tNir U . I-'- i ' "'V v V VI rVVtl'-VVV1-'. . r V -. . . V;j tVjVV; iV.-'-viV'Vv ----- I v: : . j - ,-- ' - fc ir 'ir . : V ' " :: if U V t :i ... -; V-. 'V t H - VaVTV;!-4v.ii-VVi--;V !.. r.,- 1 'T .... : -r "..., . i i .. i : " i . . ' ' . l " -. i ' ' -v i :'....",..,: ' . . , I i .. : -, i i ii I m 't v., i,i i-i . L'.,hvv i' - . , o - . r vnr- -i. i tn u .ii! . - . - ' -jji, n T r ' t,.v .rriiutk". may. hereafter be bad I SriJwfw'! .frtf.r.lil. ; r. " r,L aOtnWs f W 'or to advance, r 7 2 -' jHTir1 KH-'iHf tbaf at the option o .".U : 1 i : 1 ' rar)ll P9lll. i 1 i -f t fi T . i.. v - . - f -."'. l- ; JrtMirWrVar?hrihflrsHnwiionodl; ,1S7fiorehf9niin?M-j. . erwon of ?3 W.c?Dt will be aadeto . t,AiUemeni be continned until i r f IIP STinsnnmnn 'J - i Sill T ' ,vj , v., J Vt " ' , lh&cPePeda6hfpin Sarisbory io ibe above busi AV 6 Palmed tba f well known and J Be m a 'rDQtnTdlrectly,oPpcsiJe West's brick 1JL ws vjrw.M-'!V L tf 419 iam? i0 Sl?"" ;Tatew,. iiihe 1,b of Salutary . N jC.. loforaiB his t nends 0d ihePrtJc generajlr, tbat the. same h now. Lnf.rif.ercpeplioftnf rravellfrs Doarders 1 Tabkb and war will be supplied with ,bbcst.ibecaarket and surrounding coantry af- 'Hi iJ.'. ra crtipions. and hflnntiriiliv nn- ieJ.irHh jriin 4nd prpvendert of a I kmdt. ap. P dl? fatihfaland atleniife Ostlers. it ThhiiB(Jpr5i2Bd pfedjes himself lhaf no ex Lt nn:KU.nart shall be wanting iq jrivesen- I -' ft,.' 2 TO CLEF'S, SHERIFFS, i.C OJVSTA- . .v M ?rrs A, 1 , I " I : ' "I iL.rAn v1."' J,; . ij(fdPHEIORoi.ihet Waichpan I Pmfw fOfllcp; respectfully informs the r,nle1 0 PlPer nd not surpassed by. any york done irf,ibe ate ; . All ordersiroo a di j. lir, tVsnof tbe following Blanks promptly : Svperipr Cpwrt r VV itaoss i Tickets.,Wits; rjpn Bonds, Ca jjSa Bonds, Sabpo3na9r( Veridi tioBi" Exponas,: 4018 Tickets; Executions " : i County Cdurr-, Jqror$s ' rickets, Executions, A!fr Iri4in(iini$ji IndictmeniV ts." i Overseers of Rnd VendiJGxponas,- Witness 1'ickste, Wnu..'i; ;jw J 4- i. - -k " i,Vi5Uancb7 Const ablest Warranisi (wjih FiecatiofiB attached,) Cs Sa's 8t Bunds; Gaar 7 9n Bontls, Abprertices IndentnresJ Marrioe l,V9nBtAppejrarice' Bands,' Dpeds of Trost, M f fJWeyabe; .Delitery Bonds. Iaqoc tefisSherlfPs peefa. (Vendi.' Rxpb )"Afpe3 Bcnd Corn mission I to ;ia k ' Dp pcsi t fcrts. Conr 'Vest Boh1, lAdir.istratrs1 Bunds j Prosecu Bunds. S-jppriofrand Co Couri." ' ' ' iPrhiUUgll-JTrhiUng'T i t? IKFKllViNTJCOlORslone at 1 'ibe.Rhorjesst ndnce,and not! surpassed' b? rtl in ihe State. ; - ' " J 1 1 :' in hi 1. ri. r v t VVL obarriherLflera for h I PUBiajlon,. Iiji lies, on .both sidesf the riaf Ipul'mcr fmn alrsbofTt tu Charlotte. wiles from v3uaurF! 11 contains s 'lUeoil-'ApUES-.T iVrs'tflfVoodf water ftry conteniebt to the a . if : is-aq exefiieni siand tor I a Public rl.uv. -; t i j,!r..(1ha:. !.:. C. It : . it: WELLINGTON SAIITH l842tf9T;1::--'r---.t t-: jj:.!? PRICES c txnnxNT AT ,t?lH4:ttiBWiJt6.ftd .Cents. Cotton Yarn. 60 fandy., jn.-. a; 30 I iMolpsses , 35 a 40 1 l7;;OatSY 15 a 20 '"O, clean ij 's p Stisar. br. -lrv::': loaf,, 5 a 10 1518 T V T Salt, sack. I HIOW,, 1 8 a 20 Iixseed;;-50a55 3pei?tb;:j3l4. tvLirien i2 a:16 Wlieaubushrrj75 Wool, f clcatO ! '25 mm:n ool, (cl?an) !. 25 ; Jan;ll.f i li-KirtTTCirVr.r.t tfT'W iV!43 1 -lolasses; SAM: .ri.;yi Is, cot, ;6 ai"'4 f?ffwjl 2:a:i Suoarbrown, 6ja 10 Lump,' j - j ' J14 Lnaf,- t5 ail,8 .."T-1.-' I- m St Salt. , t, 50, a 60 4-v24 I obacco leaf St & Cotton- bas jftn at to J Balt rope', j 8 a Wheat new BO a 10 85 Whiskey V 0 a 55 iWnolV Vi 1 13 a 20 W Mi If Ji44 j Nll9utas?rr. 7a8 7Ur t 11 1 1 I wrongjiCi 0 a a 8 1 1 fa! Kv75a $1 ;y;!:;jlarnp,::$I25 linseed 1 10 a 1 25 Pork lOOIbs 5 i G Kice11Q0Iosi4a5 Sleel Amcft 10 a 00 r4 H..m? ;'V;- German VI 2 rl4 I kTf aitnneifel kitn 1 X viv yi T n?rTj tea . ior; sale , S EiT.