bright one losi, jr AVniitd only;borp,'again reTivedh; J; . I Within bis srtpered breast,- L L . , . j' 1 was kindled b 'the bean lies sweet. , Tlie graces of another, ".Vt - . ; AnAsoon tube hit .bride, she- left' ? i ; -f- '7' '' 1 4 - ""- i 4l - fin W-f- . ner noma ano, logins BQOioer. ' i . Oh!, then belief elit hot ye Fait, j ' f, That he'whVbatffa heart ! V '--'A r. 'With. loveV part Tee! i rig burning ibere. And free fotfmoileor art;.-; f;; L ' And when she fide9 away,, ' y ;;' ITorn bn"hr sisief seraphs here -"' p--',' v,Acold and eareles efie. Bristol I ' i 1 tfTm. 2 la 1 859. i k. ' THfc;PPJNTEU: - vr j ' . - J t-pl - I"' Whois ii toils from mofn ;o night,' s vvf -V Impairing his j"nte!!?ct and sight, ' . iC". Tbat others may tbiiio delight ? 1 ',-T 4-71 Who fo-emost stah'ds Jo'Virtoes cabsci . Maintaining LlbertV and the Laws, a'-. And w?io disdains ail vain applause?') " f . , H ! i. -T 7 The PHter '' ' . - -T; j -; - . j 1 VVho is't that ipreads'his weekly sheet, V ilh. news ando!iics fillV romp!e;e, Toeveryman an anip!e irea ? -x -j" 7 :i v " 7- - tt'H , i -The; Pttfller. Wbo at the ccre:mnst:dinstJinr ttaifli'l 7 V,nb fac demdre,e and tosrfrnce Wamf , . Selting his pe!wi'h steady. h.ind P'"1'--1--'' ', ' :-7v. i ' ! . - iTl etooter; Who never cravrssjhj ' Ida pa anifishes " Bat if receives he eroptv disbesj i'l' A compound of good and bad -wishes ? " '-l-i : HV; r1 k t fThe'Prinler. , t 4.- r : ' ' 1 14 ' ""- ( " I Tben.'reader. pav him op hisdnesj-4. VV ba, pnctoal, famssnes ihe neSii: Yoo never should your aid iefosey - & rjPnntera. i. . I ' GEORGIA AND JMR. EIJfOON. ! f - K r F '7r - 7 f j online aiHiioruy pt a ieuer-fjrrjjeo iroci a flberober- of; the Georgia 'Legislature thai the Senate -of thfl Stato bad nomihiited Mr Calhoun for the FrWdencvMt o anneaM i not sosjVined b"? he pipr from the teal of Goaernmenf of Georgia wlurh bare been" since! received! ( Or! the 20lh tf Dnemher I betesohit ions. vere called op. Mr. Spald iog, aD-'fDpcrat njoTMl ?a preamble and resolution" exprryie" o7he hiijb opinion entertaiocd for Mr,' Calbnun'a ,rtur?e roin the first- moment of frig ascendency?' and assettog ihe rbifidenl,bf lief 'ihaC iht gentleman, ' wonld cordially. nte on the fariie of the Prmbcracy,v &c. t A mo tion" yr9t made hyta Whijg loJy the origin tl and subs'.itute , on the. table t ayea - 88, noes 39 The previous quest ion Was railed 'arid "sustained ; and. on ihe passage of the original preamble; srrd resolutions, they, were J .lost ; .yea. 59 nay 8:45 Ort the jnext day they were leronsidered-riyeaF. 46, ;n'as: 37. The jCorrespondeo t of the Say a n n a b RepMp I'cait, writing frohiihe Seat of Goterpmeriu says tnaiine uooersianaing p?Kauru amofiXL' tbe liemorrats. and waa so stated ht? th I' Lcalry Fettt&.A A nrcminen: Loco Foco Se nflf;L hf PresniLp2!s,3l :fcc?J,-?,e ilrM Ihkl hia nail W.m ial rniAnrui IVhii wf.i.'i r.-'":- ' - i - -i i hi;-eh.di.iw 0rif;rtl.lJM:We:holi, as, eoioin seciecr with reapect tp oec pro- ' yauens, ceeditrgs. ngs. oreaK on. and te lore I get tomy room. rev uii' roi2i wiju unuriMious aw ' we VbtVi who inderstands ,.U -w, have been do?og . 1 rem are, jtiptuyjeaky Teseta mocBa.