-.r f Tr. -;. o V ir 1840-if? T vaiuable property lorjsale in LL-g- 1 r ' . sM I ;Xexingtori.:L , -1 .: . niAnmt 'WAWMLS ! ! fjnnZ ScribeMi'destroas o nliiDriV. eir. I llirMU!U.iji. MIIS fVIJ. I Will ..4 ' y i -':'. . . - . i . t pot f .opq ierms,ucn as win suit jhe times. ifrfoyrfr Wnef iJ fpbi be expected while Mniaia TyUi'!iPesVd'dn :VXj' -'rrrv t fcfiMlU L:-. U ; I III lluirH! 'r"--::( Li m 'mrf::-A ' f I '-I ' wV.'-ir7i i't tiritrnt " j. "fJl-MpJ V- Jtt ,1 UiV. all your Jlulcrs, r L j;fv frrr i rvirtir 1j rn Art. L. s .. ' : T.i n A - ii 1 ; f WIPE 3obscrjber rcspecifollyinfornis bis old 4- 'I'! !. a ripnds ind the Public renerall.ihaf he uu"UiI'3. n inejiionse or UrJ Bornformerlf ooed bj Joo, I.Sharernd jast below J. VV. Murphy.. Of:- r. 1 J,.t ir - , - InadJiiion tolihe abo he subscriber will carry on jUjSifocr Sm'iii Biiiww inairtbe varieties common in nmr. ii..., -ri, mains' .Spodns :tSce.,V.and,.,repairioV'il'e H 1.1 -.rr Li j- i? hi". fr' . at jenifoa 10 btiainessi and ikillfol Work.wili en- it it ;;ib) to pairunag!0ana support, newnjaier- 2 1- r -I v ? - 5 - i i : . TA ., VV UULi VV Uii 1 CI. ii ; Itiat well kb own business stand in Lexirior ton.N.IC.ialaoaied a short distance "north of the Coonhoosei fortaerlT occDptad bt Caldcleosb. Duseqbery f 8t Co; and at present. occupied by Breyard! anrpAdims! The hoose is of brick, ixg arfd COmniidion, containini; an .excellent cbase of to eraroine the abo?e properly, will f: ceire alien,tori if application be! made to J -1. if, ANURKW UALUULKUUH. -VMaylj84I.-tl.jr , .(.-,' j" L 1 3lJr.l Sherman's - i 4 IHtiricatea Qtenucoih h -1 Are thibut MkDlClSks n ihe World, BEING the cheapest andt most, pleasant. Th r : M f d ica I Facnl ly warmly a pprore them' Dr.' SCTtnan is a skilful and 'experienced Phy sician and a member !of. the Medical Society o ,New Yotk fV5!l VVtV.'"' Shcvpt anjs, Cough ozenges, Are the Safest surest; and must efTectnal remedy for ICoogh, Colds, Consotnption." .Whooping Uoogh,. :!astbmar i iguiness at toe j-iong$ or Cbest fyc V - ; siiimMAra jronai iiOjiENGEatjr Ar the onlv infaljiole worm destroying .rnedi cineeer:diseoTercd: ! They hate been osedf in ore.f 1,400.000 raes and never known lu failih SHERMAN'S CAMPIIOU LOZENGES Gits immediate relief in nervous or, sick Head acbe palpitation of the Heart, Lownessof Spir its, Despondency .Fjainting, Oporession' ofVa sense cf Sinking' of the Chesi. Dianhmi.' LafT i, -. .1 . I i. i - I . : I . '! sitode.orfci sense of" fatigne.l ' V ifi SAermaTVaTetjer and Ague Lozenges . Are-, the most certam'remedy for 1 his distressinv complaint; efor offered to the American poblir. In the imrpensQ number of cases in which thev harp been used, tbej have newer been known t fail. . 1 ( - h I . Sherman's Rtsloralivt Lozenges.' uiarrncca r ipoaenpss i ine oone Com mon; and iroublesomedurinp the summer month! nwyrnowb of these LnMnjesf iilMey are prepared ex presi; ij tudi piiHi?e inq cn f oa ,reiiea!- on perteQtcnqdence.l'ersons subject to adpranr4 ment of the bowels should never be without theni a oei auufo loinjeuiare rejiet trom an ine attend 801 SgffFi, ancrman s amartic iiozcnsres Are as pleasant and easily takn a;thp CDma.. peppermints and! arej an active ajdi:fficltrii medi?iriie.iiThtey cleanse the stomach and bowehfc and a:mtbeplf ratkariic evf r oed fr billwils persons. : V here anetive medicine i requ"ief, they sre ootnnly ibebeslbot ihe safest that can The best of tPplgsttrif for KbeumltifrriLtfm bigoilPain of WeaJtDcsa in tb Iack,Vl.olni; bide;?-br rBr easy t . - H'r'-,:W':J The aboT4nwij!l retail ibeishn'm Medical Drnw Store; by i i . Salisbury; N:C. J TTlOSESiyaHtieaktbe roost mttd and r?4 JL. j aefictal na tore.-1 They a f com posed of ai r4 tides the inost iadii-5pore:eiitt combined wit t tngredientsknown ii the s only certain anttduti for flyers of ylfrmdescii easejls prodocelhci 'i f rom ;ss3f cfetroctipo; bad air, swampy arid damp- situaiiona;! or potrtd miasmi. whether inativnant or ntdemi. or bv ot he j jcaoses thif ie Inediefhesare c ji ain in ! Kei operations W.f (&WitThey : ar possepsed of pe coiiarqnpiities tow r.tct not only expel all disease J but atjine ssme'irre restore and inti?orate the system WMfiJst! taken intd tbeV stomach j they tramediafejy - j tiiffuse themaelves like aporl tbrouoh evert Fore.' pfodocin? effects at mnr delishi (al . salut Jr y and permanent -jr .W hen the apsrlf of j life lgtntoj irrow dim. U.e circolaOon languid, and t he tfafoltjerparalizedj these medi cinejare fonnd to give "a tone totbe oervps,ex hiteTtte the animai spirits'. Invigorate: the body, and' relarjimatHe whole man; i V"-,-l ' 1; The JCienbave also. been osed wjlih the meat happy 'success in Nervios and D;a peptte diseases Consnraption,' ' Asthma,' Liter Complaint, Rhenmatism, (chronic and inflamal toryl D ropsies.&jC V I l.V .V-i -- m 1 1 ' a l : ftw i fcuuaii at viaesi a. oger , enri. j : -VSaitsbary-Oci 22. 1842- lyJS.j ;.4; t .1 i I 1X3 A supply of the above InvaloibleME- v"P,PIf -f 4 1 rora the tlamion House the tl DICINES tm e.l 1'o' Crr. l7n,H LprOCeSSlOB, " t W t n th . Rall.rrw. 1 V-raiAfi tbfaahtoo and beaot of tho ciiV ' L J S" that the -Gaternntnl r '.'All forlorn. -all forlnrn- -'t'.'i.VC -. '': wn i wasaeeseall forlorn, ! V : I'd nick my crass in oezco J ; . , .-r "., 4 -'Andi'cqaiolata ooch rreisVr;'"- V e'atio corn." M tbit scrape? ,hV- ; . '--. t .r 1 fiy who " oVwho is b;v : kl hai thus attempigjp eto ine ?J , AUt I think 1 Innm r He hails, I gaess, from rc laojJ- It vV '-rrr " -,-V;V":rr.vTv ; h. iM!iai 11 10 a sue ni rate pU . i '?r lnk il tro,J' Beanie indeed - tut A. v I wood not hish tho TemDrahrT I j vgw te;tporrarrtM(j by tft neglects,' '; r The ntble cause with death infect: I s 1 , Theadies I hare boldly Said tV J . 1 TK.nI'., ... ' V-Vv 1 j ' iuiier wouiii no led yf- Von romances and lies, and Trerse i t" V -.1 That smack of fore and sljlj tcorse f '' ' ll WhoMl disprove it ? ,Tbe times may. change and change aWio. oai noman nature will remain ' r Until, troth and virtne shoot j : Deep in ihe hearTtbeir goodly foot. I may be a Rip Vanwinkle.i i V Like him as sleeps and as wrmfelA ' . B01 this lvo found, when good aitd evil . Before tnan 'sset, be serves'lbe deTiFV I well remember what was done- ' , By the Ladies when I was yoongf f As now. rhey ann? the movino line : i As t beni they dritdc eggfnog andwvie. i Advice is sent to Butinree i M ' , By Tireoand irf Poe"ry.' ; J How to secure in his last days f ' ' iThe. beaming of connubial rays.; -----, 4 si-jf- v'--"" - ' " , t . The idea is a borrowed one? V f Josiabf sp sod it tbeson. 1 I it comes: in me a wek tun fa;e- i I'm tictng m connvbiat stale, f I Good-bye V VetoM-good-bye to yon! . 11 d'netem ruat's we do pursoej -i And it affaln we e'er should hiich I hope twill not be in the ditch BOSTINGpE. ill . . ! i.uDLUtiJUav Soriety bad sheir 12tb annual celebration onj New Year's eve in ibis city. ., It is ari insttlotion Uiat has f xeited the admiration end elirios ty, not only, of our citizens at hnme, but of - persons f abroad, 'who have heard of its mtslenoos and yet significant ceremonies Some aeveryor eight years since we rrmem her that orie' or two wiseacres in New T.rk s-nil; Boston Wt re vibilant and exuhinp in th newspapers ol those cities; at having cbscoyereUltas Uie presumed,! ih j secret and cabalistic cipher of.. ibis renlwnid fral lernity. Airjother year ro!led sfoa.ijd,' so these sarne!)