-weKHttcr- . .y j .rrtrnon her ste:,eeTapbs bere',-1 'V, i U;-' 'A-cold and "careless eye;- 's-..: u,T-'"; 1' vftpi-aidwif . from, hi? mem r: - i--rv ; : 1 M&?fW ?h1)ee4ddresle1to theJdhoraof lbeBalliinore AfePtWn k! UfneraLAlmbnl'e3linisterf ihe Mexican S-tPtft wSina .al,7 Washington; for the pn rppse,qf correclmg ; errdneocs7sta'temehta f.yr i4be otbject: M , nt , : ; . . v tM ?our paper diffrate to Califnrnia under the prelenctbat the Mexicao Go. erpBu-Dt fill -give ,lberal grants ofJand to that Relief; that' the ; ftlexican yoTernment pas vijever. thought of colomztrig the said terntory with foreigners rand thai; sa far fromlii, it has expressly proid?d by a law enacted the 1 1th r,r March last! IhaTnVor tgnir mil ever be permitted to colonize, or purihate. land or property In Ae said country without an express permission of the Government oj Mexico! !'j . ; Kpowiog, as 1 do, that tio such permis sion has ever been allowed to'j any! person or corporation whateverVand believing l hat the project set forth in jbe .St Jquis Repob ican; s a mere scheme Vf some; land epecu lator who tyjsh to iake aWniage of the rredelity of the ignoAnr;;i tbink it j-rper K.rnJfm !be public of. this cob'rury of the Irne facl? of this new plan ofencroaebmenti lest ihpybouldVdeladed andbrbaght in fliffirnlfies that Woutd Vorf in,;iVe destroc iionf jheir fortunes arid lbelistres9 of their friends.' j 'fi; : . ' - "j : 1 ' Believing that y 00 take a;deep interest in the welfare of your couitrymen,!t doobt not, geotlrnieti, that you will readily insert thi? rommunicatjon in your valuable ;iournarfnr the purpose of arresimg the exerutton of a prcj-ct totally destitute'wfany probabiliVv of Foccejss, and calculated only 4p fill 1 he pock eta of a few specu'ators, w.4?o;crno tw? me peace ot nations nor Iheapbinesrof EiVO Extraordinary .and!M inistef iP'leni potentiary oflbe RepobHc of Mexico, 0 the United Slates of America. 'r - , - hCU' j - Nil!; :Ga:eu: " , 1' ;s c a RtfEi ;-?:e v er . r v ; Thi ff arfuj:$sf aae being now. prevafeni in PhUarelpbia.rpaht 10 IheHecolleciinn f the writer, a cjtrjteraaiioQ -vyjiicb he hid with an-eIdcil p,TWian! While tra.Hiin. tbrough.New. England year. or two since" pMciirR jnairbeen. extensive ,n the interior of Massachosetis. i ; He stated ibal his mode of treatment Tor the "Scarlet Fever fjiffrred soroevbatrom that of his fellow, professors, a)id ie waa led to adopt i;ftf - be lollvvema fcirrn'mstanre :--' . .He was oiled jlojarmani who had beon flVtng under the complaint one or two hyf he foiind htm in'a high eltate oY fever and dangerously l)i ihe symrrtoirnk were so aJaiining, that be felt samfied'if ; tba nua! mode of treafmfntlwas foIlowe.iL hisi patient would certainly die. In reflecting on the case, and recollecting he find a person under care with inflstnatory renmatism and tbat Colchicnm was producing precisely the same effects in the! one case which be de j sired in ihe.oiher.lbe was) indvfrd to ad- j minister, H, and the.effect nn his patrenl is 3MU "!e"','.ecl nn lU9 most salutary -,rwl rclievtog, ant! most salutary -,rnl relieving, and in afew 1 The Doctor staifft aA i faet, and all of his aftiErr experience; fully1 establiihed 11 that the use of l he CoIchiuiD in Scarlet Fevr enlirclv.obvuted the tendency to'Dmpsieal swelling .which is joftm so tVoublesomc if not dangeriMis ; .and he also said that after adopting tbi modej f treatment he nerer lost a patient, w.itb this disease if called m the esrly stages In administer. : - . His plan as dictated by himself and co ed. froni aT memorandtim made at tlie time w this :-lmmedia(ely r aU the first attack of Sr-.iriet Fever to an adult be gave m one dose 15 grains Calomel and 10 grains pow dered. lpWe After tbe operation cf this medirine he administered four grain, pow dfred Colciiieom every four or ix horns as required ; and if much heat, a fver roix tore ; should there be too nuch few drops of laiidannm;' T pnrging,,a ;If irie above remitks wll be of anV y'alne in treatment of t!is drad.'al disease, the object of this comnmoicauon will be attain Th r'hi. ,A i.