! learned and searching! jcritic? were left in;bewiMerm-ht at their previous discoyene?4vThe tnjr Merino clob pit forth -Pf-Aw'ie papers of this city in-aVlangusge thatl drjied ilietr ! Wisifom to nnferpret n1 m H?!fr?K ecTf y nd Hat t hat j i m e MPfK? "persnriBges in t be ;rnqeade or'to the bjectai of the sssetatiof:c pold be harf.iBxcept what ight bo a?he tjFrvm their ymbtlsjantl' their perforiaance3. ;Arfiong the revels that nat? :in his!mfnner cometo- ligbClwearo PfCifSinr the if.-ii'pttft'i'W eharedjlargely ,ne terieftrtiphs of this in visibh; brother pj.r.i-.inl; j w e m i y a dd t n; a in aQtier, that )evef 'woiildj .f bjot brnbgb thepyepo;ing rat)ftlet of f he recipients j or its DourttXAll else is mystery That thefraierpti s composed ofj respectable citizens ylljirptce's:am'tf orderly behriof at their annual jeelehlations, ard from -llfi if; Via cl: haiv itiV tfajVt avqii rjr ' JTor! the Mayor t f the city andotherVUstingtiish.; ed citizens to throw, open the tjoors'of their ?l!e'f5 1 Pfii ibe"iaskefviand eniertain hem K hii pud merited, dtstine. l Oe ceJehralmn on Satordav night was a njMd&fcff bost fortnf frjomptV re;Cf n tis)ret;i ock: VjAfter marching throu2H several of the streets accoapanied by an excellent bandjonsicilinsV a brief call at the Cohnthiao on' Jlcrta) street' wberiTtN friends W Hbr Catb(jlt Orpbat Asfjoo.ert wa sa rrmet bad npptber imply mvtng in f excellent fjordcjrarporiri tbehall,ndihepassi tbeirronodiof-Viem waspopUheVMsybr of theiy;;wHoVwel $d lbi?C'lR tbrMansifnr vTn eplertatDpenfs' giteb Jon this of!811!? re od were s uopuibosnd .. and the effort was Wry way,ss successful as humaojrifienuity could Veh'iete on an oc casion 0 the kind. Wo gie bVlo'wi ome iltinp; like jboforder in .which'this ;nTfs(eri- 1... i.l' j -.L 1 2 r - - . - . uu3 jjrutvsfiun ooiureu inpi.ronra ana dOTQU over IbeiTanquished Titans; 'h v 1 11 ? ilia - 1 "3. Cupid,, with'winslsnd arrows. V 4. Mars-fieryIars; irfoll'armor, nd Warrioraj ;j V- '(a - 5.: Barcnus and his Bacchanals, crowned with grape vines, carrying a gnblet and an antique tess&l,! followed bthis jester Silen- 6. B'sfk-winged jNiihtant! jreuridj)sy. ".7. Diana, Goddets of the . Silver Bow, and boatidri lllX v . ,r 8 Herroles, Ihe Hero of the Club. MO.MineryK ibe GoddessM Wisdom and . 10 The. graceful AppMlo, and ihe celes- 1 1 iAjercBry,, the winged iMrssenger of the-Gpd;,4vV;.;MS- . . j 12. Castor and Pollor, fwin Stars- - '13. Atlas, supporting tbe'Globe." H Charon ihe Ferryman, and the Fu- J 15. Janus,: emblaoatie of the pa si and future.. , r:u V. 16. Orpheos, iceking Ebrydice wilbbis barp. J.UI. . . ..j . 17. Ploto,i in istate, with key and seep Ire, wiih hisj Judges Minos,: Rhadaman-k thus and!EirusJ f 1 J; . . ; 18 ;Petseus, the Valiant, with Medusa's friahtfni head. VJ 1 . I? i VI. 1 D ' . e '1 10 Fortune; f.he Blind wGoddw9, ,wiih her born of plenty; c 1: rI " s - 20. Y6lan,iwth his Cyclops carrying iheir anvil and hammers ; .Vi ;' 21. Hymeni vith his nuptial torch, veil ana aoves, . h 5 V .r 22. culapiqs, ; with serpent-twined vf;::. ... j ;; : , t 25. 'Npttine. with" trident ; Tritbti' and other Gods, with shlla j -. ' " 24- Jon with the Golden fleece;.- . .f25;.Pan,jwith bisVpandun; pipes' and 26. Sylyanns.j V 27. i Htrpocrater.the God of Silence, with hH:fiigePalwys on hislip'Si il I At givenj signal fmai Satnrn, the differ, enl characters came into s their jappropnate altitndesanat another signal, hey return, ed.tb the iri Crdinary positions; ss if by the spell of a m ician. Their parts were well rehearseuV? (o speak in theatrical parlance, and the pageant was more complete, and jo more classic lasfe thin any exhibition ever bf fore made by t ho r society V Though ion jibe same )1a pi, it ws qot the ssmo pers-ini-fication. throughout, Uhat Ltookl place two yejars'itince- -;r.jV IfltrhVv'-:! .: ' . The mystiip ceremonies over, the orches trs strockiupj a livclf iatr. and the mimic deu ies, the furies, and other ministers of Ihf gods and god ilesses, above and !be!ow, fell into its soft nieasures; and with each a part ner from the assembled ftirjbriM, who bad gathered theie .f gaze ppbiitlio veiled, yet b rilliant spetle, Urlppe.dt p the light fantastic toe," till nesrJhe ; hpuijpf midnight. At anothr gtven signjl tfifrjmafkers form ed in line, jwent again thrbugl theirsttitudes, moved in stately procesion put jnf the hall, and, ss far as we coui? disviyilike tbei gorgeous imaginary of a vision, dissolved into thin ir.i jlPbus ended Iho ,fCpwbell iona' 'rcelebfation of tbe paM! an!1 jhe? o pening of the present ystf.-Mobiie Adv. (Correspondence of the ' Roanoke Republican n) :s .V I fis I Raleioh; iin44, 1843. Mr. Editor : -I find mora sttrf ctions in this place than I expected : to my grest sur. prise i am nere yei ; out as yoq are little intereeted in my rnovemenii Ijproroed to furnish yob, th iwbtj tba be of interest io the legislative proceedings. V V V Two sbjjscit jof deep apd j.mnmentons concern noA intrirtsira ly of political char scter, but made so 10 a considerable extent by the Locos, are now engaging the alien, tlbf ;t tgiala and the Buries. IjThe" icb$ on the c first subject h a tT t ha a ndacit y j bet it tt day l4o all th e evils of jpdnnecti ng ihe i-- w 1 w m fhni with heing the- autlroia of ttoaus witn th'$tate :(heyfweren wererj! inf-i. iaan ner which they Will not sborr forget. j 1 V After thb smoeof ihiaUle:bad cleared a way ; t heseTgciw jSeemedi 'XfinbtvnA, mUterf by ll ipStpeii year 1888 'M.rt!-Wtlu&.i& influence iedtieedtbe first; invrsifment ever made by;tlm ?taWin a propositinitogrtispose of the surplus rea enoe then jateJtreceiyed,;;Gabip. Jojner, andiftoVe-repotl to lend otTr all itnb.aanbt;ceed pay a pobjie Hcjbtl tn b wned; byj the Siate pBd to subscribe three hundred thousand dollars ip tie Cape Fear Bmk Bills tp carry into effect these, purposes passed j tbe, Senate, which wa ihen' W big, and came to .the Com toons Jtheif democratic; Where the plait wiswbollyfCbinge byuha mfluence of Mr, t around the hall after its enlrancew,VV- t Ji. SavirriTimej-Witbv ola lecy the i'ourt glass, and ih59.r;;:?:, i'.Z:' .2. Jote. brgnrJisbfnyhisthnndeibbila .i iiuu Jias, ji nuncreJ MiraesL bpaiifj of Ihat Bchieyemcrtt ln the Legislature as ihe ;ch,ef gioorhu nfK.;.:; ;.vj i n& Vlt forlher apnesred thai Ssnfut Heorv had.boili warmli nrged Jq5d -memo. moriaJjzetjVwiif, reatr,El qienftf, ihts : Le. gialalore of 1833 Jo .endorse llhef Rilemh and Gtston RairRoad'BoWdsTor'nraf boa:- urea jnonaand dollar hal ihevad fiMf.; recommendedlrie State srioiT.1 birowTrTree miliona of dollars to baild Rnllloadf else where in the Sjlate, aodspVeialf6ne fom Fayettetille towards he west. where coi was estimated M two'mliohs bfl dollars. . VrTha jSlate in jhis .WM Jo ike" tixteen hundred thousand dollars tU ! H ' -It. further appeared rthat ut th'e legislature ofj 840.,-Mri Ha jyood.wrbts a Bill which was presented to the Lhpnsi" and rejected, containing' his-plen t)f rVhef fotheUHlettb and Gsaton Road wbjchj planum .shorC was Ipjend the. Rati, Roa3 f thireeniindred thousand dollars to be pud to the ttock lt fifty- dojlixs a. share, alihbuglr the iaid;stock was then wbtfh from bn to two fdollars' a ahare. only.1 .