- . j .l . . ii theye potts. Tbia s a piece of information btcb.wot,Idb,eJo os!ofVat ToirWriance, .i . - s-j i :? mr w red lo tteaiselfe, ,n da.i!i 113J. e 800,l b,d aiJiei 40 of the prr fita- E"i 'fue wepren naymg oi late v vuniPtjBiqrsin jo nafa area to Ch,n....BcI begin; io h.v great ap, j prebenaio,nt too, lhar our leaira wi eettoosly mieriered'wiibi i. K Express 5? tf - j " 3F" 1 - V ad irf il,.w ..!.-v. (lb. saD p,p nm Vb.cK ;-i in;:i; -. z.i i -T'l "r"-' We bave.been ;faTored?willi m a letter t;h-i7L T r2 the' West. . It ,Vda,T.? !n,fT?" ' from nt, extract yember 22. and sne.tV c VL -"V ""'V 00 V v" iic.jedms iVo- draughted truops.ander nntni.. . - 8ui:pntrss and 1 want nf kr 0;,b,t ,bi irilunuinbooVToO all belioto ihil 'old Sim' j ' . ; ' flr.nrf. T " t ''C?H",,S the Rio i- "Tbe Houston l.r Df tbeOth 'ina-ani ed from the Medina for. Laredo on the 2-d tollnb" .,bB! 6lh" piniea wVre to follow immediately.' . j t ii . ? v'S? ??'u,onVreffVaph, of a ill later (i..i ihV. ' t" T v-uf we me report bal the army has marrh i r V. Barnardwbo;b,a arrived fioVa Wwhington confirms the above. " : f i : I". " " K t r Ad express rider tn. J the army ciossed the Ri vrin .L. 1 V gliino. and theiroop, weri, , iq excellent bea Ilh and good sniritsL- hi IxSzl: Wlivr..,..7A:- all- . V "A. 7l io lLVr. V-r. UT? W' This news will W toe Republic. W hiV10 ,0"e!:';a dciubt thai they have gone to tne 1R,0 Grande, we !T "uWer.tht:in . ,ment should promptly oppoiitbfm by calU f .out. by draught; one compaVrrtim "cMjntyi ;of;ihe Trinity;io inarch immediately to redond holdith.t a, S 4 i THE CHINESE OOT. When again left alone, she oefojded the bandage ;;on l be reraoTal of which the stale of -fi,,lfhe foot presented convinced me that the general opinion correct iviz. that the limb a -seldom exposed, even j for toe pdrpose of, cleanliness. A cursyry i glance t the deformed ,limb would, Jed even a. professional, man to sopposef that a partial amputation! bad, been performed - wherein ibe metataisal boues (hose imrhedialcly ar nculating with the toes) had bem removed. On a closer inspection, ihe greet. toe Was found to end. in a sharp rough pnintv having si its eatremity what might; either be con- sUued into a shapeless nail,! of :a portion of uoiio pujiruomg, irnm not . Having-been poperiy protecteu by Ihe flap after a n-am- Pfitaiion. uu ine upper sutface of the foot there was no peculiar ppearane, save thai .the smaller toe appeared lo i termioaie in a kauckle-like.- On examining fine sole of the foot, I was surprised to see the four small toes bent under and imbedded in the soft substance of the foot, and in a wonder ful degree capable of flexion and exlenMon. In the fooLUseirtbere; the joint ! presume having' been tnchylosed (cr a bony union tormed) by constant pres acre. This, however, I afierwarda found notjb he the csse:Jor oh examintns a' skeleton fool, I found.lhe hories'atl separate, bu iiispIaVed. ..The, apkle . waa-lbickened. i3 cipabihty.of motion belrigjn j great de gree curtailed. ''. The -calf of .the leg was rnond and well, proportioned; The extreme Irngth of the foot was iijireai incbes. and" a quai ter. Yet , when proper If bandaged, and shod, I his y oo ng lady hobbled cp and down litr ntair with appareni eaVe. J J ' ' . - The pain and irrtutifn excited by the horrid process of era a pfng the foot, as well aa the. want' of exercisemost, it will be supposed, materially injare the general health. This, however' i not al!f7ed to te the casex Subsequent to the above po . f od, I met some children I who were pass -mg throngh Iho usual' ordeal of perfect it g beauty, w bnse pallid- sickly . look contrasted greatly, wtlh the healthy rude appearance of thepoorer Chinese, who leach ibeM cjiiidrcn at a very early age to assist inr all domestic cmploytncntf.: .'7iv'-l H '! It would be as .difficult to- account for this bvrbarous pririire of the Chmefe aa for mat ot qut-zing tne waista oi ISnl unwo rn en' out of all natoTaJ shape by atapf, or fliltermg the head amorc Iheuatjvea oo I . - .P"rTI;". Hi - , i flJnn.-Anhnr.P. Hajy wis ontbe f9th ii i : uti ultimo leIecied .a .Senator oV the U. S. for the, State of -Alabama'. the :ie,m ofWTK rftetx yrarrfrom the 4ih,of Alareb next when I present term of service will expire X.fl i.- .k- tti ' i'wnienoeil' ; he th,rd Mnod,,n Jnnenexttaf8pp f: ed t,coinait:eei of fitenersrn. ift ZLL,: J- "Vlory ot ihe proceed of If -W?Sll0.rSl i T fommntee aVnx L c Wesvra. TonmW. Savrei rStei.h en. EVttc i and,Prawr;rd.-JVt:if. It aeem 10 be ajaatC con tentlnn with tW leaders of jb? Loo F'oeo party; xiIq batl Tpr. Jar ibem.s,Vxterii)lAalrgUWI 'toward; iha! Rmka. We hav alrm y noticed r Sbenard'e Bill, and Messra.; OiggV-and Cooper's lledu linns; bat ib B liindocd by .llon Uefewd Brawn, ear the cll'rmaa. It Js' en titled a liill t prevent 1 be aosnenaion V.f-Specie pitm- o; the BanUof ibia&ete'. provides ibaf'ifanv uanii eereauer suspends for lblriy days in an? one vear,; whether be nrind ronsi nf tws- i aTive day's oe not. U sWaP be detnj and he'd a fnrteriore.of the Charter, and a vVaadvwui ba!l i forthwith -i'tssoe iiit sftme.beiff, to close; thai BanVfortjhwnb, &,e. &c.x. ., ; - ! UeaMy, the. honiiiy7 eTincfd tovard! ibe: 0nks, is so rnarVntni 'so nntirincra'nd su Whni tf indefwiMe; iMtHia sboold noi beai all aur- -J i pr'xd if SOrkholdtrs of tbeBank of the taieV( f ' ' wbo meet-In General A1ee.!lnf .onMoadar nextj 'V'' role lo snrrendef ihptr r!mrrif lainly it ran be no tihiecl to lham, to crn 7! ; ! Bao,oaKffrppW.erimpd.aVTberre1 ; ;; inf-ibeir opera I ion a, 'apU int tilde enctnraem:,r f " : npin nni, pe simiiiKi inmic. Iu eononoe u nrn . i " hon publico, ! Ve hpold irgrer tfihe; St k -jj nomers ere to take h is course, ecaosejt mtiMiid neeessarilv pitMloee increased suffeiinip and dis- ifpss.hni we sbonld .Obibe astnnifhrd at . thir doinff.siiJ norcooM lhev be blamed. Thrre ; a (roiii, beyond Wbjeb. fo bea ranee even ceases i 'u r a muf. - naiciifi iieir iter, i s Rather iFasf.-Mr Brogdo Chairman,; eh deand osnog9te!io a Report, ; be ot.hf day in ihe f?nne of Commonvand n printed, : as the Report ,of the' VommitteV, when no ac t'on hai befn hai by the -ComrplUee,. anon its subject-m lifer. It was connected wiib.lbe ex pendUores1' for Forr.ii ore In 'tie Governor's I fJooe&eirand was doubtless intended e'ihft ' Jo make political cap at for the next camna'tfn,' or lo.cofer, otef theijrnrepresentaUon or b last -Mr. "Asbe, however, one of the Commit lee,, exposed, the iriekery, wolii' to ha practised, andiMr Brirfeo aked leare o wiib- draw ilje Report) See "Hottsev Proceed log- if DblocracBl'Dead We : itn'ers'and inai a I venerable Lf . Koro iSena tor declared'' no Wd-- nes'iiTinai Memoeracvjtfteu maw Ma v at iwn o'clock" -a i'n.Ling.o' ihe- signal ffjec'.W of the Kbin plasipr.BUlf - If ii. tie. dead; wi caV say wi. becalm eaigoalioq Pcace tots ashf.s ! i 1 A'. 