- ' j. VV V ,vDpe it. not strikeyoit with astonishment that .the Democrats are Va!wa!sbw!iVff gdiuai uueroai improTementsvanii yet tney anbject. . v . -A i a The fact is sir, that the .Rail Road Com panies are in a mbch distress as the People iuu uc Lirgtsiaiuie win oe ooond to nu tience of.the latter allernalive ; there is not 90 much difficulty with the Wilmington nd Raleigh R,ii Road esith ! the pther ; the former company bis paid the interest od all tbetr Bonds op ; to the present moment of lime, mui iurj ,ib unoi?ia fncei jne , se cond Instalment of Fifty' thousand dollars. VLastsummer, thy paid , fiiftv thousand dollars and h aV kept!. t Jie Rpad , iti excf r rics ihey ha?er stisiained by I'the storms, in the Summer : this Road In a litile time, un der its present head will -beUble' to' breathe' freely. Vol the o.her l tbmkNs dead,!t can not pay ihe Ftelest pns BondsJ J Tho most feaib'e project in regard to lie W ilmington It ll Road. Bonds seems to 5e to authorize the Literary Board to boy them in, and if ihe company pya the inter est upon them, as there is no doohtit can; the fund for common schoolsV will ! not be bo dimirished; J 'i'V:. - rlS- " . f the wav there is a proposal - to repeal me Liaw oi me. last cssion distributing the School fund according to federal ipopiila tion and subtitiittn2 in its plice, white pop ulation if this iniqnitonsj and abominable proposilion 6houd succeed, it is a ro alter of very little interest or fjaljfjx cnuhty,whelo er the fond is 8bs!rjrbedsbf Insilvepi. Raif Roads or thrown into, the Ocean, beV I share will be so small as to.strke.dcad h.r ener- ges and public fpint 'oo behalf of Jee titlucatmn. - i . -f '-- ?A .. !-l unu now iu ine uants - t In my opinion .there -neven wa a Leirislatur'e rjper for the ex'remMy of. follr thsu rtusl mis called. d-mpcra lie, oe. xvllf has. fiiled npoiiibrj lames oliot-b llonseahalf a d-zera i.f ; thelimuSt aNnrd, nneoiiiJituuorial andJobisb Bills respect tioglhe Banks 4hat fiava ever been introduced -into, Legislative Hatty. oflthwf State. 4- 1-V-Would you I helieve lhal afier l ail Ihe! Bill which have been isjtrndneedj rdlectinirort th Banks and iheir inanagreraef)r, every 'one tf which owes-ltfoiigio .rb; Asi !Bi22s:ofiariiiii either directly or indirectly; it apobnrta hear i ba t Gee i lema n admit t in.'on the fioorja the llonse of Commoa, as Jbe'djdoldayVJhai he relieved they had been well mirtaged? eocb is liieaef however. l; H-: VfC.y - A ovist inieresiing qnesrinni.the Siateof Carolina is now'ondertdtscossion irribe bose-f Commons. , l..:) - j.j i At a meeting of the Stockholders of lba? State Bank held on yesler7fay; itasonanimouMj;e solved thai ihey prefered lb-aornerjhNbar' er, if soch hoold be the peaDr Of iheUtate o cootinojns. any longer a4 cojrpMicb here mtioitarv affairs should be jeg-olaied ay the eter nal a bin and unciies2taioDai Legislation of qaekfinar.cers IS:M.:?r':t " " fn one moment Brlrowrt sto for nnt expanding theii ;is'oea so as in relieve the-' People's distress by making tuVmey pfer ii fnl j and ia. tae1 next he and Am' B'gg f4lr i nt rod ore Bills declaring that if lever the Raoks should be compelled to suspend by hajriag ooi more paper than Specie they should fiwfeit I their charters on tbe. spoi,1 that their 'doors sbia Id be iirxea ip ana uommtssipcers sppoimeo (ioj sens their effects. Yon may tefl' labored, that ihe Bank of the Staie is scling in sineerjiy, od in earnest : ihe lJca,boweyejr, prplesa; Iftjdwbt it, and I eboold notiaj atilf sorprlsed If tbey sbbotd act ader Vtbisj befiet ontil itiey bum what tbey do not want, the surrender jbf:tbe charter. - ; ' vf V 1 VV V j' : . ; t yhm VVhtga will go against awepUsg.ali ho' ai first tbey -were moeb di tided ia bpin on : a part of Ibem io raomeorary beat, fcelievinz il waa ine best poi-cy to aid tbe democrats in car- ryiog.pat a professedly elterisbed policy of the: to-bsve no Bank at atlLlfv -'4 'U2V-!.-..l V ra to the' debates which bate sprongt op upoo i thlsjiiaestion tbe Wbig hive foldtbe drcerrais i that be measure would ; twi mstrebstfaat it would be lotto wed by njrn acd TJaokraptcyj; tost they hoped, that, lha democrats would, now sea and acknowledge the, very feai difference ween the rfcoleos slaeg ahiclV they hive aa muw tsicf aiiun. rrniesa ne nas neeni inn mra. iuui ciiarapion oj wDai tney so fesceciaUy condemn . i .f V.jV4" 1 t. 't" 1 her are right down hvDOcrites co-thls .!!.!!.." -Tie. "d er aetioo ef arepre- ' -a B Ue fnocriltt li, r--a rfc l . Ijes -rrenra ihe ehartrr nnntj be areerta ' Me to th. people r.f ' !;aa. Bet tfc ' ,t f?r ia lhe, o CankV ?nm- !f -elh,, la)i' cf -be exiHAore an:pff 12 p'lf!,lt J1 " n,otb " ,0 tueei-a asflUr what rj ?t . nlye; however. ,f .! V II Nn-throagh and redm tlOLsirr-sh J . nusesby pnuir.,, ibBakv or step ' nttent iheif rumrn,. and reckless ecniseV- - ; ; B.rjk ; .MlJbe decide rway V, despair neat he jhi fa Tfcoowadv L art V 1 nvv sirinn?,aftd.irt airPr,,hiliiy will ace- " ' feed to emerire frmemba'rraiiment. Tr6Mtiye fef a deep and HarMfJiattresteii' ' nfh$ be ia detained from jh bouet this ' intere! Ume bv severe indi.poaitiar: . " onelide: hy asssrinrr na' ih.i" n i- . jyy Legiala-ereof 4U:Sjate as by this- the V Utcoa raike a party oitjon ,,y tWf lnin tT:A areatiunninsr. ihp- prf,per reanAnsibilitiec) tf ihe ery stationv they, to hocn'Mif J' dorlnj thts t.anv ' Ira fRittr ..fc:v:i:.- t . - r-w.o,Mra?uiif.4an proper to be refeired Id a - U atandtn fommittinnheiteomrwUin tliV tse loiHrs,nf en3aVHv of.lba HrmcV anil' V " : sibility they fend tlis matter. t fl.ieVifmif." 1 ? -i ' tee io be appofoledby'lbe apealirTa wlm invarL V . . ; ably ronstjtatVthemof a npjoiity of WMgair V t ,tbe matter is such a one as l hat political capital'' ? F ! can be madeodt ribeir "actto- " V , Yoors most respeclfalIy7V. Tne Ifcnfrnmf Lota The House of,Rere-V j, ; 1 sen t a lives has, ar last advices from WaahingteblViNi the proposition lo! repeal the Bankrupt Law pass t v ed at ihe first aession oMba present (27 ih Con- Vn? 1 ' gressj ana ineuuaisiapj uemminre save oeen j j. ' h peremtoiily instrpcted io bripg in a bill fir its oV Hv r mediate repeal, "-'b willafford a lit lie consols tton ; l I tolihose who earnestly deprecate lis repeal as first proposed, to 'learnt, tnWortionof ItTif- ;jf'! V 'i linghast, of Rhode Iland. i be Pummittee waa V ' -also instructed by a large majority of the Hcnse V,v I )o repor in-additisinlo, and as par) of tho bill, a j ; j , provision Jthaf , fhis repeal shall not extend :io- H 4! or a fleet! any -case which atheVilnttis act vl goes into effect sh a I Mm? pending before any coyrt, - t, nnrany proceedtpg 'hrh aUairf time shall bave ; ;V, a beenJeglly . cmrojenceil. 