'Wegisler. - VTie ndiefBili.YheoiH m isnAmil Mon 'of do'l3 rs tn rb'npjasters, ir) rod iiced a ? Mr i Sbepa-d, of Vke,was eonsiwned lojhe 'liinm i of ibe CaooIstsv on T Wednesday -last fln'v.aix persons voting in its favnr rt viibsiandinj?' specious tille .A m'l .'o Vbe lief of the Peo ple.' - It was demolisbrd'by h g-neoi3n own -party, only ooe.Whie; bavinji at all entered in'o tbe miht ItegUter i . . . ' - ! ' 7 v Siti4aVart Jri. 10, S43, yir Pendleton :'fa fooknigbver an old new?- paper a few days since I came across ibeeolos ed ocrao. wliNsa I c'ipjied oui and coWtnd toa for pnbl;ca ion ;if yoo. chpofe.'1 Voa must O'i 'et any one! know wbo sent' iiK vou do. I wiM or J7 . Tbe fotlowiag ia be scrap wMcb oar.rurre pondent enclosed io H Rad. iit 'young 'tnm, and ask vcarsehe ' Wbv don't yoa1?ttwrv ? f Ifwrisr -Vca.tcj d'oivCynu Marry f o bft "old 'votary;. tff ceMiacy,rifsi: bafltvcnk f;e Shffistf soeiey.resiing-4n confirmed' habns of bacbernrMiD ;-we ave noihingilo say inbiml If be fnj prred 'nva' tbe ebarcis-snd aurac-fons'of lemfe lebcacyJ moeb leas can'wo' eineci n reaclf hhd byargojner.tV'IH''Vimfp reniatos botlur thc old "bachelor to pie V Ki$ gins. !,f f i '! r' ' V-';,-Axt-- ' 1"' .f- Bc.tbere it a geaer? tiorLjof.. young menno ! in the pis I on ty i.yooibfot vjrrgr,v wlmmn ' ak, feelingly ak wiy don tljan marry f , (Tbe jocoltr answerfis always ready -yui eanl gel any' body when f any ether were to wbiaaet in ajoot that yooj cboln't-beVaoy Wy;' yoa', would feeHi as io! onpardona'nle iiiselt.' "Thai irdib, however;f;ihisJei will it&maleiy over- take frnil before yea are folly prepared fcrita sad , rl?ty. :h r ; - ,rW-4 L Generally :spaklng, a -man; oegbrjo marry from 21 lo 27 years f age:. r tenirff pass 30, we calf hm ,orr - the "wrongde.of I be fence." It is noexensd inat-yob yiiio rove at large',;and see tbe 'world,' :ibat yon in ay be ih ' more useful i scfeW lei sucieiy tike care bf iise'f.- Chariif begins a' homel and your first great eoiy w tv secure your own sotoianusi nap aoopg men; j.tae advice. Cororeonly given yon. is wrong.- .xoq are-i told that , H one wooan ighis yoar preienstons, try another Nt so. oy mis meacs, yon 7soon gi ooi rn'tm vrn tbe'g'rls. Our.sdy-r ia. iiang; -on and per tere . We lianpeifjdst recJftv't an ac ecdot thai may Ve herfc as s prWiicsl i'; raiin.. An adeiii toer bad forjr aprf, , . it seemed at,iimef,: rafrterefnUyi atmpd ti conn tbe.Sflleibjeet eftiis affecuons. A" '?t 1 f to a baaty fit of tmpaienee;sheiz'd l I---' . , .-. . . :.. Uoaa a ftbeii,;anar rantngji in; ase n"g porure, erelaimedJ t o'aoea tberai troth contained in ibis hwdf, t r.tffrr ii!t:ed to accede m yoery-ro . posals of marriage (; j 90f berolos'aoTty sefad tbe samsKudf and ivrjjh no tes earoettnes i plied, So sere asj Ibere il lralrr remaned (n tbia book. lneter v.aora of yoo iU 1's rco meoU Tbe fait one iasiantly. melted iatoten deroess. yielded epber hane-aad i laa.arqw w - , ; L -...- . -'' . . .( e ner urea. i . - Those ranks of soeTety who compose lbs high est and mt redned 1 may pojj bly bjt to this pla!6,etraigbtforvtard hng"0 coarse that ve commend -as oemg i' inies be bih bw. Smi caicelared toad- raeea lite Happiness w ewneaimttw. i HI 1 1: : 1 lliifl :!r I M li i i f . !t In m All H1 Mil i1' i!;t v. 411 tl i;:h i . J 1 1 1 f-j I! 'ft i' 1 1 l'I ::l 4.- IS if - i - i , r :i j IJi-S i 'la I 1 . 1 j V j A f 1 a tr X t i