4nd which shall oe ibetr4f : sT; V lir progress, oodt-r and by virtne of tbe ait bf-- 4 ij'. . Vv-:,,,; ' - ' . ' .. Lomridna Senator On-theOlb msiant. the , I ! i Lrg'slatvie of ib(s SJatgi sleeked; ALtXAWDtn u jjheaoaie ol the jJaited Statesrifor'ix 'yearaV ?, 7rom t&e'4th of Mir'ch next . I'be fullowios is : the .result of the billot :- ? AL1.XA2I OER SORTER, '--. - C,M COKRAp, ""JOHW S.lDCLC, . : Blank,1 ?V" ' rVv ' ) 45 votfs., oo H'i 2 " MR. CLAY-rAsp tiir N. ORLEAN8 BAR :1 ; It would seem tbatkall classfs, pariieaand pro- - -iiJ other in doing honltJo the greaiAmerican Pa-. ',! "a trmr sftit Stateftman --? " J - - j s : . S.f- I vJ Among the rst.jaemouSers-of thei .Brof i f l KT.-T).l.a i.n.lI.oJ i Wlr l,-"l... . V i:. ! . M ner? The fllowing lsMh;repIr'of Mr " ("day ' V ! JVewlUrltans, SOtlr Dec ; GEiTi;EHE5t-r3.ha;ve Veceiyedi with nfi .er !diqarysaifaefioahe.inyiitUoa;.fira d-MrV "'.,4 which thq members of Jthe B3t of NewOilean V it". nave oone me. irsejonor to tender trrnojh rttfA P 14- i " tOvbec-iveu during say snioaro ia-ibfsefvrSeb VVVTVi a compliooeat, emanaiiin from", a diVrtnifijdVV V ; bar, jo ptetfibers of jwhieb.twh poblic fame' and V:rC Vf V my boi?w lejuje oniif jn jtwgnwg an aim anet-. ' ing from an bonorabje. profession, which, datingoifu aii inojif iciMiiooespi, my itie, aaaf ver -com- j4 banded my aJmtra(t.n and aa marking .the tibW iV riiiuij, iMitiiityiifcii yriiiicuif w, -'ulif! '" teal seniime nts IcmiWrho'w lo'concor in dJapto- a . . 111. Mtltlw M.tjK a. 1 1 a r r. f . n n.. . . . . 1 I . sing a generous nosgMBiiij. .--a . .Rat- nnor Io mv eenartere worn hnme nn ihm , ' - - t j ir. ' T'- . - jonrner: wbfch hasoogni nie beie, In I be por-' suit of jpnyata tj4aandporpt'e, Lb'ad pre- scribed rt my self the ruled avoiding, fafastVjli I ssiMy)cild,p shoo Id be j. tiered oof mv aecf ont V: I arri a ware 1 : "ft inai an e xceqiwn i ioai woinoo Kindly pro-y, if j'u-?r- uitiiij uiauc,v in wuic pia U'IUIIm j , vgi i ibe acreptanrie if iiwoold be a precfdeatwticbV Kt djd icbtrolhiw il in other eases HmrgbV not ' belibfs i'pifeoJi sti?feiory , grounds Tordis ; crimiaaiini! Yegnet rte less the necasshy I , feel coolokmiiig ob U is occasion to the rsleI V? have mentioned,! as 1 hope wtile -fierc to baya mariy ojiwi tahitiea ,)f free aod friendly Voir r-' conrse wt;hi jibe rbeoibers of ihe Bar of New Or leans: "I WasitbJft ihey will du justice io ibe mn4i vsihier aetaato me, snd at the same limeV aecepl iy prbfoaod acknowledgments. And IVV .fTerofli. 2eollemen aisoranees of Ihe respeeifol f : aod friaodly onsideriiion with which I have tbe "V booar-iabe 'XA : ' - 4:4 ., j Tear faiibW aod ob'l sera!, ;-hL .i-' H, CLAY.. . V Messrs. J.btiR: Grimes; Mazoreao, A-e. :c. i7eoro.rbespcMl efectwnjo ibia State ; to fill the vacancy in Corgres, occasioned by the death of , Mr. Habersham, has resaltcd in-tbe ; hrtompbant eleciion of a sterling Whig.0 The - " Georgia Jooroal of ifc10ib-instani atata vtbaf,'- . short a wa ) the poliirMilinyasa, tbe exer! f tioos ot kbetioe.fcci press ilb ibai plac. "in oenau m irs ranaiaarrfvrrr cqoai io any ii ns former eflort Tbej Jiornal sai s : - ; " Thij; Cos ones beard irbtn CRArrbaD,ibe WBigjCsodtdatia (ajajuritjMif f j 5,990 v4veijilrc cratie eaadidaie' la ibe same cooniics, ai ifae October election, thai Whig j eaodidate, R W. Habersham, bad a majority over M. A Cooper, fL,,) ,f 2J401adtes. rbe . present reaolt, j therefore1; shews a Wbig gala, sicca October, at 'ii 889 votes. ' This fals, we have every reason , to believe, will b iocreasai when all the com-. -.; ties art heata' fre: J- i .... ? . Pv; t .1 if -111 Ky..! Ui Pi' VVl 1! Hit V. V.St A-V. 13 1 '' S: Mil. ::'V'. t -v i Ii if: Hi 5 Ii! I;-:f. vvli-i ''v"'v. vU v vr Jf!.- - r ! 1 v ' hi : . - iv:; . . ' 1 i !i I , 1 V- i-1 t-, . . ; . ;. a J I j! - i ! . .... , v I - .' It i; - , " - V .! 5. ; f. 1 i-i V f 1 ' i .V 3 - W '' - - -